In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
import sys
In [3]:
import filters
import likelihood_functions as lk
import PoissonProcessClasses as PP
In [4]:
import imp
In [5]:
import sys
Reading input-output data:
In [6]:
# reading stimulus
Stim = pd.read_csv('../data/Stim.csv',header = None)
# reading location of spikes
tsp = np.hstack(np.array(pd.read_csv('../data/tsp.csv',header = None)))
Extracting a spike train from spike positions:
In [7]:
dt = 0.01
tsp_int = np.ceil((tsp - dt*0.001)/dt)
tsp_int = np.reshape(tsp_int,(tsp_int.shape[0],1))
tsp_int = tsp_int.astype(int)
y = np.array([item in tsp_int for item in np.arange(Stim.shape[0]/dt)]).astype(int)
Creating filters:
In [8]:
# create a stimulus filter
kpeaks = np.array([0,round(20/3)])
pars_k = {'neye':5,'n':5,'kpeaks':kpeaks,'b':3}
K,K_orth,kt_domain = filters.createStimulusBasis(pars_k, nkt = 20)
In [9]:
# create a post-spike filter
hpeaks = np.array([0.1,2])
pars_h = {'n':5,'hpeaks':hpeaks,'b':.4}
H,H_orth,ht_domain = filters.createPostSpikeBasis(pars_h,dt)
Conditional Intensity (spike rate): $$\lambda_{\beta} = \exp(K(\beta_k)*Stim + H(\beta_h)*y)$$
Creating a matrix of covariates:
In [10]:
M = lk.construct_covariates(Stim,tsp,K,H_orth,dt)
Condtional intensity as a function of the covariates: $$ \lambda_{\beta} = \exp(M\beta) $$
Create a Poisson process model with this intensity:
In [11]:
model = PP.PPModel(M.T,dt = dt)
Setting initial parameters:
In [12]:
coeff_k0 = np.array([ 0.061453,0.284916,0.860335,1.256983,0.910615,0.488660,-0.887091,0.097441,0.026607,-0.090147])
coeff_h0 = np.zeros((5,))
pars0 = np.hstack((coeff_k0,coeff_h0))
Fitting the likelihood:
In [13]:
res =,start_coef = pars0)
In [14]:
theta_MLE = res.x
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