In this notebook we will import GraphLab Create and use it to
Note: This notebook uses GraphLab Create 1.0.
In [1]:
import graphlab as gl
# set canvas to show sframes and sgraphs in ipython notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
After importing GraphLab Create, we can download data directly from S3. We have placed a preprocessed version of the Million Song Dataset on S3. This data set was used for a Kaggle challenge and includes data from The Echo Nest, SecondHandSongs, musiXmatch, and This file includes data for a subset of 10000 songs.
In [2]:
train_file = ''
# The below will download a 118 MB file.
sf = gl.SFrame.read_csv(train_file, header=False, delimiter='\t', verbose=False)
sf.rename({'X1':'user_id', 'X2':'song_id', 'X3':'listen_count'}).show()
In order to evaluate the performance of our model, we randomly split the observations in our data set into two partitions: we will use train_set
when creating our model and test_set
for evaluating its performance.
In [3]:
(train_set, test_set) = sf.random_split(0.8, seed=1)
One typically wants to initially create a simple recommendation system that can be used as a baseline and to verify that the rest of the pipeline works as expected. The recommender
package has several models available for this purpose. For example, we can create a model that predicts songs based on their overall popularity across all users.
In [4]:
popularity_model = gl.popularity_recommender.create(train_set, 'user_id', 'song_id')
Collaborative filtering methods make predictions for a given user based on the patterns of other users' activities. One common technique is to compare items based on their Jaccard similarity. This measurement is a ratio: the number of items they have in common, over the total number of distinct items in both sets. We could also have used another slightly more complicated similarity measurement, called Cosine Similarity. In the following code block, we compute all the item-item similarities and create an object that can be used for recommendations.
In [5]:
item_sim_model = gl.item_similarity_recommender.create(train_set, 'user_id', 'song_id')
It's straightforward to use GraphLab to compare models on a small subset of users in the test_set
. The precision-recall plot that is computed shows the benefits of using the similarity-based model instead of the baseline popularity_model
: better curves tend toward the upper-right hand corner of the plot.
The following command finds the top-ranked items for all users in the first 500 rows of test_set
. The observations in train_set
are not included in the predicted items.
In [6]:
result = gl.recommender.util.compare_models(test_set, [popularity_model, item_sim_model],
user_sample=.1, skip_set=train_set)
Now let's ask the item similarity model for song recommendations on several users. We first create a list of users and create a subset of observations, users_ratings
, that pertain to these users.
In [7]:
K = 10
users = gl.SArray(sf['user_id'].unique().head(100))
Next we use the recommend()
function to query the model we created for recommendations. The returned object has four columns: user_id
, song_id
, the score
that the algorithm gave this user for this song, and the song's rank (an integer from 0 to K-1). To see this we can grab the top few rows of recs
In [8]:
recs = item_sim_model.recommend(users=users, k=K)
To learn what songs these ids pertain to, we can merge in metadata about each song.
In [9]:
# Get the meta data of the songs
# The below will download a 75 MB file.
songs = gl.SFrame.read_csv('', verbose=False)
songs = songs[['song_id', 'title', 'artist_name']]
results = recs.join(songs, on='song_id', how='inner')
# Populate observed user-song data with song info
userset = frozenset(users)
ix = sf['user_id'].apply(lambda x: x in userset, int)
user_data = sf[ix]
user_data = user_data.join(songs, on='song_id')[['user_id', 'title', 'artist_name']]
In [10]:
# Print out some recommendations
for i in range(5):
user = list(users)[i]
print "User: " + str(i + 1)
user_obs = user_data[user_data['user_id'] == user].head(K)
del user_obs['user_id']
user_recs = results[results['user_id'] == str(user)][['title', 'artist_name']]
print "We were told that the user liked these songs: "
print user_obs.head(K)
print "We recommend these other songs:"
print user_recs.head(K)
print ""
(Looking for more details about the modules and functions? Check out the API docs.)