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%pylab inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
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We are going to study such a system under free vibrations, i.e., to study its free vibrations response following given initial conditions.
In [3]:
mass = 16e3
stif = 2.5e6
zeta = 0.05
fy = 5e3
uy = fy/stif
wn = sqrt(stif/mass)
wd = wn*sqrt(1-zeta**2)
damp = 2*wn*mass*zeta
print 'm =', mass, '\tc =',damp, '\tk =', stif
print 'fy =', fy, '\tuy =', uy
print 'wn =',wn, '\twd =', "%8.4f"%(wd,), '\tTn =', 2*pi/wn
In [4]:
x0 = 1e-3
v0 = 25e-3
In [5]:
# x(0) = A ; v(0) = - zeta wn A + wd B => v(0) + zeta wn x(0) = wd B
A = x0 ; B = (v0+zeta*wn*A)/wd
def x_el0(t, A=A, B=B):
return exp(-zeta*wn*t)*(A*cos(wd*t)+B*sin(wd*t))
def v_el0(t, A=A, B=B):
return exp(-zeta*wn*t)*((B*wd-A*wn*zeta)*cos(wd*t)-(B*wn*zeta+A*wd)*sin(wd*t))
Just to be sure, let's verify that the initial conditions are OK
In [6]:
x_el0(0), v_el0(0)
Now, let's plot our elastic response and take note that $x_\text{max}>2\\,$mm${}=u_\text{y}$.
In [7]:
t = linspace(0,0.5, 1001)
In [8]:
from scipy.optimize import newton
t1 = newton(lambda x:x_el0(x)-.002, 0.0)
x1 = uy
v1 = v_el0(t1)
print x1, v1
In the plastic range, until unloading (i.e., for $v\ge0$), the equation of motion is
$$m\ddot x + c\dot x + f_\text{S}=0$$and being $f_\text{S}=f_\text{y}$ we have
$$m\ddot x + c\dot x = -f_\text{y};$$the particular integral is $\xi = -f_\text{y} t/c$ and the general integral can be written
$$x(t) = A \exp(-ct/m) -f_\text{y}t/c + B,$$where, as usual, the constants of integraton are determined by the initial conditions.
Knowing the constants of integration, you can define the functions that give the displacement and the velocity in the interval from yielding to unloading.
In [9]:
# x2(t-t1) = x2(t2) = A exp(-c t2 / m) - fy t2 / c + B ; v2(t2) = - c A / m exp(...) - fy/c
# x2(0) = A+B = x1 ; v2(0) = - A c/m -fy/c = v1
A = - ( v1 + fy/damp ) * mass / damp
B = x1 - A
print A, B
def x_pl(t, A=A, B=B): return A*exp(-damp*t/mass)-fy*t/damp+B
def v_pl(t, A=A, B=B): return -damp*A*exp(-damp*t/mass)/mass -fy/damp
Because the initial velocity is positive, the displacements grows until the velocity is, er, positive, and when the velocity equals zero the system changes its state from plastic to elastic and the spring force is $f_S=k\;(x-x_pl)$ (i.e., it's decreasing following the unloading branch).
Using the newton
function we find t2, the time (NB measured starting from t1) at which the velocity is equal to zero,
In [10]:
t2 = newton(v_pl,t1)
so that we can compute the position and the velocity at the end of the plastic phase or, equivalently, at the beginning of the unloading. Also, in the following we'll need the total plastic deformation, so it is computed as the difference between the position at the end and the position at the beginning of the plastic phase.
In [11]:
x2 = x_pl(t2)
v2 = v_pl(t2)
dp = x2-x1
print t1+t2, x2,v2,dp
To plot the first two phases of the response we have to be careful with time ranges, but it's relatively simple: the E-P response is computed starting from zero, so a vector t_2
from zero is used in the computation and a vector t_2+t1
to plot a continuous function of time.
In blue the elastic, loading phase, in green the plastic phase.
In [12]:
t_1 = linspace(0,t1,1001)
t_2 = linspace(0,t2,1001)
plot(1000*t_1,x_el0(t_1)*1000, 1000*(t_2+t1), x_pl(t_2)*1000) ;
grid() ;
Now for the elastic unloading, the elastic force is now $f_\text{S}=k(x-\Delta_\text{pl})$ so that the equation of motion can be written
whose general integral is
Next, by the initial conditions we have the constants of integration, and finally the definition of the displacements and velocities in the unloading phase.
In [13]:
# x(t3) = exp A cos + exp B sin + dp ; v(t3) = ...
# x3(0) = A + dp = x2 ; v3(0) = B wd - A z wn = v2
A = x2-dp
B = (v2+A*zeta*wn)/wd
def x_el1(t, A=A, B=B):
return exp(-zeta*wn*t)*(A*cos(wd*t)+B*sin(wd*t))+dp
def v_el1(t, A=A, B=B):
return exp(-zeta*wn*t)*((B*wd-A*wn*zeta)*cos(wd*t)-(B*wn*zeta+A*wd)*sin(wd*t))
Eventually, we can plot the free vibrations of our elastic-perfectly plastic system... note that I've stretched the time axis to let the response damp out almost completely, so that you can readily appreciate that the system is not oscillating around the initial equilibrium position, i.e., zero, but is asymptotically reaching a new position of equilibrium, $\Delta_\text{pl}$.
In [14]:
t_3 = linspace(0,8-t1-t2,2001)
t_2+t1, x_pl(t_2)*1000,
t1+t2+t_3, x_el1(t_3)*1000)
grid() ;