Working to see if we can leverage inherent NetCDF compression to handle the problem of supporting runs of spatially discontiguous gridcells while maintaing a CF-standards compliant netcdf file.
A single climate driver variable for dvmdostem, over the whole AIEM domain for 200 years at 1km spatial resolution and 1 monthly time resolution take ~40GB per variable:
1850*2560 = 4,736,000 pixels in AIEM domain, including oceans, etc.
4 bytes
----------- * 12 months * 200 years * (1850*2560) = 45,465,600,000 bytes
32bit float
45,465,600,000 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 = 42.34 GB
With the original input scheme, we can reduce this by roughly half by
storing the information by ID and lookup and discarding all the cells
that are over oceans, mountains etc. This reduces the valid pixel count
in the AIEM domain to ~2,169,672 pixels, and the final size to ~19.4GB for
each driving variable. Thus as of 12/4/2014, when looking at the input data
on atlas:/big_scratch/tem/CLIMATE
we see sizes of ~45GB for the files that
contain 4 driving variables and 100 years:
tcarman2@atlas $ ls -alh echam5*
36G Aug 11 10:23
45G Aug 21 10:41
45G Aug 21 11:16
In order to support runs of "spatially non-contiguous grid cells" while avoiding
a custom indexed file format, we are investigating the possibility of leveraging
the compression that is built into NetCDF. For this we'd like to see how compressesd
a .nc
file is when we mask out a whole bunch of data.
For a proof of concept we describe here the method we used to create a sample dataset with timeseries data for a non-rectangular selection of grid cells - for example "tempertature data for 100 years for all 1km cells in the AIEM domain that are vegetation type 4".
The process will be:
Setup: Download data, load libraries, etc.
Create a mask for a certain vegetation type from a .tif
with landcover information.
Test the mask by applying it to a set of temperature data and visually confirming that the data selection looks appropriate.
Build a netcdf file by applying the mask to a set of .tifs
with temperature data for a given number of years and appending
the selected data to the .nc
Attempt to compress the resutling netcdf file.
In [69]:
%matplotlib inline
import rasterio
import netCDF4
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
We need some landcover data and temperature data to work with.
For land cover we used the LandCover_iem_TEM_2005.tif
, downloaded
from SNAP "iem_ancillary_data" files:
For temperature, we used the files from the cccma_cgcm3
model, scenairo A1B that we downloaded from SNAP:
Here is the direct link to the .zip
file used here:
NOTE: The linked file is > 6GB in size!
Unzip the file and assume you have the following files in the same directory that you run this script, or execute these commands:
After extracting the .zip
, you should have a folder with
1200 .tifs
, one per month for 100 years:
7.5M tas_mean_C_iem_cccma_cgcm3_1_sresa1b_01_2001.tif
6.4M tas_mean_C_iem_cccma_cgcm3_1_sresa1b_01_2002.tif
6.7M tas_mean_C_iem_cccma_cgcm3_1_sresa1b_12_2099.tif
7.0M tas_mean_C_iem_cccma_cgcm3_1_sresa1b_12_2100.tif
In [70]:
landcover ="../../snap-data/iem_ancillary_data/Landcover/LandCover_iem_TEM_2005.tif")
Now get the actual data out of the raster files
In [71]:
lcdata = landcover.read_band(1)
Now mask off all but a certain vegetation type, filling everything else with np.nan
. See what we got.
In [72]:
vt4 = np.where(lcdata==4, lcdata, np.nan)
Looks pretty good. Vegetation type "4" must be some kind of tundra?
Next, we read in a temperature file and see what it takes to "apply" the mask to the temperature file.
First we notice that for some reason numpy
and or rasterio
are not recognizing "NaN" values appropriately. So when we try to
look at the temperature file to make sure we read it correctly, we
can't see anything because the color scale is being stretched
over too large of a range:
In [73]:
tfile ="../../snap-data/tas_mean_C_iem_cccma_cgcm3_1_sresa1b_2001_2100/tas_mean_C_iem_cccma_cgcm3_1_sresa1b_01_2001.tif")
tdata = tfile.read_band(1)
In [74]:
print "Min:", tdata.min(), "Max:", tdata.max()
To fix this, we can mask off the pixels with extremely low values. Seems like it should be same to assume that anything below -200 should be "NaN".
In [75]:
oktemp = np.where(tdata > -200, tdata, np.nan)
That looks pretty reasonable.
Now we want to try to apply the mask to the temperature data, effectively finding all the tempertature data for pixels/cells that have a vegetation type number equal to 4.
This is accomplished by taking advantage of numpy's array broadcasting
and behavior when performaing math on np.nan
values. By adding and then
subtracting the vegetation mask with the temperature data, we end up with
only the temperature values where vegetation type is 4.
Not sure if this is the most efficient way to do it, but it works for initial testing. Seems pretty decent though:
In [76]:
%time veg4_tempdata = vt4 + oktemp - vt4
In [77]:
Looks pretty good. This is all the temperature data where vegetation type is 4.
In [78]:
print type(veg4_tempdata)
print "Min:", np.nanmin(veg4_tempdata), "Max:", np.nanmax(veg4_tempdata)
Now we will create a NetCDF file from this "masked" veg4_tempdata
data array. We setup a function that:
In [79]:
def custom_file_masker(selected_mask, years=10):
ncfile = netCDF4.Dataset('', mode='w', format='NETCDF4')
# Check on the shape
#print selected_mask.shape
Y = ncfile.createDimension('X', selected_mask.shape[1])
X = ncfile.createDimension('Y', selected_mask.shape[0])
time = ncfile.createDimension('time', None)
tair = ncfile.createVariable('tair', np.float32, ('time','Y','X'))
years = range(2001, 2001+years)
print "Running custom file masker for %s years." % years
months = range(1,13)
# open the file, read the band, deal with NaNs, mask it,
# and append to the netcdf file
for iy, year in enumerate(years):
for im, month in enumerate(months):
#print iy*12+im, "_%02i_%04i.tif" % (month, year)
temperature_file ="../../snap-data/tas_mean_C_iem_cccma_cgcm3_1_sresa1b_2001_2100/tas_mean_C_iem_cccma_cgcm3_1_sresa1b_%02i_%04i.tif" % (month, year))
temp_data = temperature_file.read_band(1)
oktemps = np.where(temp_data > -200, temp_data, np.nan)
tempdata_for_vegnum = selected_mask + oktemps - selected_mask
tair[iy*12+im,:,:] = tempdata_for_vegnum
# make sure to close the file
Call our function and check up on the resulting file:
In [80]:
%time custom_file_masker(vt4, years=1)
# Check size
!ls -alh | cut -d" " -f 7-
In [81]:
%time custom_file_masker(vt4, years=5)
# Check size
!ls -alh | cut -d" " -f 7-
In [82]:
%time custom_file_masker(vt4, years=10)
# Check size
!ls -alh | cut -d" " -f 7-
In [82]:
In [83]:
!ncdump -h ""
Takes about ~20 seconds and ~2.1GB for one variable, 10 years worth of data
In [85]:
!nccopy -d2 "" ""
In [93]:
!ls -alh sample*.nc| cut -d" " -f 7-
In [ ]: