Guided Policy Search


In [1]:


Guided Policy Search (GPS) is a technique that transforms the Reinforcement Learning (RL) task of policy search into a Supervised Learning problem, where the training set is generated by a simple trajectory-centric RL algorithm.

This algorithm optimizes linear-Gaussian controllers $p_i (u_t | x_t)$. Each $p_i (u_t | x_t)$ succeeds in the task from different initial states which helps the algorithm to generalize to other states from the same distribution. The final policy $\pi_\theta(u_t | o_t )$ learned with GPS is only provided with observations $o_t$ of the full state $x_t$, and assumed dynamics are assumed to be unknown.

We draw sample trajectories $\tau_i^j$ for each initial state on the physical system by running the corresponding controller $p_i(u_t | x_t)$. The samples are used to fit the dynamics $p_i (x_{t+1} | x_t, u_t)$ that are used to improve the controllers $p_i(u_t | x_t)$, and serve as training data for the policy $\pi_\theta(u_t | o_t )$. Within the graph we can observe how there's a loop that alternates between optimizing each trajectory distribution $p_i (\tau)$ and optimizing the policy $\pi_\theta(u_t | o_t )$ to match these trajectory distributions.

This work is based on Refer to for the original implementation.

Definitions and notations

corresponding symbol definition
$p_i(u_t x_t)$ linear-Gaussian controllers, they induce the trajectory distributions $p_i (\tau)$
$\hat{p_i}(u_t x_t)$ previous controllers, previous time step t-1
$\pi_\theta(u_t o_t )$ final policy learned
$p_i (\tau)$ trajectory distribution induced from the linear-Gaussian controllers, guiding distribution
$\tau_i^j$ sample trajectories, sampled from the distribution
$o_t$ observations
$x_t$ full state
$pi (x{t+1} x_t, u_t)$ system dynamics

Test environment

The following test environment will be used for the purpose of implementing GPS.

import gym env = gym.make('Pendulum-v0') env.reset() for _ in range(1000): env.render() env.step(env.action_space.sample()) # take a random action

GPS implementation


A set of utility functions used along the code.

In [2]:
import numpy as np

def gauss_fit_joint_prior(pts, mu0, Phi, m, n0, dwts, dX, dU, sig_reg):
    """ Perform Gaussian fit to data with a prior. """
    # Build weights matrix.
    D = np.diag(dwts)
    # Compute empirical mean and covariance.
    mun = np.sum((pts.T * dwts).T, axis=0)
    diff = pts - mun
    empsig =
    empsig = 0.5 * (empsig + empsig.T)
    # MAP estimate of joint distribution.
    N = dwts.shape[0]
    mu = mun
    sigma = (N * empsig + Phi + (N * m) / (N + m) *
             np.outer(mun - mu0, mun - mu0)) / (N + n0)
    sigma = 0.5 * (sigma + sigma.T)
    # Add sigma regularization.
    sigma += sig_reg
    # Conditioning to get dynamics.
    fd = np.linalg.solve(sigma[:dX, :dX], sigma[:dX, dX:dX+dU]).T
    fc = mu[dX:dX+dU] -[:dX])
    dynsig = sigma[dX:dX+dU, dX:dX+dU] -[:dX, :dX]).dot(fd.T)
    dynsig = 0.5 * (dynsig + dynsig.T)
    return fd, fc, dynsig


In [3]:
from gps_pb2 import ACTION

class Sample(object):
    Class that handles the representation of a trajectory and stores a
    single trajectory.
    Note: must be serializable for easy saving, no C++ references!
    def __init__(self, agent):
        self.agent = agent

        self.T = agent.T
        self.dX = agent.dX
        self.dU = agent.dU
        self.dO = agent.dO
        self.dM = agent.dM

        # Dictionary containing the sample data from various sensors.
        self._data = {}

        self._X = np.empty((self.T, self.dX))
        self._obs = np.empty((self.T, self.dO))
        self._meta = np.empty(self.dM)

    def set(self, sensor_name, sensor_data, t=None):
        """ Set trajectory data for a particular sensor. """
        if t is None:
            self._data[sensor_name] = sensor_data
            self._X.fill(np.nan)  # Invalidate existing X.
            self._obs.fill(np.nan)  # Invalidate existing obs.
            self._meta.fill(np.nan)  # Invalidate existing meta data.
            if sensor_name not in self._data:
                self._data[sensor_name] = \
                        np.empty((self.T,) + sensor_data.shape)
            self._data[sensor_name][t, :] = sensor_data
            self._X[t, :].fill(np.nan)
            self._obs[t, :].fill(np.nan)

    def get(self, sensor_name, t=None):
        """ Get trajectory data for a particular sensor. """
        return (self._data[sensor_name] if t is None
                else self._data[sensor_name][t, :])

    def get_X(self, t=None):
        """ Get the state. Put it together if not precomputed. """
        X = self._X if t is None else self._X[t, :]
        if np.any(np.isnan(X)):
            for data_type in self._data:
                if data_type not in self.agent.x_data_types:
                data = (self._data[data_type] if t is None
                        else self._data[data_type][t, :])
                self.agent.pack_data_x(X, data, data_types=[data_type])
        return X

    def get_U(self, t=None):
        """ Get the action. """
        return self._data[ACTION] if t is None else self._data[ACTION][t, :]

    def get_obs(self, t=None):
        """ Get the observation. Put it together if not precomputed. """
        obs = self._obs if t is None else self._obs[t, :]
        if np.any(np.isnan(obs)):
            for data_type in self._data:
                if data_type not in self.agent.obs_data_types:
                if data_type in self.agent.meta_data_types:
                data = (self._data[data_type] if t is None
                        else self._data[data_type][t, :])
                self.agent.pack_data_obs(obs, data, data_types=[data_type])
        return obs

    def get_meta(self):
        """ Get the meta data. Put it together if not precomputed. """
        meta = self._meta
        if np.any(np.isnan(meta)):
            for data_type in self._data:
                if data_type not in self.agent.meta_data_types:
                data = self._data[data_type]
                self.agent.pack_data_meta(meta, data, data_types=[data_type])
        return meta

    # For pickling.
    def __getstate__(self):
        state = self.__dict__.copy()
        return state

    # For unpickling.
    def __setstate__(self, state):
        self.__dict__ = state
        self.__dict__['agent'] = None


In [4]:
#NOISE = 19  # initially generated by the protocol buffer compiler. 
from gps_pb2 import NOISE

class SampleList(object):
    """ Class that handles writes and reads to sample data. """
    def __init__(self, samples):
        self._samples = samples

    def get_X(self, idx=None):
        """ Returns N x T x dX numpy array of states. """
        if idx is None:
            idx = range(len(self._samples))
        return np.asarray([self._samples[i].get_X() for i in idx])

    def get_U(self, idx=None):
        """ Returns N x T x dU numpy array of actions. """
        if idx is None:
            idx = range(len(self._samples))
        return np.asarray([self._samples[i].get_U() for i in idx])

    def get_noise(self, idx=None):
        """ Returns N x T x dU numpy array of noise generated during rollouts. """
        if idx is None:
            idx = range(len(self._samples))
        return np.asarray([self._samples[i].get(NOISE) for i in idx])

    def get_obs(self, idx=None):
        """ Returns N x T x dO numpy array of features. """
        if idx is None:
            idx = range(len(self._samples))
        return np.asarray([self._samples[i].get_obs() for i in idx])

    def get_samples(self, idx=None):
        """ Returns N sample objects. """
        if idx is None:
            idx = range(len(self._samples))
        return [self._samples[i] for i in idx]

    def num_samples(self):
        """ Returns number of samples. """
        return len(self._samples)

    # Convenience methods.
    def __len__(self):
        return self.num_samples()

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        return self.get_samples([idx])[0]


Dynamics superclass: Dynamics

The dynamical model superclass which assumes dynamics are always linear with $x_t$:

In [5]:
import abc

class Dynamics(object):
    """ Dynamics superclass. """
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
    #def __init__(self):
        self._hyperparams = hyperparams

        # TODO - Currently assuming that dynamics will always be linear
        #        with X.
        # TODO - Allocate arrays using hyperparams dU, dX, T.

        # Fitted dynamics: x_t+1 = Fm * [x_t;u_t] + fv.
        self.Fm = np.array(np.nan)
        self.fv = np.array(np.nan)
        self.dyn_covar = np.array(np.nan)  # Covariance.

    def update_prior(self, sample):
        """ Update dynamics prior. """
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass.")

    def get_prior(self):
        """ Returns prior object. """
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass.")

    def fit(self, sample_list):
        """ Fit dynamics. """
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass.")

    def copy(self):
        """ Return a copy of the dynamics estimate. """
        dyn = type(self)(self._hyperparams)
        #dyn = type(self)()
        dyn.Fm = np.copy(self.Fm)
        dyn.fv = np.copy(self.fv)
        dyn.dyn_covar = np.copy(self.dyn_covar)
        return dyn

Gaussian mixture model (GMM) class: GMM

We define the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) class

In [6]:
import logging
import scipy.linalg

def logsum(vec, axis=0, keepdims=True):
    #TODO: Add a docstring.
    maxv = np.max(vec, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    maxv[maxv == -float('inf')] = 0
    return np.log(np.sum(np.exp(vec-maxv), axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)) + maxv

class GMM(object):
    """ Gaussian Mixture Model. """
    def __init__(self, init_sequential=False, eigreg=False, warmstart=True):
        self.init_sequential = init_sequential
        self.eigreg = eigreg
        self.warmstart = warmstart
        self.sigma = None

    def inference(self, pts):
        Evaluate dynamics prior.
            pts: A N x D array of points.
        # Compute posterior cluster weights.
        logwts = self.clusterwts(pts)

        # Compute posterior mean and covariance.
        mu0, Phi = self.moments(logwts)

        # Set hyperparameters.
        m = self.N
        n0 = m - 2 - mu0.shape[0]

        # Normalize.
        m = float(m) / self.N
        n0 = float(n0) / self.N
        return mu0, Phi, m, n0

    def estep(self, data):
        Compute log observation probabilities under GMM.
            data: A N x D array of points.
            logobs: A N x K array of log probabilities (for each point
                on each cluster).
        # Constants.
        N, D = data.shape
        K = self.sigma.shape[0]

        logobs = -0.5*np.ones((N, K))*D*np.log(2*np.pi)
        for i in range(K):
            mu, sigma =[i], self.sigma[i]
            L = scipy.linalg.cholesky(sigma, lower=True)
            logobs[:, i] -= np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L)))

            diff = (data - mu).T
            soln = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(L, diff, lower=True)
            logobs[:, i] -= 0.5*np.sum(soln**2, axis=0)

        logobs += self.logmass.T
        return logobs

    def moments(self, logwts):
        Compute the moments of the cluster mixture with logwts.
            logwts: A K x 1 array of log cluster probabilities.
            mu: A (D,) mean vector.
            sigma: A D x D covariance matrix.
        # Exponentiate.
        wts = np.exp(logwts)

        # Compute overall mean.
        mu = np.sum( * wts, axis=0)

        # Compute overall covariance.
        diff = - np.expand_dims(mu, axis=0)
        diff_expand = np.expand_dims(, axis=1) * \
                np.expand_dims(diff, axis=2)
        wts_expand = np.expand_dims(wts, axis=2)
        sigma = np.sum((self.sigma + diff_expand) * wts_expand, axis=0)
        return mu, sigma

    def clusterwts(self, data):
        Compute cluster weights for specified points under GMM.
            data: An N x D array of points
            A K x 1 array of average cluster log probabilities.
        # Compute probability of each point under each cluster.
        logobs = self.estep(data)

        # Renormalize to get cluster weights.
        logwts = logobs - logsum(logobs, axis=1)

        # Average the cluster probabilities.
        logwts = logsum(logwts, axis=0) - np.log(data.shape[0])
        return logwts.T

    def update(self, data, K, max_iterations=100):
        Run EM to update clusters.
            data: An N x D data matrix, where N = number of data points.
            K: Number of clusters to use.
        # Constants.
        N = data.shape[0]
        Do = data.shape[1]

        LOGGER.debug('Fitting GMM with %d clusters on %d points', K, N)

        if (not self.warmstart or self.sigma is None or
                K != self.sigma.shape[0]):
            # Initialization.
            LOGGER.debug('Initializing GMM.')
            self.sigma = np.zeros((K, Do, Do))
   = np.zeros((K, Do))
            self.logmass = np.log(1.0 / K) * np.ones((K, 1))
            self.mass = (1.0 / K) * np.ones((K, 1))
            self.N = data.shape[0]
            N = self.N

            # Set initial cluster indices.
            if not self.init_sequential:
                cidx = np.random.randint(0, K, size=(1, N))
                raise NotImplementedError()

            # Initialize.
            for i in range(K):
                cluster_idx = (cidx == i)[0]
                mu = np.mean(data[cluster_idx, :], axis=0)
                diff = (data[cluster_idx, :] - mu).T
                sigma = (1.0 / K) * (
      [i, :] = mu
                self.sigma[i, :, :] = sigma + np.eye(Do) * 2e-6

        prevll = -float('inf')
        for itr in range(max_iterations):
            # E-step: compute cluster probabilities.
            logobs = self.estep(data)

            # Compute log-likelihood.
            ll = np.sum(logsum(logobs, axis=1))
            LOGGER.debug('GMM itr %d/%d. Log likelihood: %f',
                         itr, max_iterations, ll)
            if ll < prevll:
                # TODO: Why does log-likelihood decrease sometimes?
                LOGGER.debug('Log-likelihood decreased! Ending on itr=%d/%d',
                             itr, max_iterations)
            if np.abs(ll-prevll) < 1e-5*prevll:
                LOGGER.debug('GMM converged on itr=%d/%d',
                             itr, max_iterations)
            prevll = ll

            # Renormalize to get cluster weights.
            logw = logobs - logsum(logobs, axis=1)
            assert logw.shape == (N, K)

            # Renormalize again to get weights for refitting clusters.
            logwn = logw - logsum(logw, axis=0)
            assert logwn.shape == (N, K)
            w = np.exp(logwn)

            # M-step: update clusters.
            # Fit cluster mass.
            self.logmass = logsum(logw, axis=0).T
            self.logmass = self.logmass - logsum(self.logmass, axis=0)
            assert self.logmass.shape == (K, 1)
            self.mass = np.exp(self.logmass)
            # Reboot small clusters.
            w[:, (self.mass < (1.0 / K) * 1e-4)[:, 0]] = 1.0 / N
            # Fit cluster means.
            w_expand = np.expand_dims(w, axis=2)
            data_expand = np.expand_dims(data, axis=1)
   = np.sum(w_expand * data_expand, axis=0)
            # Fit covariances.
            wdata = data_expand * np.sqrt(w_expand)
            assert wdata.shape == (N, K, Do)
            for i in range(K):
                # Compute weighted outer product.
                XX = wdata[:, i, :][:, i, :])
                mu =[i, :]
                self.sigma[i, :, :] = XX - np.outer(mu, mu)

                if self.eigreg:  # Use eigenvalue regularization.
                    raise NotImplementedError()
                else:  # Use quick and dirty regularization.
                    sigma = self.sigma[i, :, :]
                    self.sigma[i, :, :] = 0.5 * (sigma + sigma.T) + \
                            1e-6 * np.eye(Do)

Gaussian mixture model (GMM) dynamics: DynamicsPriorGMM

Optimizing the linear-Gaussian controllers $p_i(u_t | x_t)$ (that induce the trajectories $p_i (\tau)$) requires fitting the system dynamics $p_i (x_{t+1} | x_t, u_t)$ at each iteration to samples generated on the physical system from the previous controller $\hat{p_i}(u_t | x_t)$.

The linear-Gaussian dynamics are defined as $p_i (x_{t+1} | x_t, u_t) = \mathcal{N} (f_{xt}x_t + f_{ut}u_t + f_{ct}, F_t)$, and the data that we obtain from the robot can be viewed as tuples $\{x_t^i, u_t^i, x_{t+1}^i\}$. A simple way to fit these linear-Gaussian dynamics is to use linear regression to determine $f_x$, $f_u$ and $f_c$, and fit $F_t$ based on errors however the sample complexity of linear regression scales with the dimensionality of the full state space $x_t$.

Although this might be an issue for high-dimensional robotic systems, we can observe that the dynamics at nearby time steps are strongly correlated which means that we can dramatically reduce the sample complexity of the dynamics fitting by bringing in information from previous time steps. This implementation will fit a global model to all of the transitions $\{x_t^i, u_t^i, x_{t+1}^i\}$ for all t and all tuples from prior iterations and then use this model as a prior for fitting the dynamics at each time step.

Below, the definition of GMM prior for dynamics estimation.

In [7]:
import copy

# DynamicsPriorGMM
    'min_samples_per_cluster': 20,
    'max_clusters': 50,
    'max_samples': 20,
    'strength': 1.0,

# As defined in the code examples
DYN_PRIOR_GMM_example = {
    'min_samples_per_cluster': 40,
    'max_clusters': 20,
    'max_samples': 20,    
    'strength': 1.0,

class DynamicsPriorGMM(object):
    A dynamics prior encoded as a GMM over [x_t, u_t, x_t+1] points.
        S. Levine*, C. Finn*, T. Darrell, P. Abbeel, "End-to-end
        training of Deep Visuomotor Policies", arXiv:1504.00702,
        Appendix A.3.
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
            min_samples_per_cluster: Minimum samples per cluster.
            max_clusters: Maximum number of clusters to fit.
            max_samples: Maximum number of trajectories to use for
                fitting the GMM at any given time.
            strength: Adjusts the strength of the prior.
        config = copy.deepcopy(DYN_PRIOR_GMM)
        #config = copy.deepcopy(DYN_PRIOR_GMM_example)        
        self._hyperparams = config
        self.X = None
        self.U = None
        self.gmm = GMM()
        self._min_samp = self._hyperparams['min_samples_per_cluster']
        self._max_samples = self._hyperparams['max_samples']
        self._max_clusters = self._hyperparams['max_clusters']
        self._strength = self._hyperparams['strength']

        # Should we use copy.min_samples_per_cluster, etc. instead?
        #self._min_samp = DYN_PRIOR_GMM_example.min_samples_per_cluster
        #self._max_samples = DYN_PRIOR_GMM_example.max_samples
        #self._max_clusters = DYN_PRIOR_GMM_example.max_clusters
        #self._strength = DYN_PRIOR_GMM_example.strength

    def initial_state(self):
        """ Return dynamics prior for initial time step. """
        # Compute mean and covariance.
        mu0 = np.mean(self.X[:, 0, :], axis=0)
        Phi = np.diag(np.var(self.X[:, 0, :], axis=0))

        # Factor in multiplier.
        n0 = self.X.shape[2] * self._strength
        m = self.X.shape[2] * self._strength

        # Multiply Phi by m (since it was normalized before).
        Phi = Phi * m
        return mu0, Phi, m, n0

    def update(self, X, U):
        Update prior with additional data.
            X: A N x T x dX matrix of sequential state data.
            U: A N x T x dU matrix of sequential control data.
        # Constants.
        T = X.shape[1] - 1

        # Append data to dataset.
        if self.X is None:
            self.X = X
            self.X = np.concatenate([self.X, X], axis=0)

        if self.U is None:
            self.U = U
            self.U = np.concatenate([self.U, U], axis=0)

        # Remove excess samples from dataset.
        start = max(0, self.X.shape[0] - self._max_samples + 1)
        self.X = self.X[start:, :]
        self.U = self.U[start:, :]

        # Compute cluster dimensionality.
        Do = X.shape[2] + U.shape[2] + X.shape[2]  #TODO: Use Xtgt.

        # Create dataset.
        N = self.X.shape[0]
        xux = np.reshape(
            np.c_[self.X[:, :T, :], self.U[:, :T, :], self.X[:, 1:(T+1), :]],
            [T * N, Do]

        # Choose number of clusters.
        K = int(max(2, min(self._max_clusters,
                           np.floor(float(N * T) / self._min_samp))))
        LOGGER.debug('Generating %d clusters for dynamics GMM.', K)

        # Update GMM.
        self.gmm.update(xux, K)

    def eval(self, Dx, Du, pts):
        Evaluate prior.
            pts: A N x Dx+Du+Dx matrix.
        # Construct query data point by rearranging entries and adding
        # in reference.
        assert pts.shape[1] == Dx + Du + Dx

        # Perform query and fix mean.
        mu0, Phi, m, n0 = self.gmm.inference(pts)

        # Factor in multiplier.
        n0 = n0 * self._strength
        m = m * self._strength

        # Multiply Phi by m (since it was normalized before).
        Phi *= m
        return mu0, Phi, m, n0

Linear regression dynamics with an arbitrary prior: DynamicsLRPrior

In [8]:
#regularization = 1e-6

class DynamicsLRPrior(Dynamics):
    """ Dynamics with linear regression, with arbitrary prior. """
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
    #def __init__(self):
        Dynamics.__init__(self, hyperparams)
        self.Fm = None
        self.fv = None
        self.dyn_covar = None        
        #self.prior = DynamicsPriorGMM() # Refer to the corresponding class for a deeper understanding
        self.prior = self._hyperparams['prior']['type'](self._hyperparams['prior'])

    def update_prior(self, samples):
        """ Update dynamics prior. """
        X = samples.get_X()
        U = samples.get_U()
        self.prior.update(X, U)

    def get_prior(self):
        """ Return the dynamics prior. """
        return self.prior

    #TODO: Merge this with - lots of duplicated code.
    def fit(self, X, U):
        """ Fit dynamics. """
        N, T, dX = X.shape
        dU = U.shape[2]

        if N == 1:
            raise ValueError("Cannot fit dynamics on 1 sample")

        self.Fm = np.zeros([T, dX, dX+dU])
        self.fv = np.zeros([T, dX])
        self.dyn_covar = np.zeros([T, dX, dX])

        it = slice(dX+dU)
        ip = slice(dX+dU, dX+dU+dX)
        # Fit dynamics with least squares regression.
        dwts = (1.0 / N) * np.ones(N)
        for t in range(T - 1):
            Ys = np.c_[X[:, t, :], U[:, t, :], X[:, t+1, :]]
            # Obtain Normal-inverse-Wishart prior.
            mu0, Phi, mm, n0 = self.prior.eval(dX, dU, Ys)
            sig_reg = np.zeros((dX+dU+dX, dX+dU+dX))
            sig_reg[it, it] = self._hyperparams['regularization']
            #sig_reg[it, it] = regularization
            Fm, fv, dyn_covar = gauss_fit_joint_prior(Ys,
                        mu0, Phi, mm, n0, dwts, dX+dU, dX, sig_reg)
            self.Fm[t, :, :] = Fm
            self.fv[t, :] = fv
            self.dyn_covar[t, :, :] = dyn_covar
        return self.Fm, self.fv, self.dyn_covar



General utility functions and classes

In [9]:
class BundleType(object):
    This class bundles many fields, similar to a record or a mutable
    def __init__(self, variables):
        for var, val in variables.items():
            object.__setattr__(self, var, val)

    # Freeze fields so new ones cannot be set.
    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
        if not hasattr(self, key):
            raise AttributeError("%r has no attribute %s" % (self, key))
        object.__setattr__(self, key, value)

def check_shape(value, expected_shape, name=''):
    Throws a ValueError if value.shape != expected_shape.
        value: Matrix to shape check.
        expected_shape: A tuple or list of integers.
        name: An optional name to add to the exception message.
    if value.shape != tuple(expected_shape):
        raise ValueError('Shape mismatch %s: Expected %s, got %s' %
                         (name, str(expected_shape), str(value.shape)))

def finite_differences(func, inputs, func_output_shape=(), epsilon=1e-5):
    Computes gradients via finite differences.
    derivative = (func(x+epsilon) - func(x-epsilon)) / (2*epsilon)
        func: Function to compute gradient of. Inputs and outputs can be
            arbitrary dimension.
        inputs: Vector value to compute gradient at.
        func_output_shape: Shape of the output of func. Default is
            empty-tuple, which works for scalar-valued functions.
        epsilon: Difference to use for computing gradient.
        Gradient vector of each dimension of func with respect to each
        dimension of input.
    gradient = np.zeros(inputs.shape+func_output_shape)
    for idx, _ in np.ndenumerate(inputs):
        test_input = np.copy(inputs)
        test_input[idx] += epsilon
        obj_d1 = func(test_input)
        assert obj_d1.shape == func_output_shape
        test_input = np.copy(inputs)
        test_input[idx] -= epsilon
        obj_d2 = func(test_input)
        assert obj_d2.shape == func_output_shape
        diff = (obj_d1 - obj_d2) / (2 * epsilon)
        gradient[idx] += diff
    return gradient

IterationData and TrajectoryInfo

In [10]:
class IterationData(BundleType):
    """ Collection of iteration variables. """
    def __init__(self):
        variables = {
            'sample_list': None,  # List of samples for the current iteration.
            'traj_info': None,  # Current TrajectoryInfo object.
            'pol_info': None,  # Current PolicyInfo object.
            'traj_distr': None,  # Initial trajectory distribution.
            'new_traj_distr': None, # Updated trajectory distribution.
            'cs': None,  # Sample costs of the current iteration.
            'step_mult': 1.0,  # KL step multiplier for the current iteration.
            'eta': 1.0,  # Dual variable used in LQR backward pass.
        BundleType.__init__(self, variables)

class TrajectoryInfo(BundleType):
    """ Collection of trajectory-related variables. """
    def __init__(self):
        variables = {
            'dynamics': None,  # Dynamics object for the current iteration.
            'x0mu': None,  # Mean for the initial state, used by the dynamics.
            'x0sigma': None,  # Covariance for the initial state distribution.
            'cc': None,  # Cost estimate constant term.
            'cv': None,  # Cost estimate vector term.
            'Cm': None,  # Cost estimate matrix term.
            'last_kl_step': float('inf'),  # KL step of the previous iteration.
        BundleType.__init__(self, variables)


In [11]:
class PolicyInfo(BundleType):
    """ Collection of policy-related variables. """
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        T, dU, dX = hyperparams['T'], hyperparams['dU'], hyperparams['dX']
        variables = {
            'lambda_k': np.zeros((T, dU)),  # Dual variables.
            'lambda_K': np.zeros((T, dU, dX)),  # Dual variables.
            'pol_wt': hyperparams['init_pol_wt'] * np.ones(T),  # Policy weight.
            'pol_mu': None,  # Mean of the current policy output.
            'pol_sig': None,  # Covariance of the current policy output.
            'pol_K': np.zeros((T, dU, dX)),  # Policy linearization.
            'pol_k': np.zeros((T, dU)),  # Policy linearization.
            'pol_S': np.zeros((T, dU, dU)),  # Policy linearization covariance.
            'chol_pol_S': np.zeros((T, dU, dU)),  # Cholesky decomp of covar.
            'prev_kl': None,  # Previous KL divergence.
            'init_kl': None,  # The initial KL divergence, before the iteration.
            'policy_samples': [],  # List of current policy samples.
            'policy_prior': None,  # Current prior for policy linearization.
        BundleType.__init__(self, variables)

    def traj_distr(self):
        """ Create a trajectory distribution object from policy info. """
        T, dU, dX = self.pol_K.shape
        # Compute inverse policy covariances.
        inv_pol_S = np.empty_like(self.chol_pol_S)
        for t in range(T):
            inv_pol_S[t, :, :] = np.linalg.solve(
                self.chol_pol_S[t, :, :],
                np.linalg.solve(self.chol_pol_S[t, :, :].T, np.eye(dU))
        return LinearGaussianPolicy(self.pol_K, self.pol_k, self.pol_S,
                self.chol_pol_S, inv_pol_S)

Algorithm superclass: Algorithm

Base algorithm class

In [12]:
import random

def extract_condition(hyperparams, m):
    Pull the relevant hyperparameters corresponding to the specified
    condition, and return a new hyperparameter dictionary.
    return {var: val[m] if isinstance(val, list) else val
            for var, val in hyperparams.items()}

# Algorithm
ALG = {
    'inner_iterations': 1,  # Number of iterations.
    'min_eta': 1e-5,  # Minimum initial lagrange multiplier in DGD for
                      # trajectory optimization.
    'min_mult': 0.1,
    'max_mult': 5.0,
    # Trajectory settings.
    'init_traj_distr': None,  # A list of initial LinearGaussianPolicy
                              # objects for each condition.
    # Trajectory optimization.
    'traj_opt': None,
    # Weight of maximum entropy term in trajectory optimization.
    'max_ent_traj': 0.0,
    # Dynamics hyperaparams.
    'dynamics': None,
    # Costs.
    'cost': None,  # A list of Cost objects for each condition.
    # Whether or not to sample with neural net policy (only for badmm/mdgps).
    'sample_on_policy': False,
    # Inidicates if the algorithm requires fitting of the dynamics.
    'fit_dynamics': True,    

class Algorithm(object):
    """ Algorithm superclass. """
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        config = copy.deepcopy(ALG)
        self._hyperparams = config

        if 'train_conditions' in hyperparams:
            self._cond_idx = hyperparams['train_conditions']
            self.M = len(self._cond_idx)
            self.M = hyperparams['conditions']
            self._cond_idx = range(self.M)
            self._hyperparams['train_conditions'] = self._cond_idx
            self._hyperparams['test_conditions'] = self._cond_idx
        self.iteration_count = 0

        # Grab a few values from the agent.
        agent = self._hyperparams['agent']
        self.T = self._hyperparams['T'] = agent.T
        self.dU = self._hyperparams['dU'] = agent.dU
        self.dX = self._hyperparams['dX'] = agent.dX
        self.dO = self._hyperparams['dO'] = agent.dO

        init_traj_distr = config['init_traj_distr']
        init_traj_distr['x0'] = agent.x0
        init_traj_distr['dX'] = agent.dX
        init_traj_distr['dU'] = agent.dU
        del self._hyperparams['agent']  # Don't want to pickle this.

        # IterationData objects for each condition.
        self.cur = [IterationData() for _ in range(self.M)]
        self.prev = [IterationData() for _ in range(self.M)]

        if self._hyperparams['fit_dynamics']:
            dynamics = self._hyperparams['dynamics']

        for m in range(self.M):
            self.cur[m].traj_info = TrajectoryInfo()
            if self._hyperparams['fit_dynamics']:
                self.cur[m].traj_info.dynamics = dynamics['type'](dynamics)
            init_traj_distr = extract_condition(
                self._hyperparams['init_traj_distr'], self._cond_idx[m]
            self.cur[m].traj_distr = init_traj_distr['type'](init_traj_distr)

        self.traj_opt = hyperparams['traj_opt']['type'](
        if type(hyperparams['cost']) == list:
            self.cost = [
                for i in range(self.M)
            self.cost = [
                for _ in range(self.M)
        self.base_kl_step = self._hyperparams['kl_step']

    def iteration(self, sample_list):
        """ Run iteration of the algorithm. """
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass")

    def _update_dynamics(self):
        Instantiate dynamics objects and update prior. Fit dynamics to
        current samples.
        for m in range(self.M):
            cur_data = self.cur[m].sample_list
            X = cur_data.get_X()
            U = cur_data.get_U()

            # Update prior and fit dynamics.
            self.cur[m], U)

            # Fit x0mu/x0sigma.
            x0 = X[:, 0, :]
            x0mu = np.mean(x0, axis=0)
            self.cur[m].traj_info.x0mu = x0mu
            self.cur[m].traj_info.x0sigma = np.diag(
                np.maximum(np.var(x0, axis=0),

            prior = self.cur[m].traj_info.dynamics.get_prior()
            if prior:
                mu0, Phi, priorm, n0 = prior.initial_state()
                N = len(cur_data)
                self.cur[m].traj_info.x0sigma += \
                        Phi + (N*priorm) / (N+priorm) * \
                        np.outer(x0mu-mu0, x0mu-mu0) / (N+n0)

    def _update_trajectories(self):
        Compute new linear Gaussian controllers.
        if not hasattr(self, 'new_traj_distr'):
            self.new_traj_distr = [
                self.cur[cond].traj_distr for cond in range(self.M)
        for cond in range(self.M):
            self.new_traj_distr[cond], self.cur[cond].eta = \
                    self.traj_opt.update(cond, self)

    def _eval_cost(self, cond):
        Evaluate costs for all samples for a condition.
            cond: Condition to evaluate cost on.
        # Constants.
        T, dX, dU = self.T, self.dX, self.dU
        N = len(self.cur[cond].sample_list)

        # Compute cost.
        cs = np.zeros((N, T))
        cc = np.zeros((N, T))
        cv = np.zeros((N, T, dX+dU))
        Cm = np.zeros((N, T, dX+dU, dX+dU))
        for n in range(N):
            sample = self.cur[cond].sample_list[n]
            # Get costs.
            l, lx, lu, lxx, luu, lux = self.cost[cond].eval(sample)
            cc[n, :] = l
            cs[n, :] = l

            # Assemble matrix and vector.
            cv[n, :, :] = np.c_[lx, lu]
            Cm[n, :, :, :] = np.concatenate(
                (np.c_[lxx, np.transpose(lux, [0, 2, 1])], np.c_[lux, luu]),

            # Adjust for expanding cost around a sample.
            X = sample.get_X()
            U = sample.get_U()
            yhat = np.c_[X, U]
            rdiff = -yhat
            rdiff_expand = np.expand_dims(rdiff, axis=2)
            cv_update = np.sum(Cm[n, :, :, :] * rdiff_expand, axis=1)
            cc[n, :] += np.sum(rdiff * cv[n, :, :], axis=1) + 0.5 * \
                    np.sum(rdiff * cv_update, axis=1)
            cv[n, :, :] += cv_update

        # Fill in cost estimate.
        self.cur[cond] = np.mean(cc, 0)  # Constant term (scalar).
        self.cur[cond] = np.mean(cv, 0)  # Linear term (vector).
        self.cur[cond].traj_info.Cm = np.mean(Cm, 0)  # Quadratic term (matrix).

        self.cur[cond].cs = cs  # True value of cost.

    def _advance_iteration_variables(self):
        Move all 'cur' variables to 'prev', and advance iteration
        self.iteration_count += 1
        self.prev = copy.deepcopy(self.cur)
        # TODO: change IterationData to reflect new stuff better
        for m in range(self.M):
            self.prev[m].new_traj_distr = self.new_traj_distr[m]
        self.cur = [IterationData() for _ in range(self.M)]
        for m in range(self.M):
            self.cur[m].traj_info = TrajectoryInfo()
            self.cur[m].traj_info.dynamics = copy.deepcopy(self.prev[m].traj_info.dynamics)
            self.cur[m].step_mult = self.prev[m].step_mult
            self.cur[m].eta = self.prev[m].eta
            self.cur[m].traj_distr = self.new_traj_distr[m]
        delattr(self, 'new_traj_distr')

    def _set_new_mult(self, predicted_impr, actual_impr, m):
        Adjust step size multiplier according to the predicted versus
        actual improvement.
        # Model improvement as I = predicted_dI * KL + penalty * KL^2,
        # where predicted_dI = pred/KL and penalty = (act-pred)/(KL^2).
        # Optimize I w.r.t. KL: 0 = predicted_dI + 2 * penalty * KL =>
        # KL' = (-predicted_dI)/(2*penalty) = (pred/2*(pred-act)) * KL.
        # Therefore, the new multiplier is given by pred/2*(pred-act).
        new_mult = predicted_impr / (2.0 * max(1e-4,
                                               predicted_impr - actual_impr))
        new_mult = max(0.1, min(5.0, new_mult))
        new_step = max(
            min(new_mult * self.cur[m].step_mult,
        self.cur[m].step_mult = new_step

        if new_mult > 1:
            LOGGER.debug('Increasing step size multiplier to %f', new_step)
            LOGGER.debug('Decreasing step size multiplier to %f', new_step)

    def _measure_ent(self, m):
        """ Measure the entropy of the current trajectory. """
        ent = 0
        for t in range(self.T):
            ent = ent + np.sum(
                np.log(np.diag(self.cur[m].traj_distr.chol_pol_covar[t, :, :]))
        return ent

    # For pickling.
    def __getstate__(self):
        state = self.__dict__.copy()
        state['_random_state'] = random.getstate()
        state['_np_random_state'] = np.random.get_state()
        return state

    # For unpickling.
    def __setstate__(self, state):
        self.__dict__ = state


BADMM-based Guided Policy Search (GPS) algorithm

In [13]:
import scipy as sp

# AlgorithmBADMM
    'inner_iterations': 4,
    'policy_dual_rate': 0.1,
    'policy_dual_rate_covar': 0.0,
    'fixed_lg_step': 0,
    'lg_step_schedule': 10.0,
    'ent_reg_schedule': 0.0,
    'init_pol_wt': 0.01,
    'policy_sample_mode': 'add',
    'exp_step_increase': 2.0,
    'exp_step_decrease': 0.5,
    'exp_step_upper': 0.5,
    'exp_step_lower': 1.0,

class AlgorithmBADMM(Algorithm):
    Sample-based joint policy learning and trajectory optimization with
    BADMM-based guided policy search algorithm.
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        config = copy.deepcopy(ALG_BADMM)
        Algorithm.__init__(self, config)

        policy_prior = self._hyperparams['policy_prior']
        for m in range(self.M):
            self.cur[m].pol_info = PolicyInfo(self._hyperparams)
            self.cur[m].pol_info.policy_prior = \

        self.policy_opt = self._hyperparams['policy_opt']['type'](
            self._hyperparams['policy_opt'], self.dO, self.dU

    def iteration(self, sample_lists):
        Run iteration of BADMM-based guided policy search.

            sample_lists: List of SampleList objects for each condition.
        for m in range(self.M):
            self.cur[m].sample_list = sample_lists[m]

        self._update_dynamics()  # Update dynamics model using all sample.
        self._update_step_size()  # KL Divergence step size.

        for m in range(self.M):
            # save initial kl for debugging / visualization
            self.cur[m].pol_info.init_kl = self._policy_kl(m)[0]

        # Run inner loop to compute new policies.
        for inner_itr in range(self._hyperparams['inner_iterations']):
            #TODO: Could start from init controller.
            if self.iteration_count > 0 or inner_itr > 0:
                # Update the policy.
            for m in range(self.M):
                self._update_policy_fit(m)  # Update policy priors.
            if self.iteration_count > 0 or inner_itr > 0:
                step = (inner_itr == self._hyperparams['inner_iterations'] - 1)
                # Update dual variables.
                for m in range(self.M):
                    self._policy_dual_step(m, step=step)


    def _set_interp_values(self):
        Use iteration-based interpolation to set values of some
        schedule-based parameters.
        # Compute temporal interpolation value.
        t = min((self.iteration_count + 1.0) /
                (self._hyperparams['iterations'] - 1), 1)
        # Perform iteration-based interpolation of entropy penalty.
        if type(self._hyperparams['ent_reg_schedule']) in (int, float):
            sch = self._hyperparams['ent_reg_schedule']
                np.exp(np.interp(t, np.linspace(0, 1, num=len(sch)),
        # Perform iteration-based interpolation of Lagrange multiplier.
        if type(self._hyperparams['lg_step_schedule']) in (int, float):
            self._hyperparams['lg_step'] = self._hyperparams['lg_step_schedule']
            sch = self._hyperparams['lg_step_schedule']
            self._hyperparams['lg_step'] = np.exp(
                np.interp(t, np.linspace(0, 1, num=len(sch)), np.log(sch))

    def _update_step_size(self):
        """ Evaluate costs on samples, and adjust the step size. """
        # Evaluate cost function for all conditions and samples.
        for m in range(self.M):
            self._update_policy_fit(m, init=True)
            # Adjust step size relative to the previous iteration.
            if self.iteration_count >= 1 and self.prev[m].sample_list:

    def _update_policy(self, inner_itr):
        """ Compute the new policy. """
        dU, dO, T = self.dU, self.dO, self.T
        # Compute target mean, cov, and weight for each sample.
        obs_data, tgt_mu = np.zeros((0, T, dO)), np.zeros((0, T, dU))
        tgt_prc, tgt_wt = np.zeros((0, T, dU, dU)), np.zeros((0, T))
        for m in range(self.M):
            samples = self.cur[m].sample_list
            X = samples.get_X()
            N = len(samples)
            if inner_itr > 0:
                traj, pol_info = self.new_traj_distr[m], self.cur[m].pol_info
                traj, pol_info = self.cur[m].traj_distr, self.cur[m].pol_info
            mu = np.zeros((N, T, dU))
            prc = np.zeros((N, T, dU, dU))
            wt = np.zeros((N, T))
            # Get time-indexed actions.
            for t in range(T):
                # Compute actions along this trajectory.
                prc[:, t, :, :] = np.tile(traj.inv_pol_covar[t, :, :],
                                          [N, 1, 1])
                for i in range(N):
                    mu[i, t, :] = \
                            (traj.K[t, :, :].dot(X[i, t, :]) + traj.k[t, :]) - \
                                prc[i, t, :, :] / pol_info.pol_wt[t],
                                pol_info.lambda_K[t, :, :].dot(X[i, t, :]) + \
                                        pol_info.lambda_k[t, :]
                wt[:, t].fill(pol_info.pol_wt[t])
            tgt_mu = np.concatenate((tgt_mu, mu))
            tgt_prc = np.concatenate((tgt_prc, prc))
            tgt_wt = np.concatenate((tgt_wt, wt))
            obs_data = np.concatenate((obs_data, samples.get_obs()))
        self.policy_opt.update(obs_data, tgt_mu, tgt_prc, tgt_wt)

    def _update_policy_fit(self, m, init=False):
        Re-estimate the local policy values in the neighborhood of the
            m: Condition
            init: Whether this is the initial fitting of the policy.
        dX, dU, T = self.dX, self.dU, self.T
        # Choose samples to use.
        samples = self.cur[m].sample_list
        N = len(samples)
        pol_info = self.cur[m].pol_info
        X = samples.get_X()
        obs = samples.get_obs().copy()
        pol_mu, pol_sig = self.policy_opt.prob(obs)[:2]
        pol_info.pol_mu, pol_info.pol_sig = pol_mu, pol_sig

        # Update policy prior.
        policy_prior = pol_info.policy_prior
        if init:
            samples = SampleList(self.cur[m].sample_list)
            mode = self._hyperparams['policy_sample_mode']
            samples = SampleList([])
            mode = 'add' # Don't replace with empty samples
        policy_prior.update(samples, self.policy_opt, mode)

        # Fit linearization and store in pol_info.
        pol_info.pol_K, pol_info.pol_k, pol_info.pol_S = \
      , pol_mu, pol_sig)
        for t in range(T):
            pol_info.chol_pol_S[t, :, :] = \
                    sp.linalg.cholesky(pol_info.pol_S[t, :, :])

    def _policy_dual_step(self, m, step=False):
        Update the dual variables for the specified condition.
            m: Condition
            step: Whether or not to update pol_wt.
        dU, T = self.dU, self.T
        samples = self.cur[m].sample_list
        N = len(samples)
        X = samples.get_X()
        if 'new_traj_distr' in dir(self):
            traj, pol_info = self.new_traj_distr[m], self.cur[m].pol_info
            traj, pol_info = self.cur[m].traj_distr, self.cur[m].pol_info

        # Compute trajectory action at each sampled state.
        traj_mu = np.zeros((N, T, dU))
        for i in range(N):
            for t in range(T):
                traj_mu[i, t, :] = traj.K[t, :, :].dot(X[i, t, :]) + \
                        traj.k[t, :]
        # Compute policy action at each sampled state.
        pol_mu = pol_info.pol_mu
        # Compute the difference and increment based on pol_wt.
        for t in range(T):
            tU, pU = traj_mu[:, t, :], pol_mu[:, t, :]
            # Increment mean term.
            pol_info.lambda_k[t, :] -= self._hyperparams['policy_dual_rate'] * \
                    pol_info.pol_wt[t] * \
                    traj.inv_pol_covar[t, :, :].dot(np.mean(tU - pU, axis=0))
            # Increment covariance term.
            t_covar, p_covar = traj.K[t, :, :], pol_info.pol_K[t, :, :]
            pol_info.lambda_K[t, :, :] -= \
                    self._hyperparams['policy_dual_rate_covar'] * \
                    pol_info.pol_wt[t] * \
                    traj.inv_pol_covar[t, :, :].dot(t_covar - p_covar)
        # Compute KL divergence.
        kl_m = self._policy_kl(m)[0]
        if step:
            lg_step = self._hyperparams['lg_step']
            # Increment pol_wt based on change in KL divergence.
            if self._hyperparams['fixed_lg_step'] == 1:
                # Take fixed size step.
                pol_info.pol_wt = np.array([
                    max(wt + lg_step, 0) for wt in pol_info.pol_wt
            elif self._hyperparams['fixed_lg_step'] == 2:
                # (In/De)crease based on change in constraint
                # satisfaction.
                if hasattr(pol_info, 'prev_kl'):
                    kl_change = kl_m / pol_info.prev_kl
                    for i in range(len(pol_info.pol_wt)):
                        if kl_change[i] < 0.8:
                            pol_info.pol_wt[i] *= 0.5
                        elif kl_change[i] >= 0.95:
                            pol_info.pol_wt[i] *= 2.0
            elif self._hyperparams['fixed_lg_step'] == 3:
                # (In/De)crease based on difference from average.
                if hasattr(pol_info, 'prev_kl'):
                    lower = np.mean(kl_m) - \
                            self._hyperparams['exp_step_lower'] * np.std(kl_m)
                    upper = np.mean(kl_m) + \
                            self._hyperparams['exp_step_upper'] * np.std(kl_m)
                    for i in range(len(pol_info.pol_wt)):
                        if kl_m[i] < lower:
                            pol_info.pol_wt[i] *= \
                        elif kl_m[i] >= upper:
                            pol_info.pol_wt[i] *= \
                # Standard DGD step.
                pol_info.pol_wt = np.array([
                    max(pol_info.pol_wt[t] + lg_step * kl_m[t], 0)
                    for t in range(T)
            pol_info.prev_kl = kl_m

    def _advance_iteration_variables(self):
        Move all 'cur' variables to 'prev', reinitialize 'cur'
        variables, and advance iteration counter.
        for m in range(self.M):
            self.cur[m].traj_info.last_kl_step = \
            self.cur[m].pol_info = copy.deepcopy(self.prev[m].pol_info)

    def _stepadjust(self, m):
        Calculate new step sizes.
            m: Condition

        # Compute values under Laplace approximation. This is the policy
        # that the previous samples were actually drawn from under the
        # dynamics that were estimated from the previous samples.
        prev_laplace_obj, prev_laplace_kl = self._estimate_cost(
            self.prev[m].traj_distr, self.prev[m].traj_info, self.prev[m].pol_info, m
        # This is the policy that we just used under the dynamics that
        # were estimated from the previous samples (so this is the cost
        # we thought we would have).
        new_pred_laplace_obj, new_pred_laplace_kl = self._estimate_cost(
            self.cur[m].traj_distr, self.prev[m].traj_info, self.prev[m].pol_info, m

        # This is the actual cost we have under the current trajectory
        # based on the latest samples.
        new_actual_laplace_obj, new_actual_laplace_kl = self._estimate_cost(
            self.cur[m].traj_distr, self.cur[m].traj_info, self.cur[m].pol_info, m

        # Measure the entropy of the current trajectory (for printout).
        ent = self._measure_ent(m)

        # Compute actual objective values based on the samples.
        prev_mc_obj = np.mean(np.sum(self.prev[m].cs, axis=1), axis=0)
        new_mc_obj = np.mean(np.sum(self.cur[m].cs, axis=1), axis=0)

        # Compute sample-based estimate of KL divergence between policy
        # and trajectories.
        new_mc_kl = self._policy_kl(m)[0]
        if self.iteration_count >= 1 and self.prev[m].sample_list:
            prev_mc_kl = self._policy_kl(m, prev=True)[0]
            prev_mc_kl = np.zeros_like(new_mc_kl)

        # Compute full policy KL divergence objective terms by applying
        # the Lagrange multipliers.
        pol_wt = self.cur[m].pol_info.pol_wt
        prev_laplace_kl_sum = np.sum(prev_laplace_kl * pol_wt)
        new_pred_laplace_kl_sum = np.sum(new_pred_laplace_kl * pol_wt)
        new_actual_laplace_kl_sum = np.sum(new_actual_laplace_kl * pol_wt)
        prev_mc_kl_sum = np.sum(prev_mc_kl * pol_wt)
        new_mc_kl_sum = np.sum(new_mc_kl * pol_wt)

            'Trajectory step: ent: %f cost: %f -> %f KL: %f -> %f',
            ent, prev_mc_obj, new_mc_obj, prev_mc_kl_sum, new_mc_kl_sum

        # Compute predicted and actual improvement.
        predicted_impr = np.sum(prev_laplace_obj) + prev_laplace_kl_sum - \
                np.sum(new_pred_laplace_obj) - new_pred_laplace_kl_sum
        actual_impr = np.sum(prev_laplace_obj) + prev_laplace_kl_sum - \
                np.sum(new_actual_laplace_obj) - new_actual_laplace_kl_sum

        # Print improvement details.
        LOGGER.debug('Previous cost: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     np.sum(prev_laplace_obj), prev_mc_obj)
        LOGGER.debug('Predicted new cost: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     np.sum(new_pred_laplace_obj), new_mc_obj)
        LOGGER.debug('Actual new cost: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     np.sum(new_actual_laplace_obj), new_mc_obj)
        LOGGER.debug('Previous KL: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     np.sum(prev_laplace_kl), np.sum(prev_mc_kl))
        LOGGER.debug('Predicted new KL: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     np.sum(new_pred_laplace_kl), np.sum(new_mc_kl))
        LOGGER.debug('Actual new KL: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     np.sum(new_actual_laplace_kl), np.sum(new_mc_kl))
        LOGGER.debug('Previous w KL: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     prev_laplace_kl_sum, prev_mc_kl_sum)
        LOGGER.debug('Predicted w new KL: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     new_pred_laplace_kl_sum, new_mc_kl_sum)
        LOGGER.debug('Actual w new KL: Laplace %f MC: %f',
                     new_actual_laplace_kl_sum, new_mc_kl_sum)
        LOGGER.debug('Predicted/actual improvement: %f / %f',
                     predicted_impr, actual_impr)

        # Compute actual KL step taken at last iteration.
        actual_step = self.cur[m].traj_info.last_kl_step / \
                (self._hyperparams['kl_step'] * self.T)
        if actual_step < self.cur[m].step_mult:
            self.cur[m].step_mult = max(actual_step,

        self._set_new_mult(predicted_impr, actual_impr, m)

    def _policy_kl(self, m, prev=False):
        Monte-Carlo estimate of KL divergence between policy and
        dU, T = self.dU, self.T
        if prev:
            traj, pol_info = self.prev[m].traj_distr, self.cur[m].pol_info
            samples = self.prev[m].sample_list
            traj, pol_info = self.cur[m].traj_distr, self.cur[m].pol_info
            samples = self.cur[m].sample_list
        N = len(samples)
        X, obs = samples.get_X(), samples.get_obs()
        kl, kl_m = np.zeros((N, T)), np.zeros(T)
        kl_l, kl_lm = np.zeros((N, T)), np.zeros(T)
        # Compute policy mean and covariance at each sample.
        pol_mu, _, pol_prec, pol_det_sigma = self.policy_opt.prob(obs.copy())
        # Compute KL divergence.
        for t in range(T):
            # Compute trajectory action at sample.
            traj_mu = np.zeros((N, dU))
            for i in range(N):
                traj_mu[i, :] = traj.K[t, :, :].dot(X[i, t, :]) + traj.k[t, :]
            diff = pol_mu[:, t, :] - traj_mu
            tr_pp_ct = pol_prec[:, t, :, :] * traj.pol_covar[t, :, :]
            k_ln_det_ct = 0.5 * dU + np.sum(
                np.log(np.diag(traj.chol_pol_covar[t, :, :]))
            ln_det_cp = np.log(pol_det_sigma[:, t])
            # IMPORTANT: Note that this assumes that pol_prec does not
            #            depend on state!!!!
            #            (Only the last term makes this assumption.)
            d_pp_d = np.sum(diff * ([1, t, :, :])), axis=1)
            kl[:, t] = 0.5 * np.sum(np.sum(tr_pp_ct, axis=1), axis=1) - \
                    k_ln_det_ct + 0.5 * ln_det_cp + 0.5 * d_pp_d
            tr_pp_ct_m = np.mean(tr_pp_ct, axis=0)
            kl_m[t] = 0.5 * np.sum(np.sum(tr_pp_ct_m, axis=0), axis=0) - \
                    k_ln_det_ct + 0.5 * np.mean(ln_det_cp) + \
                    0.5 * np.mean(d_pp_d)
            # Compute trajectory action at sample with Lagrange
            # multiplier.
            traj_mu = np.zeros((N, dU))
            for i in range(N):
                traj_mu[i, :] = \
                        (traj.K[t, :, :] - pol_info.lambda_K[t, :, :]).dot(
                            X[i, t, :]
                        ) + (traj.k[t, :] - pol_info.lambda_k[t, :])
            # Compute KL divergence with Lagrange multiplier.
            diff_l = pol_mu[:, t, :] - traj_mu
            d_pp_d_l = np.sum(diff_l * ([1, t, :, :])),
            kl_l[:, t] = 0.5 * np.sum(np.sum(tr_pp_ct, axis=1), axis=1) - \
                    k_ln_det_ct + 0.5 * ln_det_cp + 0.5 * d_pp_d_l
            kl_lm[t] = 0.5 * np.sum(np.sum(tr_pp_ct_m, axis=0), axis=0) - \
                    k_ln_det_ct + 0.5 * np.mean(ln_det_cp) + \
                    0.5 * np.mean(d_pp_d_l)
        return kl_m, kl, kl_lm, kl_l

    def _estimate_cost(self, traj_distr, traj_info, pol_info, m):
        Compute Laplace approximation to expected cost.
            traj_distr: A linear Gaussian policy object.
            traj_info: A TrajectoryInfo object.
            pol_info: Policy linearization info.
            m: Condition number.
        # Constants.
        T, dU, dX = self.T, self.dU, self.dX

        # Perform forward pass (note that we repeat this here, because
        # traj_info may have different dynamics from the ones that were
        # used to compute the distribution already saved in traj).
        mu, sigma = self.traj_opt.forward(traj_distr, traj_info)

        # Compute cost.
        predicted_cost = np.zeros(T)
        for t in range(T):
            predicted_cost[t] =[t] + 0.5 * \
                    (np.sum(sigma[t, :, :] * traj_info.Cm[t, :, :]) +
                     mu[t, :][t, :, :]).dot(mu[t, :])) + \
                    mu[t, :][t, :])

        # Compute KL divergence.
        predicted_kl = np.zeros(T)
        for t in range(T):
            inv_pS = np.linalg.solve(
                pol_info.chol_pol_S[t, :, :],
                np.linalg.solve(pol_info.chol_pol_S[t, :, :].T, np.eye(dU))
            Ufb = pol_info.pol_K[t, :, :].dot(mu[t, :dX].T) + \
                    pol_info.pol_k[t, :]
            diff = mu[t, dX:] - Ufb
            Kbar = traj_distr.K[t, :, :] - pol_info.pol_K[t, :, :]
            predicted_kl[t] = 0.5 * (diff).dot(inv_pS).dot(diff) + \
                    0.5 * np.sum(traj_distr.pol_covar[t, :, :] * inv_pS) + \
                    0.5 * np.sum(
                        sigma[t, :dX, :dX] *
                    ) + np.sum(
                        np.log(np.diag(pol_info.chol_pol_S[t, :, :]))
                    ) - np.sum(
                        np.log(np.diag(traj_distr.chol_pol_covar[t, :, :]))
                    ) + 0.5 * dU

        return predicted_cost, predicted_kl

    def compute_costs(self, m, eta, augment=True):
        """ Compute cost estimates used in the LQR backward pass. """
        traj_info, traj_distr = self.cur[m].traj_info, self.cur[m].traj_distr
        if not augment:  # Whether to augment cost with term to penalize KL
            return traj_info.Cm,

        pol_info = self.cur[m].pol_info
        multiplier = self._hyperparams['max_ent_traj']
        T, dU, dX = traj_distr.T, traj_distr.dU, traj_distr.dX
        Cm, cv = np.copy(traj_info.Cm), np.copy(

        # Modify policy action via Lagrange multiplier.
        cv[:, dX:] -= pol_info.lambda_k
        Cm[:, dX:, :dX] -= pol_info.lambda_K
        Cm[:, :dX, dX:] -= np.transpose(pol_info.lambda_K, [0, 2, 1])

        #Pre-process the costs with KL-divergence terms.
        TKLm = np.zeros((T, dX+dU, dX+dU))
        TKLv = np.zeros((T, dX+dU))
        PKLm = np.zeros((T, dX+dU, dX+dU))
        PKLv = np.zeros((T, dX+dU))
        fCm, fcv = np.zeros(Cm.shape), np.zeros(cv.shape)
        for t in range(T):
            K, k = traj_distr.K[t, :, :], traj_distr.k[t, :]
            inv_pol_covar = traj_distr.inv_pol_covar[t, :, :]
            # Trajectory KL-divergence terms.
            TKLm[t, :, :] = np.vstack([
                np.hstack([, inv_pol_covar])
            TKLv[t, :] = np.concatenate([
            # Policy KL-divergence terms.
            inv_pol_S = np.linalg.solve(
                pol_info.chol_pol_S[t, :, :],
                np.linalg.solve(pol_info.chol_pol_S[t, :, :].T, np.eye(dU))
            KB, kB = pol_info.pol_K[t, :, :], pol_info.pol_k[t, :]
            PKLm[t, :, :] = np.vstack([
                np.hstack([, inv_pol_S])
            PKLv[t, :] = np.concatenate([
            wt = pol_info.pol_wt[t]
            fCm[t, :, :] = (Cm[t, :, :] + TKLm[t, :, :] * eta +
                            PKLm[t, :, :] * wt) / (eta + wt + multiplier)
            fcv[t, :] = (cv[t, :] + TKLv[t, :] * eta +
                         PKLv[t, :] * wt) / (eta + wt + multiplier)

        return fCm, fcv


MD-based GPS algorithm

In [14]:
# AlgorithmMDGPS
    # TODO: remove need for init_pol_wt in MDGPS
    'init_pol_wt': 0.01,
    'policy_sample_mode': 'add',
    # Whether to use 'laplace' or 'mc' cost in step adjusment
    'step_rule': 'laplace',

class AlgorithmMDGPS(Algorithm):
    Sample-based joint policy learning and trajectory optimization with
    (approximate) mirror descent guided policy search algorithm.
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        config = copy.deepcopy(ALG_MDGPS)
        Algorithm.__init__(self, config)

        policy_prior = self._hyperparams['policy_prior']
        for m in range(self.M):
            self.cur[m].pol_info = PolicyInfo(self._hyperparams)
            self.cur[m].pol_info.policy_prior = \

        self.policy_opt = self._hyperparams['policy_opt']['type'](
            self._hyperparams['policy_opt'], self.dO, self.dU

    def iteration(self, sample_lists):
        Run iteration of MDGPS-based guided policy search.

            sample_lists: List of SampleList objects for each condition.
        # Store the samples and evaluate the costs.
        for m in range(self.M):
            self.cur[m].sample_list = sample_lists[m]

        # Update dynamics linearizations.

        # On the first iteration, need to catch policy up to init_traj_distr.
        if self.iteration_count == 0:
            self.new_traj_distr = [
                self.cur[cond].traj_distr for cond in range(self.M)

        # Update policy linearizations.
        for m in range(self.M):

        # C-step
        if self.iteration_count > 0:

        # S-step

        # Prepare for next iteration

    def _update_policy(self):
        """ Compute the new policy. """
        dU, dO, T = self.dU, self.dO, self.T
        # Compute target mean, cov, and weight for each sample.
        obs_data, tgt_mu = np.zeros((0, T, dO)), np.zeros((0, T, dU))
        tgt_prc, tgt_wt = np.zeros((0, T, dU, dU)), np.zeros((0, T))
        for m in range(self.M):
            samples = self.cur[m].sample_list
            X = samples.get_X()
            N = len(samples)
            traj, pol_info = self.new_traj_distr[m], self.cur[m].pol_info
            mu = np.zeros((N, T, dU))
            prc = np.zeros((N, T, dU, dU))
            wt = np.zeros((N, T))
            # Get time-indexed actions.
            for t in range(T):
                # Compute actions along this trajectory.
                prc[:, t, :, :] = np.tile(traj.inv_pol_covar[t, :, :],
                                          [N, 1, 1])
                for i in range(N):
                    mu[i, t, :] = (traj.K[t, :, :].dot(X[i, t, :]) + traj.k[t, :])
                wt[:, t].fill(pol_info.pol_wt[t])
            tgt_mu = np.concatenate((tgt_mu, mu))
            tgt_prc = np.concatenate((tgt_prc, prc))
            tgt_wt = np.concatenate((tgt_wt, wt))
            obs_data = np.concatenate((obs_data, samples.get_obs()))
        self.policy_opt.update(obs_data, tgt_mu, tgt_prc, tgt_wt)

    def _update_policy_fit(self, m):
        Re-estimate the local policy values in the neighborhood of the
            m: Condition
        dX, dU, T = self.dX, self.dU, self.T
        # Choose samples to use.
        samples = self.cur[m].sample_list
        N = len(samples)
        pol_info = self.cur[m].pol_info
        X = samples.get_X()
        obs = samples.get_obs().copy()
        pol_mu, pol_sig = self.policy_opt.prob(obs)[:2]
        pol_info.pol_mu, pol_info.pol_sig = pol_mu, pol_sig

        # Update policy prior.
        policy_prior = pol_info.policy_prior
        samples = SampleList(self.cur[m].sample_list)
        mode = self._hyperparams['policy_sample_mode']
        policy_prior.update(samples, self.policy_opt, mode)

        # Fit linearization and store in pol_info.
        pol_info.pol_K, pol_info.pol_k, pol_info.pol_S = \
      , pol_mu, pol_sig)
        for t in range(T):
            pol_info.chol_pol_S[t, :, :] = \
                    sp.linalg.cholesky(pol_info.pol_S[t, :, :])

    def _advance_iteration_variables(self):
        Move all 'cur' variables to 'prev', reinitialize 'cur'
        variables, and advance iteration counter.
        for m in range(self.M):
            self.cur[m].traj_info.last_kl_step = \
            self.cur[m].pol_info = copy.deepcopy(self.prev[m].pol_info)

    def _stepadjust(self):
        Calculate new step sizes. This version uses the same step size
        for all conditions.
        # Compute previous cost and previous expected cost.
        prev_M = len(self.prev) # May be different in future.
        prev_laplace = np.empty(prev_M)
        prev_mc = np.empty(prev_M)
        prev_predicted = np.empty(prev_M)
        for m in range(prev_M):
            prev_nn = self.prev[m].pol_info.traj_distr()
            prev_lg = self.prev[m].new_traj_distr

            # Compute values under Laplace approximation. This is the policy
            # that the previous samples were actually drawn from under the
            # dynamics that were estimated from the previous samples.
            prev_laplace[m] = self.traj_opt.estimate_cost(
                    prev_nn, self.prev[m].traj_info
            # This is the actual cost that we experienced.
            prev_mc[m] = self.prev[m].cs.mean(axis=0).sum()
            # This is the policy that we just used under the dynamics that
            # were estimated from the prev samples (so this is the cost
            # we thought we would have).
            prev_predicted[m] = self.traj_opt.estimate_cost(
                    prev_lg, self.prev[m].traj_info

        # Compute current cost.
        cur_laplace = np.empty(self.M)
        cur_mc = np.empty(self.M)
        for m in range(self.M):
            cur_nn = self.cur[m].pol_info.traj_distr()
            # This is the actual cost we have under the current trajectory
            # based on the latest samples.
            cur_laplace[m] = self.traj_opt.estimate_cost(
                    cur_nn, self.cur[m].traj_info
            cur_mc[m] = self.cur[m].cs.mean(axis=0).sum()

        # Compute predicted and actual improvement.
        prev_laplace = prev_laplace.mean()
        prev_mc = prev_mc.mean()
        prev_predicted = prev_predicted.mean()
        cur_laplace = cur_laplace.mean()
        cur_mc = cur_mc.mean()
        if self._hyperparams['step_rule'] == 'laplace':
            predicted_impr = prev_laplace - prev_predicted
            actual_impr = prev_laplace - cur_laplace
        elif self._hyperparams['step_rule'] == 'mc':
            predicted_impr = prev_mc - prev_predicted
            actual_impr = prev_mc - cur_mc
        LOGGER.debug('Previous cost: Laplace: %f, MC: %f',
                     prev_laplace, prev_mc)
        LOGGER.debug('Predicted cost: Laplace: %f', prev_predicted)
        LOGGER.debug('Actual cost: Laplace: %f, MC: %f',
                     cur_laplace, cur_mc)

        for m in range(self.M):
            self._set_new_mult(predicted_impr, actual_impr, m)

    def compute_costs(self, m, eta, augment=True):
        """ Compute cost estimates used in the LQR backward pass. """
        traj_info, traj_distr = self.cur[m].traj_info, self.cur[m].traj_distr
        if not augment:  # Whether to augment cost with term to penalize KL
            return traj_info.Cm,

        pol_info = self.cur[m].pol_info
        multiplier = self._hyperparams['max_ent_traj']
        T, dU, dX = traj_distr.T, traj_distr.dU, traj_distr.dX
        Cm, cv = np.copy(traj_info.Cm), np.copy(

        PKLm = np.zeros((T, dX+dU, dX+dU))
        PKLv = np.zeros((T, dX+dU))
        fCm, fcv = np.zeros(Cm.shape), np.zeros(cv.shape)
        for t in range(T):
            # Policy KL-divergence terms.
            inv_pol_S = np.linalg.solve(
                pol_info.chol_pol_S[t, :, :],
                np.linalg.solve(pol_info.chol_pol_S[t, :, :].T, np.eye(dU))
            KB, kB = pol_info.pol_K[t, :, :], pol_info.pol_k[t, :]
            PKLm[t, :, :] = np.vstack([
                np.hstack([, inv_pol_S])
            PKLv[t, :] = np.concatenate([
            fCm[t, :, :] = (Cm[t, :, :] + PKLm[t, :, :] * eta) / (eta + multiplier)
            fcv[t, :] = (cv[t, :] + PKLv[t, :] * eta) / (eta + multiplier)

        return fCm, fcv

Trajectory optimization

iLQG-based trajectory optimization: AlgorithmTrajOpt

Sample-based trajectory optimization algorithm

In [15]:
class AlgorithmTrajOpt(Algorithm):
    """ Sample-based trajectory optimization. """
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        Algorithm.__init__(self, hyperparams)

    def iteration(self, sample_lists):
        Run iteration of LQR.
            sample_lists: List of SampleList objects for each condition.
        for m in range(self.M):
            self.cur[m].sample_list = sample_lists[m]

        # Update dynamics model using all samples.

        self._update_step_size()  # KL Divergence step size.

        # Run inner loop to compute new policies.
        for _ in range(self._hyperparams['inner_iterations']):


    def _update_step_size(self):
        """ Evaluate costs on samples, and adjust the step size. """
        # Evaluate cost function for all conditions and samples.
        for m in range(self.M):

        # Adjust step size relative to the previous iteration.
        for m in range(self.M):
            if self.iteration_count >= 1 and self.prev[m].sample_list:

    def _stepadjust(self, m):
        Calculate new step sizes.
            m: Condition
        # Compute values under Laplace approximation. This is the policy
        # that the previous samples were actually drawn from under the
        # dynamics that were estimated from the previous samples.
        previous_laplace_obj = self.traj_opt.estimate_cost(
            self.prev[m].traj_distr, self.prev[m].traj_info
        # This is the policy that we just used under the dynamics that
        # were estimated from the previous samples (so this is the cost
        # we thought we would have).
        new_predicted_laplace_obj = self.traj_opt.estimate_cost(
            self.cur[m].traj_distr, self.prev[m].traj_info

        # This is the actual cost we have under the current trajectory
        # based on the latest samples.
        new_actual_laplace_obj = self.traj_opt.estimate_cost(
            self.cur[m].traj_distr, self.cur[m].traj_info

        # Measure the entropy of the current trajectory (for printout).
        ent = self._measure_ent(m)

        # Compute actual objective values based on the samples.
        previous_mc_obj = np.mean(np.sum(self.prev[m].cs, axis=1), axis=0)
        new_mc_obj = np.mean(np.sum(self.cur[m].cs, axis=1), axis=0)

        LOGGER.debug('Trajectory step: ent: %f cost: %f -> %f',
                     ent, previous_mc_obj, new_mc_obj)

        # Compute predicted and actual improvement.
        predicted_impr = np.sum(previous_laplace_obj) - \
        actual_impr = np.sum(previous_laplace_obj) - \

        # Print improvement details.
        LOGGER.debug('Previous cost: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     np.sum(previous_laplace_obj), previous_mc_obj)
        LOGGER.debug('Predicted new cost: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     np.sum(new_predicted_laplace_obj), new_mc_obj)
        LOGGER.debug('Actual new cost: Laplace: %f MC: %f',
                     np.sum(new_actual_laplace_obj), new_mc_obj)
        LOGGER.debug('Predicted/actual improvement: %f / %f',
                     predicted_impr, actual_impr)

        self._set_new_mult(predicted_impr, actual_impr, m)

    def compute_costs(self, m, eta, augment=True):
        """ Compute cost estimates used in the LQR backward pass. """
        traj_info, traj_distr = self.cur[m].traj_info, self.cur[m].traj_distr
        if not augment:  # Whether to augment cost with term to penalize KL
            return traj_info.Cm,

        multiplier = self._hyperparams['max_ent_traj']
        fCm, fcv = traj_info.Cm / (eta + multiplier), / (eta + multiplier)
        K, ipc, k = traj_distr.K, traj_distr.inv_pol_covar, traj_distr.k

        # Add in the trajectory divergence term.
        for t in range(self.T - 1, -1, -1):
            fCm[t, :, :] += eta / (eta + multiplier) * np.vstack([
                    K[t, :, :][t, :, :]).dot(K[t, :, :]),
                    -K[t, :, :][t, :, :])
                    -ipc[t, :, :].dot(K[t, :, :]), ipc[t, :, :]
            fcv[t, :] += eta / (eta + multiplier) * np.hstack([
                K[t, :, :][t, :, :]).dot(k[t, :]),
                -ipc[t, :, :].dot(k[t, :])

        return fCm, fcv


Base trajectory optimization class

In [16]:
import abc

class TrajOpt(object):
    """ Trajectory optimization superclass. """
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        self._hyperparams = hyperparams

    def update(self):
        """ Update trajectory distributions. """
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass.")


iLQG-based trajectory optimization

In [17]:
""" This file defines code for iLQG-based trajectory optimization. """
from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError
import scipy as sp

# Constants used in TrajOptLQR.

ALPHA, BETA1, BETA2, EPS = 0.005, 0.9, 0.999, 1e-8  # Adam parameters

def traj_distr_kl(new_mu, new_sigma, new_traj_distr, prev_traj_distr, tot=True):
    Compute KL divergence between new and previous trajectory
        new_mu: T x dX, mean of new trajectory distribution.
        new_sigma: T x dX x dX, variance of new trajectory distribution.
        new_traj_distr: A linear Gaussian policy object, new
        prev_traj_distr: A linear Gaussian policy object, previous
        tot: Whether or not to sum KL across all time steps.
        kl_div: The KL divergence between the new and previous
    # Constants.
    T = new_mu.shape[0]
    dU = new_traj_distr.dU

    # Initialize vector of divergences for each time step.
    kl_div = np.zeros(T)

    # Step through trajectory.
    for t in range(T):
        # Fetch matrices and vectors from trajectory distributions.
        mu_t = new_mu[t, :]
        sigma_t = new_sigma[t, :, :]
        K_prev = prev_traj_distr.K[t, :, :]
        K_new = new_traj_distr.K[t, :, :]
        k_prev = prev_traj_distr.k[t, :]
        k_new = new_traj_distr.k[t, :]
        chol_prev = prev_traj_distr.chol_pol_covar[t, :, :]
        chol_new = new_traj_distr.chol_pol_covar[t, :, :]

        # Compute log determinants and precision matrices.
        logdet_prev = 2 * sum(np.log(np.diag(chol_prev)))
        logdet_new = 2 * sum(np.log(np.diag(chol_new)))
        prc_prev = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
            chol_prev, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(chol_prev.T, np.eye(dU),
        prc_new = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
            chol_new, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(chol_new.T, np.eye(dU),

        # Construct matrix, vector, and constants.
        M_prev = np.r_[
            np.c_[, prc_prev]
        M_new = np.r_[
            np.c_[, prc_new]
        v_prev = np.r_[,
        v_new = np.r_[,]
        c_prev = 0.5 *
        c_new = 0.5 *

        # Compute KL divergence at timestep t.
        kl_div[t] = max(
            -0.5 * - M_prev).dot(mu_t) -
   - v_prev) - c_new + c_prev -
            0.5 * np.sum(sigma_t * (M_new-M_prev)) - 0.5 * logdet_new +
            0.5 * logdet_prev

    # Add up divergences across time to get total divergence.
    return np.sum(kl_div) if tot else kl_div

def traj_distr_kl_alt(new_mu, new_sigma, new_traj_distr, prev_traj_distr, tot=True):
    This function computes the same quantity as the function above.
    However, it is easier to modify and understand this function, i.e.,
    passing in a different mu and sigma to this function will behave properly.
    T, dX, dU = new_mu.shape[0], new_traj_distr.dX, new_traj_distr.dU
    kl_div = np.zeros(T)

    for t in range(T):
        K_prev = prev_traj_distr.K[t, :, :]
        K_new = new_traj_distr.K[t, :, :]

        k_prev = prev_traj_distr.k[t, :]
        k_new = new_traj_distr.k[t, :]

        sig_prev = prev_traj_distr.pol_covar[t, :, :]
        sig_new = new_traj_distr.pol_covar[t, :, :]

        chol_prev = prev_traj_distr.chol_pol_covar[t, :, :]
        chol_new = new_traj_distr.chol_pol_covar[t, :, :]

        inv_prev = prev_traj_distr.inv_pol_covar[t, :, :]
        inv_new = new_traj_distr.inv_pol_covar[t, :, :]

        logdet_prev = 2 * sum(np.log(np.diag(chol_prev)))
        logdet_new = 2 * sum(np.log(np.diag(chol_new)))

        K_diff, k_diff = K_prev - K_new, k_prev - k_new
        mu, sigma = new_mu[t, :dX], new_sigma[t, :dX, :dX]

        kl_div[t] = max(
                0.5 * (logdet_prev - logdet_new - new_traj_distr.dU +
                       np.sum(np.diag( +
                       np.sum(np.diag( +
                       2 *

    return np.sum(kl_div) if tot else kl_div

# TrajOptLQRPython
    # Dual variable updates for non-PD Q-function.
    'del0': 1e-4,
    'eta_error_threshold': 1e16,
    'min_eta': 1e-8,
    'max_eta': 1e16,
    'cons_per_step': False,  # Whether or not to enforce separate KL constraints at each time step.
    'use_prev_distr': False,  # Whether or not to measure expected KL under the previous traj distr.
    'update_in_bwd_pass': True,  # Whether or not to update the TVLG controller during the bwd pass.

class TrajOptLQRPython(TrajOpt):
    """ LQR trajectory optimization, Python implementation. """
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        config = copy.deepcopy(TRAJ_OPT_LQR)

        TrajOpt.__init__(self, config)

        self.cons_per_step = config['cons_per_step']
        self._use_prev_distr = config['use_prev_distr']
        self._update_in_bwd_pass = config['update_in_bwd_pass']

    # TODO - Add arg and return spec on this function.
    def update(self, m, algorithm):
        """ Run dual gradient decent to optimize trajectories. """
        T = algorithm.T
        eta = algorithm.cur[m].eta
        if self.cons_per_step and type(eta) in (int, float):
            eta = np.ones(T) * eta
        step_mult = algorithm.cur[m].step_mult
        traj_info = algorithm.cur[m].traj_info

        if isinstance(algorithm, AlgorithmMDGPS):
            # For MDGPS, constrain to previous NN linearization
            prev_traj_distr = algorithm.cur[m].pol_info.traj_distr()
            # For BADMM/trajopt, constrain to previous LG controller
            prev_traj_distr = algorithm.cur[m].traj_distr

        # Set KL-divergence step size (epsilon).
        kl_step = algorithm.base_kl_step * step_mult
        if not self.cons_per_step:
            kl_step *= T

        # We assume at min_eta, kl_div > kl_step, opposite for max_eta.
        if not self.cons_per_step:
            min_eta = self._hyperparams['min_eta']
            max_eta = self._hyperparams['max_eta']
            LOGGER.debug("Running DGD for trajectory %d, eta: %f", m, eta)
            min_eta = np.ones(T) * self._hyperparams['min_eta']
            max_eta = np.ones(T) * self._hyperparams['max_eta']
            LOGGER.debug("Running DGD for trajectory %d, avg eta: %f", m,

        max_itr = (DGD_MAX_LS_ITER if self.cons_per_step else
        for itr in range(max_itr):
            if not self.cons_per_step:
                LOGGER.debug("Iteration %d, bracket: (%.2e , %.2e , %.2e)", itr,
                             min_eta, eta, max_eta)

            # Run fwd/bwd pass, note that eta may be updated.
            # Compute KL divergence constraint violation.
            traj_distr, eta = self.backward(prev_traj_distr, traj_info,
                                            eta, algorithm, m)

            if not self._use_prev_distr:
                new_mu, new_sigma = self.forward(traj_distr, traj_info)
                kl_div = traj_distr_kl(
                        new_mu, new_sigma, traj_distr, prev_traj_distr,
                        tot=(not self.cons_per_step)
                prev_mu, prev_sigma = self.forward(prev_traj_distr, traj_info)
                kl_div = traj_distr_kl_alt(
                        prev_mu, prev_sigma, traj_distr, prev_traj_distr,
                        tot=(not self.cons_per_step)

            con = kl_div - kl_step

            # Convergence check - constraint satisfaction.
            if self._conv_check(con, kl_step):
                if not self.cons_per_step:
                    LOGGER.debug("KL: %f / %f, converged iteration %d", kl_div,
                                 kl_step, itr)
                            "KL: %f / %f, converged iteration %d",
                            np.mean(kl_div[:-1]), np.mean(kl_step[:-1]), itr

            if not self.cons_per_step:
                # Choose new eta (bisect bracket or multiply by constant)
                if con < 0: # Eta was too big.
                    max_eta = eta
                    geom = np.sqrt(min_eta*max_eta)  # Geometric mean.
                    new_eta = max(geom, 0.1*max_eta)
                    LOGGER.debug("KL: %f / %f, eta too big, new eta: %f",
                                 kl_div, kl_step, new_eta)
                else: # Eta was too small.
                    min_eta = eta
                    geom = np.sqrt(min_eta*max_eta)  # Geometric mean.
                    new_eta = min(geom, 10.0*min_eta)
                    LOGGER.debug("KL: %f / %f, eta too small, new eta: %f",
                                 kl_div, kl_step, new_eta)

                # Logarithmic mean: log_mean(x,y) = (y - x)/(log(y) - log(x))
                eta = new_eta
                for t in range(T):
                    if con[t] < 0:
                        max_eta[t] = eta[t]
                        geom = np.sqrt(min_eta[t]*max_eta[t])
                        eta[t] = max(geom, 0.1*max_eta[t])
                        min_eta[t] = eta[t]
                        geom = np.sqrt(min_eta[t]*max_eta[t])
                        eta[t] = min(geom, 10.0*min_eta[t])
                if itr % 10 == 0:
                    LOGGER.debug("avg KL: %f / %f, avg new eta: %f",
                                 np.mean(kl_div[:-1]), np.mean(kl_step[:-1]),

        if (self.cons_per_step and not self._conv_check(con, kl_step)):
            m_b, v_b = np.zeros(T-1), np.zeros(T-1)

            for itr in range(DGD_MAX_GD_ITER):
                traj_distr, eta = self.backward(prev_traj_distr, traj_info,
                                                eta, algorithm, m)

                if not self._use_prev_distr:
                    new_mu, new_sigma = self.forward(traj_distr, traj_info)
                    kl_div = traj_distr_kl(
                            new_mu, new_sigma, traj_distr, prev_traj_distr,
                    prev_mu, prev_sigma = self.forward(prev_traj_distr,
                    kl_div = traj_distr_kl_alt(
                            prev_mu, prev_sigma, traj_distr, prev_traj_distr,

                con = kl_div - kl_step
                if self._conv_check(con, kl_step):
                            "KL: %f / %f, converged iteration %d",
                            np.mean(kl_div[:-1]), np.mean(kl_step[:-1]), itr

                m_b = (BETA1 * m_b + (1-BETA1) * con[:-1])
                m_u = m_b / (1 - BETA1 ** (itr+1))
                v_b = (BETA2 * v_b + (1-BETA2) * np.square(con[:-1]))
                v_u = v_b / (1 - BETA2 ** (itr+1))
                eta[:-1] = np.minimum(
                        np.maximum(eta[:-1] + ALPHA * m_u / (np.sqrt(v_u) + EPS),

                if itr % 10 == 0:
                    LOGGER.debug("avg KL: %f / %f, avg new eta: %f",
                                 np.mean(kl_div[:-1]), np.mean(kl_step[:-1]),

        if (np.mean(kl_div) > np.mean(kl_step) and
            not self._conv_check(con, kl_step)):
                    "Final KL divergence after DGD convergence is too high."
        return traj_distr, eta

    def estimate_cost(self, traj_distr, traj_info):
        """ Compute Laplace approximation to expected cost. """
        # Constants.
        T = traj_distr.T

        # Perform forward pass (note that we repeat this here, because
        # traj_info may have different dynamics from the ones that were
        # used to compute the distribution already saved in traj).
        mu, sigma = self.forward(traj_distr, traj_info)

        # Compute cost.
        predicted_cost = np.zeros(T)
        for t in range(T):
            predicted_cost[t] =[t] + 0.5 * \
                    np.sum(sigma[t, :, :] * traj_info.Cm[t, :, :]) + 0.5 * \
                    mu[t, :][t, :, :]).dot(mu[t, :]) + \
                    mu[t, :][t, :])
        return predicted_cost

    def forward(self, traj_distr, traj_info):
        Perform LQR forward pass. Computes state-action marginals from
        dynamics and policy.
            traj_distr: A linear Gaussian policy object.
            traj_info: A TrajectoryInfo object.
            mu: A T x dX mean action vector.
            sigma: A T x dX x dX covariance matrix.
        # Compute state-action marginals from specified conditional
        # parameters and current traj_info.
        T = traj_distr.T
        dU = traj_distr.dU
        dX = traj_distr.dX

        # Constants.
        idx_x = slice(dX)

        # Allocate space.
        sigma = np.zeros((T, dX+dU, dX+dU))
        mu = np.zeros((T, dX+dU))

        # Pull out dynamics.
        Fm = traj_info.dynamics.Fm
        fv = traj_info.dynamics.fv
        dyn_covar = traj_info.dynamics.dyn_covar

        # Set initial covariance (initial mu is always zero).
        sigma[0, idx_x, idx_x] = traj_info.x0sigma
        mu[0, idx_x] = traj_info.x0mu

        for t in range(T):
            sigma[t, :, :] = np.vstack([
                    sigma[t, idx_x, idx_x],
                    sigma[t, idx_x, idx_x].dot(traj_distr.K[t, :, :].T)
                    traj_distr.K[t, :, :].dot(sigma[t, idx_x, idx_x]),
                    traj_distr.K[t, :, :].dot(sigma[t, idx_x, idx_x]).dot(
                        traj_distr.K[t, :, :].T
                    ) + traj_distr.pol_covar[t, :, :]
            mu[t, :] = np.hstack([
                mu[t, idx_x],
                traj_distr.K[t, :, :].dot(mu[t, idx_x]) + traj_distr.k[t, :]
            if t < T - 1:
                sigma[t+1, idx_x, idx_x] = \
                        Fm[t, :, :].dot(sigma[t, :, :]).dot(Fm[t, :, :].T) + \
                        dyn_covar[t, :, :]
                mu[t+1, idx_x] = Fm[t, :, :].dot(mu[t, :]) + fv[t, :]
        return mu, sigma

    def backward(self, prev_traj_distr, traj_info, eta, algorithm, m):
        Perform LQR backward pass. This computes a new linear Gaussian
        policy object.
            prev_traj_distr: A linear Gaussian policy object from
                previous iteration.
            traj_info: A TrajectoryInfo object.
            eta: Dual variable.
            algorithm: Algorithm object needed to compute costs.
            m: Condition number.
            traj_distr: A new linear Gaussian policy.
            new_eta: The updated dual variable. Updates happen if the
                Q-function is not PD.
        # Constants.
        T = prev_traj_distr.T
        dU = prev_traj_distr.dU
        dX = prev_traj_distr.dX

        if self._update_in_bwd_pass:
            traj_distr = prev_traj_distr.nans_like()
            traj_distr = prev_traj_distr.copy()

        # Store pol_wt if necessary
        if type(algorithm) == AlgorithmBADMM:
            pol_wt = algorithm.cur[m].pol_info.pol_wt

        idx_x = slice(dX)
        idx_u = slice(dX, dX+dU)

        # Pull out dynamics.
        Fm = traj_info.dynamics.Fm
        fv = traj_info.dynamics.fv

        # Non-SPD correction terms.
        del_ = self._hyperparams['del0']
        if self.cons_per_step:
            del_ = np.ones(T) * del_
        eta0 = eta

        # Run dynamic programming.
        fail = True
        while fail:
            fail = False  # Flip to true on non-symmetric PD.

            # Allocate.
            Vxx = np.zeros((T, dX, dX))
            Vx = np.zeros((T, dX))
            Qtt = np.zeros((T, dX+dU, dX+dU))
            Qt = np.zeros((T, dX+dU))

            if not self._update_in_bwd_pass:
                new_K, new_k = np.zeros((T, dU, dX)), np.zeros((T, dU))
                new_pS = np.zeros((T, dU, dU))
                new_ipS, new_cpS = np.zeros((T, dU, dU)), np.zeros((T, dU, dU))

            fCm, fcv = algorithm.compute_costs(
                    m, eta, augment=(not self.cons_per_step)

            # Compute state-action-state function at each time step.
            for t in range(T - 1, -1, -1):
                # Add in the cost.
                Qtt[t] = fCm[t, :, :]  # (X+U) x (X+U)
                Qt[t] = fcv[t, :]  # (X+U) x 1

                # Add in the value function from the next time step.
                if t < T - 1:
                    if type(algorithm) == AlgorithmBADMM:
                        multiplier = (pol_wt[t+1] + eta)/(pol_wt[t] + eta)
                        multiplier = 1.0
                    Qtt[t] += multiplier * \
                            Fm[t, :, :][t+1, :, :]).dot(Fm[t, :, :])
                    Qt[t] += multiplier * \
                            Fm[t, :, :][t+1, :] +
                                            Vxx[t+1, :, :].dot(fv[t, :]))

                # Symmetrize quadratic component.
                Qtt[t] = 0.5 * (Qtt[t] + Qtt[t].T)

                if not self.cons_per_step:
                    inv_term = Qtt[t, idx_u, idx_u]
                    k_term = Qt[t, idx_u]
                    K_term = Qtt[t, idx_u, idx_x]
                    inv_term = (1.0 / eta[t]) * Qtt[t, idx_u, idx_u] + \
                    k_term = (1.0 / eta[t]) * Qt[t, idx_u] - \
                    K_term = (1.0 / eta[t]) * Qtt[t, idx_u, idx_x] - \
                # Compute Cholesky decomposition of Q function action
                # component.
                    U = sp.linalg.cholesky(inv_term)
                    L = U.T
                except LinAlgError as e:
                    # Error thrown when Qtt[idx_u, idx_u] is not
                    # symmetric positive definite.
                    LOGGER.debug('LinAlgError: %s', e)
                    fail = t if self.cons_per_step else True

                if self._hyperparams['update_in_bwd_pass']:
                    # Store conditional covariance, inverse, and Cholesky.
                    traj_distr.inv_pol_covar[t, :, :] = inv_term
                    traj_distr.pol_covar[t, :, :] = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
                        U, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L, np.eye(dU), lower=True)
                    traj_distr.chol_pol_covar[t, :, :] = sp.linalg.cholesky(
                        traj_distr.pol_covar[t, :, :]

                    # Compute mean terms.
                    traj_distr.k[t, :] = -sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
                        U, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L, k_term, lower=True)
                    traj_distr.K[t, :, :] = -sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
                        U, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L, K_term, lower=True)
                    # Store conditional covariance, inverse, and Cholesky.
                    new_ipS[t, :, :] = inv_term
                    new_pS[t, :, :] = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
                        U, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L, np.eye(dU), lower=True)
                    new_cpS[t, :, :] = sp.linalg.cholesky(
                        new_pS[t, :, :]

                    # Compute mean terms.
                    new_k[t, :] = -sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
                        U, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L, k_term, lower=True)
                    new_K[t, :, :] = -sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
                        U, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L, K_term, lower=True)

                # Compute value function.
                if (self.cons_per_step or
                    not self._hyperparams['update_in_bwd_pass']):
                    Vxx[t, :, :] = Qtt[t, idx_x, idx_x] + \
                            traj_distr.K[t][t, idx_u, idx_u]).dot(traj_distr.K[t]) + \
                            (2 * Qtt[t, idx_x, idx_u]).dot(traj_distr.K[t])
                    Vx[t, :] = Qt[t, idx_x].T + \
                            Qt[t, idx_u][t]) + \
                            traj_distr.k[t][t, idx_u, idx_u]).dot(traj_distr.K[t]) + \
                            Qtt[t, idx_x, idx_u].dot(traj_distr.k[t])
                    Vxx[t, :, :] = Qtt[t, idx_x, idx_x] + \
                            Qtt[t, idx_x, idx_u].dot(traj_distr.K[t, :, :])
                    Vx[t, :] = Qt[t, idx_x] + \
                            Qtt[t, idx_x, idx_u].dot(traj_distr.k[t, :])
                Vxx[t, :, :] = 0.5 * (Vxx[t, :, :] + Vxx[t, :, :].T)

            if not self._hyperparams['update_in_bwd_pass']:
                traj_distr.K, traj_distr.k = new_K, new_k
                traj_distr.pol_covar = new_pS
                traj_distr.inv_pol_covar = new_ipS
                traj_distr.chol_pol_covar = new_cpS

            # Increment eta on non-SPD Q-function.
            if fail:
                if not self.cons_per_step:
                    old_eta = eta
                    eta = eta0 + del_
                    LOGGER.debug('Increasing eta: %f -> %f', old_eta, eta)
                    del_ *= 2  # Increase del_ exponentially on failure.
                    old_eta = eta[fail]
                    eta[fail] = eta0[fail] + del_[fail]
                    LOGGER.debug('Increasing eta %d: %f -> %f',
                                 fail, old_eta, eta[fail])
                    del_[fail] *= 2  # Increase del_ exponentially on failure.
                if self.cons_per_step:
                    fail_check = (eta[fail] >= 1e16)
                    fail_check = (eta >= 1e16)
                if fail_check:
                    if np.any(np.isnan(Fm)) or np.any(np.isnan(fv)):
                        raise ValueError('NaNs encountered in dynamics!')
                    raise ValueError('Failed to find PD solution even for very \
                            large eta (check that dynamics and cost are \
                            reasonably well conditioned)!')
        return traj_distr, eta

    def _conv_check(self, con, kl_step):
        """Function that checks whether dual gradient descent has converged."""
        if self.cons_per_step:
            return all([abs(con[t]) < (0.1*kl_step[t]) for t in range(con.size)])
        return abs(con) < 0.1 * kl_step


First, utilities and functions

In [18]:

# CostAction
    'wu': np.array([]),  # Torque penalties, must be 1 x dU numpy array.

# CostState
    'ramp_option': RAMP_CONSTANT,  # How target cost ramps over time.
    'l1': 0.0,
    'l2': 1.0,
    'alpha': 1e-2,
    'wp_final_multiplier': 1.0,  # Weight multiplier on final time step.
    'data_types': {
        'JointAngle': {
            'target_state': None,  # Target state - must be set.
            'wp': None,  # State weights - must be set.

# CostSum
    'costs': [],  # A list of hyperparam dictionaries for each cost.
    'weights': [],  # Weight multipliers for each cost.

def get_ramp_multiplier(ramp_option, T, wp_final_multiplier=1.0):
    Return a time-varying multiplier.
        A (T,) float vector containing weights for each time step.
    if ramp_option == RAMP_CONSTANT:
        wpm = np.ones(T)
    elif ramp_option == RAMP_LINEAR:
        wpm = (np.arange(T, dtype=np.float32) + 1) / T
    elif ramp_option == RAMP_QUADRATIC:
        wpm = ((np.arange(T, dtype=np.float32) + 1) / T) ** 2
    elif ramp_option == RAMP_FINAL_ONLY:
        wpm = np.zeros(T)
        wpm[T-1] = 1.0
        raise ValueError('Unknown cost ramp requested!')
    wpm[-1] *= wp_final_multiplier
    return wpm

def evall1l2term(wp, d, Jd, Jdd, l1, l2, alpha):
    Evaluate and compute derivatives for combined l1/l2 norm penalty.
    loss = (0.5 * l2 * d^2) + (l1 * sqrt(alpha + d^2))
        wp: T x D matrix with weights for each dimension and time step.
        d: T x D states to evaluate norm on.
        Jd: T x D x Dx Jacobian - derivative of d with respect to state.
        Jdd: T x D x Dx x Dx Jacobian - 2nd derivative of d with respect
            to state.
        l1: l1 loss weight.
        l2: l2 loss weight.
        alpha: Constant added in square root.
    # Get trajectory length.
    T, _ = d.shape

    # Compute scaled quantities.
    sqrtwp = np.sqrt(wp)
    dsclsq = d * sqrtwp
    dscl = d * wp
    dscls = d * (wp ** 2)

    # Compute total cost.
    l = 0.5 * np.sum(dsclsq ** 2, axis=1) * l2 + \
            np.sqrt(alpha + np.sum(dscl ** 2, axis=1)) * l1

    # First order derivative terms.
    d1 = dscl * l2 + (
        dscls / np.sqrt(alpha + np.sum(dscl ** 2, axis=1, keepdims=True)) * l1
    lx = np.sum(Jd * np.expand_dims(d1, axis=2), axis=1)

    # Second order terms.
    psq = np.expand_dims(
        np.sqrt(alpha + np.sum(dscl ** 2, axis=1, keepdims=True)), axis=1
    d2 = l1 * (
        (np.expand_dims(np.eye(wp.shape[1]), axis=0) *
         (np.expand_dims(wp ** 2, axis=1) / psq)) -
        ((np.expand_dims(dscls, axis=1) *
          np.expand_dims(dscls, axis=2)) / psq ** 3)
    d2 += l2 * (
        np.expand_dims(wp, axis=2) * np.tile(np.eye(wp.shape[1]), [T, 1, 1])

    d1_expand = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(d1, axis=-1), axis=-1)
    sec = np.sum(d1_expand * Jdd, axis=1)

    Jd_expand_1 = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(Jd, axis=2), axis=4)
    Jd_expand_2 = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(Jd, axis=1), axis=3)
    d2_expand = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(d2, axis=-1), axis=-1)
    lxx = np.sum(np.sum(Jd_expand_1 * Jd_expand_2 * d2_expand, axis=1), axis=1)

    lxx += 0.5 * sec + 0.5 * np.transpose(sec, [0, 2, 1])

    return l, lx, lxx

def evallogl2term(wp, d, Jd, Jdd, l1, l2, alpha):
    Evaluate and compute derivatives for combined l1/l2 norm penalty.
    loss = (0.5 * l2 * d^2) + (0.5 * l1 * log(alpha + d^2))
        wp: T x D matrix with weights for each dimension and time step.
        d: T x D states to evaluate norm on.
        Jd: T x D x Dx Jacobian - derivative of d with respect to state.
        Jdd: T x D x Dx x Dx Jacobian - 2nd derivative of d with respect
            to state.
        l1: l1 loss weight.
        l2: l2 loss weight.
        alpha: Constant added in square root.
    # Get trajectory length.
    T, _ = d.shape

    # Compute scaled quantities.
    sqrtwp = np.sqrt(wp)
    dsclsq = d * sqrtwp
    dscl = d * wp
    dscls = d * (wp ** 2)

    # Compute total cost.
    l = 0.5 * np.sum(dsclsq ** 2, axis=1) * l2 + \
            0.5 * np.log(alpha + np.sum(dscl ** 2, axis=1)) * l1
    # First order derivative terms.
    d1 = dscl * l2 + (
        dscls / (alpha + np.sum(dscl ** 2, axis=1, keepdims=True)) * l1
    lx = np.sum(Jd * np.expand_dims(d1, axis=2), axis=1)

    # Second order terms.
    psq = np.expand_dims(
        alpha + np.sum(dscl ** 2, axis=1, keepdims=True), axis=1
    #TODO: Need * 2.0 somewhere in following line, or * 0.0 which is
    #      wrong but better.
    d2 = l1 * (
        (np.expand_dims(np.eye(wp.shape[1]), axis=0) *
         (np.expand_dims(wp ** 2, axis=1) / psq)) -
        ((np.expand_dims(dscls, axis=1) *
          np.expand_dims(dscls, axis=2)) / psq ** 2)
    d2 += l2 * (
        np.expand_dims(wp, axis=2) * np.tile(np.eye(wp.shape[1]), [T, 1, 1])

    d1_expand = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(d1, axis=-1), axis=-1)
    sec = np.sum(d1_expand * Jdd, axis=1)

    Jd_expand_1 = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(Jd, axis=2), axis=4)
    Jd_expand_2 = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(Jd, axis=1), axis=3)
    d2_expand = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(d2, axis=-1), axis=-1)
    lxx = np.sum(np.sum(Jd_expand_1 * Jd_expand_2 * d2_expand, axis=1), axis=1)

    lxx += 0.5 * sec + 0.5 * np.transpose(sec, [0, 2, 1])

    return l, lx, lxx

In [19]:
class Cost(object):
    """ Cost superclass. """
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        self._hyperparams = hyperparams

    def eval(self, sample):
        Evaluate cost function and derivatives.
            sample:  A single sample.
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass.")

class CostAction(Cost):
    """ Computes torque penalties. """
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        config = copy.deepcopy(COST_ACTION)
        Cost.__init__(self, config)

    def eval(self, sample):
        Evaluate cost function and derivatives on a sample.
            sample: A single sample
        sample_u = sample.get_U()
        T = sample.T
        Du = sample.dU
        Dx = sample.dX
        l = 0.5 * np.sum(self._hyperparams['wu'] * (sample_u ** 2), axis=1)
        lu = self._hyperparams['wu'] * sample_u
        lx = np.zeros((T, Dx))
        luu = np.tile(np.diag(self._hyperparams['wu']), [T, 1, 1])
        lxx = np.zeros((T, Dx, Dx))
        lux = np.zeros((T, Du, Dx))
        return l, lx, lu, lxx, luu, lux

class CostState(Cost):
    """ Computes l1/l2 distance to a fixed target state. """
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        config = copy.deepcopy(COST_STATE)
        Cost.__init__(self, config)

    def eval(self, sample):
        Evaluate cost function and derivatives on a sample.
            sample:  A single sample
        T = sample.T
        Du = sample.dU
        Dx = sample.dX

        final_l = np.zeros(T)
        final_lu = np.zeros((T, Du))
        final_lx = np.zeros((T, Dx))
        final_luu = np.zeros((T, Du, Du))
        final_lxx = np.zeros((T, Dx, Dx))
        final_lux = np.zeros((T, Du, Dx))

        for data_type in self._hyperparams['data_types']:
            config = self._hyperparams['data_types'][data_type]
            wp = config['wp']
            tgt = config['target_state']
            x = sample.get(data_type)
            _, dim_sensor = x.shape

            wpm = get_ramp_multiplier(
                self._hyperparams['ramp_option'], T,
            wp = wp * np.expand_dims(wpm, axis=-1)
            # Compute state penalty.
            dist = x - tgt

            # Evaluate penalty term.
            l, ls, lss = evall1l2term(
                wp, dist, np.tile(np.eye(dim_sensor), [T, 1, 1]),
                np.zeros((T, dim_sensor, dim_sensor, dim_sensor)),
                self._hyperparams['l1'], self._hyperparams['l2'],

            final_l += l

            sample.agent.pack_data_x(final_lx, ls, data_types=[data_type])
            sample.agent.pack_data_x(final_lxx, lss,
                                     data_types=[data_type, data_type])
        return final_l, final_lx, final_lu, final_lxx, final_luu, final_lux

class CostSum(Cost):
    """ A wrapper cost function that adds other cost functions. """
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        config = copy.deepcopy(COST_SUM)
        Cost.__init__(self, config)

        self._costs = []
        self._weights = self._hyperparams['weights']

        for cost in self._hyperparams['costs']:

    def eval(self, sample):
        Evaluate cost function and derivatives.
            sample:  A single sample
        l, lx, lu, lxx, luu, lux = self._costs[0].eval(sample)

        # Compute weighted sum of each cost value and derivatives.
        weight = self._weights[0]
        l = l * weight
        lx = lx * weight
        lu = lu * weight
        lxx = lxx * weight
        luu = luu * weight
        lux = lux * weight
        for i in range(1, len(self._costs)):
            pl, plx, plu, plxx, pluu, plux = self._costs[i].eval(sample)
            weight = self._weights[i]
            l = l + pl * weight
            lx = lx + plx * weight
            lu = lu + plu * weight
            lxx = lxx + plxx * weight
            luu = luu + pluu * weight
            lux = lux + plux * weight
        return l, lx, lu, lxx, luu, lux

GUI and Datalogger

Code related to the custom GUI coded by the group at Berkeley

In [20]:
def generate_experiment_info(config):
    Generate experiment info, to be displayed by GPS Trainig GUI.
    Assumes config is the config created in
    common = config['common']
    algorithm = config['algorithm']

    if type(algorithm['cost']) == list:
        algorithm_cost_type = algorithm['cost'][0]['type'].__name__
        if (algorithm_cost_type) == 'CostSum':
            algorithm_cost_type += '(%s)' % ', '.join(
                    map(lambda cost: cost['type'].__name__,
        algorithm_cost_type = algorithm['cost']['type'].__name__
        if (algorithm_cost_type) == 'CostSum':
            algorithm_cost_type += '(%s)' % ', '.join(
                    map(lambda cost: cost['type'].__name__,

    if 'dynamics' in algorithm:        
        alg_dyn = str(algorithm['dynamics']['type'].__name__)
        alg_dyn = 'None'       

    return (
        'exp_name:   ' + str(common['experiment_name'])              + '\n' +
        'alg_type:   ' + str(algorithm['type'].__name__)             + '\n' +
        'alg_dyn:    ' + alg_dyn + '\n' +
        'alg_cost:   ' + str(algorithm_cost_type)                    + '\n' +
        'iterations: ' + str(config['iterations'])                   + '\n' +
        'conditions: ' + str(algorithm['conditions'])                + '\n' +
        'samples:    ' + str(config['num_samples'])                  + '\n'


In [21]:
import logging
   import cPickle as pickle
   import pickle

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class DataLogger(object):
    This class pickles data into files and unpickles data from files.
    TODO: Handle logging text to terminal, GUI text, and/or log file at
        DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL levels.
    TODO: Handle logging data to terminal, GUI text/plots, and/or data
    def __init__(self):

    def pickle(self, filename, data):
        """ Pickle data into file specified by filename. """
        pickle.dump(data, open(filename, 'wb'))

    def unpickle(self, filename):
        """ Unpickle data from file specified by filename. """
            return pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))
        except IOError:
            LOGGER.debug('Unpickle error. Cannot find file: %s', filename)
            return None



Base agent class

In [22]:
from gps_pb2 import ACTION

# Agent
    'dH': 0,
    'x0var': 0,
    'noisy_body_idx': np.array([]),
    'noisy_body_var': np.array([]),
    'pos_body_idx': np.array([]),
    'pos_body_offset': np.array([]),
    'smooth_noise': True,
    'smooth_noise_var': 2.0,
    'smooth_noise_renormalize': True,

class Agent(object):
    Agent superclass. The agent interacts with the environment to
    collect samples.
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        config = copy.deepcopy(AGENT)
        self._hyperparams = config

        # Store samples, along with size/index information for samples.
        self._samples = [[] for _ in range(self._hyperparams['conditions'])]
        self.T = self._hyperparams['T']
        self.dU = self._hyperparams['sensor_dims'][ACTION]

        self.x_data_types = self._hyperparams['state_include']
        self.obs_data_types = self._hyperparams['obs_include']
        if 'meta_include' in self._hyperparams:
            self.meta_data_types = self._hyperparams['meta_include']
            self.meta_data_types = []

        # List of indices for each data type in state X.
        self._state_idx, i = [], 0
        for sensor in self.x_data_types:
            dim = self._hyperparams['sensor_dims'][sensor]
            self._state_idx.append(list(range(i, i+dim)))
            i += dim
        self.dX = i

        # List of indices for each data type in observation.
        self._obs_idx, i = [], 0
        for sensor in self.obs_data_types:
            dim = self._hyperparams['sensor_dims'][sensor]
            self._obs_idx.append(list(range(i, i+dim)))
            i += dim
        self.dO = i

        # List of indices for each data type in meta data.
        self._meta_idx, i = [], 0
        for sensor in self.meta_data_types:
            dim = self._hyperparams['sensor_dims'][sensor]
            self._meta_idx.append(list(range(i, i+dim)))
            i += dim
        self.dM = i

        self._x_data_idx = {d: i for d, i in zip(self.x_data_types,
        self._obs_data_idx = {d: i for d, i in zip(self.obs_data_types,
        self._meta_data_idx = {d: i for d, i in zip(self.meta_data_types,

    def sample(self, policy, condition, verbose=True, save=True, noisy=True):
        Draw a sample from the environment, using the specified policy
        and under the specified condition, with or without noise.
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass.")

    def reset(self, condition):
        """ Reset environment to the specified condition. """
        pass  # May be overridden in subclass.

    def get_samples(self, condition, start=0, end=None):
        Return the requested samples based on the start and end indices.
            start: Starting index of samples to return.
            end: End index of samples to return.
        return (SampleList(self._samples[condition][start:]) if end is None
                else SampleList(self._samples[condition][start:end]))

    def clear_samples(self, condition=None):
        Reset the samples for a given condition, defaulting to all conditions.
            condition: Condition for which to reset samples.
        if condition is None:
            self._samples = [[] for _ in range(self._hyperparams['conditions'])]
            self._samples[condition] = []

    def delete_last_sample(self, condition):
        """ Delete the last sample from the specified condition. """

    def get_idx_x(self, sensor_name):
        Return the indices corresponding to a certain state sensor name.
            sensor_name: The name of the sensor.
        return self._x_data_idx[sensor_name]

    def get_idx_obs(self, sensor_name):
        Return the indices corresponding to a certain observation sensor name.
            sensor_name: The name of the sensor.
        return self._obs_data_idx[sensor_name]

    def pack_data_obs(self, existing_mat, data_to_insert, data_types,
        Update the observation matrix with new data.
            existing_mat: Current observation matrix.
            data_to_insert: New data to insert into the existing matrix.
            data_types: Name of the sensors to insert data for.
            axes: Which axes to insert data. Defaults to the last axes.
        num_sensor = len(data_types)
        if axes is None:
            # If axes not specified, assume indexing on last dimensions.
            axes = list(range(-1, -num_sensor - 1, -1))
            # Make sure number of sensors and axes are consistent.
            if num_sensor != len(axes):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Length of sensors (%d) must equal length of axes (%d)',
                    num_sensor, len(axes)

        # Shape checks.
        insert_shape = list(existing_mat.shape)
        for i in range(num_sensor):
            # Make sure to slice along X.
            if existing_mat.shape[axes[i]] != self.dO:
                raise ValueError('Axes must be along an dX=%d dimensional axis',
            insert_shape[axes[i]] = len(self._obs_data_idx[data_types[i]])
        if tuple(insert_shape) != data_to_insert.shape:
            raise ValueError('Data has shape %s. Expected %s',
                             data_to_insert.shape, tuple(insert_shape))

        # Actually perform the slice.
        index = [slice(None) for _ in range(len(existing_mat.shape))]
        for i in range(num_sensor):
            index[axes[i]] = slice(self._obs_data_idx[data_types[i]][0],
                                   self._obs_data_idx[data_types[i]][-1] + 1)
        existing_mat[index] = data_to_insert

    def pack_data_meta(self, existing_mat, data_to_insert, data_types,
        Update the meta data matrix with new data.
            existing_mat: Current meta data matrix.
            data_to_insert: New data to insert into the existing matrix.
            data_types: Name of the sensors to insert data for.
            axes: Which axes to insert data. Defaults to the last axes.
        num_sensor = len(data_types)
        if axes is None:
            # If axes not specified, assume indexing on last dimensions.
            axes = list(range(-1, -num_sensor - 1, -1))
            # Make sure number of sensors and axes are consistent.
            if num_sensor != len(axes):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Length of sensors (%d) must equal length of axes (%d)',
                    num_sensor, len(axes)

        # Shape checks.
        insert_shape = list(existing_mat.shape)
        for i in range(num_sensor):
            # Make sure to slice along X.
            if existing_mat.shape[axes[i]] != self.dM:
                raise ValueError('Axes must be along an dX=%d dimensional axis',
            insert_shape[axes[i]] = len(self._meta_data_idx[data_types[i]])
        if tuple(insert_shape) != data_to_insert.shape:
            raise ValueError('Data has shape %s. Expected %s',
                             data_to_insert.shape, tuple(insert_shape))

        # Actually perform the slice.
        index = [slice(None) for _ in range(len(existing_mat.shape))]
        for i in range(num_sensor):
            index[axes[i]] = slice(self._meta_data_idx[data_types[i]][0],
                                   self._meta_data_idx[data_types[i]][-1] + 1)
        existing_mat[index] = data_to_insert

    def pack_data_x(self, existing_mat, data_to_insert, data_types, axes=None):
        Update the state matrix with new data.
            existing_mat: Current state matrix.
            data_to_insert: New data to insert into the existing matrix.
            data_types: Name of the sensors to insert data for.
            axes: Which axes to insert data. Defaults to the last axes.
        num_sensor = len(data_types)
        if axes is None:
            # If axes not specified, assume indexing on last dimensions.
            axes = list(range(-1, -num_sensor - 1, -1))
            # Make sure number of sensors and axes are consistent.
            if num_sensor != len(axes):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Length of sensors (%d) must equal length of axes (%d)',
                    num_sensor, len(axes)

        # Shape checks.
        insert_shape = list(existing_mat.shape)
        for i in range(num_sensor):
            # Make sure to slice along X.
            if existing_mat.shape[axes[i]] != self.dX:
                raise ValueError('Axes must be along an dX=%d dimensional axis',
            insert_shape[axes[i]] = len(self._x_data_idx[data_types[i]])
        if tuple(insert_shape) != data_to_insert.shape:
            raise ValueError('Data has shape %s. Expected %s',
                             data_to_insert.shape, tuple(insert_shape))

        # Actually perform the slice.
        index = [slice(None) for _ in range(len(existing_mat.shape))]
        for i in range(num_sensor):
            index[axes[i]] = slice(self._x_data_idx[data_types[i]][0],
                                   self._x_data_idx[data_types[i]][-1] + 1)
        existing_mat[index] = data_to_insert

    def unpack_data_x(self, existing_mat, data_types, axes=None):
        Returns the requested data from the state matrix.
            existing_mat: State matrix to unpack from.
            data_types: Names of the sensor to unpack.
            axes: Which axes to unpack along. Defaults to the last axes.
        num_sensor = len(data_types)
        if axes is None:
            # If axes not specified, assume indexing on last dimensions.
            axes = list(range(-1, -num_sensor - 1, -1))
            # Make sure number of sensors and axes are consistent.
            if num_sensor != len(axes):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Length of sensors (%d) must equal length of axes (%d)',
                    num_sensor, len(axes)

        # Shape checks.
        for i in range(num_sensor):
            # Make sure to slice along X.
            if existing_mat.shape[axes[i]] != self.dX:
                raise ValueError('Axes must be along an dX=%d dimensional axis',

        # Actually perform the slice.
        index = [slice(None) for _ in range(len(existing_mat.shape))]
        for i in range(num_sensor):
            index[axes[i]] = slice(self._x_data_idx[data_types[i]][0],
                                   self._x_data_idx[data_types[i]][-1] + 1)
        return existing_mat[index]


An agent for the Box2D simulator

In [23]:
import scipy.ndimage as sp_ndimage

def generate_noise(T, dU, hyperparams):
    Generate a T x dU gaussian-distributed noise vector. This will
    approximately have mean 0 and variance 1, ignoring smoothing.

        T: Number of time steps.
        dU: Dimensionality of actions.
        smooth: Whether or not to perform smoothing of noise.
        var : If smooth=True, applies a Gaussian filter with this
        renorm : If smooth=True, renormalizes data to have variance 1
            after smoothing.
    smooth, var = hyperparams['smooth_noise'], hyperparams['smooth_noise_var']
    renorm = hyperparams['smooth_noise_renormalize']
    noise = np.random.randn(T, dU)
    if smooth:
        # Smooth noise. This violates the controller assumption, but
        # might produce smoother motions.
        for i in range(dU):
            noise[:, i] = sp_ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(noise[:, i], var)
        if renorm:
            variance = np.var(noise, axis=0)
            noise = noise / np.sqrt(variance)
    return noise

def setup(value, n):
    """ Go through various types of hyperparameters. """
    if not isinstance(value, list):
            return [value.copy() for _ in range(n)]
        except AttributeError:
            return [value for _ in range(n)]
    assert len(value) == n, \
            'Number of elements must match number of conditions or 1.'
    return value

In [24]:
from copy import deepcopy
from gps_pb2 import ACTION

    'render': True,

class AgentBox2D(Agent):
    All communication between the algorithms and Box2D is done through
    this class.
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        config = deepcopy(AGENT_BOX2D)
        Agent.__init__(self, config)


    def _setup_conditions(self):
        Helper method for setting some hyperparameters that may vary by
        conds = self._hyperparams['conditions']
        for field in ('x0', 'x0var', 'pos_body_idx', 'pos_body_offset',
                      'noisy_body_idx', 'noisy_body_var'):
            self._hyperparams[field] = setup(self._hyperparams[field], conds)

    def _setup_world(self, world, target, render):
        Helper method for handling setup of the Box2D world.
        self.x0 = self._hyperparams["x0"]
        self._worlds = [world(self.x0[i], target, render)
                        for i in range(self._hyperparams['conditions'])]

    def sample(self, policy, condition, verbose=False, save=True, noisy=True):
        Runs a trial and constructs a new sample containing information
        about the trial.

            policy: Policy to to used in the trial.
            condition (int): Which condition setup to run.
            verbose (boolean): Whether or not to plot the trial (not used here).
            save (boolean): Whether or not to store the trial into the samples.
            noisy (boolean): Whether or not to use noise during sampling.
        b2d_X = self._worlds[condition].get_state()
        new_sample = self._init_sample(b2d_X)
        U = np.zeros([self.T, self.dU])
        if noisy:
            noise = generate_noise(self.T, self.dU, self._hyperparams)
            noise = np.zeros((self.T, self.dU))
        for t in range(self.T):
            X_t = new_sample.get_X(t=t)
            obs_t = new_sample.get_obs(t=t)
            U[t, :] = policy.act(X_t, obs_t, t, noise[t, :])
            if (t+1) < self.T:
                for _ in range(self._hyperparams['substeps']):
                    self._worlds[condition].run_next(U[t, :])
                b2d_X = self._worlds[condition].get_state()
                self._set_sample(new_sample, b2d_X, t)
        new_sample.set(ACTION, U)
        if save:
        return new_sample

    def _init_sample(self, b2d_X):
        Construct a new sample and fill in the first time step.
        sample = Sample(self)
        self._set_sample(sample, b2d_X, -1)
        return sample

    def _set_sample(self, sample, b2d_X, t):
        for sensor in b2d_X.keys():
            sample.set(sensor, np.array(b2d_X[sensor]), t=t+1)



In [25]:
class fwSettings(object):
    """ This class contains the settings for Box2D's framwork. """
    backend = 'pygame'

    # Physics options
    hz = 20.0
    velocityIterations = 8
    positionIterations = 3
    enableWarmStarting = True
    enableContinuous = True
    enableSubStepping = False

    # Drawing
    drawStats = True
    drawShapes = True
    drawJoints = True
    drawCoreShapes = False
    drawAABBs = False
    drawOBBs = False
    drawPairs = False
    drawContactPoints = False
    maxContactPoints = 100
    drawContactNormals = False
    drawFPS = True
    drawMenu = True             # toggle by pressing F1
    drawCOMs = False            # Centers of mass
    pointSize = 2.5             # pixel radius for drawing points

    # Miscellaneous testbed options
    pause = False
    singleStep = False
    onlyInit = False

#             text                  variable
checkboxes = (("Warm Starting", "enableWarmStarting"),
              ("Time of Impact", "enableContinuous"),
              ("Sub-Stepping", "enableSubStepping"),
              ("Draw", None),
              ("Shapes", "drawShapes"),
              ("Joints", "drawJoints"),
              ("AABBs", "drawAABBs"),
              ("Pairs", "drawPairs"),
              ("Contact Points", "drawContactPoints"),
              ("Contact Normals", "drawContactNormals"),
              ("Center of Masses", "drawCOMs"),
              ("Statistics", "drawStats"),
              ("FPS", "drawFPS"),
              ("Control", None),
              ("Pause" "pause"),
              ("Single Step", "singleStep"))

sliders = [
    {'name' : 'hz', 'text' : 'Hertz', 'min' : 5, 'max' : 200},
    {'name' : 'positionIterations', 'text' :
     'Pos Iters', 'min' : 0, 'max' : 100},
    {'name' : 'velocityIterations', 'text' :
     'Vel Iters', 'min' : 1, 'max' : 500},

list_options = [i for i in dir(fwSettings) if not i.startswith('_')]

Framework: fwQueryCallback and FrameworkBase

In [26]:
import Box2D as b2
from time import time

class fwQueryCallback(b2.b2QueryCallback):
    This callback for each fixture in the world.
    def __init__(self, p):
        super(fwQueryCallback, self).__init__()
        self.point = p
        self.fixture = None

    def ReportFixture(self, fixture):
        This method is called to query for a fixture.
        body = fixture.body
        if body.type == b2.b2_dynamicBody:
            inside = fixture.TestPoint(self.point)
            if inside:
                self.fixture = fixture
                # We found the object, so stop the query
                return False
        # Continue the query
        return True

class FrameworkBase(b2.b2ContactListener):
    The base of the main Box2D GUI framework.

    name = "None"
    description = None
    colors = {
        'joint_line' : b2.b2Color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8),
        'contact_add' : b2.b2Color(0.3, 0.95, 0.3),
        'contact_persist' : b2.b2Color(0.3, 0.3, 0.95),
        'contact_normal' : b2.b2Color(0.4, 0.9, 0.4),

    def __reset(self):
        """ Reset all of the variables to their starting values.
        Not to be called except at initialization."""
        # Box2D-related
        self.points = []
        self.settings = fwSettings
        self.using_contacts = False
        self.stepCount = 0

        # Box2D-callbacks
        self.destructionListener = None
        self.renderer = None

    def __init__(self):
        super(FrameworkBase, self).__init__()


        # Box2D Initialization = b2.b2World(gravity=(0, -10), doSleep=True) = self
        self.t_steps, self.t_draws = [], []

    def __del__(self):

    def Step(self, settings, action=None):
        The main physics step.

        Takes care of physics drawing
        (callbacks are executed after the world.Step() )
        and drawing additional information.
        assert action is None,\
            'action should only be used in subclass'

        self.stepCount += 1
        # Don't do anything if the setting's Hz are <= 0
        if settings.hz > 0.0:
            timeStep = 1.0 / settings.hz
            timeStep = 0.0

        # Set the flags based on what the settings show
        if self.renderer:
            self.renderer.flags = dict(
                convertVertices=isinstance(self.renderer, b2.b2DrawExtended)

        # Set the other settings that aren't contained in the flags = settings.enableWarmStarting = settings.enableContinuous = settings.enableSubStepping

        # Reset the collision points
        self.points = []

        # Tell Box2D to step
        t_step = time(), settings.velocityIterations,
        t_step = time()-t_step

        # Update the debug draw settings so that the vertices will be properly
        # converted to screen coordinates
        t_draw = time()
        if self.renderer:

        if self.renderer:

            # Draw each of the contact points in different colors.
            if self.settings.drawContactPoints:
                for point in self.points:
                    if point['state'] == b2.b2_addState:
                            point['position']), settings.pointSize,
                    elif point['state'] == b2.b2_persistState:
                            point['position']), settings.pointSize,

            if settings.drawContactNormals:
                for point in self.points:
                    p1 = self.renderer.to_screen(point['position'])
                    p2 = self.renderer.axisScale * point['normal'] + p1
                    self.renderer.DrawSegment(p1, p2,

            t_draw = time()-t_draw

            t_draw = max(b2.b2_epsilon, t_draw)
            t_step = max(b2.b2_epsilon, t_step)


    def SimulationLoop(self, action):
        The main simulation loop. Don't override this, override Step instead.

        # Reset the text line to start the text from the top
        self.textLine = self.TEXTLINE_START

        # Draw the name of the test running
        self.Print(, (127, 127, 255))

        if self.description:
            # Draw the name of the test running
            for s in self.description.split('\n'):
                self.Print(s, (127, 255, 127))

        self.Step(self.settings, action)

    def PreSolve(self, contact, old_manifold):
        This is a critical function when there are many contacts in the world.
        It should be optimized as much as possible.
        if not (self.settings.drawContactPoints or
                self.settings.drawContactNormals or self.using_contacts):
        elif len(self.points) > self.settings.maxContactPoints:

        manifold = contact.manifold
        if manifold.pointCount == 0:

        _, state2 = b2.b2GetPointStates(old_manifold, manifold)
        if not state2:

        worldManifold = contact.worldManifold

        for i, _ in enumerate(state2):
                    'fixtureA' : contact.fixtureA,
                    'fixtureB' : contact.fixtureB,
                    'position' : worldManifold.points[i],
                    'normal' : worldManifold.normal,
                    'state' : state2[i]

#print(fwSettings.backend.lower()) # pygame
#print('gps.agent.box2d.'+'%s_framework' % (fwSettings.backend.lower())) # gps.agent.box2d.pygame_framework
#print('%sFramework'%fwSettings.backend.capitalize()) # PygameFramework
#print('%sFramework' %fwSettings.backend.capitalize()) # PygameFramework
#framework_module = __import__('gps.agent.box2d.'+'%s_framework' %
#                              (fwSettings.backend.lower()),
#                              fromlist=['%sFramework'
#                                        %fwSettings.backend.capitalize()])
#Framework = getattr(framework_module, '%sFramework' %
#                    fwSettings.backend.capitalize())

In [27]:
import Box2D as b2
import pygame

GUIEnabled = False

class PygameDraw(b2.b2DrawExtended):
    This debug draw class accepts callbacks from Box2D and
    handles all of the rendering.
    surface = None
    axisScale = 10.0
    def __init__(self, test=None, **kwargs):
        b2.b2DrawExtended.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        self.flipX = False
        self.flipY = True
        self.convertVertices = True
        self.test = test

    def StartDraw(self):
        Called by renderer before drawing.
        self.zoom = self.test.viewZoom = self.test.viewCenter
        self.offset = self.test.viewOffset
        self.screenSize = self.test.screenSize

    def EndDraw(self):
        Called by renderer when finished drawing.


    def DrawPoint(self, p, size, color):
        Draw a single point at point p given a pixel size and color.
        self.DrawCircle(p, size/self.zoom, color, drawwidth=0)

    def DrawAABB(self, aabb, color):
        Draw a wireframe around the AABB with the given color.
        points = [(aabb.lowerBound.x, aabb.lowerBound.y),
                  (aabb.upperBound.x, aabb.lowerBound.y),
                  (aabb.upperBound.x, aabb.upperBound.y),
                  (aabb.lowerBound.x, aabb.upperBound.y)]

        pygame.draw.aalines(self.surface, color, True, points)

    def DrawSegment(self, p1, p2, color):
        Draw the line segment from p1-p2 with the specified color.
        pygame.draw.aaline(self.surface, color.bytes, p1, p2)

    def DrawTransform(self, xf):
        Draw the transform xf on the screen
        p1 = xf.position
        p2 = self.to_screen(p1 + self.axisScale * xf.R.col1)
        p3 = self.to_screen(p1 + self.axisScale * xf.R.col2)
        p1 = self.to_screen(p1)

        pygame.draw.aaline(self.surface, (255, 0, 0), p1, p2)
        pygame.draw.aaline(self.surface, (0, 255, 0), p1, p3)

    def DrawCircle(self, center, radius, color, drawwidth=1):
        Draw a wireframe circle given the center, radius, and color.
        radius *= self.zoom
        if radius < 1:
            radius = 1
        else: radius = int(radius), color.bytes, center, radius, drawwidth)

    def DrawSolidCircle(self, center, radius, axis, color):
        Draw a solid circle given the center, radius, and color.
        radius *= self.zoom
        if radius < 1:
            radius = 1
        else: radius = int(radius), (color/2).bytes+[127],
                           center, radius, 0), color.bytes, center, radius, 1)
        pygame.draw.aaline(self.surface, (255, 0, 0), center,
                           (center[0] - radius*axis[0], center[1] +

    def DrawPolygon(self, vertices, color):
        Draw a wireframe polygon given the screen vertices with the given color.
        if not vertices:

        if len(vertices) == 2:
            pygame.draw.aaline(self.surface, color.bytes, vertices[0], vertices)
            pygame.draw.polygon(self.surface, color.bytes, vertices, 1)

    def DrawSolidPolygon(self, vertices, color):
        Draw a filled polygon given the screen vertices with the given color.
        if not vertices:

        if len(vertices) == 2:
            pygame.draw.aaline(self.surface, color.bytes, vertices[0],
            pygame.draw.polygon(self.surface, (color/2).bytes+[127],
                                vertices, 0)
            pygame.draw.polygon(self.surface, color.bytes, vertices, 1)

class PygameFramework(FrameworkBase):
    This class is the framework for running the simulation

    def __reset(self):
        # Screen/rendering-related
        self._viewZoom = 10.0
        self._viewCenter = None
        self._viewOffset = None
        self.screenSize = None
        self.rMouseDown = False
        self.textLine = 30
        self.font = None
        self.fps = 0

        # GUI-related (PGU)
        self.gui_app = None
        self.gui_table = None

    def __init__(self):
        super(PygameFramework, self).__init__()

        print('Initializing pygame framework...')
        # Pygame Initialization
        caption = "Python Box2D Testbed - " +

        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480))
        self.screenSize = b2.b2Vec2(*self.screen.get_size())

        self.renderer = PygameDraw(surface=self.screen, test=self) = self.renderer

        self.font = pygame.font.Font(None, 15)

        self.viewCenter = (0, 20.0)
        self.groundbody =

    def setCenter(self, value):
        Updates the view offset based on the center of the screen.
        self._viewCenter = b2.b2Vec2(*value)
        self._viewCenter *= self._viewZoom
        self._viewOffset = self._viewCenter - self.screenSize/2

    def setZoom(self, zoom):
        Tells the display the zoom.
        self._viewZoom = zoom

    viewZoom = property(lambda self: self._viewZoom, setZoom,
                        doc='Zoom factor for the display')
    viewCenter = property(lambda self: self._viewCenter/self._viewZoom,
                          setCenter, doc='Screen center in camera coordinates')
    viewOffset = property(lambda self: self._viewOffset,
                          doc='Offset of the top-left corner of the screen')

    def run(self):
        Begins the draw loopn and tells the GUI to paint itself.

        # If any of the test constructors update the settings, reflect
        # those changes on the GUI before running
        if GUIEnabled:
        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
        self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

            # Run the simulation loop
        self.SimulationLoop([0, 0, 0])

        if GUIEnabled and self.settings.drawMenu:

        self.fps = self.clock.get_fps()

    def run_next(self, action):
        Updates the screen and tells the GUI to paint itself.
        self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

        # Run the simulation loop
        if GUIEnabled and self.settings.drawMenu:

        self.fps = self.clock.get_fps()

    def Step(self, settings):
        Updates the simulation
        if GUIEnabled:

        super(PygameFramework, self).Step(settings)

        if GUIEnabled:

    def ConvertScreenToWorld(self, x, y):
        Converts the display screen to the simulation's coordinates.
        return b2.b2Vec2((x + self.viewOffset.x) / self.viewZoom,
                         ((self.screenSize.y - y + self.viewOffset.y)
                          / self.viewZoom))

    def DrawStringAt(self, x, y, s, color=(229, 153, 153, 255)):
        Draw some text, str, at screen coordinates (x, y).
        self.screen.blit(self.font.render(s, True, color), (x, y))

    def Print(self, s, color=(229, 153, 153, 255)):
        Draw some text at the top status lines
        and advance to the next line.
        self.screen.blit(self.font.render(s, True, color), (5, self.textLine))
        self.textLine += 15


import Box2D as b2 #from framework import Framework from gps_pb2 import JOINT_ANGLES, JOINT_VELOCITIES, END_EFFECTOR_POINTS #class ArmWorld(Framework): class ArmWorld(PygameFramework): """ This class defines the 2 Link Arm and its environment.""" name = "2 Link Arm" def __init__(self, x0, target, render): self.render = render if self.render: super(ArmWorld, self).__init__() else: = b2.b2World(gravity=(0, -10), doSleep=True) = (0.0, 0.0) fixture_length = 5 self.x0 = x0 rectangle_fixture = b2.b2FixtureDef( shape=b2.b2PolygonShape(box=(.5, fixture_length)), density=.5, friction=1, ) square_fixture = b2.b2FixtureDef( shape=b2.b2PolygonShape(box=(1, 1)), density=100.0, friction=1, ) self.base = position=(0, 15), fixtures=square_fixture, ) self.body1 = position=(0, 2), fixtures=rectangle_fixture, angle=b2.b2_pi, ) self.body2 = fixtures=rectangle_fixture, position=(0, 2), angle=b2.b2_pi, ) self.target1 = fixtures=rectangle_fixture, position=(0, 0), angle=b2.b2_pi, ) self.target2 = fixtures=rectangle_fixture, position=(0, 0), angle=b2.b2_pi, ) self.joint1 = bodyA=self.base, bodyB=self.body1, localAnchorA=(0, 0), localAnchorB=(0, fixture_length), enableMotor=True, maxMotorTorque=400, enableLimit=False, ) self.joint2 = bodyA=self.body1, bodyB=self.body2, localAnchorA=(0, -(fixture_length - 0.5)), localAnchorB=(0, fixture_length - 0.5), enableMotor=True, maxMotorTorque=400, enableLimit=False, ) self.set_joint_angles(self.body1, self.body2, x0[0], x0[1]) self.set_joint_angles(self.target1, self.target2, target[0], target[1]) = False = False self.joint1.motorSpeed = x0[2] self.joint2.motorSpeed = x0[3] def set_joint_angles(self, body1, body2, angle1, angle2): """ Converts the given absolute angle of the arms to joint angles""" pos = self.base.GetWorldPoint((0, 0)) body1.angle = angle1 + np.pi new_pos = body1.GetWorldPoint((0, 5)) body1.position += pos - new_pos body2.angle = angle2 + body1.angle pos = body1.GetWorldPoint((0, -4.5)) new_pos = body2.GetWorldPoint((0, 4.5)) body2.position += pos - new_pos def run(self): """Initiates the first time step """ if self.render: super(ArmWorld, self).run() else: self.run_next(None) def run_next(self, action): """Moves forward in time one step. Calls the renderer if applicable.""" if self.render: super(ArmWorld, self).run_next(action) else: if action is not None: self.joint1.motorSpeed = action[0] self.joint2.motorSpeed = action[1] / fwSettings.hz, fwSettings.velocityIterations, fwSettings.positionIterations) def Step(self, settings, action): """Moves forward in time one step. Called by the renderer""" self.joint1.motorSpeed = action[0] self.joint2.motorSpeed = action[1] super(ArmWorld, self).Step(settings) def reset_world(self): """Returns the world to its intial state""" self.joint1.motorSpeed = 0 self.joint2.motorSpeed = 0 self.body1.linearVelocity = (0, 0) self.body1.angularVelocity = 0 self.body2.linearVelocity = (0, 0) self.body2.angularVelocity = 0 self.set_joint_angles(self.body1, self.body2, self.x0[0], self.x0[1]) def get_state(self): """Retrieves the state of the point mass""" state = {JOINT_ANGLES: np.array([self.joint1.angle, self.joint2.angle]), JOINT_VELOCITIES: np.array([self.joint1.speed, self.joint2.speed]), END_EFFECTOR_POINTS: np.append(np.array(self.body2.position),[0])} return state

Pendulum agent: Pendulum

In [36]:
""" This file defines an agent for the Box2D simulator. """
from copy import deepcopy

#from gps.agent.agent import Agent
#from gps.agent.agent_utils import generate_noise, setup
#from gps.agent.config import AGENT_BOX2D
from gps_pb2 import ACTION
#from gps.sample.sample import Sample

class Pendulum(Agent):
    All communication between the algorithms and Box2D is done through
    this class.
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
        config = deepcopy(AGENT_BOX2D)
        Agent.__init__(self, config)


    def _setup_conditions(self):
        Helper method for setting some hyperparameters that may vary by
        conds = self._hyperparams['conditions']
        for field in ('x0', 'x0var', 'pos_body_idx', 'pos_body_offset',
                      'noisy_body_idx', 'noisy_body_var'):
            self._hyperparams[field] = setup(self._hyperparams[field], conds)

    def _setup_world(self, world, target, render):
        Helper method for handling setup of the Box2D world.
        self.x0 = self._hyperparams["x0"]

        self._worlds = [world(self.x0[i], target, render)
                        for i in range(self._hyperparams['conditions'])]

    def sample(self, policy, condition, verbose=False, save=True, noisy=True):
        Runs a trial and constructs a new sample containing information
        about the trial.

            policy: Policy to to used in the trial.
            condition (int): Which condition setup to run.
            verbose (boolean): Whether or not to plot the trial (not used here).
            save (boolean): Whether or not to store the trial into the samples.
            noisy (boolean): Whether or not to use noise during sampling.
        b2d_X = self._worlds[condition].get_state()
        new_sample = self._init_sample(b2d_X)
        U = np.zeros([self.T, self.dU])
        if noisy:
            noise = generate_noise(self.T, self.dU, self._hyperparams)
            noise = np.zeros((self.T, self.dU))
        for t in range(self.T):
            X_t = new_sample.get_X(t=t)
            obs_t = new_sample.get_obs(t=t)
            U[t, :] = policy.act(X_t, obs_t, t, noise[t, :])
            if (t+1) < self.T:
                for _ in range(self._hyperparams['substeps']):
                    self._worlds[condition].run_next(U[t, :])
                b2d_X = self._worlds[condition].get_state()
                self._set_sample(new_sample, b2d_X, t)
        new_sample.set(ACTION, U)
        if save:
        return new_sample

    def _init_sample(self, b2d_X):
        Construct a new sample and fill in the first time step.
        sample = Sample(self)
        self._set_sample(sample, b2d_X, -1)
        return sample

    def _set_sample(self, sample, b2d_X, t):
        # print("b2d_X: ", b2d_X)
        for sensor in b2d_X.keys():
            sample.set(sensor, np.array(b2d_X[sensor]), t=t+1)


In [47]:
import gym
import math
#import cv2
import time

class PendulumWorld():
    0 	cos(theta) 	-1.0 	1.0
    1 	sin(theta) 	-1.0 	1.0
    2 	theta dot 	-8.0 	8.0
    Num 	Observation 	Min 	Max
    0 	    Joint effort 	-2.0 	2.0

    def __init__(self, x0, target, render):
        self.env = gym.make('Pendulum-v0')
        self.render = render
        print("self.x0: ", x0)
        print("target: ", target)
        self.max = -999
        self.min = 999 = target

    def run(self):
        self.observation = self.env.reset()
        # self.x0 = self.observation
        if self.render:

    def run_next(self, action):

        # action[0] = action[0]*-2.0
        if action[0] > self.max:
            self.max = action[0]
        if action[0] < self.min:
            self.min = action[0]
        if action is not None:
            # if(action[0]>2.0):
            #     action=[2.0]
            # if(action[0]<-2.0):
            #     action=[-2.0]
            print("action: ", action)
            self.observation, self.reward, self.done, = self.env.step(action)

    def reset_world(self):
        print("min: ", self.min, " self.max: ", self.max)

    def get_state(self):
        joint_angle = math.atan2(self.observation[1],self.observation[0])+np.pi
        joint_vel = self.observation[2]
        end_effector_pose = [self.observation[0], self.observation[1], 0.0]

        if self.render:
            #img = np.zeros((500, 500, 3), np.uint8)
  ,(250+int(end_effector_pose[0]), 250+int(end_effector_pose[1])), 5, (0,0,255), -1)
  ,(250+int(math.cos(*50), 250+int(math.sin(*50)), 5, (0,255,255), -1)
            #cv2.imshow("image", img)

        state =  {JOINT_ANGLES: np.array( [ joint_angle ] ),
                  JOINT_VELOCITIES: np.array( [ joint_vel ] ),
                  END_EFFECTOR_POINTS: np.array( end_effector_pose ) }
        print("state: ", state)
        angle = math.atan2(self.observation[1],self.observation[0])
        print("cos(angle): ", math.cos(angle), "  sin(angle) ", math.sin(angle))
        print("theta dot: ", self.observation[2])
        print("Angle: ", (math.atan2(self.observation[1],self.observation[0])*180/3.1416 +360)%360)
        return state

/Users/Victor/basic_reinforcement_learning/tutorial10/gps/gui/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The get_axis_bgcolor function was deprecated in version 2.0. Use get_facecolor instead.
  color, alpha = self._ax.get_axis_bgcolor(), self._ax.get_alpha()
/Users/Victor/basic_reinforcement_learning/tutorial10/gps/gui/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The set_axis_bgcolor function was deprecated in version 2.0. Use set_facecolor instead.
/Users/Victor/basic_reinforcement_learning/tutorial10/gps/gui/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The set_axis_bgcolor function was deprecated in version 2.0. Use set_facecolor instead.
  self._ax.set_axis_bgcolor(ColorConverter().to_rgba(color, alpha))



Initial guess at the model using position-velocity assumption.

In [29]:
def guess_dynamics(gains, acc, dX, dU, dt):
    Initial guess at the model using position-velocity assumption.
    Note: This code assumes joint positions occupy the first dU state
          indices and joint velocities occupy the next dU.
        gains: dU dimensional joint gains.
        acc: dU dimensional joint acceleration.
        dX: Dimensionality of the state.
        dU: Dimensionality of the action.
        dt: Length of a time step.
        Fd: A dX by dX+dU transition matrix.
        fc: A dX bias vector.
    #TODO: Use packing instead of assuming which indices are the joint
    #      angles.
    Fd = np.vstack([
            np.eye(dU), dt * np.eye(dU), np.zeros((dU, dX - dU*2)),
            dt ** 2 * np.diag(gains)
            np.zeros((dU, dU)), np.eye(dU), np.zeros((dU, dX - dU*2)),
            dt * np.diag(gains)
        np.zeros((dX - dU*2, dX+dU))
    fc = np.hstack([acc * dt ** 2, acc * dt, np.zeros((dX - dU*2))])
    return Fd, fc


In [30]:
class Policy(object):
    """ Computes actions from states/observations. """
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def act(self, x, obs, t, noise):
            x: State vector.
            obs: Observation vector.
            t: Time step.
            noise: A dU-dimensional noise vector.
            A dU dimensional action vector.
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass.")

    def set_meta_data(self, meta):
        Set meta data for policy (e.g., domain image, multi modal observation sizes)
            meta: meta data.


In [31]:
class LinearGaussianPolicy(Policy):
    Time-varying linear Gaussian policy.
    U = K*x + k + noise, where noise ~ N(0, chol_pol_covar)
    def __init__(self, K, k, pol_covar, chol_pol_covar, inv_pol_covar):

        # Assume K has the correct shape, and make sure others match.
        self.T = K.shape[0]
        self.dU = K.shape[1]
        self.dX = K.shape[2]

        check_shape(k, (self.T, self.dU))
        check_shape(pol_covar, (self.T, self.dU, self.dU))
        check_shape(chol_pol_covar, (self.T, self.dU, self.dU))
        check_shape(inv_pol_covar, (self.T, self.dU, self.dU))

        self.K = K
        self.k = k
        self.pol_covar = pol_covar
        self.chol_pol_covar = chol_pol_covar
        self.inv_pol_covar = inv_pol_covar

    def act(self, x, obs, t, noise=None):
        Return an action for a state.
            x: State vector.
            obs: Observation vector.
            t: Time step.
            noise: Action noise. This will be scaled by the variance.
        u = self.K[t].dot(x) + self.k[t]
        u += self.chol_pol_covar[t]
        return u

    def fold_k(self, noise):
        Fold noise into k.
            noise: A T x Du noise vector with mean 0 and variance 1.
            k: A T x dU bias vector.
        k = np.zeros_like(self.k)
        for i in range(self.T):
            scaled_noise = self.chol_pol_covar[i][i])
            k[i] = scaled_noise + self.k[i]
        return k

    def nans_like(self):
            A new linear Gaussian policy object with the same dimensions
            but all values filled with NaNs.
        policy = LinearGaussianPolicy(
            np.zeros_like(self.K), np.zeros_like(self.k),
            np.zeros_like(self.pol_covar), np.zeros_like(self.chol_pol_covar),
        return policy

Initializations for linear Gaussian controllers

In [32]:
# Initial Linear Gaussian Trajectory Distributions, PD-based initializer.
# Note, PD is the default initializer type.
    'init_var': 10.0,
    'pos_gains': 10.0, # position gains
    'vel_gains_mult': 0.01,  # velocity gains multiplier on pos_gains
    'init_action_offset': None,

# Initial Linear Gaussian Trajectory distribution, LQR-based initializer.
    'init_var': 1.0,
    'stiffness': 1.0,
    'stiffness_vel': 0.5,
    'final_weight': 1.0,
    # Parameters for guessing dynamics
    'init_acc': [],  # dU vector of accelerations, default zeros.
    'init_gains': [],  # dU vector of gains, default ones.

def init_lqr(hyperparams):
    Return initial gains for a time-varying linear Gaussian controller
    that tries to hold the initial position.
    config = copy.deepcopy(INIT_LG_LQR)

    x0, dX, dU = config['x0'], config['dX'], config['dU']
    dt, T = config['dt'], config['T']

    #TODO: Use packing instead of assuming which indices are the joint
    #      angles.

    # Notation notes:
    # L = loss, Q = q-function (dX+dU dimensional),
    # V = value function (dX dimensional), F = dynamics
    # Vectors are lower-case, matrices are upper case.
    # Derivatives: x = state, u = action, t = state+action (trajectory).
    # The time index is denoted by _t after the above.
    # Ex. Ltt_t = Loss, 2nd derivative (w.r.t. trajectory),
    # indexed by time t.

    # Constants.
    idx_x = slice(dX)  # Slices out state.
    idx_u = slice(dX, dX+dU)  # Slices out actions.

    if len(config['init_acc']) == 0:
        config['init_acc'] = np.zeros(dU)

    if len(config['init_gains']) == 0:
        config['init_gains'] = np.ones(dU)

    # Set up simple linear dynamics model.
    Fd, fc = guess_dynamics(config['init_gains'], config['init_acc'],
                            dX, dU, dt)

    # Setup a cost function based on stiffness.
    # Ltt = (dX+dU) by (dX+dU) - Hessian of loss with respect to
    # trajectory at a single timestep.
    Ltt = np.diag(np.hstack([
        config['stiffness'] * np.ones(dU),
        config['stiffness'] * config['stiffness_vel'] * np.ones(dU),
        np.zeros(dX - dU*2), np.ones(dU)
    Ltt = Ltt / config['init_var']  # Cost function - quadratic term.
    lt =[x0, np.zeros(dU)])  # Cost function - linear term.

    # Perform dynamic programming.
    K = np.zeros((T, dU, dX))  # Controller gains matrix.
    k = np.zeros((T, dU))  # Controller bias term.
    PSig = np.zeros((T, dU, dU))  # Covariance of noise.
    cholPSig = np.zeros((T, dU, dU))  # Cholesky decomposition.
    invPSig = np.zeros((T, dU, dU))  # Inverse of covariance.
    vx_t = np.zeros(dX)  # Vx = dV/dX. Derivative of value function.
    Vxx_t = np.zeros((dX, dX))  # Vxx = ddV/dXdX.

    #TODO: A lot of this code is repeated with
    #      backward pass.
    for t in range(T - 1, -1, -1):
        # Compute Q function at this step.
        if t == (T - 1):
            Ltt_t = config['final_weight'] * Ltt
            lt_t = config['final_weight'] * lt
            Ltt_t = Ltt
            lt_t = lt
        # Qtt = (dX+dU) by (dX+dU) 2nd Derivative of Q-function with
        # respect to trajectory (dX+dU).
        Qtt_t = Ltt_t +
        # Qt = (dX+dU) 1st Derivative of Q-function with respect to
        # trajectory (dX+dU).
        qt_t = lt_t + +

        # Compute preceding value function.
        U = sp.linalg.cholesky(Qtt_t[idx_u, idx_u])
        L = U.T

        invPSig[t, :, :] = Qtt_t[idx_u, idx_u]
        PSig[t, :, :] = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
            U, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L, np.eye(dU), lower=True)
        cholPSig[t, :, :] = sp.linalg.cholesky(PSig[t, :, :])
        K[t, :, :] = -sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
            U, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L, Qtt_t[idx_u, idx_x], lower=True)
        k[t, :] = -sp.linalg.solve_triangular(
            U, sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L, qt_t[idx_u], lower=True)
        Vxx_t = Qtt_t[idx_x, idx_x] + Qtt_t[idx_x, idx_u].dot(K[t, :, :])
        vx_t = qt_t[idx_x] + Qtt_t[idx_x, idx_u].dot(k[t, :])
        Vxx_t = 0.5 * (Vxx_t + Vxx_t.T)

    return LinearGaussianPolicy(K, k, PSig, cholPSig, invPSig)

#TODO: Fix docstring
def init_pd(hyperparams):
    This function initializes the linear-Gaussian controller as a
    proportional-derivative (PD) controller with Gaussian noise. The
    position gains are controlled by the variable pos_gains, velocity
    gains are controlled by pos_gains*vel_gans_mult.
    config = copy.deepcopy(INIT_LG_PD)

    dU, dQ, dX = config['dU'], config['dQ'], config['dX']
    x0, T = config['x0'], config['T']

    # Choose initialization mode.
    Kp = 1.0
    Kv = config['vel_gains_mult']
    if dU < dQ:
        K = -config['pos_gains'] * np.tile(
            [np.eye(dU) * Kp, np.zeros((dU, dQ-dU)),
             np.eye(dU) * Kv, np.zeros((dU, dQ-dU))],
            [T, 1, 1]
        K = -config['pos_gains'] * np.tile(
                np.eye(dU) * Kp, np.eye(dU) * Kv,
                np.zeros((dU, dX - dU*2))
            ]), [T, 1, 1]
    k = np.tile(-K[0, :, :].dot(x0), [T, 1])
    PSig = config['init_var'] * np.tile(np.eye(dU), [T, 1, 1])
    cholPSig = np.sqrt(config['init_var']) * np.tile(np.eye(dU), [T, 1, 1])
    invPSig = (1.0 / config['init_var']) * np.tile(np.eye(dU), [T, 1, 1])

    return LinearGaussianPolicy(K, k, PSig, cholPSig, invPSig)


GPS main class and code: GPSMain

In [33]:
import matplotlib as mpl
# mpl.use('Qt4Agg')

     import PyQt4
     qt_found = True
except ImportError:
     qt_found = False
if qt_found == False:
      import PyQt5
      qt_found = True
   except ImportError:
      qt_found = False

import logging
import imp
import os
import os.path
import sys
import argparse
import threading
import time
import traceback

# Add gps/python to path so that imports work.
#sys.path.append('/'.join(str.split(__file__, '/')[:-2]))

from gps.gui.gps_training_gui import GPSTrainingGUI
#from gps.utility.data_logger import DataLogger
#from gps.sample.sample_list import SampleList

class GPSMain(object):
    """ Main class to run algorithms and experiments. """
    def __init__(self, config, quit_on_end=False):
        Initialize GPSMain
            config: Hyperparameters for experiment
            quit_on_end: When true, quit automatically on completion
        self._quit_on_end = quit_on_end
        self._hyperparams = config
        self._conditions = config['common']['conditions']
        if 'test_conditions' in config['common']:
            self._train_idx = config['common']['train_conditions']
            self._test_idx = config['common']['test_conditions']
            self._train_idx = range(self._conditions)
            config['common']['train_conditions'] = config['common']['conditions']
            self._test_idx = self._train_idx

        self._data_files_dir = config['common']['data_files_dir']

        self.agent = config['agent']['type'](config['agent'])
        self.data_logger = DataLogger()
        self.gui = GPSTrainingGUI(config['common']) if config['gui_on'] else None

        config['algorithm']['agent'] = self.agent
        self.algorithm = config['algorithm']['type'](config['algorithm'])

    def run(self, itr_load=None):
        Run training by iteratively sampling and taking an iteration.
            itr_load: If specified, loads algorithm state from that
                iteration, and resumes training at the next iteration.
        Returns: None
            itr_start = self._initialize(itr_load)

            for itr in range(itr_start, self._hyperparams['iterations']):
                for cond in self._train_idx:
                    for i in range(self._hyperparams['num_samples']):
                        self._take_sample(itr, cond, i)

                traj_sample_lists = [
                    self.agent.get_samples(cond, -self._hyperparams['num_samples'])
                    for cond in self._train_idx

                # Clear agent samples.

                self._take_iteration(itr, traj_sample_lists)
                pol_sample_lists = self._take_policy_samples()
                self._log_data(itr, traj_sample_lists, pol_sample_lists)
        except Exception as e:

    def test_policy(self, itr, N):
        Take N policy samples of the algorithm state at iteration itr,
        for testing the policy to see how it is behaving.
        (Called directly from the command line --policy flag).
            itr: the iteration from which to take policy samples
            N: the number of policy samples to take
        Returns: None
        algorithm_file = self._data_files_dir + 'algorithm_itr_%02d.pkl' % itr
        self.algorithm = self.data_logger.unpickle(algorithm_file)
        if self.algorithm is None:
            print("Error: cannot find '%s.'" % algorithm_file)
            os._exit(1) # called instead of sys.exit(), since t
        traj_sample_lists = self.data_logger.unpickle(self._data_files_dir +
            ('traj_sample_itr_%02d.pkl' % itr))

        pol_sample_lists = self._take_policy_samples(N)
            self._data_files_dir + ('pol_sample_itr_%02d.pkl' % itr),

        if self.gui:
            self.gui.update(itr, self.algorithm, self.agent,
                traj_sample_lists, pol_sample_lists)
            self.gui.set_status_text(('Took %d policy sample(s) from ' +
                'algorithm state at iteration %d.\n' +
                'Saved to: data_files/pol_sample_itr_%02d.pkl.\n') % (N, itr, itr))

    def _initialize(self, itr_load):
        Initialize from the specified iteration.
            itr_load: If specified, loads algorithm state from that
                iteration, and resumes training at the next iteration.
            itr_start: Iteration to start from.
        if itr_load is None:
            if self.gui:
                self.gui.set_status_text('Press \'go\' to begin.')
            return 0
            algorithm_file = self._data_files_dir + 'algorithm_itr_%02d.pkl' % itr_load
            self.algorithm = self.data_logger.unpickle(algorithm_file)
            if self.algorithm is None:
                print("Error: cannot find '%s.'" % algorithm_file)
                os._exit(1) # called instead of sys.exit(), since this is in a thread

            if self.gui:
                traj_sample_lists = self.data_logger.unpickle(self._data_files_dir +
                    ('traj_sample_itr_%02d.pkl' % itr_load))
                if self.algorithm.cur[0].pol_info:
                    pol_sample_lists = self.data_logger.unpickle(self._data_files_dir +
                        ('pol_sample_itr_%02d.pkl' % itr_load))
                    pol_sample_lists = None
                    ('Resuming training from algorithm state at iteration %d.\n' +
                    'Press \'go\' to begin.') % itr_load)
            return itr_load + 1

    def _take_sample(self, itr, cond, i):
        Collect a sample from the agent.
            itr: Iteration number.
            cond: Condition number.
            i: Sample number.
        Returns: None
        if self.algorithm._hyperparams['sample_on_policy'] \
                and self.algorithm.iteration_count > 0:
            pol = self.algorithm.policy_opt.policy
            pol = self.algorithm.cur[cond].traj_distr
        if self.gui:
            self.gui.set_image_overlays(cond)   # Must call for each new cond.
            redo = True
            while redo:
                while self.gui.mode in ('wait', 'request', 'process'):
                    if self.gui.mode in ('wait', 'process'):
                    # 'request' mode.
                    if self.gui.request == 'reset':
                        except NotImplementedError:
                            self.gui.err_msg = 'Agent reset unimplemented.'
                    elif self.gui.request == 'fail':
                        self.gui.err_msg = 'Cannot fail before sampling.'
                    self.gui.process_mode()  # Complete request.

                    'Sampling: iteration %d, condition %d, sample %d.' %
                    (itr, cond, i)
                    pol, cond,
                    verbose=(i < self._hyperparams['verbose_trials'])

                if self.gui.mode == 'request' and self.gui.request == 'fail':
                    redo = True
                    redo = False
                pol, cond,
                verbose=(i < self._hyperparams['verbose_trials'])

    def _take_iteration(self, itr, sample_lists):
        Take an iteration of the algorithm.
            itr: Iteration number.
        Returns: None
        if self.gui:
        if self.gui:

    def _take_policy_samples(self, N=None):
        Take samples from the policy to see how it's doing.
            N  : number of policy samples to take per condition
        Returns: None
        if 'verbose_policy_trials' not in self._hyperparams:
            # AlgorithmTrajOpt
            return None
        verbose = self._hyperparams['verbose_policy_trials']
        if self.gui:
            self.gui.set_status_text('Taking policy samples.')
        pol_samples = [[None] for _ in range(len(self._test_idx))]
        # Since this isn't noisy, just take one sample.
        # TODO: Make this noisy? Add hyperparam?
        # TODO: Take at all conditions for GUI?
        for cond in range(len(self._test_idx)):
            pol_samples[cond][0] = self.agent.sample(
                self.algorithm.policy_opt.policy, self._test_idx[cond],
                verbose=verbose, save=False, noisy=False)
        return [SampleList(samples) for samples in pol_samples]

    def _log_data(self, itr, traj_sample_lists, pol_sample_lists=None):
        Log data and algorithm, and update the GUI.
            itr: Iteration number.
            traj_sample_lists: trajectory samples as SampleList object
            pol_sample_lists: policy samples as SampleList object
        Returns: None
        if self.gui:
            self.gui.set_status_text('Logging data and updating GUI.')
            self.gui.update(itr, self.algorithm, self.agent,
                traj_sample_lists, pol_sample_lists)
                self._data_files_dir + ('figure_itr_%02d.png' % itr)
        if 'no_sample_logging' in self._hyperparams['common']:
            self._data_files_dir + ('algorithm_itr_%02d.pkl' % itr),
            self._data_files_dir + ('traj_sample_itr_%02d.pkl' % itr),
        if pol_sample_lists:
                self._data_files_dir + ('pol_sample_itr_%02d.pkl' % itr),

    def _end(self):
        """ Finish running and exit. """
        if self.gui:
            self.gui.set_status_text('Training complete.')
            if self._quit_on_end:
                # Quit automatically (for running sequential expts)

In [52]:
from datetime import datetime
import os

    ACTION: 1

#BASE_DIR = '/'.join(str.split(gps_filepath, '/')[:-2])
BASE_DIR = '.'
#EXP_DIR = BASE_DIR + '/../experiments/box2d_arm_example/'
EXP_DIR = BASE_DIR + 'experiments/'

common = {
    'experiment_name': 'box2d_arm_example' + '_' + \
            datetime.strftime(, '%m-%d-%y_%H-%M'),
    'experiment_dir': EXP_DIR,
    'data_files_dir': EXP_DIR + 'data_files/',
    'log_filename': EXP_DIR + 'log.txt',
    'conditions': 1,

if not os.path.exists(common['data_files_dir']):

agent = {
    'type': Pendulum,
    'target_state' : np.array([0]),
    'world' : PendulumWorld,
    'render' : True,
    'x0': np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
    'rk': 0,
    'dt': 0.05,
    'substeps': 1,
    'conditions': common['conditions'],
    'pos_body_idx': np.array([]),
    'pos_body_offset': np.array([]),
    'T': 100,
    'sensor_dims': SENSOR_DIMS,
    'obs_include': [],

algorithm = {
    'type': AlgorithmTrajOpt,
    'conditions': common['conditions'],

algorithm['init_traj_distr'] = {
    'type': init_lqr,
    'init_gains': np.zeros(SENSOR_DIMS[ACTION]),
    'init_acc': np.zeros(SENSOR_DIMS[ACTION]),
    'init_var': 0.1,
    'stiffness': 0.01,
    'dt': agent['dt'],
    'T': agent['T'],

action_cost = {
    'type': CostAction,
    'wu': np.array([1])

state_cost = {
    'type': CostState,
    'data_types' : {
        JOINT_ANGLES: {
            'wp': np.array([1]),
            'target_state': agent["target_state"],

algorithm['cost'] = {
    'type': CostSum,
    'costs': [action_cost, state_cost],
    'weights': [1e-5, 1.0],

algorithm['dynamics'] = {
    'type': DynamicsLRPrior,
    'regularization': 1e-6,
    'prior': {
        'type': DynamicsPriorGMM,
        'max_clusters': 20,
        'min_samples_per_cluster': 40,
        'max_samples': 20,

algorithm['traj_opt'] = {
    'type': TrajOptLQRPython,

algorithm['policy_opt'] = {}

config_gps = {
    'iterations': 10,
    'num_samples': 5,
    'verbose_trials': 5,
    'common': common,
    'agent': agent,
    'gui_on': True,
    'algorithm': algorithm,

common['info'] = generate_experiment_info(config_gps)

In [53]:
exp_name = "box2d_arm_example"

import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


seed = config_gps.get('random_seed', 0)

gps = GPSMain(config_gps)
if config_gps['gui_on']:
    run_gps = threading.Thread(
        #target=lambda: # no iteration load used at this stage
    run_gps.daemon = True


