License: BSD
Copyright: Copyright American Gut Project, 2015
In [1]:
# This cell allows us to render the notebook in the way we wish no matter where
# the notebook is rendered.
from IPython.core.display import HTML
css_file = './ag.css'
HTML(open(css_file, "r").read())
While null hypothesis statistical testing demonstrates whether something has an effect, effect sizes are used to estimate the importance of an effect. There have been many calls in medical literature for the inclusion of effect size along with statistical p-values, as effect sizes increase the accuracy of comparison [1, 2]. We can leverage effect sizes within microbiome research in multiple ways. Understanding the effect size may help us rank which factors affect the microbiome the most. This, in turn, could help identify targets for intervention. Effect size can also help us design better studies. In the context of statistical power, effect size can help us estimate how many samples we might need to be reasonably confident that our hypothesis is true, given some margin of error.
The complex relation between humans and their resident microbes, especially the microbes in their guts, has been recognized in many areas of human health. Our microbial communities change during the course of our lives, although most of this change occurs within the first three years of life [3-6]. Long-term dietary patterns also have a large influence on the gut microbiome, although certain extreme dietary changes can force an acute change [6-9]. The gut microbiome can also be re-shaped by antibiotic use [10-12]. Microbiome alterations (dysbiosis) have also been reported in a number of diseases. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and obesity are well studied examples in which the disease state is associated with dysbiosis [13-18]. Seasonal changes in the microbiome have also been reported [19]. We will demonstrate that in a healthy population of adults, age, alcohol consumption, exercise frequency, and sleep duration also impact the gut microbiome.
The list of factors that interact with the microbiome is based on the results of significance testing and does not consider effect size. However, effect size is still an important consideration in microbiome research for both experimental design and possible interventions. Using the American Gut data, we demonstrate that antibiotic use in the month prior to sample collection is associated with significantly decreased alpha diversity, compared with people who have not used antibiotics in the past year (p < 0.01). We also show that people who drink alcohol regularly (three or more times per week) have higher alpha diversity than those who do not consume alcohol (p < 0.01).
If these results were published, one can imagine a situation in which popular media might advise the regular consumption of alcohol use following a dose of antibiotics to help repopulate the microbiome. If we ignore the number of logical fallacies associated with this practice and assume that regular alcohol consumption is able to reseed the gut microbiome in a healthy way, the question then becomes if this will be an effective treatment. (Of course, this represents only one of many potential examples, and no real data beyond the significant association between alcohol consumption and microbiome diversity exists to support this mechanism.) Regular alcohol consumption following antibiotic use might be a good treatment strategy, if the effect size of alcohol consumption is on the same order or greater than the effect of antibiotic use. On the other hand, if the effect size of alcohol consumption is less than that of antibiotic use, encouraging adults who do not drink or drink rarely to increase their alcohol consumption may not lead to the desired effects.
The American Gut data set presents a rare opportunity for effect size prediction within the microbiome field. The large size and high degree of heterogeneity among participants and the amount of survey metadata collected from each participant facilitates the examination of effect size for factors that are either currently uncharacterized or under characterized in microbiome research. The accompanying challenge is that effect size calculations are difficult for the type of data collected in microbiome research. Most traditional effect size metrics for comparing samples between groups, such as Cohen’s d, make assumptions about the normality of the data being studied, while microbiome data is not normal. As a result, we will leverage a method of empirically estimating statistical power.
Using statistics, we can test hypotheses. For example, we might want to test whether or not individual toy bricks cost different amounts depending on which playset they come from. Perhaps we’re trying to build the most epic toy brick playset to represent places where the microbiome is studied, and we’re trying to do this in the cheapest way possible. We’ve determined that there are two relatively inexpensive sets which contain a specific brick we want: a chemistry laboratory and a Komodo dragon enclosure. However, we’d also like to repurpose the rest of the bricks in the sets. So, we’d like to consider the cost per brick in each of the sets.
Therefore, we’re going to test the hypothesis that the cost per brick in the lab playset is different from the cost per brick in the Komodo dragon playset. We can write two possible outcomes for our statistical test, and call them hypotheses:
In an ideal world, we would be able to collect information about every set sold in the country, which statisticians would call the population. But, presumably, this is a side project, and we don’t have enough time or energy to be able to collect information about every single toy brick set of a particular model sold at every single store in the country. Rather than collect information about every single set in the country, let’s assume that we were able to collect price information the three playsets per week at three stores across the country during the 2013 calendar year. Let’s call each record of a playset price an observation. The total set of observations of each model is a sample.
