[$\mu$Kanren][micro] (microKanren) is a minimalistic relational programming language, introduced as a stripped-down implementation of [minikanren][minikanren]. As stated by its creators, it is micro as in microkernel.
What is a relational programming language? In other programming paradigms, a program is a set of operations (functions, statements, etc.) which consume inputs to produce outputs.
A relational program is a set of predicates on (logic) variables. The program is executed by runnint a query, which means searching the values that can be assigned to logic variables so that those predicates hold. A relational query does not return a value, but it enumerates solutions. Moreover, there is no distinction between inputs and outputs of relations.
To me relational programming is a way to extract a usable and pure logical subset of prolog. Minikanren brings it to the masses, by embedding a relational subsystem in other host languages.
[Other people][lp-overrated] see it as DSLs for brute-force search, but everybody agrees that [this presentation][prez-byrd] is mind-blowing.
Where does it come from? In [The Reasoned Schemer][reasoned-schemer], the authors introduced relational programming as a natural extension of functional programming. They show how to embed a logic interpreter into [Scheme][racket].
While Scheme is the reference host for all the \kanren*s, currently there are many implementations, in many different host languages. The most succesful is probably [clojure/core.logic][core.logic].
This post is actually a ipython notebook where I implement $\mu$Kanren and some syntactic sugar in python. You can download the original notebook here. It is meant to be really interactive: I redefine multiple times several functions to get a more and more friendly API.
The first section contains an implementation of $\mu$kanren in python; in the second section I introduce some syntactic sugar to make it more similar to miniKanren; the last sections contain some examples of what kind of programs can be written with it.
A $\mu$Kanren program can be interpreted as a query. Given a set of relations among items and variables, we ask to the interpreter to find the variable substitutions so that those relations are valid.
From the [paper][micro-paper]
A $\mu$Kanren program proceeds through the application of a goal to a state. Goals are often understood by analogy to predicates. Whereas the application of a predicate to an element of its domain can be either true or false, a goal pursued in a given state can either succeed or fail.
A state is a pair of a substitution (represented as a dictionary) and a non-negative integer representing a fresh variable counter.
In [1]:
import collections
logic_variable = collections.namedtuple("logic_variable", ["index"])
def is_logic_var(x):
return isinstance(x, logic_variable)
To create new logic_variable
s, we use the fresh variable counter to generate those indexes.
In [2]:
class SubstitutionMap(dict):
A logic_variable
$X$ can be
$Y$: $X$ is equivalent to $Y$, and SubstitutionMap[$X$] = $Y$We will see later what are the terms of the language, and so what are the items $i$.
The walk method searches for a term's value. If the term is a value (i.e. not a logic variable), then it returns the value itself. Otherwise, it traverses the chain of substitutions until it finds a value.
The ext_s is factory method that adds a new binding to an existing SubstitutionMap.
In [3]:
class SubstitutionMap(dict):
def walk(self, var):
while is_logic_var(var) and var in self:
var = self[var]
return var
def ext_s(self, var, value):
s = SubstitutionMap(self)
s[var] = value
return s
In [4]:
# test SubstitutionMap
x, y = logic_variable(0), logic_variable(1)
assert x == SubstitutionMap().walk(x), "x is free"
assert 1 == SubstitutionMap({x: 1}).walk(x), "x is bound to 1"
assert "something else" == SubstitutionMap({x: y})\
.ext_s(y, "something else")\
.walk(x), "walk must traverse the chain of substitutions"
The fresh variable counter is an int starting from 0, and it is used throught the evaluation to get new unique indexes for logic variables.
Initially, there are no substitutions, and the counter is 0. That state is called empty_state
In [5]:
empty_state = (SubstitutionMap(), 0)
The function unify
defines which are the terms of the language.
It takes as arguments two objects, $x$ and $y$, and a SubstitutionMap substitutions.
Its objective is to add new bindings to substitutions, so that $x$ and $y$ becomes equivalent, i.e.
unifying = unify(x, y, substitution)
unifying.walk(x) == unifying.walk(y)
If there is no way to get $x$ equivalent to $y$, for example because they are both already bound to not equivalent
terms, then it unify
returns None
. In this case we say that $x$ and $y$ do not unify under
, i.e.
unify(x, y, substitution) == None
In this implementation, valid terms are python objects. At the beginning unify
walks the two arguments
by using the SubstitutionMap. Then it checks the resulting terms. The two objects unify if
operator; then we don't need to add anything to substitutionlogic_variable
$v$, and in that case $v$ must be substituted with the other term to get the unification working
In [6]:
def _concrete_unify(x, y, substitutions):
if substitutions is None:
return None
x = substitutions.walk(x)
y = substitutions.walk(y)
if x == y:
return substitutions
elif is_logic_var(x):
return substitutions.ext_s(x, y)
elif is_logic_var(y):
return substitutions.ext_s(y, x)
elif is_sequence(x) and is_sequence(y):
return unify_sequences(x, y, substitutions)
return None
def unify(x, y, substitutions):
# This is because I will modify it later
return _concrete_unify(x, y, substitutions)
Sequences are objects with the __iter__
method. This is orthogonal to the rest of $\mu$Kanren. To handle new kind of terms, we must update the unify
In [7]:
import itertools as it
def is_sequence(o):
# I want it to fail on strings
return not is_logic_var(o) and hasattr(o, '__iter__')
def unify_sequences(xs, ys, substitutions):
if len(xs) != len(ys):
return None
for a, b in it.izip(xs, ys):
substitutions = unify(a, b, substitutions)
return substitutions
In [8]:
# Test unify
x, y = logic_variable(0), logic_variable(1)
assert unify(x, y, SubstitutionMap()) ==\
SubstitutionMap({x: y}), "to unify x and y, substitute y to x"
assert unify(x, y, SubstitutionMap({x: "value x", y: "value y"}) ) is None, "they cannot be equivalent"
assert unify(x, 5, SubstitutionMap()) == SubstitutionMap({x: 5})
assert unify((x, 1, y), (1, 2, 3), SubstitutionMap()) is None, "sequences unify term-by-term"
assert unify((x, 1, y), (1, 1, 3), SubstitutionMap()) ==\
SubstitutionMap({x: 1, y: 3}), "sequences unify term-by-term"
A goal is a function which takes as argument a state, i.e. a pair (SubstitutionMap
, fresh variable counter), and returns a list of states which satisfy the goal.
In this implementation, goals are generators yielding the valid states. If the generator is empty, then that goal
does not succeed.
$\mu$Kanren has four primitive goals builder: equiv
, call_fresh
, disj
and conj
In [9]:
def equiv(x, y):
def _goal((substitutions, fresh_var_counter)):
unifying = unify(x, y, substitutions)
if unifying is not None:
yield (unifying, fresh_var_counter)
return _goal
In [10]:
# Test equiv
x, y = logic_variable(0), logic_variable(1)
assert list(equiv(x, 5)(empty_state)) == [(SubstitutionMap({x: 5}), 0)]
assert list(equiv(x, y)(empty_state)) == [(SubstitutionMap({x: y}), 0)]
The call/fresh goal constructor creates a new logic_variable
It takes as argument a unary function $f$, which must return a goal, and it returns
a new goal which runs $f$ by binding its argument to a new logic_variable
It leaves unchanged the substitutions, but it increments the fresh variable counter,
to ensure unicity of variables indexes.
In [11]:
def call_fresh(f):
def _new_goal((substitutions, fresh_var_counter)):
return f(logic_variable(fresh_var_counter))((substitutions, fresh_var_counter+1))
return _new_goal
As shown in the following tests, if I want to introduce a new logic variable in a goal $G$:
and I use the resulting goalThis is quiet verbose: the API will be simplified with the operator fresh
. Since this is not
part of the core of $\mu$Kanren, we will see that later.
In [12]:
# test call_fresh
x, y = logic_variable(0), logic_variable(1)
def is_five(new_var):
return equiv(new_var, 5)
goal = call_fresh(is_five)
assert list(goal(empty_state)) ==\
[(SubstitutionMap({x: 5}), 1)], "x must be 5"
# for every new variable, I need a new call_fresh
def f(var):
def _g(other_var):
return equiv(var, other_var)
return call_fresh(_g)
goal = call_fresh(f)
assert list(goal(empty_state)) ==\
[(SubstitutionMap({x: y}), 2)], "x and y are equivalent but not bound to a term"
In [13]:
def disj(*goals):
def _new_goal(state):
return it.chain.from_iterable(g(state) for g in goals)
return _new_goal
ANY = disj
In [14]:
# test disj
x, y = logic_variable(0), logic_variable(1)
def g_any_ok(var_x, var_y):
It succeeds if x is 2, or y is 3 or x is y
return ANY(equiv(var_x, 2),
equiv(var_y, 3),
equiv(var_x, var_y))
## 2 variables, so 2 call_fresh(unary function)
r = list(call_fresh(lambda x: call_fresh(lambda y: g_any_ok(x, y)))(empty_state))
assert len(r) == 3 \
and (SubstitutionMap({x: 2}), 2) in r \
and (SubstitutionMap({y: 3}), 2) in r\
and ({x: y}, 2) in r, "Three solutions must be returned"
In [15]:
def make_stream(goal, s):
return it.chain.from_iterable(it.imap(goal, s))
def conj(*goals):
It returns a goal which succeeds if all the goals passed as argument succeed
for that state.
def _new_goal(state):
stream = goals[0](state)
for g in goals[1:]:
stream = make_stream(g, stream)
return stream
return _new_goal
ALL = conj
In [16]:
# test disj
x, y = logic_variable(0), logic_variable(1)
def g_all_ko(var_x, var_y):
It succeeds if x is 2, or y is 3 or x is y
return ALL(equiv(var_x, 2),
equiv(var_y, 3),
equiv(var_x, var_y))
# fresh will fix this mess
r = list(call_fresh(lambda x: call_fresh(lambda y: g_all_ko(x, y)))(empty_state))
assert len(r) == 0, "x is not equivalent to y"
def g_all_ok(var_x, var_y):
It succeeds if x is 2 or 3, and y is 3 and y is x
return ALL(ANY(equiv(var_x, 2), equiv(var_x, 3)),
equiv(var_y, 3),
equiv(var_x, var_y))
r = list(call_fresh(lambda x: call_fresh(lambda y: g_all_ok(x, y)))(empty_state))
assert r == [(SubstitutionMap({x: 3, y: 3}), 2)], "x cannot be 2"
That's it. This is the core of $\mu$Kanren.
In the next session we will add some syntactic sugar implemented in minikanren, which is very convenient to use what we implemented as an actual language.
In [17]:
import inspect
from functools import partial
def fresh_helper(curried_goal, nargs):
if nargs <= 1:
return call_fresh(curried_goal)
return call_fresh(lambda x: fresh_helper(partial(curried_goal, x), nargs-1))
def fresh(variadic_goal):
# Discover now many arguments it has, and apply the pattern
# wrap in a function -> pass it to call_fresh
positional_args = inspect.getargspec(variadic_goal).args
return fresh_helper(variadic_goal, len(positional_args))
In [18]:
# test fresh
# I use here the same functions used to test ALL. The API here is soooo much better
assert list(fresh(g_all_ko)(empty_state)) == []
assert list(fresh(g_all_ok)(empty_state)) == \
[(SubstitutionMap({x: 3, y: 3}), 2)], "x cannot be 2"
In [19]:
def run(goal_builder):
for s, _ in fresh(goal_builder)(empty_state):
yield s
translates the internal representation of variables
to a human readable form.
The reification starts by walk
ing a variable in the SubstitutionMap
If the result is a logic_variable
, then that variable could be free,
or not bound to an item but equivalent to another logic_variable
To represent this, I use the objects free_value
s. They contain an id,
and two free_value
s are equivalent if that id is the same.
Sequences are reified to lists, where each element is the reified version of the item of original sequence.
Scalar items are reified to their value.
In [20]:
free_value = collections.namedtuple("free_value", ["id"])
def reify_sequence(subs, objects):
return [reify(subs, o) for o in objects]
def reify(substitutions, o):
o = substitutions.walk(o)
if is_logic_var(o):
return free_value(o.index)
elif is_sequence(o):
return reify_sequence(substitutions, o)
return o
In [21]:
# test reify
x, y, z = logic_variable(0), logic_variable(1), logic_variable(2)
empty_sm = SubstitutionMap()
test_sm = SubstitutionMap({x: 2, y: z, z: 3})
assert free_value(id=0) == reify(empty_sm, x), "x is a free variable"
assert 3 == reify(test_sm, z) == reify(test_sm, y), "y and z walk to 3"
assert reify(test_sm, logic_variable(12)) != \
reify(test_sm, logic_variable(logic_variable(2))), "free variables not equivalent"
is the function we use to run queries.
I let run
handle the reification, and hide completely the SubstitutionMap
The new run
takes as argument a variadic function returning a goal.
It uses fresh
to create logic_variable
s, and then it yields all the solutions which make the goal
succeed. A solution is a tuple containing the reified variables in the same order of the goal builder arguments.
I exploit the fact that variable indexes match the order of the arguments they are bound to.
In [22]:
def run(goal_builder, stop=None):
args = inspect.getargspec(goal_builder).args
var_indexes = range(len(args))
substitutions = fresh(goal_builder)(empty_state)
for s, _ in it.islice(substitutions, stop):
# it reifies the variables in the order of corresponding
# arguments of goal
yield tuple(reify(s, logic_variable(idx)) for idx in var_indexes)
In [23]:
# test run
solutions = list(sorted(run(g_any_ok)))
assert solutions == [(2, free_value(id=1)), # g_any_ok(2, whatever)
(free_value(id=0), 3), # g_any_ok(whatever, 3)
(free_value(id=1), free_value(id=1))] # g_any_ok(whatever, the same)
In [24]:
def conde(*disjs):
conde is a form of if-then-else construct
[if-clause1 then],
[if-clause2 then],
return ANY(
*[ALL(*conjs) for conjs in disjs]
The language is sweet enough to run some examples!
In this first example, I use what we developed to run some query over a db of [Game of Thrones][got] characters.
How does the language work?
and conde
(or ALL
) to create new predicate.logic_variable
s, wrap the predicate in a python function, and use fresh
or run
to build themrun
to iterate over the solutions
In [25]:
got_characters = {0: ('catelyn', 'tully'),
1: ('eddard', 'stark'),
2: ('sansa', 'stark'),
3: ('benjen', 'stark'),
4: ('robb', 'stark'),
5: ('joffrey', 'baratheon'),
6: ('stannis', 'baratheon'),
7: ('cersei', 'lannister'),
8: ('tyrion', 'lannister'),
9: ('tommen', 'baratheon'),
10: ('jon', 'snow'),
11: ('myrcella', 'baratheon'),
12: ('tywin', 'lannister'),
13: ('jaime', 'lannister'),
14: ('rickon', 'stark'),
15: ('arya', 'stark'),
16: ('brandon', 'stark'),
17: ('renly', 'baratheon'),
18: ('robert', 'baratheon')}
We follow this naming convention: predicates are suffixed with the o
I write the relation charactero(characterid, name, surname)
, which succeeds
when that triple identifies a character of Game of Thrones.
In [26]:
def charactero(characterid, name, surname):
# A simplified version
return conde(
# if characterid is 16, then name is 'brandon', and surname is 'stark'
[equiv(characterid, 16), equiv(name, 'brandon'), equiv(surname, 'stark')],
# or if characterid is 17, then name is 'renly' and surname is 'baratheon'
[equiv(characterid, 17), equiv(name, 'renly'), equiv(surname, 'baratheon')])
# I can define it by exploiting the got_characters db
def charactero(characterid, name, surname):
return conde(*[[equiv(characterid, k), equiv(name, n), equiv(surname, s)]
for (k, (n, s)) in got_characters.iteritems()])
Now I can run
some queries on it. To do that, I need to pass some logic variables to the predicate, and let $\mu$Kanren find those values. I use python functions and run
to get new logic variables and perform the search.
charactero(16, X, Y)
In [27]:
# logic variables
for name, surname in run(lambda name, surname: charactero(16, name, surname)):
print name, surname, "has id 16"
charactero(X, Y, 'baratheon')
In [28]:
for _id, name in run(lambda _id, name: charactero(_id, name, 'baratheon')):
print _id, name, "is a 'baratheon'"
In GoT there are several houses. The predicate id_houseo(house_name, characterid)
, is relation among character ids and houses. A character can belong to more houses.
In [29]:
got_houses = {'stark': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 15, 16],
'tully': [0],
'lannister': [5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13],
'baratheon': [5, 7, 9, 11, 6, 18]}
def id_houseo(house_name, characterid):
# house_name is k and characterid is v for all k,v
return conde(*[[equiv(house_name, k), equiv(characterid, v)]
for (k, vs) in got_houses.iteritems() for v in vs])
In [30]:
print 'house of baratheon: ',
for _id, in run(lambda _id: id_houseo('baratheon', _id)):
print _id,
In [31]:
for x in run(lambda x: id_houseo('baratheon', 20)):
print x
No value of $X$ can satisfy the predicate
In [32]:
for x, in run(lambda x: id_houseo('baratheon', 5)):
print x
Every value of $X$ satisfies the predicate.
I want to hide the character id, and write the predicate houseo
, which creates the relation among house names, and name and surname of characters.
To do so, I need to find the character ids in relation with a house, and then find name and surname of that character id.
In [33]:
def houseo(house_name, name, surname):
# I need a new logic variable, characterid. Thus, I create a function and use fresh to get it
def _f(characterid):
# if, for any characterid, its house name is house_name, then name and surname are the one of charactero
return conde([id_houseo(house_name, characterid), charactero(characterid, name, surname)])
return fresh(_f)
In [34]:
for house, surname in run(lambda house, surname: houseo(house, 'joffrey', surname)):
print 'joffrey', surname, 'belongs to house', house
In [35]:
for house, name in run(lambda house, name: houseo(house, name, house)):
print name, house, '=> house ', house
# no jon snow
In [36]:
cons = collections.namedtuple("cons", ["car", "cdr"])
nil = ()
def emptyo(d):
d is empty if it is nil
return equiv(d, nil)
def conso(a, b, acons):
a and b forms a cons, when acons is equivalent to cons(a, b)
return equiv(cons(a, b), acons)
def firsto(acons, elt):
if elt if the first element of acons then
conso(elt, tail, acons) holds for all tails
return fresh(lambda tail: conso(elt, tail, acons))
def tailo(acons, tail):
if tail is the tail of acons then conso(first, tail, acons)
holds for all firsts
return fresh(lambda first: conso(first, tail, acons))
In [37]:
for C, in run(lambda C: conso(1, 2, C)):
print 'cons 1 and 2 to get', C
In [38]:
for C, in run(lambda x: firsto(x, 1)):
print 1, 'is the first element of', C
We can write basic operations, but to make it fully usable, we need to improve the syntax.
What I want to do is to treat python lists as if they were cons
es, and traslate back to list when showing the result.
The former goal can be achieved by modifying unify
. Remember? unify
is where items are defined. The latter by reify
correctly the cons
python lists to consesI modify (as little as possibile) unify
, and as a consequence I need to evaluate again equiv
The objective is to transform lists to conses when we try to unify them to other items.
In [39]:
def consify(lst):
newcons = nil
for i in reversed(lst):
newcons = cons(i, newcons)
return newcons
def unify(x, y, substitutions):
if isinstance(x, list):
x = consify(x)
if isinstance(y, list):
y = consify(y)
return _concrete_unify(x, y, substitutions)
def equiv(x, y):
def _goal((substitutions, fresh_var_counter)):
unifying = unify(x, y, substitutions)
if unifying is not None:
yield (unifying, fresh_var_counter)
return _goal
assert unify([1, 2, 3], cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil))), SubstitutionMap()) == SubstitutionMap()
In [40]:
def reify_cons(substitutions, acons):
lst = []
while isinstance(acons, cons):
car, cdr = acons
lst.append(reify(substitutions, car))
acons = substitutions.walk(cdr)
if acons:
lst.append(reify(substitutions, acons))
return lst
def reify(substitutions, o):
o = substitutions.walk(o)
if is_logic_var(o):
return free_value(o.index)
elif isinstance(o, cons):
return reify_cons(substitutions, o)
elif is_sequence(o):
return reify_sequence(substitutions, o)
return o
def run(goal_builder, stop=None):
args = inspect.getargspec(goal_builder).args
var_indexes = range(len(args))
substitutions = fresh(goal_builder)(empty_state)
for s, _ in it.islice(substitutions, stop):
# it reifies the variables in the order of corresponding
# arguments of goal
yield tuple(reify(s, logic_variable(idx)) for idx in var_indexes)
In [41]:
# test the new reify
empty_sm = SubstitutionMap()
#assert range(10) ==
print reify(empty_sm, consify(range(10))), "test consify"
In this section I will run all examples on the python list ten
In [42]:
ten = range(10)
and $t$ is the tail of ten
In [43]:
for f, t in run(lambda f, t: ALL(
firsto(ten, f),
tailo(ten, t))):
print f, 'is the first of', ten
print t, 'is the tail of', ten
cons(x, x)
In [44]:
for x, L in run(lambda x, L: ALL(
firsto(L, x),
tailo(L, x))):
print x, 'is first and tail of', L
In [45]:
def membero(collection, elt):
def _f(tail): # for every tail
return conde(
[firsto(collection, elt)], # if elt is first of collection it's fine
[tailo(collection, tail), membero(tail, elt)]) # if tail is tail of collection, then elt must be member of tail
return fresh(_f)
. Such an $x$ does not exist.
In [46]:
for x in run(lambda x: membero(ten, 30)):
print x
. All $x$s are fine here, thus we get a free variable as output.
In [47]:
for x in run(lambda x: membero(ten, 2)):
print x
. We enumerate the values in ten
In [48]:
for elt, in run(lambda elt: membero(ten, elt)):
print elt, "is in ", ten
In [49]:
for (solution,) in run(lambda x: membero([1, 2, x], [4, 65, 9]), stop=5):
print [4, 65, 9], 'is member of', [1, 2, solution]
In [50]:
for x, y in run(lambda x, y: membero([1, 2, x], [1, y, 3])):
print '[1, y, 3] member of [1, 2, x] iff x=%s and y=%s' % (x, y)
, thus I use the keyword argument stop
to get just the first three solutions
In [51]:
for (L, ) in run(lambda L: membero(L, 1), stop=3):
print 1, 'member of', L
In [52]:
def appendo(begin, end, collection):
begin + end = collection
def _f(x, y, z):
return conde(
# if begin is empty, then collection is end
[emptyo(begin), equiv(end, collection)],
# otherwise
[conso(x, y, begin), # begin is [x] + y
conso(x, z, collection), # collection is [x] + z
appendo(y, end, z)]) # z is end appended to y
return fresh(_f)
It can be used to concatenate lists
In [53]:
for (L, ) in run(lambda L: appendo([1, 2], [3,4], L)):
print '[1, 2] + [3, 4] =', L
but also to go backwards. Here we let it determine which is the head
lists for a given tail
, result
In [54]:
for (head, ) in run(lambda head: appendo(head, [3,4], [1, 2, 3, 4])):
print '{head} + [3, 4] = [1, 2, 3, 4]'.format(head=head)
We can let it generate all the possible ways to split a list in two.
In [55]:
for (head, tail) in run(lambda head, tail: appendo(head, tail, ten)):
print '{head} + {tail} = {ten}'.format(head=head, tail=tail, ten=ten)
or let it generate generic lists whose tail is fixed
In [56]:
for (head, L) in run(lambda head, L: appendo(head, [3,4], L), stop=5):
print '{head} + [3, 4] = {L}'.format(head=head, L=L)
In [ ]: