
I'd like to look at imprinting.

In [1]:
import cPickle
import datetime
import glob
import os
import random
import re
import subprocess

import cdpybio as cpb
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None  # default='warn'
import pybedtools as pbt
import scipy.stats as stats
import seaborn as sns
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import vcf as pyvcf

import cardipspy as cpy
import ciepy

%matplotlib inline

import socket
if socket.gethostname() == 'fl-hn1' or socket.gethostname() == 'fl-hn2':
outdir = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output',

private_outdir = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'private_output',

I cut this out of the paper. It may not be accurate anymore.

We investigated imprinting by collecting a list of imprinted genes from {Babak, 2015 #486} and and analyzing the patterns of ASE for these genes. We found that the average number of samples with significant ASE for a given gene was significantly different between imprinted (n=55, mean=12.5%) and non-imprinted genes (n=5,419, mean=3.1%) (p<10-79, Mann Whitney U) for genes where we measured ASE in at least 50% of our samples. Imprinted and non-imprinted genes did not differ in average TPM expression however (p=0.49, Mann Whitney U). We identified the more highly expressed allele for known imprinted genes in children where we had WGS for the children and both parents and compared to the known imprinting direction. We found that imprinted genes were more likely to be biased toward expression of the preferred parental allele for genes that met our criteria for testing for ASE (Fisher test, odds=1.9, p<10-4). This bias was stronger for genes that had significant ASE (Fisher test, odds=52.6, p<10-9).

We estimated the major allele frequency (the percent of transcripts estimated to originate from the higher-expressed chomosome) as well as ASE using MBASED for genes with heterozygous variants and sufficient coverage [citation]. We created a list of known imprinted genes by XXX. We tested whether known imprinted genes were enriched for having significant ASE relative to non-imprinted genes by XXX. We also tested whether the expression levels of known imprinted genes were different than non-imprinted genes by XXX. We identified XXX children in our cohort for which we had WGS variant calls for both parents. Using phased genotypes, we estimated for each child whether the maternal or paternal allele was more highly expressed for imprinted genes with sufficient coverage and heterozygous variants. To assign alleles as maternal or paternal, we identified all informative heterozygous variants in the child within a one Mb region around each imprinted gene and identified which haplotype was inherited from which parent.

In [2]:
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 'rsem_tpm.tsv')
tpm = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 'rnaseq_metadata.tsv')
rna_meta = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 'subject_metadata.tsv')
subject_meta = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 'wgs_metadata.tsv')
wgs_meta = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)

gene_info = pd.read_table(cpy.gencode_gene_info, index_col=0)
gene_info['ensembl_id'] = [x.split('.')[0] for x in gene_info.index]

genes = pbt.BedTool(cpy.gencode_gene_bed)

In [3]:
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 
maj_af = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)

fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 
ase_pval = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)

locus_p = pd.Panel({'major_allele_freq':maj_af, 'p_val_ase':ase_pval})
locus_p = locus_p.swapaxes(0, 2)

snv_fns = glob.glob(os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'private_output', 'input_data', 'mbased_snv',
count_fns = glob.glob(os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'private_output', 'input_data', 'allele_counts',

snv_res = {}
for fn in snv_fns:
    snv_res[os.path.split(fn)[1].split('_')[0]] = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
count_res = {}
for fn in count_fns:
    count_res[os.path.split(fn)[1].split('_')[0]] = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)

snv_p = pd.Panel(snv_res)

Imprinted Genes

I'll get some known imprinted genes.

