Two Dimensional Galactic Orbits

  • set initial conditions (x0,y0) and (vx0,vy0) in the plane z=0
  • set integration time step
  • set number of integrations or a final integration stop time
  • define the potential and the forces as derivatives of the potential

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np
import math

The Plummer potential for mass $M_p$ and core radius $r_c$ is given by $$ \Phi = - { M_p \over { {(r_c^2 + r^2)}^{1/2} } } \tag{1a} $$ and is also used to described softened gravity of a point mass (think of the case $r_c = 0$) for N-body calculations.

The force is the gradient of the potential $$ f = -\nabla \Phi \tag{1b} $$

We also want to record the total energy (kinetic and potential): $$ E = { 1\over 2} v^2 + \Phi \tag{1c} $$ and angular momentum $$ J = r \times v \tag{1d} $$ although we will only be using the Z component of this vector since we are computing orbits restricted to the Z plane: $$ J_z = x \times v_y - y \times v_x \tag{1e} $$

Q1: We use a smooth function for the potential with smooth derivatives. What would happen with the "galaxy" potential from the previous lecture.

Force Field

We need some helper functions to compute (1a)..(1e). For simplicity we use $M_p = 1$ and $r_c=1$.

In [ ]:
def radius(x):
    """length of a vector"""
    if len(x.shape) == 1:
        return math.sqrt(np.inner(x,x))
    # elif len(x.shape) == 2:
def potential(pos):
    """potential, defined as a negative number"""
    r = radius(pos)
    y1 = 1+r*r
    return -1.0/math.sqrt(y1)

def angmomz(pos,vel):
    """Angular momentum in Z"""
    return pos[0]*vel[1] - pos[1]*vel[0]

def energy(pos,vel):
    """Kinetic and Potential energy"""
    return 0.5*np.inner(vel,vel) + potential(pos)

def force(pos):
    """force/acceleration (in our units mass=1 scale-length=1)"""
    # note we might be able to use sympy
    r = radius(pos)
    y2 = 1.0/math.sqrt(1+r*r)
    return -pos*y2*y2*y2


Here we write a step function to solve $$ { d\boldsymbol{x} \over dt } = \boldsymbol{v} \tag{2a} $$ and $$ { d\boldsymbol{v} \over dt } = f(\boldsymbol{x}) \tag{2b} $$ in the discretization we write this as (in a simple first order Euler algorithm)

        xnew = xold + dt * vold
        vnew = vold + dt * fold

In [ ]:
def step0(pos,vel, dt):
    """step0: simple first order Euler"""
    old = pos
    pos = pos + dt*vel
    vel = vel + dt*force(old)
    return (pos,vel)

def step1(pos,vel, dt):
    """step1: simple first order Euler - updating position first"""
    pos = pos + dt*vel
    vel = vel + dt*force(pos)
    return (pos,vel)

def step2(pos,vel, dt):
    """step2: simple first order Euler - updating velocity first"""
    vel = vel + dt*force(pos)
    pos = pos + dt*vel
    return (pos,vel)

def step4(pos,vel,dt):
    """step4:  Runge Kutta 4 """
    # not implemented yet
    return None

Helper functions

In [ ]:
def show_stats(data):
    """Show some stats of a numpy array"""
    m = data.mean()
    s = data.std()
    dmin = data.min()
    dmax = data.max()
    rmin = (dmin-m)/s
    rmax = (dmax-m)/s
    print("Goodness: ",s/m)

Initial conditions

For 2D orbits we only specify the X coordinate and Y velocity. The remaining values of the 6 phase space coordinates are 0. Why is this?

In [ ]:
x0 = 1.0                       # initial X coordinate
v0 = 0.1                   # initial Y launch velocity (0.5946 would be a circular orbit)
n  = 200                    # number of steps to take
dt = 0.1                   # integration time step
step = step1                   # pick an integration method
                                       # Derived variables for the remainder
t = 0.0                                # always start at t=0
pos = np.array([x0,  0.0, 0.0])        # keeps the current pos
vel = np.array([0.0,  v0, 0.0])        # and vel
e = energy(pos,vel)                                        
j = angmomz(pos,vel)
time = np.zeros(1)                     # time array (we'll append to this)
time[0] = t
phase = np.concatenate(([t,e,j],pos,vel)).reshape(1,9)     # watch this peculiar 
print("e0 =",e)
print("phase = ",phase)

In [ ]:
#  at x0=1.0 this should be the correct speed for a circular orbit


The following cell takes the last (pos,vel) and takes n steps in time dt

The cell after this will plot the orbit. If you re-execute the stepper cell, it will append, and shows how the orbit "grows" (or not).

In [ ]:
for i in range(n):
    (pos,vel) = step(pos,vel,dt)
    t = t + dt
    e = energy(pos,vel)
    j = angmomz(pos,vel)
    p = np.concatenate(([t,e,j],pos,vel)).reshape(1,9)
    phase = np.concatenate((phase, p),axis=0)
    time = np.append(time,t)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
x = phase[:,3]
y = phase[:,4]
rad = np.sqrt(x*x+y*y)-1

In [ ]:
plt.scatter(phase[:,0], phase[:,1])
plt.title("Conserving Energy?")

In [ ]:
plt.scatter(phase[:,0], phase[:,2])
plt.title("Conserving Angular Momentum?")

Saving data

There are many good and less ideal ways to save data. In astronomy standard formats such has FITS and HDF5 are common. For our work here we use a simple and fast native python method, called pickle. You can save whole objects, and reading them back in will ensure the whole object structure and hierarchy is preserved.

In [ ]:
    import cPickle as pickle
    print("using cPickle")
    import pickle
    print("using pickle")

# write it

# read it again
phase2 = pickle.load(open("orbit1.p","rb"))


  • If we are just doing two dimensional orbits, can't we just leave the Z off and speed up computations? What do you need to change to do this?
  • How would we look for the period orbit?
  • If want to squash the potential and make it slightly oval, what would the changes be. Here we would define an ellipsoidal radius on which the potential is constant: $$ r^2 = { x^2 \over a^2} + { y^2 \over b^2 } $$ instead of the normal $$ r^2 = x^2 + y^2 $$
  • A 2009 IAS lecture by Tremaine is an excellent lecture for (symplectic) orbit integrators. See

Orbits using scipy

For many scientific applications there are canned routines made available by the community. The scipy package is one such module. We will derive the same orbit integration using scipy.odeint

See e.g. or better

However, this function uses the usual ODE notation (cf. (2a) and (2b)) $$ { d\boldsymbol{y} \over dt } = f(\boldsymbol{y},t) \tag{3} $$

In [ ]:
from scipy.integrate import odeint

In [ ]:
def ofunc(y,t):
    """ function to integrate 
        Note we are re-using the force() function from the first part of this notebook
    pos = y[0:3]
    vel = y[3:]
    return np.concatenate((vel,force(pos)))

In [ ]:
phase0 = np.array([x0,0,0, 0,v0,0])    # initial conditions
times  = np.arange(0.0,(n+1)*dt,dt)    # requested times where we want a solution
# times  = np.linspace(0.0,n*dt,n+1)

In [ ]:
orbit = odeint(ofunc, phase0, times)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
# plot the old one again 

In [ ]:
# compare the last
p1 = phase[-1,3:]
p2 = orbit[-1,:]

Energy and Angular Momentum conservation?

Now plot the energy conservation for this method as we did for the hand crafted one; did "odeint" do better? Do the same for angular momentum.

In [ ]:
# e = energy(pos,vel)
# j = angmomz(pos,vel)
et = np.zeros(len(times))
jt = np.zeros(len(times))
for i in range(len(times)):
    et[i] = energy(pos,vel)
    jt[i] = angmomz(pos,vel)



Comparing methods

Design a simple number that could be used to measure how good the integrator worked

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Clearly our initial design of the "phase" structure does not match that of the "orbit" very well. How should we improve this, so that we can write tools that use either output of our own code, with the one that comes out of scipy.integrate.odeint?

How about numpy vector operations to get Et and Jt, instead of element by element?