In [1]:
# Import required libraries.
%pylab inline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import datetime
from davitpy import gme #This is the DavitPy GeoMagnetic Environment module
In [2]:
# Define the start time, end time, and which GOES Satellite to use.
# Make sure the satellite is available for your particular interval period.
# Data will be downloaded directly from NOAA at
sTime = datetime.datetime(2014,5,21)
eTime = datetime.datetime(2014,5,24)
sat_nr = 15
In [3]:
# This routine will download the data from NOAA and populate a dictionary containing
# metadata and a dataframe with the GOES data data.
# This routine downloads the 1-min Avg X-Xray flux data for two bands
# (0.05-0.4 nm and 0.1-0.8 nm).
goes_data = gme.sat.read_goes(sTime,eTime,sat_nr)
In [4]:
# This routine will use the dictionary format provided above to plot the GOES data.
fig = gme.sat.goes_plot(goes_data)
In [5]:
#Load in a large amount of GOES data...
sTime = datetime.datetime(2014,1,1)
eTime = datetime.datetime(2014,6,30)
sat_nr = 15
goes_data = gme.sat.read_goes(sTime,eTime,sat_nr)
In [6]:
#Find all of the X-Class flares in that time period (using 60-minute windowing)
flares = gme.sat.find_flares(goes_data,min_class='X1',window_minutes=60)
In [7]:
#Now create a plot for each flare.
for key,flare in flares.iterrows():
#Create the figure and axis.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
#Label and plot just the flare max.
label = '{0} Class Flare @ {1}'.format(flare['class'],key.strftime('%H%M UT'))
#Now plot the GOES data around the flare.
plot_sTime = key - datetime.timedelta(hours=12)
plot_eTime = key + datetime.timedelta(hours=12)
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