Net Surgery for a Fully-Convolutional Model

Caffe models can be transformed to your particular needs by editing the network parameters. In this example, we take the standard Caffe Reference ImageNet model "CaffeNet" and transform it into a fully-convolutional model for efficient, dense inference on large inputs. This model generates a classification map that covers a given input size instead of a single classification. In particular a 8 $\times$ 8 classification map on a 451 $\times$ 451 input gives 64x the output in only 3x the time. The computation exploits a natural efficiency of convolutional neural network (CNN) structure by dynamic programming in the forward pass from shallow to deep layers.

To do so we translate the inner product classifier layers of CaffeNet into convolutional layers. This is the only change: the other layer types are agnostic to spatial size. Convolution is translation-invariant, activations are elementwise operations, and so on. The fc6 inner product when carried out as convolution by fc6-conv turns into a 6 \times 6 filter with stride 1 on pool5. Back in image space this gives a classification for each 227 $\times$ 227 box with stride 32 in pixels. Remember the equation for output map / receptive field size, output = (input - kernel_size) / stride + 1, and work out the indexing details for a clear understanding.

Roll up your sleeves for net surgery with pycaffe!

In [1]:
!diff imagenet/imagenet_full_conv.prototxt ../models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/deploy.prototxt

< # This file is for the net_surgery.ipynb example notebook.
< name: "CaffeNetConv"
> name: "CaffeNet"
< input_dim: 1
> input_dim: 10
< input_dim: 451
< input_dim: 451
> input_dim: 227
> input_dim: 227
<   name: "fc6-conv"
>   name: "fc6"
<   top: "fc6-conv"
<   convolution_param {
>   top: "fc6"
>   inner_product_param {
<     kernel_size: 6
<   bottom: "fc6-conv"
<   top: "fc6-conv"
>   bottom: "fc6"
>   top: "fc6"
<   bottom: "fc6-conv"
<   top: "fc6-conv"
>   bottom: "fc6"
>   top: "fc6"
<   name: "fc7-conv"
<   bottom: "fc6-conv"
<   top: "fc7-conv"
<   convolution_param {
>   name: "fc7"
>   bottom: "fc6"
>   top: "fc7"
>   inner_product_param {
<     kernel_size: 1
<   bottom: "fc7-conv"
<   top: "fc7-conv"
>   bottom: "fc7"
>   top: "fc7"
<   bottom: "fc7-conv"
<   top: "fc7-conv"
>   bottom: "fc7"
>   top: "fc7"
<   name: "fc8-conv"
<   bottom: "fc7-conv"
<   top: "fc8-conv"
<   convolution_param {
>   name: "fc8"
>   bottom: "fc7"
>   top: "fc8"
>   inner_product_param {
<     kernel_size: 1
<   bottom: "fc8-conv"
>   bottom: "fc8"

The only differences needed in the architecture are to change the fully-connected classifier inner product layers into convolutional layers with the right filter size -- 6 x 6, since the reference model classifiers take the 36 elements of pool5 as input -- and stride 1 for dense classification. Note that the layers are renamed so that Caffe does not try to blindly load the old parameters when it maps layer names to the pretrained model.

In [2]:
# Make sure that caffe is on the python path:
caffe_root = '../'  # this file is expected to be in {caffe_root}/examples
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, caffe_root + 'python')

import caffe

# Load the original network and extract the fully-connected layers' parameters.
net = caffe.Net('../models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/deploy.prototxt', '../models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel')
params = ['fc6', 'fc7', 'fc8']
# fc_params = {name: (weights, biases)}
fc_params = {pr: (net.params[pr][0].data, net.params[pr][1].data) for pr in params}

for fc in params:
    print '{} weights are {} dimensional and biases are {} dimensional'.format(fc, fc_params[fc][0].shape, fc_params[fc][1].shape)

fc6 weights are (1, 1, 4096, 9216) dimensional and biases are (1, 1, 1, 4096) dimensional
fc7 weights are (1, 1, 4096, 4096) dimensional and biases are (1, 1, 1, 4096) dimensional
fc8 weights are (1, 1, 1000, 4096) dimensional and biases are (1, 1, 1, 1000) dimensional

Consider the shapes of the inner product parameters. For weights and biases the zeroth and first dimensions are both 1. The second and third weight dimensions are the output and input sizes while the last bias dimension is the output size.

In [3]:
# Load the fully-convolutional network to transplant the parameters.
net_full_conv = caffe.Net('imagenet/bvlc_caffenet_full_conv.prototxt', '../models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel')
params_full_conv = ['fc6-conv', 'fc7-conv', 'fc8-conv']
# conv_params = {name: (weights, biases)}
conv_params = {pr: (net_full_conv.params[pr][0].data, net_full_conv.params[pr][1].data) for pr in params_full_conv}

for conv in params_full_conv:
    print '{} weights are {} dimensional and biases are {} dimensional'.format(conv, conv_params[conv][0].shape, conv_params[conv][1].shape)

fc6-conv weights are (4096, 256, 6, 6) dimensional and biases are (1, 1, 1, 4096) dimensional
fc7-conv weights are (4096, 4096, 1, 1) dimensional and biases are (1, 1, 1, 4096) dimensional
fc8-conv weights are (1000, 4096, 1, 1) dimensional and biases are (1, 1, 1, 1000) dimensional

The convolution weights are arranged in output $\times$ input $\times$ height $\times$ width dimensions. To map the inner product weights to convolution filters, we need to roll the flat inner product vectors into channel $\times$ height $\times$ width filter matrices.

The biases are identical to those of the inner product -- let's transplant these first since no reshaping is needed.

In [4]:
for pr, pr_conv in zip(params, params_full_conv):
    conv_params[pr_conv][1][...] = fc_params[pr][1]

The output channels have the leading dimension of both the inner product and convolution weights, so the parameters are translated by reshaping the flat input dimensional parameter vector from the inner product into the channel $\times$ height $\times$ width filter shape.

In [5]:
for pr, pr_conv in zip(params, params_full_conv):
    out, in_, h, w = conv_params[pr_conv][0].shape
    W = fc_params[pr][0].reshape((out, in_, h, w))
    conv_params[pr_conv][0][...] = W

Next, save the new model weights.

In [6]:'imagenet/bvlc_caffenet_full_conv.caffemodel')

To conclude, let's make a classification map from the example cat image and visualize the confidence as a probability heatmap. This gives an 8-by-8 prediction on overlapping regions of the 451 $\times$ 451 input.

In [7]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

# load input and configure preprocessing
im ='images/cat.jpg')
net_full_conv.set_mean('data', np.load('../python/caffe/imagenet/ilsvrc_2012_mean.npy'))
net_full_conv.set_channel_swap('data', (2,1,0))
net_full_conv.set_raw_scale('data', 255.0)
# make classification map by forward and print prediction indices at each location
out = net_full_conv.forward_all(data=np.asarray([net_full_conv.preprocess('data', im)]))
print out['prob'][0].argmax(axis=0)
# show net input and confidence map (probability of the top prediction at each location)
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.imshow(net_full_conv.deprocess('data', net_full_conv.blobs['data'].data[0]))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)

[[282 282 281 281 281 281 277 282]
 [281 283 281 281 281 281 281 282]
 [283 283 283 283 283 283 281 282]
 [283 283 283 281 283 283 283 259]
 [283 283 283 283 283 283 283 259]
 [283 283 283 283 283 283 259 259]
 [283 283 283 283 259 259 259 277]
 [335 335 283 283 263 263 263 277]]
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f283815ce50>

The classifications include various cats -- 282 = tiger cat, 281 = tabby, 283 = persian -- and foxes and other mammals.

In this way the fully-connected layers can be extracted as dense features across an image (see net_full_conv.blobs['fc6'].data for instance), which is perhaps more useful than the classification map itself.

Note that this model isn't totally appropriate for sliding-window detection since it was trained for whole-image classification. Nevertheless it can work just fine. Sliding-window training and finetuning can be done by defining a sliding-window ground truth and loss such that a loss map is made for every location and solving as usual. (This is an exercise for the reader.)

A thank you to Rowland Depp for first suggesting this trick.