Guided Policy Search


In [1]:


Guided Policy Search (GPS) is a technique that transforms the Reinforcement Learning (RL) task of policy search into a Supervised Learning problem, where the training set is generated by a simple trajectory-centric RL algorithm.

This algorithm optimizes linear-Gaussian controllers $p_i (u_t | x_t)$. Each $p_i (u_t | x_t)$ succeeds in the task from different initial states which helps the algorithm to generalize to other states from the same distribution. The final policy $\pi_\theta(u_t | o_t )$ learned with GPS is only provided with observations $o_t$ of the full state $x_t$, and assumed dynamics are assumed to be unknown.

We draw sample trajectories $\tau_i^j$ for each initial state on the physical system by running the corresponding controller $p_i(u_t | x_t)$. The samples are used to fit the dynamics $p_i (x_{t+1} | x_t, u_t)$ that are used to improve the controllers $p_i(u_t | x_t)$, and serve as training data for the policy $\pi_\theta(u_t | o_t )$. Within the graph we can observe how there's a loop that alternates between optimizing each trajectory distribution $p_i (\tau)$ and optimizing the policy $\pi_\theta(u_t | o_t )$ to match these trajectory distributions.

This work is based on Refer to for the original implementation.

Definitions and notations

corresponding symbol definition
$p_i(u_t x_t)$ linear-Gaussian controllers, they induce the trajectory distributions $p_i (\tau)$
$\hat{p_i}(u_t x_t)$ previous controllers, previous time step t-1
$\pi_\theta(u_t o_t )$ final policy learned
$p_i (\tau)$ trajectory distribution induced from the linear-Gaussian controllers, guiding distribution
$\tau_i^j$ sample trajectories, sampled from the distribution
$o_t$ observations
$x_t$ full state
$pi (x{t+1} x_t, u_t)$ system dynamics

Test environment

The following test environment will be used for the purpose of implementing GPS.

import gym env = gym.make('Pendulum-v0') env.reset() for _ in range(1000): env.render() env.step(env.action_space.sample()) # take a random action

GPS implementation


A set of utility functions used along the code.

In [2]:
import numpy as np

def gauss_fit_joint_prior(pts, mu0, Phi, m, n0, dwts, dX, dU, sig_reg):
    """ Perform Gaussian fit to data with a prior. """
    # Build weights matrix.
    D = np.diag(dwts)
    # Compute empirical mean and covariance.
    mun = np.sum((pts.T * dwts).T, axis=0)
    diff = pts - mun
    empsig =
    empsig = 0.5 * (empsig + empsig.T)
    # MAP estimate of joint distribution.
    N = dwts.shape[0]
    mu = mun
    sigma = (N * empsig + Phi + (N * m) / (N + m) *
             np.outer(mun - mu0, mun - mu0)) / (N + n0)
    sigma = 0.5 * (sigma + sigma.T)
    # Add sigma regularization.
    sigma += sig_reg
    # Conditioning to get dynamics.
    fd = np.linalg.solve(sigma[:dX, :dX], sigma[:dX, dX:dX+dU]).T
    fc = mu[dX:dX+dU] -[:dX])
    dynsig = sigma[dX:dX+dU, dX:dX+dU] -[:dX, :dX]).dot(fd.T)
    dynsig = 0.5 * (dynsig + dynsig.T)
    return fd, fc, dynsig


In [3]:
from gps_pb2 import ACTION

class Sample(object):
    Class that handles the representation of a trajectory and stores a
    single trajectory.
    Note: must be serializable for easy saving, no C++ references!
    def __init__(self, agent):
        self.agent = agent

        self.T = agent.T
        self.dX = agent.dX
        self.dU = agent.dU
        self.dO = agent.dO
        self.dM = agent.dM

        # Dictionary containing the sample data from various sensors.
        self._data = {}

        self._X = np.empty((self.T, self.dX))
        self._obs = np.empty((self.T, self.dO))
        self._meta = np.empty(self.dM)

    def set(self, sensor_name, sensor_data, t=None):
        """ Set trajectory data for a particular sensor. """
        if t is None:
            self._data[sensor_name] = sensor_data
            self._X.fill(np.nan)  # Invalidate existing X.
            self._obs.fill(np.nan)  # Invalidate existing obs.
            self._meta.fill(np.nan)  # Invalidate existing meta data.
            if sensor_name not in self._data:
                self._data[sensor_name] = \
                        np.empty((self.T,) + sensor_data.shape)
            self._data[sensor_name][t, :] = sensor_data
            self._X[t, :].fill(np.nan)
            self._obs[t, :].fill(np.nan)

    def get(self, sensor_name, t=None):
        """ Get trajectory data for a particular sensor. """
        return (self._data[sensor_name] if t is None
                else self._data[sensor_name][t, :])

    def get_X(self, t=None):
        """ Get the state. Put it together if not precomputed. """
        X = self._X if t is None else self._X[t, :]
        if np.any(np.isnan(X)):
            for data_type in self._data:
                if data_type not in self.agent.x_data_types:
                data = (self._data[data_type] if t is None
                        else self._data[data_type][t, :])
                self.agent.pack_data_x(X, data, data_types=[data_type])
        return X

    def get_U(self, t=None):
        """ Get the action. """
        return self._data[ACTION] if t is None else self._data[ACTION][t, :]

    def get_obs(self, t=None):
        """ Get the observation. Put it together if not precomputed. """
        obs = self._obs if t is None else self._obs[t, :]
        if np.any(np.isnan(obs)):
            for data_type in self._data:
                if data_type not in self.agent.obs_data_types:
                if data_type in self.agent.meta_data_types:
                data = (self._data[data_type] if t is None
                        else self._data[data_type][t, :])
                self.agent.pack_data_obs(obs, data, data_types=[data_type])
        return obs

    def get_meta(self):
        """ Get the meta data. Put it together if not precomputed. """
        meta = self._meta
        if np.any(np.isnan(meta)):
            for data_type in self._data:
                if data_type not in self.agent.meta_data_types:
                data = self._data[data_type]
                self.agent.pack_data_meta(meta, data, data_types=[data_type])
        return meta

    # For pickling.
    def __getstate__(self):
        state = self.__dict__.copy()
        return state

    # For unpickling.
    def __setstate__(self, state):
        self.__dict__ = state
        self.__dict__['agent'] = None


In [4]:
#NOISE = 19  # initially generated by the protocol buffer compiler. 
from gps_pb2 import NOISE

class SampleList(object):
    """ Class that handles writes and reads to sample data. """
    def __init__(self, samples):
        self._samples = samples

    def get_X(self, idx=None):
        """ Returns N x T x dX numpy array of states. """
        if idx is None:
            idx = range(len(self._samples))
        return np.asarray([self._samples[i].get_X() for i in idx])

    def get_U(self, idx=None):
        """ Returns N x T x dU numpy array of actions. """
        if idx is None:
            idx = range(len(self._samples))
        return np.asarray([self._samples[i].get_U() for i in idx])

    def get_noise(self, idx=None):
        """ Returns N x T x dU numpy array of noise generated during rollouts. """
        if idx is None:
            idx = range(len(self._samples))
        return np.asarray([self._samples[i].get(NOISE) for i in idx])

    def get_obs(self, idx=None):
        """ Returns N x T x dO numpy array of features. """
        if idx is None:
            idx = range(len(self._samples))
        return np.asarray([self._samples[i].get_obs() for i in idx])

    def get_samples(self, idx=None):
        """ Returns N sample objects. """
        if idx is None:
            idx = range(len(self._samples))
        return [self._samples[i] for i in idx]

    def num_samples(self):
        """ Returns number of samples. """
        return len(self._samples)

    # Convenience methods.
    def __len__(self):
        return self.num_samples()

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        return self.get_samples([idx])[0]


Dynamics superclass: Dynamics

The dynamical model superclass which assumes dynamics are always linear with $x_t$:

In [5]:
import abc

class Dynamics(object):
    """ Dynamics superclass. """
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
    #def __init__(self):
        self._hyperparams = hyperparams

        # TODO - Currently assuming that dynamics will always be linear
        #        with X.
        # TODO - Allocate arrays using hyperparams dU, dX, T.

        # Fitted dynamics: x_t+1 = Fm * [x_t;u_t] + fv.
        self.Fm = np.array(np.nan)
        self.fv = np.array(np.nan)
        self.dyn_covar = np.array(np.nan)  # Covariance.

    def update_prior(self, sample):
        """ Update dynamics prior. """
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass.")

    def get_prior(self):
        """ Returns prior object. """
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass.")

    def fit(self, sample_list):
        """ Fit dynamics. """
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass.")

    def copy(self):
        """ Return a copy of the dynamics estimate. """
        dyn = type(self)(self._hyperparams)
        #dyn = type(self)()
        dyn.Fm = np.copy(self.Fm)
        dyn.fv = np.copy(self.fv)
        dyn.dyn_covar = np.copy(self.dyn_covar)
        return dyn

Gaussian mixture model (GMM) class: GMM

We define the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) class

In [6]:
import logging
import scipy.linalg

def logsum(vec, axis=0, keepdims=True):
    #TODO: Add a docstring.
    maxv = np.max(vec, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    maxv[maxv == -float('inf')] = 0
    return np.log(np.sum(np.exp(vec-maxv), axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)) + maxv

class GMM(object):
    """ Gaussian Mixture Model. """
    def __init__(self, init_sequential=False, eigreg=False, warmstart=True):
        self.init_sequential = init_sequential
        self.eigreg = eigreg
        self.warmstart = warmstart
        self.sigma = None

    def inference(self, pts):
        Evaluate dynamics prior.
            pts: A N x D array of points.
        # Compute posterior cluster weights.
        logwts = self.clusterwts(pts)

        # Compute posterior mean and covariance.
        mu0, Phi = self.moments(logwts)

        # Set hyperparameters.
        m = self.N
        n0 = m - 2 - mu0.shape[0]

        # Normalize.
        m = float(m) / self.N
        n0 = float(n0) / self.N
        return mu0, Phi, m, n0

    def estep(self, data):
        Compute log observation probabilities under GMM.
            data: A N x D array of points.
            logobs: A N x K array of log probabilities (for each point
                on each cluster).
        # Constants.
        N, D = data.shape
        K = self.sigma.shape[0]

        logobs = -0.5*np.ones((N, K))*D*np.log(2*np.pi)
        for i in range(K):
            mu, sigma =[i], self.sigma[i]
            L = scipy.linalg.cholesky(sigma, lower=True)
            logobs[:, i] -= np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L)))

            diff = (data - mu).T
            soln = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(L, diff, lower=True)
            logobs[:, i] -= 0.5*np.sum(soln**2, axis=0)

        logobs += self.logmass.T
        return logobs

    def moments(self, logwts):
        Compute the moments of the cluster mixture with logwts.
            logwts: A K x 1 array of log cluster probabilities.
            mu: A (D,) mean vector.
            sigma: A D x D covariance matrix.
        # Exponentiate.
        wts = np.exp(logwts)

        # Compute overall mean.
        mu = np.sum( * wts, axis=0)

        # Compute overall covariance.
        diff = - np.expand_dims(mu, axis=0)
        diff_expand = np.expand_dims(, axis=1) * \
                np.expand_dims(diff, axis=2)
        wts_expand = np.expand_dims(wts, axis=2)
        sigma = np.sum((self.sigma + diff_expand) * wts_expand, axis=0)
        return mu, sigma

    def clusterwts(self, data):
        Compute cluster weights for specified points under GMM.
            data: An N x D array of points
            A K x 1 array of average cluster log probabilities.
        # Compute probability of each point under each cluster.
        logobs = self.estep(data)

        # Renormalize to get cluster weights.
        logwts = logobs - logsum(logobs, axis=1)

        # Average the cluster probabilities.
        logwts = logsum(logwts, axis=0) - np.log(data.shape[0])
        return logwts.T

    def update(self, data, K, max_iterations=100):
        Run EM to update clusters.
            data: An N x D data matrix, where N = number of data points.
            K: Number of clusters to use.
        # Constants.
        N = data.shape[0]
        Do = data.shape[1]

        LOGGER.debug('Fitting GMM with %d clusters on %d points', K, N)

        if (not self.warmstart or self.sigma is None or
                K != self.sigma.shape[0]):
            # Initialization.
            LOGGER.debug('Initializing GMM.')
            self.sigma = np.zeros((K, Do, Do))
   = np.zeros((K, Do))
            self.logmass = np.log(1.0 / K) * np.ones((K, 1))
            self.mass = (1.0 / K) * np.ones((K, 1))
            self.N = data.shape[0]
            N = self.N

            # Set initial cluster indices.
            if not self.init_sequential:
                cidx = np.random.randint(0, K, size=(1, N))
                raise NotImplementedError()

            # Initialize.
            for i in range(K):
                cluster_idx = (cidx == i)[0]
                mu = np.mean(data[cluster_idx, :], axis=0)
                diff = (data[cluster_idx, :] - mu).T
                sigma = (1.0 / K) * (
      [i, :] = mu
                self.sigma[i, :, :] = sigma + np.eye(Do) * 2e-6

        prevll = -float('inf')
        for itr in range(max_iterations):
            # E-step: compute cluster probabilities.
            logobs = self.estep(data)

            # Compute log-likelihood.
            ll = np.sum(logsum(logobs, axis=1))
            LOGGER.debug('GMM itr %d/%d. Log likelihood: %f',
                         itr, max_iterations, ll)
            if ll < prevll:
                # TODO: Why does log-likelihood decrease sometimes?
                LOGGER.debug('Log-likelihood decreased! Ending on itr=%d/%d',
                             itr, max_iterations)
            if np.abs(ll-prevll) < 1e-5*prevll:
                LOGGER.debug('GMM converged on itr=%d/%d',
                             itr, max_iterations)
            prevll = ll

            # Renormalize to get cluster weights.
            logw = logobs - logsum(logobs, axis=1)
            assert logw.shape == (N, K)

            # Renormalize again to get weights for refitting clusters.
            logwn = logw - logsum(logw, axis=0)
            assert logwn.shape == (N, K)
            w = np.exp(logwn)

            # M-step: update clusters.
            # Fit cluster mass.
            self.logmass = logsum(logw, axis=0).T
            self.logmass = self.logmass - logsum(self.logmass, axis=0)
            assert self.logmass.shape == (K, 1)
            self.mass = np.exp(self.logmass)
            # Reboot small clusters.
            w[:, (self.mass < (1.0 / K) * 1e-4)[:, 0]] = 1.0 / N
            # Fit cluster means.
            w_expand = np.expand_dims(w, axis=2)
            data_expand = np.expand_dims(data, axis=1)
   = np.sum(w_expand * data_expand, axis=0)
            # Fit covariances.
            wdata = data_expand * np.sqrt(w_expand)
            assert wdata.shape == (N, K, Do)
            for i in range(K):
                # Compute weighted outer product.
                XX = wdata[:, i, :][:, i, :])
                mu =[i, :]
                self.sigma[i, :, :] = XX - np.outer(mu, mu)

                if self.eigreg:  # Use eigenvalue regularization.
                    raise NotImplementedError()
                else:  # Use quick and dirty regularization.
                    sigma = self.sigma[i, :, :]
                    self.sigma[i, :, :] = 0.5 * (sigma + sigma.T) + \
                            1e-6 * np.eye(Do)

Gaussian mixture model (GMM) dynamics: DynamicsPriorGMM

Optimizing the linear-Gaussian controllers $p_i(u_t | x_t)$ (that induce the trajectories $p_i (\tau)$) requires fitting the system dynamics $p_i (x_{t+1} | x_t, u_t)$ at each iteration to samples generated on the physical system from the previous controller $\hat{p_i}(u_t | x_t)$.

The linear-Gaussian dynamics are defined as $p_i (x_{t+1} | x_t, u_t) = \mathcal{N} (f_{xt}x_t + f_{ut}u_t + f_{ct}, F_t)$, and the data that we obtain from the robot can be viewed as tuples $\{x_t^i, u_t^i, x_{t+1}^i\}$. A simple way to fit these linear-Gaussian dynamics is to use linear regression to determine $f_x$, $f_u$ and $f_c$, and fit $F_t$ based on errors however the sample complexity of linear regression scales with the dimensionality of the full state space $x_t$.

Although this might be an issue for high-dimensional robotic systems, we can observe that the dynamics at nearby time steps are strongly correlated which means that we can dramatically reduce the sample complexity of the dynamics fitting by bringing in information from previous time steps. This implementation will fit a global model to all of the transitions $\{x_t^i, u_t^i, x_{t+1}^i\}$ for all t and all tuples from prior iterations and then use this model as a prior for fitting the dynamics at each time step.

Below, the definition of GMM prior for dynamics estimation.

In [7]:
import copy

# DynamicsPriorGMM
    'min_samples_per_cluster': 20,
    'max_clusters': 50,
    'max_samples': 20,
    'strength': 1.0,

# As defined in the code examples
DYN_PRIOR_GMM_example = {
    'min_samples_per_cluster': 40,
    'max_clusters': 20,
    'max_samples': 20,    
    'strength': 1.0,

class DynamicsPriorGMM(object):
    A dynamics prior encoded as a GMM over [x_t, u_t, x_t+1] points.
        S. Levine*, C. Finn*, T. Darrell, P. Abbeel, "End-to-end
        training of Deep Visuomotor Policies", arXiv:1504.00702,
        Appendix A.3.
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
            min_samples_per_cluster: Minimum samples per cluster.
            max_clusters: Maximum number of clusters to fit.
            max_samples: Maximum number of trajectories to use for
                fitting the GMM at any given time.
            strength: Adjusts the strength of the prior.
        config = copy.deepcopy(DYN_PRIOR_GMM)
        #config = copy.deepcopy(DYN_PRIOR_GMM_example)        
        self._hyperparams = config
        self.X = None
        self.U = None
        self.gmm = GMM()
        self._min_samp = self._hyperparams['min_samples_per_cluster']
        self._max_samples = self._hyperparams['max_samples']
        self._max_clusters = self._hyperparams['max_clusters']
        self._strength = self._hyperparams['strength']

        # Should we use copy.min_samples_per_cluster, etc. instead?
        #self._min_samp = DYN_PRIOR_GMM_example.min_samples_per_cluster
        #self._max_samples = DYN_PRIOR_GMM_example.max_samples
        #self._max_clusters = DYN_PRIOR_GMM_example.max_clusters
        #self._strength = DYN_PRIOR_GMM_example.strength

    def initial_state(self):
        """ Return dynamics prior for initial time step. """
        # Compute mean and covariance.
        mu0 = np.mean(self.X[:, 0, :], axis=0)
        Phi = np.diag(np.var(self.X[:, 0, :], axis=0))

        # Factor in multiplier.
        n0 = self.X.shape[2] * self._strength
        m = self.X.shape[2] * self._strength

        # Multiply Phi by m (since it was normalized before).
        Phi = Phi * m
        return mu0, Phi, m, n0

    def update(self, X, U):
        Update prior with additional data.
            X: A N x T x dX matrix of sequential state data.
            U: A N x T x dU matrix of sequential control data.
        # Constants.
        T = X.shape[1] - 1

        # Append data to dataset.
        if self.X is None:
            self.X = X
            self.X = np.concatenate([self.X, X], axis=0)

        if self.U is None:
            self.U = U
            self.U = np.concatenate([self.U, U], axis=0)

        # Remove excess samples from dataset.
        start = max(0, self.X.shape[0] - self._max_samples + 1)
        self.X = self.X[start:, :]
        self.U = self.U[start:, :]

        # Compute cluster dimensionality.
        Do = X.shape[2] + U.shape[2] + X.shape[2]  #TODO: Use Xtgt.

        # Create dataset.
        N = self.X.shape[0]
        xux = np.reshape(
            np.c_[self.X[:, :T, :], self.U[:, :T, :], self.X[:, 1:(T+1), :]],
            [T * N, Do]

        # Choose number of clusters.
        K = int(max(2, min(self._max_clusters,
                           np.floor(float(N * T) / self._min_samp))))
        LOGGER.debug('Generating %d clusters for dynamics GMM.', K)

        # Update GMM.
        self.gmm.update(xux, K)

    def eval(self, Dx, Du, pts):
        Evaluate prior.
            pts: A N x Dx+Du+Dx matrix.
        # Construct query data point by rearranging entries and adding
        # in reference.
        assert pts.shape[1] == Dx + Du + Dx

        # Perform query and fix mean.
        mu0, Phi, m, n0 = self.gmm.inference(pts)

        # Factor in multiplier.
        n0 = n0 * self._strength
        m = m * self._strength

        # Multiply Phi by m (since it was normalized before).
        Phi *= m
        return mu0, Phi, m, n0

Linear regression dynamics with an arbitrary prior: DynamicsLRPrior

In [8]:
#regularization = 1e-6

class DynamicsLRPrior(Dynamics):
    """ Dynamics with linear regression, with arbitrary prior. """
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
    #def __init__(self):
        Dynamics.__init__(self, hyperparams)
        self.Fm = None
        self.fv = None
        self.dyn_covar = None        
        #self.prior = DynamicsPriorGMM() # Refer to the corresponding class for a deeper understanding
        self.prior = self._hyperparams['prior']['type'](self._hyperparams['prior'])

    def update_prior(self, samples):
        """ Update dynamics prior. """
        X = samples.get_X()
        U = samples.get_U()
        self.prior.update(X, U)

    def get_prior(self):
        """ Return the dynamics prior. """
        return self.prior

    #TODO: Merge this with - lots of duplicated code.
    def fit(self, X, U):
        """ Fit dynamics. """
        N, T, dX = X.shape
        dU = U.shape[2]

        if N == 1:
            raise ValueError("Cannot fit dynamics on 1 sample")

        self.Fm = np.zeros([T, dX, dX+dU])
        self.fv = np.zeros([T, dX])
        self.dyn_covar = np.zeros([T, dX, dX])

        it = slice(dX+dU)
        ip = slice(dX+dU, dX+dU+dX)
        # Fit dynamics with least squares regression.
        dwts = (1.0 / N) * np.ones(N)
        for t in range(T - 1):
            Ys = np.c_[X[:, t, :], U[:, t, :], X[:, t+1, :]]
            # Obtain Normal-inverse-Wishart prior.
            mu0, Phi, mm, n0 = self.prior.eval(dX, dU, Ys)
            sig_reg = np.zeros((dX+dU+dX, dX+dU+dX))
            sig_reg[it, it] = self._hyperparams['regularization']
            #sig_reg[it, it] = regularization
            Fm, fv, dyn_covar = gauss_fit_joint_prior(Ys,
                        mu0, Phi, mm, n0, dwts, dX+dU, dX, sig_reg)
            self.Fm[t, :, :] = Fm
            self.fv[t, :] = fv
            self.dyn_covar[t, :, :] = dyn_covar
        return self.Fm, self.fv, self.dyn_covar



General utility functions and classes

In [9]:
class BundleType(object):
    This class bundles many fields, similar to a record or a mutable
    def __init__(self, variables):
        for var, val in variables.items():
            object.__setattr__(self, var, val)

    # Freeze fields so new ones cannot be set.
    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
        if not hasattr(self, key):
            raise AttributeError("%r has no attribute %s" % (self, key))
        object.__setattr__(self, key, value)

def check_shape(value, expected_shape, name=''):
    Throws a ValueError if value.shape != expected_shape.
        value: Matrix to shape check.
        expected_shape: A tuple or list of integers.
        name: An optional name to add to the exception message.
    if value.shape != tuple(expected_shape):
        raise ValueError('Shape mismatch %s: Expected %s, got %s' %
                         (name, str(expected_shape), str(value.shape)))

def finite_differences(func, inputs, func_output_shape=(), epsilon=1e-5):
    Computes gradients via finite differences.
    derivative = (func(x+epsilon) - func(x-epsilon)) / (2*epsilon)
        func: Function to compute gradient of. Inputs and outputs can be
            arbitrary dimension.
        inputs: Vector value to compute gradient at.
        func_output_shape: Shape of the output of func. Default is
            empty-tuple, which works for scalar-valued functions.
        epsilon: Difference to use for computing gradient.
        Gradient vector of each dimension of func with respect to each
        dimension of input.
    gradient = np.zeros(inputs.shape+func_output_shape)
    for idx, _ in np.ndenumerate(inputs):
        test_input = np.copy(inputs)
        test_input[idx] += epsilon
        obj_d1 = func(test_input)
        assert obj_d1.shape == func_output_shape
        test_input = np.copy(inputs)
        test_input[idx] -= epsilon
        obj_d2 = func(test_input)
        assert obj_d2.shape == func_output_shape
        diff = (obj_d1 - obj_d2) / (2 * epsilon)
        gradient[idx] += diff
    return gradient

IterationData and TrajectoryInfo

In [10]:
class IterationData(BundleType):
    """ Collection of iteration variables. """
    def __init__(self):
        variables = {
            'sample_list': None,  # List of samples for the current iteration.
            'traj_info': None,  # Current TrajectoryInfo object.
            'pol_info': None,  # Current PolicyInfo object.
            'traj_distr': None,  # Initial trajectory distribution.
            'new_traj_distr': None, # Updated trajectory distribution.
            'cs': None,  # Sample costs of the current iteration.
            'step_mult': 1.0,  # KL step multiplier for the current iteration.
            'eta': 1.0,  # Dual variable used in LQR backward pass.
        BundleType.__init__(self, variables)

class TrajectoryInfo(BundleType):
    """ Collection of trajectory-related variables. """
    def __init__(self):
        variables = {
            'dynamics': None,  # Dynamics object for the current iteration.
            'x0mu': None,  # Mean for the initial state, used by the dynamics.
            'x0sigma': None,  # Covariance for the initial state distribution.
            'cc': None,  # Cost estimate constant term.
            'cv': None,  # Cost estimate vector term.
            'Cm': None,  # Cost estimate matrix term.
            'last_kl_step': float('inf'),  # KL step of the previous iteration.
        BundleType.__init__(self, variables)


In [11]:
class PolicyInfo(BundleType):
    """ Collection of policy-related variables. """
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        T, dU, dX = hyperparams['T'], hyperparams['dU'], hyperparams['dX']
        variables = {
            'lambda_k': np.zeros((T, dU)),  # Dual variables.
            'lambda_K': np.zeros((T, dU, dX)),  # Dual variables.
            'pol_wt': hyperparams['init_pol_wt'] * np.ones(T),  # Policy weight.
            'pol_mu': None,  # Mean of the current policy output.
            'pol_sig': None,  # Covariance of the current policy output.
            'pol_K': np.zeros((T, dU, dX)),  # Policy linearization.
            'pol_k': np.zeros((T, dU)),  # Policy linearization.
            'pol_S': np.zeros((T, dU, dU)),  # Policy linearization covariance.
            'chol_pol_S': np.zeros((T, dU, dU)),  # Cholesky decomp of covar.
            'prev_kl': None,  # Previous KL divergence.
            'init_kl': None,  # The initial KL divergence, before the iteration.
            'policy_samples': [],  # List of current policy samples.
            'policy_prior': None,  # Current prior for policy linearization.
        BundleType.__init__(self, variables)

    def traj_distr(self):
        """ Create a trajectory distribution object from policy info. """
        T, dU, dX = self.pol_K.shape
        # Compute inverse policy covariances.
        inv_pol_S = np.empty_like(self.chol_pol_S)
        for t in range(T):
            inv_pol_S[t, :, :] = np.linalg.solve(
                self.chol_pol_S[t, :, :],
                np.linalg.solve(self.chol_pol_S[t, :, :].T, np.eye(dU))
        return LinearGaussianPolicy(self.pol_K, self.pol_k, self.pol_S,
                self.chol_pol_S, inv_pol_S)

Algorithm superclass: Algorithm

Base algorithm class

In [12]:
import random

def extract_condition(hyperparams, m):
    Pull the relevant hyperparameters corresponding to the specified
    condition, and return a new hyperparameter dictionary.
    return {var: val[m] if isinstance(val, list) else val
            for var, val in hyperparams.items()}

# Algorithm
ALG = {
    'inner_iterations': 1,  # Number of iterations.
    'min_eta': 1e-5,  # Minimum initial lagrange multiplier in DGD for
                      # trajectory optimization.
    'min_mult': 0.1,
    'max_mult': 5.0,
    # Trajectory settings.
    'init_traj_distr': None,  # A list of initial LinearGaussianPolicy
                              # objects for each condition.
    # Trajectory optimization.
    'traj_opt': None,
    # Weight of maximum entropy term in trajectory optimization.
    'max_ent_traj': 0.0,
    # Dynamics hyperaparams.
    'dynamics': None,
    # Costs.
    'cost': None,  # A list of Cost objects for each condition.
    # Whether or not to sample with neural net policy (only for badmm/mdgps).
    'sample_on_policy': False,
    # Inidicates if the algorithm requires fitting of the dynamics.
    'fit_dynamics': True,    

class Algorithm(object):
    """ Algorithm superclass. """
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        config = copy.deepcopy(ALG)
        self._hyperparams = config

        if 'train_conditions' in hyperparams:
            self._cond_idx = hyperparams['train_conditions']
            self.M = len(self._cond_idx)
            self.M = hyperparams['conditions']
            self._cond_idx = range(self.M)
            self._hyperparams['train_conditions'] = self._cond_idx
            self._hyperparams['test_conditions'] = self._cond_idx
        self.iteration_count = 0

        # Grab a few values from the agent.
        agent = self._hyperparams['agent']
        self.T = self._hyperparams['T'] = agent.T
        self.dU = self._hyperparams['dU'] = agent.dU
        self.dX = self._hyperparams['dX'] = agent.dX
        self.dO = self._hyperparams['dO'] = agent.dO

        init_traj_distr = config['init_traj_distr']
        init_traj_distr['x0'] = agent.x0
        init_traj_distr['dX'] = agent.dX
        init_traj_distr['dU'] = agent.dU
        del self._hyperparams['agent']  # Don't want to pickle this.

        # IterationData objects for each condition.
        self.cur = [IterationData() for _ in range(self.M)]
        self.prev = [IterationData() for _ in range(self.M)]

        if self._hyperparams['fit_dynamics']:
            dynamics = self._hyperparams['dynamics']

        for m in range(self.M):
            self.cur[m].traj_info = TrajectoryInfo()
            if self._hyperparams['fit_dynamics']:
                self.cur[m].traj_info.dynamics = dynamics['type'](dynamics)
            init_traj_distr = extract_condition(
                self._hyperparams['init_traj_distr'], self._cond_idx[m]
            self.cur[m].traj_distr = init_traj_distr['type'](init_traj_distr)

        self.traj_opt = hyperparams['traj_opt']['type'](
        if type(hyperparams['cost']) == list:
            self.cost = [
                for i in range(self.M)
            self.cost = [
                for _ in range(self.M)
        self.base_kl_step = self._hyperparams['kl_step']

    def iteration(self, sample_list):
        """ Run iteration of the algorithm. """
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass")

    def _update_dynamics(self):
        Instantiate dynamics objects and update prior. Fit dynamics to
        current samples.
        for m in range(self.M):
            cur_data = self.cur[m].sample_list
            X = cur_data.get_X()
            U = cur_data.get_U()

            # Update prior and fit dynamics.
            self.cur[m], U)

            # Fit x0mu/x0sigma.
            x0 = X[:, 0, :]
            x0mu = np.mean(x0, axis=0)
            self.cur[m].traj_info.x0mu = x0mu
            self.cur[m].traj_info.x0sigma = np.diag(
                np.maximum(np.var(x0, axis=0),

            prior = self.cur[m].traj_info.dynamics.get_prior()
            if prior:
                mu0, Phi, priorm, n0 = prior.initial_state()
                N = len(cur_data)
                self.cur[m].traj_info.x0sigma += \
                        Phi + (N*priorm) / (N+priorm) * \
                        np.outer(x0mu-mu0, x0mu-mu0) / (N+n0)

    def _update_trajectories(self):
        Compute new linear Gaussian controllers.
        if not hasattr(self, 'new_traj_distr'):
            self.new_traj_distr = [
                self.cur[cond].traj_distr for cond in range(self.M)
        for cond in range(self.M):
            self.new_traj_distr[cond], self.cur[cond].eta = \
                    self.traj_opt.update(cond, self)

    def _eval_cost(self, cond):
        Evaluate costs for all samples for a condition.
            cond: Condition to evaluate cost on.
        # Constants.
        T, dX, dU = self.T, self.dX, self.dU
        N = len(self.cur[cond].sample_list)

        # Compute cost.
        cs = np.zeros((N, T))
        cc = np.zeros((N, T))
        cv = np.zeros((N, T, dX+dU))
        Cm = np.zeros((N, T, dX+dU, dX+dU))
        for n in range(N):
            sample = self.cur[cond].sample_list[n]
            # Get costs.
            l, lx, lu, lxx, luu, lux = self.cost[cond].eval(sample)
            cc[n, :] = l
            cs[n, :] = l

            # Assemble matrix and vector.
            cv[n, :, :] = np.c_[lx, lu]
            Cm[n, :, :, :] = np.concatenate(
                (np.c_[lxx, np.transpose(lux, [0, 2, 1])], np.c_[lux, luu]),

            # Adjust for expanding cost around a sample.
            X = sample.get_X()
            U = sample.get_U()
            yhat = np.c_[X, U]
            rdiff = -yhat
            rdiff_expand = np.expand_dims(rdiff, axis=2)
            cv_update = np.sum(Cm[n, :, :, :] * rdiff_expand, axis=1)
            cc[n, :] += np.sum(rdiff * cv[n, :, :], axis=1) + 0.5 * \
                    np.sum(rdiff * cv_update, axis=1)
            cv[n, :, :] += cv_update

        # Fill in cost estimate.
        self.cur[cond] = np.mean(cc, 0)  # Constant term (scalar).
        self.cur[cond] = np.mean(cv, 0)  # Linear term (vector).
        self.cur[cond].traj_info.Cm = np.mean(Cm, 0)  # Quadratic term (matrix).

        self.cur[cond].cs = cs  # True value of cost.

    def _advance_iteration_variables(self):
        Move all 'cur' variables to 'prev', and advance iteration
        self.iteration_count += 1
        self.prev = copy.deepcopy(self.cur)
        # TODO: change IterationData to reflect new stuff better
        for m in range(self.M):
            self.prev[m].new_traj_distr = self.new_traj_distr[m]
        self.cur = [IterationData() for _ in range(self.M)]
        for m in range(self.M):
            self.cur[m].traj_info = TrajectoryInfo()
            self.cur[m].traj_info.dynamics = copy.deepcopy(self.prev[m].traj_info.dynamics)
            self.cur[m].step_mult = self.prev[m].step_mult
            self.cur[m].eta = self.prev[m].eta
            self.cur[m].traj_distr = self.new_traj_distr[m]
        delattr(self, 'new_traj_distr')

    def _set_new_mult(self, predicted_impr, actual_impr, m):
        Adjust step size multiplier according to the predicted versus
        actual improvement.
        # Model improvement as I = predicted_dI * KL + penalty * KL^2,
        # where predicted_dI = pred/KL and penalty = (act-pred)/(KL^2).
        # Optimize I w.r.t. KL: 0 = predicted_dI + 2 * penalty * KL =>
        # KL' = (-predicted_dI)/(2*penalty) = (pred/2*(pred-act)) * KL.
        # Therefore, the new multiplier is given by pred/2*(pred-act).
        new_mult = predicted_impr / (2.0 * max(1e-4,
                                               predicted_impr - actual_impr))
        new_mult = max(0.1, min(5.0, new_mult))
        new_step = max(
            min(new_mult * self.cur[m].step_mult,
        self.cur[m].step_mult = new_step

        if new_mult > 1:
            LOGGER.debug('Increasing step size multiplier to %f', new_step)
            LOGGER.debug('Decreasing step size multiplier to %f', new_step)

    def _measure_ent(self, m):
        """ Measure the entropy of the current trajectory. """
        ent = 0
        for t in range(self.T):
            ent = ent + np.sum(
                np.log(np.diag(self.cur[m].traj_distr.chol_pol_covar[t, :, :]))
        return ent

    # For pickling.
    def __getstate__(self):
        state = self.__dict__.copy()
        state['_random_state'] = random.getstate()
        state['_np_random_state'] = np.random.get_state()
        return state

    # For unpickling.
    def __setstate__(self, state):
        self.__dict__ = state


BADMM-based Guided Policy Search (GPS) algorithm

In [13]:
import scipy as sp

# AlgorithmBADMM
    'inner_iterations': 4,
    'policy_dual_rate': 0.1,
    'policy_dual_rate_covar': 0.0,
    'fixed_lg_step': 0,
    'lg_step_schedule': 10.0,
    'ent_reg_schedule': 0.0,
    'init_pol_wt': 0.01,
    'policy_sample_mode': 'add',
    'exp_step_increase': 2.0,
    'exp_step_decrease': 0.5,
    'exp_step_upper': 0.5,
    'exp_step_lower': 1.0,

class AlgorithmBADMM(Algorithm):
    Sample-based joint policy learning and trajectory optimization with
    BADMM-based guided policy search algorithm.
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        config = copy.deepcopy(ALG_BADMM)
        Algorithm.__init__(self, config)

        policy_prior = self._hyperparams['policy_prior']
        for m in range(self.M):
            self.cur[m].pol_info = PolicyInfo(self._hyperparams)
            self.cur[m].pol_info.policy_prior = \

        self.policy_opt = self._hyperparams['policy_opt']['type'](
            self._hyperparams['policy_opt'], self.dO, self.dU

    def iteration(self, sample_lists):
        Run iteration of BADMM-based guided policy search.

            sample_lists: List of SampleList objects for each condition.
        for m in range(self.M):
            self.cur[m].sample_list = sample_lists[m]

        self._update_dynamics()  # Update dynamics model using all sample.
        self._update_step_size()  # KL Divergence step size.

        for m in range(self.M):
            # save initial kl for debugging / visualization
            self.cur[m].pol_info.init_kl = self._policy_kl(m)[0]

        # Run inner loop to compute new policies.
        for inner_itr in range(self._hyperparams['inner_iterations']):
            #TODO: Could start from init controller.
            if self.iteration_count > 0 or inner_itr > 0:
                # Update the policy.
            for m in range(self.M):
                self._update_policy_fit(m)  # Update policy priors.
            if self.iteration_count > 0 or inner_itr > 0:
                step = (inner_itr == self._hyperparams['inner_iterations'] - 1)
                # Update dual variables.
                for m in range(self.M):
                    self._policy_dual_step(m, step=step)


    def _set_interp_values(self):
        Use iteration-based interpolation to set values of some
        schedule-based parameters.
        # Compute temporal interpolation value.
        t = min((self.iteration_count + 1.0) /
                (self._hyperparams['iterations'] - 1), 1)
        # Perform iteration-based interpolation of entropy penalty.
        if type(self._hyperparams['ent_reg_schedule']) in (int, float):
            sch = self._hyperparams['ent_reg_schedule']
                np.exp(np.interp(t, np.linspace(0, 1, num=len(sch)),
        # Perform iteration-based interpolation of Lagrange multiplier.
        if type(self._hyperparams['lg_step_schedule']) in (int, float):
            self._hyperparams['lg_step'] = self._hyperparams['lg_step_schedule']
            sch = self._hyperparams['lg_step_schedule']
            self._hyperparams['lg_step'] = np.exp(
                np.interp(t, np.linspace(0, 1, num=len(sch)), np.log(sch))

    def _update_step_size(self):
        """ Evaluate costs on samples, and adjust the step size. """
        # Evaluate cost function for all conditions and samples.
        for m in range(self.M):
            self._update_policy_fit(m, init=True)
            # Adjust step size relative to the previous iteration.
            if self.iteration_count >= 1 and self.prev[m].sample_list:

    def _update_policy(self, inner_itr):
        """ Compute the new policy. """
        dU, dO, T = self.dU, self.dO, self.T
        # Compute target mean, cov, and weight for each sample.
        obs_data, tgt_mu = np.zeros((0, T, dO)), np.zeros((0, T, dU))
        tgt_prc, tgt_wt = np.zeros((0, T, dU, dU)), np.zeros((0, T))
        for m in range(self.M):
            samples = self.cur[m].sample_list
            X = samples.get_X()
            N = len(samples)
            if inner_itr > 0:
                traj, pol_info = self.new_traj_distr[m], self.cur[m].pol_info
                traj, pol_info = self.cur[m].traj_distr, self.cur[m].pol_info
            mu = np.zeros((N, T, dU))
            prc = np.zeros((N, T, dU, dU))
            wt = np.zeros((N, T))
            # Get time-indexed actions.
            for t in range(T):
                # Compute actions along this trajectory.
                prc[:, t, :, :] = np.tile(traj.inv_pol_covar[t, :, :],
                                          [N, 1, 1])
                for i in range(N):
                    mu[i, t, :] = \
                            (traj.K[t, :, :].dot(X[i, t, :]) + traj.k[t, :]) - \
                                prc[i, t, :, :] / pol_info.pol_wt[t],
                                pol_info.lambda_K[t, :, :].dot(X[i, t, :]) + \
                                        pol_info.lambda_k[t, :]
                wt[:, t].fill(pol_info.pol_wt[t])
            tgt_mu = np.concatenate((tgt_mu, mu))
            tgt_prc = np.concatenate((tgt_prc, prc))
            tgt_wt = np.concatenate((tgt_wt, wt))
            obs_data = np.concatenate((obs_data, samples.get_obs()))
        self.policy_opt.update(obs_data, tgt_mu, tgt_prc, tgt_wt)

    def _update_policy_fit(self, m, init=False):
        Re-estimate the local policy values in the neighborhood of the
            m: Condition
            init: Whether this is the initial fitting of the policy.
        dX, dU, T = self.dX, self.dU, self.T
        # Choose samples to use.
        samples = self.cur[m].sample_list
        N = len(samples)
        pol_info = self.cur[m].pol_info
        X = samples.get_X()
        obs = samples.get_obs().copy()
        pol_mu, pol_sig = self.policy_opt.prob(obs)[:2]
        pol_info.pol_mu, pol_info.pol_sig = pol_mu, pol_sig

        # Update policy prior.
        policy_prior = pol_info.policy_prior
        if init:
            samples = SampleList(self.cur[m].sample_list)
            mode = self._hyperparams['policy_sample_mode']
            samples = SampleList([])
            mode = 'add' # Don't replace with empty samples
        policy_prior.update(samples, self.policy_opt, mode)

        # Fit linearization and store in pol_info.
        pol_info.pol_K, pol_info.pol_k, pol_info.pol_S = \
      , pol_mu, pol_sig)
        for t in range(T):
            pol_info.chol_pol_S[t, :, :] = \
                    sp.linalg.cholesky(pol_info.pol_S[t, :, :])

    def _policy_dual_step(self, m, step=False):
        Update the dual variables for the specified condition.
            m: Condition
            step: Whether or not to update pol_wt.
        dU, T = self.dU, self.T
        samples = self.cur[m].sample_list
        N = len(samples)
        X = samples.get_X()
        if 'new_traj_distr' in dir(self):
            traj, pol_info = self.new_traj_distr[m], self.cur[m].pol_info
            traj, pol_info = self.cur[m].traj_distr, self.cur[m].pol_info

        # Compute trajectory action at each sampled state.
        traj_mu = np.zeros((N, T, dU))
        for i in range(N):
            for t in range(T):
                traj_mu[i, t, :] = traj.K[t, :, :].dot(X[i, t, :]) + \
                        traj.k[t, :]
        # Compute policy action at each sampled state.
        pol_mu = pol_info.pol_mu
        # Compute the difference and increment based on pol_wt.
        for t in range(T):
            tU, pU = traj_mu[:, t, :], pol_mu[:, t, :]
            # Increment mean term.
            pol_info.lambda_k[t, :] -= self._hyperparams['policy_dual_rate'] * \
                    pol_info.pol_wt[t] * \
                    traj.inv_pol_covar[t, :, :].dot(np.mean(tU - pU, axis=0))
            # Increment covariance term.
            t_covar, p_covar = traj.K[t, :, :], pol_info.pol_K[t, :, :]
            pol_info.lambda_K[t, :, :] -= \
                    self._hyperparams['policy_dual_rate_covar'] * \
                    pol_info.pol_wt[t] * \
                    traj.inv_pol_covar[t, :, :].dot(t_covar - p_covar)
        # Compute KL divergence.
        kl_m = self._policy_kl(m)[0]
        if step:
            lg_step = self._hyperparams['lg_step']
            # Increment pol_wt based on change in KL divergence.
            if self._hyperparams['fixed_lg_step'] == 1:
                # Take fixed size step.
                pol_info.pol_wt = np.array([
                    max(wt + lg_step, 0) for wt in pol_info.pol_wt
            elif self._hyperparams['fixed_lg_step'] == 2:
                # (In/De)crease based on change in constraint
                # satisfaction.
                if hasattr(pol_info, 'prev_kl'):
                    kl_change = kl_m / pol_info.prev_kl
                    for i in range(len(pol_info.pol_wt)):
                        if kl_change[i] < 0.8:
                            pol_info.pol_wt[i] *= 0.5
                        elif kl_change[i] >= 0.95:
                            pol_info.pol_wt[i] *= 2.0
            elif self._hyperparams['fixed_lg_step'] == 3:
                # (In/De)crease based on difference from average.
                if hasattr(pol_info, 'prev_kl'):
                    lower = np.mean(kl_m) - \
                            self._hyperparams['exp_step_lower'] * np.std(kl_m)
                    upper = np.mean(kl_m) + \
                            self._hyperparams['exp_step_upper'] * np.std(kl_m)
                    for i in range(len(pol_info.pol_wt)):
                        if kl_m[i] < lower:
                            pol_info.pol_wt[i] *= \
                        elif kl_m[i] >= upper:
                            pol_info.pol_wt[i] *= \
                # Standard DGD step.
                pol_info.pol_wt = np.array([
                    max(pol_info.pol_wt[t] + lg_step * kl_m[t], 0)
                    for t in range(T)
            pol_info.prev_kl = kl_m

    def _advance_iteration_variables(self):
        Move all 'cur' variables to 'prev', reinitialize 'cur'
        variables, and advance iteration counter.
        for m in range(self.M):
            self.cur[m].traj_info.last_kl_step = \
            self.cur[m].pol_info = copy.deepcopy(self.prev[m].pol_info)

    def _stepadjust(self, m):
        Calculate new step sizes.
            m: Condition

        # Compute values under Laplace approximation. This is the policy
        # that the previous samples were actually drawn from under the
        # dynamics that were estimated from the previous samples.
        prev_laplace_obj, prev_laplace_kl = self._estimate_cost(
            self.prev[m].traj_distr, self.prev[m].traj_info, self.prev[m].pol_info, m
        # This is the policy that we just used under the dynamics that
        # were estimated from the previous samples (so this is the cost
        # we thought we would have).
        new_pred_laplace_obj, new_pred_laplace_kl = self._estimate_cost(
            self.cur[m].traj_distr, self.prev[m].traj_info, self.prev[m].pol_info, m

        # This is the actual cost we have under the current trajectory
        # based on the latest samples.
        new_actual_laplace_obj, new_actual_laplace_kl = self._estimate_cost(
            self.cur[m].traj_distr, self.cur[m].traj_info, self.cur[m].pol_info, m

        # Measure the entropy of the current trajectory (for printout).
        ent = self._measure_ent(m)

        # Compute actual objective values based on the samples.
        prev_mc_obj = np.mean(np.sum(self.prev[m].cs, axis=1), axis=0)
        new_mc_obj = np.mean(np.sum(self.cur[m].cs, axis=1), axis=0)

        # Compute sample-based estimate of KL divergence between policy
        # and trajectories.
        new_mc_kl = self._policy_kl(m)[0]
        if self.iteration_count >= 1 and self.prev[m].sample_list:
            prev_mc_kl = self._policy_kl(m, prev=True)[0]
            prev_mc_kl = np.zeros_like(new_mc_kl)

        # Compute full policy KL divergence objective terms by applying
        # the Lagrange multipliers.
        pol_wt = self.cur[m].pol_info.pol_wt
        prev_laplace_kl_sum = np.sum(prev_laplace_kl * pol_wt)
        new_pred_laplace_kl_sum = np.sum(new_pred_laplace_kl * pol_wt)
        new_actual_laplace_kl_sum = np.sum(new_actual_laplace_kl * pol_wt)
        prev_mc_kl_sum = np.sum(prev_mc_kl * pol_wt)
        new_mc_kl_sum = np.sum(new_mc_kl * pol_wt)

            'Trajectory step: ent: %f cost: %f -> %f KL: %f -> %f',
            ent, prev_mc_obj, new_mc_obj, prev_mc_kl_sum, new_mc_kl_sum

        # Compute predicted and actual improvement.
        predicted_impr = np.sum(prev_laplace_obj) + prev_laplace_kl_sum - \
                np.sum(new_pred_laplace_obj) - new_pred_laplace_kl_sum
        actual_impr = np.sum(prev_laplace_obj) + prev_laplace_kl_sum - \
                np.sum(new_actual_laplace_obj) - new_actual_laplace_kl_sum

        # Print improvement details.
        LOGGER.debug('Previous cost: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     np.sum(prev_laplace_obj), prev_mc_obj)
        LOGGER.debug('Predicted new cost: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     np.sum(new_pred_laplace_obj), new_mc_obj)
        LOGGER.debug('Actual new cost: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     np.sum(new_actual_laplace_obj), new_mc_obj)
        LOGGER.debug('Previous KL: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     np.sum(prev_laplace_kl), np.sum(prev_mc_kl))
        LOGGER.debug('Predicted new KL: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     np.sum(new_pred_laplace_kl), np.sum(new_mc_kl))
        LOGGER.debug('Actual new KL: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     np.sum(new_actual_laplace_kl), np.sum(new_mc_kl))
        LOGGER.debug('Previous w KL: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     prev_laplace_kl_sum, prev_mc_kl_sum)
        LOGGER.debug('Predicted w new KL: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     new_pred_laplace_kl_sum, new_mc_kl_sum)
        LOGGER.debug('Actual w new KL: Laplace %f MC: %f',
                     new_actual_laplace_kl_sum, new_mc_kl_sum)
        LOGGER.debug('Predicted/actual improvement: %f / %f',
                     predicted_impr, actual_impr)

        # Compute actual KL step taken at last iteration.
        actual_step = self.cur[m].traj_info.last_kl_step / \
                (self._hyperparams['kl_step'] * self.T)
        if actual_step < self.cur[m].step_mult:
            self.cur[m].step_mult = max(actual_step,

        self._set_new_mult(predicted_impr, actual_impr, m)

    def _policy_kl(self, m, prev=False):
        Monte-Carlo estimate of KL divergence between policy and
        dU, T = self.dU, self.T
        if prev:
            traj, pol_info = self.prev[m].traj_distr, self.cur[m].pol_info
            samples = self.prev[m].sample_list
            traj, pol_info = self.cur[m].traj_distr, self.cur[m].pol_info
            samples = self.cur[m].sample_list
        N = len(samples)
        X, obs = samples.get_X(), samples.get_obs()
        kl, kl_m = np.zeros((N, T)), np.zeros(T)
        kl_l, kl_lm = np.zeros((N, T)), np.zeros(T)
        # Compute policy mean and covariance at each sample.
        pol_mu, _, pol_prec, pol_det_sigma = self.policy_opt.prob(obs.copy())
        # Compute KL divergence.
        for t in range(T):
            # Compute trajectory action at sample.
            traj_mu = np.zeros((N, dU))
            for i in range(N):
                traj_mu[i, :] = traj.K[t, :, :].dot(X[i, t, :]) + traj.k[t, :]
            diff = pol_mu[:, t, :] - traj_mu
            tr_pp_ct = pol_prec[:, t, :, :] * traj.pol_covar[t, :, :]
            k_ln_det_ct = 0.5 * dU + np.sum(
                np.log(np.diag(traj.chol_pol_covar[t, :, :]))
            ln_det_cp = np.log(pol_det_sigma[:, t])
            # IMPORTANT: Note that this assumes that pol_prec does not
            #            depend on state!!!!
            #            (Only the last term makes this assumption.)
            d_pp_d = np.sum(diff * ([1, t, :, :])), axis=1)
            kl[:, t] = 0.5 * np.sum(np.sum(tr_pp_ct, axis=1), axis=1) - \
                    k_ln_det_ct + 0.5 * ln_det_cp + 0.5 * d_pp_d
            tr_pp_ct_m = np.mean(tr_pp_ct, axis=0)
            kl_m[t] = 0.5 * np.sum(np.sum(tr_pp_ct_m, axis=0), axis=0) - \
                    k_ln_det_ct + 0.5 * np.mean(ln_det_cp) + \
                    0.5 * np.mean(d_pp_d)
            # Compute trajectory action at sample with Lagrange
            # multiplier.
            traj_mu = np.zeros((N, dU))
            for i in range(N):
                traj_mu[i, :] = \
                        (traj.K[t, :, :] - pol_info.lambda_K[t, :, :]).dot(
                            X[i, t, :]
                        ) + (traj.k[t, :] - pol_info.lambda_k[t, :])
            # Compute KL divergence with Lagrange multiplier.
            diff_l = pol_mu[:, t, :] - traj_mu
            d_pp_d_l = np.sum(diff_l * ([1, t, :, :])),
            kl_l[:, t] = 0.5 * np.sum(np.sum(tr_pp_ct, axis=1), axis=1) - \
                    k_ln_det_ct + 0.5 * ln_det_cp + 0.5 * d_pp_d_l
            kl_lm[t] = 0.5 * np.sum(np.sum(tr_pp_ct_m, axis=0), axis=0) - \
                    k_ln_det_ct + 0.5 * np.mean(ln_det_cp) + \
                    0.5 * np.mean(d_pp_d_l)
        return kl_m, kl, kl_lm, kl_l

    def _estimate_cost(self, traj_distr, traj_info, pol_info, m):
        Compute Laplace approximation to expected cost.
            traj_distr: A linear Gaussian policy object.
            traj_info: A TrajectoryInfo object.
            pol_info: Policy linearization info.
            m: Condition number.
        # Constants.
        T, dU, dX = self.T, self.dU, self.dX

        # Perform forward pass (note that we repeat this here, because
        # traj_info may have different dynamics from the ones that were
        # used to compute the distribution already saved in traj).
        mu, sigma = self.traj_opt.forward(traj_distr, traj_info)

        # Compute cost.
        predicted_cost = np.zeros(T)
        for t in range(T):
            predicted_cost[t] =[t] + 0.5 * \
                    (np.sum(sigma[t, :, :] * traj_info.Cm[t, :, :]) +
                     mu[t, :][t, :, :]).dot(mu[t, :])) + \
                    mu[t, :][t, :])

        # Compute KL divergence.
        predicted_kl = np.zeros(T)
        for t in range(T):
            inv_pS = np.linalg.solve(
                pol_info.chol_pol_S[t, :, :],
                np.linalg.solve(pol_info.chol_pol_S[t, :, :].T, np.eye(dU))
            Ufb = pol_info.pol_K[t, :, :].dot(mu[t, :dX].T) + \
                    pol_info.pol_k[t, :]
            diff = mu[t, dX:] - Ufb
            Kbar = traj_distr.K[t, :, :] - pol_info.pol_K[t, :, :]
            predicted_kl[t] = 0.5 * (diff).dot(inv_pS).dot(diff) + \
                    0.5 * np.sum(traj_distr.pol_covar[t, :, :] * inv_pS) + \
                    0.5 * np.sum(
                        sigma[t, :dX, :dX] *
                    ) + np.sum(
                        np.log(np.diag(pol_info.chol_pol_S[t, :, :]))
                    ) - np.sum(
                        np.log(np.diag(traj_distr.chol_pol_covar[t, :, :]))
                    ) + 0.5 * dU

        return predicted_cost, predicted_kl

    def compute_costs(self, m, eta, augment=True):
        """ Compute cost estimates used in the LQR backward pass. """
        traj_info, traj_distr = self.cur[m].traj_info, self.cur[m].traj_distr
        if not augment:  # Whether to augment cost with term to penalize KL
            return traj_info.Cm,

        pol_info = self.cur[m].pol_info
        multiplier = self._hyperparams['max_ent_traj']
        T, dU, dX = traj_distr.T, traj_distr.dU, traj_distr.dX
        Cm, cv = np.copy(traj_info.Cm), np.copy(

        # Modify policy action via Lagrange multiplier.
        cv[:, dX:] -= pol_info.lambda_k
        Cm[:, dX:, :dX] -= pol_info.lambda_K
        Cm[:, :dX, dX:] -= np.transpose(pol_info.lambda_K, [0, 2, 1])

        #Pre-process the costs with KL-divergence terms.
        TKLm = np.zeros((T, dX+dU, dX+dU))
        TKLv = np.zeros((T, dX+dU))
        PKLm = np.zeros((T, dX+dU, dX+dU))
        PKLv = np.zeros((T, dX+dU))
        fCm, fcv = np.zeros(Cm.shape), np.zeros(cv.shape)
        for t in range(T):
            K, k = traj_distr.K[t, :, :], traj_distr.k[t, :]
            inv_pol_covar = traj_distr.inv_pol_covar[t, :, :]
            # Trajectory KL-divergence terms.
            TKLm[t, :, :] = np.vstack([
                np.hstack([, inv_pol_covar])
            TKLv[t, :] = np.concatenate([
            # Policy KL-divergence terms.
            inv_pol_S = np.linalg.solve(
                pol_info.chol_pol_S[t, :, :],
                np.linalg.solve(pol_info.chol_pol_S[t, :, :].T, np.eye(dU))
            KB, kB = pol_info.pol_K[t, :, :], pol_info.pol_k[t, :]
            PKLm[t, :, :] = np.vstack([
                np.hstack([, inv_pol_S])
            PKLv[t, :] = np.concatenate([
            wt = pol_info.pol_wt[t]
            fCm[t, :, :] = (Cm[t, :, :] + TKLm[t, :, :] * eta +
                            PKLm[t, :, :] * wt) / (eta + wt + multiplier)
            fcv[t, :] = (cv[t, :] + TKLv[t, :] * eta +
                         PKLv[t, :] * wt) / (eta + wt + multiplier)

        return fCm, fcv


MD-based GPS algorithm

In [14]:
# AlgorithmMDGPS
    # TODO: remove need for init_pol_wt in MDGPS
    'init_pol_wt': 0.01,
    'policy_sample_mode': 'add',
    # Whether to use 'laplace' or 'mc' cost in step adjusment
    'step_rule': 'laplace',

class AlgorithmMDGPS(Algorithm):
    Sample-based joint policy learning and trajectory optimization with
    (approximate) mirror descent guided policy search algorithm.
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        config = copy.deepcopy(ALG_MDGPS)
        Algorithm.__init__(self, config)

        policy_prior = self._hyperparams['policy_prior']
        for m in range(self.M):
            self.cur[m].pol_info = PolicyInfo(self._hyperparams)
            self.cur[m].pol_info.policy_prior = \

        self.policy_opt = self._hyperparams['policy_opt']['type'](
            self._hyperparams['policy_opt'], self.dO, self.dU

    def iteration(self, sample_lists):
        Run iteration of MDGPS-based guided policy search.

            sample_lists: List of SampleList objects for each condition.
        # Store the samples and evaluate the costs.
        for m in range(self.M):
            self.cur[m].sample_list = sample_lists[m]

        # Update dynamics linearizations.

        # On the first iteration, need to catch policy up to init_traj_distr.
        if self.iteration_count == 0:
            self.new_traj_distr = [
                self.cur[cond].traj_distr for cond in range(self.M)

        # Update policy linearizations.
        for m in range(self.M):

        # C-step
        if self.iteration_count > 0:

        # S-step

        # Prepare for next iteration

    def _update_policy(self):
        """ Compute the new policy. """
        dU, dO, T = self.dU, self.dO, self.T
        # Compute target mean, cov, and weight for each sample.
        obs_data, tgt_mu = np.zeros((0, T, dO)), np.zeros((0, T, dU))
        tgt_prc, tgt_wt = np.zeros((0, T, dU, dU)), np.zeros((0, T))
        for m in range(self.M):
            samples = self.cur[m].sample_list
            X = samples.get_X()
            N = len(samples)
            traj, pol_info = self.new_traj_distr[m], self.cur[m].pol_info
            mu = np.zeros((N, T, dU))
            prc = np.zeros((N, T, dU, dU))
            wt = np.zeros((N, T))
            # Get time-indexed actions.
            for t in range(T):
                # Compute actions along this trajectory.
                prc[:, t, :, :] = np.tile(traj.inv_pol_covar[t, :, :],
                                          [N, 1, 1])
                for i in range(N):
                    mu[i, t, :] = (traj.K[t, :, :].dot(X[i, t, :]) + traj.k[t, :])
                wt[:, t].fill(pol_info.pol_wt[t])
            tgt_mu = np.concatenate((tgt_mu, mu))
            tgt_prc = np.concatenate((tgt_prc, prc))
            tgt_wt = np.concatenate((tgt_wt, wt))
            obs_data = np.concatenate((obs_data, samples.get_obs()))
        self.policy_opt.update(obs_data, tgt_mu, tgt_prc, tgt_wt)

    def _update_policy_fit(self, m):
        Re-estimate the local policy values in the neighborhood of the
            m: Condition
        dX, dU, T = self.dX, self.dU, self.T
        # Choose samples to use.
        samples = self.cur[m].sample_list
        N = len(samples)
        pol_info = self.cur[m].pol_info
        X = samples.get_X()
        obs = samples.get_obs().copy()
        pol_mu, pol_sig = self.policy_opt.prob(obs)[:2]
        pol_info.pol_mu, pol_info.pol_sig = pol_mu, pol_sig

        # Update policy prior.
        policy_prior = pol_info.policy_prior
        samples = SampleList(self.cur[m].sample_list)
        mode = self._hyperparams['policy_sample_mode']
        policy_prior.update(samples, self.policy_opt, mode)

        # Fit linearization and store in pol_info.
        pol_info.pol_K, pol_info.pol_k, pol_info.pol_S = \
      , pol_mu, pol_sig)
        for t in range(T):
            pol_info.chol_pol_S[t, :, :] = \
                    sp.linalg.cholesky(pol_info.pol_S[t, :, :])

    def _advance_iteration_variables(self):
        Move all 'cur' variables to 'prev', reinitialize 'cur'
        variables, and advance iteration counter.
        for m in range(self.M):
            self.cur[m].traj_info.last_kl_step = \
            self.cur[m].pol_info = copy.deepcopy(self.prev[m].pol_info)

    def _stepadjust(self):
        Calculate new step sizes. This version uses the same step size
        for all conditions.
        # Compute previous cost and previous expected cost.
        prev_M = len(self.prev) # May be different in future.
        prev_laplace = np.empty(prev_M)
        prev_mc = np.empty(prev_M)
        prev_predicted = np.empty(prev_M)
        for m in range(prev_M):
            prev_nn = self.prev[m].pol_info.traj_distr()
            prev_lg = self.prev[m].new_traj_distr

            # Compute values under Laplace approximation. This is the policy
            # that the previous samples were actually drawn from under the
            # dynamics that were estimated from the previous samples.
            prev_laplace[m] = self.traj_opt.estimate_cost(
                    prev_nn, self.prev[m].traj_info
            # This is the actual cost that we experienced.
            prev_mc[m] = self.prev[m].cs.mean(axis=0).sum()
            # This is the policy that we just used under the dynamics that
            # were estimated from the prev samples (so this is the cost
            # we thought we would have).
            prev_predicted[m] = self.traj_opt.estimate_cost(
                    prev_lg, self.prev[m].traj_info

        # Compute current cost.
        cur_laplace = np.empty(self.M)
        cur_mc = np.empty(self.M)
        for m in range(self.M):
            cur_nn = self.cur[m].pol_info.traj_distr()
            # This is the actual cost we have under the current trajectory
            # based on the latest samples.
            cur_laplace[m] = self.traj_opt.estimate_cost(
                    cur_nn, self.cur[m].traj_info
            cur_mc[m] = self.cur[m].cs.mean(axis=0).sum()

        # Compute predicted and actual improvement.
        prev_laplace = prev_laplace.mean()
        prev_mc = prev_mc.mean()
        prev_predicted = prev_predicted.mean()
        cur_laplace = cur_laplace.mean()
        cur_mc = cur_mc.mean()
        if self._hyperparams['step_rule'] == 'laplace':
            predicted_impr = prev_laplace - prev_predicted
            actual_impr = prev_laplace - cur_laplace
        elif self._hyperparams['step_rule'] == 'mc':
            predicted_impr = prev_mc - prev_predicted
            actual_impr = prev_mc - cur_mc
        LOGGER.debug('Previous cost: Laplace: %f, MC: %f',
                     prev_laplace, prev_mc)
        LOGGER.debug('Predicted cost: Laplace: %f', prev_predicted)
        LOGGER.debug('Actual cost: Laplace: %f, MC: %f',
                     cur_laplace, cur_mc)

        for m in range(self.M):
            self._set_new_mult(predicted_impr, actual_impr, m)

    def compute_costs(self, m, eta, augment=True):
        """ Compute cost estimates used in the LQR backward pass. """
        traj_info, traj_distr = self.cur[m].traj_info, self.cur[m].traj_distr
        if not augment:  # Whether to augment cost with term to penalize KL
            return traj_info.Cm,

        pol_info = self.cur[m].pol_info
        multiplier = self._hyperparams['max_ent_traj']
        T, dU, dX = traj_distr.T, traj_distr.dU, traj_distr.dX
        Cm, cv = np.copy(traj_info.Cm), np.copy(

        PKLm = np.zeros((T, dX+dU, dX+dU))
        PKLv = np.zeros((T, dX+dU))
        fCm, fcv = np.zeros(Cm.shape), np.zeros(cv.shape)
        for t in range(T):
            # Policy KL-divergence terms.
            inv_pol_S = np.linalg.solve(
                pol_info.chol_pol_S[t, :, :],
                np.linalg.solve(pol_info.chol_pol_S[t, :, :].T, np.eye(dU))
            KB, kB = pol_info.pol_K[t, :, :], pol_info.pol_k[t, :]
            PKLm[t, :, :] = np.vstack([
                np.hstack([, inv_pol_S])
            PKLv[t, :] = np.concatenate([
            fCm[t, :, :] = (Cm[t, :, :] + PKLm[t, :, :] * eta) / (eta + multiplier)
            fcv[t, :] = (cv[t, :] + PKLv[t, :] * eta) / (eta + multiplier)

        return fCm, fcv

Trajectory optimization

iLQG-based trajectory optimization: AlgorithmTrajOpt

Sample-based trajectory optimization algorithm

In [15]:
class AlgorithmTrajOpt(Algorithm):
    """ Sample-based trajectory optimization. """
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        Algorithm.__init__(self, hyperparams)

    def iteration(self, sample_lists):
        Run iteration of LQR.
            sample_lists: List of SampleList objects for each condition.
        for m in range(self.M):
            self.cur[m].sample_list = sample_lists[m]

        # Update dynamics model using all samples.

        self._update_step_size()  # KL Divergence step size.

        # Run inner loop to compute new policies.
        for _ in range(self._hyperparams['inner_iterations']):


    def _update_step_size(self):
        """ Evaluate costs on samples, and adjust the step size. """
        # Evaluate cost function for all conditions and samples.
        for m in range(self.M):

        # Adjust step size relative to the previous iteration.
        for m in range(self.M):
            if self.iteration_count >= 1 and self.prev[m].sample_list:

    def _stepadjust(self, m):
        Calculate new step sizes.
            m: Condition
        # Compute values under Laplace approximation. This is the policy
        # that the previous samples were actually drawn from under the
        # dynamics that were estimated from the previous samples.
        previous_laplace_obj = self.traj_opt.estimate_cost(
            self.prev[m].traj_distr, self.prev[m].traj_info
        # This is the policy that we just used under the dynamics that
        # were estimated from the previous samples (so this is the cost
        # we thought we would have).
        new_predicted_laplace_obj = self.traj_opt.estimate_cost(
            self.cur[m].traj_distr, self.prev[m].traj_info

        # This is the actual cost we have under the current trajectory
        # based on the latest samples.
        new_actual_laplace_obj = self.traj_opt.estimate_cost(
            self.cur[m].traj_distr, self.cur[m].traj_info

        # Measure the entropy of the current trajectory (for printout).
        ent = self._measure_ent(m)

        # Compute actual objective values based on the samples.
        previous_mc_obj = np.mean(np.sum(self.prev[m].cs, axis=1), axis=0)
        new_mc_obj = np.mean(np.sum(self.cur[m].cs, axis=1), axis=0)

        LOGGER.debug('Trajectory step: ent: %f cost: %f -> %f',
                     ent, previous_mc_obj, new_mc_obj)

        # Compute predicted and actual improvement.
        predicted_impr = np.sum(previous_laplace_obj) - \
        actual_impr = np.sum(previous_laplace_obj) - \

        # Print improvement details.
        LOGGER.debug('Previous cost: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     np.sum(previous_laplace_obj), previous_mc_obj)
        LOGGER.debug('Predicted new cost: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     np.sum(new_predicted_laplace_obj), new_mc_obj)
        LOGGER.debug('Actual new cost: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     np.sum(new_actual_laplace_obj), new_mc_obj)
        LOGGER.debug('Predicted/actual improvement: %f / %f',
                     predicted_impr, actual_impr)

        self._set_new_mult(predicted_impr, actual_impr, m)

    def compute_costs(self, m, eta, augment=True):
        """ Compute cost estimates used in the LQR backward pass. """
        traj_info, traj_distr = self.cur[m].traj_info, self.cur[m].traj_distr
        if not augment:  # Whether to augment cost with term to penalize KL
            return traj_info.Cm,

        multiplier = self._hyperparams['max_ent_traj']
        fCm, fcv = traj_info.Cm / (eta + multiplier), / (eta + multiplier)
        K, ipc, k = traj_distr.K, traj_distr.inv_pol_covar, traj_distr.k

        # Add in the trajectory divergence term.
        for t in range(self.T - 1, -1, -1):
            fCm[t, :, :] += eta / (eta + multiplier) * np.vstack([
                    K[t, :, :][t, :, :]).dot(K[t, :, :]),
                    -K[t, :, :][t, :, :])
                    -ipc[t, :, :].dot(K[t, :, :]), ipc[t, :, :]
            fcv[t, :] += eta / (eta + multiplier) * np.hstack([
                K[t, :, :][t, :, :]).dot(k[t, :]),
                -ipc[t, :, :].dot(k[t, :])

        return fCm, fcv


Base trajectory optimization class

In [16]:
import abc

class TrajOpt(object):
    """ Trajectory optimization superclass. """
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        self._hyperparams = hyperparams

    def update(self):
        """ Update trajectory distributions. """
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass.")


iLQG-based trajectory optimization

In [17]:
""" This file defines code for iLQG-based trajectory optimization. """
from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError
import scipy as sp

# Constants used in TrajOptLQR.

ALPHA, BETA1, BETA2, EPS = 0.005, 0.9, 0.999, 1e-8  # Adam parameters

def traj_distr_kl(new_mu, new_sigma, new_traj_distr, prev_traj_distr, tot=True):
    Compute KL divergence between new and previous trajectory
        new_mu: T x dX, mean of new trajectory distribution.
        new_sigma: T x dX x dX, variance of new trajectory distribution.
        new_traj_distr: A linear Gaussian policy object, new
        prev_traj_distr: A linear Gaussian policy object, previous
        tot: Whether or not to sum KL across all time steps.
        kl_div: The KL divergence between the new and previous
    # Constants.
    T = new_mu.shape[0]
    dU = new_traj_distr.dU

    # Initialize vector of divergences for each time step.
    kl_div = np.zeros(T)

    # Step through trajectory.
    for t in range(T):
        # Fetch matrices and vectors from trajectory distributions.
        mu_t = new_mu[t, :]
        sigma_t = new_sigma[t, :, :]
        K_prev = prev_traj_distr.K[t, :, :]
        K_new = new_traj_distr.K[t, :, :]
        k_prev = prev_traj_distr.k[t, :]
        k_new = new_traj_distr.k[t, :]
        chol_prev = prev_traj_distr.chol_pol_covar[t, :, :]
        chol_new = new_traj_distr.chol_pol_covar[t, :, :]

        # Compute log determinants and precision matrices.
        logdet_prev = 2 * sum(np.log(np.diag(chol_prev)))
        logdet_new = 2 * sum(np.log(np.diag(chol_new)))
        prc_prev = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
            chol_prev, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(chol_prev.T, np.eye(dU),
        prc_new = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
            chol_new, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(chol_new.T, np.eye(dU),

        # Construct matrix, vector, and constants.
        M_prev = np.r_[
            np.c_[, prc_prev]
        M_new = np.r_[
            np.c_[, prc_new]
        v_prev = np.r_[,
        v_new = np.r_[,]
        c_prev = 0.5 *
        c_new = 0.5 *

        # Compute KL divergence at timestep t.
        kl_div[t] = max(
            -0.5 * - M_prev).dot(mu_t) -
   - v_prev) - c_new + c_prev -
            0.5 * np.sum(sigma_t * (M_new-M_prev)) - 0.5 * logdet_new +
            0.5 * logdet_prev

    # Add up divergences across time to get total divergence.
    return np.sum(kl_div) if tot else kl_div

def traj_distr_kl_alt(new_mu, new_sigma, new_traj_distr, prev_traj_distr, tot=True):
    This function computes the same quantity as the function above.
    However, it is easier to modify and understand this function, i.e.,
    passing in a different mu and sigma to this function will behave properly.
    T, dX, dU = new_mu.shape[0], new_traj_distr.dX, new_traj_distr.dU
    kl_div = np.zeros(T)

    for t in range(T):
        K_prev = prev_traj_distr.K[t, :, :]
        K_new = new_traj_distr.K[t, :, :]

        k_prev = prev_traj_distr.k[t, :]
        k_new = new_traj_distr.k[t, :]

        sig_prev = prev_traj_distr.pol_covar[t, :, :]
        sig_new = new_traj_distr.pol_covar[t, :, :]

        chol_prev = prev_traj_distr.chol_pol_covar[t, :, :]
        chol_new = new_traj_distr.chol_pol_covar[t, :, :]

        inv_prev = prev_traj_distr.inv_pol_covar[t, :, :]
        inv_new = new_traj_distr.inv_pol_covar[t, :, :]

        logdet_prev = 2 * sum(np.log(np.diag(chol_prev)))
        logdet_new = 2 * sum(np.log(np.diag(chol_new)))

        K_diff, k_diff = K_prev - K_new, k_prev - k_new
        mu, sigma = new_mu[t, :dX], new_sigma[t, :dX, :dX]

        kl_div[t] = max(
                0.5 * (logdet_prev - logdet_new - new_traj_distr.dU +
                       np.sum(np.diag( +
                       np.sum(np.diag( +
                       2 *

    return np.sum(kl_div) if tot else kl_div

# TrajOptLQRPython
    # Dual variable updates for non-PD Q-function.
    'del0': 1e-4,
    'eta_error_threshold': 1e16,
    'min_eta': 1e-8,
    'max_eta': 1e16,
    'cons_per_step': False,  # Whether or not to enforce separate KL constraints at each time step.
    'use_prev_distr': False,  # Whether or not to measure expected KL under the previous traj distr.
    'update_in_bwd_pass': True,  # Whether or not to update the TVLG controller during the bwd pass.

class TrajOptLQRPython(TrajOpt):
    """ LQR trajectory optimization, Python implementation. """
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        config = copy.deepcopy(TRAJ_OPT_LQR)

        TrajOpt.__init__(self, config)

        self.cons_per_step = config['cons_per_step']
        self._use_prev_distr = config['use_prev_distr']
        self._update_in_bwd_pass = config['update_in_bwd_pass']

    # TODO - Add arg and return spec on this function.
    def update(self, m, algorithm):
        """ Run dual gradient decent to optimize trajectories. """
        T = algorithm.T
        eta = algorithm.cur[m].eta
        if self.cons_per_step and type(eta) in (int, float):
            eta = np.ones(T) * eta
        step_mult = algorithm.cur[m].step_mult
        traj_info = algorithm.cur[m].traj_info

        if isinstance(algorithm, AlgorithmMDGPS):
            # For MDGPS, constrain to previous NN linearization
            prev_traj_distr = algorithm.cur[m].pol_info.traj_distr()
            # For BADMM/trajopt, constrain to previous LG controller
            prev_traj_distr = algorithm.cur[m].traj_distr

        # Set KL-divergence step size (epsilon).
        kl_step = algorithm.base_kl_step * step_mult
        if not self.cons_per_step:
            kl_step *= T

        # We assume at min_eta, kl_div > kl_step, opposite for max_eta.
        if not self.cons_per_step:
            min_eta = self._hyperparams['min_eta']
            max_eta = self._hyperparams['max_eta']
            LOGGER.debug("Running DGD for trajectory %d, eta: %f", m, eta)
            min_eta = np.ones(T) * self._hyperparams['min_eta']
            max_eta = np.ones(T) * self._hyperparams['max_eta']
            LOGGER.debug("Running DGD for trajectory %d, avg eta: %f", m,

        max_itr = (DGD_MAX_LS_ITER if self.cons_per_step else
        for itr in range(max_itr):
            if not self.cons_per_step:
                LOGGER.debug("Iteration %d, bracket: (%.2e , %.2e , %.2e)", itr,
                             min_eta, eta, max_eta)

            # Run fwd/bwd pass, note that eta may be updated.
            # Compute KL divergence constraint violation.
            traj_distr, eta = self.backward(prev_traj_distr, traj_info,
                                            eta, algorithm, m)

            if not self._use_prev_distr:
                new_mu, new_sigma = self.forward(traj_distr, traj_info)
                kl_div = traj_distr_kl(
                        new_mu, new_sigma, traj_distr, prev_traj_distr,
                        tot=(not self.cons_per_step)
                prev_mu, prev_sigma = self.forward(prev_traj_distr, traj_info)
                kl_div = traj_distr_kl_alt(
                        prev_mu, prev_sigma, traj_distr, prev_traj_distr,
                        tot=(not self.cons_per_step)

            con = kl_div - kl_step

            # Convergence check - constraint satisfaction.
            if self._conv_check(con, kl_step):
                if not self.cons_per_step:
                    LOGGER.debug("KL: %f / %f, converged iteration %d", kl_div,
                                 kl_step, itr)
                            "KL: %f / %f, converged iteration %d",
                            np.mean(kl_div[:-1]), np.mean(kl_step[:-1]), itr

            if not self.cons_per_step:
                # Choose new eta (bisect bracket or multiply by constant)
                if con < 0: # Eta was too big.
                    max_eta = eta
                    geom = np.sqrt(min_eta*max_eta)  # Geometric mean.
                    new_eta = max(geom, 0.1*max_eta)
                    LOGGER.debug("KL: %f / %f, eta too big, new eta: %f",
                                 kl_div, kl_step, new_eta)
                else: # Eta was too small.
                    min_eta = eta
                    geom = np.sqrt(min_eta*max_eta)  # Geometric mean.
                    new_eta = min(geom, 10.0*min_eta)
                    LOGGER.debug("KL: %f / %f, eta too small, new eta: %f",
                                 kl_div, kl_step, new_eta)

                # Logarithmic mean: log_mean(x,y) = (y - x)/(log(y) - log(x))
                eta = new_eta
                for t in range(T):
                    if con[t] < 0:
                        max_eta[t] = eta[t]
                        geom = np.sqrt(min_eta[t]*max_eta[t])
                        eta[t] = max(geom, 0.1*max_eta[t])
                        min_eta[t] = eta[t]
                        geom = np.sqrt(min_eta[t]*max_eta[t])
                        eta[t] = min(geom, 10.0*min_eta[t])
                if itr % 10 == 0:
                    LOGGER.debug("avg KL: %f / %f, avg new eta: %f",
                                 np.mean(kl_div[:-1]), np.mean(kl_step[:-1]),

        if (self.cons_per_step and not self._conv_check(con, kl_step)):
            m_b, v_b = np.zeros(T-1), np.zeros(T-1)

            for itr in range(DGD_MAX_GD_ITER):
                traj_distr, eta = self.backward(prev_traj_distr, traj_info,
                                                eta, algorithm, m)

                if not self._use_prev_distr:
                    new_mu, new_sigma = self.forward(traj_distr, traj_info)
                    kl_div = traj_distr_kl(
                            new_mu, new_sigma, traj_distr, prev_traj_distr,
                    prev_mu, prev_sigma = self.forward(prev_traj_distr,
                    kl_div = traj_distr_kl_alt(
                            prev_mu, prev_sigma, traj_distr, prev_traj_distr,

                con = kl_div - kl_step
                if self._conv_check(con, kl_step):
                            "KL: %f / %f, converged iteration %d",
                            np.mean(kl_div[:-1]), np.mean(kl_step[:-1]), itr

                m_b = (BETA1 * m_b + (1-BETA1) * con[:-1])
                m_u = m_b / (1 - BETA1 ** (itr+1))
                v_b = (BETA2 * v_b + (1-BETA2) * np.square(con[:-1]))
                v_u = v_b / (1 - BETA2 ** (itr+1))
                eta[:-1] = np.minimum(
                        np.maximum(eta[:-1] + ALPHA * m_u / (np.sqrt(v_u) + EPS),

                if itr % 10 == 0:
                    LOGGER.debug("avg KL: %f / %f, avg new eta: %f",
                                 np.mean(kl_div[:-1]), np.mean(kl_step[:-1]),

        if (np.mean(kl_div) > np.mean(kl_step) and
            not self._conv_check(con, kl_step)):
                    "Final KL divergence after DGD convergence is too high."
        return traj_distr, eta

    def estimate_cost(self, traj_distr, traj_info):
        """ Compute Laplace approximation to expected cost. """
        # Constants.
        T = traj_distr.T

        # Perform forward pass (note that we repeat this here, because
        # traj_info may have different dynamics from the ones that were
        # used to compute the distribution already saved in traj).
        mu, sigma = self.forward(traj_distr, traj_info)

        # Compute cost.
        predicted_cost = np.zeros(T)
        for t in range(T):
            predicted_cost[t] =[t] + 0.5 * \
                    np.sum(sigma[t, :, :] * traj_info.Cm[t, :, :]) + 0.5 * \
                    mu[t, :][t, :, :]).dot(mu[t, :]) + \
                    mu[t, :][t, :])
        return predicted_cost

    def forward(self, traj_distr, traj_info):
        Perform LQR forward pass. Computes state-action marginals from
        dynamics and policy.
            traj_distr: A linear Gaussian policy object.
            traj_info: A TrajectoryInfo object.
            mu: A T x dX mean action vector.
            sigma: A T x dX x dX covariance matrix.
        # Compute state-action marginals from specified conditional
        # parameters and current traj_info.
        T = traj_distr.T
        dU = traj_distr.dU
        dX = traj_distr.dX

        # Constants.
        idx_x = slice(dX)

        # Allocate space.
        sigma = np.zeros((T, dX+dU, dX+dU))
        mu = np.zeros((T, dX+dU))

        # Pull out dynamics.
        Fm = traj_info.dynamics.Fm
        fv = traj_info.dynamics.fv
        dyn_covar = traj_info.dynamics.dyn_covar

        # Set initial covariance (initial mu is always zero).
        sigma[0, idx_x, idx_x] = traj_info.x0sigma
        mu[0, idx_x] = traj_info.x0mu

        for t in range(T):
            sigma[t, :, :] = np.vstack([
                    sigma[t, idx_x, idx_x],
                    sigma[t, idx_x, idx_x].dot(traj_distr.K[t, :, :].T)
                    traj_distr.K[t, :, :].dot(sigma[t, idx_x, idx_x]),
                    traj_distr.K[t, :, :].dot(sigma[t, idx_x, idx_x]).dot(
                        traj_distr.K[t, :, :].T
                    ) + traj_distr.pol_covar[t, :, :]
            mu[t, :] = np.hstack([
                mu[t, idx_x],
                traj_distr.K[t, :, :].dot(mu[t, idx_x]) + traj_distr.k[t, :]
            if t < T - 1:
                sigma[t+1, idx_x, idx_x] = \
                        Fm[t, :, :].dot(sigma[t, :, :]).dot(Fm[t, :, :].T) + \
                        dyn_covar[t, :, :]
                mu[t+1, idx_x] = Fm[t, :, :].dot(mu[t, :]) + fv[t, :]
        return mu, sigma

    def backward(self, prev_traj_distr, traj_info, eta, algorithm, m):
        Perform LQR backward pass. This computes a new linear Gaussian
        policy object.
            prev_traj_distr: A linear Gaussian policy object from
                previous iteration.
            traj_info: A TrajectoryInfo object.
            eta: Dual variable.
            algorithm: Algorithm object needed to compute costs.
            m: Condition number.
            traj_distr: A new linear Gaussian policy.
            new_eta: The updated dual variable. Updates happen if the
                Q-function is not PD.
        # Constants.
        T = prev_traj_distr.T
        dU = prev_traj_distr.dU
        dX = prev_traj_distr.dX

        if self._update_in_bwd_pass:
            traj_distr = prev_traj_distr.nans_like()
            traj_distr = prev_traj_distr.copy()

        # Store pol_wt if necessary
        if type(algorithm) == AlgorithmBADMM:
            pol_wt = algorithm.cur[m].pol_info.pol_wt

        idx_x = slice(dX)
        idx_u = slice(dX, dX+dU)

        # Pull out dynamics.
        Fm = traj_info.dynamics.Fm
        fv = traj_info.dynamics.fv

        # Non-SPD correction terms.
        del_ = self._hyperparams['del0']
        if self.cons_per_step:
            del_ = np.ones(T) * del_
        eta0 = eta

        # Run dynamic programming.
        fail = True
        while fail:
            fail = False  # Flip to true on non-symmetric PD.

            # Allocate.
            Vxx = np.zeros((T, dX, dX))
            Vx = np.zeros((T, dX))
            Qtt = np.zeros((T, dX+dU, dX+dU))
            Qt = np.zeros((T, dX+dU))

            if not self._update_in_bwd_pass:
                new_K, new_k = np.zeros((T, dU, dX)), np.zeros((T, dU))
                new_pS = np.zeros((T, dU, dU))
                new_ipS, new_cpS = np.zeros((T, dU, dU)), np.zeros((T, dU, dU))

            fCm, fcv = algorithm.compute_costs(
                    m, eta, augment=(not self.cons_per_step)

            # Compute state-action-state function at each time step.
            for t in range(T - 1, -1, -1):
                # Add in the cost.
                Qtt[t] = fCm[t, :, :]  # (X+U) x (X+U)
                Qt[t] = fcv[t, :]  # (X+U) x 1

                # Add in the value function from the next time step.
                if t < T - 1:
                    if type(algorithm) == AlgorithmBADMM:
                        multiplier = (pol_wt[t+1] + eta)/(pol_wt[t] + eta)
                        multiplier = 1.0
                    Qtt[t] += multiplier * \
                            Fm[t, :, :][t+1, :, :]).dot(Fm[t, :, :])
                    Qt[t] += multiplier * \
                            Fm[t, :, :][t+1, :] +
                                            Vxx[t+1, :, :].dot(fv[t, :]))

                # Symmetrize quadratic component.
                Qtt[t] = 0.5 * (Qtt[t] + Qtt[t].T)

                if not self.cons_per_step:
                    inv_term = Qtt[t, idx_u, idx_u]
                    k_term = Qt[t, idx_u]
                    K_term = Qtt[t, idx_u, idx_x]
                    inv_term = (1.0 / eta[t]) * Qtt[t, idx_u, idx_u] + \
                    k_term = (1.0 / eta[t]) * Qt[t, idx_u] - \
                    K_term = (1.0 / eta[t]) * Qtt[t, idx_u, idx_x] - \
                # Compute Cholesky decomposition of Q function action
                # component.
                    U = sp.linalg.cholesky(inv_term)
                    L = U.T
                except LinAlgError as e:
                    # Error thrown when Qtt[idx_u, idx_u] is not
                    # symmetric positive definite.
                    LOGGER.debug('LinAlgError: %s', e)
                    fail = t if self.cons_per_step else True

                if self._hyperparams['update_in_bwd_pass']:
                    # Store conditional covariance, inverse, and Cholesky.
                    traj_distr.inv_pol_covar[t, :, :] = inv_term
                    traj_distr.pol_covar[t, :, :] = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
                        U, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L, np.eye(dU), lower=True)
                    traj_distr.chol_pol_covar[t, :, :] = sp.linalg.cholesky(
                        traj_distr.pol_covar[t, :, :]

                    # Compute mean terms.
                    traj_distr.k[t, :] = -sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
                        U, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L, k_term, lower=True)
                    traj_distr.K[t, :, :] = -sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
                        U, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L, K_term, lower=True)
                    # Store conditional covariance, inverse, and Cholesky.
                    new_ipS[t, :, :] = inv_term
                    new_pS[t, :, :] = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
                        U, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L, np.eye(dU), lower=True)
                    new_cpS[t, :, :] = sp.linalg.cholesky(
                        new_pS[t, :, :]

                    # Compute mean terms.
                    new_k[t, :] = -sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
                        U, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L, k_term, lower=True)
                    new_K[t, :, :] = -sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
                        U, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L, K_term, lower=True)

                # Compute value function.
                if (self.cons_per_step or
                    not self._hyperparams['update_in_bwd_pass']):
                    Vxx[t, :, :] = Qtt[t, idx_x, idx_x] + \
                            traj_distr.K[t][t, idx_u, idx_u]).dot(traj_distr.K[t]) + \
                            (2 * Qtt[t, idx_x, idx_u]).dot(traj_distr.K[t])
                    Vx[t, :] = Qt[t, idx_x].T + \
                            Qt[t, idx_u][t]) + \
                            traj_distr.k[t][t, idx_u, idx_u]).dot(traj_distr.K[t]) + \
                            Qtt[t, idx_x, idx_u].dot(traj_distr.k[t])
                    Vxx[t, :, :] = Qtt[t, idx_x, idx_x] + \
                            Qtt[t, idx_x, idx_u].dot(traj_distr.K[t, :, :])
                    Vx[t, :] = Qt[t, idx_x] + \
                            Qtt[t, idx_x, idx_u].dot(traj_distr.k[t, :])
                Vxx[t, :, :] = 0.5 * (Vxx[t, :, :] + Vxx[t, :, :].T)

            if not self._hyperparams['update_in_bwd_pass']:
                traj_distr.K, traj_distr.k = new_K, new_k
                traj_distr.pol_covar = new_pS
                traj_distr.inv_pol_covar = new_ipS
                traj_distr.chol_pol_covar = new_cpS

            # Increment eta on non-SPD Q-function.
            if fail:
                if not self.cons_per_step:
                    old_eta = eta
                    eta = eta0 + del_
                    LOGGER.debug('Increasing eta: %f -> %f', old_eta, eta)
                    del_ *= 2  # Increase del_ exponentially on failure.
                    old_eta = eta[fail]
                    eta[fail] = eta0[fail] + del_[fail]
                    LOGGER.debug('Increasing eta %d: %f -> %f',
                                 fail, old_eta, eta[fail])
                    del_[fail] *= 2  # Increase del_ exponentially on failure.
                if self.cons_per_step:
                    fail_check = (eta[fail] >= 1e16)
                    fail_check = (eta >= 1e16)
                if fail_check:
                    if np.any(np.isnan(Fm)) or np.any(np.isnan(fv)):
                        raise ValueError('NaNs encountered in dynamics!')
                    raise ValueError('Failed to find PD solution even for very \
                            large eta (check that dynamics and cost are \
                            reasonably well conditioned)!')
        return traj_distr, eta

    def _conv_check(self, con, kl_step):
        """Function that checks whether dual gradient descent has converged."""
        if self.cons_per_step:
            return all([abs(con[t]) < (0.1*kl_step[t]) for t in range(con.size)])
        return abs(con) < 0.1 * kl_step


First, utilities and functions

In [18]:

# CostAction
    'wu': np.array([]),  # Torque penalties, must be 1 x dU numpy array.

# CostState
    'ramp_option': RAMP_CONSTANT,  # How target cost ramps over time.
    'l1': 0.0,
    'l2': 1.0,
    'alpha': 1e-2,
    'wp_final_multiplier': 1.0,  # Weight multiplier on final time step.
    'data_types': {
        'JointAngle': {
            'target_state': None,  # Target state - must be set.
            'wp': None,  # State weights - must be set.

# CostSum
    'costs': [],  # A list of hyperparam dictionaries for each cost.
    'weights': [],  # Weight multipliers for each cost.

def get_ramp_multiplier(ramp_option, T, wp_final_multiplier=1.0):
    Return a time-varying multiplier.
        A (T,) float vector containing weights for each time step.
    if ramp_option == RAMP_CONSTANT:
        wpm = np.ones(T)
    elif ramp_option == RAMP_LINEAR:
        wpm = (np.arange(T, dtype=np.float32) + 1) / T
    elif ramp_option == RAMP_QUADRATIC:
        wpm = ((np.arange(T, dtype=np.float32) + 1) / T) ** 2
    elif ramp_option == RAMP_FINAL_ONLY:
        wpm = np.zeros(T)
        wpm[T-1] = 1.0
        raise ValueError('Unknown cost ramp requested!')
    wpm[-1] *= wp_final_multiplier
    return wpm

def evall1l2term(wp, d, Jd, Jdd, l1, l2, alpha):
    Evaluate and compute derivatives for combined l1/l2 norm penalty.
    loss = (0.5 * l2 * d^2) + (l1 * sqrt(alpha + d^2))
        wp: T x D matrix with weights for each dimension and time step.
        d: T x D states to evaluate norm on.
        Jd: T x D x Dx Jacobian - derivative of d with respect to state.
        Jdd: T x D x Dx x Dx Jacobian - 2nd derivative of d with respect
            to state.
        l1: l1 loss weight.
        l2: l2 loss weight.
        alpha: Constant added in square root.
    # Get trajectory length.
    T, _ = d.shape

    # Compute scaled quantities.
    sqrtwp = np.sqrt(wp)
    dsclsq = d * sqrtwp
    dscl = d * wp
    dscls = d * (wp ** 2)

    # Compute total cost.
    l = 0.5 * np.sum(dsclsq ** 2, axis=1) * l2 + \
            np.sqrt(alpha + np.sum(dscl ** 2, axis=1)) * l1

    # First order derivative terms.
    d1 = dscl * l2 + (
        dscls / np.sqrt(alpha + np.sum(dscl ** 2, axis=1, keepdims=True)) * l1
    lx = np.sum(Jd * np.expand_dims(d1, axis=2), axis=1)

    # Second order terms.
    psq = np.expand_dims(
        np.sqrt(alpha + np.sum(dscl ** 2, axis=1, keepdims=True)), axis=1
    d2 = l1 * (
        (np.expand_dims(np.eye(wp.shape[1]), axis=0) *
         (np.expand_dims(wp ** 2, axis=1) / psq)) -
        ((np.expand_dims(dscls, axis=1) *
          np.expand_dims(dscls, axis=2)) / psq ** 3)
    d2 += l2 * (
        np.expand_dims(wp, axis=2) * np.tile(np.eye(wp.shape[1]), [T, 1, 1])

    d1_expand = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(d1, axis=-1), axis=-1)
    sec = np.sum(d1_expand * Jdd, axis=1)

    Jd_expand_1 = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(Jd, axis=2), axis=4)
    Jd_expand_2 = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(Jd, axis=1), axis=3)
    d2_expand = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(d2, axis=-1), axis=-1)
    lxx = np.sum(np.sum(Jd_expand_1 * Jd_expand_2 * d2_expand, axis=1), axis=1)

    lxx += 0.5 * sec + 0.5 * np.transpose(sec, [0, 2, 1])

    return l, lx, lxx

def evallogl2term(wp, d, Jd, Jdd, l1, l2, alpha):
    Evaluate and compute derivatives for combined l1/l2 norm penalty.
    loss = (0.5 * l2 * d^2) + (0.5 * l1 * log(alpha + d^2))
        wp: T x D matrix with weights for each dimension and time step.
        d: T x D states to evaluate norm on.
        Jd: T x D x Dx Jacobian - derivative of d with respect to state.
        Jdd: T x D x Dx x Dx Jacobian - 2nd derivative of d with respect
            to state.
        l1: l1 loss weight.
        l2: l2 loss weight.
        alpha: Constant added in square root.
    # Get trajectory length.
    T, _ = d.shape

    # Compute scaled quantities.
    sqrtwp = np.sqrt(wp)
    dsclsq = d * sqrtwp
    dscl = d * wp
    dscls = d * (wp ** 2)

    # Compute total cost.
    l = 0.5 * np.sum(dsclsq ** 2, axis=1) * l2 + \
            0.5 * np.log(alpha + np.sum(dscl ** 2, axis=1)) * l1
    # First order derivative terms.
    d1 = dscl * l2 + (
        dscls / (alpha + np.sum(dscl ** 2, axis=1, keepdims=True)) * l1
    lx = np.sum(Jd * np.expand_dims(d1, axis=2), axis=1)

    # Second order terms.
    psq = np.expand_dims(
        alpha + np.sum(dscl ** 2, axis=1, keepdims=True), axis=1
    #TODO: Need * 2.0 somewhere in following line, or * 0.0 which is
    #      wrong but better.
    d2 = l1 * (
        (np.expand_dims(np.eye(wp.shape[1]), axis=0) *
         (np.expand_dims(wp ** 2, axis=1) / psq)) -
        ((np.expand_dims(dscls, axis=1) *
          np.expand_dims(dscls, axis=2)) / psq ** 2)
    d2 += l2 * (
        np.expand_dims(wp, axis=2) * np.tile(np.eye(wp.shape[1]), [T, 1, 1])

    d1_expand = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(d1, axis=-1), axis=-1)
    sec = np.sum(d1_expand * Jdd, axis=1)

    Jd_expand_1 = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(Jd, axis=2), axis=4)
    Jd_expand_2 = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(Jd, axis=1), axis=3)
    d2_expand = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(d2, axis=-1), axis=-1)
    lxx = np.sum(np.sum(Jd_expand_1 * Jd_expand_2 * d2_expand, axis=1), axis=1)

    lxx += 0.5 * sec + 0.5 * np.transpose(sec, [0, 2, 1])

    return l, lx, lxx

In [19]:
class Cost(object):
    """ Cost superclass. """
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        self._hyperparams = hyperparams

    def eval(self, sample):
        Evaluate cost function and derivatives.
            sample:  A single sample.
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass.")

class CostAction(Cost):
    """ Computes torque penalties. """
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        config = copy.deepcopy(COST_ACTION)
        Cost.__init__(self, config)

    def eval(self, sample):
        Evaluate cost function and derivatives on a sample.
            sample: A single sample
        sample_u = sample.get_U()
        T = sample.T
        Du = sample.dU
        Dx = sample.dX
        l = 0.5 * np.sum(self._hyperparams['wu'] * (sample_u ** 2), axis=1)
        lu = self._hyperparams['wu'] * sample_u
        lx = np.zeros((T, Dx))
        luu = np.tile(np.diag(self._hyperparams['wu']), [T, 1, 1])
        lxx = np.zeros((T, Dx, Dx))
        lux = np.zeros((T, Du, Dx))
        return l, lx, lu, lxx, luu, lux

class CostState(Cost):
    """ Computes l1/l2 distance to a fixed target state. """
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        config = copy.deepcopy(COST_STATE)
        Cost.__init__(self, config)

    def eval(self, sample):
        Evaluate cost function and derivatives on a sample.
            sample:  A single sample
        T = sample.T
        Du = sample.dU
        Dx = sample.dX

        final_l = np.zeros(T)
        final_lu = np.zeros((T, Du))
        final_lx = np.zeros((T, Dx))
        final_luu = np.zeros((T, Du, Du))
        final_lxx = np.zeros((T, Dx, Dx))
        final_lux = np.zeros((T, Du, Dx))

        for data_type in self._hyperparams['data_types']:
            config = self._hyperparams['data_types'][data_type]
            wp = config['wp']
            tgt = config['target_state']
            x = sample.get(data_type)
            _, dim_sensor = x.shape

            wpm = get_ramp_multiplier(
                self._hyperparams['ramp_option'], T,
            wp = wp * np.expand_dims(wpm, axis=-1)
            # Compute state penalty.
            dist = x - tgt

            # Evaluate penalty term.
            l, ls, lss = evall1l2term(
                wp, dist, np.tile(np.eye(dim_sensor), [T, 1, 1]),
                np.zeros((T, dim_sensor, dim_sensor, dim_sensor)),
                self._hyperparams['l1'], self._hyperparams['l2'],

            final_l += l

            sample.agent.pack_data_x(final_lx, ls, data_types=[data_type])
            sample.agent.pack_data_x(final_lxx, lss,
                                     data_types=[data_type, data_type])
        return final_l, final_lx, final_lu, final_lxx, final_luu, final_lux

class CostSum(Cost):
    """ A wrapper cost function that adds other cost functions. """
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        config = copy.deepcopy(COST_SUM)
        Cost.__init__(self, config)

        self._costs = []
        self._weights = self._hyperparams['weights']

        for cost in self._hyperparams['costs']:

    def eval(self, sample):
        Evaluate cost function and derivatives.
            sample:  A single sample
        l, lx, lu, lxx, luu, lux = self._costs[0].eval(sample)

        # Compute weighted sum of each cost value and derivatives.
        weight = self._weights[0]
        l = l * weight
        lx = lx * weight
        lu = lu * weight
        lxx = lxx * weight
        luu = luu * weight
        lux = lux * weight
        for i in range(1, len(self._costs)):
            pl, plx, plu, plxx, pluu, plux = self._costs[i].eval(sample)
            weight = self._weights[i]
            l = l + pl * weight
            lx = lx + plx * weight
            lu = lu + plu * weight
            lxx = lxx + plxx * weight
            luu = luu + pluu * weight
            lux = lux + plux * weight
        return l, lx, lu, lxx, luu, lux

GUI and Datalogger

Code related to the custom GUI coded by the group at Berkeley

In [20]:
def generate_experiment_info(config):
    Generate experiment info, to be displayed by GPS Trainig GUI.
    Assumes config is the config created in
    common = config['common']
    algorithm = config['algorithm']

    if type(algorithm['cost']) == list:
        algorithm_cost_type = algorithm['cost'][0]['type'].__name__
        if (algorithm_cost_type) == 'CostSum':
            algorithm_cost_type += '(%s)' % ', '.join(
                    map(lambda cost: cost['type'].__name__,
        algorithm_cost_type = algorithm['cost']['type'].__name__
        if (algorithm_cost_type) == 'CostSum':
            algorithm_cost_type += '(%s)' % ', '.join(
                    map(lambda cost: cost['type'].__name__,

    if 'dynamics' in algorithm:        
        alg_dyn = str(algorithm['dynamics']['type'].__name__)
        alg_dyn = 'None'       

    return (
        'exp_name:   ' + str(common['experiment_name'])              + '\n' +
        'alg_type:   ' + str(algorithm['type'].__name__)             + '\n' +
        'alg_dyn:    ' + alg_dyn + '\n' +
        'alg_cost:   ' + str(algorithm_cost_type)                    + '\n' +
        'iterations: ' + str(config['iterations'])                   + '\n' +
        'conditions: ' + str(algorithm['conditions'])                + '\n' +
        'samples:    ' + str(config['num_samples'])                  + '\n'

PS3 config

### DO NOT CHANGE THE CONTENTS OF THIS FILE ### # PS3 Joystick Buttons and Axes # documentation: # Mappings from PS3 buttons to their corresponding array indices. PS3_BUTTON = { 'select': 0, 'stick_left': 1, 'stick_right': 2, 'start': 3, 'cross_up': 4, 'cross_right': 5, 'cross_down': 6, 'cross_left': 7, 'rear_left_2': 8, 'rear_right_2': 9, 'rear_left_1': 10, 'rear_right_1': 11, 'action_triangle': 12, 'action_circle': 13, 'action_cross': 14, 'action_square': 15, 'pairing': 16, } INVERTED_PS3_BUTTON = {value: key for key, value in PS3_BUTTON.items()} # Mappings from PS3 axes to their corresponding array indices. PS3_AXIS = { 'stick_left_leftwards': 0, 'stick_left_upwards': 1, 'stick_right_leftwards': 2, 'stick_right_upwards': 3, 'button_cross_up': 4, 'button_cross_right': 5, 'button_cross_down': 6, 'button_cross_left': 7, 'button_rear_left_2': 8, 'button_rear_right_2': 9, 'button_rear_left_1': 10, 'button_rear_right_1': 11, 'button_action_triangle': 12, 'button_action_circle': 13, 'button_action_cross': 14, 'button_action_square': 15, 'acceleratometer_left': 16, 'acceleratometer_forward': 17, 'acceleratometer_up': 18, 'gyro_yaw': 19, } INVERTED_PS3_AXIS = {value: key for key, value in PS3_AXIS.items()}

GUI config stuff

""" Default configuration and hyperparameter values for GUI objects. """ import itertools from gps_pb2 import TRIAL_ARM, AUXILIARY_ARM #from gps.gui.ps3_config import PS3_BUTTON, INVERTED_PS3_BUTTON # Mappings from actions to their corresponding keyboard bindings. # WARNING: keybindings must be unique keyboard_bindings = { # Target Setup. 'ptn': 'left', # previous target number 'ntn': 'right', # next target number 'pat': 'down', # previous actuator type 'nat': 'up', # next actuator type 'sip': 'i', # set initial position 'stp': 't', # set target position 'sii': 'z', # set initial image 'sti': 'x', # set target image 'mti': 'm', # move to initial 'mtt': 'n', # move to target 'rc': 'c', # relax controller 'mm': 'q', # mannequin mode # GPS Training. 'stop' : 's', # stop 'reset': 'r', # reset 'go' : 'g', # go 'fail' : 'f', # fail # Image Visualizer 'oii' : 'o', # overlay initial image 'oti' : 'p', # overlay target image } inverted_keyboard_bindings = {value: key for key, value in keyboard_bindings.items()} # Mappings from actions to their corresponding PS3 controller bindings. ps3_bindings = { # Target Setup 'ptn': (PS3_BUTTON['rear_right_1'], PS3_BUTTON['cross_left']), 'ntn': (PS3_BUTTON['rear_right_1'], PS3_BUTTON['cross_right']), 'pat': (PS3_BUTTON['rear_right_1'], PS3_BUTTON['cross_down']), 'nat': (PS3_BUTTON['rear_right_1'], PS3_BUTTON['cross_up']), 'sip': (PS3_BUTTON['rear_right_1'], PS3_BUTTON['action_square']), 'stp': (PS3_BUTTON['rear_right_1'], PS3_BUTTON['action_circle']), 'sii': (PS3_BUTTON['rear_right_1'], PS3_BUTTON['action_cross']), 'sti': (PS3_BUTTON['rear_right_1'], PS3_BUTTON['action_triangle']), 'mti': (PS3_BUTTON['rear_right_2'], PS3_BUTTON['cross_left']), 'mtt': (PS3_BUTTON['rear_right_2'], PS3_BUTTON['cross_right']), 'rc' : (PS3_BUTTON['rear_right_2'], PS3_BUTTON['cross_down']), 'mm' : (PS3_BUTTON['rear_right_2'], PS3_BUTTON['cross_up']), # GPS Training 'stop' : (PS3_BUTTON['rear_right_2'], PS3_BUTTON['action_square']), 'reset': (PS3_BUTTON['rear_right_2'], PS3_BUTTON['action_triangle']), 'go' : (PS3_BUTTON['rear_right_2'], PS3_BUTTON['action_circle']), 'fail' : (PS3_BUTTON['rear_right_2'], PS3_BUTTON['action_cross']), # Image Visualizer 'oii' : (PS3_BUTTON['cross_up'] ,), 'oti' : (PS3_BUTTON['cross_down'] ,), } inverted_ps3_bindings = {value: key for key, value in ps3_bindings.items()} permuted_inverted_ps3_bindings = {} for key, value in list(inverted_ps3_bindings.items()): for permuted_key in itertools.permutations(key, len(key)): permuted_inverted_ps3_bindings[permuted_key] = value config = { # Keyboard shortcuts bindings 'keyboard_bindings': keyboard_bindings, 'inverted_keyboard_bindings': inverted_keyboard_bindings, # PS3 controller bindings 'ps3_topic': 'joy', 'ps3_process_rate': 20, # Only process 1/20 of PS3 messages. 'ps3_button': PS3_BUTTON, 'inverted_ps3_button': INVERTED_PS3_BUTTON, 'ps3_bindings': ps3_bindings, 'inverted_ps3_bindings': inverted_ps3_bindings, 'permuted_inverted_ps3_bindings': permuted_inverted_ps3_bindings, # Images 'image_on': True, 'image_topic': '/camera/rgb/image_color', 'image_size': (240, 240), 'image_overlay_actuator': 'trial_arm', 'image_overlay_alpha': 0.3, # Both GUIs 'figsize': (12, 12), # Target Setup 'num_targets': 10, 'actuator_types': [TRIAL_ARM, AUXILIARY_ARM], 'actuator_names': ['trial_arm', 'auxiliary_arm'], 'target_output_fontsize': 10, # GPS Training 'initial_mode': 'run', 'algthm_output_fontsize': 10, 'algthm_output_max_display_size': 15, } def generate_experiment_info(config): """ Generate experiment info, to be displayed by GPS Trainig GUI. Assumes config is the config created in """ common = config['common'] algorithm = config['algorithm'] if type(algorithm['cost']) == list: algorithm_cost_type = algorithm['cost'][0]['type'].__name__ if (algorithm_cost_type) == 'CostSum': algorithm_cost_type += '(%s)' % ', '.join( map(lambda cost: cost['type'].__name__, algorithm['cost'][0]['costs'])) else: algorithm_cost_type = algorithm['cost']['type'].__name__ if (algorithm_cost_type) == 'CostSum': algorithm_cost_type += '(%s)' % ', '.join( map(lambda cost: cost['type'].__name__, algorithm['cost']['costs'])) if 'dynamics' in algorithm: alg_dyn = str(algorithm['dynamics']['type'].__name__) else: alg_dyn = 'None' return ( 'exp_name: ' + str(common['experiment_name']) + '\n' + 'alg_type: ' + str(algorithm['type'].__name__) + '\n' + 'alg_dyn: ' + alg_dyn + '\n' + 'alg_cost: ' + str(algorithm_cost_type) + '\n' + 'iterations: ' + str(config['iterations']) + '\n' + 'conditions: ' + str(algorithm['conditions']) + '\n' + 'samples: ' + str(config['num_samples']) + '\n' )

Action and ActionPanel

""" Action Panel The Action Panel contains a set of Action's which can be activated through one of three methods: a clickable button, a keyboard shortcut, or a ps3 controller binding (with ps3 controller button presses read through ROS). """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.widgets import Button #from gps.gui.config import config import logging LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ROS_ENABLED = False try: import rospkg import roslib import rospy from sensor_msgs.msg import Joy roslib.load_manifest('gps_agent_pkg') ROS_ENABLED = True except ImportError as e: LOGGER.debug('Import ROS failed: %s', e) except rospkg.common.ResourceNotFound as e: LOGGER.debug('No gps_agent_pkg: %s', e) class Action: """ An action is defined by a key (used to identify it), a name, and a function. It is called by placing it on an matplotlib Axis object (as specified by axis_pos), giving it a keyboard_binding, or giving it a ps3_binding. """ def __init__(self, key, name, func, axis_pos=None, keyboard_binding=None, ps3_binding=None): self.key = key = name self.func = func self.axis_pos = axis_pos self.kb = keyboard_binding self.pb = ps3_binding class ActionPanel: def __init__(self, fig, gs, rows, cols, actions_arr): """ Constructs an ActionPanel assuming actions_arr is an array of fully initialized actions. Each action must have: key, name, func. Each action can have: axis_pos, keyboard_binding, ps3_binding. """ assert len(actions_arr) <= rows*cols, 'Too many actions to put into gridspec.' self._fig = fig self._gs = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(rows, cols, subplot_spec=gs) self._axarr = [plt.subplot(self._gs[i]) for i in range(len(actions_arr))] # Read keyboard_bindings and ps3_bindings from config self._actions = {action.key: action for action in actions_arr} for key, action in self._actions.items(): if key in config['keyboard_bindings']: action.kb = config['keyboard_bindings'][key] if key in config['ps3_bindings']: action.pb = config['ps3_bindings'][key] self._buttons = None self._initialize_buttons() self._cid = self._fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key_press) if ROS_ENABLED: self._ps3_count = 0 rospy.Subscriber(config['ps3_topic'], Joy, self.ps3_callback) def _initialize_buttons(self): self._buttons = {} for key, action in self._actions.items(): if action.axis_pos is None: continue button_name = '%s\n(%s)' % (, action.kb) if ROS_ENABLED and action.pb: ps3_buttons = [config['inverted_ps3_button'][i] for i in action.pb] button_name += '\n(%s)' % ',\n'.join(ps3_buttons) self._buttons[key] = Button(self._axarr[action.axis_pos], button_name) self._buttons[key].on_clicked(action.func) def on_key_press(self, event): if event.key in config['inverted_keyboard_bindings']: key = config['inverted_keyboard_bindings'][event.key] if key in self._actions: self._actions[key].func() else: LOGGER.debug('Unrecognized keyboard input: %s', str(event.key)) def ps3_callback(self, joy_msg): self._ps3_count += 1 if self._ps3_count % config['ps3_process_rate'] != 0: return buttons_pressed = tuple(np.nonzero(joy_msg.buttons)[0]) if buttons_pressed in config['permuted_inverted_ps3_bindings']: self._actions[config['permuted_inverted_ps3_bindings'][buttons_pressed]].func() else: if ((len(buttons_pressed) == 1 and buttons_pressed[0] not in ( config['ps3_button']['rear_right_1'], config['ps3_button']['rear_right_1'])) or len(buttons_pressed) >= 2): LOGGER.debug('Unrecognized ps3 controller input:\n%s', str([config['inverted_ps3_button'][b] for b in buttons_pressed]))


""" Textbox A Textbox represents the standard textbox. It has basic capabilities for setting the text, appending text, or changing the background color. If a log filename is given, all text displayed by the Textbox is also placed within the log file. """ import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec from matplotlib.colors import ColorConverter class Textbox: def __init__(self, fig, gs, log_filename=None, max_display_size=10, border_on=False, bgcolor=mpl.rcParams['figure.facecolor'], bgalpha=1.0, fontsize=12, font_family='sans-serif'): self._fig = fig self._gs = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(1, 1, subplot_spec=gs) self._ax = plt.subplot(self._gs[0]) self._log_filename = log_filename self._text_box = self._ax.text(0.01, 0.95, '', color='black', va='top', ha='left', transform=self._ax.transAxes, fontsize=fontsize, family=font_family) self._text_arr = [] self._max_display_size = max_display_size self._ax.set_xticks([]) self._ax.set_yticks([]) if not border_on: self._ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) self._ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) self._ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) self._ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) self._fig.canvas.draw() self._fig.canvas.flush_events() # Fixes bug with Qt4Agg backend self.set_bgcolor(bgcolor, bgalpha) # this must come after fig.canvas.draw() #TODO: Add docstrings here. def set_text(self, text): self._text_arr = [text] self._text_box.set_text('\n'.join(self._text_arr)) self.log_text(text) self.draw() def append_text(self, text): self._text_arr.append(text) if len(self._text_arr) > self._max_display_size: self._text_arr = self._text_arr[-self._max_display_size:] self._text_box.set_text('\n'.join(self._text_arr)) self.log_text(text) self.draw() def log_text(self, text): if self._log_filename is not None: with open(self._log_filename, 'a') as f: f.write(text + '\n') def set_bgcolor(self, color, alpha=1.0): self._ax.set_axis_bgcolor(ColorConverter().to_rgba(color, alpha)) self.draw() def draw(self): color, alpha = self._ax.get_axis_bgcolor(), self._ax.get_alpha() self._ax.set_axis_bgcolor(mpl.rcParams['figure.facecolor']) self._ax.draw_artist(self._ax.patch) self._ax.set_axis_bgcolor(ColorConverter().to_rgba(color, alpha)) self._ax.draw_artist(self._ax.patch) self._ax.draw_artist(self._text_box) self._fig.canvas.draw() self._fig.canvas.flush_events() # Fixes bug with Qt4Agg backend

GUI util

import os import numpy as np DEFAULT_JOINT_ANGLES = np.zeros(7) DEFAULT_END_EFFECTOR_POSITIONS = np.zeros(3) DEFAULT_END_EFFECTOR_ROTATIONS = np.zeros((3, 3)) def buffered_axis_limits(amin, amax, buffer_factor=1.0): """ Increases the range (amin, amax) by buffer_factor on each side and then rounds to precision of 1/10th min or max. Used for generating good plotting limits. For example (0, 100) with buffer factor 1.1 is buffered to (-10, 110) and then rounded to the nearest 10. """ diff = amax - amin amin -= (buffer_factor-1)*diff amax += (buffer_factor-1)*diff magnitude = np.floor(np.log10(np.amax(np.abs((amin, amax)) + 1e-100))) precision = np.power(10, magnitude-1) amin = np.floor(amin/precision) * precision amax = np.ceil (amax/precision) * precision return (amin, amax) def save_pose_to_npz(filename, actuator_name, target_number, data_time, pose): """ Saves a pose for the specified actuator name, target number, and data time. Args: filename - the target file ('../target.npz') actuator_name - the actuator name ('trial_arm', 'auxiliary_arm', etc.) target_number - the target number ('0', '1', '2', etc.) data_time - either 'initial or 'final' pose - (joint angle, end effector position, end effector rotation) tuple Return: None """ ja, ee_pos, ee_rot = pose save_data_to_npz(filename, actuator_name, target_number, data_time, 'ja', ja) save_data_to_npz(filename, actuator_name, target_number, data_time, 'ee_pos', ee_pos) save_data_to_npz(filename, actuator_name, target_number, data_time, 'ee_rot', ee_rot) def save_data_to_npz(filename, actuator_name, target_number, data_time, data_name, value): """ Save data to the specified file with key (actuator_name, target_number, data_time, data_name). """ key = '_'.join((actuator_name, target_number, data_time, data_name)) save_to_npz(filename, key, value) def save_to_npz(filename, key, value): """ Save a (key,value) pair to a npz dictionary. Args: filename: The file containing the npz dictionary. key: The key (string). value: The value (numpy array). """ tmp = {} if os.path.exists(filename): with np.load(filename) as f: tmp = dict(f) tmp[key] = value np.savez(filename, **tmp) def load_pose_from_npz(filename, actuator_name, target_number, data_time, default_ja=DEFAULT_JOINT_ANGLES, default_ee_pos=DEFAULT_END_EFFECTOR_POSITIONS, default_ee_rot=DEFAULT_END_EFFECTOR_ROTATIONS): """ Loads a pose for the specified actuator name, target number, and data time. Args: filename - the target file ('../target.npz') actuator_name - the actuator name ('trial_arm', 'auxiliary_arm', etc.) target_number - the target number ('0', '1', '2', etc.) data_time - either 'initial or 'final' Return: pose - (joint angle, end effector position, end effector rotation) tuple """ ja = load_data_from_npz(filename, actuator_name, target_number, data_time, 'ja', default=default_ja) ee_pos = load_data_from_npz(filename, actuator_name, target_number, data_time, 'ee_pos', default=default_ee_pos) ee_rot = load_data_from_npz(filename, actuator_name, target_number, data_time, 'ee_rot', default=default_ee_rot) return (ja, ee_pos, ee_rot) def load_data_from_npz(filename, actuator_name, target_number, data_time, data_name, default=None): """ Load data from the specified file with key (actuator_name, target_number, data_time, data_name). """ key = '_'.join((actuator_name, target_number, data_time, data_name)) return load_from_npz(filename, key, default) def load_from_npz(filename, key, default=None): """ Load a (key,value) pair from a npz dictionary. Returns default if failed. Args: filename: The file containing the npz dictionary. key: The key (string). value: The default value to return, if key or file not found. """ try: with np.load(filename) as f: return f[key] except (IOError, KeyError): pass return default


""" Mean Plotter The Mean Plotter plots data along with its mean. The data is plotted as dots whereas the mean is a connected line. This is used to plot the mean cost after each iteration, along with the initial costs for each sample and condition. """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec #from gps.gui.util import buffered_axis_limits class MeanPlotter: def __init__(self, fig, gs, label='mean', color='black', alpha=1.0, min_itr=10): self._fig = fig self._gs = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(1, 1, subplot_spec=gs) self._ax = plt.subplot(self._gs[0]) self._label = label self._color = color self._alpha = alpha self._min_itr = min_itr self._ts = np.empty((1, 0)) self._data_mean = np.empty((1, 0)) self._plots_mean = self._ax.plot([], [], '-x', markeredgewidth=1.0, color=self._color, alpha=1.0, label=self._label)[0] self._ax.set_xlim(0-0.5, self._min_itr+0.5) self._ax.set_ylim(0, 1) self._ax.minorticks_on() self._ax.legend(loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) self._init = False self._fig.canvas.draw() self._fig.canvas.flush_events() # Fixes bug with Qt4Agg backend def init(self, data_len): """ Initialize plots based off the length of the data array. """ self._t = 0 self._data_len = data_len self._data = np.empty((data_len, 0)) self._plots = [self._ax.plot([], [], '.', markersize=4, color='black', alpha=self._alpha)[0] for _ in range(data_len)] self._init = True def update(self, x, t=None): """ Update the plots with new data x. Assumes x is a one-dimensional array. """ x = np.ravel([x]) if not self._init: self.init(x.shape[0]) if not t: t = self._t assert x.shape[0] == self._data_len t = np.array([t]).reshape((1, 1)) x = x.reshape((self._data_len, 1)) mean = np.mean(x).reshape((1, 1)) self._t += 1 self._ts = np.append(self._ts, t, axis=1) self._data = np.append(self._data, x, axis=1) self._data_mean = np.append(self._data_mean, mean, axis=1) for i in range(self._data_len): self._plots[i].set_data(self._ts, self._data[i, :]) self._plots_mean.set_data(self._ts, self._data_mean[0, :]) self._ax.set_xlim(self._ts[0, 0]-0.5, max(self._ts[-1, 0], self._min_itr)+0.5) y_min, y_max = np.amin(self._data), np.amax(self._data) self._ax.set_ylim(buffered_axis_limits(y_min, y_max, buffer_factor=1.1)) self.draw() def draw(self): self._ax.draw_artist(self._ax.patch) for plot in self._plots: self._ax.draw_artist(plot) self._ax.draw_artist(self._plots_mean) self._fig.canvas.draw() self._fig.canvas.flush_events() # Fixes bug with Qt4Agg backend def draw_ticklabels(self): """ Redraws the ticklabels. Used to redraw the ticklabels (since they are outside the axis) when something else is drawn over them. """ for item in self._ax.get_xticklabels() + self._ax.get_yticklabels(): self._ax.draw_artist(item) self._fig.canvas.draw() self._fig.canvas.flush_events() # Fixes bug with Qt4Agg backend


""" Plotter 3D The Plotter 3D plots data in 3D. It has options for setting a title and legend, plotting 3D points or 3D Gaussians, and clipping data based off axis limits. This is used to plot the 3D trajectories, including the trajectory samples, policy samples, and the linear Gaussian controllers. """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D class Plotter3D: def __init__(self, fig, gs, num_plots, rows=None, cols=None): if cols is None: cols = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(num_plots))) if rows is None: rows = int(np.ceil(float(num_plots)/cols)) assert num_plots <= rows*cols, 'Too many plots to put into gridspec.' self._fig = fig self._gs = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(8, 1, subplot_spec=gs) self._gs_legend = self._gs[0:1, 0] self._gs_plot = self._gs[1:8, 0] self._ax_legend = plt.subplot(self._gs_legend) self._ax_legend.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) self._ax_legend.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) self._gs_plots = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(rows, cols, subplot_spec=self._gs_plot) self._axarr = [plt.subplot(self._gs_plots[i], projection='3d') for i in range(num_plots)] self._lims = [None for i in range(num_plots)] self._plots = [[] for i in range(num_plots)] for ax in self._axarr: ax.tick_params(pad=0) ax.locator_params(nbins=5) for item in (ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels() + ax.get_zticklabels()): item.set_fontsize(10) self._fig.canvas.draw() self._fig.canvas.flush_events() # Fixes bug with Qt4Agg backend def set_title(self, i, title): self._axarr[i].set_title(title) self._axarr[i].title.set_fontsize(10) def add_legend(self, linestyle, marker, color, label): self._ax_legend.plot([], [], linestyle=linestyle, marker=marker, color=color, label=label) self._ax_legend.legend(ncol=2, mode='expand', fontsize=10) def plot(self, i, xs, ys, zs, linestyle='-', linewidth=1.0, marker=None, markersize=5.0, markeredgewidth=1.0, color='black', alpha=1.0, label=''): # Manually clip at xlim, ylim, zlim (MPL doesn't support axis limits for 3D plots) if self._lims[i]: xlim, ylim, zlim = self._lims[i] xs[np.any(np.c_[xs < xlim[0], xs > xlim[1]], axis=1)] = np.nan ys[np.any(np.c_[ys < ylim[0], ys > ylim[1]], axis=1)] = np.nan zs[np.any(np.c_[zs < zlim[0], zs > zlim[1]], axis=1)] = np.nan # Create and add plot plot = self._axarr[i].plot(xs, ys, zs=zs, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, marker=marker, markersize=markersize, markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth, color=color, alpha=alpha, label=label)[0] self._plots[i].append(plot) def plot_3d_points(self, i, points, linestyle='-', linewidth=1.0, marker=None, markersize=5.0, markeredgewidth=1.0, color='black', alpha=1.0, label=''): self.plot(i, points[:, 0], points[:, 1], points[:, 2], linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, marker=marker, markersize=markersize, markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth, color=color, alpha=alpha, label=label) def plot_3d_gaussian(self, i, mu, sigma, edges=100, linestyle='-.', linewidth=1.0, color='black', alpha=0.1, label=''): """ Plots ellipses in the xy plane representing the Gaussian distributions specified by mu and sigma. Args: mu - Tx3 mean vector for (x, y, z) sigma - Tx3x3 covariance matrix for (x, y, z) edges - the number of edges to use to construct each ellipse """ p = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, edges) xy_ellipse = np.c_[np.cos(p), np.sin(p)] T = mu.shape[0] sigma_xy = sigma[:, 0:2, 0:2] u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(sigma_xy) for t in range(T): xyz = np.repeat(mu[t, :].reshape((1, 3)), edges, axis=0) xyz[:, 0:2] +=, np.sqrt(s[t, :])), u[t, :, :].T)) self.plot_3d_points(i, xyz, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, color=color, alpha=alpha, label=label) def set_lim(self, i, xlim, ylim, zlim): """ Sets the xlim, ylim, and zlim for plot i WARNING: limits must be set before adding data to plots Args: xlim - a tuple of (x_start, x_end) ylim - a tuple of (y_start, y_end) zlim - a tuple of (z_start, z_end) """ self._lims[i] = [xlim, ylim, zlim] def clear(self, i): for plot in self._plots[i]: plot.remove() self._plots[i] = [] def clear_all(self): for i in range(len(self._plots)): self.clear(i) def draw(self): for ax in self._axarr: ax.draw_artist(ax.patch) for i in range(len(self._plots)): for plot in self._plots[i]: self._axarr[i].draw_artist(plot) self._fig.canvas.draw() self._fig.canvas.flush_events() # Fixes bug with Qt4Agg backend


""" Image Visualizer The Image Visualizer class expects to be given images in real time (via the update function), and displays those images onto the screen. Optionally, images can be supplied via a rostopic. The Image Visualizer can also overlay an initial image or target image on top of the realtime images. This is used for resetting the task space after each sample if the robot disturbed it during sampling. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec import logging LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ROS_ENABLED = False try: import rospkg import roslib import rospy from sensor_msgs.msg import Image roslib.load_manifest('gps_agent_pkg') ROS_ENABLED = True except ImportError as e: LOGGER.debug('Import ROS failed: %s', e) except rospkg.common.ResourceNotFound as e: LOGGER.debug('No gps_agent_pkg: %s', e) class ImageVisualizer(object): def __init__(self, fig, gs, cropsize=None, rostopic=None, show_overlay_buttons=False): """ If rostopic is given to this constructor, then the image visualizer will automatically update with rostopic image. Else, the update method must be manually called to supply images. """ # Real-time image self._t = 0 self._current_image = None self._crop_size = cropsize # Image overlay self._initial_image_overlay_on = False self._target_image_overlay_on = False self._initial_image = None self._initial_alpha = None self._target_image = None self._target_alpha = None self._default_image = np.zeros((1, 1, 3)) self._default_alpha = 0.0 # Actions actions_arr = [ Action('oii', 'overlay_initial_image', self.toggle_initial_image_overlay, axis_pos=0), Action('oti', 'overlay_target_image', self.toggle_target_image_overlay, axis_pos=1), ] # GUI Components self._fig = fig self._gs = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(8, 1, subplot_spec=gs) self._gs_action_panel = self._gs[0:1, 0] self._gs_image_axis = self._gs[1:8, 0] if show_overlay_buttons: self._action_panel = ActionPanel(self._fig, self._gs_action_panel, 1, 2, actions_arr) self._ax_image = plt.subplot(self._gs_image_axis) self._ax_image.set_axis_off() self._plot = self._ax_image.imshow(self._default_image) self._overlay_plot_initial = self._ax_image.imshow(self._default_image, alpha=self._default_alpha) self._overlay_plot_target = self._ax_image.imshow(self._default_image, alpha=self._default_alpha) self._fig.canvas.draw() self._fig.canvas.flush_events() # Fixes bug with Qt4Agg backend # ROS subscriber for PS3 controller if rostopic and ROS_ENABLED: rospy.Subscriber(rostopic, Image, self.update_ros, queue_size=1, buff_size=2**24) def update(self, image): """ Update images. """ if image is None: return image = np.array(image, dtype=float) if self._crop_size: h, w = image.shape[0], image.shape[1] ch, cw = self._crop_size[0], self._crop_size[1] image = image[(h/2-ch/2):(h/2-ch/2+ch), (w/2-cw/2):(w/2-cw/2+cw), :] self._current_image = image self._plot.set_array(image) self.draw() def update_ros(self, image_msg): # Extract image. image = np.fromstring(, np.uint8) # Convert from ros image format to matplotlib image format. image = image.reshape(image_msg.height, image_msg.width, 3)[:, :, ::-1] image = 255 - image # Update visualizer. self.update(image) def get_current_image(self): return self._current_image def set_initial_image(self, image, alpha=0.3): if image is None: return self._initial_image = np.array(image, dtype=float) self._initial_alpha = alpha def set_target_image(self, image, alpha=0.3): if image is None: return self._target_image = np.array(image, dtype=float) self._target_alpha = alpha def toggle_initial_image_overlay(self, event=None): self._initial_image_overlay_on = not self._initial_image_overlay_on if self._initial_image is not None and self._initial_image_overlay_on: image = self._initial_image else: image = self._default_image if self._initial_alpha is not None and self._initial_image_overlay_on: alpha = self._initial_alpha else: alpha = self._default_alpha self._overlay_plot_initial.set_array(image) self._overlay_plot_initial.set_alpha(alpha) self.draw() def toggle_target_image_overlay(self, event=None): self._target_image_overlay_on = not self._target_image_overlay_on if self._target_image is not None and self._target_image_overlay_on: image = self._target_image else: image = self._default_image if self._target_alpha is not None and self._target_image_overlay_on: alpha = self._target_alpha else: alpha = self._default_alpha self._overlay_plot_target.set_array(image) self._overlay_plot_target.set_alpha(alpha) self.draw() def draw(self): self._ax_image.draw_artist(self._ax_image.patch) self._ax_image.draw_artist(self._plot) self._ax_image.draw_artist(self._overlay_plot_initial) self._ax_image.draw_artist(self._overlay_plot_target) self._fig.canvas.update() self._fig.canvas.flush_events() # Fixes bug with Qt4Agg backend


""" GPS Training GUI The GPS Training GUI is used to interact with the GPS algorithm during training. It contains the below seven functionalities: Action Panel contains buttons for stop, reset, go, fail Action Status Textbox displays action status Algorithm Status Textbox displays algorithm status Cost Plot displays costs after each iteration Algorithm Output Textbox displays algorithm output after each iteration 3D Trajectory Visualizer displays 3D trajectories after each iteration Image Visualizer displays images received from a rostopic For more detailed documentation, visit: """ import time import threading import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec #from gps.gui.config import config #from gps.gui.action_panel import Action, ActionPanel #from gps.gui.textbox import Textbox #from gps.gui.mean_plotter import MeanPlotter #from gps.gui.plotter_3d import Plotter3D #from gps.gui.image_visualizer import ImageVisualizer #from gps.gui.util import buffered_axis_limits, load_data_from_npz from gps_pb2 import END_EFFECTOR_POINTS # Needed for typechecks #from gps.algorithm.algorithm_badmm import AlgorithmBADMM #from gps.algorithm.algorithm_mdgps import AlgorithmMDGPS class GPSTrainingGUI(object): def __init__(self, hyperparams): self._hyperparams = hyperparams self._log_filename = self._hyperparams['log_filename'] if 'target_filename' in self._hyperparams: self._target_filename = self._hyperparams['target_filename'] else: self._target_filename = None # GPS Training Status. self.mode = config['initial_mode'] # Modes: run, wait, end, request, process. self.request = None # Requests: stop, reset, go, fail, None. self.err_msg = None self._colors = { 'run': 'cyan', 'wait': 'orange', 'end': 'red', 'stop': 'red', 'reset': 'yellow', 'go': 'green', 'fail': 'magenta', } self._first_update = True # Actions. actions_arr = [ Action('stop', 'stop', self.request_stop, axis_pos=0), Action('reset', 'reset', self.request_reset, axis_pos=1), Action('go', 'go', self.request_go, axis_pos=2), Action('fail', 'fail', self.request_fail, axis_pos=3), ] # Setup figure. plt.ion() plt.rcParams['toolbar'] = 'None' for key in plt.rcParams: if key.startswith('keymap.'): plt.rcParams[key] = '' self._fig = plt.figure(figsize=config['figsize']) self._fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.01, bottom=0.01, right=0.99, top=0.99, wspace=0, hspace=0) # Assign GUI component locations. self._gs = gridspec.GridSpec(16, 8) self._gs_action_panel = self._gs[0:2, 0:8] self._gs_action_output = self._gs[2:3, 0:4] self._gs_status_output = self._gs[3:4, 0:4] self._gs_cost_plotter = self._gs[2:4, 4:8] self._gs_algthm_output = self._gs[4:8, 0:8] if config['image_on']: self._gs_traj_visualizer = self._gs[8:16, 0:4] self._gs_image_visualizer = self._gs[8:16, 4:8] else: self._gs_traj_visualizer = self._gs[8:16, 0:8] # Create GUI components. self._action_panel = ActionPanel(self._fig, self._gs_action_panel, 1, 4, actions_arr) self._action_output = Textbox(self._fig, self._gs_action_output, border_on=True) self._status_output = Textbox(self._fig, self._gs_status_output, border_on=False) self._algthm_output = Textbox(self._fig, self._gs_algthm_output, max_display_size=config['algthm_output_max_display_size'], log_filename=self._log_filename, fontsize=config['algthm_output_fontsize'], font_family='monospace') self._cost_plotter = MeanPlotter(self._fig, self._gs_cost_plotter, color='blue', label='mean cost') self._traj_visualizer = Plotter3D(self._fig, self._gs_traj_visualizer, num_plots=self._hyperparams['conditions']) if config['image_on']: self._image_visualizer = ImageVisualizer(self._fig, self._gs_image_visualizer, cropsize=config['image_size'], rostopic=config['image_topic'], show_overlay_buttons=True) # Setup GUI components. self._algthm_output.log_text('\n') self.set_output_text(self._hyperparams['info']) if config['initial_mode'] == 'run': self.run_mode() else: self.wait_mode() # Setup 3D Trajectory Visualizer plot titles and legends for m in range(self._hyperparams['conditions']): self._traj_visualizer.set_title(m, 'Condition %d' % (m)) self._traj_visualizer.add_legend(linestyle='-', marker='None', color='green', label='Trajectory Samples') self._traj_visualizer.add_legend(linestyle='-', marker='None', color='blue', label='Policy Samples') self._traj_visualizer.add_legend(linestyle='None', marker='x', color=(0.5, 0, 0), label='LG Controller Means') self._traj_visualizer.add_legend(linestyle='-', marker='None', color='red', label='LG Controller Distributions') self._fig.canvas.draw() # Display calculating thread def display_calculating(delay, run_event): while True: if not run_event.is_set(): run_event.wait() if run_event.is_set(): self.set_status_text('Calculating.') time.sleep(delay) if run_event.is_set(): self.set_status_text('Calculating..') time.sleep(delay) if run_event.is_set(): self.set_status_text('Calculating...') time.sleep(delay) self._calculating_run = threading.Event() self._calculating_thread = threading.Thread(target=display_calculating, args=(1, self._calculating_run)) self._calculating_thread.daemon = True self._calculating_thread.start() # GPS Training functions def request_stop(self, event=None): self.request_mode('stop') def request_reset(self, event=None): self.request_mode('reset') def request_go(self, event=None): self.request_mode('go') def request_fail(self, event=None): self.request_mode('fail') def request_mode(self, request): """ Sets the request mode (stop, reset, go, fail). The request is read by gps_main before sampling, and the appropriate action is taken. """ self.mode = 'request' self.request = request self.set_action_text(self.request + ' requested') self.set_action_bgcolor(self._colors[self.request], alpha=0.2) def process_mode(self): """ Completes the current request, after it is first read by gps_main. Displays visual confirmation that the request was processed, displays any error messages, and then switches into mode 'run' or 'wait'. """ self.mode = 'process' self.set_action_text(self.request + ' processed') self.set_action_bgcolor(self._colors[self.request], alpha=1.0) if self.err_msg: self.set_action_text(self.request + ' processed' + '\nERROR: ' + self.err_msg) self.err_msg = None time.sleep(1.0) else: time.sleep(0.5) if self.request in ('stop', 'reset', 'fail'): self.wait_mode() elif self.request == 'go': self.run_mode() self.request = None def wait_mode(self): self.mode = 'wait' self.set_action_text('waiting') self.set_action_bgcolor(self._colors[self.mode], alpha=1.0) def run_mode(self): self.mode = 'run' self.set_action_text('running') self.set_action_bgcolor(self._colors[self.mode], alpha=1.0) def end_mode(self): self.mode = 'end' self.set_action_text('ended') self.set_action_bgcolor(self._colors[self.mode], alpha=1.0) def estop(self, event=None): self.set_action_text('estop: NOT IMPLEMENTED') # GUI functions def set_action_text(self, text): self._action_output.set_text(text) self._cost_plotter.draw_ticklabels() # redraw overflow ticklabels def set_action_bgcolor(self, color, alpha=1.0): self._action_output.set_bgcolor(color, alpha) self._cost_plotter.draw_ticklabels() # redraw overflow ticklabels def set_status_text(self, text): self._status_output.set_text(text) self._cost_plotter.draw_ticklabels() # redraw overflow ticklabels def set_output_text(self, text): self._algthm_output.set_text(text) self._cost_plotter.draw_ticklabels() # redraw overflow ticklabels def append_output_text(self, text): self._algthm_output.append_text(text) self._cost_plotter.draw_ticklabels() # redraw overflow ticklabels def start_display_calculating(self): self._calculating_run.set() def stop_display_calculating(self): self._calculating_run.clear() def set_image_overlays(self, condition): """ Sets up the image visualizer with what images to overlay if "overlay_initial_image" or "overlay_target_image" is pressed. """ if not config['image_on'] or not self._target_filename: return initial_image = load_data_from_npz(self._target_filename, config['image_overlay_actuator'], str(condition), 'initial', 'image', default=None) target_image = load_data_from_npz(self._target_filename, config['image_overlay_actuator'], str(condition), 'target', 'image', default=None) self._image_visualizer.set_initial_image(initial_image, alpha=config['image_overlay_alpha']) self._image_visualizer.set_target_image(target_image, alpha=config['image_overlay_alpha']) # Iteration update functions def update(self, itr, algorithm, agent, traj_sample_lists, pol_sample_lists): """ After each iteration, update the iteration data output, the cost plot, and the 3D trajectory visualizations (if end effector points exist). """ if self._first_update: self._output_column_titles(algorithm) self._first_update = False costs = [np.mean(np.sum(algorithm.prev[m].cs, axis=1)) for m in range(algorithm.M)] self._update_iteration_data(itr, algorithm, costs, pol_sample_lists) self._cost_plotter.update(costs, t=itr) if END_EFFECTOR_POINTS in agent.x_data_types: self._update_trajectory_visualizations(algorithm, agent, traj_sample_lists, pol_sample_lists) self._fig.canvas.draw() self._fig.canvas.flush_events() # Fixes bug in Qt4Agg backend def _output_column_titles(self, algorithm, policy_titles=False): """ Setup iteration data column titles: iteration, average cost, and for each condition the mean cost over samples, step size, linear Guassian controller entropies, and initial/final KL divergences for BADMM. """ self.set_output_text(self._hyperparams['experiment_name']) if isinstance(algorithm, AlgorithmMDGPS) or isinstance(algorithm, AlgorithmBADMM): condition_titles = '%3s | %8s %12s' % ('', '', '') itr_data_fields = '%3s | %8s %12s' % ('itr', 'avg_cost', 'avg_pol_cost') else: condition_titles = '%3s | %8s' % ('', '') itr_data_fields = '%3s | %8s' % ('itr', 'avg_cost') for m in range(algorithm.M): condition_titles += ' | %8s %9s %-7d' % ('', 'condition', m) itr_data_fields += ' | %8s %8s %8s' % (' cost ', ' step ', 'entropy ') if isinstance(algorithm, AlgorithmBADMM): condition_titles += ' %8s %8s %8s' % ('', '', '') itr_data_fields += ' %8s %8s %8s' % ('pol_cost', 'kl_div_i', 'kl_div_f') elif isinstance(algorithm, AlgorithmMDGPS): condition_titles += ' %8s' % ('') itr_data_fields += ' %8s' % ('pol_cost') self.append_output_text(condition_titles) self.append_output_text(itr_data_fields) def _update_iteration_data(self, itr, algorithm, costs, pol_sample_lists): """ Update iteration data information: iteration, average cost, and for each condition the mean cost over samples, step size, linear Guassian controller entropies, and initial/final KL divergences for BADMM. """ avg_cost = np.mean(costs) if pol_sample_lists is not None: test_idx = algorithm._hyperparams['test_conditions'] # pol_sample_lists is a list of singletons samples = [sl[0] for sl in pol_sample_lists] pol_costs = [np.sum(algorithm.cost[idx].eval(s)[0]) for s, idx in zip(samples, test_idx)] itr_data = '%3d | %8.2f %12.2f' % (itr, avg_cost, np.mean(pol_costs)) else: itr_data = '%3d | %8.2f' % (itr, avg_cost) for m in range(algorithm.M): cost = costs[m] step = np.mean(algorithm.prev[m].step_mult * algorithm.base_kl_step) entropy = 2*np.sum(np.log(np.diagonal(algorithm.prev[m].traj_distr.chol_pol_covar, axis1=1, axis2=2))) itr_data += ' | %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f' % (cost, step, entropy) if isinstance(algorithm, AlgorithmBADMM): kl_div_i = algorithm.cur[m].pol_info.init_kl.mean() kl_div_f = algorithm.cur[m].pol_info.prev_kl.mean() itr_data += ' %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f' % (pol_costs[m], kl_div_i, kl_div_f) elif isinstance(algorithm, AlgorithmMDGPS): # TODO: Change for test/train better. if test_idx == algorithm._hyperparams['train_conditions']: itr_data += ' %8.2f' % (pol_costs[m]) else: itr_data += ' %8s' % ("N/A") self.append_output_text(itr_data) def _update_trajectory_visualizations(self, algorithm, agent, traj_sample_lists, pol_sample_lists): """ Update 3D trajectory visualizations information: the trajectory samples, policy samples, and linear Gaussian controller means and covariances. """ xlim, ylim, zlim = self._calculate_3d_axis_limits(traj_sample_lists, pol_sample_lists) for m in range(algorithm.M): self._traj_visualizer.clear(m) self._traj_visualizer.set_lim(i=m, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, zlim=zlim) if algorithm._hyperparams['fit_dynamics']: self._update_linear_gaussian_controller_plots(algorithm, agent, m) self._update_samples_plots(traj_sample_lists, m, 'green', 'Trajectory Samples') if pol_sample_lists: self._update_samples_plots(pol_sample_lists, m, 'blue', 'Policy Samples') self._traj_visualizer.draw() # this must be called explicitly def _calculate_3d_axis_limits(self, traj_sample_lists, pol_sample_lists): """ Calculate the 3D axis limits shared between trajectory plots, based on the minimum and maximum xyz values across all samples. """ all_eept = np.empty((0, 3)) sample_lists = traj_sample_lists if pol_sample_lists: sample_lists += traj_sample_lists for sample_list in sample_lists: for sample in sample_list.get_samples(): ee_pt = sample.get(END_EFFECTOR_POINTS) for i in range(ee_pt.shape[1]/3): ee_pt_i = ee_pt[:, 3*i+0:3*i+3] all_eept = np.r_[all_eept, ee_pt_i] min_xyz = np.amin(all_eept, axis=0) max_xyz = np.amax(all_eept, axis=0) xlim = buffered_axis_limits(min_xyz[0], max_xyz[0], buffer_factor=1.25) ylim = buffered_axis_limits(min_xyz[1], max_xyz[1], buffer_factor=1.25) zlim = buffered_axis_limits(min_xyz[2], max_xyz[2], buffer_factor=1.25) return xlim, ylim, zlim def _update_linear_gaussian_controller_plots(self, algorithm, agent, m): """ Update the linear Guassian controller plots with iteration data, for the mean and covariances of the end effector points. """ # Calculate mean and covariance for end effector points eept_idx = agent.get_idx_x(END_EFFECTOR_POINTS) start, end = eept_idx[0], eept_idx[-1] mu, sigma = algorithm.traj_opt.forward(algorithm.prev[m].traj_distr, algorithm.prev[m].traj_info) mu_eept, sigma_eept = mu[:, start:end+1], sigma[:, start:end+1, start:end+1] # Linear Gaussian Controller Distributions (Red) for i in range(mu_eept.shape[1]/3): mu, sigma = mu_eept[:, 3*i+0:3*i+3], sigma_eept[:, 3*i+0:3*i+3, 3*i+0:3*i+3] self._traj_visualizer.plot_3d_gaussian(i=m, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, edges=100, linestyle='-', linewidth=1.0, color='red', alpha=0.15, label='LG Controller Distributions') # Linear Gaussian Controller Means (Dark Red) for i in range(mu_eept.shape[1]/3): mu = mu_eept[:, 3*i+0:3*i+3] self._traj_visualizer.plot_3d_points(i=m, points=mu, linestyle='None', marker='x', markersize=5.0, markeredgewidth=1.0, color=(0.5, 0, 0), alpha=1.0, label='LG Controller Means') def _update_samples_plots(self, sample_lists, m, color, label): """ Update the samples plots with iteration data, for the trajectory samples and the policy samples. """ samples = sample_lists[m].get_samples() for sample in samples: ee_pt = sample.get(END_EFFECTOR_POINTS) for i in range(ee_pt.shape[1]/3): ee_pt_i = ee_pt[:, 3*i+0:3*i+3] self._traj_visualizer.plot_3d_points(m, ee_pt_i, color=color, label=label) def save_figure(self, filename): self._fig.savefig(filename)


In [21]:
import logging
   import cPickle as pickle
   import pickle

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class DataLogger(object):
    This class pickles data into files and unpickles data from files.
    TODO: Handle logging text to terminal, GUI text, and/or log file at
        DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL levels.
    TODO: Handle logging data to terminal, GUI text/plots, and/or data
    def __init__(self):

    def pickle(self, filename, data):
        """ Pickle data into file specified by filename. """
        pickle.dump(data, open(filename, 'wb'))

    def unpickle(self, filename):
        """ Unpickle data from file specified by filename. """
            return pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))
        except IOError:
            LOGGER.debug('Unpickle error. Cannot find file: %s', filename)
            return None



Base agent class

In [22]:
from gps_pb2 import ACTION

# Agent
    'dH': 0,
    'x0var': 0,
    'noisy_body_idx': np.array([]),
    'noisy_body_var': np.array([]),
    'pos_body_idx': np.array([]),
    'pos_body_offset': np.array([]),
    'smooth_noise': True,
    'smooth_noise_var': 2.0,
    'smooth_noise_renormalize': True,

class Agent(object):
    Agent superclass. The agent interacts with the environment to
    collect samples.
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        config = copy.deepcopy(AGENT)
        self._hyperparams = config

        # Store samples, along with size/index information for samples.
        self._samples = [[] for _ in range(self._hyperparams['conditions'])]
        self.T = self._hyperparams['T']
        self.dU = self._hyperparams['sensor_dims'][ACTION]

        self.x_data_types = self._hyperparams['state_include']
        self.obs_data_types = self._hyperparams['obs_include']
        if 'meta_include' in self._hyperparams:
            self.meta_data_types = self._hyperparams['meta_include']
            self.meta_data_types = []

        # List of indices for each data type in state X.
        self._state_idx, i = [], 0
        for sensor in self.x_data_types:
            dim = self._hyperparams['sensor_dims'][sensor]
            self._state_idx.append(list(range(i, i+dim)))
            i += dim
        self.dX = i

        # List of indices for each data type in observation.
        self._obs_idx, i = [], 0
        for sensor in self.obs_data_types:
            dim = self._hyperparams['sensor_dims'][sensor]
            self._obs_idx.append(list(range(i, i+dim)))
            i += dim
        self.dO = i

        # List of indices for each data type in meta data.
        self._meta_idx, i = [], 0
        for sensor in self.meta_data_types:
            dim = self._hyperparams['sensor_dims'][sensor]
            self._meta_idx.append(list(range(i, i+dim)))
            i += dim
        self.dM = i

        self._x_data_idx = {d: i for d, i in zip(self.x_data_types,
        self._obs_data_idx = {d: i for d, i in zip(self.obs_data_types,
        self._meta_data_idx = {d: i for d, i in zip(self.meta_data_types,

    def sample(self, policy, condition, verbose=True, save=True, noisy=True):
        Draw a sample from the environment, using the specified policy
        and under the specified condition, with or without noise.
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass.")

    def reset(self, condition):
        """ Reset environment to the specified condition. """
        pass  # May be overridden in subclass.

    def get_samples(self, condition, start=0, end=None):
        Return the requested samples based on the start and end indices.
            start: Starting index of samples to return.
            end: End index of samples to return.
        return (SampleList(self._samples[condition][start:]) if end is None
                else SampleList(self._samples[condition][start:end]))

    def clear_samples(self, condition=None):
        Reset the samples for a given condition, defaulting to all conditions.
            condition: Condition for which to reset samples.
        if condition is None:
            self._samples = [[] for _ in range(self._hyperparams['conditions'])]
            self._samples[condition] = []

    def delete_last_sample(self, condition):
        """ Delete the last sample from the specified condition. """

    def get_idx_x(self, sensor_name):
        Return the indices corresponding to a certain state sensor name.
            sensor_name: The name of the sensor.
        return self._x_data_idx[sensor_name]

    def get_idx_obs(self, sensor_name):
        Return the indices corresponding to a certain observation sensor name.
            sensor_name: The name of the sensor.
        return self._obs_data_idx[sensor_name]

    def pack_data_obs(self, existing_mat, data_to_insert, data_types,
        Update the observation matrix with new data.
            existing_mat: Current observation matrix.
            data_to_insert: New data to insert into the existing matrix.
            data_types: Name of the sensors to insert data for.
            axes: Which axes to insert data. Defaults to the last axes.
        num_sensor = len(data_types)
        if axes is None:
            # If axes not specified, assume indexing on last dimensions.
            axes = list(range(-1, -num_sensor - 1, -1))
            # Make sure number of sensors and axes are consistent.
            if num_sensor != len(axes):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Length of sensors (%d) must equal length of axes (%d)',
                    num_sensor, len(axes)

        # Shape checks.
        insert_shape = list(existing_mat.shape)
        for i in range(num_sensor):
            # Make sure to slice along X.
            if existing_mat.shape[axes[i]] != self.dO:
                raise ValueError('Axes must be along an dX=%d dimensional axis',
            insert_shape[axes[i]] = len(self._obs_data_idx[data_types[i]])
        if tuple(insert_shape) != data_to_insert.shape:
            raise ValueError('Data has shape %s. Expected %s',
                             data_to_insert.shape, tuple(insert_shape))

        # Actually perform the slice.
        index = [slice(None) for _ in range(len(existing_mat.shape))]
        for i in range(num_sensor):
            index[axes[i]] = slice(self._obs_data_idx[data_types[i]][0],
                                   self._obs_data_idx[data_types[i]][-1] + 1)
        existing_mat[index] = data_to_insert

    def pack_data_meta(self, existing_mat, data_to_insert, data_types,
        Update the meta data matrix with new data.
            existing_mat: Current meta data matrix.
            data_to_insert: New data to insert into the existing matrix.
            data_types: Name of the sensors to insert data for.
            axes: Which axes to insert data. Defaults to the last axes.
        num_sensor = len(data_types)
        if axes is None:
            # If axes not specified, assume indexing on last dimensions.
            axes = list(range(-1, -num_sensor - 1, -1))
            # Make sure number of sensors and axes are consistent.
            if num_sensor != len(axes):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Length of sensors (%d) must equal length of axes (%d)',
                    num_sensor, len(axes)

        # Shape checks.
        insert_shape = list(existing_mat.shape)
        for i in range(num_sensor):
            # Make sure to slice along X.
            if existing_mat.shape[axes[i]] != self.dM:
                raise ValueError('Axes must be along an dX=%d dimensional axis',
            insert_shape[axes[i]] = len(self._meta_data_idx[data_types[i]])
        if tuple(insert_shape) != data_to_insert.shape:
            raise ValueError('Data has shape %s. Expected %s',
                             data_to_insert.shape, tuple(insert_shape))

        # Actually perform the slice.
        index = [slice(None) for _ in range(len(existing_mat.shape))]
        for i in range(num_sensor):
            index[axes[i]] = slice(self._meta_data_idx[data_types[i]][0],
                                   self._meta_data_idx[data_types[i]][-1] + 1)
        existing_mat[index] = data_to_insert

    def pack_data_x(self, existing_mat, data_to_insert, data_types, axes=None):
        Update the state matrix with new data.
            existing_mat: Current state matrix.
            data_to_insert: New data to insert into the existing matrix.
            data_types: Name of the sensors to insert data for.
            axes: Which axes to insert data. Defaults to the last axes.
        num_sensor = len(data_types)
        if axes is None:
            # If axes not specified, assume indexing on last dimensions.
            axes = list(range(-1, -num_sensor - 1, -1))
            # Make sure number of sensors and axes are consistent.
            if num_sensor != len(axes):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Length of sensors (%d) must equal length of axes (%d)',
                    num_sensor, len(axes)

        # Shape checks.
        insert_shape = list(existing_mat.shape)
        for i in range(num_sensor):
            # Make sure to slice along X.
            if existing_mat.shape[axes[i]] != self.dX:
                raise ValueError('Axes must be along an dX=%d dimensional axis',
            insert_shape[axes[i]] = len(self._x_data_idx[data_types[i]])
        if tuple(insert_shape) != data_to_insert.shape:
            raise ValueError('Data has shape %s. Expected %s',
                             data_to_insert.shape, tuple(insert_shape))

        # Actually perform the slice.
        index = [slice(None) for _ in range(len(existing_mat.shape))]
        for i in range(num_sensor):
            index[axes[i]] = slice(self._x_data_idx[data_types[i]][0],
                                   self._x_data_idx[data_types[i]][-1] + 1)
        existing_mat[index] = data_to_insert

    def unpack_data_x(self, existing_mat, data_types, axes=None):
        Returns the requested data from the state matrix.
            existing_mat: State matrix to unpack from.
            data_types: Names of the sensor to unpack.
            axes: Which axes to unpack along. Defaults to the last axes.
        num_sensor = len(data_types)
        if axes is None:
            # If axes not specified, assume indexing on last dimensions.
            axes = list(range(-1, -num_sensor - 1, -1))
            # Make sure number of sensors and axes are consistent.
            if num_sensor != len(axes):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Length of sensors (%d) must equal length of axes (%d)',
                    num_sensor, len(axes)

        # Shape checks.
        for i in range(num_sensor):
            # Make sure to slice along X.
            if existing_mat.shape[axes[i]] != self.dX:
                raise ValueError('Axes must be along an dX=%d dimensional axis',

        # Actually perform the slice.
        index = [slice(None) for _ in range(len(existing_mat.shape))]
        for i in range(num_sensor):
            index[axes[i]] = slice(self._x_data_idx[data_types[i]][0],
                                   self._x_data_idx[data_types[i]][-1] + 1)
        return existing_mat[index]


An agent for the Box2D simulator

In [23]:
import scipy.ndimage as sp_ndimage

def generate_noise(T, dU, hyperparams):
    Generate a T x dU gaussian-distributed noise vector. This will
    approximately have mean 0 and variance 1, ignoring smoothing.

        T: Number of time steps.
        dU: Dimensionality of actions.
        smooth: Whether or not to perform smoothing of noise.
        var : If smooth=True, applies a Gaussian filter with this
        renorm : If smooth=True, renormalizes data to have variance 1
            after smoothing.
    smooth, var = hyperparams['smooth_noise'], hyperparams['smooth_noise_var']
    renorm = hyperparams['smooth_noise_renormalize']
    noise = np.random.randn(T, dU)
    if smooth:
        # Smooth noise. This violates the controller assumption, but
        # might produce smoother motions.
        for i in range(dU):
            noise[:, i] = sp_ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(noise[:, i], var)
        if renorm:
            variance = np.var(noise, axis=0)
            noise = noise / np.sqrt(variance)
    return noise

def setup(value, n):
    """ Go through various types of hyperparameters. """
    if not isinstance(value, list):
            return [value.copy() for _ in range(n)]
        except AttributeError:
            return [value for _ in range(n)]
    assert len(value) == n, \
            'Number of elements must match number of conditions or 1.'
    return value

In [24]:
from copy import deepcopy
from gps_pb2 import ACTION

    'render': True,

class AgentBox2D(Agent):
    All communication between the algorithms and Box2D is done through
    this class.
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        config = deepcopy(AGENT_BOX2D)
        Agent.__init__(self, config)


    def _setup_conditions(self):
        Helper method for setting some hyperparameters that may vary by
        conds = self._hyperparams['conditions']
        for field in ('x0', 'x0var', 'pos_body_idx', 'pos_body_offset',
                      'noisy_body_idx', 'noisy_body_var'):
            self._hyperparams[field] = setup(self._hyperparams[field], conds)

    def _setup_world(self, world, target, render):
        Helper method for handling setup of the Box2D world.
        self.x0 = self._hyperparams["x0"]
        self._worlds = [world(self.x0[i], target, render)
                        for i in range(self._hyperparams['conditions'])]

    def sample(self, policy, condition, verbose=False, save=True, noisy=True):
        Runs a trial and constructs a new sample containing information
        about the trial.

            policy: Policy to to used in the trial.
            condition (int): Which condition setup to run.
            verbose (boolean): Whether or not to plot the trial (not used here).
            save (boolean): Whether or not to store the trial into the samples.
            noisy (boolean): Whether or not to use noise during sampling.
        b2d_X = self._worlds[condition].get_state()
        new_sample = self._init_sample(b2d_X)
        U = np.zeros([self.T, self.dU])
        if noisy:
            noise = generate_noise(self.T, self.dU, self._hyperparams)
            noise = np.zeros((self.T, self.dU))
        for t in range(self.T):
            X_t = new_sample.get_X(t=t)
            obs_t = new_sample.get_obs(t=t)
            U[t, :] = policy.act(X_t, obs_t, t, noise[t, :])
            if (t+1) < self.T:
                for _ in range(self._hyperparams['substeps']):
                    self._worlds[condition].run_next(U[t, :])
                b2d_X = self._worlds[condition].get_state()
                self._set_sample(new_sample, b2d_X, t)
        new_sample.set(ACTION, U)
        if save:
        return new_sample

    def _init_sample(self, b2d_X):
        Construct a new sample and fill in the first time step.
        sample = Sample(self)
        self._set_sample(sample, b2d_X, -1)
        return sample

    def _set_sample(self, sample, b2d_X, t):
        for sensor in b2d_X.keys():
            sample.set(sensor, np.array(b2d_X[sensor]), t=t+1)



In [25]:
class fwSettings(object):
    """ This class contains the settings for Box2D's framwork. """
    backend = 'pygame'

    # Physics options
    hz = 20.0
    velocityIterations = 8
    positionIterations = 3
    enableWarmStarting = True
    enableContinuous = True
    enableSubStepping = False

    # Drawing
    drawStats = True
    drawShapes = True
    drawJoints = True
    drawCoreShapes = False
    drawAABBs = False
    drawOBBs = False
    drawPairs = False
    drawContactPoints = False
    maxContactPoints = 100
    drawContactNormals = False
    drawFPS = True
    drawMenu = True             # toggle by pressing F1
    drawCOMs = False            # Centers of mass
    pointSize = 2.5             # pixel radius for drawing points

    # Miscellaneous testbed options
    pause = False
    singleStep = False
    onlyInit = False

#             text                  variable
checkboxes = (("Warm Starting", "enableWarmStarting"),
              ("Time of Impact", "enableContinuous"),
              ("Sub-Stepping", "enableSubStepping"),
              ("Draw", None),
              ("Shapes", "drawShapes"),
              ("Joints", "drawJoints"),
              ("AABBs", "drawAABBs"),
              ("Pairs", "drawPairs"),
              ("Contact Points", "drawContactPoints"),
              ("Contact Normals", "drawContactNormals"),
              ("Center of Masses", "drawCOMs"),
              ("Statistics", "drawStats"),
              ("FPS", "drawFPS"),
              ("Control", None),
              ("Pause" "pause"),
              ("Single Step", "singleStep"))

sliders = [
    {'name' : 'hz', 'text' : 'Hertz', 'min' : 5, 'max' : 200},
    {'name' : 'positionIterations', 'text' :
     'Pos Iters', 'min' : 0, 'max' : 100},
    {'name' : 'velocityIterations', 'text' :
     'Vel Iters', 'min' : 1, 'max' : 500},

list_options = [i for i in dir(fwSettings) if not i.startswith('_')]

Framework: fwQueryCallback and FrameworkBase

In [26]:
import Box2D as b2
from time import time

class fwQueryCallback(b2.b2QueryCallback):
    This callback for each fixture in the world.
    def __init__(self, p):
        super(fwQueryCallback, self).__init__()
        self.point = p
        self.fixture = None

    def ReportFixture(self, fixture):
        This method is called to query for a fixture.
        body = fixture.body
        if body.type == b2.b2_dynamicBody:
            inside = fixture.TestPoint(self.point)
            if inside:
                self.fixture = fixture
                # We found the object, so stop the query
                return False
        # Continue the query
        return True

class FrameworkBase(b2.b2ContactListener):
    The base of the main Box2D GUI framework.

    name = "None"
    description = None
    colors = {
        'joint_line' : b2.b2Color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8),
        'contact_add' : b2.b2Color(0.3, 0.95, 0.3),
        'contact_persist' : b2.b2Color(0.3, 0.3, 0.95),
        'contact_normal' : b2.b2Color(0.4, 0.9, 0.4),

    def __reset(self):
        """ Reset all of the variables to their starting values.
        Not to be called except at initialization."""
        # Box2D-related
        self.points = []
        self.settings = fwSettings
        self.using_contacts = False
        self.stepCount = 0

        # Box2D-callbacks
        self.destructionListener = None
        self.renderer = None

    def __init__(self):
        super(FrameworkBase, self).__init__()


        # Box2D Initialization = b2.b2World(gravity=(0, -10), doSleep=True) = self
        self.t_steps, self.t_draws = [], []

    def __del__(self):

    def Step(self, settings, action=None):
        The main physics step.

        Takes care of physics drawing
        (callbacks are executed after the world.Step() )
        and drawing additional information.
        assert action is None,\
            'action should only be used in subclass'

        self.stepCount += 1
        # Don't do anything if the setting's Hz are <= 0
        if settings.hz > 0.0:
            timeStep = 1.0 / settings.hz
            timeStep = 0.0

        # Set the flags based on what the settings show
        if self.renderer:
            self.renderer.flags = dict(
                convertVertices=isinstance(self.renderer, b2.b2DrawExtended)

        # Set the other settings that aren't contained in the flags = settings.enableWarmStarting = settings.enableContinuous = settings.enableSubStepping

        # Reset the collision points
        self.points = []

        # Tell Box2D to step
        t_step = time(), settings.velocityIterations,
        t_step = time()-t_step

        # Update the debug draw settings so that the vertices will be properly
        # converted to screen coordinates
        t_draw = time()
        if self.renderer:

        if self.renderer:

            # Draw each of the contact points in different colors.
            if self.settings.drawContactPoints:
                for point in self.points:
                    if point['state'] == b2.b2_addState:
                            point['position']), settings.pointSize,
                    elif point['state'] == b2.b2_persistState:
                            point['position']), settings.pointSize,

            if settings.drawContactNormals:
                for point in self.points:
                    p1 = self.renderer.to_screen(point['position'])
                    p2 = self.renderer.axisScale * point['normal'] + p1
                    self.renderer.DrawSegment(p1, p2,

            t_draw = time()-t_draw

            t_draw = max(b2.b2_epsilon, t_draw)
            t_step = max(b2.b2_epsilon, t_step)


    def SimulationLoop(self, action):
        The main simulation loop. Don't override this, override Step instead.

        # Reset the text line to start the text from the top
        self.textLine = self.TEXTLINE_START

        # Draw the name of the test running
        self.Print(, (127, 127, 255))

        if self.description:
            # Draw the name of the test running
            for s in self.description.split('\n'):
                self.Print(s, (127, 255, 127))

        self.Step(self.settings, action)

    def PreSolve(self, contact, old_manifold):
        This is a critical function when there are many contacts in the world.
        It should be optimized as much as possible.
        if not (self.settings.drawContactPoints or
                self.settings.drawContactNormals or self.using_contacts):
        elif len(self.points) > self.settings.maxContactPoints:

        manifold = contact.manifold
        if manifold.pointCount == 0:

        _, state2 = b2.b2GetPointStates(old_manifold, manifold)
        if not state2:

        worldManifold = contact.worldManifold

        for i, _ in enumerate(state2):
                    'fixtureA' : contact.fixtureA,
                    'fixtureB' : contact.fixtureB,
                    'position' : worldManifold.points[i],
                    'normal' : worldManifold.normal,
                    'state' : state2[i]

#print(fwSettings.backend.lower()) # pygame
#print('gps.agent.box2d.'+'%s_framework' % (fwSettings.backend.lower())) # gps.agent.box2d.pygame_framework
#print('%sFramework'%fwSettings.backend.capitalize()) # PygameFramework
#print('%sFramework' %fwSettings.backend.capitalize()) # PygameFramework
#framework_module = __import__('gps.agent.box2d.'+'%s_framework' %
#                              (fwSettings.backend.lower()),
#                              fromlist=['%sFramework'
#                                        %fwSettings.backend.capitalize()])
#Framework = getattr(framework_module, '%sFramework' %
#                    fwSettings.backend.capitalize())

In [27]:
import Box2D as b2
import pygame

GUIEnabled = False

class PygameDraw(b2.b2DrawExtended):
    This debug draw class accepts callbacks from Box2D and
    handles all of the rendering.
    surface = None
    axisScale = 10.0
    def __init__(self, test=None, **kwargs):
        b2.b2DrawExtended.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        self.flipX = False
        self.flipY = True
        self.convertVertices = True
        self.test = test

    def StartDraw(self):
        Called by renderer before drawing.
        self.zoom = self.test.viewZoom = self.test.viewCenter
        self.offset = self.test.viewOffset
        self.screenSize = self.test.screenSize

    def EndDraw(self):
        Called by renderer when finished drawing.


    def DrawPoint(self, p, size, color):
        Draw a single point at point p given a pixel size and color.
        self.DrawCircle(p, size/self.zoom, color, drawwidth=0)

    def DrawAABB(self, aabb, color):
        Draw a wireframe around the AABB with the given color.
        points = [(aabb.lowerBound.x, aabb.lowerBound.y),
                  (aabb.upperBound.x, aabb.lowerBound.y),
                  (aabb.upperBound.x, aabb.upperBound.y),
                  (aabb.lowerBound.x, aabb.upperBound.y)]

        pygame.draw.aalines(self.surface, color, True, points)

    def DrawSegment(self, p1, p2, color):
        Draw the line segment from p1-p2 with the specified color.
        pygame.draw.aaline(self.surface, color.bytes, p1, p2)

    def DrawTransform(self, xf):
        Draw the transform xf on the screen
        p1 = xf.position
        p2 = self.to_screen(p1 + self.axisScale * xf.R.col1)
        p3 = self.to_screen(p1 + self.axisScale * xf.R.col2)
        p1 = self.to_screen(p1)

        pygame.draw.aaline(self.surface, (255, 0, 0), p1, p2)
        pygame.draw.aaline(self.surface, (0, 255, 0), p1, p3)

    def DrawCircle(self, center, radius, color, drawwidth=1):
        Draw a wireframe circle given the center, radius, and color.
        radius *= self.zoom
        if radius < 1:
            radius = 1
        else: radius = int(radius), color.bytes, center, radius, drawwidth)

    def DrawSolidCircle(self, center, radius, axis, color):
        Draw a solid circle given the center, radius, and color.
        radius *= self.zoom
        if radius < 1:
            radius = 1
        else: radius = int(radius), (color/2).bytes+[127],
                           center, radius, 0), color.bytes, center, radius, 1)
        pygame.draw.aaline(self.surface, (255, 0, 0), center,
                           (center[0] - radius*axis[0], center[1] +

    def DrawPolygon(self, vertices, color):
        Draw a wireframe polygon given the screen vertices with the given color.
        if not vertices:

        if len(vertices) == 2:
            pygame.draw.aaline(self.surface, color.bytes, vertices[0], vertices)
            pygame.draw.polygon(self.surface, color.bytes, vertices, 1)

    def DrawSolidPolygon(self, vertices, color):
        Draw a filled polygon given the screen vertices with the given color.
        if not vertices:

        if len(vertices) == 2:
            pygame.draw.aaline(self.surface, color.bytes, vertices[0],
            pygame.draw.polygon(self.surface, (color/2).bytes+[127],
                                vertices, 0)
            pygame.draw.polygon(self.surface, color.bytes, vertices, 1)

class PygameFramework(FrameworkBase):
    This class is the framework for running the simulation

    def __reset(self):
        # Screen/rendering-related
        self._viewZoom = 10.0
        self._viewCenter = None
        self._viewOffset = None
        self.screenSize = None
        self.rMouseDown = False
        self.textLine = 30
        self.font = None
        self.fps = 0

        # GUI-related (PGU)
        self.gui_app = None
        self.gui_table = None

    def __init__(self):
        super(PygameFramework, self).__init__()

        print('Initializing pygame framework...')
        # Pygame Initialization
        caption = "Python Box2D Testbed - " +

        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480))
        self.screenSize = b2.b2Vec2(*self.screen.get_size())

        self.renderer = PygameDraw(surface=self.screen, test=self) = self.renderer

        self.font = pygame.font.Font(None, 15)

        self.viewCenter = (0, 20.0)
        self.groundbody =

    def setCenter(self, value):
        Updates the view offset based on the center of the screen.
        self._viewCenter = b2.b2Vec2(*value)
        self._viewCenter *= self._viewZoom
        self._viewOffset = self._viewCenter - self.screenSize/2

    def setZoom(self, zoom):
        Tells the display the zoom.
        self._viewZoom = zoom

    viewZoom = property(lambda self: self._viewZoom, setZoom,
                        doc='Zoom factor for the display')
    viewCenter = property(lambda self: self._viewCenter/self._viewZoom,
                          setCenter, doc='Screen center in camera coordinates')
    viewOffset = property(lambda self: self._viewOffset,
                          doc='Offset of the top-left corner of the screen')

    def run(self):
        Begins the draw loopn and tells the GUI to paint itself.

        # If any of the test constructors update the settings, reflect
        # those changes on the GUI before running
        if GUIEnabled:
        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
        self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

            # Run the simulation loop
        self.SimulationLoop([0, 0, 0])

        if GUIEnabled and self.settings.drawMenu:

        self.fps = self.clock.get_fps()

    def run_next(self, action):
        Updates the screen and tells the GUI to paint itself.
        self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

        # Run the simulation loop
        if GUIEnabled and self.settings.drawMenu:

        self.fps = self.clock.get_fps()

    def Step(self, settings):
        Updates the simulation
        if GUIEnabled:

        super(PygameFramework, self).Step(settings)

        if GUIEnabled:

    def ConvertScreenToWorld(self, x, y):
        Converts the display screen to the simulation's coordinates.
        return b2.b2Vec2((x + self.viewOffset.x) / self.viewZoom,
                         ((self.screenSize.y - y + self.viewOffset.y)
                          / self.viewZoom))

    def DrawStringAt(self, x, y, s, color=(229, 153, 153, 255)):
        Draw some text, str, at screen coordinates (x, y).
        self.screen.blit(self.font.render(s, True, color), (x, y))

    def Print(self, s, color=(229, 153, 153, 255)):
        Draw some text at the top status lines
        and advance to the next line.
        self.screen.blit(self.font.render(s, True, color), (5, self.textLine))
        self.textLine += 15


In [28]:
import Box2D as b2
#from framework import Framework

#class ArmWorld(Framework):
class ArmWorld(PygameFramework):
    """ This class defines the 2 Link Arm and its environment."""
    name = "2 Link Arm"
    def __init__(self, x0, target, render):
        self.render = render
        if self.render:
            super(ArmWorld, self).__init__()
   = b2.b2World(gravity=(0, -10), doSleep=True) = (0.0, 0.0)

        fixture_length = 5
        self.x0 = x0

        rectangle_fixture = b2.b2FixtureDef(
            shape=b2.b2PolygonShape(box=(.5, fixture_length)),
        square_fixture = b2.b2FixtureDef(
            shape=b2.b2PolygonShape(box=(1, 1)),
        self.base =
            position=(0, 15),

        self.body1 =
            position=(0, 2),

        self.body2 =
            position=(0, 2),
        self.target1 =
            position=(0, 0),
        self.target2 =
            position=(0, 0),

        self.joint1 =
            localAnchorA=(0, 0),
            localAnchorB=(0, fixture_length),

        self.joint2 =
            localAnchorA=(0, -(fixture_length - 0.5)),
            localAnchorB=(0, fixture_length - 0.5),

        self.set_joint_angles(self.body1, self.body2, x0[0], x0[1])
        self.set_joint_angles(self.target1, self.target2, target[0], target[1]) = False = False

        self.joint1.motorSpeed = x0[2]
        self.joint2.motorSpeed = x0[3]

    def set_joint_angles(self, body1, body2, angle1, angle2):
        """ Converts the given absolute angle of the arms to joint angles"""
        pos = self.base.GetWorldPoint((0, 0))
        body1.angle = angle1 + np.pi
        new_pos = body1.GetWorldPoint((0, 5))
        body1.position += pos - new_pos
        body2.angle = angle2 + body1.angle
        pos = body1.GetWorldPoint((0, -4.5))
        new_pos = body2.GetWorldPoint((0, 4.5))
        body2.position += pos - new_pos

    def run(self):
        """Initiates the first time step
        if self.render:
            super(ArmWorld, self).run()

    def run_next(self, action):
        """Moves forward in time one step. Calls the renderer if applicable."""
        if self.render:
            super(ArmWorld, self).run_next(action)
            if action is not None:
                self.joint1.motorSpeed = action[0]
                self.joint2.motorSpeed = action[1]
   / fwSettings.hz, fwSettings.velocityIterations,

    def Step(self, settings, action):
        """Moves forward in time one step. Called by the renderer"""
        self.joint1.motorSpeed = action[0]
        self.joint2.motorSpeed = action[1]

        super(ArmWorld, self).Step(settings)

    def reset_world(self):
        """Returns the world to its intial state"""
        self.joint1.motorSpeed = 0
        self.joint2.motorSpeed = 0
        self.body1.linearVelocity = (0, 0)
        self.body1.angularVelocity = 0
        self.body2.linearVelocity = (0, 0)
        self.body2.angularVelocity = 0
        self.set_joint_angles(self.body1, self.body2, self.x0[0], self.x0[1])

    def get_state(self):
        """Retrieves the state of the point mass"""
        state = {JOINT_ANGLES: np.array([self.joint1.angle,
                 JOINT_VELOCITIES: np.array([self.joint1.speed,
                 END_EFFECTOR_POINTS: np.append(np.array(self.body2.position),[0])}

        return state



Initial guess at the model using position-velocity assumption.

In [29]:
def guess_dynamics(gains, acc, dX, dU, dt):
    Initial guess at the model using position-velocity assumption.
    Note: This code assumes joint positions occupy the first dU state
          indices and joint velocities occupy the next dU.
        gains: dU dimensional joint gains.
        acc: dU dimensional joint acceleration.
        dX: Dimensionality of the state.
        dU: Dimensionality of the action.
        dt: Length of a time step.
        Fd: A dX by dX+dU transition matrix.
        fc: A dX bias vector.
    #TODO: Use packing instead of assuming which indices are the joint
    #      angles.
    Fd = np.vstack([
            np.eye(dU), dt * np.eye(dU), np.zeros((dU, dX - dU*2)),
            dt ** 2 * np.diag(gains)
            np.zeros((dU, dU)), np.eye(dU), np.zeros((dU, dX - dU*2)),
            dt * np.diag(gains)
        np.zeros((dX - dU*2, dX+dU))
    fc = np.hstack([acc * dt ** 2, acc * dt, np.zeros((dX - dU*2))])
    return Fd, fc


In [30]:
class Policy(object):
    """ Computes actions from states/observations. """
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def act(self, x, obs, t, noise):
            x: State vector.
            obs: Observation vector.
            t: Time step.
            noise: A dU-dimensional noise vector.
            A dU dimensional action vector.
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass.")

    def set_meta_data(self, meta):
        Set meta data for policy (e.g., domain image, multi modal observation sizes)
            meta: meta data.


In [31]:
class LinearGaussianPolicy(Policy):
    Time-varying linear Gaussian policy.
    U = K*x + k + noise, where noise ~ N(0, chol_pol_covar)
    def __init__(self, K, k, pol_covar, chol_pol_covar, inv_pol_covar):

        # Assume K has the correct shape, and make sure others match.
        self.T = K.shape[0]
        self.dU = K.shape[1]
        self.dX = K.shape[2]

        check_shape(k, (self.T, self.dU))
        check_shape(pol_covar, (self.T, self.dU, self.dU))
        check_shape(chol_pol_covar, (self.T, self.dU, self.dU))
        check_shape(inv_pol_covar, (self.T, self.dU, self.dU))

        self.K = K
        self.k = k
        self.pol_covar = pol_covar
        self.chol_pol_covar = chol_pol_covar
        self.inv_pol_covar = inv_pol_covar

    def act(self, x, obs, t, noise=None):
        Return an action for a state.
            x: State vector.
            obs: Observation vector.
            t: Time step.
            noise: Action noise. This will be scaled by the variance.
        u = self.K[t].dot(x) + self.k[t]
        u += self.chol_pol_covar[t]
        return u

    def fold_k(self, noise):
        Fold noise into k.
            noise: A T x Du noise vector with mean 0 and variance 1.
            k: A T x dU bias vector.
        k = np.zeros_like(self.k)
        for i in range(self.T):
            scaled_noise = self.chol_pol_covar[i][i])
            k[i] = scaled_noise + self.k[i]
        return k

    def nans_like(self):
            A new linear Gaussian policy object with the same dimensions
            but all values filled with NaNs.
        policy = LinearGaussianPolicy(
            np.zeros_like(self.K), np.zeros_like(self.k),
            np.zeros_like(self.pol_covar), np.zeros_like(self.chol_pol_covar),
        return policy

Initializations for linear Gaussian controllers

In [32]:
# Initial Linear Gaussian Trajectory Distributions, PD-based initializer.
# Note, PD is the default initializer type.
    'init_var': 10.0,
    'pos_gains': 10.0, # position gains
    'vel_gains_mult': 0.01,  # velocity gains multiplier on pos_gains
    'init_action_offset': None,

# Initial Linear Gaussian Trajectory distribution, LQR-based initializer.
    'init_var': 1.0,
    'stiffness': 1.0,
    'stiffness_vel': 0.5,
    'final_weight': 1.0,
    # Parameters for guessing dynamics
    'init_acc': [],  # dU vector of accelerations, default zeros.
    'init_gains': [],  # dU vector of gains, default ones.

def init_lqr(hyperparams):
    Return initial gains for a time-varying linear Gaussian controller
    that tries to hold the initial position.
    config = copy.deepcopy(INIT_LG_LQR)

    x0, dX, dU = config['x0'], config['dX'], config['dU']
    dt, T = config['dt'], config['T']

    #TODO: Use packing instead of assuming which indices are the joint
    #      angles.

    # Notation notes:
    # L = loss, Q = q-function (dX+dU dimensional),
    # V = value function (dX dimensional), F = dynamics
    # Vectors are lower-case, matrices are upper case.
    # Derivatives: x = state, u = action, t = state+action (trajectory).
    # The time index is denoted by _t after the above.
    # Ex. Ltt_t = Loss, 2nd derivative (w.r.t. trajectory),
    # indexed by time t.

    # Constants.
    idx_x = slice(dX)  # Slices out state.
    idx_u = slice(dX, dX+dU)  # Slices out actions.

    if len(config['init_acc']) == 0:
        config['init_acc'] = np.zeros(dU)

    if len(config['init_gains']) == 0:
        config['init_gains'] = np.ones(dU)

    # Set up simple linear dynamics model.
    Fd, fc = guess_dynamics(config['init_gains'], config['init_acc'],
                            dX, dU, dt)

    # Setup a cost function based on stiffness.
    # Ltt = (dX+dU) by (dX+dU) - Hessian of loss with respect to
    # trajectory at a single timestep.
    Ltt = np.diag(np.hstack([
        config['stiffness'] * np.ones(dU),
        config['stiffness'] * config['stiffness_vel'] * np.ones(dU),
        np.zeros(dX - dU*2), np.ones(dU)
    Ltt = Ltt / config['init_var']  # Cost function - quadratic term.
    lt =[x0, np.zeros(dU)])  # Cost function - linear term.

    # Perform dynamic programming.
    K = np.zeros((T, dU, dX))  # Controller gains matrix.
    k = np.zeros((T, dU))  # Controller bias term.
    PSig = np.zeros((T, dU, dU))  # Covariance of noise.
    cholPSig = np.zeros((T, dU, dU))  # Cholesky decomposition.
    invPSig = np.zeros((T, dU, dU))  # Inverse of covariance.
    vx_t = np.zeros(dX)  # Vx = dV/dX. Derivative of value function.
    Vxx_t = np.zeros((dX, dX))  # Vxx = ddV/dXdX.

    #TODO: A lot of this code is repeated with
    #      backward pass.
    for t in range(T - 1, -1, -1):
        # Compute Q function at this step.
        if t == (T - 1):
            Ltt_t = config['final_weight'] * Ltt
            lt_t = config['final_weight'] * lt
            Ltt_t = Ltt
            lt_t = lt
        # Qtt = (dX+dU) by (dX+dU) 2nd Derivative of Q-function with
        # respect to trajectory (dX+dU).
        Qtt_t = Ltt_t +
        # Qt = (dX+dU) 1st Derivative of Q-function with respect to
        # trajectory (dX+dU).
        qt_t = lt_t + +

        # Compute preceding value function.
        U = sp.linalg.cholesky(Qtt_t[idx_u, idx_u])
        L = U.T

        invPSig[t, :, :] = Qtt_t[idx_u, idx_u]
        PSig[t, :, :] = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
            U, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L, np.eye(dU), lower=True)
        cholPSig[t, :, :] = sp.linalg.cholesky(PSig[t, :, :])
        K[t, :, :] = -sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
            U, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L, Qtt_t[idx_u, idx_x], lower=True)
        k[t, :] = -sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
            U, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L, qt_t[idx_u], lower=True)
        Vxx_t = Qtt_t[idx_x, idx_x] + Qtt_t[idx_x, idx_u].dot(K[t, :, :])
        vx_t = qt_t[idx_x] + Qtt_t[idx_x, idx_u].dot(k[t, :])
        Vxx_t = 0.5 * (Vxx_t + Vxx_t.T)

    return LinearGaussianPolicy(K, k, PSig, cholPSig, invPSig)

#TODO: Fix docstring
def init_pd(hyperparams):
    This function initializes the linear-Gaussian controller as a
    proportional-derivative (PD) controller with Gaussian noise. The
    position gains are controlled by the variable pos_gains, velocity
    gains are controlled by pos_gains*vel_gans_mult.
    config = copy.deepcopy(INIT_LG_PD)

    dU, dQ, dX = config['dU'], config['dQ'], config['dX']
    x0, T = config['x0'], config['T']

    # Choose initialization mode.
    Kp = 1.0
    Kv = config['vel_gains_mult']
    if dU < dQ:
        K = -config['pos_gains'] * np.tile(
            [np.eye(dU) * Kp, np.zeros((dU, dQ-dU)),
             np.eye(dU) * Kv, np.zeros((dU, dQ-dU))],
            [T, 1, 1]
        K = -config['pos_gains'] * np.tile(
                np.eye(dU) * Kp, np.eye(dU) * Kv,
                np.zeros((dU, dX - dU*2))
            ]), [T, 1, 1]
    k = np.tile(-K[0, :, :].dot(x0), [T, 1])
    PSig = config['init_var'] * np.tile(np.eye(dU), [T, 1, 1])
    cholPSig = np.sqrt(config['init_var']) * np.tile(np.eye(dU), [T, 1, 1])
    invPSig = (1.0 / config['init_var']) * np.tile(np.eye(dU), [T, 1, 1])

    return LinearGaussianPolicy(K, k, PSig, cholPSig, invPSig)


GPS main class and code: GPSMain

In [33]:
import matplotlib as mpl
# mpl.use('Qt4Agg')

     import PyQt4
     qt_found = True
except ImportError:
     qt_found = False
if qt_found == False:
      import PyQt5
      qt_found = True
   except ImportError:
      qt_found = False

import logging
import imp
import os
import os.path
import sys
import argparse
import threading
import time
import traceback

# Add gps/python to path so that imports work.
#sys.path.append('/'.join(str.split(__file__, '/')[:-2]))

from gps.gui.gps_training_gui import GPSTrainingGUI
#from gps.utility.data_logger import DataLogger
#from gps.sample.sample_list import SampleList

class GPSMain(object):
    """ Main class to run algorithms and experiments. """
    def __init__(self, config, quit_on_end=False):
        Initialize GPSMain
            config: Hyperparameters for experiment
            quit_on_end: When true, quit automatically on completion
        self._quit_on_end = quit_on_end
        self._hyperparams = config
        self._conditions = config['common']['conditions']
        if 'test_conditions' in config['common']:
            self._train_idx = config['common']['train_conditions']
            self._test_idx = config['common']['test_conditions']
            self._train_idx = range(self._conditions)
            config['common']['train_conditions'] = config['common']['conditions']
            self._test_idx = self._train_idx

        self._data_files_dir = config['common']['data_files_dir']

        self.agent = config['agent']['type'](config['agent'])
        self.data_logger = DataLogger()
        self.gui = GPSTrainingGUI(config['common']) if config['gui_on'] else None

        config['algorithm']['agent'] = self.agent
        self.algorithm = config['algorithm']['type'](config['algorithm'])

    def run(self, itr_load=None):
        Run training by iteratively sampling and taking an iteration.
            itr_load: If specified, loads algorithm state from that
                iteration, and resumes training at the next iteration.
        Returns: None
            itr_start = self._initialize(itr_load)

            for itr in range(itr_start, self._hyperparams['iterations']):
                for cond in self._train_idx:
                    for i in range(self._hyperparams['num_samples']):
                        self._take_sample(itr, cond, i)

                traj_sample_lists = [
                    self.agent.get_samples(cond, -self._hyperparams['num_samples'])
                    for cond in self._train_idx

                # Clear agent samples.

                self._take_iteration(itr, traj_sample_lists)
                pol_sample_lists = self._take_policy_samples()
                self._log_data(itr, traj_sample_lists, pol_sample_lists)
        except Exception as e:

    def test_policy(self, itr, N):
        Take N policy samples of the algorithm state at iteration itr,
        for testing the policy to see how it is behaving.
        (Called directly from the command line --policy flag).
            itr: the iteration from which to take policy samples
            N: the number of policy samples to take
        Returns: None
        algorithm_file = self._data_files_dir + 'algorithm_itr_%02d.pkl' % itr
        self.algorithm = self.data_logger.unpickle(algorithm_file)
        if self.algorithm is None:
            print("Error: cannot find '%s.'" % algorithm_file)
            os._exit(1) # called instead of sys.exit(), since t
        traj_sample_lists = self.data_logger.unpickle(self._data_files_dir +
            ('traj_sample_itr_%02d.pkl' % itr))

        pol_sample_lists = self._take_policy_samples(N)
            self._data_files_dir + ('pol_sample_itr_%02d.pkl' % itr),

        if self.gui:
            self.gui.update(itr, self.algorithm, self.agent,
                traj_sample_lists, pol_sample_lists)
            self.gui.set_status_text(('Took %d policy sample(s) from ' +
                'algorithm state at iteration %d.\n' +
                'Saved to: data_files/pol_sample_itr_%02d.pkl.\n') % (N, itr, itr))

    def _initialize(self, itr_load):
        Initialize from the specified iteration.
            itr_load: If specified, loads algorithm state from that
                iteration, and resumes training at the next iteration.
            itr_start: Iteration to start from.
        if itr_load is None:
            if self.gui:
                self.gui.set_status_text('Press \'go\' to begin.')
            return 0
            algorithm_file = self._data_files_dir + 'algorithm_itr_%02d.pkl' % itr_load
            self.algorithm = self.data_logger.unpickle(algorithm_file)
            if self.algorithm is None:
                print("Error: cannot find '%s.'" % algorithm_file)
                os._exit(1) # called instead of sys.exit(), since this is in a thread

            if self.gui:
                traj_sample_lists = self.data_logger.unpickle(self._data_files_dir +
                    ('traj_sample_itr_%02d.pkl' % itr_load))
                if self.algorithm.cur[0].pol_info:
                    pol_sample_lists = self.data_logger.unpickle(self._data_files_dir +
                        ('pol_sample_itr_%02d.pkl' % itr_load))
                    pol_sample_lists = None
                    ('Resuming training from algorithm state at iteration %d.\n' +
                    'Press \'go\' to begin.') % itr_load)
            return itr_load + 1

    def _take_sample(self, itr, cond, i):
        Collect a sample from the agent.
            itr: Iteration number.
            cond: Condition number.
            i: Sample number.
        Returns: None
        if self.algorithm._hyperparams['sample_on_policy'] \
                and self.algorithm.iteration_count > 0:
            pol = self.algorithm.policy_opt.policy
            pol = self.algorithm.cur[cond].traj_distr
        if self.gui:
            self.gui.set_image_overlays(cond)   # Must call for each new cond.
            redo = True
            while redo:
                while self.gui.mode in ('wait', 'request', 'process'):
                    if self.gui.mode in ('wait', 'process'):
                    # 'request' mode.
                    if self.gui.request == 'reset':
                        except NotImplementedError:
                            self.gui.err_msg = 'Agent reset unimplemented.'
                    elif self.gui.request == 'fail':
                        self.gui.err_msg = 'Cannot fail before sampling.'
                    self.gui.process_mode()  # Complete request.

                    'Sampling: iteration %d, condition %d, sample %d.' %
                    (itr, cond, i)
                    pol, cond,
                    verbose=(i < self._hyperparams['verbose_trials'])

                if self.gui.mode == 'request' and self.gui.request == 'fail':
                    redo = True
                    redo = False
                pol, cond,
                verbose=(i < self._hyperparams['verbose_trials'])

    def _take_iteration(self, itr, sample_lists):
        Take an iteration of the algorithm.
            itr: Iteration number.
        Returns: None
        if self.gui:
        if self.gui:

    def _take_policy_samples(self, N=None):
        Take samples from the policy to see how it's doing.
            N  : number of policy samples to take per condition
        Returns: None
        if 'verbose_policy_trials' not in self._hyperparams:
            # AlgorithmTrajOpt
            return None
        verbose = self._hyperparams['verbose_policy_trials']
        if self.gui:
            self.gui.set_status_text('Taking policy samples.')
        pol_samples = [[None] for _ in range(len(self._test_idx))]
        # Since this isn't noisy, just take one sample.
        # TODO: Make this noisy? Add hyperparam?
        # TODO: Take at all conditions for GUI?
        for cond in range(len(self._test_idx)):
            pol_samples[cond][0] = self.agent.sample(
                self.algorithm.policy_opt.policy, self._test_idx[cond],
                verbose=verbose, save=False, noisy=False)
        return [SampleList(samples) for samples in pol_samples]

    def _log_data(self, itr, traj_sample_lists, pol_sample_lists=None):
        Log data and algorithm, and update the GUI.
            itr: Iteration number.
            traj_sample_lists: trajectory samples as SampleList object
            pol_sample_lists: policy samples as SampleList object
        Returns: None
        if self.gui:
            self.gui.set_status_text('Logging data and updating GUI.')
            self.gui.update(itr, self.algorithm, self.agent,
                traj_sample_lists, pol_sample_lists)
                self._data_files_dir + ('figure_itr_%02d.png' % itr)
        if 'no_sample_logging' in self._hyperparams['common']:
            self._data_files_dir + ('algorithm_itr_%02d.pkl' % itr),
            self._data_files_dir + ('traj_sample_itr_%02d.pkl' % itr),
        if pol_sample_lists:
                self._data_files_dir + ('pol_sample_itr_%02d.pkl' % itr),

    def _end(self):
        """ Finish running and exit. """
        if self.gui:
            self.gui.set_status_text('Training complete.')
            if self._quit_on_end:
                # Quit automatically (for running sequential expts)

In [34]:
from datetime import datetime
import os

    ACTION: 2

#BASE_DIR = '/'.join(str.split(gps_filepath, '/')[:-2])
BASE_DIR = '.'
#EXP_DIR = BASE_DIR + '/../experiments/box2d_arm_example/'
EXP_DIR = BASE_DIR + 'experiments/'

common = {
    'experiment_name': 'box2d_arm_example' + '_' + \
            datetime.strftime(, '%m-%d-%y_%H-%M'),
    'experiment_dir': EXP_DIR,
    'data_files_dir': EXP_DIR + 'data_files/',
    'log_filename': EXP_DIR + 'log.txt',
    'conditions': 1,

if not os.path.exists(common['data_files_dir']):

agent = {
    'type': AgentBox2D,
    'target_state' : np.array([0, 0]),
    'world' : ArmWorld,
    'render' : False,
    'x0': np.array([0.75*np.pi, 0.5*np.pi, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
    'rk': 0,
    'dt': 0.05,
    'substeps': 1,
    'conditions': common['conditions'],
    'pos_body_idx': np.array([]),
    'pos_body_offset': np.array([]),
    'T': 100,
    'sensor_dims': SENSOR_DIMS,
    'obs_include': [],

algorithm = {
    'type': AlgorithmTrajOpt,
    'conditions': common['conditions'],

algorithm['init_traj_distr'] = {
    'type': init_lqr,
    'init_gains': np.zeros(SENSOR_DIMS[ACTION]),
    'init_acc': np.zeros(SENSOR_DIMS[ACTION]),
    'init_var': 0.1,
    'stiffness': 0.01,
    'dt': agent['dt'],
    'T': agent['T'],

action_cost = {
    'type': CostAction,
    'wu': np.array([1, 1])

state_cost = {
    'type': CostState,
    'data_types' : {
        JOINT_ANGLES: {
            'wp': np.array([1, 1]),
            'target_state': agent["target_state"],

algorithm['cost'] = {
    'type': CostSum,
    'costs': [action_cost, state_cost],
    'weights': [1e-5, 1.0],

algorithm['dynamics'] = {
    'type': DynamicsLRPrior,
    'regularization': 1e-6,
    'prior': {
        'type': DynamicsPriorGMM,
        'max_clusters': 20,
        'min_samples_per_cluster': 40,
        'max_samples': 20,

algorithm['traj_opt'] = {
    'type': TrajOptLQRPython,

algorithm['policy_opt'] = {}

config_gps = {
    'iterations': 10,
    'num_samples': 5,
    'verbose_trials': 5,
    'common': common,
    'agent': agent,
    'gui_on': True,
    'algorithm': algorithm,

common['info'] = generate_experiment_info(config_gps)

In [35]:
exp_name = "box2d_arm_example"

import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


seed = config_gps.get('random_seed', 0)

gps = GPSMain(config_gps)
if config_gps['gui_on']:
    run_gps = threading.Thread(
        #target=lambda: # no iteration load used at this stage
    run_gps.daemon = True


/Users/Victor/basic_reinforcement_learning/tutorial10/gps/gui/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The set_axis_bgcolor function was deprecated in version 2.0. Use set_facecolor instead.
  self._ax.set_axis_bgcolor(ColorConverter().to_rgba(color, alpha))
/Users/Victor/basic_reinforcement_learning/tutorial10/gps/gui/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The get_axis_bgcolor function was deprecated in version 2.0. Use get_facecolor instead.
  color, alpha = self._ax.get_axis_bgcolor(), self._ax.get_alpha()
/Users/Victor/basic_reinforcement_learning/tutorial10/gps/gui/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The set_axis_bgcolor function was deprecated in version 2.0. Use set_facecolor instead.
/Users/Victor/basic_reinforcement_learning/tutorial10/gps/gui/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The set_axis_bgcolor function was deprecated in version 2.0. Use set_facecolor instead.
  self._ax.set_axis_bgcolor(ColorConverter().to_rgba(color, alpha))

In [ ]: