Simple implementation of network propagation from Vanunu et. al.

Author: Brin Rosenthal (

March 24, 2016

Note: data and code for this notebook may be found in the 'data' and 'source' directories

In [1]:
# import some useful packages
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
import random

# latex rendering of text in graphs
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rc('text', usetex = False)
mpl.rc('font', family = 'serif')

import sys
#sys.path.append('/Users/brin/Google Drive/UCSD/genome_interpreter_docs/barabasi_disease_distances/barabasi_incomplete_interactome/source/')
import separation
import plotting_results
import network_prop

import imp

% matplotlib inline

Load the interactome from Barabasi paper

Interactome downloaded from supplemental materials of (Menche, Jörg, et al. "Uncovering disease-disease relationships through the incomplete interactome." Science 347.6224 (2015): 1257601.)

  • We need a reliable background interactome in order to correctly calculate localization and co-localization properties of node sets
  • We have a few choices in this decision, three of which are outlined below:

In [2]:
# load the interactome network (use their default network)
Gint = separation.read_network('data/DataS1_interactome.tsv')
# remove self links
# Get rid of nodes with no edges
nodes_degree =
nodes_0 = [n for n in nodes_degree.keys() if nodes_degree[n]==0]

> done loading network:
> network contains 13460 nodes and 141296 links

Load a focal gene set

Gene lists should follow the format shown here for kidney_diseases.txt and epilepsy_genes.txt, and should be in the entrez ID format

In [3]:
genes_KID = separation.read_gene_list('kidney_diseases.txt')
genes_EPI = separation.read_gene_list('epilepsy_genes.txt')

# set disease name and focal genes here
dname = 'kidney'
genes_focal = genes_KID

> done reading genes:
> 110 genes found in kidney_diseases.txt

> done reading genes:
> 32 genes found in epilepsy_genes.txt

Network propagation from seed nodes

First calculate the degree-corrected version of adjacency matrix

Network propagation simulation follows methods in (Vanunu, Oron, et al. "Associating genes and protein complexes with disease via network propagation." PLoS Comput Biol 6.1 (2010): e1000641.)

Calculate the degree- normalized adjacency matrix, using network_prop.normalized_adj_matrix function

In [4]:
Wprime= network_prop.normalized_adj_matrix(Gint)

Propagate heat from seed disease, examine the community structure of hottest nodes

In [5]:
seed_nodes = list(np.intersect1d(list(genes_focal),Gint.nodes()))
alpha=.5  # this parameter controls how fast the heat dissipates
Fnew = network_prop.network_propagation(Gint,Wprime,seed_nodes,alpha=alpha,num_its=20)

Plot the hot subnetwork

  1. Create subgraphs from interactome containing only disease genes
  2. Sort the heat vector (Fnew), and select the top_N hottest genes to plot

In [6]:
Fsort = Fnew.sort(ascending=False)
top_N = 200
F_top_N = Fnew.head(top_N)
gneigh_top_N = list(F_top_N.index)
G_neigh_N = Gint.subgraph(gneigh_top_N)
# pull out some useful subgraphs for use in plotting functions
# find genes which are neighbors of seed genes
genes_in_graph = list(np.intersect1d(Gint.nodes(),list(genes_focal)))

/root/anaconda3/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ FutureWarning: sort is deprecated, use sort_values(inplace=True) for for INPLACE sorting
  if __name__ == '__main__':

Set the node positions using nx.spring_layout. Parameter k controls default spacing between nodes (lower k brings the nodes closer together, higher k pushes them apart)

In [7]:
pos = nx.spring_layout(G_neigh_N,k=.03)  # set the node positions

In [8]:
plt.title('Top '+str(top_N)+' genes propagated from '+dname+': alpha = ' + str(alpha),color='white',fontsize=16,y=.95)
plt.savefig('heat_prop_network.png',dpi=200)  # save the figure here

What are the top N genes? Print out gene symbols

  • These are the genes which are likely to be related to input gene set

(Convert from entrez ID to gene symbol using

In [9]:
import mygene
mg = mygene.MyGeneInfo()

In [10]:
# print out the names of the top N genes (that don't include the seed set)
focal_group = list(F_top_N.index)
focal_group = np.setdiff1d(focal_group,list(genes_focal))
top_heat_focal = F_top_N[focal_group]
focal_temp = mg.getgenes(focal_group)
focal_entrez_names = [str(x['entrezgene']) for x in focal_temp if 'symbol' in x.keys()]
focal_gene_names = [str(x['symbol']) for x in focal_temp if 'symbol' in x.keys()]
top_heat_df = pd.DataFrame({'gene_symbol':focal_gene_names,'heat':top_heat_focal[focal_entrez_names]})
top_heat_df = top_heat_df.sort('heat',ascending=False)
# print the top 25 related genes, along with their heat values

querying 1-103...done.
/root/anaconda3/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ FutureWarning: sort(columns=....) is deprecated, use sort_values(by=.....)
gene_symbol heat
5174 PDZK1 0.002999
5362 PLXNA2 0.002867
5213 PFKM 0.002646
5566 PRKACA 0.002435
2885 GRB2 0.002215
27347 STK39 0.002207
9943 OXSR1 0.001985
9641 IKBKE 0.001940
5567 PRKACB 0.001820
5568 PRKACG 0.001814
5189 PEX1 0.001798
60 ACTB 0.001786
7316 UBC 0.001750
5578 PRKCA 0.001713
6714 SRC 0.001687
867 CBL 0.001686
2261 FGFR3 0.001514
2263 FGFR2 0.001506
5563 PRKAA2 0.001505
1956 EGFR 0.001492
960 CD44 0.001481
6476 SI 0.001476
11060 WWP2 0.001445
213 ALB 0.001430
23428 SLC7A8 0.001371

In [ ]: