BMI Visualize!

Visualize the output of the BMI-enabled Diffusions model as a function of time.


Check that these packages are installed on your system:

  • pandas
  • matplotlib
  • bokeh
  • xarray
  • holoviews

Some imports to start, including holoviews:

In [1]:
import os
import numpy as np
import holoviews as hv
hv.extension('bokeh', 'matplotlib')

Load and run the Diffusion model through its BMI

Start by importing the BmiDiffusion class from the bmi-live package and creating an instance:

In [2]:
from bmi_live import BmiDiffusion
x = BmiDiffusion()

Locate a configuration file for this example and use it to initialize the model:

In [3]:
from bmi_live import data_directory
cfg_file = os.path.join(data_directory, 'visualize_diffusion.yaml')

Get a reference to the temperature variable exposed by the model:

In [4]:
temp = x.get_value_ptr('plate_surface__temperature')

Add an impulse to the initial temperature field:

In [5]:
temp[200] = 100.0

Because temp is a reference, there's no need to call set_value to update its value.

Get the id of the grid on which the temperature variable is located:

In [6]:
grid_id = x.get_var_grid('plate_surface__temperature')


Use this grid id to get the shape of the grid:

In [7]:
grid_shape = np.ndarray(x.get_grid_rank(grid_id), int)
x.get_grid_shape(grid_id, grid_shape)

array([20, 30])

Set the number of time steps that we'll advance the model:

In [8]:
n_steps = 35

Make a variable to hold the values of the temperature field over time:

In [9]:
temperature = np.zeros((*grid_shape, n_steps))

What is the shape of this variable?

In [10]:

(20, 30, 35)

Load the initial perturbed temperature field into the temperature variable:

In [11]:
temperature[:,:,0] = temp.reshape(grid_shape)

Advance the model through time, adding to the temperature array at each step:

In [12]:
for t in range(n_steps):
    temperature[:,:,t] = temp.reshape(grid_shape)

Note that because temp is a reference, it's automatically updated on each time step.

Visualize output from the Diffusion model

Load the temperature array into a holoviews dataset.

In [13]:
ds = hv.Dataset((np.arange(n_steps), np.arange(grid_shape[1]), np.arange(grid_shape[0]),
                 temperature), ['Time','x', 'y'], 'Temperature')

Examine the dataset:

In [14]:
type(, list(

(dict, ['Time', 'x', 'y', 'Temperature'])

Visualize the dataset as an image with a slider to step through time:

In [15]:
%opts Image (cmap='Reds')[colorbar=True]
%output size=150, ['x', 'y'], dynamic=True)
