Lifting bodies

We will apply the vortex panel method developed in the last section to the prediction of lift on wing sections.

VortexPanel module

Before we get started, we're going to put the code we wrote in the last notebook into a python file called

Just as we have been using import numpy and pyplot in every notebook:

In [1]:
import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot
%matplotlib inline

we can do the same thing for the code in VortexPanel. All we need is:

In [2]:
from VortexPanel import Panel, solve_gamma, plot_flow

This makes the Panel class, and the solveGamma and plotFlow functions available. We can test out all three by solving for the flow around a circle again.

In [3]:
def make_circle(N):
    # define the end-points of the panels
    x_ends = numpy.cos(numpy.linspace(0, -2*numpy.pi, N+1))
    y_ends = numpy.sin(numpy.linspace(0, -2*numpy.pi, N+1))

    # define the panels
    circle = numpy.empty(N, dtype=object)
    for i in xrange(N):
        circle[i] = Panel(x_ends[i], y_ends[i], x_ends[i+1], y_ends[i+1])

    return circle

In [4]:
N = 16
circle = make_circle(N)  # set-up geom
solve_gamma(circle)      # find gamma
plot_flow(circle)        # plot the flow

Looks good.

Foil section geometry

To find the lift on a foil, we first need to define the geometry. Let's use a symmetric Jukowski foil for now. This foil shape is obtained by applying the following mapping

$$ x' = \frac x2 (1+1/r^2), \quad y' = \frac y2 (1-1/r^2),\quad r^2= x^2+y^2 $$

to the points on a circle which intersects $x,y=1,0$. Shifting the circle an amount $\Delta x$ sets the thickness of the foil.

In [5]:
def make_jukowski( N, dx = 0.2, dy = 0, dr = 0 ):
    # define the circle
    x_ends = numpy.cos(numpy.linspace(0, -2*numpy.pi, N+1))
    y_ends = numpy.sin(numpy.linspace(0, -2*numpy.pi, N+1))

    # shift circle
    r = numpy.sqrt((1+dx)**2+dy**2)+dr
    x2_ends = r*x_ends-dx
    y2_ends = r*y_ends-dy
    r2_ends = x2_ends**2+y2_ends**2

    # apply jukowski mapping
    x3_ends = x2_ends*(1+1./r2_ends)/2
    y3_ends = y2_ends*(1-1./r2_ends)/2
    # define the panels
    foil = numpy.empty(N, dtype=object)
    for i in xrange(N):
        foil[i] = Panel(x3_ends[i], y3_ends[i], x3_ends[i+1], y3_ends[i+1])
    return foil

In [6]:
foil = make_jukowski(N)  # make foil
solve_gamma(foil)        # solve for gamma
plot_flow(foil)          # plot the flow

Quiz 1

How can you get a cambered (ie, curved) foil shape?

  1. Shift the circle right instead of left.
  2. Shift the circle up.
  3. Change the circle's radius.

We're going to use the symmetric foil with a sharp edge - so put things back when you're done.

Lift force

The lift on a body in potential flow is given by

$$ L = -\rho U_\infty \Gamma $$

where $\rho$ is the density and $\Gamma$ is the total circulation. For a vortex sheet we remember this is given by $\Gamma=\int\gamma ds $, and so for a vortex panel method this is simply

$$ \Gamma = \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} \gamma_i 2S_i $$

since the width of each panel is $2S_i$. The lift coefficient is then

$$ C_L =\frac L{\tfrac 12 \rho U_\infty^2 c} = -\frac 4{U_\infty c} \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} \gamma_i S_i $$

where $c$ is the coord length, the distance from the leading to trailing edge.

This is very simple to implement, so let's find the lift on the foil:

In [7]:
def lift(panels):
    c = panels[0].x[0]-panels[len(panels)/2].x[0]      # length scale
    return -4./c*numpy.sum([p.gamma*p.S for p in panels])
print 'C_L =',lift(foil)

C_L = 5.77470170447e-15

Zero lift...

Oh, of course. We need an angle of attack to get lift. No problem:

In [8]:
alpha = numpy.pi/16         # set angle of attack
solve_gamma(foil,alpha)     # solve for gamma
plot_flow(foil,alpha)       # plot the flow
print 'C_L =',lift(foil)    # print the lift

C_L = -0.985739885194

Sigh. There are so many things wrong with this picture...

  • The flow is faster on the underside of the foil, causing the lift to be negative.
  • The rear stagnation point is on the upper side of the foil.
  • There is a singularity on the lower side of the trailing edge.

These are all physcially incorrect!

Indeterminate vortex strength

All of these are symptoms of the same issue. To figure out what the problem is, let's go back to the circle geometry.

Quiz 2

What can we do to the circle flow to generate lift force?

  1. Change the angle of attack
  2. Superimpose a vortex
  3. Increase the resolution

Note that the addition of a vortex of strength $\Gamma^+$ to the center of the circle has exactly the same effect on the external flow as changing $\gamma_i$ by an amount $\Delta\gamma=\frac {\Gamma^+}{2\pi R}$.

Try it out with the code below:

In [9]:
alpha = 0                               # angle of attack
dgamma = 0./(2*numpy.pi)                # vortex circulation
N = 16                                  # number of panels

circle = make_circle(N)                 # set-up geom
solve_gamma(circle,alpha)               # find gamma
for p in circle: p.gamma += dgamma      # increase gamma by dgamma
plot_flow(circle,alpha)                 # plot the flow
print 'C_L =',lift(circle)              # print the lift

C_L = -2.42306175124e-14

We see that we can add any amount $\Delta\gamma$, and generate any lift we want. This should be unsettling in at least two different ways:

  • The solution for $\gamma_i$ to obey the no-slip condition is not unique!
  • The vortex circulation (and lift) is completely independant of $\alpha$!

Let get the first issue out of the way first. Indeed, $\gamma_i$ is not unique. This is because the matrix $\mathbf A$ for the vortex panel system is singular.

Numerical fundamental: Singular matrix
The solutions to a singular matrix are not unique

We didn't notice this in the last notebook, because the discretization errors in construct_A_b nudge $\mathbf A$ out of singularity. This is kind of nice since it lets numpy.linalg.solve find a solution. But it is also the reason why the solution for the foil at an angle of attack above is completely bogus - the discretization error doesn't nudge you towards the correct solution in general.

The Kutta condition

Unlike the circle, there is a unique correct solution for the foil. This is because the foil has a sharp trailing edge.

Quiz 3

What does the flow need to look like on the trailing edge?

  1. The flow needs to wrap from the bottom to the top.
  2. The flow needs to wrap from the top to the bottom.
  3. The flow need to separate from the edge.

The fundamental problem with the solution for the foil above is that the flow is wrapping around the sharp trailing edge. This means that particles traveling on the body streamline instantly change direction - which is impossible for any object with mass.

Avoiding this impossibility is called the Kutta condition.

Hydrodynamics fundamental: Kutta Condition
Potential flow must separate from a sharp trailing edge

This uniquely determines the correct solution $\gamma_i$ and therefore $\Gamma$ and the $C_L$.

Additionally, this links the angle of attack $\alpha$ to the lift. As $\alpha$ is increased, the amount of circulation increases to enforce the Kutta condition.

To enfore the Kutta condition in the vortex panel method, we need to convert it into a statement about the strength $\gamma_i$.

Quiz 4

What condition on $\gamma_i$ will enforce the Kutta conditions?

  1. $\gamma=U_\infty$ near the trailing edge
  2. $\gamma=0$ near the trailing edge
  3. $\gamma$ is antisymmetric near the trailing edge, ie $\gamma(-s)=-\gamma(s)$

(Hint: Look at the sketch above. What does it tell you about $\gamma$ near the trailing edge?)

Adjusted linear system

Now we know the additional condition which makes the solution unique, but we still need to enforce it. This is done by adjusting the linear system.

The way we have assembled the geometries, the trailing edge is the first and last end point. This means the panels on either side of the edge are $i=0,N-1$. The Kutta condition is therefore

$$ \gamma_0 +\gamma_{N-1} = 0.$$

The easiest (and most numerically stable) way to include this condition is to add this equation to the no-slip equation at every panel, ie

$$ \sum_{j=0}^{N-1} a_{ij} \gamma_j +\gamma_0 +\gamma_{N-1} = b_i \quad i=0\ldots N-1$$

This gives a new linear system $\mathbf{A' \gamma = b}$, where $$ a_{ij}' = a_{ij}+1 \quad j=0,{N-1} $$ $$ a_{ij}' = a_{ij} \quad \mbox{else} $$

We can implement this in a new solveGammaKutta function, which is identical to solveGamma but with the change to the matrix given above.

In [10]:
# determine the vortex panel strength with Kutta Condition
def solve_gamma_kutta(panels,alpha=0):
    from VortexPanel import construct_A_b
    A,b = construct_A_b(panels,alpha)   # construct linear system
    A[:, 0] += 1                        # gamma[0]+ ...
    A[:,-1] += 1                        # gamma[N-1]=0
    gamma = numpy.linalg.solve(A, b)    # solve for gamma!
    for i,p_i in enumerate(panels):
        p_i.gamma = gamma[i]            # update panels

And that's it! Let's try it out:

In [11]:
N = 16
alpha = numpy.pi/32
foil = make_jukowski(N)             # make foil
solve_gamma_kutta(foil,alpha)       # solve for gamma
plot_flow(foil,alpha)               # plot the flow
print 'C_L =',lift(foil)            # print the lift

C_L = 0.416617167296

Compare to the figure above. This one has:

  • High speed flow on the top, leading to positive lift.
  • Clean separation from the trailing edge.
  • The circulation is unique for a given angle of attack.

Numerical validation

So, is the prediction any good?

Numerical fundamental: Validation
A method is validated by comparing the result to a known solution

The exact solution for the lift on a Jukowski foil is

$$C_L = 2\pi \left(1+\frac 4{3\sqrt 3} \frac tc \right)\sin\alpha$$

where $t/c \approx \Delta x+0.019$ is the thickness to coord ratio. ie

In [16]:
def jukowski_CL(alpha,t_c=0.2+0.019): return 2*numpy.pi*(1+4/3/numpy.sqrt(3)*t_c)*numpy.sin(alpha)
Quiz 5

How can we compare the panel method to the exact solution for different $\alpha$ and $N$?

  1. Change the parameters above one at a time and write down the values by hand, being sure to make as many simple mistakes as possible...
  2. Write a function to create and plot the results automatically.
Your turn

Plot the exact $C_L$ for $\alpha=0,\ldots,15^o$, and add lines for the panel method solution with $N=32,64,128$.

Make the plot high enough quality to include it in your report! (Hint: The bottom of the Blausius notebook has a nicely labeled line plot.)

In [13]:
# your code here

Ignore the line below - it just loads the style sheet.

In [14]:
from IPython.core.display import HTML
def css_styling():
    styles = open('../styles/custom.css', 'r').read()
    return HTML(styles)