/Users/Victor/basic_reinforcement_learning/tutorial10/gps/gui/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The get_axis_bgcolor function was deprecated in version 2.0. Use get_facecolor instead.
  color, alpha = self._ax.get_axis_bgcolor(), self._ax.get_alpha()
/Users/Victor/basic_reinforcement_learning/tutorial10/gps/gui/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The set_axis_bgcolor function was deprecated in version 2.0. Use set_facecolor instead.
/Users/Victor/basic_reinforcement_learning/tutorial10/gps/gui/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The set_axis_bgcolor function was deprecated in version 2.0. Use set_facecolor instead.
  self._ax.set_axis_bgcolor(ColorConverter().to_rgba(color, alpha))
[2017-05-19 18:01:22,441] Making new env: Pendulum-v0
self.x0:  [0 0 0 0 0]
target:  [0]
/Users/Victor/basic_reinforcement_learning/tutorial10/gps/gui/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The set_axis_bgcolor function was deprecated in version 2.0. Use set_facecolor instead.
  self._ax.set_axis_bgcolor(ColorConverter().to_rgba(color, alpha))
/Users/Victor/basic_reinforcement_learning/tutorial10/gps/gui/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The get_axis_bgcolor function was deprecated in version 2.0. Use get_facecolor instead.
  color, alpha = self._ax.get_axis_bgcolor(), self._ax.get_alpha()
/Users/Victor/basic_reinforcement_learning/tutorial10/gps/gui/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The set_axis_bgcolor function was deprecated in version 2.0. Use set_facecolor instead.
/Users/Victor/basic_reinforcement_learning/tutorial10/gps/gui/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The set_axis_bgcolor function was deprecated in version 2.0. Use set_facecolor instead.
  self._ax.set_axis_bgcolor(ColorConverter().to_rgba(color, alpha))
min:  999  self.max:  -999
state:  {1: array([ 2.75493736]), 2: array([-0.37335662]), 3: array([ 0.9261755 , -0.37709274,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9261755030787623   sin(angle)  -0.37709274389306613
theta dot:  -0.373356621013
Angle:  337.8463354265376
action:  [ 0.82617292]
state:  {1: array([ 2.72832485]), 2: array([-0.53225024]), 3: array([ 0.91581335, -0.40160417,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9158133510572014   sin(angle)  -0.40160416584664455
theta dot:  -0.532250241284
Angle:  336.32155436862064
action:  [ 0.82503172]
state:  {1: array([ 2.69283992]), 2: array([-0.70969861]), 3: array([ 0.90098892, -0.4338421 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9009889191894476   sin(angle)  -0.43384209972964943
theta dot:  -0.709698607471
Angle:  334.2884223762469
action:  [ 0.80778155]
state:  {1: array([ 2.64714427]), 2: array([-0.91391295]), 3: array([ 0.88023061, -0.47454617,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.880230611813601   sin(angle)  -0.4745461727021448
theta dot:  -0.913912950003
Angle:  331.6702607547716
action:  [ 0.74356446]
state:  {1: array([ 2.58922988]), 2: array([-1.15828791]), 3: array([ 0.85128715, -0.52470009,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8512871497306074   sin(angle)  -0.5247000940571085
theta dot:  -1.15828790997
Angle:  328.3520180791388
action:  [ 0.61318479]
state:  {1: array([ 2.51623811]), 2: array([-1.45983526]), 3: array([ 0.81075563, -0.58538476,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8107556276129901   sin(angle)  -0.5853847557750941
theta dot:  -1.45983526264
Angle:  324.169907892049
action:  [ 0.44223935]
state:  {1: array([ 2.42461122]), 2: array([-1.83253793]), 3: array([ 0.75379269, -0.6571123 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7537926949731187   sin(angle)  -0.6571122986257089
theta dot:  -1.83253792757
Angle:  318.9200857160603
action:  [ 0.28884889]
state:  {1: array([ 2.31050898]), 2: array([-2.28204482]), 3: array([ 0.67407568, -0.73866229,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6740756838147861   sin(angle)  -0.7386622858178347
theta dot:  -2.28204481795
Angle:  312.3825241672996
action:  [ 0.20052806]
state:  {1: array([ 2.17021086]), 2: array([-2.80596232]), 3: array([ 0.56415917, -0.82566605,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5641591694356836   sin(angle)  -0.8256660532816156
theta dot:  -2.80596232277
Angle:  304.34405303637556
action:  [ 0.19097558]
state:  {1: array([ 2.00038258]), 2: array([-3.39656552]), 3: array([ 0.41649469, -0.90913815,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4164946878219316   sin(angle)  -0.9091381495769011
theta dot:  -3.39656552499
Angle:  294.613632319242
action:  [ 0.24337024]
state:  {1: array([ 1.7982869]), 2: array([-4.0419136]), 3: array([ 0.22553347, -0.97423542,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.22553346664245943   sin(angle)  -0.9742354209451813
theta dot:  -4.04191360058
Angle:  283.0344298729676
action:  [ 0.31984917]
state:  {1: array([ 1.56205626]), 2: array([-4.72461279]), 3: array([-0.00873995, -0.99996181,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.008739952055113572   sin(angle)  -0.9999618058896421
theta dot:  -4.72461279012
Angle:  269.49944288827686
action:  [ 0.37744128]
state:  {1: array([ 1.29115787]), 2: array([-5.41796795]), 3: array([-0.27600817, -0.96115529,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.2760081714482012   sin(angle)  -0.9611552888549385
theta dot:  -5.4179679526
Angle:  253.97814432277363
action:  [ 0.39379625]
state:  {1: array([ 0.98716962]), 2: array([-6.07976498]), 3: array([-0.55105393, -0.83446963,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5510539335428816   sin(angle)  -0.8344696293616188
theta dot:  -6.07976498147
Angle:  236.56094135828596
action:  [ 0.37917393]
state:  {1: array([ 0.65473256]), 2: array([-6.64874111]), 3: array([-0.79321081, -0.60894713,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7932108126601465   sin(angle)  -0.6089471296254134
theta dot:  -6.64874111468
Angle:  217.51374565159324
action:  [ 0.35367311]
state:  {1: array([ 0.30211254]), 2: array([-7.0524005]), 3: array([-0.95471006, -0.29753773,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9547100607028622   sin(angle)  -0.29753772868787104
theta dot:  -7.05240049582
Angle:  197.31015370405015
action:  [ 0.31297442]
state:  {1: array([ 6.22386746]), 2: array([-7.22860763]), 3: array([-0.99824121,  0.05928307,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9982412124184482   sin(angle)  0.05928306528298505
theta dot:  -7.2286076286
Angle:  176.60092485090058
action:  [ 0.22696957]
state:  {1: array([ 5.86636247]), 2: array([-7.15009989]), 3: array([-0.91437985,  0.40485737,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9143798498623188   sin(angle)  0.4048573701512216
theta dot:  -7.15009989407
Angle:  156.11744539883944
action:  [ 0.07768023]
state:  {1: array([ 5.52462223]), 2: array([-6.83480483]), 3: array([-0.72582519,  0.6878792 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7258251860718228   sin(angle)  0.6878792039768349
theta dot:  -6.83480483212
Angle:  136.53721765211833
action:  [-0.1020521]
state:  {1: array([ 5.20791206]), 2: array([-6.33420324]), 3: array([-0.47549188,  0.87972011,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4754918829999016   sin(angle)  0.8797201084442755
theta dot:  -6.33420324438
Angle:  118.39110446156707
action:  [-0.23390831]
state:  {1: array([ 4.92243709]), 2: array([-5.70949941]), 3: array([-0.20850696,  0.97802088,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.20850695518806803   sin(angle)  0.9780208840501317
theta dot:  -5.70949941004
Angle:  102.03463174373746
action:  [-0.24938902]
state:  {1: array([ 4.67176749]), 2: array([-5.0133921]), 3: array([ 0.04061032,  0.99917506,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.040610321686967245   sin(angle)  0.9991750606237533
theta dot:  -5.01339209927
Angle:  87.67235491237398
action:  [-0.14995562]
state:  {1: array([ 4.45744228]), 2: array([-4.28650415]), 3: array([ 0.25219383,  0.96767674,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.2521938315961831   sin(angle)  0.9676767390533039
theta dot:  -4.28650414751
Angle:  75.39245380225628
action:  [-0.00884319]
state:  {1: array([ 4.27933863]), 2: array([-3.56207307]), 3: array([ 0.41964153,  0.90768992,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.41964152540491967   sin(angle)  0.9076899196068182
theta dot:  -3.5620730711
Angle:  65.1878900003909
action:  [ 0.09160887]
state:  {1: array([ 4.13596041]), 2: array([-2.8675643]), 3: array([ 0.54503308,  0.83841454,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5450330789247855   sin(angle)  0.8384145411893621
theta dot:  -2.86756430098
Angle:  56.97294261408638
action:  [ 0.12483212]
state:  {1: array([ 4.02495898]), 2: array([-2.22002858]), 3: array([ 0.63455298,  0.77287937,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6345529778865909   sin(angle)  0.7728793685014885
theta dot:  -2.22002857753
Angle:  50.61304409174113
action:  [ 0.13138124]
state:  {1: array([ 3.94392589]), 2: array([-1.62066187]), 3: array([ 0.69503105,  0.71897972,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6950310531865129   sin(angle)  0.7189797181467963
theta dot:  -1.62066186562
Angle:  45.970200702832585
action:  [ 0.1716777]
state:  {1: array([ 3.89114212]), 2: array([-1.05567542]), 3: array([ 0.7319959 ,  0.68130904,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7319958965904658   sin(angle)  0.6813090395515974
theta dot:  -1.05567542146
Angle:  42.94592046564259
action:  [ 0.25925608]
state:  {1: array([ 3.86585186]), 2: array([-0.50580523]), 3: array([ 0.74899046,  0.66258078,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7489904648008208   sin(angle)  0.6625807751794873
theta dot:  -0.5058052292
Angle:  41.49689860964463
action:  [ 0.33722007]
state:  {1: array([ 3.86793753]), 2: array([ 0.04171336]), 3: array([ 0.74760691,  0.66414148,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7476069131356557   sin(angle)  0.6641414784756151
theta dot:  0.041713362682
Angle:  41.61639831175131
action:  [ 0.32491691]
state:  {1: array([ 3.89736538]), 2: array([ 0.58855701]), 3: array([ 0.72774179,  0.68585122,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.588557008025
Angle:  43.3024859970792
action:  [ 0.19000632]
state:  {1: array([ 3.95393769]), 2: array([ 1.13144637]), 3: array([ 0.68779806,  0.72590208,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.13144636728
Angle:  46.54383349692176
action:  [-0.018967]
state:  {1: array([ 4.03758909]), 2: array([ 1.67302788]), 3: array([ 0.62474108,  0.78083198,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.67302787919
Angle:  51.336694113383544
action:  [-0.1987572]
state:  {1: array([ 4.149031]), 2: array([ 2.22883829]), 3: array([ 0.53402826,  0.84546663,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5340282617061842   sin(angle)  0.8454666260113827
theta dot:  2.22883828551
Angle:  57.72183053101264
action:  [-0.25435797]
state:  {1: array([ 4.29027023]), 2: array([ 2.82478456]), 3: array([ 0.40969414,  0.91222295,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4096941435320218   sin(angle)  0.9122229490401801
theta dot:  2.82478455928
Angle:  65.81422327149534
action:  [-0.16329659]
state:  {1: array([ 4.46449309]), 2: array([ 3.48445728]), 3: array([ 0.24536471,  0.96943084,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.24536471072610894   sin(angle)  0.9694308426753777
theta dot:  3.4844572829
Angle:  75.79643473893373
action:  [ 0.00278089]
state:  {1: array([ 4.67509047]), 2: array([ 4.21194755]), 3: array([ 0.03728986,  0.99930449,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.0372898608630986   sin(angle)  0.9993044912722101
theta dot:  4.21194754816
Angle:  87.8627474246415
action:  [ 0.12421565]
state:  {1: array([ 4.92409339]), 2: array([ 4.98005826]), 3: array([-0.21012656,  0.97767419,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.21012655684918657   sin(angle)  0.9776741942522087
theta dot:  4.98005826445
Angle:  102.12953007680818
action:  [ 0.11490285]
state:  {1: array([ 5.21062085]), 2: array([ 5.73054934]), 3: array([-0.47787311,  0.87842888,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4778731114127775   sin(angle)  0.8784288755435303
theta dot:  5.73054933711
Angle:  118.5463062526448
action:  [-0.02529811]
state:  {1: array([ 5.52989967]), 2: array([ 6.38557628]), 3: array([-0.7294453 ,  0.68403914,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7294453030374383   sin(angle)  0.6840391435266112
theta dot:  6.3855762778
Angle:  136.83959199883623
action:  [-0.22019486]
state:  {1: array([ 5.87317849]), 2: array([ 6.86557641]), 3: array([-0.9171181 ,  0.39861558,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.917118103910706   sin(angle)  0.39861558358803717
theta dot:  6.86557640622
Angle:  156.50797360566503
action:  [-0.36940414]
state:  {1: array([ 6.22863486]), 2: array([ 7.10912747]), 3: array([-0.99851249,  0.0545234 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9985124932764629   sin(angle)  0.05452339654516978
theta dot:  7.1091274729
Angle:  176.87407599173196
action:  [-0.40753663]
state:  {1: array([ 0.29989403]), 2: array([ 7.08888953]), 3: array([-0.9553678 , -0.29541897,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9553678003325137   sin(angle)  -0.29541896704141096
theta dot:  7.08888952566
Angle:  197.1830428998821
action:  [-0.34420704]
state:  {1: array([ 0.64067874]), 2: array([ 6.81569425]), 3: array([-0.80169023, -0.59773972,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  6.81569424509
Angle:  216.70852297557138
action:  [-0.25389361]
state:  {1: array([ 0.95714401]), 2: array([ 6.32930541]), 3: array([-0.57585725, -0.81755026,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5758572452180057   sin(angle)  -0.8175502633660695
theta dot:  6.32930541385
Angle:  234.84060494800963
action:  [-0.21104622]
state:  {1: array([ 1.2413683]), 2: array([ 5.68448578]), 3: array([-0.32350186, -0.94622753,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.32350186348458115   sin(angle)  -0.9462275330606288
theta dot:  5.68448578348
Angle:  251.1254190717977
action:  [-0.23151347]
state:  {1: array([ 1.48837271]), 2: array([ 4.94008811]), 3: array([-0.08233033, -0.9966051 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.08233032544851923   sin(angle)  -0.9966050960694215
theta dot:  4.94008811345
Angle:  265.27769594377645
action:  [-0.28136984]
state:  {1: array([ 1.69589415]), 2: array([ 4.15042882]), 3: array([ 0.12477179, -0.99218547,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.15042881571
Angle:  277.16777085510415
action:  [-0.32438484]
state:  {1: array([ 1.86377575]), 2: array([ 3.35763199]), 3: array([ 0.28880596, -0.95738765,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.35763199005
Angle:  286.7866554713637
action:  [-0.34394095]
state:  {1: array([ 1.99317575]), 2: array([ 2.58800011]), 3: array([ 0.40993192, -0.91211612,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4099319240228356   sin(angle)  -0.9121161207143179
theta dot:  2.58800010875
Angle:  294.2007123146186
action:  [-0.33758286]
state:  {1: array([ 2.08583953]), 2: array([ 1.85327559]), 3: array([ 0.49257245, -0.87027144,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.85327558914
Angle:  299.5099433759365
action:  [-0.31369509]
state:  {1: array([ 2.14351542]), 2: array([ 1.15351774]), 3: array([ 0.54191926, -0.84043056,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5419192575832028   sin(angle)  -0.8404305552872707
theta dot:  1.15351774436
Angle:  302.81452056565513
action:  [-0.285339]
state:  {1: array([ 2.16753512]), 2: array([ 0.48039398]), 3: array([ 0.56194788, -0.82717264,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.48039397802
Angle:  304.19074471964734
action:  [-0.25335219]
state:  {1: array([ 2.1586357]), 2: array([-0.17798833]), 3: array([ 0.55456437, -0.83214083,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.177988330859
Angle:  303.6808469039708
action:  [-0.20378161]
state:  {1: array([ 2.11700264]), 2: array([-0.83266119]), 3: array([ 0.51944927, -0.85450129,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.832661192119
Angle:  301.29545387841864
action:  [-0.13365413]
state:  {1: array([ 2.04232338]), 2: array([-1.49358528]), 3: array([ 0.45424723, -0.89087567,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.49358528174
Angle:  297.01665723476975
action:  [-0.06981071]
state:  {1: array([ 1.9337127]), 2: array([-2.17221364]), 3: array([ 0.35500215, -0.93486548,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.17221363898
Angle:  290.7937381009367
action:  [-0.05023603]
state:  {1: array([ 1.78966779]), 2: array([-2.88089816]), 3: array([ 0.21712815, -0.97614311,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.88089815577
Angle:  282.5405921237534
action:  [-0.08991724]
state:  {1: array([ 1.60834313]), 2: array([-3.62649307]), 3: array([ 0.03753799, -0.9992952 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  272.15147904244867
action:  [-0.17174204]
state:  {1: array([ 1.38825685]), 2: array([-4.40172578]), 3: array([-0.18152745, -0.98338588,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.40172578066
Angle:  259.54149303978573
action:  [-0.26644466]
state:  {1: array([ 1.12929525]), 2: array([-5.17923189]), 3: array([-0.42729709, -0.90411128,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -5.17923188907
Angle:  244.70412131786105
action:  [-0.35404085]
state:  {1: array([ 0.83377418]), 2: array([-5.91042147]), 3: array([-0.67208588, -0.74047321,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -5.91042147458
Angle:  227.7720506305608
action:  [-0.42445102]
state:  {1: array([ 0.50730198]), 2: array([-6.52944403]), 3: array([-0.87405844, -0.48582079,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -6.52944403487
Angle:  209.06661508375234
action:  [-0.4677728]
state:  {1: array([ 0.1591032]), 2: array([-6.96397554]), 3: array([-0.98736976, -0.1584328 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  189.11634136950764
action:  [-0.47606157]
state:  {1: array([ 6.08457804]), 2: array([-7.15420938]), 3: array([-0.98034232,  0.19730417,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -7.15420937652
Angle:  168.62024731032795
action:  [-0.45311295]
state:  {1: array([ 5.73086813]), 2: array([-7.07419819]), 3: array([-0.85131107,  0.52466128,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -7.07419819075
Angle:  148.35420971269548
action:  [-0.40954971]
state:  {1: array([ 5.39376139]), 2: array([-6.74213469]), 3: array([-0.62985958,  0.77670902,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -6.74213469037
Angle:  129.0394617456392
action:  [-0.3468126]
state:  {1: array([ 5.08318015]), 2: array([-6.21162481]), 3: array([-0.36235295,  0.93204095,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.36235294959562775   sin(angle)  0.932040953992553
theta dot:  -6.21162481282
Angle:  111.24450907330362
action:  [-0.25715925]
state:  {1: array([ 4.80562175]), 2: array([-5.55116799]), 3: array([-0.09309776,  0.99565697,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -5.55116798536
Angle:  95.3416214147037
action:  [-0.14066046]
state:  {1: array([ 4.56434554]), 2: array([-4.82552433]), 3: array([ 0.14750326,  0.98906157,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.82552432551
Angle:  81.51754485194795
action:  [-0.01779881]
state:  {1: array([ 4.36002564]), 2: array([-4.08639797]), 3: array([ 0.34511691,  0.93855971,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.34511690724776733   sin(angle)  0.9385597052568024
theta dot:  -4.08639797067
Angle:  69.81090437066234
action:  [ 0.07410969]
state:  {1: array([ 4.19145755]), 2: array([-3.37136174]), 3: array([ 0.49768823,  0.86735599,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.49768823453845357   sin(angle)  0.8673559945039853
theta dot:  -3.37136173892
Angle:  60.15268701317251
action:  [ 0.10002751]
state:  {1: array([ 4.05616552]), 2: array([-2.70584062]), 3: array([ 0.61012905,  0.79230205,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.70584061688
Angle:  52.40104277076313
action:  [ 0.05047879]
state:  {1: array([ 3.95096341]), 2: array([-2.10404226]), 3: array([ 0.68995405,  0.72385317,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.10404225849
Angle:  46.37341979954499
action:  [-0.05135576]
state:  {1: array([ 3.87252062]), 2: array([-1.56885575]), 3: array([ 0.74455525,  0.66756084,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.74455524914067   sin(angle)  0.6675608444007743
theta dot:  -1.56885574828
Angle:  41.878989657401064
action:  [-0.16572158]
state:  {1: array([ 3.81786845]), 2: array([-1.09304335]), 3: array([ 0.77990907,  0.62589283,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7799090729078684   sin(angle)  0.6258928326766406
theta dot:  -1.0930433525
Angle:  38.74765843367135
action:  [-0.25708229]
state:  {1: array([ 3.78475915]), 2: array([-0.66218607]), 3: array([ 0.80020072,  0.59973228,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8002007234934296   sin(angle)  0.5997322753700953
theta dot:  -0.662186070839
Angle:  36.850639514155375
action:  [-0.30371225]
state:  {1: array([ 3.77186196]), 2: array([-0.2579437]), 3: array([ 0.80786882,  0.58936235,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8078688165128222   sin(angle)  0.5893623463593277
theta dot:  -0.257943702313
Angle:  36.11168696742351
action:  [-0.30027975]
state:  {1: array([ 3.77881377]), 2: array([ 0.1390361]), 3: array([ 0.8037522 ,  0.59496421,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8037521964498645   sin(angle)  0.5949642062359872
theta dot:  0.139036095241
Angle:  36.509995108870896
action:  [-0.25617222]
state:  {1: array([ 3.80615544]), 2: array([ 0.54683342]), 3: array([ 0.7871865 ,  0.61671502,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.787186497121387   sin(angle)  0.616715022315624
theta dot:  0.546833416892
Angle:  38.076553789807406
action:  [-0.18644868]
state:  {1: array([ 3.85522556]), 2: array([ 0.98140238]), 3: array([ 0.75598883,  0.65458452,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7559888269158057   sin(angle)  0.6545845198127314
theta dot:  0.981402381078
Angle:  40.888057937281644
action:  [-0.10240283]
state:  {1: array([ 3.92807458]), 2: array([ 1.45698035]), 3: array([ 0.70634003,  0.7078727 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7063400331084612   sin(angle)  0.7078726987448647
theta dot:  1.45698034685
Angle:  45.06198941220737
action:  [-0.00691855]
state:  {1: array([ 4.02741693]), 2: array([ 1.98684709]), 3: array([ 0.63265137,  0.77443673,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6326513666696177   sin(angle)  0.7744367296629627
theta dot:  1.98684708775
Angle:  50.75387373540701
action:  [ 0.10714998]
state:  {1: array([ 4.15660429]), 2: array([ 2.58374713]), 3: array([ 0.52761005,  0.84948669,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.52761004962446   sin(angle)  0.8494866894397315
theta dot:  2.58374713196
Angle:  58.15574672612115
action:  [ 0.24360487]
state:  {1: array([ 4.31947443]), 2: array([ 3.25740288]), 3: array([ 0.38288249,  0.92379705,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.3828824901882302   sin(angle)  0.9237970549353682
theta dot:  3.25740287968
Angle:  67.4874967634114
action:  [ 0.37286629]
state:  {1: array([ 4.51978346]), 2: array([ 4.00618061]), 3: array([ 0.19141688,  0.98150883,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.19141688197685144   sin(angle)  0.9815088269059327
theta dot:  4.00618061375
Angle:  78.96433198234115
action:  [ 0.43268998]
state:  {1: array([ 4.76014425]), 2: array([ 4.80721573]), 3: array([-0.04773712,  0.99885993,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.04773711783134061   sin(angle)  0.9988599339152395
theta dot:  4.80721573055
Angle:  92.7359584067687
action:  [ 0.38720647]
state:  {1: array([ 5.04086633]), 2: array([ 5.61444165]), 3: array([-0.32260216,  0.94653465,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.32260216177588497   sin(angle)  0.9465346508277052
theta dot:  5.61444165132
Angle:  108.82011134217464
action:  [ 0.27713049]
state:  {1: array([ 5.35916194]), 2: array([ 6.36591221]), 3: array([-0.60261427,  0.79803261,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6026142651542047   sin(angle)  0.7980326105070256
theta dot:  6.36591221239
Angle:  127.0570638222801
action:  [ 0.1881553]
state:  {1: array([ 5.70879494]), 2: array([ 6.99265997]), 3: array([-0.83952369,  0.54332309,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.839523685518152   sin(angle)  0.5433230912210699
theta dot:  6.99265996581
Angle:  147.08951215824078
action:  [ 0.17442827]
state:  {1: array([ 6.08011077]), 2: array([ 7.42631652]), 3: array([-0.97945113,  0.20168164,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9794511294453878   sin(angle)  0.20168164276441766
theta dot:  7.42631652413
Angle:  168.36429211660504
action:  [ 0.22577346]
state:  {1: array([ 0.17749765]), 2: array([ 7.61144378]), 3: array([-0.98428861, -0.17656709,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.984288607222562   sin(angle)  -0.17656709119161781
theta dot:  7.61144377561
Angle:  190.17026317852626
action:  [ 0.29786219]
state:  {1: array([ 0.55368254]), 2: array([ 7.52369779]), 3: array([-0.85059393, -0.52582313,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8505939312047771   sin(angle)  -0.5258231301470133
theta dot:  7.52369778521
Angle:  211.72401924769747
action:  [ 0.35446743]
state:  {1: array([ 0.91280756]), 2: array([ 7.18250055]), 3: array([-0.61152675, -0.79122376,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6115267513821642   sin(angle)  -0.7912237561802457
theta dot:  7.18250055218
Angle:  232.30031953087098
action:  [ 0.38501391]
state:  {1: array([ 1.2451493]), 2: array([ 6.64683482]), 3: array([-0.31992187, -0.94744393,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.31992186977081166   sin(angle)  -0.9474439282840689
theta dot:  6.64683482143
Angle:  251.34205412243907
action:  [ 0.39900862]
state:  {1: array([ 1.54495446]), 2: array([ 5.99610317]), 3: array([-0.02583899, -0.99966612,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.02583898737902229   sin(angle)  -0.9996661176268938
theta dot:  5.99610316862
Angle:  268.5195842082404
action:  [ 0.40947278]
state:  {1: array([ 1.81034319]), 2: array([ 5.3077745]), 3: array([ 0.23726245, -0.97144559,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.23726245125129847   sin(angle)  -0.9714455873728725
theta dot:  5.30777449665
Angle:  283.72520251414505
action:  [ 0.41767759]
state:  {1: array([ 2.04243529]), 2: array([ 4.64184194]), 3: array([ 0.45434692, -0.89082483,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.64184194467
Angle:  297.02306904776697
action:  [ 0.41328603]
state:  {1: array([ 2.2442211]), 2: array([ 4.03571623]), 3: array([ 0.62366675, -0.78169034,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6236667488823507   sin(angle)  -0.7816903391615626
theta dot:  4.03571622724
Angle:  308.5845173687311
action:  [ 0.39288142]
state:  {1: array([ 2.41964013]), 2: array([ 3.50838069]), 3: array([ 0.75051683, -0.66085133,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7505168334464304   sin(angle)  -0.6608513317785953
theta dot:  3.50838068613
Angle:  318.6352641777496
min:  -0.476061568881  self.max:  0.82617291766
state:  {1: array([ 4.05646642]), 2: array([ 0.00827646]), 3: array([ 0.60989062,  0.7924856 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6098906188705335   sin(angle)  0.7924856042943099
theta dot:  0.00827645734779
Angle:  52.418283005814885
action:  [ 0.09828865]
state:  {1: array([ 4.08733562]), 2: array([ 0.61738396]), 3: array([ 0.58514055,  0.8109319 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5851405473730771   sin(angle)  0.8109318959197102
theta dot:  0.617383958596
Angle:  54.1869536282241
action:  [ 0.0295393]
state:  {1: array([ 4.14883631]), 2: array([ 1.23001378]), 3: array([ 0.53419286,  0.84536264,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5341928606501832   sin(angle)  0.8453626367603277
theta dot:  1.23001377525
Angle:  57.71067529147666
action:  [-0.03190904]
state:  {1: array([ 4.24179878]), 2: array([ 1.8592494]), 3: array([ 0.45341241,  0.89130084,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4534124138226318   sin(angle)  0.8913008375355285
theta dot:  1.8592493967
Angle:  63.037020010828485
action:  [-0.02292504]
state:  {1: array([ 4.36801309]), 2: array([ 2.52428627]), 3: array([ 0.33760928,  0.94128634,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.33760927755107456   sin(angle)  0.9412863409778353
theta dot:  2.52428626857
Angle:  70.2685505739484
action:  [ 0.0517538]
state:  {1: array([ 4.52991379]), 2: array([ 3.23801409]), 3: array([ 0.18146422,  0.98339755,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.18146421872721688   sin(angle)  0.9833975479538887
theta dot:  3.23801409414
Angle:  79.54475596204338
action:  [ 0.15631413]
state:  {1: array([ 4.72986426]), 2: array([ 3.99900937]), 3: array([-0.01747439,  0.99984731,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.017474393192488207   sin(angle)  0.9998473111343323
theta dot:  3.99900937399
Angle:  91.00104714038196
action:  [ 0.28060493]
state:  {1: array([ 4.96941354]), 2: array([ 4.7909856]), 3: array([-0.25420399,  0.96715063,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.2542039851626712   sin(angle)  0.9671506262870414
theta dot:  4.79098559751
Angle:  104.726177767315
action:  [ 0.43494129]
state:  {1: array([ 5.24849303]), 2: array([ 5.58158976]), 3: array([-0.51079051,  0.85970521,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5107905085520352   sin(angle)  0.8597052148109567
theta dot:  5.58158976075
Angle:  120.71621718886456
action:  [ 0.59896527]
state:  {1: array([ 5.5643037]), 2: array([ 6.31621346]), 3: array([-0.75254271,  0.65854344,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.752542712537106   sin(angle)  0.6585434426120229
theta dot:  6.31621346187
Angle:  138.81079356931969
action:  [ 0.70904822]
state:  {1: array([ 5.91012762]), 2: array([ 6.91647828]), 3: array([-0.93121728,  0.3644645 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9312172813134363   sin(angle)  0.36446450442150385
theta dot:  6.91647827712
Angle:  158.6249979537231
action:  [ 0.71444439]
state:  {1: array([ 6.27497728]), 2: array([ 7.29699331]), 3: array([-0.99996631,  0.00820793,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9999663143631844   sin(angle)  0.00820793146347163
theta dot:  7.29699331353
Angle:  179.52929507039426
action:  [ 0.63130314]
state:  {1: array([ 0.36168421]), 2: array([ 7.39784473]), 3: array([-0.93530219, -0.35384998,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9353021917356032   sin(angle)  -0.3538499825273088
theta dot:  7.39784473311
Angle:  200.7233513810964
action:  [ 0.52522622]
state:  {1: array([ 0.72224627]), 2: array([ 7.21124118]), 3: array([-0.75032268, -0.66107177,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7503226763822408   sin(angle)  -0.6610717671377224
theta dot:  7.21124117859
Angle:  221.38198730142835
action:  [ 0.44901978]
state:  {1: array([ 1.06138579]), 2: array([ 6.78279032]), 3: array([-0.48766271, -0.87303212,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.487662713106565   sin(angle)  -0.8730321175337962
theta dot:  6.78279032005
Angle:  240.81320479582865
action:  [ 0.41033716]
state:  {1: array([ 1.37086413]), 2: array([ 6.18956681]), 3: array([-0.19860288, -0.98008005,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  6.18956680568
Angle:  258.54496608023607
action:  [ 0.38996439]
state:  {1: array([ 1.6465142]), 2: array([ 5.51300143]), 3: array([ 0.07564554, -0.99713477,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  5.51300143016
Angle:  274.3385148679456
action:  [ 0.37048796]
state:  {1: array([ 1.88755038]), 2: array([ 4.82072355]), 3: array([ 0.31148374, -0.95025148,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.82072354518
Angle:  288.14883824029823
action:  [ 0.34379834]
state:  {1: array([ 2.09553061]), 2: array([ 4.15960468]), 3: array([ 0.50098306, -0.86545709,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.15960468439
Angle:  300.06520001756616
action:  [ 0.30280416]
state:  {1: array([ 2.27332724]), 2: array([ 3.55593249]), 3: array([ 0.64615137, -0.76320928,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.55593249007
Angle:  310.2521723917265
action:  [ 0.24228916]
state:  {1: array([ 2.42432068]), 2: array([ 3.0198689]), 3: array([ 0.75360175, -0.65733127,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  318.9034392987879
action:  [ 0.17310336]
state:  {1: array([ 2.55196248]), 2: array([ 2.55283595]), 3: array([ 0.83114638, -0.55605368,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.55283594961
Angle:  326.21675848216205
action:  [ 0.12035361]
state:  {1: array([ 2.65965491]), 2: array([ 2.15384873]), 3: array([ 0.88609845, -0.46349707,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.15384872939
Angle:  332.3870661484718
action:  [ 0.09606683]
state:  {1: array([ 2.75068671]), 2: array([ 1.82063595]), 3: array([ 0.92456425, -0.38102617,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.82063594985
Angle:  337.6027917496578
action:  [ 0.09035842]
state:  {1: array([ 2.82810772]), 2: array([ 1.54842008]), 3: array([ 0.95126468, -0.3083756 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  342.0386781628966
action:  [ 0.1001227]
state:  {1: array([ 2.89471556]), 2: array([ 1.33215679]), 3: array([ 0.96968031, -0.24437694,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  345.85501732044474
action:  [ 0.14220935]
state:  {1: array([ 2.95322583]), 2: array([ 1.17020549]), 3: array([ 0.98231137, -0.18725486,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  349.2074012580216
action:  [ 0.21685247]
state:  {1: array([ 3.00634044]), 2: array([ 1.06229221]), 3: array([ 0.99086735, -0.13484022,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.06229221448
Angle:  352.25063716656945
action:  [ 0.27930839]
state:  {1: array([ 3.05649336]), 2: array([ 1.0030583]), 3: array([ 0.99638124, -0.08499662,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  355.1241808178113
action:  [ 0.27446375]
state:  {1: array([ 3.10551738]), 2: array([ 0.9804804]), 3: array([ 0.99934936, -0.03606745,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  357.93304369183426
action:  [ 0.19333481]
state:  {1: array([ 3.15463888]), 2: array([ 0.98243003]), 3: array([ 0.9999149 ,  0.01304585,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  0.7474918367685746
action:  [ 0.07888875]
state:  {1: array([ 3.20484126]), 2: array([ 1.00404774]), 3: array([ 0.99800047,  0.06320645,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  3.6238699932786744
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state:  {1: array([ 3.25729276]), 2: array([ 1.04902998]), 3: array([ 0.99331421,  0.11544215,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  6.629112479276785
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state:  {1: array([ 3.31361046]), 2: array([ 1.12635398]), 3: array([ 0.98524138,  0.17117072,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  9.855871386302908
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state:  {1: array([ 3.37595058]), 2: array([ 1.24680236]), 3: array([ 0.97266364,  0.23221851,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  13.427688703498916
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state:  {1: array([ 3.44694816]), 2: array([ 1.41995161]), 3: array([ 0.95374014,  0.30063226,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.41995161243
Angle:  17.49554091633894
action:  [ 0.03762794]
state:  {1: array([ 3.52950166]), 2: array([ 1.65106999]), 3: array([ 0.92570201,  0.37825361,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  22.22549697495191
action:  [ 0.03502675]
state:  {1: array([ 3.62650237]), 2: array([ 1.94001421]), 3: array([ 0.88471704,  0.46612849,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  27.783215305852934
action:  [-0.03339339]
state:  {1: array([ 3.74073245]), 2: array([ 2.28460157]), 3: array([ 0.82582102,  0.56393231,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  34.328101388051664
action:  [-0.13620011]
state:  {1: array([ 3.87508849]), 2: array([ 2.68712078]), 3: array([ 0.74283859,  0.66947056,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  42.02611738197055
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state:  {1: array([ 4.03303905]), 2: array([ 3.15901123]), 3: array([ 0.62828741,  0.77798131,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  51.075996767396646
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state:  {1: array([ 4.21895636]), 2: array([ 3.7183462]), 3: array([ 0.47365182,  0.88071218,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.47365182303846803   sin(angle)  0.880712183708353
theta dot:  3.71834619627
Angle:  61.72824904854957
action:  [-0.00067318]
state:  {1: array([ 4.43789533]), 2: array([ 4.37877936]), 3: array([ 0.27105958,  0.96256257,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.27105958032198485   sin(angle)  0.9625625714288237
theta dot:  4.37877935658
Angle:  74.272498542182
action:  [ 0.22326709]
state:  {1: array([ 4.6946049]), 2: array([ 5.13419135]), 3: array([ 0.01778315,  0.99984187,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.01778314741146806   sin(angle)  0.9998418673311005
theta dot:  5.13419134805
Angle:  88.98083892047055
action:  [ 0.41271649]
state:  {1: array([ 4.99190391]), 2: array([ 5.94598022]), 3: array([-0.27588943,  0.96118938,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.2758894333286745   sin(angle)  0.9611893781027664
theta dot:  5.94598022223
Angle:  106.01477767782734
action:  [ 0.48199736]
state:  {1: array([ 5.3288625]), 2: array([ 6.73917186]), 3: array([-0.57816143,  0.8159224 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.578161426893628   sin(angle)  0.8159224009992151
theta dot:  6.73917185973
Angle:  125.3210377801991
action:  [ 0.40766059]
state:  {1: array([ 5.69947564]), 2: array([ 7.41226275]), 3: array([-0.83442391,  0.55112316,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8344239110334979   sin(angle)  0.5511231592807194
theta dot:  7.41226274921
Angle:  146.55555673324318
action:  [ 0.24025977]
state:  {1: array([ 6.09255784]), 2: array([ 7.86164408]), 3: array([-0.98188554,  0.18947503,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9818855393014498   sin(angle)  0.18947503189259807
theta dot:  7.86164408419
Angle:  169.0774553701482
action:  [ 0.06808677]
state:  {1: array([ 0.2100707]), 2: array([ 8.]), 3: array([-0.97801617, -0.20852905,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9780161735803161   sin(angle)  -0.20852904885247292
theta dot:  8.0
Angle:  192.03655744157305
action:  [-0.03644375]
state:  {1: array([ 0.60197754]), 2: array([ 7.83813665]), 3: array([-0.8242174, -0.5662735,  0.       ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8242174014110956   sin(angle)  -0.5662734985951055
theta dot:  7.83813665015
Angle:  214.49111239808076
action:  [-0.05488935]
state:  {1: array([ 0.97223744]), 2: array([ 7.40519812]), 3: array([-0.56345248, -0.82614847,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5634524841810717   sin(angle)  -0.8261484721708194
theta dot:  7.40519812394
Angle:  235.70539273785414
action:  [-0.02929067]
state:  {1: array([ 1.3112971]), 2: array([ 6.78119317]), 3: array([-0.25659658, -0.9665186 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.2565965774652616   sin(angle)  -0.9665185960099857
theta dot:  6.78119316997
Angle:  255.13203474501142
action:  [-0.02453573]
state:  {1: array([ 1.61392829]), 2: array([ 6.05262386]), 3: array([ 0.04311859, -0.99906996,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.04311859409012108   sin(angle)  -0.9990699609355149
theta dot:  6.05262386359
Angle:  272.47148431602545
action:  [-0.06736213]
state:  {1: array([ 1.87858915]), 2: array([ 5.29321707]), 3: array([ 0.30295592, -0.95300457,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.3029559235482812   sin(angle)  -0.9530045689224202
theta dot:  5.29321707376
Angle:  287.6353987748616
action:  [-0.12825184]
state:  {1: array([ 2.10655044]), 2: array([ 4.55922587]), 3: array([ 0.51048963, -0.85988391,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5104896346762239   sin(angle)  -0.8598839066339918
theta dot:  4.55922587057
Angle:  300.6965882436316
action:  [-0.16978029]
state:  {1: array([ 2.30099274]), 2: array([ 3.8888459]), 3: array([ 0.66701598, -0.74504341,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6670159807104271   sin(angle)  -0.7450434091225202
theta dot:  3.88884589742
Angle:  311.83728504678896
action:  [-0.1938891]
state:  {1: array([ 2.46604173]), 2: array([ 3.30097998]), 3: array([ 0.78036256, -0.62532733,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7803625645362691   sin(angle)  -0.6253273285811017
theta dot:  3.30097997572
Angle:  321.2938739764654
action:  [-0.22447593]
state:  {1: array([ 2.60595739]), 2: array([ 2.79831309]), 3: array([ 0.85994457, -0.51038744,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8599445715121948   sin(angle)  -0.5103874351183693
theta dot:  2.79831308941
Angle:  329.3104317192385
action:  [-0.25381918]
state:  {1: array([ 2.72482987]), 2: array([ 2.37744964]), 3: array([ 0.91440416, -0.40480245,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9144041625880945   sin(angle)  -0.40480245483638744
theta dot:  2.37744963617
Angle:  336.1213073003173
action:  [-0.23165427]
state:  {1: array([ 2.82678485]), 2: array([ 2.03909965]), 3: array([ 0.95085591, -0.30963372,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9508559079132758   sin(angle)  -0.30963372294764646
theta dot:  2.03909965441
Angle:  341.96288385037207
action:  [-0.11953543]
state:  {1: array([ 2.91623206]), 2: array([ 1.78894405]), 3: array([ 0.97471359, -0.22345786,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9747135919498442   sin(angle)  -0.22345785658202458
theta dot:  1.78894404739
Angle:  347.0878190510733
action:  [ 0.05027456]
state:  {1: array([ 2.99767665]), 2: array([ 1.62889184]), 3: array([ 0.98966195, -0.14341973,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9896619533793106   sin(angle)  -0.1434197267932388
theta dot:  1.62889183859
Angle:  351.75423952068087
action:  [ 0.18441174]
state:  {1: array([ 3.07512609]), 2: array([ 1.5489888]), 3: array([ 0.99779191, -0.06641764,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9977919108889372   sin(angle)  -0.06641763745123158
theta dot:  1.54898880418
Angle:  356.19175519346265
action:  [ 0.20418045]
state:  {1: array([ 3.15161622]), 2: array([ 1.52980264]), 3: array([ 0.99994976,  0.0100234 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9999497644812086   sin(angle)  0.010023398324690838
theta dot:  1.5298026439
Angle:  0.5743066943240365
action:  [ 0.10944018]
state:  {1: array([ 3.22930303]), 2: array([ 1.55373622]), 3: array([ 0.99615591,  0.08759796,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9961559102335409   sin(angle)  0.08759795948985152
theta dot:  1.55373622003
Angle:  5.025422679881672
action:  [-0.03191544]
state:  {1: array([ 3.3100354]), 2: array([ 1.61464737]), 3: array([ 0.98584703,  0.16764734,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9858470316764947   sin(angle)  0.1676473385850323
theta dot:  1.61464737361
Angle:  9.651035858662055
action:  [-0.14077082]
state:  {1: array([ 3.39599876]), 2: array([ 1.71926725]), 3: array([ 0.96781293,  0.25167068,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9678129314158177   sin(angle)  0.25167067724373793
theta dot:  1.7192672543
Angle:  14.57636221743627
action:  [-0.16456893]
state:  {1: array([ 3.49016551]), 2: array([ 1.88333492]), 3: array([ 0.93986112,  0.34155684,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9398611210428685   sin(angle)  0.34155683736684667
theta dot:  1.88333492276
Angle:  19.971706724953492
action:  [-0.08936843]
state:  {1: array([ 3.59647037]), 2: array([ 2.12609729]), 3: array([ 0.89831476,  0.43935247,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8983147593568086   sin(angle)  0.4393524702579002
theta dot:  2.12609728575
Angle:  26.062512547371455
action:  [ 0.05172581]
state:  {1: array([ 3.7196389]), 2: array([ 2.46337051]), 3: array([ 0.83753176,  0.54638865,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8375317575481637   sin(angle)  0.546388648398083
theta dot:  2.46337051053
Angle:  33.11953272650362
action:  [ 0.1883365]
state:  {1: array([ 3.86470952]), 2: array([ 2.90141247]), 3: array([ 0.74974687,  0.66172474,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7497468655550033   sin(angle)  0.6617247445807417
theta dot:  2.90141247222
Angle:  41.431447753884356
action:  [ 0.25280987]
state:  {1: array([ 4.0364909]), 2: array([ 3.43562751]), 3: array([ 0.6255982 ,  0.78014543,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6255982043624339   sin(angle)  0.7801454266343542
theta dot:  3.43562751085
Angle:  51.273772555785115
action:  [ 0.2186115]
state:  {1: array([ 4.23916731]), 2: array([ 4.05352831]), 3: array([ 0.45575627,  0.89010461,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.45575626697562194   sin(angle)  0.8901046147012415
theta dot:  4.05352830635
Angle:  62.88624860528671
action:  [ 0.10783079]
state:  {1: array([ 4.47603138]), 2: array([ 4.73728139]), 3: array([ 0.23416305,  0.97219734,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.23416305456168954   sin(angle)  0.9721973379300826
theta dot:  4.73728138573
Angle:  76.45752835813028
action:  [-0.02860381]
state:  {1: array([ 4.74913832]), 2: array([ 5.46213882]), 3: array([-0.03674107,  0.99932482,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.036741071149658786   sin(angle)  0.9993248189106362
theta dot:  5.4621388172
Angle:  92.10536683368412
action:  [-0.14441744]
state:  {1: array([ 5.05863681]), 2: array([ 6.18996981]), 3: array([-0.33937072,  0.94065271,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.33937071872150393   sin(angle)  0.9406527070467877
theta dot:  6.18996981473
Angle:  109.83828265127585
action:  [-0.22252652]
state:  {1: array([ 5.40174083]), 2: array([ 6.86208037]), 3: array([-0.63603717,  0.77165842,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6360371665365743   sin(angle)  0.7716584236461921
theta dot:  6.86208036663
Angle:  129.49664886585026
action:  [-0.2700626]
state:  {1: array([ 5.77175657]), 2: array([ 7.40031479]), 3: array([-0.87204614,  0.48942367,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8720461408781591   sin(angle)  0.48942366941077736
theta dot:  7.40031479434
Angle:  150.696939529549
action:  [-0.3001804]
state:  {1: array([ 6.15787435]), 2: array([ 7.72235549]), 3: array([-0.99215885,  0.12498326,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9921588502364234   sin(angle)  0.12498326246957374
theta dot:  7.72235548653
Angle:  172.81980666054892
action:  [-0.32937406]
state:  {1: array([ 0.26302338]), 2: array([ 7.76668682]), 3: array([-0.96560831, -0.26000114,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9656083103528167   sin(angle)  -0.2600011364928594
theta dot:  7.7666868244
Angle:  195.0705152572211
action:  [-0.37993762]
state:  {1: array([ 0.63875815]), 2: array([ 7.51469533]), 3: array([-0.80283677, -0.5961989 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8028367685402704   sin(angle)  -0.5961988955707787
theta dot:  7.51469532928
Angle:  216.5984812501872
action:  [-0.46285938]
state:  {1: array([ 0.98866401]), 2: array([ 6.99811725]), 3: array([-0.54980629, -0.83529219,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.549806293897346   sin(angle)  -0.8352921879144238
theta dot:  6.9981172499
Angle:  236.6465635168933
action:  [-0.55868933]
state:  {1: array([ 1.30305624]), 2: array([ 6.28784471]), 3: array([-0.26455271, -0.96437123,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.26455271469549546   sin(angle)  -0.9643712257980553
theta dot:  6.28784470922
Angle:  254.65986959754383
action:  [-0.62891022]
state:  {1: array([ 1.57656773]), 2: array([ 5.47022976]), 3: array([ 0.00577137, -0.99998335,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  5.47022975616
Angle:  270.3308868516424
action:  [-0.64816511]
state:  {1: array([ 1.80771861]), 2: array([ 4.62301748]), 3: array([ 0.234712  , -0.97206496,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.62301748105
Angle:  283.5748253955203
action:  [-0.61741687]
state:  {1: array([ 1.99778642]), 2: array([ 3.80135623]), 3: array([ 0.41413301, -0.91021637,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4141330140963496   sin(angle)  -0.910216373526357
theta dot:  3.80135623395
Angle:  294.46488336138873
action:  [-0.54609262]
state:  {1: array([ 2.14962542]), 2: array([ 3.03678006]), 3: array([ 0.54704414, -0.83710376,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.03678006113
Angle:  303.16459705828527
action:  [-0.43812243]
state:  {1: array([ 2.26678711]), 2: array([ 2.34323388]), 3: array([ 0.6411461 , -0.76741884,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6411461034318657   sin(angle)  -0.767418838740707
theta dot:  2.34323387644
Angle:  309.8774519373278
action:  [-0.30588396]
state:  {1: array([ 2.35287647]), 2: array([ 1.72178715]), 3: array([ 0.7047567 , -0.70944908,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  314.80999726029114
action:  [-0.18400052]
state:  {1: array([ 2.41098149]), 2: array([ 1.16210027]), 3: array([ 0.74476669, -0.66732494,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.744766693982099   sin(angle)  -0.6673249369946955
theta dot:  1.16210026792
Angle:  318.1391615114126
action:  [-0.11084137]
state:  {1: array([ 2.4432305]), 2: array([ 0.64498036]), 3: array([ 0.76589629, -0.64296413,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.644980359347
Angle:  319.9868898135897
action:  [-0.09584136]
state:  {1: array([ 2.45064956]), 2: array([ 0.14838106]), 3: array([ 0.77064536, -0.63726426,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.148381060448
Angle:  320.4119692457378
action:  [-0.11166279]
state:  {1: array([ 2.43333373]), 2: array([-0.34631655]), 3: array([ 0.75949562, -0.65051242,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.346316551588
Angle:  319.4198477266749
action:  [-0.11398233]
state:  {1: array([ 2.39076882]), 2: array([-0.85129821]), 3: array([ 0.73112706, -0.68224132,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.851298214956
Angle:  316.9810636884141
action:  [-0.0644751]
state:  {1: array([ 2.3221363]), 2: array([-1.37265047]), 3: array([ 0.68261859, -0.73077484,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.37265046994
Angle:  313.04871895024013
action:  [ 0.05619948]
state:  {1: array([ 2.22652121]), 2: array([-1.91230168]), 3: array([ 0.60973395, -0.79260615,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.9123016768
Angle:  307.57039099911884
action:  [ 0.24359276]
state:  {1: array([ 2.10301034]), 2: array([-2.47021738]), 3: array([ 0.50744237, -0.8616857 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.47021737588
Angle:  300.49375604149145
action:  [ 0.47128793]
state:  {1: array([ 1.95072092]), 2: array([-3.04578846]), 3: array([ 0.37085044, -0.9286926 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.04578845974
Angle:  291.76823524391943
action:  [ 0.69732506]
state:  {1: array([ 1.76883546]), 2: array([-3.63770915]), 3: array([ 0.19674717, -0.98045426,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.63770915269
Angle:  281.34699053605567
action:  [ 0.87599211]
state:  {1: array([ 1.55675291]), 2: array([-4.24165103]), 3: array([-0.01404295, -0.99990139,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.241651029
Angle:  269.1955838448795
min:  -0.648165106663  self.max:  0.875992110438
state:  {1: array([ 5.89087357]), 2: array([-0.66062138]), 3: array([-0.92402769,  0.38232554,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9240276938958076   sin(angle)  0.3823255431090049
theta dot:  -0.660621380372
Angle:  157.52182490640928
action:  [ 0.06572871]
state:  {1: array([ 5.87267268]), 2: array([-0.36401792]), 3: array([-0.91691636,  0.39907942,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9169163623959729   sin(angle)  0.39907942113135453
theta dot:  -0.364017916875
Angle:  156.47899282979904
action:  [ 0.14631658]
state:  {1: array([ 5.87053463]), 2: array([-0.04276086]), 3: array([-0.91606102,  0.40103891,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.0427608646529
Angle:  156.35649226261148
action:  [ 0.21592546]
state:  {1: array([ 5.88505499]), 2: array([ 0.29040714]), 3: array([-0.92178747,  0.38769557,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9217874720452375   sin(angle)  0.38769557178339104
theta dot:  0.290407139928
Angle:  157.18844549006008
action:  [ 0.17750059]
state:  {1: array([ 5.91544518]), 2: array([ 0.60780391]), 3: array([-0.93314217,  0.35950757,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9331421706255678   sin(angle)  0.35950756515016996
theta dot:  0.607803908011
Angle:  158.92967135334698
action:  [ 0.02313674]
state:  {1: array([ 5.95949044]), 2: array([ 0.88090509]), 3: array([-0.94806666,  0.31807171,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.880905093229
Angle:  161.45327265174797
action:  [-0.15390372]
state:  {1: array([ 6.0143091]), 2: array([ 1.09637331]), 3: array([-0.96407004,  0.26564819,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.09637331427
Angle:  164.59414349096062
action:  [-0.23979915]
state:  {1: array([ 6.07729108]), 2: array([ 1.25963958]), 3: array([-0.97887856,  0.20444258,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.25963958008
Angle:  168.20273663481623
action:  [-0.18681215]
state:  {1: array([ 6.14653857]), 2: array([ 1.38494969]), 3: array([-0.99067835,  0.13622188,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9906783526593962   sin(angle)  0.13622188360195694
theta dot:  1.38494969143
Angle:  172.17031596473498
action:  [-0.0311709]
state:  {1: array([ 6.22066059]), 2: array([ 1.48244047]), 3: array([-0.99804597,  0.06248399,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9980459666813307   sin(angle)  0.062483985077202694
theta dot:  1.48244046883
Angle:  176.4171851458625
action:  [ 0.14444589]
state:  {1: array([ 0.0150238]), 2: array([ 1.55097034]), 3: array([-0.99988714, -0.01502324,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.999887144816602   sin(angle)  -0.015023236352517066
theta dot:  1.55097034077
Angle:  180.86121932419414
action:  [ 0.25381844]
state:  {1: array([ 0.09391259]), 2: array([ 1.57777568]), 3: array([-0.99559345, -0.0937746 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9955934532274594   sin(angle)  -0.09377460152206771
theta dot:  1.57777567921
Angle:  185.38120312635291
action:  [ 0.24111639]
state:  {1: array([ 0.17109319]), 2: array([ 1.54361219]), 3: array([-0.98539923, -0.17025968,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9853992287499471   sin(angle)  -0.17025968395075025
theta dot:  1.54361218723
Angle:  189.8033159621804
action:  [ 0.11258197]
state:  {1: array([ 0.24273343]), 2: array([ 1.43280472]), 3: array([-0.9706846 , -0.24035682,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9706846032343794   sin(angle)  -0.24035682025629163
theta dot:  1.43280471925
Angle:  193.90798952764527
action:  [-0.05171452]
state:  {1: array([ 0.30497243]), 2: array([ 1.24477993]), 3: array([-0.95385523, -0.30026687,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9538552321548331   sin(angle)  -0.30026687478116765
theta dot:  1.24477992602
Angle:  197.47401299790945
action:  [-0.13526651]
state:  {1: array([ 0.35493692]), 2: array([ 0.99928979]), 3: array([-0.93766841, -0.34753121,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9376684140726532   sin(angle)  -0.3475312147857733
theta dot:  0.999289793362
Angle:  200.33676068706626
action:  [-0.06468793]
state:  {1: array([ 0.39138383]), 2: array([ 0.72893819]), 3: array([-0.92438206, -0.38146796,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9243820596560334   sin(angle)  -0.3814679642985367
theta dot:  0.728938193128
Angle:  202.42500990343797
action:  [ 0.12570873]
state:  {1: array([ 0.4144685]), 2: array([ 0.46169353]), 3: array([-0.91533049, -0.40270349,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9153304855122946   sin(angle)  -0.40270349178002796
theta dot:  0.461693529034
Angle:  203.74766134261182
action:  [ 0.30439942]
state:  {1: array([ 0.42473479]), 2: array([ 0.20532582]), 3: array([-0.91114805, -0.41207915,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9111480508494939   sin(angle)  -0.4120791543298059
theta dot:  0.20532582269
Angle:  204.3358751203724
action:  [ 0.33654802]
state:  {1: array([ 0.42207223]), 2: array([-0.05325134]), 3: array([-0.91224201, -0.4096517 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9122420082209228   sin(angle)  -0.40965170381320015
theta dot:  -0.0532513396234
Angle:  204.18332162641698
action:  [ 0.19219302]
state:  {1: array([ 0.40548917]), 2: array([-0.33166117]), 3: array([-0.91890955, -0.39446831,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9189095455290666   sin(angle)  -0.3944683094185948
theta dot:  -0.331661165061
Angle:  203.23318459893255
action:  [-0.03649805]
state:  {1: array([ 0.37383981]), 2: array([-0.6329871]), 3: array([-0.93093194, -0.36519272,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9309319399799209   sin(angle)  -0.3651927205260546
theta dot:  -0.632987103943
Angle:  201.41981436227425
action:  [-0.22937143]
state:  {1: array([ 0.32677545]), 2: array([-0.94128736]), 3: array([-0.94708232, -0.32099078,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9470823177331169   sin(angle)  -0.32099078403790243
theta dot:  -0.941287359519
Angle:  198.723231017587
action:  [-0.33275652]
state:  {1: array([ 0.26517825]), 2: array([-1.23194393]), 3: array([-0.9650458 , -0.26208129,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9650458004035558   sin(angle)  -0.2620812910595876
theta dot:  -1.23194392615
Angle:  195.19397989226061
action:  [-0.35810591]
state:  {1: array([ 0.19106721]), 2: array([-1.48222078]), 3: array([-0.98180212, -0.18990679,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9818021237822101   sin(angle)  -0.18990679223435325
theta dot:  -1.48222078076
Angle:  190.94774006959713
action:  [-0.33058496]
state:  {1: array([ 0.10735528]), 2: array([-1.67423862]), 3: array([-0.99424295, -0.10714918,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9942429544245001   sin(angle)  -0.10714918374510173
theta dot:  -1.67423861872
Angle:  186.15141094798946
action:  [-0.27725518]
state:  {1: array([ 0.01754584]), 2: array([-1.79618878]), 3: array([-0.99984608, -0.01754494,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9998460756953891   sin(angle)  -0.01754493991241668
theta dot:  -1.7961887834
Angle:  181.0057211559746
action:  [-0.24476296]
state:  {1: array([ 6.20842805]), 2: array([-1.84606193]), 3: array([-0.99720698,  0.07468764,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9972069774351808   sin(angle)  0.07468764392180798
theta dot:  -1.84606193247
Angle:  175.71631381579982
action:  [-0.28151141]
state:  {1: array([ 6.11681441]), 2: array([-1.83227291]), 3: array([-0.98619225,  0.16560446,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9861922546379536   sin(angle)  0.16560445915527053
theta dot:  -1.83227291161
Angle:  170.46725085283424
action:  [-0.3909368]
state:  {1: array([ 6.0284789]), 2: array([-1.76671009]), 3: array([-0.96773731,  0.2519613 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.967737311629462   sin(angle)  0.25196129798082406
theta dot:  -1.7667100865
Angle:  165.40601110924126
action:  [-0.51759406]
state:  {1: array([ 5.94570999]), 2: array([-1.65537822]), 3: array([-0.94359361,  0.33110588,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9435936090961679   sin(angle)  0.33110587562420024
theta dot:  -1.65537822246
Angle:  160.6637129165449
action:  [-0.58581456]
state:  {1: array([ 5.87096394]), 2: array([-1.494921]), 3: array([-0.9162331 ,  0.40064561,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9162331029988156   sin(angle)  0.4006456052038533
theta dot:  -1.49492099959
Angle:  156.38108973208205
action:  [-0.55320637]
state:  {1: array([ 5.80709305]), 2: array([-1.27741775]), 3: array([-0.88879266,  0.45830951,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8887926610159788   sin(angle)  0.4583095086555978
theta dot:  -1.27741775193
Angle:  152.7215659966157
action:  [-0.43099879]
state:  {1: array([ 5.75717628]), 2: array([-0.99833544]), 3: array([-0.86481776,  0.50208588,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8648177637477319   sin(angle)  0.5020858845918417
theta dot:  -0.99833543868
Angle:  149.86155232583616
action:  [-0.26430118]
state:  {1: array([ 5.72410547]), 2: array([-0.6614162]), 3: array([-0.84774353,  0.53040636,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8477435300884528   sin(angle)  0.5304063604380782
theta dot:  -0.661416202188
Angle:  147.9667389123856
action:  [-0.10698112]
state:  {1: array([ 5.71012254]), 2: array([-0.2796586]), 3: array([-0.84024426,  0.54220806,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8402442617030548   sin(angle)  0.5422080603191808
theta dot:  -0.279658600531
Angle:  147.16557791010007
action:  [-0.00787835]
state:  {1: array([ 5.71641332]), 2: array([ 0.12581569]), 3: array([-0.84363853,  0.53691157,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8436385274636509   sin(angle)  0.536911570911787
theta dot:  0.125815691556
Angle:  147.52601247338112
action:  [ 0.01139678]
state:  {1: array([ 5.74292377]), 2: array([ 0.53020889]), 3: array([-0.85757419,  0.5143603 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8575741858204758   sin(angle)  0.5143602976653117
theta dot:  0.530208886758
Angle:  149.0449454950333
action:  [-0.02500392]
state:  {1: array([ 5.7885352]), 2: array([ 0.91222852]), 3: array([-0.88013486,  0.47472373,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8801348637871406   sin(angle)  0.47472373181292665
theta dot:  0.91222852195
Angle:  151.6582815968767
action:  [-0.07557542]
state:  {1: array([ 5.85138195]), 2: array([ 1.25693501]), 3: array([-0.9082125 ,  0.41850932,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9082125031943471   sin(angle)  0.41850931774747624
theta dot:  1.25693500744
Angle:  155.25912672896948
action:  [-0.12704803]
state:  {1: array([ 5.92896994]), 2: array([ 1.55175979]), 3: array([-0.93791893,  0.34685455,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9379189292388411   sin(angle)  0.34685455478552646
theta dot:  1.55175979155
Angle:  159.70458067725394
action:  [-0.18937535]
state:  {1: array([ 6.01814466]), 2: array([ 1.78349441]), 3: array([-0.96508185,  0.2619485 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9650818529762463   sin(angle)  0.26194850077054255
theta dot:  1.78349440552
Angle:  164.81390384051292
action:  [-0.26141306]
state:  {1: array([ 6.11518185]), 2: array([ 1.94074382]), 3: array([-0.98592058,  0.16721425,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9859205815268325   sin(angle)  0.16721425454126965
theta dot:  1.9407438222
Angle:  170.3737123456691
action:  [-0.32434708]
state:  {1: array([ 6.21605697]), 2: array([ 2.01750245]), 3: array([-0.99774774,  0.06707793,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9977477390602288   sin(angle)  0.06707793378005475
theta dot:  2.01750245175
Angle:  176.15341761232992
action:  [-0.35162053]
state:  {1: array([ 0.03362505]), 2: array([ 2.01506782]), 3: array([-0.99943473, -0.03361872,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9994347311704668   sin(angle)  -0.033618716962681164
theta dot:  2.01506782258
Angle:  181.92699003111827
action:  [-0.31729655]
state:  {1: array([ 0.13073802]), 2: array([ 1.9422593]), 3: array([-0.99146595, -0.1303659 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9914659513465574   sin(angle)  -0.1303658978432087
theta dot:  1.94225930272
Angle:  187.491140058003
action:  [-0.22537722]
state:  {1: array([ 0.22127193]), 2: array([ 1.8106783]), 3: array([-0.97561909, -0.21947072,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9756190865565971   sin(angle)  -0.21947072229905998
theta dot:  1.81067829678
Angle:  192.6783391511353
action:  [-0.13737423]
state:  {1: array([ 0.30254539]), 2: array([ 1.62546912]), 3: array([-0.95458118, -0.29795095,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9545811812620492   sin(angle)  -0.2979509496214955
theta dot:  1.62546912045
Angle:  197.33495427847157
action:  [-0.1288795]
state:  {1: array([ 0.37167909]), 2: array([ 1.38267398]), 3: array([-0.93171885, -0.36318038,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9317188474533814   sin(angle)  -0.36318038121592217
theta dot:  1.38267398325
Angle:  201.29601419992377
action:  [-0.20187512]
state:  {1: array([ 0.42567946]), 2: array([ 1.08000743]), 3: array([-0.91075837, -0.4129397 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9107583673826829   sin(angle)  -0.4129397004920088
theta dot:  1.08000742928
Angle:  204.39000034185744
action:  [-0.2760257]
state:  {1: array([ 0.4621244]), 2: array([ 0.7288988]), 3: array([-0.89510735, -0.44585068,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.895107353138451   sin(angle)  -0.44585067719750776
theta dot:  0.728898798222
Angle:  206.4781367004016
action:  [-0.27624836]
state:  {1: array([ 0.47977808]), 2: array([ 0.35307354]), 3: array([-0.88709738, -0.46158232,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8870973806843897   sin(angle)  -0.4615823189669368
theta dot:  0.353073536432
Angle:  207.4896155098911
action:  [-0.19709422]
state:  {1: array([ 0.47864421]), 2: array([-0.02267734]), 3: array([-0.88762018, -0.46057617,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8876201831829421   sin(angle)  -0.4605761722085505
theta dot:  -0.022677335731
Angle:  207.42464988040953
action:  [-0.08662819]
state:  {1: array([ 0.45958902]), 2: array([-0.38110369]), 3: array([-0.89623487, -0.44357981,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.896234873487151   sin(angle)  -0.4435798141771901
theta dot:  -0.381103692997
Angle:  206.3328707751861
action:  [-0.01126807]
state:  {1: array([ 0.42381509]), 2: array([-0.71547876]), 3: array([-0.91152666, -0.41124099,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.715478764614
Angle:  204.28317989107543
action:  [-0.03739238]
state:  {1: array([ 0.37233917]), 2: array([-1.02951836]), 3: array([-0.93147892, -0.36379531,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9314789162823356   sin(angle)  -0.36379531129673137
theta dot:  -1.02951836483
Angle:  201.33383392614164
action:  [-0.19548289]
state:  {1: array([ 0.3057548]), 2: array([-1.33168728]), 3: array([-0.95362002, -0.30101306,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9536200182926049   sin(angle)  -0.30101305737727047
theta dot:  -1.33168728166
Angle:  197.51883980374805
action:  [-0.43589265]
state:  {1: array([ 0.22461326]), 2: array([-1.62283097]), 3: array([-0.97488032, -0.22272935,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.62283097161
Angle:  192.8697823984486
action:  [-0.64767113]
state:  {1: array([ 0.13026182]), 2: array([-1.88702865]), 3: array([-0.99152792, -0.12989375,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9915279185220486   sin(angle)  -0.12989375193339253
theta dot:  -1.88702865333
Angle:  187.46385615704136
action:  [-0.74845573]
state:  {1: array([ 0.02542596]), 2: array([-2.09671733]), 3: array([-0.99967678, -0.02542322,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.09671732645
Angle:  181.45721752129379
action:  [-0.74627703]
state:  {1: array([ 6.19722495]), 2: array([-2.22772629]), 3: array([-0.99630768,  0.08585453,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.996307682869586   sin(angle)  0.08585453427185062
theta dot:  -2.22772629399
Angle:  175.07442488264144
action:  [-0.70534184]
state:  {1: array([ 6.08376812]), 2: array([-2.26913667]), 3: array([-0.9801822 ,  0.19809811,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.26913666864
Angle:  168.57384237126098
action:  [-0.67300636]
state:  {1: array([ 5.97269241]), 2: array([-2.22151404]), 3: array([-0.95218309,  0.305528  ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.22151404302
Angle:  162.20968831370578
action:  [-0.64830721]
state:  {1: array([ 5.86821171]), 2: array([-2.08961413]), 3: array([-0.91512696,  0.40316577,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9151269644549502   sin(angle)  0.4031657710265942
theta dot:  -2.08961412568
Angle:  156.22339880163247
action:  [-0.59641877]
state:  {1: array([ 5.77437658]), 2: array([-1.87670261]), 3: array([-0.87332544,  0.48713723,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8733254389048246   sin(angle)  0.4871372268280217
theta dot:  -1.87670261332
Angle:  150.84705441663357
action:  [-0.48353542]
state:  {1: array([ 5.69518258]), 2: array([-1.58388001]), 3: array([-0.83205022,  0.5547003 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8320502237624033   sin(angle)  0.554700302088375
theta dot:  -1.58388000549
Angle:  146.30958304873297
action:  [-0.31890878]
state:  {1: array([ 5.63439802]), 2: array([-1.2156911]), 3: array([-0.79681713,  0.60422054,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.21569109584
Angle:  142.8268927436203
action:  [-0.16358121]
state:  {1: array([ 5.59504488]), 2: array([-0.78706287]), 3: array([-0.77242837,  0.6351019 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.787062873772
Angle:  140.57212897230977
action:  [-0.08324548]
state:  {1: array([ 5.57888371]), 2: array([-0.32322327]), 3: array([-0.76206396,  0.64750176,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.323223273166
Angle:  139.64616466797645
action:  [-0.09375354]
state:  {1: array([ 5.58630071]), 2: array([ 0.14834001]), 3: array([-0.76684547,  0.64183177,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7668454731054221   sin(angle)  0.6418317695297744
theta dot:  0.148340012689
Angle:  140.07112650723082
action:  [-0.152051]
state:  {1: array([ 5.61664602]), 2: array([ 0.60690619]), 3: array([-0.78596602,  0.61826969,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.785966024765173   sin(angle)  0.6182696886592708
theta dot:  0.606906190579
Angle:  141.80978060552889
action:  [-0.18820907]
state:  {1: array([ 5.66876488]), 2: array([ 1.0423771]), 3: array([-0.8171077 ,  0.57648505,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.04237709719
Angle:  144.7959640390401
action:  [-0.15786311]
state:  {1: array([ 5.74131795]), 2: array([ 1.45106142]), 3: array([-0.85674711,  0.51573674,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.45106141519
Angle:  148.95293906344364
action:  [-0.08492971]
state:  {1: array([ 5.83257418]), 2: array([ 1.82512452]), 3: array([-0.90018111,  0.43551574,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.82512451576
Angle:  154.18152342869757
action:  [-0.03725489]
state:  {1: array([ 5.93988283]), 2: array([ 2.14617309]), 3: array([-0.94164819,  0.33659869,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9416481931356613   sin(angle)  0.3365986933491339
theta dot:  2.14617309055
Angle:  160.32984206090282
action:  [-0.05153155]
state:  {1: array([ 6.05942745]), 2: array([ 2.39089238]), 3: array([-0.97507048,  0.22189536,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9750704847810003   sin(angle)  0.22189535756510329
theta dot:  2.39089237761
Angle:  167.17922816942246
action:  [-0.10190786]
state:  {1: array([ 6.18652884]), 2: array([ 2.54202772]), 3: array([-0.9953324 ,  0.09650604,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9953323988068582   sin(angle)  0.09650604066785395
theta dot:  2.54202771605
Angle:  174.46158411684144
action:  [-0.13496972]
state:  {1: array([ 0.03305162]), 2: array([ 2.59416179]), 3: array([-0.99945385, -0.0330456 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9994538450178907   sin(angle)  -0.03304559999385977
theta dot:  2.59416178904
Angle:  181.89413466720785
action:  [-0.10394896]
state:  {1: array([ 0.16074088]), 2: array([ 2.55378525]), 3: array([-0.98710898, -0.16004958,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9871089768355218   sin(angle)  -0.16004957935192854
theta dot:  2.55378524519
Angle:  189.21017337574924
action:  [ 0.01062532]
state:  {1: array([ 0.28250797]), 2: array([ 2.43534186]), 3: array([-0.96035932, -0.27876508,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.960359324179207   sin(angle)  -0.27876507755107477
theta dot:  2.43534185916
Angle:  196.1868975712077
action:  [ 0.17895288]
state:  {1: array([ 0.39516352]), 2: array([ 2.25311098]), 3: array([-0.92293363, -0.38495911,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.922933627540098   sin(angle)  -0.3849591136155575
theta dot:  2.25311098303
Angle:  202.6415699824926
action:  [ 0.33612151]
state:  {1: array([ 0.49590402]), 2: array([ 2.01480987]), 3: array([-0.87953891, -0.47582696,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.879538914407669   sin(angle)  -0.475826962290473
theta dot:  2.01480987366
Angle:  208.41356159915395
action:  [ 0.43766763]
state:  {1: array([ 0.58208351]), 2: array([ 1.7235898]), 3: array([-0.83531902, -0.54976552,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8353190244869547   sin(angle)  -0.5497655203176736
theta dot:  1.72358979642
Angle:  213.35127109996492
action:  [ 0.48257242]
state:  {1: array([ 0.65126608]), 2: array([ 1.38365152]), 3: array([-0.79531695, -0.60619383,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7953169456158583   sin(angle)  -0.6061938271017463
theta dot:  1.38365151897
Angle:  217.3151314484172
action:  [ 0.48322785]
state:  {1: array([ 0.7013406]), 2: array([ 1.00149033]), 3: array([-0.76397786, -0.64524245,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7639778636852659   sin(angle)  -0.6452424535001531
theta dot:  1.0014903257
Angle:  220.1841831836238
action:  [ 0.45196304]
state:  {1: array([ 0.73060824]), 2: array([ 0.58535294]), 3: array([-0.74476864, -0.66732276,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7447686447171061   sin(angle)  -0.6673227598742942
theta dot:  0.585352942239
Angle:  221.8610919180752
action:  [ 0.42057366]
state:  {1: array([ 0.73800559]), 2: array([ 0.14794692]), 3: array([-0.7398119 , -0.67281376,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7398118952855326   sin(angle)  -0.6728137629344603
theta dot:  0.147946921649
Angle:  222.284927637085
action:  [ 0.42958861]
state:  {1: array([ 0.72339434]), 2: array([-0.29222511]), 3: array([-0.74956323, -0.66193275,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.292225109451
Angle:  221.44776632276816
action:  [ 0.47682705]
state:  {1: array([ 0.6875368]), 2: array([-0.71715061]), 3: array([-0.77281159, -0.63463552,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.717150614118
Angle:  219.39328595382764
action:  [ 0.50817093]
state:  {1: array([ 0.63169172]), 2: array([-1.11690162]), 3: array([-0.80702968, -0.59051087,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.11690161674
Angle:  216.19360599755223
action:  [ 0.48193203]
state:  {1: array([ 0.55731698]), 2: array([-1.48749497]), 3: array([-0.84867725, -0.52891108,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8486772454934963   sin(angle)  -0.5289110823017151
theta dot:  -1.48749496727
Angle:  211.93225677887517
action:  [ 0.41661783]
state:  {1: array([ 0.46623269]), 2: array([-1.82168561]), 3: array([-0.89326812, -0.44952427,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.82168560524
Angle:  206.71352414353623
action:  [ 0.35646828]
state:  {1: array([ 0.36096477]), 2: array([-2.10535857]), 3: array([-0.93555653, -0.35317699,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9355565257349121   sin(angle)  -0.3531769912590864
theta dot:  -2.10535856597
Angle:  200.68213023796443
action:  [ 0.31889277]
state:  {1: array([ 0.2448444]), 2: array([-2.32240739]), 3: array([-0.97017506, -0.24240537,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9701750557273198   sin(angle)  -0.24240536554394168
theta dot:  -2.32240739416
Angle:  194.02893869625433
action:  [ 0.30096505]
state:  {1: array([ 0.12189106]), 2: array([-2.45906666]), 3: array([-0.99258048, -0.12158946,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9925804773480287   sin(angle)  -0.12158945672861388
theta dot:  -2.45906666055
Angle:  186.98424811025853
action:  [ 0.3024271]
state:  {1: array([ 6.27983164]), 2: array([-2.50489469]), 3: array([-0.99999438,  0.00335366,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9999943764524456   sin(angle)  0.0033536641878037527
theta dot:  -2.5048946883
Angle:  179.80742836796094
action:  [ 0.31336844]
state:  {1: array([ 6.15706293]), 2: array([-2.45537417]), 3: array([-0.99205711,  0.12578828,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9920571099799473   sin(angle)  0.1257882766327402
theta dot:  -2.45537417423
Angle:  172.7733159513375
action:  [ 0.30765584]
state:  {1: array([ 6.0413187]), 2: array([-2.31488459]), 3: array([-0.97089259,  0.23951532,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9708925851240263   sin(angle)  0.23951531924114
theta dot:  -2.31488459147
Angle:  166.14167560145518
action:  [ 0.27235352]
state:  {1: array([ 5.93659894]), 2: array([-2.09439507]), 3: array([-0.94053777,  0.33968914,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.940537766185567   sin(angle)  0.33968913785793
theta dot:  -2.09439507423
Angle:  160.14168971271692
action:  [ 0.22508793]
state:  {1: array([ 5.84630569]), 2: array([-1.80586503]), 3: array([-0.90607635,  0.42311422,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.80586503125
Angle:  154.9682795773639
min:  -0.748455727785  self.max:  0.875992110438
state:  {1: array([ 3.83598801]), 2: array([ 0.38504727]), 3: array([ 0.76844077,  0.63992092,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.385047267767
Angle:  39.78583020249988
action:  [-0.06229991]
state:  {1: array([ 3.87877016]), 2: array([ 0.85564297]), 3: array([ 0.74036879,  0.6722009 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.855642973478
Angle:  42.23706102797223
action:  [-0.04099634]
state:  {1: array([ 3.94645237]), 2: array([ 1.3536442]), 3: array([ 0.69321235,  0.7207334 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.35364420066
Angle:  46.114956942763456
action:  [-0.04332342]
state:  {1: array([ 4.04083716]), 2: array([ 1.88769574]), 3: array([ 0.62220159,  0.78285706,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.88769574048
Angle:  51.522794243611884
action:  [-0.1075695]
state:  {1: array([ 4.16377231]), 2: array([ 2.45870311]), 3: array([ 0.52150741,  0.85324676,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5215074056258873   sin(angle)  0.8532467555621623
theta dot:  2.45870311129
Angle:  58.56644334014027
action:  [-0.22873795]
state:  {1: array([ 4.31698869]), 2: array([ 3.06432749]), 3: array([ 0.38517763,  0.92284245,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.06432748517
Angle:  67.34507440918543
action:  [-0.3579278]
state:  {1: array([ 4.50212719]), 2: array([ 3.70277016]), 3: array([ 0.20871593,  0.97797631,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.70277015506
Angle:  77.95270472351649
action:  [-0.42515601]
state:  {1: array([ 4.72075114]), 2: array([ 4.37247899]), 3: array([-0.00836206,  0.99996504,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.008362064778126335   sin(angle)  0.9999650373251289
theta dot:  4.37247898507
Angle:  90.47890502450934
action:  [-0.38634211]
state:  {1: array([ 4.97397621]), 2: array([ 5.06450145]), 3: array([-0.25861412,  0.96598071,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.25861411501103376   sin(angle)  0.9659807138432215
theta dot:  5.06450144705
Angle:  104.98759900955781
action:  [-0.26588461]
state:  {1: array([ 5.26143143]), 2: array([ 5.74910429]), 3: array([-0.52187065,  0.85302463,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5218706538633191   sin(angle)  0.8530246307324729
theta dot:  5.74910429166
Angle:  121.45753109032387
action:  [-0.1433206]
state:  {1: array([ 5.57980016]), 2: array([ 6.36737468]), 3: array([-0.76265704,  0.64680309,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7626570396558353   sin(angle)  0.6468030920329599
theta dot:  6.36737467503
Angle:  139.69867320747085
action:  [-0.09237871]
state:  {1: array([ 5.92173117]), 2: array([ 6.83862019]), 3: array([-0.93538358,  0.35363478,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  159.2898311165003
action:  [-0.13029129]
state:  {1: array([ 6.2759463]), 2: array([ 7.08430258]), 3: array([-0.9999738 ,  0.00723894,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  7.08430257902
Angle:  179.58481558658673
action:  [-0.21178235]
state:  {1: array([ 0.34565922]), 2: array([ 7.05796443]), 3: array([-0.9408523 , -0.33881698,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9408523034558319   sin(angle)  -0.33881697578759995
theta dot:  7.0579644326
Angle:  199.8051888362306
action:  [-0.26818823]
state:  {1: array([ 0.68384039]), 2: array([ 6.76362347]), 3: array([-0.77515218, -0.63177456,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  219.18149746657008
action:  [-0.26408354]
state:  {1: array([ 0.99634939]), 2: array([ 6.25018001]), 3: array([-0.54337058, -0.83949295,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  237.08690239372024
action:  [-0.21993475]
state:  {1: array([ 1.27572789]), 2: array([ 5.58757009]), 3: array([-0.29080533, -0.95678224,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  5.58757008946
Angle:  253.0940741549625
action:  [-0.18202599]
state:  {1: array([ 1.51786187]), 2: array([ 4.84267951]), 3: array([-0.05290974, -0.9985993 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  266.9672965804247
action:  [-0.18167558]
state:  {1: array([ 1.7211858]), 2: array([ 4.0664787]), 3: array([ 0.14982323, -0.9887128 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  278.61687267716553
action:  [-0.22244319]
state:  {1: array([ 1.88576469]), 2: array([ 3.29157762]), 3: array([ 0.30978639, -0.95080618,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  288.0465258988728
action:  [-0.28880624]
state:  {1: array([ 2.01252229]), 2: array([ 2.53515205]), 3: array([ 0.4275004 , -0.90401516,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  295.30918454865514
action:  [-0.3589311]
state:  {1: array([ 2.10268734]), 2: array([ 1.80330101]), 3: array([ 0.50716401, -0.86184956,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  300.47524932280027
action:  [-0.41620833]
state:  {1: array([ 2.15741147]), 2: array([ 1.09448259]), 3: array([ 0.55354522, -0.83281912,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  303.61070365358506
action:  [-0.44913569]
state:  {1: array([ 2.17753636]), 2: array([ 0.4024979]), 3: array([ 0.5701924 , -0.82151119,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  304.76377250176967
action:  [-0.43426523]
state:  {1: array([ 2.1635976]), 2: array([-0.27877528]), 3: array([ 0.55868653, -0.8293789 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.278775275082
Angle:  303.9651420345748
action:  [-0.33526664]
state:  {1: array([ 2.11604263]), 2: array([-0.95109945]), 3: array([ 0.51862869, -0.85499958,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  301.2404491950233
action:  [-0.14255661]
state:  {1: array([ 2.035356]), 2: array([-1.61373262]), 3: array([ 0.44802918, -0.89401893,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.61373262241
Angle:  296.6174565792647
action:  [ 0.09028243]
state:  {1: array([ 1.92182077]), 2: array([-2.27070446]), 3: array([ 0.34385996, -0.93902094,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.27070445791
Angle:  290.1123826929804
action:  [ 0.27106635]
state:  {1: array([ 1.77510526]), 2: array([-2.93431021]), 3: array([ 0.20289052, -0.97920143,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  281.7062228072268
action:  [ 0.33298635]
state:  {1: array([ 1.5941671]), 2: array([-3.61876333]), 3: array([ 0.02336864, -0.99972692,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.6187633293
Angle:  271.33925375843046
action:  [ 0.26578844]
state:  {1: array([ 1.37773258]), 2: array([-4.32869025]), 3: array([-0.19186661, -0.98142101,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.32869024973
Angle:  258.93849865032945
action:  [ 0.09493894]
state:  {1: array([ 1.12520682]), 2: array([-5.05051517]), 3: array([-0.4309899 , -0.90235675,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -5.05051516809
Angle:  244.46987230933922
action:  [-0.14356044]
state:  {1: array([ 0.83776599]), 2: array([-5.7488168]), 3: array([-0.6691247 , -0.74315014,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  228.000763832932
action:  [-0.40243666]
state:  {1: array([ 0.51943874]), 2: array([-6.3665449]), 3: array([-0.86809792, -0.49639299,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -6.36654490312
Angle:  209.76199883163218
action:  [-0.61453141]
state:  {1: array([ 0.17788777]), 2: array([-6.83101936]), 3: array([-0.98421965, -0.17695107,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -6.83101935544
Angle:  190.1926156514271
action:  [-0.70932655]
state:  {1: array([ 6.1075665]), 2: array([-7.07013164]), 3: array([-0.98461861,  0.17471746,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  169.9373859941188
action:  [-0.65173552]
state:  {1: array([ 5.7557238]), 2: array([-7.03685387]), 3: array([-0.86408758,  0.50334148,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -7.03685387346
Angle:  149.77833173478064
action:  [-0.46131853]
state:  {1: array([ 5.41929653]), 2: array([-6.72854554]), 3: array([-0.64948546,  0.76037401,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  130.50251371945717
action:  [-0.19921843]
state:  {1: array([ 5.10988914]), 2: array([-6.1881478]), 3: array([-0.38711462,  0.9220316 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -6.18814779692
Angle:  112.77481758620058
action:  [ 0.04641688]
state:  {1: array([ 4.83540606]), 2: array([-5.48966156]), 3: array([-0.12270704,  0.99244294,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -5.48966156492
Angle:  97.04813243078729
action:  [ 0.17758409]
state:  {1: array([ 4.59947147]), 2: array([-4.71869175]), 3: array([ 0.11267771,  0.99363159,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.71869174941
Angle:  83.5301079385996
action:  [ 0.13453763]
state:  {1: array([ 4.4018071]), 2: array([-3.95328741]), 3: array([ 0.30561273,  0.9521559 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.3056127288234261   sin(angle)  0.9521559010903093
theta dot:  -3.95328741269
Angle:  72.20480022463641
action:  [-0.0510692]
state:  {1: array([ 4.23946556]), 2: array([-3.24683087]), 3: array([ 0.45549078,  0.8902405 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.45549077811450744   sin(angle)  0.8902405018042262
theta dot:  -3.24683086665
Angle:  62.90333670289772
action:  [-0.26702831]
state:  {1: array([ 4.10850532]), 2: array([-2.61920474]), 3: array([ 0.56784353,  0.82313652,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5678435303656837   sin(angle)  0.8231365166373297
theta dot:  -2.61920473667
Angle:  55.39988539464355
action:  [-0.39962481]
state:  {1: array([ 4.00541552]), 2: array([-2.06179607]), 3: array([ 0.64953558,  0.7603312 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6495355795531826   sin(angle)  0.7603311981594015
theta dot:  -2.06179607034
Angle:  49.493288554491926
action:  [-0.40313838]
state:  {1: array([ 3.9278146]), 2: array([-1.55201843]), 3: array([ 0.70652404,  0.70768904,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7065240422538357   sin(angle)  0.7076890402693122
theta dot:  -1.55201842834
Angle:  45.047093668111074
action:  [-0.3048576]
state:  {1: array([ 3.87446558]), 2: array([-1.06698029]), 3: array([ 0.74325546,  0.66900771,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7432554618996312   sin(angle)  0.6690077117316107
theta dot:  -1.06698028746
Angle:  41.99042745116026
action:  [-0.16880367]
state:  {1: array([ 3.84493833]), 2: array([-0.59054505]), 3: array([ 0.76268257,  0.64677299,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7626825680387435   sin(angle)  0.6467729898579775
theta dot:  -0.59054505423
Angle:  40.29864444629868
action:  [-0.06305309]
state:  {1: array([ 3.83919216]), 2: array([-0.11492327]), 3: array([ 0.76638642,  0.64237984,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7663864198478599   sin(angle)  0.6423798373803304
theta dot:  -0.11492327487
Angle:  39.96941428528959
action:  [-0.0353416]
state:  {1: array([ 3.85727018]), 2: array([ 0.36156036]), 3: array([ 0.75464887,  0.65612886,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7546488682657575   sin(angle)  0.6561288635818511
theta dot:  0.361560362425
Angle:  41.00520600346596
action:  [-0.08623991]
state:  {1: array([ 3.89930623]), 2: array([ 0.84072102]), 3: array([ 0.72640928,  0.68726237,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7264092785359437   sin(angle)  0.6872623662451551
theta dot:  0.840721023964
Angle:  43.41368869243729
action:  [-0.16867282]
state:  {1: array([ 3.96584958]), 2: array([ 1.33086688]), 3: array([ 0.6791026 ,  0.73404336,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6791026032543813   sin(angle)  0.7340433599271383
theta dot:  1.33086687526
Angle:  47.22633252912834
action:  [-0.23711607]
state:  {1: array([ 4.05814118]), 2: array([ 1.84583198]), 3: array([ 0.60856254,  0.79350591,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.608562543453254   sin(angle)  0.7935059109456629
theta dot:  1.84583198415
Angle:  52.51423928279377
action:  [-0.29688053]
state:  {1: array([ 4.17796264]), 2: array([ 2.39642934]), 3: array([ 0.50934745,  0.86056096,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5093474512630235   sin(angle)  0.8605609646572763
theta dot:  2.39642933735
Angle:  59.37948757542148
action:  [-0.38439015]
state:  {1: array([ 4.32717222]), 2: array([ 2.98419154]), 3: array([ 0.37576002,  0.926717  ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.37576002079166915   sin(angle)  0.9267170046862442
theta dot:  2.9841915387
Angle:  67.92854660531509
action:  [-0.50241924]
state:  {1: array([ 4.50736554]), 2: array([ 3.60386641]), 3: array([ 0.20359011,  0.97905621,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.2035901087778326   sin(angle)  0.9790562126904819
theta dot:  3.60386640619
Angle:  78.25283921281323
action:  [-0.59514236]
state:  {1: array([ 4.7198099]), 2: array([ 4.24888721]), 3: array([-0.00742085,  0.99997247,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.007420852712240226   sin(angle)  0.9999724650934261
theta dot:  4.24888721115
Angle:  90.4249759903771
action:  [-0.58851654]
state:  {1: array([ 4.96533936]), 2: array([ 4.91058908]), 3: array([-0.25026153,  0.96817827,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.250261533107428   sin(angle)  0.9681782713151126
theta dot:  4.91058907946
Angle:  104.49274455262605
action:  [-0.45012396]
state:  {1: array([ 5.24379956]), 2: array([ 5.56920419]), 3: array([-0.5067499 ,  0.86209312,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5067498999193409   sin(angle)  0.862093115000774
theta dot:  5.56920418896
Angle:  120.44730200762228
action:  [-0.21640896]
state:  {1: array([ 5.5529652]), 2: array([ 6.18331268]), 3: array([-0.7450276 ,  0.66703364,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7450276006478284   sin(angle)  0.6670336380370483
theta dot:  6.18331268184
Angle:  138.16114658889603
action:  [ 0.03153231]
state:  {1: array([ 5.88738109]), 2: array([ 6.68831776]), 3: array([-0.9226868 ,  0.38555036,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9226867952400399   sin(angle)  0.38555035713855135
theta dot:  6.68831775715
Angle:  157.32172075948347
action:  [ 0.21972038]
state:  {1: array([ 6.23790302]), 2: array([ 7.01043858]), 3: array([-0.99897493,  0.04526682,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9989749322126138   sin(angle)  0.04526681798849646
theta dot:  7.01043858164
Angle:  177.40510095898924
action:  [ 0.31477825]
state:  {1: array([ 0.30929798]), 2: array([ 7.09160543]), 3: array([-0.95254749, -0.30439   ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9525474924319984   sin(angle)  -0.30439000420761514
theta dot:  7.09160543234
Angle:  197.72184834844438
action:  [ 0.31983493]
state:  {1: array([ 0.65486239]), 2: array([ 6.91128817]), 3: array([-0.79313175, -0.60905011,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.793131747897791   sin(angle)  -0.6090501050624613
theta dot:  6.91128816843
Angle:  217.52118420147255
action:  [ 0.25436162]
state:  {1: array([ 0.97949513]), 2: array([ 6.49265483]), 3: array([-0.55744177, -0.83021604,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5574417688223081   sin(angle)  -0.8302160407823113
theta dot:  6.49265483305
Angle:  236.12122669492942
action:  [ 0.14267046]
state:  {1: array([ 1.2740648]), 2: array([ 5.89139337]), 3: array([-0.29239614, -0.95629728,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.2923961431923392   sin(angle)  -0.956297284031616
theta dot:  5.89139337156
Angle:  252.99878600993287
action:  [ 0.0088664]
state:  {1: array([ 1.53283982]), 2: array([ 5.17550037]), 3: array([-0.0379474 , -0.99927974,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.03794739630402626   sin(angle)  -0.9992797381683195
theta dot:  5.17550036857
Angle:  267.825467738066
action:  [-0.12569464]
state:  {1: array([ 1.75319914]), 2: array([ 4.40718637]), 3: array([ 0.18139304, -0.98341068,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.18139304264542908   sin(angle)  -0.983410679258586
theta dot:  4.40718636882
Angle:  280.4510971369073
action:  [-0.24008504]
state:  {1: array([ 1.93487992]), 2: array([ 3.6336156]), 3: array([ 0.3560931 , -0.93445048,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.356093103384544   sin(angle)  -0.9344504811502664
theta dot:  3.63361560271
Angle:  290.8606147153366
action:  [-0.3111289]
state:  {1: array([ 2.07918534]), 2: array([ 2.88610841]), 3: array([ 0.48677063, -0.87352982,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.486770630733574   sin(angle)  -0.8735298237926616
theta dot:  2.886108407
Angle:  299.1286869279055
action:  [-0.31963318]
state:  {1: array([ 2.18833614]), 2: array([ 2.18301606]), 3: array([ 0.57903111, -0.81530545,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5790311105047397   sin(angle)  -0.8153054477112538
theta dot:  2.18301606175
Angle:  305.3825526510346
action:  [-0.26337174]
state:  {1: array([ 2.2649377]), 2: array([ 1.53203122]), 3: array([ 0.63972573, -0.76860327,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6397257320454932   sin(angle)  -0.7686032707182932
theta dot:  1.53203121564
Angle:  309.77148852471953
action:  [-0.16327217]
state:  {1: array([ 2.3114921]), 2: array([ 0.93108794]), 3: array([ 0.67480155, -0.73799923,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6748015526855424   sin(angle)  -0.7379992306860361
theta dot:  0.931087937484
Angle:  312.43885274592947
action:  [-0.05474048]
state:  {1: array([ 2.32996097]), 2: array([ 0.36937744]), 3: array([ 0.68831571, -0.72541125,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6883157073822888   sin(angle)  -0.725411253683605
theta dot:  0.369377442622
Angle:  313.4970386969097
action:  [ 0.02735492]
state:  {1: array([ 2.32143208]), 2: array([-0.17057776]), 3: array([ 0.6821038 , -0.73125537,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6821037965005341   sin(angle)  -0.7312553663389814
theta dot:  -0.170577759957
Angle:  313.0083705534129
action:  [ 0.05674168]
state:  {1: array([ 2.28590668]), 2: array([-0.71050803]), 3: array([ 0.65570074, -0.75502089,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6557007391582564   sin(angle)  -0.7550208875702157
theta dot:  -0.710508033045
Angle:  310.9729197330011
action:  [ 0.02116198]
state:  {1: array([ 2.22222671]), 2: array([-1.2735994]), 3: array([ 0.60632449, -0.79521734,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6063244905560541   sin(angle)  -0.7952173364256727
theta dot:  -1.27359940125
Angle:  307.32433474088657
action:  [-0.06718306]
state:  {1: array([ 2.12822222]), 2: array([-1.88008986]), 3: array([ 0.52900351, -0.84861963,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5290035121105443   sin(angle)  -0.8486196345682259
theta dot:  -1.88008986206
Angle:  301.938286625753
action:  [-0.17457984]
state:  {1: array([ 2.00108514]), 2: array([-2.54274156]), 3: array([ 0.4171333 , -0.90884531,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4171333044835815   sin(angle)  -0.9088453148311916
theta dot:  -2.54274156438
Angle:  294.6538856582711
action:  [-0.27843586]
state:  {1: array([ 1.83777809]), 2: array([-3.26614093]), 3: array([ 0.26382134, -0.96457156,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.263821338815994   sin(angle)  -0.9645715635375824
theta dot:  -3.26614092947
Angle:  285.2971030108164
action:  [-0.39040699]
state:  {1: array([ 1.63537156]), 2: array([-4.04813065]), 3: array([ 0.06453036, -0.99791574,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.06453036216741098   sin(angle)  -0.9979157441179806
theta dot:  -4.04813065007
Angle:  273.700090071349
action:  [-0.52865254]
state:  {1: array([ 1.39157829]), 2: array([-4.87586534]), 3: array([-0.17826019, -0.98398339,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.17826018718841546   sin(angle)  -0.9839833868839205
theta dot:  -4.87586533845
Angle:  259.73179746693097
action:  [-0.67781627]
state:  {1: array([ 1.10580203]), 2: array([-5.71552532]), 3: array([-0.44841771, -0.89382412,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4484177072728305   sin(angle)  -0.8938241212924264
theta dot:  -5.71552531884
Angle:  243.3580618323735
action:  [-0.79518029]
state:  {1: array([ 0.7805435]), 2: array([-6.50517045]), 3: array([-0.7105312, -0.7036657,  0.       ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7105311982677713   sin(angle)  -0.703665699240886
theta dot:  -6.50517045387
Angle:  224.72216481019802
action:  [-0.85140204]
state:  {1: array([ 0.422512]), 2: array([-7.16063003]), 3: array([-0.91206177, -0.41005285,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9120617655685404   sin(angle)  -0.41005284511632994
theta dot:  -7.16063003392
Angle:  204.20851880012427
action:  [-0.84309179]
state:  {1: array([ 0.04278033]), 2: array([-7.59463344]), 3: array([-0.99908506, -0.04276728,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -7.59463343579
Angle:  182.45154753640466
action:  [-0.76400507]
state:  {1: array([ 5.93890015]), 2: array([-7.74130966]), 3: array([-0.94131697,  0.33752387,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9413169710342637   sin(angle)  0.3375238658863684
theta dot:  -7.74130965756
Angle:  160.27353899753075
action:  [-0.59469851]
state:  {1: array([ 5.56003158]), 2: array([-7.57737153]), 3: array([-0.74972247,  0.66175238,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.749722472832733   sin(angle)  0.6617523809776372
theta dot:  -7.57737153496
Angle:  138.56601932135953
action:  [-0.34730006]
state:  {1: array([ 5.20337396]), 2: array([-7.13315226]), 3: array([-0.47149474,  0.88186887,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.471494743631454   sin(angle)  0.8818688716174925
theta dot:  -7.13315225844
Angle:  118.13109115546268
action:  [-0.10209794]
state:  {1: array([ 4.8790207]), 2: array([-6.4870653]), 3: array([-0.16586167,  0.98614903,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.1658616695398904   sin(angle)  0.9861490285841386
theta dot:  -6.48706529628
Angle:  99.54706146787066
action:  [ 0.03303312]
state:  {1: array([ 4.59189577]), 2: array([-5.74249856]), 3: array([ 0.12020185,  0.99274947,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.12020185432284197   sin(angle)  0.9927494720307588
theta dot:  -5.74249855627
Angle:  83.09605338078188
action:  [ 0.00534603]
state:  {1: array([ 4.34203904]), 2: array([-4.99713455]), 3: array([ 0.36194166,  0.93220075,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.36194166455687127   sin(angle)  0.9322007463297813
theta dot:  -4.9971345474
Angle:  68.780350895874
action:  [-0.14370147]
state:  {1: array([ 4.12606208]), 2: array([-4.31953921]), 3: array([ 0.55330515,  0.83297864,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.553305145287905   sin(angle)  0.8329786409013921
theta dot:  -4.31953920748
Angle:  56.40581153144808
action:  [-0.30666581]
state:  {1: array([ 3.93902183]), 2: array([-3.7408051]), 3: array([ 0.6985486 ,  0.71556261,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.698548601501168   sin(angle)  0.715562611754389
theta dot:  -3.74080509873
Angle:  45.68921938460102
action:  [-0.36875337]
state:  {1: array([ 3.77604952]), 2: array([-3.25944615]), 3: array([ 0.80539375,  0.59274017,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8053937511756395   sin(angle)  0.592740166993289
theta dot:  -3.25944614554
Angle:  36.35161583551246
action:  [-0.26339404]
state:  {1: array([ 3.63332952]), 2: array([-2.85440013]), 3: array([ 0.88151412,  0.47215767,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8815141159007861   sin(angle)  0.4721576680174277
theta dot:  -2.85440012608
Angle:  28.174380944148993
action:  [-0.00315389]
state:  {1: array([ 3.50829177]), 2: array([-2.50075496]), 3: array([ 0.93351592,  0.35853596,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9335159154558708   sin(angle)  0.35853596136313515
theta dot:  -2.50075495849
Angle:  21.010262461073523
action:  [ 0.3298017]
state:  {1: array([ 3.39917263]), 2: array([-2.18238273]), 3: array([ 0.96700929,  0.25474112,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9670092884103819   sin(angle)  0.254741115896211
theta dot:  -2.18238273289
Angle:  14.758211087244433
action:  [ 0.63183501]
state:  {1: array([ 3.30434505]), 2: array([-1.89655164]), 3: array([ 0.98678504,  0.16203484,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9867850377929906   sin(angle)  0.1620348394262357
theta dot:  -1.8965516446
Angle:  9.325003549230019
action:  [ 0.8349791]
state:  {1: array([ 3.22185612]), 2: array([-1.64977865]), 3: array([ 0.99678062,  0.08017731,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9967806171614525   sin(angle)  0.08017731132455098
theta dot:  -1.64977865032
Angle:  4.598746911569322
min:  -0.851402037412  self.max:  0.875992110438
state:  {1: array([ 1.28855844]), 2: array([ 0.99850649]), 3: array([-0.27850569, -0.96043458,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.27850568601456865   sin(angle)  -0.9604345802070824
theta dot:  0.998506487886
Angle:  253.82920866170315
action:  [-0.36033797]
state:  {1: array([ 1.29976493]), 2: array([ 0.22412986]), 3: array([-0.26772532, -0.96349528,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.2677253200740566   sin(angle)  -0.9634952791743424
theta dot:  0.224129857256
Angle:  254.47129190441385
action:  [-0.30606442]
state:  {1: array([ 1.27254487]), 2: array([-0.54440127]), 3: array([-0.29384931, -0.95585176,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.29384930702248213   sin(angle)  -0.9558517587797843
theta dot:  -0.544401265725
Angle:  252.9117008070357
action:  [-0.23401466]
state:  {1: array([ 1.20772526]), 2: array([-1.29639228]), 3: array([-0.35514677, -0.93481055,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3551467715672422   sin(angle)  -0.9348105533450962
theta dot:  -1.2963922844
Angle:  249.19781916723696
action:  [-0.17257526]
state:  {1: array([ 1.10655593]), 2: array([-2.02338649]), 3: array([-0.44774372, -0.89416193,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4477437196924942   sin(angle)  -0.8941619324685709
theta dot:  -2.0233864882
Angle:  243.40125741724384
action:  [-0.11764313]
state:  {1: array([ 0.97097321]), 2: array([-2.71165441]), 3: array([-0.56449647, -0.82543548,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5644964743350815   sin(angle)  -0.8254354792854877
theta dot:  -2.71165440715
Angle:  235.6329579315189
action:  [-0.06504673]
state:  {1: array([ 0.80394881]), 2: array([-3.34048803]), 3: array([-0.69386858, -0.72010165,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6938685809311227   sin(angle)  -0.7201016542104525
theta dot:  -3.3404880268
Angle:  226.06318703733228
action:  [-0.04407831]
state:  {1: array([ 0.60959001]), 2: array([-3.88717601]), 3: array([-0.81988282, -0.57253137,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8198828185011958   sin(angle)  -0.5725313650155205
theta dot:  -3.8871760137
Angle:  214.92727408746686
action:  [-0.08846468]
state:  {1: array([ 0.3930978]), 2: array([-4.32984424]), 3: array([-0.92372688, -0.38305177,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9237268767036735   sin(angle)  -0.38305176837508054
theta dot:  -4.32984424009
Angle:  202.52321304824144
action:  [-0.18087057]
state:  {1: array([ 0.16088462]), 2: array([-4.64426365]), 3: array([-0.98708596, -0.16019146,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9870859616789258   sin(angle)  -0.1601914612468164
theta dot:  -4.6442636525
Angle:  189.21840884893794
action:  [-0.25149782]
state:  {1: array([ 6.20396333]), 2: array([-4.80213192]), 3: array([-0.99686358,  0.07913914,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9968635798316131   sin(angle)  0.07913913826483729
theta dot:  -4.80213192202
Angle:  175.4605045944519
action:  [-0.23493972]
state:  {1: array([ 5.9650624]), 2: array([-4.77801853]), 3: array([-0.94982422,  0.3127842 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.949824216312297   sin(angle)  0.31278420373594773
theta dot:  -4.77801852635
Angle:  161.77252180316043
action:  [-0.11802237]
state:  {1: array([ 5.73700571]), 2: array([-4.56113373]), 3: array([-0.85451517,  0.51942643,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8545151737221129   sin(angle)  0.5194264316326876
theta dot:  -4.56113372924
Angle:  148.70586673467528
action:  [ 0.0637714]
state:  {1: array([ 5.5289058]), 2: array([-4.1619982]), 3: array([-0.7287651 ,  0.68476377,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7287651028046561   sin(angle)  0.6847637730882957
theta dot:  -4.16199819536
Angle:  136.78264806958748
action:  [ 0.25691577]
state:  {1: array([ 5.3484114]), 2: array([-3.609888]), 3: array([-0.59400033,  0.8044648 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.594000328913376   sin(angle)  0.8044647967753475
theta dot:  -3.60988800071
Angle:  126.44110490484115
action:  [ 0.41544512]
state:  {1: array([ 5.20120027]), 2: array([-2.94422263]), 3: array([-0.46957672,  0.88289167,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.46957672014500784   sin(angle)  0.8828916716663812
theta dot:  -2.94422263478
Angle:  118.00654808252591
action:  [ 0.52303037]
state:  {1: array([ 5.09102031]), 2: array([-2.20359932]), 3: array([-0.36964908,  0.92917143,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3696490834020908   sin(angle)  0.9291714347417241
theta dot:  -2.20359932487
Angle:  111.69371579202675
action:  [ 0.60009531]
state:  {1: array([ 5.02018498]), 2: array([-1.41670645]), 3: array([-0.30295896,  0.9530036 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3029589573837045   sin(angle)  0.9530036044742847
theta dot:  -1.41670645278
Angle:  107.63516025504236
action:  [ 0.66928984]
state:  {1: array([ 4.99010697]), 2: array([-0.60156027]), 3: array([-0.27416179,  0.96168358,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.27416179261583207   sin(angle)  0.9616835817823207
theta dot:  -0.601560273803
Angle:  105.91182104437576
action:  [ 0.70612516]
state:  {1: array([ 5.00138803]), 2: array([ 0.22562119]), 3: array([-0.28499293,  0.95852962,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.2849929270270178   sin(angle)  0.9585296195447343
theta dot:  0.225621187006
Angle:  106.55817662212314
action:  [ 0.64610163]
state:  {1: array([ 5.05345971]), 2: array([ 1.04143365]), 3: array([-0.33449634,  0.94239705,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3344963379108834   sin(angle)  0.9423970500400604
theta dot:  1.04143364658
Angle:  109.54165727504846
action:  [ 0.45725343]
state:  {1: array([ 5.14430068]), 2: array([ 1.81681945]), 3: array([-0.41860771,  0.90816716,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.41860771300726707   sin(angle)  0.9081671556551831
theta dot:  1.81681944815
Angle:  114.74644942980302
action:  [ 0.19558573]
state:  {1: array([ 5.27066482]), 2: array([ 2.52728267]), 3: array([-0.5297246,  0.8481697,  0.       ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5297246037566712   sin(angle)  0.8481697024622123
theta dot:  2.52728267491
Angle:  121.98656404471683
action:  [-0.02926611]
state:  {1: array([ 5.42861582]), 2: array([ 3.15902003]), 3: array([-0.6565433 ,  0.75428834,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6565433012030117   sin(angle)  0.7542883358805512
theta dot:  3.15902003457
Angle:  131.0364686510111
action:  [-0.14983465]
state:  {1: array([ 5.61372887]), 2: array([ 3.70226109]), 3: array([-0.7841591 ,  0.62055984,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7841590976045122   sin(angle)  0.6205598356678244
theta dot:  3.70226108951
Angle:  141.64264060337837
action:  [-0.19537601]
state:  {1: array([ 5.8206476]), 2: array([ 4.13837456]), 3: array([-0.894923  ,  0.44622059,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8949230042774982   sin(angle)  0.4462205916527575
theta dot:  4.13837456466
Angle:  153.4981827099199
action:  [-0.24528655]
state:  {1: array([ 6.04245995]), 2: array([ 4.43624703]), 3: array([-0.9711653 ,  0.23840713,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9711653009378776   sin(angle)  0.2384071271045429
theta dot:  4.4362470265
Angle:  166.20706456581365
action:  [-0.33568804]
state:  {1: array([ 6.27069491]), 2: array([ 4.56469917]), 3: array([-0.999922  ,  0.01249007,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9999219960292254   sin(angle)  0.012490070333264481
theta dot:  4.56469916532
Angle:  179.28393383239313
action:  [-0.42664869]
state:  {1: array([ 0.21301308]), 2: array([ 4.51006941]), 3: array([-0.97739837, -0.21140583,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9773983706422293   sin(angle)  -0.21140583025525866
theta dot:  4.51006941499
Angle:  192.2051425930892
action:  [-0.45973552]
state:  {1: array([ 0.42714081]), 2: array([ 4.28255471]), 3: array([-0.91015394, -0.4142702 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9101539449493391   sin(angle)  -0.4142701974474574
theta dot:  4.28255471364
Angle:  204.47372943507816
action:  [-0.42198139]
state:  {1: array([ 0.62256855]), 2: array([ 3.90855486]), 3: array([-0.81238335, -0.58312373,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8123833532424953   sin(angle)  -0.58312373247406
theta dot:  3.90855485709
Angle:  215.67088811658112
action:  [-0.34030676]
state:  {1: array([ 0.79357686]), 2: array([ 3.42016604]), 3: array([-0.70129999, -0.71286628,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7012999870094436   sin(angle)  -0.7128662765347749
theta dot:  3.42016604299
Angle:  225.46891917937708
action:  [-0.24245727]
state:  {1: array([ 0.93603424]), 2: array([ 2.84914775]), 3: array([-0.59298596, -0.8052128 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5929859574866764   sin(angle)  -0.8052128005835536
theta dot:  2.84914774524
Angle:  233.63110714321488
action:  [-0.14527274]
state:  {1: array([ 1.04720661]), 2: array([ 2.22344723]), 3: array([-0.49999216, -0.86602993,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4999921589101882   sin(angle)  -0.8660299307924231
theta dot:  2.22344723375
Angle:  240.00079937130064
action:  [-0.05704686]
state:  {1: array([ 1.12547499]), 2: array([ 1.56536776]), 3: array([-0.4307479, -0.9024723,  0.       ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4307478973014563   sin(angle)  -0.9024722981733977
theta dot:  1.56536775613
Angle:  244.48523717534368
action:  [ 0.02618074]
state:  {1: array([ 1.17009703]), 2: array([ 0.89244064]), 3: array([-0.39006235, -0.92078845,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3900623463927076   sin(angle)  -0.9207884479763065
theta dot:  0.892440643682
Angle:  247.041885314234
action:  [ 0.10902177]
state:  {1: array([ 1.18100715]), 2: array([ 0.21820257]), 3: array([-0.37999341, -0.92498919,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3799934107516145   sin(angle)  -0.9249891933343626
theta dot:  0.218202573037
Angle:  247.66698817816606
action:  [ 0.17412845]
state:  {1: array([ 1.15853615]), 2: array([-0.44942006]), 3: array([-0.40068116, -0.91621755,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4006811622205805   sin(angle)  -0.9162175539911712
theta dot:  -0.449420055087
Angle:  246.37949756962718
action:  [ 0.18596201]
state:  {1: array([ 1.10310171]), 2: array([-1.10868892]), 3: array([-0.45082968, -0.89260999,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.45082968143840574   sin(angle)  -0.8926099922889871
theta dot:  -1.10868891965
Angle:  243.20334520241647
action:  [ 0.12338032]
state:  {1: array([ 1.01511974]), 2: array([-1.75963937]), 3: array([-0.52751821, -0.84954372,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5275182136322476   sin(angle)  -0.8495437212328995
theta dot:  -1.75963936658
Angle:  238.1623615319254
action:  [ 0.00711714]
state:  {1: array([ 0.89533326]), 2: array([-2.39572959]), 3: array([-0.62525877, -0.7804175 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6252587711148211   sin(angle)  -0.7804174966926253
theta dot:  -2.39572958675
Angle:  231.299117872417
action:  [-0.10163894]
state:  {1: array([ 0.74551883]), 2: array([-2.99628855]), 3: array([-0.73473605, -0.6783531 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7347360513409151   sin(angle)  -0.6783531048502396
theta dot:  -2.99628855032
Angle:  222.7154035380271
action:  [-0.13843083]
state:  {1: array([ 0.56922793]), 2: array([-3.525818]), 3: array([-0.84231736, -0.53898188,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8423173579935214   sin(angle)  -0.5389818813492843
theta dot:  -3.52581800318
Angle:  212.61470261218665
action:  [-0.0868835]
state:  {1: array([ 0.37207358]), 2: array([-3.94308694]), 3: array([-0.9315755 , -0.36354791,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.93157550218779   sin(angle)  -0.36354791118031043
theta dot:  -3.94308693924
Angle:  201.3186170337622
action:  [ 0.00296238]
state:  {1: array([ 0.16130841]), 2: array([-4.21530352]), 3: array([-0.98701799, -0.16060977,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9870179853261694   sin(angle)  -0.1606097650912603
theta dot:  -4.21530351512
Angle:  189.24269023338394
action:  [ 0.05248539]
state:  {1: array([ 6.22809931]), 2: array([-4.32788803]), 3: array([-0.99848315,  0.05505814,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9984831502378267   sin(angle)  0.055058139190727044
theta dot:  -4.32788803061
Angle:  176.84339147377887
action:  [ 0.01468791]
state:  {1: array([ 6.01387975]), 2: array([-4.28439124]), 3: array([-0.96395589,  0.26606209,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9639558939087225   sin(angle)  0.26606208786415947
theta dot:  -4.28439123933
Angle:  164.569543385565
action:  [-0.09495017]
state:  {1: array([ 5.80892539]), 2: array([-4.0990872]), 3: array([-0.88963095,  0.45668017,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.0990871985
Angle:  152.8265510292673
action:  [-0.2134723]
state:  {1: array([ 5.6194955]), 2: array([-3.78859792]), 3: array([-0.78772457,  0.61602759,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7877245729292409   sin(angle)  0.6160275945146004
theta dot:  -3.78859791517
Angle:  141.97304286893393
action:  [-0.27192633]
state:  {1: array([ 5.45112719]), 2: array([-3.36736617]), 3: array([-0.67335558,  0.73931878,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.36736616858
Angle:  132.32627195052964
action:  [-0.23329547]
state:  {1: array([ 5.30873362]), 2: array([-2.8478714]), 3: array([-0.56162181,  0.82739407,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.84787140168
Angle:  124.16774043312125
action:  [-0.10705848]
state:  {1: array([ 5.19656439]), 2: array([-2.24338462]), 3: array([-0.4654787 ,  0.88505908,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.2433846213
Angle:  117.7409319305545
action:  [ 0.06160339]
state:  {1: array([ 5.1180469]), 2: array([-1.5703498]), 3: array([-0.39462337,  0.91884297,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.39462336640144713   sin(angle)  0.918842967372548
theta dot:  -1.57034980123
Angle:  113.24222165202542
action:  [ 0.21614717]
state:  {1: array([ 5.07560712]), 2: array([-0.8487955]), 3: array([-0.35528425,  0.93475831,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.84879550028
Angle:  110.81060734640948
action:  [ 0.30589352]
state:  {1: array([ 5.07051498]), 2: array([-0.10184274]), 3: array([-0.35051975,  0.93655534,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3505197480683532   sin(angle)  0.9365553407108937
theta dot:  -0.101842738061
Angle:  110.5188500754183
action:  [ 0.29113968]
state:  {1: array([ 5.10272722]), 2: array([ 0.64424472]), 3: array([-0.38050123,  0.92478041,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3805012338389764   sin(angle)  0.9247804123396086
theta dot:  0.644244719572
Angle:  112.36447092980683
action:  [ 0.15997105]
state:  {1: array([ 5.1708185]), 2: array([ 1.36182569]), 3: array([-0.44254033,  0.8967486 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.44254033064687964   sin(angle)  0.8967486023133521
theta dot:  1.36182568597
Angle:  116.2658050187307
action:  [-0.04241494]
state:  {1: array([ 5.27221975]), 2: array([ 2.0280249]), 3: array([-0.53104281,  0.84734499,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.0280248966
Angle:  122.07565479890116
action:  [-0.227508]
state:  {1: array([ 5.40369012]), 2: array([ 2.62940744]), 3: array([-0.63754014,  0.77041714,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.62940744086
Angle:  129.60833463331005
action:  [-0.33378622]
state:  {1: array([ 5.56154774]), 2: array([ 3.15715236]), 3: array([-0.75072493,  0.66061492,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.15715236223
Angle:  138.652888764978
action:  [-0.36659385]
state:  {1: array([ 5.74142896]), 2: array([ 3.59762447]), 3: array([-0.85680436,  0.51564163,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.59762447495
Angle:  148.95929959848468
action:  [-0.35629344]
state:  {1: array([ 5.93797455]), 2: array([ 3.93091168]), 3: array([-0.94100415,  0.33839501,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9410041532039993   sin(angle)  0.3383950112705921
theta dot:  3.93091168189
Angle:  160.2205057154472
action:  [-0.30617567]
state:  {1: array([ 6.14491363]), 2: array([ 4.13878159]), 3: array([-0.99045569,  0.1378315 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.13878159016
Angle:  172.07721386143044
action:  [-0.20594854]
state:  {1: array([ 0.07229147]), 2: array([ 4.21126293]), 3: array([-0.99738811, -0.07222852,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9973881097846478   sin(angle)  -0.07222851556142816
theta dot:  4.21126293293
Angle:  184.14240710819655
action:  [-0.08082525]
state:  {1: array([ 0.27953985]), 2: array([ 4.14496776]), 3: array([-0.9611825 , -0.27591339,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.14496775937
Angle:  196.0168372820897
action:  [-0.00580564]
state:  {1: array([ 0.47639795]), 2: array([ 3.93716187]), 3: array([-0.88865252, -0.45858118,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8886525179461793   sin(angle)  -0.4585811840316996
theta dot:  3.93716186858
Angle:  207.29594882309482
action:  [-0.05789491]
state:  {1: array([ 0.65562503]), 2: array([ 3.58454174]), 3: array([-0.79266703, -0.60965481,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.58454174403
Angle:  217.5648804809285
action:  [-0.24481554]
state:  {1: array([ 0.81015395]), 2: array([ 3.09057831]), 3: array([-0.68938692, -0.72439331,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6893869210397235   sin(angle)  -0.72439331381465
theta dot:  3.09057830757
Angle:  226.4187144407455
action:  [-0.48511346]
state:  {1: array([ 0.93387976]), 2: array([ 2.4745163]), 3: array([-0.59471939, -0.80393336,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5947193937791175   sin(angle)  -0.8039333571030617
theta dot:  2.47451630383
Angle:  233.50766489097455
action:  [-0.6687378]
state:  {1: array([ 1.02244255]), 2: array([ 1.77125562]), 3: array([-0.52128308, -0.85338382,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5212830794004296   sin(angle)  -0.8533838240386359
theta dot:  1.77125561591
Angle:  238.58192658667497
action:  [-0.73108579]
state:  {1: array([ 1.07352029]), 2: array([ 1.02155488]), 3: array([-0.47703326, -0.87888524,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4770332606370213   sin(angle)  -0.878885241795544
theta dot:  1.0215548798
Angle:  241.50845890084508
action:  [-0.66431249]
state:  {1: array([ 1.08665749]), 2: array([ 0.26274408]), 3: array([-0.46544633, -0.8850761 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4654463341715589   sin(angle)  -0.8850761040759475
theta dot:  0.262744075359
Angle:  242.26116347120168
action:  [-0.48491912]
state:  {1: array([ 1.06296745]), 2: array([-0.47380087]), 3: array([-0.48628126, -0.87380234,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.473800870768
Angle:  240.90382713401362
action:  [-0.21948701]
state:  {1: array([ 1.00486367]), 2: array([-1.16207568]), 3: array([-0.5362033 , -0.84408887,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5362032978095521   sin(angle)  -0.844088871753538
theta dot:  -1.16207567918
Angle:  237.57473332427884
action:  [ 0.08071394]
state:  {1: array([ 0.9157119]), 2: array([-1.78303524]), 3: array([-0.60922619, -0.7929965 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.78303524255
Angle:  232.46672556297398
action:  [ 0.33733989]
state:  {1: array([ 0.79935282]), 2: array([-2.32718163]), 3: array([-0.69717082, -0.71690505,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.32718163284
Angle:  225.79985686689918
action:  [ 0.48385486]
state:  {1: array([ 0.65973871]), 2: array([-2.79228219]), 3: array([-0.7901524 , -0.61291042,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7901524042171257   sin(angle)  -0.6129104160559649
theta dot:  -2.79228218949
Angle:  217.80057633932887
action:  [ 0.51542268]
state:  {1: array([ 0.50100613]), 2: array([-3.1746516]), 3: array([-0.87709975, -0.48030826,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8770997520942827   sin(angle)  -0.48030826026224843
theta dot:  -3.17465159964
Angle:  208.70589070247877
action:  [ 0.48767325]
state:  {1: array([ 0.32791954]), 2: array([-3.46173181]), 3: array([-0.94671445, -0.32207413,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9467144534713628   sin(angle)  -0.32207412747443515
theta dot:  -3.46173180667
Angle:  198.78878277657296
action:  [ 0.45498305]
state:  {1: array([ 0.14616755]), 2: array([-3.63503995]), 3: array([-0.98933653, -0.14564762,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9893365300622321   sin(angle)  -0.14564762368271633
theta dot:  -3.63503994543
Angle:  188.37518476637055
action:  [ 0.41848631]
state:  {1: array([ 6.24527772]), 2: array([-3.68150272]), 3: array([-0.99928159,  0.03789851,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9992815933148018   sin(angle)  0.0378985126651576
theta dot:  -3.68150271669
Angle:  177.8276391979134
action:  [ 0.34185955]
state:  {1: array([ 6.06518772]), 2: array([-3.6017999]), 3: array([-0.97633248,  0.21627504,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9763324786389067   sin(angle)  0.2162750359029187
theta dot:  -3.60179989899
Angle:  167.50926668361706
action:  [ 0.20736413]
state:  {1: array([ 5.89476327]), 2: array([-3.408489]), 3: array([-0.92550783,  0.37872847,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9255078318006215   sin(angle)  0.37872846905891894
theta dot:  -3.40848900218
Angle:  157.74468780037284
action:  [ 0.04514943]
state:  {1: array([ 5.73887976]), 2: array([-3.11767024]), 3: array([-0.8554871 ,  0.51782412,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.11767023582
Angle:  148.81324136467322
action:  [-0.08635381]
state:  {1: array([ 5.601767]), 2: array([-2.74225522]), 3: array([-0.77668011,  0.62989523,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.74225521706
Angle:  140.9572772210679
action:  [-0.1387441]
state:  {1: array([ 5.48723473]), 2: array([-2.29064541]), 3: array([-0.69960587,  0.71452896,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.29064541009
Angle:  134.3950768483969
action:  [-0.10268521]
state:  {1: array([ 5.39872715]), 2: array([-1.77015147]), 3: array([-0.63370875,  0.77357173,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.77015147303
Angle:  129.3239782816534
action:  [-0.01956823]
state:  {1: array([ 5.33908176]), 2: array([-1.19290791]), 3: array([-0.58646921,  0.80997152,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.19290791176
Angle:  125.90655683849457
action:  [ 0.04168944]
state:  {1: array([ 5.31012297]), 2: array([-0.57917586]), 3: array([-0.5627708 ,  0.82661298,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.579175856557
Angle:  124.24734410962708
action:  [ 0.04599546]
state:  {1: array([ 5.31250713]), 2: array([ 0.0476832]), 3: array([-0.56473998,  0.8252689 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.0476831999612
Angle:  124.38394609576511
action:  [ 0.03392225]
state:  {1: array([ 5.34609329]), 2: array([ 0.67172321]), 3: array([-0.59213389,  0.8058396 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.67172321188
Angle:  126.30828684790299
action:  [ 0.08950421]
state:  {1: array([ 5.41056971]), 2: array([ 1.28952854]), 3: array([-0.64282517,  0.76601292,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.28952854096
Angle:  130.00250535715747
action:  [ 0.25588106]
state:  {1: array([ 5.50569073]), 2: array([ 1.90242039]), 3: array([-0.71267332,  0.70149607,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.90242039409
Angle:  135.4525255846969
action:  [ 0.47579444]
state:  {1: array([ 5.63068631]), 2: array([ 2.49991161]), 3: array([-0.79456896,  0.60717392,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.49991161499
Angle:  142.61422807225847
action:  [ 0.61723087]
state:  {1: array([ 5.78308015]), 2: array([ 3.04787669]), 3: array([-0.87753214,  0.47951782,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8775321413201592   sin(angle)  0.4795178213060032
theta dot:  3.04787668739
Angle:  151.34573118739712
action:  [ 0.57246788]
state:  {1: array([ 5.95774941]), 2: array([ 3.49338524]), 3: array([-0.94751145,  0.31972183,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.49338523604
Angle:  161.35351929675505
action:  [ 0.34596926]
state:  {1: array([ 6.14700301]), 2: array([ 3.785072]), 3: array([-0.99074151,  0.13576176,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.78507200009
Angle:  172.19692647807506
action:  [ 0.04862445]
state:  {1: array([ 0.05852705]), 2: array([ 3.89418698]), 3: array([-0.99828778, -0.05849364,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  183.35376616789216
action:  [-0.19429716]
state:  {1: array([ 0.24958566]), 2: array([ 3.82117218]), 3: array([-0.96901485, -0.24700248,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  194.30059249604818
action:  [-0.328256]
state:  {1: array([ 0.42891976]), 2: array([ 3.58668192]), 3: array([-0.90941554, -0.41588866,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.58668191762
Angle:  204.57565528524782
min:  -0.851402037412  self.max:  0.875992110438
state:  {1: array([ 2.33774615]), 2: array([-0.0207722]), 3: array([ 0.69394225, -0.72003066,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.0207722049379
Angle:  313.94309575518537
action:  [ 0.57668636]
state:  {1: array([ 2.31403154]), 2: array([-0.47429225]), 3: array([ 0.67667348, -0.73628323,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.474292246443
Angle:  312.5843517336715
action:  [ 0.4624585]
state:  {1: array([ 2.26617474]), 2: array([-0.9571359]), 3: array([ 0.64067604, -0.76781131,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.957135896791
Angle:  309.8423657802988
action:  [ 0.27681266]
state:  {1: array([ 2.19160112]), 2: array([-1.49147248]), 3: array([ 0.58168998, -0.81341058,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.49147248259
Angle:  305.5696218462159
action:  [ 0.02890072]
state:  {1: array([ 2.08674135]), 2: array([-2.09719531]), 3: array([ 0.49335708, -0.86982687,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.09719530979
Angle:  299.56161389227134
action:  [-0.23127284]
state:  {1: array([ 1.94752854]), 2: array([-2.78425639]), 3: array([ 0.36788381, -0.92987177,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.78425639214
Angle:  291.58532552671267
action:  [-0.3621739]
state:  {1: array([ 1.77072922]), 2: array([-3.5359863]), 3: array([ 0.19860356, -0.98007991,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.53598630218
Angle:  281.4554946381111
action:  [-0.42938493]
state:  {1: array([ 1.55395652]), 2: array([-4.33545397]), 3: array([-0.01683901, -0.99985821,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.33545397264
Angle:  269.03536293651683
action:  [-0.45776372]
state:  {1: array([ 1.29625591]), 2: array([-5.15401219]), 3: array([-0.27110459, -0.96254989,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -5.1540121917
Angle:  254.27024015663727
action:  [-0.42024227]
state:  {1: array([ 0.99930786]), 2: array([-5.93896095]), 3: array([-0.54088459, -0.84109682,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  237.25641007833843
action:  [-0.46730111]
state:  {1: array([ 0.66731393]), 2: array([-6.63987873]), 3: array([-0.78548685, -0.61887835,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -6.63987873499
Angle:  218.23460315990692
action:  [-0.2767065]
state:  {1: array([ 0.31003675]), 2: array([-7.14554347]), 3: array([-0.95232236, -0.30509364,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -7.14554347062
Angle:  197.76417686897048
action:  [ 0.13815414]
state:  {1: array([ 6.22554003]), 2: array([-7.35364058]), 3: array([-0.99833897,  0.05761335,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -7.35364057816
Angle:  176.6967558379274
action:  [-0.14238302]
state:  {1: array([ 5.85895063]), 2: array([-7.33178802]), 3: array([-0.91135403,  0.41162342,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -7.33178801548
Angle:  155.6927794757671
action:  [ 0.12118115]
state:  {1: array([ 5.50870597]), 2: array([-7.00489328]), 3: array([-0.71478525,  0.69934401,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  135.6252853675436
action:  [ 0.24071016]
state:  {1: array([ 5.18649203]), 2: array([-6.44427875]), 3: array([-0.45654061,  0.88970257,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  117.1638298332823
action:  [-0.19332132]
state:  {1: array([ 4.89619203]), 2: array([-5.80600001]), 3: array([-0.18276988,  0.98315572,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -5.80600001222
Angle:  100.5309039006554
action:  [ 0.26956974]
state:  {1: array([ 4.64478214]), 2: array([-5.02819776]), 3: array([ 0.06755535,  0.99771553,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  86.12621207309394
action:  [ 0.24972489]
state:  {1: array([ 4.43265952]), 2: array([-4.24245238]), 3: array([ 0.27609563,  0.96113017,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.24245238156
Angle:  73.97250968131675
action:  [ 0.21919239]
state:  {1: array([ 4.25822323]), 2: array([-3.4887259]), 3: array([ 0.43871279,  0.89862734,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.48872589606
Angle:  63.97806956655165
action:  [ 0.15768201]
state:  {1: array([ 4.11866807]), 2: array([-2.79110309]), 3: array([ 0.55944902,  0.82886476,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  55.98216689251194
action:  [ 0.00036791]
state:  {1: array([ 4.01019811]), 2: array([-2.16939933]), 3: array([ 0.64589181,  0.76342895,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  49.76731012793232
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state:  {1: array([ 3.92910511]), 2: array([-1.62185993]), 3: array([ 0.70561017,  0.70860023,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  45.12103454503591
action:  [-0.2477504]
state:  {1: array([ 3.87272649]), 2: array([-1.12757232]), 3: array([ 0.7444178 ,  0.66771412,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.12757231665
Angle:  41.89078535677396
action:  [-0.25407165]
state:  {1: array([ 3.83948162]), 2: array([-0.66489748]), 3: array([ 0.76620045,  0.64260165,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.664897477347
Angle:  39.985998847949304
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state:  {1: array([ 3.82889409]), 2: array([-0.21175067]), 3: array([ 0.77296094,  0.63445361,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  39.379379294547334
action:  [-0.03424809]
state:  {1: array([ 3.8418417]), 2: array([ 0.25895233]), 3: array([ 0.76468172,  0.64440815,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.258952327335
Angle:  40.12122133236596
action:  [ 0.29340687]
state:  {1: array([ 3.88115518]), 2: array([ 0.78626947]), 3: array([ 0.73876347,  0.67396478,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.786269470928
Angle:  42.373712177269226
action:  [ 0.08065494]
state:  {1: array([ 3.94634724]), 2: array([ 1.3038413]), 3: array([ 0.69328811,  0.72066052,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.30384129967
Angle:  46.108933624006
action:  [ 0.15803537]
state:  {1: array([ 4.03974934]), 2: array([ 1.868042]), 3: array([ 0.62305283,  0.78217976,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  51.46046723212385
action:  [ 0.01876741]
state:  {1: array([ 4.16262394]), 2: array([ 2.45749193]), 3: array([ 0.52248691,  0.85264731,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  58.50064655404384
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state:  {1: array([ 4.31653151]), 2: array([ 3.07815142]), 3: array([ 0.38559949,  0.92266626,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  67.3188801823261
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state:  {1: array([ 4.50411467]), 2: array([ 3.75166329]), 3: array([ 0.20677181,  0.9783892 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  78.06657869040339
action:  [ 0.11381919]
state:  {1: array([ 4.72924108]), 2: array([ 4.50252807]), 3: array([-0.0168513 ,  0.99985801,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  90.96534129826404
action:  [ 0.23555644]
state:  {1: array([ 4.99362883]), 2: array([ 5.28775504]), 3: array([-0.277547  ,  0.96071206,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  106.11360821798519
action:  [ 0.41983858]
state:  {1: array([ 5.29719207]), 2: array([ 6.07126487]), 3: array([-0.55203521,  0.8338208 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  123.50646021792272
action:  [ 0.13482573]
state:  {1: array([ 5.63303479]), 2: array([ 6.71685433]), 3: array([-0.7959927 ,  0.60530622,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  142.74878546359912
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state:  {1: array([ 5.99104117]), 2: array([ 7.16012765]), 3: array([-0.95762855,  0.28800617,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  163.2609922617611
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state:  {1: array([ 0.07560086]), 2: array([ 7.35489986]), 3: array([-0.99714362, -0.07552886,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  184.33202085763958
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state:  {1: array([ 0.43983084]), 2: array([ 7.28459963]), 3: array([-0.9048237 , -0.42578641,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  205.2008127598849
action:  [-0.08183882]
state:  {1: array([ 0.78748004]), 2: array([ 6.952984]), 3: array([-0.70563314, -0.70857736,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7056331416974619   sin(angle)  -0.7085773559310018
theta dot:  6.95298399584
Angle:  225.11959808029044
action:  [-0.21660447]
state:  {1: array([ 1.10693305]), 2: array([ 6.38906031]), 3: array([-0.44740648, -0.89433072,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4474064804787646   sin(angle)  -0.8943307225101935
theta dot:  6.38906030903
Angle:  243.42286481738182
action:  [-0.24481526]
state:  {1: array([ 1.39101255]), 2: array([ 5.68158998]), 3: array([-0.17881684, -0.98388238,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.17881683635691045   sin(angle)  -0.9838823806915672
theta dot:  5.68158997793
Angle:  259.6993830887574
action:  [-0.0962836]
state:  {1: array([ 1.63747434]), 2: array([ 4.92923565]), 3: array([ 0.06662861, -0.99777785,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.06662861194493488   sin(angle)  -0.9977778450488322
theta dot:  4.92923565168
Angle:  273.8205700206188
action:  [-0.15651701]
state:  {1: array([ 1.84534557]), 2: array([ 4.15742472]), 3: array([ 0.27111309, -0.9625475 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.27111309115612126   sin(angle)  -0.9625475010635957
theta dot:  4.15742471687
Angle:  285.7306866655916
action:  [-0.52335989]
state:  {1: array([ 2.01319608]), 2: array([ 3.35701011]), 3: array([ 0.42810941, -0.90372691,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4281094144081601   sin(angle)  -0.9037269107950157
theta dot:  3.35701010695
Angle:  295.34778972218373
action:  [-0.46158295]
state:  {1: array([ 2.14369495]), 2: array([ 2.60997748]), 3: array([ 0.54207013, -0.84033325,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5420701328100188   sin(angle)  -0.8403332500355609
theta dot:  2.60997748126
Angle:  302.82480695267094
action:  [-0.54965127]
state:  {1: array([ 2.23855894]), 2: array([ 1.89727985]), 3: array([ 0.61923072, -0.78520909,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6192307247626522   sin(angle)  -0.7852090864922034
theta dot:  1.89727985268
Angle:  308.26010064826517
action:  [-0.20968336]
state:  {1: array([ 2.30240497]), 2: array([ 1.27692053]), 3: array([ 0.66806749, -0.74410068,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.66806749156307   sin(angle)  -0.7441006831851638
theta dot:  1.27692053335
Angle:  311.9181999607763
action:  [-0.45391249]
state:  {1: array([ 2.33494288]), 2: array([ 0.65075815]), 3: array([ 0.69192108, -0.72197314,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.691921083236339   sin(angle)  -0.7219731397864128
theta dot:  0.650758147336
Angle:  313.7824803675826
action:  [-0.40004845]
state:  {1: array([ 2.33740643]), 2: array([ 0.04927102]), 3: array([ 0.6936976 , -0.72026637,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6936975995924602   sin(angle)  -0.720266367616633
theta dot:  0.0492710246396
Angle:  313.92363112571735
action:  [-0.38865384]
state:  {1: array([ 2.30994509]), 2: array([-0.54922683]), 3: array([ 0.67365905, -0.73904227,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6736590539319598   sin(angle)  -0.7390422714943286
theta dot:  -0.549226827276
Angle:  312.35021584513413
action:  [-0.45713334]
state:  {1: array([ 2.25134116]), 2: array([-1.17207853]), 3: array([ 0.62921658, -0.77723002,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6292165788112909   sin(angle)  -0.7772300154709767
theta dot:  -1.17207853136
Angle:  308.99246604176443
action:  [-0.588873]
state:  {1: array([ 2.15917456]), 2: array([-1.84333199]), 3: array([ 0.5550127 , -0.83184187,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5550127009118733   sin(angle)  -0.8318418730903774
theta dot:  -1.84333199261
Angle:  303.7117212195307
action:  [-0.73874086]
state:  {1: array([ 2.03027333]), 2: array([-2.57802453]), 3: array([ 0.44347942, -0.89628456,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4434794181012296   sin(angle)  -0.8962845562211784
theta dot:  -2.57802452699
Angle:  296.32624224609697
action:  [-0.85195814]
state:  {1: array([ 1.86137175]), 2: array([-3.37803167]), 3: array([ 0.28650358, -0.95807917,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.28650357507657115   sin(angle)  -0.9580791728601262
theta dot:  -3.37803166549
Angle:  286.6489170011758
action:  [-0.87465021]
state:  {1: array([ 1.64998232]), 2: array([-4.22778858]), 3: array([ 0.07910327, -0.99686643,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.07910326702111575   sin(angle)  -0.9968664269332106
theta dot:  -4.22778857682
Angle:  274.5372232173105
action:  [-0.79585926]
state:  {1: array([ 1.39524146]), 2: array([-5.09481729]), 3: array([-0.1746545 , -0.98462978,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.17465450432423552   sin(angle)  -0.9846297802317658
theta dot:  -5.0948172867
Angle:  259.94168095213604
action:  [-0.70351858]
state:  {1: array([ 1.09830059]), 2: array([-5.93881741]), 3: array([-0.45510999, -0.89043523,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.45510999412575914   sin(angle)  -0.8904352268676545
theta dot:  -5.93881740814
Angle:  242.92826209765292
action:  [-0.54912203]
state:  {1: array([ 0.76384998]), 2: array([-6.68901213]), 3: array([-0.72217831, -0.69170694,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.722178310624926   sin(angle)  -0.6917069377004454
theta dot:  -6.6890121323
Angle:  223.76569869342308
action:  [-0.2608234]
state:  {1: array([ 0.40150419]), 2: array([-7.24691585]), 3: array([-0.92047419, -0.39080335,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9204741933816696   sin(angle)  -0.3908033512117888
theta dot:  -7.24691584566
Angle:  203.0048626191543
action:  [-0.25154084]
state:  {1: array([ 0.02261671]), 2: array([-7.57774949]), 3: array([-0.99974425, -0.02261479,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9997442530055567   sin(angle)  -0.022614786807782453
theta dot:  -7.57774948553
Angle:  181.29626019689556
action:  [-0.29539633]
state:  {1: array([ 5.92385102]), 2: array([-7.63902002]), 3: array([-0.93613113,  0.35165112,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9361311300485449   sin(angle)  0.3516511159573283
theta dot:  -7.63902002456
Angle:  159.4112891857044
action:  [ 0.09571142]
state:  {1: array([ 5.55580477]), 2: array([-7.36092498]), 3: array([-0.74691869,  0.66491539,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7469186854107911   sin(angle)  0.6649153911470358
theta dot:  -7.36092497519
Angle:  138.3238417777797
action:  [-0.27574423]
state:  {1: array([ 5.21062477]), 2: array([-6.90360007]), 3: array([-0.47787655,  0.878427  ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.47787655199167967   sin(angle)  0.8784270038293128
theta dot:  -6.90360006573
Angle:  118.54653066512111
action:  [-0.30084509]
state:  {1: array([ 4.89612944]), 2: array([-6.28990658]), 3: array([-0.18270834,  0.98316716,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.18270834004302172   sin(angle)  0.9831671589708046
theta dot:  -6.28990657594
Angle:  100.5273177852178
action:  [-0.1048465]
state:  {1: array([ 4.61771653]), 2: array([-5.56825818]), 3: array([ 0.09453109,  0.99552191,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.09453108998271319   sin(angle)  0.9955219098677237
theta dot:  -5.56825818174
Angle:  84.57547043493827
action:  [ 0.21778197]
state:  {1: array([ 4.37826906]), 2: array([-4.78894945]), 3: array([ 0.32793789,  0.94469929,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.3279378880959444   sin(angle)  0.9446992863081732
theta dot:  -4.78894945426
Angle:  70.85617291510005
action:  [ 0.55044723]
state:  {1: array([ 4.17837616]), 2: array([-3.9978579]), 3: array([ 0.50899155,  0.86077152,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5089915489416637   sin(angle)  0.8607715162027413
theta dot:  -3.99785790491
Angle:  59.40318044496814
action:  [ 0.7697162]
state:  {1: array([ 4.01653507]), 2: array([-3.23682184]), 3: array([ 0.64104105,  0.76750659,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6410410541885615   sin(angle)  0.7675065907500845
theta dot:  -3.23682183769
Angle:  50.13039061200078
action:  [ 0.81632697]
state:  {1: array([ 3.88959793]), 2: array([-2.53874285]), 3: array([ 0.73304709,  0.68017789,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7330470941677012   sin(angle)  0.6801778868298274
theta dot:  -2.53874284928
Angle:  42.85744509267636
action:  [ 0.69202196]
state:  {1: array([ 3.79335762]), 2: array([-1.92480614]), 3: array([ 0.79501442,  0.60659052,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7950144245031874   sin(angle)  0.6065905248451099
theta dot:  -1.92480613984
Angle:  37.34329457747418
action:  [ 0.47176619]
state:  {1: array([ 3.72340271]), 2: array([-1.39909832]), 3: array([ 0.83546933,  0.54953708,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8354693283086119   sin(angle)  0.549537079236294
theta dot:  -1.39909831762
Angle:  33.3351825140071
action:  [ 0.25762237]
state:  {1: array([ 3.6759876]), 2: array([-0.94830215]), 3: array([ 0.86057695,  0.50932044,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8605769539014068   sin(angle)  0.5093204358886221
theta dot:  -0.948302152467
Angle:  30.61850331480906
action:  [ 0.09220442]
state:  {1: array([ 3.64836354]), 2: array([-0.55248116]), 3: array([ 0.87431633,  0.48535652,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8743163345528611   sin(angle)  0.48535651549561964
theta dot:  -0.552481161816
Angle:  29.03576507431393
action:  [ 0.0002632]
state:  {1: array([ 3.63894233]), 2: array([-0.1884243]), 3: array([ 0.87885011,  0.47709798,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.878850113325002   sin(angle)  0.4770979755863896
theta dot:  -0.18842429557
Angle:  28.495970491893843
action:  [ 0.01428935]
state:  {1: array([ 3.64751945]), 2: array([ 0.17154259]), 3: array([ 0.87472571,  0.48461835,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8747257053598123   sin(angle)  0.4846183450745327
theta dot:  0.171542588661
Angle:  28.98740265956144
action:  [ 0.07396361]
state:  {1: array([ 3.6748245]), 2: array([ 0.54610089]), 3: array([ 0.86116876,  0.50831916,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8611687617724741   sin(angle)  0.5083191554006828
theta dot:  0.546100888377
Angle:  30.551862805790392
action:  [-0.02253831]
state:  {1: array([ 3.72102247]), 2: array([ 0.92395951]), 3: array([ 0.83677499,  0.54754691,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8367749857104656   sin(angle)  0.5475469142358945
theta dot:  0.92395950844
Angle:  33.198805629816604
action:  [-0.11630165]
state:  {1: array([ 3.7868812]), 2: array([ 1.31717445]), 3: array([ 0.79892626,  0.60142899,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.798926261932608   sin(angle)  0.6014289883223038
theta dot:  1.31717444635
Angle:  36.97222363884731
action:  [-0.16819203]
state:  {1: array([ 3.87403207]), 2: array([ 1.74301738]), 3: array([ 0.74354542,  0.66868544,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7435454167431397   sin(angle)  0.6686854366892334
theta dot:  1.74301738291
Angle:  41.96558894512009
action:  [-0.27306783]
state:  {1: array([ 3.98421063]), 2: array([ 2.20357129]), 3: array([ 0.66551108,  0.74638797,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6655110824224296   sin(angle)  0.7463879682664547
theta dot:  2.20357128569
Angle:  48.27834090947516
action:  [-0.26408494]
state:  {1: array([ 4.12039811]), 2: array([ 2.72374952]), 3: array([ 0.55801422,  0.82983139,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.558014217512551   sin(angle)  0.8298313883276864
theta dot:  2.72374952028
Angle:  56.08129026093013
action:  [-0.1322724]
state:  {1: array([ 4.28671222]), 2: array([ 3.3262822]), 3: array([ 0.41293725,  0.91075948,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4129372455257262   sin(angle)  0.9107594804654114
theta dot:  3.32628220136
Angle:  65.61036455819425
action:  [ 0.02851023]
state:  {1: array([ 4.48739363]), 2: array([ 4.01362835]), 3: array([ 0.22310183,  0.97479515,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.22310182615608254   sin(angle)  0.974795145230946
theta dot:  4.01362834604
Angle:  77.10853590858233
action:  [ 0.08318856]
state:  {1: array([ 4.72525378]), 2: array([ 4.75720299]), 3: array([-0.01286445,  0.99991725,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.012864447880026527   sin(angle)  0.9999172495665539
theta dot:  4.7572029895
Angle:  90.7368867188435
action:  [ 0.45181923]
state:  {1: array([ 5.00399947]), 2: array([ 5.57491381]), 3: array([-0.2874951 ,  0.95778211,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.2874950989096096   sin(angle)  0.9577821088864387
theta dot:  5.57491381053
Angle:  106.70780099653098
action:  [-0.22121736]
state:  {1: array([ 5.31700286]), 2: array([ 6.26006779]), 3: array([-0.56844445,  0.82272165,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5684444515852971   sin(angle)  0.8227216451886329
theta dot:  6.26006778883
Angle:  124.64153224796058
action:  [-0.35733579]
state:  {1: array([ 5.6581783]), 2: array([ 6.82350865]), 3: array([-0.81095902,  0.58510296,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8109590171655409   sin(angle)  0.5851029588695481
theta dot:  6.82350865484
Angle:  144.1893989062212
action:  [-0.44766256]
state:  {1: array([ 6.01793762]), 2: array([ 7.19518649]), 3: array([-0.9650276,  0.2621483,  0.       ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9650275998026583   sin(angle)  0.26214830081295654
theta dot:  7.19518649038
Angle:  164.8020416403151
action:  [-0.4563475]
state:  {1: array([ 0.10091959]), 2: array([ 7.32334559]), 3: array([-0.99491194, -0.10074837,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9949119384945474   sin(angle)  -0.10074837289515857
theta dot:  7.323345591
Angle:  185.78267412907866
action:  [-0.26957678]
state:  {1: array([ 0.46128698]), 2: array([ 7.2073478]), 3: array([-0.8954804 , -0.44510094,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8954804021727963   sin(angle)  -0.4451009428483015
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Angle:  206.4301563533041
action:  [-0.34780879]
state:  {1: array([ 0.80235452]), 2: array([ 6.82135077]), 3: array([-0.69501575, -0.71899451,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6950157497990502   sin(angle)  -0.7189945114750627
theta dot:  6.82135076877
Angle:  225.97184113777934
action:  [-0.25950795]
state:  {1: array([ 1.11451346]), 2: array([ 6.24317869]), 3: array([-0.44061431, -0.89769652,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.440614305099203   sin(angle)  -0.8976965156120116
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Angle:  243.85718880658527
action:  [-0.16962027]
state:  {1: array([ 1.39173662]), 2: array([ 5.54446327]), 3: array([-0.17810439, -0.9840116 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  5.54446326534
Angle:  259.7408689020943
action:  [-0.11273612]
state:  {1: array([ 1.63121383]), 2: array([ 4.78954415]), 3: array([ 0.06038075, -0.99817542,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.78954414838
Angle:  273.4618700911072
action:  [ 0.01866971]
state:  {1: array([ 1.83339948]), 2: array([ 4.04371304]), 3: array([ 0.25959534, -0.96571748,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.259595337567996   sin(angle)  -0.9657174849369552
theta dot:  4.0437130417
Angle:  285.0462275444096
action:  [ 0.09881214]
state:  {1: array([ 2.00011182]), 2: array([ 3.33424675]), 3: array([ 0.41624851, -0.90925089,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4162485077588333   sin(angle)  -0.9092508893526278
theta dot:  3.33424674924
Angle:  294.5981185372692
action:  [ 0.1798353]
state:  {1: array([ 2.13407601]), 2: array([ 2.67928388]), 3: array([ 0.53396206, -0.84550844,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.67928387729
Angle:  302.273683502779
action:  [ 0.23474845]
state:  {1: array([ 2.23809425]), 2: array([ 2.08036482]), 3: array([ 0.61886578, -0.78549675,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.08036481771
Angle:  308.233475761299
min:  -0.874650211216  self.max:  0.875992110438
state:  {1: array([ 4.92053048]), 2: array([ 0.46738417]), 3: array([-0.20664187,  0.97841665,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.467384172636
Angle:  101.92539109819
action:  [-0.8634516]
state:  {1: array([ 4.97411443]), 2: array([ 1.07167892]), 3: array([-0.25874762,  0.96594496,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.25874762123321415   sin(angle)  0.9659449614269714
theta dot:  1.07167891858
Angle:  104.99551787027588
action:  [-0.7077498]
state:  {1: array([ 5.05861318]), 2: array([ 1.68997517]), 3: array([-0.33934849,  0.94066073,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.68997516937
Angle:  109.83692878330044
action:  [-0.47352909]
state:  {1: array([ 5.17483525]), 2: array([ 2.32444135]), 3: array([-0.44613876,  0.8949638 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.32444134987
Angle:  116.49594716527832
action:  [-0.27082795]
state:  {1: array([ 5.32258725]), 2: array([ 2.95504001]), 3: array([-0.57302996,  0.81953442,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  124.96149340563363
action:  [-0.19677392]
state:  {1: array([ 5.49959599]), 2: array([ 3.54017473]), 3: array([-0.70838467,  0.70582658,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.54017473297
Angle:  135.10332323653222
action:  [-0.22364392]
state:  {1: array([ 5.70139589]), 2: array([ 4.03599808]), 3: array([-0.83548067,  0.54951984,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8354806691627179   sin(angle)  0.5495198371809857
theta dot:  4.03599807971
Angle:  146.66557900344918
action:  [-0.29465631]
state:  {1: array([ 5.92159287]), 2: array([ 4.40393951]), 3: array([-0.93533466,  0.35376414,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9353346619830955   sin(angle)  0.3537641447249404
theta dot:  4.40393951139
Angle:  159.28190686267703
action:  [-0.40307536]
state:  {1: array([ 6.15203293]), 2: array([ 4.60880132]), 3: array([-0.99141185,  0.13077671,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9914118484329717   sin(angle)  0.1307767058260699
theta dot:  4.60880131527
Angle:  172.48511918678446
action:  [-0.5300803]
state:  {1: array([ 0.10021622]), 2: array([ 4.6273718]), 3: array([-0.99498256, -0.10004855,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9949825563816397   sin(angle)  -0.10004855069543579
theta dot:  4.62737179898
Angle:  185.74237373813818
action:  [-0.84680536]
state:  {1: array([ 0.32148195]), 2: array([ 4.42531458]), 3: array([-0.94876821, -0.31597293,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9487682053571865   sin(angle)  -0.31597293001664467
theta dot:  4.42531458245
Angle:  198.4199365220733
action:  [-0.60957374]
state:  {1: array([ 0.52632689]), 2: array([ 4.09689882]), 3: array([-0.86465813, -0.50236075,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8646581271063511   sin(angle)  -0.5023607500879593
theta dot:  4.09689882362
Angle:  210.15665966079507
action:  [-0.27495181]
state:  {1: array([ 0.71027116]), 2: array([ 3.67888549]), 3: array([-0.7581851 , -0.65203939,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7581850959733089   sin(angle)  -0.6520393855005573
theta dot:  3.67888549002
Angle:  220.6958656100548
action:  [-0.11052818]
state:  {1: array([ 0.868935]), 2: array([ 3.17327672]), 3: array([-0.64564019, -0.76364176,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6456401935484266   sin(angle)  -0.7636417618718545
theta dot:  3.17327672457
Angle:  229.78661252917317
action:  [-0.1079987]
state:  {1: array([ 0.99815228]), 2: array([ 2.5843456]), 3: array([-0.54185619, -0.84047122,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.541856187522354   sin(angle)  -0.8404712202352557
theta dot:  2.5843455984
Angle:  237.19019999593536
action:  [ 0.0605186]
state:  {1: array([ 1.09630578]), 2: array([ 1.96306997]), 3: array([-0.45688534, -0.8895256 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4568853382072744   sin(angle)  -0.8895255970073174
theta dot:  1.96306997351
Angle:  242.81396806365535
action:  [ 0.0853597]
state:  {1: array([ 1.16174226]), 2: array([ 1.30872973]), 3: array([-0.39774161, -0.91749747,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3977416121993793   sin(angle)  -0.9174974713453103
theta dot:  1.30872973147
Angle:  246.56319380316103
action:  [ 0.20317815]
state:  {1: array([ 1.19429643]), 2: array([ 0.65108335]), 3: array([-0.36766778, -0.9299572 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3676677817206115   sin(angle)  -0.9299572045447279
theta dot:  0.651083349853
Angle:  248.42840584437468
action:  [ 0.16603437]
state:  {1: array([ 1.19322246]), 2: array([-0.0214794]), 3: array([-0.36866632, -0.9295618 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.36866631557122825   sin(angle)  -0.9295618041653473
theta dot:  -0.0214793987039
Angle:  248.36687204365683
action:  [ 0.0708173]
state:  {1: array([ 1.15782105]), 2: array([-0.70802816]), 3: array([-0.40133625, -0.91593079,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4013362456883928   sin(angle)  -0.9159307931807654
theta dot:  -0.708028156834
Angle:  246.33852552866395
action:  [-0.0526916]
state:  {1: array([ 1.08767705]), 2: array([-1.40287999]), 3: array([-0.4645437 , -0.88555019,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.46454370465257594   sin(angle)  -0.8855501942112939
theta dot:  -1.40287999199
Angle:  242.31957979150087
action:  [-0.16517167]
state:  {1: array([ 0.98308613]), 2: array([-2.09181839]), 3: array([-0.55445687, -0.83221246,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5544568725030239   sin(angle)  -0.8322124587712956
theta dot:  -2.0918183883
Angle:  236.32697554695034
action:  [-0.23791938]
state:  {1: array([ 0.84550285]), 2: array([-2.75166564]), 3: array([-0.66335508, -0.74830478,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.75166563994
Angle:  228.44405259066582
action:  [-0.29328394]
state:  {1: array([ 0.67765851]), 2: array([-3.35688681]), 3: array([-0.7790429 , -0.62697062,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.35688681318
Angle:  218.82730274389726
action:  [-0.37070759]
state:  {1: array([ 0.48352246]), 2: array([-3.88272092]), 3: array([-0.88536282, -0.46490071,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8853628224163238   sin(angle)  -0.46490071271509265
theta dot:  -3.88272091889
Angle:  207.70415267067142
action:  [-0.44181403]
state:  {1: array([ 0.26863904]), 2: array([-4.29766856]), 3: array([-0.96413302, -0.26541953,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.29766855772
Angle:  195.39226795604296
action:  [-0.46617614]
state:  {1: array([ 0.04030606]), 2: array([-4.56665963]), 3: array([-0.99918782, -0.04029514,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9991878209066257   sin(angle)  -0.04029514303075328
theta dot:  -4.56665962898
Angle:  182.30978238791727
action:  [-0.24186049]
state:  {1: array([ 6.09183336]), 2: array([-4.63316006]), 3: array([-0.98174801,  0.19018634,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.63316006045
Angle:  169.03594572770544
action:  [-0.53840141]
state:  {1: array([ 5.86326933]), 2: array([-4.57128052]), 3: array([-0.9131232 ,  0.40768373,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.57128051699
Angle:  155.94022232149575
action:  [-0.28375767]
state:  {1: array([ 5.64786527]), 2: array([-4.30808137]), 3: array([-0.80488181,  0.59343514,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8048818135707725   sin(angle)  0.5934351406708438
theta dot:  -4.30808137179
Angle:  143.5985071616651
action:  [-0.24606853]
state:  {1: array([ 5.4528695]), 2: array([-3.8999153]), 3: array([-0.67464268,  0.73814446,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.89991529524
Angle:  132.42609894383224
action:  [-0.22604926]
state:  {1: array([ 5.28385878]), 2: array([-3.38021434]), 3: array([-0.54086889,  0.84110691,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5408688942399191   sin(angle)  0.8411069130875618
theta dot:  -3.38021433588
Angle:  122.7425208234846
action:  [-0.09659009]
state:  {1: array([ 5.14566515]), 2: array([-2.76387267]), 3: array([-0.41984649,  0.90759513,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.41984648626933213   sin(angle)  0.9075951343893903
theta dot:  -2.76387266528
Angle:  114.82462739736388
action:  [ 0.13454824]
state:  {1: array([ 5.04251545]), 2: array([-2.06299408]), 3: array([-0.32416267,  0.94600136,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.06299407841
Angle:  108.91459852489982
action:  [ 0.1470486]
state:  {1: array([ 4.97594366]), 2: array([-1.33143577]), 3: array([-0.26051413,  0.96547004,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.2605141252253136   sin(angle)  0.9654700360747037
theta dot:  -1.33143577139
Angle:  105.10032492465717
action:  [ 0.51823976]
state:  {1: array([ 4.94946379]), 2: array([-0.52959728]), 3: array([-0.23486027,  0.97202914,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.529597280838
Angle:  103.58314402080418
action:  [-0.13923054]
state:  {1: array([ 4.95839079]), 2: array([ 0.17854]), 3: array([-0.2435281 ,  0.96989384,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.24352809936859188   sin(angle)  0.9698938420352617
theta dot:  0.178539995414
Angle:  104.09462223531972
action:  [-0.24851158]
state:  {1: array([ 5.00182498]), 2: array([ 0.86868364]), 3: array([-0.28541173,  0.958405  ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.28541172556323013   sin(angle)  0.9584050015056367
theta dot:  0.868683639458
Angle:  106.58321172956443
action:  [-0.21880344]
state:  {1: array([ 5.07955832]), 2: array([ 1.55466687]), 3: array([-0.35897488,  0.93334722,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3589748840690742   sin(angle)  0.9333472197460037
theta dot:  1.55466687446
Angle:  111.0369938374518
action:  [-0.08411992]
state:  {1: array([ 5.19166128]), 2: array([ 2.2420593]), 3: array([-0.46113359,  0.88733072,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4611335907305579   sin(angle)  0.887330722729661
theta dot:  2.24205930161
Angle:  117.46000558767724
action:  [ 0.03202544]
state:  {1: array([ 5.33727934]), 2: array([ 2.91236116]), 3: array([-0.58500836,  0.81102726,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5850083570970063   sin(angle)  0.8110272634915929
theta dot:  2.91236115993
Angle:  125.8032862215465
action:  [ 0.02685406]
state:  {1: array([ 5.51351233]), 2: array([ 3.52465972]), 3: array([-0.71813828,  0.69590043,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7181382821173803   sin(angle)  0.6959004294850649
theta dot:  3.52465971635
Angle:  135.90066890779292
action:  [-0.43771553]
state:  {1: array([ 5.71255871]), 2: array([ 3.98092771]), 3: array([-0.84156268,  0.54015947,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8415626799937539   sin(angle)  0.540159472416925
theta dot:  3.980927709
Angle:  147.30516005276496
action:  [-0.50420317]
state:  {1: array([ 5.92807956]), 2: array([ 4.31041684]), 3: array([-0.93760973,  0.34768952,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.31041683769
Angle:  159.6535658139179
action:  [-0.5282879]
state:  {1: array([ 6.1526766]), 2: array([ 4.49194079]), 3: array([-0.99149582,  0.13013855,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9914958189826596   sin(angle)  0.13013854517361545
theta dot:  4.49194079339
Angle:  172.5219981861178
action:  [-0.72588939]
state:  {1: array([ 0.09352435]), 2: array([ 4.48066129]), 3: array([-0.99562978, -0.09338807,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.48066129339
Angle:  185.3589590812679
action:  [-0.21859716]
state:  {1: array([ 0.31241589]), 2: array([ 4.37783067]), 3: array([-0.9515938 , -0.30735847,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.37783066551
Angle:  197.90049078155877
action:  [-0.04427301]
state:  {1: array([ 0.51944943]), 2: array([ 4.14067086]), 3: array([-0.86809262, -0.49640227,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.14067085889
Angle:  209.76261127112897
action:  [ 0.06326498]
state:  {1: array([ 0.70834237]), 2: array([ 3.77785891]), 3: array([-0.75944133, -0.6505758 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.77785890621
Angle:  220.58535450894433
action:  [ 0.28079987]
state:  {1: array([ 0.87494473]), 2: array([ 3.33204704]), 3: array([-0.64103928, -0.76750807,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.33204703942
Angle:  230.13094381209956
action:  [ 0.44196373]
state:  {1: array([ 1.01608025]), 2: array([ 2.82271055]), 3: array([-0.52670197, -0.85005002,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.82271054511
Angle:  238.2173949535568
action:  [ 0.6258726]
state:  {1: array([ 1.13003295]), 2: array([ 2.27905392]), 3: array([-0.42663001, -0.90442625,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.27905392031
Angle:  244.74638823176238
action:  [ 0.73432111]
state:  {1: array([ 1.21557707]), 2: array([ 1.7108824]), 3: array([-0.34779594, -0.93757025,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.71088240155
Angle:  249.64769381296628
action:  [ 0.70705202]
state:  {1: array([ 1.2712652]), 2: array([ 1.11376251]), 3: array([-0.29507225, -0.95547494,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.11376251387
Angle:  252.83838092299385
action:  [ 0.57229985]
state:  {1: array([ 1.29541526]), 2: array([ 0.48300128]), 3: array([-0.27191367, -0.96232165,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.48300128357
Angle:  254.22207443971567
action:  [ 0.40666528]
state:  {1: array([ 1.28652825]), 2: array([-0.17774016]), 3: array([-0.28045498, -0.95986718,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.177740162669
Angle:  253.71288757187023
action:  [ 0.27708878]
state:  {1: array([ 1.24372439]), 2: array([-0.85607723]), 3: array([-0.32127157, -0.94698711,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.856077231706
Angle:  251.26041269112307
action:  [ 0.16699215]
state:  {1: array([ 1.16666095]), 2: array([-1.54126874]), 3: array([-0.39322393, -0.91944273,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.5412687374
Angle:  246.84501332883465
action:  [-0.04631414]
state:  {1: array([ 1.05477106]), 2: array([-2.23779791]), 3: array([-0.49342687, -0.86978728,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  240.43420954562708
action:  [-0.16507673]
state:  {1: array([ 0.90902606]), 2: array([-2.91489988]), 3: array([-0.61451438, -0.78890562,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.91489987946
Angle:  232.08365603303167
action:  [-0.03926029]
state:  {1: array([ 0.73340266]), 2: array([-3.51246813]), 3: array([-0.74290096, -0.66940134,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  222.02119957300297
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state:  {1: array([ 0.532052]), 2: array([-4.02701323]), 3: array([-0.8617679 , -0.50730275,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.02701323031
Angle:  210.48468344338804
action:  [ 0.04187162]
state:  {1: array([ 0.31199152]), 2: array([-4.40120955]), 3: array([-0.95172415, -0.30695462,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.40120955054
Angle:  197.87617632764048
action:  [ 0.27708187]
state:  {1: array([ 0.08249836]), 2: array([-4.58986323]), 3: array([-0.99659894, -0.08240481,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.58986323439
Angle:  184.7272174819716
action:  [ 0.38572261]
state:  {1: array([ 6.13599324]), 2: array([-4.59380845]), 3: array([-0.98918679,  0.14666114,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.59380844928
Angle:  171.56611461999535
action:  [ 0.55102623]
state:  {1: array([ 5.91593531]), 2: array([-4.40115866]), 3: array([-0.93331826,  0.35905017,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.40115865765
Angle:  158.95775330128583
action:  [ 0.62863435]
state:  {1: array([ 5.71405651]), 2: array([-4.03757588]), 3: array([-0.84237079,  0.53889837,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.03757587946
Angle:  147.39097748159702
action:  [ 0.66886341]
state:  {1: array([ 5.53740288]), 2: array([-3.53307259]), 3: array([-0.73455722,  0.67854675,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.53307258683
Angle:  137.26949375310426
action:  [ 0.6594924]
state:  {1: array([ 5.39114095]), 2: array([-2.92523866]), 3: array([-0.6278221 ,  0.77835686,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.92523866291
Angle:  128.88932187693035
action:  [ 0.52825694]
state:  {1: array([ 5.27802933]), 2: array([-2.26223247]), 3: array([-0.53595654,  0.84424558,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.26223247375
Angle:  122.40851838071137
action:  [ 0.32847307]
state:  {1: array([ 5.19904046]), 2: array([-1.57977733]), 3: array([-0.46766875,  0.88390381,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.57977733129
Angle:  117.88280028114985
action:  [ 0.15515438]
state:  {1: array([ 5.15436165]), 2: array([-0.89357632]), 3: array([-0.42772341,  0.90390967,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.893576318162
Angle:  115.3228986821361
action:  [ 0.10212451]
state:  {1: array([ 5.14434538]), 2: array([-0.20032539]), 3: array([-0.4186483 ,  0.90814845,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.200325390843
Angle:  114.74901005290792
action:  [ 0.19600246]
state:  {1: array([ 5.16985469]), 2: array([ 0.51018631]), 3: array([-0.44167583,  0.89717471,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4416758277527541   sin(angle)  0.8971747116247312
theta dot:  0.510186313401
Angle:  116.21058276127621
action:  [ 0.32803985]
state:  {1: array([ 5.23146836]), 2: array([ 1.23227332]), 3: array([-0.49608099,  0.86827625,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4960809932638834   sin(angle)  0.8682762510412909
theta dot:  1.23227332391
Angle:  119.74077753947381
action:  [ 0.37413594]
state:  {1: array([ 5.3284484]), 2: array([ 1.9396009]), 3: array([-0.57782351,  0.81616175,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5778235063774578   sin(angle)  0.8161617459043642
theta dot:  1.93960090291
Angle:  125.29731182970545
action:  [ 0.30902627]
state:  {1: array([ 5.45835221]), 2: array([ 2.59807615]), 3: array([-0.67867955,  0.73443452,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6786795545109555   sin(angle)  0.7344345187209074
theta dot:  2.59807615211
Angle:  132.74023434339318
action:  [ 0.17191127]
state:  {1: array([ 5.61708665]), 2: array([ 3.17468873]), 3: array([-0.78623837,  0.61792331,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7862383719653576   sin(angle)  0.617923314375873
theta dot:  3.17468873093
Angle:  141.8350263533245
action:  [-0.01576474]
state:  {1: array([ 5.79887497]), 2: array([ 3.63576651]), 3: array([-0.88499627,  0.46559812,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8849962662674419   sin(angle)  0.4655981192967677
theta dot:  3.63576650557
Angle:  152.25070580015176
action:  [-0.06298882]
state:  {1: array([ 5.99765081]), 2: array([ 3.97551677]), 3: array([-0.95951124,  0.28167035,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9595112379367147   sin(angle)  0.2816703468119308
theta dot:  3.97551677241
Angle:  163.63969578986064
action:  [ 0.03495685]
state:  {1: array([ 6.20725146]), 2: array([ 4.19201306]), 3: array([-0.99711841,  0.07586089,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9971184107021241   sin(angle)  0.07586089268437392
theta dot:  4.19201305963
Angle:  175.6489005061518
action:  [ 0.05025891]
state:  {1: array([ 0.13688853]), 2: array([ 4.25644757]), 3: array([-0.99064539, -0.13646142,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9906453858070204   sin(angle)  -0.1364614215786264
theta dot:  4.25644756543
Angle:  187.84353788728234
action:  [ 0.04093406]
state:  {1: array([ 0.34490062]), 2: array([ 4.16024161]), 3: array([-0.94110906, -0.33810315,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9411090595592871   sin(angle)  -0.3381031470061082
theta dot:  4.16024160753
Angle:  199.76172431068133
action:  [-0.04858647]
state:  {1: array([ 0.53986943]), 2: array([ 3.89937628]), 3: array([-0.85777581, -0.514024  ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8577758052615477   sin(angle)  -0.514023995459262
theta dot:  3.89937627709
Angle:  210.93258835888292
action:  [-0.17616865]
state:  {1: array([ 0.71424108]), 2: array([ 3.48743298]), 3: array([-0.75559059, -0.65504417,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7555905860389802   sin(angle)  -0.6550441712505122
theta dot:  3.48743298307
Angle:  220.92332455943955
action:  [-0.2872872]
state:  {1: array([ 0.86189392]), 2: array([ 2.95305678]), 3: array([-0.65100101, -0.75907687,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6510010079914382   sin(angle)  -0.7590768654056923
theta dot:  2.95305677524
Angle:  229.38318927077825
action:  [-0.20068362]
state:  {1: array([ 0.97957625]), 2: array([ 2.35364658]), 3: array([-0.55737442, -0.83026126,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5573744231789057   sin(angle)  -0.830261255500931
theta dot:  2.35364658365
Angle:  236.12587428886997
action:  [-0.30123751]
state:  {1: array([ 1.0638645]), 2: array([ 1.68576502]), 3: array([-0.48549722, -0.87423821,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4854972246668612   sin(angle)  -0.8742382082938124
theta dot:  1.6857650154
Angle:  240.95522402740744
action:  [-0.21540163]
state:  {1: array([ 1.1137533]), 2: array([ 0.99777611]), 3: array([-0.44129656, -0.89736132,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4412965643566108   sin(angle)  -0.8973613220364758
theta dot:  0.997776113938
Angle:  243.81363535457893
action:  [-0.11872248]
state:  {1: array([ 1.12910064]), 2: array([ 0.30694675]), 3: array([-0.42747303, -0.9040281 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.42747302725446845   sin(angle)  -0.9040281029757319
theta dot:  0.306946750664
Angle:  244.69297096572467
action:  [-0.04099651]
state:  {1: array([ 1.11023945]), 2: array([-0.3772238]), 3: array([-0.44444703, -0.89580513,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4444470289051643   sin(angle)  -0.895805134221373
theta dot:  -0.377223802657
Angle:  243.61230690158257
action:  [ 0.03361864]
state:  {1: array([ 1.05803771]), 2: array([-1.04403486]), 3: array([-0.49058296, -0.87139449,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.49058295641065935   sin(angle)  -0.8713944932574322
theta dot:  -1.04403485668
Angle:  240.6213743480664
action:  [-0.06586194]
state:  {1: array([ 0.97266471]), 2: array([-1.70746002]), 3: array([-0.56309945, -0.82638914,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5630994485570167   sin(angle)  -0.8263891401965443
theta dot:  -1.70746001704
Angle:  235.72987315332736
action:  [-0.08891064]
state:  {1: array([ 0.85563528]), 2: array([-2.34058847]), 3: array([-0.65573901, -0.75498765,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6557390112935484   sin(angle)  -0.7549876482882085
theta dot:  -2.34058846765
Angle:  229.0245967945111
action:  [-0.09071408]
state:  {1: array([ 0.70961347]), 2: array([-2.92043632]), 3: array([-0.75861377, -0.65154059,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.758613774492628   sin(angle)  -0.6515405905621292
theta dot:  -2.9204363164
Angle:  220.6581825955021
action:  [-0.22037517]
state:  {1: array([ 0.53750607]), 2: array([-3.44214803]), 3: array([-0.85898823, -0.51199533,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.85898823421903   sin(angle)  -0.5119953256361555
theta dot:  -3.44214803489
Angle:  210.79717791189194
action:  [-0.04805557]
state:  {1: array([ 0.34583842]), 2: array([-3.83335286]), 3: array([-0.94079157, -0.33898558,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.83335286466
Angle:  199.81545656545057
action:  [-0.25164254]
state:  {1: array([ 0.1395715]), 2: array([-4.12533843]), 3: array([-0.9902757, -0.1391188,  0.       ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9902756994262206   sin(angle)  -0.1391187950131454
theta dot:  -4.12533842901
Angle:  187.99726014926486
action:  [ 0.05227833]
state:  {1: array([ 6.21166502]), 2: array([-4.22183578]), 3: array([-0.99744351,  0.07145933,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9974435142097132   sin(angle)  0.07145933081814813
theta dot:  -4.22183577614
Angle:  175.90177800866695
action:  [ 0.11417787]
state:  {1: array([ 6.00410929]), 2: array([-4.1511146]), 3: array([-0.96131038,  0.27546753,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9613103756882698   sin(angle)  0.2754675327403896
theta dot:  -4.15111459727
Angle:  164.00973848249475
min:  -0.874650211216  self.max:  0.875992110438
state:  {1: array([ 2.6852563]), 2: array([-0.8808824]), 3: array([ 0.89767295, -0.44066232,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8976729486335229   sin(angle)  -0.4406623166230539
theta dot:  -0.880882403884
Angle:  333.85391396334717
action:  [-0.53309913]
state:  {1: array([ 2.6206891]), 2: array([-1.29134401]), 3: array([ 0.86736987, -0.49766406,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8673698667114563   sin(angle)  -0.4976640576944958
theta dot:  -1.29134401067
Angle:  330.1544945286473
action:  [-0.51855172]
state:  {1: array([ 2.53357036]), 2: array([-1.74237481]), 3: array([ 0.82077938, -0.57124532,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.820779376371159   sin(angle)  -0.5712453197390516
theta dot:  -1.74237481201
Angle:  325.16297004810264
action:  [-0.48857582]
state:  {1: array([ 2.4213656]), 2: array([-2.24409517]), 3: array([ 0.75165599, -0.65955536,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7516559933069933   sin(angle)  -0.6595553560738305
theta dot:  -2.24409517416
Angle:  318.73412596628935
action:  [-0.45549398]
state:  {1: array([ 2.28101131]), 2: array([-2.80708579]), 3: array([ 0.65199679, -0.75822173,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6519967905582457   sin(angle)  -0.7582217255537771
theta dot:  -2.80708578804
Angle:  310.6924363519553
action:  [-0.4185619]
state:  {1: array([ 2.10908449]), 2: array([-3.43853637]), 3: array([ 0.51266698, -0.85858754,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.512666982647097   sin(angle)  -0.8585875406174499
theta dot:  -3.43853636757
Angle:  300.84177830888274
action:  [-0.28599543]
state:  {1: array([ 1.90281567]), 2: array([-4.12537634]), 3: array([ 0.32595275, -0.94538606,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.32595275451026773   sin(angle)  -0.9453860596746544
theta dot:  -4.12537633726
Angle:  289.02347329381206
action:  [-0.16660014]
state:  {1: array([ 1.65984538]), 2: array([-4.8594059]), 3: array([ 0.08893141, -0.99603775,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.08893140960468887   sin(angle)  -0.9960377524901971
theta dot:  -4.85940590374
Angle:  275.102333386244
action:  [-0.16737572]
state:  {1: array([ 1.37826835]), 2: array([-5.63154058]), 3: array([-0.19134077, -0.98152367,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.1913407726412104   sin(angle)  -0.9815236669205
theta dot:  -5.63154057624
Angle:  258.9691957537894
action:  [-0.22977559]
state:  {1: array([ 1.05816087]), 2: array([-6.40214967]), 3: array([-0.49047563, -0.87145491,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.49047563204514344   sin(angle)  -0.8714549066761383
theta dot:  -6.40214966559
Angle:  240.62843086000123
action:  [-0.37420338]
state:  {1: array([ 0.7025673]), 2: array([-7.11187135]), 3: array([-0.76318577, -0.64617914,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7631857690018355   sin(angle)  -0.6461791407907539
theta dot:  -7.1118713533
Angle:  220.25446785397202
action:  [-0.21595339]
state:  {1: array([ 0.32112236]), 2: array([-7.62889872]), 3: array([-0.94888176, -0.31563175,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.948881762299928   sin(angle)  -0.3156317493133142
theta dot:  -7.62889871688
Angle:  198.39933402028154
action:  [ 0.21504511]
state:  {1: array([ 6.21263938]), 2: array([-7.83336576]), 3: array([-0.99751267,  0.07048742,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9975126680692631   sin(angle)  0.07048742470356101
theta dot:  -7.83336576285
Angle:  175.95760478252782
action:  [-0.0900977]
state:  {1: array([ 5.82293864]), 2: array([-7.79401485]), 3: array([-0.89594296,  0.44416912,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8959429628127106   sin(angle)  0.44416912025306526
theta dot:  -7.79401484908
Angle:  153.62944917975165
action:  [ 0.12231899]
state:  {1: array([ 5.45081163]), 2: array([-7.44254016]), 3: array([-0.67312225,  0.73953123,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -7.44254015998
Angle:  132.3081920369441
action:  [ 0.16922886]
state:  {1: array([ 5.10768626]), 2: array([-6.86250741]), 3: array([-0.38508256,  0.92288213,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.38508256111476596   sin(angle)  0.9228821274275998
theta dot:  -6.86250741172
Angle:  112.64860243117494
action:  [-0.26776093]
state:  {1: array([ 4.79716076]), 2: array([-6.21050996]), 3: array([-0.08467029,  0.99640902,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.08467028774445372   sin(angle)  0.9964090236309944
theta dot:  -6.21050995513
Angle:  94.85684358339984
action:  [ 0.17417461]
state:  {1: array([ 4.52530691]), 2: array([-5.437077]), 3: array([ 0.18599267,  0.98255113,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.18599267205674314   sin(angle)  0.9825511314640032
theta dot:  -5.43707699575
Angle:  79.28080176974646
action:  [ 0.18941699]
state:  {1: array([ 4.29171936]), 2: array([-4.6717511]), 3: array([ 0.40837179,  0.91281569,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.67175109836
Angle:  65.89725202272359
action:  [ 0.22221051]
state:  {1: array([ 4.09402897]), 2: array([-3.95380775]), 3: array([ 0.57969963,  0.81483025,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5796996265509581   sin(angle)  0.8148302540877331
theta dot:  -3.95380775328
Angle:  54.570453646261626
action:  [ 0.23210956]
state:  {1: array([ 3.92863554]), 2: array([-3.30786863]), 3: array([ 0.70594283,  0.70826882,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7059428306547277   sin(angle)  0.7082688189149586
theta dot:  -3.30786862857
Angle:  45.09413022597852
action:  [ 0.10488383]
state:  {1: array([ 3.79058882]), 2: array([-2.76093444]), 3: array([ 0.79669091,  0.60438696,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.76093444042
Angle:  37.18465417434294
action:  [-0.09389972]
state:  {1: array([ 3.67450236]), 2: array([-2.32172918]), 3: array([ 0.86133247,  0.50804171,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.32172917628
Angle:  30.533405579192163
action:  [-0.26392306]
state:  {1: array([ 3.57548804]), 2: array([-1.98028635]), 3: array([ 0.90733498,  0.4204084 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9073349840091163   sin(angle)  0.4204084047603909
theta dot:  -1.98028635155
Angle:  24.86031633679147
action:  [-0.41060704]
state:  {1: array([ 3.48915949]), 2: array([-1.7265711]), 3: array([ 0.94020426,  0.34061114,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9402042591010686   sin(angle)  0.3406111436348062
theta dot:  -1.72657110365
Angle:  19.914066039843135
action:  [-0.52268526]
state:  {1: array([ 3.41168371]), 2: array([-1.54951553]), 3: array([ 0.9637466 ,  0.26681919,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.54951553483
Angle:  15.47504139843403
action:  [-0.53049723]
state:  {1: array([ 3.34023492]), 2: array([-1.42897572]), 3: array([ 0.98033541,  0.19733848,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9803354137940365   sin(angle)  0.1973384819574611
theta dot:  -1.42897572432
Angle:  11.381337069793346
action:  [-0.29877232]
state:  {1: array([ 3.27394554]), 2: array([-1.32578771]), 3: array([ 0.99125414,  0.13196681,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.991254135207233   sin(angle)  0.1319668118678346
theta dot:  -1.3257877108
Angle:  7.583243933440144
action:  [-0.47972162]
state:  {1: array([ 3.209007]), 2: array([-1.29877085]), 3: array([ 0.99772851,  0.06736329,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9977285137202714   sin(angle)  0.0673632905189338
theta dot:  -1.29877084563
Angle:  3.8625482335914967
action:  [-0.26158441]
state:  {1: array([ 3.14463269]), 2: array([-1.28748604]), 3: array([ 0.99999538,  0.00304004,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.28748603965
Angle:  0.1741810458951818
action:  [-0.17558875]
state:  {1: array([ 3.07905548]), 2: array([-1.31154433]), 3: array([ 0.99804519, -0.06249642,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.31154432528
Angle:  356.416892107917
action:  [-0.09340134]
state:  {1: array([ 3.01043414]), 2: array([-1.37242684]), 3: array([ 0.99141104, -0.1307828 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.37242684254
Angle:  352.4851880135521
action:  [-0.02214612]
state:  {1: array([ 2.93674234]), 2: array([-1.47383586]), 3: array([ 0.97909145, -0.2034206 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.47383585904
Angle:  348.26296916604076
action:  [-0.02616646]
state:  {1: array([ 2.85522603]), 2: array([-1.63032628]), 3: array([ 0.95927652, -0.28246869,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.63032628037
Angle:  343.59243933304646
action:  [-0.10418871]
state:  {1: array([ 2.76233572]), 2: array([-1.8578061]), 3: array([ 0.92894  , -0.3702303,  0.       ])}
cos(angle):  0.9289399988361333   sin(angle)  -0.3702303047595167
theta dot:  -1.85780610097
Angle:  338.27022934172834
action:  [ 0.24542395]
state:  {1: array([ 2.65740246]), 2: array([-2.09866524]), 3: array([ 0.8850522 , -0.46549179,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.09866523777
Angle:  332.25801036417255
action:  [-0.42200508]
state:  {1: array([ 2.53184822]), 2: array([-2.51108484]), 3: array([ 0.8197944 , -0.57265797,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  325.0642990115986
action:  [-0.50120415]
state:  {1: array([ 2.38106027]), 2: array([-3.01575894]), 3: array([ 0.72446914, -0.68930724,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.01575894081
Angle:  316.4248062476398
action:  [-0.58697716]
state:  {1: array([ 2.20002097]), 2: array([-3.62078594]), 3: array([ 0.58851808, -0.80848406,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5885180751944126   sin(angle)  -0.8084840599352987
theta dot:  -3.62078594286
Angle:  306.05204285137455
action:  [-0.64115484]
state:  {1: array([ 1.98385486]), 2: array([-4.32332221]), 3: array([ 0.40141251, -0.91589737,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.3233222143
Angle:  293.66666599605816
action:  [-0.54880803]
state:  {1: array([ 1.72922654]), 2: array([-5.09256645]), 3: array([ 0.15776828, -0.98747616,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -5.09256644864
Angle:  279.0775718918594
action:  [-0.33503545]
state:  {1: array([ 1.4350551]), 2: array([-5.88342889]), 3: array([-0.13532476, -0.9908013 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.13532475930798465   sin(angle)  -0.9908012966878051
theta dot:  -5.88342888848
Angle:  262.22282908680523
action:  [ 0.02317958]
state:  {1: array([ 1.10390245]), 2: array([-6.62305292]), 3: array([-0.45011478, -0.89297071,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -6.62305292427
Angle:  243.24922445272608
action:  [ 0.11170861]
state:  {1: array([ 0.74010122]), 2: array([-7.27602466]), 3: array([-0.7384003 , -0.67436265,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -7.27602466222
Angle:  222.40499795669314
action:  [-0.09937637]
state:  {1: array([ 0.35026606]), 2: array([-7.79670311]), 3: array([-0.93928145, -0.34314773,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9392814473567884   sin(angle)  -0.3431477271545546
theta dot:  -7.79670310884
Angle:  200.06914107500225
action:  [-0.86306327]
state:  {1: array([ 6.2242752]), 2: array([-8.]), 3: array([-0.9982653 ,  0.05887604,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.998265301395033   sin(angle)  0.058876039529540285
theta dot:  -8.0
Angle:  176.62428646059914
action:  [-0.19820964]
state:  {1: array([ 5.82499648]), 2: array([-7.98557442]), 3: array([-0.89685509,  0.44232447,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -7.98557441563
Angle:  153.74735440664938
action:  [-0.22042481]
state:  {1: array([ 5.44065174]), 2: array([-7.68689478]), 3: array([-0.66557408,  0.74633179,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6655740823510755   sin(angle)  0.7463317900923984
theta dot:  -7.68689478149
Angle:  131.7260744749439
action:  [ 0.5043888]
state:  {1: array([ 5.08807736]), 2: array([-7.05148762]), 3: array([-0.36691298,  0.93025527,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -7.05148761852
Angle:  111.5250977221192
action:  [-0.21985174]
state:  {1: array([ 4.76873866]), 2: array([-6.38677393]), 3: array([-0.05631987,  0.99841278,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -6.38677392952
Angle:  93.22838096452267
action:  [-0.11180433]
state:  {1: array([ 4.48600191]), 2: array([-5.654735]), 3: array([ 0.22445825,  0.97448371,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -5.65473499671
Angle:  77.02879636736452
action:  [ 0.0231342]
state:  {1: array([ 4.23998181]), 2: array([-4.92040209]), 3: array([ 0.45503113,  0.89047553,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.45503112931963946   sin(angle)  0.890475531022663
theta dot:  -4.92040208744
Angle:  62.93291567377133
action:  [ 0.13321642]
state:  {1: array([ 4.02835366]), 2: array([-4.23256298]), 3: array([ 0.63192565,  0.77502901,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6319256512403337   sin(angle)  0.7750290132017512
theta dot:  -4.2325629764
Angle:  50.80754427461528
action:  [ 0.16389052]
state:  {1: array([ 3.84701828]), 2: array([-3.62670764]), 3: array([ 0.76133566,  0.64835793,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.62670763909
Angle:  40.41781650793973
action:  [ 0.10787212]
state:  {1: array([ 3.69080536]), 2: array([-3.12425837]), 3: array([ 0.85293577,  0.52201588,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.12425837271
Angle:  31.467496494445868
action:  [ 0.00283982]
state:  {1: array([ 3.55418933]), 2: array([-2.73232049]), 3: array([ 0.91608267,  0.40098945,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.73232049082
Angle:  23.639993178506757
action:  [-0.07672307]
state:  {1: array([ 3.43203499]), 2: array([-2.44308686]), 3: array([ 0.95811729,  0.28637606,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.44308686297
Angle:  16.641081233402417
action:  [-0.01547707]
state:  {1: array([ 3.32050367]), 2: array([-2.23062638]), 3: array([ 0.98403807,  0.17795808,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.23062637577
Angle:  10.250822326491232
action:  [ 0.32748665]
state:  {1: array([ 3.21810193]), 2: array([-2.04803482]), 3: array([ 0.99707459,  0.07643466,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.04803481825
Angle:  4.383648477411214
action:  [ 0.64465022]
state:  {1: array([ 3.12340137]), 2: array([-1.89401129]), 3: array([ 0.99983454, -0.01819028,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.999834543109592   sin(angle)  -0.018190283253247667
theta dot:  -1.89401129296
Angle:  358.95771849376143
action:  [ 0.79101204]
state:  {1: array([ 3.03395126]), 2: array([-1.7890022]), 3: array([ 0.99421226, -0.10743365,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.78900219939
Angle:  353.83261670025286
action:  [ 0.77009347]
state:  {1: array([ 2.94624809]), 2: array([-1.75406342]), 3: array([ 0.98098085, -0.19410456,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.75406341559
Angle:  348.80760691533817
action:  [ 0.50636875]
state:  {1: array([ 2.85506376]), 2: array([-1.82368652]), 3: array([ 0.95923067, -0.28262434,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.82368652266
Angle:  343.5831420872379
action:  [ 0.69411958]
state:  {1: array([ 2.75848692]), 2: array([-1.93153684]), 3: array([ 0.92750818, -0.37380286,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.93153684297
Angle:  338.04970957299724
action:  [ 0.14522827]
state:  {1: array([ 2.64898168]), 2: array([-2.19010475]), 3: array([ 0.88110106, -0.47292803,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.19010474983
Angle:  331.7755363018978
action:  [-0.02292175]
state:  {1: array([ 2.52156973]), 2: array([-2.54823903]), 3: array([ 0.81386514, -0.58105382,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.54823903409
Angle:  324.47538628064535
action:  [-0.09085504]
state:  {1: array([ 2.37168685]), 2: array([-2.99765765]), 3: array([ 0.71797624, -0.69606761,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.99765765384
Angle:  315.88774976277904
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state:  {1: array([ 2.19563292]), 2: array([-3.52107861]), 3: array([ 0.58496474, -0.81105872,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.52107860855
Angle:  305.8006261706786
action:  [ 0.08717976]
state:  {1: array([ 1.98981813]), 2: array([-4.11629569]), 3: array([ 0.40686708, -0.91348737,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.11629568526
Angle:  294.00833524653035
action:  [ 0.06168539]
state:  {1: array([ 1.75021021]), 2: array([-4.79215841]), 3: array([ 0.1784529 , -0.98394846,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.7921584057
Angle:  280.27984477948564
action:  [-0.02465685]
state:  {1: array([ 1.4735193]), 2: array([-5.53381827]), 3: array([-0.09712368, -0.99527232,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -5.53381827478
Angle:  264.4266602642574
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state:  {1: array([ 1.15876717]), 2: array([-6.29504253]), 3: array([-0.40046949, -0.91631009,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -6.2950425308
Angle:  246.39273399192302
action:  [-0.14040253]
state:  {1: array([ 0.8086004]), 2: array([-7.00333548]), 3: array([-0.69051147, -0.72332144,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -7.00333548172
Angle:  226.32970262716884
action:  [-0.14069305]
state:  {1: array([ 0.43025387]), 2: array([-7.56693052]), 3: array([-0.90885989, -0.41710155,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  204.65209418517327
action:  [-0.12693433]
state:  {1: array([ 0.03531403]), 2: array([-7.89879683]), 3: array([-0.99937652, -0.03530669,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -7.89879683101
Angle:  182.02376101764773
action:  [-0.09648752]
state:  {1: array([ 5.92151184]), 2: array([-7.93974998]), 3: array([-0.93530599,  0.35383993,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  159.27726417087126
action:  [ 0.05474506]
state:  {1: array([ 5.53820392]), 2: array([-7.66615827]), 3: array([-0.73510052,  0.67795813,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  137.31538983794064
action:  [ 0.23669736]
state:  {1: array([ 5.18209467]), 2: array([-7.12218507]), 3: array([-0.45262387,  0.89170154,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -7.12218506911
Angle:  116.91188028165391
action:  [ 0.16648685]
state:  {1: array([ 4.86067288]), 2: array([-6.42843589]), 3: array([-0.14774108,  0.98902607,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  98.49581108254313
action:  [ 0.17588991]
state:  {1: array([ 4.57765873]), 2: array([-5.66028285]), 3: array([ 0.13432301,  0.9909376 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  82.28033310252215
action:  [ 0.34024044]
state:  {1: array([ 4.33435656]), 2: array([-4.86604358]), 3: array([ 0.36909254,  0.92939265,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  68.3401776989208
action:  [ 0.35451483]
state:  {1: array([ 4.12856546]), 2: array([-4.11582187]), 3: array([ 0.55121815,  0.83436116,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  56.549244161483955
action:  [ 0.42542419]
state:  {1: array([ 3.95725359]), 2: array([-3.42623737]), 3: array([ 0.68538726,  0.72817876,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  46.73382007487049
action:  [ 0.55398119]
state:  {1: array([ 3.81740329]), 2: array([-2.79700612]), 3: array([ 0.78020013,  0.62552998,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  38.72100650890064
action:  [ 0.66520403]
state:  {1: array([ 3.70599939]), 2: array([-2.22807803]), 3: array([ 0.8449061 ,  0.53491465,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  32.338048049132226
action:  [ 0.68637884]
state:  {1: array([ 3.61980262]), 2: array([-1.72393522]), 3: array([ 0.8878201 ,  0.46019069,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  27.39934899661972
action:  [ 0.87746204]
state:  {1: array([ 3.55744398]), 2: array([-1.24717289]), 3: array([ 0.91477274,  0.40396885,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  23.82647020061586
action:  [ 0.49351665]
state:  {1: array([ 3.51393554]), 2: array([-0.87016876]), 3: array([ 0.93147756,  0.36379878,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  21.333626163107795
action:  [ 0.43621123]
state:  {1: array([ 3.48734114]), 2: array([-0.53188799]), 3: array([ 0.94082205,  0.33890097,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  19.809882871960156
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state:  {1: array([ 3.47643284]), 2: array([-0.21816608]), 3: array([ 0.94446284,  0.32861823,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  19.18488455804902
action:  [ 0.41238698]
state:  {1: array([ 3.48094062]), 2: array([ 0.09015564]), 3: array([ 0.94297191,  0.33287231,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  19.443160851648827
action:  [ 0.62498085]
state:  {1: array([ 3.50261847]), 2: array([ 0.43355701]), 3: array([ 0.93553496,  0.35323411,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  20.685207284896364
action:  [ 0.34449445]
state:  {1: array([ 3.54012631]), 2: array([ 0.75015676]), 3: array([ 0.92163102,  0.38806733,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  22.834243064067834
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state:  {1: array([ 3.59434042]), 2: array([ 1.08428217]), 3: array([ 0.89924852,  0.43743811,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  25.940475406500468
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state:  {1: array([ 3.66669242]), 2: array([ 1.44704011]), 3: array([ 0.86527393,  0.50129934,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  30.08593026816021
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state:  {1: array([ 3.75858219]), 2: array([ 1.83779527]), 3: array([ 0.81562395,  0.57858238,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  35.35081359439806
action:  [ 0.29525365]
state:  {1: array([ 3.87438319]), 2: array([ 2.3160201]), 3: array([ 0.74331058,  0.66894647,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  41.98570694024852
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state:  {1: array([ 4.01680113]), 2: array([ 2.84835881]), 3: array([ 0.64083683,  0.76767712,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  50.14563478288994
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state:  {1: array([ 4.19183875]), 2: array([ 3.50075228]), 3: array([ 0.49735757,  0.86754565,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  60.174527863209164
action:  [ 0.57960478]
state:  {1: array([ 4.40375636]), 2: array([ 4.23835223]), 3: array([ 0.30375615,  0.95274981,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.2383522316
Angle:  72.31648421806563
min:  -0.874650211216  self.max:  0.877462044328
state:  {1: array([ 5.18498927]), 2: array([ 0.0259705]), 3: array([-0.45520309,  0.89038764,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  117.07772835177934
action:  [ 0.53002661]
state:  {1: array([ 5.22365253]), 2: array([ 0.77326522]), 3: array([-0.48927962,  0.87212697,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.773265223823
Angle:  119.29296486005848
action:  [ 0.53589489]
state:  {1: array([ 5.29903977]), 2: array([ 1.50774469]), 3: array([-0.55357491,  0.83279939,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  123.61232511585968
action:  [ 0.52546889]
state:  {1: array([ 5.409598]), 2: array([ 2.21116456]), 3: array([-0.64208052,  0.76663721,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  129.94683015634138
action:  [ 0.4540367]
state:  {1: array([ 5.55231039]), 2: array([ 2.85424797]), 3: array([-0.74459066,  0.66752134,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  138.12362915611396
action:  [ 0.30455784]
state:  {1: array([ 5.72233903]), 2: array([ 3.40057265]), 3: array([-0.84680528,  0.53190302,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8468052754054473   sin(angle)  0.5319030226888213
theta dot:  3.40057265406
Angle:  147.86552942556273
action:  [ 0.1623979]
state:  {1: array([ 5.91353201]), 2: array([ 3.82385961]), 3: array([-0.93245266,  0.36129217,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9324526617576843   sin(angle)  0.36129217204502195
theta dot:  3.8238596068
Angle:  158.8200546551269
action:  [ 0.01963729]
state:  {1: array([ 6.11842072]), 2: array([ 4.09777433]), 3: array([-0.986457  ,  0.16402011,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.09777432951
Angle:  170.55928592758937
action:  [-0.1383214]
state:  {1: array([ 0.04523748]), 2: array([ 4.2000412]), 3: array([-0.99897696, -0.04522205,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9989769598302634   sin(angle)  -0.04522204913849309
theta dot:  4.20004119953
Angle:  182.59233135139786
action:  [-0.13272434]
state:  {1: array([ 0.25254828]), 2: array([ 4.14621601]), 3: array([-0.96827882, -0.24987221,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.968278822560906   sin(angle)  -0.2498722109000226
theta dot:  4.14621601198
Angle:  194.47033749726677
action:  [-0.53319352]
state:  {1: array([ 0.44648992]), 2: array([ 3.87883283]), 3: array([-0.90196832, -0.43180222,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9019683165667973   sin(angle)  -0.4318022185094208
theta dot:  3.87883282592
Angle:  205.5823490306627
action:  [-0.2663855]
state:  {1: array([ 0.62224109]), 2: array([ 3.51502334]), 3: array([-0.81257426, -0.58285767,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8125742644323181   sin(angle)  -0.582857671119011
theta dot:  3.51502333691
Angle:  215.65212558790182
action:  [ 0.13948947]
state:  {1: array([ 0.77718126]), 2: array([ 3.0988035]), 3: array([-0.71289307, -0.70127275,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7128930724815121   sin(angle)  -0.7012727480858426
theta dot:  3.09880350473
Angle:  224.52952294675876
action:  [ 0.41281644]
state:  {1: array([ 0.90891983]), 2: array([ 2.63477141]), 3: array([-0.61459819, -0.78884033,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6145981885784646   sin(angle)  -0.7888403302291727
theta dot:  2.634771409
Angle:  232.077569382026
action:  [ 0.65353024]
state:  {1: array([ 1.01597837]), 2: array([ 2.1411707]), 3: array([-0.52678858, -0.84999635,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.526788576193555   sin(angle)  -0.8499963505756758
theta dot:  2.14117069778
Angle:  238.21155724808239
action:  [ 0.91503074]
state:  {1: array([ 1.09802477]), 2: array([ 1.64092805]), 3: array([-0.45535558, -0.89030966,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.45535557637201646   sin(angle)  -0.8903096647048759
theta dot:  1.64092804585
Angle:  242.91245883093274
action:  [ 0.80101153]
state:  {1: array([ 1.15269214]), 2: array([ 1.09334753]), 3: array([-0.40602867, -0.91386034,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4060286709347555   sin(angle)  -0.9138603385523173
theta dot:  1.09334752692
Angle:  246.04466144815348
action:  [ 1.01048159]
state:  {1: array([ 1.18066837]), 2: array([ 0.55952451]), 3: array([-0.38030676, -0.9248604 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.38030676012800557   sin(angle)  -0.9248604047103215
theta dot:  0.559524511452
Angle:  247.64757735185424
action:  [ 0.88676554]
state:  {1: array([ 1.18061307]), 2: array([-0.00110596]), 3: array([-0.3803579 , -0.92483937,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.38035790251900553   sin(angle)  -0.9248393730758562
theta dot:  -0.00110596090461
Angle:  247.64440901465622
action:  [ 0.69125014]
state:  {1: array([ 1.15106067]), 2: array([-0.59104797]), 3: array([-0.40751907, -0.9131967 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.591047969941
Angle:  245.95118526578113
action:  [ 0.46583685]
state:  {1: array([ 1.09075718]), 2: array([-1.20606997]), 3: array([-0.4618139 , -0.88697684,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.46181390224335406   sin(angle)  -0.8869768428176498
theta dot:  -1.2060699665
Angle:  242.49605740147467
action:  [ 0.2675757]
state:  {1: array([ 0.99919886]), 2: array([-1.83116624]), 3: array([-0.54097627, -0.84103786,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.540976265720621   sin(angle)  -0.8410378587952935
theta dot:  -1.83116624333
Angle:  237.25016480216078
action:  [ 0.12683827]
state:  {1: array([ 0.87705292]), 2: array([-2.4429189]), 3: array([-0.6394198, -0.7688578,  0.       ])}
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theta dot:  -2.44291889726
Angle:  230.25173404225342
action:  [ 0.03738069]
state:  {1: array([ 0.72635516]), 2: array([-3.01395514]), 3: array([-0.74760008, -0.66414917,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7476000794562074   sin(angle)  -0.6641491708924075
theta dot:  -3.01395514211
Angle:  221.61740876882646
action:  [ 0.00037015]
state:  {1: array([ 0.55075459]), 2: array([-3.5120115]), 3: array([-0.85212987, -0.52333038,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.51201149754
Angle:  211.55626047564786
action:  [ 0.05019543]
state:  {1: array([ 0.35590559]), 2: array([-3.89697997]), 3: array([-0.93733133, -0.34843934,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9373313307540099   sin(angle)  -0.34843934391356685
theta dot:  -3.89697997035
Angle:  200.3922613245222
action:  [ 0.16086103]
state:  {1: array([ 0.14919657]), 2: array([-4.13418032]), 3: array([-0.98889082, -0.14864368,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9888908216204054   sin(angle)  -0.14864367768230016
theta dot:  -4.13418032373
Angle:  188.548734805052
action:  [ 0.42141899]
state:  {1: array([ 6.22325937]), 2: array([-4.18245023]), 3: array([-0.99820498,  0.05989008,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.18245023311
Angle:  176.5660836700655
action:  [ 0.09190677]
state:  {1: array([ 6.01707203]), 2: array([-4.12374666]), 3: array([-0.96480033,  0.26298352,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.12374665816
Angle:  164.75244733079637
action:  [ 0.22531472]
state:  {1: array([ 5.82243644]), 2: array([-3.89271181]), 3: array([-0.89571979,  0.444619  ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.89271181248
Angle:  153.60067552270834
action:  [ 0.11477479]
state:  {1: array([ 5.64533488]), 2: array([-3.54203134]), 3: array([-0.80337762,  0.5954699 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.54203134076
Angle:  143.45352691473823
action:  [-0.00991141]
state:  {1: array([ 5.4904891]), 2: array([-3.09691563]), 3: array([-0.7019275,  0.7122484,  0.       ])}
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theta dot:  -3.09691562533
Angle:  134.5815379193441
action:  [ 0.00273704]
state:  {1: array([ 5.36237316]), 2: array([-2.56231877]), 3: array([-0.60517381,  0.79609337,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.56231876617
Angle:  127.24105253116613
action:  [ 0.18992942]
state:  {1: array([ 5.26553519]), 2: array([-1.93675932]), 3: array([-0.52536686,  0.85087582,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.93675932176
Angle:  121.69265875224272
action:  [ 0.25660348]
state:  {1: array([ 5.20252959]), 2: array([-1.26011193]), 3: array([-0.47074995,  0.88226667,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.26011193386
Angle:  118.08271241765908
action:  [ 0.67066589]
state:  {1: array([ 5.17763899]), 2: array([-0.49781205]), 3: array([-0.44864625,  0.89370943,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.497812045041
Angle:  116.65658929397455
action:  [ 0.14078871]
state:  {1: array([ 5.18731841]), 2: array([ 0.19358833]), 3: array([-0.45727569,  0.88932499,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.19358833167
Angle:  117.21117771548813
action:  [ 0.06185375]
state:  {1: array([ 5.23081142]), 2: array([ 0.86986014]), 3: array([-0.49551048,  0.86860196,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.869860140785
Angle:  119.7031376298844
action:  [ 0.09990692]
state:  {1: array([ 5.3076263]), 2: array([ 1.53629765]), 3: array([-0.56070527,  0.82801546,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.5362976495
Angle:  124.10429590767876
action:  [ 0.23457347]
state:  {1: array([ 5.41725106]), 2: array([ 2.19249526]), 3: array([-0.64792878,  0.76170092,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.19249526309
Angle:  130.38531747879927
action:  [ 0.32070462]
state:  {1: array([ 5.55784489]), 2: array([ 2.81187665]), 3: array([-0.74827364,  0.6633902 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7482736383416269   sin(angle)  0.6633902035476438
theta dot:  2.8118766471
Angle:  138.4407318612365
action:  [ 0.27288617]
state:  {1: array([ 5.7253625]), 2: array([ 3.35035222]), 3: array([-0.8484096,  0.5293403,  0.       ])}
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theta dot:  3.35035222489
Angle:  148.03876153528682
action:  [-0.22339275]
state:  {1: array([ 5.91105493]), 2: array([ 3.71384854]), 3: array([-0.93155485,  0.36360082,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.71384853629
Angle:  158.6781289998197
action:  [-0.31474616]
state:  {1: array([ 6.10802179]), 2: array([ 3.93933723]), 3: array([-0.98469806,  0.17426915,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.93933722553
Angle:  169.96347246485948
action:  [-0.39018678]
state:  {1: array([ 0.02541204]), 2: array([ 4.01151107]), 3: array([-0.99967713, -0.0254093 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  181.4564201237974
action:  [-0.35088958]
state:  {1: array([ 0.22240307]), 2: array([ 3.93982066]), 3: array([-0.97537021, -0.22057414,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.93982065812
Angle:  192.7431485179395
action:  [-0.5223839]
state:  {1: array([ 0.4072047]), 2: array([ 3.69603247]), 3: array([-0.91823147, -0.39604414,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  203.33147681978033
action:  [-0.50753888]
state:  {1: array([ 0.57334812]), 2: array([ 3.32286853]), 3: array([-0.84008951, -0.54244781,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  212.85077168560844
action:  [-0.33387001]
state:  {1: array([ 0.71664573]), 2: array([ 2.86595217]), 3: array([-0.75401325, -0.65685921,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  221.06110067204983
action:  [-0.20960163]
state:  {1: array([ 0.83373911]), 2: array([ 2.34186752]), 3: array([-0.67211184, -0.74044964,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  227.77004123768626
action:  [-0.09962282]
state:  {1: array([ 0.92231845]), 2: array([ 1.77158687]), 3: array([-0.60397397, -0.79700404,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  232.84525189905239
action:  [-0.05722089]
state:  {1: array([ 0.98058099]), 2: array([ 1.1652507]), 3: array([-0.55653995, -0.83082085,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  236.1834414574074
action:  [-0.11209596]
state:  {1: array([ 1.00684702]), 2: array([ 0.52532067]), 3: array([-0.53452812, -0.84515069,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  237.6883707990772
action:  [-0.23478339]
state:  {1: array([ 0.99965903]), 2: array([-0.14375986]), 3: array([-0.54058919, -0.84128671,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  237.27653010425047
action:  [-0.34951324]
state:  {1: array([ 0.95830143]), 2: array([-0.82715187]), 3: array([-0.57491061, -0.81821622,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  234.90692007590567
action:  [-0.39467265]
state:  {1: array([ 0.88330069]), 2: array([-1.50001494]), 3: array([-0.63460371, -0.77283771,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  230.60970386270847
action:  [-0.37005189]
state:  {1: array([ 0.77654313]), 2: array([-2.13515101]), 3: array([-0.71334043, -0.70081769,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  224.49296110113153
action:  [-0.36026086]
state:  {1: array([ 0.64080296]), 2: array([-2.7148034]), 3: array([-0.80161597, -0.5978393 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  216.71564042860427
action:  [-0.48934545]
state:  {1: array([ 0.47897373]), 2: array([-3.2365847]), 3: array([-0.88746837, -0.46086864,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  207.44352995221448
action:  [-0.55048636]
state:  {1: array([ 0.29573327]), 2: array([-3.66480913]), 3: array([-0.95658869, -0.29144137,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  196.94464971500952
action:  [-0.38692421]
state:  {1: array([ 0.09866183]), 2: array([-3.94142879]), 3: array([-0.99513687, -0.09850185,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  185.6533143819645
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state:  {1: array([ 6.17788098]), 2: array([-4.07932329]), 3: array([-0.99446062,  0.10510982,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  173.96609949710785
action:  [-0.2245261]
state:  {1: array([ 5.97617248]), 2: array([-4.03416984]), 3: array([-0.95324058,  0.30221249,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  162.4090812448959
action:  [ 0.13536183]
state:  {1: array([ 5.78681218]), 2: array([-3.7872062]), 3: array([-0.8793156 ,  0.47623952,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  151.5595600554758
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state:  {1: array([ 5.61467561]), 2: array([-3.44273121]), 3: array([-0.78474626,  0.61981716,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.44273120596
Angle:  141.69688471372814
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state:  {1: array([ 5.46445128]), 2: array([-3.00448677]), 3: array([-0.68314627,  0.73028157,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  133.0896842715423
action:  [-0.13417536]
state:  {1: array([ 5.34060618]), 2: array([-2.47690189]), 3: array([-0.58770327,  0.80907655,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.47690189129
Angle:  125.9938996326232
action:  [-0.04975309]
state:  {1: array([ 5.24672831]), 2: array([-1.87755744]), 3: array([-0.50927257,  0.86060528,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.87755744222
Angle:  120.61510634895762
action:  [ 0.05762053]
state:  {1: array([ 5.18555529]), 2: array([-1.2234604]), 3: array([-0.45570699,  0.89012984,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.22346040438
Angle:  117.11015866642128
action:  [ 0.1377162]
state:  {1: array([ 5.15879501]), 2: array([-0.53520559]), 3: array([-0.43172655,  0.90200454,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.535205591887
Angle:  115.57691117247424
action:  [ 0.19728916]
state:  {1: array([ 5.16733957]), 2: array([ 0.17089119]), 3: array([-0.43941793,  0.89828274,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  116.06647721124261
action:  [ 0.22743359]
state:  {1: array([ 5.21127548]), 2: array([ 0.87871828]), 3: array([-0.47844806,  0.87811586,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.47844805585568273   sin(angle)  0.8781158567341314
theta dot:  0.878718279778
Angle:  118.58381376522783
action:  [ 0.18398755]
state:  {1: array([ 5.28952065]), 2: array([ 1.56490331]), 3: array([-0.54562243,  0.83803112,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5456224331578285   sin(angle)  0.8380311213999937
theta dot:  1.56490330536
Angle:  123.06692101893145
action:  [ 0.04129495]
state:  {1: array([ 5.39950169]), 2: array([ 2.19962089]), 3: array([-0.63430772,  0.77308066,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6343077231058684   sin(angle)  0.7730806635844988
theta dot:  2.19962088864
Angle:  129.368355955818
action:  [-0.16827476]
state:  {1: array([ 5.5372112]), 2: array([ 2.75419017]), 3: array([-0.73442714,  0.67868754,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7344271375302738   sin(angle)  0.6786875419949068
theta dot:  2.75419017231
Angle:  137.2585111476833
action:  [-0.35337779]
state:  {1: array([ 5.69772116]), 2: array([ 3.21019916]), 3: array([-0.83345569,  0.55258629,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8334556940237734   sin(angle)  0.552586288374359
theta dot:  3.21019916004
Angle:  146.45503280554834
action:  [-0.4483717]
state:  {1: array([ 5.87559032]), 2: array([ 3.55738312]), 3: array([-0.91807683,  0.39640249,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9180768283305083   sin(angle)  0.39640249404184436
theta dot:  3.55738312171
Angle:  156.6461609235064
action:  [-0.47091921]
state:  {1: array([ 6.06479267]), 2: array([ 3.78404711]), 3: array([-0.97624696,  0.21666072,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9762469629258435   sin(angle)  0.2166607195087905
theta dot:  3.78404711023
Angle:  167.4866320185056
action:  [-0.47183042]
state:  {1: array([ 6.25858108]), 2: array([ 3.87576809]), 3: array([-0.99969733,  0.02460175,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9996973311591975   sin(angle)  0.024601749392630826
theta dot:  3.87576808679
Angle:  178.58986374153756
action:  [-0.40883602]
state:  {1: array([ 0.16704047]), 2: array([ 3.832894]), 3: array([-0.98608115, -0.16626474,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9860811504729782   sin(angle)  -0.16626474275049352
theta dot:  3.8328939951
Angle:  189.57111236122162
action:  [-0.23107525]
state:  {1: array([ 0.35071718]), 2: array([ 3.67353415]), 3: array([-0.93912655, -0.34357141,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9391265533657741   sin(angle)  -0.3435714143570764
theta dot:  3.67353415099
Angle:  200.09498788927337
action:  [ 0.00378909]
state:  {1: array([ 0.52153837]), 2: array([ 3.41642395]), 3: array([-0.86705377, -0.49821458,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8670537660003934   sin(angle)  -0.49821457913687656
theta dot:  3.41642395316
Angle:  209.88229867945722
action:  [ 0.24251213]
state:  {1: array([ 0.67549537]), 2: array([ 3.07913984]), 3: array([-0.7803973 , -0.62528398,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.780397303037123   sin(angle)  -0.6252839750164599
theta dot:  3.07913983779
Angle:  218.70336391375736
action:  [ 0.40484319]
state:  {1: array([ 0.80904053]), 2: array([ 2.67090334]), 3: array([-0.69019305, -0.72362529,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6901930459451855   sin(angle)  -0.7236252893099487
theta dot:  2.67090333522
Angle:  226.35492045085368
action:  [ 0.43016448]
state:  {1: array([ 0.91867598]), 2: array([ 2.19270904]), 3: array([-0.60687301, -0.79479881,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.19270904083
Angle:  232.6365544486498
action:  [ 0.33272752]
state:  {1: array([ 1.00100194]), 2: array([ 1.64651906]), 3: array([-0.53945893, -0.84201191,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5394589338667964   sin(angle)  -0.8420119112407493
theta dot:  1.6465190627
Angle:  237.3534730774646
action:  [ 0.24699078]
state:  {1: array([ 1.05360487]), 2: array([ 1.05205875]), 3: array([-0.49444087, -0.86921127,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4944408699204989   sin(angle)  -0.8692112666965726
theta dot:  1.0520587466
Angle:  240.36739232861277
action:  [ 0.08356446]
state:  {1: array([ 1.07423912]), 2: array([ 0.41268497]), 3: array([-0.47640137, -0.87922792,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4764013657069849   sin(angle)  -0.8792279219591014
theta dot:  0.412684965335
Angle:  241.54964490310203
action:  [ 0.03145441]
state:  {1: array([ 1.06213823]), 2: array([-0.24201781]), 3: array([-0.48700567, -0.87339881,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.242017814991
Angle:  240.85631655610712
action:  [ 0.0120885]
state:  {1: array([ 1.01737555]), 2: array([-0.89525365]), 3: array([-0.52560046, -0.85073154,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.89525364728
Angle:  238.29160977436618
action:  [ 0.01948384]
state:  {1: array([ 0.94085656]), 2: array([-1.53037973]), 3: array([-0.58909608, -0.80806299,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.53037972652
Angle:  233.9074050574561
action:  [ 0.09225286]
state:  {1: array([ 0.83472711]), 2: array([-2.12258904]), 3: array([-0.67137995, -0.74111333,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.1225890437
Angle:  227.82664958466313
action:  [ 0.00308592]
state:  {1: array([ 0.70082905]), 2: array([-2.67796115]), 3: array([-0.76430783, -0.64485156,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.6779611506
Angle:  220.15487394315443
action:  [-0.01778973]
state:  {1: array([ 0.54261564]), 2: array([-3.16426828]), 3: array([-0.85636095, -0.51637769,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.16426828048
Angle:  211.0899342549834
action:  [-0.07395661]
state:  {1: array([ 0.36448339]), 2: array([-3.56264504]), 3: array([-0.93430804, -0.35646667,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.56264503759
Angle:  200.88373189366516
action:  [-0.3321408]
state:  {1: array([ 0.17049258]), 2: array([-3.87981616]), 3: array([-0.98550131, -0.16966781,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.87981615733
Angle:  189.76890332988495
action:  [-0.24299364]
state:  {1: array([ 6.25150208]), 2: array([-4.04351606]), 3: array([-0.99949813,  0.03167792,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.04351605925
Angle:  178.1842683537759
action:  [-0.50424216]
state:  {1: array([ 6.04673239]), 2: array([-4.09539394]), 3: array([-0.97217501,  0.23425573,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.09539394043
Angle:  166.45185637776228
action:  [-0.25714671]
state:  {1: array([ 5.84881868]), 2: array([-3.95827415]), 3: array([-0.90713677,  0.42083593,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.9582741524
Angle:  155.11226274025023
action:  [-0.1783725]
state:  {1: array([ 5.66534853]), 2: array([-3.66940308]), 3: array([-0.81513346,  0.57927321,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.66940307997
Angle:  144.60022183125227
min:  -0.874650211216  self.max:  1.01048158965
state:  {1: array([ 0.51581363]), 2: array([ 0.97400391]), 3: array([-0.86989169, -0.49324278,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8698916935998374   sin(angle)  -0.4932427814028368
theta dot:  0.974003910395
Angle:  209.55429576944002
action:  [ 0.41600909]
state:  {1: array([ 0.54913729]), 2: array([ 0.66647319]), 3: array([-0.85297513, -0.52195155,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8529751330591857   sin(angle)  -0.521951551758077
theta dot:  0.666473187251
Angle:  211.46359634406974
action:  [ 0.43995575]
state:  {1: array([ 0.56618743]), 2: array([ 0.34100289]), 3: array([-0.84395223, -0.53641833,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8439522348646872   sin(angle)  -0.536418330472496
theta dot:  0.341002886028
Angle:  212.44049536821495
action:  [ 0.47791671]
state:  {1: array([ 0.56670627]), 2: array([ 0.01037665]), 3: array([-0.84367381, -0.53685613,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.0103766453512
Angle:  212.47022219790693
action:  [ 0.50576707]
state:  {1: array([ 0.55088625]), 2: array([-0.31640039]), 3: array([-0.85206096, -0.52344257,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8520609581225453   sin(angle)  -0.5234425695750109
theta dot:  -0.316400390596
Angle:  211.56380396663567
action:  [ 0.4646683]
state:  {1: array([ 0.51892214]), 2: array([-0.63928207]), 3: array([-0.86835424, -0.49594446,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.639282073051
Angle:  209.73240001404537
action:  [ 0.2987897]
state:  {1: array([ 0.47060104]), 2: array([-0.96642197]), 3: array([-0.89129592, -0.45342207,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.96642196564
Angle:  206.96381149521363
action:  [ 0.0591042]
state:  {1: array([ 0.4057199]), 2: array([-1.29762289]), 3: array([-0.91881851, -0.39468032,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.29762289113
Angle:  203.24640443505862
action:  [-0.14394397]
state:  {1: array([ 0.32495866]), 2: array([-1.61522473]), 3: array([-0.94766392, -0.31926961,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.61522472594
Angle:  198.61913726753326
action:  [-0.23103278]
state:  {1: array([ 0.23049207]), 2: array([-1.88933185]), 3: array([-0.9735541 , -0.22845661,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.88933185189
Angle:  193.2066128637213
action:  [-0.50029359]
state:  {1: array([ 0.12370615]), 2: array([-2.13571835]), 3: array([-0.99235815, -0.12339088,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.13571834659
Angle:  187.08824479670832
action:  [-0.127369]
state:  {1: array([ 0.01133781]), 2: array([-2.24736685]), 3: array([-0.99993573, -0.01133757,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.24736685374
Angle:  180.65002806520147
action:  [ 0.17853131]
state:  {1: array([ 6.1830686]), 2: array([-2.22909033]), 3: array([-0.99499251,  0.09994954,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  174.26332775353285
action:  [-0.06906647]
state:  {1: array([ 6.07484419]), 2: array([-2.16448815]), 3: array([-0.97837538,  0.20683717,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.16448814816
Angle:  168.06254046887454
action:  [ 0.01906039]
state:  {1: array([ 5.97451913]), 2: array([-2.00650121]), 3: array([-0.95273962,  0.30378812,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.00650121025
Angle:  162.31435136387313
action:  [ 0.02400967]
state:  {1: array([ 5.8857662]), 2: array([-1.77505867]), 3: array([-0.92206297,  0.38703989,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  157.22919474586706
action:  [-0.50253826]
state:  {1: array([ 5.80775822]), 2: array([-1.56015949]), 3: array([-0.88909732,  0.45771821,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.56015949283
Angle:  152.75967748220944
action:  [ 0.06792262]
state:  {1: array([ 5.7474241]), 2: array([-1.20668245]), 3: array([-0.85988029,  0.51049573,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.20668244503
Angle:  149.3027950002637
action:  [ 0.15460615]
state:  {1: array([ 5.70739312]), 2: array([-0.80061972]), 3: array([-0.83876122,  0.54449942,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.800619723373
Angle:  147.00919380649094
action:  [ 0.17910366]
state:  {1: array([ 5.68912414]), 2: array([-0.36537961]), 3: array([-0.82867436,  0.55973102,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.365379609026
Angle:  145.9624607783427
action:  [ 0.16174553]
state:  {1: array([ 5.69305816]), 2: array([ 0.07868048]), 3: array([-0.83086993,  0.55646667,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.0786804839672
Angle:  146.18786323432198
action:  [ 0.24258189]
state:  {1: array([ 5.71967905]), 2: array([ 0.53241777]), 3: array([-0.84538743,  0.53415362,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.532417770049
Angle:  147.71312422567803
action:  [ 0.43921667]
state:  {1: array([ 5.76962482]), 2: array([ 0.99891549]), 3: array([-0.87100083,  0.49128154,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  150.57479960788947
action:  [ 0.60124961]
state:  {1: array([ 5.84250303]), 2: array([ 1.45756408]), 3: array([-0.90446084,  0.42655666,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  154.75040336049756
action:  [ 0.62554599]
state:  {1: array([ 5.9360687]), 2: array([ 1.87131348]), 3: array([-0.94035752,  0.3401878 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  160.11130904230868
action:  [ 0.54300546]
state:  {1: array([ 6.04646396]), 2: array([ 2.20790515]), 3: array([-0.9721121 ,  0.23451668,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  166.43647658372015
action:  [ 0.3758689]
state:  {1: array([ 6.16847261]), 2: array([ 2.44017299]), 3: array([-0.99342771,  0.11446128,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  173.42704092352471
action:  [ 0.27985809]
state:  {1: array([ 0.01368718]), 2: array([ 2.56799767]), 3: array([-0.99990633, -0.01368676,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  180.7846369591062
action:  [ 0.03425185]
state:  {1: array([ 0.1418307]), 2: array([ 2.56287038]), 3: array([-0.98995888, -0.14135567,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  188.12670258902412
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state:  {1: array([ 0.26442983]), 2: array([ 2.45198256]), 3: array([-0.96524168, -0.26135896,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  195.1510987832339
action:  [ -4.21072676e-05]
state:  {1: array([ 0.37722768]), 2: array([ 2.25595703]), 3: array([-0.92968937, -0.36834449,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  201.6139244963319
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state:  {1: array([ 0.47626571]), 2: array([ 1.98076061]), 3: array([-0.88871315, -0.45846367,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  207.28837239708426
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state:  {1: array([ 0.55784382]), 2: array([ 1.63156211]), 3: array([-0.84839847, -0.52935813,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  211.9624426123805
action:  [-0.15034054]
state:  {1: array([ 0.61844344]), 2: array([ 1.21199243]), 3: array([-0.81478189, -0.57976761,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  215.4345370519828
action:  [-0.42932813]
state:  {1: array([ 0.65408182]), 2: array([ 0.71276751]), 3: array([-0.79360691, -0.60843082,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  217.47646077721606
action:  [-0.54540622]
state:  {1: array([ 0.66281349]), 2: array([ 0.17463346]), 3: array([-0.78826411, -0.61533706,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  217.97674761265534
action:  [-0.80215208]
state:  {1: array([ 0.64245388]), 2: array([-0.40719215]), 3: array([-0.8006279 , -0.59916189,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  216.81023076987373
action:  [-0.75220802]
state:  {1: array([ 0.59398414]), 2: array([-0.96939477]), 3: array([-0.82871747, -0.55966719,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8287174681508516   sin(angle)  -0.5596671850141318
theta dot:  -0.969394765068
Angle:  214.03312582792958
action:  [-0.52185464]
state:  {1: array([ 0.52061298]), 2: array([-1.46742335]), 3: array([-0.86751444, -0.497412  ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8675144412687827   sin(angle)  -0.49741199642762113
theta dot:  -1.46742334918
Angle:  209.82927742500965
action:  [-0.19502657]
state:  {1: array([ 0.42712616]), 2: array([-1.86973633]), 3: array([-0.91016001, -0.41425686,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9101600148798298   sin(angle)  -0.41425686151704005
theta dot:  -1.86973633184
Angle:  204.47288991974304
action:  [ 0.09970596]
state:  {1: array([ 0.3188525]), 2: array([-2.16547308]), 3: array([-0.94959576, -0.31347711,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9495957566844451   sin(angle)  -0.31347711062675093
theta dot:  -2.16547308463
Angle:  198.26928100654433
action:  [ 0.26664062]
state:  {1: array([ 0.20082326]), 2: array([-2.36058482]), 3: array([-0.97990269, -0.19947612,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9799026885137979   sin(angle)  -0.19947611647370378
theta dot:  -2.36058482404
Angle:  191.5067194403359
action:  [ 0.065987]
state:  {1: array([ 0.07580857]), 2: array([-2.50029386]), 3: array([-0.99712791, -0.07573598,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9971279061949023   sin(angle)  -0.07573598013738243
theta dot:  -2.5002938614
Angle:  184.34392190004266
action:  [ 0.01217655]
state:  {1: array([ 6.23123041]), 2: array([-2.55526936]), 3: array([-0.99865065,  0.05193153,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9986506478710286   sin(angle)  0.051931527098428916
theta dot:  -2.55526936341
Angle:  177.02278968131782
action:  [-0.18467033]
state:  {1: array([ 6.10402935]), 2: array([-2.54402127]), 3: array([-0.98399445,  0.17819911,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.983994450259984   sin(angle)  0.17819910734218594
theta dot:  -2.54402126701
Angle:  169.7347226444432
action:  [-0.97993464]
state:  {1: array([ 5.97616124]), 2: array([-2.55736213]), 3: array([-0.95323719,  0.30222321,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9532371853874334   sin(angle)  0.3022232095565194
theta dot:  -2.557362133
Angle:  162.40843693112402
action:  [-0.20614496]
state:  {1: array([ 5.85808042]), 2: array([-2.36161647]), 3: array([-0.91099548,  0.41241634,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9109954791340028   sin(angle)  0.4124163393918925
theta dot:  -2.36161646966
Angle:  155.64291992485073
action:  [-0.28373006]
state:  {1: array([ 5.75333723]), 2: array([-2.09486372]), 3: array([-0.86288386,  0.50540226,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8628838625139507   sin(angle)  0.5054022554490685
theta dot:  -2.09486372397
Angle:  149.64159145664064
action:  [ 0.2539969]
state:  {1: array([ 5.6694516]), 2: array([-1.6777125]), 3: array([-0.81750339,  0.57592378,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8175033931518919   sin(angle)  0.5759237815762979
theta dot:  -1.67771249698
Angle:  144.8353104301488
action:  [-0.56441256]
state:  {1: array([ 5.60293003]), 2: array([-1.33043155]), 3: array([-0.77741218,  0.6289915 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7774121754656049   sin(angle)  0.628991501880459
theta dot:  -1.33043154512
Angle:  141.02391371954144
action:  [-0.66566295]
state:  {1: array([ 5.55500316]), 2: array([-0.95853736]), 3: array([-0.74638544,  0.66551392,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7463854410614239   sin(angle)  0.6655139167376921
theta dot:  -0.958537360638
Angle:  138.27791287737801
action:  [-0.69760125]
state:  {1: array([ 5.52680105]), 2: array([-0.56404211]), 3: array([-0.72732223,  0.68629612,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7273222328431895   sin(angle)  0.686296123850337
theta dot:  -0.56404211011
Angle:  136.66205503710927
action:  [-0.64958152]
state:  {1: array([ 5.51946319]), 2: array([-0.14675724]), 3: array([-0.72226675,  0.69161459,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7222667506671598   sin(angle)  0.6916145898408324
theta dot:  -0.146757244624
Angle:  136.24162748375664
action:  [-0.55442407]
state:  {1: array([ 5.5339027]), 2: array([ 0.28879009]), 3: array([-0.73217768,  0.68111368,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7321776807883156   sin(angle)  0.681113679025347
theta dot:  0.288790087405
Angle:  137.06894820779746
action:  [-0.40715877]
state:  {1: array([ 5.57083027]), 2: array([ 0.73855153]), 3: array([-0.75682468,  0.65361793,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7568246834935561   sin(angle)  0.6536179300286052
theta dot:  0.738551530781
Angle:  139.18473754349566
action:  [-0.19927409]
state:  {1: array([ 5.63077397]), 2: array([ 1.19887387]), 3: array([-0.79462217,  0.60710427,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7946221746882501   sin(angle)  0.6071042739873572
theta dot:  1.19887386521
Angle:  142.619250144356
action:  [-0.00399274]
state:  {1: array([ 5.71345412]), 2: array([ 1.65360316]), 3: array([-0.84204601,  0.53940571,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.842046006968289   sin(angle)  0.5394057120097637
theta dot:  1.65360315986
Angle:  147.3564631691636
action:  [ 0.01980997]
state:  {1: array([ 5.81651057]), 2: array([ 2.06112894]), 3: array([-0.89306932,  0.44991909,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8930693226286118   sin(angle)  0.4499190871475363
theta dot:  2.06112893924
Angle:  153.26114882398656
action:  [-0.28856319]
state:  {1: array([ 5.93427476]), 2: array([ 2.35528378]), 3: array([-0.93974573,  0.3418742 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.35528377578
Angle:  160.00852404107036
action:  [-0.53348348]
state:  {1: array([ 6.06085811]), 2: array([ 2.53166691]), 3: array([-0.97538694,  0.22050014,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9753869426933667   sin(angle)  0.22050014064232953
theta dot:  2.53166690516
Angle:  167.26119852107956
action:  [-0.42884306]
state:  {1: array([ 6.19249388]), 2: array([ 2.63271555]), 3: array([-0.99589035,  0.09056715,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9958903507192208   sin(angle)  0.09056715378296584
theta dot:  2.6327155513
Angle:  174.80335537164137
action:  [-0.41013834]
state:  {1: array([ 0.04126458]), 2: array([ 2.63912017]), 3: array([-0.99914874, -0.04125287,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9991487378650347   sin(angle)  -0.041252874114517564
theta dot:  2.6391201655
Angle:  182.3647018820806
action:  [-0.17355957]
state:  {1: array([ 0.17037191]), 2: array([ 2.58214657]), 3: array([-0.98552178, -0.16954889,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9855217777148926   sin(angle)  -0.16954888867131457
theta dot:  2.58214657495
Angle:  189.7619896254308
action:  [ 0.03975426]
state:  {1: array([ 0.29341931]), 2: array([ 2.46094805]), 3: array([-0.95726051, -0.28922708,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9572605149619727   sin(angle)  -0.2892270846493095
theta dot:  2.46094804766
Angle:  196.81206997588015
action:  [ 0.07625692]
state:  {1: array([ 0.40619263]), 2: array([ 2.25546627]), 3: array([-0.91863183, -0.39511463,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9186318256225092   sin(angle)  -0.3951146276126154
theta dot:  2.25546627211
Angle:  203.2734897775795
action:  [ 0.1585183]
state:  {1: array([ 0.50533803]), 2: array([ 1.98290805]), 3: array([-0.87501088, -0.48410325,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.98290804694
Angle:  208.95408960646222
action:  [ 0.05628283]
state:  {1: array([ 0.58675168]), 2: array([ 1.62827304]), 3: array([-0.83274353, -0.55365893,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.832743529238102   sin(angle)  -0.5536589333805338
theta dot:  1.6282730355
Angle:  213.6187373399495
action:  [-0.02681078]
state:  {1: array([ 0.64720204]), 2: array([ 1.20900722]), 3: array([-0.79777397, -0.60295663,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7977739654713852   sin(angle)  -0.6029566319529631
theta dot:  1.20900721783
Angle:  217.08227978981614
action:  [-0.06767043]
state:  {1: array([ 0.684534]), 2: array([ 0.74663918]), 3: array([-0.77471379, -0.63231207,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7747137870489599   sin(angle)  -0.6323120654836968
theta dot:  0.746639179257
Angle:  219.22123847752664
action:  [-0.18961078]
state:  {1: array([ 0.69673218]), 2: array([ 0.24396351]), 3: array([-0.76694329, -0.64171488,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7669432884210238   sin(angle)  -0.6417148839990751
theta dot:  0.243963513632
Angle:  219.92014082750305
action:  [-0.32884196]
state:  {1: array([ 0.68239973]), 2: array([-0.28664894]), 3: array([-0.77606155, -0.63065718,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7760615471813823   sin(angle)  -0.6306571770672551
theta dot:  -0.286648943345
Angle:  219.09895401501737
action:  [-0.40375713]
state:  {1: array([ 0.64138946]), 2: array([-0.8202054]), 3: array([-0.8012652 , -0.59830935,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.820205395884
Angle:  216.74924413376155
action:  [-0.37123716]
state:  {1: array([ 0.57515831]), 2: array([-1.32462298]), 3: array([-0.8391062 , -0.54396764,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.32462297895
Angle:  212.95448770056885
action:  [-0.24461313]
state:  {1: array([ 0.48669378]), 2: array([-1.76929068]), 3: array([-0.88388403, -0.46770613,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8838840268388445   sin(angle)  -0.4677061332708274
theta dot:  -1.76929067787
Angle:  207.8858551245478
action:  [-0.11745591]
state:  {1: array([ 0.37980935]), 2: array([-2.13768866]), 3: array([-0.92873534, -0.37074341,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.13768866387
Angle:  201.76184252751642
action:  [-0.09147816]
state:  {1: array([ 0.25833595]), 2: array([-2.42946794]), 3: array([-0.96681644, -0.25547207,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.42946794388
Angle:  194.80194582046167
action:  [-0.17189391]
state:  {1: array([ 0.12599314]), 2: array([-2.64685609]), 3: array([-0.99207336, -0.12566007,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.64685608511
Angle:  187.21927941926185
action:  [-0.32574671]
state:  {1: array([ 6.26968029]), 2: array([-2.78996314]), 3: array([-0.99990881,  0.0135046 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.78996314086
Angle:  179.2258006264707
action:  [-0.53534524]
state:  {1: array([ 6.12667347]), 2: array([-2.86013647]), 3: array([-0.987777  ,  0.15587363,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.86013647483
Angle:  171.0321323448602
action:  [-0.62262167]
state:  {1: array([ 5.98484225]), 2: array([-2.8366245]), 3: array([-0.95582484,  0.29393687,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.83662449946
Angle:  162.90582075359225
action:  [-0.47369602]
state:  {1: array([ 5.85048093]), 2: array([-2.68722625]), 3: array([-0.90783505,  0.41932746,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.6872262504
Angle:  155.20750261836224
action:  [-0.33569644]
state:  {1: array([ 5.72932668]), 2: array([-2.42308512]), 3: array([-0.85050132,  0.52597291,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.42308512298
Angle:  148.26589130349112
action:  [-0.16032087]
state:  {1: array([ 5.626694]), 2: array([-2.05265357]), 3: array([-0.7921386 ,  0.61034125,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.05265357376
Angle:  142.38548572550178
action:  [ 0.00411203]
state:  {1: array([ 5.54697996]), 2: array([-1.59428084]), 3: array([-0.74102192,  0.67148083,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.59428083527
Angle:  137.81821824478948
action:  [ 0.10650773]
state:  {1: array([ 5.49324525]), 2: array([-1.07469405]), 3: array([-0.7038879 ,  0.71031108,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.07469404932
Angle:  134.73945377959348
action:  [ 0.10990851]
state:  {1: array([ 5.46697153]), 2: array([-0.52547446]), 3: array([-0.68498459,  0.72855755,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.525474464911
Angle:  133.23408384573872
action:  [ 0.43049897]
state:  {1: array([ 5.47124746]), 2: array([ 0.08551855]), 3: array([-0.68809358,  0.72562196,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.0855185461359
Angle:  133.47907586102485
action:  [-0.00800535]
state:  {1: array([ 5.50267417]), 2: array([ 0.62853421]), 3: array([-0.71055397,  0.7036427 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.628534212632
Angle:  135.27968953357532
action:  [ 0.03986443]
state:  {1: array([ 5.56078646]), 2: array([ 1.1622459]), 3: array([-0.75022181,  0.66118624,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7502218067521202   sin(angle)  0.6611862375107216
theta dot:  1.16224590382
Angle:  138.60927099984008
action:  [ 0.07146564]
state:  {1: array([ 5.64422923]), 2: array([ 1.66885543]), 3: array([-0.80271875,  0.59635779,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8027187495483261   sin(angle)  0.5963577861683133
theta dot:  1.66885542777
Angle:  143.3901784514273
action:  [ 0.03541454]
state:  {1: array([ 5.75030103]), 2: array([ 2.12143595]), 3: array([-0.86134539,  0.50801981,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8613453865310396   sin(angle)  0.5080198077847888
theta dot:  2.12143594836
Angle:  149.46763055711682
action:  [ 0.05354136]
state:  {1: array([ 5.87582513]), 2: array([ 2.51048201]), 3: array([-0.91816989,  0.3961869 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9181698850976756   sin(angle)  0.39618690298862874
theta dot:  2.5104820083
Angle:  156.65961492009365
action:  [-0.38521494]
state:  {1: array([ 6.01331713]), 2: array([ 2.74983994]), 3: array([-0.96380605,  0.26660439,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.74983994426
Angle:  164.53730765574505
action:  [-0.54010787]
state:  {1: array([ 6.15675598]), 2: array([ 2.86877705]), 3: array([-0.99201845,  0.12609278,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.86877705385
Angle:  172.75572931497538
action:  [-0.56328065]
state:  {1: array([ 0.0175134]), 2: array([ 2.87885454]), 3: array([-0.99984664, -0.01751251,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.87885454065
Angle:  181.00386261440883
action:  [-0.6002823]
state:  {1: array([ 0.15629729]), 2: array([ 2.77567782]), 3: array([-0.98781042, -0.15566171,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.77567781603
Angle:  188.95557522717522
action:  [-0.31442665]
state:  {1: array([ 0.28688567]), 2: array([ 2.61176754]), 3: array([-0.95912978, -0.28296656,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9591297766396419   sin(angle)  -0.28296655555593575
theta dot:  2.61176753572
Angle:  196.4377205739796
action:  [-0.33043748]
state:  {1: array([ 0.40438452]), 2: array([ 2.349977]), 3: array([-0.91934473, -0.393453  ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9193447338010834   sin(angle)  -0.39345299647126214
theta dot:  2.34997699633
Angle:  203.16989302336327
action:  [-0.13375611]
state:  {1: array([ 0.50612571]), 2: array([ 2.03482383]), 3: array([-0.87462929, -0.48479233,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.03482383257
Angle:  208.9992202748051
action:  [-0.10855635]
state:  {1: array([ 0.58887302]), 2: array([ 1.65494613]), 3: array([-0.83156716, -0.55542421,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.65494613409
Angle:  213.7402806283846
min:  -0.979934643317  self.max:  1.01048158965
state:  {1: array([ 0.95287294]), 2: array([-0.53372797]), 3: array([-0.57934379, -0.81508329,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.533727968935
Angle:  234.5958913709677
action:  [-0.1369208]
state:  {1: array([ 0.89459402]), 2: array([-1.16557855]), 3: array([-0.62583552, -0.77995507,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.625835516793039   sin(angle)  -0.7799550666034486
theta dot:  -1.16557855499
Angle:  231.2567625846952
action:  [-0.13164853]
state:  {1: array([ 0.80607941]), 2: array([-1.77029213]), 3: array([-0.69233276, -0.72157837,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6923327597096063   sin(angle)  -0.7215783740058184
theta dot:  -1.77029213474
Angle:  226.18526105278224
action:  [-0.17991508]
state:  {1: array([ 0.68915625]), 2: array([-2.33846318]), 3: array([-0.77178282, -0.63588622,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7717828180503625   sin(angle)  -0.6358862176224934
theta dot:  -2.33846317775
Angle:  219.48607318681726
action:  [-0.19093695]
state:  {1: array([ 0.54695533]), 2: array([-2.84401838]), 3: array([-0.85411198, -0.52008916,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.84401838416
Angle:  211.33857972570726
action:  [-0.03388986]
state:  {1: array([ 0.3849969]), 2: array([-3.23916873]), 3: array([-0.9267996 , -0.37555626,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9267995986942309   sin(angle)  -0.37555625924781577
theta dot:  -3.23916873016
Angle:  202.05906655680772
action:  [ 0.08010834]
state:  {1: array([ 0.20955591]), 2: array([-3.50881967]), 3: array([-0.97812339, -0.20802555,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9781233929123924   sin(angle)  -0.20802554707907825
theta dot:  -3.50881967341
Angle:  192.00706214482665
action:  [ 0.11716007]
state:  {1: array([ 0.02719267]), 2: array([-3.64726482]), 3: array([-0.9996303 , -0.02718932,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9996303021191122   sin(angle)  -0.02718931932308114
theta dot:  -3.64726482255
Angle:  181.55844252330579
action:  [ 0.48096636]
state:  {1: array([ 6.13060238]), 2: array([-3.59551186]), 3: array([-0.98838179,  0.15199155,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.988381792966543   sin(angle)  0.1519915502001401
theta dot:  -3.59551185837
Angle:  171.25724204169614
action:  [ 0.22625522]
state:  {1: array([ 5.95822339]), 2: array([-3.44757991]), 3: array([-0.94766289,  0.3192727 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9476628855948204   sin(angle)  0.31927269733896496
theta dot:  -3.44757991336
Angle:  161.38067620892696
action:  [-0.06750237]
state:  {1: array([ 5.79731085]), 2: array([-3.21825075]), 3: array([-0.88426693,  0.46698179,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.21825074548
Angle:  152.1610885117865
action:  [ 0.1113322]
state:  {1: array([ 5.65474512]), 2: array([-2.85131457]), 3: array([-0.80894548,  0.58788367,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8089454823534533   sin(angle)  0.5878836675567188
theta dot:  -2.85131457241
Angle:  143.99269305989253
action:  [ 27.84196613]
state:  {1: array([ 5.54922503]), 2: array([-2.11040182]), 3: array([-0.74252758,  0.66981549,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7425275784446717   sin(angle)  0.6698154934376273
theta dot:  -2.11040182174
Angle:  137.9468513245787
action:  [-0.3652668]
state:  {1: array([ 5.46608352]), 2: array([-1.66283022]), 3: array([-0.68433736,  0.72916554,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.66283022105
Angle:  133.18320477840706
action:  [-0.25364803]
state:  {1: array([ 5.40838336]), 2: array([-1.15400327]), 3: array([-0.64114886,  0.76741654,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.15400327111
Angle:  129.87723666026494
action:  [-0.21118536]
state:  {1: array([ 5.37787742]), 2: array([-0.61011867]), 3: array([-0.61744342,  0.78661529,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.610118671639
Angle:  128.12937950316382
action:  [-0.52680307]
state:  {1: array([ 5.37291854]), 2: array([-0.09917766]), 3: array([-0.61353511,  0.78966744,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.099177662171
Angle:  127.84525709434695
action:  [ 0.05296931]
state:  {1: array([ 5.39796946]), 2: array([ 0.50101831]), 3: array([-0.63312244,  0.77405167,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.501018312963
Angle:  129.28056547754926
action:  [ 0.20830575]
state:  {1: array([ 5.4536096]), 2: array([ 1.11280292]), 3: array([-0.6751888 ,  0.73764496,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.11280292418
Angle:  132.46850357202334
action:  [ 0.24694625]
state:  {1: array([ 5.53876353]), 2: array([ 1.70307858]), 3: array([-0.7354798 ,  0.67754665,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7354797993570467   sin(angle)  0.6775466513368053
theta dot:  1.70307858077
Angle:  137.34745290578928
action:  [ 0.16840314]
state:  {1: array([ 5.65058848]), 2: array([ 2.23649904]), 3: array([-0.80649488,  0.59124107,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8064948805842306   sin(angle)  0.5912410740057119
theta dot:  2.2364990397
Angle:  143.75453571623518
action:  [ 0.10185146]
state:  {1: array([ 5.78534886]), 2: array([ 2.69520756]), 3: array([-0.87861777,  0.47752572,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8786177704748492   sin(angle)  0.47752572015107747
theta dot:  2.69520756444
Angle:  151.47571857846344
action:  [ 0.13054691]
state:  {1: array([ 5.93899556]), 2: array([ 3.07293389]), 3: array([-0.94134917,  0.33743406,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.07293389033
Angle:  160.27900512447707
action:  [ 0.18437797]
state:  {1: array([ 6.10667886]), 2: array([ 3.35366613]), 3: array([-0.98446314,  0.17559138,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.35366613088
Angle:  169.8865284176727
action:  [ 0.1657334]
state:  {1: array([ 6.28218985]), 2: array([ 3.51021967]), 3: array([ -9.99999505e-01,   9.95460531e-04,   0.00000000e+00])}
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Angle:  179.9425435195659
action:  [ 0.20657644]
state:  {1: array([ 0.17610218]), 2: array([ 3.54195273]), 3: array([-0.98453404, -0.17519337,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.54195273241
Angle:  190.0903087663664
action:  [ 0.0968592]
state:  {1: array([ 0.34735651]), 2: array([ 3.42508658]), 3: array([-0.94027588, -0.34041339,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.42508658192
Angle:  199.90243610189748
action:  [ 0.08436709]
state:  {1: array([ 0.50647809]), 2: array([ 3.18243161]), 3: array([-0.87445841, -0.48510049,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.18243160598
Angle:  209.01940976303754
action:  [ 0.13941955]
state:  {1: array([ 0.64845404]), 2: array([ 2.83951917]), 3: array([-0.79701844, -0.60395497,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.83951916785
Angle:  217.1540139490233
action:  [ 0.01447551]
state:  {1: array([ 0.76789026]), 2: array([ 2.38872427]), 3: array([-0.71937774, -0.69461908,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.38872426556
Angle:  223.9971888885445
action:  [-0.2459395]
state:  {1: array([ 0.85943371]), 2: array([ 1.83086903]), 3: array([-0.65286652, -0.75747297,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.83086902797
Angle:  229.2422300305635
action:  [-0.51669096]
state:  {1: array([ 0.91869674]), 2: array([ 1.18526065]), 3: array([-0.60685652, -0.7948114 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.1852606546
Angle:  232.63774374695325
action:  [-0.56821652]
state:  {1: array([ 0.94389272]), 2: array([ 0.50391962]), 3: array([-0.58663996, -0.80984786,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.503919624193
Angle:  234.08136375514476
action:  [-0.4817702]
state:  {1: array([ 0.93510613]), 2: array([-0.1757318]), 3: array([-0.59373303, -0.8046621 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.175731799138
Angle:  233.57793041154991
action:  [-0.3960539]
state:  {1: array([ 0.89317431]), 2: array([-0.83863646]), 3: array([-0.62694219, -0.77906578,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.838636456158
Angle:  231.17541955548242
action:  [-0.17046615]
state:  {1: array([ 0.82074902]), 2: array([-1.44850571]), 3: array([-0.68167337, -0.73165662,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.4485057126
Angle:  227.02576606253854
action:  [-0.23003902]
state:  {1: array([ 0.71916132]), 2: array([-2.03175403]), 3: array([-0.75235848, -0.65875392,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  221.20523311449895
action:  [-0.14306563]
state:  {1: array([ 0.59179736]), 2: array([-2.54727932]), 3: array([-0.82993936, -0.55785362,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.54727931619
Angle:  213.9078324760713
action:  [ 0.09643182]
state:  {1: array([ 0.44423712]), 2: array([-2.95120476]), 3: array([-0.90293879, -0.42976917,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.95120475852
Angle:  205.4532733894013
action:  [-0.07459356]
state:  {1: array([ 0.28000108]), 2: array([-3.28472067]), 3: array([-0.96105514, -0.27635669,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.28472066992
Angle:  196.0432638308144
action:  [ 0.06333686]
state:  {1: array([ 0.1058767]), 2: array([-3.48248766]), 3: array([-0.9944003, -0.105679 ,  0.       ])}
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Angle:  186.06669490599683
action:  [ 0.10842232]
state:  {1: array([ 6.21178783]), 2: array([-3.54548356]), 3: array([-0.99745228,  0.07133683,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.5454835636
Angle:  175.9088145965652
action:  [-0.26950202]
state:  {1: array([ 6.03516752]), 2: array([-3.53240624]), 3: array([-0.96940092,  0.24548288,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  165.78923979881324
action:  [-0.38234476]
state:  {1: array([ 5.86488523]), 2: array([-3.40564579]), 3: array([-0.91378078,  0.40620768,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  156.03280609098124
action:  [-0.58625352]
state:  {1: array([ 5.70543883]), 2: array([-3.18892806]), 3: array([-0.83769551,  0.54613756,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  146.89722151215256
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state:  {1: array([ 5.56220893]), 2: array([-2.86459795]), 3: array([-0.75116156,  0.6601184 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  138.69077208404684
action:  [ 0.14426469]
state:  {1: array([ 5.44481546]), 2: array([-2.34786944]), 3: array([-0.66867582,  0.74355407,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  131.9646373257138
action:  [ 0.27515601]
state:  {1: array([ 5.35736893]), 2: array([-1.74893049]), 3: array([-0.60118242,  0.79911182,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.74893048839
Angle:  126.95433225966474
action:  [ 0.8332448]
state:  {1: array([ 5.30613844]), 2: array([-1.0246099]), 3: array([-0.55947268,  0.82884879,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  124.01904796628787
action:  [ 0.31528047]
state:  {1: array([ 5.28835438]), 2: array([-0.35568124]), 3: array([-0.54464469,  0.8386669 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.35568124043
Angle:  123.00009865260353
action:  [ 0.41772161]
state:  {1: array([ 5.30515323]), 2: array([ 0.33597717]), 3: array([-0.55865583,  0.82939958,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  123.96260010531438
action:  [ 0.59173444]
state:  {1: array([ 5.35749259]), 2: array([ 1.04678703]), 3: array([-0.60128123,  0.79903748,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  126.96141702672719
action:  [ 0.7831419]
state:  {1: array([ 5.44566941]), 2: array([ 1.76353642]), 3: array([-0.66931053,  0.74298278,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  132.01356490014564
action:  [ 0.85920703]
state:  {1: array([ 5.56815213]), 2: array([ 2.44965456]), 3: array([-0.75507149,  0.65564247,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  139.0312918582173
action:  [ 0.76072851]
state:  {1: array([ 5.72092692]), 2: array([ 3.05549568]), 3: array([-0.84605333,  0.53309827,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  147.7846217336438
action:  [ 0.56783806]
state:  {1: array([ 5.89795167]), 2: array([ 3.5404951]), 3: array([-0.92671066,  0.37577566,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  157.92736933443462
action:  [ 0.39330312]
state:  {1: array([ 6.09201779]), 2: array([ 3.88132231]), 3: array([-0.98178307,  0.19000527,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  169.04651269243152
action:  [ 0.20243328]
state:  {1: array([ 0.01154204]), 2: array([ 4.05419126]), 3: array([-0.99993339, -0.01154179,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  180.661729783597
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state:  {1: array([ 0.21308461]), 2: array([ 4.03085129]), 3: array([-0.97738325, -0.21147575,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  192.2092411060395
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state:  {1: array([ 0.40411332]), 2: array([ 3.82057415]), 3: array([-0.91945141, -0.39320365,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  203.15435421319106
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state:  {1: array([ 0.57854091]), 2: array([ 3.48855182]), 3: array([-0.83726138, -0.54680288,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  213.1482956413
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state:  {1: array([ 0.72992417]), 2: array([ 3.02766536]), 3: array([-0.74522497, -0.66681313,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  221.82189770244227
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state:  {1: array([ 0.85569057]), 2: array([ 2.51532798]), 3: array([-0.65569727, -0.7550239 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  229.02776471790648
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state:  {1: array([ 0.95100157]), 2: array([ 1.90621983]), 3: array([-0.58086811, -0.81399769,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  234.48866950180124
action:  [ 0.21338436]
state:  {1: array([ 1.01738803]), 2: array([ 1.32772922]), 3: array([-0.52558985, -0.8507381 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  238.29232463002722
action:  [ 0.08086445]
state:  {1: array([ 1.05247829]), 2: array([ 0.70180531]), 3: array([-0.49541979, -0.86865369,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  240.30284404450464
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state:  {1: array([ 1.0549895]), 2: array([ 0.05022422]), 3: array([-0.49323686, -0.86989505,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  240.44672550610642
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state:  {1: array([ 1.02478232]), 2: array([-0.6041436]), 3: array([-0.51928493, -0.85460117,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  238.71598564119768
action:  [ 0.06539758]
state:  {1: array([ 0.96301808]), 2: array([-1.23528484]), 3: array([-0.57104499, -0.82091876,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5710449912423246   sin(angle)  -0.8209187645419329
theta dot:  -1.23528483877
Angle:  235.1771635286023
action:  [ 0.07983921]
state:  {1: array([ 0.87106818]), 2: array([-1.83899803]), 3: array([-0.64400974, -0.76501729,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.83899803018
Angle:  229.9088345651264
action:  [ 0.06360114]
state:  {1: array([ 0.75090714]), 2: array([-2.40322083]), 3: array([-0.73107023, -0.68230222,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.40322082714
Angle:  223.02413013291215
action:  [ 0.03663323]
state:  {1: array([ 0.60543451]), 2: array([-2.90945251]), 3: array([-0.82225489, -0.56911941,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.90945250978
Angle:  214.68918214844462
action:  [ 0.0206333]
state:  {1: array([ 0.43877466]), 2: array([-3.33319707]), 3: array([-0.9052729 , -0.42483052,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9052729049181363   sin(angle)  -0.4248305163486718
theta dot:  -3.33319707201
Angle:  205.1402982523141
action:  [ 0.04950842]
state:  {1: array([ 0.25655497]), 2: array([-3.6443937]), 3: array([-0.96726989, -0.25374979,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.967269890854245   sin(angle)  -0.25374979457492597
theta dot:  -3.6443936968
Angle:  194.6999037809736
action:  [ 0.07902884]
state:  {1: array([ 0.06541239]), 2: array([-3.82285172]), 3: array([-0.99786137, -0.06536575,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.82285171647
Angle:  183.74826593775106
action:  [ 0.11846139]
state:  {1: array([ 6.15589235]), 2: array([-3.85410682]), 3: array([-0.99190919,  0.12694947,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9919091859162878   sin(angle)  0.12694946591020792
theta dot:  -3.85410682136
Angle:  172.7062471893562
action:  [-0.0180528]
state:  {1: array([ 5.96781222]), 2: array([-3.76160264]), 3: array([-0.95068072,  0.31017118,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.76160264182
Angle:  161.93007460965123
action:  [-0.19521481]
state:  {1: array([ 5.7898994]), 2: array([-3.55825648]), 3: array([-0.88078166,  0.47352261,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.55825648061
Angle:  151.73644450860468
action:  [-0.4824205]
state:  {1: array([ 5.62612552]), 2: array([-3.2754776]), 3: array([-0.79179151,  0.61079146,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.27547759945
Angle:  142.35291433448253
action:  [-0.27337421]
state:  {1: array([ 5.48320601]), 2: array([-2.85839013]), 3: array([-0.69672156,  0.71734167,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.85839013494
Angle:  134.16424893644728
action:  [-0.21022461]
state:  {1: array([ 5.36561013]), 2: array([-2.35191758]), 3: array([-0.60774757,  0.79413027,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.35191757766
Angle:  127.42651714407145
action:  [ 0.27722582]
state:  {1: array([ 5.27987333]), 2: array([-1.714736]), 3: array([-0.53751242,  0.84325583,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.71473599927
Angle:  122.51417184441078
action:  [-0.09900558]
state:  {1: array([ 5.22501608]), 2: array([-1.09714496]), 3: array([-0.49046835,  0.871459  ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.0971449607
Angle:  119.37109040618918
action:  [ 0.10582412]
state:  {1: array([ 5.20363223]), 2: array([-0.42767709]), 3: array([-0.47172248,  0.88174707,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.427677089753
Angle:  118.14588865938026
action:  [ 0.35871379]
state:  {1: array([ 5.21800424]), 2: array([ 0.28744028]), 3: array([-0.48434581,  0.87487664,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.287440282315
Angle:  118.969342485722
action:  [ 0.6039148]
state:  {1: array([ 5.26971349]), 2: array([ 1.03418498]), 3: array([-0.52891748,  0.84867326,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.0341849826
Angle:  121.93205729455156
action:  [ 1.09980104]
state:  {1: array([ 5.3614965]), 2: array([ 1.83566008]), 3: array([-0.60447567,  0.7966236 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.83566008264
Angle:  127.19082376505332
action:  [ 0.78046633]
state:  {1: array([ 5.48900638]), 2: array([ 2.55019773]), 3: array([-0.70087067,  0.71328838,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.5501977318
Angle:  134.49658502881346
action:  [ 0.76248878]
state:  {1: array([ 5.64898325]), 2: array([ 3.19953733]), 3: array([-0.80554476,  0.59253492,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.19953733067
Angle:  143.6625628668719
action:  [ 0.68651002]
state:  {1: array([ 5.836329]), 2: array([ 3.74691503]), 3: array([-0.90181005,  0.43213266,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.74691502624
Angle:  154.39665862578397
action:  [ 0.50214662]
state:  {1: array([ 6.04364583]), 2: array([ 4.14633651]), 3: array([-0.97144734,  0.23725528,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.14633651352
Angle:  166.27500998232767
action:  [ 0.71060985]
state:  {1: array([ 6.2651893]), 2: array([ 4.43086945]), 3: array([-0.99983808,  0.01799504,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  178.96848625649363
action:  [ 0.59511933]
state:  {1: array([ 0.20868567]), 2: array([ 4.53363363]), 3: array([-0.97830405, -0.20717427,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.53363362716
Angle:  191.9572013545626
action:  [ 0.63952711]
state:  {1: array([ 0.43239477]), 2: array([ 4.47418199]), 3: array([-0.90796483, -0.41904637,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  204.7747586249368
action:  [ 0.62885889]
state:  {1: array([ 0.64510608]), 2: array([ 4.25422605]), 3: array([-0.79903599, -0.6012832 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.25422604521
Angle:  216.9621899996687
action:  [ 0.42990595]
state:  {1: array([ 0.83849355]), 2: array([ 3.86774954]), 3: array([-0.66858383, -0.74363678,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  228.04245032501277
action:  [ 0.42992676]
state:  {1: array([ 1.0072191]), 2: array([ 3.37451097]), 3: array([-0.53421362, -0.84534952,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  237.70968953922366
action:  [ 0.20031684]
state:  {1: array([ 1.14574642]), 2: array([ 2.77054635]), 3: array([-0.41236625, -0.91101815,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  245.64670162976594
action:  [ 0.14337897]
state:  {1: array([ 1.2511859]), 2: array([ 2.10878958]), 3: array([-0.31419674, -0.94935789,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  251.68792465472046
action:  [ 0.1027109]
state:  {1: array([ 1.32179479]), 2: array([ 1.4121778]), 3: array([-0.24643641, -0.96915896,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.41217780043
Angle:  255.73350658873483
min:  -0.979934643317  self.max:  27.8419661301
state:  {1: array([ 2.88546817]), 2: array([ 0.66321741]), 3: array([ 0.96737904, -0.25333337,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  345.3251823391623
action:  [ 0.27116458]
state:  {1: array([ 2.91116277]), 2: array([ 0.51389207]), 3: array([ 0.9735683 , -0.22839606,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  346.797371229179
action:  [ 0.18260347]
state:  {1: array([ 2.92966205]), 2: array([ 0.36998554]), 3: array([ 0.97762664, -0.2103477 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  347.85729925390956
action:  [ 0.08150103]
state:  {1: array([ 2.94088455]), 2: array([ 0.22444992]), 3: array([ 0.97992565, -0.19936327,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  348.50029941321503
action:  [-0.05263213]
state:  {1: array([ 2.94423618]), 2: array([ 0.06703265]), 3: array([ 0.98058834, -0.19607781,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  348.69233335597096
action:  [-0.36430718]
state:  {1: array([ 2.93750259]), 2: array([-0.13467179]), 3: array([ 0.97924581, -0.20267619,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  348.3065280124649
action:  [-0.75646965]
state:  {1: array([ 2.91749512]), 2: array([-0.40014938]), 3: array([ 0.97499506, -0.22222655,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  347.16018716921167
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state:  {1: array([ 2.88162244]), 2: array([-0.71745367]), 3: array([ 0.96639763, -0.25705177,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  345.1048386241552
action:  [-1.64828773]
state:  {1: array([ 2.82374815]), 2: array([-1.15748565]), 3: array([ 0.94991126, -0.31251975,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  341.78889424427115
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state:  {1: array([ 2.74568361]), 2: array([-1.56129094]), 3: array([ 0.92264637, -0.38564708,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  337.3161356274115
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state:  {1: array([ 2.64760537]), 2: array([-1.96156465]), 3: array([ 0.88044933, -0.47414024,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  331.6966799824504
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state:  {1: array([ 2.5292115]), 2: array([-2.36787744]), 3: array([ 0.81828161, -0.57481754,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  324.9132266520376
action:  [ 7.07181538]
state:  {1: array([ 2.40426197]), 2: array([-2.4989906]), 3: array([ 0.74026582, -0.6723143 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  317.75416267944684
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state:  {1: array([ 2.25345784]), 2: array([-3.0160827]), 3: array([ 0.63086031, -0.77589643,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  309.11374240996923
action:  [ 0.45103459]
state:  {1: array([ 2.07694035]), 2: array([-3.53034983]), 3: array([ 0.48480834, -0.87462042,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  299.00005877422313
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state:  {1: array([ 1.8714469]), 2: array([-4.10986884]), 3: array([ 0.29614166, -0.95514403,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  287.2261793594455
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state:  {1: array([ 1.6316403]), 2: array([-4.7961321]), 3: array([ 0.06080644, -0.99814958,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  273.4863051265086
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state:  {1: array([ 1.35574556]), 2: array([-5.51789478]), 3: array([-0.21339703, -0.97696556,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  257.67873795878245
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state:  {1: array([ 1.0435316]), 2: array([-6.2442792]), 3: array([-0.50317144, -0.86418661,  0.        ])}
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state:  {1: array([ 0.69928893]), 2: array([-6.88485336]), 3: array([-0.76530008, -0.64367367,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  220.06663169319884
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state:  {1: array([ 0.33229847]), 2: array([-7.33980928]), 3: array([-0.94529504, -0.32621662,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  199.0396761557603
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state:  {1: array([ 6.23905749]), 2: array([-7.52852571]), 3: array([-0.99902653,  0.0441135 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  177.47124728884432
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state:  {1: array([ 5.86580556]), 2: array([-7.46503862]), 3: array([-0.91415424,  0.40536653,  0.        ])}
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state:  {1: array([ 5.50964185]), 2: array([-7.12327418]), 3: array([-0.71543944,  0.69867475,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  135.67890734027765
action:  [ 0.18329095]
state:  {1: array([ 5.18105313]), 2: array([-6.57177447]), 3: array([-0.45169488,  0.89217248,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  116.85220430822915
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state:  {1: array([ 4.88635071]), 2: array([-5.89404835]), 3: array([-0.17308563,  0.98490678,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  99.96703905851751
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state:  {1: array([ 4.62912932]), 2: array([-5.14442779]), 3: array([ 0.0831635 ,  0.99653592,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  85.229373514109
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state:  {1: array([ 4.41372743]), 2: array([-4.30803774]), 3: array([ 0.29424127,  0.95573117,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  72.88778335526445
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state:  {1: array([ 4.23684899]), 2: array([-3.5375689]), 3: array([ 0.45781859,  0.88904563,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  62.75341865552116
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state:  {1: array([ 4.09791394]), 2: array([-2.77870088]), 3: array([ 0.57652967,  0.81707622,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  54.79304561121762
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state:  {1: array([ 3.99391154]), 2: array([-2.08004798]), 3: array([ 0.65823924,  0.75280881,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  48.83416102101239
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state:  {1: array([ 3.92105044]), 2: array([-1.45722213]), 3: array([ 0.71129476,  0.70289385,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  44.65953688371263
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state:  {1: array([ 3.87610771]), 2: array([-0.89885451]), 3: array([ 0.74215586,  0.67022733,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  42.084514400634475
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state:  {1: array([ 3.85725304]), 2: array([-0.37709346]), 3: array([ 0.75466012,  0.65611593,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  41.004223747272874
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state:  {1: array([ 3.86309574]), 2: array([ 0.11685408]), 3: array([ 0.75081377,  0.66051396,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  41.33898523729914
action:  [ 0.39882015]
state:  {1: array([ 3.89669887]), 2: array([ 0.67206257]), 3: array([ 0.72819875,  0.68536602,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7281987494759788   sin(angle)  0.685366019920466
theta dot:  0.672062568358
Angle:  43.26429817186232
action:  [-0.11616829]
state:  {1: array([ 3.95513196]), 2: array([ 1.16866184]), 3: array([ 0.68693064,  0.72672298,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6869306433034718   sin(angle)  0.7267229811218842
theta dot:  1.1686618402
Angle:  46.6122598989499
action:  [-0.08838326]
state:  {1: array([ 4.04015429]), 2: array([ 1.70044659]), 3: array([ 0.62273603,  0.782432  ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6227360318919392   sin(angle)  0.7824319999741075
theta dot:  1.7004465874
Angle:  51.48366914474576
action:  [-0.15703006]
state:  {1: array([ 4.1533401]), 2: array([ 2.26371608]), 3: array([ 0.53038012,  0.84775995,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5303801199460516   sin(angle)  0.8477599473707236
theta dot:  2.26371607843
Angle:  57.968722845352886
action:  [-0.00793482]
state:  {1: array([ 4.29825739]), 2: array([ 2.89834582]), 3: array([ 0.40239509,  0.91546611,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.40239508525809176   sin(angle)  0.9154661082531308
theta dot:  2.89834581654
Angle:  66.27185257187836
action:  [-0.0106788]
state:  {1: array([ 4.47742457]), 2: array([ 3.58334358]), 3: array([ 0.23280838,  0.97252263,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.23280837782932295   sin(angle)  0.9725226265812427
theta dot:  3.58334357741
Angle:  76.53735174322304
action:  [-0.01697297]
state:  {1: array([ 4.69293405]), 2: array([ 4.3101896]), 3: array([ 0.01945371,  0.99981076,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.019453707021298536   sin(angle)  0.9998107587354367
theta dot:  4.31018960215
Angle:  88.88510652402562
action:  [-0.40457827]
state:  {1: array([ 4.94290209]), 2: array([ 4.99936093]), 3: array([-0.22847709,  0.97354929,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.2284770936924907   sin(angle)  0.9735492887665385
theta dot:  4.99936093098
Angle:  103.20718711316914
action:  [-0.3064355]
state:  {1: array([ 5.22707997]), 2: array([ 5.68355757]), 3: array([-0.4922659 ,  0.87044488,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.49226589717929653   sin(angle)  0.870444878481264
theta dot:  5.68355757284
Angle:  119.48934211556298
action:  [-0.44357208]
state:  {1: array([ 5.54057274]), 2: array([ 6.26985542]), 3: array([-0.73670442,  0.67621491,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.736704419596917   sin(angle)  0.6762149052973985
theta dot:  6.2698554193
Angle:  137.45111279728314
action:  [-0.20466765]
state:  {1: array([ 5.87788856]), 2: array([ 6.74631645]), 3: array([-0.91898543,  0.39429148,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.918985434638246   sin(angle)  0.39429147964767663
theta dot:  6.74631645051
Angle:  156.77784059668738
action:  [-0.13448233]
state:  {1: array([ 6.2289817]), 2: array([ 7.02186271]), 3: array([-0.99853134,  0.05417707,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9985313441353217   sin(angle)  0.05417706875891026
theta dot:  7.02186271072
Angle:  176.89394843870423
action:  [-0.16866733]
state:  {1: array([ 0.29765616]), 2: array([ 7.03719541]), 3: array([-0.95602652, -0.29328024,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9560265153573606   sin(angle)  -0.2932802447040413
theta dot:  7.03719541214
Angle:  197.05482296662717
action:  [-0.2765174]
state:  {1: array([ 0.63644404]), 2: array([ 6.77575762]), 3: array([-0.80421428, -0.59433945,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8042142825546469   sin(angle)  -0.5943394549709068
theta dot:  6.77575761788
Angle:  216.46589330050085
action:  [-0.21852316]
state:  {1: array([ 0.95130527]), 2: array([ 6.29722455]), 3: array([-0.58062087, -0.81417407,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5806208655292208   sin(angle)  -0.8141740664698788
theta dot:  6.29722455259
Angle:  234.50607059018665
action:  [-0.29229807]
state:  {1: array([ 1.23344274]), 2: array([ 5.64274929]), 3: array([-0.33099101, -0.94363391,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3309910117871855   sin(angle)  -0.9436339068283288
theta dot:  5.64274929233
Angle:  250.671318753865
action:  [-0.42147095]
state:  {1: array([ 1.4770329]), 2: array([ 4.87180322]), 3: array([-0.0936261 , -0.99560743,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.09362610113972808   sin(angle)  -0.9956074292538065
theta dot:  4.87180322009
Angle:  264.6279742736064
action:  [-0.58282618]
state:  {1: array([ 1.67891658]), 2: array([ 4.03767372]), 3: array([ 0.10790973, -0.9941607 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.10790972612432677   sin(angle)  -0.9941606967727967
theta dot:  4.03767372071
Angle:  276.1950303871699
action:  [-0.73913623]
state:  {1: array([ 1.83797572]), 2: array([ 3.18118276]), 3: array([ 0.26401196, -0.96451941,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.2640119625809878   sin(angle)  -0.964519405514547
theta dot:  3.18118276377
Angle:  285.3084263872756
action:  [-0.84060379]
state:  {1: array([ 1.95456085]), 2: array([ 2.33170264]), 3: array([ 0.37441382, -0.92726172,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.3744138163508166   sin(angle)  -0.9272617182465892
theta dot:  2.33170264133
Angle:  291.98824678832483
action:  [-0.8624566]
state:  {1: array([ 2.02990525]), 2: array([ 1.50688786]), 3: array([ 0.44314948, -0.89644773,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4431494768279572   sin(angle)  -0.8964477347771636
theta dot:  1.50688786232
Angle:  296.30515242903846
action:  [-0.80429659]
state:  {1: array([ 2.06560063]), 2: array([ 0.71390757]), 3: array([ 0.47485943, -0.88006166,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4748594315762355   sin(angle)  -0.8800616570690343
theta dot:  0.713907573113
Angle:  298.3503421915849
action:  [-0.71807932]
state:  {1: array([ 2.0629081]), 2: array([-0.05385057]), 3: array([ 0.47248812, -0.88133704,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4724881221649884   sin(angle)  -0.8813370379219309
theta dot:  -0.0538505674015
Angle:  298.19607204051107
action:  [-0.7091321]
state:  {1: array([ 2.02184694]), 2: array([-0.82122316]), 3: array([ 0.43591132, -0.89998963,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.43591131507578906   sin(angle)  -0.8999896251562549
theta dot:  -0.821223161465
Angle:  295.84344648245576
action:  [-0.62165657]
state:  {1: array([ 1.94237375]), 2: array([-1.58946387]), 3: array([ 0.36308565, -0.93175577,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.363085652737135   sin(angle)  -0.9317557666987892
theta dot:  -1.58946386596
Angle:  291.289978570055
action:  [-0.34090686]
state:  {1: array([ 1.82540291]), 2: array([-2.33941672]), 3: array([ 0.25186469, -0.96776246,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.25186469432962627   sin(angle)  -0.9677624583286148
theta dot:  -2.33941672054
Angle:  284.5880590115801
action:  [-0.1465345]
state:  {1: array([ 1.67104197]), 2: array([-3.08721874]), 3: array([ 0.10007783, -0.99497961,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.10007783286283647   sin(angle)  -0.9949796115345672
theta dot:  -3.08721873942
Angle:  275.7438494830786
action:  [ 0.13753764]
state:  {1: array([ 1.48040083]), 2: array([-3.8128228]), 3: array([-0.09027244, -0.99591711,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.09027243513285133   sin(angle)  -0.9959171087270191
theta dot:  -3.81282280164
Angle:  264.8209422973135
action:  [ 0.08378225]
state:  {1: array([ 1.25304117]), 2: array([-4.5471933]), 3: array([-0.31243489, -0.94993918,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.31243488666350683   sin(angle)  -0.9499391778401192
theta dot:  -4.5471932954
Angle:  251.79422353662767
action:  [ 0.55854933]
state:  {1: array([ 0.9942479]), 2: array([-5.17586528]), 3: array([-0.54513356, -0.83834921,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5451335623548899   sin(angle)  -0.8383492107673671
theta dot:  -5.17586527936
Angle:  236.96649641851292
action:  [ 0.3824883]
state:  {1: array([ 0.70688521]), 2: array([-5.74725394]), 3: array([-0.76038852, -0.64946847,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7603885209855613   sin(angle)  -0.6494684727940152
theta dot:  -5.74725394203
Angle:  220.50186518656662
action:  [ 0.07640298]
state:  {1: array([ 0.39574046]), 2: array([-6.22289485]), 3: array([-0.92271137, -0.38549153,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9227113744105527   sin(angle)  -0.38549152978163953
theta dot:  -6.2228948489
Angle:  202.67462631461322
action:  [-0.07809302]
state:  {1: array([ 0.06955409]), 2: array([-6.52372745]), 3: array([-0.99758209, -0.06949802,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9975820891267606   sin(angle)  -0.06949802481716857
theta dot:  -6.52372744953
Angle:  183.98556754016272
action:  [-0.11820566]
state:  {1: array([ 6.02306031]), 2: array([-6.59358182]), 3: array([-0.96635784,  0.25720135,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.966357835912834   sin(angle)  0.2572013471385099
theta dot:  -6.59358181693
Angle:  165.0955493774195
action:  [-0.2720421]
state:  {1: array([ 5.70098595]), 2: array([-6.44148712]), 3: array([-0.83525533,  0.54986229,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8352553289060916   sin(angle)  0.5498622877902947
theta dot:  -6.44148712154
Angle:  146.64209123701482
action:  [-0.38911937]
state:  {1: array([ 5.39661304]), 2: array([-6.08745831]), 3: array([-0.63207192,  0.77490973,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6320719158458886   sin(angle)  0.774909732290741
theta dot:  -6.08745831117
Angle:  129.20284855795887
action:  [-0.44603661]
state:  {1: array([ 5.11795396]), 2: array([-5.5731815]), 3: array([-0.39453797,  0.91887964,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3945379733297606   sin(angle)  0.9188796371673741
theta dot:  -5.57318150359
Angle:  113.23689696248789
action:  [-0.4328187]
state:  {1: array([ 4.87050673]), 2: array([-4.94894458]), 3: array([-0.15745972,  0.98752541,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.15745971938815287   sin(angle)  0.9875254106959497
theta dot:  -4.94894458081
Angle:  99.05924823976625
action:  [-0.37975371]
state:  {1: array([ 4.65724355]), 2: array([-4.26526358]), 3: array([ 0.05511748,  0.99847988,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.05511748103868284   sin(angle)  0.9984798762538735
theta dot:  -4.26526357957
Angle:  86.84019673220035
action:  [-0.34564076]
state:  {1: array([ 4.47883106]), 2: array([-3.56824979]), 3: array([ 0.2314403 ,  0.97284911,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.23144029635200203   sin(angle)  0.9728491091759798
theta dot:  -3.56824978671
Angle:  76.61793798493636
action:  [-0.19903845]
state:  {1: array([ 4.33540763]), 2: array([-2.86846872]), 3: array([ 0.36811547,  0.92978008,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.86846872216
Angle:  68.40039962885413
action:  [-0.31035278]
state:  {1: array([ 4.2245233]), 2: array([-2.21768658]), 3: array([ 0.46874164,  0.88333531,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.21768657827
Angle:  62.04721042448034
action:  [-0.27937784]
state:  {1: array([ 4.14466871]), 2: array([-1.59709177]), 3: array([ 0.53771134,  0.843129  ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.59709176883
Angle:  57.47189023111474
action:  [-0.31850851]
state:  {1: array([ 4.09404265]), 2: array([-1.01252129]), 3: array([ 0.57968848,  0.81483818,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.01252129377
Angle:  54.57123717409871
action:  [-0.18119347]
state:  {1: array([ 4.07261406]), 2: array([-0.42857168]), 3: array([ 0.59701489,  0.80223016,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.428571677533
Angle:  53.34347262807324
action:  [ 0.1253352]
state:  {1: array([ 4.08220912]), 2: array([ 0.19190122]), 3: array([ 0.58929008,  0.80792153,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.191901218765
Angle:  53.89322783844011
action:  [ 0.49565376]
state:  {1: array([ 4.12581865]), 2: array([ 0.87219043]), 3: array([ 0.55350791,  0.83284392,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5535079084125795   sin(angle)  0.832843920146345
theta dot:  0.872190433612
Angle:  56.391863534425624
action:  [ 0.29767504]
state:  {1: array([ 4.20289238]), 2: array([ 1.54147463]), 3: array([ 0.48773785,  0.87299014,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.48773784874211457   sin(angle)  0.8729901436467735
theta dot:  1.54147462965
Angle:  60.80785273320771
action:  [ 0.3799184]
state:  {1: array([ 4.31555263]), 2: array([ 2.253205]), 3: array([ 0.38650249,  0.92228836,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.38650248735036424   sin(angle)  0.9222883644891013
theta dot:  2.25320499763
Angle:  67.26279447585506
action:  [ 0.46308639]
state:  {1: array([ 4.46627184]), 2: array([ 3.01438423]), 3: array([ 0.24363995,  0.96986575,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.243639954715392   sin(angle)  0.9698657497129599
theta dot:  3.01438423017
Angle:  75.8983489931536
action:  [ 0.52921667]
state:  {1: array([ 4.65733014]), 2: array([ 3.82116604]), 3: array([ 0.05503103,  0.99848464,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.05503102619537174   sin(angle)  0.9984846449274442
theta dot:  3.82116604262
Angle:  86.84515774778288
action:  [ 0.94624927]
state:  {1: array([ 4.89292849]), 2: array([ 4.71196692]), 3: array([-0.17956034,  0.98374696,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.17956033649669506   sin(angle)  0.9837469621590674
theta dot:  4.71196691612
Angle:  100.34391705675898
action:  [ 0.47366938]
state:  {1: array([ 5.16896986]), 2: array([ 5.52082755]), 3: array([-0.44088181,  0.89756517,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  5.52082754532
Angle:  116.15988596046043
action:  [ 0.44129729]
state:  {1: array([ 5.48197966]), 2: array([ 6.26019601]), 3: array([-0.69584133,  0.71819555,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6958413276564754   sin(angle)  0.7181955490848391
theta dot:  6.26019601382
Angle:  134.09398454856853
action:  [ 0.39823838]
state:  {1: array([ 5.82490859]), 2: array([ 6.85857843]), 3: array([-0.89681621,  0.4424033 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8968162128231261   sin(angle)  0.4424033006404738
theta dot:  6.85857843296
Angle:  153.742318485625
action:  [ 0.29309481]
state:  {1: array([ 6.18662584]), 2: array([ 7.23434513]), 3: array([-0.99534176,  0.09640949,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  7.23434512981
Angle:  174.46714219593844
action:  [ 0.45990176]
state:  {1: array([ 0.27222241]), 2: array([ 7.37563751]), 3: array([-0.96317573, -0.26887267,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9631757300735829   sin(angle)  -0.26887267060305786
theta dot:  7.37563750897
Angle:  195.59757964450264
action:  [ 0.32164926]
state:  {1: array([ 0.63333393]), 2: array([ 7.2222304]), 3: array([-0.80605885, -0.59183539,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8060588538789658   sin(angle)  -0.5918353859675239
theta dot:  7.22223039512
Angle:  216.28769727759232
action:  [ 0.22761526]
state:  {1: array([ 0.97395874]), 2: array([ 6.81249615]), 3: array([-0.5620296 , -0.82711712,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  235.80401549368628
action:  [ 0.114026]
state:  {1: array([ 1.28442185]), 2: array([ 6.20926221]), 3: array([-0.28247622, -0.9592743 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  253.59219981621897
action:  [-0.0082238]
state:  {1: array([ 1.55885049]), 2: array([ 5.48857291]), 3: array([-0.01194555, -0.99992865,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  5.48857291116
Angle:  269.3157662156349
action:  [ 0.0180555]
state:  {1: array([ 1.79591723]), 2: array([ 4.74133475]), 3: array([ 0.22322422, -0.97476713,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.2232242169769641   sin(angle)  -0.9747671254997377
theta dot:  4.7413347498
Angle:  282.89865797405025
action:  [ 0.03496188]
state:  {1: array([ 1.99669242]), 2: array([ 4.01550369]), 3: array([ 0.41313699, -0.91066889,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.01550368792
Angle:  294.4022017706059
action:  [-0.00491922]
state:  {1: array([ 2.16328062]), 2: array([ 3.33176414]), 3: array([ 0.55842361, -0.82955595,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  303.94698061667043
action:  [-0.00774793]
state:  {1: array([ 2.29870237]), 2: array([ 2.70843498]), 3: array([ 0.66530781, -0.74656916,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.70843498269
Angle:  311.7060571522695
min:  -1.64828772711  self.max:  27.8419661301
state:  {1: array([ 3.2193686]), 2: array([ 0.79620604]), 3: array([ 0.99697698,  0.07769756,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.796206043416
Angle:  4.45622308731555
action:  [ 0.61650952]
state:  {1: array([ 3.26671638]), 2: array([ 0.94695564]), 3: array([ 0.99218223,  0.1247975 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9921822337554951   sin(angle)  0.12479749604842244
theta dot:  0.94695564084
Angle:  7.169044823869115
action:  [ 0.60734212]
state:  {1: array([ 3.32329914]), 2: array([ 1.13165508]), 3: array([ 0.98353675,  0.18070822,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9835367494902102   sin(angle)  0.18070822450080012
theta dot:  1.13165508072
Angle:  10.410990242270941
action:  [ 0.62788473]
state:  {1: array([ 3.39136758]), 2: array([ 1.36136896]), 3: array([ 0.96896808,  0.24718588,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9689680801351397   sin(angle)  0.2471858808249806
theta dot:  1.36136895912
Angle:  14.31101590818696
action:  [ 0.60341858]
state:  {1: array([ 3.47323114]), 2: array([ 1.63727116]), 3: array([ 0.94551013,  0.32559267,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9455101329987283   sin(angle)  0.3255926725169458
theta dot:  1.63727115635
Angle:  19.001441298803627
action:  [ 0.32660485]
state:  {1: array([ 3.56975396]), 2: array([ 1.93045639]), 3: array([ 0.90973071,  0.41519879,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9097307096495814   sin(angle)  0.41519879084658856
theta dot:  1.93045638844
Angle:  24.531778546055477
action:  [-0.12792774]
state:  {1: array([ 3.68088728]), 2: array([ 2.22266632]), 3: array([ 0.85807113,  0.51353086,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.858071127011172   sin(angle)  0.5135308569012937
theta dot:  2.22266632071
Angle:  30.899233628293928
action:  [-0.39818666]
state:  {1: array([ 3.8082916]), 2: array([ 2.54808646]), 3: array([ 0.7858673 ,  0.61839517,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7858672988936579   sin(angle)  0.618395171819433
theta dot:  2.54808646421
Angle:  38.19894657007558
action:  [-1.14457346]
state:  {1: array([ 3.95030144]), 2: array([ 2.84019682]), 3: array([ 0.69043307,  0.72339628,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6904330657072328   sin(angle)  0.7233962826681597
theta dot:  2.84019682443
Angle:  46.335492094607616
action:  [-0.42223326]
state:  {1: array([ 4.11627189]), 2: array([ 3.31940905]), 3: array([ 0.56143352,  0.82752185,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5614335174812698   sin(angle)  0.8275218459041481
theta dot:  3.31940904678
Angle:  55.844876300446344
action:  [-0.33480748]
state:  {1: array([ 4.31076336]), 2: array([ 3.88982931]), 3: array([ 0.39091512,  0.92042673,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.3909151225828389   sin(angle)  0.9204267308895608
theta dot:  3.88982930862
Angle:  66.98839036258107
action:  [ 0.0780153]
state:  {1: array([ 4.54035594]), 2: array([ 4.59185165]), 3: array([ 0.17118573,  0.98523878,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.17118572910042215   sin(angle)  0.9852387762123235
theta dot:  4.59185165141
Angle:  80.1430455900803
action:  [ 22.84208708]
state:  {1: array([ 4.82189498]), 2: array([ 5.63078073]), 3: array([-0.10928727,  0.99401021,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.10928727207220594   sin(angle)  0.9940102072730519
theta dot:  5.63078073357
Angle:  96.27400643873847
action:  [-0.50909285]
state:  {1: array([ 5.1368912]), 2: array([ 6.29992446]), 3: array([-0.41186724,  0.91124386,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.41186723563042915   sin(angle)  0.9112438642943768
theta dot:  6.29992446146
Angle:  114.32191837950398
action:  [-0.31404757]
state:  {1: array([ 5.48370371]), 2: array([ 6.93625022]), 3: array([-0.6970785 ,  0.71699482,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6970784977024918   sin(angle)  0.7169948173040285
theta dot:  6.93625022417
Angle:  134.192765087402
action:  [-0.38467621]
state:  {1: array([ 5.85451846]), 2: array([ 7.41629491]), 3: array([-0.90952069,  0.41565864,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.909520693768547   sin(angle)  0.4156586431277243
theta dot:  7.41629490541
Angle:  155.43883529006052
action:  [-0.89490591]
state:  {1: array([ 6.23420861]), 2: array([ 7.593803]), 3: array([-0.99880088,  0.04895712,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9988008812369069   sin(angle)  0.04895712042571668
theta dot:  7.59380300087
Angle:  177.19342753854403
action:  [-0.5687336]
state:  {1: array([ 0.32828384]), 2: array([ 7.5452108]), 3: array([-0.94659706, -0.32241899,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9465970592201971   sin(angle)  -0.32241899366457105
theta dot:  7.54521080133
Angle:  198.80965554963186
action:  [-0.44450467]
state:  {1: array([ 0.69011988]), 2: array([ 7.23672086]), 3: array([-0.7711697 , -0.63662964,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.771169698481463   sin(angle)  -0.6366296381288021
theta dot:  7.23672085534
Angle:  219.54128519633466
action:  [-0.58934129]
state:  {1: array([ 1.02366226]), 2: array([ 6.67084743]), 3: array([-0.52024181, -0.854019  ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5202418106408843   sin(angle)  -0.8540190035714044
theta dot:  6.67084743254
Angle:  238.65181069063482
action:  [-0.74616898]
state:  {1: array([ 1.31958265]), 2: array([ 5.91840783]), 3: array([-0.24857973, -0.96861144,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.24857972539393514   sin(angle)  -0.9686114391865687
theta dot:  5.91840783269
Angle:  255.60676055509066
action:  [-0.76942735]
state:  {1: array([ 1.57340941]), 2: array([ 5.07653515]), 3: array([ 0.00261308, -0.99999659,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.0026130755908475873   sin(angle)  -0.9999965859121502
theta dot:  5.07653515096
Angle:  270.1499284818399
action:  [-0.58287606]
state:  {1: array([ 1.78536472]), 2: array([ 4.2391063]), 3: array([ 0.21292574, -0.97706839,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.21292573924451264   sin(angle)  -0.9770683853073836
theta dot:  4.23910630207
Angle:  282.2940450844142
action:  [-0.27059743]
state:  {1: array([ 1.95865049]), 2: array([ 3.4657154]), 3: array([ 0.37820284, -0.92572275,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.378202837781746   sin(angle)  -0.9257227519586165
theta dot:  3.46571539805
Angle:  292.2225651323031
action:  [-0.08675829]
state:  {1: array([ 2.09657097]), 2: array([ 2.75840959]), 3: array([ 0.50188317, -0.86493542,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5018831714727269   sin(angle)  -0.8649354208219695
theta dot:  2.75840959122
Angle:  300.1248080406763
action:  [ 0.10561821]
state:  {1: array([ 2.20284851]), 2: array([ 2.12555076]), 3: array([ 0.59080173, -0.80681678,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5908017348987136   sin(angle)  -0.8068167760034928
theta dot:  2.12555075727
Angle:  306.2140481779933
action:  [ 0.24161929]
state:  {1: array([ 2.28068256]), 2: array([ 1.55668107]), 3: array([ 0.65174749, -0.75843603,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6517474913612318   sin(angle)  -0.7584360272985066
theta dot:  1.55668106946
Angle:  310.67360051602884
action:  [ 0.16317788]
state:  {1: array([ 2.3312991]), 2: array([ 1.01233073]), 3: array([ 0.68928578, -0.72448955,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6892857845555288   sin(angle)  -0.724489549413702
theta dot:  1.01233073083
Angle:  313.5737076517007
action:  [ 0.14741164]
state:  {1: array([ 2.35585286]), 2: array([ 0.49107532]), 3: array([ 0.70686517, -0.70734831,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7068651734277498   sin(angle)  -0.7073483064197985
theta dot:  0.491075315333
Angle:  314.98053151151726
action:  [ 0.26796419]
state:  {1: array([ 2.3558908]), 2: array([ 0.00075871]), 3: array([ 0.70689201, -0.70732149,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7068920066929409   sin(angle)  -0.7073214904649987
theta dot:  0.000758714584761
Angle:  314.98270506361257
action:  [ 0.17879495]
state:  {1: array([ 2.33074514]), 2: array([-0.50291316]), 3: array([ 0.68888434, -0.72487127,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6888843430685643   sin(angle)  -0.7248712726236244
theta dot:  -0.50291316137
Angle:  313.541968352279
action:  [ 0.04317529]
state:  {1: array([ 2.27874063]), 2: array([-1.04009032]), 3: array([ 0.65027343, -0.75970025,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6502734290572467   sin(angle)  -0.7597002484283719
theta dot:  -1.04009032194
Angle:  310.56233603197893
action:  [ 0.01038355]
state:  {1: array([ 2.19832523]), 2: array([-1.60830798]), 3: array([ 0.58714624, -0.80948088,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5871462440898794   sin(angle)  -0.8094808756549766
theta dot:  -1.60830797549
Angle:  305.9548838485683
action:  [-0.0819641]
state:  {1: array([ 2.08693956]), 2: array([-2.22771325]), 3: array([ 0.49352948, -0.86972907,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.493529477985957   sin(angle)  -0.8697290695147017
theta dot:  -2.22771324682
Angle:  299.5729704218376
action:  [-0.21263326]
state:  {1: array([ 1.94134431]), 2: array([-2.91190504]), 3: array([ 0.36212628, -0.93212905,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.3621262793354607   sin(angle)  -0.9321290456876966
theta dot:  -2.91190503826
Angle:  291.2309964772405
action:  [ 0.02612951]
state:  {1: array([ 1.76099019]), 2: array([-3.6070824]), 3: array([ 0.18904927, -0.9819676 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.60708239647
Angle:  280.8974907577963
action:  [-0.36236391]
state:  {1: array([ 1.54109456]), 2: array([-4.39791269]), 3: array([-0.0296974 , -0.99955893,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.029697401837813255   sin(angle)  -0.9995589348928273
theta dot:  -4.39791268517
Angle:  268.2984284435217
action:  [-0.12926681]
state:  {1: array([ 1.28274596]), 2: array([-5.16697191]), 3: array([-0.28408346, -0.95879956,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.2840834562135466   sin(angle)  -0.9587995566883445
theta dot:  -5.16697190761
Angle:  253.49617889917926
action:  [ 0.31055074]
state:  {1: array([ 0.99077151]), 2: array([-5.83948896]), 3: array([-0.54804469, -0.83644905,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5480446912492112   sin(angle)  -0.8364490518815577
theta dot:  -5.8394889645
Angle:  236.76731440959492
action:  [ 0.04313127]
state:  {1: array([ 0.66775371]), 2: array([-6.46035606]), 3: array([-0.7852146 , -0.61922373,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.785214601037424   sin(angle)  -0.6192237320368456
theta dot:  -6.46035606341
Angle:  218.25980085896575
action:  [ 0.19841788]
state:  {1: array([ 0.32300315]), 2: array([-6.89501118]), 3: array([-0.94828645, -0.31741584,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9482864476919768   sin(angle)  -0.3174158362837805
theta dot:  -6.89501118005
Angle:  198.50709503375967
action:  [ 0.30754978]
state:  {1: array([ 6.25184143]), 2: array([-7.08694059]), 3: array([-0.99950882,  0.03133875,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9995088208931522   sin(angle)  0.03133874529684792
theta dot:  -7.0869405906
Angle:  178.20371140024827
action:  [-0.03996018]
state:  {1: array([ 5.8983699]), 2: array([-7.06943056]), 3: array([-0.92686774,  0.37538805,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -7.06943055852
Angle:  157.95133203093133
action:  [-0.19241376]
state:  {1: array([ 5.55753232]), 2: array([-6.81675159]), 3: array([-0.74806625,  0.66362406,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -6.81675158631
Angle:  138.4228229028601
action:  [-0.60232912]
state:  {1: array([ 5.23706318]), 2: array([-6.40938291]), 3: array([-0.50093105,  0.86548719,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -6.40938291018
Angle:  120.06133633818308
action:  [-0.43184458]
state:  {1: array([ 4.94581097]), 2: array([-5.8250442]), 3: array([-0.23130806,  0.97288056,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.23130805563648915   sin(angle)  0.9728805596771203
theta dot:  -5.82504420211
Angle:  103.3738529478627
action:  [ 0.16427357]
state:  {1: array([ 4.69227383]), 2: array([-5.07074275]), 3: array([ 0.02011379,  0.9997977 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -5.07074274615
Angle:  88.84727899976758
action:  [ 0.28433806]
state:  {1: array([ 4.47836164]), 2: array([-4.27824376]), 3: array([ 0.23189695,  0.97274036,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.27824376395
Angle:  76.59104209004931
action:  [ 0.86477775]
state:  {1: array([ 4.30741305]), 2: array([-3.41897183]), 3: array([ 0.39399664,  0.91911188,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.41897183235
Angle:  66.79643218070726
action:  [ 0.19652503]
state:  {1: array([ 4.17240509]), 2: array([-2.70015917]), 3: array([ 0.51412217,  0.85771696,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.70015916744
Angle:  59.06106405395673
action:  [ 0.03637871]
state:  {1: array([ 4.06983436]), 2: array([-2.05141464]), 3: array([ 0.59924254,  0.80056753,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.05141463774
Angle:  53.18420775790855
action:  [-0.19445945]
state:  {1: array([ 3.99582646]), 2: array([-1.4801579]), 3: array([ 0.65679646,  0.75406791,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.48015790441
Angle:  48.9438776268662
action:  [-0.34444589]
state:  {1: array([ 3.94751277]), 2: array([-0.96627386]), 3: array([ 0.69244769,  0.72146808,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.966273857654
Angle:  46.175713405167414
action:  [-0.36076448]
state:  {1: array([ 3.9235484]), 2: array([-0.47928747]), 3: array([ 0.70953674,  0.70466844,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.479287468506
Angle:  44.802659160021676
action:  [-0.28284997]
state:  {1: array([ 3.92388772]), 2: array([ 0.00678636]), 3: array([ 0.7092976 ,  0.70490916,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.00678636475685
Angle:  44.8221006174993
action:  [-0.16677505]
state:  {1: array([ 3.94941032]), 2: array([ 0.51045198]), 3: array([ 0.69107743,  0.72278073,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.510451975196
Angle:  46.284434389070384
action:  [-0.03968896]
state:  {1: array([ 4.00173952]), 2: array([ 1.04658418]), 3: array([ 0.65232616,  0.75793838,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6523261563777932   sin(angle)  0.757938378567397
theta dot:  1.04658418014
Angle:  49.28267019926102
action:  [ 0.160855]
state:  {1: array([ 4.08369783]), 2: array([ 1.63916621]), 3: array([ 0.58808666,  0.80879792,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.588086663190094   sin(angle)  0.8087979207304757
theta dot:  1.63916621456
Angle:  53.97852451904873
action:  [ 0.48278451]
state:  {1: array([ 4.19960695]), 2: array([ 2.31818233]), 3: array([ 0.49060336,  0.87138301,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.31818233163
Angle:  60.61961217649383
action:  [ 0.70287733]
state:  {1: array([ 4.35346451]), 2: array([ 3.07715119]), 3: array([ 0.35126744,  0.93627516,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.07715118748
Angle:  69.43498036063562
action:  [ 0.72158975]
state:  {1: array([ 4.54784431]), 2: array([ 3.88759602]), 3: array([ 0.16380317,  0.98649304,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.16380316653999216   sin(angle)  0.9864930423634378
theta dot:  3.88759602316
Angle:  80.57209654616958
action:  [ 0.54340746]
state:  {1: array([ 4.78329316]), 2: array([ 4.70897692]), 3: array([-0.07084478,  0.99748735,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.07084478204519275   sin(angle)  0.9974873517278147
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Angle:  94.06229017648889
action:  [ 0.31115454]
state:  {1: array([ 5.05848144]), 2: array([ 5.50376562]), 3: array([-0.33922456,  0.94070543,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3392245612701175   sin(angle)  0.9407054252161493
theta dot:  5.50376561841
Angle:  109.82938037438777
action:  [ 0.88455678]
state:  {1: array([ 5.37558035]), 2: array([ 6.3419782]), 3: array([-0.61563488,  0.78803153,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6156348820511918   sin(angle)  0.7880315298272114
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Angle:  127.99776713032412
action:  [-0.33750374]
state:  {1: array([ 5.71969916]), 2: array([ 6.88237629]), 3: array([-0.84539818,  0.53413662,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8453981750517923   sin(angle)  0.5341366169989651
theta dot:  6.88237628968
Angle:  147.71427674551524
action:  [ 0.34437642]
state:  {1: array([ 6.08643092]), 2: array([ 7.33463521]), 3: array([-0.98070622,  0.19548737,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  7.33463521484
Angle:  168.72640971394048
action:  [ 0.57246566]
state:  {1: array([ 0.18160165]), 2: array([ 7.56712059]), 3: array([-0.98355569, -0.18060511,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9835556888515412   sin(angle)  -0.18060511323816453
theta dot:  7.56712059059
Angle:  190.40540450099323
action:  [ 0.52324511]
state:  {1: array([ 0.55710932]), 2: array([ 7.51015352]), 3: array([-0.84878706, -0.52873484,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8487870568215888   sin(angle)  -0.5287348410802384
theta dot:  7.51015352158
Angle:  211.92035920376432
action:  [ 0.4061484]
state:  {1: array([ 0.91583556]), 2: array([ 7.17452465]), 3: array([-0.60912813, -0.79307182,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6091281326836577   sin(angle)  -0.7930718239688763
theta dot:  7.17452465047
Angle:  232.47381026508776
action:  [ 0.13243442]
state:  {1: array([ 1.24581485]), 2: array([ 6.59958595]), 3: array([-0.31929123, -0.94765664,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.31929122971309454   sin(angle)  -0.947656641737027
theta dot:  6.59958594571
Angle:  251.38018711489593
action:  [-0.20896032]
state:  {1: array([ 1.53868982]), 2: array([ 5.85749942]), 3: array([-0.03210099, -0.99948463,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.03210098749028184   sin(angle)  -0.9994846304982127
theta dot:  5.85749941685
Angle:  268.1606476291692
action:  [-0.50355081]
state:  {1: array([ 1.79030749]), 2: array([ 5.03235332]), 3: array([ 0.21775254, -0.97600401,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.2177525420967612   sin(angle)  -0.976004011472493
theta dot:  5.03235332199
Angle:  282.5772442353358
action:  [-0.68506776]
state:  {1: array([ 2.000187]), 2: array([ 4.19759015]), 3: array([ 0.41631687, -0.90921959,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.41631686528144185   sin(angle)  -0.9092195926629791
theta dot:  4.19759014977
Angle:  294.60242610059964
action:  [-0.68462864]
state:  {1: array([ 2.17083606]), 2: array([ 3.41298116]), 3: array([ 0.56467526, -0.82531318,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5646752621368668   sin(angle)  -0.8253131819683124
theta dot:  3.41298115941
Angle:  304.3798740362689
action:  [-0.48992303]
state:  {1: array([ 2.30686145]), 2: array([ 2.72050782]), 3: array([ 0.67137691, -0.74111608,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.671376913322925   sin(angle)  -0.7411160774514216
theta dot:  2.7205078189
Angle:  312.17353661906617
action:  [-0.28027366]
state:  {1: array([ 2.41299293]), 2: array([ 2.12262971]), 3: array([ 0.74610747, -0.66582553,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7461074743867706   sin(angle)  -0.6658255301985607
theta dot:  2.12262971171
Angle:  318.25440859685483
action:  [ 0.04793799]
state:  {1: array([ 2.49451549]), 2: array([ 1.63045126]), 3: array([ 0.79784926, -0.602857  ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7978492592951018   sin(angle)  -0.6028569975062557
theta dot:  1.63045126226
Angle:  322.92529647576066
action:  [ 0.08358405]
state:  {1: array([ 2.5540578]), 2: array([ 1.19084612]), 3: array([ 0.83230966, -0.55431094,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8323096647619291   sin(angle)  -0.5543109433737397
theta dot:  1.19084612175
Angle:  326.3368113394353
action:  [-0.65031521]
state:  {1: array([ 2.58793608]), 2: array([ 0.67756563]), 3: array([ 0.85060758, -0.52580104,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8506075839600914   sin(angle)  -0.5258010442264033
theta dot:  0.677565632947
Angle:  328.27788935589956
action:  [ 0.66067049]
state:  {1: array([ 2.60705185]), 2: array([ 0.38231542]), 3: array([ 0.86050266, -0.50944595,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8605026575974526   sin(angle)  -0.5094459502908245
theta dot:  0.382315423178
Angle:  329.37313980426944
action:  [-0.05618623]
state:  {1: array([ 2.606642]), 2: array([-0.00819697]), 3: array([ 0.86029379, -0.50979858,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8602937895514706   sin(angle)  -0.5097985834220904
theta dot:  -0.00819697476512
Angle:  329.349657256241
action:  [-0.28280052]
state:  {1: array([ 2.58499371]), 2: array([-0.43296599]), 3: array([ 0.8490568 , -0.52830157,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8490567991563817   sin(angle)  -0.5283015727842572
theta dot:  -0.432965989813
Angle:  328.10930396227707
action:  [ 0.12534315]
state:  {1: array([ 2.54447417]), 2: array([-0.8103907]), 3: array([ 0.82695921, -0.56226191,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.826959213090704   sin(angle)  -0.5622619139550566
theta dot:  -0.810390697041
Angle:  325.7877110563157
action:  [ 0.16960361]
state:  {1: array([ 2.48414184]), 2: array([-1.20664659]), 3: array([ 0.79155261, -0.61110102,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7915526127349474   sin(angle)  -0.6111010237861482
theta dot:  -1.20664659137
Angle:  322.33093128730945
action:  [ 0.11173067]
state:  {1: array([ 2.4017312]), 2: array([-1.64821276]), 3: array([ 0.73856197, -0.67418559,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7385619738893331   sin(angle)  -0.6741855907127444
theta dot:  -1.64821275818
Angle:  317.6091605897066
action:  [-0.05921773]
state:  {1: array([ 2.29359447]), 2: array([-2.16273461]), 3: array([ 0.66148575, -0.74995773,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6614857498614745   sin(angle)  -0.7499577339625233
theta dot:  -2.16273461093
Angle:  311.4133968074527
action:  [-0.17077478]
state:  {1: array([ 2.15605352]), 2: array([-2.75081913]), 3: array([ 0.55241379, -0.83357004,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5524137859041863   sin(angle)  -0.8335700385348574
theta dot:  -2.75081912854
Angle:  303.53289892201724
action:  [-0.43087646]
state:  {1: array([ 1.98402211]), 2: array([-3.44062813]), 3: array([ 0.40156568, -0.91583023,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.40156568168840984   sin(angle)  -0.9158302262374411
theta dot:  -3.44062812686
Angle:  293.6762484440126
action:  [-0.47995631]
state:  {1: array([ 1.7740474]), 2: array([-4.19949424]), 3: array([ 0.20185454, -0.97941551,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.20185454110558995   sin(angle)  -0.9794155115348397
theta dot:  -4.19949424336
Angle:  281.64561176517867
action:  [-0.4435713]
state:  {1: array([ 1.52401782]), 2: array([-5.00059157]), 3: array([-0.04676145, -0.99890609,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.04676144930151173   sin(angle)  -0.998906085104712
theta dot:  -5.00059157169
Angle:  267.3200056583562
action:  [-0.34416245]
state:  {1: array([ 1.23394804]), 2: array([-5.8013955]), 3: array([-0.33051414, -0.94380104,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.33051414478176067   sin(angle)  -0.9438010384075561
theta dot:  -5.80139550318
Angle:  250.70027064160644
action:  [-0.14619149]
state:  {1: array([ 0.90738929]), 2: array([-6.531175]), 3: array([-0.61580482, -0.78789874,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6158048180236202   sin(angle)  -0.7878987410187276
theta dot:  -6.53117500482
Angle:  231.98987624275955
action:  [-0.17768419]
state:  {1: array([ 0.54995171]), 2: array([-7.14875169]), 3: array([-0.85254976, -0.52264606,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8525497620798292   sin(angle)  -0.5226460591811888
theta dot:  -7.14875168941
Angle:  211.51025910349026
action:  [-0.15705563]
state:  {1: array([ 0.17173698]), 2: array([-7.56429458]), 3: array([-0.98528941, -0.17089403,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9852894138556925   sin(angle)  -0.17089403425487348
theta dot:  -7.56429457798
Angle:  189.84020206191875
action:  [-0.17531186]
state:  {1: array([ 6.06898419]), 2: array([-7.71876188]), 3: array([-0.97714652,  0.21256687,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9771465227230693   sin(angle)  0.21256686743284825
theta dot:  -7.7187618827
Angle:  167.726787988831
action:  [-0.45289557]
state:  {1: array([ 5.68762064]), 2: array([-7.62727107]), 3: array([-0.82783187,  0.56097629,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8278318658835392   sin(angle)  0.5609762934632604
theta dot:  -7.62727106748
Angle:  145.87631701629164
action:  [-0.29079563]
state:  {1: array([ 5.32511273]), 2: array([-7.25015819]), 3: array([-0.57509785,  0.81808463,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5750978486006177   sin(angle)  0.8180846316457369
theta dot:  -7.25015819134
Angle:  125.10619232757597
action:  [-0.63450271]
state:  {1: array([ 4.98852422]), 2: array([-6.73177012]), 3: array([-0.27263935,  0.96211631,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.2726393489211266   sin(angle)  0.9621163055576307
theta dot:  -6.73177012443
Angle:  105.82113658531432
action:  [-0.52540444]
state:  {1: array([ 4.68407455]), 2: array([-6.08899356]), 3: array([ 0.02831065,  0.99959917,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.028310651141744574   sin(angle)  0.9995991731848973
theta dot:  -6.0889935609
Angle:  88.37749575003119
action:  [-0.41573067]
state:  {1: array([ 4.41399186]), 2: array([-5.40165378]), 3: array([ 0.29398854,  0.95580894,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.2939885411520298   sin(angle)  0.9558089441260221
theta dot:  -5.4016537812
Angle:  72.90293373362061
min:  -1.64828772711  self.max:  27.8419661301
state:  {1: array([ 3.29175997]), 2: array([ 0.97481442]), 3: array([ 0.98874606,  0.14960357,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9887460604990389   sin(angle)  0.14960356896688945
theta dot:  0.974814421321
Angle:  8.60393338691631
action:  [-0.05444707]
state:  {1: array([ 3.34570247]), 2: array([ 1.07885004]), 3: array([ 0.97924181,  0.20269554,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9792418081418075   sin(angle)  0.20269553815307206
theta dot:  1.07885003802
Angle:  11.694603854899412
action:  [-0.0753988]
state:  {1: array([ 3.40668057]), 2: array([ 1.21956187]), 3: array([ 0.96506947,  0.26199411,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9650694719595501   sin(angle)  0.26199411117755167
theta dot:  1.21956187155
Angle:  15.188383089663716
action:  [ 0.02997271]
state:  {1: array([ 3.47770823]), 2: array([ 1.42055336]), 3: array([ 0.94404295,  0.32982253,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.9440429534130389   sin(angle)  0.32982253123640126
theta dot:  1.42055336206
Angle:  19.257959184182937
action:  [ 0.23317628]
state:  {1: array([ 3.56285307]), 2: array([ 1.7028967]), 3: array([ 0.91257427,  0.408911  ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.912574267338776   sin(angle)  0.4089110008193668
theta dot:  1.70289670184
Angle:  24.136387474409617
action:  [ 0.18347892]
state:  {1: array([ 3.66470816]), 2: array([ 2.03710179]), 3: array([ 0.86626694,  0.49958142,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8662669376430732   sin(angle)  0.4995814175352121
theta dot:  2.03710179097
Angle:  29.97224058071538
action:  [-0.23568638]
state:  {1: array([ 3.7835299]), 2: array([ 2.3764349]), 3: array([ 0.80093734,  0.59874818,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8009373363795622   sin(angle)  0.5987481801168267
theta dot:  2.37643489639
Angle:  36.7802091532601
action:  [-0.70754675]
state:  {1: array([ 3.9194981]), 2: array([ 2.71936402]), 3: array([ 0.71238503,  0.70178883,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7123850304619137   sin(angle)  0.7017888346032434
theta dot:  2.71936401844
Angle:  44.57059499676126
action:  [-1.6934366]
state:  {1: array([ 4.06908261]), 2: array([ 2.99169015]), 3: array([ 0.5998442 ,  0.80011683,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5998441958025365   sin(angle)  0.8001168294455556
theta dot:  2.99169015369
Angle:  53.14113592598244
action:  [-1.29931529]
state:  {1: array([ 4.23892664]), 2: array([ 3.39688048]), 3: array([ 0.45597048,  0.8899949 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4559704804400683   sin(angle)  0.8899948994051894
theta dot:  3.39688048267
Angle:  62.8724589282823
action:  [-1.26927453]
state:  {1: array([ 4.43262591]), 2: array([ 3.87398548]), 3: array([ 0.27612794,  0.96112089,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.2761279377126686   sin(angle)  0.961120888345763
theta dot:  3.87398547749
Angle:  73.97058386379638
action:  [-0.72335354]
state:  {1: array([ 4.65694207]), 2: array([ 4.48632311]), 3: array([ 0.05541851,  0.99846321,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.05541850788328061   sin(angle)  0.9984632136358308
theta dot:  4.48632311221
Angle:  86.8229228025225
action:  [ 23.11510594]
state:  {1: array([ 4.93370059]), 2: array([ 5.53517052]), 3: array([-0.21950943,  0.97561038,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.21950943378050064   sin(angle)  0.9756103773952817
theta dot:  5.53517052244
Angle:  102.67998121286871
action:  [-0.82415759]
state:  {1: array([ 5.24086333]), 2: array([ 6.14325467]), 3: array([-0.50421641,  0.86357734,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5042164077473819   sin(angle)  0.8635773353662809
theta dot:  6.14325466744
Angle:  120.2790683044617
action:  [-0.66394978]
state:  {1: array([ 5.57543059]), 2: array([ 6.6913452]), 3: array([-0.75982351,  0.6501294 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7598235116325408   sin(angle)  0.6501293957131873
theta dot:  6.69134520129
Angle:  139.44831544336944
action:  [-0.78233216]
state:  {1: array([ 5.92851021]), 2: array([ 7.06159242]), 3: array([-0.93775937,  0.34728571,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9377593713784013   sin(angle)  0.3472857057121494
theta dot:  7.06159242426
Angle:  159.6782402645947
action:  [-1.26780409]
state:  {1: array([ 0.0019192]), 2: array([ 7.13188609]), 3: array([-0.99999816, -0.0019192 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9999981583280021   sin(angle)  -0.001919203116941864
theta dot:  7.13188608934
Angle:  180.11038296631
action:  [-0.80168669]
state:  {1: array([ 0.35242889]), 2: array([ 7.01019368]), 3: array([-0.93853708, -0.34517843,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.938537082220013   sin(angle)  -0.3451784253077598
theta dot:  7.01019368364
Angle:  200.19306158635987
action:  [-0.78195699]
state:  {1: array([ 0.6841297]), 2: array([ 6.63401632]), 3: array([-0.77496937, -0.6319988 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7749693663784132   sin(angle)  -0.631998798396833
theta dot:  6.63401631542
Angle:  219.19807394911155
action:  [-0.84940392]
state:  {1: array([ 0.98576004]), 2: array([ 6.03260663]), 3: array([-0.55222964, -0.83369205,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5522296383277204   sin(angle)  -0.8336920453935224
theta dot:  6.03260662815
Angle:  236.48017849882586
action:  [-0.96286087]
state:  {1: array([ 1.24890546]), 2: array([ 5.26290846]), 3: array([-0.31636088, -0.94863892,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3163608760255039   sin(angle)  -0.9486389176711947
theta dot:  5.26290846383
Angle:  251.5572653891006
action:  [-0.96710332]
state:  {1: array([ 1.46922365]), 2: array([ 4.40636378]), 3: array([-0.10139811, -0.99484593,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.10139811477979836   sin(angle)  -0.9948459289352813
theta dot:  4.40636377729
Angle:  264.1805382423055
action:  [-0.74396421]
state:  {1: array([ 1.64665538]), 2: array([ 3.5486347]), 3: array([ 0.07578632, -0.99712408,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.07578632044126121   sin(angle)  -0.9971240813629839
theta dot:  3.54863469934
Angle:  274.3466040349233
action:  [-0.3497364]
state:  {1: array([ 1.78407194]), 2: array([ 2.74833118]), 3: array([ 0.21166243, -0.97734283,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.21166242832300736   sin(angle)  -0.977342834647294
theta dot:  2.74833117866
Angle:  282.21997448562314
action:  [-0.05822938]
state:  {1: array([ 1.88440142]), 2: array([ 2.00658965]), 3: array([ 0.3084899 , -0.95122762,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.3084899015966665   sin(angle)  -0.9512276176672327
theta dot:  2.0065896452
Angle:  287.9684169375005
action:  [ 0.19466547]
state:  {1: array([ 1.95051986]), 2: array([ 1.32236875]), 3: array([ 0.37066371, -0.92876715,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.37066371171736173   sin(angle)  -0.9287671467143466
theta dot:  1.32236875296
Angle:  291.75671550403246
action:  [ 0.31097111]
state:  {1: array([ 1.98414181]), 2: array([ 0.67243906]), 3: array([ 0.40167531, -0.91578215,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.672439060008
Angle:  293.68310700520095
action:  [ 0.1297964]
state:  {1: array([ 1.98439541]), 2: array([ 0.00507191]), 3: array([ 0.40190753, -0.91568026,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4019075332120777   sin(angle)  -0.915680257921608
theta dot:  0.00507190682603
Angle:  293.69763691398447
action:  [-0.02111054]
state:  {1: array([ 1.95015267]), 2: array([-0.68485487]), 3: array([ 0.37032265, -0.92890319,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.37032264802495446   sin(angle)  -0.9289031899825653
theta dot:  -0.684854868103
Angle:  291.7356768258364
action:  [ 0.03336221]
state:  {1: array([ 1.88132627]), 2: array([-1.37652793]), 3: array([ 0.30556328, -0.95217177,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.3055632762898492   sin(angle)  -0.9521717724145226
theta dot:  -1.37652792909
Angle:  287.792224011399
action:  [-0.01466779]
state:  {1: array([ 1.77668342]), 2: array([-2.09285693]), 3: array([ 0.2044356 , -0.97888002,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.20443560164422936   sin(angle)  -0.9788800155179194
theta dot:  -2.09285692641
Angle:  281.79664458125825
action:  [-0.01558742]
state:  {1: array([ 1.63521567]), 2: array([-2.82935505]), 3: array([ 0.0643748 , -0.99792579,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.0643747984323184   sin(angle)  -0.9979257914929338
theta dot:  -2.8293550515
Angle:  273.69115837567455
action:  [ 0.14111616]
state:  {1: array([ 1.45738407]), 2: array([-3.55663197]), 3: array([-0.11316929, -0.99357572,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.11316928604592813   sin(angle)  -0.9935757206654432
theta dot:  -3.55663197065
Angle:  263.50218214195894
action:  [ 0.21026275]
state:  {1: array([ 1.24387036]), 2: array([-4.27027435]), 3: array([-0.32113334, -0.94703399,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3211333409831816   sin(angle)  -0.9470339895214848
theta dot:  -4.27027434938
Angle:  251.26877586984926
action:  [ 0.18938332]
state:  {1: array([ 0.99626324]), 2: array([-4.95214234]), 3: array([-0.5434429 , -0.83944613,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5434429031637062   sin(angle)  -0.8394461334719474
theta dot:  -4.95214234292
Angle:  237.08196625490046
action:  [ 0.373724]
state:  {1: array([ 0.71997982]), 2: array([-5.52566834]), 3: array([-0.75181903, -0.6593695 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7518190348363099   sin(angle)  -0.659369501006681
theta dot:  -5.52566834297
Angle:  221.25212951988263
action:  [ 0.03652893]
state:  {1: array([ 0.41924401]), 2: array([-6.01471613]), 3: array([-0.91339694, -0.40707005,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9133969404277835   sin(angle)  -0.40707005443432465
theta dot:  -6.01471612996
Angle:  204.0212773523176
action:  [-0.02760691]
state:  {1: array([ 0.10303603]), 2: array([-6.32415971]), 3: array([-0.99469648, -0.10285381,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9946964828962283   sin(angle)  -0.10285381331712266
theta dot:  -6.32415970794
Angle:  185.90393670695806
action:  [ 0.12531153]
state:  {1: array([ 6.06709617]), 2: array([-6.38250334]), 3: array([-0.97674345,  0.21441136,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.976743450007573   sin(angle)  0.21441136366177924
theta dot:  -6.38250333818
Angle:  167.61861242910356
action:  [-0.38659805]
state:  {1: array([ 5.75311194]), 2: array([-6.27968452]), 3: array([-0.86276998,  0.50559664,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8627699801621245   sin(angle)  0.505596638963361
theta dot:  -6.27968452339
Angle:  149.62868350417716
action:  [-0.52899897]
state:  {1: array([ 5.4541201]), 2: array([-5.97983689]), 3: array([-0.67556528,  0.73730018,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6755652769866762   sin(angle)  0.7373001807472417
theta dot:  -5.97983688923
Angle:  132.49775276725654
action:  [-0.64640426]
state:  {1: array([ 5.17792898]), 2: array([-5.52382239]), 3: array([-0.4489054 ,  0.89357929,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.44890539837597293   sin(angle)  0.8935792876454272
theta dot:  -5.52382239275
Angle:  116.67320427771796
action:  [-1.08214494]
state:  {1: array([ 4.927131]), 2: array([-5.01595967]), 3: array([-0.21309538,  0.9770314 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.21309537610855986   sin(angle)  0.9770314020957317
theta dot:  -5.01595966737
Angle:  102.30357192275585
action:  [-0.82397498]
state:  {1: array([ 4.70679188]), 2: array([-4.40678236]), 3: array([ 0.00559707,  0.99998434,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.005597073781682919   sin(angle)  0.9999843362598648
theta dot:  -4.40678236338
Angle:  89.67909991153522
action:  [-1.07433878]
state:  {1: array([ 4.51589463]), 2: array([-3.81794493]), 3: array([ 0.19523235,  0.98075702,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.19523234606910086   sin(angle)  0.9807570193724615
theta dot:  -3.81794492797
Angle:  78.74151894905367
action:  [-0.27456244]
state:  {1: array([ 4.35971655]), 2: array([-3.12356153]), 3: array([ 0.34540698,  0.93845299,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.34540698397874775   sin(angle)  0.9384529905214779
theta dot:  -3.12356153007
Angle:  69.79319523799626
action:  [-0.00656911]
state:  {1: array([ 4.2386812]), 2: array([-2.42070715]), 3: array([ 0.45618891,  0.88988296,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.45618890704116827   sin(angle)  0.8898829592101336
theta dot:  -2.42070715427
Angle:  62.85839628573888
action:  [ 0.01604933]
state:  {1: array([ 4.15113682]), 2: array([-1.75088754]), 3: array([ 0.53224668,  0.84658932,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5322466805198849   sin(angle)  0.8465893166556991
theta dot:  -1.75088753563
Angle:  57.842484705427864
action:  [ 0.50470724]
state:  {1: array([ 4.09912485]), 2: array([-1.04023946]), 3: array([ 0.57553984,  0.81777374,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5755398441116836   sin(angle)  0.8177737387810268
theta dot:  -1.04023946277
Angle:  54.862425129127246
action:  [-0.17156513]
state:  {1: array([ 4.07649265]), 2: array([-0.45264393]), 3: array([ 0.59389889,  0.80453969,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5938988858328973   sin(angle)  0.8045396903860264
theta dot:  -0.452643927725
Angle:  53.5656988273949
action:  [-0.25372192]
state:  {1: array([ 4.08212778]), 2: array([ 0.11270255]), 3: array([ 0.5893558 ,  0.80787359,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5893557965106979   sin(angle)  0.807873594765444
theta dot:  0.112702551933
Angle:  53.88856710069342
action:  [-0.3703093]
state:  {1: array([ 4.11528085]), 2: array([ 0.66306135]), 3: array([ 0.56225336,  0.82696503,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5622533562387565   sin(angle)  0.8269650315450189
theta dot:  0.663061353559
Angle:  55.78809351463269
action:  [-0.45359539]
state:  {1: array([ 4.17604314]), 2: array([ 1.21524582]), 3: array([ 0.51099836,  0.85958168,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5109983644943373   sin(angle)  0.8595816840092118
theta dot:  1.21524581821
Angle:  59.26950819628814
action:  [-0.51326969]
state:  {1: array([ 4.26519022]), 2: array([ 1.78294163]), 3: array([ 0.43244146,  0.90166201,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4324414645428023   sin(angle)  0.9016620097043438
theta dot:  1.7829416272
Angle:  64.37724777000898
action:  [-0.56502255]
state:  {1: array([ 4.38391196]), 2: array([ 2.37443475]), 3: array([ 0.32260185,  0.94653476,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.3226018541195759   sin(angle)  0.9465347556844449
theta dot:  2.37443475172
Angle:  71.17948636356414
action:  [-0.58026767]
state:  {1: array([ 4.53377674]), 2: array([ 2.99729567]), 3: array([ 0.17766406,  0.9840912 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.17766406388949776   sin(angle)  0.9840911951655031
theta dot:  2.99729566863
Angle:  79.76608587262069
action:  [-0.5169499]
state:  {1: array([ 4.71666782]), 2: array([ 3.65782158]), 3: array([-0.00427882,  0.99999085,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.004278824557634716   sin(angle)  0.9999908457883027
theta dot:  3.65782157958
Angle:  90.24494830456462
action:  [-0.3046826]
state:  {1: array([ 4.93477343]), 2: array([ 4.36211232]), 3: array([-0.22055598,  0.97537432,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.2205559828647092   sin(angle)  0.9753743170816946
theta dot:  4.36211232356
Angle:  102.74145037741721
action:  [-0.02401714]
state:  {1: array([ 5.18927546]), 2: array([ 5.09004049]), 3: array([-0.45901526,  0.88842838,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4590152638476817   sin(angle)  0.8884283806558878
theta dot:  5.09004049083
Angle:  117.32330816245036
action:  [ 0.21266311]
state:  {1: array([ 5.47868852]), 2: array([ 5.78826124]), 3: array([-0.69347388,  0.72048177,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6934738790936026   sin(angle)  0.7204817686901394
theta dot:  5.7882612429
Angle:  133.90541638313255
action:  [ 0.43694266]
state:  {1: array([ 5.79839672]), 2: array([ 6.39416397]), 3: array([-0.88477349,  0.46602132,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8847734914172382   sin(angle)  0.46602131805889563
theta dot:  6.39416396796
Angle:  152.22330399186956
action:  [ 0.31448356]
state:  {1: array([ 6.13793934]), 2: array([ 6.79085249]), 3: array([-0.98947034,  0.14473581,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9894703360877045   sin(angle)  0.14473580760297416
theta dot:  6.79085248979
Angle:  171.6776178472553
action:  [ 0.32971056]
state:  {1: array([ 0.20219708]), 2: array([ 6.94886093]), 3: array([-0.97962772, -0.20082214,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9796277196992497   sin(angle)  -0.20082213721810716
theta dot:  6.94886092948
Angle:  191.58543331483935
action:  [ 0.09829529]
state:  {1: array([ 0.54284651]), 2: array([ 6.81298862]), 3: array([-0.85624171, -0.51657539,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8562417131483135   sin(angle)  -0.5165753852680566
theta dot:  6.81298862077
Angle:  211.10316236592388
action:  [ 0.08328554]
state:  {1: array([ 0.86474901]), 2: array([ 6.43804991]), 3: array([-0.64883112, -0.76093244,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6488311227774761   sin(angle)  -0.7609324372868591
theta dot:  6.43804991246
Angle:  229.54677365067417
action:  [ 0.00819024]
state:  {1: array([ 1.15817797]), 2: array([ 5.86857912]), 3: array([-0.40100931, -0.91607398,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.40100931229076536   sin(angle)  -0.9160739770652191
theta dot:  5.86857912067
Angle:  246.3589751040887
action:  [-0.1255751]
state:  {1: array([ 1.41631233]), 2: array([ 5.16268737]), 3: array([-0.15387026, -0.98809106,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.15387025731757123   sin(angle)  -0.9880910605369448
theta dot:  5.16268737279
Angle:  261.14895038900465
action:  [-0.28578432]
state:  {1: array([ 1.63524991]), 2: array([ 4.37875143]), 3: array([ 0.06440896, -0.99792359,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.3787514287
Angle:  273.69311987533814
action:  [-0.41157187]
state:  {1: array([ 1.81367855]), 2: array([ 3.56857296]), 3: array([ 0.24050125, -0.97064883,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.24050125165881303   sin(angle)  -0.9706488283362549
theta dot:  3.56857295746
Angle:  283.9163044364414
action:  [-0.55040948]
state:  {1: array([ 1.9515798]), 2: array([ 2.75802491]), 3: array([ 0.37164794, -0.92837374,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.37164793881356223   sin(angle)  -0.9283737445531464
theta dot:  2.75802491457
Angle:  291.8174453299832
action:  [-0.60874157]
state:  {1: array([ 2.05010147]), 2: array([ 1.97043337]), 3: array([ 0.46116273, -0.88731558,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4611627278318376   sin(angle)  -0.8873155799706768
theta dot:  1.97043337042
Angle:  297.46230792668644
action:  [-0.54122394]
state:  {1: array([ 2.11128962]), 2: array([ 1.22376309]), 3: array([ 0.51455903, -0.85745496,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5145590332312507   sin(angle)  -0.8574549558548954
theta dot:  1.22376309457
Angle:  300.9681227506912
action:  [-0.37497051]
state:  {1: array([ 2.13751094]), 2: array([ 0.5244263]), 3: array([ 0.53686317, -0.84366933,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5368631691043633   sin(angle)  -0.8436693295712603
theta dot:  0.524426300931
Angle:  302.4704899229523
action:  [-0.14642887]
state:  {1: array([ 2.13099644]), 2: array([-0.13029003]), 3: array([ 0.53135573, -0.8471488 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5313557311281503   sin(angle)  -0.8471487986164349
theta dot:  -0.130290027224
Angle:  302.0972373621501
action:  [ 0.07459285]
state:  {1: array([ 2.0932733]), 2: array([-0.7544627]), 3: array([ 0.49902818, -0.86658576,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4990281774403025   sin(angle)  -0.8665857592417556
theta dot:  -0.754462698919
Angle:  299.93586599397185
action:  [ 0.14293855]
state:  {1: array([ 2.02412524]), 2: array([-1.38296124]), 3: array([ 0.43796063, -0.89899415,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.43796062841333155   sin(angle)  -0.8989941534625238
theta dot:  -1.38296123571
Angle:  295.97398315674496
action:  [ 0.30189923]
state:  {1: array([ 1.92352914]), 2: array([-2.01192197]), 3: array([ 0.34546366, -0.93843213,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.34546365524179795   sin(angle)  -0.9384321301548536
theta dot:  -2.01192196567
Angle:  290.2102647676938
action:  [ 0.18041412]
state:  {1: array([ 1.78909494]), 2: array([-2.68868395]), 3: array([ 0.21656893, -0.97626733,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.68868394533
Angle:  282.50777065387115
action:  [-1.38864328]
state:  {1: array([ 1.6076359]), 2: array([-3.62918093]), 3: array([ 0.03683124, -0.9993215 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.62918093328
Angle:  272.11095743781544
action:  [ 1.48684706]
state:  {1: array([ 1.39985365]), 2: array([-4.155645]), 3: array([-0.17011136, -0.98542484,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.17011136414429956   sin(angle)  -0.9854248443128302
theta dot:  -4.15564499876
Angle:  260.20593929773577
action:  [-0.43985551]
state:  {1: array([ 1.15181905]), 2: array([-4.96069196]), 3: array([-0.4068264 , -0.91350549,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.96069195806
Angle:  245.9946368968632
action:  [-0.75499607]
state:  {1: array([ 0.86386553]), 2: array([-5.75907048]), 3: array([-0.64950314, -0.76035891,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -5.75907048446
Angle:  229.49615384359527
action:  [-0.59005783]
state:  {1: array([ 0.54297311]), 2: array([-6.41784834]), 3: array([-0.85617631, -0.51668378,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -6.41784833993
Angle:  211.11041566580315
action:  [-0.42954343]
state:  {1: array([ 0.19948347]), 2: array([-6.86979269]), 3: array([-0.98016906, -0.19816307,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -6.86979268649
Angle:  191.42995533400358
action:  [-0.19389574]
state:  {1: array([ 6.13029381]), 2: array([-7.04749935]), 3: array([-0.98833485,  0.15229653,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -7.04749935305
Angle:  171.23956225878317
action:  [-0.01025828]
state:  {1: array([ 5.78355303]), 2: array([-6.9348157]), 3: array([-0.8777588,  0.4791028,  0.       ])}
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theta dot:  -6.93481569759
Angle:  151.37282515721665
action:  [ 0.41504301]
state:  {1: array([ 5.45789142]), 2: array([-6.51323215]), 3: array([-0.67834106,  0.73474717,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -6.51323214545
Angle:  132.71383314388208
action:  [ 0.18065457]
state:  {1: array([ 5.16113774]), 2: array([-5.93507358]), 3: array([-0.43383852,  0.90099064,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -5.93507358325
Angle:  115.71113953259203
action:  [ 0.21153535]
state:  {1: array([ 4.89975773]), 2: array([-5.2276003]), 3: array([-0.18627434,  0.98249777,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -5.22760029924
Angle:  100.73520284645087
action:  [ 0.17481307]
state:  {1: array([ 4.67653248]), 2: array([-4.46450501]), 3: array([ 0.03584882,  0.99935722,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.46450501093
Angle:  87.94536801758875
action:  [-0.05449674]
state:  {1: array([ 4.4903744]), 2: array([-3.7231616]), 3: array([ 0.22019521,  0.97545583,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.72316160304
Angle:  77.27932064447003
action:  [ 0.40870039]
state:  {1: array([ 4.34386116]), 2: array([-2.93026467]), 3: array([ 0.36024248,  0.9328587 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.93026467326
Angle:  68.88475034293572
action:  [-0.02516188]
state:  {1: array([ 4.23214142]), 2: array([-2.23439493]), 3: array([ 0.46199875,  0.88688058,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.23439493061
Angle:  62.483695346929494
action:  [-0.11563487]
state:  {1: array([ 4.15281243]), 2: array([-1.58657973]), 3: array([ 0.53082738,  0.84747997,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.5865797286
Angle:  57.93848986012085
action:  [-0.14757737]
state:  {1: array([ 4.10415711]), 2: array([-0.97310636]), 3: array([ 0.57141732,  0.82065964,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.973106360595
Angle:  55.15075200509199
action:  [-0.25732287]
state:  {1: array([ 4.08434661]), 2: array([-0.39621006]), 3: array([ 0.58756181,  0.80917929,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.396210059651
Angle:  54.01569644841504
action:  [ 0.01531112]
state:  {1: array([ 4.09499516]), 2: array([ 0.21297107]), 3: array([ 0.57891207,  0.81538997,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.212971072697
Angle:  54.62581220289462
action:  [-0.22812755]
state:  {1: array([ 4.13450988]), 2: array([ 0.79029442]), 3: array([ 0.54624865,  0.83762307,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.790294420845
Angle:  56.88983365298532
action:  [-0.23510711]
state:  {1: array([ 4.20367217]), 2: array([ 1.38324566]), 3: array([ 0.48705695,  0.87337021,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.38324566008
Angle:  60.852531304088984
action:  [-0.35215185]
state:  {1: array([ 4.30294469]), 2: array([ 1.98545054]), 3: array([ 0.39809961,  0.91734219,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.98545054176
Angle:  66.54041482709192
min:  -1.69343660465  self.max:  27.8419661301
state:  {1: array([ 4.40590247]), 2: array([-0.77673094]), 3: array([ 0.30171075,  0.95339951,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.776730943035
Angle:  72.43944708956599
action:  [-0.29396252]
state:  {1: array([ 4.40061369]), 2: array([-0.10577569]), 3: array([ 0.30674883,  0.9517905 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.105775689165
Angle:  72.13642276995756
action:  [-0.31545062]
state:  {1: array([ 4.42865117]), 2: array([ 0.56074959]), 3: array([ 0.27994596,  0.96001576,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.2799459571394786   sin(angle)  0.9600157608504463
theta dot:  0.56074959385
Angle:  73.74284826799988
action:  [-0.28515774]
state:  {1: array([ 4.49055055]), 2: array([ 1.23798775]), 3: array([ 0.22002337,  0.9754946 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.2200233698455914   sin(angle)  0.9754946010725996
theta dot:  1.23798775345
Angle:  77.28941364266797
action:  [-0.17419911]
state:  {1: array([ 4.58772449]), 2: array([ 1.94347884]), 3: array([ 0.12434183,  0.99223944,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.12434182960826329   sin(angle)  0.992239441571272
theta dot:  1.94347883827
Angle:  82.85705737339867
action:  [-0.21402127]
state:  {1: array([ 4.72050226]), 2: array([ 2.65555523]), 3: array([-0.00811319,  0.99996709,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.008113186995488955   sin(angle)  0.9999670875567737
theta dot:  2.65555522886
Angle:  90.46464492741552
action:  [-0.45372863]
state:  {1: array([ 4.88737582]), 2: array([ 3.33747125]), 3: array([-0.17409518,  0.98472883,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.17409517709634914   sin(angle)  0.984728830344573
theta dot:  3.33747124982
Angle:  100.02577341239567
action:  [-0.52533551]
state:  {1: array([ 5.0872367]), 2: array([ 3.99721755]), 3: array([-0.36613082,  0.93056339,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3661308232509908   sin(angle)  0.930563388633763
theta dot:  3.99721754651
Angle:  111.47693139514598
action:  [-0.76082416]
state:  {1: array([ 5.31628752]), 2: array([ 4.58101646]), 3: array([-0.56785578,  0.82312807,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5678557774849664   sin(angle)  0.8231280677858971
theta dot:  4.58101646457
Angle:  124.6005461714293
action:  [-0.31119438]
state:  {1: array([ 5.57387169]), 2: array([ 5.15168336]), 3: array([-0.7588091 ,  0.65131309,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7588091030914694   sin(angle)  0.6513130929633764
theta dot:  5.1516833583
Angle:  139.3589973506713
action:  [-0.43303426]
state:  {1: array([ 5.85263234]), 2: array([ 5.57521304]), 3: array([-0.90873509,  0.41737337,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9087350945422222   sin(angle)  0.41737336755875837
theta dot:  5.57521303843
Angle:  155.33076885112496
action:  [-0.09969775]
state:  {1: array([ 6.14629676]), 2: array([ 5.8732884]), 3: array([-0.99064538,  0.13646143,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9906453840397221   sin(angle)  0.13646143440837605
theta dot:  5.87328840216
Angle:  172.15646137068745
action:  [ 28.69546899]
state:  {1: array([ 0.17689318]), 2: array([ 6.27563448]), 3: array([-0.98439516, -0.17597209,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9843951570507945   sin(angle)  -0.17597208521507499
theta dot:  6.27563447797
Angle:  190.13562963188824
action:  [ 0.4210236]
state:  {1: array([ 0.48723362]), 2: array([ 6.20680895]), 3: array([-0.88363141, -0.46818323,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8836314090185329   sin(angle)  -0.46818322588055433
theta dot:  6.20680895465
Angle:  207.91678591907885
action:  [ 0.48439792]
state:  {1: array([ 0.78365018]), 2: array([ 5.92833122]), 3: array([-0.70834171, -0.70586969,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.708341707682186   sin(angle)  -0.7058696941772502
theta dot:  5.92833122328
Angle:  224.9001641370317
action:  [ 0.5796596]
state:  {1: array([ 1.05794408]), 2: array([ 5.48587789]), 3: array([-0.49066454, -0.87134856,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.49066454079276783   sin(angle)  -0.8713485573572852
theta dot:  5.48587789331
Angle:  240.61600989708427
action:  [ 0.40343522]
state:  {1: array([ 1.30258817]), 2: array([ 4.89288176]), 3: array([-0.26500409, -0.96424729,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.2650040854029997   sin(angle)  -0.9642472891949034
theta dot:  4.89288175869
Angle:  254.63305084060775
action:  [ 0.42800049]
state:  {1: array([ 1.51428299]), 2: array([ 4.23389637]), 3: array([-0.05648326, -0.99840355,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.05648326407639479   sin(angle)  -0.9984035461071221
theta dot:  4.23389636549
Angle:  266.7622421091886
action:  [ 0.25967849]
state:  {1: array([ 1.69048526]), 2: array([ 3.52404548]), 3: array([ 0.11940337, -0.99284583,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.11940337151064233   sin(angle)  -0.9928458263355351
theta dot:  3.52404547877
Angle:  276.8578651385238
action:  [ 0.08872957]
state:  {1: array([ 1.83012129]), 2: array([ 2.79272054]), 3: array([ 0.25642814, -0.9665633 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.25642814170788236   sin(angle)  -0.9665632975342289
theta dot:  2.79272054451
Angle:  284.858401457784
action:  [-0.04215442]
state:  {1: array([ 1.93319503]), 2: array([ 2.06147491]), 3: array([ 0.35451816, -0.93504913,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.35451815864394143   sin(angle)  -0.935049129827791
theta dot:  2.06147490777
Angle:  290.7640782371142
action:  [-0.11358107]
state:  {1: array([ 2.00035258]), 2: array([ 1.3431509]), 3: array([ 0.41646741, -0.90915065,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4164674084404241   sin(angle)  -0.9091506463215636
theta dot:  1.34315090052
Angle:  294.6119131316448
action:  [-0.10382224]
state:  {1: array([ 2.03263831]), 2: array([ 0.64571458]), 3: array([ 0.44559786, -0.89523323,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.44559786334815626   sin(angle)  -0.8952332345146475
theta dot:  0.645714579576
Angle:  296.4617448149235
action:  [-0.09201637]
state:  {1: array([ 2.03066267]), 2: array([-0.0395128]), 3: array([ 0.44382834, -0.89611183,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.44382833619162393   sin(angle)  -0.896111827839235
theta dot:  -0.0395128022659
Angle:  296.3485492392954
action:  [-0.24404713]
state:  {1: array([ 1.99325248]), 2: array([-0.74820374]), 3: array([ 0.41000191, -0.91208467,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.748203742161
Angle:  294.20510841950613
action:  [-0.36933166]
state:  {1: array([ 1.91886913]), 2: array([-1.48766699]), 3: array([ 0.34108682, -0.9400318 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.34108681544092534   sin(angle)  -0.9400317996389101
theta dot:  -1.48766699001
Angle:  289.9432663931305
action:  [-0.37878909]
state:  {1: array([ 1.80639367]), 2: array([-2.2495092]), 3: array([ 0.23342387, -0.97237508,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.2334238683265586   sin(angle)  -0.9723750807664013
theta dot:  -2.24950920321
Angle:  283.4989122968309
action:  [-0.35373737]
state:  {1: array([ 1.65480111]), 2: array([-3.03185112]), 3: array([ 0.08390602, -0.99647367,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.08390602078475161   sin(angle)  -0.996473672344668
theta dot:  -3.03185111861
Angle:  274.8133189471148
action:  [-0.3594276]
state:  {1: array([ 1.46314509]), 2: array([-3.83312051]), 3: array([-0.10744343, -0.9942112 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.10744343465128411   sin(angle)  -0.9942111990670469
theta dot:  -3.83312051218
Angle:  263.83226323994336
action:  [-0.18017633]
state:  {1: array([ 1.23285482]), 2: array([-4.60580536]), 3: array([-0.33154573, -0.94343915,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3315457329304219   sin(angle)  -0.9434391485282076
theta dot:  -4.60580536115
Angle:  250.63763367210763
action:  [-0.30181415]
state:  {1: array([ 0.96492198]), 2: array([-5.35865684]), 3: array([-0.56948101, -0.82200449,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -5.35865684437
Angle:  235.28624851827246
action:  [-0.45732464]
state:  {1: array([ 0.66273403]), 2: array([-6.04375891]), 3: array([-0.788313  , -0.61527442,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7883129996558479   sin(angle)  -0.6152744221675392
theta dot:  -6.0437589058
Angle:  217.97219512121745
action:  [-0.41135953]
state:  {1: array([ 0.3343881]), 2: array([-6.56691865]), 3: array([-0.94461131, -0.32819122,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9446113067159011   sin(angle)  -0.32819122356406466
theta dot:  -6.56691865149
Angle:  199.15940295689762
action:  [-0.34781974]
state:  {1: array([ 6.27431166]), 2: array([-6.86523503]), 3: array([-0.99996063,  0.00887354,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9999606294114443   sin(angle)  0.008873535206910593
theta dot:  -6.8652350305
Angle:  179.49115748255997
action:  [-0.4944769]
state:  {1: array([ 5.92767408]), 2: array([-6.93275141]), 3: array([-0.93746867,  0.34806967,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9374686703361925   sin(angle)  0.34806966563906583
theta dot:  -6.93275141386
Angle:  159.63033410441903
action:  [ 0.13252529]
state:  {1: array([ 5.59508307]), 2: array([-6.65182037]), 3: array([-0.77245262,  0.6350724 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7724526196678921   sin(angle)  0.6350723977376207
theta dot:  -6.65182037147
Angle:  140.5743169974694
action:  [-0.72613468]
state:  {1: array([ 5.28086125]), 2: array([-6.28443628]), 3: array([-0.53834522,  0.8427244 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5383452238889425   sin(angle)  0.8427244032991832
theta dot:  -6.28443627533
Angle:  122.57077533782791
action:  [-0.72627048]
state:  {1: array([ 4.99279458]), 2: array([-5.76133354]), 3: array([-0.27674542,  0.96094327,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.2767454249638231   sin(angle)  0.9609432708342325
theta dot:  -5.76133354492
Angle:  106.06580910907621
action:  [-0.37925533]
state:  {1: array([ 4.73791886]), 2: array([-5.09751439]), 3: array([-0.0255271 ,  0.99967413,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.025527102089462343   sin(angle)  0.99967413043397
theta dot:  -5.09751439139
Angle:  91.46254022618808
action:  [-0.5008082]
state:  {1: array([ 4.51677485]), 2: array([-4.42288002]), 3: array([ 0.19436899,  0.98092849,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.19436898514633108   sin(angle)  0.9809284875123085
theta dot:  -4.42288002328
Angle:  78.79195192419547
action:  [-0.07956064]
state:  {1: array([ 4.33181897]), 2: array([-3.69911775]), 3: array([ 0.37144976,  0.92845306,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.3714497605275477   sin(angle)  0.9284530550351092
theta dot:  -3.69911775293
Angle:  68.19478494673064
action:  [ 0.27374125]
state:  {1: array([ 4.18373313]), 2: array([-2.96171677]), 3: array([ 0.50437314,  0.8634858 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5043731446509404   sin(angle)  0.8634858024049507
theta dot:  -2.96171677361
Angle:  59.710111225541084
action:  [ 0.06489703]
state:  {1: array([ 4.06851473]), 2: array([-2.30436787]), 3: array([ 0.60029847,  0.79977606,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.30436786688
Angle:  53.10859900184465
action:  [ 0.28508255]
state:  {1: array([ 3.98542606]), 2: array([-1.66177344]), 3: array([ 0.66460341,  0.7471963 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6646034067172624   sin(angle)  0.7471963007000297
theta dot:  -1.66177343709
Angle:  48.347979911624066
action:  [-0.32744445]
state:  {1: array([ 3.92790142]), 2: array([-1.15049288]), 3: array([ 0.7064626 ,  0.70775038,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7064625952519881   sin(angle)  0.7077503807910142
theta dot:  -1.1504928796
Angle:  45.052068300839494
action:  [ 0.16230355]
state:  {1: array([ 3.89813469]), 2: array([-0.59533456]), 3: array([ 0.72721394,  0.68641088,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7272139370091075   sin(angle)  0.6864108753652682
theta dot:  -0.59533456124
Angle:  43.34656440118346
action:  [ 0.28942282]
state:  {1: array([ 3.89627904]), 2: array([-0.03711298]), 3: array([ 0.72848642,  0.68506024,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7284864219326972   sin(angle)  0.6850602404604258
theta dot:  -0.0371129816374
Angle:  43.24024378915885
action:  [ 0.33792631]
state:  {1: array([ 3.9226476]), 2: array([ 0.52737114]), 3: array([ 0.71017122,  0.704029  ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7101712211067503   sin(angle)  0.7040290027489969
theta dot:  0.527371144473
Angle:  44.751047297006494
action:  [ 0.77019828]
state:  {1: array([ 3.98119373]), 2: array([ 1.17092264]), 3: array([ 0.66775983,  0.74437679,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.17092263899
Angle:  48.10548572038766
action:  [ 0.25221202]
state:  {1: array([ 4.06954558]), 2: array([ 1.76703704]), 3: array([ 0.5994737 ,  0.80039445,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.76703703814
Angle:  53.16766210925954
action:  [ 0.14747236]
state:  {1: array([ 4.18901827]), 2: array([ 2.38945373]), 3: array([ 0.49980248,  0.86613941,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.49980247713711934   sin(angle)  0.8661394136324703
theta dot:  2.38945373185
Angle:  60.0129268109057
action:  [-0.00586635]
state:  {1: array([ 4.34092719]), 2: array([ 3.03817834]), 3: array([ 0.36297792,  0.93179774,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.36297791552805564   sin(angle)  0.9317977424521416
theta dot:  3.03817833955
Angle:  68.71664627103996
action:  [-0.08968316]
state:  {1: array([ 4.5271059]), 2: array([ 3.72357417]), 3: array([ 0.18422478,  0.98288414,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.18422478090313732   sin(angle)  0.9828841386965155
theta dot:  3.72357417265
Angle:  79.38387556626788
action:  [-0.0976616]
state:  {1: array([ 4.7494103]), 2: array([ 4.44608804]), 3: array([-0.03701286,  0.99931479,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.037012860383728335   sin(angle)  0.9993147893262736
theta dot:  4.44608803631
Angle:  92.12094977265343
action:  [-0.07954106]
state:  {1: array([ 5.00859245]), 2: array([ 5.18364297]), 3: array([-0.29189112,  0.95645155,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.2918911172494596   sin(angle)  0.9564515542728038
theta dot:  5.18364296978
Angle:  106.9709582804253
action:  [-0.05965923]
state:  {1: array([ 5.30319408]), 2: array([ 5.89203275]), 3: array([-0.55702984,  0.83049248,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5570298350380856   sin(angle)  0.830492482131803
theta dot:  5.89203275106
Angle:  123.85034927849
action:  [-0.03399574]
state:  {1: array([ 5.62868422]), 2: array([ 6.50980275]), 3: array([-0.79335175,  0.60876351,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7933517470785432   sin(angle)  0.6087635053182995
theta dot:  6.50980275102
Angle:  142.49951682343453
action:  [-0.01921042]
state:  {1: array([ 5.97685891]), 2: array([ 6.96349382]), 3: array([-0.95344781,  0.30155809,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9534478060156307   sin(angle)  0.3015580892696797
theta dot:  6.9634938167
Angle:  162.44841049237436
action:  [-0.33091787]
state:  {1: array([ 0.05067484]), 2: array([ 7.1400247]), 3: array([-0.99871631, -0.05065315,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9987163050679616   sin(angle)  -0.05065315381492306
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Angle:  182.9038685500113
action:  [-0.27564411]
state:  {1: array([ 0.40370925]), 2: array([ 7.06068822]), 3: array([-0.91961021, -0.3928321 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  7.06068822153
Angle:  203.1312030272763
action:  [-0.10952053]
state:  {1: array([ 0.74119105]), 2: array([ 6.74963607]), 3: array([-0.73766492, -0.67516699,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  6.74963606564
Angle:  222.46744080126416
action:  [-0.21393482]
state:  {1: array([ 1.05174958]), 2: array([ 6.2111706]), 3: array([-0.49605266, -0.86829244,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4960526575077903   sin(angle)  -0.8682924397802038
theta dot:  6.21117060165
Angle:  240.26109225749468
action:  [ 0.04036461]
state:  {1: array([ 1.33004988]), 2: array([ 5.56600596]), 3: array([-0.23842761, -0.97116027,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  5.56600596306
Angle:  256.20648749161006
action:  [-0.36430203]
state:  {1: array([ 1.5691994]), 2: array([ 4.78299045]), 3: array([-0.00159692, -0.99999872,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.7829904547
Angle:  269.908713775126
action:  [ 0.37490026]
state:  {1: array([ 1.77366073]), 2: array([ 4.08922645]), 3: array([ 0.20147581, -0.97949349,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.0892264494
Angle:  281.6234572321526
action:  [ 0.00830412]
state:  {1: array([ 1.94145332]), 2: array([ 3.35585195]), 3: array([ 0.36222789, -0.93208956,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.3622278909422101   sin(angle)  -0.9320895638422084
theta dot:  3.35585195003
Angle:  291.23724242132306
action:  [-0.01652651]
state:  {1: array([ 2.07416861]), 2: array([ 2.6543058]), 3: array([ 0.48238227, -0.87596081,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.65430580134
Angle:  298.84125063753135
action:  [ 0.0006515]
state:  {1: array([ 2.17404026]), 2: array([ 1.99743292]), 3: array([ 0.56731683, -0.82349961,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.99743291523
Angle:  304.56346105168745
action:  [ 0.07355324]
state:  {1: array([ 2.24358232]), 2: array([ 1.39084119]), 3: array([ 0.6231673 , -0.78208856,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6231672961484012   sin(angle)  -0.7820885634064028
theta dot:  1.39084119226
Angle:  308.5479182487611
action:  [ 0.12246877]
state:  {1: array([ 2.28471457]), 2: array([ 0.82264509]), 3: array([ 0.65480021, -0.75580202,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.822645085632
Angle:  310.90461730996856
action:  [ 0.15713825]
state:  {1: array([ 2.29868279]), 2: array([ 0.27936431]), 3: array([ 0.66529319, -0.74658219,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6652931931406297   sin(angle)  -0.7465821904926107
theta dot:  0.279364311137
Angle:  311.7049352372139
action:  [ 0.15140337]
state:  {1: array([ 2.2857897]), 2: array([-0.25786183]), 3: array([ 0.65561241, -0.75509759,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6556124117993777   sin(angle)  -0.7550975867360479
theta dot:  -0.257861826022
Angle:  310.96621724822876
action:  [ 0.07074228]
state:  {1: array([ 2.24511101]), 2: array([-0.81357367]), 3: array([ 0.62436214, -0.78113502,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6243621422635707   sin(angle)  -0.7811350173357002
theta dot:  -0.813573674673
Angle:  308.63550580436123
action:  [-0.05700803]
state:  {1: array([ 2.17471221]), 2: array([-1.40797614]), 3: array([ 0.56787005, -0.82311822,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5678700520277759   sin(angle)  -0.8231182199477614
theta dot:  -1.40797614243
Angle:  304.60196070573966
action:  [-0.19035337]
state:  {1: array([ 2.07201882]), 2: array([-2.05386781]), 3: array([ 0.48049802, -0.87699581,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.48049801631148836   sin(angle)  -0.876995813171719
theta dot:  -2.0538678124
Angle:  298.71807659839556
action:  [-0.3408005]
state:  {1: array([ 1.93388208]), 2: array([-2.76273475]), 3: array([ 0.3551605 , -0.93480534,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.35516049796003424   sin(angle)  -0.9348053383933901
theta dot:  -2.76273474738
Angle:  290.80344305928963
action:  [-0.23260703]
state:  {1: array([ 1.75894559]), 2: array([-3.49872981]), 3: array([ 0.18704114, -0.98235208,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.18704114072245556   sin(angle)  -0.9823520813217849
theta dot:  -3.49872980544
Angle:  280.78034392224345
action:  [-0.19276284]
state:  {1: array([ 1.54572517]), 2: array([-4.26440829]), 3: array([-0.02506853, -0.99968574,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.02506852553631015   sin(angle)  -0.9996857351325142
theta dot:  -4.26440829273
Angle:  268.5637426252685
action:  [-1.71294573]
state:  {1: array([ 1.28216945]), 2: array([-5.27111445]), 3: array([-0.28463617, -0.95863562,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.28463616696594635   sin(angle)  -0.95863562027234
theta dot:  -5.27111445425
Angle:  253.46314735907396
action:  [ 2.0507992]
state:  {1: array([ 0.99766489]), 2: array([-5.69009117]), 3: array([-0.54226576, -0.84020703,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.542265755229891   sin(angle)  -0.8402070284786696
theta dot:  -5.69009116946
Angle:  237.16227502487635
action:  [ 0.06666349]
state:  {1: array([ 0.68215255]), 2: array([-6.31024692]), 3: array([-0.77621741, -0.63046533,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7762174113296018   sin(angle)  -0.630465328427164
theta dot:  -6.31024691782
Angle:  219.08479149408385
action:  [-0.12968862]
state:  {1: array([ 0.34202509]), 2: array([-6.80254921]), 3: array([-0.94207739, -0.33539557,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -6.80254920751
Angle:  199.59696908907932
action:  [-0.05291405]
state:  {1: array([ 6.27210875]), 2: array([-7.06203299]), 3: array([-0.99993866,  0.01107634,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9999386555130262   sin(angle)  0.011076335621562901
theta dot:  -7.06203299085
Angle:  179.36494030588028
action:  [ 0.06728312]
state:  {1: array([ 5.91992708]), 2: array([-7.04363327]), 3: array([-0.93474407,  0.35532172,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9347440689981942   sin(angle)  0.3553217210820345
theta dot:  -7.04363327154
Angle:  159.18646454709017
action:  [ 0.20939625]
state:  {1: array([ 5.58264045]), 2: array([-6.74573254]), 3: array([-0.76449107,  0.64463432,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7644910699076245   sin(angle)  0.644634318068388
theta dot:  -6.74573254385
Angle:  139.86140951313155
action:  [ 0.31181875]
state:  {1: array([ 5.27186625]), 2: array([-6.21548399]), 3: array([-0.53074324,  0.84753266,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.530743243348137   sin(angle)  0.8475326599254451
theta dot:  -6.21548399217
Angle:  122.05540113220405
action:  [ 0.62299005]
state:  {1: array([ 4.99754696]), 2: array([-5.48638599]), 3: array([-0.28130905,  0.95961722,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.28130905014206964   sin(angle)  0.9596172248913452
theta dot:  -5.48638599002
Angle:  106.33809978568729
action:  [ 0.04891988]
state:  {1: array([ 4.7595802]), 2: array([-4.75933509]), 3: array([-0.04717371,  0.9988867 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.75933508881
Angle:  92.70364097510293
action:  [-0.16725821]
state:  {1: array([ 4.55781726]), 2: array([-4.0352588]), 3: array([ 0.15395694,  0.98807756,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.03525879516
Angle:  81.1435030974431
action:  [-0.31598845]
state:  {1: array([ 4.39073732]), 2: array([-3.34159889]), 3: array([ 0.31613395,  0.94871457,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.34159889465
Angle:  71.57054980872726
action:  [-0.43682035]
state:  {1: array([ 4.25595802]), 2: array([-2.69558602]), 3: array([ 0.44074724,  0.89763125,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.69558602356
Angle:  63.84828274352276
action:  [ 0.20327077]
state:  {1: array([ 4.15636442]), 2: array([-1.99187197]), 3: array([ 0.5278138 ,  0.84936011,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.99187196796
Angle:  58.14200323255443
action:  [ 0.04536771]
state:  {1: array([ 4.08896208]), 2: array([-1.34804673]), 3: array([ 0.58382082,  0.81188253,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.34804673142
Angle:  54.28014284843442
action:  [ 0.19429343]
state:  {1: array([ 4.05346254]), 2: array([-0.70999082]), 3: array([ 0.6122684 ,  0.79064999,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.709990817803
Angle:  52.246173737080085
action:  [ 0.27787025]
state:  {1: array([ 4.0496964]), 2: array([-0.07532278]), 3: array([ 0.61524174,  0.7883385 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6152417444721637   sin(angle)  0.7883385033466581
theta dot:  -0.0753227849536
Angle:  52.0303903577248
action:  [ 0.14234392]
state:  {1: array([ 4.07656053]), 2: array([ 0.53728268]), 3: array([ 0.59384427,  0.80458   ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.537282681156
Angle:  53.56958826019752
action:  [ 0.37814433]
state:  {1: array([ 4.1364325]), 2: array([ 1.19743933]), 3: array([ 0.54463721,  0.83867175,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5446372121788263   sin(angle)  0.8386717517062776
theta dot:  1.19743933367
Angle:  56.99999124053909
action:  [ 0.1909994]
state:  {1: array([ 4.22918715]), 2: array([ 1.85509306]), 3: array([ 0.46461681,  0.88551184,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.85509305733
Angle:  62.314428952513765
action:  [ 0.49513619]
state:  {1: array([ 4.35886202]), 2: array([ 2.59349737]), 3: array([ 0.3462088 ,  0.93815749,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.59349736693
Angle:  69.744234243579
action:  [ 0.73204789]
state:  {1: array([ 4.52920816]), 2: array([ 3.40692266]), 3: array([ 0.1821581 ,  0.98326925,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.40692266471
Angle:  79.50432591100548
min:  -1.71294573449  self.max:  28.6954689906
state:  {1: array([ 5.22606273]), 2: array([-0.43794659]), 3: array([-0.49138019,  0.87094518,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4913801871654936   sin(angle)  0.8709451829255412
theta dot:  -0.437946593191
Angle:  119.43105842169945
action:  [ 0.20333771]
state:  {1: array([ 5.23835087]), 2: array([ 0.24576295]), 3: array([-0.50204512,  0.86484143,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.245762949855
Angle:  120.13511576467567
action:  [ 0.14282079]
state:  {1: array([ 5.28414173]), 2: array([ 0.91581714]), 3: array([-0.54110686,  0.84095384,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.91581713909
Angle:  122.75873247329764
action:  [ 0.0427599]
state:  {1: array([ 5.36178906]), 2: array([ 1.5529465]), 3: array([-0.60470871,  0.79644672,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.55294650492
Angle:  127.20758609701721
action:  [-0.09645471]
state:  {1: array([ 5.46857972]), 2: array([ 2.13581334]), 3: array([-0.68615537,  0.72745502,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  133.32622629624348
action:  [-0.34800113]
state:  {1: array([ 5.60003995]), 2: array([ 2.62920444]), 3: array([-0.77559109,  0.63123566,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.62920443752
Angle:  140.8583245702739
action:  [-0.60915471]
state:  {1: array([ 5.75060284]), 2: array([ 3.01125797]), 3: array([-0.86149867,  0.50775982,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  149.4849230421995
action:  [-0.74877613]
state:  {1: array([ 5.91459091]), 2: array([ 3.27976142]), 3: array([-0.93283471,  0.36030459,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  158.8807254275681
action:  [-0.86788524]
state:  {1: array([ 6.08558127]), 2: array([ 3.41980708]), 3: array([-0.98053977,  0.19632056,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  168.67772812670512
action:  [-0.80878211]
state:  {1: array([ 6.25786778]), 2: array([ 3.44573018]), 3: array([-0.99967953,  0.02531483,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  178.54899487575176
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state:  {1: array([ 0.14102092]), 2: array([ 3.32676904]), 3: array([-0.99007302, -0.14055398,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  188.08030568413022
action:  [-0.57762415]
state:  {1: array([ 0.29775642]), 2: array([ 3.13470993]), 3: array([-0.95599711, -0.29337609,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  197.0605671427249
action:  [-0.16206745]
state:  {1: array([ 0.44227481]), 2: array([ 2.89036775]), 3: array([-0.90378039, -0.4279965 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  205.34084144225739
action:  [ 0.08530735]
state:  {1: array([ 0.57138313]), 2: array([ 2.58216648]), 3: array([-0.84115379, -0.54079599,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.58216647955
Angle:  212.7381862079783
action:  [ 0.1728267]
state:  {1: array([ 0.6815078]), 2: array([ 2.20249349]), 3: array([-0.77662374, -0.62996474,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  219.04785052589693
action:  [ 0.32686645]
state:  {1: array([ 0.7704603]), 2: array([ 1.77904991]), 3: array([-0.71759016, -0.69646562,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.77904990565
Angle:  224.14444116468644
action:  [ 0.28909155]
state:  {1: array([ 0.83546352]), 2: array([ 1.30006442]), 3: array([-0.670834  , -0.74160754,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  227.8688426832331
action:  [ 0.41745002]
state:  {1: array([ 0.87578733]), 2: array([ 0.80647627]), 3: array([-0.64039235, -0.76804794,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.806476273227
Angle:  230.1792216172297
action:  [ 0.3553141]
state:  {1: array([ 0.88997421]), 2: array([ 0.28373743]), 3: array([-0.62943207, -0.77705551,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  230.9920675801848
action:  [ 0.2580668]
state:  {1: array([ 0.876957]), 2: array([-0.26034418]), 3: array([-0.63949355, -0.76879646,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.260344183448
Angle:  230.2462381776414
action:  [ 0.17244942]
state:  {1: array([ 0.83640329]), 2: array([-0.81107412]), 3: array([-0.67013677, -0.74223764,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.811074116748
Angle:  227.92268742301593
action:  [ 0.14072064]
state:  {1: array([ 0.76907108]), 2: array([-1.34664425]), 3: array([-0.71855701, -0.69546806,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  224.06484484165867
action:  [ 0.12108154]
state:  {1: array([ 0.67656693]), 2: array([-1.85008306]), 3: array([-0.77972683, -0.62611986,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  218.76475967719597
action:  [ 0.09416115]
state:  {1: array([ 0.56128949]), 2: array([-2.30554878]), 3: array([-0.84656945, -0.53227828,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  212.15986438695464
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state:  {1: array([ 0.42510091]), 2: array([-2.72377147]), 3: array([-0.91099712, -0.41241272,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  204.35685216667534
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state:  {1: array([ 0.27180682]), 2: array([-3.06588183]), 3: array([-0.96328739, -0.26847236,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  195.57376822680874
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state:  {1: array([ 0.10641701]), 2: array([-3.30779622]), 3: array([-0.99434305, -0.10621627,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  186.09765225375423
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state:  {1: array([ 6.21930058]), 2: array([-3.40603471]), 3: array([-0.99796006,  0.06384128,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  176.33926256240636
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state:  {1: array([ 6.0496289]), 2: array([-3.39343362]), 3: array([-0.97284946,  0.23143883,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.39343362266
Angle:  166.61781406358045
action:  [ 0.14250174]
state:  {1: array([ 5.88970494]), 2: array([-3.19847924]), 3: array([-0.92358027,  0.38340513,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.19847924101
Angle:  157.45486742202786
action:  [ 0.32968715]
state:  {1: array([ 5.74663132]), 2: array([-2.86147232]), 3: array([-0.85947531,  0.51117727,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  149.2573722303273
action:  [ 0.43877763]
state:  {1: array([ 5.62601769]), 2: array([-2.41227273]), 3: array([-0.79172564,  0.61087684,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.41227272765
Angle:  142.34673607395962
action:  [ 0.50129935]
state:  {1: array([ 5.53207168]), 2: array([-1.8789202]), 3: array([-0.73092932,  0.68245317,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  136.96403879618748
action:  [ 0.46673345]
state:  {1: array([ 5.46721816]), 2: array([-1.2970703]), 3: array([-0.68516426,  0.72838859,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.29707030379
Angle:  133.2482147784458
action:  [ 0.2701704]
state:  {1: array([ 5.4317055]), 2: array([-0.7102533]), 3: array([-0.65887067,  0.75225623,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  131.21349371342058
action:  [ 0.43118794]
state:  {1: array([ 5.42763635]), 2: array([-0.08138294]), 3: array([-0.65580418,  0.75493104,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.0813829355823
Angle:  130.98034932195117
action:  [-0.17844586]
state:  {1: array([ 5.45053877]), 2: array([ 0.45804846]), 3: array([-0.67292044,  0.73971487,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6729204387665384   sin(angle)  0.7397148660735766
theta dot:  0.458048464348
Angle:  132.29255844441377
action:  [-0.26991912]
state:  {1: array([ 5.49915611]), 2: array([ 0.97234675]), 3: array([-0.70807412,  0.70613811,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7080741242664714   sin(angle)  0.7061381129384461
theta dot:  0.972346746172
Angle:  135.0781201695055
action:  [-0.21447384]
state:  {1: array([ 5.57264507]), 2: array([ 1.46977926]), 3: array([-0.75800962,  0.65224337,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7580096229225515   sin(angle)  0.6522433683501975
theta dot:  1.46977925522
Angle:  139.28871773028902
action:  [-0.18259149]
state:  {1: array([ 5.66922373]), 2: array([ 1.93157306]), 3: array([-0.81737213,  0.57611006,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8173721313675115   sin(angle)  0.5761100579435596
theta dot:  1.93157305815
Angle:  144.82225399312574
action:  [-0.20240757]
state:  {1: array([ 5.78588845]), 2: array([ 2.33329447]), 3: array([-0.87887531,  0.47705156,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.878875309747256   sin(angle)  0.47705155897100354
theta dot:  2.33329446642
Angle:  151.50663462649192
action:  [-0.0869059]
state:  {1: array([ 5.91979081]), 2: array([ 2.67804725]), 3: array([-0.93469564,  0.35544909,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9346956409799452   sin(angle)  0.35544909443278844
theta dot:  2.67804725072
Angle:  159.17865692611724
action:  [-0.41975754]
state:  {1: array([ 6.06387433]), 2: array([ 2.88167044]), 3: array([-0.97604758,  0.21755715,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9760475838291088   sin(angle)  0.21755715134501746
theta dot:  2.88167044015
Angle:  167.43401532989492
action:  [-0.28727607]
state:  {1: array([ 6.21396168]), 2: array([ 3.00174689]), 3: array([-0.997605  ,  0.06916836,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.997605001277016   sin(angle)  0.06916835567717981
theta dot:  3.00174689385
Angle:  176.03336663007747
action:  [-0.19672095]
state:  {1: array([ 0.08198212]), 2: array([ 3.02411502]), 3: array([-0.99664135, -0.08189032,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9966413475392084   sin(angle)  -0.08189031917895363
theta dot:  3.02411501811
Angle:  184.69763957084024
action:  [-0.11896851]
state:  {1: array([ 0.22922472]), 2: array([ 2.944852]), 3: array([-0.97384285, -0.22722259,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9738428481078409   sin(angle)  -0.22722259392324665
theta dot:  2.94485200175
Angle:  193.1339993925218
action:  [ 0.12540091]
state:  {1: array([ 0.36888698]), 2: array([ 2.79324519]), 3: array([-0.93272925, -0.36057751,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9327292522917137   sin(angle)  -0.36057751166613367
theta dot:  2.79324519292
Angle:  201.13603871524995
action:  [-0.46637655]
state:  {1: array([ 0.49152976]), 2: array([ 2.45285558]), 3: array([-0.88161188, -0.4719751 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.881611881125121   sin(angle)  -0.4719750958038205
theta dot:  2.4528555772
Angle:  208.1629358997406
action:  [-0.21306709]
state:  {1: array([ 0.59487547]), 2: array([ 2.06691419]), 3: array([-0.82821829, -0.56040562,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.06691419113
Angle:  214.08419504163638
action:  [-0.13920458]
state:  {1: array([ 0.67616194]), 2: array([ 1.62572929]), 3: array([-0.77998033, -0.62580403,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.6257292879
Angle:  218.74155549208663
action:  [ 0.03491746]
state:  {1: array([ 0.73424263]), 2: array([ 1.16161389]), 3: array([-0.74233842, -0.67002512,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.16161388741
Angle:  222.0693263689305
action:  [ 0.26855294]
state:  {1: array([ 0.76921153]), 2: array([ 0.69937799]), 3: array([-0.71845933, -0.69556897,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.699377986213
Angle:  224.07289202844044
action:  [ 0.47556074]
state:  {1: array([ 0.7816633]), 2: array([ 0.24903537]), 3: array([-0.70974279, -0.70446091,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.24903536942
Angle:  224.78632414098735
action:  [ 0.58174727]
state:  {1: array([ 0.77206089]), 2: array([-0.19204822]), 3: array([-0.71647449, -0.69761329,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.192048220154
Angle:  224.2361478036473
action:  [ 0.63215038]
state:  {1: array([ 0.74103911]), 2: array([-0.62043563]), 3: array([-0.7377675 , -0.67505489,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.62043563159
Angle:  222.45873480252902
action:  [ 0.64331901]
state:  {1: array([ 0.68952766]), 2: array([-1.03022895]), 3: array([-0.77154659, -0.63617282,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.0302289501
Angle:  219.50735316548682
action:  [ 0.57957735]
state:  {1: array([ 0.61850656]), 2: array([-1.42042196]), 3: array([-0.81474529, -0.57981903,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.42042196163
Angle:  215.43815350458905
action:  [ 0.3804452]
state:  {1: array([ 0.52859559]), 2: array([-1.79821946]), 3: array([-0.8635162 , -0.50432111,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.79821945657
Angle:  210.28664627607202
action:  [ 0.0057422]
state:  {1: array([ 0.41981564]), 2: array([-2.17559896]), 3: array([-0.9131641 , -0.40759211,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.17559895521
Angle:  204.0540289483017
action:  [-0.25941985]
state:  {1: array([ 0.29380534]), 2: array([-2.52020601]), 3: array([-0.9571488 , -0.28959659,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  196.83418742689
action:  [-0.17492372]
state:  {1: array([ 0.15562324]), 2: array([-2.76364201]), 3: array([-0.98791512, -0.15499584,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.76364201326
Angle:  188.91695476858013
action:  [-0.1546677]
state:  {1: array([ 0.01046879]), 2: array([-2.90308904]), 3: array([-0.9999452 , -0.01046859,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.90308904491
Angle:  180.60023672549676
action:  [ 0.01071485]
state:  {1: array([ 6.14818743]), 2: array([-2.90933326]), 3: array([-0.99090162,  0.13458821,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.90933326331
Angle:  172.26478852155515
action:  [ 0.25730456]
state:  {1: array([ 6.00969761]), 2: array([-2.76979642]), 3: array([-0.96283476,  0.27009115,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.76979642299
Angle:  164.3299248193373
action:  [-0.34939135]
state:  {1: array([ 5.87871577]), 2: array([-2.61963676]), 3: array([-0.91931128,  0.39353116,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.61963676193
Angle:  156.82523585276863
action:  [-0.30682039]
state:  {1: array([ 5.7601902]), 2: array([-2.37051145]), 3: array([-0.86632708,  0.49947712,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.37051145463
Angle:  150.03423665119215
action:  [-0.53674964]
state:  {1: array([ 5.65636939]), 2: array([-2.07641606]), 3: array([-0.8098993 ,  0.58656895,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.07641606097
Angle:  144.08575672098044
action:  [-2.68980994]
state:  {1: array([ 5.55954493]), 2: array([-1.93648935]), 3: array([-0.74940034,  0.66211716,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.93648935157
Angle:  138.53813634788844
action:  [-0.48050648]
state:  {1: array([ 5.48394605]), 2: array([-1.51197746]), 3: array([-0.69725223,  0.71682587,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.51197745668
Angle:  134.20665012744405
action:  [-0.37396653]
state:  {1: array([ 5.4324234]), 2: array([-1.03045304]), 3: array([-0.65941055,  0.75178303,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.03045303667
Angle:  131.25462653116978
action:  [-0.21393185]
state:  {1: array([ 5.40748812]), 2: array([-0.49870554]), 3: array([-0.64046158,  0.76799021,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.498705539959
Angle:  129.82594373907955
action:  [-0.1677881]
state:  {1: array([ 5.41009407]), 2: array([ 0.0521189]), 3: array([-0.64246075,  0.76631859,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  129.97525304176338
action:  [-0.21157829]
state:  {1: array([ 5.43985013]), 2: array([ 0.5951211]), 3: array([-0.6649756 ,  0.74686508,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  131.68014542769384
action:  [-0.23525409]
state:  {1: array([ 5.49584922]), 2: array([ 1.1199818]), 3: array([-0.70573513,  0.70847577,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  134.88864944309546
action:  [-0.15212033]
state:  {1: array([ 5.57727524]), 2: array([ 1.62852058]), 3: array([-0.76102148,  0.64872668,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.62852058378
Angle:  139.5540063485139
action:  [ 0.10287002]
state:  {1: array([ 5.68380005]), 2: array([ 2.13049609]), 3: array([-0.82568257,  0.564135  ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  145.657413797991
action:  [ 0.24964059]
state:  {1: array([ 5.81335222]), 2: array([ 2.59104343]), 3: array([-0.89164387,  0.45273746,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  153.08018909800649
action:  [ 0.38190092]
state:  {1: array([ 5.9627463]), 2: array([ 2.98788167]), 3: array([-0.94909723,  0.31498325,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.98788166826
Angle:  161.63981954565304
action:  [ 0.38685963]
state:  {1: array([ 6.12685371]), 2: array([ 3.28214805]), 3: array([-0.98780508,  0.1556956 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  171.04245910501618
action:  [ 0.51125359]
state:  {1: array([ 0.01744879]), 2: array([ 3.47560779]), 3: array([-0.99984777, -0.0174479 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  181.00016052478944
action:  [ 0.46071047]
state:  {1: array([ 0.19403021]), 2: array([ 3.53162843]), 3: array([-0.98123512, -0.19281503,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  191.11750705398143
action:  [ 0.32698493]
state:  {1: array([ 0.36583345]), 2: array([ 3.43606489]), 3: array([-0.93382594, -0.35772772,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  200.96108485737486
action:  [ 0.25938467]
state:  {1: array([ 0.52616729]), 2: array([ 3.2066768]), 3: array([-0.86473829, -0.50222275,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  210.14751572549963
action:  [ 0.22745548]
state:  {1: array([ 0.6693737]), 2: array([ 2.86412806]), 3: array([-0.78421044, -0.62049496,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  218.35261903230267
action:  [ 0.34296475]
state:  {1: array([ 0.79188378]), 2: array([ 2.45020156]), 3: array([-0.70250592, -0.7116779 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  225.37191302355447
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state:  {1: array([ 0.89136733]), 2: array([ 1.98967105]), 3: array([-0.62834893, -0.77793163,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  231.0718873756802
action:  [ 0.61285738]
state:  {1: array([ 0.96627487]), 2: array([ 1.49815093]), 3: array([-0.5683684 , -0.82277418,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  235.36376360687734
action:  [ 0.55587447]
state:  {1: array([ 1.01449745]), 2: array([ 0.96445146]), 3: array([-0.52804677, -0.84921529,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  238.1267070664723
action:  [ 0.40556162]
state:  {1: array([ 1.03391616]), 2: array([ 0.38837424]), 3: array([-0.51145759, -0.85930852,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  239.239314709445
action:  [ 0.17648335]
state:  {1: array([ 1.02243443]), 2: array([-0.22963465]), 3: array([-0.52129001, -0.85337959,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  238.58146143987403
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state:  {1: array([ 0.97839421]), 2: array([-0.88080438]), 3: array([-0.55835543, -0.82960184,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  236.05814866778326
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state:  {1: array([ 0.90214619]), 2: array([-1.5249603]), 3: array([-0.61992737, -0.7846592 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  231.68946942792587
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state:  {1: array([ 0.79421871]), 2: array([-2.15854971]), 3: array([-0.70084229, -0.71331626,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  225.50569446621358
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state:  {1: array([ 0.6578764]), 2: array([-2.72684621]), 3: array([-0.79129247, -0.61143784,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  217.69387378042273
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state:  {1: array([ 0.49853039]), 2: array([-3.1869201]), 3: array([-0.87828618, -0.47813532,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  208.56404156492582
action:  [ 0.05921421]
state:  {1: array([ 0.32169842]), 2: array([-3.53663946]), 3: array([-0.94869978, -0.31617831,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  198.43233953092508
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state:  {1: array([ 0.13643877]), 2: array([-3.70519305]), 3: array([-0.99070666, -0.13601585,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  187.81776816122203
action:  [ 0.16678431]
state:  {1: array([ 6.23051471]), 2: array([-3.78218728]), 3: array([-0.99861322,  0.05264625,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  176.98178322607373
action:  [ 0.29588782]
state:  {1: array([ 6.04559874]), 2: array([-3.69831943]), 3: array([-0.97190882,  0.23535768,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  166.38690327974166
action:  [ 0.33745176]
state:  {1: array([ 5.87203957]), 2: array([-3.4711834]), 3: array([-0.91666352,  0.39965985,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.47118340409
Angle:  156.44271858505329
min:  -2.68980993741  self.max:  28.6954689906
state:  {1: array([ 2.38757557]), 2: array([ 0.50856519]), 3: array([ 0.72894478, -0.6845725 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.508565191547
Angle:  316.7981046871613
action:  [ 0.58239951]
state:  {1: array([ 2.39170036]), 2: array([ 0.08249574]), 3: array([ 0.73176228, -0.68155995,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.0824957402089
Angle:  317.0344370216025
action:  [ 0.35365254]
state:  {1: array([ 2.37291904]), 2: array([-0.37562634]), 3: array([ 0.71883339, -0.6951824 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7188333850149418   sin(angle)  -0.6951823966326827
theta dot:  -0.375626339048
Angle:  315.9583493428934
action:  [ 0.03377819]
state:  {1: array([ 2.32832172]), 2: array([-0.89194641]), 3: array([ 0.68712566, -0.7265386 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.89194640851
Angle:  313.40311708016515
action:  [-0.27144826]
state:  {1: array([ 2.25444334]), 2: array([-1.4775676]), 3: array([ 0.63162466, -0.77527433,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6316246570415228   sin(angle)  -0.7752743337794556
theta dot:  -1.47756759582
Angle:  309.1702076192462
action:  [-0.51940269]
state:  {1: array([ 2.14759666]), 2: array([-2.13693375]), 3: array([ 0.54534473, -0.83821186,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.545344731281685   sin(angle)  -0.8382118610848374
theta dot:  -2.13693375003
Angle:  303.0483576860161
action:  [-0.56652385]
state:  {1: array([ 2.0050681]), 2: array([-2.85057122]), 3: array([ 0.42074988, -0.90717669,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4207498782892276   sin(angle)  -0.9071766861640571
theta dot:  -2.85057122356
Angle:  294.8820917667381
action:  [-0.4726495]
state:  {1: array([ 1.82497554]), 2: array([-3.60185116]), 3: array([ 0.25145108, -0.96787001,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.2514510756896621   sin(angle)  -0.9678700101431554
theta dot:  -3.60185116259
Angle:  284.5635723933758
action:  [-0.59332949]
state:  {1: array([ 1.60413788]), 2: array([-4.41675309]), 3: array([ 0.03333538, -0.99944422,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.03333537853102612   sin(angle)  -0.9994442218244064
theta dot:  -4.41675309409
Angle:  271.9105364095495
action:  [-0.36234364]
state:  {1: array([ 1.34310349]), 2: array([-5.22068781]), 3: array([-0.22573051, -0.97418978,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.22573050947534015   sin(angle)  -0.9741897849454199
theta dot:  -5.22068780656
Angle:  256.95440250994085
action:  [-0.30179648]
state:  {1: array([ 1.04327351]), 2: array([-5.99659962]), 3: array([-0.50339446, -0.86405672,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5033944601098563   sin(angle)  -0.8640567212461843
theta dot:  -5.99659961787
Angle:  239.77545020511627
action:  [-0.13403806]
state:  {1: array([ 0.71003612]), 2: array([-6.66474787]), 3: array([-0.75833833, -0.65186116,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -6.66474786725
Angle:  220.68239863735548
action:  [ 0.58482056]
state:  {1: array([ 0.35674009]), 2: array([-7.06592065]), 3: array([-0.93704023, -0.34922142,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -7.06592065328
Angle:  200.4400743823506
action:  [ 0.34985946]
state:  {1: array([ 6.2761575]), 2: array([-7.2753578]), 3: array([-0.99997531,  0.00702775,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9999753050805286   sin(angle)  0.007027747085930001
theta dot:  -7.27535780159
Angle:  179.59691646218926
action:  [ 0.43523365]
state:  {1: array([ 5.91591741]), 2: array([-7.20480194]), 3: array([-0.93331183,  0.35906688,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.933311833523623   sin(angle)  0.35906687595039044
theta dot:  -7.20480194354
Angle:  158.95672754830753
action:  [ 0.43049543]
state:  {1: array([ 5.57237103]), 2: array([-6.87092747]), 3: array([-0.75783085,  0.65245107,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -6.87092747215
Angle:  139.27301630265424
action:  [-0.20285808]
state:  {1: array([ 5.25177014]), 2: array([-6.41201788]), 3: array([-0.51360511,  0.85802669,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5136051062644675   sin(angle)  0.8580266865424787
theta dot:  -6.41201788056
Angle:  120.9039811215165
action:  [ 0.22285557]
state:  {1: array([ 4.96501666]), 2: array([-5.73506953]), 3: array([-0.24994909,  0.96825898,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -5.73506953087
Angle:  104.47425557472138
action:  [ 0.19899808]
state:  {1: array([ 4.71606538]), 2: array([-4.97902558]), 3: array([-0.00367639,  0.99999324,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.0036763930080501114   sin(angle)  0.9999932420443902
theta dot:  -4.97902558426
Angle:  90.2104313264669
action:  [ 0.24368393]
state:  {1: array([ 4.50644148]), 2: array([-4.19247806]), 3: array([ 0.20449473,  0.97886766,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.20449473051607925   sin(angle)  0.9788676648000771
theta dot:  -4.19247806347
Angle:  78.19989447541877
action:  [ 0.35600582]
state:  {1: array([ 4.33619516]), 2: array([-3.40492644]), 3: array([ 0.36738313,  0.93006969,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -3.40492644241
Angle:  68.44552155026008
action:  [ 0.40989649]
state:  {1: array([ 4.20390067]), 2: array([-2.6458897]), 3: array([ 0.48685737,  0.87348148,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.64588969837
Angle:  60.865623636680255
action:  [ 0.40561178]
state:  {1: array([ 4.10740383]), 2: array([-1.92993682]), 3: array([ 0.56874986,  0.82251054,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.92993681956
Angle:  55.336774841137924
action:  [ 0.36053814]
state:  {1: array([ 4.04445517]), 2: array([-1.25897319]), 3: array([ 0.61936514,  0.78510307,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6193651377183548   sin(angle)  0.7851030672332923
theta dot:  -1.25897319065
Angle:  51.730090757911455
action:  [ 0.11995289]
state:  {1: array([ 4.01184752]), 2: array([-0.65215296]), 3: array([ 0.64463172,  0.76449326,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.652152955979
Angle:  49.86181452802606
action:  [-0.08618896]
state:  {1: array([ 4.00726196]), 2: array([-0.09171136]), 3: array([ 0.64813057,  0.76152923,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.0917113561595
Angle:  49.599081460342234
action:  [-0.1650709]
state:  {1: array([ 4.0299957]), 2: array([ 0.45467493]), 3: array([ 0.63065217,  0.77606562,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.454674930796
Angle:  50.90162614367807
action:  [-0.05117358]
state:  {1: array([ 4.08144811]), 2: array([ 1.02904811]), 3: array([ 0.58990475,  0.80747284,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.02904810683
Angle:  53.849624921826944
action:  [-0.22519807]
state:  {1: array([ 4.16149176]), 2: array([ 1.60087303]), 3: array([ 0.52345192,  0.85205521,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.52345192204587   sin(angle)  0.8520552125927547
theta dot:  1.60087302683
Angle:  58.43577759609991
action:  [-0.03328635]
state:  {1: array([ 4.27323783]), 2: array([ 2.23492148]), 3: array([ 0.42517131,  0.9051129 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.2349214838
Angle:  64.83834105236383
action:  [ 0.08355159]
state:  {1: array([ 4.41955228]), 2: array([ 2.9262889]), 3: array([ 0.28866932,  0.95742886,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.2886693240835608   sin(angle)  0.957428859672164
theta dot:  2.92628889549
Angle:  73.22152161622466
action:  [ 0.19159266]
state:  {1: array([ 4.60320725]), 2: array([ 3.67309944]), 3: array([ 0.10896494,  0.99404559,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.10896494058848905   sin(angle)  0.9940455933821885
theta dot:  3.67309943958
Angle:  83.74415179073549
action:  [ 0.27562501]
state:  {1: array([ 4.82620612]), 2: array([ 4.45997739]), 3: array([-0.11357156,  0.99352982,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.11357155985506959   sin(angle)  0.9935298187734912
theta dot:  4.4599773856
Angle:  96.52101595879878
action:  [ 0.4574107]
state:  {1: array([ 5.08989294]), 2: array([ 5.27373636]), 3: array([-0.36860133,  0.92958758,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.36860132871604606   sin(angle)  0.9295875754703079
theta dot:  5.27373635507
Angle:  111.62912239997644
action:  [ 0.52388938]
state:  {1: array([ 5.39236846]), 2: array([ 6.04951044]), 3: array([-0.62877707,  0.77758562,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6287770668008572   sin(angle)  0.7775856224656617
theta dot:  6.04951044355
Angle:  128.95965270045866
action:  [ 0.5325719]
state:  {1: array([ 5.72799773]), 2: array([ 6.71258545]), 3: array([-0.84980158,  0.52710271,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.849801583319096   sin(angle)  0.5271027119910858
theta dot:  6.712585446
Angle:  148.18974851597795
action:  [ 0.30283382]
state:  {1: array([ 6.08566461]), 2: array([ 7.15333755]), 3: array([-0.98055613,  0.19623884,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9805561262980454   sin(angle)  0.19623884217802443
theta dot:  7.15333755247
Angle:  168.68250315444016
action:  [ 0.10372442]
state:  {1: array([ 0.16828307]), 2: array([ 7.31607535]), 3: array([-0.98587379, -0.16748992,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9858737885323674   sin(angle)  -0.16748991935288768
theta dot:  7.31607534777
Angle:  189.64230797923773
action:  [-0.17037979]
state:  {1: array([ 0.52652812]), 2: array([ 7.16490094]), 3: array([-0.86455702, -0.50253473,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  7.16490093906
Angle:  210.16818920268088
action:  [ 0.43636568]
state:  {1: array([ 0.86920085]), 2: array([ 6.85345474]), 3: array([-0.64543715, -0.76381338,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6454371525508629   sin(angle)  -0.7638133817281771
theta dot:  6.85345474114
Angle:  229.8018448782276
action:  [ 0.42086312]
state:  {1: array([ 1.18638706]), 2: array([ 6.34372417]), 3: array([-0.37501158, -0.92702013,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  6.34372417227
Angle:  247.97523345424884
action:  [ 0.7000544]
state:  {1: array([ 1.47406042]), 2: array([ 5.75346724]), 3: array([-0.0965851 , -0.99532473,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  5.75346723651
Angle:  264.4576644220946
action:  [ 0.16172549]
state:  {1: array([ 1.72562205]), 2: array([ 5.03123251]), 3: array([ 0.15420791, -0.98803842,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  5.03123251306
Angle:  278.8710501547035
action:  [ 0.2070641]
state:  {1: array([ 1.94168521]), 2: array([ 4.32126331]), 3: array([ 0.36244402, -0.93200554,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.32126331292
Angle:  291.25052870584494
action:  [ 0.08637902]
state:  {1: array([ 2.12344602]), 2: array([ 3.63521601]), 3: array([ 0.52494432, -0.85113657,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.63521600965
Angle:  301.6646311017196
action:  [-0.40405655]
state:  {1: array([ 2.27025877]), 2: array([ 2.9362551]), 3: array([ 0.64380645, -0.76518838,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.93625509786
Angle:  310.07636266549736
action:  [-0.33302586]
state:  {1: array([ 2.38587927]), 2: array([ 2.31240993]), 3: array([ 0.72778248, -0.68580803,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  316.7009136573761
action:  [-0.7119311]
state:  {1: array([ 2.47044248]), 2: array([ 1.69126424]), 3: array([ 0.78310691, -0.62188711,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  321.546017483278
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state:  {1: array([ 2.52864061]), 2: array([ 1.16396256]), 3: array([ 0.81795332, -0.5752846 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  324.8805168037539
action:  [-0.87047464]
state:  {1: array([ 2.558737]), 2: array([ 0.60192792]), 3: array([ 0.83489428, -0.55041034,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  326.6049092335304
action:  [-0.83492639]
state:  {1: array([ 2.56193106]), 2: array([ 0.0638812]), 3: array([ 0.83664806, -0.54774084,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  326.78791496312846
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state:  {1: array([ 2.53901775]), 2: array([-0.45826629]), 3: array([ 0.82387898, -0.56676576,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  325.4750818165638
action:  [-0.59881038]
state:  {1: array([ 2.49035964]), 2: array([-0.97316217]), 3: array([ 0.79533699, -0.60616753,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  322.68718408800487
action:  [-0.42111185]
state:  {1: array([ 2.41581191]), 2: array([-1.49095459]), 3: array([ 0.74798146, -0.66371963,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  318.41592380027566
action:  [-0.24524643]
state:  {1: array([ 2.31453535]), 2: array([-2.02553128]), 3: array([ 0.67704434, -0.73594223,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  312.6132177030294
action:  [-0.10295213]
state:  {1: array([ 2.18488881]), 2: array([-2.59293076]), 3: array([ 0.57621705, -0.81729671,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  305.18503560395806
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state:  {1: array([ 2.02436937]), 2: array([-3.21038883]), 3: array([ 0.43818008, -0.89888721,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  295.9879705686957
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state:  {1: array([ 1.82985361]), 2: array([-3.89031507]), 3: array([ 0.25616941, -0.9666319 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  284.8430648929121
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state:  {1: array([ 1.59794348]), 2: array([-4.63820273]), 3: array([ 0.02714382, -0.99963154,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  271.5556239134725
action:  [-0.27218935]
state:  {1: array([ 1.32650574]), 2: array([-5.42875479]), 3: array([-0.24186804, -0.97030915,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  256.0034234148832
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state:  {1: array([ 1.01701339]), 2: array([-6.18984684]), 3: array([-0.52590852, -0.85054114,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  238.27085988542007
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state:  {1: array([ 0.67385387]), 2: array([-6.86319056]), 3: array([-0.78142265, -0.62400211,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  218.60931319803407
action:  [-0.07482397]
state:  {1: array([ 0.30673308]), 2: array([-7.34241574]), 3: array([-0.95332509, -0.30194582,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -7.34241574387
Angle:  197.5748907079599
action:  [ 0.25345657]
state:  {1: array([ 6.21337556]), 2: array([-7.53085662]), 3: array([-0.99756429,  0.06975306,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  175.9997843018068
action:  [ 0.05132422]
state:  {1: array([ 5.8398334]), 2: array([-7.47084319]), 3: array([-0.90331887,  0.42896971,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -7.47084318857
Angle:  154.59744514434226
action:  [ 0.56202451]
state:  {1: array([ 5.48659278]), 2: array([-7.06481223]), 3: array([-0.69914703,  0.71497792,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  134.35829629003183
action:  [ 0.61066154]
state:  {1: array([ 5.16474381]), 2: array([-6.43697956]), 3: array([-0.43708472,  0.89942034,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  115.91775133929195
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state:  {1: array([ 4.86806678]), 2: array([-5.93354063]), 3: array([-0.15504973,  0.98790667,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -5.93354063094
Angle:  98.91944930259973
action:  [ 0.60357806]
state:  {1: array([ 4.61296308]), 2: array([-5.10207392]), 3: array([ 0.09926217,  0.99506132,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.09926216939550864   sin(angle)  0.9950613155614569
theta dot:  -5.10207392198
Angle:  84.30311835727406
action:  [ 0.39963259]
state:  {1: array([ 4.39817143]), 2: array([-4.29583305]), 3: array([ 0.30907243,  0.9510385 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.309072429112106   sin(angle)  0.9510385026710234
theta dot:  -4.29583304754
Angle:  71.99649197967307
action:  [ 0.26870154]
state:  {1: array([ 4.22105898]), 2: array([-3.54224894]), 3: array([ 0.47179897,  0.88170615,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4717989746700298   sin(angle)  0.8817061457766463
theta dot:  -3.54224893994
Angle:  61.848719997419494
action:  [ 0.22296584]
state:  {1: array([ 4.07868276]), 2: array([-2.84752445]), 3: array([ 0.59213544,  0.80583846,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5921354350943979   sin(angle)  0.8058384617934093
theta dot:  -2.84752445467
Angle:  53.69118240763504
action:  [ 0.25699436]
state:  {1: array([ 3.96845293]), 2: array([-2.20459645]), 3: array([ 0.67718933,  0.73580882,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6771893270576537   sin(angle)  0.7358088170980299
theta dot:  -2.2045964538
Angle:  47.37549355983663
action:  [ 0.28891471]
state:  {1: array([ 3.8879828]), 2: array([-1.60940263]), 3: array([ 0.73414471,  0.67899304,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7341447104190866   sin(angle)  0.6789930369036751
theta dot:  -1.60940263427
Angle:  42.764905417350576
action:  [ 0.19789634]
state:  {1: array([ 3.83445913]), 2: array([-1.07047341]), 3: array([ 0.76941823,  0.63874532,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.769418228542089   sin(angle)  0.6387453245129499
theta dot:  -1.07047340619
Angle:  39.69823217576845
action:  [ 0.06124222]
state:  {1: array([ 3.80534773]), 2: array([-0.58222808]), 3: array([ 0.78768437,  0.616079  ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.787684367527363   sin(angle)  0.616079002363348
theta dot:  -0.582228079887
Angle:  38.03027549160146
action:  [-0.26131538]
state:  {1: array([ 3.79737942]), 2: array([-0.15936614]), 3: array([ 0.79256842,  0.609783  ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7925684156191474   sin(angle)  0.6097829995686618
theta dot:  -0.159366135561
Angle:  37.57372621096397
action:  [-0.45434059]
state:  {1: array([ 3.80887042]), 2: array([ 0.22982003]), 3: array([ 0.78550923,  0.61884995,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7855092265731357   sin(angle)  0.6188499454378857
theta dot:  0.22982002552
Angle:  38.23211054686908
action:  [-0.60677909]
state:  {1: array([ 3.83901745]), 2: array([ 0.60294062]), 3: array([ 0.76649864,  0.64224593,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7664986384683623   sin(angle)  0.6422459320432843
theta dot:  0.602940620719
Angle:  39.95940415091593
action:  [-0.42466607]
state:  {1: array([ 3.89006371]), 2: array([ 1.02092516]), 3: array([ 0.7327302 ,  0.68051925,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7327301990881026   sin(angle)  0.6805192542054264
theta dot:  1.02092515951
Angle:  42.88413245355241
action:  [-0.05073229]
state:  {1: array([ 3.96624895]), 2: array([ 1.52370476]), 3: array([ 0.67880939,  0.73431452,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6788093923739854   sin(angle)  0.7343145162836295
theta dot:  1.52370475634
Angle:  47.249214834209226
action:  [ 0.47652047]
state:  {1: array([ 4.07354489]), 2: array([ 2.14591871]), 3: array([ 0.5962679 ,  0.80278552,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.5962678959635421   sin(angle)  0.8027855231898557
theta dot:  2.14591871477
Angle:  53.39680473518274
action:  [ 0.50106819]
state:  {1: array([ 4.21470329]), 2: array([ 2.82316809]), 3: array([ 0.47739326,  0.87868975,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.47739325888424755   sin(angle)  0.8786897497819568
theta dot:  2.82316808554
Angle:  61.484566630358415
action:  [ 0.57745749]
state:  {1: array([ 4.39314349]), 2: array([ 3.56880402]), 3: array([ 0.31385026,  0.94947249,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.31385026305071834   sin(angle)  0.9494724916410138
theta dot:  3.56880402088
Angle:  71.7084131378561
action:  [ 0.49553718]
state:  {1: array([ 4.61090544]), 2: array([ 4.35523897]), 3: array([ 0.10130944,  0.99485496,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.10130943591041101   sin(angle)  0.9948549633969337
theta dot:  4.35523896605
Angle:  84.18522453792144
action:  [ 0.32159548]
state:  {1: array([ 4.86838641]), 2: array([ 5.14961951]), 3: array([-0.1553655 ,  0.98785706,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.15536549897959812   sin(angle)  0.9878570553105447
theta dot:  5.14961951101
Angle:  98.93776324402148
action:  [ 0.58415804]
state:  {1: array([ 5.16729322]), 2: array([ 5.97813601]), 3: array([-0.43937629,  0.89830311,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4393762896451091   sin(angle)  0.8983031092552765
theta dot:  5.97813600888
Angle:  116.06382132904878
action:  [-0.03367667]
state:  {1: array([ 5.49963381]), 2: array([ 6.64681184]), 3: array([-0.70841136,  0.70579979,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7084113629801189   sin(angle)  0.7057997880423671
theta dot:  6.64681183987
Angle:  135.10549008345936
action:  [-0.08449229]
state:  {1: array([ 5.8578082]), 2: array([ 7.16348784]), 3: array([-0.91088318,  0.41266431,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9108831786698617   sin(angle)  0.41266431250629
theta dot:  7.16348783792
Angle:  155.62732307978627
action:  [-0.11520529]
state:  {1: array([ 6.23059346]), 2: array([ 7.45570528]), 3: array([-0.99861737,  0.0525676 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9986173676915095   sin(angle)  0.052567603567981534
theta dot:  7.45570527813
Angle:  176.98629541974253
action:  [-0.15059768]
state:  {1: array([ 0.32103522]), 2: array([ 7.47254133]), 3: array([-0.94890926, -0.31554906,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9489092632058317   sin(angle)  -0.3155490614819914
theta dot:  7.4725413284
Angle:  198.39434121274212
action:  [ 0.00276184]
state:  {1: array([ 0.68284991]), 2: array([ 7.23629381]), 3: array([-0.77577756, -0.63100648,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7757775582927382   sin(angle)  -0.6310064817807794
theta dot:  7.23629380756
Angle:  219.124747460536
action:  [-0.00836968]
state:  {1: array([ 1.02093909]), 2: array([ 6.76178349]), 3: array([-0.52256552, -0.85259913,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5225655167847225   sin(angle)  -0.8525991324576374
theta dot:  6.76178349371
Angle:  238.49578497117346
action:  [ 0.16963244]
state:  {1: array([ 1.32832804]), 2: array([ 6.14777901]), 3: array([-0.24009944, -0.9707483 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.24009944275539377   sin(angle)  -0.970748297752074
theta dot:  6.14777900976
Angle:  256.107833318468
action:  [ 0.38115256]
state:  {1: array([ 1.60217257]), 2: array([ 5.47689067]), 3: array([ 0.0313711 , -0.99950781,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.031371096622944634   sin(angle)  -0.9995078060208804
theta dot:  5.4768906709
Angle:  271.79793264304016
action:  [ 0.48211066]
state:  {1: array([ 1.84215139]), 2: array([ 4.79957642]), 3: array([ 0.26803716, -0.96340857,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.26803716390540583   sin(angle)  -0.9634085731223003
theta dot:  4.79957641558
Angle:  285.5476740933366
action:  [ 0.58793637]
state:  {1: array([ 2.05041191]), 2: array([ 4.16521044]), 3: array([ 0.46143817, -0.88717237,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.4614381693964527   sin(angle)  -0.8871723709764922
theta dot:  4.1652104417
Angle:  297.48009514481373
action:  [ 0.4251622]
state:  {1: array([ 2.22859219]), 2: array([ 3.56360549]), 3: array([ 0.61137411, -0.79134171,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.6113741121909929   sin(angle)  -0.7913417055499319
theta dot:  3.56360549307
Angle:  307.68904900197623
action:  [ 0.21449127]
state:  {1: array([ 2.37870583]), 2: array([ 3.0022729]), 3: array([ 0.7228442 , -0.69101104,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.7228442013436727   sin(angle)  -0.6910110423023846
theta dot:  3.00227290483
Angle:  316.2899072090965
action:  [ 0.0049252]
state:  {1: array([ 2.5029435]), 2: array([ 2.4847534]), 3: array([ 0.80290175, -0.59611139,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.8029017476550975   sin(angle)  -0.5961113852396969
theta dot:  2.48475340311
Angle:  323.4081847199238
min:  -2.68980993741  self.max:  28.6954689906
state:  {1: array([ 5.60982431]), 2: array([-0.01298641]), 3: array([-0.78173011,  0.6236169 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7817301088492439   sin(angle)  0.6236168991604937
theta dot:  -0.0129864114926
Angle:  141.41892592038727
action:  [-0.29700986]
state:  {1: array([ 5.63033305]), 2: array([ 0.41017478]), 3: array([-0.79435441,  0.60745458,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7943544133046815   sin(angle)  0.6074545794241536
theta dot:  0.410174784527
Angle:  142.59398737338654
action:  [-0.34193129]
state:  {1: array([ 5.67105685]), 2: array([ 0.81447603]), 3: array([-0.81842684,  0.57461075,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8184268370133327   sin(angle)  0.574610748643246
theta dot:  0.814476025312
Angle:  144.92728385537288
action:  [-0.36831271]
state:  {1: array([ 5.73056621]), 2: array([ 1.19018718]), 3: array([-0.85115263,  0.52491828,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.19018718042
Angle:  148.3369109956268
action:  [-0.35248804]
state:  {1: array([ 5.80711634]), 2: array([ 1.53100268]), 3: array([-0.88880333,  0.45828881,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.53100268485
Angle:  152.72290035252422
action:  [-0.34294416]
state:  {1: array([ 5.89828022]), 2: array([ 1.82327767]), 3: array([-0.92683408,  0.37547117,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.82327766851
Angle:  157.94619390248943
action:  [-0.27433221]
state:  {1: array([ 6.00146679]), 2: array([ 2.06373121]), 3: array([-0.9605791 ,  0.27800683,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.06373121139
Angle:  163.8583345004232
action:  [-0.22551816]
state:  {1: array([ 6.11338722]), 2: array([ 2.23840861]), 3: array([-0.98561891,  0.16898335,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.2384086132
Angle:  170.2708878231997
action:  [-0.28247133]
state:  {1: array([ 6.22952599]), 2: array([ 2.32277543]), 3: array([-0.99856068,  0.05363357,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.32277542509
Angle:  176.9251336933978
action:  [-0.333241]
state:  {1: array([ 0.0619914]), 2: array([ 2.31301445]), 3: array([-0.99807915, -0.06195171,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  2.31301445465
Angle:  183.5522583431202
action:  [-0.69703581]
state:  {1: array([ 0.17009117]), 2: array([ 2.1619953]), 3: array([-0.98556934, -0.1692722 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  189.74590417088945
action:  [-0.53437737]
state:  {1: array([ 0.2678354]), 2: array([ 1.95488455]), 3: array([-0.96434601, -0.26464463,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  195.34622277399865
action:  [-0.25580326]
state:  {1: array([ 0.35373692]), 2: array([ 1.71803058]), 3: array([-0.93808477, -0.34640577,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.71803058481
Angle:  200.26800634392643
action:  [ 0.01198415]
state:  {1: array([ 0.42673812]), 2: array([ 1.46002388]), 3: array([-0.91032069, -0.41390365,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.46002388063
Angle:  204.45065688049377
action:  [ 0.26758365]
state:  {1: array([ 0.4862248]), 2: array([ 1.18973369]), 3: array([-0.88410327, -0.46729156,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.18973369032
Angle:  207.85898487034586
action:  [ 0.60280705]
state:  {1: array([ 0.53270911]), 2: array([ 0.92968608]), 3: array([-0.86143436, -0.50786892,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.929686075717
Angle:  210.52233306281295
action:  [ 0.6243211]
state:  {1: array([ 0.56483073]), 2: array([ 0.64243255]), 3: array([-0.84467922, -0.53527285,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.642432551543
Angle:  212.3627624503508
action:  [ 0.77985881]
state:  {1: array([ 0.58272857]), 2: array([ 0.35795674]), 3: array([-0.83496422, -0.55030424,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.357956736118
Angle:  213.38823056375313
action:  [ 0.5630087]
state:  {1: array([ 0.58421256]), 2: array([ 0.02967986]), 3: array([-0.83414665, -0.55154272,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.0296798594681
Angle:  213.47325689912788
action:  [ 0.24028708]
state:  {1: array([ 0.56681586]), 2: array([-0.34793412]), 3: array([-0.84361497, -0.53694859,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.347934115307
Angle:  212.47650141218966
action:  [-0.01338401]
state:  {1: array([ 0.5291832]), 2: array([-0.75265316]), 3: array([-0.8632197 , -0.50482843,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  210.32031399221768
action:  [-0.06462499]
state:  {1: array([ 0.47213479]), 2: array([-1.14096823]), 3: array([-0.89059944, -0.45478856,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  207.0516884332377
action:  [ 0.04881446]
state:  {1: array([ 0.39839791]), 2: array([-1.47473748]), 3: array([-0.92168369, -0.38794223,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.47473748145
Angle:  202.82688663380716
action:  [ 0.28682106]
state:  {1: array([ 0.31226437]), 2: array([-1.72267099]), 3: array([-0.95164036, -0.30721428,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  197.8918093090658
action:  [ 0.32463351]
state:  {1: array([ 0.21704503]), 2: array([-1.90438668]), 3: array([-0.97653805, -0.21534493,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.90438667816
Angle:  192.4361561057906
action:  [ 0.44323614]
state:  {1: array([ 0.11707453]), 2: array([-1.99940995]), 3: array([-0.9931546 , -0.11680727,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.99940995262
Angle:  186.70828190995914
action:  [ 0.43087776]
state:  {1: array([ 0.01595535]), 2: array([-2.02238374]), 3: array([-0.99987272, -0.01595467,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.02238374218
Angle:  180.9145928089744
action:  [ 0.35948462]
state:  {1: array([ 6.2001193]), 2: array([-1.98042705]), 3: array([-0.996552  ,  0.08297051,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.98042705143
Angle:  175.24025865740714
action:  [-0.06406288]
state:  {1: array([ 6.10372887]), 2: array([-1.9278086]), 3: array([-0.98394086,  0.17849476,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.92780859787
Angle:  169.7175067536532
action:  [-0.10224038]
state:  {1: array([ 6.01326519]), 2: array([-1.80927358]), 3: array([-0.9637922 ,  0.26665444,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  164.5343318637449
action:  [-0.26305561]
state:  {1: array([ 5.93082814]), 2: array([-1.64874109]), 3: array([-0.93856184,  0.34511111,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.64874108943
Angle:  159.81104761213214
action:  [-0.3424011]
state:  {1: array([ 5.85876474]), 2: array([-1.44126792]), 3: array([-0.91127749,  0.41179283,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  155.6821288221862
action:  [-0.24596496]
state:  {1: array([ 5.80029884]), 2: array([-1.16931804]), 3: array([-0.88565832,  0.46433753,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  152.33228721468447
action:  [-0.05145438]
state:  {1: array([ 5.75885969]), 2: array([-0.82878305]), 3: array([-0.86566175,  0.50062933,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.828783052978
Angle:  149.95800421340948
action:  [ 0.08519528]
state:  {1: array([ 5.7368331]), 2: array([-0.44053176]), 3: array([-0.8544255 ,  0.51957393,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8544255000805112   sin(angle)  0.5195739262243326
theta dot:  -0.440531760453
Angle:  148.69597663380853
action:  [ 0.4625585]
state:  {1: array([ 5.73775972]), 2: array([ 0.01853246]), 3: array([-0.85490658,  0.51878197,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8549065823244224   sin(angle)  0.5187819729890154
theta dot:  0.0185324592407
Angle:  148.74906809458219
action:  [ 0.02055604]
state:  {1: array([ 5.75829484]), 2: array([ 0.41070235]), 3: array([-0.86537884,  0.50111822,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8653788353762639   sin(angle)  0.5011182208649183
theta dot:  0.410702345494
Angle:  149.92564089489042
action:  [-0.05789962]
state:  {1: array([ 5.79718764]), 2: array([ 0.77785607]), 3: array([-0.88420939,  0.46709074,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8842093894303736   sin(angle)  0.46709073598516787
theta dot:  0.777856068817
Angle:  152.1540291745414
action:  [ 0.02172299]
state:  {1: array([ 5.85375927]), 2: array([ 1.13143257]), 3: array([-0.90920487,  0.41634902,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9092048687867388   sin(angle)  0.41634902014354397
theta dot:  1.13143256862
Angle:  155.39533714422078
action:  [ 0.10357647]
state:  {1: array([ 5.92672081]), 2: array([ 1.4592308]), 3: array([-0.93713644,  0.34896317,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9371364388887065   sin(angle)  0.34896317127598686
theta dot:  1.45923080475
Angle:  159.5757156910538
action:  [ 0.16777933]
state:  {1: array([ 6.01402682]), 2: array([ 1.74612008]), 3: array([-0.96399501,  0.26592032,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.963995011845545   sin(angle)  0.2659203210303932
theta dot:  1.74612008274
Angle:  164.57796955680897
action:  [ 0.44727268]
state:  {1: array([ 6.11465938]), 2: array([ 2.01265123]), 3: array([-0.98583308,  0.16772935,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9858330826097088   sin(angle)  0.1677293451732256
theta dot:  2.01265122526
Angle:  170.34377711579702
action:  [ 0.11707829]
state:  {1: array([ 6.22245988]), 2: array([ 2.15600998]), 3: array([-0.99815678,  0.06068812,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9981567775107006   sin(angle)  0.06068811670709303
theta dot:  2.15600997749
Angle:  176.52027628737483
action:  [ 0.2048343]
state:  {1: array([ 0.05088713]), 2: array([ 2.23225121]), 3: array([-0.99870553, -0.05086517,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9987055294219994   sin(angle)  -0.05086516983087613
theta dot:  2.23225120955
Angle:  182.91603182392927
action:  [ 0.38567593]
state:  {1: array([ 0.16348482]), 2: array([ 2.25195372]), 3: array([-0.9866661 , -0.16275754,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9866660955999151   sin(angle)  -0.16275753682585337
theta dot:  2.25195372162
Angle:  189.36738893324303
action:  [ 0.01518883]
state:  {1: array([ 0.27009301]), 2: array([ 2.13216389]), 3: array([-0.96374608, -0.26682108,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9637460835635856   sin(angle)  -0.2668210756590457
theta dot:  2.13216389361
Angle:  195.47557426635336
action:  [ 0.17666565]
state:  {1: array([ 0.36802041]), 2: array([ 1.95854793]), 3: array([-0.93304137, -0.3597691 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.933041369905298   sin(angle)  -0.3597690954560229
theta dot:  1.958547934
Angle:  201.08638767544224
action:  [-0.65288542]
state:  {1: array([ 0.44755982]), 2: array([ 1.5907883]), 3: array([-0.90150581, -0.43276699,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9015058140171286   sin(angle)  -0.43276698960677956
theta dot:  1.5907882996
Angle:  205.64364980188242
action:  [-0.52557839]
state:  {1: array([ 0.50692864]), 2: array([ 1.1873763]), 3: array([-0.87423976, -0.48549443,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.18737629828
Angle:  209.04522437679583
action:  [-0.64779687]
state:  {1: array([ 0.54323293]), 2: array([ 0.72608594]), 3: array([-0.85604203, -0.51690622,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.726085943906
Angle:  211.125302520147
action:  [-0.48366689]
state:  {1: array([ 0.55652575]), 2: array([ 0.26585625]), 3: array([-0.84909547, -0.52823942,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.265856249088
Angle:  211.88692279064398
action:  [-0.18853055]
state:  {1: array([ 0.5485956]), 2: array([-0.1586029]), 3: array([-0.85325774, -0.52148943,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8532577424164626   sin(angle)  -0.5214894294291703
theta dot:  -0.158602897099
Angle:  211.43256002202708
action:  [ 0.12416641]
state:  {1: array([ 0.52204085]), 2: array([-0.53109501]), 3: array([-0.86680331, -0.49865019,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8668033148789688   sin(angle)  -0.49865019133138944
theta dot:  -0.531095007014
Angle:  209.91108845877164
action:  [ 0.34517308]
state:  {1: array([ 0.47937552]), 2: array([-0.85330669]), 3: array([-0.88728312, -0.46122517,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.853306688496
Angle:  207.46655058111028
action:  [ 0.47596718]
state:  {1: array([ 0.42298399]), 2: array([-1.12783049]), 3: array([-0.91186812, -0.41048328,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.12783049052
Angle:  204.23556178092915
action:  [ 0.50417848]
state:  {1: array([ 0.35498068]), 2: array([-1.36006618]), 3: array([-0.9376532 , -0.34757225,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.36006618083
Angle:  200.33926829114432
action:  [ 0.43613029]
state:  {1: array([ 0.27721439]), 2: array([-1.55532583]), 3: array([-0.96182153, -0.27367746,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9618215272479331   sin(angle)  -0.2736774556342804
theta dot:  -1.55532582638
Angle:  195.8835984294796
action:  [ 0.31055694]
state:  {1: array([ 0.19151437]), 2: array([-1.71400038]), 3: array([-0.98171711, -0.1903458 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.7140003772
Angle:  190.97336052688584
action:  [ 0.12955096]
state:  {1: array([ 0.09964802]), 2: array([-1.83732708]), 3: array([-0.99503924, -0.09948319,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.83732708258
Angle:  185.70981846448055
action:  [-0.00693844]
state:  {1: array([ 0.00399901]), 2: array([-1.91298024]), 3: array([-0.999992, -0.003999,  0.      ])}
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theta dot:  -1.91298023944
Angle:  180.22954657916048
action:  [ 0.01982168]
state:  {1: array([ 6.191534]), 2: array([-1.91300623]), 3: array([-0.99580296,  0.09152305,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.91300623416
Angle:  174.74835838997046
action:  [-0.14734087]
state:  {1: array([ 6.09821075]), 2: array([-1.86646508]), 3: array([-0.98294093,  0.18392153,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.86646507863
Angle:  169.40134231291097
action:  [-0.0719001]
state:  {1: array([ 6.0112453]), 2: array([-1.73930895]), 3: array([-0.96325162,  0.26860066,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.73930894816
Angle:  164.41860086479085
action:  [ 0.0978514]
state:  {1: array([ 5.93508626]), 2: array([-1.52318075]), 3: array([-0.94002285,  0.34111148,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.52318074616
Angle:  160.05501965922667
action:  [-0.57380791]
state:  {1: array([ 5.86741535]), 2: array([-1.35341832]), 3: array([-0.91480561,  0.40389441,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.35341832035
Angle:  156.1777708423267
action:  [-0.52756328]
state:  {1: array([ 5.81093375]), 2: array([-1.129632]), 3: array([-0.89054633,  0.45489256,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.12963200185
Angle:  152.94162110440936
action:  [-0.72915403]
state:  {1: array([ 5.76604196]), 2: array([-0.89783569]), 3: array([-0.86923505,  0.49439905,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.897835689405
Angle:  150.36951733414958
action:  [-2.99897218]
state:  {1: array([ 5.72469014]), 2: array([-0.8270364]), 3: array([-0.8480535 ,  0.52991062,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.827036399435
Angle:  148.00023811498812
action:  [-0.86526188]
state:  {1: array([ 5.69672051]), 2: array([-0.55939272]), 3: array([-0.83290233,  0.55342001,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.559392718286
Angle:  146.39769977001384
action:  [-0.86824766]
state:  {1: array([ 5.68299226]), 2: array([-0.27456486]), 3: array([-0.8252266 ,  0.56480179,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.274564858353
Angle:  145.61113123004031
action:  [-0.66584967]
state:  {1: array([ 5.68545022]), 2: array([ 0.04915903]), 3: array([-0.82661236,  0.56277172,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  145.75196115347882
action:  [-0.39866309]
state:  {1: array([ 5.70602213]), 2: array([ 0.41143836]), 3: array([-0.83801393,  0.54564884,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.411438356617
Angle:  146.930642465407
action:  [-0.1758082]
state:  {1: array([ 5.74573732]), 2: array([ 0.79430375]), 3: array([-0.85901797,  0.51194544,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  149.206149779881
action:  [-0.08410401]
state:  {1: array([ 5.80401968]), 2: array([ 1.16564723]), 3: array([-0.88737991,  0.46103893,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  152.54547530119055
action:  [-0.12093378]
state:  {1: array([ 5.878684]), 2: array([ 1.49328636]), 3: array([-0.91929878,  0.39356036,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  156.82341559107908
action:  [-0.16323176]
state:  {1: array([ 5.96688259]), 2: array([ 1.76397186]), 3: array([-0.95039197,  0.31105482,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  161.8768109257809
action:  [-0.25309657]
state:  {1: array([ 6.06484752]), 2: array([ 1.9592985]), 3: array([-0.97625884,  0.21660717,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  167.48977453475413
action:  [-0.28985191]
state:  {1: array([ 6.16876132]), 2: array([ 2.07827609]), 3: array([-0.99346072,  0.11417446,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  173.44358304890272
action:  [-0.28881011]
state:  {1: array([ 6.27479059]), 2: array([ 2.12058542]), 3: array([-0.99996476,  0.00839461,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  179.518598574208
action:  [-0.22879337]
state:  {1: array([ 0.09623341]), 2: array([ 2.09256238]), 3: array([-0.99537314, -0.09608494,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9953731382046601   sin(angle)  -0.0960849402383459
theta dot:  2.09256237534
Angle:  185.51417601429443
action:  [-0.17560298]
state:  {1: array([ 0.19594132]), 2: array([ 1.99415822]), 3: array([-0.98086484, -0.19468993,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  191.22700514849532
action:  [-0.03168216]
state:  {1: array([ 0.28811074]), 2: array([ 1.84338845]), 3: array([-0.9587824 , -0.28414134,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  196.50791172306012
action:  [-0.08772627]
state:  {1: array([ 0.36896691]), 2: array([ 1.61712351]), 3: array([-0.93270043, -0.36065207,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  201.14061848211088
action:  [-0.05572068]
state:  {1: array([ 0.43588073]), 2: array([ 1.33827636]), 3: array([-0.90649854, -0.42220895,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  204.97448886618966
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state:  {1: array([ 0.48694236]), 2: array([ 1.02123253]), 3: array([-0.88376774, -0.46792584,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  207.90009771669725
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state:  {1: array([ 0.52036596]), 2: array([ 0.66847198]), 3: array([-0.86763728, -0.49719769,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  209.81512439056038
action:  [ 0.07267749]
state:  {1: array([ 0.53568972]), 2: array([ 0.30647533]), 3: array([-0.85991677, -0.51043427,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  210.69310949507553
action:  [-0.1618614]
state:  {1: array([ 0.53065825]), 2: array([-0.10062958]), 3: array([-0.86247412, -0.50610117,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  210.4048276678439
action:  [-0.18782599]
state:  {1: array([ 0.50523928]), 2: array([-0.50837935]), 3: array([-0.87505868, -0.48401684,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.50837935255
Angle:  208.94843150889608
action:  [-0.12298128]
state:  {1: array([ 0.46074732]), 2: array([-0.88983917]), 3: array([-0.89572048, -0.44461762,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.889839172743
Angle:  206.39923601784423
action:  [-0.07871404]
state:  {1: array([ 0.39899184]), 2: array([-1.23510949]), 3: array([-0.92145312, -0.38848957,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  202.8609162280148
action:  [ 0.25866361]
state:  {1: array([ 0.32460799]), 2: array([-1.48767713]), 3: array([-0.94777583, -0.31893727,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.48767713285
Angle:  198.59904514459043
action:  [ 0.13276183]
state:  {1: array([ 0.2392597]), 2: array([-1.70696581]), 3: array([-0.97151368, -0.23698348,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  193.70895974013516
action:  [ 0.06116715]
state:  {1: array([ 0.14548328]), 2: array([-1.87552835]), 3: array([-0.98943596, -0.14497062,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  188.33597937098656
action:  [ 0.03952347]
state:  {1: array([ 0.04656689]), 2: array([-1.97832779]), 3: array([-0.99891596, -0.04655006,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.9783277935
Angle:  182.6685009709592
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state:  {1: array([ 6.22849926]), 2: array([-2.02505869]), 3: array([-0.99850509,  0.05465879,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.02505869081
Angle:  176.86630688991613
action:  [ 0.15933757]
state:  {1: array([ 6.13049107]), 2: array([-1.96016396]), 3: array([-0.98836487,  0.15210158,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.96016396261
Angle:  171.25086391070226
action:  [ 0.09880966]
state:  {1: array([ 6.03892775]), 2: array([-1.83126633]), 3: array([-0.97031714,  0.24183599,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.83126633217
Angle:  166.00468457865372
action:  [ 0.27304528]
state:  {1: array([ 5.95848112]), 2: array([-1.60893255]), 3: array([-0.94774514,  0.31902844,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  161.39544312951227
action:  [ 0.35102192]
state:  {1: array([ 5.89263072]), 2: array([-1.31700793]), 3: array([-0.92469807,  0.3807013 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.31700792782
Angle:  157.6225021598135
min:  -2.99897217737  self.max:  28.6954689906
state:  {1: array([ 4.38304344]), 2: array([ 0.15320082]), 3: array([ 0.32342381,  0.94625422,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.323423809349051   sin(angle)  0.9462542150744422
theta dot:  0.153200818082
Angle:  71.1297243951276
action:  [ 0.48848909]
state:  {1: array([ 4.42985169]), 2: array([ 0.93616484]), 3: array([ 0.27879324,  0.96035115,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.2787932373854414   sin(angle)  0.9603511497302145
theta dot:  0.936164843512
Angle:  73.8116328467463
action:  [ 0.40017249]
state:  {1: array([ 4.51567439]), 2: array([ 1.71645408]), 3: array([ 0.19544834,  0.980714  ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.19544834466990385   sin(angle)  0.9807139973334705
theta dot:  1.71645407999
Angle:  78.72890007361644
action:  [ 0.30757947]
state:  {1: array([ 4.64058071]), 2: array([ 2.4981265]), 3: array([ 0.07174657,  0.99742289,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.07174656946880795   sin(angle)  0.9974228941474411
theta dot:  2.49812649872
Angle:  85.88548859171556
action:  [ 0.19913316]
state:  {1: array([ 4.8043839]), 2: array([ 3.27606364]), 3: array([-0.09186521,  0.99577145,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.09186521132515231   sin(angle)  0.9957714511614526
theta dot:  3.27606364311
Angle:  95.27069765333698
action:  [-0.11843884]
state:  {1: array([ 5.00464022]), 2: array([ 4.0051264]), 3: array([-0.28810873,  0.9575977 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.28810873224974815   sin(angle)  0.9575977017523815
theta dot:  4.00512640484
Angle:  106.74451279326644
action:  [-0.53736667]
state:  {1: array([ 5.2367762]), 2: array([ 4.64271968]), 3: array([-0.50068266,  0.86563091,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5006826578298605   sin(angle)  0.8656309121955077
theta dot:  4.64271968014
Angle:  120.04489384790497
action:  [-0.65143532]
state:  {1: array([ 5.49648758]), 2: array([ 5.19422757]), 3: array([-0.70618725,  0.70802511,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7061872534346241   sin(angle)  0.7080251147286105
theta dot:  5.19422756701
Angle:  134.9252249222319
action:  [-0.77364987]
state:  {1: array([ 5.77694753]), 2: array([ 5.60919892]), 3: array([-0.87457496,  0.48489034,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8745749560994982   sin(angle)  0.48489034447342916
theta dot:  5.60919892268
Angle:  150.9943585815579
action:  [-0.21972474]
state:  {1: array([ 6.07394292]), 2: array([ 5.93990797]), 3: array([-0.97818857,  0.20771887,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9781885667155485   sin(angle)  0.2077188675758195
theta dot:  5.93990796946
Angle:  168.01090165678477
action:  [-0.14975741]
state:  {1: array([ 0.09441929]), 2: array([ 6.07323351]), 3: array([-0.99554581, -0.09427906,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9955458092099752   sin(angle)  -0.09427906323492934
theta dot:  6.07323350855
Angle:  185.41023520804694
action:  [ 0.28845424]
state:  {1: array([ 0.39670891]), 2: array([ 6.04579235]), 3: array([-0.92233761, -0.38638494,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9223376146014823   sin(angle)  -0.3863849436653133
theta dot:  6.04579234649
Angle:  202.7301139699497
action:  [ 0.52612872]
state:  {1: array([ 0.68845506]), 2: array([ 5.83492295]), 3: array([-0.77222851, -0.63534489,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7722285079911242   sin(angle)  -0.6353448917287383
theta dot:  5.8349229472
Angle:  219.44589781409636
action:  [ 0.612493]
state:  {1: array([ 0.96096947]), 2: array([ 5.45028823]), 3: array([-0.57272554, -0.81974719,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5727255365013763   sin(angle)  -0.8197471926388102
theta dot:  5.45028822865
Angle:  235.05978693361087
action:  [ 0.46562689]
state:  {1: array([ 1.20623556]), 2: array([ 4.90532187]), 3: array([-0.35653896, -0.93428046,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.35653896038740346   sin(angle)  -0.9342804556052051
theta dot:  4.90532186795
Angle:  249.11246608167963
action:  [ 0.30560449]
state:  {1: array([ 1.41875817]), 2: array([ 4.2504522]), 3: array([-0.15145309, -0.98846445,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.15145308960361137   sin(angle)  -0.9884644463254713
theta dot:  4.25045219986
Angle:  261.2890862111526
action:  [-0.02039722]
state:  {1: array([ 1.59406039]), 2: array([ 3.50604428]), 3: array([ 0.02326196, -0.9997294 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.023261960499972815   sin(angle)  -0.9997294039857474
theta dot:  3.5060442825
Angle:  271.3331397324373
action:  [-0.13074527]
state:  {1: array([ 1.73089216]), 2: array([ 2.73663544]), 3: array([ 0.15941281, -0.98721201,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.15941281273068691   sin(angle)  -0.9872120112403875
theta dot:  2.73663543887
Angle:  279.1730044350901
action:  [-0.19152924]
state:  {1: array([ 1.82926701]), 2: array([ 1.96749704]), 3: array([ 0.25560234, -0.96678201,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.2556023353202975   sin(angle)  -0.9667820055104512
theta dot:  1.96749704481
Angle:  284.80945509821936
action:  [-0.13839526]
state:  {1: array([ 1.89034957]), 2: array([ 1.22165125]), 3: array([ 0.31414245, -0.94937586,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.3141424542147037   sin(angle)  -0.9493758573188823
theta dot:  1.22165125142
Angle:  288.30921995141716
action:  [-0.06002322]
state:  {1: array([ 1.91538037]), 2: array([ 0.50061588]), 3: array([ 0.3378052 , -0.94121605,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.500615875234
Angle:  289.7433754381462
action:  [-0.00901479]
state:  {1: array([ 1.90504795]), 2: array([-0.20664838]), 3: array([ 0.3280623 , -0.94465609,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.32806230055826274   sin(angle)  -0.9446560892475209
theta dot:  -0.206648378821
Angle:  289.1513728250212
action:  [ 0.09066272]
state:  {1: array([ 1.8599709]), 2: array([-0.90154104]), 3: array([ 0.28516116, -0.95847958,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.28516116324098334   sin(angle)  -0.9584795829745406
theta dot:  -0.901541037081
Angle:  286.5686540404122
action:  [ 0.23524036]
state:  {1: array([ 1.78071516]), 2: array([-1.58511467]), 3: array([ 0.20838052, -0.97804783,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.58511467072
Angle:  282.0276456254254
action:  [ 0.29422088]
state:  {1: array([ 1.66698929]), 2: array([-2.27451741]), 3: array([ 0.09604469, -0.99537702,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.09604468615777181   sin(angle)  -0.9953770231730563
theta dot:  -2.27451741204
Angle:  275.5116484557052
action:  [ 0.32936816]
state:  {1: array([ 1.51840704]), 2: array([-2.97164496]), 3: array([-0.05236532, -0.998628  ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.0523653216581154   sin(angle)  -0.998627995345435
theta dot:  -2.97164495611
Angle:  266.9985326532427
action:  [ 0.27668992]
state:  {1: array([ 1.33445142]), 2: array([-3.67911247]), 3: array([-0.23415072, -0.97220031,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.23415071545931676   sin(angle)  -0.9722003098384047
theta dot:  -3.67911246534
Angle:  256.4586764691206
action:  [ 0.13886915]
state:  {1: array([ 1.1150798]), 2: array([-4.38743232]), 3: array([-0.44010583, -0.89794591,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -4.38743232449
Angle:  243.88963810635875
action:  [-0.1137494]
state:  {1: array([ 0.8611821]), 2: array([-5.07795417]), 3: array([-0.65154117, -0.75861328,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.6515411702374566   sin(angle)  -0.7586132766341528
theta dot:  -5.07795416985
Angle:  229.34240499945304
action:  [-0.06093505]
state:  {1: array([ 0.57837938]), 2: array([-5.65605438]), 3: array([-0.83734969, -0.54666763,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -5.65605438471
Angle:  213.13904064293598
action:  [-0.14342187]
state:  {1: array([ 0.27400096]), 2: array([-6.08756838]), 3: array([-0.962696 , -0.2705853,  0.       ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9626960043453763   sin(angle)  -0.27058529748943727
theta dot:  -6.08756838465
Angle:  195.6994826273325
action:  [-0.21843643]
state:  {1: array([ 6.24102262]), 2: array([-6.32327282]), 3: array([-0.99911129,  0.04215019,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9991112857020001   sin(angle)  0.0421501931537253
theta dot:  -6.32327282266
Angle:  177.5838408805863
action:  [-0.17000277]
state:  {1: array([ 5.92516459]), 2: array([-6.31716059]), 3: array([-0.93659224,  0.35042114,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9365922415450761   sin(angle)  0.35042113674487413
theta dot:  -6.31716059336
Angle:  159.48655117463773
action:  [-0.03906768]
state:  {1: array([ 5.62215435]), 2: array([-6.06020489]), 3: array([-0.78935971,  0.61393098,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7893597137972194   sin(angle)  0.6139309751380623
theta dot:  -6.06020489328
Angle:  142.12538360411537
action:  [ 0.08349759]
state:  {1: array([ 5.34279275]), 2: array([-5.58723202]), 3: array([-0.58947096,  0.80778957,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.589470964900231   sin(angle)  0.8077895651341324
theta dot:  -5.58723202386
Angle:  126.11918032719564
action:  [ 0.70094349]
state:  {1: array([ 5.09898033]), 2: array([-4.87624833]), 3: array([-0.37703352,  0.92619961,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3770335220770373   sin(angle)  0.9261996130587533
theta dot:  -4.87624832641
Angle:  112.14979054564088
action:  [-0.03919333]
state:  {1: array([ 4.88960645]), 2: array([-4.18747762]), 3: array([-0.17629131,  0.98433804,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.17629130935096826   sin(angle)  0.984338038606312
theta dot:  -4.18747761625
Angle:  100.1535788871713
action:  [-0.16990397]
state:  {1: array([ 4.71587097]), 2: array([-3.47470968]), 3: array([-0.00348198,  0.99999394,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.003481978905694372   sin(angle)  0.9999939378930756
theta dot:  -3.47470968215
Angle:  90.19929217360493
action:  [-0.16892224]
state:  {1: array([ 4.57836834]), 2: array([-2.75005256]), 3: array([ 0.1336198 ,  0.99103267,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.13361979973081997   sin(angle)  0.9910326680386957
theta dot:  -2.75005256408
Angle:  82.32099032845701
action:  [-0.4702136]
state:  {1: array([ 4.47450283]), 2: array([-2.0773101]), 3: array([ 0.23564883,  0.97183827,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.23564883157641142   sin(angle)  0.9718382726445136
theta dot:  -2.07731010266
Angle:  76.3699491634535
action:  [-0.39182594]
state:  {1: array([ 4.40414257]), 2: array([-1.40720529]), 3: array([ 0.30338817,  0.95286705,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.3033881673778917   sin(angle)  0.952867052581358
theta dot:  -1.40720528867
Angle:  72.33861239300484
action:  [-0.2154452]
state:  {1: array([ 4.36789898]), 2: array([-0.72487178]), 3: array([ 0.33771669,  0.94124781,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.724871778965
Angle:  70.26201256785623
action:  [-0.34108326]
state:  {1: array([ 4.36439406]), 2: array([-0.07009841]), 3: array([ 0.3410136 ,  0.94005836,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.0700984097613
Angle:  70.06119588595794
action:  [ 0.1148569]
state:  {1: array([ 4.39700275]), 2: array([ 0.6521739]), 3: array([ 0.31018367,  0.95067665,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.652173896834
Angle:  71.92953210683527
action:  [-0.07505772]
state:  {1: array([ 4.46469889]), 2: array([ 1.35392273]), 3: array([ 0.2451652 ,  0.96948132,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.35392272571
Angle:  75.80822593527648
action:  [ 0.52751753]
state:  {1: array([ 4.57270696]), 2: array([ 2.16016134]), 3: array([ 0.13922824,  0.99026032,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.13922824168795275   sin(angle)  0.9902603176521217
theta dot:  2.16016134266
Angle:  81.99661786421234
action:  [ 0.62696262]
state:  {1: array([ 4.72255201]), 2: array([ 2.99690097]), 3: array([-0.01016285,  0.99994836,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.010162850728896219   sin(angle)  0.9999483568990262
theta dot:  2.99690097369
Angle:  90.5820866581999
action:  [ 0.38072319]
state:  {1: array([ 4.91275054]), 2: array([ 3.80397072]), 3: array([-0.19902367,  0.97999468,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.80397071913
Angle:  101.47963455487138
action:  [ 0.53480826]
state:  {1: array([ 5.14370994]), 2: array([ 4.61918797]), 3: array([-0.41807115,  0.90841429,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4180711459280332   sin(angle)  0.9084142870642343
theta dot:  4.61918797075
Angle:  114.71260238550502
action:  [-0.22346923]
state:  {1: array([ 5.40705886]), 2: array([ 5.2669783]), 3: array([-0.64013185,  0.76826507,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  5.26697830165
Angle:  129.80134847503007
action:  [-0.3532579]
state:  {1: array([ 5.69656828]), 2: array([ 5.79018842]), 3: array([-0.83281807,  0.5535468 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.832818072915956   sin(angle)  0.5535467978631557
theta dot:  5.79018841619
Angle:  146.3889776275871
action:  [-0.31532065]
state:  {1: array([ 6.0044708]), 2: array([ 6.15805042]), 3: array([-0.9614099 ,  0.27511999,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9614098966019081   sin(angle)  0.27511999330457315
theta dot:  6.15805041683
Angle:  164.03045131981457
action:  [-0.1348281]
state:  {1: array([ 0.0384938]), 2: array([ 6.3441662]), 3: array([-0.99925921, -0.03848429,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.999259205162824   sin(angle)  -0.03848429416477975
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Angle:  182.20594803555747
action:  [-0.10665555]
state:  {1: array([ 0.35345903]), 2: array([ 6.29930464]), 3: array([-0.938181  , -0.34614507,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9381810009215653   sin(angle)  -0.3461450700353971
theta dot:  6.29930464386
Angle:  200.2520843338559
action:  [-0.11790107]
state:  {1: array([ 0.65455957]), 2: array([ 6.02201068]), 3: array([-0.79331615, -0.6088099 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7933161455004705   sin(angle)  -0.6088098991378808
theta dot:  6.02201068055
Angle:  217.5038338006667
action:  [-0.17649915]
state:  {1: array([ 0.93150599]), 2: array([ 5.53892838]), 3: array([-0.59662608, -0.80251936,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  5.53892838412
Angle:  233.37165766656972
action:  [-0.20863592]
state:  {1: array([ 1.17679316]), 2: array([ 4.90574348]), 3: array([-0.38388792, -0.92337969,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.383887924927957   sin(angle)  -0.9233796949762905
theta dot:  4.9057434752
Angle:  247.4255446276167
action:  [-0.25431963]
state:  {1: array([ 1.3855462]), 2: array([ 4.17506076]), 3: array([-0.18419239, -0.98289021,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.17506075898
Angle:  259.38618469343743
action:  [-0.57145667]
state:  {1: array([ 1.55315493]), 2: array([ 3.3521746]), 3: array([-0.01764048, -0.99984439,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  3.35217460206
Angle:  268.98943508129935
action:  [-0.77393811]
state:  {1: array([ 1.67746496]), 2: array([ 2.48620059]), 3: array([ 0.10646646, -0.99431629,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  276.11185846790636
action:  [-0.60239005]
state:  {1: array([ 1.7599702]), 2: array([ 1.65010486]), 3: array([ 0.18804757, -0.98215992,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.65010486204
Angle:  280.83904963112315
action:  [-0.58774724]
state:  {1: array([ 1.80123634]), 2: array([ 0.82532284]), 3: array([ 0.22840593, -0.97356599,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.825322835051
Angle:  283.2034198614076
action:  [-0.34481013]
state:  {1: array([ 1.80340768]), 2: array([ 0.04342683]), 3: array([ 0.23051933, -0.97306775,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.23051933298409633   sin(angle)  -0.9730677453911251
theta dot:  0.0434268258263
Angle:  283.3278282623616
action:  [-0.52239863]
state:  {1: array([ 1.76517099]), 2: array([-0.76473378]), 3: array([ 0.19315302, -0.98116865,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.19315301578073482   sin(angle)  -0.9811686463064376
theta dot:  -0.76473377837
Angle:  281.13703248781184
action:  [ 0.03644956]
state:  {1: array([ 1.69041385]), 2: array([-1.49514283]), 3: array([ 0.11933247, -0.99285435,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.1193324747173764   sin(angle)  -0.992854350082542
theta dot:  -1.49514282971
Angle:  276.8537738083393
action:  [-0.56211605]
state:  {1: array([ 1.5742088]), 2: array([-2.324101]), 3: array([ 0.00341247, -0.99999418,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.003412469031421733   sin(angle)  -0.9999941775106042
theta dot:  -2.32410100017
Angle:  270.1957304541384
action:  [-0.79642916]
state:  {1: array([ 1.41453075]), 2: array([-3.19356101]), 3: array([-0.15563038, -0.98781536,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.15563037774778926   sin(angle)  -0.9878153600355081
theta dot:  -3.19356100765
Angle:  261.04687348036447
action:  [-0.73979713]
state:  {1: array([ 1.21226115]), 2: array([-4.0453921]), 3: array([-0.35090294, -0.93641184,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3509029350728685   sin(angle)  -0.9364118378989269
theta dot:  -4.04539209753
Angle:  249.45770589766312
action:  [-0.37594068]
state:  {1: array([ 0.97205654]), 2: array([-4.80409208]), 3: array([-0.56360192, -0.82604653,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5636019237391083   sin(angle)  -0.8260465311092204
theta dot:  -4.80409207781
Angle:  235.6950280582549
action:  [-0.0013906]
state:  {1: array([ 0.70086477]), 2: array([-5.42383557]), 3: array([-0.7642848 , -0.64487886,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7642848044449717   sin(angle)  -0.6448788550530334
theta dot:  -5.42383556541
Angle:  220.15692005957692
action:  [ 0.23403457]
state:  {1: array([ 0.40724529]), 2: array([-5.87238952]), 3: array([-0.9182154 , -0.39608142,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.918215395183798   sin(angle)  -0.3960814159329641
theta dot:  -5.872389521
Angle:  203.33380263883836
action:  [ 0.22605242]
state:  {1: array([ 0.10046815]), 2: array([-6.13554272]), 3: array([-0.99495732, -0.10029922,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9949573189294113   sin(angle)  -0.10029921988130135
theta dot:  -6.13554271946
Angle:  185.75680859913183
action:  [ 0.00751015]
state:  {1: array([ 6.07317143]), 2: array([-6.20964061]), 3: array([-0.97802802,  0.20847347,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.978028021712986   sin(angle)  0.20847347251912673
theta dot:  -6.20964061155
Angle:  167.96669839681977
action:  [-0.32304526]
state:  {1: array([ 5.76808431]), 2: array([-6.1017423]), 3: array([-0.87024298,  0.49262274,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8702429755853089   sin(angle)  0.49262273947152224
theta dot:  -6.10174229651
Angle:  150.486535209721
action:  [-0.52768721]
state:  {1: array([ 5.4775129]), 2: array([-5.81142832]), 3: array([-0.69262639,  0.72129653,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.69262638566116   sin(angle)  0.7212965339483881
theta dot:  -5.81142832364
Angle:  133.8380583467221
action:  [-0.4747604]
state:  {1: array([ 5.2104294]), 2: array([-5.34166998]), 3: array([-0.47770493,  0.87852035,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.4777049251724735   sin(angle)  0.8785203494888217
theta dot:  -5.34166998277
Angle:  118.53533685291382
action:  [-0.5569251]
state:  {1: array([ 4.97211348]), 2: array([-4.76631849]), 3: array([-0.2568143 ,  0.96646077,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.2568142966983721   sin(angle)  0.9664607684801906
theta dot:  -4.76631848507
Angle:  104.88087213250827
action:  [-0.49868607]
state:  {1: array([ 4.76629968]), 2: array([-4.11627582]), 3: array([-0.05388459,  0.99854717,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.05388459363705487   sin(angle)  0.9985471699266738
theta dot:  -4.11627581921
Angle:  93.08863812025089
action:  [-0.57387102]
state:  {1: array([ 4.59362738]), 2: array([-3.45344609]), 3: array([ 0.11848262,  0.99295613,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.11848262243429125   sin(angle)  0.9929561260101541
theta dot:  -3.45344609426
Angle:  83.19526695640513
action:  [-0.36282433]
state:  {1: array([ 4.45546975]), 2: array([-2.76315265]), 3: array([ 0.25410211,  0.9671774 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.2541021145563204   sin(angle)  0.9671773960230908
theta dot:  -2.76315264921
Angle:  75.27943621956274
action:  [-0.03883447]
state:  {1: array([ 4.35329001]), 2: array([-2.04359477]), 3: array([ 0.35143082,  0.93621385,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -2.04359477208
Angle:  69.42498213605035
action:  [ 0.46340065]
state:  {1: array([ 4.28969379]), 2: array([-1.27192429]), 3: array([ 0.41021991,  0.91198663,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.41021991378821193   sin(angle)  0.9119866349522848
theta dot:  -1.27192428546
Angle:  65.7811959859689
action:  [ 0.1359952]
state:  {1: array([ 4.26131704]), 2: array([-0.56753503]), 3: array([ 0.43593051,  0.89998033,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.567535029662
Angle:  64.15533169167429
action:  [ 0.16625528]
state:  {1: array([ 4.26793647]), 2: array([ 0.13238851]), 3: array([ 0.42996365,  0.9028462 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.42996364746347193   sin(angle)  0.902846200556832
theta dot:  0.132388509863
Angle:  64.53459594834902
action:  [ 0.11106809]
state:  {1: array([ 4.30924564]), 2: array([ 0.82618337]), 3: array([ 0.39231162,  0.91983237,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.3923116247820785   sin(angle)  0.9198323700875316
theta dot:  0.826183373614
Angle:  66.90143143425496
action:  [ 0.0072208]
state:  {1: array([ 4.38510268]), 2: array([ 1.51714077]), 3: array([ 0.32147457,  0.94691821,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.32147456798356133   sin(angle)  0.9469182130151382
theta dot:  1.51714077068
Angle:  71.24770942513214
action:  [ 0.36797908]
state:  {1: array([ 4.49922899]), 2: array([ 2.28252629]), 3: array([ 0.21154942,  0.9773673 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.2115494221821187   sin(angle)  0.9773673014657344
theta dot:  2.28252629186
Angle:  77.78665029179461
action:  [-0.11076385]
state:  {1: array([ 4.64917585]), 2: array([ 2.99893719]), 3: array([ 0.06317104,  0.99800272,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  0.06317104034039578   sin(angle)  0.9980027152579857
theta dot:  2.99893719096
Angle:  86.37795240494125
action:  [ 0.00057787]
state:  {1: array([ 4.83655214]), 2: array([ 3.74752591]), 3: array([-0.12384438,  0.99230165,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.12384438365902826   sin(angle)  0.992301652037381
theta dot:  3.74752590767
Angle:  97.11379820613172
action:  [ 0.13253928]
state:  {1: array([ 5.0621338]), 2: array([ 4.51163304]), 3: array([-0.34265808,  0.93946018,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.3426580838680731   sin(angle)  0.9394601841269594
theta dot:  4.51163303856
Angle:  110.03864457327359
action:  [ 0.1212552]
state:  {1: array([ 5.32385462]), 2: array([ 5.23441646]), 3: array([-0.57406815,  0.81880752,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5740681527232836   sin(angle)  0.8188075207451851
theta dot:  5.23441645603
Angle:  125.0341080645727
action:  [ 0.55646643]
state:  {1: array([ 5.62045422]), 2: array([ 5.93199206]), 3: array([-0.78831481,  0.6152721 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7883148134895931   sin(angle)  0.6152720982076695
theta dot:  5.93199206155
Angle:  142.02797378710676
action:  [ 0.34224427]
state:  {1: array([ 5.94269336]), 2: array([ 6.44478278]), 3: array([-0.94259049,  0.33395084,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9425904939451145   sin(angle)  0.33395083578919976
theta dot:  6.44478277627
Angle:  160.4908732607671
action:  [ 0.36121511]
state:  {1: array([ 6.28016477]), 2: array([ 6.74942817]), 3: array([-0.99999544,  0.00302053,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9999954381810973   sin(angle)  0.0030205325681715235
theta dot:  6.74942816901
Angle:  179.8265154561825
action:  [ 0.40612635]
state:  {1: array([ 0.33761009]), 2: array([ 6.81261252]), 3: array([-0.94354898, -0.33123304,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9435489769201673   sin(angle)  -0.33123304206088156
theta dot:  6.81261252121
Angle:  199.34400889856593
action:  [ 0.35745514]
state:  {1: array([ 0.66850039]), 2: array([ 6.61780601]), 3: array([-0.78475202, -0.61980986,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.7847520213499872   sin(angle)  -0.6198098619634163
theta dot:  6.6178060103
Angle:  218.30258226650486
action:  [ 0.48130334]
state:  {1: array([ 0.9797576]), 2: array([ 6.22514412]), 3: array([-0.55722385, -0.83036232,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.5572238469773267   sin(angle)  -0.8303623211344483
theta dot:  6.225144115
Angle:  236.1362647961093
action:  [ 0.33178094]
state:  {1: array([ 1.26236457]), 2: array([ 5.65213951]), 3: array([-0.30356477, -0.95281081,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  5.65213951472
Angle:  252.32841390245693
action:  [ 0.22921984]
state:  {1: array([ 1.51096029]), 2: array([ 4.97191439]), 3: array([-0.05980034, -0.99821036,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.059800337285449943   sin(angle)  -0.998210358421784
theta dot:  4.97191438657
Angle:  266.5718661176154
action:  [ 0.0775832]
state:  {1: array([ 1.722705]), 2: array([ 4.2348941]), 3: array([ 0.1513251 , -0.98848405,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  4.23489409725
Angle:  278.703915670478
min:  -2.99897217737  self.max:  28.6954689906
state:  {1: array([ 0.52447612]), 2: array([-0.92486436]), 3: array([-0.8655864 , -0.50075961,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.924864356584
Angle:  210.0506184924177
action:  [ 0.27004705]
state:  {1: array([ 0.46147976]), 2: array([-1.259927]), 3: array([-0.89539458, -0.44527357,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.25992700313
Angle:  206.44120194411084
action:  [ 0.31595169]
state:  {1: array([ 0.38415529]), 2: array([-1.54648943]), 3: array([-0.92711534, -0.37477613,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9271153392069544   sin(angle)  -0.37477613025268003
theta dot:  -1.54648942582
Angle:  202.01084644614176
action:  [ 0.32315895]
state:  {1: array([ 0.29520041]), 2: array([-1.77909768]), 3: array([-0.95674386, -0.2909316 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.77909768061
Angle:  196.91411894248733
action:  [ 0.39164056]
state:  {1: array([ 0.19827289]), 2: array([-1.93855029]), 3: array([-0.98040824, -0.19697636,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.9385502936
Angle:  191.36059441919548
action:  [ 0.59436176]
state:  {1: array([ 0.09841648]), 2: array([-1.9971283]), 3: array([-0.99516101, -0.09825768,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.99712829775
Angle:  185.63925666781662
action:  [ 0.62625176]
state:  {1: array([ 6.2827576]), 2: array([-1.9768838]), 3: array([ -9.99999909e-01,   4.27709863e-04,   0.00000000e+00])}
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theta dot:  -1.97688379682
Angle:  179.97507316926396
action:  [ 0.36313411]
state:  {1: array([ 6.18665295]), 2: array([-1.9220929]), 3: array([-0.99534437,  0.0963825 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.92209289845
Angle:  174.46869549990151
action:  [ 0.58523065]
state:  {1: array([ 6.09855188]), 2: array([-1.76202142]), 3: array([-0.98300361,  0.1835862 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.76202142397
Angle:  169.4208877536248
action:  [ 0.43130877]
state:  {1: array([ 6.02057011]), 2: array([-1.55963546]), 3: array([-0.96571436,  0.25960697,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.55963545673
Angle:  164.95287173932275
action:  [ 0.13642903]
state:  {1: array([ 5.95334681]), 2: array([-1.34446587]), 3: array([-0.94609467,  0.32389023,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.34446587362
Angle:  161.10126973314664
action:  [ 0.37478453]
state:  {1: array([ 5.90108029]), 2: array([-1.04533052]), 3: array([-0.92788178,  0.3728745 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.04533052052
Angle:  158.1066253848237
action:  [ 28.70395536]
state:  {1: array([ 5.87779656]), 2: array([-0.46567464]), 3: array([-0.91894915,  0.39437603,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.465674643683
Angle:  156.77256891896434
action:  [ 0.28293046]
state:  {1: array([ 5.8714239]), 2: array([-0.12745305]), 3: array([-0.91641729,  0.40022413,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.127453050503
Angle:  156.40744367879074
action:  [ 0.39100496]
state:  {1: array([ 5.88299219]), 2: array([ 0.23136579]), 3: array([-0.92098577,  0.3895962 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  157.0702562942122
action:  [ 0.22602673]
state:  {1: array([ 5.91086554]), 2: array([ 0.55746695]), 3: array([-0.93148597,  0.36377724,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  158.667277740871
action:  [-0.52882541]
state:  {1: array([ 5.94841434]), 2: array([ 0.75097607]), 3: array([-0.94448559,  0.32855286,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  160.81866067882277
action:  [-0.25693903]
state:  {1: array([ 5.99635684]), 2: array([ 0.95884986]), 3: array([-0.95914596,  0.28291169,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  163.5655567588343
action:  [-0.42984531]
state:  {1: array([ 6.05168468]), 2: array([ 1.10655683]), 3: array([-0.97332319,  0.22943838,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  166.73560115565817
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state:  {1: array([ 6.11076179]), 2: array([ 1.18154215]), 3: array([-0.98517186,  0.17157043,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  170.1204621657564
action:  [-0.85946413]
state:  {1: array([ 6.1698268]), 2: array([ 1.18130036]), 3: array([-0.9935818 ,  0.11311588,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  173.50463048957897
action:  [-0.8520647]
state:  {1: array([ 6.22674318]), 2: array([ 1.13832756]), 3: array([-0.99840757,  0.05641216,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  176.76569111307992
action:  [-0.56919061]
state:  {1: array([ 6.28150609]), 2: array([ 1.09525809]), 3: array([-0.99999859,  0.00167922,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  179.90336707894903
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state:  {1: array([ 0.05167294]), 2: array([ 1.06704327]), 3: array([-0.99866525, -0.05164995,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  182.9610555649514
action:  [-0.19067057]
state:  {1: array([ 0.1016582]), 2: array([ 0.99970522]), 3: array([-0.99483725, -0.1014832 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  185.82499336792517
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state:  {1: array([ 0.14767098]), 2: array([ 0.92025558]), 3: array([-0.98911644, -0.14713487,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  188.4613252489645
action:  [ 0.13412389]
state:  {1: array([ 0.18917213]), 2: array([ 0.83002302]), 3: array([-0.98216025, -0.18804586,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  190.83916047683482
action:  [ 0.19604121]
state:  {1: array([ 0.22509187]), 2: array([ 0.7183948]), 3: array([-0.97477361, -0.22319592,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  192.8972051691886
action:  [ 0.17906106]
state:  {1: array([ 0.25398473]), 2: array([ 0.57785702]), 3: array([-0.9679189 , -0.25126283,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  194.55263971698986
action:  [ 0.11219448]
state:  {1: array([ 0.27429668]), 2: array([ 0.40623907]), 3: array([-0.96261594, -0.27086998,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  195.71642619255047
action:  [-0.01706255]
state:  {1: array([ 0.28432304]), 2: array([ 0.2005272]), 3: array([-0.95985177, -0.28050773,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  196.290892967105
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state:  {1: array([ 0.28272638]), 2: array([-0.03193327]), 3: array([-0.96029842, -0.27897482,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  196.19941108855676
action:  [-0.14589045]
state:  {1: array([ 0.26957398]), 2: array([-0.26304795]), 3: array([-0.96388444, -0.26632082,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9638844425131959   sin(angle)  -0.2663208243472999
theta dot:  -0.263047953728
Angle:  195.44583597283398
action:  [-0.08122895]
state:  {1: array([ 0.24582533]), 2: array([-0.47497291]), 3: array([-0.96993681, -0.24335693,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9699368051539292   sin(angle)  -0.24335692718266452
theta dot:  -0.474972914534
Angle:  194.0851419854364
action:  [-0.21996084]
state:  {1: array([ 0.21130109]), 2: array([-0.69048474]), 3: array([-0.97775886, -0.20973223,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9777588608492599   sin(angle)  -0.20973223412427014
theta dot:  -0.690484735208
Angle:  192.10705355378485
action:  [-0.27238259]
state:  {1: array([ 0.16686903]), 2: array([-0.8886413]), 3: array([-0.98610964, -0.16609569,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9861096400781104   sin(angle)  -0.1660956885202608
theta dot:  -0.888641299102
Angle:  189.56128970991057
action:  [-0.53449931]
state:  {1: array([ 0.11219963]), 2: array([-1.09338796]), 3: array([-0.99371222, -0.11196437,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.993712221732927   sin(angle)  -0.11196437102315249
theta dot:  -1.09338796221
Angle:  186.42897125439399
action:  [-0.61322477]
state:  {1: array([ 0.04873238]), 2: array([-1.26934496]), 3: array([-0.99881281, -0.0487131 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9988128123457534   sin(angle)  -0.0487130977660724
theta dot:  -1.26934495524
Angle:  182.7925743237942
action:  [-0.43991694]
state:  {1: array([ 6.26332433]), 2: array([-1.37186732]), 3: array([-0.99980278,  0.01985968,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.999802777182818   sin(angle)  0.01985967616866955
theta dot:  -1.37186731973
Angle:  178.86163130582645
action:  [-0.31504616]
state:  {1: array([ 6.19311285]), 2: array([-1.40422949]), 3: array([-0.99594622,  0.08995071,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9959462181369   sin(angle)  0.08995071194163193
theta dot:  -1.40422948728
Angle:  174.8388195584689
action:  [-0.31601731]
state:  {1: array([ 6.1239044]), 2: array([-1.38416905]), 3: array([-0.98734159,  0.15860826,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9873415924595911   sin(angle)  0.15860825892543784
theta dot:  -1.38416904925
Angle:  170.87347659844443
action:  [-0.12053011]
state:  {1: array([ 6.05973978]), 2: array([-1.28329237]), 3: array([-0.97513974,  0.2215908 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9751397419500971   sin(angle)  0.22159080231250125
theta dot:  -1.28329237121
Angle:  167.19712335776342
action:  [-0.60111414]
state:  {1: array([ 5.99937646]), 2: array([-1.20726639]), 3: array([-0.95999587,  0.28001415,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9599958733706104   sin(angle)  0.2800141480557705
theta dot:  -1.20726639092
Angle:  163.73856799799637
action:  [-0.55514661]
state:  {1: array([ 5.94535007]), 2: array([-1.08052777]), 3: array([-0.94347438,  0.33144547,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9434743770668352   sin(angle)  0.3314454703542457
theta dot:  -1.08052777077
Angle:  160.6430911909797
action:  [-0.56599664]
state:  {1: array([ 5.89950791]), 2: array([-0.91684316]), 3: array([-0.92729434,  0.37433302,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.927294338841318   sin(angle)  0.37433301905234445
theta dot:  -0.916843164546
Angle:  158.01653514281622
action:  [-0.56817545]
state:  {1: array([ 5.86344193]), 2: array([-0.72131972]), 3: array([-0.91319355,  0.40752612,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9131935499467407   sin(angle)  0.40752612227398327
theta dot:  -0.721319718254
Angle:  155.95011119823732
action:  [ 0.19463164]
state:  {1: array([ 5.84411791]), 2: array([-0.38648038]), 3: array([-0.9051485 ,  0.42509551,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9051485014884122   sin(angle)  0.4250955072137107
theta dot:  -0.386480380759
Angle:  154.84292905320706
action:  [ 0.35795454]
state:  {1: array([ 5.84341963]), 2: array([-0.01396557]), 3: array([-0.90485145,  0.42572745,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9048514457854249   sin(angle)  0.42572744926775186
theta dot:  -0.0139655700944
Angle:  154.80292073551868
action:  [ 0.87100768]
state:  {1: array([ 5.86521869]), 2: array([ 0.43598117]), 3: array([-0.91391618,  0.40590295,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9139161846293425   sin(angle)  0.40590295326906084
theta dot:  0.435981169065
Angle:  156.0519118615657
action:  [ 0.34869925]
state:  {1: array([ 5.90485435]), 2: array([ 0.79271327]), 3: array([-0.92928242,  0.36936997,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9292824247403498   sin(angle)  0.3693699704479182
theta dot:  0.792713270877
Angle:  158.3228627903577
action:  [ 0.30713467]
state:  {1: array([ 5.9606449]), 2: array([ 1.11581095]), 3: array([-0.94843323,  0.31697699,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9484332286406982   sin(angle)  0.31697698782432315
theta dot:  1.11581094874
Angle:  161.51941822029676
action:  [ 0.32960584]
state:  {1: array([ 6.03079413]), 2: array([ 1.40298457]), 3: array([-0.96831807,  0.24972009,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9683180650488448   sin(angle)  0.24972009310438212
theta dot:  1.40298456515
Angle:  165.53866353680053
action:  [ 0.38481611]
state:  {1: array([ 6.11319398]), 2: array([ 1.64799705]), 3: array([-0.98558623,  0.1691738 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9855862342291224   sin(angle)  0.16917380086188732
theta dot:  1.64799705106
Angle:  170.25981628046804
action:  [ 0.36766263]
state:  {1: array([ 6.20469532]), 2: array([ 1.8300268]), 3: array([-0.99692124,  0.07840942,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9969212420616625   sin(angle)  0.07840941988200179
theta dot:  1.83002679581
Angle:  175.50244461072077
action:  [ 0.26469564]
state:  {1: array([ 0.01793692]), 2: array([ 1.92853821]), 3: array([-0.99983914, -0.01793596,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9998391377038444   sin(angle)  -0.01793596151960851
theta dot:  1.92853820611
Angle:  181.02812851785833
action:  [ 0.09713994]
state:  {1: array([ 0.11441978]), 2: array([ 1.92965723]), 3: array([-0.99346119, -0.11417029,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9934611948935613   sin(angle)  -0.11417028615474892
theta dot:  1.92965722548
Angle:  186.55617633723026
action:  [ 0.0176544]
state:  {1: array([ 0.20675367]), 2: array([ 1.84667767]), 3: array([-0.97870249, -0.20528379,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9787024899825879   sin(angle)  -0.20528379405564973
theta dot:  1.8466776708
Angle:  191.84650579902205
action:  [-0.06889518]
state:  {1: array([ 0.2908727]), 2: array([ 1.68238055]), 3: array([-0.95799396, -0.28678837,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9579939614203432   sin(angle)  -0.28678837124639117
theta dot:  1.68238054771
Angle:  196.66615977450078
action:  [-0.27835398]
state:  {1: array([ 0.3621495]), 2: array([ 1.42553617]), 3: array([-0.93513745, -0.35428513,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9351374472451549   sin(angle)  -0.354285132005021
theta dot:  1.42553617238
Angle:  200.75001053572356
action:  [-0.4163301]
state:  {1: array([ 0.41701814]), 2: array([ 1.09737281]), 3: array([-0.91430076, -0.40503595,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9143007618790755   sin(angle)  -0.4050359451052982
theta dot:  1.09737280899
Angle:  203.89374470966973
action:  [-0.20615999]
state:  {1: array([ 0.45515174]), 2: array([ 0.76267185]), 3: array([-0.89819434, -0.43959861,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.762671851298
Angle:  206.07863351208928
action:  [-0.18820657]
state:  {1: array([ 0.47538883]), 2: array([ 0.40474191]), 3: array([-0.88911483, -0.4576842 ,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8891148263028322   sin(angle)  -0.4576841986003935
theta dot:  0.404741908956
Angle:  207.23813095944288
action:  [ 0.04161551]
state:  {1: array([ 0.47877489]), 2: array([ 0.06772109]), 3: array([-0.88755999, -0.46069216,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.8875599887040064   sin(angle)  -0.46069216018046577
theta dot:  0.067721086171
Angle:  207.43213712685412
action:  [ 0.01411271]
state:  {1: array([ 0.46499083]), 2: array([-0.27568113]), 3: array([-0.89382568, -0.44841461,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.27568112807
Angle:  206.64237071718009
action:  [ 0.03069779]
state:  {1: array([ 0.43462146]), 2: array([-0.60738741]), 3: array([-0.9070295 , -0.42106708,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.607387413406
Angle:  204.90233802025782
action:  [ 0.08081064]
state:  {1: array([ 0.38906815]), 2: array([-0.91106613]), 3: array([-0.92526294, -0.37932638,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.911066130229
Angle:  202.29233191761531
action:  [-0.08772602]
state:  {1: array([ 0.32863216]), 2: array([-1.20871982]), 3: array([-0.9464847 , -0.32274869,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.2087198153
Angle:  198.82961281343748
action:  [-0.09163797]
state:  {1: array([ 0.25540581]), 2: array([-1.46452703]), 3: array([-0.96756085, -0.25263808,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.46452703109
Angle:  194.6340617312463
action:  [ 0.12910638]
state:  {1: array([ 0.17367383]), 2: array([-1.63463963]), 3: array([-0.98495657, -0.17280207,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9849565699885788   sin(angle)  -0.17280206953718388
theta dot:  -1.6346396311
Angle:  189.95117508753728
action:  [ 0.36753712]
state:  {1: array([ 0.0882183]), 2: array([-1.70911062]), 3: array([-0.99611129, -0.08810392,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.7091106154
Angle:  185.0549452878727
action:  [ 0.54627189]
state:  {1: array([ 0.00355591]), 2: array([-1.69324777]), 3: array([-0.99999368, -0.0035559 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.69324776916
Angle:  180.20415908898008
action:  [ 0.58450601]
state:  {1: array([ 6.20632928]), 2: array([-1.6082388]), 3: array([-0.99704803,  0.07678039,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.60823879525
Angle:  175.59606325725053
action:  [ 0.4257602]
state:  {1: array([ 6.1319898]), 2: array([-1.48678947]), 3: array([-0.98859172,  0.1506201 ,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.48678947352
Angle:  171.33673512454413
action:  [ 0.16234618]
state:  {1: array([ 6.06451618]), 2: array([-1.34947247]), 3: array([-0.97618702,  0.21693063,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.34947246775
Angle:  167.4707903162597
action:  [-0.11667208]
state:  {1: array([ 6.00430242]), 2: array([-1.2042753]), 3: array([-0.96136356,  0.27528187,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -1.20427530366
Angle:  164.02080377024402
action:  [-0.30686686]
state:  {1: array([ 5.95211022]), 2: array([-1.04384393]), 3: array([-0.94569342,  0.32505992,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  161.03041818623205
action:  [-0.50435349]
state:  {1: array([ 5.90832512]), 2: array([-0.87570201]), 3: array([-0.93055882,  0.36614243,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.875702011101
Angle:  158.5217225852922
action:  [-0.62065443]
state:  {1: array([ 5.87361545]), 2: array([-0.69419335]), 3: array([-0.9172922,  0.3982148,  0.       ])}
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theta dot:  -0.694193352931
Angle:  156.53300977131778
action:  [-0.72685097]
state:  {1: array([ 5.84838746]), 2: array([-0.5045599]), 3: array([-0.90695521,  0.42122707,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.504559900586
Angle:  155.08755551066224
action:  [-0.41416628]
state:  {1: array([ 5.83584923]), 2: array([-0.25076454]), 3: array([-0.90160262,  0.43256527,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.250764539324
Angle:  154.3691697028214
action:  [-0.17269131]
state:  {1: array([ 5.83823701]), 2: array([ 0.04775572]), 3: array([-0.90263292,  0.43041121,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.0477557191979
Angle:  154.50597944078322
action:  [ 0.3206087]
state:  {1: array([ 5.85916979]), 2: array([ 0.41865543]), 3: array([-0.91144421,  0.41142368,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.418655430786
Angle:  155.7053360988782
action:  [ 0.38095826]
state:  {1: array([ 5.89838813]), 2: array([ 0.78436693]), 3: array([-0.92687459,  0.37537115,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.784366931842
Angle:  157.95237658352812
action:  [ 0.5871299]
state:  {1: array([ 5.95608637]), 2: array([ 1.15396478]), 3: array([-0.94697843,  0.32129714,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.15396478017
Angle:  161.2582344335068
action:  [ 0.69382116]
state:  {1: array([ 6.03103691]), 2: array([ 1.49901081]), 3: array([-0.96837866,  0.24948499,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  165.55257403011205
action:  [ 0.71048758]
state:  {1: array([ 6.1206718]), 2: array([ 1.79269769]), 3: array([-0.98682372,  0.16179911,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  1.79269769105
Angle:  170.68826260263666
action:  [ 0.85531929]
state:  {1: array([ 6.22278904]), 2: array([ 2.04234491]), 3: array([-0.9981767 ,  0.06035955,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  176.53913611765188
action:  [ 0.47613344]
state:  {1: array([ 0.04755547]), 2: array([ 2.1590346]), 3: array([-0.99886945, -0.04753754,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9988694519483023   sin(angle)  -0.04753754268468356
theta dot:  2.15903459663
Angle:  182.72514199917018
action:  [ 0.28816499]
state:  {1: array([ 0.15588577]), 2: array([ 2.16660619]), 3: array([-0.9878744 , -0.15525519,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  188.93199700560638
action:  [ 0.04700091]
state:  {1: array([ 0.25874652]), 2: array([ 2.05721493]), 3: array([-0.96671146, -0.255869  ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  194.82546987195735
action:  [-0.25366292]
state:  {1: array([ 0.35010971]), 2: array([ 1.82726374]), 3: array([-0.93933509, -0.34300086,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  200.06018265083392
action:  [-0.1610423]
state:  {1: array([ 0.42740255]), 2: array([ 1.54585675]), 3: array([-0.91004549, -0.4145084 ,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  204.48872566922245
action:  [-0.39545637]
state:  {1: array([ 0.4861854]), 2: array([ 1.17565699]), 3: array([-0.88412169, -0.46725672,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  207.8567269849282
action:  [-0.44198421]
state:  {1: array([ 0.52413124]), 2: array([ 0.75891682]), 3: array([-0.86575905, -0.50046105,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  210.03085844024562
action:  [-0.43110818]
state:  {1: array([ 0.54007648]), 2: array([ 0.3189048]), 3: array([-0.85766936, -0.51420158,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  0.318904802474
Angle:  210.94445126627835
action:  [-0.5034407]
state:  {1: array([ 0.53296335]), 2: array([-0.14226249]), 3: array([-0.86130521, -0.50808792,  0.        ])}
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Angle:  210.53690020166
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state:  {1: array([ 0.50474294]), 2: array([-0.5644083]), 3: array([-0.87529881, -0.48358245,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.564408296743
Angle:  208.91999331641574
action:  [-0.34365543]
state:  {1: array([ 0.45581076]), 2: array([-0.97864345]), 3: array([-0.89790443, -0.44019045,  0.        ])}
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theta dot:  -0.978643447801
Angle:  206.1163929120971
action:  [-0.16848235]
state:  {1: array([ 0.38910783]), 2: array([-1.33405864]), 3: array([-0.92524788, -0.37936309,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9252478833794171   sin(angle)  -0.37936309032628435
theta dot:  -1.33405863654
Angle:  202.2946053742563
action:  [-0.03690365]
state:  {1: array([ 0.30790201]), 2: array([-1.6241165]), 3: array([-0.95297148, -0.30305998,  0.        ])}
cos(angle):  -0.9529714842221146   sin(angle)  -0.3030599779903309
theta dot:  -1.62411650156
Angle:  197.64186520553082

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