In [1]:
import IPython.display



A workshop to develop & use an intelligent and interactive chat-bot in WeChat

by: GU Zhan (Sam)

October 2018 : Update to support Python 3 in local machine, e.g. iss-vm.

April 2017 ======= Scan the QR code to become trainer's friend in WeChat =====>>


Lesson 5: Video Recognition & Processing

  • 识别视频消息中的物体名字 (Label Detection: Detect entities within the video, such as "dog", "flower" or "car")
  • 识别视频的场景片段 (Shot Change Detection: Detect scene changes within the video)
  • 识别受限内容 (Explicit Content Detection: Detect adult content within a video)
  • 生成视频字幕 (Video Transcription BETA: Transcribes video content in English)

Using Google Cloud Platform's Machine Learning APIs

From the same API console, choose "Dashboard" on the left-hand menu and "Enable API".

Enable the following APIs for your project (search for them) if they are not already enabled:

  1. Google Cloud Video Intelligence API
  2. **

Finally, because we are calling the APIs from Python (clients in many other languages are available), let's install the Python package (it's not installed by default on Datalab)

In [2]:
# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
# !pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client

短片预览 / Video viewing

In [3]:
# 多媒体文件的二进制base64码转换 (Define media pre-processing functions)

# Import the base64 encoding library.
import base64, io, sys, IPython.display

# Python 2
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    import urllib2
# Python 3
    import urllib.request

# Pass the media data to an encoding function.
def encode_media(media_file):
    with, "rb") as media_file:
        media_content =
# Python 2
    if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
        return base64.b64encode(media_content).decode('ascii')
# Python 3
        return base64.b64encode(media_content).decode('utf-8')

In [4]:
video_file = 'reference/video_IPA.mp4'
# video_file = 'reference/SampleVideo_360x240_1mb.mp4'
# video_file = 'reference/SampleVideo_360x240_2mb.mp4'

In [5]:
        '''<video alt="test" controls><source src="data:video/mp4;base64,{0}" type="video/mp4" /></video>'''


Install the client library for Video Intelligence / Processing

In [6]:
!pip install --upgrade google-cloud-videointelligence

Requirement already up-to-date: google-cloud-videointelligence in /home/iss-user/anaconda3/envs/iss-env-py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (1.5.0)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: google-api-core[grpc]<2.0.0dev,>=0.1.0 in /home/iss-user/anaconda3/envs/iss-env-py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from google-cloud-videointelligence) (1.5.0)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: protobuf>=3.4.0 in /home/iss-user/anaconda3/envs/iss-env-py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from google-api-core[grpc]<2.0.0dev,>=0.1.0->google-cloud-videointelligence) (3.6.1)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: pytz in /home/iss-user/anaconda3/envs/iss-env-py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from google-api-core[grpc]<2.0.0dev,>=0.1.0->google-cloud-videointelligence) (2018.3)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: google-auth<2.0.0dev,>=0.4.0 in /home/iss-user/anaconda3/envs/iss-env-py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from google-api-core[grpc]<2.0.0dev,>=0.1.0->google-cloud-videointelligence) (1.5.1)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: googleapis-common-protos<2.0dev,>=1.5.3 in /home/iss-user/anaconda3/envs/iss-env-py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from google-api-core[grpc]<2.0.0dev,>=0.1.0->google-cloud-videointelligence) (1.5.3)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: setuptools>=34.0.0 in /home/iss-user/anaconda3/envs/iss-env-py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from google-api-core[grpc]<2.0.0dev,>=0.1.0->google-cloud-videointelligence) (38.5.1)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: requests<3.0.0dev,>=2.18.0 in /home/iss-user/anaconda3/envs/iss-env-py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from google-api-core[grpc]<2.0.0dev,>=0.1.0->google-cloud-videointelligence) (2.18.4)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: six>=1.10.0 in /home/iss-user/anaconda3/envs/iss-env-py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from google-api-core[grpc]<2.0.0dev,>=0.1.0->google-cloud-videointelligence) (1.11.0)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: grpcio>=1.8.2; extra == "grpc" in /home/iss-user/anaconda3/envs/iss-env-py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from google-api-core[grpc]<2.0.0dev,>=0.1.0->google-cloud-videointelligence) (1.10.0)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: cachetools>=2.0.0 in /home/iss-user/anaconda3/envs/iss-env-py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from google-auth<2.0.0dev,>=0.4.0->google-api-core[grpc]<2.0.0dev,>=0.1.0->google-cloud-videointelligence) (2.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: rsa>=3.1.4 in /home/iss-user/anaconda3/envs/iss-env-py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from google-auth<2.0.0dev,>=0.4.0->google-api-core[grpc]<2.0.0dev,>=0.1.0->google-cloud-videointelligence) (3.4.2)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: pyasn1-modules>=0.2.1 in /home/iss-user/anaconda3/envs/iss-env-py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from google-auth<2.0.0dev,>=0.4.0->google-api-core[grpc]<2.0.0dev,>=0.1.0->google-cloud-videointelligence) (0.2.1)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: chardet<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 in /home/iss-user/anaconda3/envs/iss-env-py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from requests<3.0.0dev,>=2.18.0->google-api-core[grpc]<2.0.0dev,>=0.1.0->google-cloud-videointelligence) (3.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: idna<2.7,>=2.5 in /home/iss-user/anaconda3/envs/iss-env-py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from requests<3.0.0dev,>=2.18.0->google-api-core[grpc]<2.0.0dev,>=0.1.0->google-cloud-videointelligence) (2.6)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: urllib3<1.23,>=1.21.1 in /home/iss-user/anaconda3/envs/iss-env-py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from requests<3.0.0dev,>=2.18.0->google-api-core[grpc]<2.0.0dev,>=0.1.0->google-cloud-videointelligence) (1.22)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /home/iss-user/anaconda3/envs/iss-env-py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from requests<3.0.0dev,>=2.18.0->google-api-core[grpc]<2.0.0dev,>=0.1.0->google-cloud-videointelligence) (2018.8.13)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: pyasn1>=0.1.3 in /home/iss-user/anaconda3/envs/iss-env-py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from rsa>=3.1.4->google-auth<2.0.0dev,>=0.4.0->google-api-core[grpc]<2.0.0dev,>=0.1.0->google-cloud-videointelligence) (0.4.2)

In [7]:
# Imports the Google Cloud client library
from import videointelligence

In [8]:
# [Optional] Display location of service account API key if defined in GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS

In [9]:
# (1) Instantiates a client - using GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
# video_client = videointelligence.VideoIntelligenceServiceClient()

# (2) Instantiates a client - using 'service account json' file
video_client = videointelligence.VideoIntelligenceServiceClient.from_service_account_json(

* 识别视频消息中的物体名字 (Label Detection: Detect entities within the video, such as "dog", "flower" or "car")


In [10]:
from import videointelligence

def didi_video_label_detection(path):
    """Detect labels given a local file path. (Demo)"""
    """ Detects labels given a GCS path. (Exercise / Workshop Enhancement)"""

# (1) Instantiates a client - using GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
#     video_client = videointelligence.VideoIntelligenceServiceClient()

# (2) Instantiates a client - using 'service account json' file
    video_client = videointelligence.VideoIntelligenceServiceClient.from_service_account_json(

    features = [videointelligence.enums.Feature.LABEL_DETECTION]

    with, 'rb') as movie:
        input_content =

    operation = video_client.annotate_video(
        features=features, input_content=input_content)
    print('\nProcessing video for label annotations:')

    result = operation.result(timeout=90)
    print('\nFinished processing.')

    # Process video/segment level label annotations
    segment_labels = result.annotation_results[0].segment_label_annotations
    for i, segment_label in enumerate(segment_labels):
        print('Video label description: {}'.format(
        for category_entity in segment_label.category_entities:
            print('\tLabel category description: {}'.format(

        for i, segment in enumerate(segment_label.segments):
            start_time = (segment.segment.start_time_offset.seconds +
                          segment.segment.start_time_offset.nanos / 1e9)
            end_time = (segment.segment.end_time_offset.seconds +
                        segment.segment.end_time_offset.nanos / 1e9)
            positions = '{}s to {}s'.format(start_time, end_time)
            confidence = segment.confidence
            print('\tSegment {}: {}'.format(i, positions))
            print('\tConfidence: {}'.format(confidence))

    # Process shot level label annotations
    shot_labels = result.annotation_results[0].shot_label_annotations
    for i, shot_label in enumerate(shot_labels):
        print('Shot label description: {}'.format(
        for category_entity in shot_label.category_entities:
            print('\tLabel category description: {}'.format(

        for i, shot in enumerate(shot_label.segments):
            start_time = (shot.segment.start_time_offset.seconds +
                          shot.segment.start_time_offset.nanos / 1e9)
            end_time = (shot.segment.end_time_offset.seconds +
                        shot.segment.end_time_offset.nanos / 1e9)
            positions = '{}s to {}s'.format(start_time, end_time)
            confidence = shot.confidence
            print('\tSegment {}: {}'.format(i, positions))
            print('\tConfidence: {}'.format(confidence))

    # Process frame level label annotations
    frame_labels = result.annotation_results[0].frame_label_annotations
    for i, frame_label in enumerate(frame_labels):
        print('Frame label description: {}'.format(
        for category_entity in frame_label.category_entities:
            print('\tLabel category description: {}'.format(

        # Each frame_label_annotation has many frames,
        # here we print information only about the first frame.
        frame = frame_label.frames[0]
        time_offset = frame.time_offset.seconds + frame.time_offset.nanos / 1e9
        print('\tFirst frame time offset: {}s'.format(time_offset))
        print('\tFirst frame confidence: {}'.format(frame.confidence))
    return segment_labels, shot_labels, frame_labels

In [11]:
# video_file = 'reference/video_IPA.mp4'

In [12]:
didi_segment_labels, didi_shot_labels, didi_frame_labels = didi_video_label_detection(video_file)

Processing video for label annotations:

Finished processing.
Video label description: toy
	Segment 0: 0.0s to 5.5s
	Confidence: 0.9247158169746399

Video label description: lego
	Label category description: toy
	Segment 0: 0.0s to 5.5s
	Confidence: 0.9257180094718933

Video label description: robot
	Label category description: technology
	Label category description: machine
	Segment 0: 0.0s to 5.5s
	Confidence: 0.32479360699653625

Shot label description: toy
	Segment 0: 0.0s to 5.5s
	Confidence: 0.9247158169746399

Shot label description: lego
	Label category description: toy
	Segment 0: 0.0s to 5.5s
	Confidence: 0.9257180094718933

Shot label description: robot
	Label category description: technology
	Label category description: machine
	Segment 0: 0.0s to 5.5s
	Confidence: 0.32479360699653625

In [13]:

[entity {
  entity_id: "/m/0138tl"
  description: "toy"
  language_code: "en-US"
segments {
  segment {
    start_time_offset {
    end_time_offset {
      seconds: 5
      nanos: 500000000
  confidence: 0.9247158169746399
, entity {
  entity_id: "/m/04ndr"
  description: "lego"
  language_code: "en-US"
category_entities {
  entity_id: "/m/0138tl"
  description: "toy"
  language_code: "en-US"
segments {
  segment {
    start_time_offset {
    end_time_offset {
      seconds: 5
      nanos: 500000000
  confidence: 0.9257180094718933
, entity {
  entity_id: "/m/06fgw"
  description: "robot"
  language_code: "en-US"
category_entities {
  entity_id: "/m/07c1v"
  description: "technology"
  language_code: "en-US"
category_entities {
  entity_id: "/m/0dkw5"
  description: "machine"
  language_code: "en-US"
segments {
  segment {
    start_time_offset {
    end_time_offset {
      seconds: 5
      nanos: 500000000
  confidence: 0.32479360699653625

In [14]:

[entity {
  entity_id: "/m/0138tl"
  description: "toy"
  language_code: "en-US"
segments {
  segment {
    start_time_offset {
    end_time_offset {
      seconds: 5
      nanos: 500000000
  confidence: 0.9247158169746399
, entity {
  entity_id: "/m/04ndr"
  description: "lego"
  language_code: "en-US"
category_entities {
  entity_id: "/m/0138tl"
  description: "toy"
  language_code: "en-US"
segments {
  segment {
    start_time_offset {
    end_time_offset {
      seconds: 5
      nanos: 500000000
  confidence: 0.9257180094718933
, entity {
  entity_id: "/m/06fgw"
  description: "robot"
  language_code: "en-US"
category_entities {
  entity_id: "/m/07c1v"
  description: "technology"
  language_code: "en-US"
category_entities {
  entity_id: "/m/0dkw5"
  description: "machine"
  language_code: "en-US"
segments {
  segment {
    start_time_offset {
    end_time_offset {
      seconds: 5
      nanos: 500000000
  confidence: 0.32479360699653625

In [15]:


* 识别视频的场景片段 (Shot Change Detection: Detect scene changes within the video)


In [16]:
from import videointelligence

def didi_video_shot_detection(path):
    """ Detects camera shot changes given a local file path """

# (1) Instantiates a client - using GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
#     video_client = videointelligence.VideoIntelligenceServiceClient()

# (2) Instantiates a client - using 'service account json' file
    video_client = videointelligence.VideoIntelligenceServiceClient.from_service_account_json(

    features = [videointelligence.enums.Feature.SHOT_CHANGE_DETECTION]
#     features = [videointelligence.enums.Feature.LABEL_DETECTION]

    with, 'rb') as movie:
        input_content =
#     operation = video_client.annotate_video(path, features=features)
    operation = video_client.annotate_video(features=features, input_content=input_content)
    print('\nProcessing video for shot change annotations:')

    result = operation.result(timeout=180)
    print('\nFinished processing.')

    for i, shot in enumerate(result.annotation_results[0].shot_annotations):
        start_time = (shot.start_time_offset.seconds +
                      shot.start_time_offset.nanos / 1e9)
        end_time = (shot.end_time_offset.seconds +
                    shot.end_time_offset.nanos / 1e9)
        print('\tShot {}: {} to {}'.format(i, start_time, end_time))
    return result

In [17]:
# video_file = 'reference/video_IPA.mp4'

In [18]:
didi_result = didi_video_shot_detection(video_file)

Processing video for shot change annotations:

Finished processing.
	Shot 0: 0.0 to 5.5

In [19]:

annotation_results {
  shot_annotations {
    start_time_offset {
    end_time_offset {
      seconds: 5
      nanos: 500000000

* 识别受限内容 (Explicit Content Detection: Detect adult content within a video)


In [20]:
from import videointelligence

def didi_video_safesearch_detection(path):
    """ Detects explicit content given a local file path. """

# (1) Instantiates a client - using GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
#     video_client = videointelligence.VideoIntelligenceServiceClient()

# (2) Instantiates a client - using 'service account json' file
    video_client = videointelligence.VideoIntelligenceServiceClient.from_service_account_json(

    features = [videointelligence.enums.Feature.EXPLICIT_CONTENT_DETECTION]

    with, 'rb') as movie:
        input_content =
#     operation = video_client.annotate_video(path, features=features)
    operation = video_client.annotate_video(features=features, input_content=input_content)
    print('\nProcessing video for explicit content annotations:')

    result = operation.result(timeout=90)
    print('\nFinished processing.')

    likely_string = ("Unknown", "Very unlikely", "Unlikely", "Possible",
                     "Likely", "Very likely")

    # first result is retrieved because a single video was processed
    for frame in result.annotation_results[0].explicit_annotation.frames:
        frame_time = frame.time_offset.seconds + frame.time_offset.nanos / 1e9
        print('Time: {}s'.format(frame_time))
        print('\tpornography: {}'.format(
    return result

