In the kaggle flavours of physics competition the admins wanted to test if the predictions that are originally made for $\tau$ decay are the same for simulated decay events and real decay events. This test was performed on decay of D particles for which both examples exists.

The plan is to generate a historgam of the prediction for the real and simulated events and see if they match using KS score.

The only problem is that the real decay events are mixed with background events. A method called sPlot is used to give a different weight to each real event that measures how much the event is likely to be a decay based on the mass measurement of the particle in the event. This method only works if the predictions are not correlated with the mass and for that a separate test is performed.

This notebook attempts to reproduce how the weights were computed.

For more info visit the forum.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pylab as plt
import pandas as pd
import evaluation

In [2]:
folder = '../inputs/'

In [3]:
agreement = pd.read_csv(folder + 'check_agreement.csv', index_col='id')

The agreement is made from monte carlo of D decay and real data which is made from both signal and background of D decay

In [4]:
agreement_mc = agreement[agreement.signal == 1]
agreement_real = agreement[agreement.signal == 0]

We want to take our control $x$, which is in our case the predicition probability for $\tau \rightarrow \mu \mu \mu$ decay, and accumulate it in to two histogram one for real D decay and one for simulated D decay.

For the agreement_mc we know that all events are signal and we should use the same weight for all of them when building the histogram. Therefore they all have the same weight.

In [5]:
assert np.all(agreement_mc.weight == 1);

But we dont know exactly which real events are D decay and which are background. Instead we will use a different weight for each event. High value indicates a D decay and low value a background.

In [6]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1146ecfd0>

The weights are computed by using the mass of the particle as the discriminating variable to tell if an event is a D decay or background and the weights are computed using sPlot:

for $N$ real events, with mass $y_e$ ($e=1 \ldots N$), assume you know the mass distribution for background $f_1$ and D decay $f_2$.

Use maximium liklihood to find the yield or the expected number of background $N_1$ and D decay $N_2$ events.

$\mathcal{L} = \sum_{e=1}^N \log\{{\sum_{i=1}^{N_s} N_i f_i(y_e)}\} - \sum_{i=1}^{N_s} N_i$

(there are only two species, $N_s = 2$, in our case.)

The naive weight would have been:

$\mathcal{P}_n(y_e) = \frac{N_n f_n(y_e)}{\sum_{k=1}^{N_s} N_k f_k(y_e)}$

(in our case we are interested in building a histogram for the D decay events, so $n = 2$.)

But the correct weight uses the expected covariance matrix $\textbf{V}$

$\textbf{V}_{nj}^{-1} = \sum_{e=1}^N \frac{f_n(y_e) f_j(y_e)}{(\sum_{k=1}^{N_s} {N_k f_k(y_e)})^2}$

and the correct weights (called sWeight) are computed as follows

$_{s}\mathcal{P}_n(y_e) = \frac{\sum_{j=1}^{N_s} \textbf{V}_{nj} f_j(y_e)}{\sum_{k=1}^{N_s} N_k f_k(y_e)}$


As an example showing how the weights were computed lets use a set of imaginary values that looks more or less close to what the admin used to compute their weights

Lets skip the maximium liklihood step and assume we know how many decay (N2) and background (N1) events are in the real data

In [7]:
N = len(agreement_real)
N1f = 0.85
N1 = int(N1f*N)
N2 = N - N1

(322942, 274500, 48442)

We need to know in advance the mass distribution of decay (f2) and background (f1) events.

The decay has a normal mass distribution with a mean and std:

In [8]:
D_mean = 3852*0.511
D_std = 8.233

The background is uniformaly distributed over 4 sigma to two sides of mean with a dip over 2.43 sigma. The dip falls by 22%

In [9]:
R = 4
xmin = D_mean - R* D_std
xmax = D_mean + R*D_std
Range = xmax-xmin
BW = 2.43 * D_std
pdip = 0.22

simulate decay events

In [10]:
Dsignal = np.random.normal(D_mean,D_std,N2)

simulate background events

In [11]:
Dbackground_above = (Range/2. - BW)  * np.random.random(N1) + BW + D_mean
Dbackground_below = D_mean - (Range/2. - BW)  * np.random.random(N1) - BW
Dbackground_out = np.choose(np.random.random(N1) < 0.5,[Dbackground_below, Dbackground_above])
# Dbackground_in = BW * (2. * (np.random.random(N1)-0.5)) + D_mean
# Dbackground = np.choose(np.random.random(N1) < pdip,[Dbackground_out, Dbackground_in])
Dbackground_norm = np.random.normal(0.,D_std,N1)
Dbackground_norm = np.choose(Dbackground_norm < 0.,
                             [Dbackground_norm + D_mean - BW,
                              D_mean + BW + Dbackground_norm])
Dbackground_flat = 2.*BW * np.random.random(N1) - BW + D_mean
Dbackground_in = np.choose(np.random.random(N1) < pdip,[Dbackground_flat, Dbackground_norm])

# at +/- BW the pdf from the left is S=1./(Range - 2.*BW)
# from the right it is U = (1-pdif)/(2.*BW) + pdif*stats.norm(0, D_std).pdf(0)
# We want S*Q = U*(1-Q)

U = (1-pdip)/(2.*BW) + pdip / (np.sqrt(2.*np.pi)*D_std)
S = 1./(Range - 2.*BW)
Q = U / (S + U)

Dbackground = np.choose(np.random.random(N1) > Q ,[Dbackground_out, Dbackground_in])

In [12]:
def f_f1(y):
    n = len(y)
    r = (1.-pdip)/(2.*BW)
    r += pdip * np.choose(y < D_mean + BW, [0.,stats.norm(D_mean+BW, D_std).pdf(y)])
    r += pdip * np.choose(y > D_mean - BW, [0.,stats.norm(D_mean-BW, D_std).pdf(y)])
    r = np.choose(np.abs(y - D_mean) > BW, [(1-Q)*r, Q/(Range - 2.*BW)])
    return r

In [13]:
from scipy import stats
B = 200
support = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, B)
plt.hist(Dsignal, bins=B, label='f2')
plt.hist(Dbackground, bins=B, label='f1',alpha=0.5)
plt.plot(support,Range/B * N1*f_f1(support))
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
plt.gca().set_xlim((xmin, xmax));

compute weights of the simulated decay and background events

In [14]:
Vinv = 0
y = np.concatenate((Dbackground, Dsignal))
f1 = f_f1(y)
f2 = stats.norm(D_mean, D_std).pdf(y)

In [15]:
Z = N1 * f1 + N2 * f2

((322942,), (322942,), (322942,))

In [16]:
Vinv = np.array([[f1/Z * f1/Z, f1/Z * f2/Z],[f1/Z * f2/Z, f2/Z*f2/Z]]).sum(axis=-1)

In [17]:
V = np.linalg.inv(Vinv)

array([[ 447277.39773022, -172968.11093382],
       [-172968.11093382,  221600.99413516]])

In [18]:
sW =, np.array([f1, f2])) / Z

(2, 322942)

generate a histogram of the decay weights from the simulated decay and background events and compare it with the histogram the weights given by the admin

In [19]:
agreement_real.weight.hist(bins=50, label='real')
plt.hist(sW[1,:], label='example',bins=50,alpha=0.5)
plt.legend(loc='upper right')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x116dbb7d0>

compute the sPlot weights from f1 and f2 for signal and background over a range of linear spacing (support) of masses

In [20]:
N_support = len(support)
f1_support = f_f1(support)
f2_support = stats.norm(D_mean, D_std).pdf(support)

In [21]:
Z_support = N1 * f1_support + N2 * f2_support


In [22]:
sW_support =, np.array([f1_support, f2_support])) / Z_support

(2, 200)

In [23]:
plt.plot(support,sW_support[0,:], label='background')
plt.plot(support,sW_support[1,:], label='signal')
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
plt.title('sPlot weights')
plt.gca().set_xlim((xmin, xmax))

(1935.44, 2001.304)