In [1]:
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
In [2]:
# resampling frequency in number of days
In [3]:
from tools.load_GlobColor_dataset import load_dataset
import importlib
In [4]:
############### CHL1
ds_daily = load_dataset.load_chl1()
In [6]:
freq_resample = str(8) + 'D'
ds_8day = ds_daily.resample(freq_resample, dim='time') # see the above for doc, test case, & default behavior
In [7]:
# check data quality
both_datasets = [ds_8day, ds_daily]
print([(ds.nbytes / 1e6) for ds in both_datasets])
In [8]:
def fix_bad_data(ds):
# for some reason, the cloud / land mask is backwards on some data
# this is obvious because there are chlorophyl values less than zero
bad_data = ds.chlor_a.groupby('time').min() < 0
# loop through and fix
for n in np.nonzero(bad_data.values)[0]:
data = ds.chlor_a[n].values
ds.chlor_a.values[n] =, 0).filled(np.nan)
In [9]:
[fix_bad_data(ds) for ds in both_datasets]
In [10]:
# Count the number of ocean data points
In [11]:
# find a mask for the land
ocean_mask = (ds_8day.chlor_a>0).sum(dim='time')>0
num_ocean_points = ocean_mask.sum().values
plt.title('%g total ocean points' % num_ocean_points)
In [12]:
In [13]:
ds_daily.groupby('time').count() # information from original data
In [14]:
In [15]:
count_8day,count_daily = [ds.chlor_a.groupby('time').count()/float(num_ocean_points)
for ds in (ds_8day,ds_daily)]
plt.legend(['8 day','daily'])
In [16]:
# Maps of individual days
target_date = '2003-02-15'
ds_8day.chlor_a.sel(time=target_date, method='nearest').plot(norm=LogNorm())
In [17]:
ds_daily.chlor_a.sel(time=target_date, method='nearest').plot(norm=LogNorm())
In [18]:
# next carry out interpolation starts here
freq_resample = str(freq) + 'D'
ds_resample = ds_daily.resample(freq_resample, dim='time') # see the above for doc, test case, & default behavior
In [19]:
ds_resample.chlor_a.sel(time=target_date, method='nearest').plot(norm=LogNorm())
In [20]:
# check the range for the longitude
print(ds_resample.lon.min(),'\n' ,
In [ ]:
from buyodata import buoydata
import os
In [ ]:
fnamesAll = ['./gdp_float/buoydata_1_5000.dat','./gdp_float/buoydata_5001_10000.dat','./gdp_float/buoydata_10001_15000.dat','./gdp_float/buoydata_15001_jun16.dat']
In [ ]:
# read them and cancatenate them into one DataFrame
dfAll = pd.concat([buoydata.read_buoy_data(f) for f in fnamesAll]) # around 4~5 minutes
#mask = df.time>='2002-07-04' # we only have data after this data for PAR
dfvvAll = dfAll[dfAll.time>='2002-07-04']
sum(dfvvAll.time<'2002-07-04') # recheck whether the time is
In [ ]:
# process the data so that the longitude are all >0
print('before processing, the minimum longitude is%f4.3 and maximum is %f4.3' % (dfvvAll.lon.min(), dfvvAll.lon.max()))
mask = dfvvAll.lon<0
dfvvAll.lon[mask] = dfvvAll.loc[mask].lon + 360
print('after processing, the minimum longitude is %f4.3 and maximum is %f4.3' % (dfvvAll.lon.min(),dfvvAll.lon.max()) )
In [ ]:
# Select only the arabian sea region
arabian_sea = (dfvvAll.lon > 45) & (dfvvAll.lon< 75) & (> 5) & ( <28)
# arabian_sea = {'lon': slice(45,75), 'lat': slice(5,28)} # later use this longitude and latitude
floatsAll = dfvvAll.loc[arabian_sea] # directly use mask
print('dfvvAll.shape is %s, floatsAll.shape is %s' % (dfvvAll.shape, floatsAll.shape) )
In [ ]:
# pands dataframe cannot do the resamplingn properly
# cause we are really indexing on ['time','id'], pandas.dataframe.resample cannot do this
# TypeError: Only valid with DatetimeIndex, TimedeltaIndex or PeriodIndex, but got an instance of 'MultiIndex'
In [ ]:
# dump the surface floater data from pandas.dataframe to xarray.dataset
floatsDSAll = xr.Dataset.from_dataframe(floatsAll.set_index(['time','id']) ) # set time & id as the index); use reset_index to revert this operation
In [ ]:
# resample on the xarray.dataset onto two-day frequency
floatsDSAll_resample =floatsDSAll.resample(freq_resample, dim='time')
print(floatsDSAll_resample.dims) # downsampling on the 'time' dimension 17499/9/4= around 486
In [ ]:
# transfer it back to pandas.dataframe for plotting
floatsDFAll_resample = floatsDSAll_resample.to_dataframe()
floatsDFAll_resample = floatsDFAll_resample.reset_index()
# visualize the subsamping of floats around arabian region
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,10))
floatsDFAll_resample.plot(kind='scatter', x='lon', y='lat', c='temp', cmap='RdBu_r', edgecolor='none', ax=ax)
In [ ]:
print(floatsDFAll_resample_timeorder.lon.dropna().shape )
############ interpolation starts from here
# to understand the float data better
# a: Look into the floatsDFAll_9Dtimeorder data in more details
# check the nan counts in each id
# plot the trajectory of {time, lat, lon, temperature,} for each float id,
# this steps helps to understand the float dataset and if there is a need, improve it.
# b: take the float data as it is, and do the interpolation, whenever there is a nan value use the nearest neigbhours....
# check whether the quality of interpolataion is improved, if not, then have to fall back to to task 1
# c: vectorization
# DataFrame panel data
# floatsDFAll_9Dtimeorder.set_index(['id','time'])
# the inverse operation # floatsDFAll_9Dtimeorder.reset_index()
# look into the data
# so far there is no need to convert it into a panel
# floatsDFAll_9DtimeorderPanel = floatsDFAll_9Dtimeorder.to_panel
# plot the temperature for one float, the temperature do have a trend
#maskid = ( == 63069) & (floatsDFAll_resample_timeorder.time > '2007-01-01') & (floatsDFAll_resample_timeorder.time < '2009-01-01')
maskid = ( == 63069)
print(floatsDFAll_resample_timeorder[maskid].dropna(subset=['id', 'lat', 'lon', 'time']) )
floatsDFAll_resample_timeorder[maskid].dropna(subset=['id', 'lat', 'lon', 'time']).plot(x='time', y ='temp')
# set of all float ids
# this is a float that explains the need for temperature data
maskid2 = == 10208
In [ ]:
# test case 1: take a single entry (southeast corner for valid values)
row_case1 = pd.DataFrame(data = {'time':'2002-07-13 00:00:00', 'id': 10206, 'lon':74.7083358765, 'lat':5.20833349228},index=[1])
# test case 2
# take a {time-list, id-list, lon-list, lat-list}, index-list
# carry out the interpolation
#row_case2 = pd.DataFrame(data = {'time':['2002-07-13 00:00:00','2002-07-22 00:00:00'] , 'id': [10206, 10206], 'lon':[74.7083358765, 74.6250076294], 'lat':[5.20833349228, 5.29166173935]},index=[2,3])
# test case 3
row_case2 = pd.DataFrame(data = {'time':['2002-07-13 00:00:00', '2002-07-22 00:00:00', '2002-07-13 00:00:00'] , 'id': [10206, 10206, 10206], 'lon':[74.7083358765, 74.6250076294,74.7083358765], 'lat':[5.20833349228, 5.29166173935, 5.20833349228]},index=[1,2,3])
## get the indices of time, lat, lon
idx_time = ds_resample.indexes['time']
idx_lat = ds_resample.indexes['lat']
idx_lon = ds_resample.indexes['lon']
#interpolation on the time dimension
time_len = len(row_case2.time.values)
xtime_test = list([ np.datetime64(row_case2.time.values[i]) for i in range(0,time_len) ] ) # for delta
print('\n xtime_test \n', xtime_test)
'''caution: cannot do this inside the function get_loc,
itime_nearest = [idx_time.get_loc(xtime_test[i], method='nearest') for i in range(0, time_len)]
print('\n itime_nearest \n', itime_nearest) # [1,2]
xtime_nearest = ds_resample.time[itime_nearest].values # ['2002-07-13T00:00:00.000000000' '2002-07-22T00:00:00.000000000']
print('\n xtime_nearest\n', xtime_nearest) # ['2002-07-13T00:00:00.000000000' '2002-07-22T00:00:00.000000000']
print('xtime_nearest', type(xtime_nearest)) # xtime_nearest <class 'numpy.ndarray'> # time_nearest <class 'numpy.datetime64'>
# the time distance in days
delta_xtime = (xtime_test - xtime_nearest) / np.timedelta64(1, 'D')
print('\n delta_xtime in days \n', delta_xtime)
itime_next = [itime_nearest[i]+1 if delta_xtime[i] >=0 else itime_nearest[i]-1 for i in range(0, time_len) ]
print('\n itime_next \n',itime_next) # [2, 3]
# find the next coordinate values
xtime_next = ds_resample.time[itime_next].values
print('\n xtime_next \n', xtime_next) # ['2002-07-22T00:00:00.000000000' '2002-07-31T00:00:00.000000000']
# prepare for the Tri-linear interpolation
base_time = (xtime_next - xtime_nearest) / np.timedelta64(1, 'D') # [ 9. 9.]
print('\n base_time \n', base_time)
w_time = delta_xtime / base_time
print('\n w_time \n', w_time) # [ 0. 0.]
#interpolation on the lat dimension
xlat_test = + 0.06 # base [ 5.20833349 5.29166174] # cell distance around .8, use .2 & .6 as two tests
print('\n xlat_test \n', xlat_test) # xlat_test [ 5.26833349 5.35166174]
ilat_nearest = [idx_lat.get_loc(xlat_test[i], method='nearest') for i in range(0, time_len)]
print('\n ilat_nearest \n', ilat_nearest) # [272, 271]
xlat_nearest =[ilat_nearest].values
print('\n xlat_nearest \n', xlat_nearest) # [ 5.29166174 5.37499762]
delta_xlat = xlat_test - xlat_nearest
print("\n delta_xlat \n",delta_xlat) # [-0.02332825 -0.02333588]
# the nearest index is on the right; but order of the latitude is different, it is descending
ilat_next = [ilat_nearest[i]-1 if delta_xlat[i] >=0 else ilat_nearest[i]+1 for i in range(0, time_len) ]
print('\n ilat_next \n', ilat_next) # [273, 272]
# find the next coordinates value
xlat_next =[ilat_next].values
print('\n xlat_next \n', xlat_next) # [ 5.20833349 5.29166174]
# prepare for the Tri-linear interpolation
w_lat = delta_xlat / (xlat_next - xlat_nearest)
print('\n w_lat \n', w_lat) # [ 0.27995605 0.28002197]
#interpolation on the lon dimension
xlon_test = row_case2.lon.values +0.06 # base [74.7083358765, 74.6250076294] # cell distance around .8, use .2 & .6 as two tests
print('\n xlon_test \n', xlon_test) # [ 74.76833588 74.68500763]
ilon_nearest = [idx_lon.get_loc(xlon_test[i], method='nearest') for i in range(0, time_len)]
print('\n ilon_nearest \n', ilon_nearest) # [357, 356]
xlon_nearest = ds_resample.lon[ilon_nearest].values
print('\n xlon_nearest \n', xlon_nearest) # [ 74.79166412 74.70833588]
delta_xlon = xlon_test - xlon_nearest
print("\n delta_xlon \n", delta_xlon) # [-0.02332825 -0.02332825]
ilon_next = [ilon_nearest[i]+1 if delta_xlon[i] >=0 else ilon_nearest[i]-1 for i in range(0, time_len) ]
print('\n ilon_next \n',ilon_next) # [356, 355]
# find the next coordinate values
xlon_next = ds_resample.lon[ilon_next].values
print("\n xlon_next \n", xlon_next) # [ 74.70833588 74.62500763]
# prepare for the Tri-linear interpolation
w_lon = delta_xlon / (xlon_next - xlon_nearest)
print("\n w_lon \n", w_lon) # [ 0.27995605 0.27995605]
# local Tensor product for Trilinear interpolation
# caution: nan values, store as "list_of_array to 2d_array" first, then sum
# no casting to list needed here, inputs are already lists
tmp = np.array([
ds_resample.chlor_a.isel_points(time=itime_nearest, lat=ilat_nearest, lon=ilon_nearest).values,
ds_resample.chlor_a.isel_points(time=itime_nearest, lat=ilat_nearest, lon=ilon_next).values,
ds_resample.chlor_a.isel_points(time=itime_nearest, lat=ilat_next, lon=ilon_nearest).values,
ds_resample.chlor_a.isel_points(time=itime_nearest, lat=ilat_next, lon=ilon_next).values,
ds_resample.chlor_a.isel_points(time=itime_next, lat=ilat_nearest, lon=ilon_nearest).values,
ds_resample.chlor_a.isel_points(time=itime_next, lat=ilat_nearest, lon=ilon_next).values,
ds_resample.chlor_a.isel_points(time=itime_next, lat=ilat_next, lon=ilon_nearest).values,
ds_resample.chlor_a.isel_points(time=itime_next, lat=ilat_next, lon=ilon_next).values ])
weights = np.array([(1-w_time)*(1-w_lat)*(1-w_lon),
w_time*w_lat*w_lon ])
# how to deal with "nan" values, fill in missing values for the np.array tmpAll
# or fill the mean values to the unweighted array
print('\n neighbouring tensor used \n', tmp)
neighbouring tensor used
[[ nan 0.181841 ]
[ 0.245878 nan]
[ nan nan]
[ nan nan]
[ 0.19680101 nan]
[ nan nan]
[ nan nan]
[ 0.18532801 nan]]
# column min: (nan+0.245878 + nan + nan + 0.19680101 + nan + nan + 0.18532801)/8 = 0.20933567333
col_mean = np.nanmean(tmp, axis=0)
print('\n its mean along axis 0(column) \n', col_mean) # [ 0.20933567 0.181841 ]
# filling the missing values.
inds = np.where(np.isnan(tmp))
print('\n nan index\n', inds)
tmp[inds]=np.take(col_mean, inds[1])
print('\n values after the fill \n', tmp)
print('\n weighting tensor used \n', weights)
print("weights.shape", weights.shape) # (8, 3)
print("tmp.shape", tmp.shape) # (8, 3)
nrow_w, ncol_w = weights.shape
nrow_t, ncol_t = tmp.shape
assert nrow_w == nrow_t, "the row count of weights and values are not the same!"
assert ncol_w == ncol_t, "the row count of weights and values are not the same!"
print('\n tensor product\n',[:,0], tmp[:,0]) ) # 0.216701896135 should be [ 0.2167019]
# new interpolation process of the Chl_a
chl_new = np.empty(ncol_w)
for i in range(0, ncol_w, 1):
chl_new[i] =[:,i], tmp[:,i])
print('chl_newInt', chl_new) # [ 0.2167019 0.181841 0.2167019]
# validate by 1D array
# val = np.array([0.20933567, 0.245878, 0.20933567,
# 0.20933567, 0.19680101, 0.20933567,
# 0.20933567,0.18532801])
#, weights) # 0.21670189702309739
## output xarray.dataarray of points, see examples below
# this is the way how xarray.Dataset works
# if you want a xarray.DataArray, first generate a xarray.Dataset, then select DataArray from there.
chl_newInt = xr.Dataset({'chl': (['points'], np.random.randn(3))},
'time':(['points'],['2002-07-13 00:00:00', '2002-07-22 00:00:00', '2002-07-13 00:00:00']) ,
'id': (['points'], [10206, 10206, 10206]),
'lon': (['points'], [74.7083358765, 74.6250076294,74.7083358765]),
'lat':(['points'], [5.20833349228, 5.29166173935, 5.20833349228]),
'points': (['points'], [0,1,2])}) # this way the dims is set to point
### Task: output xarray.dataarray as points
## example 1
arr = xr.DataArray(np.random.rand(4,3), [('time', pd.date_range('2000-01-01', periods=4)), ('space', ['IA', 'IL', 'IN'])] )
print("first example",arr)
print("\n \n")
## example2 -- concrete xr.DataArray
data = np.random.rand(4, 3)
locs = ['IA', 'IL', 'IN']
times = pd.date_range('2000-01-01', periods=4)
brr = xr.DataArray(data, coords={'time': times, 'space': locs, 'const': 42, \
'ranking': ('space', [1, 2, 3])}, \
dims=['time', 'space'])
print("second example",brr)
### the target output
#the output generated by the xarray.DataSet => xarray.DataArray
<xarray.DataArray 'chlor_a' (points: 147112)>
array([ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan])
time (points) datetime64[ns] 2002-07-04 2002-07-04 2002-07-04 ...
lon (points) float64 74.96 66.54 69.88 65.04 69.88 74.96 69.46 ...
lat (points) float64 27.96 16.21 13.62 16.04 13.62 27.96 20.04 ...
* points (points) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ...
### the solution approach we tried to is: first, generate a xarray.DataSet
second, generte a xarray.DataArray from the xarray DataSet if needed.
# 1. looking at this example, DataArray seems to be working.
# works here
da_test1 = xr.DataArray(np.random.rand(3), dims=['x'],
coords={'x': np.array([10206, 10206, 10206]), 'y': 2} )
print('\n da_test1', da_test1)
# but not works here
da_test1 = xr.DataArray(np.random.rand(3), dims=['x'],
coords={'x': np.array([10206, 10206, 10206]), 'y': np.array([10206, 10206, 10206])} )
print('\n da_test1', da_test1)
# err's
# works here
da_test1 = xr.DataArray(np.random.rand(3), dims=['x'],
coords={'x': np.array([10206, 10206, 10206]), 'y': 2} )
print('\n da_test1', da_test1)
# da_test1 <xarray.DataArray (x: 3)>
# array([ 0.90386212, 0.21516239, 0.44707272])
# Coordinates:
# * x (x) int64 10206 10206 10206
# y int64 2
# so we do this
# this is the way how xarray.Dataset works
# if you want a xarray.DataArray, first generate a xarray.Dataset, then select DataArray from there.
chl_newInt = xr.Dataset({'chl': (['id'], np.random.randn(3))},
'id': (['id'], np.array([10206, 10206, 10206])),
'lon': (['id'], np.array([74.7083358765, 74.6250076294,74.7083358765])),
'lat': (['id'], np.array([5.20833349228, 5.29166173935, 5.20833349228]))})
print('chl_newInt', chl_newInt) # generate the xarray.DataSet
print('\n \n')
print('chl_newInt.chl', chl_newInt.chl) # xarray.DataSet contains many xarray.DataArray
#chl_newInt <xarray.Dataset>
#Dimensions: (id: 3)
# lon (id) float64 74.71 74.63 74.71
# * id (id) int64 10206 10206 10206
# lat (id) float64 5.208 5.292 5.208
#Data variables:
# chl (id) float64 0.783 -0.9714 -0.3206
#chl_newInt.chl <xarray.DataArray 'chl' (id: 3)>
#array([ 0.78301614, -0.97144208, -0.3206447 ])
# lon (id) float64 74.71 74.63 74.71
# * id (id) int64 10206 10206 10206
# lat (id) float64 5.208 5.292 5.208
In [ ]:
### output benchmark
### output the dataset ds_9day and output the dataframe
#row_case4 = pd.DataFrame(data={'time':list(floatsDFAll_9Dtimeorder.time), 'lon':list(floatsDFAll_9Dtimeorder.lon), 'lat':list(, 'id':list( } )
##print('\n before dropping nan \n', row_case4)
## process to drop nan in any of the columns [id], [lat], [lon], [time]
#row_case4 = row_case4.dropna(subset=['id', 'lat', 'lon', 'time'], how = 'any') # these four fields are critical
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
#### the approach using Linear Interpolations with 3D tensors
# Keyword Arguments
# approach 1
# each of the indexers component might be ordered differently
# def sel_points_multilinear(dset, dims='points', out = 'str', **indexers):
## test case
# def sel_points_multilinear(ds_9day, dims = 'points', out ='chlor_a',
# time = list(['2002-07-13 00:00:00']),
# lat = list([5]), lon = list([70]) ):
# e.g. time-ascending, lat-descending, need to tell 'time' from 'lat'
# use different parameters for inputs
## approach 2
## from dataframe to dataset
## input:
## dframe: list of {time}, {lan}, {lon}, {id}. bounds-aware
## dset: carry out the interpolation use dset data structure and its component
## output:
## a list or dataframe with chl_newInt.chl
# remember to take log_e instead of log_10
# clean up this notebook, seperate, clean, and take notes
# test case 4: use the full real data
# froms dir import src # to call src.functions
from tools.time_lat_lon_interpolate import interpolate
floatsDF_tmp = floatsDFAll_resample_timeorder
row_case4 = pd.DataFrame(data={'time':list(floatsDF_tmp.time), 'lon':list(floatsDF_tmp.lon), 'lat':list(, 'id':list( } )
# process to drop nan in any of the columns [id], [lat], [lon], [time]
row_case4 = row_case4.dropna(subset=['id', 'lat', 'lon', 'time'], how = 'any') # these four fields are critical
# print('\n after dropping nan \n', row_case4)
result_out4 = interpolate.sel_points_multilinear_time_lat_lon(ds_resample, row_case4, dims = 'points', col_name ='chlor_a')
print('\n *** after the interpolation *** \n', result_out4)
# important: keep the id, since the dataframe has been modified in a bound-aware way in the function
print('\n *** this two length should be equal *** %d >= %d?' %(len(row_case4.index), len(result_out4.points) ) )
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
id_set = result_out4.to_dataframe().id.unique()
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
### output data for fitting LDS
### plot for id 125776, which will be fit by LDS
tmp_df_result4[ == 135776].plot(x='time', y ='chlor_a', title=('id - %d' % 135776) );
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
### chl-a concentration plots for each float ###
print("\n ****** chl-a concentration plots for each float ****** \n")
tmp_df_result4 = result_out4.to_dataframe()
for i in id_set:
tmp_df_result4[ == i].plot(x='time', y ='chlor_a', title=('id - %d' % i) );
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
#### just check the data quality if possible
In [ ]:
from tools import chl_rates # del(chl_rates)
import importlib
from tools import distance
print("\n ******* The Multilinear Interpolation Approach for %dD resampling******* \n" % (freq))
floatsDF_Rate_interpolate = chl_rates.add_chl_rates(floatsDF_tmp, result_out4)
print("\n ******* Visualization on chl_rate and chl_log_e_rate ******* \n" )
print("\n ******* Reduce the Dataset to 'Nov-01 to Mar-31' ******* \n" )
floatsDF_Rate_NovMar = chl_rates.reduce_to_NovMar(floatsDF_Rate_interpolate)
print("\n ******* Nondimensionalize chl_rate and chl_log_e_rate ******* \n" )
floatsDF_Rate_NonDim_interpolate = chl_rates.nondimensionalize_chl_rate(floatsDF_Rate_NovMar, freq)
# check #
aaa = floatsDF_9DRate_NonDim_interpolate
print( (0.293062 - 0.804146)/9 ) # -0.056787
print( (-1.227370- (-0.217974) )/9 ) # -0.112155
print("\n **** Adding the 'rotated week no.'; Nov-1 is week no.1 **** \n")
floatsDF_Rate_weekcol_interpolate = chl_rates.add_week(floatsDF_Rate_NonDim_interpolate)
print("\n ******* Distance to coast added ******* \n")
print("\n ******* The Multilinear Interpolation Approach ******* \n" )
row_case_dist = pd.DataFrame(data={'time':list(floatsDF_Rate_weekcol_interpolate.time),
'id':list( } )
# process to drop nan in any of the columns [id], [lat], [lon], [time]
row_case_dist = row_case_dist.dropna(subset=['id', 'lat', 'lon', 'time'], how = 'any') # these four fields are critical
# print('\n after dropping nan \n', row_case_dist)
result_dist = interpolate.sel_points_multilinear_dist_lat_lon(row_case_dist, dims='points', col_name='dist') # interpolation
print("\n ******* Adding the 'distance to coast' ******* \n")
floatsDF_distance_interpolate = distance.add_distance_to_coast(floatsDF_Rate_weekcol_interpolate,result_dist)
print("\n ******* Visualization on 'distance to coast' ******* \n" )
print("\n ******* weekly plots and spatial plots on various rates of chl-a and log-scale chl-a ******* \n")
print("\n ******* output data ******* \n" )
# dropna only on subset {'chl_rate'}
chl_rates.output_chl_rates_dist(floatsDF_distance_interpolate, freq)