In [1]:
%run additional.ipynb
In [2]:
%pylab inline
In [3]:
pandas.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 120)
In [4]:
did preselections:
In [5]:
sig_train_modes_names = [11114001, 11296013, 11874042, 12103035, 13246001, 13264021]
bck_train_mode_name = 30000000
sig_train_files = ['mod_{}.csv'.format(name) for name in sig_train_modes_names]
bck_train_files = 'mod_30000000.csv'
folder = "datasets/prepared_hlt_body/"
In [6]:
# concat all signal data
if not os.path.exists(folder + 'signal_hlt2.csv'):
concat_files(folder, sig_train_files, os.path.join(folder , 'signal_hlt2.csv'))
In [7]:
signal_data = pandas.read_csv(os.path.join(folder , 'signal_hlt2.csv'), sep='\t')
bck_data = pandas.read_csv(os.path.join(folder , bck_train_files), sep='\t')
In [8]:
In [9]:
print 'Signal', statistic_length(signal_data)
print 'Bck', statistic_length(bck_data)
In [10]:
total_bck_events = statistic_length(bck_data)['Events'] + empty_events[bck_train_mode_name]
total_signal_events_by_mode = dict()
for mode in sig_train_modes_names:
total_signal_events_by_mode[mode] = statistic_length(signal_data[signal_data['mode'] == mode])['Events'] + empty_events[mode]
In [11]:
print 'Bck:', total_bck_events
'Signal:', total_signal_events_by_mode
In [12]:
variables_base = ["n", "mcor", "chi2", "sumpt", "eta", "fdchi2", "minpt", "nlt16", "ipchi2", "n1trk"]
In [13]:
# hlt2 nbody selection
signal_data = signal_data[(signal_data['pass_nbody'] == 1) & (signal_data['mcor'] <= 10e3)]
bck_data = bck_data[(bck_data['pass_nbody'] == 1) & (bck_data['mcor'] <= 10e3)]
In [14]:
print 'Signal', statistic_length(signal_data)
print 'Bck', statistic_length(bck_data)
In [15]:
total_signal_events_by_mode_presel = dict()
for mode in sig_train_modes_names:
total_signal_events_by_mode_presel[mode] = statistic_length(signal_data[signal_data['mode'] == mode])['Events']
total_bck_events_presel = statistic_length(bck_data)['Events']
In [16]:
print 'Bck:', total_bck_events_presel
'Signal:', total_signal_events_by_mode_presel
In [17]:
In [18]:
ds_train_signal, ds_train_bck, ds_test_signal, ds_test_bck = prepare_data(signal_data, bck_data, 'unique')
In [19]:
print 'Signal', statistic_length(ds_train_signal)
print 'Bck', statistic_length(ds_train_bck)
In [20]:
train = pandas.concat([ds_train_bck, ds_train_signal])
In [21]:
print 'Signal', statistic_length(ds_test_signal)
print 'Bck', statistic_length(ds_test_bck)
In [22]:
v, s = numpy.unique(train.unique.values, return_counts=True)
In [23]:
numpy.min(s), numpy.max(s), numpy.mean(s)
In [24]:
test = pandas.concat([ds_test_bck, ds_test_signal])
In [25]:
total_test_bck_events = (total_bck_events - total_bck_events_presel) // 2 + statistic_length(ds_test_bck)['Events']
total_test_signal_events = dict()
for mode in sig_train_modes_names:
total_not_passed_signal = total_signal_events_by_mode[mode] - total_signal_events_by_mode_presel[mode]
total_test_signal_events[mode] = total_not_passed_signal // 2 + \
statistic_length(ds_test_signal[ds_test_signal['mode'] == mode])['Events']
In [26]:
print 'Bck total test events:', total_test_bck_events
'Signal total test events:', total_test_signal_events
In [28]:
import cPickle
if os.path.exists('models/hlt2_bodyn_experiments.pkl'):
with open('models/hlt2_bodyn_experiments.pkl', 'r') as file_mn:
estimators = cPickle.load(file_mn)
In [29]:
from rep_ef.estimators import MatrixNetClassifier
In [30]:
params = {'connection_auth': 'AUTH_HEADERS', 'connection': 'skygrid', 'iterations': 2500, 'regularization': 0.02,
'sync': False}
In [32]:
estimators = OrderedDict()
estimators['base'] = MatrixNetClassifier(train_features=variables_base, **params)
estimators['base'].fit(train, train['signal'])
In [33]:
def get_best_svr_missing(data, estimator, channels, count=1):
probs = estimator.predict_proba(data)[:, 1]
train_prob = data.copy()
train_prob['prediction'] = probs
good_events = []
for channel in set(train_prob['mode']) - set(channels):
good_events.append(train_prob[train_prob['mode'] == channel].copy())
add_events = []
for channel in channels:
for num, group in train_prob[train_prob['mode'] == channel].groupby('unique'):
index = numpy.argsort(group['prediction'].values)[::-1]
add_events.append(group.iloc[index[:count], :])
good_events = pandas.concat(good_events + add_events)
print len(good_events)
return good_events
In [34]:
from rep.metaml import FoldingClassifier
In [36]:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
forest_base_partial = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=300, min_samples_leaf=100, max_depth=10,
max_features=7, n_jobs=8)
forest_folding_top = FoldingClassifier(base_estimator=forest_base_partial, random_state=11, features=variables_base,
parallel_profile=PROFILE), train['signal'])
In [37]:
for rank in range(1, 3):
good_events = get_best_svr(train, forest_folding_top, count=rank)
ef_good = MatrixNetClassifier(train_features=variables_base, **params), good_events['signal'])
estimators['forest selection, top {}'.format(rank)] = ef_good
In [38]:
forest_top_2 = get_best_svr(train, forest_folding_top, count=2)
In [41]:
from rep.estimators import XGBoostClassifier
import cPickle
def blend_scheme_fit(train, base, suf, model_file):
blending_parts = OrderedDict()
for nbody in [2, 3, 4]:
temp = FoldingClassifier(base_estimator=base, random_state=11, features=variables_base,
parallel_profile=PROFILE)[train.n == nbody], train[train.n == nbody]['signal'])
blending_parts['body' + str(nbody) + suf] = temp
for n_ch, ch in enumerate(sig_train_modes_names):
temp = FoldingClassifier(base_estimator=base, random_state=11, features=variables_base,
temp_data = train[(train['mode'] == ch) | (train['mode'] == bck_train_mode_name)], temp_data['signal'])
blending_parts['ch' + str(n_ch) + suf] = temp
import cPickle
with open(model_file, 'w') as f:
cPickle.dump(blending_parts, f)
def blend_scheme_predict(data, suf, model_file, mode='train'):
blend_features = []
with open(model_file, 'r') as f:
blending_parts = cPickle.load(f)
for nbody in [2, 3, 4]:
temp_name = 'body' + str(nbody) + suf
if mode == 'train':
data.ix[data.n == nbody, temp_name] = blending_parts[temp_name].predict_proba(
data[data.n == nbody])[:, 1]
data.ix[data.n != nbody, temp_name] = blending_parts[temp_name].predict_proba(
data[data.n != nbody])[:, 1]
data[temp_name] = blending_parts[temp_name].predict_proba(data)[:, 1]
for n_ch, ch in enumerate(sig_train_modes_names):
temp_name = 'ch' + str(n_ch) + suf
if mode == 'train':
temp_key = ((data['mode'] == ch) | (data['mode'] == bck_train_mode_name))
data.ix[temp_key, temp_name] = blending_parts[temp_name].predict_proba(
data[temp_key])[:, 1]
data.ix[~temp_key, temp_name] = blending_parts[temp_name].predict_proba(
data[~temp_key])[:, 1]
data[temp_name] = blending_parts[temp_name].predict_proba(data)[:, 1]
return blend_features
In [42]:
base = XGBoostClassifier(n_estimators=300, nthreads=8, max_depth=7, subsample=0.5, eta=0.05, colsample=5)
blend_scheme_fit(forest_top_2, base, '_xgb', 'blending_part_xgb.pkl')
blend_features_forest = blend_scheme_predict(forest_top_2, '_xgb', 'blending_part_xgb.pkl')
blend_scheme_predict(test, '_xgb', 'blending_part_xgb.pkl', mode='test')
In [43]:
temp_mn = MatrixNetClassifier(train_features=variables_base + blend_features_forest, **params), forest_top_2['signal'])
estimators['forest top 2, blending (xgb base)'] = temp_mn
In [44]:
base = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=500, min_samples_leaf=50, max_depth=6,
max_features=7, n_jobs=8)
blend_scheme_fit(forest_top_2, base, '_forest', 'blending_part_forest.pkl')
blend_features_forest_f = blend_scheme_predict(forest_top_2, '_forest', 'blending_part_forest.pkl')
blend_scheme_predict(test, '_forest', 'blending_part_forest.pkl', mode='test')
In [45]:
temp_mn = MatrixNetClassifier(train_features=variables_base + blend_features_forest_f, **params), forest_top_2['signal'])
estimators['forest top 2, blending (forest base)'] = temp_mn
In [46]:
base = XGBoostClassifier(n_estimators=300, nthreads=8, max_depth=7, subsample=0.5, eta=0.05, colsample=5)
blend_scheme_fit(train, base, '_all_xgb', 'blending_part_all.pkl')
blend_features = blend_scheme_predict(train, '_all_xgb', 'blending_part_all.pkl')
blend_scheme_predict(test, '_all_xgb', 'blending_part_all.pkl', mode='test')
In [47]:
temp_mn = MatrixNetClassifier(train_features=variables_base + blend_features, **params), train['signal'])
estimators['blending (xgb base)'] = temp_mn
In [48]:
base = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=500, min_samples_leaf=50, max_depth=6,
max_features=7, n_jobs=8)
blend_scheme_fit(train, base, '_all_forest', 'blending_part_all_forest.pkl')
blend_features = blend_scheme_predict(train, '_all_forest', 'blending_part_all_forest.pkl')
blend_scheme_predict(test, '_all_forest', 'blending_part_all_forest.pkl', mode='test')
In [49]:
for rank in range(1, 3):
good_events = get_best_svr_missing(train, forest_folding_top, [11114001, 12103035, 13246001, 13264021],
ef_good = MatrixNetClassifier(train_features=variables_base, **params), good_events['signal'])
estimators['forest selection partial, top {}'.format(rank)] = ef_good
In [50]:
import cPickle
with open("models/hlt2_bodyn_experiments.pkl", 'w') as f:
cPickle.dump(estimators, f)
In [51]:
def get_best_svr_by_channel(data, feature_mask, count=1):
add_events = []
for id_est, channel in enumerate(sig_train_modes_names):
train_part = data[(data['mode'] == channel)]
for num, group in train_part.groupby('unique'):
index = numpy.argsort(group[feature_mask.format(id_est)].values)[::-1]
add_events.append(group.iloc[index[:count], :])
good_events = pandas.concat([data[(data['mode'] == bck_train_mode_name)]] + add_events)
print len(good_events)
return good_events
In [ ]:
for rank in [1, 2]:
good_events = get_best_svr_by_channel(train, 'ch{}_all_xgb', rank)
temp_mn = MatrixNetClassifier(train_features=variables_base, **params), good_events['signal'])
estimators['xgb top-{} in channel'.format(rank)] = temp_mn
In [ ]:
for rank in [1, 2]:
good_events = get_best_svr_by_channel(train, 'ch{}_all_forest', rank)
temp_mn = MatrixNetClassifier(train_features=variables_base, **params), good_events['signal'])
estimators['forest top-{} in channel'.format(rank)] = temp_mn
In [ ]:
import cPickle
with open("models/hlt2_bodyn_experiments.pkl", 'w') as f:
cPickle.dump(estimators, f)
In [56]:
In [57]:
thresholds = dict()
test_bck = test[test['signal'] == 0]
RATE = [2500., 4000.]
events_pass = dict()
for name, cl in estimators.items():
prob = cl.predict_proba(test_bck)
thr, result = calculate_thresholds(test_bck, prob, total_test_bck_events, rates=RATE)
for rate, val in result.items():
events_pass['{}-{}'.format(rate, name)] = val[1]
thresholds[name] = thr
print name, result
In [58]:
import cPickle
with open("models/hlt2_bodyn_experiments.pkl", 'w') as f:
cPickle.dump(estimators, f)
In [109]:
train_modes_eff, statistic = result_statistic(estimators, sig_train_modes_names,
test[test['signal'] == 1],
thresholds, RATE, total_test_signal_events)
In [110]:
from rep.plotting import BarComparePlot
xticks_labels = ['$B^0 \\to K^*\mu^+\mu^-$', "$B^0 \\to D^+D^-$", "$B^0 \\to D^- \mu^+ \\nu_{\mu}$",
'$B^+ \\to \pi^+ K^-K^+$', '$B^0_s \\to \psi(1S) K^+K^-\pi^+\pi^-$', '$B^0_s \\to D_s^-\pi^+$']
for r in RATE:
new_dict = []
for key, val in train_modes_eff.iteritems():
if (('base' == key[0]) or ('forest base' in key[0])) and r == key[1]:
new_dict.append((key, val))
new_dict = dict(new_dict)
BarComparePlot(new_dict).plot(new_plot=True, figsize=(24, 8), ylabel='efficiency', fontsize=22)
xticks(1 + 7 * numpy.arange(6), xticks_labels, rotation=0)
lgd = legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.1), loc='upper center', ncol=2, fontsize=22)
# plt.savefig('hlt2-experiments.pdf' , format='pdf', bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight')
In [111]:
from rep.plotting import BarComparePlot
for r in RATE:
new_dict = []
for key, val in train_modes_eff.iteritems():
if r == key[1]:
new_dict.append((key, val))
new_dict = dict(new_dict)
BarComparePlot(new_dict).plot(new_plot=True, figsize=(24, 8), ylabel='efficiency', fontsize=22)
lgd = legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.4), loc='upper center', ncol=2, fontsize=22)
# plt.savefig('hlt2-experiments.pdf' , format='pdf', bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight')
In [69]:
from collections import defaultdict
all_channels = []
efficiencies = defaultdict(OrderedDict)
for mode in empty_events.keys():
if mode in set(sig_train_modes_names) or mode == bck_train_mode_name:
df = pandas.read_csv(os.path.join(folder , 'mod_{}.csv'.format(mode)), sep='\t')
if len(df) <= 0:
total_events = statistic_length(df)['Events'] + empty_events[mode]
df = df[(df['pass_nbody'] == 1) & (df['mcor'] <= 10e3)]
passed_events = statistic_length(df)['Events']
blend_scheme_predict(df, '_xgb', 'blending_part_xgb.pkl', mode='test')
blend_scheme_predict(df, '_forest', 'blending_part_forest.pkl', mode='test')
blend_scheme_predict(df, '_all_xgb', 'blending_part_all.pkl', mode='test')
blend_scheme_predict(df, '_all_forest', 'blending_part_all_forest.pkl', mode='test')
for name, cl in estimators.items():
prob = cl.predict_proba(df)
for rate, thresh in thresholds[name].items():
eff = final_eff_for_mode(df, prob, total_events, thresh)
latex_name = '$' + Samples[str(mode)]['root'].replace("#", "\\") + '$'
efficiencies[(name, rate)][latex_name] = eff
In [107]:
for key, val in efficiencies.items():
for key_2, val_2 in val.items():
if val_2 <= 0.1:
In [108]:
from rep.plotting import BarComparePlot
for r in RATE:
new_dict = []
for key, val in efficiencies.iteritems():
if r == key[1]:
new_dict.append((key, val))
new_dict = dict(new_dict)
BarComparePlot(new_dict).plot(new_plot=True, figsize=(24, 8), ylabel='efficiency', fontsize=22)
lgd = legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.6), loc='upper center', ncol=2, fontsize=22)
In [78]:
from rep.plotting import FunctionsPlot
def plot_rocs(plots, shift=1.3, modes='training', xlim=(0.02, 0.06), ylim=(0.65, 0.85)):
FunctionsPlot(plots).plot(new_plot=True, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
plot([1. * events_pass['2500.0-base'] / statistic_length(ds_test_bck)['Events']] * 2,
[0., 1], 'b--', label='rate: 2.5 kHz')
plot([1. * events_pass['4000.0-base'] / statistic_length(ds_test_bck)['Events']] * 2,
[0., 1], 'g--', label='rate: 4. kHz')
lgd = legend(loc='upper center', fontsize=16, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, shift), ncol=3)
title('ROC for events ({} decays)'.format(modes), fontsize=20)
xlabel('FRP, background events efficiency', fontsize=20)
ylabel('TPR, signal events efficiency', fontsize=20)
In [74]:
plots = OrderedDict()
for key in ['base', 'forest selection, top 1', 'forest selection, top 2']:
plots[key] = plot_roc_events(estimators[key], test[test['signal'] == 1], test[test['signal'] == 0], key)
plt.savefig('img/roc_training_top.pdf' , format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
In [79]:
plots = OrderedDict()
for key in ['base', 'forest selection, top 1', 'forest selection, top 2']:
plots[key] = plot_roc_events(estimators[key], pandas.concat([test[test['signal'] == 1]] + all_channels),
test[test['signal'] == 0], key)
plot_rocs(plots, modes='all', xlim=(0.02, 0.06), ylim=(0.55, 0.68))
plt.savefig('img/roc_all_top.pdf' , format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
In [76]:
plots = OrderedDict()
for key in ['base', 'forest selection partial, top 1', 'forest selection partial, top 2']:
plots[key] = plot_roc_events(estimators[key], test[test['signal'] == 1], test[test['signal'] == 0], key)
plt.savefig('img/roc_training_top_partial.pdf' , format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
In [80]:
plots = OrderedDict()
for key in ['base', 'forest selection partial, top 1', 'forest selection partial, top 2']:
plots[key] = plot_roc_events(estimators[key], pandas.concat([test[test['signal'] == 1]] + all_channels),
test[test['signal'] == 0], key)
plot_rocs(plots, modes='all', xlim=(0.02, 0.06), ylim=(0.55, 0.68))
plt.savefig('img/roc_all_top_partial.pdf' , format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
In [84]:
plots = OrderedDict()
for key in ['base', 'forest top-1 in channel', 'forest top-2 in channel']:
plots[key] = plot_roc_events(estimators[key], test[test['signal'] == 1], test[test['signal'] == 0], key)
plt.savefig('img/roc_training_top_forest.pdf' , format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
In [90]:
plots = OrderedDict()
for key in ['base', 'forest top-1 in channel', 'forest top-2 in channel']:
plots[key] = plot_roc_events(estimators[key], pandas.concat([test[test['signal'] == 1]] + all_channels),
test[test['signal'] == 0], key)
plot_rocs(plots, modes='all', xlim=(0.02, 0.06), ylim=(0.55, 0.68))
plt.savefig('img/roc_all_top_forest.pdf' , format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
In [85]:
plots = OrderedDict()
for key in ['base', 'xgb top-1 in channel', 'xgb top-2 in channel']:
plots[key] = plot_roc_events(estimators[key], test[test['signal'] == 1], test[test['signal'] == 0], key)
plt.savefig('img/roc_training_top_xgb.pdf' , format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
In [91]:
plots = OrderedDict()
for key in ['base', 'xgb top-1 in channel', 'xgb top-2 in channel']:
plots[key] = plot_roc_events(estimators[key], pandas.concat([test[test['signal'] == 1]] + all_channels),
test[test['signal'] == 0], key)
plot_rocs(plots, modes='all', xlim=(0.02, 0.06), ylim=(0.55, 0.68))
plt.savefig('img/roc_all_top_xgb.pdf' , format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
In [98]:
plots = OrderedDict()
for key in ['base',
'forest selection, top 1', 'forest selection, top 2',
'forest selection partial, top 1', 'forest selection partial, top 2',
'forest top-1 in channel', 'forest top-2 in channel',
'xgb top-1 in channel', 'xgb top-2 in channel']:
plots[key] = plot_roc_events(estimators[key], test[test['signal'] == 1], test[test['signal'] == 0], key)
plot_rocs(plots, shift=1.4)
plt.savefig('img/roc_training_all.pdf' , format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
In [97]:
# plots = OrderedDict()
# for key in ['base',
# 'forest selection, top 1', 'forest selection, top 2',
# 'forest selection partial, top 1', 'forest selection partial, top 2',
# 'forest top-1 in channel', 'forest top-2 in channel',
# 'xgb top-1 in channel', 'xgb top-2 in channel']:
# plots[key] = plot_roc_events(estimators[key], pandas.concat([test[test['signal'] == 1]] + all_channels),
# test[test['signal'] == 0], key)
plot_rocs(plots, shift=1.4, modes='all', xlim=(0.02, 0.06), ylim=(0.55, 0.68))
plt.savefig('img/roc_all.pdf' , format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
In [99]:
plots_all = OrderedDict()
for key, value in estimators.items():
plots_all[key] = plot_roc_events(value, pandas.concat([test[test['signal'] == 1]] + all_channels),
test[test['signal'] == 0], key)
In [100]:
plots = OrderedDict()
for key, value in estimators.items():
plots[key] = plot_roc_events(value, test[test['signal'] == 1], test[test['signal'] == 0], key)
In [101]:
from rep.plotting import FunctionsPlot
FunctionsPlot(plots).plot(new_plot=True, xlim=(0.02, 0.06), ylim=(0.65, 0.85))
plot([1. * events_pass['2500.0-base'] / statistic_length(ds_test_bck)['Events']] * 2,
[0., 1], 'b--', label='rate: 2.5 kHz')
plot([1. * events_pass['4000.0-base'] / statistic_length(ds_test_bck)['Events']] * 2,
[0., 1], 'g--', label='rate: 4. kHz')
lgd = legend(loc='upper center', fontsize=16, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.4), ncol=3)
title('ROC for events (training decays)', fontsize=20)
xlabel('FRP, background events efficiency', fontsize=20)
ylabel('TPR, signal events efficiency', fontsize=20)
In [102]:
plots_new = plots.copy()
for key in plots_new:
if 'blending' in key:
In [103]:
from rep.plotting import FunctionsPlot
FunctionsPlot(plots_new).plot(new_plot=True, xlim=(0.02, 0.06), ylim=(0.65, 0.85))
plot([1. * events_pass['2500.0-base'] / statistic_length(ds_test_bck)['Events']] * 2,
[0., 1], 'b--', label='rate: 2.5 kHz')
plot([1. * events_pass['4000.0-base'] / statistic_length(ds_test_bck)['Events']] * 2,
[0., 1], 'g--', label='rate: 4. kHz')
lgd = legend(loc='upper center', fontsize=16, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.4), ncol=3)
title('ROC for events (training decays)', fontsize=20)
xlabel('FRP, background events efficiency', fontsize=20)
ylabel('TPR, signal events efficiency', fontsize=20)
In [104]:
plots_all = OrderedDict()
for key, value in estimators.items():
plots_all[key] = plot_roc_events(value, pandas.concat([test[test['signal'] == 1]] + all_channels),
test[test['signal'] == 0], key)
In [105]:
from rep.plotting import FunctionsPlot
FunctionsPlot(plots_all).plot(new_plot=True, xlim=(0.02, 0.06), ylim=(0.55, 0.68))
plot([1. * events_pass['2500.0-base'] / statistic_length(ds_test_bck)['Events']] * 2,
[0., 1], 'b--', label='rate: 2.5 kHz')
plot([1. * events_pass['4000.0-base'] / statistic_length(ds_test_bck)['Events']] * 2,
[0., 1], 'g--', label='rate: 4. kHz')
lgd = legend(loc='upper center', fontsize=16, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.4), ncol=3)
title('ROC for events (all decays together)', fontsize=20)
xlabel('FRP, background events efficiency', fontsize=20)
ylabel('TPR, signal events efficiency', fontsize=20)
In [106]:
from rep.plotting import FunctionsPlot
FunctionsPlot({'model': plots['base']}).plot(new_plot=True, figsize=(10, 8), xlim=(0.0, 0.06), ylim=(0., 1))
plot([1. * events_pass['2500.0-base'] / statistic_length(ds_test_bck)['Events']] * 2,
[0., 1], 'b--', label='rate: 2.5 kHz')
plot([1. * events_pass['4000.0-base'] / statistic_length(ds_test_bck)['Events']] * 2,
[0., 1], 'g--', label='rate: 4. kHz')
lgd = legend(loc='upper center', fontsize=16, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.), ncol=3)
title('ROC for events', fontsize=20)
xlabel('FRP, background events efficiency', fontsize=20)
ylabel('TPR, signal events efficiency', fontsize=20)
In [ ]: