<font style:"size=3rem; line-height=120%"> Our main program dynamically creates a supercut from a video and subtitle pairing. Users are able to view the occurences of key clips from a large video file by extracting key words and phrases. As a bells & whistle, we made a feature that allows users to force the speaker to say a fake speech using his own words!
<font style:"size=3rem; line-height=120%"> In this mini-demo, we will be showing off our find phrases feature on the video https://youtu.be/TMDV3VY0tPA, where Obama Delivers a Statement on the Shooting in Oregon. </font>
In [33]:
# Get the configuration variables from where our videos are stored
from utils import parseSRT, flatten, testUserInput, listVideoFiles
# Add a few utilities for ease of use
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip, AudioFileClip, concatenate, ipython_display
# Bring in the MoviePy Package for video splicing
from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo, HTML
import re, os, sys
import argparse, datetime
After loading our utilities, we will know begin to pass in our video and subtitle data.
In [2]:
video = VideoFileClip(INPUT_FOLDER+'1.mp4')
subs = parseSRT('1')
Using MoviePy we load in our video, and process our subtitles with our parseSRT method from our internal utiltiies. Normally, we would process command line input, but for this demo will be just using the phrase method.
For reference, here is the sample video in question:
In [3]:
YouTubeVideo("TMDV3VY0tPA", start=0, autoplay=0, theme="light", color="red")
We can use MoviePy to see the first 10 seconds of the video file to make sure we are looking at the right file.
In [4]:
ipython_display(video.subclip(0, 10), width=300)
With our video and subtitles loaded, we are now ready to search for our favorite words. But first, let's take a look at what we have in our data!
In [5]:
print 'Total Number of words: %d | Uniques: %d' % (subs.wordCount, subs.uniqueWordCount() )
fd = subs.freqDist
fdout = ['%s: %s' % (k, v) for k, v in sorted(fd.items(), key = lambda x: x[1], reverse = True) \
if not ('~' in k or '--' in k)] # take the most common words for show
print 'Common Words:', fdout[:20] # let's take a look
Here we can see that a little more information about which words are commonly said, and since we are like totally rooting for America, we will examine just these time ranges.
In [27]:
words = ['America', 'terrorist']
segmentedWordList = subs.words
times = subs.times
occurrences = []
for idx, wordList in enumerate(segmentedWordList):
for word in words:
if word.upper() in map(str.upper,wordList):
timeRanges = [times[idx]]
occurrences += timeRanges
if len(occurrences) == 0:
print "\nThe word(s) "+ str(words)+ " were not in the video. No supercut could be made.\n"
With a quick for loop, we are ready to extract the time ranges from our video
In [28]:
print 'Time ranges:', occurrences
In [29]:
slices = concatenate([video.subclip(start, end) for (start,end) in occurrences])
With our slices prepared, we join our key words to create our output file name and write the video to disk.
In [30]:
keywordString = '-' + '-'.join([w.upper() for w in words ])
pathname = OUTPUT_FOLDER + '1' + '-' + 'phrases' + keywordString
slices.write_videofile(pathname + ".mp4", fps=video.fps,
codec='libx264', audio_codec='aac',
temp_audiofile= 'output/temp-audio.m4a',
remove_temp=True, audio_bitrate="1000k", bitrate="4000k")
In [41]:
def playvideo(fname, mimetype):
"""Load the video in the file `fname`, with given mimetype, and display as HTML5 video.
from IPython.display import HTML
from base64 import b64encode
with open(fname, "rb") as f:
video_encoded= b64encode(f.read())
video_tag= """
<center><video controls style='max-width:100%'>
<source src='data:{mimetype};base64,{b64}' type='video/{mimetype}' loop=1 autoplay>
Your browser does not support the video tag.
</video><center/>""".format(mimetype=mimetype, b64=video_encoded)
return HTML(data=video_tag)
name = pathname + '.mp4'
playvideo(name, name.split('.')[-1])