In this notebook, we will try to use consistent language, and a sample will refer to a set of observations (whether they be the cost of toy brick playsets, randomly drawn data points, dice rolls, or diversity metrics calculated after sequencing physical 16S swabs). This differs slightly from the use of “samples” in other American Gut documentation, where “sample” refers to a physical specimen and the resultant 16S data.
Our statistical test can make a mistake in two ways. We can reject H0 when it is, in fact, true. This leads to a false positive. In our toy example, this would be drawing the conclusion that the bricks within the two sets cost significantly different amounts, when in fact, they don’t. In a medical context, this might mean saying that someone has cancer, when in fact, they do not. Statisticians try to limit the risk associated with false positives by selecting a critical value, sometimes called $\alpha$. The critical value is the acceptable probability that a false positive has occurred. Statistical tests calculate a p value, which is the probability a false positive has occurred. The comparison of p values and critical values prompts rejection, or failure to reject a hypothesis. The null hypothesis is rejected when $p < \alpha$.
We can also make a mistake and fail to reject H0 when it is true. In the toy example, this would mean that we conclude that the costs of the bricks in the two set are the same, when they actually have different costs. We have committed a Type II error or selected a false negative result. In the cancer example, it would mean saying a patient is cancer free when they actually have the disease. This is also dangerous, but more difficult to test. The statistical power of an experiment is
Traditionally, statistical power can only be calculated for certain types of data and certain statistical tests. Most effect size measures make assumptions about the distribution of the data (for example, Cohen’s $f^{2}$ is the power of an ANOVA, which assumes a normal distribution) [20, 21]. Unfortunately, most microbiome data violates one or more traditional assumptions. For example, many bacterial taxa are sparsely represented and therefore do not follow a normal distribution [22]. One approach to overcome problems associated with non-normal distributions is to use permutations [23]. We have applied a permutative approach to empirically estimate power for microbiome data.
Let's assume there exist a set of populations, $\{ K_{1}, K{2}, ... , K_{k} \}$ which can be characterized by some parameter, $\chi$ such that $\chi_{1} \neq \chi_{2} \neq ... \neq \chi_{k}$. From each of these populations, there exist samples, $\{ S_{1}, S_{2}, ... , S_{k} \}$ of sizes $N_{1}, N_{2}, ... , N_{k}$ and characterized by some parameter, $X$ where $X \approx \chi$. For our set of samples, we can apply some statistical test, $\mathbf{F}$, to test the pair of hypotheses: $$\textrm{H}_{\textrm{0}}\textrm{: } \chi_{1} = \chi_{2} = ... = \chi_{k}$$ $$\textrm{H}_{\textrm{1}}\textrm{: } \chi_{1} \neq \chi_{2} \neq ... \neq \chi_{k}$$ Let's assume that when we apply $\mathbf{F}$ to our set of samples, it gives us a probability, $p_{all}$ where $p_{all}$ is the probability that we have committed a Type I Error. We can set some critical value, $\alpha$ such that we reject H0 if $p_{all} < \alpha$.
If $N_{i}$ is sufficiently large, we can randomly subsample $S_{i}$ to generate $s_{i}$, a subsample of size $n_{i}$ where $n_{i} < N_{i}$. Each subsample will have a parameter, $x_{i}$, where $x_{i} \approx X_{i}$, and by the transitive property, $x_{i} \approx \chi_{i}$.
If we subsamples over all our sample set, we can apply our test $\mathbf{F}$ to $m$ rounds of random subsampling to generate a set of $p$ values, $\{p_{1}, p_{2}, ..., p_{m}\}$.
Since we know that we should reject the null hypothesis at the critical value, $\alpha$, when $p_{j} \geq \alpha \textrm{ (for }\{j | j \textrm{ } \epsilon \textrm{ }\mathbb{N} \textrm{ and } 1 \leq j \leq m\}$, we have observed a false negative and committed a type II error. We can define the empirical probability of committing a type II error, $\beta$, as $$\beta = \frac{|p_{j} > \alpha|}{p} \tag{1}$$ where $|a|$ is the number of elements in set $a$. Since statistical power, $P$ is defined as $1 - \beta$, we can say that $$P = 1 - \beta = 1 - \frac{|p_{j} \geq \alpha|}{|p|} = \frac{|p_{j} < \alpha|}{|p|} \tag{2}$$
If we repeat the subsampling process $g$ times, the central limit theorem applied to weak convergence says the mean of the power estimate, $\overline{P} \rightarrow P$.
The method of power analysis we’re using is a relatively new method. We wanted to demonstrate the empirical method gives similar results as those obtained using traditional power analysis techniques. We applied a case II student’s t-test, which compares the hypotheses,
The power for this test is given by $$PWR(\overline{x}_{1}, \overline{x}_{2}, s_{1}, s_{2}, n_{1}, n_{2}, \alpha) = pnorm \left (-z_{1 - \alpha/2} + \sqrt{\frac{(\overline{x}_{1} - \overline{x}_{2})^{2}}{s_{1}^{2}/n_{1} + s_{2}^{2}/n_{2}}}, 0, 1 \right ) \tag{3}$$ where $pnorm(x, 0, 1)$ is the probability density function of $x$ within a normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.
We simulated two normal distributions with the same standard deviation. The difference between the two means was half the standard deviation. We generated samples and subsamples of equal size from these populations. This allows us to simplify our power equation to $$PWR(\overline{x}_{1}, \overline{x}_{2}, s_{1}, s_{2}, n, \alpha) = pnorm \left (-z_{1 - \alpha / 2} + \sqrt{\frac{n * (\overline{x}_{1} + \overline{x}_{2})^{2}}{s_{1}^{2} + s_{2}^{2}}}, 0, 1\right ) \tag{4}$$
We drew samples of 25, 50, 100, and 1000 observations from each of the two distributions, and compared the results using a t-test. The 95% rejection level is highlighted on each of the distributions by shading values above this level gray. The samples were used to generate power curves three ways. First, curves were generated using the traditional equation for power analysis (solid line). Next, an empirical power was calculated for each sample by drawing subsamples of different sizes (blue circles). A mean effect size was calculated for the empirical power, and this was used to extrapolate a power curve (dashed blue line).
There is fairly good agreement between the traditional and elucidated power curves, especially at higher power levels. By 50% power, the two curves are within 10% window of each other (the extrapolated curve overestimates power at lower sample sizes). As a first pass for effect size estimation, empirical power and extrapolated power curves are a reliable method which accurately estimate the statistical power. These are an improvement on currently available methods, especially for nonparametric data.
The power analyses we’re performing here assume the following things about our data and statistical tests:
The samples are a representative, random sample of the underlying population.
Samples are sufficiently large to allow random subsampling at a depth that facilitates power analysis. For some statistical tests, a subsample of less than 5 observations per group may not be appropriate.
There is a significant difference between the samples, or reason to believe there is a significant difference between the populations.
Samples satisfy any requirements of the statistical test, $\textbf{F}$. These may include things like a requirement the data follow a distribution.
In this notebook, we will look at the effect size of nine metadata categories on the human gut microbiome through alpha and beta diversity. We will also include the comparison of gut samples and skin samples as a control, since it is widely accepted in the field that body site has the largest effect on adult human microbial communities [24]. We will pick the two most extreme states within a metadata category, since we know that most categories involve a continuum, and more extreme states will be more likely to show the effect.
This analysis will focus on the following metadata categories and states
To reduce some of the noise within the data, we will focus on samples in which other metadata categories have been controlled. So, each sample pair in a category above will be matched based on the following metadata categories:
In [2]:
import os
import shutil
import copy
import pickle
import numpy as np
import scipy
import skbio
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import pandas as pd
import americangut.power_plots as pp
import americangut.diversity_analysis as div_an
from IPython.display import HTML
from matplotlib import rcParams
from biom import load_table
from skbio.stats.power import subsample_paired_power
We will also set up some plotting parameters so the generated figures use Helvetica or Arial as their default font. For more on font properties, see the matplotlib documentation on text objects and rendering text with $\LaTeX$. We will also prompt the IPython notebook to display the images we generate live in the notebook.
In [3]:
# Displays images inline
%matplotlib inline
# Sets up plotting parameters so that the default setting is use to Helvetica
# in plots
rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif'
rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Helvetica', 'Arial']
rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
We can also set some necessary parameters for handling files and this analysis. It’s easier to set them as a block, here, so that our systems are consistent than it is to modify each of the variables later in the import if our needs or our data change.
In the course of this analysis, a series of files can be generated. The File Saving Parameters determine whether new files are saved.
In [4]:
overwrite = False
save_intermediates = True
save_images = True
QIIME-formatted metadata and results files are frequently tab-separated text (.txt) files. These files can be opened in Excel or spreadsheet programs. You can learn more about QIIME mapping files here. We use the pandas library to read most of our text files, which provides some spreadsheet-like functionality.
In [5]:
txt_delim = '\t'
map_index = '#SampleID'
map_nas = ['NA', 'no_data', 'unknown', '']
write_na = ''
This notebook will generate power curves for metrics associated with two concepts in ecology: Alpha and Beta Diversity. Alpha diversity is a comparison of intra-community variation. When alpha diversity values are compared, the comparison does not take into account the community structure. So, two communities which share no species can have the same alpha diversity. American Gut Analyses primarily focus on an alpha diversity metric called PD Whole Tree Diversity [25]. PD Whole Tree is phylogenetically aware, meaning that it takes into account shared evolutionary history. Unweighted UniFrac distance, the metric we typically use for beta diversity, is also phylogenetically aware.
In [6]:
a_div_metric = 'PD_whole_tree_mean'
a_title = 'PD whole tree Diversity'
a_suffix = 'alpha_pd'
We’re also going to define a function for alpha diversity power analysis. We will test our alpha diversity using a Kruskal-Wallis test, which is non-parametric and does not require normally distributed data. Our function will take the alpha diversity value for each group, and then compare them using the test.
In [7]:
# Defines the alpha diversity test function
def test_alpha_kruskal(ids, meta, a_div_metric):
"""Calculates difference in alpha diversity for a category"""
# Gets the alpha diversity values at the location given
alpha = [meta.loc[id_, a_div_metric] for id_ in ids]
# Calculates the p value by comparing categories
return scipy.stats.kruskal(*alpha)[1]
Beta diversity looks at the difference in community structure across two communities. Each metric calculates a distance between the communities, which is reflective of their difference. American Gut Analyses have calculated weighted and unweighted UniFrac distance matrices for the communities [26]. UniFrac distance takes into account the evolutionary relationship between samples, by determining what fraction of evolutionary history is different between two samples. Weighted UniFrac also takes into account the relative abundance of each taxa, while unweighted UniFrac distance only considers presence and absence.
We will focus primarily on unweighted UniFrac in this analysis. We see more significantly different effects when we use Unweighted UniFrac distance. Compositional analysis also identifies more significantly different taxa than abundance-based comparisons.
In [8]:
b_div_metric = 'unweighted_unifrac'
b_num_iter = 249
b_title = 'Unweighted UniFrac Distance'
b_suffix = 'beta_unweighted_unifrac'
We test for differences in beta diversity using the scikit-bio function permanova. We’ll combine all the sample ids, and then use a map and distance matrix with only these observations.
In [9]:
def test_beta_permanova(ids, meta, dm, cat, num_iter=499):
"""Tests difference in beta diversity for a category and distance matrix"""
# Gets the map and distance matrix subset
all_ids = np.hstack(ids)
# Calculates the permanova
perma_results = skbio.stats.distance.permanova(dm.filter(all_ids),
# Returns the p value
return perma_results['p-value']
The empirical power calculation method in scikit-bio is based on iteration. It works by matching pairs of observations based on a set of metadata categories. A number of observations (set using min_counts
, max_counts
, and counts_interval
) are then drawn at random from this set of matched data, and a statistical test is performed. This is repeated a number of times (given by num_iter
), and the fraction of samples below a critical value (p_crit
) is calculated as the power at that sample depth. This is repeated several times to determine the empirical power with some degree of confidence.
In [10]:
# Parameters for power iteration and calculation
num_iter = 500
num_runs = 10
p_crit = 0.05
# Parameters for drawing samples
min_counts = 5
max_counts = 51
counts_interval = 5
We will determine the effect size of body site on the human microbiome positive control. Body site has been demonstrated as one of the major driving factors in the community structure of the human microbiome [24]. As a result, we expect this power analysis to show a strong effect associated with body site. We will analyze using the same metadata category used to split the data in the Preprocessing Notebook, and we will include control oral and fecal samples. To minimize variation between samples, we will pair samples from the same individual.
In [11]:
# Parameters for selecting
all_cat = 'BODY_HABITAT'
all_order = ['UBERON:oral cavity', 'UBERON:feces']
all_controls = ['HOST_SUBJECT_ID']
Because the effect size of body site is expected to be quite large, the counts interval we set for general use may not be effective here. If we start at five samples and use five-sample steps, we may miss important points on the curve. So, we’ll use a different set of counts parameters for the comparison across body sites.
In [12]:
all_min_counts = 2
all_max_counts = 21
We will test the effect of multiple metadata variables on fecal samples. For each of these categories, we will compare two extreme groups to look for the most extreme differences across categories. We’ll approach this power analysis by looping through a set of commands for each metadata category. As a result, it is most convenient to combine the category with the groups in the category we wish to analyze. We also select our control categories here. These are factors used to select which samples will be paired. Here, we’ve tried to select for factors which are known to have a large effect size in hopes that this will decrease noise.
In [13]:
fecal_cats = [('IBD', ['I do not have IBD', 'IBD']),
('ANTIBIOTIC_SELECT', ['In the past month',
'Not in the last year']),
('TYPES_OF_PLANTS', ['Less than 5', 'More than 30']),
('AGE_CAT', ['20s', '60s']),
('BMI_CAT', ['Normal', 'Obese']),
('COLLECTION_SEASON', ['Winter', 'Summer']),
('ALCOHOL_FREQUENCY', ['Never', 'Daily']),
('EXERCISE_FREQUENCY', ['Rarely', 'Daily']),
('SLEEP_DURATION', ['Less than 6 hours', '8 or more hours'])]
fecal_control_cats = ['IBD', 'BMI_CAT', 'TYPES_OF_PLANTS', 'DIABETES',
In [14]:
# Parameters for plotting
plot_counts = np.hstack((np.array([2]), np.arange(5, 255, 5)))
plot_colormap = None
labels = np.array(['Body Site', 'IBD', 'Antibiotic Use', 'Plants Consumed', 'Age',
'BMI', 'Season', 'Alcohol Use', 'Exercise Frequency',
'Sleep Duration'])
When the figures are displayed, they can be scaled for in screen display or for saving. The parameters here are set up for an optimal display when the figure is saved.
In [15]:
# Parameters for displaying the axis
figure_size = (7, 3.5)
legend_position = (1.05, 0.95)
print_position = (0.6, 0.6, 4., 2.5)
space_position = (5., 0.6, 2., 2.5)
If you choose to save the figures that are generated here, these variables create white space around the sides of the figure and make it save properly.
In [16]:
# Parameters for saving the results
save_pad = 0.5
save_bbox = 'tight'
We need to import working OUT data for analysis and set up a location where results from our analysis can be saved.
This notebook consumes pre-processed tables (OTU tables, mapping files and distance matrices) produced by the Preprocessing Notebook. These can be downloaded individually, or the whole set is available here.
As we set up directories, we’ll make use the of the check_dir
function. This will create the directories we identify if they do not exist.
We need a general location to do all our analysis; this is the base_dir
. All our other directories will exist within the base_dir
In [17]:
base_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('.'), 'agp_analysis')
working_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'sample_data')
analysis_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'analysis_results')
In [18]:
# Checks the all sample directory
all_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, 'all')
# Sets up the file paths in the all directory. We will only use unweighted UniFrac distance
all_map_fp = os.path.join(all_dir, 'AGP_100nt_even10k.txt')
all_uud_fp = os.path.join(all_dir, 'unweighted_unifrac_AGP_100nt_even10k.txt')
In [19]:
site_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, 'fecal')
data_dir = os.path.join(site_dir, 'all_participants_one_sample')
data_map_fp = os.path.join(data_dir, 'AGP_100nt_even10k_fecal.txt')
data_uud_fp = os.path.join(data_dir, '%s_AGP_100nt_even10k_fecal.txt' % b_div_metric)
In [20]:
results_dir = os.path.join(analysis_dir, 'power')
sites_pickle_pattern = 'AGP_100nt_even10k_%(div_metric)s__%(category)s__%(group1)s__vs__%(group2)s.p'
We also have the option to save image results. Saving images this way gives you more control over the final format of the images. You can learn more about the way matplotlib saves images here.
In [21]:
image_dir = os.path.join(analysis_dir, 'images')
power_image_dir = os.path.join(image_dir, 'power')
image_pattern = os.path.join(power_image_dir, 'matched_power_%s.png')
In [22]:
# Gets the data for the all sample data directory
if overwrite or not (os.path.exists(all_map_fp) and os.path.exists(all_uud_fp)):
# Downloads the directory file
!curl -OL
# Extracts the data
!tar -xzf all.tgz
# Moves the directory
os.remove(os.path.join('.', 'all.tgz'))
shutil.move(os.path.join('.', 'all'), all_dir)
In [23]:
# Gets data for the single sample per participant fecal sample directory
if overwrite or not (os.path.exists(data_map_fp) and
# Downloads the files
!curl -OL
# Extracts the data
!tar -xzf all_participants_all_samples.tgz
# Moves the directory
os.remove(os.path.join('.', 'all_participants_all_samples.tgz'))
shutil.move(os.path.join('.', 'all_participants_all_samples/'), data_dir)
In [24]:
# Loads the fecal files into the notebook
data_map = pd.read_csv(data_map_fp,
data_map.index = data_map[map_index]
data_uud =
# Loads the all sample data into the notebook
all_map = pd.read_csv(all_map_fp,
all_map.index = all_map[map_index]
all_uud =
Certain categories in American Gut are quite small, but still represent some extremes. So, we combine all participants with IBD (Crohns and Ulcerative Colitis) into a single category called IBD. We will combine people who used antibiotics in the week prior to sample collection with those who used them in the month before they took their sample. Among American Gut participants who submitted samples in rounds 1 -14, there are only 10 participants who report never exercising and provided enough data to allow them to be matched for the control categories. To compensate, we combine people who report never exercising and people who report rarely exercising.
In [25]:
# Combines individuals with Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease into a
# single category
data_map.loc[data_map.IBD == "Crohn's disease", 'IBD'] = 'IBD'
data_map.loc[data_map.IBD == "Ulcerative colitis", 'IBD'] = 'IBD'
# Combines the never exercises category with the rarely exercises category
data_map.loc[data_map.EXERCISE_FREQUENCY == 'Never', 'EXERCISE_FREQUENCY'] = 'Rarely'
data_map.loc[data_map.EXERCISE_FREQUENCY == 'Rarely (few times/month)', 'EXERCISE_FREQUENCY'] = 'Rarely'
# Combines people who took antibiotics in the past week and in the past month
data_map.loc[data_map.ANTIBIOTIC_SELECT == 'In the past week', 'ANTIBIOTIC_SELECT'] = 'In the past month'
We’ll start by looking at the statistical power for comparisons of fecal and oral samples from the same individual for both alpha and beta diversity. We can do this either by generating new files (if overwrite is True, or the data from the analysis has not already been saved somewhere), or by loading the analysis files which already exist. Since power analysis can be computationally expensive, users who may need to reference or adjust their power curves (for example, playing with the metadata categories being examined) are encouraged to save their intermediate files, so these can be re-loaded. It can take upwards of an hour for each of these cells to run on an 8gb 2012 MacBook Pro while running other programs.
In [26]:
# Gets the alpha diversity power array. We can import this, or we can make a new one
all_alpha_blanks = {'div_metric': a_suffix,
'category': all_cat,
'group1': all_order[0].split(':')[1].replace(' ', '_'),
'group2': all_order[1].split(':')[1].replace(' ', '_')}
all_alpha_fp = os.path.join(results_dir, sites_pickle_pattern) % all_alpha_blanks
In [27]:
# If the power results don't exist, we generate them
if overwrite or not os.path.exists(all_alpha_fp):
# Defines the test function
alpha_test = lambda x: test_alpha_kruskal(x, all_map, a_div_metric)
# Calculates the statistical power
all_a_pwr, all_a_cnts = subsample_paired_power(test=alpha_test,
# Saves the power results
if save_intermediates:
pickle.dump([all_a_pwr, all_a_cnts], open(all_alpha_fp, 'wb'))
# If the power results exist somewhere else, we load them
[all_a_pwr, all_a_cnts] = pickle.load(open(all_alpha_fp, 'rb'))
In [28]:
# Gets the beta diversity power array. We can import this, or we can make a new one
all_beta_blanks = {'div_metric': b_suffix,
'category': all_cat,
'group1': all_order[0].split(':')[1].replace(' ', '_'),
'group2': all_order[1].split(':')[1].replace(' ', '_')}
all_beta_fp = os.path.join(results_dir, sites_pickle_pattern) % all_beta_blanks
# If the power results don't exist, we generate them
if overwrite or not os.path.exists(all_beta_fp):
# Defines the test function
beta_test = lambda x: test_beta_permanova(x, all_map, all_uud, all_cat, num_iter)
# Calculates the statistical power
all_b_pwr, all_b_cnts = subsample_paired_power(test=beta_test,
# Saves the power results
if save_intermediates:
pickle.dump([all_b_pwr, all_b_cnts], open(all_beta_fp, 'wb'))
# If the power results exist somewhere else, we load them
[all_b_pwr, all_b_cnts] = pickle.load(open(all_beta_fp, 'rb'))
We can now focus on calculating power for the fecal samples. The scikit bio function we’re using will draw fecal samples which are matched for the control categories we set earlier, but either belongs to group 1 or group 2 in the category we’re varying. If we’re varying a category that is also a control category (for example, if we’re looking at the power for IBD), this will be removed from the control categories. Once again, we have the option of saving, and then loading the analysis files, if necessary. In its current incarnation, this notebook can be run on a personal computer. However, running these two cells typically takes six to eight hours.
In [29]:
# Alocates a list for the power and count tables
a_counts = []
a_powers = []
# Prealocates an object to hold the results
for idx, (cat, order) in enumerate(fecal_cats):
# Removes the category from the control cats, if necessary
if cat in fecal_control_cats:
ctrl_cats = copy.deepcopy(fecal_control_cats)
# Sets up the file names for the alpha and beta diversity pickle files
alpha_blanks = {'div_metric': a_suffix,
'category': cat,
'group1': order[0].replace('In the', '').replace(' ', '_'),
'group2': order[1].replace(' in the', '').replace(' ', '_')}
alpha_fp = os.path.join(results_dir, sites_pickle_pattern) % alpha_blanks
# Loads or calculates the alpha diversity power
if overwrite or not os.path.exists(alpha_fp):
alpha_test = lambda x: test_alpha_kruskal(x, data_map, a_div_metric)
a_pwr, a_cnts = subsample_paired_power(test=alpha_test,
if save_intermediates:
pickle.dump([a_pwr, a_cnts], open(alpha_fp, 'wb'))
[a_pwr, a_cnts] = pickle.load(open(alpha_fp, 'rb'))
# Adds the results to the vector
In [30]:
# Prealocates a list for the power and count tables
b_counts = []
b_powers = []
# Prealocates an object to hold the results
for idx, (cat, order) in enumerate(fecal_cats):
# Removes
if cat in fecal_control_cats:
ctrl_cats = copy.deepcopy(fecal_control_cats)
beta_blanks = {'div_metric': b_suffix,
'category': cat,
'group1': order[0].replace('In the', '').replace(' ', '_'),
'group2': order[1].replace(' in the', '').replace(' ', '_')}
beta_fp = os.path.join(results_dir, sites_pickle_pattern) % beta_blanks
# Loads or calculates the beta diversity power
if overwrite or not os.path.exists(beta_fp):
beta_test = lambda x: test_beta_permanova(x, data_map, data_uud, cat, num_iter)
b_pwr, b_cnts = subsample_paired_power(test=beta_test,
if save_intermediates:
pickle.dump([b_pwr, b_cnts], open(beta_fp, 'wb'))
[b_pwr, b_cnts] = pickle.load(open(beta_fp, 'rb'))
# Adds the results to the vector
Now that we have a list of power estimations at count depths, we can use the Statsmodels python package to estimate the effect size [27]. Statsmodels will take the power, number of samples, and critical value and solve for an effect size.
In [31]:
# Calculates the effect size and confidence interval for the alpha and beta diversity
a_eff_means, a_eff_bounds = pp.collate_effect_size(a_counts, a_powers,
b_eff_means, b_eff_bounds = pp.collate_effect_size(b_counts, b_powers,
We will order our later displays from largest to smallest using the effect size. We’ll use beta diversity for this effect, since it is more likely to reveal differences in community structure.
In [32]:
# Determines the order for the category
plot_order = np.argsort((b_eff_means + a_eff_means)/2)[::-1]
a_order = np.argsort(a_eff_means)[::-1]
b_order = np.argsort(b_eff_means)[::-1]
# Orders the colormap, if necessary
if plot_colormap is not None:
plot_colormap = plot_colormap[plot_order, :]
We can also use the effect sizes to calculate the number of samples we’d need to analyze to get 80% power in each sample category. Keep in mind that these are not the actual number of samples which need to be collected. A variety of factors, including a low biomass sample and sheer dumb luck, may contribute to or prevent a sample from being amplified during PCR. We expect between 80 and 95% of samples to be amplified, depending on the source. If samples are low biomass, difficult to obtain, or cannot be resequenced for some reason, technical replicates may be used to help correct for this sequencing failure. Within the American Gut Project, we resequence the second swab if the first fails to amplify.
In [33]:
html_table = pp.summarize_effect(labels[plot_order + 1], a_eff_means[plot_order], b_eff_means[plot_order],
a_eff_bounds[plot_order], b_eff_bounds[plot_order])
# html_table
We can see from the effect size calculations that, at a minimum, single-site comparisons requires at least twenty cross sectional samples per group. So, for IBD sampling, we’d need to analyze 20 IBD cases and 20 IBD controls to see a significant difference 80% of the time.
Finally, we’re going to plot power curves to help us visualize the differences in effect size. We’re going to first plot the power from the fecal samples. Then, we’ll add the trace line for our bodysite data.
Let’s start by plotting the alpha diversity curve.
In [34]:
# Plots the power curve figure
alpha_fig = pp.plot_effects(effect_means=a_eff_means[plot_order],
labels=labels[plot_order + 1],
# Adds the body site figure
pp.add_average_trace(alpha_fig, all_a_pwr, all_a_cnts,
labels[np.hstack((0, plot_order+1))],
# Saves the figure, if desired
if save_images:
alpha_fig.savefig(image_pattern % a_suffix,
When we read the power curve, it relates the number of samples to the power, or the fraction of times we see a significant difference, based on the assumption there is a significant difference. Steeper curves, closer to the left of the plot, being to factors which have larger effects. In these plots, we’ve chosen to represent the confidence interval around each power curve with dashed lines. We’d expect that in 95% of experiments, the number of samples needed to analyze the data would fall between these values, assuming we’ve selected a representative sample. Since we’re basing our results on the data we currently have, the effect may change as the population becomes more defined.
We can also look at the power associated with unweighted UniFrac Distance.
In [35]:
# Plots the power curve figure
beta_fig = pp.plot_effects(effect_means=b_eff_means[plot_order],
labels=labels[plot_order + 1],
# Adds the body site figure
pp.add_average_trace(beta_fig, all_b_pwr, all_b_cnts,
labels[np.hstack((0, b_order+1))],
# Saves the figure, if desired
if save_images:
beta_fig.savefig(image_pattern % b_suffix,
From our empirical effect size estimations, we can begin to rank effects of different factors on the microbiome. As demonstrated by the Human Microbiome Project (HMP), body site has the largest effect on the human microbiome [24].
We find that an IBD diagnosis has one of the largest impacts on the gut microbiome. While dysbiosis in IBD is likely a complex relationship between the host genetics, host lifestyle, and the microbiome, the disease is characterized by a profoundly altered microbiome and intestinal inflammation [13-15]. As with IBD, the microbiome is considered strongly predictive of obesity [16, 17, 28]. However, we find the effect of obesity on the microbiome is smaller than lifestyle factors like sleep and exercise for both alpha and beta diversity. This finding is corroborated, to some degree, by a recent meta analysis which observed consistent IBD-related microbial signatures across studies while obesity-related dysbiosis was more strongly influenced by technical effects [13].
We might have predicted the difference in magnitude of these effects based on gut pathology. IBD has been recognized as a disease of the intestines and a diagnosis is based on intestinal pathology [29, 30]. It’s likely the complex interactions of IBD-specific bacteria and bacterial strains and host inflammation shapes the community structure in a unique way. It seems less likely we will see such a strong disease-associated effect in conditions that do not traditionally have gut involvement. It might be more reasonable to expect they will have an effect size closer to obesity.
We also find that antibiotic use has a large effect on both alpha and beta diversity. This has been previously recognized [10-12]. Intuitively, it’s also not entirely unexpected; the goal of antibiotic treatment is to kill bacteria. Therefore, a systemic dose of antibiotics will likely be associated with off-target effects.
Among lifestyle factors, we see the one dietary variable, the number of types of plants consumed in a week, has the largest influence. This effect is larger than the effect of recent antibiotic use. Long term dietary patterns are known to have a strong effect on the microbiome [6-9]. In conjunction with this finding, we also observe that daily alcohol consumption has a smaller effect on the microbiome than plant consumption, or age, but a larger effect than obesity.
We also found that sleep duration has a moderate effect. Individuals who sleep less six hours or less each night have a less diverse, shifted gut microbiome than those who sleep more than eight hours per night. This effect is larger than the effect of obesity. Circadian dysfunction has been linked to obesity, although the mechanism frequently cited is a disruption of mammalian core clock genes [31].
Exercise is known to have an effect on the microbiome, and the effect of daily exercise, compared to those who exercise less than once a week, is noticeable, but small in the scheme of the effects investigated here [32, 33]. The effect of daily exercise on beta diversity is of the same order of magnitude as the effect of obesity, while the effect on alpha diversity is much larger.
We also find strong effects associated with temporal variation. Changes in the microbiome at the extremes of the human lifespan - from early development to the effects of aging on the microbiome have been well studied [3-6]. The most extreme changes in the microbiome occur during the first three years of life; an infant’s microbiome is highly plastic and does not resemble an adult microbiome at the same site [3, 4, 34]. We see a strong effect of age in adults: age has almost as large an effect on beta diversity as antibiotic use, although the effect on alpha diversity is much smaller.
We also see a seasonal effect, which was previously observed in a population of 60 matched samples [19]. The effect of collection season on the microbiome is on the same order as the effect we see for sleep duration, and larger than the effect seen for obesity. This may encourage a shift in experiment design. At a minimum, it suggests that tracking collection date in human microbiome studies may be important.
Our power analysis allows us to rank the effect sizes of disease, lifestyle, and temporal factors on the human microbiome. We find that effect sizes are generally larger in beta diversity than in alpha diversity analyses, suggesting that most changes associated with the extreme states are caused by changes in the taxa present between the two states. A more concerning aspect to the power analysis, however, suggests that many cross-sectional microbiome studies currently in the literature are underpowered. We hope the effect size predictions here can serve as a guide for future studies, and encourage appropriate sample size selection.
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