In [333]:
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
from scipy import optimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
Let $Y(t)$ be a non-homogeneous Poisson process on $[0,T]$ with a conditional intensity $\lambda(t)$, and cumulative intensity $\Lambda(t) = \int_0^t\lambda(t)dt$. Then the number of events occuring before time $t$ follows a Poisson distribution and $$P(Y(t)=N) = e^{-\Lambda(t) }\Lambda(t)^N/N! $$
The conditional intensity function can be written as a function of a set of covariates and parameters, for example: $$ \lambda(t) = \exp(X(t)\beta)$$
The exponential above can be substituted with a more general 'inverse-link' function: $$\lambda_{\beta}(t) = f(X(t)\beta)$$
We can simulate from this process:
In [334]:
N = 10000# number of observations
d = 5 # number of covariates
1) create a vector of $d$ parameters:
In [335]:
theta = np.random.normal(size = (d,))
2) Create an array of covariates:
In [336]:
X = 0.1*np.random.normal(size = (d,N))
# X = linalg.orth(X.T).T
# X = np.eye((d))
3) Construct the conditional intensity $\lambda(t)$
In [337]:
l = np.exp(,theta))
In [338]:
dt = 0.001 # discretization step
Generate the random variables:
In [339]:
u = np.random.uniform(size = len(l))
y = 1*(l*dt>u)
In [340]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 2))
fig = ax.matshow(np.reshape(y,(1,len(y))),cmap = 'Greys',aspect = 3)
Given events at times $t_1,...,t_N$ the conditional likelihood is $$P_{\beta}(t_1,...,t_N) = e^{-\Lambda(T)} \prod_{i=1}^N\lambda_{\beta}(t_i)$$.
The Maximum Likelihood Estimate for $\beta$ requires maximizing P with respect to $\beta$, but usually it is easier to minimize the log of this function.
The corresponding negative log-likelihood is $$ L(\beta,t_1,...,t_N) = \Lambda(T) -\sum_{i=1}^N \log(\lambda_{\beta}(t_i))$$
Now let's discretize the domain of $[0,T]$ into n bins (small enough that there is only one spike per bin) $\tau_1,...,\tau_n$. And let $y_i = 1$ if there is a spike in the bin, and $y_i = 0$ otherwise.
In [341]:
def negLogL(theta,X,y,dt):
# calculate the intensity of the Poisson process
intensity = np.exp(,theta))
# bins with spikes vs no spikes
l = sum(intensity)*dt - sum(y*np.log(intensity))
The gradient is
For a general link function the gradient becomes
In [342]:
def grad(theta,X,y,dt):
intensity = np.exp(,theta))
g =,intensity)*dt -,y)
Set an initial guess:
In [343]:
theta_0 = np.random.normal(size = (d,))
Maximize the likelihood:
In [344]:
opts = {'disp':True,'maxiter': 1000}
In [345]:
theta_MLE = optimize.minimize(negLogL, theta_0,jac = grad, args = (X,y,dt),options = opts).x
In [346]:
print ('Error: ' + str(np.sqrt(sum((theta_MLE - theta)**2))))
In [347]:
theta_MLE = optimize.minimize(negLogL, theta_0, args = (X,y,dt),options = opts).x
In [348]:
print ('Error: ' + str(np.sqrt(sum((theta_MLE - theta)**2))))
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [349]:
plt1, = plt.plot(theta,'ro',label = 'theta true')
plt2, = plt.plot(theta_MLE,'o',label = 'theta MLE')
plt.legend(handles = [plt1,plt2])
Calculate a prediction of the response.
In [350]:
l_MLE = np.exp(,theta_MLE))
u = np.random.uniform(size = len(l_MLE))
y_predicted = 1*(l_MLE*dt>u)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [351]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 2))
fig = ax.matshow(np.reshape(y,(1,len(y))),cmap = 'Greys',aspect = 3)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 2))
fig = ax.matshow(np.reshape(y_predicted,(1,len(y))),cmap = 'Greys',aspect = 3)
In [352]:
mismatch_error = sum(np.abs(y-y_predicted))/sum(y+y_predicted)
In [353]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12,2))
fig = plt.plot(l)
plt.title('True Intensity')
In [354]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12,2))
fig = plt.plot(l_MLE)
plt.title('Estimated Intensity')
In [ ]: