In [116]:
import os
import pandas
import openpyxl
from walkdir import filtered_walk, dir_paths, all_paths, file_paths

import xlrd
from urlparse import urlparse
from openpyxl import Workbook

import dominate
from dominate.tags import *

import ntpath

import operator

from docx import Document

import mammoth

Find all the excel files in this folder.

Cycle through other folder - word/powerpoint/pdf/js.

What file types are in each folder? xls/pdf/js/pptx. Find the file type, then search for it.

In [117]:
assefol = ('/media/removable/WILLIAMS30G/')

In [118]:


In [119]:
asselis = os.listdir(assefol)

In [120]:
for asse in asselis:
    print asse
    #allfil = file_paths(filtered_walk(exceldir, depth=100, included_files=['*.xls']))


In [121]:
exceldir = ('/media/removable/WILLIAMS30G/')

In [122]:
files = file_paths(filtered_walk(exceldir, depth=100, included_files=['*']))

In [123]:
docfiles = file_paths(filtered_walk(exceldir, depth=100, included_files=['*.doc']))

In [124]:
#for fil in files:
#    print fil[81:]

Cycles though every file found in folder. Sort each file into folders/dict

In [125]:
alfilext = []

In [126]:
allfiltype = []

In [127]:
dirtpy = dict()

In [ ]:

In [128]:
for docf in docfiles:
    print docf


In [129]:
with open('/home/wcmckee/test.doc', 'rb') as docx_file:
    result = mammoth.convert_to_html(docx_file)
    print result.value # The generated HTML
        #messages = result.messages # Any messages, such as warnings during conversion

BadZipfile                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-129-e17fb44259df> in <module>()
      1 with open('/home/wcmckee/test.doc', 'rb') as docx_file:
----> 2     result = mammoth.convert_to_html(docx_file)
      3     print result.value # The generated HTML
      4         #messages = result.messages # Any messages, such as warnings during conversion

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mammoth/__init__.pyc in convert_to_html(*args, **kwargs)
      6 def convert_to_html(*args, **kwargs):
----> 7     return convert(*args, output_format="html", **kwargs)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mammoth/__init__.pyc in convert(fileobj, transform_document, id_prefix, **kwargs)
     15     if transform_document is None:
     16         transform_document = lambda x: x
---> 17     return document: 
     18         conversion.convert_document_element_to_html(
     19             document,

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mammoth/docx/__init__.pyc in read(fileobj)
     27 def read(fileobj):
---> 28     zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(fileobj)
     29     body_readers = _body_readers(zip_file)

/usr/lib/python2.7/zipfile.pyc in __init__(self, file, mode, compression, allowZip64)
    768         try:
    769             if key == 'r':
--> 770                 self._RealGetContents()
    771             elif key == 'w':
    772                 # set the modified flag so central directory gets written

/usr/lib/python2.7/zipfile.pyc in _RealGetContents(self)
    809             raise BadZipfile("File is not a zip file")
    810         if not endrec:
--> 811             raise BadZipfile, "File is not a zip file"
    812         if self.debug > 1:
    813             print endrec

BadZipfile: File is not a zip file

In [ ]:
for f in files: 
    #print f
    fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(f)
    #print fileName
    npach = ntpath.basename(fileName)
    dirtpy.update({npach : f})
    #print fileExtension

In [ ]:
#x = {1: 2, 3: 4, 4: 3, 2: 1, 0: 0}
sorted_x = sorted(dirtpy.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))

Here are all file extensions in the __data folder.

In [ ]:
alfilb = set(alfilext)

In [ ]:
extdict = dict()

In [101]:

In [102]:
for alfi in alfilb:
    print alfi
    docfiles = file_paths(filtered_walk(exceldir, depth=100, included_files=['*' + alfi]))
    extdict.update({str(docfiles) : alfi})


In [103]:
#for exd in extdict.keys():
#    print exd
#    for ex in exd:
#        print ex
    #for ex in exd:
    #    print ex

In [132]:
exlfile = file_paths(filtered_walk(exceldir, depth=100, included_files=['*.xls']))

In [113]:
#pandexl = pandas.read_excel(exf)

In [ ]:
for exf in exlfile:
    #print exf
    opexf = open(exf, 'r')
    #rdex = xlrd.count_records(exf)
    #rdwk = xlrd.open_workbook(opexf)
    #print rdwk
    pandexl = pandas.read_excel(exf)
    #print pandexl.columns
    print pandexl.to_html()

