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$('<div id="toc"></div>').css({position: 'fixed', top: '120px', left: 0}).appendTo(document.body);
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import os
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from jupyterthemes import jtplot
import xgboost as xg
from xgboost import XGBModel
from xgboost import plot_importance
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, TimeSeriesSplit
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autotime
%load_ext line_profiler
%matplotlib inline
In [3]:
def plot_best_features(model, data, num_features, figsize=(5,50)):
Plot best features.
model (XGBRegressor) : The best XGBRegressor estimator from GridSearchCV or other
model of type XGBRegressor.
data (DataFrame) : Data containing all features and column names.
dict : The newly created dictionary, which maps 'data' features to their associated score.
new_scores = {}
# Get the XGB Model's score and assign values and keys to the new dictionary
scores = model.booster().get_score(importance_type='weight')
for i in scores.keys():
new_scores[data.columns[int(i[1:])]] = scores[i]
# Build a dataframe with the top 'num_features'
df_features = pd.DataFrame.from_records([new_scores], index=['Features']).T.sort_values('Features').tail(num_features)
# Plot feature significance based on the models' score
return new_scores
In [4]:
# Load data
transactions = pd.read_csv('../Data/properties_2016.csv', low_memory=False)
# Load train data
train_data = pd.read_csv('../Data/train_2016_v2.csv')
# Elements to be forecasted - this is the framework
submission_sample = pd.read_csv('../Data/sample_submission.csv')
# Load label description and feature documentation
label_documentation = pd.read_csv('../Data/zillow_data_dictionary.csv', encoding='ISO8859_1')
duplicate_records = train_data[train_data['parcelid'].duplicated()]['parcelid'].unique()
In [5]:
# Show how many nulls there are for each feature
nulls = transactions.isnull().sum().sort_values(ascending=False).to_frame()
null_features = list(nulls[nulls[0] > 1200000].index) # Features which should be dropped due to having many nulls.
nulls.plot.barh(figsize=(7,13), title='Nulls per feature')
In [6]:
transactions['latitude'] = transactions['latitude']/1000000
transactions['longitude'] = transactions['longitude']/1000000
# Get latitude and longitude extremes
min_lat = transactions['latitude'].min()
max_lat = transactions['latitude'].max()
min_lon = transactions['longitude'].min()
max_lon = transactions['longitude'].max()
# Build map
area = 0.1
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(40,40))
map = Basemap(projection='merc', lat_0 = np.mean([min_lat, max_lat]), lon_0 = np.mean([min_lon, max_lon]),
resolution = 'h', area_thresh = 0.1,
llcrnrlon=min_lon - area, llcrnrlat=min_lat - area,
urcrnrlon=max_lon + area, urcrnrlat=max_lat + area)
map.fillcontinents(color = 'coral')
lon = transactions['longitude'].values
lat = transactions['latitude'].values
x,y = map(lon, lat)
map.plot(x, y, 'bo', markersize=5)
In [7]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(200,50))
plt.plot(train_data['logerror'], linewidth=0.5)
In [8]:
In [13]:
raw_transactions = pd.read_csv('../Data/properties_2016.csv', low_memory=False)
# Replace null values, identify duplicates.
transactions_shuffled = pd.merge(train_data, raw_transactions, how='left', on=['parcelid']).sample(frac=1)
transactions_shuffled['taxdelinquencyflag'] = transactions_shuffled['taxdelinquencyflag'].replace('Y',0)
transactions_shuffled['code_fips'] = transactions_shuffled['rawcensustractandblock'].apply(lambda x: str(x)[:4]).replace('',0)
transactions_shuffled['code_tract'] = transactions_shuffled['rawcensustractandblock'].apply(lambda x: str(x)[4:11]).replace('',0)
transactions_shuffled['code_block'] = transactions_shuffled['rawcensustractandblock'].apply(lambda x: str(x)[11:]).replace('',0)
transactions_shuffled['transactiondate'] = pd.to_datetime(transactions_shuffled['transactiondate'])
transactions_shuffled['day_of_month'] = transactions_shuffled['transactiondate']
transactions_shuffled['month_of_year'] = transactions_shuffled['transactiondate'].dt.month
transactions_shuffled['quarter'] = transactions_shuffled['transactiondate'].dt.quarter
y_all = transactions_shuffled['logerror']
x_all = transactions_shuffled.drop(['parcelid', 'logerror', 'transactiondate', 'propertyzoningdesc', 'propertycountylandusecode'], axis=1)
x_all.fillna(-999, inplace=True)
# Splits up train and test based on the given ration
ratio = 0.1
best_columns = x_all.columns
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x_all.values, y_all, test_size=ratio, random_state=69)
In [14]:
model_lr = LinearRegression()
# Fir the model to train data, y_train)
#selector = RFE(LinearRegression(), 200, step=100)
#selector =, y_train)
# Make a prediction for the test set
y_pred_lr_test = model_lr.predict(x_test)
y_pred_lr_train = model_lr.predict(x_train)
# Score the predictor on the test set
#model_lr.score(x_test, y_test)
# Feature importance
feature_importance_lr = pd.DataFrame(model_lr.coef_, columns=['Weight'], index=best_columns).sort_values('Weight', ascending=False)
# Same R2 computation based but based on metrics library
print('R2 LR Test:', r2_score(y_test, y_pred_lr_test))
print('R2 LR Train:', r2_score(y_train, y_pred_lr_train))
predicted_mae_lr_test = mean_absolute_error(y_test, y_pred_lr_test)
print('MAE LR Test:', predicted_mae_lr_test)
predicted_mae_lr_train = mean_absolute_error(y_train, y_pred_lr_train)
print('MAE LR Train:', predicted_mae_lr_train)
sample = 100 # Number of records to look at - makes the visualisation more meaningful.
# Plot test true vs predicted values
plot_data(y_test, y_pred_lr_test, sample, 'Test', linewidth=2)
# Plot train true vs predicted values
plot_data(y_train, y_pred_lr_train, sample, 'Train', linewidth=2)
In [15]:
'max_depth': 3, # shuld be 0.5 to 1% of the examples
'subsample': 1, #[0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0],
'min_child_weight': 12, # Deals with imbalanced data.
'gamma': 0.2,
#'colsample_bytree': [0.5], #[0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8],
'objective': 'reg:linear',
'n_estimators': 1000, #[1000,2000,3000]
'reg_alpha': 0, #[0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04]
'learning_rate': 0.09,
'scale_pos_weight': 1
In [16]:
d_train = xg.DMatrix(x_train, label=y_train)
d_valid = xg.DMatrix(x_test, label=y_test)
print('Training ...')
params['eta'] = 0.02
params['eval_metric'] = 'mae'
params['silent'] = 1
# Top : train-mae:0.067973 valid-mae:0.064692
watchlist = [(d_train, 'train'), (d_valid, 'valid')]
xgb_gs = xg.train(params, d_train, 10000, watchlist, early_stopping_rounds=50, verbose_eval=10)
In [ ]:
cv = 5
jobs = 5
# Build XGB model based on the given parameters.
# Default features:
# max_depth=3, learning_rate=0.1, n_estimators=100, silent=True, objective='reg:linear',
# booster='gbtree', n_jobs=1, nthread=None, gamma=0, min_child_weight=1, max_delta_step=0,
# subsample=1, colsample_bytree=1, colsample_bylevel=1, reg_alpha=0, reg_lambda=1,
# scale_pos_weight=1, base_score=0.5, random_state=0, seed=None, missing=None
xgbr = xg.XGBRegressor()
xgb_gs = GridSearchCV(xgbr, params, n_jobs=jobs,
cv=TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=cv).get_n_splits([x_train, y_train]),
verbose=10, refit=True), y_train)
In [ ]:
print('Best estimator:',xgb_gs.best_estimator_)
# Predict estimated logerror
y_pred_xgb_test = xgb_gs.predict(x_test)
y_pred_xgb_train = xgb_gs.predict(x_train)
# Evaluate the performance of XGB
print('XGB R2 Test:', xgb_gs.score(x_test, y_test))
print('XGB R2 Train:', xgb_gs.score(x_train, y_train))
# Show results for LR on train and test data
print('MAE LR Test:', predicted_mae_lr_test)
print('MAE LR Train:', predicted_mae_lr_train)
# Show results for XGB on train and test data
predicted_mae_xgb_test = mean_absolute_error(y_test, y_pred_xgb_test)
print('MAE XGB Test:',predicted_mae_xgb_test)
predicted_mae_xgb_train = mean_absolute_error(y_train, y_pred_xgb_train)
print('MAE XGB Train:', predicted_mae_xgb_train)
#selector = RFE(xgb_gs.best_estimator_, 100, step=50)
#selector =, y_train)
# plot feature importance
dict_features = plot_best_features(xgb_gs.best_estimator_, data=x_all, num_features=50, figsize=(5,13))
#xgb.to_graphviz(xgb_gs.best_estimator_, num_trees=50)
######## ONE-HOT vs NONE ######
# XGB R2 Test: -0.0135715900237 Train: 0.13302709163
# MAE LR Train: 0.0687819933569 Test: 0.0675078152125
# MAE XGB Train: 0.0669039183129 Test: 0.0687189110259
# XGB R2 Test: 0.011877997183 Train: 0.141170034298
# MAE LR Train: 0.0680096936624 Test: 0.0713713207428
# MAE XGB Train: 0.0662614095391 Test: 0.0722176694789
######## Label Encoder #######
In [60]:
best_columns = x_all.columns
In [114]:
for d in [10,11,12]:
x_predict = raw_transactions.copy()
x_predict['code_fips'] = x_predict['rawcensustractandblock'].apply(lambda x: str(x)[:4]).replace('',0)
x_predict['code_tract'] = x_predict['rawcensustractandblock'].apply(lambda x: str(x)[4:11]).replace('',0)
x_predict['code_block'] = x_predict['rawcensustractandblock'].apply(lambda x: str(x)[11:]).replace('',0)
x_predict['taxdelinquencyflag'] = x_predict['taxdelinquencyflag'].replace('Y',0)
x_predict['month_of_year'] = d
x_predict['quarter'] = 4
x_predict['day_of_month'] = 1
#x_predict['month_of_year'] = d
#x_predict['quarter'] = 4
predictions = xgb_gs.predict(xg.DMatrix(x_predict[best_columns].values))
x_predict['2016%s'%(d)] = predictions
submission_sample['2016%s'%(d)] = submission_sample['ParcelId'].to_frame().merge(x_predict[['parcelid','2016%s'%(d)]], how='left', left_on='ParcelId', right_on='parcelid')['2016%s'%(d)]
In [115]:
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