Title: Impute Missing Values With Means
Slug: impute_missing_values_with_means
Summary: Impute Missing Values With Means.
Date: 2016-11-28 12:00
Category: Machine Learning
Tags: Preprocessing Structured Data
Authors: Chris Albon
Mean imputation replaces missing values with the mean value of that feature/variable. Mean imputation is one of the most 'naive' imputation methods because unlike more complex methods like k-nearest neighbors imputation, it does not use the information we have about an observation to estimate a value for it.
In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer
In [2]:
# Create an empty dataset
df = pd.DataFrame()
# Create two variables called x0 and x1. Make the first value of x1 a missing value
df['x0'] = [0.3051,0.4949,0.6974,0.3769,0.2231,0.341,0.4436,0.5897,0.6308,0.5]
df['x1'] = [np.nan,0.2654,0.2615,0.5846,0.4615,0.8308,0.4962,0.3269,0.5346,0.6731]
# View the dataset
In [3]:
# Create an imputer object that looks for 'Nan' values, then replaces them with the mean value of the feature by columns (axis=0)
mean_imputer = Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='mean', axis=0)
# Train the imputor on the df dataset
mean_imputer = mean_imputer.fit(df)
In [4]:
# Apply the imputer to the df dataset
imputed_df = mean_imputer.transform(df.values)
In [5]:
# View the data
Notice that 0.49273333
is the imputed value, replacing the np.NaN