<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>This spreadsheet contains four worksheets:</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td>                                                 1</td>
      <td>                                   Read this first</td>
      <td> Provides information about the following three...</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                                                 2</td>
      <td>                                           Mergers</td>
      <td> Provides details about mergers taking effect a...</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                                                 3</td>
      <td>                                          Closures</td>
      <td>         Lists schools closed after 1 January 2007</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                                                 4</td>
      <td>                                       New Schools</td>
      <td>     Lists new schools opened after 1 January 2007</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td> The information in this document is correct an...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td> Please read the following comments for each wo...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Mergers</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 1</td>
      <td> For clarity and convenience, schools relating ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 2</td>
      <td> In the mergers that are due to a Network Revie...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 3</td>
      <td> Where a school is NOT the continuing school, i...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 4</td>
      <td> For the sake of administrative integrity, the ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 5</td>
      <td> Where a re-numbered continuing school has not ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 6</td>
      <td> In most situations the designated continuing s...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 7</td>
      <td> Where there is a change of site, this is indic...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 8</td>
      <td> In some Network Reviews one or more schools ha...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 9</td>
      <td> To find out contact details (postal and locati...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Closures</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 1</td>
      <td> Some closures are simple closures.  Some are d...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 2</td>
      <td> Where a school has closed due to a merger, the...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 3</td>
      <td> Where a re-numbered continuing school has not ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                       New Schools</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 1</td>
      <td> Some new schools are simply brand-new schools....</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 2</td>
      <td> Where a new school is the result of a merger, ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 3</td>
      <td> To find out contact details (postal and locati...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                    Any questions?</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Please contact Data Management Unit's Informat...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>This spreadsheet contains four worksheets:</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td>                                                 1</td>
      <td>                                   Read this first</td>
      <td> Provides information about the following three...</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                                                 2</td>
      <td>                                           Mergers</td>
      <td> Provides details about mergers taking effect b...</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                                                 3</td>
      <td>                                          Closures</td>
      <td> Lists schools closed between January 2006 and ...</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                                                 4</td>
      <td>                                       New Schools</td>
      <td> Lists new schools opened between January 2006 ...</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td> The information in this document is correct an...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td> Please read the following comments for each wo...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Mergers</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 1</td>
      <td> For clarity and convenience, schools relating ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 2</td>
      <td> In the mergers that are due to a Network Revie...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 3</td>
      <td> Where a school is NOT the continuing school, i...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 4</td>
      <td> For the sake of administrative integrity, the ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 5</td>
      <td> Where a re-numbered continuing school has not ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 6</td>
      <td> In most situations the designated continuing s...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 7</td>
      <td> Where there is a change of site, this is indic...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 8</td>
      <td> In some Network Reviews one or more schools ha...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 9</td>
      <td> To find out contact details (postal and locati...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Closures</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 1</td>
      <td> Some closures are simple closures.  Some are d...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 2</td>
      <td> Where a school has closed due to a merger, the...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 3</td>
      <td> Where a re-numbered continuing school has not ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                       New Schools</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 1</td>
      <td> Some new schools are simply brand-new schools....</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 2</td>
      <td> Where a new school is the result of a merger, ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 3</td>
      <td> To find out contact details (postal and locati...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                    Any questions?</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Please contact Data Management Unit's Informat...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Citizenship Codes 2007-- based on ISO-3166</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 3</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 4</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 5</th>
      <td>                      Mapping old code to new code</td>
      <td>                    NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        NaN</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> 2006: Previous version of country codes in use...</td>
      <td>                    NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        NaN</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> 2007: revised in 2006 for School Student Manag...</td>
      <td>                    NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        NaN</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Key to Modified Codes:</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        NaN</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                      R</td>
      <td>      country not included in ISO-3166, so removed</td>
      <td>                                        NaN</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                      C</td>
      <td>                          country code has changed</td>
      <td>                                        NaN</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                     NC</td>
      <td> country was removed from list because no citiz...</td>
      <td>                                        NaN</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                     N </td>
      <td>                                   new on the list</td>
      <td>                                        NaN</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                    NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        NaN</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>Modified codes</th>
      <td>                                 2006 Country List</td>
      <td>              2006 Code</td>
      <td>                                         2007 Code</td>
      <td>                     2007  Citizenship List</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Comment</td>
      <td>                                       Afghanistan</td>
      <td>                    AFG</td>
      <td>                                               AFG</td>
      <td>                                Afghanistan</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Albania</td>
      <td>                    ALB</td>
      <td>                                               ALB</td>
      <td>                                    Albania</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Algeria</td>
      <td>                    DZA</td>
      <td>                                               DZA</td>
      <td>                                    Algeria</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Andorra</td>
      <td>                    AND</td>
      <td>                                               AND</td>
      <td>                                    Andorra</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Angola</td>
      <td>                    AGO</td>
      <td>                                               AGO</td>
      <td>                                     Angola</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Anguilla</td>
      <td>                    AIA</td>
      <td>                                               GBR</td>
      <td>                             United Kingdom</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                      UK Territory</td>
      <td>                               Antigua and Barbuda</td>
      <td>                    ATG</td>
      <td>                                               ATG</td>
      <td>                        Antigua and Barbuda</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                         Argentina</td>
      <td>                    ARG</td>
      <td>                                               ARG</td>
      <td>                                  Argentina</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Armenia</td>
      <td>                    ARM</td>
      <td>                                               ARM</td>
      <td>                                    Armenia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                             Aruba</td>
      <td>                    ABW</td>
      <td>                                               NLD</td>
      <td>                                 Nederlands</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                              Netherland Territory</td>
      <td>                                         Australia</td>
      <td>                    AUS</td>
      <td>                                               AUS</td>
      <td>                                  Australia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Austria</td>
      <td>                    AUT</td>
      <td>                                               AUT</td>
      <td>                                    Austria</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        Azerbaijan</td>
      <td>                    AZE</td>
      <td>                                               AZE</td>
      <td>                                 Azerbaijan</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Bahamas</td>
      <td>                    BHS</td>
      <td>                                               BHS</td>
      <td>                                    Bahamas</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Bahrain</td>
      <td>                    BHR</td>
      <td>                                               BHR</td>
      <td>                                    Bahrain</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        Bangladesh</td>
      <td>                    BGD</td>
      <td>                                               BGD</td>
      <td>                                 Bangladesh</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Barbados</td>
      <td>                    BRB</td>
      <td>                                               BRB</td>
      <td>                                   Barbados</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Belarus</td>
      <td>                    BLR</td>
      <td>                                               BLR</td>
      <td>                                    Belarus</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Belgium</td>
      <td>                    BEL</td>
      <td>                                               BEL</td>
      <td>                                    Belgium</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Belize</td>
      <td>                    BLZ</td>
      <td>                                               BLZ</td>
      <td>                                     Belize</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                             Benin</td>
      <td>                    BEN</td>
      <td>                                               BEN</td>
      <td>                                      Benin</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Bermuda</td>
      <td>                    BMU</td>
      <td>                                               GBR</td>
      <td>                             United Kingdom</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                      UK Territory</td>
      <td>                                            Bhutan</td>
      <td>                    BTN</td>
      <td>                                               BTN</td>
      <td>                                     Bhutan</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Bolivia</td>
      <td>                    BOL</td>
      <td>                                               BOL</td>
      <td>                                    Bolivia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                Bosnia/Herzegovina</td>
      <td>                    BOZ</td>
      <td>                                               BIH</td>
      <td>                     Bosnia and Herzegovina</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Botswana</td>
      <td>                    BWA</td>
      <td>                                               BWA</td>
      <td>                                   Botswana</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Brazil</td>
      <td>                    BRA</td>
      <td>                                               BRA</td>
      <td>                                     Brazil</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                    British Indian Ocean Territory</td>
      <td>                    IOT</td>
      <td>                                               GBR</td>
      <td>                             United Kingdom</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                      UK Territory</td>
      <td>                                 Brunei Darussalam</td>
      <td>                    BRN</td>
      <td>                                               BRN</td>
      <td>                          Brunei Darussalam</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Bulgaria</td>
      <td>                    BGR</td>
      <td>                                               BGR</td>
      <td>                                   Bulgaria</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                      Burkina Faso</td>
      <td>                    BFA</td>
      <td>                                               BFA</td>
      <td>                               Burkina Faso</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Burundi</td>
      <td>                    BDI</td>
      <td>                                               BDI</td>
      <td>                                    Burundi</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Cambodia</td>
      <td>                    KHM</td>
      <td>                                               KHM</td>
      <td>                                   Cambodia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Cameroon</td>
      <td>                    CMR</td>
      <td>                                               CMR</td>
      <td>                                   Cameroon</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Canada</td>
      <td>                    CAN</td>
      <td>                                               CAN</td>
      <td>                                     Canada</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        Cape Verde</td>
      <td>                    CPV</td>
      <td>                                               CPV</td>
      <td>                                 Cape Verde</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                    Cayman Islands</td>
      <td>                    CYM</td>
      <td>                                               GBR</td>
      <td>                             United Kingdom</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                      UK Territory</td>
      <td>                          Central African Republic</td>
      <td>                    CAF</td>
      <td>                                               CAF</td>
      <td>                   Central African Republic</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                              Chad</td>
      <td>                    TCD</td>
      <td>                                               TCD</td>
      <td>                                       Chad</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                   Channel Islands</td>
      <td>                    GJS</td>
      <td>                                               GBR</td>
      <td>                             United Kingdom</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                        part of UK</td>
      <td>                                             Chile</td>
      <td>                    CHL</td>
      <td>                                               CHL</td>
      <td>                                      Chile</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                             China</td>
      <td>                    CHN</td>
      <td>                                               CHN</td>
      <td>                                      China</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                  Christmas Island</td>
      <td>                    CXR</td>
      <td>                                               AUS</td>
      <td>                                  Australia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                              Australian Territory</td>
      <td>                           Cocos (Keeling) Islands</td>
      <td>                    CCK</td>
      <td>                                              AUS </td>
      <td>                                  Australia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                              Australian Territory</td>
      <td>                                          Colombia</td>
      <td>                    COL</td>
      <td>                                               COL</td>
      <td>                                   Colombia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Comoros</td>
      <td>                    COM</td>
      <td>                                               COM</td>
      <td>                                    Comoros</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                             Congo</td>
      <td>                    COG</td>
      <td>                                               COG</td>
      <td>                                      Congo</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                      Cook Islands</td>
      <td>                    COK</td>
      <td>                                               NZL</td>
      <td>                                New Zealand</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                               free association NZ</td>
      <td>                                        Costa Rica</td>
      <td>                    CRI</td>
      <td>                                               CRI</td>
      <td>                                 Costa Rica</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                     Cote D’Ivoire</td>
      <td>                    CIV</td>
      <td>                                               CIV</td>
      <td>                              Côte d'Ivoire</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Croatia</td>
      <td>                    HRV</td>
      <td>                                               HRV</td>
      <td>                                    Croatia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                              Cuba</td>
      <td>                    CUB</td>
      <td>                                               CUB</td>
      <td>                                       Cuba</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Cyprus</td>
      <td>                    CYP</td>
      <td>                                               CYP</td>
      <td>                                     Cyprus</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                    Czech Republic</td>
      <td>                    CSK</td>
      <td>                                               CZE</td>
      <td>                             Czech Republic</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Denmark</td>
      <td>                    DNK</td>
      <td>                                               DNK</td>
      <td>                                    Denmark</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Djibouti</td>
      <td>                    DJI</td>
      <td>                                               DJI</td>
      <td>                                   Djibouti</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Dominica</td>
      <td>                    DMA</td>
      <td>                                               DMA</td>
      <td>                                   Dominica</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                Dominican Republic</td>
      <td>                    DOM</td>
      <td>                                               DOM</td>
      <td>                         Dominican Republic</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        East Timor</td>
      <td>                    TMP</td>
      <td>                                               TLS</td>
      <td>                                Timor-Leste</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Ecuador</td>
      <td>                    ECU</td>
      <td>                                               ECU</td>
      <td>                                    Ecuador</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                             Egypt</td>
      <td>                    EGY</td>
      <td>                                               EGY</td>
      <td>                                      Egypt</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                       El Salvador</td>
      <td>                    SLV</td>
      <td>                                               SLV</td>
      <td>                                El Salvador</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           England</td>
      <td>                    ENG</td>
      <td>                                               GBR</td>
      <td>                             United Kingdom</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                        part of UK</td>
      <td>                                 Equatorial Guinea</td>
      <td>                    GNQ</td>
      <td>                                               GNQ</td>
      <td>                          Equatorial Guinea</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Estonia</td>
      <td>                    EST</td>
      <td>                                               EST</td>
      <td>                                    Estonia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Ethiopia</td>
      <td>                    ETH</td>
      <td>                                               ETH</td>
      <td>                                   Ethiopia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                    Faeroe Islands</td>
      <td>                    FRO</td>
      <td>                                               DNK</td>
      <td>                            part of Denmark</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                   part of Denmark</td>
      <td>                       Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</td>
      <td>                    FLK</td>
      <td>                                               GBR</td>
      <td>                             United Kingdom</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                      UK Territory</td>
      <td>                                 Fiji, Republic of</td>
      <td>                    FJI</td>
      <td>                                               FJI</td>
      <td>                                       Fiji</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Finland</td>
      <td>                    FIN</td>
      <td>                                               FIN</td>
      <td>                                    Finland</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            France</td>
      <td>                    FRA</td>
      <td>                                               FRA</td>
      <td>                                     France</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                     French Guiana</td>
      <td>                    GUF</td>
      <td>                                               FRA</td>
      <td>                                     France</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                 French Department</td>
      <td>                                  French Polynesia</td>
      <td>                    PYF</td>
      <td>                                               FRA</td>
      <td>                                     France</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                  French Territory</td>
      <td>                       French Southern Territories</td>
      <td>                    ATF</td>
      <td>                                               FRA</td>
      <td>                                     France</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                  French Territory</td>
      <td>                                             Gabon</td>
      <td>                    GAB</td>
      <td>                                               GAB</td>
      <td>                                      Gabon</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Gambia</td>
      <td>                    GMB</td>
      <td>                                               GMB</td>
      <td>                                     Gambia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Georgia</td>
      <td>                    GEO</td>
      <td>                                               GEO</td>
      <td>                                    Georgia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Germany</td>
      <td>                    DEU</td>
      <td>                                               DEU</td>
      <td>                                    Germany</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                             Ghana</td>
      <td>                    GHA</td>
      <td>                                               GHA</td>
      <td>                                      Ghana</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                         Gibraltar</td>
      <td>                    GIB</td>
      <td>                                               GBR</td>
      <td>                             United Kingdom</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                      UK Territory</td>
      <td>                         Gilbert Islands, Kiribati</td>
      <td>                    KIR</td>
      <td>                                               KIR</td>
      <td>                                   Kiribati</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Greece</td>
      <td>                    GRC</td>
      <td>                                               GRC</td>
      <td>                                     Greece</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                         Greenland</td>
      <td>                    GRL</td>
      <td>                                               DNK</td>
      <td>                            part of Denmark</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                   part of Denmark</td>
      <td>                                           Grenada</td>
      <td>                    GRD</td>
      <td>                                               GRD</td>
      <td>                                    Grenada</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                              Guam</td>
      <td>                    GUM</td>
      <td>                                               USA</td>
      <td>                              United States</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                      US Territory</td>
      <td>                                         Guatemala</td>
      <td>                    GTM</td>
      <td>                                               GTM</td>
      <td>                                  Guatemala</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Guinea</td>
      <td>                    GIN</td>
      <td>                                               GIN</td>
      <td>                                     Guinea</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                     Guinea-Bissau</td>
      <td>                    GNB</td>
      <td>                                               GNB</td>
      <td>                              Guinea-Bissau</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Guyana</td>
      <td>                    GUY</td>
      <td>                                               GUY</td>
      <td>                                     Guyana</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                             Haiti</td>
      <td>                    HTI</td>
      <td>                                               HTI</td>
      <td>                                      Haiti</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Honduras</td>
      <td>                    HND</td>
      <td>                                               HND</td>
      <td>                                   Honduras</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                         Hong Kong</td>
      <td>                    HKG</td>
      <td>                                               CHN</td>
      <td>                                      China</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>            special administrative region of China</td>
      <td>                                           Hungary</td>
      <td>                    HUN</td>
      <td>                                               HUN</td>
      <td>                                    Hungary</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Iceland</td>
      <td>                    ISL</td>
      <td>                                               ISL</td>
      <td>                                    Iceland</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                             India</td>
      <td>                    IND</td>
      <td>                                               IND</td>
      <td>                                      India</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                         Indonesia</td>
      <td>                    IDN</td>
      <td>                                               IDN</td>
      <td>                                  Indonesia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                              Iran</td>
      <td>                    IRN</td>
      <td>                                               IRN</td>
      <td>                  Iran, Islamic Republic of</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                              Iraq</td>
      <td>                    IRQ</td>
      <td>                                               IRQ</td>
      <td>                                       Iraq</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Ireland</td>
      <td>                    IRL</td>
      <td>                                               IRL</td>
      <td>                                    Ireland</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                       Isle of Man</td>
      <td>                    IOM</td>
      <td>                                               GBR</td>
      <td>                             United Kingdom</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                        part of UK</td>
      <td>                                            Israel</td>
      <td>                    ISR</td>
      <td>                                               ISR</td>
      <td>                                     Israel</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                             Italy</td>
      <td>                    ITA</td>
      <td>                                               ITA</td>
      <td>                                      Italy</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Jamaica</td>
      <td>                    JAM</td>
      <td>                                               JAM</td>
      <td>                                    Jamaica</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                             Japan</td>
      <td>                    JPN</td>
      <td>                                               JPN</td>
      <td>                                      Japan</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Jordan</td>
      <td>                    JOR</td>
      <td>                                               JOR</td>
      <td>                                     Jordan</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        Kazakhstan</td>
      <td>                    KAZ</td>
      <td>                                               KAZ</td>
      <td>                                 Kazakhstan</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                             Kenya</td>
      <td>                    KEN</td>
      <td>                                               KEN</td>
      <td>                                      Kenya</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Kiribati</td>
      <td>                    KIR</td>
      <td>                                               KIR</td>
      <td>                                   Kiribati</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                     Korea - North</td>
      <td>                    PRK</td>
      <td>                                               KOR</td>
      <td>                         Korea, Republic of</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td> Offers citizenship, but citizens of North Kore...</td>
      <td>                                     Korea - South</td>
      <td>                    KOR</td>
      <td>                                               KOR</td>
      <td>                         Korea, Republic of</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Kuwait</td>
      <td>                    KWT</td>
      <td>                                               KWT</td>
      <td>                                     Kuwait</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                         Kyrgystan</td>
      <td>                    KGZ</td>
      <td>                                               KGZ</td>
      <td>                                 Kyrgyzstan</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                  Lao People’s Democratic Republic</td>
      <td>                    LAO</td>
      <td>                                               LAO</td>
      <td>           Lao People's Democratic Republic</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Latvia</td>
      <td>                    LVA</td>
      <td>                                               LVA</td>
      <td>                                     Latvia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Lebanon</td>
      <td>                    LBN</td>
      <td>                                               LBN</td>
      <td>                                    Lebanon</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Lesotho</td>
      <td>                    LSO</td>
      <td>                                               LSO</td>
      <td>                                    Lesotho</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Liberia</td>
      <td>                    LBR</td>
      <td>                                               LBR</td>
      <td>                                    Liberia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                              Libyan Arab Republic</td>
      <td>                    LBY</td>
      <td>                                               LBY</td>
      <td>                     Libyan Arab Jamahiriya</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                     Liechtenstein</td>
      <td>                    LIE</td>
      <td>                                               LIE</td>
      <td>                              Liechtenstein</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                         Lithuania</td>
      <td>                    LTU</td>
      <td>                                               LTU</td>
      <td>                                  Lithuania</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        Luxembourg</td>
      <td>                    LUX</td>
      <td>                                               LUX</td>
      <td>                                 Luxembourg</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                 Macau, also Macao</td>
      <td>                    MAC</td>
      <td>                                               CHN</td>
      <td>                                      China</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>            special administrative region of China</td>
      <td>                                         Macedonia</td>
      <td>                    MCD</td>
      <td>                                               MKD</td>
      <td> Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        Madagascar</td>
      <td>                    MDG</td>
      <td>                                               MDG</td>
      <td>                                 Madagascar</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Malawi</td>
      <td>                    MWI</td>
      <td>                                               MWI</td>
      <td>                                     Malawi</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Malaysia</td>
      <td>                    MYS</td>
      <td>                                               MYS</td>
      <td>                                   Malaysia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Maldives</td>
      <td>                    MDV</td>
      <td>                                               MDV</td>
      <td>                                   Maldives</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                              Mali</td>
      <td>                    MLI</td>
      <td>                                               MLI</td>
      <td>                                       Mali</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                             Malta</td>
      <td>                    MLT</td>
      <td>                                               MLT</td>
      <td>                                      Malta</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                  Marshall Islands</td>
      <td>                    MHL</td>
      <td>                                               MHL</td>
      <td>                           Marshall Islands</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        Martinique</td>
      <td>                    MTQ</td>
      <td>                                               FRA</td>
      <td>                                     France</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                 French Department</td>
      <td>                                        Mauritania</td>
      <td>                    MRT</td>
      <td>                                               MRT</td>
      <td>                                 Mauritania</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                         Mauritius</td>
      <td>                    MUS</td>
      <td>                                               MUS</td>
      <td>                                  Mauritius</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Mexico</td>
      <td>                    MEX</td>
      <td>                                               MEX</td>
      <td>                                     Mexico</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        Micronesia</td>
      <td>                    FSM</td>
      <td>                                               FSM</td>
      <td>            Micronesia, Federated States of</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Moldavia</td>
      <td>                    MDA</td>
      <td>                                               MDA</td>
      <td>                       Moldova, Republic of</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Monaco</td>
      <td>                    MCO</td>
      <td>                                               MCO</td>
      <td>                                     Monaco</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Mongolia</td>
      <td>                    MNG</td>
      <td>                                               MNG</td>
      <td>                                   Mongolia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        Montserrat</td>
      <td>                    MSR</td>
      <td>                                               GBR</td>
      <td>                             United Kingdom</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                      UK Territory</td>
      <td>                                           Morocco</td>
      <td>                    MAR</td>
      <td>                                               MAR</td>
      <td>                                    Morocco</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        Mozambique</td>
      <td>                    MOZ</td>
      <td>                                               MOZ</td>
      <td>                                 Mozambique</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                           Myanmar, formerly Burma</td>
      <td>                    MMR</td>
      <td>                                               MMR</td>
      <td>                                    Myanmar</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Namibia</td>
      <td>                    NAM</td>
      <td>                                               NAM</td>
      <td>                                    Namibia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                             Nauru</td>
      <td>                    NRU</td>
      <td>                                               NRU</td>
      <td>                                      Nauru</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                             Nepal</td>
      <td>                    NPL</td>
      <td>                                               NPL</td>
      <td>                                      Nepal</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                       Netherlands</td>
      <td>                    NLD</td>
      <td>                                               NLD</td>
      <td>                                Netherlands</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                              Netherlands Antilles</td>
      <td>                    ANT</td>
      <td>                                               NLD</td>
      <td>                                Netherlands</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                              Netherland Territory</td>
      <td>                                     New Caledonia</td>
      <td>                    NCL</td>
      <td>                                               FRA</td>
      <td>                                     France</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                  French Territory</td>
      <td>                                       New Zealand</td>
      <td>                    NZL</td>
      <td>                                               NZL</td>
      <td>                                New Zealand</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                         Nicaragua</td>
      <td>                    NIC</td>
      <td>                                               NIC</td>
      <td>                                  Nicaragua</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                             Niger</td>
      <td>                    NER</td>
      <td>                                               NER</td>
      <td>                                      Niger</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Nigeria</td>
      <td>                    NGA</td>
      <td>                                               NGA</td>
      <td>                                    Nigeria</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                              Niue</td>
      <td>                    NIU</td>
      <td>                                               NZL</td>
      <td>                                New Zealand</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                               free association NZ</td>
      <td>                                    Norfolk Island</td>
      <td>                    NFK</td>
      <td>                                               AUS</td>
      <td>                                  Australia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                              Australian Territory</td>
      <td>                                  Northern Ireland</td>
      <td>                    NID</td>
      <td>                                               GBR</td>
      <td>                             United Kingdom</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                        part of UK</td>
      <td>                          Northern Mariana Islands</td>
      <td>                    MNP</td>
      <td>                                               USA</td>
      <td>                              United States</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                   US Commonwealth</td>
      <td>                                            Norway</td>
      <td>                    NOR</td>
      <td>                                               NOR</td>
      <td>                                     Norway</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                              Oman</td>
      <td>                    OMN</td>
      <td>                                               OMN</td>
      <td>                                       Oman</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Pakistan</td>
      <td>                    PAK</td>
      <td>                                               PAK</td>
      <td>                                   Pakistan</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                             Palau</td>
      <td>                    PLW</td>
      <td>                                               PLW</td>
      <td>                                      Palau</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Panama</td>
      <td>                    PAN</td>
      <td>                                               PAN</td>
      <td>                                     Panama</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                  Papua New Guinea</td>
      <td>                    PNG</td>
      <td>                                               PNG</td>
      <td>                           Papua New Guinea</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Paraguay</td>
      <td>                    PRY</td>
      <td>                                               PRY</td>
      <td>                                   Paraguay</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                              Peru</td>
      <td>                    PER</td>
      <td>                                               PER</td>
      <td>                                       Peru</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                       Philippines</td>
      <td>                    PHL</td>
      <td>                                               PHL</td>
      <td>                                Philippines</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Pitcairn</td>
      <td>                    PCN</td>
      <td>                                               GBR</td>
      <td>                             United Kingdom</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                      UK Territory</td>
      <td>                                            Poland</td>
      <td>                    POL</td>
      <td>                                               POL</td>
      <td>                                     Poland</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Portugal</td>
      <td>                    PRT</td>
      <td>                                               PRT</td>
      <td>                                   Portugal</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                       Puerto Rico</td>
      <td>                    PRI</td>
      <td>                                               USA</td>
      <td>                              United States</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                   US Commonwealth</td>
      <td>                                             Qatar</td>
      <td>                    QAT</td>
      <td>                                               QAT</td>
      <td>                                      Qatar</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Reunion</td>
      <td>                    REU</td>
      <td>                                               FRA</td>
      <td>                                     France</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                 French Dependency</td>
      <td>                                           Romania</td>
      <td>                    ROM</td>
      <td>                                               ROU</td>
      <td>                                    Romania</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Russia</td>
      <td>                    RUS</td>
      <td>                                               RUS</td>
      <td>                         Russian Federation</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Rwanda</td>
      <td>                    RWA</td>
      <td>                                               RWA</td>
      <td>                                     Rwanda</td>
      <td>  ??</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</td>
      <td>                    VCT</td>
      <td>                                               VCT</td>
      <td>           Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                             Samoa</td>
      <td>                    WSM</td>
      <td>                                               WSM</td>
      <td>                                      Samoa</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                   Samoa, American</td>
      <td>                    ASM</td>
      <td>                                               USA</td>
      <td>                              United States</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                      US Territory</td>
      <td>                                        San Marino</td>
      <td>                    SMR</td>
      <td>                                               SMR</td>
      <td>                                 San Marino</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                             Sao Tome and Principe</td>
      <td>                    STP</td>
      <td>                                               STP</td>
      <td>                      Sao Tome and Principe</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                      Saudi Arabia</td>
      <td>                    SAU</td>
      <td>                                               SAU</td>
      <td>                               Saudi Arabia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Scotland</td>
      <td>                    HIL</td>
      <td>                                               GBR</td>
      <td>                             United Kingdom</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                        part of UK</td>
      <td>                                           Senegal</td>
      <td>                    SEN</td>
      <td>                                               SEN</td>
      <td>                                    Senegal</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        Seychelles</td>
      <td>                    SYC</td>
      <td>                                               SYC</td>
      <td>                                 Seychelles</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                      Sierra Leone</td>
      <td>                    SLE</td>
      <td>                                               SLE</td>
      <td>                               Sierra Leone</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                         Singapore</td>
      <td>                    SGP</td>
      <td>                                               SGP</td>
      <td>                                  Singapore</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Slovakia</td>
      <td>                    SKA</td>
      <td>                                               SVK</td>
      <td>                                   Slovakia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Slovenia</td>
      <td>                    SVN</td>
      <td>                                               SVN</td>
      <td>                                   Slovenia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                   Solomon Islands</td>
      <td>                    SLB</td>
      <td>                                               SLB</td>
      <td>                            Solomon Islands</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Somalia</td>
      <td>                    SOM</td>
      <td>                                               SOM</td>
      <td>                                    Somalia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                      South Africa</td>
      <td>                    ZAF</td>
      <td>                                               ZAF</td>
      <td>                               South Africa</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                             Spain</td>
      <td>                    ESP</td>
      <td>                                               ESP</td>
      <td>                                      Spain</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                    Spanish Sahara</td>
      <td>                    ESH</td>
      <td>                                               ESH</td>
      <td>                             Western Sahara</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                         Sri Lanka</td>
      <td>                    LKA</td>
      <td>                                               LKA</td>
      <td>                                  Sri Lanka</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                         St Helena</td>
      <td>                    SHN</td>
      <td>                                               GBR</td>
      <td>                             United Kingdom</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                      UK Territory</td>
      <td>                                    St Kitts-Nevis</td>
      <td>                    KNA</td>
      <td>                                               KNA</td>
      <td>                      Saint Kitts and Nevis</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          St Lucia</td>
      <td>                    LCA</td>
      <td>                                               LCA</td>
      <td>                                Saint Lucia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                            St Pierre and Miquelon</td>
      <td>                    SPM</td>
      <td>                                               FRA</td>
      <td>                                     France</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                  French Territory</td>
      <td>                                             Sudan</td>
      <td>                    SDN</td>
      <td>                                               SDN</td>
      <td>                                      Sudan</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Suriname</td>
      <td>                    SUR</td>
      <td>                                               SUR</td>
      <td>                                   Suriname</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                         Swaziland</td>
      <td>                    SWZ</td>
      <td>                                               SWZ</td>
      <td>                                  Swaziland</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Sweden</td>
      <td>                    SWE</td>
      <td>                                               SWE</td>
      <td>                                     Sweden</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                       Switzerland</td>
      <td>                    CHE</td>
      <td>                                               CHE</td>
      <td>                                Switzerland</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                              Syrian Arab Republic</td>
      <td>                    SYR</td>
      <td>                                               SYR</td>
      <td>                       Syrian Arab Republic</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Taiwan </td>
      <td>                    TWN</td>
      <td>                                               TWN</td>
      <td>                  Taiwan, Province of China</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                         Tajikstan</td>
      <td>                    TJK</td>
      <td>                                               TJK</td>
      <td>                                 Tajikistan</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                      Tanzania, United Republic of</td>
      <td>                    TZA</td>
      <td>                                               TZA</td>
      <td>               Tanzania, United Republic of</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Thailand</td>
      <td>                    THA</td>
      <td>                                               THA</td>
      <td>                                   Thailand</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                              Togo</td>
      <td>                    TGO</td>
      <td>                                               TGO</td>
      <td>                                       Togo</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Tokelau</td>
      <td>                    TKL</td>
      <td>                                               NZL</td>
      <td>                                New Zealand</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                      NZ Territory</td>
      <td>                                             Tonga</td>
      <td>                    TON</td>
      <td>                                               TON</td>
      <td>                                      Tonga</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                               Trinidad and Tobago</td>
      <td>                    TTO</td>
      <td>                                               TTO</td>
      <td>                        Trinidad and Tobago</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Tunisia</td>
      <td>                    TUN</td>
      <td>                                               TUN</td>
      <td>                                    Tunisia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Turkey</td>
      <td>                    TUR</td>
      <td>                                               TUR</td>
      <td>                                     Turkey</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                      Turkmenistan</td>
      <td>                    TKM</td>
      <td>                                               TKM</td>
      <td>                               Turkmenistan</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                          Turks and Caicos Islands</td>
      <td>                    TCA</td>
      <td>                                               GBR</td>
      <td>                             United Kingdom</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                      UK Territory</td>
      <td>                                            Tuvalu</td>
      <td>                    TUV</td>
      <td>                                               TUV</td>
      <td>                                     Tuvalu</td>
      <td>  ??</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                            Uganda</td>
      <td>                    UGA</td>
      <td>                                               UGA</td>
      <td>                                     Uganda</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Ukraine</td>
      <td>                    UKR</td>
      <td>                                               UKR</td>
      <td>                                    Ukraine</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                              United Arab Emirates</td>
      <td>                    ARE</td>
      <td>                                               ARE</td>
      <td>                       United Arab Emirates</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>              United States Minor Outlying Islands</td>
      <td>                    UMI</td>
      <td>                                               USA</td>
      <td>                              United States</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                      US Territory</td>
      <td>                          United States of America</td>
      <td>                    USA</td>
      <td>                                               USA</td>
      <td>                              United States</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Uruguay</td>
      <td>                    URY</td>
      <td>                                               URY</td>
      <td>                                    Uruguay</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                         Uzbekstan</td>
      <td>                    UZB</td>
      <td>                                               UZB</td>
      <td>                                 Uzbekistan</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Vanuatu</td>
      <td>                    VUT</td>
      <td>                                               VUT</td>
      <td>                                    Vanuatu</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                Vatican City State</td>
      <td>                    VAT</td>
      <td>                                               VAT</td>
      <td>              Holy See (Vatican City State)</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                         Venezuela</td>
      <td>                    VEN</td>
      <td>                                               VEN</td>
      <td>                                  Venezuela</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Viet Nam</td>
      <td>                    VNM</td>
      <td>                                               VNM</td>
      <td>                                   Viet Nam</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                           Virgin Islands, British</td>
      <td>                    VGB</td>
      <td>                                               GBR</td>
      <td>                             United Kingdom</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                      UK Territory</td>
      <td>                               Virgin Islands, USA</td>
      <td>                    VIR</td>
      <td>                                               USA</td>
      <td>                              United States</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                      US Territory</td>
      <td>                                             Wales</td>
      <td>                    WAL</td>
      <td>                                               GBR</td>
      <td>                             United Kingdom</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                        part of UK</td>
      <td>                                             Yemen</td>
      <td>                    YEM</td>
      <td>                                               YEM</td>
      <td>                                      Yemen</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        Yugoslavia</td>
      <td>                    YUG</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        NaN</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                            see SVN, SCG, HRV, MKD</td>
      <td>                                             Zaire</td>
      <td>                    ZAR</td>
      <td>                                               COD</td>
      <td>      Congo, the Democratic Republic of the</td>
      <td>  ??</td>
      <td>                                different from COG</td>
      <td>                                            Zambia</td>
      <td>                    ZMB</td>
      <td>                                               ZMB</td>
      <td>                                     Zambia</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Zimbabwe</td>
      <td>                    ZWE</td>
      <td>                                               ZWE</td>
      <td>                                   Zimbabwe</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                           Not stated or Not Known</td>
      <td>                    XXX</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        NaN</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                  citizenship now has to be stated</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                    NaN</td>
      <td>                                               ERI</td>
      <td>                                    Eritrea</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                    NaN</td>
      <td>                                               GBR</td>
      <td>                             United Kingdom</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                    NaN</td>
      <td>                                               SCG</td>
      <td>                      Serbia and Montenegro</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                    NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NZP</td>
      <td>             New Zealand Permanent Resident</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>             For use only in Tertiary collections </td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                    NaN</td>
      <td>                                              PAL </td>
      <td>             Palestinian Territory Occupied</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>             For use only in Tertiary collections </td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                    NaN</td>
      <td>                                              PAL </td>
      <td>            Gaza Strip /Palestine/West Bank</td>
      <td> NaN</td>
      <td>             For use only in Tertiary collections </td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Education Statistics of New Zealand for 2000</th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Number of Student Enrolments by Age and Type o...</td>
      <td>  (cont.): Number of Student Enrolments by Age ...</td>
      <td>  Numbers of Educational Institutions at July 1...</td>
      <td> Ethnic Composition of Formal Students by Secto...</td>
      <td>               Government Expenditure on Education</td>
      <td> Early Childhood Education Apparent* Participat...</td>
      <td> Number of Early Childhood Enrolments by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Early Childhood Educat...</td>
      <td> Summary of Children on Regular Rolls of Early ...</td>
      <td> Summary of Children on Regular Rolls of Early ...</td>
      <td> Summary of Children on Regular Rolls of Early ...</td>
      <td> Summary of Pacific Children on Regular Rolls o...</td>
      <td> Summary of Asian Children on Regular Rolls of ...</td>
      <td> Language of Communication (Other than English)...</td>
      <td> Children on the Regular Rolls of Early Childho...</td>
      <td> Number of Education and Care Centres^ by Speci...</td>
      <td> Early Childhood Education Attendance by Year O...</td>
      <td> Teaching Staff in Licensed Early Childhood Edu...</td>
      <td> Paid and Voluntary Staff (Headcount) at Licens...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students by Type of School and Year ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Age an...</td>
      <td>  (cont.): Number of Students Attending Schools...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Local ...</td>
      <td> (cont): Number of Students Attending Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by School...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Age an...</td>
      <td> Number of Pacific Students Attending Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of Asian Students Attending Schools by ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Local ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Sector...</td>
      <td> Proportions of Domestic Students with Maori, P...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Special Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of International Students Attending Sch...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Learning Languages at Secon...</td>
      <td> Nationally Recognised Subjects Taken by Second...</td>
      <td> (cont.): Nationally Recognised Subjects Taken ...</td>
      <td> Locally Developed Courses Taken by Secondary S...</td>
      <td>  (cont.): Locally Developed Courses Taken by S...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Maori-Medium Learning ...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Maori-Medium Learning ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students (Maori and Non-Maori) Invol...</td>
      <td> Enrolments in Maori-Medium Programmes in Kura ...</td>
      <td>         Education at Kura Kaupapa Maori 1992–2000</td>
      <td> Students Involved in Pacific-Medium Education ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Comparisons of the Number of Students Attendin...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Private Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending State Integrated ...</td>
      <td> Number of Schools by School Type, School Autho...</td>
      <td> Number of Stand-Downs and Suspensions at State...</td>
      <td>  Number of Stand-Downs and Suspensions at Stat...</td>
      <td>  Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools d...</td>
      <td> Highest Attainment of School Leavers by Ethnic...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td>  Number of Teachers Employed at State Schools ...</td>
      <td> Number of State School Teachers by Type of Sch...</td>
      <td> Number of State Schools by School Type and Ent...</td>
      <td> Number of State Schools by Local Body Region a...</td>
      <td> Ratios of Students to Teaching Staff at State ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Sector, ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Source o...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Age and ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Sector a...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Age and ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Sector a...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Field of...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Ethnic I...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Ethnic G...</td>
      <td> Number of  Formal Tertiary Students by Age and...</td>
      <td>  Number of Pacific Formal Tertiary Students by...</td>
      <td> Number of Asian Formal Tertiary Students by Ag...</td>
      <td> Number of First-Year Formal Tertiary Students ...</td>
      <td> Number of International Formal Tertiary Studen...</td>
      <td> (cont.): Number of International Formal Tertia...</td>
      <td> Number of International Formal Tertiary Studen...</td>
      <td> Summary of 1999 Public Tertiary Graduates by Q...</td>
      <td> Summary of 1999 Public Tertiary Graduates by F...</td>
      <td> Summary of  1999 Public Tertiary Graduates by ...</td>
      <td> University Staff Employed During the Week 24-3...</td>
      <td> Polytechnic Staff Employed During the Week 24-...</td>
      <td> College of Education Staff Employed During the...</td>
      <td> Wananga Staff Employed During the Week 24-30 J...</td>
      <td> Staff Usage at Private Tertiary Education Prov...</td>
      <td> Amount Borrowed in Student Loans and Expenditu...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Community and General ...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Community and General ...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Community Education at...</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Education Statistics of New Zealand for 2004</th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Number of Student Enrolments by Age and Type o...</td>
      <th>1b </th>
      <td> (cont): Number of Student Enrolments by Age an...</td>
      <td> Numbers of Educational Institutions at July 19...</td>
      <td> Ethnic Composition of Formal Students by Secto...</td>
      <td>               Government Expenditure on Education</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Early Childhood Educat...</td>
      <td> Number of Early Childhood Enrolments by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Early Childhood Educat...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Early Childhood Educat...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Early Childhood Educat...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Early Childhood Educat...</td>
      <td> Number of Pasifika Children Enrolled in Early ...</td>
      <td> Number of Asian Children Enrolled in Early Chi...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Early Childhood Servic...</td>
      <td> Number of Education and Care Centres by Specia...</td>
      <td> Early Childhood Attendance of Year One Student...</td>
      <td> Teaching Staff in Licensed Early Childhood Edu...</td>
      <td> Teaching Staff in Licensed Early Childhood Edu...</td>
      <td> Paid and Voluntary Staff (Headcount) at Licens...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Age an...</td>
      <td> (cont): Number of Students Attending Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Local ...</td>
      <td> (Cont.): Number of Students Attending Schools ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by School...</td>
      <td>       Proportions of Domestic Students with Māori</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Age an...</td>
      <td> Number of Pasifika Students Attending Schools ...</td>
      <td> Number of Asian Students Attending Schools by ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Local ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Sector...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Special Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of International Students Attending Sch...</td>
      <td> Language Learning below Year 9 level by Year o...</td>
      <td> Subjects Taken by Secondary Students by Learni...</td>
      <td> (cont.): Subjects Taken by Secondary Students ...</td>
      <td> (cont.): Subjects Taken by Secondary Students ...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Māori Medium Education...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Māori Medium Education...</td>
      <td> Number of Students (Māori and Non-Māori) enrol...</td>
      <td> Enrolments in Māori Medium Education in Kura K...</td>
      <td>        Enrolments at Kura Kaupapa Māori 1994–2004</td>
      <td> Students enrolled in Pasifika-Medium Education...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Trend Analysis of School Rolls by Current Auth...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Private Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending State Integrated ...</td>
      <td> Number of Schools by School Type, Authority an...</td>
      <td> Number of Stand-Downs at State Schools During ...</td>
      <td> Number of Suspensions at State Schools During ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td> Highest Attainment of School Leavers by Ethnic...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td> Number of Teachers Employed at State Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of State School Teachers by Type of Sch...</td>
      <td> Private Teaching Staff by Tenure, School Secto...</td>
      <td> Number of State Schools by School Type and Ent...</td>
      <td> Full-Time Teacher Equivalents at State and Sta...</td>
      <td> Ratios of Students to Teaching Staff at State ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Sector, ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Source o...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Age and ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Sector a...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Age and ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Sector a...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Enrolments by Field ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Ethnic I...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Ethnic G...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Age and ...</td>
      <td> Number of Pasifika Formal Tertiary Students by...</td>
      <td> Number of Asian Formal Tertiary Students by Ag...</td>
      <td> Number of First Year Formal Tertiary Students ...</td>
      <td> International Formal Tertiary Students by Regi...</td>
      <td> (Cont.): International Formal Tertiary Student...</td>
      <td> Number of International Formal Tertiary Studen...</td>
      <td> Summary of 2003 Public Tertiary Graduates by Q...</td>
      <td> Summary of 2003 Public Tertiary Graduates by F...</td>
      <td> Summary of 2003 Public Tertiary Graduates by Q...</td>
      <td> University Staff Employed During the Week 26 J...</td>
      <td> Polytechnic Staff Employed During the Week 26 ...</td>
      <td> College of Education Staff Employed During the...</td>
      <td> Wānanga Staff Employed During the Week 26 July...</td>
      <td> Staff Usage at Private Tertiary Education Prov...</td>
      <td> Amount Borrowed in Student Loans and Expenditu...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Community Education at...</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>This spreadsheet contains four work sheets:</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td>                                                 1</td>
      <td>                                   Read this first</td>
      <td> Provides information about the following three...</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                                                 2</td>
      <td>                                           Mergers</td>
      <td> Provides details about mergers taking effect b...</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                                                 3</td>
      <td>                                          Closures</td>
      <td> Lists schools closed between January 2004 and ...</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                                                 4</td>
      <td>                                       New Schools</td>
      <td> Lists new schools opened / opening between Jan...</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td> The information in this document is correct an...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td> Please read the following comments for each wo...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Mergers</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 1</td>
      <td> For clarity and convenience schools relating t...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 2</td>
      <td> In the mergers that are due to a Network Revie...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 3</td>
      <td> Where a school is NOT the continuing school, i...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 4</td>
      <td> For the sake of administrative integrity, the ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 5</td>
      <td> Where a re-numbered continuing school has not ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 6</td>
      <td> In most situations the designated continuing s...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 7</td>
      <td> Where there is a change of site, this is indic...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 8</td>
      <td>  In some Network Reviews one or more schools h...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 9</td>
      <td> Close (W) means "Closure due to a network revi...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                10</td>
      <td> To find out contact details (postal and locati...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                11</td>
      <td> The type of each re-numbered school is indicat...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                       School Type</td>
      <td>                                       Description</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                20</td>
      <td>                           Full Primary (Yr 1 - 8)</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                21</td>
      <td>                           Contributing (Yr 1 - 6)</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                22</td>
      <td>                           Intermediate (Yr 7 &amp; 8)</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                30</td>
      <td>                             Secondary (Yr 7 - 15)</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                32</td>
      <td>                             Composite (Yr 1 - 15)</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                40</td>
      <td>                             Secondary (Yr 9 - 15)</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Closures</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 1</td>
      <td> Some closures are simple closures.  Some are d...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 2</td>
      <td> Where a school has closed due to a merger, the...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 3</td>
      <td> Where a re-numbered continuing school has not ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                       New Schools</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 1</td>
      <td> Some new schools are simply brand new schools....</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 2</td>
      <td> Where a new school is the result of a merger, ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 3</td>
      <td> To find out contact details (postal and locati...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                    Any questions?</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Please contact Data Management Unit's Informat...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Education Statistics of New Zealand for 2001</th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Number of Student Enrolments by Age and Type o...</td>
      <td> (cont.): Number of Student Enrolments by Age a...</td>
      <td> Numbers of Educational Institutions at July 19...</td>
      <td>  Ethnic Composition of Formal Students by Sect...</td>
      <td>               Government Expenditure on Education</td>
      <td> Early Childhood Education Apparent* Participat...</td>
      <td> Number of Early Childhood Enrolments by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Early Childhood Educat...</td>
      <td> Summary of Children on Regular Rolls of Early ...</td>
      <td>  Summary of Children on Regular Rolls of Early...</td>
      <td> Summary of Children on Regular Rolls of Early ...</td>
      <td> Summary of Pacific Children on Regular Rolls o...</td>
      <td> Summary of Asian Children on Regular Rolls of ...</td>
      <td> Children on the Regular Rolls of Early Childho...</td>
      <td> Number of Education and Care Centres^ by Speci...</td>
      <td> Early Childhood Education Attendance by Year O...</td>
      <td> Teaching Staff in Licensed Early Childhood Edu...</td>
      <td> Teaching Staff in Licensed Early Childhood Edu...</td>
      <td> Paid and Voluntary Staff (Headcount) at Licens...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td>  Number of Students by Type of School and Year...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Age an...</td>
      <td> (cont.): Number of Students Attending Schools ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Local ...</td>
      <td> (cont): Number of Students Attending Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td>  Number of Students Attending Schools by Type ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by School...</td>
      <td> Proportions of Domestic Students with Maori, P...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Age an...</td>
      <td>  Number of Pacific Students Attending Schools ...</td>
      <td>  Number of Asian Students Attending Schools by...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Local ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Sector...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Special Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of International Students Attending Sch...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Learning Languages at Secon...</td>
      <td> Nationally Recognised Subjects Taken by Second...</td>
      <td> (cont.): Nationally Recognised Subjects Taken ...</td>
      <td> Locally Developed Courses Taken by Secondary S...</td>
      <td> (cont.): Locally Developed Courses Taken by Se...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Maori-Medium Learning ...</td>
      <td>  Number of Enrolments in Maori-Medium Learning...</td>
      <td> Number of Students (Maori and Non-Maori) Invol...</td>
      <td> Enrolments in Maori Language Learning in Kura ...</td>
      <td>         Education at Kura Kaupapa Maori 1992–2001</td>
      <td> Students Involved in Pacific-Medium Education ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Trend Analysis of School Rolls by Current Auth...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Private Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending State Integrated ...</td>
      <td>  Number of Schools by School Type, School Auth...</td>
      <td> Number of Stand-Downs at State Schools During ...</td>
      <td>  Number of Suspensions at State Schools During...</td>
      <td>  Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td> Highest Attainment of School Leavers by Ethnic...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td> Number of Teachers Employed at State Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of State School Teachers by Type of Sch...</td>
      <td> Number of State Schools by School Type and Ent...</td>
      <td> Number of State Schools by Local Body Region a...</td>
      <td> Ratios of Students to Teaching Staff at State ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Sector, ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Source o...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Age and ...</td>
      <td>  Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Sector ...</td>
      <td>  Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Age and...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Sector a...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Enrolments by Field ...</td>
      <td>  Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Ethnic ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Ethnic G...</td>
      <td>  Number of  Formal Tertiary Students by Age an...</td>
      <td> Number of Pacific Formal Tertiary Students by ...</td>
      <td> Number of Asian Formal Tertiary Students by Ag...</td>
      <td> Number of First-Year Formal Tertiary Students ...</td>
      <td>  Number of International Formal Tertiary Stude...</td>
      <td>  (cont.): Number of International Formal Terti...</td>
      <td>  Number of International Formal Tertiary Stude...</td>
      <td> Summary of 2000 Public Tertiary Graduates by Q...</td>
      <td> Summary of 2000 Public Tertiary Graduates by F...</td>
      <td> Summary of 2000 Public Tertiary Graduates by Q...</td>
      <td> University Staff Employed During the Week 30 J...</td>
      <td> Polytechnic Staff Employed During the Week 30 ...</td>
      <td>  College of Education Staff Employed During th...</td>
      <td> Wananga Staff Employed During the Week 30 July...</td>
      <td> Staff Usage at Private Tertiary Education Prov...</td>
      <td> Amount Borrowed in Student Loans and Expenditu...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Community and General ...</td>
      <td> (continued): Number of Enrolments in Community...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Community Education at...</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>List of Tables and Links</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td>                              General</td>
      <td> Table</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    1a</td>
      <td> Number of Student Enrolments by Age and Type o...</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    1b</td>
      <td> (Cont). Number of Student Enrolments by Age an...</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>     2</td>
      <td> Numbers of Educational Institutions at July 19...</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>     3</td>
      <td> Ethnic Composition of Formal Students by Secto...</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>     4</td>
      <td>               Government Expenditure on Education</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>          Early Childhood Education  </td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td>                   Number of Services</td>
      <td>     5</td>
      <td> Number of Early Childhood Education Services b...</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>     6</td>
      <td> Number of Licensed Early Childhood Education S...</td>
      <td>                 Number of Enrolments</td>
      <td>     7</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Early Childhood Educat...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>     8</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Early Childhood Educat...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>     9</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Early Childhood Educat...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    10</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Early Childhood Educat...</td>
      <td>                Ethnic Identification</td>
      <td>    11</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Early Childhood Educat...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    12</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Early Childhood Educat...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    13</td>
      <td> Number of Pasifika Children Enrolled in Early ...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    14</td>
      <td> Number of Asian Children Enrolled in Early Chi...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    15</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Early Childhood Educat...</td>
      <td> Early Childhood Education Attendance</td>
      <td>    16</td>
      <td> Average Weekly Hours of Attendance for Childre...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    17</td>
      <td> Full-time Equivalent Children Enrolled in Lice...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    18</td>
      <td> Early Childhood Education Attendance of Year O...</td>
      <td>                       Teaching Staff</td>
      <td>    19</td>
      <td> Teaching Staff in Licensed Early Childhood Edu...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    20</td>
      <td> Teaching Staff in Licensed Early Childhood Edu...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    21</td>
      <td> Teaching Staff in Licensed Early Childhood Edu...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    22</td>
      <td> Teaching Staff in Licensed Early Childhood Edu...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    23</td>
      <td> Staffing of Playcentres by Highest and Non-hig...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    24</td>
      <td> Number of Paid Adults on duty at Playcentres b...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    25</td>
      <td> Homebased Caregivers/Educators by Highest ECE ...</td>
      <td>                             Schools </td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                   Number of Students</td>
      <td>    26</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    27</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by School...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    28</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by School...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    29</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by School...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    30</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Age an...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    31</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Local ...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    32</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by School...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    33</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    34</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by School...</td>
      <td>                Ethnic Identification</td>
      <td>    35</td>
      <td> Proportions of Domestic Students with Māori, P...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    36</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Age an...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    37</td>
      <td> Number of Pasifika Students Attending Schools ...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    38</td>
      <td> Number of Asian Students Attending Schools by ...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    39</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Local ...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    40</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Sector...</td>
      <td>                    Special Education</td>
      <td>    41</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Special Schools b...</td>
      <td>               International Students</td>
      <td>    42</td>
      <td> Number of International Students Attending Sch...</td>
      <td>            Secondary School Subjects</td>
      <td>    43</td>
      <td> Language Learning Below Year 9 Level by Year o...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    44</td>
      <td> Subjects Taken by Secondary Students by Learni...</td>
      <td>               Māori Medium Education</td>
      <td>    45</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Māori Medium Education...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    46</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Māori Medium Education...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    47</td>
      <td> Number of Students (Māori and Non-Māori) Enrol...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    48</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Māori Medium Education...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    49</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments at Kura Kaupapa Māori, 19...</td>
      <td>            Pasifika Medium Education</td>
      <td>    50</td>
      <td> Number of Students Enrolled in Pasifika Medium...</td>
      <td>                   School Information</td>
      <td>    51</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by School...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    52</td>
      <td> Trend Analysis of School Rolls by Current Auth...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    53</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Private Schools b...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    54</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending State Integrated ...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    55</td>
      <td> Number of Schools by School Type, Authority an...</td>
      <td>           Suspensions and Expulsions</td>
      <td>    56</td>
      <td> Number of Stand-Downs at State Schools during ...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    57</td>
      <td> Number of Suspensions at State Schools during ...</td>
      <td>                  2004 School Leavers</td>
      <td>    58</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools d...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    59</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools d...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    60</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools d...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    61</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools d...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    62</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools d...</td>
      <td>                       Teaching Staff</td>
      <td>    63</td>
      <td> Number of Teachers Employed at State Schools b...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    64</td>
      <td> Number of State School Teachers by School Type...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    65</td>
      <td> Private Teaching Staff by Tenure, School Secto...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    66</td>
      <td> Number of State Schools by School Type and Ent...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    67</td>
      <td> Full-Time Teacher Equivalents at State and Sta...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    68</td>
      <td> Ratios of Students to Teaching Staff at State ...</td>
      <td>                             Tertiary</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                   Number of Students</td>
      <td>    69</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Teritary Students by Sector, ...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    70</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Teritary Students by Source o...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    71</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Age and ...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    72</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Sector a...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    73</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Age and ...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    74</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Sector a...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    75</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Enrolments by Field ...</td>
      <td>                Ethnic Identification</td>
      <td>    76</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Ethnic I...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    77</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Ethnic G...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    78</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Age and ...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    79</td>
      <td> Number of Pasifika Formal Tertiary Students by...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    80</td>
      <td> Number of Asian Formal Tertiary Students by Ag...</td>
      <td>         First-Year Tertiary Students</td>
      <td>    81</td>
      <td> Number of First Year Formal Tertiary Students ...</td>
      <td>      International Tertiary Students</td>
      <td>    82</td>
      <td> Number of International Formal Tertiary Studen...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    83</td>
      <td> Number of International Formal Tertiary Studen...</td>
      <td>                   Tertiary Graduates</td>
      <td>    84</td>
      <td> Summary of 2004 Public Tertiary Graduates by Q...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    85</td>
      <td> Summary of 2004 Public Tertiary Graduates by F...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    86</td>
      <td> Summary of 2004 Public Tertiary Graduates by Q...</td>
      <td>                       Tertiary Staff</td>
      <td>    87</td>
      <td> University Staff Employed during the Week 29 J...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    88</td>
      <td> Polytechnic Staff Employed during the Week 29 ...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    89</td>
      <td> College of Education Staff Employed during the...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    90</td>
      <td> Wānanga Staff Employed during the Week 29 July...</td>
      <td>                                  NaN</td>
      <td>    91</td>
      <td> Staff Usage at Private Tertiary Education Prov...</td>
      <td>         Student Loans and Allowances</td>
      <td>    92</td>
      <td> Amount Borrowed in Student Loans and Expenditu...</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Education Statistics of New Zealand for 2003</th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Number of Student Enrolments by Age and Type o...</td>
      <th>1b </th>
      <td> (cont): Number of Student Enrolments by Age an...</td>
      <td> Numbers of Educational Institutions at July 19...</td>
      <td> Ethnic Composition of Formal Students by Secto...</td>
      <td>               Government Expenditure on Education</td>
      <td> Children on Regular Rolls of Early Childhood E...</td>
      <td> Number of Early Childhood Enrolments by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Early Childhood Educat...</td>
      <td> Summary of Children on Regular Rolls of Early ...</td>
      <td> Summary of Children on Regular Rolls of Early ...</td>
      <td> Summary of Children on Regular Rolls of Early ...</td>
      <td> Summary of Pacific Children on Regular Rolls o...</td>
      <td> Summary of Asian Children on Regular Rolls of ...</td>
      <td> Children on the Regular Rolls of Early Childho...</td>
      <td> Number of Education and Care Centres by Specia...</td>
      <td> Early Childhood Attendance of Year One Student...</td>
      <td> Teaching Staff in Licensed Early Childhood Edu...</td>
      <td> Teaching Staff in Licensed Early Childhood Edu...</td>
      <td> Paid and Voluntary Staff (Headcount) at Licens...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Age an...</td>
      <td> (cont): Number of Students Attending Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Local ...</td>
      <td> (Cont.): Number of Students Attending Schools ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by School...</td>
      <td> Proportions of Domestic Students with Māori, P...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Age an...</td>
      <td> Number of Pasifika Students Attending Schools ...</td>
      <td> Number of Asian Students Attending Schools by ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Local ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Sector...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Special Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of International Students Attending Sch...</td>
      <td> Language Learning below Year 9 level by Year o...</td>
      <td> Nationally Recognised Subjects Taken by Second...</td>
      <td> (cont.): Nationally Recognised Subjects Taken ...</td>
      <td> Locally Developed Subjects Taken by Secondary ...</td>
      <td> (cont.):Locally Developed Subjects Taken by Se...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Māori Medium Education...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Māori Medium Education...</td>
      <td> Number of Students (Māori and Non-Māori) enrol...</td>
      <td> Enrolments in Māori Medium Education in Kura K...</td>
      <td>        Enrolments at Kura Kaupapa Māori 1993–2003</td>
      <td> Students enrolled in Pasifika-Medium Education...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Trend Analysis of School Rolls by Current Auth...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Private Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending State Integrated ...</td>
      <td> Number of Schools by School Type, Authority an...</td>
      <td> Number of Stand-Downs at State Schools During ...</td>
      <td> Number of Suspensions at State Schools During ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td> Highest Attainment of School Leavers by Ethnic...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td> Number of Teachers Employed at State Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of State School Teachers by Type of Sch...</td>
      <td> Private Teaching Staff by Tenure, School Secto...</td>
      <td> Number of State Schools by School Type and Ent...</td>
      <td> Full-Time Teacher Equivalents at State and Sta...</td>
      <td> Ratios of Students to Teaching Staff at State ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Sector, ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Source o...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Age and ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Sector a...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Age and ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Sector a...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Enrolments by Field ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Ethnic I...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Ethnic G...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Age and ...</td>
      <td> Number of Pasifika Formal Tertiary Students by...</td>
      <td> Number of Asian Formal Tertiary Students by Ag...</td>
      <td> Number of First Year Formal Tertiary Students ...</td>
      <td> International Formal Tertiary Students by Regi...</td>
      <td> (Cont.): International Formal Tertiary Student...</td>
      <td> Number of International Formal Tertiary Studen...</td>
      <td> Summary of 2002 Public Tertiary Graduates by Q...</td>
      <td> Summary of 2002 Public Tertiary Graduates by F...</td>
      <td> Summary of 2002 Public Tertiary Graduates by Q...</td>
      <td> University Staff Employed During the Week 28 J...</td>
      <td> Polytechnic Staff Employed During the Week 28 ...</td>
      <td> College of Education Staff Employed During the...</td>
      <td> Wānanga Staff Employed During the Week 28 July...</td>
      <td> Staff Usage at Private Tertiary Education Prov...</td>
      <td> Amount Borrowed in Student Loans and Expenditu...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Community and General ...</td>
      <td> (Cont): Number of Enrolments in Community and ...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Community Education at...</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>This spreadsheet contains four worksheets:</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td>                                                 1</td>
      <td>                                   Read this first</td>
      <td> Provides information about the following three...</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                                                 2</td>
      <td>                                           Mergers</td>
      <td> Provides details about mergers taking effect b...</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                                                 3</td>
      <td>                                          Closures</td>
      <td> Lists schools closed between January 2005 and ...</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                                                 4</td>
      <td>                                       New Schools</td>
      <td> Lists new schools opened between January 2005 ...</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td> The information in this document is correct an...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td> Please read the following comments for each wo...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Mergers</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 1</td>
      <td> For clarity and convenience, schools relating ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 2</td>
      <td> In the mergers that are due to a Network Revie...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 3</td>
      <td> Where a school is NOT the continuing school, i...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 4</td>
      <td> For the sake of administrative integrity, the ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 5</td>
      <td> Where a re-numbered continuing school has not ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 6</td>
      <td> In most situations the designated continuing s...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 7</td>
      <td> Where there is a change of site, this is indic...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 8</td>
      <td> In some Network Reviews one or more schools ha...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 9</td>
      <td> To find out contact details (postal and locati...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                          Closures</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 1</td>
      <td> Some closures are simple closures.  Some are d...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 2</td>
      <td> Where a school has closed due to a merger, the...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 3</td>
      <td> Where a re-numbered continuing school has not ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                       New Schools</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 1</td>
      <td> Some new schools are simply brand-new schools....</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 2</td>
      <td> Where a new school is the result of a merger, ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                                 3</td>
      <td> To find out contact details (postal and locati...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                    Any questions?</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Please contact Data Management Unit's Informat...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Education Statistics of New Zealand for 1999</th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Number of Students by Age and Type of Educatio...</td>
      <td> (cont): Number of Students by Age and Type of ...</td>
      <td> Numbers of Educational Institutions at July 19...</td>
      <td> Ethnic Composition of Formal Students by Secto...</td>
      <td>               Government Expenditure on Education</td>
      <td>  Early Childhood Education Apparent* Participa...</td>
      <td> Number of Early Childhood Enrolments by Type o...</td>
      <td>  Number of Enrolments in Early Childhood Educa...</td>
      <td> Summary of Children on Regular Rolls of Early ...</td>
      <td> Summary of Children on Regular Rolls of Early ...</td>
      <td> Summary of Children on Regular Rolls of Early ...</td>
      <td> Summary of Pacific Islands Children on Regular...</td>
      <td> Summary of Asian Children on Regular Rolls of ...</td>
      <td> Number of Licensed Early Childhood Centres and...</td>
      <td> Children on the Regular Roll of Licensed Early...</td>
      <td> Children on Regular Rolls of Licensed Early Ch...</td>
      <td> Number of Education and Care Centres by Specia...</td>
      <td> Paid Staff in Licensed Early Childhood Centres...</td>
      <td> Paid Staff (Headcount) at Licensed Early Child...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students by Type of School and Year ...</td>
      <td>  Number of Students Attending Schools by Age a...</td>
      <td>  (cont.): Number of Students Attending Schools...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Local ...</td>
      <td> (cont.):Number of Students Attending Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Age an...</td>
      <td> Number of Pacific Islands Students Attending S...</td>
      <td> Number of Asian Students Attending Schools by ...</td>
      <td>  Number of Students Attending Schools by Local...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Sector...</td>
      <td> Proportions of Students with Maori, Pacific Is...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Special Schools o...</td>
      <td> Number of International Students Attending Sch...</td>
      <td> Nationally Recognised Subjects Taken by Second...</td>
      <td> (cont.): Nationally Recognised Subjects Taken ...</td>
      <td> Locally Developed Courses Taken by Secondary S...</td>
      <td> (cont.): Locally Developed Courses Taken by Se...</td>
      <td>  Number of Students Learning Languages at Seco...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Maori-Medium Learning ...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Maori-Medium Learning ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students (Maori and Non-Maori) Invol...</td>
      <td> Enrolments in Maori-Medium Programmes in Kura ...</td>
      <td>         Education at Kura Kaupapa Maori 1992–1999</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Comparisons of the Number of Students Attendin...</td>
      <td>  Number of Students Attending Private Schools ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending State Integrated ...</td>
      <td> Number of Schools by Local Body Region and Sel...</td>
      <td> Number of Schools by School Type, School Autho...</td>
      <td> Number of Stand-Downs and  Suspensions by Type...</td>
      <td> Number of Stand-Downs and Suspensions by Socio...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools d...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools d...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools d...</td>
      <td> Highest Attainment of School Leavers by Ethnic...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools d...</td>
      <td> Number of Teachers Employed at State Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of State School Teachers by Type of Sch...</td>
      <td> Number of State Schools by School Type and Ent...</td>
      <td> Number of State Schools by Local Body Region a...</td>
      <td> Ratio of Students to Teaching Staff at State S...</td>
      <td> Number of Tertiary Students by Sector, Institu...</td>
      <td> Number of Tertiary Students by Age and Sector ...</td>
      <td> Number of Tertiary Students by Sector and Form...</td>
      <td> Number of Tertiary Students by Age and Nature ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Tertiary Institut...</td>
      <td> Number of Tertiary Enrolments by Field of Stud...</td>
      <td> Number of Tertiary Students by  Ethnic Identif...</td>
      <td> Number of Tertiary Students by Ethnic Group an...</td>
      <td> Number of  Students by Age and Ethnic Identifi...</td>
      <td> Number of Pacific Islands Tertiary Students by...</td>
      <td> Number of Asian Tertiary Students by Age and E...</td>
      <td> Number of First-Year Students by Sector and Pr...</td>
      <td> Number of International Tertiary Students by R...</td>
      <td>  (cont.): Number of International Tertiary Stu...</td>
      <td> Number of International Tertiary Students by S...</td>
      <td> Summary of 1998 Public Tertiary Graduates by P...</td>
      <td> Summary of Public Tertiary Graduates by Field ...</td>
      <td> Summary of  Public Tertiary Graduates by Progr...</td>
      <td> University Staff (Actual) Employed During the ...</td>
      <td> Polytechnic Staff (Actual) Employed During the...</td>
      <td> College of Education Staff (Actual) Employed D...</td>
      <td> Wananga Staff (Actual) Employed During the Wee...</td>
      <td> Staff Usage at Private Training Establishments...</td>
      <td> (cont.): Staff Usage at Private Training Estab...</td>
      <td>  Number of Students Receiving Loans and Allowa...</td>
      <td>  Number of Enrolments in Community and General...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Community and General ...</td>
      <td> (cont): Number of Enrolments in Community and ...</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Citizenship codes for use in 2008</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>0  </th>
      <td> The code list is based on ISO-3166 and was rev...</td>
      <td>                                        NaN</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>1  </th>
      <td> country codes to country of citizenship codes ...</td>
      <td>                                        NaN</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>2  </th>
      <td>              – School Student Management Systems </td>
      <td>                                        NaN</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>3  </th>
      <td>        – ENROL (school student enrolment system )</td>
      <td>                                        NaN</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>4  </th>
      <td>             – Tertiary Student Management Systems</td>
      <td>                                        NaN</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>5  </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        NaN</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>6  </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        NaN</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>7  </th>
      <td>                                              Code</td>
      <td>                     Country of Citizenship</td>
      <td>      Comment</td>
      <th>8  </th>
      <td>                                               AFG</td>
      <td>                                Afghanistan</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>9  </th>
      <td>                                               ALB</td>
      <td>                                    Albania</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>10 </th>
      <td>                                               DZA</td>
      <td>                                    Algeria</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>11 </th>
      <td>                                               AND</td>
      <td>                                    Andorra</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>12 </th>
      <td>                                               AGO</td>
      <td>                                     Angola</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>13 </th>
      <td>                                               ATG</td>
      <td>                        Antigua and Barbuda</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>14 </th>
      <td>                                               ARG</td>
      <td>                                  Argentina</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>15 </th>
      <td>                                               ARM</td>
      <td>                                    Armenia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>16 </th>
      <td>                                               AUS</td>
      <td>                                  Australia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>17 </th>
      <td>                                               AUT</td>
      <td>                                    Austria</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>18 </th>
      <td>                                               AZE</td>
      <td>                                 Azerbaijan</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>19 </th>
      <td>                                               BHS</td>
      <td>                                    Bahamas</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>20 </th>
      <td>                                               BHR</td>
      <td>                                    Bahrain</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>21 </th>
      <td>                                               BGD</td>
      <td>                                 Bangladesh</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>22 </th>
      <td>                                               BRB</td>
      <td>                                   Barbados</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>23 </th>
      <td>                                               BLR</td>
      <td>                                    Belarus</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>24 </th>
      <td>                                               BEL</td>
      <td>                                    Belgium</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>25 </th>
      <td>                                               BLZ</td>
      <td>                                     Belize</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>26 </th>
      <td>                                               BEN</td>
      <td>                                      Benin</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>27 </th>
      <td>                                               BTN</td>
      <td>                                     Bhutan</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>28 </th>
      <td>                                               BOL</td>
      <td>                                    Bolivia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>29 </th>
      <td>                                               BIH</td>
      <td>                     Bosnia and Herzegovina</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>30 </th>
      <td>                                               BWA</td>
      <td>                                   Botswana</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>31 </th>
      <td>                                               BRA</td>
      <td>                                     Brazil</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>32 </th>
      <td>                                               BRN</td>
      <td>                          Brunei Darussalam</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>33 </th>
      <td>                                               BGR</td>
      <td>                                   Bulgaria</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>34 </th>
      <td>                                               BFA</td>
      <td>                               Burkina Faso</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>35 </th>
      <td>                                               BDI</td>
      <td>                                    Burundi</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>36 </th>
      <td>                                               KHM</td>
      <td>                                   Cambodia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>37 </th>
      <td>                                               CMR</td>
      <td>                                   Cameroon</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>38 </th>
      <td>                                               CAN</td>
      <td>                                     Canada</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>39 </th>
      <td>                                               CPV</td>
      <td>                                 Cape Verde</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>40 </th>
      <td>                                               CAF</td>
      <td>                   Central African Republic</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>41 </th>
      <td>                                               TCD</td>
      <td>                                       Chad</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>42 </th>
      <td>                                               CHL</td>
      <td>                                      Chile</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>43 </th>
      <td>                                               CHN</td>
      <td>                                      China</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>44 </th>
      <td>                                               COL</td>
      <td>                                   Colombia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>45 </th>
      <td>                                               COM</td>
      <td>                                    Comoros</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>46 </th>
      <td>                                               COG</td>
      <td>                                      Congo</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>47 </th>
      <td>                                               COD</td>
      <td>      Congo, the Democratic Republic of the</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>48 </th>
      <td>                                               CRI</td>
      <td>                                 Costa Rica</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>49 </th>
      <td>                                               CIV</td>
      <td>                              Côte d'Ivoire</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>50 </th>
      <td>                                               HRV</td>
      <td>                                    Croatia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>51 </th>
      <td>                                               CUB</td>
      <td>                                       Cuba</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>52 </th>
      <td>                                               CYP</td>
      <td>                                     Cyprus</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>53 </th>
      <td>                                               CZE</td>
      <td>                             Czech Republic</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>54 </th>
      <td>                                               DNK</td>
      <td>                                    Denmark</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>55 </th>
      <td>                                               DJI</td>
      <td>                                   Djibouti</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>56 </th>
      <td>                                               DMA</td>
      <td>                                   Dominica</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>57 </th>
      <td>                                               DOM</td>
      <td>                         Dominican Republic</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>58 </th>
      <td>                                               ECU</td>
      <td>                                    Ecuador</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>59 </th>
      <td>                                               EGY</td>
      <td>                                      Egypt</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>60 </th>
      <td>                                               SLV</td>
      <td>                                El Salvador</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>61 </th>
      <td>                                               GNQ</td>
      <td>                          Equatorial Guinea</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>62 </th>
      <td>                                               ERI</td>
      <td>                                    Eritrea</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>63 </th>
      <td>                                               EST</td>
      <td>                                    Estonia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>64 </th>
      <td>                                               ETH</td>
      <td>                                   Ethiopia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>65 </th>
      <td>                                               FJI</td>
      <td>                                       Fiji</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>66 </th>
      <td>                                               FIN</td>
      <td>                                    Finland</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>67 </th>
      <td>                                               FRA</td>
      <td>                                     France</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>68 </th>
      <td>                                               GAB</td>
      <td>                                      Gabon</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>69 </th>
      <td>                                               GMB</td>
      <td>                                     Gambia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>70 </th>
      <td>                                               GEO</td>
      <td>                                    Georgia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>71 </th>
      <td>                                               DEU</td>
      <td>                                    Germany</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>72 </th>
      <td>                                               GHA</td>
      <td>                                      Ghana</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>73 </th>
      <td>                                               GRC</td>
      <td>                                     Greece</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>74 </th>
      <td>                                               GRD</td>
      <td>                                    Grenada</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>75 </th>
      <td>                                               GTM</td>
      <td>                                  Guatemala</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>76 </th>
      <td>                                               GIN</td>
      <td>                                     Guinea</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>77 </th>
      <td>                                               GNB</td>
      <td>                              Guinea-Bissau</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>78 </th>
      <td>                                               GUY</td>
      <td>                                     Guyana</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>79 </th>
      <td>                                               HTI</td>
      <td>                                      Haiti</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>80 </th>
      <td>                                               VAT</td>
      <td>              Holy See (Vatican City State)</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>81 </th>
      <td>                                               HND</td>
      <td>                                   Honduras</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>82 </th>
      <td>                                               HUN</td>
      <td>                                    Hungary</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>83 </th>
      <td>                                               ISL</td>
      <td>                                    Iceland</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>84 </th>
      <td>                                               IND</td>
      <td>                                      India</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>85 </th>
      <td>                                               IDN</td>
      <td>                                  Indonesia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>86 </th>
      <td>                                               IRN</td>
      <td>                  Iran, Islamic Republic of</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>87 </th>
      <td>                                               IRQ</td>
      <td>                                       Iraq</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>88 </th>
      <td>                                               IRL</td>
      <td>                                    Ireland</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>89 </th>
      <td>                                               ISR</td>
      <td>                                     Israel</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>90 </th>
      <td>                                               ITA</td>
      <td>                                      Italy</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>91 </th>
      <td>                                               JAM</td>
      <td>                                    Jamaica</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>92 </th>
      <td>                                               JPN</td>
      <td>                                      Japan</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>93 </th>
      <td>                                               JOR</td>
      <td>                                     Jordan</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>94 </th>
      <td>                                               KAZ</td>
      <td>                                 Kazakhstan</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>95 </th>
      <td>                                               KEN</td>
      <td>                                      Kenya</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>96 </th>
      <td>                                               KIR</td>
      <td>                                   Kiribati</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>97 </th>
      <td>                                               KOR</td>
      <td>                         Korea, Republic of</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>98 </th>
      <td>                                               KWT</td>
      <td>                                     Kuwait</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <th>99 </th>
      <td>                                               KGZ</td>
      <td>                                 Kyrgyzstan</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               LAO</td>
      <td>           Lao People's Democratic Republic</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               LVA</td>
      <td>                                     Latvia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               LBN</td>
      <td>                                    Lebanon</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               LSO</td>
      <td>                                    Lesotho</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               LBR</td>
      <td>                                    Liberia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               LBY</td>
      <td>                     Libyan Arab Jamahiriya</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               LIE</td>
      <td>                              Liechtenstein</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               LTU</td>
      <td>                                  Lithuania</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               LUX</td>
      <td>                                 Luxembourg</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               MKD</td>
      <td> Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               MDG</td>
      <td>                                 Madagascar</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               MWI</td>
      <td>                                     Malawi</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               MYS</td>
      <td>                                   Malaysia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               MDV</td>
      <td>                                   Maldives</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               MLI</td>
      <td>                                       Mali</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               MLT</td>
      <td>                                      Malta</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               MHL</td>
      <td>                           Marshall Islands</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               MRT</td>
      <td>                                 Mauritania</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               MUS</td>
      <td>                                  Mauritius</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               MEX</td>
      <td>                                     Mexico</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               FSM</td>
      <td>            Micronesia, Federated States of</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               MDA</td>
      <td>                       Moldova, Republic of</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               MCO</td>
      <td>                                     Monaco</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               MNG</td>
      <td>                                   Mongolia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               MNE</td>
      <td>                                 Montenegro</td>
      <td>     New Code</td>
      <td>                                               MAR</td>
      <td>                                    Morocco</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               MOZ</td>
      <td>                                 Mozambique</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               MMR</td>
      <td>                                    Myanmar</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NAM</td>
      <td>                                    Namibia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NRU</td>
      <td>                                      Nauru</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NPL</td>
      <td>                                      Nepal</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NLD</td>
      <td>                                Netherlands</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NZL</td>
      <td>                                New Zealand</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NIC</td>
      <td>                                  Nicaragua</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NER</td>
      <td>                                      Niger</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NGA</td>
      <td>                                    Nigeria</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NOR</td>
      <td>                                     Norway</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               OMN</td>
      <td>                                       Oman</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               PAK</td>
      <td>                                   Pakistan</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               PLW</td>
      <td>                                      Palau</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               PAN</td>
      <td>                                     Panama</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               PNG</td>
      <td>                           Papua New Guinea</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               PRY</td>
      <td>                                   Paraguay</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               PER</td>
      <td>                                       Peru</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               PHL</td>
      <td>                                Philippines</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               POL</td>
      <td>                                     Poland</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               PRT</td>
      <td>                                   Portugal</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               QAT</td>
      <td>                                      Qatar</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               ROU</td>
      <td>                                    Romania</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               RUS</td>
      <td>                         Russian Federation</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               RWA</td>
      <td>                                     Rwanda</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               KNA</td>
      <td>                      Saint Kitts and Nevis</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               LCA</td>
      <td>                                Saint Lucia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               VCT</td>
      <td>           Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               WSM</td>
      <td>                                      Samoa</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               SMR</td>
      <td>                                 San Marino</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               STP</td>
      <td>                      Sao Tome and Principe</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               SAU</td>
      <td>                               Saudi Arabia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               SEN</td>
      <td>                                    Senegal</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               SRB</td>
      <td>                                     Serbia</td>
      <td>     New Code</td>
      <td>                                               SCG</td>
      <td>                      Serbia and Montenegro</td>
      <td>  Remove Code</td>
      <td>                                               SYC</td>
      <td>                                 Seychelles</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               SLE</td>
      <td>                               Sierra Leone</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               SGP</td>
      <td>                                  Singapore</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               SVK</td>
      <td>                                   Slovakia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               SVN</td>
      <td>                                   Slovenia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               SLB</td>
      <td>                            Solomon Islands</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               SOM</td>
      <td>                                    Somalia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               ZAF</td>
      <td>                               South Africa</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               ESP</td>
      <td>                                      Spain</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               LKA</td>
      <td>                                  Sri Lanka</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               SDN</td>
      <td>                                      Sudan</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               SUR</td>
      <td>                                   Suriname</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               SWZ</td>
      <td>                                  Swaziland</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               SWE</td>
      <td>                                     Sweden</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               CHE</td>
      <td>                                Switzerland</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               SYR</td>
      <td>                       Syrian Arab Republic</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               TWN</td>
      <td>                  Taiwan, Province of China</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               TJK</td>
      <td>                                 Tajikistan</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               TZA</td>
      <td>               Tanzania, United Republic of</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               THA</td>
      <td>                                   Thailand</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               TLS</td>
      <td>                                Timor-Leste</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               TGO</td>
      <td>                                       Togo</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               TON</td>
      <td>                                      Tonga</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               TTO</td>
      <td>                        Trinidad and Tobago</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               TUN</td>
      <td>                                    Tunisia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               TUR</td>
      <td>                                     Turkey</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               TKM</td>
      <td>                               Turkmenistan</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               TUV</td>
      <td>                                     Tuvalu</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               UGA</td>
      <td>                                     Uganda</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               UKR</td>
      <td>                                    Ukraine</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               ARE</td>
      <td>                       United Arab Emirates</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               GBR</td>
      <td>                             United Kingdom</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               USA</td>
      <td>                              United States</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               URY</td>
      <td>                                    Uruguay</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               UZB</td>
      <td>                                 Uzbekistan</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               VUT</td>
      <td>                                    Vanuatu</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               VEN</td>
      <td>                                  Venezuela</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               VNM</td>
      <td>                                   Viet Nam</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               ESH</td>
      <td>                             Western Sahara</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               YEM</td>
      <td>                                      Yemen</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               ZMB</td>
      <td>                                     Zambia</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               ZWE</td>
      <td>                                   Zimbabwe</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                        NaN</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>             For use in Tertiary collections only </td>
      <td>                                        NaN</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NZP</td>
      <td>             New Zealand Permanent Resident</td>
      <td>  Remove Code</td>
      <td>                                               PSE</td>
      <td>            Gaza Strip /Palestine/West Bank</td>
      <td> Revised code</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Education Statistics of New Zealand for 2002</th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Number of Student Enrolments by Age and Type o...</td>
      <td> (cont.): Number of Student Enrolments by Age a...</td>
      <td> Numbers of Educational Institutions at July 19...</td>
      <td> Ethnic Composition of Formal Students by Secto...</td>
      <td>               Government Expenditure on Education</td>
      <td> Early Childhood Education Apparent* Participat...</td>
      <td> Number of Early Childhood Enrolments by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Early Childhood Educat...</td>
      <td> Summary of Children on Regular Rolls of Early ...</td>
      <td>  Summary of Children on Regular Rolls of Early...</td>
      <td> Summary of Children on Regular Rolls of Early ...</td>
      <td> Summary of Pacific Children on Regular Rolls o...</td>
      <td> Summary of Asian Children on Regular Rolls of ...</td>
      <td>  Children on the Regular Rolls of Early Childh...</td>
      <td> Number of Education and Care Centres by Specia...</td>
      <td>  Early Childhood Education Attendance by Year ...</td>
      <td>  Teaching Staff in Licensed Early Childhood Ed...</td>
      <td> Teaching Staff in Licensed Early Childhood Edu...</td>
      <td> Paid and Voluntary Staff (Headcount) at Licens...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students by Type of School and Year ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Age an...</td>
      <td> (cont.): Number of Students Attending Schools ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Local ...</td>
      <td>  (Cont.): Number of Students Attending Schools...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by School...</td>
      <td> Proportions of Domestic Students with Maori, P...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Age an...</td>
      <td> Number of Pacific Students Attending Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of Asian Students Attending Schools by ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Local ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Sector...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Special Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of International Students Attending Sch...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Learning Languages at Secon...</td>
      <td> Nationally Recognised Subjects Taken by Second...</td>
      <td>  (cont.): Nationally Recognised Subjects Taken...</td>
      <td> Locally Developed Subjects Taken by Secondary ...</td>
      <td>  (cont.): Locally Developed Subjects Taken by ...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Maori-Medium Learning ...</td>
      <td>  Number of Enrolments in Maori-Medium Learning...</td>
      <td> Number of Students (Maori and Non-Maori) Invol...</td>
      <td> Enrolments in Maori-Medium Programmes in Kura ...</td>
      <td>         Education at Kura Kaupapa Maori 1992–2002</td>
      <td> Students Involved in Pacific-Medium Education ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Schools by Type o...</td>
      <td>  Trend Analysis of School Rolls by Authority a...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending Private Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Attending State Integrated ...</td>
      <td> Number of Schools by School Type, Authority an...</td>
      <td> Number of Stand-Downs at State Schools During ...</td>
      <td> Number of Suspensions at State Schools During ...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td> Highest Attainment of School Leavers by Ethnic...</td>
      <td> Number of Students Leaving Secondary Schools D...</td>
      <td> Number of Teachers Employed at State Schools b...</td>
      <td> Number of State School Teachers by Type of Sch...</td>
      <td> Number of State Schools by School Type and Ent...</td>
      <td> Full Time Teacher Equivalents at State and Sta...</td>
      <td>  Ratios of Students to Teaching Staff at State...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Sector, ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Source o...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Age and ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Sector a...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Age and ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Sector a...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Enrolments by Field ...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Ethnic I...</td>
      <td> Number of Formal Tertiary Students by Ethnic G...</td>
      <td> Number of  Formal Tertiary Students by Age and...</td>
      <td> Number of Pacific Formal Tertiary Students by ...</td>
      <td>  Number of Asian Formal Tertiary Students by A...</td>
      <td>  Number of First-Year Formal Tertiary Students...</td>
      <td> Number of International Formal Tertiary Studen...</td>
      <td> (cont.): Number of International Formal Tertia...</td>
      <td> Number of International Formal Tertiary Studen...</td>
      <td> Summary of 2001 Public Tertiary Graduates by Q...</td>
      <td> Summary of 2001 Public Tertiary Graduates by F...</td>
      <td> Summary of 2001 Public Tertiary Graduates by Q...</td>
      <td> University Staff Employed During the Week 29 J...</td>
      <td> Polytechnic Staff Employed During the Week 29 ...</td>
      <td> College of Education Staff Employed During the...</td>
      <td> Wananga Staff Employed During the Week 29 July...</td>
      <td> Staff Usage at Private Tertiary Education Prov...</td>
      <td> Amount Borrowed in Student Loans and Expenditu...</td>
      <td> Number of Enrolments in Community Education at...</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Number of schools by Sector &amp; Authority - 1 July 1996</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 3</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 4</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 5</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>       NaN</td>
      <td>       NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td>                                         Authority</td>
      <td>  Sector</td>
      <td>       NaN</td>
      <td>       NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td> Total</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Primary</td>
      <td> Composite</td>
      <td> Secondary</td>
      <td> Special</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                             State: Not integrated</td>
      <td>    2012</td>
      <td>        42</td>
      <td>       256</td>
      <td>      47</td>
      <td>  2357</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                                 State: Integrated</td>
      <td>     219</td>
      <td>        10</td>
      <td>        64</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>   293</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                               Private: Fully Reg.</td>
      <td>      58</td>
      <td>        37</td>
      <td>        16</td>
      <td>       2</td>
      <td>   113</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td>                                Private: Prov.Reg.</td>
      <td>       3</td>
      <td>         6</td>
      <td>         3</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>    12</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                                  Other : Vote Ed.</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>       5</td>
      <td>     5</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td>                                             Total</td>
      <td>    2292</td>
      <td>        95</td>
      <td>       339</td>
      <td>      54</td>
      <td>  2780</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>       NaN</td>
      <td>       NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td> Indicators &amp; Reporting Team, Ministry of Educa...</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>       NaN</td>
      <td>       NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Number of schools by School Gender &amp; Authority - 1 July 1996</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 3</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 4</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 5</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>                 NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td>                                         Authority</td>
      <td> School Gender</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>                 NaN</td>
      <td> Total</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>         Co-Ed</td>
      <td> Single Sex-Boys</td>
      <td> Single Sex-Girls</td>
      <td> Sen.Co-Ed, Jun.Boys</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                             State: Not integrated</td>
      <td>          2306</td>
      <td>              24</td>
      <td>               26</td>
      <td>                   1</td>
      <td>  2357</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                                 State: Integrated</td>
      <td>           245</td>
      <td>              18</td>
      <td>               28</td>
      <td>                   2</td>
      <td>   293</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                               Private: Fully Reg.</td>
      <td>            84</td>
      <td>              14</td>
      <td>               12</td>
      <td>                   3</td>
      <td>   113</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td>                                Private: Prov.Reg.</td>
      <td>            12</td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                    </td>
      <td>    12</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                                  Other : Vote Ed.</td>
      <td>             5</td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                    </td>
      <td>     5</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td>                                             Total</td>
      <td>          2652</td>
      <td>              56</td>
      <td>               66</td>
      <td>                   6</td>
      <td>  2780</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>                 NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td> Indicators &amp; Reporting Team, Ministry of Educa...</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>                 NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Number of schools by Decile &amp; Affiliation - 1 July 1996</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 3</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 4</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 5</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 6</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 7</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 8</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 9</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 10</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 11</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 12</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 13</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>       NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td>                                       Affiliation</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>   Decile</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>       NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td> Total</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td> Decile 1</td>
      <td> Decile 2</td>
      <td> Decile 3</td>
      <td> Decile 4</td>
      <td> Decile 5</td>
      <td> Decile 6</td>
      <td> Decile 7</td>
      <td> Decile 8</td>
      <td> Decile 9</td>
      <td> Decile 10</td>
      <td> Not Applicable</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                             Religious Affiliation</td>
      <td> Presbyterian Social Services</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>     1</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                     Anglican</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>        1</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>        1</td>
      <td>        1</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>        2</td>
      <td>         4</td>
      <td>             22</td>
      <td>    31</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                       Jewish</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>              2</td>
      <td>     2</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                 Presbyterian</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         3</td>
      <td>              9</td>
      <td>    12</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>               Roman Catholic</td>
      <td>       11</td>
      <td>       25</td>
      <td>       19</td>
      <td>       28</td>
      <td>       28</td>
      <td>       37</td>
      <td>       23</td>
      <td>       17</td>
      <td>       23</td>
      <td>        24</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>   236</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>        Seventh Day Adventist</td>
      <td>        1</td>
      <td>        4</td>
      <td>        3</td>
      <td>        4</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>        1</td>
      <td>        3</td>
      <td>        1</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    17</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>  Reformed Congregation of NZ</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>     1</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                 Hare Krishna</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>     1</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>              Assembly of God</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>              2</td>
      <td>     2</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           Non-Denominational</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>        2</td>
      <td>        1</td>
      <td>        2</td>
      <td>         1</td>
      <td>             50</td>
      <td>    56</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                       Muslim</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>              2</td>
      <td>     2</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>            Latter Day Saints</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>     1</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>  Other Religious Affiliation</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>     1</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                  Pentecostal</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>              2</td>
      <td>     2</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                    Methodist</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>        1</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>     1</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                Open Brethren</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>     1</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>        New Life Church of NZ</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         1</td>
      <td>              2</td>
      <td>     3</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>         Abundant Life Centre</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>     1</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                      Baptist</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>              2</td>
      <td>     2</td>
      <td>                        Organisational Affiliation</td>
      <td>      Dept. of Social Welfare</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>              3</td>
      <td>     3</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                        RNZFB</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>     1</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>               Rudolf Steiner</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>        1</td>
      <td>        1</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>        1</td>
      <td>         1</td>
      <td>              5</td>
      <td>     9</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                        Trust</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>     1</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                 Maori Trusts</td>
      <td>        3</td>
      <td>        4</td>
      <td>        3</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    11</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                   Montessori</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>         1</td>
      <td>              2</td>
      <td>     3</td>
      <td>                                    No Affiliation</td>
      <td>               Not Applicable</td>
      <td>      245</td>
      <td>      226</td>
      <td>      240</td>
      <td>      225</td>
      <td>      220</td>
      <td>      219</td>
      <td>      229</td>
      <td>      232</td>
      <td>      228</td>
      <td>       235</td>
      <td>             80</td>
      <td>  2379</td>
      <td>                                             Total</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>      260</td>
      <td>      260</td>
      <td>      266</td>
      <td>      257</td>
      <td>      248</td>
      <td>      259</td>
      <td>      259</td>
      <td>      251</td>
      <td>      256</td>
      <td>       271</td>
      <td>            193</td>
      <td>  2780</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>       NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td> Indicators &amp; Reporting Team, Ministry of Educa...</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>       NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Number of schools by Territorial Authority &amp; School Type - 1 July 1996</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 3</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 4</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 5</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 6</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 7</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 8</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 9</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 10</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>                    NaN</td>
      <td>                    NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td>                             Territorial Authority</td>
      <td>             School Type</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>                    NaN</td>
      <td>                    NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td> Total</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Full Primary (Year 1-8)</td>
      <td> Contributing (Year 1-6)</td>
      <td> Intermediate (Year 7-8)</td>
      <td> Composite  (Year 7-10)</td>
      <td> Composite  (Year 1-15)</td>
      <td> Correspondence</td>
      <td> Secondary (Year 7-15)</td>
      <td> Secondary (Year 9-15)</td>
      <td> Special school</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                                Far North District</td>
      <td>                      35</td>
      <td>                      25</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      9</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    78</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                                Whangarei District</td>
      <td>                      20</td>
      <td>                      21</td>
      <td>                       2</td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>                      5</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>              2</td>
      <td>    57</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                                  Kaipara District</td>
      <td>                      13</td>
      <td>                       7</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    25</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td>                                  Auckland- Rodney</td>
      <td>                      20</td>
      <td>                       5</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    29</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                       Auckland- Hibiscus and Bays</td>
      <td>                       6</td>
      <td>                       8</td>
      <td>                       2</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    19</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td>                           Auckland- Upper Harbour</td>
      <td>                       6</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    13</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                               Auckland- Kaipatiki</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                      17</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     4</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    26</td>
      <td>                      Auckland- Devonport-Takapuna</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                      13</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    22</td>
      <td>                        Auckland- Henderson-Massey</td>
      <td>                       9</td>
      <td>                      15</td>
      <td>                       4</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>                     4</td>
      <td>              2</td>
      <td>    37</td>
      <td>                        Auckland- Waitakere Ranges</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                       9</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    14</td>
      <td>                           Auckland- Great Barrier</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>     3</td>
      <td>                                 Auckland- Waiheke</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>     2</td>
      <td>                               Auckland- Waitemata</td>
      <td>                       6</td>
      <td>                       7</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>                     5</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    23</td>
      <td>                                    Auckland- Whau</td>
      <td>                       6</td>
      <td>                      11</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     4</td>
      <td>              3</td>
      <td>    27</td>
      <td>                             Auckland- Albert-Eden</td>
      <td>                       7</td>
      <td>                      11</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      4</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     4</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    30</td>
      <td>                              Auckland- Puketapapa</td>
      <td>                       4</td>
      <td>                      11</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>              2</td>
      <td>    23</td>
      <td>                                  Auckland- Orakei</td>
      <td>                       9</td>
      <td>                       7</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    23</td>
      <td>                     Auckland- Maungakiekie-Tamaki</td>
      <td>                      11</td>
      <td>                      10</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    28</td>
      <td>                                  Auckland- Howick</td>
      <td>                       4</td>
      <td>                      15</td>
      <td>                       4</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      3</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     4</td>
      <td>              2</td>
      <td>    33</td>
      <td>                         Auckland- Mangere-Otahuhu</td>
      <td>                       9</td>
      <td>                      10</td>
      <td>                       4</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     6</td>
      <td>              2</td>
      <td>    32</td>
      <td>                        Auckland- Otara-Papatoetoe</td>
      <td>                       4</td>
      <td>                      16</td>
      <td>                       4</td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     4</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    32</td>
      <td>                                Auckland- Manurewa</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                      15</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>              2</td>
      <td>    25</td>
      <td>                                Auckland- Papakura</td>
      <td>                       6</td>
      <td>                       8</td>
      <td>                       2</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    21</td>
      <td>                                Auckland- Franklin</td>
      <td>                      27</td>
      <td>                       7</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    40</td>
      <td>                        Thames-Coromandel District</td>
      <td>                      18</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      3</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    22</td>
      <td>                                  Hauraki District</td>
      <td>                      15</td>
      <td>                       4</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    23</td>
      <td>                                  Waikato District</td>
      <td>                      41</td>
      <td>                      14</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      3</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    62</td>
      <td>                           Matamata-Piako District</td>
      <td>                      14</td>
      <td>                      19</td>
      <td>                       2</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    38</td>
      <td>                                     Hamilton City</td>
      <td>                      15</td>
      <td>                      18</td>
      <td>                       5</td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                    10</td>
      <td>              2</td>
      <td>    53</td>
      <td>                                    Waipa District</td>
      <td>                      18</td>
      <td>                      12</td>
      <td>                       2</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    37</td>
      <td>                               Otorohanga District</td>
      <td>                      13</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    15</td>
      <td>                            South Waikato District</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                      17</td>
      <td>                       2</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    26</td>
      <td>                                  Waitomo District</td>
      <td>                      17</td>
      <td>                       2</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    21</td>
      <td>                                    Taupo District</td>
      <td>                      10</td>
      <td>                       7</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    23</td>
      <td>                    Western Bay of Plenty District</td>
      <td>                      16</td>
      <td>                       7</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    26</td>
      <td>                                     Tauranga City</td>
      <td>                       8</td>
      <td>                      17</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     4</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    34</td>
      <td>                                  Rotorua District</td>
      <td>                      13</td>
      <td>                      19</td>
      <td>                       4</td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>                     4</td>
      <td>              3</td>
      <td>    46</td>
      <td>                                Whakatane District</td>
      <td>                      23</td>
      <td>                       5</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     4</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    34</td>
      <td>                                  Kawerau District</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       4</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>     6</td>
      <td>                                  Opotiki District</td>
      <td>                      14</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    16</td>
      <td>                                 Gisborne District</td>
      <td>                      39</td>
      <td>                      14</td>
      <td>                       2</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     5</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    64</td>
      <td>                                   Wairoa District</td>
      <td>                      20</td>
      <td>                       2</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    24</td>
      <td>                                 Hastings District</td>
      <td>                      36</td>
      <td>                      15</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     4</td>
      <td>                     6</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    66</td>
      <td>                                       Napier City</td>
      <td>                       5</td>
      <td>                      17</td>
      <td>                       4</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     7</td>
      <td>              2</td>
      <td>    35</td>
      <td>                      Central Hawke's Bay District</td>
      <td>                      20</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    22</td>
      <td>                             New Plymouth District</td>
      <td>                      19</td>
      <td>                      25</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>                     5</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    55</td>
      <td>                                Stratford District</td>
      <td>                      17</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    19</td>
      <td>                           South Taranaki District</td>
      <td>                      26</td>
      <td>                      19</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    50</td>
      <td>                                  Ruapehu District</td>
      <td>                      25</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    29</td>
      <td>                                 Wanganui District</td>
      <td>                      24</td>
      <td>                      13</td>
      <td>                       2</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     6</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    46</td>
      <td>                               Rangitikei District</td>
      <td>                      21</td>
      <td>                       4</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     4</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    30</td>
      <td>                                 Manawatu District</td>
      <td>                      25</td>
      <td>                       2</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    30</td>
      <td>                             Palmerston North City</td>
      <td>                      11</td>
      <td>                      21</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>                     5</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    42</td>
      <td>                                  Tararua District</td>
      <td>                      34</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    37</td>
      <td>                               Horowhenua District</td>
      <td>                      16</td>
      <td>                       4</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    24</td>
      <td>                             Kapiti Coast District</td>
      <td>                      15</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    23</td>
      <td>                                      Porirua City</td>
      <td>                      11</td>
      <td>                      15</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    34</td>
      <td>                                   Upper Hutt City</td>
      <td>                       4</td>
      <td>                      12</td>
      <td>                       2</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    22</td>
      <td>                                   Lower Hutt City</td>
      <td>                      22</td>
      <td>                      26</td>
      <td>                       5</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>                     8</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    67</td>
      <td>                                   Wellington City</td>
      <td>                      33</td>
      <td>                      30</td>
      <td>                       5</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      3</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                    11</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    82</td>
      <td>                                Masterton District</td>
      <td>                      10</td>
      <td>                      10</td>
      <td>                       2</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    29</td>
      <td>                                Carterton District</td>
      <td>                       7</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>     8</td>
      <td>                          South Wairarapa District</td>
      <td>                       8</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>     9</td>
      <td>                                   Tasman District</td>
      <td>                      17</td>
      <td>                      11</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      5</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    38</td>
      <td>                                       Nelson City</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                      10</td>
      <td>                       4</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    22</td>
      <td>                              Marlborough District</td>
      <td>                      18</td>
      <td>                      10</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    33</td>
      <td>                                 Kaikoura District</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       5</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>     7</td>
      <td>                                   Buller District</td>
      <td>                       8</td>
      <td>                       2</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    13</td>
      <td>                                     Grey District</td>
      <td>                      13</td>
      <td>                       7</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    24</td>
      <td>                                 Westland District</td>
      <td>                       8</td>
      <td>                       5</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    15</td>
      <td>                                  Hurunui District</td>
      <td>                       9</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      3</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    15</td>
      <td>                              Waimakariri District</td>
      <td>                      20</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    25</td>
      <td>                                 Christchurch City</td>
      <td>                      66</td>
      <td>                      47</td>
      <td>                      11</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      9</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     4</td>
      <td>                    18</td>
      <td>              8</td>
      <td>   163</td>
      <td>                                   Selwyn District</td>
      <td>                      12</td>
      <td>                      13</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    28</td>
      <td>                                Ashburton District</td>
      <td>                      15</td>
      <td>                      12</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    30</td>
      <td>                                   Timaru District</td>
      <td>                      18</td>
      <td>                      16</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     4</td>
      <td>                     4</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    44</td>
      <td>                                Mackenzie District</td>
      <td>                       2</td>
      <td>                       4</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>     8</td>
      <td>                                  Waimate District</td>
      <td>                      13</td>
      <td>                       6</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    20</td>
      <td>                         Chatham Islands Territory</td>
      <td>                       4</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>     4</td>
      <td>                                  Waitaki District</td>
      <td>                      18</td>
      <td>                       8</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    32</td>
      <td>                            Central Otago District</td>
      <td>                      12</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    20</td>
      <td>                         Queenstown-Lakes District</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                       4</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>     9</td>
      <td>                                      Dunedin City</td>
      <td>                      26</td>
      <td>                      46</td>
      <td>                       6</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>                     8</td>
      <td>              2</td>
      <td>    92</td>
      <td>                                   Clutha District</td>
      <td>                      16</td>
      <td>                       8</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                      2</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    29</td>
      <td>                                Southland District</td>
      <td>                      31</td>
      <td>                      20</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     5</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    57</td>
      <td>                                     Gore District</td>
      <td>                       3</td>
      <td>                      10</td>
      <td>                       1</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>    16</td>
      <td>                                 Invercargill City</td>
      <td>                      12</td>
      <td>                      21</td>
      <td>                       4</td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                     6</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>    44</td>
      <td>                             Correspondence School</td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                        </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>                       </td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>     1</td>
      <td>                                             Total</td>
      <td>                    1246</td>
      <td>                     902</td>
      <td>                     144</td>
      <td>                      4</td>
      <td>                     90</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>                    88</td>
      <td>                   251</td>
      <td>             54</td>
      <td>  2780</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>                    NaN</td>
      <td>                    NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td> Note: Auckland Territorial Authority is subdiv...</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>                    NaN</td>
      <td>                    NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td> Indicators &amp; Reporting Team, Ministry of Educa...</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>                    NaN</td>
      <td>                    NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Tables: Teacher Headcount by Designation (grouped), Gender and Decile Group in State and State Integrated Schools, as at April</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td>                         Links to individual years</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                                              2004</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                                              2005</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                                              2006</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                                              2007</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td>                                              2008</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                                              2009</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td>                                              2010</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                                              2011</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                                              2012</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                                             Notes</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td> Total includes staff paid as Community Educati...</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                                       Definitions</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                              Grouped Designations</td>
      <td>                Designation descriptions</td>
      <td>                                         Principal</td>
      <td>                               Principal</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                         Principal - 2nd</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                                       Senior Mgmt</td>
      <td>                        Deputy Principal</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                     Associate Principal</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                  Principal - 2nd Deputy</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                     Assistant Principal</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                                       Middle Mgmt</td>
      <td>           Position of Resp - MU Holders</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                                           Teacher</td>
      <td>                                 Teacher</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>              Teacher - Hearing Impaired</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>       Teacher - Intellectually Impaired</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                Teacher - Spec. Ed. Asst</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                    Teacher - Te Atakura</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>             Teacher - visually impaired</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                     Guidance Counsellor</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>             Guidance Counsellor Trainee</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                         Careers Advisor</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                         RTLB and Learning Support</td>
      <td>           Teacher - Resource Tchr Maori</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                  Resource Tchr Literacy</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>         Resource Tchr Visually Impaired</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>        Resource Tchr Intellect Impaired</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>        Resource Tchr Learning Behaviour</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                Asst Severe Disabilities</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          Resource Tchr Learning Support</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                         Physiotherapist</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                    Occupation Therapist</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>               Speech Language Therapist</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                               Community Education</td>
      <td>        Community Education Co-ordinator</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>               Community Education Tutor</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Community Education - Asst Co-ordinator</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>  Community Education, Liaison Assistant</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                                  Grouped Deciles </td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                                               Low</td>
      <td>                            Decile 1 - 3</td>
      <td>                                            Medium</td>
      <td>                            Decile 4 - 7</td>
      <td>                                              High</td>
      <td>                           Decile 8 - 10</td>
      <td>                             Correspondence School</td>
      <td>                   Correspondence School</td>
      <td>                                         Not Known</td>
      <td>                               Not Known</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Tables: Full Time Teacher Equivalent by Designation (grouped), Gender and Territorial Authority (City District) in State and State Integrated Schools, as at April</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td> Links to individual years:</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                       2004</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                       2005</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                       2006</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                       2007</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td>                       2008</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                       2009</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td>                       2010</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                       2011</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                       2012</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                Definitions</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>       Grouped Designations</td>
      <td>                Designation descriptions</td>
      <td>                  Principal</td>
      <td>                               Principal</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                           2nd Principal</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                Senior Mgmt</td>
      <td>                        Deputy Principal</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                     Associate Principal</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                  Principal - 2nd Deputy</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                     Assistant Principal</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                Middle Mgmt</td>
      <td>           Position of Resp - MU Holders</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                    Teacher</td>
      <td>                                 Teacher</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>              Teacher - Hearing Impaired</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>       Teacher - Intellectually Impaired</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                Teacher - Spec. Ed. Asst</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                    Teacher - Te Atakura</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>             Teacher - visually impaired</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                         Careers Advisor</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>          Resource Teachers</td>
      <td>           Teacher - Resource Tchr Maori</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                  Resource Tchr Literacy</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>         Resource Tchr Visually Impaired</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>        Resource Tchr Intellect Impaired</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>        Resource Tchr Learning Behaviour</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                Asst Severe Disabilities</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>          Resource Tchr Learning Support</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>        Community Education</td>
      <td>        Community Education Co-ordinator</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>               Community Education Tutor</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td> Community Education - Asst Co-ordinator</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>  Community Education, Liaison Assistant</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                   Guidance</td>
      <td>                     Guidance Counsellor</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>             Guidance Counsellor Trainee</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                 Therapists</td>
      <td>                         Physiotherapist</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                    Occupation Therapist</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>               Speech Language Therapist</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Tables: Teacher Headcount by Ethnicity (grouped), Gender and Territorial Authority (City District) in State and State Integrated Schools, as at April</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td> Links to individual years</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                      2005</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                      2006</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                      2007</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                      2008</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td>                      2009</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                      2010</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td>                      2011</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                      2012</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>               Definitions</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>      Grouped Designations</td>
      <td>                Designation descriptions</td>
      <td>                 Principal</td>
      <td>                               Principal</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                           2nd Principal</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>               Senior Mgmt</td>
      <td>                        Deputy Principal</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                     Associate Principal</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                  Principal - 2nd Deputy</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                     Assistant Principal</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>               Middle Mgmt</td>
      <td>           Position of Resp - MU Holders</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                   Teacher</td>
      <td>                                 Teacher</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>              Teacher - Hearing Impaired</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>       Teacher - Intellectually Impaired</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                Teacher - Spec. Ed. Asst</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                    Teacher - Te Atakura</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>             Teacher - visually impaired</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                         Careers Advisor</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>         Resource Teachers</td>
      <td>           Teacher - Resource Tchr Maori</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                  Resource Tchr Literacy</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>         Resource Tchr Visually Impaired</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>        Resource Tchr Intellect Impaired</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>        Resource Tchr Learning Behaviour</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                Asst Severe Disabilities</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>          Resource Tchr Learning Support</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>       Community Education</td>
      <td>        Community Education Co-ordinator</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>               Community Education Tutor</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td> Community Education - Asst Co-ordinator</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>  Community Education, Liaison Assistant</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                  Guidance</td>
      <td>                     Guidance Counsellor</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>             Guidance Counsellor Trainee</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                Therapists</td>
      <td>                         Physiotherapist</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                    Occupation Therapist</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>               Speech Language Therapist</td>
      <td>        Ethnicity Grouping</td>
      <td>                  Ethnicity descriptions</td>
      <td>                  NZ Maori</td>
      <td>                                NZ Maori</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                  Pasifika</td>
      <td>                                  Samoan</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                       Cook Island Maori</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                                  Tongan</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                                  Niuean</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                               Tokelauan</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                                  Fijian</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                    Other Pacific Island</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                     Asian</td>
      <td>                                 Chinese</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                                  Indian</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                             Other Asian</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>           European/Pakeha</td>
      <td>             NZ European/European/Pakeha</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                     Other</td>
      <td>                                   Other</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>       Unknown/no response</td>
      <td>                             No Response</td>
      <td>                       NaN</td>
      <td>                                 Unknown</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Tables: Teacher Headcount by Designation (grouped), Gender and Māori Electorate in State and State Integrated Schools, as at April</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td> Links to individual years:</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                       2005</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                       2006</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                       2007</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                       2008</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td>                       2009</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                       2010</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td>                       2011</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                       2012</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                Definitions</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>       Grouped Designations</td>
      <td>                Designation descriptions</td>
      <td>                  Principal</td>
      <td>                               Principal</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                           2nd Principal</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                Senior Mgmt</td>
      <td>                        Deputy Principal</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                     Associate Principal</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                  Principal - 2nd Deputy</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                     Assistant Principal</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                Middle Mgmt</td>
      <td>           Position of Resp - MU Holders</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                    Teacher</td>
      <td>                                 Teacher</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>              Teacher - Hearing Impaired</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>       Teacher - Intellectually Impaired</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                Teacher - Spec. Ed. Asst</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                    Teacher - Te Atakura</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>             Teacher - visually impaired</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                         Careers Advisor</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>          Resource Teachers</td>
      <td>           Teacher - Resource Tchr Maori</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                  Resource Tchr Literacy</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>         Resource Tchr Visually Impaired</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>        Resource Tchr Intellect Impaired</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>        Resource Tchr Learning Behaviour</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                Asst Severe Disabilities</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>          Resource Tchr Learning Support</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>        Community Education</td>
      <td>        Community Education Co-ordinator</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>               Community Education Tutor</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td> Community Education - Asst Co-ordinator</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>  Community Education, Liaison Assistant</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                   Guidance</td>
      <td>                     Guidance Counsellor</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>             Guidance Counsellor Trainee</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                 Therapists</td>
      <td>                         Physiotherapist</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                    Occupation Therapist</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>               Speech Language Therapist</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Tables: Teacher Headcount by Ethnicity (grouped), Gender and Māori Electorate in State and State Integrated Schools, as at April</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td> Links to individual years:</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                       2005</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                       2006</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                       2007</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                       2008</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td>                       2009</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                       2010</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td>                       2011</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                       2012</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                Definitions</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>       Grouped Designations</td>
      <td>                Designation descriptions</td>
      <td>                  Principal</td>
      <td>                               Principal</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                           2nd Principal</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                Senior Mgmt</td>
      <td>                        Deputy Principal</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                     Associate Principal</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                  Principal - 2nd Deputy</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                     Assistant Principal</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                Middle Mgmt</td>
      <td>           Position of Resp - MU Holders</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                    Teacher</td>
      <td>                                 Teacher</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>              Teacher - Hearing Impaired</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>       Teacher - Intellectually Impaired</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                Teacher - Spec. Ed. Asst</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                    Teacher - Te Atakura</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>             Teacher - visually impaired</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                         Careers Advisor</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>          Resource Teachers</td>
      <td>           Teacher - Resource Tchr Maori</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                  Resource Tchr Literacy</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>         Resource Tchr Visually Impaired</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>        Resource Tchr Intellect Impaired</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>        Resource Tchr Learning Behaviour</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                Asst Severe Disabilities</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>          Resource Tchr Learning Support</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>        Community Education</td>
      <td>        Community Education Co-ordinator</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>               Community Education Tutor</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td> Community Education - Asst Co-ordinator</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>  Community Education, Liaison Assistant</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                   Guidance</td>
      <td>                     Guidance Counsellor</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>             Guidance Counsellor Trainee</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                 Therapists</td>
      <td>                         Physiotherapist</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                    Occupation Therapist</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>               Speech Language Therapist</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>         Ethnicity Grouping</td>
      <td>                  Ethnicity descriptions</td>
      <td>                   NZ Maori</td>
      <td>                                NZ Maori</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                   Pasifika</td>
      <td>                                  Samoan</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                       Cook Island Maori</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                  Tongan</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                  Niuean</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                               Tokelauan</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                  Fijian</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                    Other Pacific Island</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                      Asian</td>
      <td>                                 Chinese</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                  Indian</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                             Other Asian</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>            European/Pakeha</td>
      <td>             NZ European/European/Pakeha</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>                      Other</td>
      <td>                                   Other</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                     NaN</td>
      <td>        Unknown/no response</td>
      <td>                             No Response</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                 Unknown</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Board of Trustee Members by Member Position and School Authority at December 1997</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 3</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 4</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 5</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 6</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 7</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 8</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 9</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 10</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 11</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 12</th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>               NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>    NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
      <td>                                   Member Position</td>
      <td> State: Not integrated</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td> State: Integrated</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td> Other : Vote Ed.</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>  Total</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td> Grand Total</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td>            Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td>           Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td> Female</td>
      <td>  Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
      <td>                                       Chairperson</td>
      <td>                   858</td>
      <td> 1480</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>                97</td>
      <td>  207</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>                1</td>
      <td>    3</td>
      <td>    956</td>
      <td>  1690</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>        2647</td>
      <td>                                      Commissioner</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>    6</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>      1</td>
      <td>     6</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>           7</td>
      <td>                                            Member</td>
      <td>                  8758</td>
      <td> 7666</td>
      <td>      10</td>
      <td>              1469</td>
      <td> 1534</td>
      <td>       5</td>
      <td>                8</td>
      <td>    9</td>
      <td>  10235</td>
      <td>  9209</td>
      <td>      15</td>
      <td>       19459</td>
      <td>                                             Total</td>
      <td>                  9617</td>
      <td> 9152</td>
      <td>      11</td>
      <td>              1566</td>
      <td> 1741</td>
      <td>       5</td>
      <td>                9</td>
      <td>   12</td>
      <td>  11192</td>
      <td> 10905</td>
      <td>      16</td>
      <td>       22113</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>               NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>    NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
      <td> Source: Indicators and Reporting, Ministry of ...</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>               NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>    NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Board of Trustee Members by School Decile and Member Type at December 1997</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 3</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 4</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 5</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 6</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 7</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 8</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 9</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 10</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 11</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 12</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 13</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 14</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 15</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 16</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 17</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 18</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 19</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 20</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 21</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 22</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 23</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 24</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 25</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 26</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 27</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>       NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>        NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>                 NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>    NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td>                                     School Decile</td>
      <td> Principal</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td> Parent Rep.</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td> Co-opted Member</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td> Ministerial Appointed Member</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td> Proprietors Rep.</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td> Staff Rep.</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td> Student Rep.</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td> Other/Not Specified</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>  Total</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td> Grand Total</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>    Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td>      Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td>          Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td>                       Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td>           Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td>     Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td>       Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td>              Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td> Female</td>
      <td>  Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                                          Decile 1</td>
      <td>       105</td>
      <td>  157</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>         637</td>
      <td>  444</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>             239</td>
      <td>  152</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>                            6</td>
      <td>    7</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>               20</td>
      <td>   27</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        186</td>
      <td>   67</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>           14</td>
      <td>   10</td>
      <td>                  24</td>
      <td>    3</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>   1231</td>
      <td>   867</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>        2099</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                                          Decile 2</td>
      <td>        87</td>
      <td>  178</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         600</td>
      <td>  548</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>             200</td>
      <td>  160</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>                            3</td>
      <td>    1</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>               47</td>
      <td>   65</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        188</td>
      <td>   70</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>           16</td>
      <td>   13</td>
      <td>                  24</td>
      <td>    4</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>   1165</td>
      <td>  1039</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        2204</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                                          Decile 3</td>
      <td>        74</td>
      <td>  195</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         583</td>
      <td>  597</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>             225</td>
      <td>  161</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>                           10</td>
      <td>   10</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>               30</td>
      <td>   55</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>        185</td>
      <td>   69</td>
      <td>       2</td>
      <td>           21</td>
      <td>   11</td>
      <td>                  24</td>
      <td>    9</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>   1152</td>
      <td>  1107</td>
      <td>       5</td>
      <td>        2264</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td>                                          Decile 4</td>
      <td>        83</td>
      <td>  177</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         559</td>
      <td>  644</td>
      <td>       2</td>
      <td>             196</td>
      <td>  153</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>               49</td>
      <td>   63</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        193</td>
      <td>   60</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>           29</td>
      <td>   16</td>
      <td>                  20</td>
      <td>    2</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>   1129</td>
      <td>  1115</td>
      <td>       2</td>
      <td>        2246</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                                          Decile 5</td>
      <td>        82</td>
      <td>  165</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         502</td>
      <td>  629</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>             190</td>
      <td>  127</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>    2</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>               42</td>
      <td>   60</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        182</td>
      <td>   50</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>           25</td>
      <td>   15</td>
      <td>                  25</td>
      <td>    6</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>   1049</td>
      <td>  1054</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        2103</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td>                                          Decile 6</td>
      <td>        86</td>
      <td>  173</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         550</td>
      <td>  657</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>             143</td>
      <td>  124</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>    1</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>               63</td>
      <td>   87</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        210</td>
      <td>   46</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>           28</td>
      <td>   18</td>
      <td>                  24</td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>   1105</td>
      <td>  1106</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        2211</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                                          Decile 7</td>
      <td>        89</td>
      <td>  174</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         527</td>
      <td>  688</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>             160</td>
      <td>  148</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>               50</td>
      <td>   66</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        194</td>
      <td>   54</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>           27</td>
      <td>    9</td>
      <td>                  31</td>
      <td>    1</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>   1078</td>
      <td>  1140</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        2218</td>
      <td>                                          Decile 8</td>
      <td>        74</td>
      <td>  177</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>         517</td>
      <td>  653</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>             139</td>
      <td>  120</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>               32</td>
      <td>   42</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        215</td>
      <td>   26</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>           14</td>
      <td>   10</td>
      <td>                  28</td>
      <td>    2</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>   1020</td>
      <td>  1030</td>
      <td>       3</td>
      <td>        2053</td>
      <td>                                          Decile 9</td>
      <td>        83</td>
      <td>  171</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         500</td>
      <td>  685</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>             123</td>
      <td>  120</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>               43</td>
      <td>   66</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        195</td>
      <td>   36</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>            9</td>
      <td>    8</td>
      <td>                  23</td>
      <td>    3</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>    976</td>
      <td>  1089</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>        2066</td>
      <td>                                         Decile 10</td>
      <td>        90</td>
      <td>  172</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         521</td>
      <td>  728</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>             137</td>
      <td>  143</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>                            3</td>
      <td>    5</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>               48</td>
      <td>   75</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        212</td>
      <td>   35</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>           11</td>
      <td>   12</td>
      <td>                  22</td>
      <td>    4</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>   1044</td>
      <td>  1174</td>
      <td>       2</td>
      <td>        2220</td>
      <td>                                    Not Applicable</td>
      <td>        33</td>
      <td>   21</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>          93</td>
      <td>   80</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>              41</td>
      <td>   36</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>                           22</td>
      <td>   25</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>                1</td>
      <td>   10</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         41</td>
      <td>    9</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>            1</td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>                  11</td>
      <td>    3</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>    243</td>
      <td>   184</td>
      <td>       2</td>
      <td>         429</td>
      <td>                                             Total</td>
      <td>       886</td>
      <td> 1760</td>
      <td>       2</td>
      <td>        5589</td>
      <td> 6353</td>
      <td>       7</td>
      <td>            1793</td>
      <td> 1444</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>                           47</td>
      <td>   51</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>              425</td>
      <td>  616</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>       2001</td>
      <td>  522</td>
      <td>       3</td>
      <td>          195</td>
      <td>  122</td>
      <td>                 256</td>
      <td>   37</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>  11192</td>
      <td> 10905</td>
      <td>      16</td>
      <td>       22113</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>       NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>        NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>                 NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>    NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
      <td> Source: Indicators and Reporting, Ministry of ...</td>
      <td>       NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>        NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>                 NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>    NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Board of Trustee Members by School Type and Member Position at December 1997</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 3</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 4</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 5</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 6</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 7</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 8</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 9</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 10</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 11</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 12</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 13</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>    NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>    NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td>                                       School Type</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td> Chairperson</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td> Commissioner</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td> Member</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>  Total</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td> Grand Total</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>      Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td>       Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td> Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td> Female</td>
      <td>  Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                                           Primary</td>
      <td> Full Primary (Year 1-8)</td>
      <td>         403</td>
      <td>  793</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>            1</td>
      <td>    2</td>
      <td>   4591</td>
      <td> 3744</td>
      <td>       7</td>
      <td>   4995</td>
      <td>  4539</td>
      <td>       8</td>
      <td>        9542</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Contributing (Year 1-6)</td>
      <td>         358</td>
      <td>  528</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>             </td>
      <td>    2</td>
      <td>   3274</td>
      <td> 2854</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>   3632</td>
      <td>  3384</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        7016</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Intermediate (Year 7-8)</td>
      <td>          49</td>
      <td>   86</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>             </td>
      <td>    1</td>
      <td>    478</td>
      <td>  509</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>    527</td>
      <td>   596</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>        1124</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>               Sub-total</td>
      <td>         810</td>
      <td> 1407</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>            1</td>
      <td>    5</td>
      <td>   8343</td>
      <td> 7107</td>
      <td>       8</td>
      <td>   9154</td>
      <td>  8519</td>
      <td>       9</td>
      <td>       17682</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                                         Composite</td>
      <td>   Composite (Year 7-10)</td>
      <td>           3</td>
      <td>    4</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>             </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>     21</td>
      <td>   23</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>     24</td>
      <td>    27</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>          51</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>   Composite (Year 1-15)</td>
      <td>          22</td>
      <td>   31</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>             </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>    230</td>
      <td>  235</td>
      <td>       3</td>
      <td>    252</td>
      <td>   266</td>
      <td>       3</td>
      <td>         521</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          Correspondence</td>
      <td>            </td>
      <td>    1</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>             </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>      6</td>
      <td>    8</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>      6</td>
      <td>     9</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>          15</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>               Sub-total</td>
      <td>          25</td>
      <td>   36</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>             </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>    257</td>
      <td>  266</td>
      <td>       3</td>
      <td>    282</td>
      <td>   302</td>
      <td>       3</td>
      <td>         587</td>
      <td>                                         Secondary</td>
      <td>   Secondary (Year 7-15)</td>
      <td>          29</td>
      <td>   54</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>             </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>    387</td>
      <td>  451</td>
      <td>       2</td>
      <td>    416</td>
      <td>   505</td>
      <td>       2</td>
      <td>         923</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>   Secondary (Year 9-15)</td>
      <td>          71</td>
      <td>  165</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>             </td>
      <td>    1</td>
      <td>   1051</td>
      <td> 1260</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>   1122</td>
      <td>  1426</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>        2549</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>               Sub-total</td>
      <td>         100</td>
      <td>  219</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>             </td>
      <td>    1</td>
      <td>   1438</td>
      <td> 1711</td>
      <td>       3</td>
      <td>   1538</td>
      <td>  1931</td>
      <td>       3</td>
      <td>        3472</td>
      <td>                                           Special</td>
      <td>          Special school</td>
      <td>          21</td>
      <td>   28</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>             </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>    197</td>
      <td>  125</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>    218</td>
      <td>   153</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>         372</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>               Sub-total</td>
      <td>          21</td>
      <td>   28</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>             </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>    197</td>
      <td>  125</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>    218</td>
      <td>   153</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>         372</td>
      <td>                                             Total</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>         956</td>
      <td> 1690</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>            1</td>
      <td>    6</td>
      <td>  10235</td>
      <td> 9209</td>
      <td>      15</td>
      <td>  11192</td>
      <td> 10905</td>
      <td>      16</td>
      <td>       22113</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>    NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>    NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
      <td> Source: Indicators and Reporting, Ministry of ...</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>          NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>    NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>    NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Board of Trustee Members by School Type and School Decile at December 1997</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 3</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 4</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 5</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 6</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 7</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 8</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 9</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 10</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 11</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 12</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 13</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 14</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 15</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 16</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 17</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 18</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 19</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 20</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 21</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 22</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 23</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 24</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 25</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 26</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 27</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 28</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 29</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 30</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 31</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 32</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 33</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 34</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>       NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>    NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td>                                       School Type</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td> Decile 1</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td> Decile 2</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td> Decile 3</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td> Decile 4</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td> Decile 5</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td> Decile 6</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td> Decile 7</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td> Decile 8</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td> Decile 9</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td> Decile 10</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td> Not Applicable</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>  Total</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td> Grand Total</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>   Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td>   Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td>   Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td>   Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td>   Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td>   Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td>   Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td>   Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td>   Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td>    Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td>         Female</td>
      <td> Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td> Female</td>
      <td>  Male</td>
      <td> Unknown</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                                           Primary</td>
      <td> Full Primary (Year 1-8)</td>
      <td>      554</td>
      <td>  367</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>      571</td>
      <td>  421</td>
      <td>      448</td>
      <td>  406</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>      466</td>
      <td>  373</td>
      <td>       2</td>
      <td>      461</td>
      <td>  424</td>
      <td>      491</td>
      <td>  482</td>
      <td>      536</td>
      <td>  527</td>
      <td>      522</td>
      <td>  489</td>
      <td>       2</td>
      <td>      512</td>
      <td>  563</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>       421</td>
      <td>  471</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>             13</td>
      <td>   16</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>   4995</td>
      <td>  4539</td>
      <td>       8</td>
      <td>        9542</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Contributing (Year 1-6)</td>
      <td>      473</td>
      <td>  293</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>      345</td>
      <td>  322</td>
      <td>      453</td>
      <td>  391</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>      342</td>
      <td>  323</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>      318</td>
      <td>  304</td>
      <td>      325</td>
      <td>  291</td>
      <td>      266</td>
      <td>  295</td>
      <td>      355</td>
      <td>  378</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>      330</td>
      <td>  346</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>       425</td>
      <td>  441</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>   3632</td>
      <td>  3384</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        7016</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Intermediate (Year 7-8)</td>
      <td>       50</td>
      <td>   51</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>       62</td>
      <td>   67</td>
      <td>       88</td>
      <td>   90</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>       69</td>
      <td>   93</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>       45</td>
      <td>   51</td>
      <td>       53</td>
      <td>   61</td>
      <td>       58</td>
      <td>   47</td>
      <td>       31</td>
      <td>   33</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>       31</td>
      <td>   52</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>        40</td>
      <td>   51</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>    527</td>
      <td>   596</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>        1124</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>               Sub-total</td>
      <td>     1077</td>
      <td>  711</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>      978</td>
      <td>  810</td>
      <td>      989</td>
      <td>  887</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>      877</td>
      <td>  789</td>
      <td>       2</td>
      <td>      824</td>
      <td>  779</td>
      <td>      869</td>
      <td>  834</td>
      <td>      860</td>
      <td>  869</td>
      <td>      908</td>
      <td>  900</td>
      <td>       2</td>
      <td>      873</td>
      <td>  961</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>       886</td>
      <td>  963</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>             13</td>
      <td>   16</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>   9154</td>
      <td>  8519</td>
      <td>       9</td>
      <td>       17682</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                                         Composite</td>
      <td>   Composite (Year 7-10)</td>
      <td>        8</td>
      <td>    5</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>       11</td>
      <td>   12</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        1</td>
      <td>    6</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         4</td>
      <td>    4</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>     24</td>
      <td>    27</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>          51</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>   Composite (Year 1-15)</td>
      <td>       65</td>
      <td>   52</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>       14</td>
      <td>   24</td>
      <td>        9</td>
      <td>   18</td>
      <td>       2</td>
      <td>       19</td>
      <td>   36</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>       17</td>
      <td>   22</td>
      <td>       53</td>
      <td>   42</td>
      <td>       35</td>
      <td>   35</td>
      <td>       11</td>
      <td>    8</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        5</td>
      <td>    4</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        18</td>
      <td>   19</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>              6</td>
      <td>    6</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>    252</td>
      <td>   266</td>
      <td>       3</td>
      <td>         521</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          Correspondence</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>              6</td>
      <td>    9</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>      6</td>
      <td>     9</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>          15</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>               Sub-total</td>
      <td>       73</td>
      <td>   57</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>       25</td>
      <td>   36</td>
      <td>        9</td>
      <td>   18</td>
      <td>       2</td>
      <td>       19</td>
      <td>   36</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>       17</td>
      <td>   22</td>
      <td>       53</td>
      <td>   42</td>
      <td>       36</td>
      <td>   41</td>
      <td>       11</td>
      <td>    8</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        5</td>
      <td>    4</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        22</td>
      <td>   23</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>             12</td>
      <td>   15</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>    282</td>
      <td>   302</td>
      <td>       3</td>
      <td>         587</td>
      <td>                                         Secondary</td>
      <td>   Secondary (Year 7-15)</td>
      <td>        7</td>
      <td>   12</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>       37</td>
      <td>   51</td>
      <td>       44</td>
      <td>   71</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>       52</td>
      <td>   53</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>       61</td>
      <td>   75</td>
      <td>       29</td>
      <td>   41</td>
      <td>       70</td>
      <td>   76</td>
      <td>       34</td>
      <td>   39</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>       36</td>
      <td>   33</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        46</td>
      <td>   54</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>    416</td>
      <td>   505</td>
      <td>       2</td>
      <td>         923</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>   Secondary (Year 9-15)</td>
      <td>       74</td>
      <td>   87</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>      125</td>
      <td>  142</td>
      <td>      110</td>
      <td>  131</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>      181</td>
      <td>  237</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>      147</td>
      <td>  178</td>
      <td>      154</td>
      <td>  189</td>
      <td>      112</td>
      <td>  154</td>
      <td>       67</td>
      <td>   83</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>       62</td>
      <td>   91</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>        90</td>
      <td>  134</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>   1122</td>
      <td>  1426</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>        2549</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>               Sub-total</td>
      <td>       81</td>
      <td>   99</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>      162</td>
      <td>  193</td>
      <td>      154</td>
      <td>  202</td>
      <td>       2</td>
      <td>      233</td>
      <td>  290</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>      208</td>
      <td>  253</td>
      <td>      183</td>
      <td>  230</td>
      <td>      182</td>
      <td>  230</td>
      <td>      101</td>
      <td>  122</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>       98</td>
      <td>  124</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>       136</td>
      <td>  188</td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>   1538</td>
      <td>  1931</td>
      <td>       3</td>
      <td>        3472</td>
      <td>                                           Special</td>
      <td>          Special school</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>            218</td>
      <td>  153</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>    218</td>
      <td>   153</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>         372</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>               Sub-total</td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>         </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>          </td>
      <td>     </td>
      <td>        </td>
      <td>            218</td>
      <td>  153</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>    218</td>
      <td>   153</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>         372</td>
      <td>                                             Total</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>     1231</td>
      <td>  867</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>     1165</td>
      <td> 1039</td>
      <td>     1152</td>
      <td> 1107</td>
      <td>       5</td>
      <td>     1129</td>
      <td> 1115</td>
      <td>       2</td>
      <td>     1049</td>
      <td> 1054</td>
      <td>     1105</td>
      <td> 1106</td>
      <td>     1078</td>
      <td> 1140</td>
      <td>     1020</td>
      <td> 1030</td>
      <td>       3</td>
      <td>      976</td>
      <td> 1089</td>
      <td>       1</td>
      <td>      1044</td>
      <td> 1174</td>
      <td>       2</td>
      <td>            243</td>
      <td>  184</td>
      <td>       2</td>
      <td>  11192</td>
      <td> 10905</td>
      <td>      16</td>
      <td>       22113</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>       NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>    NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
      <td> Source: Indicators and Reporting, Ministry of ...</td>
      <td>                     NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>      NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>       NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>  NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>    NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td>     NaN</td>
      <td>         NaN</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Index - Pasifika statistics: 2011</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>  1</td>
      <td> Pasifika domestic tertiary education students ...</td>
      <td>  2</td>
      <td> Female Pasifika tertiary education students by...</td>
      <td>  3</td>
      <td> Male Pasifika tertiary education students by s...</td>
      <td>  4</td>
      <td> International Pasifika tertiary education stud...</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Table Index</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>0  </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>1  </th>
      <td>                                          Overview</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>2  </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>        Overview</td>
      <td>          Students in 2010: Statistics at a glance</td>
      <th>3  </th>
      <td>                         Provider-based enrolments</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>4  </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ENR.1</td>
      <td> Domestic and international students by ethnic ...</td>
      <th>5  </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ENR.2</td>
      <td> Domestic students by ethnic group, age group a...</td>
      <th>6  </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ENR.3</td>
      <td> Domestic students by ethnic group, age group, ...</td>
      <th>7  </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ENR.4</td>
      <td> Domestic students by ethnic group, age group, ...</td>
      <th>8  </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ENR.5</td>
      <td> Domestic students enrolled by ethnic group, ag...</td>
      <th>9  </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ENR.6</td>
      <td> Domestic students by ethnic group, age group a...</td>
      <th>10 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ENR.7</td>
      <td> Domestic students by ethnic group, gender and ...</td>
      <th>11 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ENR.8</td>
      <td> Domestic students by sub-sector, ethnic group ...</td>
      <th>12 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ENR.9</td>
      <td> Domestic students enrolled by qualification le...</td>
      <th>13 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          ENR.10</td>
      <td> Students by sub-sector, provider, ethnicity, a...</td>
      <th>14 </th>
      <td>                              Research performance</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>15 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           RSP.1</td>
      <td> Domestic students enrolled in doctor of philos...</td>
      <th>16 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           RSP.2</td>
      <td> Domestic students completing doctor of philoso...</td>
      <th>17 </th>
      <td> Provider-based equivalent full-time students (...</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>18 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          EFTS.1</td>
      <td> Domestic and international Equivalent full-tim...</td>
      <th>19 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          EFTS.2</td>
      <td> Domestic Equivalent full-time student units (E...</td>
      <th>20 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          EFTS.3</td>
      <td> Domestic Equivalent full-time student units (E...</td>
      <th>21 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          EFTS.4</td>
      <td> Domestic Equivalent full-time student units (E...</td>
      <th>22 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          EFTS.5</td>
      <td> Domestic equivalent full-time students enrolle...</td>
      <th>23 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          EFTS.6</td>
      <td> Domestic Equivalent full-time student units (E...</td>
      <th>24 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          EFTS.7</td>
      <td> Domestic Equivalent full-time student units (E...</td>
      <th>25 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          EFTS.8</td>
      <td> Domestic Equivalent full-time student units (E...</td>
      <th>26 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          EFTS.9</td>
      <td> Domestic equivalent full-time students enrolle...</td>
      <th>27 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>         EFTS.10</td>
      <td> Equivalent full-time student units (EFTS) by s...</td>
      <th>28 </th>
      <td>                               Participation rates</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>29 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           PPN.1</td>
      <td> Participation rates of domestic students by et...</td>
      <th>30 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           PPN.2</td>
      <td> Participation rates of domestic students by et...</td>
      <th>31 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           PPN.3</td>
      <td> Participation rates of domestic students by et...</td>
      <th>32 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           PPN.4</td>
      <td> Participation rates of domestic certificates 1...</td>
      <th>33 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           PPN.5</td>
      <td> Participation rates of domestic certificates 4...</td>
      <th>34 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           PPN.6</td>
      <td> Participation rates of domestic diploma studen...</td>
      <th>35 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           PPN.7</td>
      <td> Participation rates of domestic bachelor stude...</td>
      <th>36 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           PPN.8</td>
      <td> Participation rates of domestic graduate certi...</td>
      <th>37 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           PPN.9</td>
      <td> Participation rates of domestic honours and po...</td>
      <th>38 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          PPN.10</td>
      <td> Participation rates of domestic masters studen...</td>
      <th>39 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          PPN.11</td>
      <td> Participation rates of domestic doctorate stud...</td>
      <th>40 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          PPN.12</td>
      <td> Participation rates of domestic students by et...</td>
      <th>41 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          PPN.13</td>
      <td> Participation rates of domestic students by et...</td>
      <th>42 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          PPN.14</td>
      <td> Age-standardised participation rates of domest...</td>
      <th>43 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          PPN.15</td>
      <td> Participation rates of domestic students by su...</td>
      <th>44 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          PPN.16</td>
      <td> Age-standardised participation rates of domest...</td>
      <th>45 </th>
      <td>                      Progression to further study</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>46 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           PRG.1</td>
      <td> Progression rates for domestic students by qua...</td>
      <th>47 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           PRG.2</td>
      <td> Eight-year progression rates for domestic stud...</td>
      <th>48 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           PRG.3</td>
      <td> Eight-year progression rates for domestic stud...</td>
      <th>49 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          GPRG.1</td>
      <td> Direct higher-level graduate progression rates...</td>
      <th>50 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          GPRG.2</td>
      <td> Direct higher-level graduate progression rates...</td>
      <th>51 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          GPRG.3</td>
      <td> Direct higher-level graduate progression rates...</td>
      <th>52 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          GPRG.4</td>
      <td> Five-year higher-level graduate progression ra...</td>
      <th>53 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          GPRG.5</td>
      <td> Five-year higher-level graduate progression ra...</td>
      <th>54 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          GPRG.6</td>
      <td> Five-year higher-level graduate progression ra...</td>
      <th>55 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          GPRG.7</td>
      <td> Five-year higher-level graduate progression ra...</td>
      <th>56 </th>
      <td>                    School to tertiary transitions</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>57 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>         TRANS.1</td>
      <td> Domestic students in 2009 and 2010 by schoolin...</td>
      <th>58 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>         TRANS.2</td>
      <td> Domestic students studying at tertiary for the...</td>
      <th>59 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>         TRANS.3</td>
      <td> Domestic students studying at tertiary for the...</td>
      <th>60 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>         TRANS.4</td>
      <td> Domestic students studying at tertiary for the...</td>
      <th>61 </th>
      <td>            Participation workplace-based learning</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>62 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ITP.1</td>
      <td> Industry trainees by selected demographic char...</td>
      <th>63 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ITP.2</td>
      <td> Industry trainees by previous highest qualific...</td>
      <th>64 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ITP.3</td>
      <td> Industry trainees by national qualifications f...</td>
      <th>65 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ITP.4</td>
      <td> Industry trainees by industry and ethnic group...</td>
      <th>66 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ITP.5</td>
      <td> Modern apprenticeships and selected demographi...</td>
      <th>67 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ITP.6</td>
      <td> Modern apprenticeships by type of industry, ge...</td>
      <th>68 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ITP.7</td>
      <td> Modern apprenticeships by gender, ethnicity an...</td>
      <th>69 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ITP.8</td>
      <td> Gateway by ethnic group, age and gender, 2001-...</td>
      <th>70 </th>
      <td>                            Gaining qualifications</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>71 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           COM.1</td>
      <td> Domestic and international students completing...</td>
      <th>72 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           COM.2</td>
      <td> Domestic students completing qualifications by...</td>
      <th>73 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           COM.3</td>
      <td> Domestic students completing qualifications by...</td>
      <th>74 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           COM.4</td>
      <td> Domestic students completing qualifications by...</td>
      <th>75 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           COM.5</td>
      <td> Domestic students completing qualifications by...</td>
      <th>76 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           COM.6</td>
      <td> Domestic students completing qualifications by...</td>
      <th>77 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           COM.7</td>
      <td> Domestic students completing qualifications by...</td>
      <th>78 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           COM.8</td>
      <td> Domestic students completing qualifications by...</td>
      <th>79 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           COM.9</td>
      <td> Domestic students completing qualifications by...</td>
      <th>80 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          COM.10</td>
      <td> Students completing by sub-sector, provider, e...</td>
      <th>81 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          COM.11</td>
      <td> Qualification completion rates for domestic st...</td>
      <th>82 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          COM.12</td>
      <td> Eight-year qualification completion rates for ...</td>
      <th>83 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>          COM.13</td>
      <td> Eight-year qualification completion rates for ...</td>
      <th>84 </th>
      <td>                    Attrition and  Retention rates</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>85 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ARN.1</td>
      <td> Qualification attrition rates for domestic stu...</td>
      <th>86 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ARN.2</td>
      <td> Eight-year qualification attrition rates for d...</td>
      <th>87 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ARN.3</td>
      <td> Eight-year qualification attrition rates for d...</td>
      <th>88 </th>
      <td>                                   Passing courses</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>89 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Technical Notes</td>
      <td>                                   Technical notes</td>
      <th>90 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           CSC.1</td>
      <td> Course completion rates for domestic students ...</td>
      <th>91 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           CSC.2</td>
      <td> Course completion rates for domestic students ...</td>
      <th>92 </th>
      <td>            Education attainment of the population</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>93 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           EAP.1</td>
      <td> Distribution of New Zealanders aged 15 and ove...</td>
      <th>94 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           EAP.2</td>
      <td> Distribution of New Zealanders aged 15 and ove...</td>
      <th>95 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           EAP.3</td>
      <td> Distribution of New Zealanders aged 15 and ove...</td>
      <th>96 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           EAP.4</td>
      <td> Percentage of New Zealanders aged 15 and over ...</td>
      <th>97 </th>
      <td>                                Student allowances</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <th>98 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           SAL.1</td>
      <td>     Student allowances recipients by ethnic group</td>
      <th>99 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           SAL.2</td>
      <td>     Student allowances recipients by ethnic group</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           SAL.3</td>
      <td> Distribution of student allowances recipients ...</td>
      <td>                           The student loan scheme</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           SLS.1</td>
      <td>              New borrowers by ethnicity 2000-2009</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           SLS.2</td>
      <td>        Number of borrowers by ethnicity 2000-2009</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           SLS.3</td>
      <td> Information on student loans and allowances fr...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           SLS.4</td>
      <td> Forecast repayment times for the 1999, 2003 an...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           SLS.5</td>
      <td> Forecast repayment times for borrowers who lef...</td>
      <td>                           Life after study tables</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           PSE.1</td>
      <td> Unemployment rate of the population aged 15 an...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           PSE.2</td>
      <td> Training opportunities outcomes by gender and ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           PSE.3</td>
      <td> Youth training outcomes by ethnic group and ge...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           PSE.4</td>
      <td> Gateway outcomes by ethnic group and gender 20...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           PSE.5</td>
      <td> Distribution of the working age population by ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           PSE.6</td>
      <td> Distribution of the working age population by ...</td>
      <td>                                   Human resources</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           HNR.1</td>
      <td> Full-time equivalent Performance-Based Researc...</td>
      <td>               Secondary-Tertiary-Alignment-(Star)</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           STR.1</td>
      <td> STAR students in tertiary courses by ethnic gr...</td>
      <td>                     Adult-and-community-education</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ACE.1</td>
      <td> Domestic students in adult and community educa...</td>
      <td>                      Targeted-Training-programmes</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           TTP.1</td>
      <td> Training opportunities by ethnic group, age gr...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           TTP.2</td>
      <td> Youth training by ethnic group, age and gender...</td>
      <td>       Achievement-in-Targeted-Training-programmes</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           TTA.1</td>
      <td> Credits attained in training opportunities by ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           TTA.2</td>
      <td> Credits attained in youth training by ethnic g...</td>
      <td>           Achievement in workplace-based learning</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ITA.1</td>
      <td> National certificates completed by industry tr...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ITA.2</td>
      <td> NQF credits completed by industry trainees by ...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ITA.3</td>
      <td>        Industry Training learner completion rates</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ITA.4</td>
      <td> Industry Training programme terminations and w...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ITA.5</td>
      <td>   Modern Apprenticeships learner completion rates</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ITA.6</td>
      <td> Modern  Apprenticeships programme terminations...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ITA.7</td>
      <td> Industry Training learner national qualificati...</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           ITA.8</td>
      <td> Modern Apprenticeships national qualification ...</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Index - Pasifika statistics: 2010</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>  1</td>
      <td> Pasifika domestic tertiary education students ...</td>
      <td>  2</td>
      <td> Female Pasifika tertiary education students by...</td>
      <td>  3</td>
      <td> Male Pasifika tertiary education students by s...</td>
      <td>  4</td>
      <td> International Pasifika tertiary education stud...</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Number of 18-year olds with a minimum of NCEA Level 2 qualification or equivalent, by Student Gender &amp; School Authority (2011)</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 3</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 4</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 5</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 6</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td>                                  School Authority</td>
      <td>        Female</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>          Male</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>         Total</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Below Level 2</td>
      <td> Level 2 or Above</td>
      <td> Below Level 2</td>
      <td> Level 2 or Above</td>
      <td> Below Level 2</td>
      <td> Level 2 or Above</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                             State: Not integrated</td>
      <td>          6581</td>
      <td>            19857</td>
      <td>          9007</td>
      <td>            19305</td>
      <td>         15588</td>
      <td>            39162</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                                 State: Integrated</td>
      <td>           286</td>
      <td>             3213</td>
      <td>           492</td>
      <td>             2911</td>
      <td>           778</td>
      <td>             6124</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                                           Private</td>
      <td>           112</td>
      <td>             1556</td>
      <td>           143</td>
      <td>             1324</td>
      <td>           255</td>
      <td>             2880</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td>                                  Other : Vote Ed.</td>
      <td>            20</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            40</td>
      <td>               13</td>
      <td>            60</td>
      <td>               13</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                                       Grand Total</td>
      <td>          6999</td>
      <td>            24626</td>
      <td>          9682</td>
      <td>            23553</td>
      <td>         16681</td>
      <td>            48179</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td> Cohort includes New Zealand Students who turne...</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> Cohort excludes International students, studen...</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> School Type information based on the school th...</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> Source: Indicators &amp; Reporting Team, Ministry ...</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Number of 18-year olds with a minimum of NCEA Level 2 qualification or equivalent, by Student Gender &amp; Education Region (2011)</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 3</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 4</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 5</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 6</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td>                                  Education Region</td>
      <td>        Female</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>          Male</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>         Total</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td> Below Level 2</td>
      <td> Level 2 or Above</td>
      <td> Below Level 2</td>
      <td> Level 2 or Above</td>
      <td> Below Level 2</td>
      <td> Level 2 or Above</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                                       Tai Tokerau</td>
      <td>           314</td>
      <td>              855</td>
      <td>           444</td>
      <td>              809</td>
      <td>           758</td>
      <td>             1664</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                                          Auckland</td>
      <td>          1773</td>
      <td>             8418</td>
      <td>          2827</td>
      <td>             7952</td>
      <td>          4600</td>
      <td>            16370</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                                           Waikato</td>
      <td>           574</td>
      <td>             1931</td>
      <td>           909</td>
      <td>             1969</td>
      <td>          1483</td>
      <td>             3900</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td>                       Bay of Plenty/Rotorua/Taupo</td>
      <td>           510</td>
      <td>             1705</td>
      <td>           630</td>
      <td>             1692</td>
      <td>          1140</td>
      <td>             3397</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                       Taranaki/Whanganui/Manawatu</td>
      <td>           363</td>
      <td>             1584</td>
      <td>           611</td>
      <td>             1610</td>
      <td>           974</td>
      <td>             3194</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td>                               Hawkes Bay/Gisborne</td>
      <td>           358</td>
      <td>             1187</td>
      <td>           453</td>
      <td>             1092</td>
      <td>           811</td>
      <td>             2279</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                                        Wellington</td>
      <td>           645</td>
      <td>             2664</td>
      <td>           874</td>
      <td>             2670</td>
      <td>          1519</td>
      <td>             5334</td>
      <td>                     Nelson/Marlborough/West Coast</td>
      <td>           227</td>
      <td>              902</td>
      <td>           367</td>
      <td>              811</td>
      <td>           594</td>
      <td>             1713</td>
      <td>                                        Canterbury</td>
      <td>           702</td>
      <td>             2801</td>
      <td>          1093</td>
      <td>             2754</td>
      <td>          1795</td>
      <td>             5555</td>
      <td>                                   Otago Southland</td>
      <td>           327</td>
      <td>             1597</td>
      <td>           545</td>
      <td>             1500</td>
      <td>           872</td>
      <td>             3097</td>
      <td>                                    Not Applicable</td>
      <td>          1206</td>
      <td>              982</td>
      <td>           929</td>
      <td>              694</td>
      <td>          2135</td>
      <td>             1676</td>
      <td>                                       Grand Total</td>
      <td>          6999</td>
      <td>            24626</td>
      <td>          9682</td>
      <td>            23553</td>
      <td>         16681</td>
      <td>            48179</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> Cohort includes New Zealand Students who turne...</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> Cohort excludes International students, studen...</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> Regional information based on the school the s...</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> Source: Indicators &amp; Reporting Team, Ministry ...</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Number of 18-year olds with a minimum of NCEA Level 2 qualification or equivalent, by School Type &amp; Regional Council (2011)</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 3</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 4</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 5</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 6</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 7</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 8</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 9</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 10</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 11</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 12</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 13</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 14</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td>                                  Regional Council</td>
      <td> Composite (Year 1-15)</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> Correspondence</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> Secondary (Year 7-15)</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> Secondary (Year 9-15)</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> Special school</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> Not Applicable</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>         Total</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>         Below Level 2</td>
      <td> Level 2 or Above</td>
      <td>  Below Level 2</td>
      <td> Level 2 or Above</td>
      <td>         Below Level 2</td>
      <td> Level 2 or Above</td>
      <td>         Below Level 2</td>
      <td> Level 2 or Above</td>
      <td>  Below Level 2</td>
      <td> Level 2 or Above</td>
      <td>  Below Level 2</td>
      <td> Level 2 or Above</td>
      <td> Below Level 2</td>
      <td> Level 2 or Above</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                                  Northland Region</td>
      <td>                    96</td>
      <td>              215</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                   190</td>
      <td>              492</td>
      <td>                   454</td>
      <td>              893</td>
      <td>              4</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           745</td>
      <td>             1600</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                                   Auckland Region</td>
      <td>                   177</td>
      <td>             1122</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                   418</td>
      <td>             2517</td>
      <td>                  3804</td>
      <td>            12688</td>
      <td>            119</td>
      <td>               11</td>
      <td>              2</td>
      <td>                1</td>
      <td>          4520</td>
      <td>            16339</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                                    Waikato Region</td>
      <td>                   114</td>
      <td>              214</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                   171</td>
      <td>              490</td>
      <td>                  1285</td>
      <td>             3536</td>
      <td>             29</td>
      <td>                1</td>
      <td>              2</td>
      <td>                1</td>
      <td>          1601</td>
      <td>             4242</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td>                              Bay of Plenty Region</td>
      <td>                    32</td>
      <td>              181</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                    65</td>
      <td>              342</td>
      <td>                   914</td>
      <td>             2544</td>
      <td>              9</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>          1020</td>
      <td>             3067</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                                   Gisborne Region</td>
      <td>                    31</td>
      <td>               60</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                    22</td>
      <td>               67</td>
      <td>                   213</td>
      <td>              342</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           266</td>
      <td>              469</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td>                                 Hawkes Bay Region</td>
      <td>                    24</td>
      <td>               38</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                   172</td>
      <td>              350</td>
      <td>                   341</td>
      <td>             1422</td>
      <td>              7</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           545</td>
      <td>             1810</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                                   Taranaki Region</td>
      <td>                    19</td>
      <td>               24</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                    19</td>
      <td>              211</td>
      <td>                   342</td>
      <td>              989</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           380</td>
      <td>             1224</td>
      <td>                          Manawatu-Wanganui Region</td>
      <td>                    31</td>
      <td>               41</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                    17</td>
      <td>              121</td>
      <td>                   796</td>
      <td>             2286</td>
      <td>              4</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           848</td>
      <td>             2448</td>
      <td>                                 Wellington Region</td>
      <td>                    38</td>
      <td>              328</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                    85</td>
      <td>              432</td>
      <td>                  1163</td>
      <td>             4165</td>
      <td>             14</td>
      <td>                3</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>          1300</td>
      <td>             4928</td>
      <td>                                 West Coast Region</td>
      <td>                    13</td>
      <td>               26</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                    17</td>
      <td>               59</td>
      <td>                   123</td>
      <td>              163</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           153</td>
      <td>              248</td>
      <td>                                 Canterbury Region</td>
      <td>                    80</td>
      <td>              575</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                   165</td>
      <td>              791</td>
      <td>                  1440</td>
      <td>             4208</td>
      <td>            122</td>
      <td>               15</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>          1807</td>
      <td>             5589</td>
      <td>                                      Otago Region</td>
      <td>                    13</td>
      <td>              104</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                   186</td>
      <td>              857</td>
      <td>                   292</td>
      <td>             1122</td>
      <td>              5</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           496</td>
      <td>             2083</td>
      <td>                                  Southland Region</td>
      <td>                    11</td>
      <td>               22</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                   281</td>
      <td>              781</td>
      <td>                    73</td>
      <td>              210</td>
      <td>             10</td>
      <td>                1</td>
      <td>              1</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           376</td>
      <td>             1014</td>
      <td>                                     Tasman Region</td>
      <td>                     8</td>
      <td>               30</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                    12</td>
      <td>               35</td>
      <td>                   124</td>
      <td>              321</td>
      <td>              2</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           146</td>
      <td>              386</td>
      <td>                                     Nelson Region</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                1</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                   162</td>
      <td>              639</td>
      <td>              2</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           165</td>
      <td>              640</td>
      <td>                                Marlborough Region</td>
      <td>                     5</td>
      <td>                3</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                    14</td>
      <td>               62</td>
      <td>                    99</td>
      <td>              340</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           118</td>
      <td>              405</td>
      <td>                             Correspondence School</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           1973</td>
      <td>             1423</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>          1973</td>
      <td>             1423</td>
      <td>                                    Not Applicable</td>
      <td>                     6</td>
      <td>              151</td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>               </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            216</td>
      <td>              113</td>
      <td>           222</td>
      <td>              264</td>
      <td>                                       Grand Total</td>
      <td>                   699</td>
      <td>             3135</td>
      <td>           1973</td>
      <td>             1423</td>
      <td>                  1834</td>
      <td>             7607</td>
      <td>                 11625</td>
      <td>            35868</td>
      <td>            327</td>
      <td>               31</td>
      <td>            223</td>
      <td>              115</td>
      <td>         16681</td>
      <td>            48179</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> Cohort includes New Zealand Students who turne...</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> Cohort excludes International students, studen...</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> School Type &amp; Regional information based on th...</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> Source: Indicators &amp; Reporting Team, Ministry ...</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>            NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Number of 18-year olds with a minimum of NCEA Level 2 qualification or equivalent, by School Authority &amp; Territorial Authority (2011)</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 3</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 4</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 5</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 6</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 7</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 8</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 9</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 10</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>               NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td>                             Territorial Authority</td>
      <td> State: Not integrated</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> State: Integrated</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>       Private</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> Other : Vote Ed.</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>         Total</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>         Below Level 2</td>
      <td> Level 2 or Above</td>
      <td>     Below Level 2</td>
      <td> Level 2 or Above</td>
      <td> Below Level 2</td>
      <td> Level 2 or Above</td>
      <td>    Below Level 2</td>
      <td> Level 2 or Above</td>
      <td> Below Level 2</td>
      <td> Level 2 or Above</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                                Far North District</td>
      <td>                   320</td>
      <td>              559</td>
      <td>                 4</td>
      <td>               20</td>
      <td>             3</td>
      <td>               10</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           327</td>
      <td>              589</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                                Whangarei District</td>
      <td>                   324</td>
      <td>              760</td>
      <td>                20</td>
      <td>               89</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           344</td>
      <td>              849</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                                  Kaipara District</td>
      <td>                    74</td>
      <td>              162</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            74</td>
      <td>              162</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td>                                  Auckland- Rodney</td>
      <td>                    86</td>
      <td>              326</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                1</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            86</td>
      <td>              327</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                       Auckland- Hibiscus and Bays</td>
      <td>                   180</td>
      <td>              735</td>
      <td>                 3</td>
      <td>               87</td>
      <td>             6</td>
      <td>               41</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           189</td>
      <td>              863</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td>                           Auckland- Upper Harbour</td>
      <td>                    83</td>
      <td>              676</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            18</td>
      <td>              187</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           101</td>
      <td>              863</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                               Auckland- Kaipatiki</td>
      <td>                   149</td>
      <td>              507</td>
      <td>                 8</td>
      <td>               24</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           157</td>
      <td>              531</td>
      <td>                      Auckland- Devonport-Takapuna</td>
      <td>                   126</td>
      <td>             1016</td>
      <td>                23</td>
      <td>              266</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           149</td>
      <td>             1282</td>
      <td>                        Auckland- Henderson-Massey</td>
      <td>                   388</td>
      <td>              856</td>
      <td>                33</td>
      <td>              212</td>
      <td>             8</td>
      <td>                6</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           429</td>
      <td>             1074</td>
      <td>                        Auckland- Waitakere Ranges</td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>               15</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>             2</td>
      <td>               15</td>
      <td>                                 Auckland- Waiheke</td>
      <td>                    19</td>
      <td>               53</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            19</td>
      <td>               53</td>
      <td>                               Auckland- Waitemata</td>
      <td>                    98</td>
      <td>              444</td>
      <td>                41</td>
      <td>              286</td>
      <td>            26</td>
      <td>              195</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           165</td>
      <td>              925</td>
      <td>                                    Auckland- Whau</td>
      <td>                   397</td>
      <td>              950</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            49</td>
      <td>               40</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           446</td>
      <td>              990</td>
      <td>                             Auckland- Albert-Eden</td>
      <td>                   224</td>
      <td>             1269</td>
      <td>                 4</td>
      <td>              106</td>
      <td>            21</td>
      <td>              389</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           249</td>
      <td>             1764</td>
      <td>                              Auckland- Puketapapa</td>
      <td>                   159</td>
      <td>              735</td>
      <td>                20</td>
      <td>              118</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           179</td>
      <td>              853</td>
      <td>                                  Auckland- Orakei</td>
      <td>                    72</td>
      <td>              311</td>
      <td>                19</td>
      <td>              318</td>
      <td>             1</td>
      <td>                3</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            92</td>
      <td>              632</td>
      <td>                     Auckland- Maungakiekie-Tamaki</td>
      <td>                   277</td>
      <td>              476</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                4</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           277</td>
      <td>              480</td>
      <td>                                  Auckland- Howick</td>
      <td>                   260</td>
      <td>             1681</td>
      <td>                12</td>
      <td>              157</td>
      <td>            12</td>
      <td>              300</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           284</td>
      <td>             2138</td>
      <td>                         Auckland- Mangere-Otahuhu</td>
      <td>                   328</td>
      <td>              509</td>
      <td>                36</td>
      <td>              201</td>
      <td>            10</td>
      <td>              206</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           374</td>
      <td>              916</td>
      <td>                        Auckland- Otara-Papatoetoe</td>
      <td>                   434</td>
      <td>              788</td>
      <td>                34</td>
      <td>              103</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           468</td>
      <td>              891</td>
      <td>                                Auckland- Manurewa</td>
      <td>                   410</td>
      <td>              733</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           410</td>
      <td>              733</td>
      <td>                                Auckland- Papakura</td>
      <td>                   263</td>
      <td>              440</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>             5</td>
      <td>              114</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           268</td>
      <td>              554</td>
      <td>                                Auckland- Franklin</td>
      <td>                   157</td>
      <td>              391</td>
      <td>                11</td>
      <td>               57</td>
      <td>             8</td>
      <td>                7</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           176</td>
      <td>              455</td>
      <td>                        Thames-Coromandel District</td>
      <td>                    97</td>
      <td>              182</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            97</td>
      <td>              182</td>
      <td>                                  Hauraki District</td>
      <td>                    75</td>
      <td>              260</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            75</td>
      <td>              260</td>
      <td>                                  Waikato District</td>
      <td>                   170</td>
      <td>              250</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           170</td>
      <td>              250</td>
      <td>                           Matamata-Piako District</td>
      <td>                   143</td>
      <td>              320</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           143</td>
      <td>              320</td>
      <td>                                     Hamilton City</td>
      <td>                   597</td>
      <td>             1404</td>
      <td>                35</td>
      <td>              389</td>
      <td>            16</td>
      <td>              162</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           648</td>
      <td>             1955</td>
      <td>                                    Waipa District</td>
      <td>                   138</td>
      <td>              436</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>             9</td>
      <td>              182</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           147</td>
      <td>              618</td>
      <td>                               Otorohanga District</td>
      <td>                    27</td>
      <td>               56</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            27</td>
      <td>               56</td>
      <td>                            South Waikato District</td>
      <td>                   120</td>
      <td>              213</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           120</td>
      <td>              213</td>
      <td>                                  Waitomo District</td>
      <td>                    55</td>
      <td>               58</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            55</td>
      <td>               58</td>
      <td>                                    Taupo District</td>
      <td>                   101</td>
      <td>              282</td>
      <td>                 2</td>
      <td>                1</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           103</td>
      <td>              283</td>
      <td>                    Western Bay of Plenty District</td>
      <td>                    82</td>
      <td>              285</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            82</td>
      <td>              285</td>
      <td>                                     Tauranga City</td>
      <td>                   363</td>
      <td>             1196</td>
      <td>                19</td>
      <td>              228</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           382</td>
      <td>             1424</td>
      <td>                                  Rotorua District</td>
      <td>                   265</td>
      <td>              744</td>
      <td>                12</td>
      <td>              130</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           277</td>
      <td>              874</td>
      <td>                                Whakatane District</td>
      <td>                   180</td>
      <td>              375</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                1</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           180</td>
      <td>              376</td>
      <td>                                  Kawerau District</td>
      <td>                    66</td>
      <td>               61</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            66</td>
      <td>               61</td>
      <td>                                  Opotiki District</td>
      <td>                    49</td>
      <td>               94</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            49</td>
      <td>               94</td>
      <td>                                 Gisborne District</td>
      <td>                   254</td>
      <td>              406</td>
      <td>                12</td>
      <td>               63</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           266</td>
      <td>              469</td>
      <td>                                   Wairoa District</td>
      <td>                    40</td>
      <td>               73</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            40</td>
      <td>               73</td>
      <td>                                 Hastings District</td>
      <td>                   245</td>
      <td>              608</td>
      <td>                33</td>
      <td>              272</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           278</td>
      <td>              880</td>
      <td>                                       Napier City</td>
      <td>                   171</td>
      <td>              650</td>
      <td>                 7</td>
      <td>               81</td>
      <td>             3</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           181</td>
      <td>              731</td>
      <td>                      Central Hawke's Bay District</td>
      <td>                    42</td>
      <td>              115</td>
      <td>                 4</td>
      <td>               11</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            46</td>
      <td>              126</td>
      <td>                             New Plymouth District</td>
      <td>                   223</td>
      <td>              720</td>
      <td>                19</td>
      <td>              211</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           242</td>
      <td>              931</td>
      <td>                                Stratford District</td>
      <td>                    50</td>
      <td>               86</td>
      <td>                 3</td>
      <td>               17</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            53</td>
      <td>              103</td>
      <td>                           South Taranaki District</td>
      <td>                    85</td>
      <td>              190</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            85</td>
      <td>              190</td>
      <td>                                  Ruapehu District</td>
      <td>                    55</td>
      <td>               95</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            55</td>
      <td>               95</td>
      <td>                                 Wanganui District</td>
      <td>                   157</td>
      <td>              430</td>
      <td>                15</td>
      <td>               65</td>
      <td>             8</td>
      <td>               60</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           180</td>
      <td>              555</td>
      <td>                               Rangitikei District</td>
      <td>                    51</td>
      <td>               80</td>
      <td>                 4</td>
      <td>               65</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            55</td>
      <td>              145</td>
      <td>                                 Manawatu District</td>
      <td>                    54</td>
      <td>              234</td>
      <td>                 7</td>
      <td>               23</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            61</td>
      <td>              257</td>
      <td>                             Palmerston North City</td>
      <td>                   263</td>
      <td>              869</td>
      <td>                17</td>
      <td>              121</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           280</td>
      <td>              990</td>
      <td>                                  Tararua District</td>
      <td>                    59</td>
      <td>              174</td>
      <td>                 3</td>
      <td>                2</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            62</td>
      <td>              176</td>
      <td>                               Horowhenua District</td>
      <td>                   155</td>
      <td>              230</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           155</td>
      <td>              230</td>
      <td>                             Kapiti Coast District</td>
      <td>                   116</td>
      <td>              485</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>             1</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           117</td>
      <td>              485</td>
      <td>                                      Porirua City</td>
      <td>                   184</td>
      <td>              341</td>
      <td>                31</td>
      <td>               59</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                7</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           215</td>
      <td>              407</td>
      <td>                                   Upper Hutt City</td>
      <td>                   139</td>
      <td>              313</td>
      <td>                13</td>
      <td>              230</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           152</td>
      <td>              543</td>
      <td>                                   Lower Hutt City</td>
      <td>                   293</td>
      <td>              609</td>
      <td>                39</td>
      <td>              252</td>
      <td>             6</td>
      <td>               72</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           338</td>
      <td>              933</td>
      <td>                                   Wellington City</td>
      <td>                   292</td>
      <td>             1600</td>
      <td>                36</td>
      <td>              274</td>
      <td>            13</td>
      <td>              220</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           341</td>
      <td>             2094</td>
      <td>                                Masterton District</td>
      <td>                    98</td>
      <td>              249</td>
      <td>                16</td>
      <td>              144</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           114</td>
      <td>              393</td>
      <td>                                Carterton District</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                7</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                7</td>
      <td>                          South Wairarapa District</td>
      <td>                    23</td>
      <td>               66</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            23</td>
      <td>               66</td>
      <td>                                   Tasman District</td>
      <td>                   146</td>
      <td>              386</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           146</td>
      <td>              386</td>
      <td>                                       Nelson City</td>
      <td>                   150</td>
      <td>              575</td>
      <td>                14</td>
      <td>               64</td>
      <td>             1</td>
      <td>                1</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           165</td>
      <td>              640</td>
      <td>                              Marlborough District</td>
      <td>                   118</td>
      <td>              405</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           118</td>
      <td>              405</td>
      <td>                                 Kaikoura District</td>
      <td>                    12</td>
      <td>               34</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            12</td>
      <td>               34</td>
      <td>                                   Buller District</td>
      <td>                    46</td>
      <td>               63</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            46</td>
      <td>               63</td>
      <td>                                     Grey District</td>
      <td>                    73</td>
      <td>               96</td>
      <td>                13</td>
      <td>               22</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            86</td>
      <td>              118</td>
      <td>                                 Westland District</td>
      <td>                    21</td>
      <td>               67</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            21</td>
      <td>               67</td>
      <td>                                  Hurunui District</td>
      <td>                    17</td>
      <td>               33</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            17</td>
      <td>               33</td>
      <td>                              Waimakariri District</td>
      <td>                   133</td>
      <td>              406</td>
      <td>                 4</td>
      <td>               26</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           137</td>
      <td>              432</td>
      <td>                                 Christchurch City</td>
      <td>                  1127</td>
      <td>             2661</td>
      <td>                80</td>
      <td>              636</td>
      <td>            25</td>
      <td>              521</td>
      <td>               60</td>
      <td>               13</td>
      <td>          1292</td>
      <td>             3831</td>
      <td>                                   Selwyn District</td>
      <td>                    85</td>
      <td>              381</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            85</td>
      <td>              381</td>
      <td>                                Ashburton District</td>
      <td>                    90</td>
      <td>              251</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            90</td>
      <td>              251</td>
      <td>                                   Timaru District</td>
      <td>                   134</td>
      <td>              398</td>
      <td>                10</td>
      <td>              172</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           144</td>
      <td>              570</td>
      <td>                                Mackenzie District</td>
      <td>                    13</td>
      <td>               20</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            13</td>
      <td>               20</td>
      <td>                                  Waimate District</td>
      <td>                    17</td>
      <td>               37</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            17</td>
      <td>               37</td>
      <td>                                  Waitaki District</td>
      <td>                    59</td>
      <td>              180</td>
      <td>                 9</td>
      <td>               77</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            68</td>
      <td>              257</td>
      <td>                            Central Otago District</td>
      <td>                    39</td>
      <td>              177</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            39</td>
      <td>              177</td>
      <td>                         Queenstown-Lakes District</td>
      <td>                    53</td>
      <td>              217</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            53</td>
      <td>              217</td>
      <td>                                      Dunedin City</td>
      <td>                   264</td>
      <td>              949</td>
      <td>                16</td>
      <td>              310</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           280</td>
      <td>             1259</td>
      <td>                                   Clutha District</td>
      <td>                    56</td>
      <td>              173</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            56</td>
      <td>              173</td>
      <td>                                Southland District</td>
      <td>                    73</td>
      <td>              202</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            73</td>
      <td>              202</td>
      <td>                                     Gore District</td>
      <td>                    42</td>
      <td>              120</td>
      <td>                 9</td>
      <td>               49</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>            51</td>
      <td>              169</td>
      <td>                                 Invercargill City</td>
      <td>                   224</td>
      <td>              564</td>
      <td>                28</td>
      <td>               79</td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           252</td>
      <td>              643</td>
      <td>                             Correspondence School</td>
      <td>                  1973</td>
      <td>             1423</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>              </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>          1973</td>
      <td>             1423</td>
      <td>                                    Not Applicable</td>
      <td>                   216</td>
      <td>              113</td>
      <td>                  </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>             6</td>
      <td>              151</td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>                 </td>
      <td>           222</td>
      <td>              264</td>
      <td>                                       Grand Total</td>
      <td>                 15588</td>
      <td>            39162</td>
      <td>               778</td>
      <td>             6124</td>
      <td>           255</td>
      <td>             2880</td>
      <td>               60</td>
      <td>               13</td>
      <td>         16681</td>
      <td>            48179</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>               NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> Cohort includes New Zealand Students who turne...</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>               NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> Cohort excludes International students, studen...</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>               NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> School Authority &amp; Regional information based ...</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>               NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> Auckland Territorial Authority is subdivided i...</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>               NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td> Source: Indicators &amp; Reporting Team, Ministry ...</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>               NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
      <td>           NaN</td>
      <td>              NaN</td>
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <th>Number of Schools by Territorial Authority &amp; Highest Level of Immersion- 1 July 2000</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 1</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 2</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 3</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 4</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 5</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 6</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 7</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 8</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 9</th>
      <th>Unnamed: 10</th>
      <th>0 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                       NaN</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                              NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                         NaN</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <th>1 </th>
      <td>                             Territorial Authority</td>
      <td> Highest Level of Māori Language Immersion</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                              NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                         NaN</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td> Total</td>
      <th>2 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                              Māori medium</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td> Māori Language in English medium</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td> No Māori language learning / Not Applicable</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <th>3 </th>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                          Level 1: 81-100%</td>
      <td> Level 2: 51-80%</td>
      <td>                  Level 3: 31-50%</td>
      <td> Level 4(a): up to 30%</td>
      <td> Level 4(b): At least 3 Hours</td>
      <td> Level 5: Less than 3 Hours</td>
      <td>                         Level 6: Taha Māori</td>
      <td> No Māori language learning</td>
      <td> Not eligible for MLP funding</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <th>4 </th>
      <td>                                Far North District</td>
      <td>                                        15</td>
      <td>               7</td>
      <td>                               11</td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>                           10</td>
      <td>                         17</td>
      <td>                                           9</td>
      <td>                          6</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    77</td>
      <th>5 </th>
      <td>                                Whangarei District</td>
      <td>                                         2</td>
      <td>               3</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>                           12</td>
      <td>                         15</td>
      <td>                                          12</td>
      <td>                          9</td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>    56</td>
      <th>6 </th>
      <td>                                  Kaipara District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>               1</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                            4</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                                          10</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>    24</td>
      <th>7 </th>
      <td>                                  Auckland- Rodney</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            3</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                                          16</td>
      <td>                          8</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    30</td>
      <th>8 </th>
      <td>                       Auckland- Hibiscus and Bays</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            3</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                                          12</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    21</td>
      <th>9 </th>
      <td>                           Auckland- Upper Harbour</td>
      <td>                                         1</td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>                          1</td>
      <td>                                           5</td>
      <td>                          5</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    13</td>
      <td>                               Auckland- Kaipatiki</td>
      <td>                                         1</td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                            4</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                                          10</td>
      <td>                          6</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    26</td>
      <td>                      Auckland- Devonport-Takapuna</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                            4</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                                          10</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    22</td>
      <td>                        Auckland- Henderson-Massey</td>
      <td>                                         1</td>
      <td>               2</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            5</td>
      <td>                         16</td>
      <td>                                          12</td>
      <td>                          2</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    38</td>
      <td>                        Auckland- Waitakere Ranges</td>
      <td>                                         1</td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>                          5</td>
      <td>                                           8</td>
      <td>                           </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    14</td>
      <td>                           Auckland- Great Barrier</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                1</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>                           </td>
      <td>                                           2</td>
      <td>                           </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>     3</td>
      <td>                                 Auckland- Waiheke</td>
      <td>                                         1</td>
      <td>               1</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>                           </td>
      <td>                                            </td>
      <td>                           </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>     2</td>
      <td>                               Auckland- Waitemata</td>
      <td>                                         4</td>
      <td>               1</td>
      <td>                                1</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>                          1</td>
      <td>                                           6</td>
      <td>                          7</td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>    23</td>
      <td>                                    Auckland- Whau</td>
      <td>                                         1</td>
      <td>               1</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            4</td>
      <td>                          7</td>
      <td>                                           8</td>
      <td>                          6</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    27</td>
      <td>                             Auckland- Albert-Eden</td>
      <td>                                         2</td>
      <td>               2</td>
      <td>                                1</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            8</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                                           9</td>
      <td>                          6</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    31</td>
      <td>                              Auckland- Puketapapa</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            3</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                                           7</td>
      <td>                          9</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    22</td>
      <td>                                  Auckland- Orakei</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            3</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                                          11</td>
      <td>                          5</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    23</td>
      <td>                     Auckland- Maungakiekie-Tamaki</td>
      <td>                                         2</td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            4</td>
      <td>                          7</td>
      <td>                                          10</td>
      <td>                          6</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    29</td>
      <td>                                  Auckland- Howick</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            2</td>
      <td>                          6</td>
      <td>                                          15</td>
      <td>                         11</td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>    35</td>
      <td>                         Auckland- Mangere-Otahuhu</td>
      <td>                                         4</td>
      <td>               4</td>
      <td>                                2</td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>                            2</td>
      <td>                          5</td>
      <td>                                           4</td>
      <td>                          8</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    31</td>
      <td>                        Auckland- Otara-Papatoetoe</td>
      <td>                                         2</td>
      <td>               2</td>
      <td>                                3</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                            5</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                                          12</td>
      <td>                          2</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    31</td>
      <td>                                Auckland- Manurewa</td>
      <td>                                         3</td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                6</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            2</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                                           8</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    27</td>
      <td>                                Auckland- Papakura</td>
      <td>                                         3</td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                3</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>                          2</td>
      <td>                                           8</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    21</td>
      <td>                                Auckland- Franklin</td>
      <td>                                         2</td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            3</td>
      <td>                          7</td>
      <td>                                          16</td>
      <td>                         12</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    40</td>
      <td>                        Thames-Coromandel District</td>
      <td>                                         2</td>
      <td>               1</td>
      <td>                                1</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>                          2</td>
      <td>                                          11</td>
      <td>                          5</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    23</td>
      <td>                                  Hauraki District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>               3</td>
      <td>                                1</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                            2</td>
      <td>                          2</td>
      <td>                                          11</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    23</td>
      <td>                                  Waikato District</td>
      <td>                                         7</td>
      <td>               1</td>
      <td>                                4</td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>                            5</td>
      <td>                          9</td>
      <td>                                          22</td>
      <td>                         14</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    64</td>
      <td>                           Matamata-Piako District</td>
      <td>                                         1</td>
      <td>               1</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>                            2</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                                          15</td>
      <td>                         13</td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>    38</td>
      <td>                                     Hamilton City</td>
      <td>                                         8</td>
      <td>               7</td>
      <td>                                3</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                           11</td>
      <td>                         10</td>
      <td>                                           8</td>
      <td>                          5</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    53</td>
      <td>                                    Waipa District</td>
      <td>                                         1</td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                1</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            4</td>
      <td>                          7</td>
      <td>                                          10</td>
      <td>                         14</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    37</td>
      <td>                               Otorohanga District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>               1</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>                          2</td>
      <td>                                           5</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    14</td>
      <td>                            South Waikato District</td>
      <td>                                         1</td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                2</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                            4</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                                          11</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    25</td>
      <td>                                  Waitomo District</td>
      <td>                                         2</td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                1</td>
      <td>                     2</td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>                          7</td>
      <td>                                           5</td>
      <td>                          2</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    20</td>
      <td>                                    Taupo District</td>
      <td>                                         6</td>
      <td>               1</td>
      <td>                                1</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            2</td>
      <td>                          7</td>
      <td>                                           4</td>
      <td>                          2</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    23</td>
      <td>                    Western Bay of Plenty District</td>
      <td>                                         4</td>
      <td>               2</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                            4</td>
      <td>                          5</td>
      <td>                                           7</td>
      <td>                          2</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    25</td>
      <td>                                     Tauranga City</td>
      <td>                                         5</td>
      <td>               3</td>
      <td>                                4</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                            5</td>
      <td>                          5</td>
      <td>                                           7</td>
      <td>                          6</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    36</td>
      <td>                                  Rotorua District</td>
      <td>                                        14</td>
      <td>               5</td>
      <td>                                3</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            5</td>
      <td>                          6</td>
      <td>                                          10</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>    47</td>
      <td>                                Whakatane District</td>
      <td>                                        14</td>
      <td>               1</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                            6</td>
      <td>                          6</td>
      <td>                                           4</td>
      <td>                          1</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    33</td>
      <td>                                  Kawerau District</td>
      <td>                                         2</td>
      <td>               2</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>                          1</td>
      <td>                                            </td>
      <td>                           </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>     6</td>
      <td>                                  Opotiki District</td>
      <td>                                         8</td>
      <td>               1</td>
      <td>                                2</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                                           2</td>
      <td>                           </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    16</td>
      <td>                                 Gisborne District</td>
      <td>                                        18</td>
      <td>               4</td>
      <td>                                1</td>
      <td>                     5</td>
      <td>                            6</td>
      <td>                          9</td>
      <td>                                          12</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>    60</td>
      <td>                                   Wairoa District</td>
      <td>                                         5</td>
      <td>               2</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            3</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                                           8</td>
      <td>                          2</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    23</td>
      <td>                                 Hastings District</td>
      <td>                                         8</td>
      <td>               3</td>
      <td>                                5</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                            7</td>
      <td>                         11</td>
      <td>                                          18</td>
      <td>                         12</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    65</td>
      <td>                                       Napier City</td>
      <td>                                         1</td>
      <td>               3</td>
      <td>                                1</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                            5</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                                          16</td>
      <td>                          5</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    35</td>
      <td>                      Central Hawke's Bay District</td>
      <td>                                         3</td>
      <td>               1</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            3</td>
      <td>                          5</td>
      <td>                                           7</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    22</td>
      <td>                             New Plymouth District</td>
      <td>                                         2</td>
      <td>               3</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                           10</td>
      <td>                         12</td>
      <td>                                          16</td>
      <td>                         11</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    55</td>
      <td>                                Stratford District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            3</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                                           7</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    17</td>
      <td>                           South Taranaki District</td>
      <td>                                         3</td>
      <td>               3</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            4</td>
      <td>                         13</td>
      <td>                                          14</td>
      <td>                         12</td>
      <td>                            2</td>
      <td>    51</td>
      <td>                                  Ruapehu District</td>
      <td>                                         4</td>
      <td>               2</td>
      <td>                                1</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            3</td>
      <td>                          6</td>
      <td>                                           7</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    27</td>
      <td>                                 Wanganui District</td>
      <td>                                         4</td>
      <td>               1</td>
      <td>                                4</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            6</td>
      <td>                          9</td>
      <td>                                          13</td>
      <td>                          9</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    46</td>
      <td>                               Rangitikei District</td>
      <td>                                         2</td>
      <td>               1</td>
      <td>                                2</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                            5</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                                          10</td>
      <td>                          6</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    30</td>
      <td>                                 Manawatu District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>               3</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>                          8</td>
      <td>                                           7</td>
      <td>                         10</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    29</td>
      <td>                             Palmerston North City</td>
      <td>                                         4</td>
      <td>               4</td>
      <td>                                4</td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                            5</td>
      <td>                         11</td>
      <td>                                           9</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    42</td>
      <td>                                  Tararua District</td>
      <td>                                         1</td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            2</td>
      <td>                          6</td>
      <td>                                          16</td>
      <td>                          9</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    34</td>
      <td>                               Horowhenua District</td>
      <td>                                         3</td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            3</td>
      <td>                          7</td>
      <td>                                           7</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    24</td>
      <td>                             Kapiti Coast District</td>
      <td>                                         3</td>
      <td>               2</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                            2</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                                           6</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>    23</td>
      <td>                                      Porirua City</td>
      <td>                                         6</td>
      <td>               4</td>
      <td>                                1</td>
      <td>                     3</td>
      <td>                            2</td>
      <td>                          7</td>
      <td>                                           9</td>
      <td>                          1</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    33</td>
      <td>                                   Upper Hutt City</td>
      <td>                                         1</td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            5</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                                           8</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    22</td>
      <td>                                   Lower Hutt City</td>
      <td>                                         6</td>
      <td>               1</td>
      <td>                                1</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                           11</td>
      <td>                         13</td>
      <td>                                          23</td>
      <td>                         10</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    65</td>
      <td>                                   Wellington City</td>
      <td>                                         5</td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                           12</td>
      <td>                         23</td>
      <td>                                          26</td>
      <td>                         14</td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>    82</td>
      <td>                                Masterton District</td>
      <td>                                         1</td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            3</td>
      <td>                          5</td>
      <td>                                           8</td>
      <td>                         11</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    28</td>
      <td>                                Carterton District</td>
      <td>                                         1</td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                                           2</td>
      <td>                          1</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>     7</td>
      <td>                          South Wairarapa District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            2</td>
      <td>                          1</td>
      <td>                                           5</td>
      <td>                          1</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>     9</td>
      <td>                                   Tasman District</td>
      <td>                                         1</td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            7</td>
      <td>                          1</td>
      <td>                                          15</td>
      <td>                         12</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    36</td>
      <td>                                       Nelson City</td>
      <td>                                         1</td>
      <td>               2</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            4</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                                           9</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    24</td>
      <td>                              Marlborough District</td>
      <td>                                         1</td>
      <td>               1</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                            2</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                                          13</td>
      <td>                         12</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    33</td>
      <td>                                 Kaikoura District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>                           </td>
      <td>                                           2</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>     7</td>
      <td>                                   Buller District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>                          2</td>
      <td>                                           3</td>
      <td>                          7</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    12</td>
      <td>                                     Grey District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>                          2</td>
      <td>                                          12</td>
      <td>                          7</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    22</td>
      <td>                                 Westland District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>                          2</td>
      <td>                                           8</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    13</td>
      <td>                                  Hurunui District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>                          2</td>
      <td>                                           6</td>
      <td>                          6</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    14</td>
      <td>                              Waimakariri District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                            3</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                                           9</td>
      <td>                          9</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    25</td>
      <td>                                 Christchurch City</td>
      <td>                                         4</td>
      <td>               7</td>
      <td>                                1</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                           15</td>
      <td>                         43</td>
      <td>                                          59</td>
      <td>                         34</td>
      <td>                            3</td>
      <td>   166</td>
      <td>                                   Selwyn District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            3</td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                                          11</td>
      <td>                         10</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    27</td>
      <td>                                Ashburton District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>                          1</td>
      <td>                                          12</td>
      <td>                         10</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    24</td>
      <td>                                   Timaru District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                1</td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            4</td>
      <td>                          6</td>
      <td>                                          23</td>
      <td>                          7</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    41</td>
      <td>                                Mackenzie District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>                          1</td>
      <td>                                           5</td>
      <td>                          2</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>     8</td>
      <td>                                  Waimate District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>                          1</td>
      <td>                                          11</td>
      <td>                          1</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    13</td>
      <td>                         Chatham Islands Territory</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                                           1</td>
      <td>                           </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>     4</td>
      <td>                                  Waitaki District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                                          13</td>
      <td>                         10</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    28</td>
      <td>                            Central Otago District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>                          6</td>
      <td>                                           6</td>
      <td>                          5</td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>    19</td>
      <td>                         Queenstown-Lakes District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>                          3</td>
      <td>                                           5</td>
      <td>                          2</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    10</td>
      <td>                                      Dunedin City</td>
      <td>                                         1</td>
      <td>               1</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            8</td>
      <td>                         20</td>
      <td>                                          39</td>
      <td>                         22</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    91</td>
      <td>                                   Clutha District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            4</td>
      <td>                          2</td>
      <td>                                          11</td>
      <td>                          8</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    25</td>
      <td>                                Southland District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>               1</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            2</td>
      <td>                         14</td>
      <td>                                          25</td>
      <td>                         11</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    53</td>
      <td>                                     Gore District</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>                          6</td>
      <td>                                           5</td>
      <td>                          2</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    14</td>
      <td>                                 Invercargill City</td>
      <td>                                         2</td>
      <td>               1</td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                     1</td>
      <td>                            7</td>
      <td>                          8</td>
      <td>                                          18</td>
      <td>                          4</td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>    41</td>
      <td>                             Correspondence School</td>
      <td>                                          </td>
      <td>                </td>
      <td>                                 </td>
      <td>                      </td>
      <td>                            1</td>
      <td>                           </td>
      <td>                                            </td>
      <td>                           </td>
      <td>                             </td>
      <td>     1</td>
      <td>                                             Total</td>
      <td>                                       211</td>
      <td>             103</td>
      <td>                               73</td>
      <td>                    43</td>
      <td>                          306</td>
      <td>                        512</td>
      <td>                                         927</td>
      <td>                        539</td>
      <td>                           15</td>
      <td>  2729</td>
      <td>                                               NaN</td>
      <td>                                       NaN</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                              NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                         NaN</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td> Where a school offers multiple levels of Māori...</td>
      <td>                                       NaN</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                              NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                         NaN</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td> Auckland Super-city has been broken down into ...</td>
      <td>                                       NaN</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                              NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                         NaN</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>
      <td> Source: Indicators &amp; Reporting Team, Ministry ...</td>
      <td>                                       NaN</td>
      <td>             NaN</td>
      <td>                              NaN</td>
      <td>                   NaN</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                                         NaN</td>
      <td>                        NaN</td>
      <td>                          NaN</td>
      <td>   NaN</td>

In [111]:
doc = dominate.document(title='educations-counts-data')

with doc.head:
    link(rel='stylesheet', href='style.css')
    script(type='text/javascript', src='script.js')

with doc:
    #with div(id='header').add(ol()):
        #for i in ['home', 'about', 'contact']:
            #li(a(i.title(), href='/%s.html' % i))

    with div(cls='row'):
        for exf in exlfile:
            #print exf
            opexf = open(exf, 'r')
            #rdex = xlrd.count_records(exf)
            #rdwk = xlrd.open_workbook(opexf)
            #print rdwk
            pandexl = pandas.read_excel(exf)
            #print pandexl.columns
        #for fil in files:
            #gied = afi.text
            #gifz = gied.replace(' ', '-')
            #giflow = gifz.lower()
            #a(dominate.tags.p(fil), href = fil)

#print doc

In [ ]:
for exf in exlfile:
    #print fil
    #opexl = open(fil, 'r')
    #opexl = xlrd.count_records(exf)
    #print exshna()
    #print opexl
    opxa = xlrd.open_workbook(exf)
    #print opxa
    #print opxa.sheet_names()
    #print len(opxs.sheet_names()
    #fshet = opxa.sheet_names()[1]
    print opxa.nsheets
    print opxa.
    #print fshet
    #wshet = fshet.sheet_by_name(fshet)
    #nrows = wshet.nrows - 1
    #crow = -1
    #while crow < nrows:
    #    crow += 1
    #    row = wshet.row(crow)
    #    print row

In [ ]:
doc = dominate.document(title='educations-counts-data')

with doc.head:
    link(rel='stylesheet', href='style.css')
    script(type='text/javascript', src='script.js')

with doc:
    #with div(id='header').add(ol()):
        #for i in ['home', 'about', 'contact']:
            #li(a(i.title(), href='/%s.html' % i))

    with div(cls='row'):
        for sorx in sorted_x:
            a(dominate.tags.p(sorx[0]), href = sorx[1])
        #for fil in files:
            #gied = afi.text
            #gifz = gied.replace(' ', '-')
            #giflow = gifz.lower()
            #a(dominate.tags.p(fil), href = fil)

#print doc

Filter html to display only certain extensions. For example - xls. or doc. Render the filtered extension

In [ ]:
print doc

In [133]:
mkind = open(indfil, 'w')

In [139]:
for exf in exlfile:
    #print exf
    opexf = open(exf, 'r')
    #rdex = xlrd.count_records(exf)
    #rdwk = xlrd.open_workbook(opexf)
    #print rdwk
    pandexl = pandas.read_excel(exf)
    #print pandexl.columns
    pandex = pandexl.to_html()
    yourstring = pandex.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')



In [ ]:
document = Document('existing-document-file.docx')'new-file-name.docx')

In [ ]:
for docf in docfiles:
    #print docf
    print docf
    docum = Document(docf)

In [ ]:
document = Document()

In [ ]:

In [ ]: