In [1]:
import graphlab as gl

The following code snippet will parse the books data provided at the training.

In [2]:
import os
if os.path.exists('books/ratings'):
    ratings = gl.SFrame('books/ratings')
    items = gl.SFrame('books/items')
    users = gl.SFrame('books/users')
    ratings = gl.SFrame.read_csv('books/book-ratings.csv')'books/ratings')
    items = gl.SFrame.read_csv('books/book-data.csv')'books/items')
    users = gl.SFrame.read_csv('books/user-data.csv')'books/users')

[INFO] graphlab.cython.cy_server: GraphLab Create v2.0 started. Logging: /tmp/graphlab_server_1468091566.log
INFO:graphlab.cython.cy_server:GraphLab Create v2.0 started. Logging: /tmp/graphlab_server_1468091566.log
This commercial license of GraphLab Create is assigned to

Visually explore the above data using GraphLab Canvas.

In [3]:

Recommendation systems

In this section we will make a model that can be used to recommend new tags to users.

Creating a Model

Use gl.recommender.create() to create a model that can be used to recommend tags to each user.

In [4]:
m = gl.recommender.create(ratings, user_id='name', item_id='book')

Recsys training: model = item_similarity
Warning: Column 'rating' ignored.
    To use this column as the target, set target = "rating" and use a method that allows the use of a target.
Preparing data set.
    Data has 98077 observations with 31856 users and 11121 items.
    Data prepared in: 0.245797s
Training model from provided data.
Gathering per-item and per-user statistics.
| Elapsed Time (Item Statistics) | % Complete |
| 962us                          | 18.75      |
| 9.895ms                        | 100        |
Setting up lookup tables.
Processing data in one pass using dense lookup tables.
| Elapsed Time (Constructing Lookups) | Total % Complete | Items Processed |
| 636.395ms                           | 0                | 0               |
| 2.56s                               | 100              | 11121           |
Finalizing lookup tables.
Generating candidate set for working with new users.

Print a summary of the model by simply entering the name of the object.

In [5]:

Class                            : ItemSimilarityRecommender

User ID                          : name
Item ID                          : book
Target                           : None
Additional observation features  : 0
User side features               : []
Item side features               : []

Number of observations           : 98077
Number of users                  : 31856
Number of items                  : 11121

Training summary
Training time                    : 3.5958

Model Parameters
Model class                      : ItemSimilarityRecommender
threshold                        : 0.001
similarity_type                  : jaccard
training_method                  : auto

Other Settings
degree_approximation_threshold   : 4096
sparse_density_estimation_sample_size : 4096
max_data_passes                  : 4096
target_memory_usage              : 8589934592
seed_item_set_size               : 50
nearest_neighbors_interaction_proportion_threshold : 0.05
max_item_neighborhood_size       : 64

Get all unique users from the first 10000 observations and save them as a variable called users.

In [6]:
users = ratings.head(10000)['name'].unique()

Get 20 recommendations for each user in your list of users. Save these as a new SFrame called recs.

In [7]:
recs = m.recommend(users, k=20)

recommendations finished on 1000/6572 queries. users per second: 14158.9
recommendations finished on 2000/6572 queries. users per second: 13498.2
recommendations finished on 3000/6572 queries. users per second: 12571
recommendations finished on 4000/6572 queries. users per second: 12556.4
recommendations finished on 5000/6572 queries. users per second: 12361.7
recommendations finished on 6000/6572 queries. users per second: 12613.3

Inspecting your model

Get an SFrame of the 20 most similar items for each observed item.

In [8]:
sims = m.get_similar_items()

This dataset has multiple rows corresponding to the same book, e.g., in situations where reprintings were done by different publishers in different year.

For each unique value of 'book' in the items SFrame, select one of the of the available values for author, publisher, and year. Hint: Try using SFrame.groupby and gl.aggregate.SELECT_ONE.

In [9]:
items = items.groupby('book', {k: gl.aggregate.SELECT_ONE(k) for k in ['author', 'publisher', 'year']})

Computing the number of times each book was rated, and add a column containing these counts to the items SFrame using SFrame.join.

In [10]:
num_ratings_per_book = ratings.groupby('book', gl.aggregate.COUNT)
items = items.join(num_ratings_per_book, on='book')

Print the first few books, sorted by the number of times they have been rated. Do these values make sense?

In [11]:
items.sort('Count', ascending=False)

book publisher year author Count
Wild Animus Too Far 2004 Rich Shapero 581
The Da Vinci Code Doubleday 2003 Dan Brown 488
The Secret Life of Bees Penguin Highbridge 2002 Sue Monk Kidd 406
Bridget Jones's Diary Picador (UK) 1996 Helen Fielding 377
Life of Pi Pub Group West 2004 Yann Martel 336
The Summons Random House Large Print
Publishing ...
2002 John Grisham 309
A Painted House Random House Audio
Publishing Group ...
2001 John Grisham 284
The Girls' Guide to
Hunting and Fishing ...
Penguin Books Ltd 2000 Melissa Bank 259
Good in Bed Atria 2001 Jennifer Weiner 247
The Five People You Meet
in Heaven ...
Hyperion 2003 Mitch Albom 244
[11121 rows x 5 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.

Now print the most similar items per item, sorted by the most common books. Hint: Join the two SFrames you created above.

In [12]:
sims = sims.join(items[['book', 'Count']], on='book')
sims = sims.sort(['Count', 'book', 'rank'], ascending=False)
sims.print_rows(1000, max_row_width=150)

|              book             |            similar             |      score       | rank | Count |
|          Wild Animus          |    A Prayer for Owen Meany     | 0.00925928354263 |  10  |  581  |
|          Wild Animus          |          Empire Falls          | 0.0097222328186  |  9   |  581  |
|          Wild Animus          |      When the Wind Blows       | 0.00980395078659 |  8   |  581  |
|          Wild Animus          |   The Bonesetter's Daughter    | 0.0108991861343  |  7   |  581  |
|          Wild Animus          |           Life of Pi           | 0.0110375285149  |  6   |  581  |
|          Wild Animus          |          The Alienist          | 0.0113154053688  |  5   |  581  |
|          Wild Animus          |        A Painted House         | 0.0116959214211  |  4   |  581  |
|          Wild Animus          | The Bridges of Madison County  | 0.0119840502739  |  3   |  581  |
|          Wild Animus          |    The Secret Life of Bees     | 0.0123583674431  |  2   |  581  |
|          Wild Animus          |       The Da Vinci Code        | 0.0171265602112  |  1   |  581  |
|       The Da Vinci Code       |     Me Talk Pretty One Day     | 0.0232558250427  |  10  |  488  |
|       The Da Vinci Code       | The Girls' Guide to Huntin...  | 0.0233837962151  |  9   |  488  |
|       The Da Vinci Code       |          Good in Bed           | 0.0237098932266  |  8   |  488  |
|       The Da Vinci Code       |           Bleachers            | 0.0255474448204  |  7   |  488  |
|       The Da Vinci Code       |     Bridget Jones's Diary      | 0.0264105796814  |  6   |  488  |
|       The Da Vinci Code       |   Dude, Where's My Country?    | 0.0284191966057  |  5   |  488  |
|       The Da Vinci Code       |          Mystic River          | 0.0299500823021  |  4   |  488  |
|       The Da Vinci Code       | The Five People You Meet i...  |  0.033898293972  |  3   |  488  |
|       The Da Vinci Code       |           Life of Pi           |  0.036523938179  |  2   |  488  |
|       The Da Vinci Code       |    The Secret Life of Bees     |  0.043376326561  |  1   |  488  |
|    The Secret Life of Bees    |     The Rapture of Canaan      | 0.0299785733223  |  10  |  406  |
|    The Secret Life of Bees    |   The Bonesetter's Daughter    |  0.031135559082  |  9   |  406  |
|    The Secret Life of Bees    |     Bridget Jones's Diary      | 0.0322147607803  |  8   |  406  |
|    The Secret Life of Bees    | The Girls' Guide to Huntin...  | 0.0345911979675  |  7   |  406  |
|    The Secret Life of Bees    |     Girl in Hyacinth Blue      | 0.0375000238419  |  6   |  406  |
|    The Secret Life of Bees    | Wicked: The Life and Times...  | 0.0410447716713  |  5   |  406  |
|    The Secret Life of Bees    |       The Da Vinci Code        |  0.043376326561  |  4   |  406  |
|    The Secret Life of Bees    |           Life of Pi           | 0.0439093708992  |  3   |  406  |
|    The Secret Life of Bees    | The Five People You Meet i...  | 0.0470016002655  |  2   |  406  |
|    The Secret Life of Bees    |          Good in Bed           | 0.0485436916351  |  1   |  406  |
|     Bridget Jones's Diary     |     Girl in Hyacinth Blue      | 0.0266075134277  |  10  |  377  |
|     Bridget Jones's Diary     |          Empire Falls          | 0.0280560851097  |  9   |  377  |
|     Bridget Jones's Diary     | Wicked: The Life and Times...  | 0.0295275449753  |  8   |  377  |
|     Bridget Jones's Diary     |     Me Talk Pretty One Day     | 0.0300353169441  |  7   |  377  |
|     Bridget Jones's Diary     |   Dude, Where's My Country?    | 0.0315315127373  |  6   |  377  |
|     Bridget Jones's Diary     | The Bridges of Madison County  | 0.0321360826492  |  5   |  377  |
|     Bridget Jones's Diary     |    The Secret Life of Bees     | 0.0322147607803  |  4   |  377  |
|     Bridget Jones's Diary     | The Girls' Guide to Huntin...  | 0.0348837375641  |  3   |  377  |
|     Bridget Jones's Diary     |          Good in Bed           | 0.0354729890823  |  2   |  377  |
|     Bridget Jones's Diary     | Bridget Jones: The Edge of...  | 0.0734966397285  |  1   |  377  |
|           Life of Pi          |       The Little Friend        |  0.024324297905  |  10  |  336  |
|           Life of Pi          |    Bastard Out of Carolina     | 0.0246305465698  |  9   |  336  |
|           Life of Pi          |          Good in Bed           | 0.0246913433075  |  8   |  336  |
|           Life of Pi          | The Five People You Meet i...  | 0.0247787833214  |  7   |  336  |
|           Life of Pi          | Wicked: The Life and Times...  |  0.025052189827  |  6   |  336  |
|           Life of Pi          |    I Know This Much Is True    | 0.0255814194679  |  5   |  336  |
|           Life of Pi          |   Dude, Where's My Country?    | 0.0265060067177  |  4   |  336  |
|           Life of Pi          |          Empire Falls          | 0.0321888327599  |  3   |  336  |
|           Life of Pi          |       The Da Vinci Code        |  0.036523938179  |  2   |  336  |
|           Life of Pi          |    The Secret Life of Bees     | 0.0439093708992  |  1   |  336  |
|          The Summons          |        The Beach House         | 0.0269709825516  |  10  |  309  |
|          The Summons          |       Last Man Standing        | 0.0274725556374  |  9   |  309  |
|          The Summons          |       The Pelican Brief        | 0.0276595950127  |  8   |  309  |
|          The Summons          |        Four Blind Mice         | 0.0300751924515  |  7   |  309  |
|          The Summons          |       The King of Torts        | 0.0310077667236  |  6   |  309  |
|          The Summons          |           The Client           |     0.03125      |  5   |  309  |
|          The Summons          |        A Painted House         |  0.031358897686  |  4   |  309  |
|          The Summons          |        Violets Are Blue        | 0.0342465639114  |  3   |  309  |
|          The Summons          |            The Firm            | 0.0371819734573  |  2   |  309  |
|          The Summons          |          The Brethren          | 0.0407239794731  |  1   |  309  |
|        A Painted House        |          Good in Bed           | 0.0211945772171  |  10  |  284  |
|        A Painted House        |           The Client           |  0.023913025856  |  9   |  284  |
|        A Painted House        |   The Deep End of the Ocean    | 0.0240963697433  |  8   |  284  |
|        A Painted House        |      When the Wind Blows       | 0.0241546034813  |  7   |  284  |
|        A Painted House        |     We Were the Mulvaneys      | 0.0242130756378  |  6   |  284  |
|        A Painted House        |    The Secret Life of Bees     | 0.0254110693932  |  5   |  284  |
|        A Painted House        |       The Pelican Brief        | 0.0291479825974  |  4   |  284  |
|        A Painted House        |          The Summons           |  0.031358897686  |  3   |  284  |
|        A Painted House        |            The Firm            | 0.0347648262978  |  2   |  284  |
|        A Painted House        |          The Brethren          | 0.0380952358246  |  1   |  284  |
| The Girls' Guide to Huntin... |         Pigs in Heaven         | 0.0258620977402  |  10  |  259  |
| The Girls' Guide to Huntin... |     Girl in Hyacinth Blue      | 0.0262390375137  |  9   |  259  |
| The Girls' Guide to Huntin... | Wicked: The Life and Times...  | 0.0299999713898  |  8   |  259  |
| The Girls' Guide to Huntin... |       The Stone Diaries        | 0.0316455960274  |  7   |  259  |
| The Girls' Guide to Huntin... |       The Boy Next Door        | 0.0327869057655  |  6   |  259  |
| The Girls' Guide to Huntin... |    The Secret Life of Bees     | 0.0345911979675  |  5   |  259  |
| The Girls' Guide to Huntin... |     Bridget Jones's Diary      | 0.0348837375641  |  4   |  259  |
| The Girls' Guide to Huntin... |      The Virgin Suicides       |  0.03519064188   |  3   |  259  |
| The Girls' Guide to Huntin... | Bridget Jones: The Edge of...  | 0.0363128781319  |  2   |  259  |
| The Girls' Guide to Huntin... |          Good in Bed           | 0.0393374562263  |  1   |  259  |
|          Good in Bed          | The Crimson Petal and the ...  |  0.029126226902  |  10  |  247  |
|          Good in Bed          | The Idiot Girls' Action Ad...  |     0.03125      |  9   |  247  |
|          Good in Bed          |        High Maintenance        | 0.0323740839958  |  8   |  247  |
|          Good in Bed          |     Girl in Hyacinth Blue      | 0.0332326292992  |  7   |  247  |
|          Good in Bed          | Bridget Jones: The Edge of...  | 0.0343839526176  |  6   |  247  |
|          Good in Bed          |     Bridget Jones's Diary      | 0.0354729890823  |  5   |  247  |
|          Good in Bed          | The Five People You Meet i...  | 0.0381355881691  |  4   |  247  |
|          Good in Bed          | The Girls' Guide to Huntin...  | 0.0393374562263  |  3   |  247  |
|          Good in Bed          |          Empire Falls          | 0.0397877693176  |  2   |  247  |
|          Good in Bed          |    The Secret Life of Bees     | 0.0485436916351  |  1   |  247  |
| The Five People You Meet i... |           Life of Pi           | 0.0247787833214  |  10  |  244  |
| The Five People You Meet i... |           Bleachers            |  0.025806427002  |  9   |  244  |
| The Five People You Meet i... |         The Last Juror         | 0.0266666412354  |  8   |  244  |
| The Five People You Meet i... |          Black House           | 0.0268656611443  |  7   |  244  |
| The Five People You Meet i... |  Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas  | 0.0283842682838  |  6   |  244  |
| The Five People You Meet i... |     Girl in Hyacinth Blue      | 0.0303030014038  |  5   |  244  |
| The Five People You Meet i... |        Four Blind Mice         | 0.0327380895615  |  4   |  244  |
| The Five People You Meet i... |       The Da Vinci Code        |  0.033898293972  |  3   |  244  |
| The Five People You Meet i... |          Good in Bed           | 0.0381355881691  |  2   |  244  |
| The Five People You Meet i... |    The Secret Life of Bees     | 0.0470016002655  |  1   |  244  |
|  Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas |      When the Wind Blows       | 0.0222841501236  |  10  |  228  |
|  Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas |     Bridget Jones's Diary      | 0.0223752260208  |  9   |  228  |
|  Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas |           Wanderlust           |    0.0234375     |  8   |  228  |
|  Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas |        The Summerhouse         |  0.023569047451  |  7   |  228  |
|  Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas |          Good in Bed           | 0.0238095521927  |  6   |  228  |
|  Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas |         Here on Earth          | 0.0240550041199  |  5   |  228  |
|  Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas |        Violets Are Blue        | 0.0247933864594  |  4   |  228  |
|  Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas |       The King of Torts        |  0.025806427002  |  3   |  228  |
|  Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas | The Five People You Meet i...  | 0.0283842682838  |  2   |  228  |
|  Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas |        The Beach House         | 0.0324189662933  |  1   |  228  |
|            The Firm           |        A Painted House         | 0.0347648262978  |  10  |  224  |
|            The Firm           |          The Brethren          | 0.0360110998154  |  9   |  224  |
|            The Firm           |          The Summons           | 0.0371819734573  |  8   |  224  |
|            The Firm           |         Skeleton Crew          | 0.0378006696701  |  7   |  224  |
|            The Firm           |       Unnatural Exposure       | 0.0379746556282  |  6   |  224  |
|            The Firm           |           Postmortem           | 0.0390070676804  |  5   |  224  |
|            The Firm           |      Silence of the Lambs      | 0.0393939614296  |  4   |  224  |
|            The Firm           |    The Hunt for Red October    | 0.0415225028992  |  3   |  224  |
|            The Firm           |           The Client           | 0.0877659320831  |  2   |  224  |
|            The Firm           |       The Pelican Brief        |  0.108938574791  |  1   |  224  |
|     Me Talk Pretty One Day    | Wicked: The Life and Times...  | 0.0247933864594  |  10  |  218  |
|     Me Talk Pretty One Day    | The Honk and Holler Openin...  | 0.0252707600594  |  9   |  218  |
|     Me Talk Pretty One Day    |           Geek Love            | 0.0266159772873  |  8   |  218  |
|     Me Talk Pretty One Day    | The Idiot Girls' Action Ad...  | 0.0269230604172  |  7   |  218  |
|     Me Talk Pretty One Day    |    The Secret Life of Bees     | 0.0282862186432  |  6   |  218  |
|     Me Talk Pretty One Day    | The Color of Water: A Blac...  | 0.0283911824226  |  5   |  218  |
|     Me Talk Pretty One Day    |          Good in Bed           | 0.0289532542229  |  4   |  218  |
|     Me Talk Pretty One Day    |  Five Quarters of the Orange   | 0.0297029614449  |  3   |  218  |
|     Me Talk Pretty One Day    |     Bridget Jones's Diary      | 0.0300353169441  |  2   |  218  |
|     Me Talk Pretty One Day    |     Girl in Hyacinth Blue      | 0.0365448594093  |  1   |  218  |
|       The Joy Luck Club       |          Fingersmith           | 0.0249999761581  |  10  |  208  |
|       The Joy Luck Club       |    The Secret Life of Bees     |  0.025210082531  |  9   |  208  |
|       The Joy Luck Club       |       Two for the Dough        | 0.0256410241127  |  8   |  208  |
|       The Joy Luck Club       |    I Know This Much Is True    | 0.0261437892914  |  7   |  208  |
|       The Joy Luck Club       |  The World According to Garp   | 0.0268199443817  |  6   |  208  |
|       The Joy Luck Club       |            The Firm            | 0.0287081599236  |  5   |  208  |
|       The Joy Luck Club       |   The Bonesetter's Daughter    | 0.0307262539864  |  4   |  208  |
|       The Joy Luck Club       |        The Color Purple        | 0.0322580933571  |  3   |  208  |
|       The Joy Luck Club       |   The Hundred Secret Senses    | 0.0546624064445  |  2   |  208  |
|       The Joy Luck Club       |     The Kitchen God's Wife     | 0.0627062916756  |  1   |  208  |
|           The Client          |         Needful Things         | 0.0313725471497  |  10  |  189  |
|           The Client          |           Deja Dead            | 0.0316205620766  |  9   |  189  |
|           The Client          |         The Body Farm          | 0.0346153974533  |  8   |  189  |
|           The Client          |      When the Wind Blows       | 0.0348101258278  |  7   |  189  |
|           The Client          |         Skeleton Crew          |    0.04296875    |  6   |  189  |
|           The Client          |      Silence of the Lambs      |  0.044067800045  |  5   |  189  |
|           The Client          |           Postmortem           | 0.0445343852043  |  4   |  189  |
|           The Client          |       The Street Lawyer        | 0.0483871102333  |  3   |  189  |
|           The Client          |       The Pelican Brief        | 0.0805970430374  |  2   |  189  |
|           The Client          |            The Firm            | 0.0877659320831  |  1   |  189  |
|        The Beach House        |          The Summons           | 0.0269709825516  |  10  |  189  |
|        The Beach House        |        Q Is for Quarry         | 0.0271186232567  |  9   |  189  |
|        The Beach House        |       Unfit to Practice        | 0.0289855003357  |  8   |  189  |
|        The Beach House        |          Mortal Prey           | 0.0291666388512  |  7   |  189  |
|        The Beach House        |          Chosen Prey           | 0.0308880209923  |  6   |  189  |
|        The Beach House        |      Pop Goes the Weasel       |  0.031358897686  |  5   |  189  |
|        The Beach House        |  Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas  | 0.0324189662933  |  4   |  189  |
|        The Beach House        |      When the Wind Blows       | 0.0414012670517  |  3   |  189  |
|        The Beach House        |        Four Blind Mice         | 0.0431654453278  |  2   |  189  |
|        The Beach House        |        Violets Are Blue        | 0.0473186373711  |  1   |  189  |
|      The Horse Whisperer      |          Turtle Moon           | 0.0232558250427  |  10  |  182  |
|      The Horse Whisperer      |           Wanderlust           | 0.0236966609955  |  9   |  182  |
|      The Horse Whisperer      |     The Kitchen God's Wife     | 0.0243055820465  |  8   |  182  |
|      The Horse Whisperer      |           Postmortem           | 0.0243902206421  |  7   |  182  |
|      The Horse Whisperer      |          Beach Music           | 0.0251045823097  |  6   |  182  |
|      The Horse Whisperer      |       Unnatural Exposure       | 0.0286738276482  |  5   |  182  |
|      The Horse Whisperer      |       The Pelican Brief        | 0.0289017558098  |  4   |  182  |
|      The Horse Whisperer      |          Final Target          | 0.0290456414223  |  3   |  182  |
|      The Horse Whisperer      |           The Client           | 0.0308123230934  |  2   |  182  |
|      The Horse Whisperer      |            The Loop            | 0.0528634190559  |  1   |  182  |
| The Bridges of Madison County | Don't Stand Too Close to a...  | 0.0222222208977  |  10  |  182  |
| The Bridges of Madison County |          Mirror Image          | 0.0224215388298  |  9   |  182  |
| The Bridges of Madison County |       The King of Torts        | 0.0227272510529  |  8   |  182  |
| The Bridges of Madison County |            The Firm            | 0.0229591727257  |  7   |  182  |
| The Bridges of Madison County |       The Street Lawyer        | 0.0243902206421  |  6   |  182  |
| The Bridges of Madison County |          Good in Bed           | 0.0265700221062  |  5   |  182  |
| The Bridges of Madison County |       That Camden Summer       | 0.0276497602463  |  4   |  182  |
| The Bridges of Madison County |    Slow Waltz in Cedar Bend    | 0.0288065671921  |  3   |  182  |
| The Bridges of Madison County |     Bridget Jones's Diary      | 0.0321360826492  |  2   |  182  |
| The Bridges of Madison County |      Tell Me Your Dreams       |  0.033018887043  |  1   |  182  |
|    A Prayer for Owen Meany    |   The Bonesetter's Daughter    | 0.0269461274147  |  10  |  182  |
|    A Prayer for Owen Meany    |      Silence of the Lambs      | 0.0271186232567  |  9   |  182  |
|    A Prayer for Owen Meany    | The Crimson Petal and the ...  | 0.0283401012421  |  8   |  182  |
|    A Prayer for Owen Meany    |    I Know This Much Is True    | 0.0285714268684  |  7   |  182  |
|    A Prayer for Owen Meany    | The Stand: Complete and Uncut  | 0.0285714268684  |  6   |  182  |
|    A Prayer for Owen Meany    |      A Son of the Circus       | 0.0287081599236  |  5   |  182  |
|    A Prayer for Owen Meany    |           Geek Love            | 0.0305677056313  |  4   |  182  |
|    A Prayer for Owen Meany    |        The Fourth Hand         | 0.0325581431389  |  3   |  182  |
|    A Prayer for Owen Meany    |          Empire Falls          | 0.0347003340721  |  2   |  182  |
|    A Prayer for Owen Meany    |     The Cider House Rules      | 0.0410094857216  |  1   |  182  |
|       The Pelican Brief       |       Two for the Dough        |  0.036101102829  |  10  |  175  |
|       The Pelican Brief       |      Silence of the Lambs      | 0.0385965108871  |  9   |  175  |
|       The Pelican Brief       |         Hornet's Nest          |    0.0390625     |  8   |  175  |
|       The Pelican Brief       |      The Burden of Proof       | 0.0392156839371  |  7   |  175  |
|       The Pelican Brief       |      When the Wind Blows       | 0.0396039485931  |  6   |  175  |
|       The Pelican Brief       |          Pet Sematary          | 0.0418251156807  |  5   |  175  |
|       The Pelican Brief       |          The Brethren          | 0.0480769276619  |  4   |  175  |
|       The Pelican Brief       |           Postmortem           | 0.0557940006256  |  3   |  175  |
|       The Pelican Brief       |           The Client           | 0.0805970430374  |  2   |  175  |
|       The Pelican Brief       |            The Firm            |  0.108938574791  |  1   |  175  |
|   The Bonesetter's Daughter   |        The Fourth Hand         | 0.0307692289352  |  10  |  163  |
|   The Bonesetter's Daughter   | The Crimson Petal and the ...  | 0.0309734344482  |  9   |  163  |
|   The Bonesetter's Daughter   |    The Secret Life of Bees     |  0.031135559082  |  8   |  163  |
|   The Bonesetter's Daughter   |      The Handmaid's Tale       | 0.0327273011208  |  7   |  163  |
|   The Bonesetter's Daughter   | It Was on Fire When I Lay ...  |  0.033018887043  |  6   |  163  |
|   The Bonesetter's Daughter   |    I Know This Much Is True    | 0.0348837375641  |  5   |  163  |
|   The Bonesetter's Daughter   |     The Mistress of Spices     | 0.0351758599281  |  4   |  163  |
|   The Bonesetter's Daughter   |       The Stone Diaries        | 0.0358744263649  |  3   |  163  |
|   The Bonesetter's Daughter   |   The Hundred Secret Senses    | 0.0446096658707  |  2   |  163  |
|   The Bonesetter's Daughter   |     The Kitchen God's Wife     | 0.0536398291588  |  1   |  163  |
| Wicked: The Life and Times... | The Crimson Petal and the ...  | 0.0316742062569  |  10  |  156  |
| Wicked: The Life and Times... |          Fingersmith           | 0.0319148898125  |  9   |  156  |
| Wicked: The Life and Times... | Bridget Jones: The Edge of...  |  0.034351170063  |  8   |  156  |
| Wicked: The Life and Times... |       Peace Like a River       | 0.0363636612892  |  7   |  156  |
| Wicked: The Life and Times... | The Honk and Holler Openin...  | 0.0370370149612  |  6   |  156  |
| Wicked: The Life and Times... |          Empire Falls          | 0.0378006696701  |  5   |  156  |
| Wicked: The Life and Times... |    The Secret Life of Bees     | 0.0410447716713  |  4   |  156  |
| Wicked: The Life and Times... |     Girl in Hyacinth Blue      | 0.0413222908974  |  3   |  156  |
| Wicked: The Life and Times... |     The Other Boleyn Girl      | 0.0423728823662  |  2   |  156  |
| Wicked: The Life and Times... |       Einstein's Dreams        | 0.0439024567604  |  1   |  156  |
|          The Brethren         |          Bag of Bones          | 0.0253164768219  |  10  |  152  |
|          The Brethren         |       Presumed Innocent        | 0.0263158082962  |  9   |  152  |
|          The Brethren         |    The Hunt for Red October    | 0.0266666412354  |  8   |  152  |
|          The Brethren         |           The Client           | 0.0272727012634  |  7   |  152  |
|          The Brethren         |        Violets Are Blue        | 0.0276816487312  |  6   |  152  |
|          The Brethren         |            The Firm            | 0.0360110998154  |  5   |  152  |
|          The Brethren         |        A Painted House         | 0.0380952358246  |  4   |  152  |
|          The Brethren         |        The Simple Truth        | 0.0384615659714  |  3   |  152  |
|          The Brethren         |          The Summons           | 0.0407239794731  |  2   |  152  |
|          The Brethren         |       The Pelican Brief        | 0.0480769276619  |  1   |  152  |
|     The Cider House Rules     |    A Walk Through the Fire     |  0.025806427002  |  10  |  149  |
|     The Cider House Rules     |     Bridget Jones's Diary      | 0.0258964300156  |  9   |  149  |
|     The Cider House Rules     |     The Kitchen God's Wife     |  0.027450978756  |  8   |  149  |
|     The Cider House Rules     |         Here on Earth          | 0.0281690359116  |  7   |  149  |
|     The Cider House Rules     |     Girl in Hyacinth Blue      | 0.0295358896255  |  6   |  149  |
|     The Cider House Rules     |   The Hundred Secret Senses    | 0.0307692289352  |  5   |  149  |
|     The Cider House Rules     |      The Prince of Tides       | 0.0309734344482  |  4   |  149  |
|     The Cider House Rules     |         One True Thing         |  0.031963467598  |  3   |  149  |
|     The Cider House Rules     |  The World According to Garp   |  0.034825861454  |  2   |  149  |
|     The Cider House Rules     |    A Prayer for Owen Meany     | 0.0410094857216  |  1   |  149  |
|        Violets Are Blue       |          Mortal Prey           | 0.0459183454514  |  10  |  147  |
|        Violets Are Blue       |        The Beach House         | 0.0473186373711  |  9   |  147  |
|        Violets Are Blue       |        Deadly Decisions        |  0.047872364521  |  8   |  147  |
|        Violets Are Blue       |          Final Target          | 0.0495049357414  |  7   |  147  |
|        Violets Are Blue       |      Pop Goes the Weasel       | 0.0495867729187  |  6   |  147  |
|        Violets Are Blue       |          Isle of Dogs          | 0.0502092242241  |  5   |  147  |
|        Violets Are Blue       |      When the Wind Blows       |  0.059479534626  |  4   |  147  |
|        Violets Are Blue       |         Roses Are Red          | 0.0621469020844  |  3   |  147  |
|        Violets Are Blue       |          Chosen Prey           | 0.0663506984711  |  2   |  147  |
|        Violets Are Blue       |        Four Blind Mice         | 0.0877193212509  |  1   |  147  |
|           Neverwhere          |         N Is for Noose         | 0.0207253694534  |  10  |  146  |
|           Neverwhere          |      Servant of the Bones      |  0.021505355835  |  9   |  146  |
|           Neverwhere          | Word Freak: Heartbreak, Tr...  | 0.0216216444969  |  8   |  146  |
|           Neverwhere          |      A Son of the Circus       | 0.0229884982109  |  7   |  146  |
|           Neverwhere          |      Pattern Recognition       | 0.0233917832375  |  6   |  146  |
|           Neverwhere          |     Practical Demonkeeping     | 0.0233917832375  |  5   |  146  |
|           Neverwhere          | Death: The High Cost of Living | 0.0266666412354  |  4   |  146  |
|           Neverwhere          |       Summon the Keeper        | 0.0310559272766  |  3   |  146  |
|           Neverwhere          |           Good Omens           | 0.0311111211777  |  2   |  146  |
|           Neverwhere          |   Sandman: The Dream Hunters   | 0.0400000214577  |  1   |  146  |
|          Empire Falls         | The Crimson Petal and the ...  | 0.0331753492355  |  10  |  146  |
|          Empire Falls         |       The Stone Diaries        | 0.0334928035736  |  9   |  146  |
|          Empire Falls         |          Fingersmith           |  0.033707857132  |  8   |  146  |
|          Empire Falls         | The Honk and Holler Openin...  | 0.0338163971901  |  7   |  146  |
|          Empire Falls         |    A Prayer for Owen Meany     | 0.0347003340721  |  6   |  146  |
|          Empire Falls         | Gap Creek: The Story Of A ...  | 0.0355330109596  |  5   |  146  |
|          Empire Falls         | Wicked: The Life and Times...  | 0.0378006696701  |  4   |  146  |
|          Empire Falls         |          Good in Bed           | 0.0397877693176  |  3   |  146  |
|          Empire Falls         |       Peace Like a River       |  0.043062210083  |  2   |  146  |
|          Empire Falls         |       The Little Friend        | 0.0439560413361  |  1   |  146  |
|        The Color Purple       |     The Kitchen God's Wife     |  0.027888417244  |  10  |  145  |
|        The Color Purple       |          Pet Sematary          | 0.0296609997749  |  9   |  145  |
|        The Color Purple       | Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | 0.0308641791344  |  8   |  145  |
|        The Color Purple       |            The Firm            |  0.030985891819  |  7   |  145  |
|        The Color Purple       |         The River King         | 0.0319148898125  |  6   |  145  |
|        The Color Purple       |       The Joy Luck Club        | 0.0322580933571  |  5   |  145  |
|        The Color Purple       |       Four Past Midnight       |  0.033018887043  |  4   |  145  |
|        The Color Purple       |   The Temple of My Familiar    | 0.0346820950508  |  3   |  145  |
|        The Color Purple       |          Animal Farm           | 0.0352941155434  |  2   |  145  |
|        The Color Purple       |      The Prince of Tides       |  0.036199092865  |  1   |  145  |
|      When the Wind Blows      |          The Program           | 0.0382165312767  |  10  |  144  |
|      When the Wind Blows      |        The Devil's Code        |  0.03867405653   |  9   |  144  |
|      When the Wind Blows      |          Pet Sematary          |  0.039130449295  |  8   |  144  |
|      When the Wind Blows      |       The Pelican Brief        | 0.0396039485931  |  7   |  144  |
|      When the Wind Blows      |        The Beach House         | 0.0414012670517  |  6   |  144  |
|      When the Wind Blows      |          Mortal Prey           | 0.0416666865349  |  5   |  144  |
|      When the Wind Blows      |        Four Blind Mice         | 0.0474137663841  |  4   |  144  |
|      When the Wind Blows      |         The Lake House         |  0.053763449192  |  3   |  144  |
|      When the Wind Blows      |         Roses Are Red          | 0.0578034520149  |  2   |  144  |
|      When the Wind Blows      |        Violets Are Blue        |  0.059479534626  |  1   |  144  |
| A Heartbreaking Work of St... |           Life of Pi           | 0.0191489458084  |  10  |  144  |
| A Heartbreaking Work of St... |      Mariette in Ecstasy       | 0.0193548202515  |  9   |  144  |
| A Heartbreaking Work of St... |      Portnoy's Complaint       | 0.0202702879906  |  8   |  144  |
| A Heartbreaking Work of St... |          Pet Sematary          | 0.0210084319115  |  7   |  144  |
| A Heartbreaking Work of St... |   Mutant Message Down Under    | 0.0210526585579  |  6   |  144  |
| A Heartbreaking Work of St... |          Empire Falls          | 0.0211267471313  |  5   |  144  |
| A Heartbreaking Work of St... |           Good Omens           | 0.0221238732338  |  4   |  144  |
| A Heartbreaking Work of St... | Bridget Jones: The Edge of...  | 0.0237154364586  |  3   |  144  |
| A Heartbreaking Work of St... |           Geek Love            | 0.0259067416191  |  2   |  144  |
| A Heartbreaking Work of St... | Wicked: The Life and Times...  |  0.027397274971  |  1   |  144  |
|           Icy Sparks          |        Four Blind Mice         | 0.0251045823097  |  10  |  142  |
|           Icy Sparks          |      When the Wind Blows       | 0.0254545211792  |  9   |  142  |
|           Icy Sparks          |         Drowning Ruth          | 0.0268816947937  |  8   |  142  |
|           Icy Sparks          |    Bastard Out of Carolina     | 0.0276497602463  |  7   |  142  |
|           Icy Sparks          |         Roses Are Red          | 0.0277777910233  |  6   |  142  |
|           Icy Sparks          |          Empire Falls          | 0.0285714268684  |  5   |  142  |
|           Icy Sparks          |      Tell Me Your Dreams       | 0.0340909361839  |  4   |  142  |
|           Icy Sparks          |     River, Cross My Heart      | 0.0373831987381  |  3   |  142  |
|           Icy Sparks          |    I Know This Much Is True    | 0.0508474707603  |  2   |  142  |
|           Icy Sparks          |     We Were the Mulvaneys      | 0.0524344444275  |  1   |  142  |
|     We Were the Mulvaneys     |     Mary, Called Magdalene     | 0.0256410241127  |  10  |  139  |
|     We Were the Mulvaneys     |            The Loop            | 0.0260416865349  |  9   |  139  |
|     We Were the Mulvaneys     |   The Bonesetter's Daughter    |  0.027397274971  |  8   |  139  |
|     We Were the Mulvaneys     |     The Rapture of Canaan      | 0.0283018946648  |  7   |  139  |
|     We Were the Mulvaneys     |          Empire Falls          | 0.0288808941841  |  6   |  139  |
|     We Were the Mulvaneys     |   The Hundred Secret Senses    |  0.03187251091   |  5   |  139  |
|     We Were the Mulvaneys     |         Drowning Ruth          |  0.032967031002  |  4   |  139  |
|     We Were the Mulvaneys     |    I Know This Much Is True    | 0.0470085740089  |  3   |  139  |
|     We Were the Mulvaneys     |           Icy Sparks           | 0.0524344444275  |  2   |  139  |
|     We Were the Mulvaneys     |     River, Cross My Heart      | 0.0528846383095  |  1   |  139  |
| A Child Called "It": One C... |    Not Without My Daughter     | 0.0191082954407  |  10  |  136  |
| A Child Called "It": One C... |       The Pelican Brief        | 0.0196721553802  |  9   |  136  |
| A Child Called "It": One C... | Life's Little Instruction ...  | 0.0202702879906  |  8   |  136  |
| A Child Called "It": One C... | The Color of Water: A Blac...  | 0.0207468867302  |  7   |  136  |
| A Child Called "It": One C... |   The Deep End of the Ocean    | 0.0212765932083  |  6   |  136  |
| A Child Called "It": One C... | Simple Abundance:  A Daybo...  | 0.0220994353294  |  5   |  136  |
| A Child Called "It": One C... |           Wanderlust           | 0.0239520668983  |  4   |  136  |
| A Child Called "It": One C... |            Babyhood            | 0.0253164768219  |  3   |  136  |
| A Child Called "It": One C... |           Blue Diary           | 0.0261780023575  |  2   |  136  |
| A Child Called "It": One C... |       J Is for Judgment        | 0.0268816947937  |  1   |  136  |
|          The Alienist         |      When the Wind Blows       | 0.0300751924515  |  10  |  134  |
|          The Alienist         |           Postmortem           | 0.0301507711411  |  9   |  134  |
|          The Alienist         |          Black House           | 0.0308369994164  |  8   |  134  |
|          The Alienist         |       The Tommyknockers        | 0.0316742062569  |  7   |  134  |
|          The Alienist         |      The Handmaid's Tale       | 0.0321285128593  |  6   |  134  |
|          The Alienist         |   The Liar's Club: A Memoir    | 0.0350877046585  |  5   |  134  |
|          The Alienist         |       The Stone Diaries        | 0.0355330109596  |  4   |  134  |
|          The Alienist         |          Pet Sematary          | 0.0355555415154  |  3   |  134  |
|          The Alienist         |          The Shining           | 0.0357142686844  |  2   |  134  |
|          The Alienist         |     The Angel of Darkness      | 0.0869565010071  |  1   |  134  |
|          Mystic River         |         The Lake House         | 0.0274725556374  |  10  |  133  |
|          Mystic River         |          Night Chills          | 0.0275862216949  |  9   |  133  |
|          Mystic River         |         Trial by Fire          | 0.0279720425606  |  8   |  133  |
|          Mystic River         |          Mortal Fear           | 0.0285714268684  |  7   |  133  |
|          Mystic River         |       Falling Backwards        | 0.0291970968246  |  6   |  133  |
|          Mystic River         |       The Da Vinci Code        | 0.0299500823021  |  5   |  133  |
|          Mystic River         |           Faking It            | 0.0306122303009  |  4   |  133  |
|          Mystic River         |           Blue Shoe            | 0.0308641791344  |  3   |  133  |
|          Mystic River         |            Dead Run            | 0.0324675440788  |  2   |  133  |
|          Mystic River         |           Deja Dead            | 0.0353535413742  |  1   |  133  |
|   One Door Away from Heaven   |           Cold Fire            | 0.0304877758026  |  10  |  131  |
|   One Door Away from Heaven   |          Winter Moon           | 0.0304877758026  |  9   |  131  |
|   One Door Away from Heaven   |        Four Blind Mice         | 0.0309734344482  |  8   |  131  |
|   One Door Away from Heaven   |      The Key to Midnight       | 0.0324675440788  |  7   |  131  |
|   One Door Away from Heaven   |         Gerald's Game          | 0.0343137383461  |  6   |  131  |
|   One Door Away from Heaven   |          Rose Madder           | 0.0346534848213  |  5   |  131  |
|   One Door Away from Heaven   |          False Memory          | 0.0396039485931  |  4   |  131  |
|   One Door Away from Heaven   |          Black House           | 0.0407239794731  |  3   |  131  |
|   One Door Away from Heaven   |        Violets Are Blue        | 0.0416666865349  |  2   |  131  |
|   One Door Away from Heaven   |           Mr. Murder           | 0.0476190447807  |  1   |  131  |
|          Black Notice         |         Southern Cross         | 0.0445544719696  |  10  |  131  |
|          Black Notice         |          Sudden Prey           | 0.0457516312599  |  9   |  131  |
|          Black Notice         |           Postmortem           | 0.0466321110725  |  8   |  131  |
|          Black Notice         |         The Body Farm          | 0.0597015023232  |  7   |  131  |
|          Black Notice         |         Cause of Death         | 0.0645161271095  |  6   |  131  |
|          Black Notice         |       The Last Precinct        | 0.0655737519264  |  5   |  131  |
|          Black Notice         |         Hornet's Nest          | 0.0673077106476  |  4   |  131  |
|          Black Notice         |      From Potter's Field       | 0.0697674155235  |  3   |  131  |
|          Black Notice         |       Unnatural Exposure       | 0.0821917653084  |  2   |  131  |
|          Black Notice         |        Point of Origin         |  0.104072391987  |  1   |  131  |
|       The Last Precinct       |       Praying for Sleep        | 0.0349650382996  |  10  |  130  |
|       The Last Precinct       |          Isle of Dogs          | 0.0352423191071  |  9   |  130  |
|       The Last Precinct       |         Hornet's Nest          | 0.0377358198166  |  8   |  130  |
|       The Last Precinct       |         Southern Cross         | 0.0398010015488  |  7   |  130  |
|       The Last Precinct       |         The Body Farm          | 0.0550000071526  |  6   |  130  |
|       The Last Precinct       |         Cause of Death         | 0.0552995204926  |  5   |  130  |
|       The Last Precinct       |      From Potter's Field       | 0.0604650974274  |  4   |  130  |
|       The Last Precinct       |          Black Notice          | 0.0655737519264  |  3   |  130  |
|       The Last Precinct       |       Unnatural Exposure       | 0.0730593800545  |  2   |  130  |
|       The Last Precinct       |        Point of Origin         | 0.0852017998695  |  1   |  130  |
| The Alchemist: A Fable Abo... |  Five Quarters of the Orange   | 0.0231481194496  |  10  |  126  |
| The Alchemist: A Fable Abo... | The Idiot Girls' Action Ad...  | 0.0232558250427  |  9   |  126  |
| The Alchemist: A Fable Abo... |   Dude, Where's My Country?    | 0.0236966609955  |  8   |  126  |
| The Alchemist: A Fable Abo... |    A Tree Grows in Brooklyn    | 0.0246913433075  |  7   |  126  |
| The Alchemist: A Fable Abo... |       No Second  Chance        | 0.0259740352631  |  6   |  126  |
| The Alchemist: A Fable Abo... | A Natural History of the S...  |  0.027397274971  |  5   |  126  |
| The Alchemist: A Fable Abo... | Dogbert's Top Secret Manag...  | 0.0294117927551  |  4   |  126  |
| The Alchemist: A Fable Abo... |           The LETTER           | 0.0300751924515  |  3   |  126  |
| The Alchemist: A Fable Abo... |    Veronika Decides to Die     | 0.0324675440788  |  2   |  126  |
| The Alchemist: A Fable Abo... |        Sophie's Choice         |  0.035971224308  |  1   |  126  |
|      The Handmaid's Tale      |            Animist             | 0.0314960479736  |  10  |  125  |
|      The Handmaid's Tale      | Baby With the Bathwater an...  | 0.0320000052452  |  9   |  125  |
|      The Handmaid's Tale      |          The Alienist          | 0.0321285128593  |  8   |  125  |
|      The Handmaid's Tale      |   The Bonesetter's Daughter    | 0.0327273011208  |  7   |  125  |
|      The Handmaid's Tale      |      I Capture the Castle      | 0.0331491827965  |  6   |  125  |
|      The Handmaid's Tale      |     The Kitchen God's Wife     | 0.0349345207214  |  5   |  125  |
|      The Handmaid's Tale      |           Cat's Eye            | 0.0352112650871  |  4   |  125  |
|      The Handmaid's Tale      |    Bastard Out of Carolina     | 0.0355330109596  |  3   |  125  |
|      The Handmaid's Tale      |         Doomsday Book          | 0.0394737124443  |  2   |  125  |
|      The Handmaid's Tale      |      The Prince of Tides       | 0.0400000214577  |  1   |  125  |
|   The Hundred Secret Senses   |          Hidden Fires          |     0.03125      |  10  |  121  |
|   The Hundred Secret Senses   |     We Were the Mulvaneys      |  0.03187251091   |  9   |  121  |
|   The Hundred Secret Senses   |  The Diary of Mattie Spenser   | 0.0320000052452  |  8   |  121  |
|   The Hundred Secret Senses   |      A Son of the Circus       | 0.0337837934494  |  7   |  121  |
|   The Hundred Secret Senses   |   Dude, Where's My Country?    | 0.0343137383461  |  6   |  121  |
|   The Hundred Secret Senses   | Bridget Jones: The Edge of...  | 0.0398229956627  |  5   |  121  |
|   The Hundred Secret Senses   |   The Bonesetter's Daughter    | 0.0446096658707  |  4   |  121  |
|   The Hundred Secret Senses   |     The Kitchen God's Wife     | 0.0493273735046  |  3   |  121  |
|   The Hundred Secret Senses   |       The Stone Diaries        | 0.0497237443924  |  2   |  121  |
|   The Hundred Secret Senses   |       The Joy Luck Club        | 0.0546624064445  |  1   |  121  |
|      Silence of the Lambs     |            The Firm            | 0.0393939614296  |  10  |  121  |
|      Silence of the Lambs     |         Rules of Prey          | 0.0402684807777  |  9   |  121  |
|      Silence of the Lambs     |         The Body Farm          | 0.0410256385803  |  8   |  121  |
|      Silence of the Lambs     |       Four Past Midnight       | 0.0425531864166  |  7   |  121  |
|      Silence of the Lambs     | The Mummy or Ramses the Damned | 0.0434782505035  |  6   |  121  |
|      Silence of the Lambs     |       The Tommyknockers        | 0.0436893105507  |  5   |  121  |
|      Silence of the Lambs     |           The Client           |  0.044067800045  |  4   |  121  |
|      Silence of the Lambs     |         Skeleton Crew          |     0.046875     |  3   |  121  |
|      Silence of the Lambs     |          Pet Sematary          | 0.0476190447807  |  2   |  121  |
|      Silence of the Lambs     |         The Dark Half          | 0.0480769276619  |  1   |  121  |
|          Animal Farm          |           Fight Club           | 0.0233917832375  |  10  |  120  |
|          Animal Farm          |     The Eyes of the Dragon     | 0.0233917832375  |  9   |  120  |
|          Animal Farm          | How Wal-Mart is Destroying...  |    0.0234375     |  8   |  120  |
|          Animal Farm          | The Adventures of Hucklebe...  |    0.0234375     |  7   |  120  |
|          Animal Farm          |       The Tommyknockers        | 0.0239234566689  |  6   |  120  |
|          Animal Farm          |        Peace Breaks Out        | 0.0243902206421  |  5   |  120  |
|          Animal Farm          |         Skeleton Crew          | 0.0256410241127  |  4   |  120  |
|          Animal Farm          |   Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern   | 0.0281690359116  |  3   |  120  |
|          Animal Farm          |        The Color Purple        | 0.0352941155434  |  2   |  120  |
|          Animal Farm          |         Tis: A Memoir          | 0.0355029702187  |  1   |  120  |
|     The Kitchen God's Wife    |     Girl in Hyacinth Blue      | 0.0294117927551  |  10  |  116  |
|     The Kitchen God's Wife    | The Cat Who Came for Christmas | 0.0298507213593  |  9   |  116  |
|     The Kitchen God's Wife    |       Summon the Keeper        | 0.0305343270302  |  8   |  116  |
|     The Kitchen God's Wife    |          Westing Game          | 0.0307692289352  |  7   |  116  |
|     The Kitchen God's Wife    |     Woman of Independence      | 0.0333333611488  |  6   |  116  |
|     The Kitchen God's Wife    |         Doomsday Book          | 0.0347222089767  |  5   |  116  |
|     The Kitchen God's Wife    |      The Handmaid's Tale       | 0.0349345207214  |  4   |  116  |
|     The Kitchen God's Wife    |   The Hundred Secret Senses    | 0.0493273735046  |  3   |  116  |
|     The Kitchen God's Wife    |   The Bonesetter's Daughter    | 0.0536398291588  |  2   |  116  |
|     The Kitchen God's Wife    |       The Joy Luck Club        | 0.0627062916756  |  1   |  116  |
|        Q Is for Quarry        |       Last Man Standing        | 0.0340909361839  |  10  |  116  |
|        Q Is for Quarry        | The Cat Who Brought Down t...  | 0.0342465639114  |  9   |  116  |
|        Q Is for Quarry        |           Mind Prey            | 0.0342465639114  |  8   |  116  |
|        Q Is for Quarry        |         The Last Juror         | 0.0344827771187  |  7   |  116  |
|        Q Is for Quarry        |      The Art of Deception      | 0.0384615659714  |  6   |  116  |
|        Q Is for Quarry        |  How to Murder a Millionaire   | 0.0387597084045  |  5   |  116  |
|        Q Is for Quarry        |       The Cereal Murders       | 0.0451127886772  |  4   |  116  |
|        Q Is for Quarry        |        M Is for Malice         | 0.0454545617104  |  3   |  116  |
|        Q Is for Quarry        |       "O" Is for Outlaw        | 0.0533333420753  |  2   |  116  |
|        Q Is for Quarry        |         P Is for Peril         | 0.0648648738861  |  1   |  116  |
| Bridget Jones: The Edge of... |         Enduring Love          | 0.0322580933571  |  10  |  115  |
| Bridget Jones: The Edge of... |  Round Ireland With a Fridge   | 0.0324675440788  |  9   |  115  |
| Bridget Jones: The Edge of... |    Shopaholic Ties the Knot    |  0.033898293972  |  8   |  115  |
| Bridget Jones: The Edge of... | Wicked: The Life and Times...  |  0.034351170063  |  7   |  115  |
| Bridget Jones: The Edge of... |          Good in Bed           | 0.0343839526176  |  6   |  115  |
| Bridget Jones: The Edge of... | The Girls' Guide to Huntin...  | 0.0363128781319  |  5   |  115  |
| Bridget Jones: The Edge of... |       A Year in Provence       | 0.0384615659714  |  4   |  115  |
| Bridget Jones: The Edge of... |   The Hundred Secret Senses    | 0.0398229956627  |  3   |  115  |
| Bridget Jones: The Edge of... |          Cause Celeb           | 0.0444444417953  |  2   |  115  |
| Bridget Jones: The Edge of... |     Bridget Jones's Diary      | 0.0734966397285  |  1   |  115  |
|         The Green Mile        | The Stand: Complete and Uncut  | 0.0395480394363  |  10  |  114  |
|         The Green Mile        |          Firestarter           | 0.0397350788116  |  9   |  114  |
|         The Green Mile        |       The Tommyknockers        | 0.0400000214577  |  8   |  114  |
|         The Green Mile        |         Gerald's Game          | 0.0427807569504  |  7   |  114  |
|         The Green Mile        |          Salem's Lot           | 0.0431654453278  |  6   |  114  |
|         The Green Mile        |          Rose Madder           | 0.0432432293892  |  5   |  114  |
|         The Green Mile        | The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon  |  0.044117629528  |  4   |  114  |
|         The Green Mile        |         The Dark Half          | 0.0550000071526  |  3   |  114  |
|         The Green Mile        |          Pet Sematary          | 0.0597015023232  |  2   |  114  |
|         The Green Mile        |         Skeleton Crew          | 0.0659340620041  |  1   |  114  |
|        Point of Origin        |          Sudden Prey           | 0.0364963412285  |  10  |  114  |
|        Point of Origin        |          Fat Tuesday           |  0.043795645237  |  9   |  114  |
|        Point of Origin        |           Postmortem           | 0.0514285564423  |  8   |  114  |
|        Point of Origin        |         Hornet's Nest          |  0.051546394825  |  7   |  114  |
|        Point of Origin        |         Cause of Death         | 0.0757575631142  |  6   |  114  |
|        Point of Origin        |       The Last Precinct        | 0.0852017998695  |  5   |  114  |
|        Point of Origin        |      From Potter's Field       | 0.0871794819832  |  4   |  114  |
|        Point of Origin        |         The Body Farm          | 0.0893854498863  |  3   |  114  |
|        Point of Origin        |       Unnatural Exposure       | 0.0895522236824  |  2   |  114  |
|        Point of Origin        |          Black Notice          |  0.104072391987  |  1   |  114  |
|       Two for the Dough       |      When the Wind Blows       | 0.0327869057655  |  10  |  112  |
|       Two for the Dough       |        M Is for Malice         | 0.0328947305679  |  9   |  112  |
|       Two for the Dough       |         Night Whispers         | 0.0342465639114  |  8   |  112  |
|       Two for the Dough       |          Pet Sematary          | 0.0343137383461  |  7   |  112  |
|       Two for the Dough       | The Honk and Holler Openin...  | 0.0344827771187  |  6   |  112  |
|       Two for the Dough       |           Eden Close           | 0.0352112650871  |  5   |  112  |
|       Two for the Dough       |      The Grilling Season       | 0.0352112650871  |  4   |  112  |
|       Two for the Dough       |       The Pelican Brief        |  0.036101102829  |  3   |  112  |
|       Two for the Dough       |          Westing Game          |  0.039370059967  |  2   |  112  |
|       Two for the Dough       |       Peace Like a River       | 0.0395480394363  |  1   |  112  |
|      The Poisonwood Bible     |         My Name Is Red         | 0.0258620977402  |  10  |  112  |
|      The Poisonwood Bible     |           Loose Lips           | 0.0258620977402  |  9   |  112  |
|      The Poisonwood Bible     |    Bastard Out of Carolina     | 0.0267379879951  |  8   |  112  |
|      The Poisonwood Bible     | In the Heart of the Sea: T...  | 0.0272108912468  |  7   |  112  |
|      The Poisonwood Bible     |       The Midnight Club        | 0.0279720425606  |  6   |  112  |
|      The Poisonwood Bible     |           Postmortem           | 0.0282486081123  |  5   |  112  |
|      The Poisonwood Bible     |          The Alienist          | 0.0294117927551  |  4   |  112  |
|      The Poisonwood Bible     |           Geek Love            |     0.03125      |  3   |  112  |
|      The Poisonwood Bible     |         One True Thing         | 0.0327869057655  |  2   |  112  |
|      The Poisonwood Bible     |         Pigs in Heaven         | 0.0341463685036  |  1   |  112  |
| The Color of Water: A Blac... |         Here on Earth          | 0.0284090638161  |  10  |  111  |
| The Color of Water: A Blac... |    I Know This Much Is True    | 0.0285714268684  |  9   |  111  |
| The Color of Water: A Blac... | Catch Me If You Can: The T...  | 0.0287356376648  |  8   |  111  |
| The Color of Water: A Blac... | The Honk and Holler Openin...  | 0.0289017558098  |  7   |  111  |
| The Color of Water: A Blac... |     Running with Scissors      | 0.0291970968246  |  6   |  111  |
| The Color of Water: A Blac... |  Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry  | 0.0300751924515  |  5   |  111  |
| The Color of Water: A Blac... |        Dating Big Bird         | 0.0303030014038  |  4   |  111  |
| The Color of Water: A Blac... |         Seventh Heaven         | 0.0320000052452  |  3   |  111  |
| The Color of Water: A Blac... |           Blue Diary           | 0.0365853905678  |  2   |  111  |
| The Color of Water: A Blac... |        Ladder of Years         | 0.0372670888901  |  1   |  111  |
|      Pop Goes the Weasel      |         The Night Crew         |  0.035971224308  |  10  |  110  |
|      Pop Goes the Weasel      |         Acts of Malice         | 0.0378788113594  |  9   |  110  |
|      Pop Goes the Weasel      |          Heartbreaker          | 0.0379746556282  |  8   |  110  |
|      Pop Goes the Weasel      |          Chosen Prey           | 0.0384615659714  |  7   |  110  |
|      Pop Goes the Weasel      |         Rules of Prey          |  0.043795645237  |  6   |  110  |
|      Pop Goes the Weasel      |        Four Blind Mice         | 0.0443349480629  |  5   |  110  |
|      Pop Goes the Weasel      |        Violets Are Blue        | 0.0495867729187  |  4   |  110  |
|      Pop Goes the Weasel      |          Eyes of Prey          | 0.0510948896408  |  3   |  110  |
|      Pop Goes the Weasel      |        See How They Run        | 0.0514705777168  |  2   |  110  |
|      Pop Goes the Weasel      |         Roses Are Red          | 0.0704225301743  |  1   |  110  |
|        The Smoke Jumper       |          Bloodstream           |    0.0234375     |  10  |  108  |
|        The Smoke Jumper       | The First Wives Club Movie...  | 0.0239999890327  |  9   |  108  |
|        The Smoke Jumper       | It's Not About the Bike: M...  | 0.0243902206421  |  8   |  108  |
|        The Smoke Jumper       |       The Mulberry Tree        | 0.0243902206421  |  7   |  108  |
|        The Smoke Jumper       |         Tis: A Memoir          | 0.0251572132111  |  6   |  108  |
|        The Smoke Jumper       | Simple Abundance:  A Daybo...  | 0.0261437892914  |  5   |  108  |
|        The Smoke Jumper       |       A Winter Haunting        | 0.0270270109177  |  4   |  108  |
|        The Smoke Jumper       |          No Other Man          | 0.0275229215622  |  3   |  108  |
|        The Smoke Jumper       |          Isle of Dogs          | 0.0288461446762  |  2   |  108  |
|        The Smoke Jumper       |            The Loop            | 0.0310559272766  |  1   |  108  |
| Midnight in the Garden of ... |       English Passengers       | 0.0263158082962  |  10  |  107  |
| Midnight in the Garden of ... |   The Hundred Secret Senses    | 0.0271493196487  |  9   |  107  |
| Midnight in the Garden of ... |    Bastard Out of Carolina     | 0.0273224115372  |  8   |  107  |
| Midnight in the Garden of ... | The Lust Lizard of Melanch...  | 0.0281690359116  |  7   |  107  |
| Midnight in the Garden of ... | The Diary of Ellen Rimbaue...  | 0.0285714268684  |  6   |  107  |
| Midnight in the Garden of ... |     The Absence of Nectar      | 0.0289855003357  |  5   |  107  |
| Midnight in the Garden of ... | The Stand: Complete and Uncut  | 0.0290697813034  |  4   |  107  |
| Midnight in the Garden of ... |  The Professor and the Madman  | 0.0291970968246  |  3   |  107  |
| Midnight in the Garden of ... |       The Blind Assassin       | 0.0297029614449  |  2   |  107  |
| Midnight in the Garden of ... | The Crimson Petal and the ...  | 0.0346820950508  |  1   |  107  |
|       Unnatural Exposure      |         Southern Cross         | 0.0508474707603  |  10  |  106  |
|       Unnatural Exposure      |          Eyes of Prey          | 0.0522388219833  |  9   |  106  |
|       Unnatural Exposure      |          Sudden Prey           |    0.0546875     |  8   |  106  |
|       Unnatural Exposure      |       The Last Precinct        | 0.0730593800545  |  7   |  106  |
|       Unnatural Exposure      |           Postmortem           | 0.0792682766914  |  6   |  106  |
|       Unnatural Exposure      |          Black Notice          | 0.0821917653084  |  5   |  106  |
|       Unnatural Exposure      |         Cause of Death         | 0.0842105150223  |  4   |  106  |
|       Unnatural Exposure      |        Point of Origin         | 0.0895522236824  |  3   |  106  |
|       Unnatural Exposure      |         The Body Farm          | 0.0994151830673  |  2   |  106  |
|       Unnatural Exposure      |      From Potter's Field       |  0.108108103275  |  1   |  106  |
|          Isle of Dogs         |       The Last Precinct        | 0.0352423191071  |  10  |  106  |
|          Isle of Dogs         |       Last Man Standing        |  0.036144554615  |  9   |  106  |
|          Isle of Dogs         |           Void Moon            | 0.0370370149612  |  8   |  106  |
|          Isle of Dogs         |       I Is for Innocent        | 0.0387097001076  |  7   |  106  |
|          Isle of Dogs         |          Black Notice          | 0.0394737124443  |  6   |  106  |
|          Isle of Dogs         |           Easy Prey            | 0.0432098507881  |  5   |  106  |
|          Isle of Dogs         |          Eyes of Prey          | 0.0444444417953  |  4   |  106  |
|          Isle of Dogs         |        Violets Are Blue        | 0.0502092242241  |  3   |  106  |
|          Isle of Dogs         |          The Hearing           |  0.053846180439  |  2   |  106  |
|          Isle of Dogs         |         Southern Cross         | 0.0628571510315  |  1   |  106  |
|    I Know This Much Is True   |    The Hotel New Hampshire     | 0.0336134433746  |  10  |  106  |
|    I Know This Much Is True   |   The Bonesetter's Daughter    | 0.0348837375641  |  9   |  106  |
|    I Know This Much Is True   |    The Passion of Artemisia    | 0.0349650382996  |  8   |  106  |
|    I Know This Much Is True   |           Slammerkin           | 0.0354610085487  |  7   |  106  |
|    I Know This Much Is True   |      Tell Me Your Dreams       | 0.0354610085487  |  6   |  106  |
|    I Know This Much Is True   |         Here on Earth          | 0.0411764979362  |  5   |  106  |
|    I Know This Much Is True   |        Ladder of Years         | 0.0448718070984  |  4   |  106  |
|    I Know This Much Is True   |     We Were the Mulvaneys      | 0.0470085740089  |  3   |  106  |
|    I Know This Much Is True   |           Icy Sparks           | 0.0508474707603  |  2   |  106  |
|    I Know This Much Is True   |        Dating Big Bird         |  0.055999994278  |  1   |  106  |
|        Four Blind Mice        |         The Last Juror         | 0.0437499880791  |  10  |  104  |
|        Four Blind Mice        |         Leap of Faith          |  0.043795645237  |  9   |  104  |
|        Four Blind Mice        |           Turbulence           | 0.0442478060722  |  8   |  104  |
|        Four Blind Mice        |      Pop Goes the Weasel       | 0.0443349480629  |  7   |  104  |
|        Four Blind Mice        |          Eyes of Prey          | 0.0454545617104  |  6   |  104  |
|        Four Blind Mice        |      When the Wind Blows       | 0.0474137663841  |  5   |  104  |
|        Four Blind Mice        |          Mortal Prey           | 0.0584415793419  |  4   |  104  |
|        Four Blind Mice        |         The Lake House         | 0.0600000023842  |  3   |  104  |
|        Four Blind Mice        |         Roses Are Red          | 0.0656934380531  |  2   |  104  |
|        Four Blind Mice        |        Violets Are Blue        | 0.0877193212509  |  1   |  104  |
|       The Blind Assassin      |         A Man in Full          | 0.0261437892914  |  10  |  102  |
|       The Blind Assassin      |    Bastard Out of Carolina     | 0.0282486081123  |  9   |  102  |
|       The Blind Assassin      | The Mambo Kings Play Songs...  | 0.0288461446762  |  8   |  102  |
|       The Blind Assassin      | Midnight in the Garden of ...  | 0.0297029614449  |  7   |  102  |
|       The Blind Assassin      |        The Rule of Four        | 0.0298507213593  |  6   |  102  |
|       The Blind Assassin      |     Girl in Hyacinth Blue      | 0.0314136147499  |  5   |  102  |
|       The Blind Assassin      |          The Breaker           | 0.0327869057655  |  4   |  102  |
|       The Blind Assassin      | The Crimson Petal and the ...  | 0.0359281301498  |  3   |  102  |
|       The Blind Assassin      |        The Corrections         | 0.0372670888901  |  2   |  102  |
|       The Blind Assassin      |       Tipping the Velvet       | 0.0423728823662  |  1   |  102  |
|         Pigs in Heaven        |        Q Is for Quarry         | 0.0284360051155  |  10  |  102  |
|         Pigs in Heaven        |  In the Land of Dreamy Dreams  | 0.0285714268684  |  9   |  102  |
|         Pigs in Heaven        |  Possessing the Secret of Joy  | 0.0287770032883  |  8   |  102  |
|         Pigs in Heaven        |          The Vineyard          | 0.0300751924515  |  7   |  102  |
|         Pigs in Heaven        | Stiff: The Curious Lives o...  |     0.03125      |  6   |  102  |
|         Pigs in Heaven        | The Cat Who Could Read Bac...  | 0.0317460298538  |  5   |  102  |
|         Pigs in Heaven        |      The Poisonwood Bible      | 0.0341463685036  |  4   |  102  |
|         Pigs in Heaven        |   Homeland and Other Stories   | 0.0344827771187  |  3   |  102  |
|         Pigs in Heaven        |          Freedomland           | 0.0357142686844  |  2   |  102  |
|         Pigs in Heaven        |         Animal Dreams          | 0.0500000119209  |  1   |  102  |
|          Pet Sematary         | The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon  | 0.0819672346115  |  10  |  102  |
|          Pet Sematary         |         Gerald's Game          | 0.0909090638161  |  9   |  102  |
|          Pet Sematary         |         The Dead Zone          | 0.0985915660858  |  8   |  102  |
|          Pet Sematary         |          Rose Madder           | 0.0987654328346  |  7   |  102  |
|          Pet Sematary         |         Needful Things         |  0.100628912449  |  6   |  102  |
|          Pet Sematary         |          The Shining           |  0.112582802773  |  5   |  102  |
|          Pet Sematary         |         The Dark Half          |  0.126436769962  |  4   |  102  |
|          Pet Sematary         |         Skeleton Crew          |  0.132911384106  |  3   |  102  |
|          Pet Sematary         |       The Tommyknockers        |  0.135294139385  |  2   |  102  |
|          Pet Sematary         |       Four Past Midnight       |  0.13725489378   |  1   |  102  |
|          Black House          |         Gerald's Game          | 0.0523256063461  |  10  |  101  |
|          Black House          |          Rose Madder           | 0.0529412031174  |  9   |  101  |
|          Black House          |          Bag of Bones          | 0.0552486181259  |  8   |  101  |
|          Black House          |         The Dead Zone          | 0.0608108043671  |  7   |  101  |
|          Black House          |          Pet Sematary          | 0.0641711354256  |  6   |  101  |
|          Black House          |         Skeleton Crew          | 0.0650887489319  |  5   |  101  |
|          Black House          |       The Tommyknockers        | 0.0777778029442  |  4   |  101  |
|          Black House          |       Four Past Midnight       |  0.080246925354  |  3   |  101  |
|          Black House          |         The Regulators         | 0.0884353518486  |  2   |  101  |
|          Black House          |         The Dark Half          | 0.0944444537163  |  1   |  101  |
|        Deception Point        |        Reunion in Death        | 0.0300751924515  |  10  |  100  |
|        Deception Point        |         City of Bones          | 0.0308641791344  |  9   |  100  |
|        Deception Point        |           Blue Diary           | 0.0322580933571  |  8   |  100  |
|        Deception Point        |      Speaking in Tongues       | 0.0322580933571  |  7   |  100  |
|        Deception Point        |         The Lake House         | 0.0331125855446  |  6   |  100  |
|        Deception Point        |        Q Is for Quarry         | 0.0334928035736  |  5   |  100  |
|        Deception Point        |          Monkeewrench          | 0.0341880321503  |  4   |  100  |
|        Deception Point        |      The Fourth Perimeter      | 0.0350877046585  |  3   |  100  |
|        Deception Point        |           Turbulence           | 0.0360360145569  |  2   |  100  |
|        Deception Point        |         The Last Juror         | 0.0445860028267  |  1   |  100  |
|         Cause of Death        |           Night Prey           | 0.0406504273415  |  10  |  100  |
|         Cause of Death        |          Eyes of Prey          | 0.0465116500854  |  9   |  100  |
|         Cause of Death        |           Postmortem           | 0.0490797758102  |  8   |  100  |
|         Cause of Death        |       The Last Precinct        | 0.0552995204926  |  7   |  100  |
|         Cause of Death        |         Hornet's Nest          | 0.0611110925674  |  6   |  100  |
|         Cause of Death        |          Black Notice          | 0.0645161271095  |  5   |  100  |
|         Cause of Death        |         The Body Farm          | 0.0705882310867  |  4   |  100  |
|         Cause of Death        |      From Potter's Field       | 0.0756756663322  |  3   |  100  |
|         Cause of Death        |        Point of Origin         | 0.0757575631142  |  2   |  100  |
|         Cause of Death        |       Unnatural Exposure       | 0.0842105150223  |  1   |  100  |
| The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon |          False Memory          | 0.0467836260796  |  10  |   99  |
| The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon |          Black House           | 0.0473684072495  |  9   |   99  |
| The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon |         Needful Things         | 0.0479041934013  |  8   |   99  |
| The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon |          Firestarter           | 0.0518518686295  |  7   |   99  |
| The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon |       The Tommyknockers        | 0.0546448230743  |  6   |   99  |
| The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon |       Four Past Midnight       | 0.0609756112099  |  5   |   99  |
| The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon |         The Dark Half          | 0.0652173757553  |  4   |   99  |
| The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon |          Rose Madder           | 0.0658682584763  |  3   |   99  |
| The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon |         The Regulators         | 0.0743243098259  |  2   |   99  |
| The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon |          Pet Sematary          | 0.0819672346115  |  1   |   99  |
|             Night             | How to Make an American Quilt  | 0.0266666412354  |  10  |   99  |
|             Night             |           My Antonia           | 0.0267857313156  |  9   |   99  |
|             Night             |     A Walk Across America      | 0.0267857313156  |  8   |   99  |
|             Night             |   Dude, Where's My Country?    | 0.0270270109177  |  7   |   99  |
|             Night             |     Children of the Night      | 0.0275229215622  |  6   |   99  |
|             Night             |           Good Omens           |  0.027624309063  |  5   |   99  |
|             Night             |       How to Cook a Tart       | 0.0280373692513  |  4   |   99  |
|             Night             |        Night Gardening         | 0.0283018946648  |  3   |   99  |
|             Night             |  The Last Kabbalist of Lisbon  | 0.0283018946648  |  2   |   99  |
|             Night             |          Fingersmith           | 0.0300751924515  |  1   |   99  |
|      From Potter's Field      |         Hornet's Nest          | 0.0439560413361  |  10  |   99  |
|      From Potter's Field      |        Deadly Decisions        | 0.0486111044884  |  9   |   99  |
|      From Potter's Field      |        See How They Run        | 0.0555555820465  |  8   |   99  |
|      From Potter's Field      |       The Last Precinct        | 0.0604650974274  |  7   |   99  |
|      From Potter's Field      |          Black Notice          | 0.0697674155235  |  6   |   99  |
|      From Potter's Field      |         Cause of Death         | 0.0756756663322  |  5   |   99  |
|      From Potter's Field      |           Postmortem           | 0.0828025341034  |  4   |   99  |
|      From Potter's Field      |        Point of Origin         | 0.0871794819832  |  3   |   99  |
|      From Potter's Field      |       Unnatural Exposure       |  0.108108103275  |  2   |   99  |
|      From Potter's Field      |         The Body Farm          |  0.131250023842  |  1   |   99  |
|           Sick Puppy          | The Diary of Ellen Rimbaue...  | 0.0303030014038  |  10  |   98  |
|           Sick Puppy          |            Bundori             |  0.030927836895  |  9   |   98  |
|           Sick Puppy          |          Final Target          | 0.0314465165138  |  8   |   98  |
|           Sick Puppy          |        The Simple Truth        | 0.0320512652397  |  7   |   98  |
|           Sick Puppy          |          Strip Tease           | 0.0327869057655  |  6   |   98  |
|           Sick Puppy          | The Lone Ranger and Tonto ...  | 0.0330578684807  |  5   |   98  |
|           Sick Puppy          |        Lethal Seduction        | 0.0377358198166  |  4   |   98  |
|           Sick Puppy          |         Stormy Weather         | 0.0454545617104  |  3   |   98  |
|           Sick Puppy          |           Lucky You            | 0.0500000119209  |  2   |   98  |
|           Sick Puppy          |          Basket Case           |      0.0625      |  1   |   98  |
|      The Virgin Suicides      |  In the Land of Dreamy Dreams  | 0.0297029614449  |  10  |   97  |
|      The Virgin Suicides      | The Crimson Petal and the ...  | 0.0304877758026  |  9   |   97  |
|      The Virgin Suicides      |      So Much to Tell You       | 0.0306122303009  |  8   |   97  |
|      The Virgin Suicides      |         The Box Garden         | 0.0306122303009  |  7   |   97  |
|      The Virgin Suicides      |         Big Stone Gap          |     0.03125      |  6   |   97  |
|      The Virgin Suicides      | The Honk and Holler Openin...  |     0.03125      |  5   |   97  |
|      The Virgin Suicides      |    Bastard Out of Carolina     | 0.0348837375641  |  4   |   97  |
|      The Virgin Suicides      | The Girls' Guide to Huntin...  |  0.03519064188   |  3   |   97  |
|      The Virgin Suicides      |          Westing Game          | 0.0353982448578  |  2   |   97  |
|      The Virgin Suicides      |       The Stone Diaries        | 0.0372670888901  |  1   |   97  |
|       The Tommyknockers       | The Bachman Books: Rage, t...  | 0.0900900959969  |  10  |   97  |
|       The Tommyknockers       |         Gerald's Game          |  0.107594907284  |  9   |   97  |
|       The Tommyknockers       |         The Regulators         |  0.107913672924  |  8   |   97  |
|       The Tommyknockers       |          Rose Madder           |  0.116129040718  |  7   |   97  |
|       The Tommyknockers       |         Needful Things         |  0.118421077728  |  6   |   97  |
|       The Tommyknockers       |         The Dead Zone          |  0.118518531322  |  5   |   97  |
|       The Tommyknockers       |         Skeleton Crew          |  0.129870116711  |  4   |   97  |
|       The Tommyknockers       |          Pet Sematary          |  0.135294139385  |  3   |   97  |
|       The Tommyknockers       |         The Dark Half          |  0.164634168148  |  2   |   97  |
|       The Tommyknockers       |       Four Past Midnight       |  0.173611104488  |  1   |   97  |
|         The Dark Half         |          Black House           | 0.0944444537163  |  10  |   97  |
|         The Dark Half         |          The Shining           | 0.0993377566338  |  9   |   97  |
|         The Dark Half         |         The Regulators         |  0.105633795261  |  8   |   97  |
|         The Dark Half         |         The Dead Zone          |  0.107913672924  |  7   |   97  |
|         The Dark Half         |          Rose Madder           |  0.113924026489  |  6   |   97  |
|         The Dark Half         |         Gerald's Game          |  0.119496881962  |  5   |   97  |
|         The Dark Half         |          Pet Sematary          |  0.126436769962  |  4   |   97  |
|         The Dark Half         |         Skeleton Crew          |  0.14193546772   |  3   |   97  |
|         The Dark Half         |       The Tommyknockers        |  0.164634168148  |  2   |   97  |
|         The Dark Half         |       Four Past Midnight       |  0.178082168102  |  1   |   97  |
|     Girl in Hyacinth Blue     |     Me Talk Pretty One Day     | 0.0365448594093  |  10  |   97  |
|     Girl in Hyacinth Blue     |  Round Ireland With a Fridge   | 0.0370370149612  |  9   |   97  |
|     Girl in Hyacinth Blue     |    The Secret Life of Bees     | 0.0375000238419  |  8   |   97  |
|     Girl in Hyacinth Blue     | The Sisterhood of the Trav...  |  0.037593960762  |  7   |   97  |
|     Girl in Hyacinth Blue     | The Honk and Holler Openin...  | 0.0379746556282  |  6   |   97  |
|     Girl in Hyacinth Blue     |          Fingersmith           | 0.0387597084045  |  5   |   97  |
|     Girl in Hyacinth Blue     |           Blue Shoe            |  0.039370059967  |  4   |   97  |
|     Girl in Hyacinth Blue     |           Blue Diary           | 0.0400000214577  |  3   |   97  |
|     Girl in Hyacinth Blue     | Wicked: The Life and Times...  | 0.0413222908974  |  2   |   97  |
|     Girl in Hyacinth Blue     |    The Passion of Artemisia    | 0.0454545617104  |  1   |   97  |
|  Five Quarters of the Orange  |     Girl in Hyacinth Blue      | 0.0322580933571  |  10  |   97  |
|  Five Quarters of the Orange  |         Sun Also Rises         | 0.0327869057655  |  9   |   97  |
|  Five Quarters of the Orange  |           Blue Diary           | 0.0331125855446  |  8   |   97  |
|  Five Quarters of the Orange  | A Natural History of the S...  | 0.0341880321503  |  7   |   97  |
|  Five Quarters of the Orange  |   Mutant Message Down Under    | 0.0354610085487  |  6   |   97  |
|  Five Quarters of the Orange  |          Fingersmith           | 0.0387597084045  |  5   |   97  |
|  Five Quarters of the Orange  | Como Agua Para Chocolate/L...  | 0.0388349294662  |  4   |   97  |
|  Five Quarters of the Orange  |  The Last Kabbalist of Lisbon  | 0.0392156839371  |  3   |   97  |
|  Five Quarters of the Orange  |       Falling Backwards        | 0.0392156839371  |  2   |   97  |
|  Five Quarters of the Orange  |       Every Living Thing       | 0.0406504273415  |  1   |   97  |
|          The Hot Zone         |          Chromosome 6          |     0.03125      |  10  |   95  |
|          The Hot Zone         |  The House on the Borderland   | 0.0319148898125  |  9   |   95  |
|          The Hot Zone         |       Lake Wobegon Days        | 0.0322580933571  |  8   |   95  |
|          The Hot Zone         |         The Outsiders          | 0.0325203537941  |  7   |   95  |
|          The Hot Zone         | The Cat Who Could Read Bac...  |  0.033898293972  |  6   |   95  |
|          The Hot Zone         |           Geek Love            | 0.0352112650871  |  5   |   95  |
|          The Hot Zone         | Downsize This! Random Thre...  | 0.0363636612892  |  4   |   95  |
|          The Hot Zone         |   The Temple of My Familiar    | 0.0406504273415  |  3   |   95  |
|          The Hot Zone         |  The Bonfire of the Vanities   | 0.0416666865349  |  2   |   95  |
|          The Hot Zone         |  In the Land of Dreamy Dreams  | 0.0416666865349  |  1   |   95  |
|         Hornet's Nest         |         Southern Cross         | 0.0426829457283  |  10  |   93  |
|         Hornet's Nest         |      From Potter's Field       | 0.0439560413361  |  9   |   93  |
|         Hornet's Nest         |          Certain Prey          | 0.0454545617104  |  8   |   93  |
|         Hornet's Nest         |       Unnatural Exposure       |  0.047872364521  |  7   |   93  |
|         Hornet's Nest         |          Eyes of Prey          | 0.0500000119209  |  6   |   93  |
|         Hornet's Nest         |           Mind Prey            | 0.0500000119209  |  5   |   93  |
|         Hornet's Nest         |        Point of Origin         |  0.051546394825  |  4   |   93  |
|         Hornet's Nest         |          Sudden Prey           | 0.0526315569878  |  3   |   93  |
|         Hornet's Nest         |         Cause of Death         | 0.0611110925674  |  2   |   93  |
|         Hornet's Nest         |          Black Notice          | 0.0673077106476  |  1   |   93  |
|          Tell No One          |   Patty Jane's House of Curl   | 0.0265486836433  |  10  |   92  |
|          Tell No One          |          Black House           | 0.0267379879951  |  9   |   92  |
|          Tell No One          |         Tending Roses          | 0.0275229215622  |  8   |   92  |
|          Tell No One          |       Two for the Dough        | 0.0303030014038  |  7   |   92  |
|          Tell No One          |          Last Breath           | 0.0303030014038  |  6   |   92  |
|          Tell No One          |      Suffer the Children       |  0.030927836895  |  5   |   92  |
|          Tell No One          |      The Blue Bottle Club      |     0.03125      |  4   |   92  |
|          Tell No One          |        House of Leaves         |     0.03125      |  3   |   92  |
|          Tell No One          |     Embraced by the Light      | 0.0314960479736  |  2   |   92  |
|          Tell No One          |          Pet Sematary          | 0.0380434989929  |  1   |   92  |
|       The King of Torts       |    A Sudden Change of Heart    | 0.0285714268684  |  10  |   91  |
|       The King of Torts       | Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale o...  | 0.0288461446762  |  9   |   91  |
|       The King of Torts       |    Diary of a Mad Mom-To-Be    | 0.0297029614449  |  8   |   91  |
|       The King of Torts       |          The Summons           | 0.0310077667236  |  7   |   91  |
|       The King of Torts       |           3rd Degree           |     0.03125      |  6   |   91  |
|       The King of Torts       |           Odd Thomas           | 0.0325203537941  |  5   |   91  |
|       The King of Torts       |      The English Assassin      | 0.0396039485931  |  4   |   91  |
|       The King of Torts       |        Four Blind Mice         | 0.0430107712746  |  3   |   91  |
|       The King of Torts       |         The Last Juror         | 0.0616438388824  |  2   |   91  |
|       The King of Torts       |           Bleachers            | 0.0855262875557  |  1   |   91  |
|   From the Corner of His Eye  |            Mutation            |  0.033898293972  |  10  |   91  |
|   From the Corner of His Eye  |          Salem's Lot           | 0.0341880321503  |  9   |   91  |
|   From the Corner of His Eye  |     The Mothman Prophecies     | 0.0344827771187  |  8   |   91  |
|   From the Corner of His Eye  |      The Key to Midnight       | 0.0347825884819  |  7   |   91  |
|   From the Corner of His Eye  |           Contagion            |  0.037593960762  |  6   |   91  |
|   From the Corner of His Eye  |         The Bad Place          |  0.037593960762  |  5   |   91  |
|   From the Corner of His Eye  |        Violets Are Blue        | 0.0398229956627  |  4   |   91  |
|   From the Corner of His Eye  |          False Memory          | 0.0429447889328  |  3   |   91  |
|   From the Corner of His Eye  |      The Door to December      | 0.0606060624123  |  2   |   91  |
|   From the Corner of His Eye  |          The Funhouse          | 0.0630630850792  |  1   |   91  |
|   Dude, Where's My Country?   |        The Devil's Code        | 0.0296296477318  |  10  |   91  |
|   Dude, Where's My Country?   | Harry Potter y la piedra f...  | 0.0297029614449  |  9   |   91  |
|   Dude, Where's My Country?   |    I Know This Much Is True    | 0.0314136147499  |  8   |   91  |
|   Dude, Where's My Country?   |     Bridget Jones's Diary      | 0.0315315127373  |  7   |   91  |
|   Dude, Where's My Country?   | Midnight Louie's Pet Detec...  | 0.0322580933571  |  6   |   91  |
|   Dude, Where's My Country?   |   The Hundred Secret Senses    | 0.0343137383461  |  5   |   91  |
|   Dude, Where's My Country?   |          Naked Lunch           | 0.0360360145569  |  4   |   91  |
|   Dude, Where's My Country?   | Lies and the Lying Liars W...  | 0.0394737124443  |  3   |   91  |
|   Dude, Where's My Country?   |        The Corrections         | 0.0397350788116  |  2   |   91  |
|   Dude, Where's My Country?   | Downsize This! Random Thre...  | 0.0467289686203  |  1   |   91  |
|          Bag of Bones         |          Black House           | 0.0552486181259  |  10  |   91  |
|          Bag of Bones         |          Rose Madder           | 0.0559006333351  |  9   |   91  |
|          Bag of Bones         |         Needful Things         | 0.0569620132446  |  8   |   91  |
|          Bag of Bones         |         The Dead Zone          | 0.0571428537369  |  7   |   91  |
|          Bag of Bones         |       Four Past Midnight       | 0.0573248267174  |  6   |   91  |
|          Bag of Bones         |          Pet Sematary          | 0.0674157142639  |  5   |   91  |
|          Bag of Bones         |         The Dark Half          | 0.0681818127632  |  4   |   91  |
|          Bag of Bones         |         Skeleton Crew          | 0.0754716992378  |  3   |   91  |
|          Bag of Bones         |         Gerald's Game          | 0.0817610025406  |  2   |   91  |
|          Bag of Bones         |       The Tommyknockers        | 0.0818713307381  |  1   |   91  |
| Who Moved My Cheese? An Am... |          Border Music          | 0.0256410241127  |  10  |   90  |
| Who Moved My Cheese? An Am... |       The Secret Garden        | 0.0268456339836  |  9   |   90  |
| Who Moved My Cheese? An Am... |      A Light in the Attic      | 0.0272727012634  |  8   |   90  |
| Who Moved My Cheese? An Am... |       Disappearing Acts        | 0.0288461446762  |  7   |   90  |
| Who Moved My Cheese? An Am... | Don't Stand Too Close to a...  | 0.0291970968246  |  6   |   90  |
| Who Moved My Cheese? An Am... |          White Shark           |     0.03125      |  5   |   90  |
| Who Moved My Cheese? An Am... | Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What t...  |     0.03125      |  4   |   90  |
| Who Moved My Cheese? An Am... | Life Strategies: Doing Wha...  | 0.0336134433746  |  3   |   90  |
| Who Moved My Cheese? An Am... | Fish! A Remarkable Way to ...  | 0.0373831987381  |  2   |   90  |
| Who Moved My Cheese? An Am... | The Tightwad Gazette: Prom...  | 0.0396039485931  |  1   |   90  |
|     The Other Boleyn Girl     |            Milkrun             | 0.0239999890327  |  10  |   90  |
|     The Other Boleyn Girl     |          Fingersmith           | 0.0239999890327  |  9   |   90  |
|     The Other Boleyn Girl     |    The Secret Life of Bees     | 0.0249999761581  |  8   |   90  |
|     The Other Boleyn Girl     |       Breach of Promise        | 0.0275229215622  |  7   |   90  |
|     The Other Boleyn Girl     |       Cold Comfort Farm        | 0.0275229215622  |  6   |   90  |
|     The Other Boleyn Girl     | The Broke Diaries: The Com...  | 0.0288461446762  |  5   |   90  |
|     The Other Boleyn Girl     | Beware, Princess Elizabeth...  |  0.032967031002  |  4   |   90  |
|     The Other Boleyn Girl     |     Girl in Hyacinth Blue      | 0.0333333611488  |  3   |   90  |
|     The Other Boleyn Girl     |   Fat Girls and Lawn Chairs    | 0.0388349294662  |  2   |   90  |
|     The Other Boleyn Girl     | Wicked: The Life and Times...  | 0.0423728823662  |  1   |   90  |
|         Wish You Well         |       Personal Injuries        | 0.0336134433746  |  10  |   89  |
|         Wish You Well         |          Saving Faith          | 0.0337837934494  |  9   |   89  |
|         Wish You Well         |          Grand Avenue          |  0.033898293972  |  8   |   89  |
|         Wish You Well         |        The Simple Truth        | 0.0340136289597  |  7   |   89  |
|         Wish You Well         | The Chinese Art of Face Re...  | 0.0340909361839  |  6   |   89  |
|         Wish You Well         |         Total Control          | 0.0367646813393  |  5   |   89  |
|         Wish You Well         |       Middle of Nowhere        | 0.0370370149612  |  4   |   89  |
|         Wish You Well         |       That Camden Summer       |  0.039370059967  |  3   |   89  |
|         Wish You Well         |  The Cat Who Blew the Whistle  | 0.0430107712746  |  2   |   89  |
|         Wish You Well         |           Dark Lady            | 0.0442478060722  |  1   |   89  |
|    The Pillars of the Earth   | The Lost Continent: Travel...  | 0.0243902206421  |  10  |   89  |
|    The Pillars of the Earth   |         Hornet Flight          | 0.0247933864594  |  9   |   89  |
|    The Pillars of the Earth   |          Strip Tease           | 0.0260869860649  |  8   |   89  |
|    The Pillars of the Earth   |        The Fiery Cross         | 0.0277777910233  |  7   |   89  |
|    The Pillars of the Earth   |         Tis: A Memoir          | 0.0285714268684  |  6   |   89  |
|    The Pillars of the Earth   |    Silence in Hanover Close    | 0.0299999713898  |  5   |   89  |
|    The Pillars of the Earth   |     The Sunne in Splendour     |     0.03125      |  4   |   89  |
|    The Pillars of the Earth   |          Sky Masters           | 0.0322580933571  |  3   |   89  |
|    The Pillars of the Earth   |            Jackdaws            | 0.0342465639114  |  2   |   89  |
|    The Pillars of the Earth   |        Night over Water        | 0.0479999780655  |  1   |   89  |
|         Falling Angels        |       Breathing Lessons        | 0.0264900922775  |  10  |   88  |
|         Falling Angels        |        Chasing Cezanne         | 0.0270270109177  |  9   |   88  |
|         Falling Angels        | Dress Your Family in Cordu...  | 0.0270270109177  |  8   |   88  |
|         Falling Angels        |       Tipping the Velvet       | 0.0280373692513  |  7   |   88  |
|         Falling Angels        | Beauty: A Retelling of the...  | 0.0294117927551  |  6   |   88  |
|         Falling Angels        |  Niagara Falls All Over Again  | 0.0306122303009  |  5   |   88  |
|         Falling Angels        | The Crimson Petal and the ...  | 0.0322580933571  |  4   |   88  |
|         Falling Angels        |           Blue Shoe            | 0.0333333611488  |  3   |   88  |
|         Falling Angels        |        The Virgin Blue         |  0.035971224308  |  2   |   88  |
|         Falling Angels        |       The Stone Diaries        | 0.0394737124443  |  1   |   88  |
|           Good Omens          |     The Far Side Observer      |  0.029126226902  |  10  |   87  |
|           Good Omens          |         Skeleton Crew          | 0.0308641791344  |  9   |   87  |
|           Good Omens          |     Children of the Night      |  0.030927836895  |  8   |   87  |
|           Good Omens          |           Neverwhere           | 0.0311111211777  |  7   |   87  |
|           Good Omens          |   Sandman: The Dream Hunters   | 0.0315789580345  |  6   |   87  |
|           Good Omens          |          Basket Case           | 0.0327869057655  |  5   |   87  |
|           Good Omens          |          Pet Sematary          | 0.0333333611488  |  4   |   87  |
|           Good Omens          |       2010: Odyssey Two        | 0.0347825884819  |  3   |   87  |
|           Good Omens          |           Lucky You            | 0.0378788113594  |  2   |   87  |
|           Good Omens          |          Black Sunday          | 0.0400000214577  |  1   |   87  |
|      The Prince of Tides      |       Critical Judgment        | 0.0377358198166  |  10  |   86  |
|      The Prince of Tides      |            Hideaway            | 0.0378788113594  |  9   |   86  |
|      The Prince of Tides      |         One True Thing         | 0.0382165312767  |  8   |   86  |
|      The Prince of Tides      | Simple Abundance:  A Daybo...  | 0.0387597084045  |  7   |   86  |
|      The Prince of Tides      |         Rage of Angels         | 0.0396039485931  |  6   |   86  |
|      The Prince of Tides      |      The Handmaid's Tale       | 0.0400000214577  |  5   |   86  |
|      The Prince of Tides      |           Postmortem           | 0.0400000214577  |  4   |   86  |
|      The Prince of Tides      | From the Mixed-Up Files of...  | 0.0416666865349  |  3   |   86  |
|      The Prince of Tides      |          Turtle Moon           | 0.0420168042183  |  2   |   86  |
|      The Prince of Tides      |       The Great Santini        | 0.0594059228897  |  1   |   86  |
|          Three Fates          |         Naked in Death         |  0.066666662693  |  10  |   85  |
|          Three Fates          |            The Reef            | 0.0672268867493  |  9   |   85  |
|          Three Fates          |          Rising Tides          | 0.0720720887184  |  8   |   85  |
|          Three Fates          |          River's End           | 0.0743801593781  |  7   |   85  |
|          Three Fates          |        Private Scandals        | 0.0744680762291  |  6   |   85  |
|          Three Fates          |        Carnal Innocence        | 0.0747663378716  |  5   |   85  |
|          Three Fates          |         Born in Shame          | 0.0761904716492  |  4   |   85  |
|          Three Fates          |         Carolina Moon          | 0.0764331221581  |  3   |   85  |
|          Three Fates          |         Brazen Virtue          | 0.0825688242912  |  2   |   85  |
|          Three Fates          |         Midnight Bayou         | 0.0833333134651  |  1   |   85  |
|      The Door to December     |          Eyes of Prey          | 0.0434782505035  |  10  |   85  |
|      The Door to December     |    The Servants of Twilight    | 0.0434782505035  |  9   |   85  |
|      The Door to December     |         Rules of Prey          | 0.0438596606255  |  8   |   85  |
|      The Door to December     |         Gerald's Game          |  0.044025182724  |  7   |   85  |
|      The Door to December     |         The Bad Place          | 0.0472440719604  |  6   |   85  |
|      The Door to December     |       Unnatural Exposure       | 0.0494505763054  |  5   |   85  |
|      The Door to December     |      The Key to Midnight       | 0.0555555820465  |  4   |   85  |
|      The Door to December     |      The House of Thunder      | 0.0566037893295  |  3   |   85  |
|      The Door to December     |   From the Corner of His Eye   | 0.0606060624123  |  2   |   85  |
|      The Door to December     |          The Funhouse          | 0.0660377144814  |  1   |   85  |
|         Carolina Moon         |        Summer Pleasures        | 0.0650406479836  |  10  |   85  |
|         Carolina Moon         |      Dream a Little Dream      | 0.0652173757553  |  9   |   85  |
|         Carolina Moon         |         Born in Shame          | 0.0654205679893  |  8   |   85  |
|         Carolina Moon         |            The Reef            |  0.066666662693  |  7   |   85  |
|         Carolina Moon         |          Sacred Sins           | 0.0689654946327  |  6   |   85  |
|         Carolina Moon         |         Brazen Virtue          | 0.0720720887184  |  5   |   85  |
|         Carolina Moon         |          Genuine Lies          | 0.0729166865349  |  4   |   85  |
|         Carolina Moon         |          Three Fates           | 0.0764331221581  |  3   |   85  |
|         Carolina Moon         |          River's End           | 0.0826446413994  |  2   |   85  |
|         Carolina Moon         |          Montana Sky           | 0.0869565010071  |  1   |   85  |
|         The Body Farm         |          Chromosome 6          | 0.0521739125252  |  10  |   82  |
|         The Body Farm         |           Deja Dead            |  0.05405408144   |  9   |   82  |
|         The Body Farm         |       The Last Precinct        | 0.0550000071526  |  8   |   82  |
|         The Body Farm         |          Black Notice          | 0.0597015023232  |  7   |   82  |
|         The Body Farm         |        Body of Evidence        | 0.0600000023842  |  6   |   82  |
|         The Body Farm         |         Cause of Death         | 0.0705882310867  |  5   |   82  |
|         The Body Farm         |           Postmortem           | 0.0851063728333  |  4   |   82  |
|         The Body Farm         |        Point of Origin         | 0.0893854498863  |  3   |   82  |
|         The Body Farm         |       Unnatural Exposure       | 0.0994151830673  |  2   |   82  |
|         The Body Farm         |      From Potter's Field       |  0.131250023842  |  1   |   82  |
|       Presumed Innocent       |      From Potter's Field       | 0.0342857241631  |  10  |   82  |
|       Presumed Innocent       | Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat...  | 0.0347825884819  |  9   |   82  |
|       Presumed Innocent       |      A Deceptive Clarity       | 0.0365853905678  |  8   |   82  |
|       Presumed Innocent       |           Night Prey           | 0.0377358198166  |  7   |   82  |
|       Presumed Innocent       |        Pleading Guilty         | 0.0380952358246  |  6   |   82  |
|       Presumed Innocent       |         Skeleton Crew          | 0.0384615659714  |  5   |   82  |
|       Presumed Innocent       |    The Laws of Our Fathers     | 0.0384615659714  |  4   |   82  |
|       Presumed Innocent       | When Bad Things Happen to ...  |  0.04123711586   |  3   |   82  |
|       Presumed Innocent       |         A Simple Plan          | 0.0462962985039  |  2   |   82  |
|       Presumed Innocent       |        Degree of Guilt         | 0.0480769276619  |  1   |   82  |
|         Gerald's Game         |         The Dead Zone          |     0.078125     |  10  |   82  |
|         Gerald's Game         |          Firestarter           | 0.0782608985901  |  9   |   82  |
|         Gerald's Game         |          Bag of Bones          | 0.0817610025406  |  8   |   82  |
|         Gerald's Game         |         Skeleton Crew          | 0.0878378152847  |  7   |   82  |
|         Gerald's Game         |          Pet Sematary          | 0.0909090638161  |  6   |   82  |
|         Gerald's Game         |         Needful Things         |  0.105633795261  |  5   |   82  |
|         Gerald's Game         |       The Tommyknockers        |  0.107594907284  |  4   |   82  |
|         Gerald's Game         |         The Dark Half          |  0.119496881962  |  3   |   82  |
|         Gerald's Game         |          Rose Madder           |  0.126760542393  |  2   |   82  |
|         Gerald's Game         |       Four Past Midnight       |  0.130434811115  |  1   |   82  |
|         Skeleton Crew         |          Bag of Bones          | 0.0754716992378  |  10  |   81  |
|         Skeleton Crew         |          The Shining           | 0.0797101259232  |  9   |   81  |
|         Skeleton Crew         |         Needful Things         | 0.0833333134651  |  8   |   81  |
|         Skeleton Crew         |         The Regulators         | 0.0852712988853  |  7   |   81  |
|         Skeleton Crew         |         Gerald's Game          | 0.0878378152847  |  6   |   81  |
|         Skeleton Crew         |          Rose Madder           | 0.0965517163277  |  5   |   81  |
|         Skeleton Crew         |       Four Past Midnight       |  0.107142865658  |  4   |   81  |
|         Skeleton Crew         |       The Tommyknockers        |  0.129870116711  |  3   |   81  |
|         Skeleton Crew         |          Pet Sematary          |  0.132911384106  |  2   |   81  |
|         Skeleton Crew         |         The Dark Half          |  0.14193546772   |  1   |   81  |
|         P Is for Peril        |          See Jane Run          | 0.0315789580345  |  10  |   81  |
|         P Is for Peril        |         Trial by Fire          | 0.0319148898125  |  9   |   81  |
|         P Is for Peril        |          Chosen Prey           | 0.0320512652397  |  8   |   81  |
|         P Is for Peril        |        L Is for Lawless        | 0.0322580933571  |  7   |   81  |
|         P Is for Peril        |     The Face of Deception      | 0.0322580933571  |  6   |   81  |
|         P Is for Peril        |        The Empty Chair         | 0.0322580933571  |  5   |   81  |
|         P Is for Peril        |       How to Cook a Tart       |  0.033707857132  |  4   |   81  |
|         P Is for Peril        |       J Is for Judgment        | 0.0381679534912  |  3   |   81  |
|         P Is for Peril        |        M Is for Malice         | 0.0500000119209  |  2   |   81  |
|         P Is for Peril        |        Q Is for Quarry         | 0.0648648738861  |  1   |   81  |
|         One True Thing        | And the Band Played on: Po...  | 0.0352941155434  |  10  |   81  |
|         One True Thing        |       Bitterroot Landing       | 0.0352941155434  |  9   |   81  |
|         One True Thing        | The Honk and Holler Openin...  | 0.0354610085487  |  8   |   81  |
|         One True Thing        |      Breaking the Surface      | 0.0365853905678  |  7   |   81  |
|         One True Thing        |           Eden Close           |  0.036697268486  |  6   |   81  |
|         One True Thing        | Before I Say Goodbye: Reco...  | 0.0375000238419  |  5   |   81  |
|         One True Thing        |       Alaska Bear Tales        | 0.0379746556282  |  4   |   81  |
|         One True Thing        |      The Prince of Tides       | 0.0382165312767  |  3   |   81  |
|         One True Thing        |          Local Girls           | 0.0384615659714  |  2   |   81  |
|         One True Thing        |         Tourist Season         | 0.0384615659714  |  1   |   81  |
|    Bastard Out of Carolina    |      The Handmaid's Tale       | 0.0355330109596  |  10  |   81  |
|    Bastard Out of Carolina    |  The Professor and the Madman  | 0.0360360145569  |  9   |   81  |
|    Bastard Out of Carolina    |         The Box Garden         | 0.0365853905678  |  8   |   81  |
|    Bastard Out of Carolina    |     The Mothman Prophecies     | 0.0373831987381  |  7   |   81  |
|    Bastard Out of Carolina    |           Geek Love            | 0.0384615659714  |  6   |   81  |
|    Bastard Out of Carolina    |         Charming Billy         | 0.0384615659714  |  5   |   81  |
|    Bastard Out of Carolina    |          Cavedweller           | 0.0388349294662  |  4   |   81  |
|    Bastard Out of Carolina    | The Honk and Holler Openin...  | 0.0419580340385  |  3   |   81  |
|    Bastard Out of Carolina    |   The Liar's Club: A Memoir    | 0.0420168042183  |  2   |   81  |
|    Bastard Out of Carolina    |         The River King         | 0.0479999780655  |  1   |   81  |
|         Southern Cross        |         Acts of Malice         | 0.0384615659714  |  10  |   80  |
|         Southern Cross        |         N Is for Noose         |  0.039370059967  |  9   |   80  |
|         Southern Cross        |       The Last Precinct        | 0.0398010015488  |  8   |   80  |
|         Southern Cross        |         Hornet's Nest          | 0.0426829457283  |  7   |   80  |
|         Southern Cross        |          Black Notice          | 0.0445544719696  |  6   |   80  |
|         Southern Cross        |          Eyes of Prey          | 0.0454545617104  |  5   |   80  |
|         Southern Cross        | Taltos: Lives of the Mayfa...  | 0.0465116500854  |  4   |   80  |
|         Southern Cross        |       Unnatural Exposure       | 0.0508474707603  |  3   |   80  |
|         Southern Cross        |          Shadow Prey           |  0.051546394825  |  2   |   80  |
|         Southern Cross        |          Isle of Dogs          | 0.0628571510315  |  1   |   80  |
|     River, Cross My Heart     |      Breath, Eyes, Memory      | 0.0314960479736  |  10  |   80  |
|     River, Cross My Heart     |        The Song Reader         | 0.0322580933571  |  9   |   80  |
|     River, Cross My Heart     |     The Rapture of Canaan      | 0.0324675440788  |  8   |   80  |
|     River, Cross My Heart     |        My Soul to Keep         | 0.0340909361839  |  7   |   80  |
|     River, Cross My Heart     |     The Book of Questions      | 0.0350877046585  |  6   |   80  |
|     River, Cross My Heart     |           Icy Sparks           | 0.0373831987381  |  5   |   80  |
|     River, Cross My Heart     |          Local Girls           | 0.0377358198166  |  4   |   80  |
|     River, Cross My Heart     |         Drowning Ruth          | 0.0403226017952  |  3   |   80  |
|     River, Cross My Heart     |         Here on Earth          | 0.0486111044884  |  2   |   80  |
|     River, Cross My Heart     |     We Were the Mulvaneys      | 0.0528846383095  |  1   |   80  |
|          False Memory         |   One Door Away from Heaven    | 0.0396039485931  |  10  |   80  |
|          False Memory         |         The Bad Place          | 0.0406504273415  |  9   |   80  |
|          False Memory         |         The Dark Half          | 0.0411764979362  |  8   |   80  |
|          False Memory         |   From the Corner of His Eye   | 0.0429447889328  |  7   |   80  |
|          False Memory         |      The Eyes of Darkness      | 0.0431034564972  |  6   |   80  |
|          False Memory         |    The Servants of Twilight    | 0.0454545617104  |  5   |   80  |
|          False Memory         |          Black House           | 0.0465116500854  |  4   |   80  |
|          False Memory         | The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon  | 0.0467836260796  |  3   |   80  |
|          False Memory         |          The Funhouse          | 0.0485436916351  |  2   |   80  |
|          False Memory         |          Firestarter           | 0.0512820482254  |  1   |   80  |
[106502 rows x 5 columns]

Experimenting with other models

Create a dataset called implicit that contains only ratings data where rating was 4 or greater.

In [13]:
implicit = ratings[ratings['rating'] >= 4]

Create a train/test split of the implicit data created above. Hint: Use random_split_by_user.

In [14]:
train, test = gl.recommender.util.random_split_by_user(implicit, user_id='name', item_id='book')

Print the first 5 rows of the training set.

In [15]:

name book rating
Channon Dave Barry's Bad Habits a
100% Fact-Free Book ...
Boe It's Not About the Bike:
My Journey Back to Life ...
Raul The Hero and the Crown 4
Sarah One Night of Scandal 4
Brooklynn Fat Ollie's Book: A
Novel of the 87th ...
[5 rows x 3 columns]

Create a ranking_factorization_recommender model using just the training set and 20 factors.

In [16]:
m = gl.ranking_factorization_recommender.create(train, 'name', 'book', target='rating', num_factors=20)

Recsys training: model = ranking_factorization_recommender
Preparing data set.
    Data has 57133 observations with 21028 users and 10510 items.
    Data prepared in: 0.177179s
Training ranking_factorization_recommender for recommendations.
| Parameter                      | Description                                      | Value    |
| num_factors                    | Factor Dimension                                 | 20       |
| regularization                 | L2 Regularization on Factors                     | 1e-09    |
| solver                         | Solver used for training                         | sgd      |
| linear_regularization          | L2 Regularization on Linear Coefficients         | 1e-09    |
| ranking_regularization         | Rank-based Regularization Weight                 | 0.25     |
| max_iterations                 | Maximum Number of Iterations                     | 25       |
  Optimizing model using SGD; tuning step size.
  Using 10000 / 57133 points for tuning the step size.
| Attempt | Initial Step Size | Estimated Objective Value                |
| 0       | 25                | Not Viable                               |
| 1       | 6.25              | Not Viable                               |
| 2       | 1.5625            | Not Viable                               |
| 3       | 0.390625          | 0.218508                                 |
| 4       | 0.195312          | 0.223967                                 |
| 5       | 0.0976562         | 0.24879                                  |
| 6       | 0.0488281         | 0.284226                                 |
| Final   | 0.390625          | 0.218508                                 |
Starting Optimization.
| Iter.   | Elapsed Time | Approx. Objective | Approx. Training RMSE | Step Size   |
| Initial | 122us        | 0.405542          | 0.454751              |             |
| 1       | 85.117ms     | 0.676417          | 0.643882              | 0.390625    |
| 2       | 184.847ms    | 0.484295          | 0.527479              | 0.232267    |
| 3       | 272.036ms    | 0.375518          | 0.441009              | 0.171364    |
| 4       | 358.101ms    | 0.307976          | 0.38294               | 0.116134    |
| 5       | 452.734ms    | 0.273212          | 0.347998              | 0.098237    |
| 6       | 576.476ms    | 0.248569          | 0.322504              | 0.0856819   |
| 11      | 1.17s        | 0.18182           | 0.243958              | 0.0543824   |
| 25      | 2.76s        | 0.118285          | 0.170874              | 0.0293797   |
Optimization Complete: Maximum number of passes through the data reached.
Computing final objective value and training RMSE.
       Final objective value: 0.112011
       Final training RMSE: 0.15442

Evaluate how well this model recommends items that were seen in the test set you created above. Hint: Check out m.evaluate_precision_recall().

In [17]:
m.evaluate_precision_recall(test, cutoffs=[50])['precision_recall_overall']

cutoff precision recall
50 0.0026582278481 0.102848101266
[1 rows x 3 columns]

Create an SFrame containing only one observation, where 'Billy Bob' has rated 'Animal Farm' with score 5.0.

In [18]:
new_observation_data = gl.SFrame({'name': ['Me'], 'book': ['Animal Farm'], 'rating': [5.0]})

Use this data when querying for recommendations.

In [19]:
m.recommend(users=['Me'], new_observation_data=new_observation_data)

name book score rank
Me The Da Vinci Code 4.72174966921 1
Me The Secret Life of Bees 4.6367422997 2
Me A Prayer for Owen Meany 4.60010815253 3
Me The Five People You Meet
in Heaven ...
4.59598705759 4
Me Me Talk Pretty One Day 4.55587265482 5
Me Life of Pi 4.54568443288 6
Me Bridget Jones's Diary 4.54082047035 7
Me The Handmaid's Tale 4.54068297734 8
Me Suzanne's Diary for
Nicholas ...
4.52010121038 9
Me The Poisonwood Bible 4.5169126748 10
[10 rows x 4 columns]