A winner's curse adjustment for a single test statistic


The naive application of applied statistics for conducting inference in scientific research is one of the primary culprits in the reproducability crisis. Even excluding cases of scientific misconduct, cited research findings are likely to innaccurate due to 1) the file drawer problem, 2) researchers' degrees of freedom and 3) underpowered statistical designs. To address the problem of publication bias some journals are now accepting the findings regardless of their statistical signifance. More than 200 journals now use the Open Science Foundation's pre-registration framework to help improve reproducability and reduce the garden of forking paths problem.

On ongoing challenge in many disciplines is to improve the power of research designs. For example in the empirical economics literature, the median power is estimated to be only 18%. In biomedical research there is at least more attention paid to power, but due to financial incentives (the NIH requires power > 80% for successful grants) the estimates of power are likely to be exagerated. Most researchers believe that statistical power is important because it ensures that the resources used to carry out research are not wasted. But in addition to pecuniary considerations, the power of a test is intimately linked to the reproducability crisis because studies with low power have inflated effect sizes.

One consequence of using frequentist statistical tools to conduct scientific inference is that all statistically significant findings are biased even if the test itself is unbiased. This is because statistically significant findings have to be a certain number of standard deviations away from zero, and concomitantly certain values of the test are never observed (in the statistically significant space). The power-bias relationship helps to explain the Proteus phenomenon whereby follow-up studies tend to have a smaller effect size. The magnitude of this bias is known as the Winner's Curse, and several adjustment procedures have been proposed in the context of multiple tests.[[^1]] Is is especially relevant in genomics for the polygenic risk scores developed with genome-wide association studies.

In this post I will review briefly review the frequentist paradigm that is used to conduct scientic inference and demonstrate how the probability of type-1 and type-2 errors are related to biased effect sizes. In the final section of the post I propose a Winner's Curse adjustment (WCA) procedure for a single test statistic. I am not aware of such a method being proposed before, but if it has been please contact me so that I can properly credit alternative methods.[[^2]]

In summary this post will provide to explicit formulas for:

  1. The relationship between power and effect size bias (equation X).
  2. An effect size adjuster for single test statistic results (equation Y).

In the sections below the examples and math will be kept as simple as possible. All null/alternative hypothesis will be assumed to come from a Gaussian distribution. Variances will be fixed and known. All hypothesis will be one-sided hypothesis. Each of these assumptions can be relaxed without any change to the implications of the examples below, but do require a bit more math. Also note that $\Phi$ refers to the standard normal CDF and its quantile function $\Phi^{-1}$.

In [1]:
# modules used in the rest of the post
from scipy.stats import norm, truncnorm
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import randn
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
import plotnine
from plotnine import *
import pandas as pd

(1) Review of Type-I and Type-II errors

Imagine a simple hypothesis test: to determine whether one gaussian distribution, with a known variance, has a larger mean than another: $y_{i1} \sim N(\mu_A, \sigma^2/2)$ and $y_{i2} \sim N(\mu_B, \sigma^2/2)$, then $\bar y_i \sim N(\mu_i, \sigma^2/n)$ and $\bar d = \bar y_1 - \bar y_2 \sim N(\mu_A, \sigma^2/n)$. The sample mean (difference) will have a variance of $\sigma^2/n$.[1]

$$ \begin{align*} \bar d &\sim N(d, \sigma^2/n) \\ \bar z = \frac{\bar d - d}{\sigma / \sqrt{n}} &\sim N(0, 1) \end{align*} $$

The null hypothesis is that: $H_0: \mu_A \leq \mu_B$, with the alternative hypothoesis that $\mu_A > \mu_B$ (equavilent to $d \leq 0$ and $d >0$, respectively). Recall that in frequentist statistical paradigm, the goal is find a rejection region of the test statistic ($z$) that bounds the type-I error rate and maximizes power. When the null is true ($d\leq 0$) then setting $c_\alpha = \Phi_{1-\alpha}^{-1}$, and rejecting the null when $\bar z > c_\alpha$ will obtain a type-I error rate of exactly $\alpha$.[2]

$$ \begin{align*} P(\bar z > c) &\leq \alpha \\ 1-\Phi ( c ) &\leq \alpha \\ c &\geq \Phi^{-1}(1-\alpha) \end{align*} $$

  1. If the variances were unknown, then the difference in means would have a student-t distribution with slightly fatter tails.

  2. If $c > c_\alpha$, then the type-I error rate would be lower (which is good), but, the power would also be lower in the event that the null were false. It is therefore desirable the rejection region obtain the exactly desired type-I error rate, and then the statistician can decide what type-I level to choose.

In [2]:
alpha, n, sig2, seed, nsim = 0.05, 18, 2, 1234, 50000
c_alpha = norm.ppf(1-alpha)
err1 = np.mean([ (np.mean(randn(n)) - np.mean(randn(n)))/np.sqrt(2/n) > c_alpha for i in range(nsim)])
print('Empirical type-I error rate: %0.3f\nExpected type-I error rate: %0.3f' % (err1, alpha))

Empirical type-I error rate: 0.050
Expected type-I error rate: 0.050

In the event that the null is not true $(d > 0)$ then power of the test will depend four things:

  1. The magnitute of the effect (the bigger the value of $d$ the better)
  2. The number of samples (the more the better)
  3. The type-I error rate (the larger the better)
  4. The magnitute of the variance (the smaller the better)

Defining the empirical test statistic as $\bar z$, the type-II error rate is:

$$ \begin{align*} 1 - \beta &= P( \bar z > c_\alpha) \\ 1 - \beta &= P\Bigg( \frac{\bar d - 0}{\sigma/\sqrt{n}} > c_\alpha \Bigg) \\ 1 - \beta &= P( z > c_\alpha - \sqrt{n} \cdot d / \sigma ) \\ \beta &= \Phi\Bigg(c_\alpha - \frac{\sqrt{n} \cdot d}{\sigma} \Bigg) \end{align*} $$

In [3]:
d = 0.75
beta = norm.cdf(c_alpha - d / np.sqrt(2/n))
err2 = np.mean([ (np.mean(d + randn(n)) - np.mean(randn(n)))/np.sqrt(sig2 / n) < c_alpha for i in range(nsim)])
print('Empirical type-II error rate: %0.3f\nExpected type-II error rate: %0.3f' % (err2, beta))

Empirical type-II error rate: 0.274
Expected type-II error rate: 0.273

(2) Relationship between power and effect size bias

Most practioneers of applied statistics will be familiar with type-I and type-II error rates and will use these to interpret the results of studies and design trials. In most disciplines it is common that only statistically significant results (i.e. those ones that that reject the null) are analyzed. In research domains where there are many hypothesis tests under consideration (such as genomics), it is required that multiple testing adjustments be made so that the number of aggregate false discoveries is bounded. Note that such adjustments are equivalent to increasing the value of $c_\alpha$ and will lower the power of eaah test.

Unfortunately few researchers in my experience understand the relationship between power and effect size bias. Even though rigourously pre-specified research designs will likely have an accurate number of "true discoveries", the distribution of significanct effect sizes will almost certaintly be overstated. An example will help to illustrate. Returning to the difference in Gaussian sample means, the distribution of statistically significant means will follow the following conditional distribution:

$$ \begin{align*} \bar d^* &= \bar d | \bar z > c_\alpha \\ &= \bar d | \bar d > \sigma \cdot c_\alpha / \sqrt{n} \end{align*} $$

Notice that the smallest observable and statistically significant mean difference will be at least $c_\alpha$ root-$n$ normalized standard deviations above zero. Because $\bar d$ has a Gaussian distribution, $\bar d^*$ has a truncated Gaussian distribution:

$$ \begin{align*} \bar d^* &\sim TN(\mu, \sigma^2, l, u) \\ &\sim TN(d, \sigma^2 / n, \sigma \cdot c_\alpha / \sqrt{n}, \infty) \\ a &= \frac{l - \mu}{\sigma} = c_\alpha - \sqrt{n}\cdot d / \sigma = \Phi^{-1}(\beta) \\ E[\bar d^*] &= d + \frac{\phi(a)}{1 - \Phi(a)} \cdot (\sigma/\sqrt{n}) \\ &= d + \underbrace{\frac{\sigma \cdot \phi(\Phi_\beta^{-1})}{\sqrt{n}(1 - \beta)}}_{\text{bias}} \end{align*} $$

The bias of the truncated Gaussian is shown to be related to a handful of statistical parameters including the power of the test! The bias can also be expressed as a ratio of the mean of the statistically significant effect size to the true one, what I will call the bias ratio,

$$ \begin{align*} \text{R}(\beta;n,d,\sigma) &= \frac{E[\bar d^*]}{d} = 1 + \frac{\sigma \cdot \phi(\Phi_\beta^{-1})}{d\cdot\sqrt{n}\cdot(1 - \beta)} \end{align*} $$

where $\beta = f(n,d,\sigma)$, and $R$ is ultimately a function of the sample size, true effect size, and measurement error. The simulations below show the relationship between the bias ratio and power for different effect and sample sample sizes.

In [4]:
def power_fun(alpha, n, mu, sig2):
  thresh = norm.ppf(1-alpha)
  t2_err = norm.cdf(thresh - mu/np.sqrt(sig2/n))
  return 1 - t2_err

def bias_ratio(alpha, n, mu, sig2):
  power = power_fun(alpha=alpha, n=n, mu=d, sig2=sig2)
  num = np.sqrt(sig2) * norm.pdf(norm.ppf(1-power))
  den = mu * np.sqrt(n) * power
  return 1 + num / den

nsim = 125000
n, d = 16, 0.5
holder = np.zeros([nsim, 2])
for ii in range(nsim):
  y1, y2 = randn(n) + d, randn(n)
  dbar = y1.mean() - y2.mean()
  zbar = dbar / np.sqrt(sig2 / n)
  holder[ii] = [dbar, zbar]

emp_power = np.mean(holder[:,1] > c_alpha)
theory_power = power_fun(alpha=alpha, n=n, mu=0.5, sig2=sig2)
emp_ratio = holder[:,0][holder[:,1] > c_alpha].mean() / d
theory_ratio = bias_ratio(alpha, n, d, sig2)
print('Empirical power: %0.2f, theoretical power: %0.2f' % (emp_power, theory_power))
print('Empirical bias-ratio: %0.2f, theoretical power: %0.2f' % (emp_ratio, theory_ratio))

n_seq = np.arange(1,11,1)**2
d_seq = np.linspace(0.01,1,len(n_seq))

df_ratio = pd.DataFrame(np.array(np.meshgrid(n_seq, d_seq)).reshape([2,len(n_seq)*len(d_seq)]).T, columns=['n','d'])
df_ratio.n = df_ratio.n.astype(int)
df_ratio = df_ratio.assign(ratio = lambda x: bias_ratio(alpha, x.n, x.d, sig2),
                           power = lambda x: power_fun(alpha, x.n, x.d, sig2))

gg_ratio = (ggplot(df_ratio, aes(x='power',y='np.log(ratio)',color='n')) + 
            geom_point() + theme_bw() + 
            ggtitle('Figure 1: Relationship between power and effect size bias') + 
            labs(x='Power',y='log(Bias Ratio)') + 
                                  name='Sample Size'))
plotnine.options.figure_size = (5,3.5)

Empirical power: 0.41, theoretical power: 0.41
Empirical bias-ratio: 1.67, theoretical power: 1.67
<ggplot: (8773693845605)>

Figure 1 shows that while there is not a one-to-one relationship between the power and the bias ratio, generally speaking the higher the power the lower the ratio. The variation in low powered tests is driven by the sample sizes. Tests that have low power with a large sample sizes but small effect sizes will have a much smaller bias than equivalently powered tests with large effect sizes and small sample sizes. The tables below highlight this fact by showing the range in power for tests with similar bias ratios, the range in bias ratios for similarly powered tests.

In [5]:
np.round(df_ratio[(df_ratio.ratio > 1.3) & (df_ratio.ratio < 1.4)].sort_values('power').head(),2)

n d ratio power
17 64 0.12 1.33 0.17
26 49 0.23 1.31 0.31
35 36 0.34 1.36 0.42
54 25 0.56 1.36 0.63
64 25 0.67 1.30 0.77

In [6]:
np.round(df_ratio[(df_ratio.power > 0.45) & (df_ratio.power < 0.52)].sort_values('ratio').head(),2)

n d ratio power
29 100 0.23 1.04 0.49
36 49 0.34 1.21 0.52
44 25 0.45 1.45 0.48
53 16 0.56 1.60 0.48
72 9 0.78 1.73 0.50

(3) Why estimating the bias of statistically significant effects is hard!

If the true effect size were known, then it would be possible to explicitely calculate the bias term. Unfortunately this parameter is never known in the real world. If there happened to be multiple draws from the same hypothesis then an estimate of the true mean could be found. With multiple draws, there will be an observed distribution of $\bar d^*$ so that the empirical mean $\hat{\bar d}^*$ could be used by optimization methods to estimate $d$ using the formula for the mean of a truncated Gaussian.

$$ \begin{align*} d^* &= \arg\min_d \hspace{2mm} \Bigg[ \hat{\bar d}^* - \Bigg( d + \frac{\phi(c_\alpha-\sqrt{n}\cdot d/\sigma)}{1 - \Phi(c_\alpha-\sqrt{n}\cdot d/\sigma)} \cdot (\sigma/\sqrt{n}) \Bigg) \Bigg]^2 \end{align*} $$

The simulations below show that with enough hypothesis rejections, the true value of $d$ could be determined. However if the null could be sampled multiple times then the exact value of $d$ could be determined by just looking at $\bar d$! The code is merely to highlight the principle.

In [7]:
def mu_trunc(mu_true, alpha, n, sig2):
  sig = np.sqrt(sig2 / n)
  a = norm.ppf(1-alpha) - mu_true / sig
  return mu_true + norm.pdf(a)/(1-norm.cdf(a)) * sig

def mu_diff(mu_true, mu_star, alpha, n, sig2):
  diff = mu_star - mu_trunc(mu_true, alpha, n, sig2)
  return diff**2

def mu_find(mu_star, alpha, n, sig2):
  hat = minimize_scalar(fun=mu_diff,args=(mu_star, alpha, n, sig2),method='brent').x
  return hat

n = 16
nsim = 100000

d_seq =  np.round(np.linspace(-1,2,7),1)
res = np.zeros(len(d_seq))
for jj, d in enumerate(d_seq):
  holder = np.zeros([nsim,2])
  # Generate from truncated normal
  dbar_samp = truncnorm.rvs(a=c_alpha-d/np.sqrt(sig2/n),b=np.infty,loc=d,scale=np.sqrt(sig2/n),size=nsim,random_state=seed)
  z_samp = dbar_samp / np.sqrt(sig2/n)
  res[jj] = mu_find(dbar_samp.mean(), alpha, n, sig2)

df_res = pd.DataFrame({'estimate':res, 'actual':d_seq})

plotnine.options.figure_size = (5.5, 3.5)
gg_res = (ggplot(df_res, aes(y='estimate',x='actual')) + geom_point() + 
         theme_bw() + labs(y='Estimate',x='Actual') + 
         geom_abline(intercept=0,slope=1,color='blue') + 
         ggtitle('Figure 2: Unbiased estimate of true mean possible for repeated samples'))

<ggplot: (8773693192577)>

But if multiple samples are unavailable to estimate $\hat{\bar d}^*$, then can the value of $d$ ever be estimated? A naive reproach using only a single value to find $d^*$ from the equation above yields negative estimates when $\mu \approx 0$ because many values below the median of the truncated normal with a small mean have will match a large and negative mean for another truncated normal. Figures 3A and 3B show this asymmetric phenomenon.

