Piccard demo

In [1]:
import numpy as np, scipy.linalg as sl
import scipy.special as ss, math
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import piccard as pic
import os, glob
%matplotlib inline

Creating HDF5 files

Piccard's basic data format is HDF5. It does interface with tempo2 through libstempo, but by using only HDF5 as a requirement (h5py installable through pip) we don't have all of tempo2 as a mandatory dependency. This is easier on clusters.

So, before we can do anything, we need to create HDF5 files from tempo2 par/tim files. The HDF5 files (built as a mini file-system) basically just have a separate container for each pulsar, so many pulsars can be present in a single HDF5 file. The HDF5 file actually also stores the full par and tim files inside its own dataformat, so we'll never need the par/tim files again; they can be extracted from the HDF5 file.

We add them as follows

In [ ]:
t2df = pic.DataFile('J0030.h5')    # Create the HDF5 file (does not need to exist)
t2df.addTempoPulsar('./partim/J0030+0451.mdc1-open1.par', './partim/J0030+0451.mdc1-open1.tim')   # Add/replace the pulsar

# After this, we can add another pulsar to the HDF5 file by calling addTempoPulsar again

Combining HDF5 files

HDF5 files can be combined using Piccard's routines. Show some demo's here....

Building likelihood objects

The main object of Piccard is the likelihood object. Initializing such an object is a 2-step process. We have to initialize the tempo2 model, and we have to initialize the likelihood model. The tempo2 information is stored in the HDF5 file. The likelihood model can be stored in JSON files (but not necessary for operation). Once the likelihood object is initialized, we can start our analysis with MCMCs and the like.

In [6]:
# Basic likelihood object initialization
likob = pic.ptaLikelihood('J0030.h5')

In [7]:
# Initializing the likelihood model is done through a Python dictionary. Create them like this:
modeldict = likob.makeModelDict(nfreqs=20, incRedNoise=True, noiseModel='powerlaw', varyEfac=True, separateEfacs=False, \
                                incEquad=False, separateEquads=False, \
                                ndmfreqs=0, incDM=False, dmModel='dmspectrum', \
                                incCEquad=False, separateCEquads=False, \
                                incBWM=False, incGWB=False, gwbModel='powerlaw', \
likob.initModel(modeldict, fromFile=False, verbose=False)

In [4]:
# We can write the model dictionary to a JSON file (human readable) as follows

In [2]:
# Given a JSON and an HDF5 file, we could have also initialized the likelihood object like this:
likob = pic.ptaLikelihood('J0030.h5', 'J0030.json', noGmat=False)

Once we have the likelihood object, we have access to all the information through it

The pulsars all have their separate objects. We can visualize the residuals as follows:

In [6]:
psr = likob.ptapsrs[0]                       # First pulsar in the array
mjd = psr.toas/pic.pic_spd + pic.pic_T0      # Piccard stores things in seconds, not mjd's. Convert these
res = 1e6*psr.residuals                      # Timing residuals in microseconds
err = 1e6*psr.toaerrs                        # Delta TOA

plt.errorbar(mjd, res, yerr=err, fmt='.', c='blue')
plt.title('Residuals of ' + psr.name)
plt.ylabel(r'Residual [$\mu$s]')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1174ca510>

In [7]:
# The design matrix, and related quantities are also available as a matrix of psr
print psr.Mmat.shape, psr.Gmat.shape, psr.Fmat.shape

(130, 8) () (130, 40)

In [8]:
# We have access to all the model parameters through likob.pardes
for pd in likob.pardes:
    print pd

{'pulsarname': u'J0030+0451', 'index': 0, 'name': u'pulsarname', 'sigindex': 0, 'sigtype': u'efac', 'pulsar': 0, 'correlation': u'single', 'id': u'efacJ0030+0451'}
{'pulsarname': u'J0030+0451', 'index': 1, 'name': 'powerlaw', 'sigindex': 1, 'sigtype': u'powerlaw', 'pulsar': 0, 'correlation': u'single', 'id': 'RN-Amplitude'}
{'pulsarname': u'J0030+0451', 'index': 2, 'name': 'powerlaw', 'sigindex': 1, 'sigtype': u'powerlaw', 'pulsar': 0, 'correlation': u'single', 'id': 'RN-spectral-index'}
{'pulsarname': u'J0030+0451', 'index': -1, 'name': 'powerlaw', 'sigindex': 1, 'sigtype': u'powerlaw', 'pulsar': 0, 'correlation': u'single', 'id': 'low-frequency-cutoff'}

Running MCMC Chains

You can see above that we have initialized the likelihood function as 'mark3'. There are various likelihood functions present in Piccard, which all have their purpose. Not a whole lot of checking is done, so be careful which one you select for which job

  • mark1: The full likelihood, including red noise and DM variations. Does not use the Woodbury expansion. Marginalizes over timing model. Very slow.
  • mark2: Likelihood with diagonal noise matrix. Does not include red noise/DM variations. FAST, but all stochastic processes are ignored.
  • mark3: Likelihood with Woodbury expansion in red noise. DM variations are ignored. Slow when Jitter is included
  • mark3fa: Same as mark3, but when a correlated stochastic signal like a GWB is included, it uses the first-order approximation of Ellis et al.
  • mark4: Likelihood with Woodbury expansion in epoch-averad residuals. Ideal for including pulse jitter. Red noise and DM variations included.
  • mark4ln: Like mark4, but can include a single variable-frequency spectral line with unknown amplitude.
  • mark6: Same as mark3, but does a Woodbury expansion in both the red noise and the DM variations. Slow when Jitter is included
  • mark6fa: Same as mark6, but does the first-order approximation for correlated stochastic signals
  • mark7: Unsupported. Same as mark3, but can be used for an RJMCMC run to figure out how many frequency modes are necessary
  • mark8: Unsupported. Same as mark6, but can be used for an RJMCMC run to figure out how many freuqency modes are necessary
  • mark9: Unsupported. Same as mark3, but includes frequency lines (just like mark6ln)
  • mark10: Unsupported. Same as mark6, but includes frequency lines (just like mark6ln)
  • mark11: Superseded by gibbs_loglikelihood. Full likelihood, does not marginalize over timing model
  • gibbs: Full likelihood, without any marginalization. Only combine this with the special Gibbs MCMC samplers.

When just beginning to work with Piccard, just stick to 'mark3', 'mark6', and perhaps 'gibbs'.

In [9]:
# Just for reference, the log-likelihood can be called with
print likob.loglikelihood(likob.pstart)
print likob.logposterior(likob.pstart)
print likob.logprior(likob.pstart)


In [10]:
# Run a simple MCMC, using the PAL PTMCMC sampler.
if not os.path.isdir('./chains'):
pic.RunPTMCMC(likob, 10000, './chains/')       # Run a chain for 10k steps

Finished 90.00 percent in 5.719600 s Acceptance rate = 0.484556 Effective samples = -1
Run Complete
<piccard.PTMCMC_generic.PTSampler at 0x1174c0310>

In [11]:
# In the file './chains/ptparameters.txt', we now have a description of all the parameters in the MCMC file.
# This is used by ReadMCMCFile.
# lp: log-posterior values
# ll: log-likelihood values
# chain: All the model parameters
# labels: The names of all the model parameters
(lp, ll, chain, labels) = pic.ReadMCMCFile('./chains/')

In [12]:
# We see we need to burn very few samples (<100)
plt.xlabel('Sample #')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1174e9f90>

In [13]:
# Burn 100 steps, and make a triangle plot for all parameters
pic.triplot(chain[100:], labels)

In [14]:
# makeAllPlots just makes a whole bunch of useful plots, and saves these to png files in
pic.makeAllPlots(chainfile='./chains/', outputdir='./chains/', burnin=100, skipTMP=False, triplot_hm=False)

Making left-over page 1 of 1

In [38]:
# Now same thing with a Gibbs sampler. Now use a spectrum model for the noise
# Initializing the likelihood model is done through a Python dictionary. Create them like this:
modeldict = likob.makeModelDict(nfreqs=20, incRedNoise=True, noiseModel='spectrum', varyEfac=True, separateEfacs=False, \
                                incEquad=False, separateEquads=False, \
                                ndmfreqs=0, incDM=False, dmModel='dmspectrum', \
                                incCEquad=False, separateCEquads=False, \
                                incBWM=False, incGWB=False, gwbModel='powerlaw', \
likob.initModel(modeldict, fromFile=False, verbose=False)

# Don't run PTMCMC, but Gibbs_mark1 (first Gibbs sampler of van Haasteren & Vallisneri 2014)
pic.RunGibbs_mark1(likob, 2000, './chains/')

Gibbs: 99%

In [42]:
# Read the chain. We have many more parameters now (69)
(lp, ll, chain, labels) = pic.ReadMCMCFile('./chains/')
print chain.shape

(2000, 69)

In [43]:
# Burn the first 100 steps, and plot only the first 15 parameters
pic.triplot(chain[100:,:15], labels[:15])

In [47]:
# Make a power-spectrum plot (spectrum starts at index '1', since '0' is the efac)
psr = likob.ptapsrs[0]
freqs = psr.Ffreqs
pic.makespectrumplot(chain[100:], parstart=1, numfreqs=20, freqs=freqs)

