Affect Account
Script that causes affects to users when the minutes folder reaches a certain amount.
Read minutes folder. If user has less than 10 mins warn them. At 5 mins warn every 5 mins. 10 seconds count down. Suggest they buy more time.
In [1]:
rdminz = ('/home/wcmckee/signinlca/usernames/')
In [2]:
In [3]:
import os
In [11]:
usrdir = os.listdir(rdminz)
In [5]:
#Make folders of usersnames from /home in /signinlca/usernames
#make username-time etc files
In [7]:
holis = os.listdir('/home')
In [15]:
for hol in holis:
#print hol
for usrd in usrdir:
if hol == usrd:
#print('its correct!')
print hol
print hol
print('its not correct :(!')
#compare two lists - home and usernames. if home item isnt in
#username item - add it make folder/files etc.
In [ ]: