Link audio to mp3 files, for an exported Jupyter notebook in HTML format. Also do some HTML formatting and updating.
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# Imports
import re
import os
import sys
import pardir; pardir.pardir() # Allow imports from parent directory
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# User-defined paths
# HTML input and output
in_filepath = "../fibonaccistretch_with_figs.html"
out_filepath = "../index.html"
out_title = "Fibonacci Stretch"
# in_filepath = "../fibonaccistretch_examples.html"
# out_filepath = "../examples.html"
# out_title = "Fibonacci Stretch: Examples"
# Directory containing zero-indexed mp3s
data_dir = "../data/ipd_audio/"
# data_dir = "../data/ipd_audio_examples_nb/"
data_ext = "mp3"
# Directory containing figures
fig_path = "data/figs"
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# Read input HTML
html = ""
with open(in_filepath, "r") as f:
html =
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# Find <audio> elements
# p = re.compile('<audio controls="controls" >\s*<source src=".*" type=".*" \/>.*<\/audio>')
p = re.compile('<audio controls="controls" >\s*<source src=".*" type=".*" \/>')
matches = p.findall(html)
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# Replace audio tag sources with corresponding mp3s
# (assumes that we have them all numbered from 0 to n-1 for n sources)
for i,m in enumerate(matches):
mp3_filepath = os.path.join(data_dir, "{}.{}".format(i, data_ext))
audio_tag = '<audio controls="controls"><source src="{}" type="audio/mp3" />'.format(mp3_filepath)
# print(audio_tag)
# print(m[:100])
html = html.replace(m, audio_tag)
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# Replace fig path if necessary
# Unnecessary if using export_with_figs now
html = html.replace('img src="output', 'img src="{}/output'.format(fig_path))
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# Update title if necessary
html = re.sub("<title>.*</title>", "<title>{}</title>".format(out_title), html)
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# Update data path
html = html.replace("../data", "data")
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with open(out_filepath, "w") as f:
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