This notebook can be used to plot unit cells of an arbitrary crystal in 2D and 3D. As an input, the user provides the lattice vectors and the positions of the atoms of a unit cell in terms of the lattice vectors. Additionally, the user can specify the number of unit cells to be plotted in x-, y- or z-direction.
Press shift + enter to run cells!
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
# Import required packages
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, iplot, iplot_mpl
from itertools import product
In [56]:
# Define 2d and 3d lattice coordinate functions
def unit_cell_2d(a, b, atom_pos, Nx, Ny):
"""Make arrays of x- and y-positions of a lattice from the
lattice vectors, the atom positions and the number of unit cells.
a : list
First lattice vector
b : list
Second lattice vector
atom_pos : list
Positions of atoms in the unit cells in terms of a and b
Nx : int
number of unit cells in the x-direction to be plotted
Ny : int
number of unit cells in the y-direction to be plotted
latt_coord_x : numpy.ndarray
Array containing the x-coordinates of all atoms to be plotted
latt_coord_y : numpy.ndarray
Array containing the y-coordinates of all atoms to be plotted
latt_coord_x = []
latt_coord_y = []
for atom in atom_pos:
xpos = atom[0]*a[0] + atom[1]*b[0]
ypos = atom[0]*a[1] + atom[1]*b[1]
xpos_all = [(xpos + n*a[0] + m*b[0]) for n, m in product(range(Nx), range(Ny))]
ypos_all = [(ypos + n*a[1] + m*b[1]) for n, m in product(range(Nx), range(Ny))]
latt_coord_x = np.array(latt_coord_x).flatten()
latt_coord_y = np.array(latt_coord_y).flatten()
return latt_coord_x, latt_coord_y
def unit_cell_3d(a, b, c, atom_pos, Nx, Ny, Nz):
"""Make arrays of x-, y- and z-positions of a lattice from the
lattice vectors, the atom positions and the number of unit cells.
a : list
First lattice vector
b : list
Second lattice vector
c : list
Third lattice vector
atom_pos : list
Positions of atoms in the unit cells in terms of a, b and c
Nx : int
number of unit cells in the x-direction to be plotted
Ny : int
number of unit cells in the y-direction to be plotted
Nz : int
number of unit cells in the z-direction to be plotted
latt_coord_x : numpy.ndarray
Array containing the x-coordinates of all atoms to be plotted
latt_coord_y : numpy.ndarray
Array containing the y-coordinates of all atoms to be plotted
latt_coord_z : numpy.ndarray
Array containing the z-coordinates of all atoms to be plotted
latt_coord_x = []
latt_coord_y = []
latt_coord_z = []
for atom in atom_pos:
xpos = atom[0]*a[0] + atom[1]*b[0] + atom[2]*c[0]
ypos = atom[0]*a[1] + atom[1]*b[1] + atom[2]*c[1]
zpos = atom[0]*a[2] + atom[1]*b[2] + atom[2]*c[2]
xpos_all = [xpos + n*a[0] + m*b[0] + k*c[0] for n, m, k in
product(range(Nx), range(Ny), range(Nz))]
ypos_all = [ypos + n*a[1] + m*b[1] + k*c[1] for n, m, k in
product(range(Nx), range(Ny), range(Nz))]
zpos_all = [zpos + n*a[2] + m*b[2] + k*c[2] for n, m, k in
product(range(Nx), range(Ny), range(Nz))]
latt_coord_x = np.array(latt_coord_x).flatten()
latt_coord_y = np.array(latt_coord_y).flatten()
latt_coord_z = np.array(latt_coord_z).flatten()
return latt_coord_x, latt_coord_y, latt_coord_z
In [50]:
# Honeycomb lattice
# Lattice vectors
a = [np.sqrt(3)/2., .5]
b = [np.sqrt(3)/2., -.5]
# Position of atoms in unit cell
atom_pos = [[0, 0], [1/3., 1/3.]] # Honeycomb lattice
# Number of unit cells to be plotted in x- and y-direction
Nx = 8
Ny = 8
# Find the coordinates!
latt_x, latt_y = unit_cell_2d(a, b, atom_pos, Nx, Ny)
In [51]:
# Plot the resulting coordinates as a scatter plot
ax = plt.subplot(aspect=1)
ax.scatter(latt_x, latt_y, s=30, color='k', marker='o')
iplot_mpl(plt.gcf(), show_link=False)
In [59]:
# FCC lattice
# Lattice vectors
a = [1, 0, 0]
b = [0, 1, 0]
c = [0, 0, 1]
# Atom positions expressed in units of a, b, and c
atom_pos = [[0, 0, 0],
[.5, .5, 0],
[.5, 0, .5],
[0, .5, .5]]
# Number of unit cells to be plotted in x-, y- and z-direction
Nx = 2
Ny = 2
Nz = 2
# Find the coordinates!
latt_x, latt_y, latt_z = unit_cell_3d(a, b, c, atom_pos, Nx, Ny, Nz)
In [60]:
# Plot the coordinates as a scatter plot
trace = go.Scatter3d(x = latt_x, y = latt_y, z=latt_z, mode = 'markers',
marker = dict(size = 4, color = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .5)',
line = dict(width = 2, color = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)')),
iplot([trace], show_link=False)
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