Title: Exiting A Loop
Slug: exiting_a_loop_python
Summary: Exiting a loop in Python
Date: 2016-09-06 12:00
Category: Python
Tags: Basics
Authors: Chris Albon

Create A List

In [1]:
# Create a list:
armies = ['Red Army', 'Blue Army', 'Green Army']

Breaking Out Of A For Loop

In [2]:
for army in armies:
    if army == 'Blue Army':
        print('Blue Army Found! Stopping.')

Red Army
Blue Army
Blue Army Found! Stopping.

Notice that the loop stopped after the conditional if statement was satisfied.

Exiting If Loop Completed

A loop will exit when completed, but using an else statement we can add an action at the conclusion of the loop if it hasn't been exited earlier.

In [3]:
for army in armies:
    if army == 'Orange Army':
    print('Looped Through The Whole List, No Orange Army Found')

Red Army
Blue Army
Green Army
Looped Through The Whole List, No Orange Army Found