I'm going to get the imprinted genes from

In [4]:
fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'geneimprint.tsv')
if not os.path.exists(fn):
    geneimprint = pd.read_html('')[0]
    geneimprint.columns = geneimprint.ix[0]
    geneimprint = geneimprint.drop(0)
    geneimprint = geneimprint[geneimprint.Status.apply(lambda x: x in ['Predicted', 'Imprinted'])]
    # Now I'll convert the geneimprint gene names into gencode gene IDs. I'll drop any genes I can't
    # convert.
    ind = []
    drop = []
    for i in geneimprint.index:
        name = geneimprint.ix[i, 'Gene'].strip('*')
        tdf = gene_info[gene_info.gene_name == name]
        if tdf.shape[0] == 1:
            names = []
            if type(geneimprint.ix[i, 'Aliases']) == unicode:
                names += [x.strip() for x in geneimprint.ix[i, 'Aliases'].split(',')]
            tdf = gene_info[gene_info.gene_name.apply(lambda x: x in names)].drop_duplicates()
            if tdf.shape[0] == 1:
    print('Dropping {} geneimprint genes'.format(len(drop)))
    geneimprint = geneimprint.drop(drop)
    geneimprint.index = ind
    for c in geneimprint.columns:
        ind = geneimprint[geneimprint[c].isnull() == False].index
        geneimprint.ix[ind, c] = geneimprint.ix[ind, c].apply(lambda x: x.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
    geneimprint.columns = [x.encode('ascii', 'ignore') for x in geneimprint.columns]
    geneimprint.to_csv(fn, sep='\t')
    geneimprint = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)

Babak et al. 2015

Human imprinted genes from Babak. The values in babak_cs are their "combined scores." A combined score greater than zero is evidence for imprinting. babak_cs has the combined score for 94 genes in 45 different different tissues.

I'm not going to filter the genes from Babak yet. I may want to remove genes from other sources if they don't have imprinting in many tissues according to Babak.

TODO: Can I get imprinting direction from Babak?

In [5]:
fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'babak.tsv')
if not os.path.exists(fn):
    babak_cs = pd.read_excel('',
                             sheetname='SuppFile_5', skiprows=213, skip_footer=503-309, index_col=0)
    babak_cs = babak_cs > 0

    # Now I'll convert the Babak gene names into gencode gene IDs. I'll drop any genes I can't
    # convert.
    ind = []
    drop = []
    for i in babak_cs.index:
        tdf = gene_info[gene_info.gene_name == i.strip('-new')]
        if tdf.shape[0] == 1:
    print('Dropping {} Babak genes'.format(len(drop)))
    babak_cs = babak_cs.drop(drop)
    babak_cs.index = ind
    babak_cs.to_csv(fn, sep='\t')
    babak_cs = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)

Baran et al. 2015

I'm not going to filter the genes from Babak yet. I may want to remove genes from other sources if they don't have imprinting in many tissues according to Baran.

In [6]:
fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'baran.tsv')
if not os.path.exists(fn):
    url = ''
    baran = pd.read_excel(url, sheetname='Table_S6')
    baran_fam = pd.read_excel(url, sheetname='Table_S7')

    # I want to figure out which genes validated in the family data and what their imprinting status is .
    g = set(baran_fam.Gene) & set(baran.Human_Genename)
    baran_status = {}
    for gene in g:
        t = baran_fam[baran_fam.Gene == gene]
        if sum(t.Imprinting_status.apply(lambda x: 'Paternally expressed' in x)) == t.shape[0]:
            baran_status[gene] = 'Paternal'
        elif sum(t.Imprinting_status.apply(lambda x: 'Maternally expressed' in x)) == t.shape[0]:
            baran_status[gene] = 'Maternal'
    baran['ExpressedAllele'] = np.nan
    # Note that I'm requiring all tissues to have the same direction to consider something validated.
    # This is stringent.
    baran['validated'] = np.nan
    for gene in baran_status.keys():
        baran.ix[baran.Human_Genename == gene, 'ExpressedAllele'] = baran_status[gene]
        baran.ix[baran.Human_Genename == gene, 'validated'] = True
    for gene in set(baran_fam.Gene) - set(baran_status.keys()):
        baran.ix[baran.Human_Genename == gene, 'validated'] = False
    se = pd.Series(gene_info.index, index=gene_info.ensembl_id)
    baran['gencode_id'] = se[baran.Human_GeneID].values
    baran = baran.dropna(subset=['gencode_id'])
    baran.index = baran.gencode_id
    baran.to_csv(fn, sep='\t')
    baran = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)

Combine different sources

I'll keep the genes that have evidence for imprinting in more than 5 tissues from Babak et al. and that were marked as "imprinted" or "consistent with imprinted" from Baran et al.

In [7]:
fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'igenes.tsv')
if not os.path.exists(fn):
    babak_cs_f = babak_cs[babak_cs.sum(axis=1) >= 5]
    babak_not_imp = set(babak_cs.index) - set(babak_cs_f.index)

    vals = ['imprinted', 'consistent with imprinted']
    baran_f = baran[(baran.Imprinting_status_Baran.apply(lambda x: x in vals)) & 
                    (baran.validated != False)]
    baran_not_imp = set(baran.index) - set(baran_f.index)

    # Now I'll make a dataframe indexed by Gencode gene ID and filled in with some
    # of the info I have available.
    g = set(geneimprint.index) | set(babak_cs_f.index) | set(baran_f.index)
    igenes = pd.DataFrame(index=g, columns=['geneimprint', 'babak', 'baran', 
                                            'expressed_allele', 'num_babak_tissues'])

    igenes['geneimprint'] = False
    igenes.ix[geneimprint.index, 'geneimprint'] = True
    igenes['babak'] = False
    igenes.ix[babak_cs_f.index, 'babak'] = True
    igenes['baran'] = False
    igenes.ix[baran_f.index, 'baran'] = True

    # I thought about dropping genes with evidence against imprinting from Babak or Baran
    # but I think I want to be more inclusive. I think the papers could have false negatives.
    # I see a stronger enrichment for ASE when I don't remove these genes (arguing some are 
    # printed) although the enrichment exists either way.
    # igenes = igenes.drop((babak_not_imp | baran_not_imp) & set(igenes.index))

    ind = set(geneimprint.index) & set(igenes.index)
    igenes.ix[ind, 'expressed_allele'] = geneimprint.ix[ind, 'ExpressedAllele']

    # Add info on imprinting status if I have it.
    t = baran_f.dropna(subset=['ExpressedAllele'])
    ind = set(t.index) & set(igenes.index)
    igenes.ix[ind, 'expressed_allele'] = t.ix[ind, 'ExpressedAllele']

    # Add info on number of tissues imprinted in.
    se = babak_cs.sum(axis=1)
    ind = set(igenes.index) & set(se.index)
    igenes.ix[ind, 'num_babak_tissues'] = se[ind].values
    igenes.to_csv(fn, sep='\t')
    igenes = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)

TODO: I may want to try to convert more of the genes from geneimprint. I can use

import mygene
mg = mygene.MyGeneInfo()
res = mg.query('symbol:HYMAI', species='human')


Are imprinted genes enriched for having ASE?

In [8]:
t = locus_p.ix[:, :, 'p_val_ase']
t_igenes = t.ix[set(t.index) & set(igenes.index) - set(gene_info[gene_info.chrom == 'chrX'].index)]
t_igenes = t_igenes[t_igenes.isnull().sum(axis=1) / t_igenes.shape[1] < 0.5]
t_not_igenes = t.ix[set(t.index) - set(igenes.index) - set(gene_info[gene_info.chrom == 'chrX'].index)]
t_not_igenes = t_not_igenes[t_not_igenes.isnull().sum(axis=1) / t_not_igenes.shape[1] < 0.5]

In [9]:
a = (t_igenes < 0.005).sum() / (t_igenes.isnull() == False).sum()
b = (t_not_igenes < 0.005).sum() / (t_not_igenes.isnull() == False).sum()
print('Average number of significant ASE samples per gene ' 
      'for {} imprinted genes: {:.2f}%.'.format(t_igenes.shape[0], a.mean() * 100))
print('Average number of significant ASE samples per gene ' 
      'for {} non-imprinted genes: {:.2f}%.'.format(t_not_igenes.shape[0], b.mean() * 100))

Average number of significant ASE samples per gene for 51 imprinted genes: 13.34%.
Average number of significant ASE samples per gene for 5423 non-imprinted genes: 3.07%.

In [10]:
r = stats.mannwhitneyu(a, b)
print('The average number of samples with ASE is significantly '
      'different between imprinted and non-imprinted genes with p={:.3e}.'.format(r.pvalue))

The average number of samples with ASE is significantly different between imprinted and non-imprinted genes with p=7.610e-80.

In [11]:
log_tpm = np.log10(tpm + tpm[tpm > 0].min().min())

In [12]:
r = stats.mannwhitneyu(log_tpm.ix[t_not_igenes.index].mean(axis=1), log_tpm.ix[t_igenes.index].mean(axis=1))
print('The average TPM expression between the imprinted and non-imprinted genes is comparable '

The average TPM expression between the imprinted and non-imprinted genes is comparable p=0.40.

CARDiPS Trios and Phasing

I can find CARDiPS subjects for which we have WGS for both parents so that I can accurately assign parental haplotypes.

In [13]:
# I'll keep children where we have WGS data for both parents and RNA-seq data for the child.
trio_child = subject_meta.dropna(subset=['father_id', 'mother_id'])
trio_child = trio_child[trio_child.father_id.apply(lambda x: x in wgs_meta.subject_id.values)]
trio_child = trio_child[trio_child.mother_id.apply(lambda x: x in wgs_meta.subject_id.values)]
trio_child = trio_child[[x in rna_meta.subject_id.values for x in trio_child.index]]
print('{} trio children'.format(trio_child.shape[0]))

27 trio children

Let's filter the imprinted genes to those where we estimated ASE in at least one trio child.

In [14]:
trio_child['wgs_id'] = [wgs_meta[wgs_meta.subject_id == x].index[0] for x in trio_child.index]
trio_child['father_wgs_id'] = [wgs_meta[wgs_meta.subject_id == x].index[0] for x in trio_child.father_id]
trio_child['mother_wgs_id'] = [wgs_meta[wgs_meta.subject_id == x].index[0] for x in trio_child.mother_id]
def get_rna_sample(sid):
    tdf = rna_meta[rna_meta.subject_id == sid]
    if tdf.shape[0] == 1:
        rna_sample = tdf.index[0]
    elif tdf[tdf.in_eqtl].shape[0] == 1:
        rna_sample = tdf[tdf.in_eqtl].index[0]
    elif tdf[tdf.in_222].shape[0] == 1:
        rna_sample = tdf[tdf.in_22].index[0]
        rna_sample = np.nan
    return rna_sample
trio_child['rna_id'] = [get_rna_sample(x) for x in trio_child.index]

In [15]:
trio_child_ase_pval = ase_pval[trio_child.rna_id]
igenes_f = igenes.ix[set(igenes.index) & set(trio_child_ase_pval.index)]
trio_child_ase_pval = trio_child_ase_pval.ix[igenes_f.index]
trio_child_ase_pval = trio_child_ase_pval.ix[set(trio_child_ase_pval.index) - 
                                             set(gene_info[gene_info.chrom == 'chrX'].index)]

In [16]:
def imprinting_analysis(child, gene_id):
    # Make data frame with SNV-level results for this sample and gene.
    snv_df = snv_p.ix[trio_child.ix[child, 'rna_id']]
    snv_df = snv_df[ == gene_id]

    # Let's get a 1MB region centered on the gene and get all variants in this
    # region. We'll look for variants that are het in the child and homozygous
    # alt/ref in the parents so we can determine the parental haplotype.
    chrom = gene_info.ix[gene_id, 'chrom']
    start = gene_info.ix[gene_id, 'start']
    end = gene_info.ix[gene_id, 'end']
    slop = (1000000 - (end - start)) / 2
    bt = pbt.BedTool('{}\t{}\t{}'.format(chrom, start, end), from_string=True)
    bt = bt.slop(b=slop, g=pbt.genome_registry.hg19)
    df = bt.to_dataframe()
    if df.ix[0, 'end'] - df.ix[0, 'start'] != 1000000:
        if df.ix[0, 'start'] == 0:
            bt = bt.slop(l=0, r=1000000 - (df.ix[0, 'end'] - df.ix[0, 'start']), 
            df = bt.to_dataframe()
            bt = bt.slop(r=0, l=1000000 - (df.ix[0, 'end'] - df.ix[0, 'start']), 
            df = bt.to_dataframe()
    start = df.ix[0, 'start']
    end = df.ix[0, 'end']

    fn = ('/projects/CARDIPS/pipeline/WGS/mergedVCF/phased_20151214/'
          'CARDIPS_{}_phased.vcf.gz'.format(gene_info.ix[gene_id, 'chrom']))
    vcf_reader = pyvcf.Reader(open(fn))
    res = vcf_reader.fetch(gene_info.ix[gene_id, 'chrom'][3:], start, end)

    variants = []
    for r in res:
        g = r.genotype(trio_child.ix[child, 'wgs_id'])
        if g.called and g.is_het:
            mg = r.genotype(trio_child.ix[child, 'mother_wgs_id'])
            fg = r.genotype(trio_child.ix[child, 'father_wgs_id'])
            if mg.called and fg.called:
                if set(mg.gt_alleles) == set('0') and set(fg.gt_alleles) == set('1'):
                elif set(mg.gt_alleles) == set('1') and set(fg.gt_alleles) == set('0'):

    left_hap_father = 0
    for r in variants:
        g = r.genotype(trio_child.ix[child, 'wgs_id'])
        fg = r.genotype(trio_child.ix[child, 'father_wgs_id'])
        if g.gt_alleles[0] == fg.gt_alleles[0]:
            left_hap_father += 1

    if left_hap_father > len(variants) / 2:
        father_hap = 0
        father_hap = 1

    snv_df.loc[:, 'preference'] = ''
    for i in snv_df.index:
        r = vcf_reader.fetch(gene_info.ix[gene_id, 'chrom'][3:], snv_df.ix[i, 'position'])
        g = r.genotype(trio_child.ix[child, 'wgs_id'])
        if snv_df.ix[i, 'ref_is_major'] and g.gt_alleles[father_hap] == '0':
            snv_df.loc[i, 'preference'] = 'paternal'
        elif snv_df.ix[i, 'ref_is_major'] and g.gt_alleles[father_hap] == '1':
            snv_df.loc[i, 'preference'] = 'maternal'
        elif snv_df.ix[i, 'ref_is_major'] == False and g.gt_alleles[father_hap] == '0':
            snv_df.loc[i, 'preference'] = 'maternal'
        elif snv_df.ix[i, 'ref_is_major'] == False and g.gt_alleles[father_hap] == '1':
            snv_df.loc[i, 'preference'] = 'paternal'
            print('problem for {}'.format(i))
#     vc = snv_df.preference.value_counts()
#     if vc.shape[0] == 1:
#         preference = vc.index[0]
#     if vc.shape[0] == 2:
#         if vc['maternal'] == vc['paternal']:
#             preference = 'unknown'
#         else:
#             prefernce = vc.index[0]
    return (gene_id, child, ase_pval.ix[gene_id, trio_child.ix[child, 'rna_id']], snv_df)

In [17]:
fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'results.pickle')
if not os.path.exists(fn):
    from ipyparallel import Client
    #parallel_client = Client(profile='parallel')
    parallel_client = Client()
    dview = parallel_client[:]
    print('Cluster has {} engines.'.format(len(parallel_client.ids)))
    with dview.sync_imports():
        import cdpybio
        import cardipspy
        import pybedtools
        import os
        import vcf

    %px cpb = cdpybio
    %px cpy = cardipspy
    %px pbt = pybedtools
    %px pyvcf = vcf

    dview.push(dict(imprinting_analysis=imprinting_analysis, snv_p=snv_p, 
                    gene_info=gene_info, trio_child=trio_child, ase_pval=ase_pval));

    pairs = []
    for gene_id in trio_child_ase_pval.index:
        se = trio_child_ase_pval.ix[gene_id].dropna()
        for rna_id in se.index:
            child = trio_child[trio_child.rna_id == rna_id].index[0]
            pairs.append((child, gene_id))

    def chunks(l, n):
        """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l."""
        for i in xrange(0, len(l), n):
            yield l[i:i+n]

    # It would be faster if I didn't do this in chunks but I ran into an error
    # and this fixed it. However, I think I should probably try them all at the 
    # same time again at some point.
    c = chunks(pairs, len(dview))
    results = []
    while True:
            results += dview.map_sync(lambda x: imprinting_analysis(x[0], x[1]),
        except StopIteration:
#     results = dview.map_sync(lambda x: imprinting_analysis(x[0], x[1]), pairs[0:10])
#     results = results.get()
    with open(fn , 'w') as f:
        cPickle.dump(results, f)

    results = cPickle.load(open(fn))

In [18]:
df = pd.DataFrame([x[0:3] for x in results], columns=['gene_id', 'sample_id', 'p_value'])
df['maternal_percent'] = 0
df['paternal_percent'] = 0
for i,x in enumerate(results):
    vc = x[-1].preference.value_counts()
    if 'paternal' in vc.index:
        df.ix[i, 'paternal_percent'] = vc['paternal'] / float(vc.sum())
    if 'maternal' in vc.index:
        df.ix[i, 'maternal_percent'] = vc['maternal'] / float(vc.sum())
df['num_snvs'] = [x[-1].shape[0] for x in results]

In [19]:
df = df.merge(igenes_f.dropna(subset=['expressed_allele'])[['expressed_allele']], 
              left_on='gene_id', right_index=True)

In [21]:
pat = df.ix[df.paternal_percent > df.maternal_percent, 'gene_id']
mat = df.ix[df.maternal_percent > df.paternal_percent, 'gene_id']
pat_pat = sum(igenes_f.ix[pat, 'expressed_allele'] == 'Paternal')
mat_mat = sum(igenes_f.ix[mat, 'expressed_allele'] == 'Maternal')
pat_mat = sum(igenes_f.ix[pat, 'expressed_allele'] == 'Maternal')
mat_pat = sum(igenes_f.ix[mat, 'expressed_allele'] == 'Paternal')

odds, pvalue = stats.fisher_exact([[pat_pat, pat_mat], [mat_pat, mat_mat]])
print('Imprinted genes are more likely to show bias in '
      'the direction they are imprinted: odds={:.3f}, p={:.2e}.'.format(odds, pvalue))
p = float(mat_mat + pat_pat) / (mat_mat + pat_pat + mat_pat + pat_mat)
print('\n{:.1f}% of genes with significant are biased in the correction direction.'.format(p * 100))

Imprinted genes are more likely to show bias in the direction they are imprinted: odds=1.680, p=7.21e-04.

55.2% of genes with significant are biased in the correction direction.

In [22]:
tdf = df[df.p_value < 0.005]
pat = tdf.ix[tdf.paternal_percent > tdf.maternal_percent, 'gene_id']
mat = tdf.ix[tdf.maternal_percent > tdf.paternal_percent, 'gene_id']
pat_pat = sum(igenes_f.ix[pat, 'expressed_allele'] == 'Paternal')
mat_mat = sum(igenes_f.ix[mat, 'expressed_allele'] == 'Maternal')
pat_mat = sum(igenes_f.ix[pat, 'expressed_allele'] == 'Maternal')
mat_pat = sum(igenes_f.ix[mat, 'expressed_allele'] == 'Paternal')

odds, pvalue = stats.fisher_exact([[pat_pat, pat_mat], [mat_pat, mat_mat]])
print('Imprinted genes with significant ASE are more likely to show bias in '
      'the direction they are imprinted: odds={:.3f}, p={:.2e}.'.format(odds, pvalue))
p = float(mat_mat + pat_pat) / (mat_mat + pat_pat + mat_pat + pat_mat)
print('\n{:.1f}% of genes with significant are biased in the correction direction.'.format(p * 100))

Imprinted genes with significant ASE are more likely to show bias in the direction they are imprinted: odds=8.085, p=2.53e-05.

74.7% of genes with significant are biased in the correction direction.

In [23]:
tdf = df[(df.expressed_allele == 'Maternal') | 
         (df.expressed_allele == 'Paternal')]
tdf = tdf[tdf.maternal_percent != tdf.paternal_percent]

In [24]:
t = locus_p.ix[trio_child.ix[set(tdf.sample_id), 'rna_id'], set(tdf.gene_id), 'major_allele_freq']
for i in tdf[tdf.maternal_percent > tdf.paternal_percent].index:
    r = trio_child.ix[tdf.ix[i, 'sample_id'], 'rna_id']
    t.ix[tdf.ix[i, 'gene_id'], r] = 1 - t.ix[tdf.ix[i, 'gene_id'], r]

In [25]:
tig = igenes.ix[t.index]

In [31]:
sns.set_context('talk', font_scale=1.5)

In [70]:
ax = sns.heatmap(t.ix[tig[tig.expressed_allele == 'Paternal'].index], xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[], cmap='RdBu_r')
ax.set_ylabel('Paternal allele frequency')
ax.set_title('Paternally imprinted');

In [72]:

gene_name               ZNF331
gene_type       protein_coding
chrom                    chr19
start                 54024234
end                   54083523
strand                       +
gene_status              KNOWN
source                  HAVANA
level                        2
ensembl_id     ENSG00000130844
Name: ENSG00000130844.12, dtype: object

In [71]:

geneimprint             False
babak                    True
baran                    True
expressed_allele     Paternal
num_babak_tissues          42
Name: ENSG00000130844.12, dtype: object

In [69]:
(t.ix[tig[tig.expressed_allele == 'Paternal'].index] < 0.5).sum(axis=1)

ENSG00000107485.11     0
ENSG00000198010.7      0
ENSG00000130844.12    20
ENSG00000185513.10     0
ENSG00000138061.7      1
ENSG00000005513.9      5
ENSG00000141441.11     4
ENSG00000248492.1      1
ENSG00000149289.6      1
ENSG00000114315.3      4
ENSG00000135324.5      0
ENSG00000112297.10     3
ENSG00000179163.11     5
ENSG00000066827.11     6
ENSG00000135211.5      2
ENSG00000242265.1      0
ENSG00000130816.10     5
ENSG00000172889.11     5
ENSG00000155621.10     0
ENSG00000204186.3      0
ENSG00000154358.15     5
ENSG00000116251.5      7
ENSG00000160345.8      0
ENSG00000221944.3      7
ENSG00000185559.9      0
ENSG00000256294.3      3
ENSG00000182636.4      0
ENSG00000106484.10     0
ENSG00000159674.7      1
ENSG00000121297.6     11
ENSG00000053438.7      1
ENSG00000189043.5      2
ENSG00000172733.10     2
ENSG00000073712.9      1
ENSG00000178821.8      8
ENSG00000187772.6      3
dtype: int64

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [74]:
ax = sns.heatmap(t.ix[tig[tig.expressed_allele == 'Maternal'].index], xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[], cmap='RdBu_r')
ax.set_ylabel('Paternal allele frequency')
ax.set_title('Maternally imprinted');

In [52]:

geneimprint              True
babak                   False
baran                   False
expressed_allele     Maternal
num_babak_tissues           3
Name: ENSG00000187391.13, dtype: object

In [51]:

geneimprint              True
babak                   False
baran                   False
expressed_allele     Maternal
num_babak_tissues           3
Name: ENSG00000187391.13, dtype: object

In [56]:
t[t.isnull().sum(axis=1) == 0]

6a5edde2-492a-49c9-978a-27c9bc889827 d307baca-b3cb-4301-b74b-c9384f298206 683d39a0-cc9d-4e6b-8778-f7bb98101a94 45c8234a-0cf0-4706-8dde-5f0cb7c38f3d 33297052-9bcb-41c9-b101-6a00c7c00c8f 843f5dd5-ec6b-496c-ae29-b4bc6c387280 3a3a7a84-4c7d-4b61-a210-5e56eafde5d3 4a452ef5-8015-4467-85ad-35a8bb60599e ce1926ab-0eec-49a6-9675-94562566fa94 b3cc2866-5e83-4532-a19a-7e8fbf206f1c ... f70fedfb-6638-4b7b-bf33-f9fb3e75d4fc eb81d0ea-7263-4459-bb83-3de9894c60b2 9e5035d3-9ced-4b81-b77b-87d6aaf2631d 331f9a4a-7143-497b-a0fd-16863c82585a 349de0b8-ea4a-45eb-9631-8259b539f7b8 4e780564-c504-4860-9e24-6b7791007afb 4cf357ab-813c-4c84-bb33-d4f6233781ed 26f7236b-3334-494c-be8c-5b0ce3896423 9b7e0e0e-1ccd-4fc3-a06c-977522c5d6c8 9135588e-9a8e-4b15-b605-13e7ebd485bf
ENSG00000145536.11 0.619144 0.564183 0.23619 0.622093 0.578782 0.681581 0.773913 0.397006 0.759145 0.55057 ... 0.532734 0.634521 0.779523 0.688328 0.554002 0.728479 0.337483 0.633284 0.787381 0.82832

1 rows × 24 columns