In [1]:
%run additional.ipynb
In [2]:
%pylab inline
In [3]:
pandas.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 120)
did preselections:
In [4]:
sig_train_modes_names = [11114001, 11296013, 11874042, 12103035, 13246001, 13264021]
bck_train_mode_name = 30000000
sig_train_files = ['mod_{}.csv'.format(name) for name in sig_train_modes_names]
bck_train_files = 'mod_30000000.csv'
folder = "datasets/prepared_hlt_body/"
In [5]:
# concat all signal data
if not os.path.exists(folder + 'signal_hlt2.csv'):
concat_files(folder, sig_train_files, os.path.join(folder , 'signal_hlt2.csv'))
In [6]:
signal_data = pandas.read_csv(os.path.join(folder , 'signal_hlt2.csv'), sep='\t')
bck_data = pandas.read_csv(os.path.join(folder , bck_train_files), sep='\t')
In [7]:
In [8]:
print 'Signal', statistic_length(signal_data)
print 'Bck', statistic_length(bck_data)
In [9]:
total_bck_events = statistic_length(bck_data)['Events'] + empty_events[bck_train_mode_name]
total_signal_events_by_mode = dict()
for mode in sig_train_modes_names:
total_signal_events_by_mode[mode] = statistic_length(signal_data[signal_data['mode'] == mode])['Events'] + empty_events[mode]
In [10]:
print 'Bck:', total_bck_events
'Signal:', total_signal_events_by_mode
In [11]:
variables = ["n", "mcor", "chi2", "eta", "fdchi2", "minpt", "nlt16", "ipchi2", "n1trk"]
variables_base = variables + ["sumpt", "pt", "m"]
variables_additional = ["fdr", "sumpt", "sumipchi2"]
In [12]:
# hlt2 nbody selection
signal_data = signal_data[(signal_data['pass_nbody'] == 1) & (signal_data['mcor'] <= 10e3)]
bck_data = bck_data[(bck_data['pass_nbody'] == 1) & (bck_data['mcor'] <= 10e3)]
In [13]:
print 'Signal', statistic_length(signal_data)
print 'Bck', statistic_length(bck_data)
In [14]:
total_signal_events_by_mode_presel = dict()
for mode in sig_train_modes_names:
total_signal_events_by_mode_presel[mode] = statistic_length(signal_data[signal_data['mode'] == mode])['Events']
total_bck_events_presel = statistic_length(bck_data)['Events']
In [15]:
print 'Bck:', total_bck_events_presel
'Signal:', total_signal_events_by_mode_presel
In [16]:
In [17]:
ds_train_signal, ds_train_bck, ds_test_signal, ds_test_bck = prepare_data(signal_data, bck_data, 'unique')
In [18]:
print 'Signal', statistic_length(ds_train_signal)
print 'Bck', statistic_length(ds_train_bck)
In [19]:
train = pandas.concat([ds_train_bck, ds_train_signal])
In [20]:
print 'Signal', statistic_length(ds_test_signal)
print 'Bck', statistic_length(ds_test_bck)
In [21]:
test = pandas.concat([ds_test_bck, ds_test_signal])
In [22]:
total_test_bck_events = (total_bck_events - total_bck_events_presel) // 2 + statistic_length(ds_test_bck)['Events']
total_test_signal_events = dict()
for mode in sig_train_modes_names:
total_not_passed_signal = total_signal_events_by_mode[mode] - total_signal_events_by_mode_presel[mode]
total_test_signal_events[mode] = total_not_passed_signal // 2 + \
statistic_length(ds_test_signal[ds_test_signal['mode'] == mode])['Events']
In [23]:
print 'Bck total test events:', total_test_bck_events
'Signal total test events:', total_test_signal_events
In [24]:
import cPickle
if os.path.exists('models/hlt2_bodyn.pkl'):
with open('models/hlt2_bodyn.pkl', 'r') as file_mn:
estimators = cPickle.load(file_mn)
if os.path.exists('models/hlt2_bodyn_borders.pkl'):
with open('models/hlt2_bodyn_borders.pkl', 'r') as file_mn:
estimators_border = cPickle.load(file_mn)
In [25]:
from rep_ef.estimators import MatrixNetSkyGridClassifier
from rep.metaml import ClassifiersFactory
In [26]:
estimators = ClassifiersFactory()
params = {'user_name': 'antares', 'connection':'skygrid',
'iterations': 5000, 'sync': False}
estimators['base'] = MatrixNetSkyGridClassifier(train_features=variables_base, **params)
estimators['base reg'] = MatrixNetSkyGridClassifier(train_features=variables_base,
user_name='antares', connection='skygrid',
iterations=2500, sync=False, regularization=0.02)
estimators['base + additional features'] = MatrixNetSkyGridClassifier(train_features=variables_base +
estimators['base without (pt, m)'] = MatrixNetSkyGridClassifier(train_features=variables + ['sumpt'], **params)
estimators['base without (m)'] = MatrixNetSkyGridClassifier(train_features=variables + ['sumpt', 'pt'], **params)
estimators['base without (sumpt)'] = MatrixNetSkyGridClassifier(train_features=variables + ['m', 'pt'], **params)
estimators['base without (sumpt, m)'] = MatrixNetSkyGridClassifier(train_features=variables + ['pt'], **params)
In [27]:, train['signal'])
In [28]:
with open('models/hlt2_bodyn.pkl', 'w') as file_mn:
cPickle.dump(estimators, file_mn)
In [30]:
for key in estimators.keys():
print key
print estimators[key].get_feature_importances().sort('effect')
In [31]:
borders = {'n': [2.5, 3.5],
'mcor': [2000, 3250.70996094, 4283.83984375, 5124.98535156, 6000, 7749.91992188],
'chi2': [0.3, 1., 2.5, 5., 7.5, 10., 100.],
'sumpt': [3500, 5000, 7500, 10e3, 20e3, 50e3],
'eta': [2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.5, 4., 4.2],
'fdchi2': [10, 200, 500, 1000, 10000, 100e3],
'minpt': [600, 1000, 1500, 5000],
'nlt16': [0.5],
'ipchi2': [16, 62, 250, 1000],
'n1trk': [0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5]
borders_chi2 = {'n': [2.5, 3.5],
'mcor': [2000, 3250.70996094, 4283.83984375, 5124.98535156, 6000, 7749.91992188],
'chi2': [0.3, 1., 2.5, 5., 7.5],
'sumpt': [3500, 5000, 7500, 10e3, 20e3, 50e3],
'eta': [2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.5, 4., 4.2],
'fdchi2': [10, 200, 500, 1000, 10000, 100e3],
'minpt': [600, 1000, 1500, 5000],
'nlt16': [0.5],
'ipchi2': [16, 62, 250, 1000],
'n1trk': [0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5]
borders_chi2_eta = {'n': [2.5, 3.5],
'mcor': [2000, 3250.70996094, 4283.83984375, 5124.98535156, 6000, 7749.91992188],
'chi2': [0.3, 1., 2.5, 5., 7.5],
'sumpt': [3500, 5000, 7500, 10e3, 20e3, 50e3],
'eta': [2.75, 3, 3.5, 4., 4.2],
'fdchi2': [10, 200, 500, 1000, 10000, 100e3],
'minpt': [600, 1000, 1500, 5000],
'nlt16': [0.5],
'ipchi2': [16, 62, 250, 1000],
'n1trk': [0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5]
borders_many = {'n': [2.5, 3.5],
'mcor': [2000, 2500, 2674.76513672, 3613.61010742, 4000.,
4283.83984375, 4851.39501953, 5124.98535156, 6000, 7000., 8498.92480469],
'chi2': [0.15, 0.5, 1., 1.66, 2.5, 3.3, 3.7, 5., 6.5, 8.3],
'sumpt': [3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7500, 8500, 12e3, 23e3, 50e3],
'eta': [2.5, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4., 4.5],
'fdchi2': [10, 125, 350, 780, 1800, 5000, 100e3],
'minpt': [450, 700, 950, 1300, 1800, 3500, 6600],
'nlt16': [0.5],
'ipchi2': [8, 25, 62, 150, 250, 460, 1000],
'n1trk': [0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5]
borders_6_fix = {'n': [2.5, 3.5],
'mcor': [2500., 2675, 3615, 4000., 4300, 4850, 6000, 7000, 8500],
'chi2': [0.15, 0.5, 1., 1.66, 1.9, 3.3, 3.7, 5., 6.6, 8.3, 100],
'sumpt': [3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7500, 8500, 12e3, 23e3, 50e3],
'eta': [2.5, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.78, 4., 4.2, 4.5],
'fdchi2': [10, 125, 350, 790, 1800, 5100, 100e3],
'minpt': [460, 700, 950, 1260, 1830, 3420, 6650],
'nlt16': [0.5],
'ipchi2': [8, 26, 62, 150, 250, 460, 1000],
'n1trk': [0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5]
borders_6_fix_high = {'n': [2.5, 3.5],
'mcor': [2500.93017578, 2674.76513672, 3613.61010742, 4000.4699707, 4283.83984375, 4851.39501953,
5000., 6000., 7000.02490234, 8498.92480469],
'chi2': [0.156691491604, 0.515842497349, 1.0365049839, 1.66650009155, 1.87674498558,
3.33287501335, 3.70866012573, 4.99924993515, 6.66611480713, 8.3325548172, 100.],
'sumpt': [3057.95996094, 3972.98486328, 4978.28515625, 6273.98535156, 8358.38476562,
12693.5, 23393.3007812, 44177.3007812, 56187.5],
'eta': [2.50017499924, 2.9353249073, 3.99941015244, 2.99988007545, 3.25001502037,
3.49966001511, 3.51357507706, 3.77819991112, 4.09203529358, 4.2, 4.49913978577],
'fdchi2': [9.79110527039, 125.479499817, 341.268005371, 787.989013672, 1810.72497559, 5104.29980469, 10e3],
'minpt': [464.580505371, 695.025512695, 945.834960938, 1264.60998535, 1831.51501465, 3422.45507812, 6646.77001953],
'nlt16': [0.5],
'ipchi2': [8.61159992218, 25.8182506561, 62.0043487549, 151.548995972, 457.808502197, 10e3],
'n1trk': [0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5]
In [32]:
special_b = {
'n': [2.5, 3.5],
'mcor': [2000,3000,4000,5000,7500], # I want to remove splits too close the the B mass as I was looking in simulation and this could distort the mass peak (possibly)
'chi2': [1,2.5,5,7.5,10,100], # I also propose we add a cut to the pre-selection of chi2 < 1000. I don't want to put in splits at too small values here b/c these type of inputs are never modeled quite right in the simulation (they always look a bit more smeared in data).
'sumpt': [3000,4000,5000,6000,7500,9000,12e3,23e3,50e3], # I am happy with the MN splits here (these are almost "as is" from modify-6)
'eta': [2.5,3,3.75,4.25,4.5], # Close to MN.
'fdchi2': [33,125,350,780,1800,5000,10000], # I want to make the biggest split 10e3 because in the simulated events there is pretty much only BKGD above 40e3 but we don't want the BDT to learn to kill these as new particles would live here. Otherwise I took the MN splits and modified the first one (the first one is 5sigma now).
'minpt': [350,500,750,1500,3000,5000], # let's make 500 the 2nd split so that this lines up with the HLT1 SVs.
'nlt16': [0.5],
'ipchi2': [8,26,62,150,500,1000], # I also propose we add a cut of IP chi2 < 5000 as it's all background out there.
'n1trk': [0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5]
In [33]:
estimators_border = ClassifiersFactory()
params = {'user_name': 'antares', 'connection':'skygrid',
'iterations': 5000, 'sync': True,
'train_features': variables + ['sumpt']}
estimators_border['BBDT'] = MatrixNetSkyGridClassifier(intervals=borders, **params)
estimators_border['BBDT chi2'] = MatrixNetSkyGridClassifier(intervals=borders_chi2, **params)
estimators_border['BBDT chi2, eta'] = MatrixNetSkyGridClassifier(intervals=borders_chi2_eta, **params)
estimators_border['BBDT 6-bins'] = MatrixNetSkyGridClassifier(intervals=6, **params)
estimators_border['BBDT modify 6-bins'] = MatrixNetSkyGridClassifier(intervals=borders_many, **params)
estimators_border['BBDT modify 6-bins strong'] = MatrixNetSkyGridClassifier(intervals=borders_6_fix, **params)
estimators_border['BBDT modify 6-bins small'] = MatrixNetSkyGridClassifier(intervals=borders_6_fix_high, **params)
estimators_border['BBDT by hand'] = MatrixNetSkyGridClassifier(intervals=special_b, **params)
In [ ]:, train['signal'])
In [ ]:
with open('models/hlt2_bodyn_borders.pkl', 'w') as file_mn:
cPickle.dump(estimators_border, file_mn)
In [74]:
thresholds = dict()
RATE = [2500., 4000.]
events_pass = dict()
for name, cl in estimators.items():
prob = cl.predict_proba(ds_test_bck)
thr, result = calculate_thresholds(ds_test_bck, prob, total_test_bck_events, rates=RATE)
for rate, val in result.items():
events_pass['{}-{}'.format(rate, name)] = val[1]
thresholds[name] = thr
print name, result
In [75]:
for name, cl in estimators_border.items():
prob = cl.predict_proba(ds_test_bck)
thr, result = calculate_thresholds(ds_test_bck, prob, total_test_bck_events, rates=RATE)
for rate, val in result.items():
events_pass['{}-{}'.format(rate, name)] = val[1]
thresholds[name] = thr
print name, result
In [76]:
train_modes_eff, statistic = result_statistic(estimators, sig_train_modes_names,
test[test['signal'] == 1],
thresholds, RATE, total_test_signal_events)
In [77]:
from rep.plotting import BarComparePlot
for r in RATE:
new_dict = []
for key, val in train_modes_eff.iteritems():
if r == key[1]:
new_dict.append((key, val))
new_dict = dict(new_dict)
BarComparePlot(new_dict).plot(new_plot=True, figsize=(24, 8), ylabel='efficiency', fontsize=22)
lgd = legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.4), loc='upper center', ncol=2, fontsize=22)
# plt.savefig('hlt2.pdf' , format='pdf', bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight')
In [78]:
plots = OrderedDict()
for key, value in estimators.items():
plots[key] = plot_roc_events(value, test[test['signal'] == 1], test[test['signal'] == 0], key)
In [79]:
def plot_rocs(plots):
from rep.plotting import FunctionsPlot
FunctionsPlot(plots).plot(new_plot=True, xlim=(0.02, 0.06), ylim=(0.65, 0.85))
plot([1. * events_pass['2500.0-base'] / statistic_length(ds_test_bck)['Events']] * 2,
[0., 1], 'b--', label='rate: 2.5 kHz')
plot([1. * events_pass['4000.0-base'] / statistic_length(ds_test_bck)['Events']] * 2,
[0., 1], 'g--', label='rate: 4. kHz')
lgd = legend(loc='upper center', fontsize=16, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.4), ncol=3)
xlabel('FRP, background events efficiency', fontsize=20)
ylabel('TPR, signal events efficiency', fontsize=20)
In [80]:
In [ ]:
mode_metrics = dict()
for mode in sig_train_modes_names:
mode_metrics[mode] = dict()
for rate in [2500.]:
mode_metrics[mode][rate] = generate_topo_metric(ds_test_bck, ds_test_signal[ds_test_signal['mode'] == mode],
total_test_bck_events, total_test_signal_events[mode], rate)
In [ ]:
def generate_select_mode(mode):
def select_mode(pd):
result = numpy.zeros(len(pd), dtype=bool)
result[numpy.array(pd['mode']) == mode] = True
result[numpy.array(pd['signal']) == 0] = True
return result
return select_mode
In [ ]:
from import ClassificationReport
from import LabeledDataStorage
report = ClassificationReport(estimators, LabeledDataStorage(test, test['signal']))
In [ ]:
staged_eff_plots = []
for mode in sig_train_modes_names:
select_mode = generate_select_mode(mode)
staged_eff_plots.append(report.learning_curve(mode_metrics[mode][2500.], mask=select_mode, steps=10,
metric_label='mode {}, rate {}, eff'.format(mode, 2500.) ))
In [81]:
for elem in staged_eff_plots:
In [82]:
estimators_bbdt = estimators_border.copy()
estimators_bbdt['base'] = estimators['base without (pt, m)']
In [83]:
thresholds = dict()
RATE = [2500., 4000.]
events_pass = dict()
for name, cl in estimators_bbdt.items():
prob = cl.predict_proba(ds_test_bck)
thr, result = calculate_thresholds(ds_test_bck, prob, total_test_bck_events, rates=RATE)
for rate, val in result.items():
events_pass['{}-{}'.format(rate, name)] = val[1]
thresholds[name] = thr
print name, result
In [84]:
train_modes_eff, statistic = result_statistic(estimators_bbdt, sig_train_modes_names,
test[test['signal'] == 1],
thresholds, RATE, total_test_signal_events)
In [85]:
from rep.plotting import BarComparePlot
for r in RATE:
new_dict = []
for key, val in train_modes_eff.iteritems():
if r == key[1]:
new_dict.append((key, val))
new_dict = dict(new_dict)
BarComparePlot(new_dict).plot(new_plot=True, figsize=(24, 8), ylabel='efficiency', fontsize=22)
lgd = legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.4), loc='upper center', ncol=2, fontsize=22)
In [86]:
plots = OrderedDict()
for key, value in estimators_border.items():
plots[key] = plot_roc_events(value, test[test['signal'] == 1], test[test['signal'] == 0], key)
title('ROC for events (training decays)', fontsize=20)
In [87]:
from collections import defaultdict
all_channels = []
efficiencies = defaultdict(OrderedDict)
for mode in empty_events.keys():
if mode in set(sig_train_modes_names) or mode == bck_train_mode_name:
df = pandas.read_csv(os.path.join(folder , 'mod_{}.csv'.format(mode)), sep='\t')
if len(df) <= 0:
total_events = statistic_length(df)['Events'] + empty_events[mode]
df = df[(df['pass_nbody'] == 1) & (df['mcor'] <= 10e3)]
passed_events = statistic_length(df)['Events']
for name, cl in estimators_bbdt.items():
prob = cl.predict_proba(df)
for rate, thresh in thresholds[name].items():
eff = final_eff_for_mode(df, prob, total_events, thresh)
latex_name = '$' + Samples[str(mode)]['root'].replace("#", "\\") + '$'
efficiencies[(name, rate)][latex_name] = eff
In [88]:
for key, val in efficiencies.items():
for key_2, val_2 in val.items():
if val_2 <= 0.1:
from rep.plotting import BarComparePlot
for r in RATE:
new_dict = []
for key, val in efficiencies.iteritems():
if r == key[1]:
new_dict.append((key, val))
new_dict = dict(new_dict)
BarComparePlot(new_dict).plot(new_plot=True, figsize=(24, 8), ylabel='efficiency', fontsize=22)
lgd = legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.4), loc='upper center', ncol=2, fontsize=22)
In [89]:
plots_all = OrderedDict()
for key, value in estimators.items():
plots_all[key] = plot_roc_events(value, pandas.concat([test[test['signal'] == 1]] + all_channels),
test[test['signal'] == 0], key)
In [90]:
title('ROC for events (all decays)', fontsize=20)
ylim(0.5, 0.65)
In [91]:
plots_all = OrderedDict()
for key, value in estimators_bbdt.items():
plots_all[key] = plot_roc_events(value, pandas.concat([test[test['signal'] == 1]] + all_channels),
test[test['signal'] == 0], key)
In [92]:
ylim(0.5, 0.65)
title('ROC for events (all decays)', fontsize=20)
In [ ]:
params = {'user_name': 'antares', 'connection':'skygrid',
'iterations': 5000, 'sync': False,
'train_features': variables + ['sumpt']}
estimators_x = ClassifiersFactory()
for x in range(4, 8):
estimators_x['BBDT-{}'.format(x)] = MatrixNetSkyGridClassifier(intervals=x, **params), train['signal'])
In [ ]:
estimators_x['base'] = estimators['base without (pt, m)']
In [93]:
thresholds_x = dict()
for name, cl in estimators_x.items():
prob = cl.predict_proba(ds_test_bck)
thr, result = calculate_thresholds(ds_test_bck, prob, total_test_bck_events, rates=[2500.])
thresholds_x[name] = thr
print name, result
In [94]:
train_modes_eff_x, _ = result_statistic(estimators_x, sig_train_modes_names,
test[test['signal'] == 1],
thresholds_x, [2500.], total_test_signal_events)
In [95]:
from rep.plotting import BarComparePlot
BarComparePlot(train_modes_eff_x).plot(new_plot=True, figsize=(18, 6), ylabel='efficiency')
legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.2), loc='upper center', ncol=3)
In [ ]:
params = {'user_name': 'antares', 'connection':'skygrid',
'sync': False,
'train_features': variables + ['sumpt']}
estimators_w_i = ClassifiersFactory()
for w, i in [(0.01, 5000), (0.05, 1000), (0.1, 500)]:
estimators_w_i['BBDT-{}-{}'.format(w, i)] = MatrixNetSkyGridClassifier(iterations=i, regularization=w, **params), train['signal'])
In [96]:
thresholds_w_i = dict()
for name, cl in estimators_w_i.items():
prob = cl.predict_proba(ds_test_bck)
thr, result = calculate_thresholds(ds_test_bck, prob, total_test_bck_events, rates=[2500.])
thresholds_w_i[name] = thr
print name, result
In [97]:
train_modes_eff_w_i, _ = result_statistic(estimators_w_i, sig_train_modes_names,
test[test['signal'] == 1],
thresholds_w_i, [2500.], total_test_signal_events)
from rep.plotting import BarComparePlot
BarComparePlot(train_modes_eff_w_i).plot(new_plot=True, figsize=(18, 6), ylabel='efficiency')
legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.2), loc='upper center', ncol=3)
In [98]:
plots_all = OrderedDict()
for key, value in estimators_w_i.items():
plots_all[key] = plot_roc_events(value, pandas.concat([test[test['signal'] == 1]] + all_channels),
test[test['signal'] == 0], key)
In [99]:
title('ROC for events (all decays)', fontsize=20)
ylim(0.5, 0.65)
In [ ]:
with open("bbdt_run2/", "w") as f:
f.write(estimators_border['BBDT modify 6-bins'].formula_mx)
with open("bbdt_run2/", "w") as f:
f.write(estimators_border['BBDT modify 6-bins small'].formula_mx)
with open("bbdt_run2/", "w") as f:
with open("bbdt_run2/", "w") as f:
f.write(estimators_border['BBDT modify 6-bins strong'].formula_mx)
with open("bbdt_run2/", "w") as f:
f.write(estimators_border['BBDT by hand'].formula_mx)
In [ ]:
result_thresholds = {'': thresholds['BBDT modify 6-bins'][2500.],
'': thresholds['BBDT modify 6-bins small'][2500.],
'': thresholds['BBDT'][2500.],
'': thresholds['BBDT modify 6-bins strong'][2500.],
'': thresholds['BBDT by hand'][2500.]}
In [ ]:
with open('models/bbdt_thresholds.pkl', 'w') as f:
cPickle.dump(result_thresholds, f)