
In [8]:
% matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from enterprise.pulsar import Pulsar
import enterprise.signals.parameter as parameter
from enterprise.signals import utils
from enterprise.signals import signal_base
from enterprise.signals import selections
from enterprise.signals.selections import Selection
from tests.enterprise_test_data import datadir
from enterprise.signals import white_signals
from enterprise.signals import gp_signals
from enterprise.signals import deterministic_signals

Setting up the Pulsar object

enterprise uses a specific Pulsar object to store all of the relevant pulsar information (i.e. TOAs, residuals, error bars, flags, etc) from the timing package. Eventually enterprise will support both PINT and tempo2; however, for the moment it only supports tempo2 through the libstempo package. This object is then used to initalize Signals that define the generative model for the pulsar residuals. This is in keeping with the overall enterprise philosophy that the pulsar data should be as loosley coupled as possible to the pulsar model.

Below we initialize a pulsar class with NANOGrav B1855+09 data by passing it the par and tim file.

In [9]:
# pulsar file information
parfiles = datadir + '/B1855+09_NANOGrav_11yv0.gls.par'
timfiles = datadir + 'data/B1855+09_NANOGrav_11yv0.tim'

psr = Pulsar(parfiles, timfiles)


In enterprise signal parameters are set by specifying a prior distribution (i.e., Uniform, Normal, etc.). Below we will give an example of this functionality.

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# lets define an efac parameter with a uniform prior from [0.5, 5]
efac = parameter.Uniform(0.5, 5)

This is an abstract parameter class in that it is not yet intialized. It is equivalent to defining the class via the standard nomenclature class efac(object)... The parameter is then intialized via a name. This way, a single parameter class can be initialized for multiple signal parameters with different names (i.e. EFAC per observing backend, etc). Once the parameter is initialized then you then have access to many useful methods.

In [13]:
# initialize efac parameter with name "efac_1"
efac1 = efac('efac_1')

# return parameter name

# get pdf at a point (log pdf is access)
print(efac1.get_pdf(1.3), efac1.get_logpdf(1.3))

# return 5 samples from this prior distribution

0.222222222222 -1.50407739678
[ 2.94183156  2.51064331  2.44655821  1.1799445   2.41031989]

Set up a basic pulsar noise model

For our basic noise model we will use standard EFAC, EQUAD, and ECORR white noise with a powerlaw red noise parameterized by an amplitude and spectral index. Using the methods described above we define our parameters for our noise model below.

In [14]:
# white and red noise parameters with uniform priors
efac = parameter.Uniform(0.5, 5)
log10_equad = parameter.Uniform(-10, -5)
log10_ecorr = parameter.Uniform(-10, -5)
log10_A = parameter.Uniform(-18, -12)
gamma = parameter.Uniform(1, 7)

White noise signals

White noise signals are straightforward to intialize

In [ ]:
# EFAC, EQUAD, and ECORR signals
ef = ws.MeasurementNoise(efac=efac)
eq = ws.EquadNoise(log10_equad=log10_equad)
ec = gs.EcorrBasisModel(log10_ecorr=log10_ecorr)

Again, these are abstract classes that will be in itialized when passes a Pulsar object. This, again, makes for ease of use when constucting pulsar signal models in that these classes are created on the fly and can be re-intialized with different pulsars.

Red noise signals

Red noise signals are handled somewhat differently than other signals in that we do not create the class by passing the parameters directly. Instead we use the Function factory (creates a class, not an instance) to set the red noise PSD used (i.e. powerlaw, spectrum, broken, etc). This allows the user to define custom PSDs with no extra coding overhead other than the PSD definition itself.

In [ ]:
# Use Function object to set power-law red noise with uniform priors
pl = Function(utils.powerlaw, log10_A=log10_A, gamma=gamma)

# red noise signal using Fourier GP
rn = gs.FourierBasisGP(spectrum=pl, components=30)

Here we have defined a power-law function class that will be initialized when the red noise class is initialized. The red noise signal model is then a powerlaw red noise process modeled via a Fourier basis Gaussian Process with 30 components.

Linear timing model

We must include the timing model in all of our analyses. In this case we treat it as a gaussian process with very large variances. Thus, this is equvalent to marginalizing over the linear timing model coefficients assuming uniform priors. In enterprise this is setup via:

In [ ]:
# timing model as GP (no parameters)
tm = gs.TimingModel()

Initializing the model

Now that we have all of our signals defined we can define our total noise model as the sum of all of the components and intialize by passing that combined signal class the pulsar object. Is that awesome or what!

In [18]:
# create combined signal class with some metaclass magic
s = ef + ec + eq + rn + tm

# initialize model with pulsar object
pm = s(psr)

# print out the parameter names and priors
