RNA family characterization

Application scenario: we want to characterize RNA family, identifying regions with their structural contexts that are characteristic of the family

In [10]:
%matplotlib inline
from eden.util import configure_logging
import logging

given the RFAM id of a family we retrieve it from the RFAM online database composing the correspondent URL

In [11]:
def rfam_uri(family_id):
    return '%s.fa'%(family_id)

def rfam_uri(family_id):
    return 'http://rfam.xfam.org/family/%s/alignment?acc=%s&format=fastau&download=0'%(family_id,family_id)

In [12]:
rfam_id = 'RF00162' #SAM riboswitch (S box leader)
rfam_id = 'RF01725' #SAM-I/IV variant riboswitch
rfam_id = 'RF00005' #tRNA
rfam_id = 'RF02276' #hammerhead

prepare a function that composes all desired pre-processing steps over the original data

In [13]:
def pre_process( data ):
    from eden.converter.rna.rnafold import rnafold_to_eden
    graphs = rnafold_to_eden( data )
    return graphs

employ the vectorizer to transform the graph instances into sparse vectors and collect all the vectors in a data matrix

repeat the procedure on a different RNA family that will be used as negative class (...or randomly shuffle the sequences to create the negative examples)

concatenate the two data matrices into one matrix and create a target vector that identifies with +1 and -1 the instances comping form the orginal and the shuffled data

Fit a predictor

In [19]:
def model(uri, pre_process, size=None):

    from eden.graph import Vectorizer
    vectorizer = Vectorizer( complexity=2 )

    from eden.converter.fasta import fasta_to_sequence
    seqs = fasta_to_sequence(uri)
    from itertools import tee, islice
    if size is not None:
        seqs = islice(seqs,size)
    seqs, seqs_ = tee(seqs)
    pos_graphs = pre_process( seqs )
    from eden.modifier.seq import seq_to_seq, shuffle_modifier
    seqs_neg = seq_to_seq( seqs_, modifier=shuffle_modifier, times=4, order=2 )
    neg_graphs = pre_process( seqs_neg )

    from eden.util import fit
    estimator = fit(pos_graphs, neg_graphs, vectorizer, n_jobs=-1, cv=10, n_iter_search=20)
    return estimator, vectorizer

In [20]:
estimator, vectorizer = model(rfam_uri( rfam_id ), pre_process, size=50)

Starting new HTTP connection (1): rfam.xfam.org
"GET /family/RF02276/alignment?acc=RF02276&format=fastau&download=0 HTTP/1.1" 200 2354
Positive data: Instances: 24 ; Features: 1048577 with an avg of 495 features per instance
Negative data: Instances: 96 ; Features: 1048577 with an avg of 507 features per instance

SGDClassifier(alpha=0.000667904512373, average=True, class_weight='auto',
       epsilon=0.1, eta0=0.323506221251, fit_intercept=True, l1_ratio=0.15,
       learning_rate='invscaling', loss='hinge', n_iter=94, n_jobs=-1,
       penalty='l2', power_t=0.29196876111, random_state=None,
       shuffle=True, verbose=0, warm_start=False)

Predictive performance:
            accuracy: 0.983 +- 0.035
           precision: 1.000 +- 0.000
              recall: 0.900 +- 0.200
                  f1: 0.933 +- 0.133
   average_precision: 0.979 +- 0.063
             roc_auc: 0.994 +- 0.017
Elapsed time: 25.3 secs
CPU times: user 2.9 s, sys: 1.53 s, total: 4.43 s
Wall time: 25.3 s

Setup the Annotator

the Annotator takes in input a vecotrizer and a predictor

annotate with colors the discriminative importance of different regions of the structural graphs

In [27]:
from eden.util.display import draw_graph
import itertools
from eden.converter.fasta import fasta_to_sequence
seqs = fasta_to_sequence(rfam_uri( rfam_id ))

graphs = itertools.islice(pre_process(seqs),7,8)
graphs = vectorizer.annotate( graphs, estimator = estimator )

#parameters for visualization
opts={'size':9, 'node_border':False, 'node_size':200, 'font_size':9, 'vertex_alpha':0.6, 'title_key':'id'}
for i, graph in enumerate(graphs):
    print i
    #draw_graph(graph, vertex_color='importance', colormap='YlOrRd', **opts)
    draw_graph(graph, vertex_color='importance', colormap='YlOrRd', file_name='rna_%d.pdf'%(i), **opts)

Starting new HTTP connection (1): rfam.xfam.org
"GET /family/RF02276/alignment?acc=RF02276&format=fastau&download=0 HTTP/1.1" 200 2354

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