In [8]:
n = 25
sig, rn = np.sqrt(sig2), np.sqrt(n)
d_seq = np.linspace(-10,2,201)
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'dstar':d_seq,'d':[d + norm.pdf(c_alpha - rn*d/sig) / norm.cdf(rn*d/sig - c_alpha) * (sig/rn) for d in d_seq]})
sample = truncnorm.rvs(c_alpha, np.infty, loc=0, scale=sig/rn, size=1000, random_state=seed)
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'d':sample,'tt':'dist'})
plotnine.options.figure_size = (5,3.5)
plt1 = (ggplot(df1,aes(y='dstar',x='d')) + geom_point() + theme_bw() + 
        geom_vline(xintercept=c_alpha*sig/rn,color='blue') + 
        labs(x='Observed mean',y='Estimate of d') + 
        ggtitle('Figure 3A: Negative bias in ML estimate'))

<ggplot: (8773754461649)>

In [9]:
fig2 = (ggplot(df1,aes(x='d')) + theme_bw() +
        geom_histogram(fill='grey',color='blue',bins=30) +
        labs(x='Observed value',y='Frequency') + 
        ggtitle('Figure 3B: Distribution under d=0'))

<ggplot: (8773693192617)>

(4) Approaches to de-biasing single-test statistic results

A conversative method to ensure that $E[ \bar d^* -d ] \leq 0$ when $d\geq 0$ is to subtract off the bias when the null is zero: $(\sigma \cdot \phi(c_\alpha)) / (\sqrt{n}\cdot\Phi(-c_\alpha))$. The problem with this approach is that for true effect ($d>0$), the bias estimate will be too large and the estimate of the true effect will actually be too small as Figure 4 shows.

In [10]:
d_seq = np.linspace(-1,2,31)
bias_d0 = norm.pdf(c_alpha)/norm.cdf(-c_alpha)*np.sqrt(sig2/n)
df_bias = pd.DataFrame({'d':d_seq,'deflated':[mu_trunc(dd,alpha,n,sig2)-bias_d0 for dd in d_seq]})

plotnine.options.figure_size = (5,3.5)
gg_bias1 = (ggplot(df_bias,aes(x='d',y='deflated')) + theme_bw() + 
            geom_point() + labs(x='True effect',y='Deflated effect') + 
            geom_abline(intercept=0,slope=1,color='blue') + 
            scale_x_continuous(limits=[min(d_seq),max(d_seq)]) + 
            scale_y_continuous(limits=[min(d_seq),max(d_seq)]) + 
            ggtitle('Figure 4: Naive deflation leads to large bias'))

<ggplot: (8773698182837)>

A better approach I have devised is to weight the statistically significant observation by where it falls in the cdf of truncated Gaussian for $d=0$. When $d>0$ most $\bar d^*$ will be above this range and receive little penatly, whereas for values of $d \approx 0$ they will tend to receive a stronger deflation.

$$ \begin{align*} b_0 &= \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} \frac{\phi(c_\alpha)}{\Phi(-c_\alpha)} = \text{bias}(\bar d^* | d=0) \\ d^* &= \bar d^* - 2\cdot[1 - F_{\bar d>c_\alpha\sigma/\sqrt{n}}(\bar d^*|d=0)] \cdot b_0 \end{align*} $$

The simulations below implement the deflation procedure suggested by equation Y for a single point estimate for different sample and effect sizes.

In [11]:
nsim = 10000

di_cn = {'index':'tt','25%':'lb','75%':'ub','mean':'mu'}
d_seq = np.linspace(-0.5,1.5,21)
n_seq = [16, 25, 100, 250]

holder = []
for n in n_seq:
  bias_d0 = norm.pdf(c_alpha)/norm.cdf(-c_alpha)*np.sqrt(sig2/n)
  dist_d0 = truncnorm(a=c_alpha,b=np.infty,loc=0,scale=np.sqrt(sig2/n))
  sample_d0 = dist_d0.rvs(size=nsim, random_state=seed)
  w0 = dist_d0.pdf(sample_d0).mean()
  sim = []
  for ii, d in enumerate(d_seq):
    dist = truncnorm(a=c_alpha-d/np.sqrt(sig2/n),b=np.infty,loc=d,scale=np.sqrt(sig2/n))
    sample = dist.rvs(size=nsim, random_state=seed)
    deflator = 2*(1-dist_d0.cdf(sample))*bias_d0
    # deflator = dist_d0.pdf(sample)*bias_d0 / w0
    d_adj = sample - deflator
    mat = pd.DataFrame({'adj':d_adj,'raw':sample}).describe()[1:].T.reset_index().rename(columns=di_cn)[list(di_cn.values())].assign(d=d,n=n)
df_defl = pd.concat(holder)

plotnine.options.figure_size = (9,6)
gg_bias2 = (ggplot(df_defl,aes(x='d',y='mu',color='tt')) + theme_bw() + 
            geom_linerange(aes(ymin='lb',ymax='ub',color='tt')) + 
            geom_point() + labs(x='True effect',y='Observed statistically significant effect') + 
            geom_abline(intercept=0,slope=1,color='black') + 
            geom_vline(xintercept=0, linetype='--') + 
            scale_x_continuous(limits=[-0.75,1.8]) + 
            scale_y_continuous(limits=[-0.75,1.8]) + 
            facet_wrap('~n', labeller=label_both) + 
            scale_color_discrete(name='Type',labels=['Deflated','Observed']) + 
            ggtitle('Figure 5: Deflating by the cdf of d=0 achieves better results\nVertical lines show IQR'))

<ggplot: (8773698182853)>

Figure 5 shows that the bias for values of $d \geq 0$ is now conservative and limited. Especially for larger samples, a large and otherwise highly significant effect will be brough much closer to its true value. The primary drawback to using the WCA from equation Y is that it adds further noise to the point estimate. While this is statistically problematic, from an epistemological viewpoint it could be useful to reduce the confidence of reserachers in their "significant" findings that are unlikely to replicate anyways.

(5) Summary

WCAs for single test results are much more challenging that those for repeated test measurements due to a lack of measured information. I have proposed a simple formula (Y) that can be used on all statistically significant results requiring only the observed effect size, type-I error rate, sample size, and noise estimate. For small to medium sample sizes this deflator leads to additional noise in the point estimate, but may have a humbling effect of researcher confidence. While it has no doubt being expressed before, I also derive the analytical relationship between power and effect size bias (X).

As a final motivating example consider the well-regarded paper Labor Market Returns to Early Childhood Stimulation by Gertler et. al (2013) that even included a Nobel-prize winning economist in its author list. They claim to show that an educational intervention using randomized control trial improved long-run income earnings by 42%. This is a huge increase.

These findings show that psychosocial stimulation early in childhood in disadvantaged settings can have substantial effects on labormarket outcomes and reduce later life inequality.

Notice that the authors state: "The results ... show that the impact on earnings remains large and statistically significant". As this post has discussed, it is quite likely that they should have said these results are statistically significant because they were large.

Table 3 in the paper shows a p-value for 0.01 a sample size of 105, implying that $1 - \Phi(0.42/(1.9/\sqrt{105})) \approx 0.01$, with a z-score of around 2.7. The code below shows that if there were no effect, then the average statistically significant effect that would be observed would be 0.372. However because the result (42%) is in the 80th percentile of such a distribution, the adjustment procedure suggests removing 15% off of the point estimate. Using a WCA adjustment for this paper reduces the findings to 27%, which is still quite high and respectable. I hope this post will help to spread the word about the importance of understanding and addressing the winner's curse in applied statistics research.

In [12]:
alpha = 0.05
c_alpha = norm.ppf(1-alpha)
dstar = 0.42
sig2 = 1.85**2
n = 105
bias_d0 = norm.pdf(c_alpha)/norm.cdf(-c_alpha)*np.sqrt(sig2/n)
dist_d0 = truncnorm(a=c_alpha,b=np.infty,loc=0,scale=np.sqrt(sig2/n))
adj = 2*(1-dist_d0.cdf(dstar))*bias_d0

print('Baseline effect: %0.3f, P-value: %0.3f\nBias when d=0: %0.3f\nDeflator: %0.3f\nAdjusted effect: %0.3f' % 
      (dstar, 1-norm.cdf(dstar/np.sqrt(sig2/n)),bias_d0, adj, dstar - adj))

Baseline effect: 0.420, P-value: 0.010
Bias when d=0: 0.372
Deflator: 0.149
Adjusted effect: 0.271