Exploring destination choice models

Sam Maurer, June 2017

Python 3.6


  • Set up a simple MNL destination choice model using the urbansim.urbanchoice interface

  • Refactor the code, using this notebook for ad-hoc testing

  • Set up more complex models as needed

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from patsy import dmatrix
from urbansim.urbanchoice import interaction, mnl

from choicemodels import MultinomialLogit

In [2]:
# Suppress deprecation warnings

import warnings; warnings.simplefilter('ignore')

In [ ]:

Load estimation data from disk

In [3]:
# Suppress scientific notation in the Pandas display output

pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%.3f' % x)

In [4]:
tracts = pd.read_csv('../data/tracts.csv').set_index('full_tract_id')


                    city  home_density  work_density  school_density
6001008309.000   TIJUANA         0.000         0.000           0.000
6001400100.000  BERKELEY        13.438        13.131          13.512
6001400200.000   OAKLAND        11.090         4.249           0.895
6001400300.000   OAKLAND        28.878         7.672           0.000
6001400400.000   OAKLAND        16.885         4.064           8.150

In [5]:
trips = pd.read_csv('../data/trips.csv').set_index('place_id')


                 full_tract_id  mode  trip_distance_miles
10319850102.000 6095252108.000 6.000               13.428
10319850202.000 6095251902.000 5.000                5.126
10335860102.000 6085511915.000 6.000              156.371
10335860103.000 6085512027.000 6.000                1.616
10335860104.000 6085512027.000 6.000                0.376

In [ ]:

MNL destination choice using urbansim.urbanchoice

In [6]:
# - each trip is a realized choice of a particular census tract
# - we can randomly sample alternative census tracts and build a model
#   of destination choice

In [7]:
# `interaction.mnl_interaction_dataset()` is not documented very well, but 
# this is how it seems to work

# Takes following input:
# - choosers: pandas.DataFrame with unique index
# - alternatives: pandas.DataFrame with unique index
# - SAMPLE_SIZE: number of alternatives for each choice scenario
# - chosenalts: list containing the alternative id chosen by each chooser?

# Returns following output:
# - full list of alternatives that were sampled
# - long-format DataFrame merging the two tables
# - numchoosers X SAMPLE_SIZE matrix representing chosen alternatives

Start with a sample of ~500 trips for easier computation

In [6]:
choosers = trips.loc[np.random.choice(trips.index, 500, replace=False)]
choosers = choosers.loc[choosers.trip_distance_miles.notnull()]


                 full_tract_id  mode  trip_distance_miles
71720050203.000 6055201402.000 6.000                3.080
19678330204.000 6095253404.000 6.000               15.400
30057980204.000 6001408600.000 6.000                7.070
30002610307.000 6001433400.000 5.000                1.371
30208410103.000 6085503601.000 5.000                7.498

Sample 100 alternatives for each and set up a long-format data table

In [7]:
numalts = 100

_, merged, chosen = interaction.mnl_interaction_dataset(
    choosers=choosers, alternatives=tracts, SAMPLE_SIZE=numalts, 


(490, 100)

Use Patsy to generate the design matrix

In [8]:
model_expression = "home_density + work_density + school_density"

model_design = dmatrix(model_expression, data=merged, return_type='dataframe')


                Intercept  home_density  work_density  school_density
6055201402.000      1.000        13.406         1.692           0.000
6013308001.000      1.000         8.448         0.828           2.252
6085500901.000      1.000         6.060        32.747         110.417
6085503712.000      1.000        16.097         6.792           0.000
6097153801.000      1.000        48.146         3.061           8.313

Fit the model using mnl_estimate()

In [9]:
log_likelihoods, fit_parameters = mnl.mnl_estimate(
    model_design.as_matrix(), chosen, numalts=numalts)


{'convergence': -2209.5185606064615, 'null': -2256.5333911341672, 'ratio': 0.02083498108755011}
   Coefficient  Std. Error  T-Score
0       -0.000       0.084   -0.000
1        0.013       0.004    3.049
2        0.012       0.001    9.855
3        0.011       0.005    2.170

In [ ]:

NEW -- Same process in ChoiceModels

In [10]:
from choicemodels import MultinomialLogit
from choicemodels.tools import MergedChoiceTable

In [11]:
# Start with the same sample of trips



Merge choosers and alternatives using a new ChoiceModels interface

In [12]:
merged = MergedChoiceTable(observations = choosers, 
                           alternatives = tracts, 
                           chosen_alternatives = choosers.full_tract_id, 
                           sample_size = numalts)


<class 'choicemodels.tools.interaction.MergedChoiceTable'>

Estimate a model using the ChoiceModels engine

In [17]:
model_expression = "home_density + work_density + school_density - 1"

model = MultinomialLogit(data = merged.to_frame(), 
                         observation_id_col = merged.observation_id_col, 
                         choice_col = merged.choice_col,
                         model_expression = model_expression)

results = model.fit()

                  CHOICEMODELS ESTIMATION RESULTS                  
Dep. Var.:                chosen   No. Observations:               
Model:         Multinomial Logit   Df Residuals:                   
Method:       Maximum Likelihood   Df Model:                       
Date:                              Pseudo R-squ.:                  
Time:                              Pseudo R-bar-squ.:              
AIC:                               Log-Likelihood:       -2,206.414
BIC:                               LL-Null:              -2,256.533
                    coef   std err         z     P>|z|   Conf. Int.
home_density      0.0123     0.003     4.574                       
work_density      0.0128     0.001    10.993                       
school_density    0.0097     0.005     2.018                       
CPU times: user 125 ms, sys: 34.8 ms, total: 160 ms
Wall time: 110 ms

In [14]:

<class 'choicemodels.mnl.MultinomialLogitResults'>

Estimate a model using the PyLogit engine

Usage is the same, but with an OrderedDict model expression

In [15]:
from collections import OrderedDict

In [16]:
model_expression = OrderedDict([('home_density', 'all_same'),
                                ('work_density', 'all_same'),
                                ('school_density', 'all_same')])

model = MultinomialLogit(data = merged.to_frame(),
                         observation_id_col = merged.observation_id_col,
                         alternative_id_col = merged.alternative_id_col,
                         choice_col = merged.choice_col,
                         model_expression = model_expression)

results = model.fit()

Log-likelihood at zero: -2,256.5334
Initial Log-likelihood: -2,256.5334
Estimation Time: 0.15 seconds.
Final log-likelihood: -2,206.4141
                     Multinomial Logit Model Regression Results                    
Dep. Variable:                      chosen   No. Observations:                  490
Model:             Multinomial Logit Model   Df Residuals:                      487
Method:                                MLE   Df Model:                            3
Date:                     Tue, 27 Jun 2017   Pseudo R-squ.:                   0.022
Time:                             19:51:07   Pseudo R-bar-squ.:               0.021
converged:                            True   Log-Likelihood:             -2,206.414
                                             LL-Null:                    -2,256.533
                     coef    std err          z      P>|z|      [0.025      0.975]
home_density       0.0123      0.004      2.942      0.003       0.004       0.020
work_density       0.0128      0.001     11.104      0.000       0.011       0.015
school_density     0.0097      0.004      2.191      0.028       0.001       0.018
CPU times: user 15.5 s, sys: 13.7 s, total: 29.2 s
Wall time: 21 s

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