EHH decay artwork


In [1]:
%run setup.ipynb
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = {'retina', 'png'}
rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 120
rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'w'

In [2]:
# grab the npy array made in ag1000g paper 1 vgsc notebook
p1clus = np.load('../data/hierarchical_cluster_membership.npy')

In [3]:
# make this into a dictionary
p1list = [a.decode("utf-8") for a in p1clus]
p1list = np.asarray(p1list)
np.unique(p1list)[1:], len(p1list)

(array(['F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S5'],
       dtype='<U2'), 1530)

In [4]:
nlist = list(np.unique(p1list)[1:])

['F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S5']

In [5]:
clust_dict = {n: set(np.nonzero(p1list == n)[0]) for n in nlist}

In [6]:
tbl_variants_selected = etl.frompickle('../data/tbl_variants_missense_selected.pkl')

0|CHROM 1|POS 2|num_alleles 3|REF 4|ALT 5|AC 6|ALTIX 7|FILTER_PASS 8|NoCoverage 9|LowCoverage 10|HighCoverage 11|LowMQ 12|HighMQ0 13|RepeatDUST 14|RepeatMasker 15|RepeatTRF 16|FS 17|HRun 18|QD 19|ReadPosRankSum 20|SNPEFF_Allele 21|SNPEFF_Annotation 22|SNPEFF_HGVS_c 23|SNPEFF_HGVS_p 24|SNPEFF_Feature_ID 25|SNPEFF_CDS_pos 26|AF_AOM 27|AF_BFM 28|AF_GWA 29|AF_GNS 30|AF_BFS 31|AF_CMS 32|AF_GAS 33|AF_UGS 34|AF_KES 35|check_allele 36|exon_start 37|exon_end 38|exon 39|AGAP004707-RA 40|AGAP004707-RB 41|AGAP004707-RC 42|Davies-C1N2 43|Davies-C3N2 44|Davies-C5N2 45|Davies-C7N2 46|Davies-C8N2 47|Davies-C10N2 48|Davies-C11N2 49|Davies-C1N9 50|Davies-C8N9 51|Davies-C1N9ck
2L 2390177 2 G A 198 0 True 0 3 8 0 0 False False False 0.12695 1 18.625 0.83496 A missense_variant n.761G>A p.Arg254Lys AGAP004707-RA 761 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.316363636364 0.214285714286 0.0 0.0 True 2390129 2390341 7 R254K R254K R254K R260K R217K R260K R260K R271K R260K R260K R260K R271K R260K
2L 2391228 3 G C 10 0 True 0 0 12 0 0 False False False 2.0352 0 14.867 -1.1777 C missense_variant n.1204G>C p.Val402Leu AGAP004707-RA 1204 0.0 0.0724637681159 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 True 2391156 2391320 10 V402L V402L V402L V408L V365L V408L V419L V408L V408L V408L V419L V408L
2L 2391228 3 G T 9 1 True 0 0 12 0 0 False False False 2.0352 0 14.867 -1.1777 None None None None None None 0.0 0.0652173913043 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 True 2391156 2391320 10 V402L V402L V402L V408L V365L V408L V419L V408L V408L V408L V419L V408L
2L 2399997 2 G C 38 0 True 0 1 7 0 0 False False False 13.359 0 15.688 0.11798 C missense_variant n.1396G>C p.Asp466His AGAP004707-RA 1396 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0690909090909 0.0 0.0 0.0 True 2399898 2400173 11i+ D466H D466H D466H D472H D429H D417H D472H D483H D472H D472H D472H D483H D472H
2L 2400071 3 G A 16 0 True 0 0 8 0 0 False False False 5.6875 0 16.969 1.3232 A missense_variant n.1470G>A p.Met490Ile AGAP004707-RA 1470 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.181818181818 True 2399898 2400173 11i+ M490I M490I M490I M496I M453I M441I M496I M507I M496I M496I M496I M507I M496I


In [7]:
aa2pos = tbl_variants_selected.lookupone('AGAP004707-RA', 'POS')

In [8]:


In [9]:


In [10]:


In [11]:


In [12]:


In [13]:


In [14]:
callset_haps = np.load('../data/haps_phase1.npz')
haps = allel.HaplotypeArray(callset_haps['haplotypes'])
pos = allel.SortedIndex(callset_haps['POS'])
ann = callset_haps['ANN']

In [15]:

<SortedIndex shape=(341998,) dtype=int32>

In [16]:
def setup_ehh_data():
    global haps_ehh
    global pos_ehh

#     # load haplotypes
#     callset_haps = np.load('../data/haps_phase1.npz')
#     haps = allel.HaplotypeArray(callset_haps['haplotypes'])
#     pos = allel.SortedIndex(callset_haps['POS'])
#     ann = callset_haps['ANN']

    # perform allele count - needed to locate singletons  
    ac = haps.count_alleles(max_allele=3)

    # define types of variants to include in EHH analysis - should be mostly neutral
    loc_type_neutral = ((ann['Annotation'] == b'intergenic_region') | 
                        (ann['Annotation'] == b'intron_variant') |
                        (ann['Annotation'] == b'downstream_gene_variant') |
                        (ann['Annotation'] == b'upstream_gene_variant') |
                        (ann['Annotation'] == b'synonymous_variant') |
                        (ann['Annotation'] == b'3_prime_UTR_variant') |
                        (ann['Annotation'] == b'5_prime_UTR_variant') 
    print('neutral', np.count_nonzero(loc_type_neutral), loc_type_neutral.shape)

    # locate singletons - will exclude from EHH analysis
    # NB the EHH analysis doesn't need the multiallelics 
    loc_sgl_bi = (ac[:, :2].min(axis=1) == 1) & (ac.is_biallelic_01())
    loc_nosgl_bi = (ac[:, :2].min(axis=1) > 1) & (ac.is_biallelic_01())
    print('sgl/nosgl', np.count_nonzero(loc_sgl_bi), np.count_nonzero(loc_nosgl_bi), loc_nosgl_bi.shape)

    # these are the variants to use for EHH 
    loc_ehh = loc_type_neutral & loc_nosgl_bi
    # add back in driver mutations
    for aa in 'L995S', 'L995F', 'I1527T':
        loc_ehh[pos.locate_key(aa2pos[aa])] = True
    print('ehh', np.count_nonzero(loc_ehh), loc_ehh.shape)

    haps_ehh = haps[loc_ehh]
    pos_ehh = pos[loc_ehh]

neutral 326952 (341998,)
sgl/nosgl 107220 234555 (341998,)
ehh 225793 (341998,)

In [17]:

<SortedIndex shape=(225793,) dtype=int32>

In [18]:
# read in haplotype metadata to get population
df_haplotypes = phase1_ar31.df_haplotypes
df_haplotypes = df_haplotypes[df_haplotypes.population != 'colony']

label ox_code population label_aug country region sex m_s kt_2la kt_2rb
0 AB0085-Ca AB0085-C BFS AB0085-Ca [Burkina Faso, Pala, S, F] Burkina Faso Pala F S 2.0 2.0
1 AB0085-Cb AB0085-C BFS AB0085-Cb [Burkina Faso, Pala, S, F] Burkina Faso Pala F S 2.0 2.0
2 AB0087-Ca AB0087-C BFM AB0087-Ca [Burkina Faso, Bana, M, F] Burkina Faso Bana F M 2.0 1.0
3 AB0087-Cb AB0087-C BFM AB0087-Cb [Burkina Faso, Bana, M, F] Burkina Faso Bana F M 2.0 1.0
4 AB0088-Ca AB0088-C BFM AB0088-Ca [Burkina Faso, Bana, M, F] Burkina Faso Bana F M 2.0 0.0

In [19]:
cluster_labels = sorted(clust_dict)

['F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S5']

Identify core haplotypes

In [20]:
haps_L995F = set(np.nonzero(haps[pos.locate_key(aa2pos['L995F']), :] == 1)[0])


In [21]:
haps_L995S = set(np.nonzero(haps[pos.locate_key(aa2pos['L995S']), :] == 1)[0])


In [22]:
haps_I1527T = set(np.nonzero(haps[pos.locate_key(aa2pos['I1527T']), :] == 1)[0])


In [23]:
haps_M490I_1 = set(np.nonzero(haps[pos.locate_key(aa2pos['M490I']), :] == 1)[0])


In [24]:
haps_M490I_2 = set(np.nonzero(haps[pos.locate_key(aa2pos['M490I']), :] == 2)[0])


In [25]:
target_sets = clust_dict.copy()
wt = set(range(haps_ehh.shape[1]))
for s in clust_dict.values():
    wt = wt - s
target_sets['L1'] = haps_I1527T
target_sets['L2'] = haps_M490I_1
wt = wt - target_sets['L1']
wt = wt - target_sets['L2']
target_sets['wt'] = wt

In [26]:
target_labels = (
    sorted([l for l in target_sets if l.startswith('F')]) + 
    sorted([l for l in target_sets if l.startswith('S')]) + 
    sorted([l for l in target_sets if l.startswith('L')]) +
for l in target_labels:
    print(l, len(target_sets[l]))

F1 453
F2 14
F3 38
F4 42
F5 196
S1 108
S2 79
S3 165
S4 37
S5 36
L1 19
L2 16
wt 327

In [27]:
def plot_delta_af(core, flank, set1, set2, figsize=(10, 2)):
    # subset to region
    loc_region = pos_ehh.locate_range(core - flank, core + flank)
    pos_region = pos_ehh[loc_region]
    n_snps = pos_region.shape[0]
    haps_region = haps_ehh[loc_region]
    # compute delta allele frequency
    subpops = {set1: sorted(target_sets[set1]), set2: sorted(target_sets[set2])}
    acs = haps_region.count_alleles_subpops(subpops)
    aaf1 = acs[set1].to_frequencies()[:, 1]
    aaf2 = acs[set2].to_frequencies()[:, 1]
    delta_af = np.fabs(aaf1 - aaf2)
    loc_nz = delta_af > 0.1
    pos_region = pos_region[loc_nz]
    delta_af = delta_af[loc_nz]
    # plot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
    sns.despine(ax=ax, offset=5)
#     x = np.concatenate([-np.arange(0, idx_core)[::-1], 
#                         np.arange(idx_core, n_snps) - idx_core])
#     y = delta_af

    ax.plot(pos_region, delta_af, marker='o', mec='k', mfc='none', linestyle=' ')
    loc_diff = delta_af > .9
    pos_diff = pos_region[loc_diff]
    ax.set_xticklabels(pos_diff - core, rotation=90)
    ax.axvline(core, linestyle='--', lw=1)
    ax.set_title('%s vs %s' % (set1, set2))
    ax.set_xlim(core - flank, core + flank)
    ax.set_ylabel('Delta allele frequency')
    ax.set_xlabel('Position relative to core (bp)')
    ax.set_ylim(-0.03, 1.03)

In [28]:
def analyse_995F_core_region():
    core = aa2pos['L995F']
    flank = 5000
    for set1, set2 in itertools.combinations(cluster_labels[:5], 2):
        plot_delta_af(core, flank, set1, set2)

In [29]:
def analyse_995S_core_region():
    core = aa2pos['L995S']
    flank = 5000
    for set1, set2 in itertools.combinations(cluster_labels[5:], 2):
        plot_delta_af(core, flank, set1, set2)

In [30]:
def analyse_L2_core_region():
    core = aa2pos['L995S']
    flank = 3000
    plot_delta_af(core, flank, 'L2', 'wt')

In [31]:
def extract_core_haplotypes(start, stop):

    loc_region = pos_ehh.locate_range(start, stop)
    haps_region = haps_ehh[loc_region]
    ret = dict()

    distinct_sets = haps_region.distinct()
    wt_ix = 1
    fx_ix = 1
    sx_ix = 1
    lx_ix = 1
    for s in distinct_sets:
        isecs = [len(s.intersection(target_sets[l])) for l in target_labels]
        n_995F = len(s.intersection(haps_L995F))
        n_995S = len(s.intersection(haps_L995S))
        n_1527T = len(s.intersection(haps_I1527T))
        n_490I_1 = len(s.intersection(haps_M490I_1))
        label = target_labels[np.argmax(isecs)]
        if label == 'wt' or label in ret:
            if n_995F:
                label = 'FX%02d' % fx_ix
                fx_ix += 1
            elif n_995S:
                label = 'SX%02d' % sx_ix
                sx_ix += 1
            elif n_1527T or n_490I_1:
                label = 'LX%02d' % lx_ix
                lx_ix += 1
                label = 'WT%02d' % wt_ix
                wt_ix += 1
        ret[label] = s
        clust_isecs = ['%s:%s/%s (%.1f%%);' % (l, len(s.intersection(o)), len(o), len(s.intersection(o)) * 100 / len(o)) 
                       for l, o in sorted(target_sets.items()) if s.intersection(o)]
        mut_isecs = ['L995F:{}/{};'.format(n_995F, len(haps_L995F)), 
                     'L995S:{}/{};'.format(n_995S, len(haps_L995S)), 
                     'I1527T:{}/{};'.format(n_1527T, len(haps_I1527T)), 
                     'M490I.1:{}/{};'.format(n_490I_1, len(haps_M490I_1))]
        print('\t'.join([label, str(len(s))] + clust_isecs + mut_isecs))
    return ret

In [32]:
start = aa2pos['L995S'] - 2208
stop = aa2pos['L995S'] + 3870
core_haps = extract_core_haplotypes(start, stop)

F1	468	F1:452/453 (99.8%);	wt:16/327 (4.9%);	L995F:468/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
F5	188	F5:187/196 (95.4%);	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:188/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
S3	153	S3:153/165 (92.7%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:153/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
S1	108	S1:108/108 (100.0%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:108/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
S2	79	S2:79/79 (100.0%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:79/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
F3	51	F3:38/38 (100.0%);	wt:13/327 (4.0%);	L995F:51/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT01	48	wt:48/327 (14.7%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT02	38	wt:38/327 (11.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT03	37	wt:37/327 (11.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
S4	37	S4:37/37 (100.0%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:37/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
F4	36	F4:36/42 (85.7%);	L995F:36/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
S5	36	S5:36/36 (100.0%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:36/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT04	22	wt:22/327 (6.7%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
L1	20	L1:18/19 (94.7%);	wt:2/327 (0.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:18/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT05	20	F4:6/42 (14.3%);	wt:14/327 (4.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
L2	16	L2:16/16 (100.0%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:16/16;
F2	14	F2:14/14 (100.0%);	L995F:14/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
SX01	12	S3:12/165 (7.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:12/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT06	10	wt:10/327 (3.1%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT07	8	wt:8/327 (2.4%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT08	8	wt:8/327 (2.4%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT09	7	F1:1/453 (0.2%);	wt:6/327 (1.8%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT10	6	wt:6/327 (1.8%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT11	6	F5:4/196 (2.0%);	wt:2/327 (0.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT12	4	wt:4/327 (1.2%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT13	4	wt:4/327 (1.2%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT14	4	wt:4/327 (1.2%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT15	3	wt:3/327 (0.9%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT16	3	wt:3/327 (0.9%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT17	3	wt:3/327 (0.9%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT18	2	wt:2/327 (0.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT19	2	wt:2/327 (0.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT20	2	wt:2/327 (0.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT21	2	wt:2/327 (0.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT22	2	wt:2/327 (0.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT23	2	wt:2/327 (0.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT24	2	wt:2/327 (0.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT25	2	wt:2/327 (0.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT26	2	wt:2/327 (0.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT27	2	wt:2/327 (0.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
SX02	2	F5:2/196 (1.0%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:2/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT28	2	wt:2/327 (0.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
FX01	2	F5:2/196 (1.0%);	L995F:2/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT29	2	wt:2/327 (0.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT30	2	wt:2/327 (0.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT31	2	wt:2/327 (0.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT32	2	wt:2/327 (0.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
SX03	2	wt:2/327 (0.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:2/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT33	2	wt:2/327 (0.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT34	2	wt:2/327 (0.6%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
FX02	1	L1:1/19 (5.3%);	L995F:1/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:1/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT35	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT36	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT37	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT38	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT39	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT40	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT41	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT42	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT43	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
FX03	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:1/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
FX04	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:1/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT44	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
FX05	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:1/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT45	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT46	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
FX06	1	F5:1/196 (0.5%);	L995F:1/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
FX07	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:1/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT47	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
FX08	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:1/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT48	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT49	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
FX09	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:1/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
FX10	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:1/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT50	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT51	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
FX11	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:1/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT52	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
FX12	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:1/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT53	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
FX13	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:1/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT54	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
FX14	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:1/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT55	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
FX15	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:1/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT56	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
FX16	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:1/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT57	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
FX17	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:1/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
WT58	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:0/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;
SX04	1	wt:1/327 (0.3%);	L995F:0/775;	L995S:1/430;	I1527T:0/19;	M490I.1:0/16;

In [33]:
# This is enough to get all core haplotypes, but includes a couple of wt GW in L2 which bring down EHH
# start = aa2pos['L995S'] - 402
# stop = aa2pos['L995S'] + 3870
# core_haps = extract_core_haplotypes(start, stop)

In [34]:
with open('../data/core_haps.pkl', mode='wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(core_haps, f)

EHH decay plots

In [35]:
cluster_palette = sns.color_palette('nipy_spectral', n_colors=len(target_labels) - 1, desat=0.8)
cluster_colors = dict(zip(target_labels, cluster_palette))  # don't include wt

In [36]:

In [37]:
def plot_ehh_decay(core, core_haps, flank=1000000, ax=None, cluster_colors=cluster_colors, min_cnt=14):
    loc_right = pos_ehh.locate_range(core, core + flank)
    haps_right = haps_ehh[loc_right]
    pos_right = pos_ehh[loc_right]

    loc_left = pos_ehh.locate_range(core - flank, core)
    haps_left = haps_ehh[loc_left]
    pos_left = pos_ehh[loc_left]
    fig = None
    if ax is None:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 2.4))
        sns.despine(ax=ax, offset=5)

    labels = set()
    for l, s in core_haps.items():
        if len(s) < min_cnt:
        if l in cluster_colors:
            color = cluster_colors[l]
            lw = 2
            color = 'k'
            lw = .5
        haps_right_core = haps_right.take(sorted(s), axis=1)
        haps_left_core = haps_left.take(sorted(s), axis=1)
        ehh_decay_right = allel.ehh_decay(haps_right_core)
        ehh_decay_left = allel.ehh_decay(haps_left_core[::-1])

        ax.plot(pos_right, ehh_decay_right, color=color, lw=lw)
        ax.plot(pos_left, ehh_decay_left[::-1], color=color, lw=lw)
    ax.set_xlim(core - flank, core + flank)
    ax.set_xlabel('Chromosome 2L position (Mbp)')
    ax.set_xticklabels(['%.1f' % (t/1e6) for t in ax.get_xticks()])
    ax.set_ylim(0, 1.02)
#     ax.grid(axis='y')
    handles = []
    for l in sorted(labels):
        if l in cluster_colors:
            color = cluster_colors[l]
            lw = 2
            label = l
            handles.append(plt.Line2D([0, 0], [0, 0], color=color, lw=lw, label=l))
    color = 'k'
    lw = .5
    handles.append(plt.Line2D([0, 0], [0, 0], color=color, lw=lw, label='$wt$'))
    legend = ax.legend(handles=handles, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper right', labelspacing=.3,
                       frameon=False, framealpha=1, title='Core haplotype')
    plt.setp(legend.get_title(), fontsize=base_font_size)

    if fig:

In [38]:
plot_ehh_decay(aa2pos['L995S'], {l: s for l, s in core_haps.items() if l.startswith('S') or l.startswith('WT')})

In [39]:
plot_ehh_decay(aa2pos['L995S'], {l: s for l, s in core_haps.items() if l.startswith('F') or l.startswith('WT')})

In [40]:
plot_ehh_decay(aa2pos['L995S'], {l: s for l, s in core_haps.items() if l.startswith('L') or l.startswith('WT')})

In [41]:
def fig_kdr_ehh_decay(figsize=(7, 5.5), fn=None, save_dpi=150):
    core = aa2pos['L995S']
    flank = 1000000

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
    gs = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(4, 1, height_ratios=[4, 4, 4, 1])

    ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0])
    sns.despine(ax=ax, bottom=True, offset=5)
    plot_ehh_decay(core, {l: s for l, s in core_haps.items() if l.startswith('F') or l.startswith('WT')}, 
                   ax=ax, flank=flank)

    ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1])
    sns.despine(ax=ax, bottom=True, offset=5)
    plot_ehh_decay(core, {l: s for l, s in core_haps.items() if l.startswith('S') or l.startswith('WT')}, 
                   ax=ax, flank=flank)

    ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[2])
    sns.despine(ax=ax, bottom=True, offset=5)
    plot_ehh_decay(core, {l: s for l, s in core_haps.items() if l.startswith('L') or l.startswith('WT')}, ax=ax, flank=flank)

    ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[3])
    sns.despine(ax=ax, offset=5)
    plot_genes(phase1_ar3.genome_fn, phase1_ar3.geneset_agamp42_fn, ax=ax,
               chrom='2L', start=core-flank, stop=core+flank, labels=gene_labels, label=True, label_unnamed=False)    
    ax.set_xlabel('Chromosome 2L position (Mbp)')
    ax.set_xticklabels(['%.1f' % (t/1e6) for t in ax.get_xticks()])
    if fn:
        fig.savefig(fn, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=save_dpi, jpeg_quality=100)

In [42]:
def build_f_breakdown():
    global f_breakdown
    f_breakdown = dict()
    f1_all = core_haps['F1']
    f1_vanilla = set(f1_all)
    for mut in 'T791M', 'N1570Y', 'E1597G', 'K1603T', 'V1853I', 'I1868T', 'P1874S', 'P1874L', 'A1934V':
        k = 'F1+{}'.format(mut)
        s_mut = set(np.nonzero(haps[pos.locate_key(aa2pos[mut]), :] == 1)[0])
        s = f1_all.intersection(s_mut)
        print(k, len(s_mut), len(s))
        f_breakdown[k] = s
        f1_vanilla = f1_vanilla - s
    f_breakdown['F1'] = f1_vanilla
    print('F1', len(f1_vanilla))

# for k, s in f_breakdown:
#     print(k, len(s))

F1+T791M 32 32
F1+N1570Y 110 107
F1+E1597G 11 11
F1+K1603T 7 7
F1+V1853I 13 13
F1+I1868T 52 52
F1+P1874S 29 29
F1+P1874L 80 79
F1+A1934V 16 16
F1 122

In [43]:
f_breakdown_labels = sorted(f_breakdown)

In [44]:
f_breakdown_palette = sns.color_palette('nipy_spectral', n_colors=len(f_breakdown), desat=0.8)
f_breakdown_colors = dict(zip(f_breakdown_labels, f_breakdown_palette))  # don't include wt

In [45]:
plot_ehh_decay(aa2pos['L995S'], f_breakdown, cluster_colors=f_breakdown_colors, min_cnt=1)

Compare core haplotypes

In [46]:
import hapclust

In [47]:
# set core SNP
core_pos = aa2pos['L995S']

In [48]:
# split the EHH dataset
dist_ehh_right, dist_ehh_left, haps_ehh_right, haps_ehh_left = hapclust.split_flanks(haps_ehh, pos_ehh, core_pos)

In [49]:
def pairwise_haplotype_sharing(haps, dist, jitter=False):
    haps = allel.HaplotypeArray(haps)
    n_haplotypes = haps.n_haplotypes

    # compute length (no. variants) of shared prefix between pairs
    pspl = allel.opt.stats.pairwise_shared_prefix_lengths(
        np.asarray(haps, dtype='i1')

    # compute length (physical distance) of shared prefix between neighbours
    pspd = hapclust._shared_distance(pspl, dist, jitter=jitter)

    return pspd

In [50]:
def compute_pspd(hap_ixs):
    # compute pairwise shared prefix distance
    pspd_left = pairwise_haplotype_sharing(haps_ehh_left.take(hap_ixs, axis=1), dist_ehh_left, jitter=True)
    pspd_right = pairwise_haplotype_sharing(haps_ehh_right.take(hap_ixs, axis=1), dist_ehh_right, jitter=True)
    return pspd_left, pspd_right

In [51]:
core_hap_labels = sorted([l for l, s in core_haps.items() if len(s) >= 14])
core_hap_labels = (
    [l for l in core_hap_labels if l.startswith('F')] + 
    [l for l in core_hap_labels if l.startswith('S')] + 
    [l for l in core_hap_labels if l.startswith('L')] + 
    [l for l in core_hap_labels if l.startswith('WT')]

In [52]:
pspds = [compute_pspd(tuple(sorted(core_haps[l]))) for l in core_hap_labels]

In [53]:
pspds_adjusted = [pl * 0.3 * 2e-6 + pr * 2e-6 for pl, pr in pspds]

In [54]:
def boxplot_pspds(x, xlabels, figsize=(7, 3), colors=None, fn=None, ylabel=None, save_dpi=150):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
    bx = ax.boxplot(x, notch=True, bootstrap=1000, whis=[5, 95], showfliers=False, 
                    medianprops=dict(linestyle='-', color='k'))
    ax.set_xlabel('Core haplotype')
    if ylabel:
    if colors:
        for patch, color in zip(bx['boxes'], colors):
    if fn:
        fig.savefig(fn, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=save_dpi, jpeg_quality=100)

In [55]:
boxplot_pspds(pspds_adjusted, xlabels=[l.replace('WT0', '$wt$') for l in core_hap_labels], 
              colors=[cluster_colors.get(k, 'w') for k in core_hap_labels],
              ylabel='Shared haplotype length (cM)');

In [56]:
import scikits.bootstrap as bootstrap

In [57]:
for x, l in zip(pspds_adjusted, core_hap_labels):
    ci =, statfunction=np.median, n_samples=10000, method='pi')
    print('{} median {:.3f} cM (95% CI [{:.3f} - {:.3f}])'.format(l, np.median(x), ci[0], ci[1]))

F1 median 0.522 cM (95% CI [0.520 - 0.524])
F2 median 0.764 cM (95% CI [0.608 - 0.777])
F3 median 0.844 cM (95% CI [0.801 - 0.899])
F4 median 0.687 cM (95% CI [0.661 - 0.709])
F5 median 0.675 cM (95% CI [0.669 - 0.676])
S1 median 1.091 cM (95% CI [1.080 - 1.091])
S2 median 0.699 cM (95% CI [0.696 - 0.705])
S3 median 0.694 cM (95% CI [0.693 - 0.706])
S4 median 0.591 cM (95% CI [0.557 - 0.663])
S5 median 0.584 cM (95% CI [0.513 - 0.622])
L1 median 0.369 cM (95% CI [0.292 - 0.482])
L2 median 0.463 cM (95% CI [0.437 - 0.579])
WT01 median 0.025 cM (95% CI [0.023 - 0.026])
WT02 median 0.027 cM (95% CI [0.027 - 0.028])
WT03 median 0.012 cM (95% CI [0.012 - 0.012])
WT04 median 0.107 cM (95% CI [0.034 - 0.107])
WT05 median 0.021 cM (95% CI [0.017 - 0.023])

In [58]:
for x, l in zip(pspds_adjusted, core_hap_labels):
    ci =, statfunction=np.median, n_samples=10000, method='bca')
    print('{} median {:.3f} cM (95% CI [{:.3f} - {:.3f}])'.format(l, np.median(x), ci[0], ci[1]))

F1 median 0.522 cM (95% CI [0.520 - 0.524])
F2 median 0.764 cM (95% CI [0.608 - 0.777])
F3 median 0.844 cM (95% CI [0.801 - 0.874])
F4 median 0.687 cM (95% CI [0.661 - 0.708])
F5 median 0.675 cM (95% CI [0.669 - 0.676])
S1 median 1.091 cM (95% CI [1.073 - 1.091])
S2 median 0.699 cM (95% CI [0.696 - 0.705])
S3 median 0.694 cM (95% CI [0.693 - 0.706])
S4 median 0.591 cM (95% CI [0.556 - 0.663])
S5 median 0.584 cM (95% CI [0.508 - 0.622])
L1 median 0.369 cM (95% CI [0.292 - 0.479])
L2 median 0.463 cM (95% CI [0.437 - 0.579])
WT01 median 0.025 cM (95% CI [0.023 - 0.026])
WT02 median 0.027 cM (95% CI [0.027 - 0.028])
WT03 median 0.012 cM (95% CI [0.012 - 0.012])
WT04 median 0.107 cM (95% CI [0.034 - 0.107])
WT05 median 0.021 cM (95% CI [0.017 - 0.023])

In [ ]: