
written by Aaron Sander, Data Scientist, Booz Allen Hamilton

In this tutorial, we will go step-by-step through a simple model to distinguish different types of plankton and demonstrate some tools for exploring the image dataset. We will start by going through an example of one image to show how you could choose to develop a metric based on the shape of the object within the image. First, we import the necessary modules from scikit-image, matplotlib, scikit-learn, and numpy. If you don't currently have python installed, you can get the Anaconda distribution that includes all of the referenced packages below.

In [1]:
#Import libraries for doing image analysis
from skimage.io import imread
from skimage.transform import resize
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier as RF
import glob
import os
from sklearn import cross_validation
from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold as KFold
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors
from pylab import cm
from skimage import segmentation
from skimage.morphology import watershed
from skimage import measure
from skimage import morphology
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import ndimage
from skimage.feature import peak_local_max
# make graphics inline
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
import warnings

Importing the Data

The training data is organized in a series of subdirectories that contain examples for the each class of interest. We will store the list of directory names to aid in labelling the data classes for training and testing purposes.

In [3]:
# get the classnames from the directory structure
directory_names = list(set(glob.glob(os.path.join("competition_data","train", "*"))\

Example Image

We will develop our feature on one image example and examine each step before calculating the feature across the distribution of classes.

In [6]:
# Example image
# This example was chosen for because it has two noncontinguous pieces
# that will make the segmentation example more illustrative
example_file = glob.glob(os.path.join(directory_names[5],"*.jpg"))[9]
print example_file
im = imread(example_file, as_grey=True)
plt.imshow(im, cmap=cm.gray)


Preparing the Images

To create the features of interest, we will need to prepare the images by completing a few preprocessing procedures. We will step through some common image preprocessing actions: thresholding the images, segmenting the images, and extracting region properties. Using the region properties, we will create features based on the intrinsic properties of the classes, which we expect will allow us discriminate between them. Let's walk through the process of adding one such feature for the ratio of the width by length of the object of interest.

First, we begin by thresholding the image on the the mean value. This will reduce some of the noise in the image. Then, we apply a three step segmentation process: first we dilate the image to connect neighboring pixels, then we calculate the labels for connected regions, and finally we apply the original threshold to the labels to label the original, undilated regions.

In [7]:
# First we threshold the image by only taking values greater than the mean to reduce noise in the image
# to use later as a mask
f = plt.figure(figsize=(12,3))
imthr = im.copy()
imthr = np.where(im > np.mean(im),0.,1.0)
sub1 = plt.subplot(1,4,1)
plt.imshow(im, cmap=cm.gray)
sub1.set_title("Original Image")

sub2 = plt.subplot(1,4,2)
plt.imshow(imthr, cmap=cm.gray_r)
sub2.set_title("Thresholded Image")

imdilated = morphology.dilation(imthr, np.ones((4,4)))
sub3 = plt.subplot(1, 4, 3)
plt.imshow(imdilated, cmap=cm.gray_r)
sub3.set_title("Dilated Image")

labels = measure.label(imdilated)
labels = imthr*labels
labels = labels.astype(int)
sub4 = plt.subplot(1, 4, 4)
sub4.set_title("Labeled Image")

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x1189f3510>

With the image segmented into different parts, we would like to choose the largest non-background part to compute our metric. We would like to select the largest segment as the likely object of interest for classification purposes. We loop through the available regions and select the one with the largest area. There are many properties available within the regions that you can explore for creating new features. Look at the documentation for regionprops for inspiration.

In [8]:
# calculate common region properties for each region within the segmentation
regions = measure.regionprops(labels)
# find the largest nonzero region
def getLargestRegion(props=regions, labelmap=labels, imagethres=imthr):
    regionmaxprop = None
    for regionprop in props:
        # check to see if the region is at least 50% nonzero
        if sum(imagethres[labelmap == regionprop.label])*1.0/regionprop.area < 0.50:
        if regionmaxprop is None:
            regionmaxprop = regionprop
        if regionmaxprop.filled_area < regionprop.filled_area:
            regionmaxprop = regionprop
    return regionmaxprop

The results for our test image are shown below. The segmentation picked one region and we use that region to calculate our ratio metric.

In [9]:
regionmax = getLargestRegion()
plt.imshow(np.where(labels == regionmax.label,1.0,0.0))

In [10]:
print regionmax.minor_axis_length/regionmax.major_axis_length


Now, we collect the previous steps together in a function to make it easily repeatable.

In [11]:
def getMinorMajorRatio(image):
    image = image.copy()
    # Create the thresholded image to eliminate some of the background
    imagethr = np.where(image > np.mean(image),0.,1.0)

    #Dilate the image
    imdilated = morphology.dilation(imagethr, np.ones((4,4)))

    # Create the label list
    label_list = measure.label(imdilated)
    label_list = imagethr*label_list
    label_list = label_list.astype(int)
    region_list = measure.regionprops(label_list)
    maxregion = getLargestRegion(region_list, label_list, imagethr)
    # guard against cases where the segmentation fails by providing zeros
    ratio = 0.0
    if ((not maxregion is None) and  (maxregion.major_axis_length != 0.0)):
        ratio = 0.0 if maxregion is None else  maxregion.minor_axis_length*1.0 / maxregion.major_axis_length
    return ratio

Preparing Training Data

With our code for the ratio of minor to major axis, let's add the raw pixel values to the list of features for our dataset. In order to use the pixel values in a model for our classifier, we need a fixed length feature vector, so we will rescale the images to be constant size and add the fixed number of pixels to the feature vector.

To create the feature vectors, we will loop through each of the directories in our training data set and then loop over each image within that class. For each image, we will rescale it to 25 x 25 pixels and then add the rescaled pixel values to a feature vector, X. The last feature we include will be our width-to-length ratio. We will also create the class label in the vector y, which will have the true class label for each row of the feature vector, X.

In [12]:
# Rescale the images and create the combined metrics and training labels

#get the total training images
numberofImages = 0
for folder in directory_names:
    for fileNameDir in os.walk(folder):   
        for fileName in fileNameDir[2]:
             # Only read in the images
            if fileName[-4:] != ".jpg":
            numberofImages += 1

# We'll rescale the images to be 25x25
maxPixel = 25
imageSize = maxPixel * maxPixel
num_rows = numberofImages # one row for each image in the training dataset
num_features = imageSize + 1 # for our ratio

# X is the feature vector with one row of features per image
# consisting of the pixel values and our metric
X = np.zeros((num_rows, num_features), dtype=float)
# y is the numeric class label 
y = np.zeros((num_rows))

files = []
# Generate training data
i = 0    
label = 0
# List of string of class names
namesClasses = list()

print "Reading images"
# Navigate through the list of directories
for folder in directory_names:
    # Append the string class name for each class
    currentClass = folder.split(os.pathsep)[-1]
    for fileNameDir in os.walk(folder):   
        for fileName in fileNameDir[2]:
            # Only read in the images
            if fileName[-4:] != ".jpg":
            # Read in the images and create the features
            nameFileImage = "{0}{1}{2}".format(fileNameDir[0], os.sep, fileName)            
            image = imread(nameFileImage, as_grey=True)
            axisratio = getMinorMajorRatio(image)
            image = resize(image, (maxPixel, maxPixel))
            # Store the rescaled image pixels and the axis ratio
            X[i, 0:imageSize] = np.reshape(image, (1, imageSize))
            X[i, imageSize] = axisratio
            # Store the classlabel
            y[i] = label
            i += 1
            # report progress for each 5% done  
            report = [int((j+1)*num_rows/20.) for j in range(20)]
            if i in report: print np.ceil(i *100.0 / num_rows), "% done"
    label += 1

Reading images
5.0 % done
10.0 % done
15.0 % done
20.0 % done
25.0 % done
30.0 % done
35.0 % done
40.0 % done
45.0 % done
50.0 % done
55.0 % done
60.0 % done
65.0 % done
70.0 % done
75.0 % done
80.0 % done
85.0 % done
90.0 % done
95.0 % done
100.0 % done

Width-to-Length Ratio Class Separation

Now that we have calculated the width-to-length ratio metric for all the images, we can look at the class separation to see how well our feature performs. We'll compare pairs of the classes' distributions by plotting each pair of classes. While this will not cover the whole space of hundreds of possible combinations, it will give us a feel for how similar or dissimilar different classes are in this feature, and the class distributions should be comparable across subplots.

In [13]:
# Loop through the classes two at a time and compare their distributions of the Width/Length Ratio

#Create a DataFrame object to make subsetting the data on the class 
df = pd.DataFrame({"class": y[:], "ratio": X[:, num_features-1]})

f = plt.figure(figsize=(30, 20))
#we suppress zeros and choose a few large classes to better highlight the distributions.
df = df.loc[df["ratio"] > 0]
minimumSize = 20 
counts = df["class"].value_counts()
largeclasses = [int(x) for x in list(counts.loc[counts > minimumSize].index)]
# Loop through 40 of the classes 
for j in range(0,40,2):
    subfig = plt.subplot(4, 5, j/2 +1)
    # Plot the normalized histograms for two classes
    classind1 = largeclasses[j]
    classind2 = largeclasses[j+1]
    n, bins,p = plt.hist(df.loc[df["class"] == classind1]["ratio"].values,\
                         alpha=0.5, bins=[x*0.01 for x in range(100)], \
                         label=namesClasses[classind1].split(os.sep)[-1], normed=1)

    n2, bins,p = plt.hist(df.loc[df["class"] == (classind2)]["ratio"].values,\
                          alpha=0.5, bins=bins, label=namesClasses[classind2].split(os.sep)[-1],normed=1)
    plt.legend(loc='upper right')
    plt.xlabel("Width/Length Ratio")

From the (truncated) figure above, you will see some cases where the classes are well separated and others were they are not. It is typical that one single feature will not allow you to completely separate more than thirty distinct classes. You will need to be creative in coming up with additional metrics to discriminate between all the classes.

Random Forest Classification

We choose a random forest model to classify the images. Random forests perform well in many classification tasks and have robust default settings. We will give a brief description of a random forest model so that you can understand its two main free parameters: n_estimators and max_features.

A random forest model is an ensemble model of n_estimators number of decision trees. During the training process, each decision tree is grown automatically by making a series of conditional splits on the data. At each split in the decision tree, a random sample of max_features number of features is chosen and used to make a conditional decision on which of the two nodes that the data will be grouped in. The best condition for the split is determined by the split that maximizes the class purity of the nodes directly below. The tree continues to grow by making additional splits until the leaves are pure or the leaves have less than the minimum number of samples for a split (in sklearn default for min_samples_split is two data points). The final majority class purity of the terminal nodes of the decision tree are used for making predictions on what class a new data point will belong. Then, the aggregate vote across the forest determines the class prediction for new samples.

With our training data consisting of the feature vector X and the class label vector y, we will now calculate some class metrics for the performance of our model, by class and overall. First, we train the random forest on all the available data and let it perform the 5-fold cross validation. Then we perform the cross validation using the KFold method, which splits the data into train and test sets, and a classification report. The classification report provides a useful list of performance metrics for your classifier vs. the internal metrics of the random forest module.

In [14]:
print "Training"
# n_estimators is the number of decision trees
# max_features also known as m_try is set to the default value of the square root of the number of features
clf = RF(n_estimators=100, n_jobs=3);
scores = cross_validation.cross_val_score(clf, X, y, cv=5, n_jobs=1);
print "Accuracy of all classes"
print np.mean(scores)

Accuracy of all classes

In [15]:
kf = KFold(y, n_folds=5)
y_pred = y * 0
for train, test in kf:
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = X[train,:], X[test,:], y[train], y[test]
    clf = RF(n_estimators=100, n_jobs=3)
    clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
    y_pred[test] = clf.predict(X_test)
print classification_report(y, y_pred, target_names=namesClasses)

                                                                      precision    recall  f1-score   support

                 competition_data/train/appendicularian_slight_curve       0.36      0.47      0.41       532
                          competition_data/train/hydromedusae_shapeB       0.41      0.11      0.17       150
                          competition_data/train/hydromedusae_shapeA       0.41      0.77      0.54       412
                     competition_data/train/siphonophore_other_parts       0.00      0.00      0.00        29
                      competition_data/train/tunicate_doliolid_nurse       0.19      0.05      0.08       417
                           competition_data/train/acantharia_protist       0.41      0.85      0.55       889
                     competition_data/train/hydromedusae_narco_young       0.28      0.07      0.12       336
                        competition_data/train/fish_larvae_deep_body       0.00      0.00      0.00        10
        competition_data/train/hydromedusae_haliscera_small_sideview       0.00      0.00      0.00         9
               competition_data/train/echinoderm_larva_pluteus_early       0.53      0.28      0.37        92
   competition_data/train/siphonophore_calycophoran_rocketship_young       0.41      0.29      0.34       483
                          competition_data/train/chaetognath_sagitta       0.42      0.20      0.27       694
                            competition_data/train/shrimp-like_other       0.00      0.00      0.00        52
                         competition_data/train/hydromedusae_liriope       0.00      0.00      0.00        19
                                    competition_data/train/heteropod       0.00      0.00      0.00        10
                     competition_data/train/appendicularian_straight       0.25      0.01      0.02       242
                      competition_data/train/chaetognath_non_sagitta       0.56      0.73      0.64       815
                           competition_data/train/trochophore_larvae       0.00      0.00      0.00        29
               competition_data/train/copepod_cyclopoid_oithona_eggs       0.53      0.79      0.63      1189
                            competition_data/train/ctenophore_cestid       0.00      0.00      0.00       113
                           competition_data/train/pteropod_butterfly       0.45      0.05      0.08       108
                    competition_data/train/hydromedusae_sideview_big       0.50      0.01      0.03        76
   competition_data/train/siphonophore_calycophoran_rocketship_adult       0.42      0.06      0.10       135
                              competition_data/train/shrimp_caridean       0.63      0.24      0.35        49
                           competition_data/train/hydromedusae_typeD       0.00      0.00      0.00        43
                      competition_data/train/appendicularian_s_shape       0.37      0.54      0.44       696
                             competition_data/train/crustacean_other       0.26      0.12      0.16       201
                       competition_data/train/fish_larvae_myctophids       0.54      0.51      0.52       114
                    competition_data/train/hydromedusae_partial_dark       0.65      0.25      0.36       190
                        competition_data/train/copepod_calanoid_eggs       0.73      0.17      0.28       173
                                   competition_data/train/stomatopod       0.00      0.00      0.00        24
                 competition_data/train/siphonophore_physonect_young       0.00      0.00      0.00        21
                     competition_data/train/hydromedusae_solmundella       0.75      0.17      0.28       123
                                       competition_data/train/ephyra       1.00      0.07      0.13        14
              competition_data/train/hydromedusae_bell_and_tentacles       0.20      0.01      0.03        75
                            competition_data/train/pteropod_triangle       1.00      0.03      0.06        65
                             competition_data/train/hydromedusae_h15       0.60      0.17      0.27        35
                          competition_data/train/diatom_chain_string       0.54      0.92      0.68       519
                    competition_data/train/hydromedusae_narcomedusae       0.00      0.00      0.00       132
                       competition_data/train/copepod_calanoid_large       0.51      0.44      0.47       286
                           competition_data/train/radiolarian_colony       0.51      0.26      0.34       158
                             competition_data/train/tunicate_partial       0.61      0.95      0.75       352
                  competition_data/train/invertebrate_larvae_other_B       0.00      0.00      0.00        24
                  competition_data/train/invertebrate_larvae_other_A       0.00      0.00      0.00        14
         competition_data/train/echinoderm_larva_pluteus_brittlestar       0.50      0.03      0.05        36
           competition_data/train/siphonophore_calycophoran_abylidae       0.26      0.05      0.09       212
                            competition_data/train/euphausiids_young       0.00      0.00      0.00        38
                         competition_data/train/hydromedusae_aglaura       0.00      0.00      0.00       127
                          competition_data/train/protist_dark_center       0.00      0.00      0.00       108
                         competition_data/train/trichodesmium_bowtie       0.42      0.66      0.51       708
                            competition_data/train/radiolarian_chain       0.44      0.04      0.08       287
                          competition_data/train/protist_fuzzy_olive       0.72      0.78      0.75       372
                                   competition_data/train/polychaete       0.20      0.01      0.01       131
                             competition_data/train/copepod_calanoid       0.42      0.58      0.48       681
                                    competition_data/train/amphipods       0.50      0.04      0.08        49
                competition_data/train/acantharia_protist_big_center       0.00      0.00      0.00        13
                    competition_data/train/copepod_calanoid_octomoms       0.00      0.00      0.00        49
                                competition_data/train/protist_other       0.36      0.69      0.48      1172
                           competition_data/train/hydromedusae_other       0.00      0.00      0.00        12
                                competition_data/train/tunicate_salp       0.57      0.75      0.65       236
 competition_data/train/siphonophore_calycophoran_sphaeronectes_stem       0.00      0.00      0.00        57
                           competition_data/train/trichodesmium_puff       0.71      0.93      0.81      1979
                                    competition_data/train/artifacts       0.53      0.83      0.65       393
                     competition_data/train/fish_larvae_leptocephali       0.00      0.00      0.00        31
          competition_data/train/echinoderm_larva_seastar_bipinnaria       0.54      0.62      0.58       385
                               competition_data/train/chordate_type1       0.51      0.55      0.53        77
                                  competition_data/train/shrimp_zoea       0.54      0.21      0.31       174
                   competition_data/train/fish_larvae_very_thin_body       0.00      0.00      0.00        16
             competition_data/train/ctenophore_cydippid_no_tentacles       0.00      0.00      0.00        42
                competition_data/train/appendicularian_fritillaridae       0.00      0.00      0.00        16
                       competition_data/train/siphonophore_physonect       0.00      0.00      0.00       128
                           competition_data/train/trichodesmium_tuft       0.37      0.46      0.41       678
                                 competition_data/train/fecal_pellet       0.31      0.28      0.29       511
           competition_data/train/hydromedusae_shapeA_sideview_small       0.34      0.09      0.14       274
      competition_data/train/siphonophore_calycophoran_sphaeronectes       0.47      0.12      0.19       179
                               competition_data/train/artifacts_edge       0.92      0.79      0.85       170
                competition_data/train/ctenophore_cydippid_tentacles       0.00      0.00      0.00        53
                    competition_data/train/copepod_cyclopoid_oithona       0.48      0.60      0.54       899
                         competition_data/train/siphonophore_partial       0.00      0.00      0.00        30
                            competition_data/train/tunicate_doliolid       0.29      0.21      0.25       439
                                competition_data/train/copepod_other       0.00      0.00      0.00        24
                    competition_data/train/unknown_blobs_and_smudges       0.25      0.13      0.17       317
                           competition_data/train/shrimp_sergestidae       0.50      0.05      0.09       153
                        competition_data/train/hydromedusae_solmaris       0.41      0.52      0.46       703
                   competition_data/train/copepod_calanoid_flatheads       0.71      0.03      0.05       178
        competition_data/train/echinoderm_larva_seastar_brachiolaria       0.67      0.77      0.71       536
                   competition_data/train/copepod_calanoid_eucalanus       0.91      0.10      0.19        96
                            competition_data/train/ctenophore_lobate       0.84      0.55      0.67        38
                         competition_data/train/detritus_filamentous       0.18      0.02      0.03       394
                            competition_data/train/jellies_tentacles       0.36      0.04      0.06       141
                                competition_data/train/detritus_blob       0.21      0.06      0.09       363
                            competition_data/train/chaetognath_other       0.42      0.75      0.54      1934
                    competition_data/train/copepod_cyclopoid_copilia       0.00      0.00      0.00        30
    competition_data/train/copepod_calanoid_large_side_antennatucked       0.48      0.21      0.29       106
                       competition_data/train/trichodesmium_multiple       0.57      0.07      0.13        54
                        competition_data/train/fish_larvae_thin_body       0.29      0.03      0.06        64
                            competition_data/train/diatom_chain_tube       0.40      0.41      0.40       500
                         competition_data/train/tunicate_salp_chains       0.33      0.01      0.03        73
                                 competition_data/train/protist_star       0.89      0.50      0.64       113
                      competition_data/train/fish_larvae_medium_body       0.63      0.28      0.39        85
                      competition_data/train/hydromedusae_narco_dark       0.00      0.00      0.00        23
                       competition_data/train/hydromedusae_haliscera       0.55      0.39      0.46       229
                           competition_data/train/hydromedusae_typeE       0.00      0.00      0.00        14
                           competition_data/train/hydromedusae_typeF       0.48      0.20      0.28        61
              competition_data/train/echinoderm_larva_pluteus_urchin       0.67      0.40      0.50        88
competition_data/train/siphonophore_calycophoran_sphaeronectes_young       0.50      0.06      0.10       247
                            competition_data/train/protist_noctiluca       0.60      0.52      0.56       625
              competition_data/train/copepod_calanoid_frillyAntennae       1.00      0.02      0.03        63
     competition_data/train/echinoderm_seacucumber_auricularia_larva       1.00      0.01      0.02        96
                   competition_data/train/tornaria_acorn_worm_larvae       0.85      0.45      0.59        38
                               competition_data/train/detritus_other       0.26      0.33      0.29       914
                               competition_data/train/unknown_sticks       0.33      0.02      0.03       175
                         competition_data/train/unknown_unclassified       0.00      0.00      0.00       425
                       competition_data/train/pteropod_theco_dev_seq       0.00      0.00      0.00        13
                      competition_data/train/acantharia_protist_halo       1.00      0.04      0.08        71
        competition_data/train/hydromedusae_typeD_bell_and_tentacles       1.00      0.05      0.10        56
               competition_data/train/echinoderm_larva_pluteus_typeC       0.81      0.16      0.27        80
                                     competition_data/train/decapods       0.00      0.00      0.00        55
          competition_data/train/copepod_calanoid_small_longantennae       0.85      0.13      0.22        87
                                  competition_data/train/euphausiids       0.78      0.10      0.18       136
                                competition_data/train/echinopluteus       0.00      0.00      0.00        27

                                                         avg / total       0.44      0.47      0.41     30336

The current model, while somewhat accurate overall, doesn't do well for all classes, including the shrimp caridean, stomatopod, or hydromedusae tentacles classes. For others it does quite well, getting many of the correct classifications for trichodesmium_puff and copepod_oithona_eggs classes. The metrics shown above for measuring model performance include precision, recall, and f1-score. The precision metric gives probability that a chosen class is correct, (true positives / (true positive + false positives)), while recall measures the ability of the model correctly classify examples of a given class, (true positives / (false negatives + true positives)). The F1 score is the geometric average of the precision and recall.

The competition scoring uses a multiclass log-loss metric to compute your overall score. In the next steps, we define the multiclass log-loss function and compute your estimated score on the training dataset.

In [16]:
def multiclass_log_loss(y_true, y_pred, eps=1e-15):
    """Multi class version of Logarithmic Loss metric.

    y_true : array, shape = [n_samples]
            true class, intergers in [0, n_classes - 1)
    y_pred : array, shape = [n_samples, n_classes]

    loss : float
    predictions = np.clip(y_pred, eps, 1 - eps)

    # normalize row sums to 1
    predictions /= predictions.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

    actual = np.zeros(y_pred.shape)
    n_samples = actual.shape[0]
    actual[np.arange(n_samples), y_true.astype(int)] = 1
    vectsum = np.sum(actual * np.log(predictions))
    loss = -1.0 / n_samples * vectsum
    return loss

In [17]:
# Get the probability predictions for computing the log-loss function
kf = KFold(y, n_folds=5)
# prediction probabilities number of samples, by number of classes
y_pred = np.zeros((len(y),len(set(y))))
for train, test in kf:
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = X[train,:], X[test,:], y[train], y[test]
    clf = RF(n_estimators=100, n_jobs=3)
    clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
    y_pred[test] = clf.predict_proba(X_test)

In [18]:
multiclass_log_loss(y, y_pred)


The multiclass log loss function is an classification error metric that heavily penalizes you for being both confident (either predicting very high or very low class probability) and wrong. Throughout the competition you will want to check that your model improvements are driving this loss metric lower.

Where to Go From Here

Now that you've made a simple metric, created a model, and examined the model's performance on the training data, the next step is to make improvements to your model to make it more competitive. The random forest model we created does not perform evenly across all classes and in some cases fails completely. By creating new features and looking at some of your distributions for the problem classes directly, you can identify features that specifically help separate those classes from the others. You can add new metrics by considering other image properties, stratified sampling, transformations, or other models for the classification.