In [21]:
# video_file = 'reference/video_IPA.mp4'

In [22]:
didi_result = didi_video_safesearch_detection(video_file)

Processing video for explicit content annotations:

Finished processing.
Time: 0.070218s
	pornography: Very unlikely
Time: 1.262424s
	pornography: Very unlikely
Time: 2.265889s
	pornography: Very unlikely
Time: 3.2359999999999998s
	pornography: Very unlikely
Time: 4.288838s
	pornography: Very unlikely
Time: 5.358866s
	pornography: Very unlikely

[ Beta Features ] * 生成视频字幕 (Video Transcription BETA: Transcribes video content in English)

Cloud Video Intelligence API includes the following beta features in version v1p1beta1:

Speech Transcription - the Video Intelligence API can transcribe speech to text from the audio in supported video files. Learn more.

In [23]:
# Beta Features: videointelligence_v1p1beta1
from import videointelligence_v1p1beta1 as videointelligence

def didi_video_speech_transcription(path):
    """Transcribe speech given a local file path."""

# (1) Instantiates a client - using GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
#     video_client = videointelligence.VideoIntelligenceServiceClient()

# (2) Instantiates a client - using 'service account json' file
    video_client = videointelligence.VideoIntelligenceServiceClient.from_service_account_json(

    features = [videointelligence.enums.Feature.SPEECH_TRANSCRIPTION]

    with, 'rb') as movie:
        input_content =
    config = videointelligence.types.SpeechTranscriptionConfig(
    video_context = videointelligence.types.VideoContext(

#     operation = video_client.annotate_video(
#         input_uri, 
#         features=features,
#         video_context=video_context)
    operation = video_client.annotate_video(

    print('\nProcessing video for speech transcription.')

    result = operation.result(timeout=180)   
    # There is only one annotation_result since only
    # one video is processed.
    annotation_results = result.annotation_results[0]
    speech_transcription = annotation_results.speech_transcriptions[0]
    if str(speech_transcription) == '': # result.annotation_results[0].speech_transcriptions[0] == ''
        print('\nNOT FOUND: video for speech transcription.')
        alternative = speech_transcription.alternatives[0]
        print('Transcript: {}'.format(alternative.transcript))
        print('Confidence: {}\n'.format(alternative.confidence))

        print('Word level information:')
        for word_info in alternative.words:
            word = word_info.word
            start_time = word_info.start_time
            end_time = word_info.end_time
            print('\t{}s - {}s: {}'.format(
                start_time.seconds + start_time.nanos * 1e-9,
                end_time.seconds + end_time.nanos * 1e-9,

    return result

In [24]:
# video_file = 'reference/video_IPA.mp4'

In [25]:
didi_result = didi_video_speech_transcription(video_file)

Processing video for speech transcription.
Transcript: Hi everyone. It's great to meet you in intelligent process automation course.
Confidence: 0.8206615447998047

Word level information:
	0.0s - 0.30000000000000004s: Hi
	0.30000000000000004s - 0.8s: everyone.
	0.8s - 1.6s: It's
	1.6s - 1.7000000000000002s: great
	1.7000000000000002s - 2.1s: to
	2.1s - 2.2s: meet
	2.2s - 2.5s: you
	2.5s - 2.6s: in
	2.6s - 3.5s: intelligent
	3.5s - 4.1s: process
	4.1s - 4.7s: automation
	4.7s - 5.4s: course.

In [26]:

annotation_results {
  speech_transcriptions {
    alternatives {
      transcript: "Hi everyone. It\'s great to meet you in intelligent process automation course."
      confidence: 0.8206615447998047
      words {
        start_time {
        end_time {
          nanos: 300000000
        word: "Hi"
      words {
        start_time {
          nanos: 300000000
        end_time {
          nanos: 800000000
        word: "everyone."
      words {
        start_time {
          nanos: 800000000
        end_time {
          seconds: 1
          nanos: 600000000
        word: "It\'s"
      words {
        start_time {
          seconds: 1
          nanos: 600000000
        end_time {
          seconds: 1
          nanos: 700000000
        word: "great"
      words {
        start_time {
          seconds: 1
          nanos: 700000000
        end_time {
          seconds: 2
          nanos: 100000000
        word: "to"
      words {
        start_time {
          seconds: 2
          nanos: 100000000
        end_time {
          seconds: 2
          nanos: 200000000
        word: "meet"
      words {
        start_time {
          seconds: 2
          nanos: 200000000
        end_time {
          seconds: 2
          nanos: 500000000
        word: "you"
      words {
        start_time {
          seconds: 2
          nanos: 500000000
        end_time {
          seconds: 2
          nanos: 600000000
        word: "in"
      words {
        start_time {
          seconds: 2
          nanos: 600000000
        end_time {
          seconds: 3
          nanos: 500000000
        word: "intelligent"
      words {
        start_time {
          seconds: 3
          nanos: 500000000
        end_time {
          seconds: 4
          nanos: 100000000
        word: "process"
      words {
        start_time {
          seconds: 4
          nanos: 100000000
        end_time {
          seconds: 4
          nanos: 700000000
        word: "automation"
      words {
        start_time {
          seconds: 4
          nanos: 700000000
        end_time {
          seconds: 5
          nanos: 400000000
        word: "course."

Wrap cloud APIs into Functions() for conversational virtual assistant (VA):

Reuse above defined Functions().

In [35]:
def didi_video_processing(video_file):
    didi_video_reply  = u'[ Video 视频处理结果 ]\n\n'
    didi_video_reply += u'[ didi_video_label_detection 识别视频消息中的物体名字 ]\n\n' \
    + str(didi_video_label_detection(video_file)) + u'\n\n'
    didi_video_reply += u'[ didi_video_shot_detection 识别视频的场景片段 ]\n\n' \
    + str(didi_video_shot_detection(video_file)) + u'\n\n'
    didi_video_reply += u'[ didi_video_safesearch_detection 识别受限内容 ]\n\n' \
    + str(didi_video_safesearch_detection(video_file)) + u'\n\n'
    didi_video_reply += u'[ didi_video_speech_transcription 生成视频字幕 ]\n\n' \
    + str(didi_video_speech_transcription(video_file)) + u'\n\n'
    return didi_video_reply

In [37]:
# [Optional] Agile testing:
# parm_video_response = didi_video_processing(video_file)
# print(parm_video_response)

Processing video for label annotations:

Finished processing.
Video label description: lego
	Label category description: toy
	Segment 0: 0.0s to 5.5s
	Confidence: 0.9257180094718933

Video label description: robot
	Label category description: technology
	Label category description: machine
	Segment 0: 0.0s to 5.5s
	Confidence: 0.32479360699653625

Video label description: toy
	Segment 0: 0.0s to 5.5s
	Confidence: 0.9247158169746399

Shot label description: lego
	Label category description: toy
	Segment 0: 0.0s to 5.5s
	Confidence: 0.9257180094718933

Shot label description: robot
	Label category description: technology
	Label category description: machine
	Segment 0: 0.0s to 5.5s
	Confidence: 0.32479360699653625

Shot label description: toy
	Segment 0: 0.0s to 5.5s
	Confidence: 0.9247158169746399

Processing video for shot change annotations:

Finished processing.
	Shot 0: 0.0 to 5.5

Processing video for explicit content annotations:

Finished processing.
Time: 0.070218s
	pornography: Very unlikely
Time: 1.262424s
	pornography: Very unlikely
Time: 2.265889s
	pornography: Very unlikely
Time: 3.2359999999999998s
	pornography: Very unlikely
Time: 4.288838s
	pornography: Very unlikely
Time: 5.358866s
	pornography: Very unlikely

Processing video for speech transcription.
Transcript: Hi everyone. It's great to meet you in intelligent process automation course.
Confidence: 0.8206615447998047

Word level information:
	0.0s - 0.30000000000000004s: Hi
	0.30000000000000004s - 0.8s: everyone.
	0.8s - 1.6s: It's
	1.6s - 1.7000000000000002s: great
	1.7000000000000002s - 2.1s: to
	2.1s - 2.2s: meet
	2.2s - 2.5s: you
	2.5s - 2.6s: in
	2.6s - 3.5s: intelligent
	3.5s - 4.1s: process
	4.1s - 4.7s: automation
	4.7s - 5.4s: course.
'[ Video 视频处理结果 ]\n\n[ didi_video_label_detection 识别视频消息中的物体名字 ]\n\n([entity {\n  entity_id: "/m/04ndr"\n  description: "lego"\n  language_code: "en-US"\n}\ncategory_entities {\n  entity_id: "/m/0138tl"\n  description: "toy"\n  language_code: "en-US"\n}\nsegments {\n  segment {\n    start_time_offset {\n    }\n    end_time_offset {\n      seconds: 5\n      nanos: 500000000\n    }\n  }\n  confidence: 0.9257180094718933\n}\n, entity {\n  entity_id: "/m/06fgw"\n  description: "robot"\n  language_code: "en-US"\n}\ncategory_entities {\n  entity_id: "/m/07c1v"\n  description: "technology"\n  language_code: "en-US"\n}\ncategory_entities {\n  entity_id: "/m/0dkw5"\n  description: "machine"\n  language_code: "en-US"\n}\nsegments {\n  segment {\n    start_time_offset {\n    }\n    end_time_offset {\n      seconds: 5\n      nanos: 500000000\n    }\n  }\n  confidence: 0.32479360699653625\n}\n, entity {\n  entity_id: "/m/0138tl"\n  description: "toy"\n  language_code: "en-US"\n}\nsegments {\n  segment {\n    start_time_offset {\n    }\n    end_time_offset {\n      seconds: 5\n      nanos: 500000000\n    }\n  }\n  confidence: 0.9247158169746399\n}\n], [entity {\n  entity_id: "/m/04ndr"\n  description: "lego"\n  language_code: "en-US"\n}\ncategory_entities {\n  entity_id: "/m/0138tl"\n  description: "toy"\n  language_code: "en-US"\n}\nsegments {\n  segment {\n    start_time_offset {\n    }\n    end_time_offset {\n      seconds: 5\n      nanos: 500000000\n    }\n  }\n  confidence: 0.9257180094718933\n}\n, entity {\n  entity_id: "/m/06fgw"\n  description: "robot"\n  language_code: "en-US"\n}\ncategory_entities {\n  entity_id: "/m/07c1v"\n  description: "technology"\n  language_code: "en-US"\n}\ncategory_entities {\n  entity_id: "/m/0dkw5"\n  description: "machine"\n  language_code: "en-US"\n}\nsegments {\n  segment {\n    start_time_offset {\n    }\n    end_time_offset {\n      seconds: 5\n      nanos: 500000000\n    }\n  }\n  confidence: 0.32479360699653625\n}\n, entity {\n  entity_id: "/m/0138tl"\n  description: "toy"\n  language_code: "en-US"\n}\nsegments {\n  segment {\n    start_time_offset {\n    }\n    end_time_offset {\n      seconds: 5\n      nanos: 500000000\n    }\n  }\n  confidence: 0.9247158169746399\n}\n], [])\n\n[ didi_video_shot_detection 识别视频的场景片段 ]\n\nannotation_results {\n  shot_annotations {\n    start_time_offset {\n    }\n    end_time_offset {\n      seconds: 5\n      nanos: 500000000\n    }\n  }\n}\n\n\n[ didi_video_safesearch_detection 识别受限内容 ]\n\nannotation_results {\n  explicit_annotation {\n    frames {\n      time_offset {\n        nanos: 70218000\n      }\n      pornography_likelihood: VERY_UNLIKELY\n    }\n    frames {\n      time_offset {\n        seconds: 1\n        nanos: 262424000\n      }\n      pornography_likelihood: VERY_UNLIKELY\n    }\n    frames {\n      time_offset {\n        seconds: 2\n        nanos: 265889000\n      }\n      pornography_likelihood: VERY_UNLIKELY\n    }\n    frames {\n      time_offset {\n        seconds: 3\n        nanos: 236000000\n      }\n      pornography_likelihood: VERY_UNLIKELY\n    }\n    frames {\n      time_offset {\n        seconds: 4\n        nanos: 288838000\n      }\n      pornography_likelihood: VERY_UNLIKELY\n    }\n    frames {\n      time_offset {\n        seconds: 5\n        nanos: 358866000\n      }\n      pornography_likelihood: VERY_UNLIKELY\n    }\n  }\n}\n\n\n[ didi_video_speech_transcription 生成视频字幕 ]\n\nannotation_results {\n  speech_transcriptions {\n    alternatives {\n      transcript: "Hi everyone. It\\\'s great to meet you in intelligent process automation course."\n      confidence: 0.8206615447998047\n      words {\n        start_time {\n        }\n        end_time {\n          nanos: 300000000\n        }\n        word: "Hi"\n      }\n      words {\n        start_time {\n          nanos: 300000000\n        }\n        end_time {\n          nanos: 800000000\n        }\n        word: "everyone."\n      }\n      words {\n        start_time {\n          nanos: 800000000\n        }\n        end_time {\n          seconds: 1\n          nanos: 600000000\n        }\n        word: "It\\\'s"\n      }\n      words {\n        start_time {\n          seconds: 1\n          nanos: 600000000\n        }\n        end_time {\n          seconds: 1\n          nanos: 700000000\n        }\n        word: "great"\n      }\n      words {\n        start_time {\n          seconds: 1\n          nanos: 700000000\n        }\n        end_time {\n          seconds: 2\n          nanos: 100000000\n        }\n        word: "to"\n      }\n      words {\n        start_time {\n          seconds: 2\n          nanos: 100000000\n        }\n        end_time {\n          seconds: 2\n          nanos: 200000000\n        }\n        word: "meet"\n      }\n      words {\n        start_time {\n          seconds: 2\n          nanos: 200000000\n        }\n        end_time {\n          seconds: 2\n          nanos: 500000000\n        }\n        word: "you"\n      }\n      words {\n        start_time {\n          seconds: 2\n          nanos: 500000000\n        }\n        end_time {\n          seconds: 2\n          nanos: 600000000\n        }\n        word: "in"\n      }\n      words {\n        start_time {\n          seconds: 2\n          nanos: 600000000\n        }\n        end_time {\n          seconds: 3\n          nanos: 500000000\n        }\n        word: "intelligent"\n      }\n      words {\n        start_time {\n          seconds: 3\n          nanos: 500000000\n        }\n        end_time {\n          seconds: 4\n          nanos: 100000000\n        }\n        word: "process"\n      }\n      words {\n        start_time {\n          seconds: 4\n          nanos: 100000000\n        }\n        end_time {\n          seconds: 4\n          nanos: 700000000\n        }\n        word: "automation"\n      }\n      words {\n        start_time {\n          seconds: 4\n          nanos: 700000000\n        }\n        end_time {\n          seconds: 5\n          nanos: 400000000\n        }\n        word: "course."\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}\n\n\n'

Define a global variable for future 'video search' function enhancement

In [38]:
parm_video_response = {} # Define a global variable for future 'video search' function enhancement

Start interactive conversational virtual assistant (VA):

Import ItChat, etc. 导入需要用到的一些功能程序库:

In [39]:
import itchat
from itchat.content import *

Log in using QR code image / 用微信App扫QR码图片来自动登录

In [43]:
# itchat.auto_login(hotReload=True) # hotReload=True: 退出程序后暂存登陆状态。即使程序关闭,一定时间内重新开启也可以不用重新扫码。
itchat.auto_login(enableCmdQR=-2) # enableCmdQR=-2: 命令行显示QR图片

Getting uuid of QR code.
Downloading QR code.
  ██████████████    ██      ████      ██  ████    ██  ██      ██████████████  
  ██          ██    ██        ██        ██  ██      ██        ██          ██  
  ██  ██████  ██  ██████████    ████  ██    ████    ██  ████  ██  ██████  ██  
  ██  ██████  ██  ██  ████    ████  ██  ██████      ████████  ██  ██████  ██  
  ██  ██████  ██    ██    ████    ██  ████      ██  ████      ██  ██████  ██  
  ██          ██      ██        ██  ██  ██████  ██    ██      ██          ██  
  ██████████████  ██  ██  ██  ██  ██  ██  ██  ██  ██  ██  ██  ██████████████  
                    ██  ██  ████████    ████  ██  ████  ████                  
        ████  ████  ████    ██    ██    ██      ████                ████      
            ██  ████              ██      ████████  ██  ████  ██████    ██    
    ██        ██  ██  ██████  ██  ██  ██    ██████  ██  ████████  ██      ██  
    ████    ██  ██      ██  ██  ██  ██████  ██  ████  ████  ██████  ████  ██  
  ██    ████  ████████████            ██████      ██    ████  ████  ████████  
      ██    ██  ██████████████  ████    ████  ██████  ████████    ██  ██      
      ██      ████    ████    ██  ██████  ████    ████  ██  ████  ██████████  
  ██  ████████    ██      ██      ██████  ██  ████      ██  ██    ████████    
        ██  ██████  ████    ██████        ██████    ██    ██  ████    ██  ██  
    ██████        ██████  ████████              ██████  ██  ██  ██      ██    
  ██████  ██  ████████  ██    ████  ██████    ██  ██    ██      ██    ██  ██  
  ██    ██      ██  ██  ██      ██  ██████        ████      ██      ██        
        ██  ██████  ████  ██  ██████    ██  ██  ████████  ██████  ████        
    ██              ██████  ████████          ██  ██████████    ████  ██  ██  
  ██  ██  ██  ██    ██  ████    ██        ██  ██  ██    ██        ██      ██  
  ██  ████████    ████    ██████████    ████    ████  ██████    ██    ██  ██  
  ██  ████  ██████        ██████  ██  ██████        ████      ██    ██  ██    
  ██  ██  ██      ████████      ████    ████████  ██  ██████    ██████  ██    
  ████    ████████          ██  ████████████  ██    ██████    ██    ████████  
  ██  ████            ██  ██      ██        ████  ██  ██  ████    ██  ██      
  ██      ██████████  ████    ████  ██  ████  ████  ██    ██████████  ██      
                  ██    ████      ████      ██    ████    ██      ████████    
  ██████████████  ██  ██████  ██                ████      ██  ██  ██████  ██  
  ██          ██      ██    ████            ██  ████████  ██      ████  ██    
  ██  ██████  ██  ██  ██  ██████████  ██        ████    ████████████    ██    
  ██  ██████  ██  ██  ██            ██    ██          ██████  ██    ██        
  ██  ██████  ██    ██        ██  ████            ██  ██  ██    ████████████  
  ██          ██      ████    ██      ██████████      ██      ██  ██  ██████  
  ██████████████    ██    ██████  ████    ██  ██    ██    ██  ██    ██    ██  
Please scan the QR code to log in.
Please press confirm on your phone.
Loading the contact, this may take a little while.
Login successfully as 白黑

In [44]:
# @itchat.msg_register([VIDEO], isGroupChat=True)
def download_files(msg):
    print('\nDownloaded video file name is: %s' % msg['FileName'])
    #                                          call video analysis APIs                                          #
    global parm_video_response # save into global variable, which can be accessed by next WeChat keyword search
    # python 2 version WeChat Bot
    #  parm_video_response = KudosData_VIDEO_DETECTION(encode_media(msg['FileName']))
    # python 3 version WeChat Bot
    parm_video_response = didi_video_processing(msg['FileName'])

    #                                          format video API results                                          #
    # python 2 version WeChat Bot
    # video_analysis_reply = KudosData_video_generate_reply(parm_video_response)

    # python 3 version WeChat Bot
    video_analysis_reply = parm_video_response # Exercise / Workshop Enhancement: To pase and format result nicely.
    print ('')
    return video_analysis_reply

In [45]:

Start auto replying.
Downloaded video file name is: 181028-160905.mp4

Processing video for label annotations:

Finished processing.
Video label description: fisheye lens
	Label category description: photography
	Segment 0: 0.0s to 5.675675s
	Confidence: 0.919499397277832

Video label description: toy
	Segment 0: 0.0s to 5.675675s
	Confidence: 0.41455480456352234

Shot label description: fisheye lens
	Label category description: photography
	Segment 0: 0.0s to 5.675675s
	Confidence: 0.9222605228424072

Shot label description: toy
	Segment 0: 0.0s to 5.675675s
	Confidence: 0.34078821539878845

Processing video for shot change annotations:

Finished processing.
	Shot 0: 0.0 to 5.675675

Processing video for explicit content annotations:

Finished processing.
Time: 0.204446s
	pornography: Very unlikely
Time: 1.22106s
	pornography: Very unlikely
Time: 2.311796s
	pornography: Very unlikely
Time: 3.504806s
	pornography: Very unlikely
Time: 4.3297229999999995s
	pornography: Very unlikely
Time: 5.282879s
	pornography: Very unlikely

Processing video for speech transcription.

NOT FOUND: video for speech transcription.

[ Video 视频处理结果 ]

[ didi_video_label_detection ]

([entity {
  entity_id: "/m/03bdrd"
  description: "fisheye lens"
  language_code: "en-US"
category_entities {
  entity_id: "/m/05wkw"
  description: "photography"
  language_code: "en-US"
segments {
  segment {
    start_time_offset {
    end_time_offset {
      seconds: 5
      nanos: 675675000
  confidence: 0.919499397277832
, entity {
  entity_id: "/m/0138tl"
  description: "toy"
  language_code: "en-US"
segments {
  segment {
    start_time_offset {
    end_time_offset {
      seconds: 5
      nanos: 675675000
  confidence: 0.41455480456352234
], [entity {
  entity_id: "/m/03bdrd"
  description: "fisheye lens"
  language_code: "en-US"
category_entities {
  entity_id: "/m/05wkw"
  description: "photography"
  language_code: "en-US"
segments {
  segment {
    start_time_offset {
    end_time_offset {
      seconds: 5
      nanos: 675675000
  confidence: 0.9222605228424072
, entity {
  entity_id: "/m/0138tl"
  description: "toy"
  language_code: "en-US"
segments {
  segment {
    start_time_offset {
    end_time_offset {
      seconds: 5
      nanos: 675675000
  confidence: 0.34078821539878845
], [])

[ didi_video_shot_detection ]

annotation_results {
  shot_annotations {
    start_time_offset {
    end_time_offset {
      seconds: 5
      nanos: 675675000

[ didi_video_safesearch_detection ]

annotation_results {
  explicit_annotation {
    frames {
      time_offset {
        nanos: 204446000
      pornography_likelihood: VERY_UNLIKELY
    frames {
      time_offset {
        seconds: 1
        nanos: 221060000
      pornography_likelihood: VERY_UNLIKELY
    frames {
      time_offset {
        seconds: 2
        nanos: 311796000
      pornography_likelihood: VERY_UNLIKELY
    frames {
      time_offset {
        seconds: 3
        nanos: 504806000
      pornography_likelihood: VERY_UNLIKELY
    frames {
      time_offset {
        seconds: 4
        nanos: 329723000
      pornography_likelihood: VERY_UNLIKELY
    frames {
      time_offset {
        seconds: 5
        nanos: 282879000
      pornography_likelihood: VERY_UNLIKELY

[ didi_video_speech_transcription ]

annotation_results {
  speech_transcriptions {


In [47]:
# interupt kernel, then logout
itchat.logout() # 安全退出

<ItchatReturnValue: {'BaseResponse': {'ErrMsg': '请求成功', 'Ret': 0, 'RawMsg': 'logout successfully.'}}>

Exercise / Workshop Enhancement:

[提问 1] 使用文字来搜索视频内容?需要怎么处理? [Question 1] Can we use text (keywords) as input to search video content? How?

[提问 2] 使用图片来搜索视频内容?需要怎么处理? [Question 2] Can we use an image as input to search video content? How?

In [ ]:

# Private conversational mode / 单聊模式,基于关键词进行视频搜索:
def text_reply(msg):
#     if msg['isAt']:
        list_keywords = [x.strip() for x in msg['Text'].split(',')]
        # call video search function:
        search_responses = KudosData_search(list_keywords) # return is a list
        # Format search results:
        search_reply = u'[ Video Search 视频搜索结果 ]' + '\n'
        if len(search_responses) == 0:
            search_reply += u'[ Nill 无结果 ]'
            for i in range(len(search_responses)): search_reply += '\n' + str(search_responses[i])
        print ('')
        print (search_reply)
        return search_reply

In [ ]:

# Group conversational mode / 群聊模式,基于关键词进行视频搜索:
@itchat.msg_register([TEXT], isGroupChat=True)
def text_reply(msg):
    if msg['isAt']:
        list_keywords = [x.strip() for x in msg['Text'].split(',')]
        # call video search function:
        search_responses = KudosData_search(list_keywords) # return is a list
        # Format search results:
        search_reply = u'[ Video Search 视频搜索结果 ]' + '\n'
        if len(search_responses) == 0:
            search_reply += u'[ Nill 无结果 ]'
            for i in range(len(search_responses)): search_reply += '\n' + str(search_responses[i])
        print ('')
        print (search_reply)
        return search_reply



Lesson 5: Video Recognition & Processing

  • 识别视频消息中的物体名字 (Label Detection: Detect entities within the video, such as "dog", "flower" or "car")
  • 识别视频的场景片段 (Shot Change Detection: Detect scene changes within the video)
  • 识别受限内容 (Explicit Content Detection: Detect adult content within a video)
  • 生成视频字幕 (Video Transcription BETA: Transcribes video content in English)



Lesson 6: Interactive Conversatioinal Virtual Assistant Applications / Intelligent Process Automations

  • 虚拟员工: 贷款填表申请审批一条龙自动化流程 (Virtual Worker: When Chat-bot meets RPA-bot for mortgage loan application automation)
  • 虚拟员工: 文字指令交互(Conversational automation using text/message command)
  • 虚拟员工: 语音指令交互(Conversational automation using speech/voice command)
  • 虚拟员工: 多种语言交互(Conversational automation with multiple languages)