In [28]:
def energy_grad(thetas, phis):
theta_cos = np.cos(thetas)
theta_sin = np.sin(thetas)
phi_cos = np.cos(phis)
phi_sin = np.sin(phis)
left_theta_cos = np.roll(theta_cos, 1)
left_theta_sin = np.roll(theta_sin, 1)
right_theta_cos = np.roll(theta_cos, -1)
right_theta_sin = np.roll(theta_sin, -1)
left_phi_cos = np.roll(phi_cos, 1)
left_phi_sin = np.roll(phi_sin, 1)
right_phi_cos = np.roll(phi_cos, -1)
right_phi_sin = np.roll(phi_sin, -1)
d_left_by_theta = -left_theta_cos*theta_sin*phi_sin*left_phi_sin + theta_cos*phi_sin*left_theta_sin*left_phi_sin
d_left_by_phi = -left_phi_cos*phi_sin + theta_cos*phi_cos*left_theta_cos*left_phi_sin + phi_cos*theta_sin*left_theta_sin*left_phi_sin
d_right_by_theta = -right_theta_cos*theta_sin*phi_sin*right_phi_sin + theta_cos*phi_sin*right_theta_sin*right_phi_sin
d_right_by_phi = -right_phi_cos*phi_sin + theta_cos*phi_cos*right_theta_cos*right_phi_sin + phi_cos*theta_sin*right_theta_sin*right_phi_sin
return d_left_by_theta+d_right_by_theta, d_left_by_phi+d_right_by_phi
In [29]:
def next_velocity(velocity, energy_grad, eps):
return velocity - eps/2*energy_grad
In [30]:
def next_state(state, velocity, eps):
return state + eps*velocity
In [31]:
def leap_frog(thetas, phis, init_theta_vel, init_phi_vel, eps):
# Compute energy landscape gradient
theta_grads, phi_grads = energy_grad(thetas, phis)
# Compute the half-step velocity of the free variables
theta_vel = next_velocity(init_theta_vel, theta_grads, eps)
phi_vel = next_velocity(init_phi_vel, phi_grads, eps)
# Compute the next trial state
theta_trial = next_state(thetas, theta_vel, eps)
phi_trial = next_state(phis, phi_vel, eps)
# Compute the velocity of the trial state
theta_trial_grads, phi_trial_grads = energy_grad(
theta_trial, phi_trial)
theta_trial_vel = next_velocity(theta_vel, theta_trial_grads, eps)
phi_trial_vel = next_velocity(phi_vel, phi_trial_grads, eps)
return theta_trial, phi_trial, theta_trial_vel, phi_trial_vel
In [34]:
def random_velocity(N):
return np.random.randn(N)
In [40]:
def momentum_energy(theta_vels, phi_vels):
theta_energies = np.sum(0.5*theta_vels**2)
phi_energies = np.sum(0.5*phi_vels**2)
return theta_energies + phi_energies
In [157]:
def internal_energy(thetas, phis):
theta_cos = np.cos(thetas)
theta_sin = np.sin(thetas)
phi_cos = np.cos(phis)
phi_sin = np.sin(phis)
left_theta_cos = np.roll(theta_cos, 1)
left_theta_sin = np.roll(theta_sin, 1)
left_phi_cos = np.roll(phi_cos, 1)
left_phi_sin = np.roll(phi_sin, 1)
energies = phi_cos*left_phi_cos + theta_cos*left_theta_cos*phi_sin*left_phi_sin + theta_sin*phi_sin*left_theta_sin*left_phi_sin
return -energies.sum()
In [158]:
def total_energy(thetas, phis, theta_vels, phi_vels):
return internal_energy(thetas, phis) + momentum_energy(theta_vels, phi_vels)
In [159]:
def acceptance(thetas, phis, theta_vels, phi_vels,
trial_thetas, trial_phis, trial_theta_vels, trial_phi_vels, beta):
energy_diff = total_energy(thetas, phis, theta_vels, phi_vels) - total_energy(trial_thetas, trial_phis, trial_theta_vels, trial_phi_vels)
energy_acceptance = np.exp(energy_diff * beta)
return np.random.uniform(0,1) < energy_acceptance
In [223]:
def metropolis_energy(thetas, phis, spin_idx):
left = -1 if spin_idx == 0 else spin_idx -1
right = 0 if spin_idx ==(len(thetas)-1) else spin_idx+1
this_theta_cos = np.cos(thetas[spin_idx])
this_theta_sin = np.sin(thetas[spin_idx])
left_theta_cos = np.cos(thetas[left])
left_theta_sin = np.sin(thetas[left])
right_theta_cos = np.cos(thetas[right])
right_theta_sin = np.sin(thetas[right])
energy = this_theta
In [ ]:
def metropolis(initial_thetas, initial_phis, beta, N):
# system size
size = initial_thetas.size
# copy in initial state
thetas = np.copy(initial_thetas)
phis = np.copy(initial_phis)
trial_thetas = np.copy(initial_thetas) # will be replaced
trial_phis = np.copy(initial_phis) # will be replaced
for i in range(N):
spin_idx = np.random.randint(size)
this_theta = thetas[spin_idx]
this_phi = phis[spin_idx]
In [201]:
def hmc(initial_thetas, initial_phis, eps, n, beta, N):
# system size
size = initial_thetas.size
# track acceptance
accepts = 0
# track internal energy
energy = np.zeros(N)
# Copy in initial state
thetas = np.copy(initial_thetas)
phis = np.copy(initial_phis)
trial_thetas = np.copy(initial_thetas) # will be replaced
trial_phis = np.copy(initial_phis) # will be replaced
for i in range(N):
trial_thetas = thetas
trial_phis = phis
# Compute initial velocites
theta_vels = random_velocity(size)
phi_vels = random_velocity(size)
trial_theta_vels = np.copy(theta_vels)
trial_phi_vels = np.copy(phi_vels)
# Take n leap frog steps
for step in range(n):
trial_thetas, trial_phis, trial_theta_vels, trial_phi_vels = leap_frog(
trial_thetas, trial_phis, trial_theta_vels, trial_phi_vels, eps)
# Accept new position?
if acceptance(thetas, phis, theta_vels, phi_vels, trial_thetas, trial_phis, trial_theta_vels, trial_phi_vels, beta):
thetas = trial_thetas
phis = trial_phis
accepts += 1
energy[i] = internal_energy(thetas, phis)
return thetas, phis, accepts/N, energy
In [202]:
systemsize = 50
In [203]:
thetas = np.random.uniform(0, 2*np.pi, size=systemsize)
phis = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi, size=systemsize)
In [217]:
t, p, acc, energy = hmc(thetas, phis, 0.001, 50, 1e100, 10000)
In [218]:
In [219]:
x = np.cos(t) * np.sin(p)
y = np.sin(t) * np.sin(p)
z = np.cos(p)
In [220]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
In [221]:
plt.plot(x, label='x')
plt.plot(y, label='y')
plt.plot(z, label='z')
In [222]:
In [224]:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
In [234]:
In [253]:
%matplotlib inline
In [254]:
fg = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax = fg.gca(projection='3d')
ax.quiver(np.linspace(1, systemsize, systemsize),
np.zeros(systemsize), np.zeros(systemsize), x, y, z,
ax.set_ylim(-systemsize/2, systemsize/2)
ax.set_zlim(-systemsize/2, systemsize/2)
In [ ]: