In [90]:
%matplotlib inline

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import time
import sys

Model Input

Brand_Factor = Values ranging from ($0.1$ -> $2.9$).

There are different ways in which brand factor may behave (i.e. there is no information about its nature, thus I have to make some assumptions. I will not model all of the possibilities). Some of which are the following.

1) Brand_Factor is some vector $\overline{v} \in \mathbb{R}^{8838}$. This is because, the file provided by Simudyna has these many policies. It is possible that the brand factor then stays the same throughout all $15$ years.

2) Brand_Factor randomly changes throught the $15$ years. So for a hypothetical policy, it may be $2.1$ in year $1$ and then (year $2$ in this case) changes with no autoregressive or any kind of relationship with respect to values in year $1$ and so on. So, the values randomly change throughout, while staying in the defined ranges, i.e. if $v_1 \in \overline{v}$ is brand_factor of some policy, then as given by the problem outline, $v_1 \in [0.1,2.9]$ always. Formally, for some $$v_i \in \overline{v}$$ we have that on any given year, $$v_i \sim U(0.1,2.9)$$ if we allow for possibility of brand factor changes.

3) Brand_Factor may be initialized to some values in year 1 and then decay.

4) Brand_Factor may be pertaining to a certain family of policies. etc.

For simplicity, I make an assumption that brand_factor initialized is the one to be used throughout all of the years, so is constant.

Model Run

To maximally reduce the number of redundant computations, before we perform any kind of agent-based modelling, we pre-compute and keep in memory the following:

Affinity = Payment_at_Purchase/Attribute_Price + rand $\times$ (Attribute_Promotions x Intertia_for_Switch) Let Affinity = $a_1$ + rand $\times$ $a_2$

Thus, to save $8838$ computations each year, we pre-compute $a_1$. To save additional $8838$ computations each year, we pre-compute $a_2$. Then, each year we calculate affinity by simply using the pre-computed values along with the newly generated rand.

We can also save computations by pre-calculating Social_Grade $\times$ Attribute_Brand (let's call it sg_ab) for each policy before we start the modelling. This will also save 8838 computations each year. Thus, we are saving $3$ $\times$ $8838$ $\times$ $14$ ($14$ and not $15$, because we would need to compute these during the first year in any case), which is $42$ $\times$ $8838$ = ($9000$-$162$) $\times$ $42$ = $371,196$ operations.

I have also noticed that some policies have identical features, it would thus make sense to keep a "pool" of distinct feature vectors and perform computations on these to further decrease the number of unnecessary computations. This however would only improve the speed on the very first pre-computation we do (since we are not calculating $a_1$,$a_2$ and sc_ab in the remaining $14$ years).

In [385]:
def processInputData(dataFilePath):
    """Returns processed source file provided by Simudyne.
    param: dataFilePath
    This method processes the data and does precalculations. Computes a_1,a_2,sc_gb
    and appends to the dataframe that it then returned.
    assert isinstance(dataFilePath, str), "%r must be a string path to the data." \
        % dataFilePath
    assert dataFilePath.endswith(".csv"), "%s must be a path to .csv file"  % dataFilePath
    # Potential for extension. For example, support of other file formats.
    # Another potential for extension: checks that the file is of a valid format. For example,
    # that the read pandas dataFrame has the correct number of columns, and that the names are correct.
    # That the dataframe is not of zero size, i.e. that there is data.
    # A more expensive check would also be to ensure that the data integrity is correct. i.e.
    # that you do not have any outliers or inconsitencies, and/or that you do not have nulls etc.
        inputData = pd.read_csv(dataFilePath)
        # Get rid of auto-renew data as the breed for these does not change.
        inputData = inputData.loc[inputData.Auto_Renew != 1] 
        # Pre-calculations
        inputData.loc[:,"a1"]    = inputData.Payment_at_Purchase/inputData.Attribute_Price
        inputData.loc[:,"a2"]    = inputData.Attribute_Promotions*inputData.Inertia_for_Switch
        inputData.loc[:,"sg_ab"] = inputData.Social_Grade*inputData.Attribute_Brand 
        for i in range(15): 
            inputData.loc[:,"Y_"+str(i+1)+"_toNC"] = [0] 
            inputData.loc[:,"Y_"+str(i+1)+"_toC"]  = [0] 
        return inputData
    except IOError as e:          # For example there is no such file in the directory.
        print e
        print "Unexpected error"  #Potential for extension: better error catching.

In [386]:
def generateBrandFactorVector(lowerBound,upperBound,size):
    return np.random.uniform(lowerBound,upperBound,size)

In [376]:
def runModel(brand_factor, inputData, verbose=0):
    """Runs the agent-based simulation.
    param: verbose. if 1, then. if 2, then
    # Potential improvement: if the len(brand_factor) is large enough,
    # we can compute expected value: np.mean(brand_factor) and ensure
    # that it is 1/2*(lowerBound+UpperBound) within some epsillon.
    # It is not necessary to increment age as it is not used in any calculations.
    # If however, it is required in the model output, then the calculation is trivial
    # depending on the year that we are on.
    breedCMask  = {True:"Breed_NC_Changed",False:0} # Why isn't False: Breed_C? Because we are also looping through Breed NC!
    breedNCMask = {True:"Breed_C_Changed", False:0} # Ditto.

    for i in range(15): calculateEpochs(i, brand_factor, breedCMask, breedNCMask, inputData)

In [387]:
def calculateEpochs(year, brand_factor, breedCMask, breedNCMask, data):  
    """Calculated annual simulation epochs.
    param: TODO
    if(year == 0):
        columnWithCCheck  = (data.Agent_Breed == "Breed_C") 
        columnWithNCCheck = (data.Agent_Breed == "Breed_NC")
        columnWithCCheck  = (data['Y_'+str(year)+'_toC']  != 0)
        columnWithNCCheck = (data['Y_'+str(year)+'_toNC'] != 0)
    rand           = np.random.uniform(0,3,len(data))
    affinity       = data.a1  + pd.Series(rand)*data.a2                                     
    maskSwitchToNC = columnWithCCheck  & (affinity < data.sg_ab) # Potential for improvement. Perform checks on the sliced of the DataFrame
    maskSwitchToC  = columnWithNCCheck & (affinity < pd.Series(brand_factor)*data.sg_ab)
    #Those that switched
    data.loc[:,'Y_'+str(year+1)+'_toNC'] =
    data.loc[:,'Y_'+str(year+1)+'_toC']  =
    #Those that stayed the same. Very inefficient (row-by-row). Operations "duplicated".
    #If this part of the code is excluded the algorithm runs in about 140 miliseconds.
    data['Y_'+str(year+1)+'_toC']  = data.apply(lambda  x: doesBreedStayUnchanged(x,year,'Breed_C') ,axis=1) 
    data['Y_'+str(year+1)+'_toNC'] = data.apply(lambda x:  doesBreedStayUnchanged(x,year,'Breed_NC'),axis=1)     
    #remeber to copy over breeds for everything that is Auto-Renew = 1

In [388]:
def doesBreedStayUnchanged(dfRow,year,breed):
    """Function that determines the breed mutation logic.
    param: TODO
    if year == 0:
        CPrevState  = dfRow['Agent_Breed']
        NCPrevState = dfRow['Agent_Breed']
        CCurrState  = dfRow['Y_1_toC']
        NCCurrState = dfRow['Y_1_toNC']
        comparisonValues = ['Breed_NC','Breed_C']
        CPrevState  = dfRow['Y_'+str(year)+'_toC']
        NCPrevState = dfRow['Y_'+str(year)+'_toNC']
        CCurrState  = dfRow['Y_'+str(year+1)+'_toC']
        NCCurrState = dfRow['Y_'+str(year+1)+'_toNC']
        comparisonValues  = [0,0]
    if breed == 'Breed_C':
        if((CPrevState != comparisonValues[0]) & (NCCurrState == 0)):
            return 'Breed_C_Unchanged'
            return CCurrState
        if((NCPrevState != comparisonValues[1]) & (CCurrState == 0)):
            return 'Breed_NC_Unchanged'
            return NCCurrState

In [389]:
def modelOutput():
    """Simple graphical output."""
    f = plt.figure(figsize=(15,8))
    ax = f.add_subplot(111)
    cGained = []
    cLost   = []
    for i in range(15): 
        cGained.append(len(inputData[inputData['Y_'+str(i+1)+'_toC'] == 'Breed_C_Changed']))
        cLost.append(len(inputData[inputData['Y_'+str(i+1)+'_toNC']  == 'Breed_NC_Changed']))
    x = np.arange(15)+1

    ax.plot(x,cLost,  'r-')

    ax.legend(['# Breed_C Gained','# Breed_C Lost'],fontsize=20)

In [383]:
dataFilePath = "C:/Users/Nazariy/Desktop/Simudyne_Backend_Test.csv"
saveFilePath = "C:/Users/Nazariy/Desktop/Simudyne_Bacend_Test_Output.csv"
lb_BrandFactor = 0.1
ub_BrandFactor = 2.9

inputData     = processInputData(dataFilePath)
inputDataSize = len(inputData) 

start = time.time()
end   = time.time()

print "It took: " + "{0:.4f}".format((end-start)*1000.0) + " miliseconds."

modelOutput()                           # Breed_C_Gained and Breed_C_Lost
inputData.to_csv(saveFilePath,index=False) # Breed C and NC agents are in the file saved.

It took: 8528.0001 miliseconds.