A curved vortex sheet with a variable strength can describe the flow around any immersed object. This is achieved by having the sheet act as an infinitely thin version of the boundary layer to enforce the no-slip boundary condition.
In other words we use the sheets to force the tangential velocity $u_s$ to zero at every point $s$ on the body surface $\cal S$
$$u_s = \vec u \cdot \hat s = 0 \quad s \in \cal S.$$From the previous notebook, we know the velocity at any point is determined by an integral over the whole vortex sheet. Therefore, the tangential velocity condition is
$$ u_s = \left[\vec U_\infty+\frac{\partial}{\partial \vec x}\oint_{\cal S} \frac{\gamma(s')}{2\pi}\theta(s,s')\ ds'\right] \cdot\hat s = 0 $$where $\vec U_\infty$ is the background velocity that has been added by superposition.
If we can use this equation to determine the strength distribution $\gamma(s)$ along the sheet then we will have solved for the potential flow around the body!
For general body surface shapes the velocity is a highly nonlinear function of $\gamma(s)$, rendering analytic solution unlikely. We could attempt some complex analytic expansions, but why would we want to do that?
We already know that the velocity depends linearly on $\gamma$ for a vortex panel. This makes it easy to solve for $\gamma$ as a function of $u_s$. And we can add any number of panels together using superposition.
Therefore, if we break up the continuous sheet into a series of vortex panels, we can approximate the tangential velocity condition above, and use it to solve for $\gamma$.
This is the essense of the vortex panel method.
First, lets write the velocity induced by a single panel in a way that makes the linearity explicit:
$$ \vec u(x,y)=\gamma\ \vec f(x,y \ |\ x_0,y_0,x_1,y_1)$$where $\vec f$ is a function that depends on the panel geometry.
In fact, we've already written all the code we need to evaluate this function in the last notebook...
Lets copy that old code here:
In [1]:
import numpy
# velocity component functions
def get_u( x, y, S, gamma ):
return gamma/(2*numpy.pi)*(numpy.arctan((x-S)/y)-numpy.arctan((x+S)/y))
def get_v( x, y, S, gamma ):
return gamma/(4*numpy.pi)*(numpy.log(((x+S)**2+y**2)/((x-S)**2+y**2)))
In [2]:
# vortex panel class
class Panel:
# save the inputs and pre-compute factors for the coordinate tranform
def __init__( self, x0, y0, x1, y1, gamma=0 ):
self.x,self.y,self.gamma = [x0,x1],[y0,y1],gamma
self.xc = 0.5*(x0+x1) # panel x-center
self.yc = 0.5*(y0+y1) # panel y-center
self.S = numpy.sqrt( # ...
(x1-self.xc)**2+(y1-self.yc)**2) # panel width
self.sx = (x1-self.xc)/self.S # unit vector in x
self.sy = (y1-self.yc)/self.S # unit vector in y
# get the velocity!
def velocity( self, x, y, gamma=None ):
if gamma is None: gamma = self.gamma # default gamma
xp,yp = self.transform_xy( x, y ) # transform
up = get_u( xp, yp, self.S, gamma ) # get u prime
vp = get_v( xp, yp, self.S, gamma ) # get v prime
return self.rotate_uv( up, vp ) # rotate back
# plot the panel
def plot(self):
return pyplot.plot(self.x,self.y,'k-',lw=2)
# transform from global to panel coordinates
def transform_xy( self, x, y ):
xt = x-self.xc # shift x
yt = y-self.yc # shift y
xp = xt*self.sx+yt*self.sy # rotate x
yp = yt*self.sx-xt*self.sy # rotate y
return [ xp, yp ]
# rotate velocity back to global coordinates
def rotate_uv( self, up, vp):
u = up*self.sx-vp*self.sy # reverse rotate u prime
v = vp*self.sx+up*self.sy # reverse rotate v prime
return [ u, v ]
We added an optional argument to Panel.velocity
to set gamma
. If we don't specify gamma
the function will use self.gamma
giving us the same output as in the previous note book.
The next step is to extend this to more than one panel and to add the background flow.
To help make this more concrete, lets consider a polynomial-shape body. I found this beautiful little equation to define regular polynomials.
In [3]:
def polynomial(theta,n):
a = theta % (2.*numpy.pi/n)-numpy.pi/n
r = numpy.cos(numpy.pi/n)/numpy.cos(a)
return [r*numpy.cos(theta),r*numpy.sin(theta)]
where $n$ is the number of sides in the polynomial, and theta
=$\theta$ is the polar angle around the origin.
In the case of a triangle it only takes three panels to define the shape:
In [4]:
N_panels = 3 # number of panels
triangle = numpy.empty(N_panels, dtype=object) # initialize an array of panels
# Define the end-points of the panels
theta_ends = numpy.linspace(0, -2*numpy.pi, N_panels+1)
x_ends,y_ends = polynomial( theta_ends, n=3.)
# Initialize each panel with the end points
for i in xrange(N_panels):
triangle[i] = Panel(x_ends[i], y_ends[i], x_ends[i+1], y_ends[i+1])
# Plot it
from matplotlib import pyplot
%matplotlib inline
for p in triangle: p.plot()
Looks good. Note the code
for p in triangle:
loops through all the panels in the array. Very handy and clean.
So, what is the velocity induced by these panels?
Using superposition, the total velocity at any point $x,y$ is simply
$$ \vec u(x,y) = \vec U_\infty+\sum_{j=0}^{N-1} \gamma_j \ \vec f_j(x,y) $$where we use the index $j$ to label each of the $N$ panels.
This can be coded as:
In [5]:
def flow_velocity(panels,x,y,alpha=0):
# get the uniform velocity ( make it the same size & shape as x )
u = numpy.cos(alpha)*numpy.ones_like(x)
v = numpy.sin(alpha)*numpy.ones_like(x)
# add the velocity contribution from each panel
for p in panels:
u0,v0 = p.velocity(x,y)
u = u+u0
v = v+v0
return [u,v]
where the alpha
argument defines the angle of attack. To visualize this, we copy the grid definition and plotting code from before to define a new function plotFlow
In [6]:
def plot_flow(panels,alpha=0,xmax=2,N_grid=100):
# define the grid
X = numpy.linspace(-xmax, xmax, N_grid) # computes a 1D-array for x
Y = numpy.linspace(-xmax, xmax, N_grid) # computes a 1D-array for y
x, y = numpy.meshgrid(X, Y) # generates a mesh grid
# get the velocity from the free stream and panels
u,v = flow_velocity(panels,x,y,alpha)
# plot it
pyplot.figure(figsize=(8,11)) # set size
pyplot.xlabel('x', fontsize=16) # label x
pyplot.ylabel('y', fontsize=16) # label y
m = numpy.sqrt(u**2+v**2) # compute velocity magnitude
velocity = pyplot.contourf(x, y, m) # plot magnitude contours
cbar = pyplot.colorbar(velocity, orientation='horizontal')
cbar.set_label('Velocity magnitude', fontsize=16);
pyplot.quiver(x[::4,::4], y[::4,::4],
u[::4,::4], v[::4,::4]) # plot vector field
# pyplot.streamplot(x, y, u, v) # plots streamlines - this is slow!
for p in panels: p.plot()
Are we done? Let's plot the flow and check...
In [7]:
The no-slip boundary condition is
$$ u_s = \hat s\cdot\left[\vec U_\infty + \sum_{j=0}^{N-1} \gamma_j \ \vec f_j(x,y)\right]=0 $$We note again that this system is linear in $\gamma$.
So the goal is to set $\gamma$ on each sheet such that this condition is enforced on the body.
But we only have one equation, the no-slip condition... right?
For a linear system of equations to be consistent, that is for it to have a solution, we need as many equations as unknowns.
Luckily the no-slip condition is a continuous equation - it applies to every point on the body. Therefore, we can evaluate the boundary equation multiple times - say at the center of each panel. Then we will have a consistent linear system.
There is one important point to consider before we do this.
The tangential velocity is discontinuous across the vortex panel (the jump from no-slip to the free stream) so we need to be careful to apply the no-slip condition on the body side of the panel. The way we've drawn it, this is the negative side ($y^-$) in the coordinates of each panel.
Using this relation, the tangential velocity at the center of each panel is
$$ \frac 12 \gamma_i + \hat s_i \cdot \left[ \vec U_\infty + \sum_{j=0, j\ne i}^N \gamma_j \ \vec f_j(x_i,y_i)\right] = 0 \quad i=0\ldots N-1$$where $\hat s_i$ is the tangent vector of panel $i$, and $x_i,y_i$ is the center of that panel.
Notice that the equation for the velocity on panel $i$ depends on the strength of every other panel. Will we need to write a special function to solve for $\gamma$?
Every worthwhile numerical language has a set of linear algebra solution routines - in numpy it is the linalg
package. All we need to do is reform this system to look like
and use the function numpy.linalg.solve
. From the equation above, we see
where $a_{ij}$ are the coefficient of the matrix $\mathbf A$ which represent the influence of panel $j$ on panel $i$, and $b_i$ are the coefficients of the vector $\mathbf b$ which represent the forcing of the external flow on panel $i$.
In [8]:
# define the influence of panel_j on panel_i
def influence(panel_i,panel_j):
u,v = panel_j.velocity(panel_i.xc,panel_i.yc,gamma=1)
return u*panel_i.sx+v*panel_i.sy
which uses the optional gamma=1
argument to evaluate $\vec f_j$.
Next, we write a function to fill the matrix $\mathbf A$ using the enumerate
function, and the RHS vector $\mathbf b$ using a list comprehension (which is terribly named, but very handy).
In [9]:
# construct the linear system
def construct_A_b(panels,alpha=0):
# construct matrix
N_panels = len(panels)
A = numpy.empty((N_panels, N_panels), dtype=float) # empty matrix
numpy.fill_diagonal(A, 0.5) # fill diagonal with 1/2
for i, p_i in enumerate(panels):
for j, p_j in enumerate(panels):
if i != j: # off-diagonals
A[i,j] = influence(p_i,p_j) # find influence
# computes the RHS
b = [-numpy.cos(alpha)*p.sx-numpy.sin(alpha)*p.sy for p in panels]
return [A,b]
Finally, we can write a function to solve for $\gamma_i$
In [10]:
# determine the vortex strength on a set of panels
def solve_gamma(panels,alpha=0):
A,b = construct_A_b(panels,alpha) # construct linear system
gamma = numpy.linalg.solve(A, b) # solve for gamma!
for i,p_i in enumerate(panels):
p_i.gamma = gamma[i] # update panels
Lets test it out!
In [11]:
solve_gamma(triangle) # solve for gamma
plot_flow(triangle) # compute flow field and plot
Much better, but...
In [16]:
# defining the end-points of the panels
N_panels = 20
x_ends = numpy.cos(numpy.linspace(0, -2*numpy.pi, N_panels+1))
y_ends = numpy.sin(numpy.linspace(0, -2*numpy.pi, N_panels+1))
# defining the panels
circle = numpy.empty(N_panels, dtype=object)
for i in xrange(N_panels):
circle[i] = Panel(x_ends[i], y_ends[i], x_ends[i+1], y_ends[i+1])
solve_gamma(circle) # solve for gamma
plot_flow(circle) # compute flow field and plot
Looks about right!
In [27]:
# your code here
Ignore the line below - it just loads the style sheet.
In [14]:
from IPython.core.display import HTML
def css_styling():
styles = open('../styles/custom.css', 'r').read()
return HTML(styles)