In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import os, sys
import ntpath
from eden.util import display
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
In [2]:
from graph_finder import GraphFinder
In [3]:
pos_class_0_path = "StoExamples/StoClasses/pos_class_0"
pos_class_1_path = "StoExamples/StoClasses/pos_class_1"
neg_class_0_path = "StoExamples/StoClasses/neg_class_0"
neg_class_1_path = "StoExamples/StoClasses/neg_class_1"
pos_class_0_abs_path = os.path.abspath(pos_class_0_path)
pos_class_1_abs_path = os.path.abspath(pos_class_1_path)
neg_class_0_abs_path = os.path.abspath(neg_class_0_path)
neg_class_1_abs_path = os.path.abspath(neg_class_1_path)
convert files to graphs
In [ ]:
gf = GraphFinder()
pos_0_graphs = gf.convert(pos_class_0_abs_path)
pos_1_graphs = gf.convert(pos_class_1_abs_path)
neg_0_graphs = gf.convert(neg_class_0_abs_path)
neg_1_graphs = gf.convert(neg_class_1_abs_path)
draw the generated graphs
In [ ]:
for G in pos_0_graphs:
display.draw_graph(G, size=40, node_size=400, font_size=20, node_border=True, prog='neato')
for G in pos_1_graphs:
display.draw_graph(G, size=40, node_size=400, font_size=20, node_border=True, prog='neato')
for G in neg_0_graphs:
display.draw_graph(G, size=40, node_size=400, font_size=20, node_border=True, prog='neato')
for G in neg_1_graphs:
display.draw_graph(G, size=40, node_size=400, font_size=20, node_border=True, prog='neato')
In [ ]:
transform_pos_0_graphs = gf.graphs_transform(pos_0_graphs, use_seq=True, use_cov = False)
transform_pos_1_graphs = gf.graphs_transform(pos_1_graphs, use_seq=True, use_cov = False)
transform_neg_0_graphs = gf.graphs_transform(neg_0_graphs, use_seq=True, use_cov = False)
transform_neg_1_graphs = gf.graphs_transform(neg_1_graphs, use_seq=True, use_cov = False)
draw the transformed graphs
In [ ]:
for G in pos_0_graphs:
display.draw_graph(G, size=40, node_size=400, font_size=20, node_border=True, prog='neato')
for G in pos_1_graphs:
display.draw_graph(G, size=40, node_size=400, font_size=20, node_border=True, prog='neato')
for G in neg_0_graphs:
display.draw_graph(G, size=40, node_size=400, font_size=20, node_border=True, prog='neato')
for G in neg_1_graphs:
display.draw_graph(G, size=40, node_size=400, font_size=20, node_border=True, prog='neato')
create target list
In [ ]:
import numpy as np
pos_0_neg_0 = [1]* len(pos_0_graphs) + [-1] * len(neg_0_graphs)
y_0_0 = np.asarray([int(value) for value in pos_0_neg_0])
pos_0_neg_1 = [1]* len(pos_0_graphs) + [-1] * len(neg_1_graphs)
y_0_1 = np.asarray([int(value) for value in pos_0_neg_1])
pos_1_neg_0 = [1]* len(pos_1_graphs) + [-1] * len(neg_0_graphs)
y_1_0 = np.asarray([int(value) for value in pos_1_neg_0])
pos_1_neg_1 = [1]* len(pos_1_graphs) + [-1] * len(neg_1_graphs)
y_1_1 = np.asarray([int(value) for value in pos_1_neg_1])
print y_0_0, y_0_1, y_1_0, y_1_1
load data and convert it to graphs
In [ ]:
from eden.converter.graph.gspan import gspan_to_eden
pos_0_neg_0_graphs = pos_0_graphs + neg_0_graphs
pos_0_neg_1_graphs = pos_0_graphs + neg_1_graphs
pos_1_neg_0_graphs = pos_1_graphs + neg_0_graphs
pos_1_neg_1_graphs = pos_1_graphs + neg_1_graphs
'''setup the vectorizer'''
In [ ]:
from eden.graph import Vectorizer
vectorizer = Vectorizer(complexity=3)
extract features and build data matrix
In [ ]:
X_p0 = vectorizer.transform(pos_0_graphs)
print ('X_p0', X_p0)
print 'Instances: %d Features: %d with an avg of %d features per instance' % (X_p0.shape[0], X_p0.shape[1], X_p0.getnnz()/X_p0.shape[0])
X_p1 = vectorizer.transform(pos_1_graphs)
print ('X_p1', X_p1)
print 'Instances: %d Features: %d with an avg of %d features per instance' % (X_p1.shape[0], X_p1.shape[1], X_p1.getnnz()/X_p1.shape[0])
X_n0 = vectorizer.transform(neg_0_graphs)
print ('X_n0', X_n0)
print 'Instances: %d Features: %d with an avg of %d features per instance' % (X_n0.shape[0], X_n0.shape[1], X_n0.getnnz()/X_n0.shape[0])
X_n1 = vectorizer.transform(neg_1_graphs)
print ('X_n1', X_n1)
print 'Instances: %d Features: %d with an avg of %d features per instance' % (X_n1.shape[0], X_n1.shape[1], X_n1.getnnz()/X_n1.shape[0])
the train data matrix
In [ ]:
from scipy.sparse import vstack
data_matrix_00 = vstack( [X_p0, X_n0], format="csr")
data_matrix_01 = vstack( [X_p0, X_n1], format="csr")
data_matrix_10 = vstack( [X_p1, X_n0], format="csr")
data_matrix_11 = vstack( [X_p1, X_n1], format="csr")
Induce a predictor and evaluate its performance
In [ ]:
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
'''I know this is wrong. they should be from the same type, right!'''
score = roc_auc_score(y_1_1, data_matrix_00)
In [ ]: