Alex Bellos recently published an excellent article in the Guardian about the "plastic number", or rather about a lovely fractal spiral that Edmund Harriss discovered based on it. The article, and an earlier conversation I had with Edmund, inspired me to experiment with the plastic number. The first result of that experimentation is this fractal tiling:
The "plastic number", like the golden ratio, is a number defined as the solution to a very simple polynomial equation. For the golden ratio, the polyomial is
$$x^2 = x + 1$$Similarly, the plastic number is the only number $x$ satisfying
$$x^3 = x + 1$$
In [1]:
import math
class PlasticNumber(object):
def __init__( self, ones=0, rho=0, rho2=0 ):
self.ones = ones
self.rho = rho
self.rho2 = rho2
def __add__( self, rhs ): #self and rhs are PlasticNumber objects
a,b,c = self.ones, self.rho, self.rho2
if isinstance( rhs, self.__class__ ):
d,e,f = rhs.ones, rhs.rho, rhs.rho2
return PlasticNumber( a+d, b+e, c+f )
elif isinstance( rhs, int ):
return PlasticNumber( a+rhs, b, c )
raise TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for +: '{}' and '{}'").format(self.__class__, type(other))
def __sub__( self, rhs ): #self and rhs are PlasticNumber objects
a,b,c = self.ones, self.rho, self.rho2
if isinstance( rhs, self.__class__ ):
d,e,f = rhs.ones, rhs.rho, rhs.rho2
return PlasticNumber( a-d, b-e, c-f )
elif isinstance( rhs, int ):
return PlasticNumber( a-rhs, b, c )
raise TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for +: '{}' and '{}'").format(self.__class__, type(other))
def __neg__( self ) :
return PlasticNumber( -self.ones, -self.rho, -self.rho2 )
def scale_up( self, power=1 ) :
if power > 1:
return self .scale_up() .scale_up( power-1 )
return PlasticNumber(
self.ones + self.rho2,
self.rho )
def scale_down( self, power=1 ) :
if power > 1:
return self .scale_down() .scale_down( power-1 )
return PlasticNumber(
self.rho - self.ones,
self.ones )
def __mul__( self, rhs ) :
a,b,c = self.ones, self.rho, self.rho2
if isinstance( rhs, self.__class__ ):
d,e,f = rhs.ones, rhs.rho, rhs.rho2
return PlasticNumber(
a*d + c*e + b*f,
b*d + a*e + c*e + b*f + c*f,
a*f + b*e + c*d + c*f )
elif isinstance( rhs, int ):
return PlasticNumber( a*rhs, b*rhs, c*rhs )
raise TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for +: '{}' and '{}'").format(self.__class__, type(other))
def __str__( self ):
s = u""
if self.ones != 0 :
s = s + u"%d" % ( self.ones )
if self.rho != 0 :
if len(s) > 0 :
s = s + u"+"
if self.rho != 1 :
s = s + u"%d" % ( self.rho )
s = s + u"\u03C1"
if self.rho2 != 0 :
if len(s) > 0 :
s = s + u"+"
if self.rho2 != 1 :
s = s + u"%d" % ( self.rho2 )
s = s + u"\u03C1\u00B2"
return s.encode('utf-8')
rho_real = 1.32471795
def __float__( self ) :
return self.ones + self.rho_real * ( self.rho + self.rho_real * self.rho2 )
zero = PlasticNumber()
one = PlasticNumber(1)
rho = PlasticNumber(0,1)
print str(rho) + " = " + str(PlasticNumber.rho_real)
def printProd( h1, h2 ) :
print str(h1) + str(h2) + " = " + str(h1*h2)
printProd( rho, rho )
printProd( rho, rho*rho )
In [2]:
n = one
print str( n )
for i in range(20):
n = n * rho
print str( n )
In [3]:
m = rho.scale_up(5)
print( str(m) )
print( str(m-1) )
print( str(m-1+rho) )
print( str(m-1+rho-rho*3) )
In [4]:
class Vector(object):
def __init__( self, x, y ):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __mul__( self, rhs ) :
return Vector( rhs .__mul__( self.x ), rhs .__mul__( self.y ) )
def __add__( self, rhs ) :
return Vector( self.x + rhs.x, self.y + rhs.y )
def __sub__( self, rhs ) :
return Vector( self.x - rhs.x, self.y - rhs.y )
def __neg__( self ) :
return Vector( -self.x, -self.y )
def render( self ):
x = float( self.x )
y = float( self.y )
return [ x, y ]
origin = Vector( zero, zero )
lr = Vector( rho, zero )
ur = Vector( rho, one )
ul = Vector( zero, one )
initialRect = ( origin, lr, ur, ul )
In [40]:
%pylab inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.path as mpath
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
Path = mpath.Path
scaling = one .scale_down(2)
print( "1/" + str(rho*rho) + " = " + str(scaling) )
def part( v1, v2 ):
return v1 + (v2-v1)*scaling
def line( ax, v1, v2 ):
verts = []
codes = [ Path.MOVETO ]
verts .append( v1 .render() )
codes .append( Path.LINETO )
verts .append( v2 .render() )
path = mpath.Path( verts, codes )
ax .add_patch( mpatches.PathPatch( path, facecolor='none', edgecolor='#666666' ) )
def rect( ax, vertices, color ):
v1, v2, v3, v4 = vertices
verts = []
codes = [ Path.MOVETO ]
verts .append( v1 .render() )
codes .append( Path.LINETO )
verts .append( v2 .render() )
codes .append( Path.LINETO )
verts .append( v3 .render() )
codes .append( Path.LINETO )
verts .append( v4 .render() )
codes .append( Path.LINETO )
verts .append( v1 .render() )
path = mpath.Path( verts, codes )
ax .add_patch( mpatches.PathPatch( path, facecolor=color, edgecolor='none' ) )
def cut1( ax, vertices, depth ):
v1, v2, v3, v4 = vertices
v5 = part( v1, v2 )
v6 = part( v4, v3 )
v7 = part( v5, v6 )
v8 = part( v2, v3 )
#line( ax, v5, v6 )
#line( ax, v7, v8 )
if depth > 0:
cut1( ax, ( v1, v4, v6, v5 ), depth-1 )
cut1( ax, ( v7, v8, v3, v6 ), depth-2 )
cut2( ax, ( v5, v2, v8, v7 ), depth-3 )
rect( ax, ( v5, v6, v4, v1 ), '#222222' )
rect( ax, ( v7, v8, v3, v6 ), '#990099' )
rect( ax, ( v5, v2, v8, v7 ), '#996699' )
def cut2( ax, vertices, depth ):
v1, v2, v3, v4 = vertices
v5 = part( v1, v2 )
v6 = part( v4, v3 )
v7 = part( v4, v1 )
v8 = part( v3, v2 )
v9 = part( v7, v8 )
#line( ax, v5, v6 )
#line( ax, v7, v8 )
if depth > 0:
cut1( ax, ( v9, v6, v3, v8 ), depth-2 )
cut1( ax, ( v9, v7, v1, v5 ), depth-2 )
cut2( ax, ( v7, v9, v6, v4 ), depth-1 )
cut2( ax, ( v5, v2, v8, v9 ), depth-3 )
rect( ax, ( v1, v2, v3, v4 ), '#ddbbdd' )
#rect( ax, ( v1, v5, v9, v7 ), '#003333' )
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,12))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
v1, v2, v3, v4 = initialRect
line( ax, v1, v2 )
line( ax, v2, v3 )
line( ax, v3, v4 )
line( ax, v4, v1 )
cut1( ax, initialRect, 14 )
#fig.savefig( "plasticFractal-01.png" )
print( "ok" )
In [ ]:
def cut1( ax, vertices, depth ):
v1, v2, v3, v4 = vertices
v5 = part( v1, v2 )
v6 = part( v4, v3 )
v7 = part( v5, v6 )
v8 = part( v2, v3 )
#line( ax, v5, v6 )
#line( ax, v7, v8 )
if depth > 0:
cut1( ax, ( v1, v4, v6, v5 ), depth-1 )
cut1( ax, ( v7, v8, v3, v6 ), depth-2 )
cut2( ax, ( v5, v2, v8, v7 ), depth-3 )
rect( ax, ( v5, v6, v4, v1 ), '#009999' )
rect( ax, ( v7, v8, v3, v6 ), '#007777' )
def cut2( ax, vertices, depth ):
v1, v2, v3, v4 = vertices
v5 = part( v1, v2 )
v6 = part( v4, v3 )
v7 = part( v4, v1 )
v8 = part( v3, v2 )
v9 = part( v7, v8 )
#line( ax, v5, v6 )
#line( ax, v7, v8 )
if depth > 0:
cut1( ax, ( v9, v6, v3, v8 ), depth-2 )
cut1( ax, ( v7, v9, v5, v1 ), depth-2 )
cut2( ax, ( v7, v9, v6, v4 ), depth-1 )
cut2( ax, ( v5, v2, v8, v9 ), depth-3 )
#rect( ax, ( v6, v9, v8, v3 ), '#ccbbbb' )
#rect( ax, ( v1, v5, v9, v7 ), '#003333' )
In [ ]:
def cut1( ax, vertices, depth ):
v1, v2, v3, v4 = vertices
v5 = part( v1, v2 )
v6 = part( v4, v3 )
v7 = part( v5, v6 )
v8 = part( v2, v3 )
#line( ax, v5, v6 )
#line( ax, v7, v8 )
if depth > 0:
cut1( ax, ( v1, v4, v6, v5 ), depth-1 )
cut1( ax, ( v7, v8, v3, v6 ), depth-1 )
cut2( ax, ( v5, v2, v8, v7 ), depth-1 )
rect( ax, ( v5, v6, v4, v1 ), '#009999' )
rect( ax, ( v7, v8, v3, v6 ), '#007777' )
def cut2( ax, vertices, depth ):
v1, v2, v3, v4 = vertices
v5 = part( v1, v2 )
v6 = part( v4, v3 )
v7 = part( v4, v1 )
v8 = part( v3, v2 )
v9 = part( v7, v8 )
#line( ax, v5, v6 )
#line( ax, v7, v8 )
if depth > 0:
cut1( ax, ( v9, v6, v3, v8 ), depth-1 )
#cut1( ax, ( v7, v9, v5, v1 ), depth-1 )
cut2( ax, ( v7, v9, v6, v4 ), depth-1 )
cut2( ax, ( v5, v2, v8, v9 ), depth-1 )
#rect( ax, ( v6, v9, v8, v3 ), '#ccbbbb' )
#rect( ax, ( v1, v5, v9, v7 ), '#003333' )
In [ ]:
def cut1( ax, vertices, depth ):
v1, v2, v3, v4 = vertices
v5 = part( v1, v2 )
v6 = part( v4, v3 )
v7 = part( v5, v6 )
v8 = part( v2, v3 )
#line( ax, v5, v6 )
#line( ax, v7, v8 )
if depth > 0:
cut1( ax, ( v1, v4, v6, v5 ), depth-1 )
cut1( ax, ( v7, v8, v3, v6 ), depth-2 )
cut2( ax, ( v5, v2, v8, v7 ), depth-3 )
rect( ax, ( v5, v6, v4, v1 ), '#009999' )
rect( ax, ( v7, v8, v3, v6 ), '#007777' )
def cut2( ax, vertices, depth ):
v1, v2, v3, v4 = vertices
v5 = part( v1, v2 )
v6 = part( v4, v3 )
v7 = part( v4, v1 )
v8 = part( v3, v2 )
v9 = part( v7, v8 )
#line( ax, v5, v6 )
#line( ax, v7, v8 )
if depth > 0:
cut1( ax, ( v9, v6, v3, v8 ), depth-2 )
cut1( ax, ( v7, v9, v5, v1 ), depth-2 )
cut2( ax, ( v7, v9, v6, v4 ), depth-1 )
cut2( ax, ( v5, v2, v8, v9 ), depth-3 )
#rect( ax, ( v6, v9, v8, v3 ), '#ccbbbb' )
#rect( ax, ( v1, v5, v9, v7 ), '#003333' )
In [ ]:
def cut1( ax, vertices, depth ):
v1, v2, v3, v4 = vertices
v5 = part( v1, v2 )
v6 = part( v4, v3 )
v7 = part( v5, v6 )
v8 = part( v2, v3 )
#line( ax, v5, v6 )
#line( ax, v7, v8 )
if depth > 0:
cut1( ax, ( v1, v4, v6, v5 ), depth-1 )
cut1( ax, ( v7, v8, v3, v6 ), depth-2 )
cut2( ax, ( v5, v2, v8, v7 ), depth-3 )
rect( ax, ( v5, v6, v4, v1 ), '#009999' )
rect( ax, ( v7, v8, v3, v6 ), '#007777' )
def cut2( ax, vertices, depth ):
v1, v2, v3, v4 = vertices
v5 = part( v1, v2 )
v6 = part( v4, v3 )
v7 = part( v4, v1 )
v8 = part( v3, v2 )
v9 = part( v7, v8 )
#line( ax, v5, v6 )
#line( ax, v7, v8 )
if depth > 0:
cut1( ax, ( v9, v6, v3, v8 ), depth-2 )
cut1( ax, ( v9, v7, v1, v5 ), depth-2 )
cut2( ax, ( v7, v9, v6, v4 ), depth-1 )
cut2( ax, ( v5, v2, v8, v9 ), depth-3 )
#rect( ax, ( v6, v9, v8, v3 ), '#ccbbbb' )
#rect( ax, ( v1,