In [48]:
# All the plots are automatically made, again, with:
pic.makeAllPlots(chainfile='./chains/', outputdir='./chains/', burnin=100, skipTMP=False, triplot_hm=False)

Making timing model page 1 of 1

In [ ]:

In [3]:
# Doing a NANOGrav 5yr pulsar. Create the HDF5 file, and set the model:
t2df = pic.DataFile('B1855.h5')
t2df.addTempoPulsar('partim/B1855+09_NANOGrav_dfg+12.par', 'partim/B1855+09_NANOGrav_dfg+12.tim')

likob = pic.ptaLikelihood('B1855.h5')

# Include DM variations, Jitter (use mark4), and separate all white-noise components per backend
modeldict = likob.makeModelDict(nfreqs=20, incRedNoise=True, noiseModel='powerlaw', varyEfac=True, separateEfacs=True, \
                                incEquad=True, separateEquads=True, \
                                ndmfreqs=20, incDM=True, dmModel='dmpowerlaw', \
                                incCEquad=True, separateCEquads=True, \
                                incBWM=False, incGWB=False, gwbModel='powerlaw', \
likob.initModel(modeldict, fromFile=False, verbose=False)

In [4]:
# Now we have more dimensions:
print "Dimensions:", likob.dimensions
for pd in likob.pardes:
    print pd

Dimensions: 7
{'pulsarname': u'1855+09', 'index': 0, 'name': 'efacequad', 'sigindex': 0, 'sigtype': 'efac', 'pulsar': 0, 'correlation': 'single', 'id': 'efac1855+09'}
{'pulsarname': u'1855+09', 'index': 1, 'name': 'efacequad', 'sigindex': 1, 'sigtype': 'equad', 'pulsar': 0, 'correlation': 'single', 'id': 'equad1855+09'}
{'pulsarname': u'1855+09', 'index': 2, 'name': 'efacequad', 'sigindex': 2, 'sigtype': 'jitter', 'pulsar': 0, 'correlation': 'single', 'id': 'jitter1855+09'}
{'pulsarname': u'1855+09', 'index': 3, 'name': 'powerlaw', 'sigindex': 3, 'sigtype': 'powerlaw', 'pulsar': 0, 'correlation': 'single', 'id': 'RN-Amplitude'}
{'pulsarname': u'1855+09', 'index': 4, 'name': 'powerlaw', 'sigindex': 3, 'sigtype': 'powerlaw', 'pulsar': 0, 'correlation': 'single', 'id': 'RN-spectral-index'}
{'pulsarname': u'1855+09', 'index': -1, 'name': 'powerlaw', 'sigindex': 3, 'sigtype': 'powerlaw', 'pulsar': 0, 'correlation': 'single', 'id': 'low-frequency-cutoff'}
{'pulsarname': u'1855+09', 'index': 5, 'name': 'dmpowerlaw', 'sigindex': 4, 'sigtype': 'dmpowerlaw', 'pulsar': 0, 'correlation': 'single', 'id': 'DM-Amplitude'}
{'pulsarname': u'1855+09', 'index': 6, 'name': 'dmpowerlaw', 'sigindex': 4, 'sigtype': 'dmpowerlaw', 'pulsar': 0, 'correlation': 'single', 'id': 'DM-spectral-index'}
{'pulsarname': u'1855+09', 'index': -1, 'name': 'dmpowerlaw', 'sigindex': 4, 'sigtype': 'dmpowerlaw', 'pulsar': 0, 'correlation': 'single', 'id': 'low-frequency-cutoff'}

In [5]:
# Only 2.5ms per likelihood call
%timeit likob.loglikelihood(likob.pstart)

100 loops, best of 3: 2.69 ms per loop

In [6]:
# Maximize the likelihood with Particle Swarm:
pic.RunPSO(likob, './chains')

# Maximum is saved in the file 'pso.txt'
mlpars = np.loadtxt('./chains/pso.txt')
print "Maximum parameters", mlpars[1:]
print "Max posterior:", mlpars[0]
#   1.15153745  -6.28756502  -6.27438197 -17.52630549   3.69660418 -9.94143639   0.55095782

Running a PSO in 7 dimensions with 59 particles

 470: [ 1.15559857 -6.29019466], 7506.69786103

[  1.15559857  -6.29019466  -6.65796835 -13.06187049   0.02000079
  -9.94271619   0.56186742] 7506.69786103
Maximum parameters [  1.15559857  -6.29019466  -6.65796835 -13.06187049   0.02000079
  -9.94271619   0.56186742]
Max posterior: 7506.69786103

In [7]:
# Running the MCMC chain works as before (need more steps in 7 dimensions):
pic.RunPTMCMC(likob, 50000, './chains/')

Finished 98.00 percent in 112.879432 s Acceptance rate = 0.345551
Run Complete

In [8]:
# We now need a larger burn-in time. About 5000 seems ok
(lp, ll, chain, labels) = pic.ReadMCMCFile('./chains/')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x117f75e50>]

In [9]:
pic.triplot(chain[5000:], labels)

In [10]:
# We can also create the autocorrelation function
Nlags = 1000    # Number of lags to examine
Npars = 7       # Number of parameters to plot
burnin = 5000
tlag = np.arange(1, Nlags+1)
acf = np.zeros((Nlags, Npars))

for ii in range(Npars):
    acf[:,ii] = pic.getacf(chain[burnin:,ii], tlag)

In [11]:
# We see that the autocorrelation time is about 100
for ii in range(Npars):
    plt.plot(tlag, acf)


<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x11b0dfc50>

Including timing model parameters

Say we want to do inference on the timing model parameters. There are two ways to go about doing this:

  1. Do a least-squares fit, with a maximum-likelihood estimator for the hyper-parameters (GLS / Cholesky)
  2. Include the timing model parameters in the MCMC chain.

The Gibbs sampler does number (2) by design. However, for reasons of numerical precision, these cannot really be trusted as of this moment. The design matrix has a very large dynamic range, so a parameter transformation is made to orthonormal parameters that span the basis of the timing model parameters. This is an invertible transformation. However, when transforming back to the timing model parameter basis (with the huge dynamic range), some information is lost. So at this moment, we should not use the timing model parameter output of the Gibbs sampler for science (even though the runs are ok). This issue is under investigation.

So basically, we need to numerically include the timing model in our MCMC chain (so mark3, mark4, or mark6) in order to do inference on these parameter. We do that as follows

In [2]:
likob = pic.ptaLikelihood('B1855.h5')

# Include DM variations, Jitter (use mark4), and separate all white-noise components per backend
modeldict = likob.makeModelDict(nfreqs=20, incRedNoise=True, noiseModel='powerlaw', varyEfac=True, separateEfacs=True, \
                                incEquad=True, separateEquads=True, \
                                ndmfreqs=20, incDM=False, dmModel='dmpowerlaw', \
                                incCEquad=True, separateCEquads=True, \
                                incTimingModel=True, nonLinear=False, compression='timingmodel', \
                                keepTimingModelPars=['JUMP1', 'JUMP2', 'JUMP3'], \
likob.initModel(modeldict, fromFile=False, verbose=False)

In [3]:
# Run the chain as before
pic.RunPTMCMC(likob, 50000, './chains/')

Finished 98.00 percent in 135.819910 s Acceptance rate = 0.358551
Run Complete

In [4]:
pic.makeAllPlots('./chains/', './chains/', burnin=10000)

Making left-over page 1 of 1

In [10]:

In [10]:
# Run a simple MCMC, using the PAL PTMCMC sampler.
if os.path.isdir('./pc'):
    import shutil


pic.RunPolyChord(likob, './pc/pc-', n_live_points=500, n_chords=1)
pic.RunMultiNest(likob, './chains/mn-')

In [17]:
""" Powerlaw
Nested Sampling ln(Z):               1760.102986
Acceptance Rate:                        0.349502
Replacements:                               6463
Total Samples:                             18492
Nested Sampling ln(Z):               1760.109836
 ln(ev)=   1760.4052460735684      +/-  0.13687495892900020     
 Total Likelihood Evaluations:        18492
 Sampling finished. Exiting MultiNest
|                                        |
| ndead  =         9060                  |
| log(Z) =   1760.14516 +/-      0.13952 |
| check  =   1768.29993 +/-      0.13952 |

 Acceptance Rate:                        0.126976
Replacements:                              17174
Total Samples:                            135254
Nested Sampling ln(Z):               1742.745082
 ln(ev)=   1742.8239108064331      +/-  0.23108293278665604     
 Total Likelihood Evaluations:       135254
 Sampling finished. Exiting MultiNest
|                                        |
| ndead  =        20994                  |
| log(Z) =   1740.43472 +/-      0.23558 |
| check  =   1792.30463 +/-      0.23558 |
2015-02-11 09:07:47.868 [NotebookApp] Saving notebook at /piccard-demo.ipynb

(array([  1.00000000e-03,  -2.00000000e+01,   2.00000000e-02]),
 array([ 50.  , -10.  ,   6.98]))

In [21]:
datpc = np.loadtxt('pc/pc-.txt')
datmn = np.loadtxt('chains/mn-.txt')

In [22]:
import triangle

In [24]:
triangle.corner(datpc[:,2:], weights=datpc[:,0])


In [31]:
triangle.corner(datmn[2000:,2:], weights=datmn[2000:,0])


In [ ]: