Genetic Algorithm Workshop

In this workshop we will code up a genetic algorithm for a simple mathematical optimization problem.

Genetic Algorithm is a

  • Meta-heuristic
  • Inspired by Natural Selection
  • Traditionally works on binary data. Can be adopted for other data types as well.

You can find an example illustrating GA below

In [61]:
%matplotlib inline
# All the imports
from __future__ import print_function, division
from math import *
import random
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# TODO 1: Enter your unity ID here 
__author__ = "tchhabr"

class O:
    Basic Class which
        - Helps dynamic updates
        - Pretty Prints
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    def has(self):
        return self.__dict__
    def update(self, **kwargs):
        return self
    def __repr__(self):
        show = [':%s %s' % (k, self.has()[k]) 
                for k in sorted(self.has().keys()) 
                if k[0] is not "_"]
        txt = ' '.join(show)
        if len(txt) > 60:
            show = map(lambda x: '\t' + x + '\n', show)
        return '{' + ' '.join(show) + '}'
print("Unity ID: ", __author__)

Unity ID:  tchhabr

The optimization problem

The problem we are considering is a mathematical one

Decisions: r in [0, 10] cm; h in [0, 20] cm

Objectives: minimize S, T

Constraints: V > 200cm3

In [62]:
# Few Utility functions
def say(*lst):
    Print whithout going to new line
    print(*lst, end="")

def random_value(low, high, decimals=2):
    Generate a random number between low and high. 
    decimals incidicate number of decimal places
    return round(random.uniform(low, high),decimals)

def gt(a, b): return a > b

def lt(a, b): return a < b

def shuffle(lst):
    Shuffle a list
    return lst

class Decision(O):
    Class indicating Decision of a problem
    def __init__(self, name, low, high):
        @param name: Name of the decision
        @param low: minimum value
        @param high: maximum value
        O.__init__(self, name=name, low=low, high=high)
class Objective(O):
    Class indicating Objective of a problem
    def __init__(self, name, do_minimize=True):
        @param name: Name of the objective
        @param do_minimize: Flag indicating if objective has to be minimized or maximized
        O.__init__(self, name=name, do_minimize=do_minimize)

class Point(O):
    Represents a member of the population
    def __init__(self, decisions):
        self.decisions = decisions
        self.objectives = None
    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(tuple(self.decisions))
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.decisions == other.decisions
    def clone(self):
        new = Point(self.decisions)
        new.objectives = self.objectives
        return new

class Problem(O):
    Class representing the cone problem.
    def __init__(self):
        # TODO 2: Code up decisions and objectives below for the problem
        # using the auxilary classes provided above.
        self.decisions = None
        self.objectives = None
        radius = Decision('radius', 0, 10)
        height = Decision('height', 0, 20)
        self.decisions = [radius, height]
        s = Objective('surface')
        t = Objective('total area')
        self.objectives = [s,t]
    def evaluate(point):
        [r, h] = point.decisions
        point.objectives = None
        # TODO 3: Evaluate the objectives S and T for the point.
        l = (r**2 + h**2)**0.5
        S = pi * r * l
        T = S + pi * r**2
        point.objectives = [S, T]
        return point.objectives
    def is_valid(point):
        [r, h] = point.decisions
        # TODO 4: Check if the point has valid decisions
        V = pi*(r**2)*h/3
        return V > 200
    def generate_one(self):
        # TODO 5: Generate a valid instance of Point.
        while True:
            point = Point([random_value(d.low, d.high) for d in self.decisions])
            if Problem.is_valid(point):
                return point
cone = Problem()
point = cone.generate_one()

{	:decisions [7.49, 18.21]
 	:objectives [463.32095545146495, 639.5646174771177]

Great. Now that the class and its basic methods is defined, we move on to code up the GA.


First up is to create an initial population.

In [63]:
def populate(problem, size):
    population = []
    # TODO 6: Create a list of points of length 'size'
    return [problem.generate_one() for _ in xrange(size)]

print (populate(cone,5))

[{:decisions [5.48, 17.81] :objectives None}, {:decisions [8.62, 6.23] :objectives None}, {:decisions [7.1, 9.99] :objectives None}, {:decisions [6.85, 11.28] :objectives None}, {:decisions [5.62, 17.14] :objectives None}]


We perform a single point crossover between two points

In [64]:
def crossover(mom, dad):
    # TODO 7: Create a new point which contains decisions from 
    # the first half of mom and second half of dad
    n = len(mom.decisions)
    return Point(mom.decisions[:n//2] + dad.decisions[n//2:])

pop = populate(cone,5)
crossover(pop[0], pop[1])

{:decisions [9.44, 11.53] :objectives None}


Randomly change a decision such that

In [65]:
def mutate(problem, point, mutation_rate=0.01):
    # TODO 8: Iterate through all the decisions in the problem
    # and if the probability is less than mutation rate
    # change the decision(randomly set it between its max and min).
    for i, d in enumerate(problem.decisions):
        if random.random() < mutation_rate:
            point.decisions[i] = random_value(d.low, d.high)
    return point

print (mutate(cone,point,0.1))
obs = populate(cone,5)
print (obs)

{	:decisions [7.49, 18.21]
 	:objectives [463.32095545146495, 639.5646174771177]
[{:decisions [8.79, 10.81] :objectives None}, {:decisions [5.24, 19.19] :objectives None}, {:decisions [7.36, 9.24] :objectives None}, {:decisions [3.75, 17.93] :objectives None}, {:decisions [9.57, 9.16] :objectives None}]

Fitness Evaluation

To evaluate fitness between points we use binary domination. Binary Domination is defined as follows:

  • Consider two points one and two.
  • For every decision o and t in one and two, o <= t
  • Atleast one decision o and t in one and two, o == t

Note: Binary Domination is not the best method to evaluate fitness but due to its simplicity we choose to use it for this workshop.

In [66]:
def bdom(problem, one, two):
    Return if one dominates two
    objs_one = problem.evaluate(one)
    objs_two = problem.evaluate(two)
    if (one == two):
        return False
    dominates = False
    # TODO 9: Return True/False based on the definition
    # of bdom above.
    first = True
    second = False
    for i,_ in enumerate(problem.objectives):
        if ((first is True) & gt(one.objectives[i], two.objectives[i])):
            first = False
        elif (not second & (one.objectives[i] is not two.objectives[i])):
            second = True
    dominates = first & second
    return dominates

print (bdom(cone,obs[4],obs[4]))


Fitness and Elitism

In this workshop we will count the number of points of the population P dominated by a point A as the fitness of point A. This is a very naive measure of fitness since we are using binary domination.

Few prominent alternate methods are

  1. Continuous Domination - Section 3.1
  2. Non-dominated Sort
  3. Non-dominated Sort + Niching

Elitism: Sort points with respect to the fitness and select the top points.

In [67]:
def fitness(problem, population, point):
    dominates = 0
    # TODO 10: Evaluate fitness of a point.
    # For this workshop define fitness of a point 
    # as the number of points dominated by it.
    # For example point dominates 5 members of population,
    # then fitness of point is 5.
    for pop in population:
        if bdom(problem, point, pop):
            dominates += 1
    return dominates

def elitism(problem, population, retain_size):
    # TODO 11: Sort the population with respect to the fitness
    # of the points and return the top 'retain_size' points of the population
    fit_pop = [fitness(cone,population,pop) for pop in population]
    population = [pop for _,pop in sorted(zip(fit_pop,population), reverse = True)]
    return population[:retain_size]

Putting it all together and making the GA

In [68]:
def ga(pop_size = 100, gens = 250):
    problem = Problem()
    population = populate(problem, pop_size)
    [problem.evaluate(point) for point in population]
    initial_population = [point.clone() for point in population]
    gen = 0 
    while gen < gens:
        children = []
        for _ in range(pop_size):
            mom = random.choice(population)
            dad = random.choice(population)
            while (mom == dad):
                dad = random.choice(population)
            child = mutate(problem, crossover(mom, dad))
            if problem.is_valid(child) and child not in population+children:
        population += children
        population = elitism(problem, population, pop_size)
        gen += 1
    return initial_population, population


Lets plot the initial population with respect to the final frontier.

In [69]:
def plot_pareto(initial, final):
    initial_objs = [point.objectives for point in initial]
    final_objs = [point.objectives for point in final]
    initial_x = [i[0] for i in initial_objs]
    initial_y = [i[1] for i in initial_objs]
    final_x = [i[0] for i in final_objs]
    final_y = [i[1] for i in final_objs]
    plt.scatter(initial_x, initial_y, color='b', marker='+', label='initial')
    plt.scatter(final_x, final_y, color='r', marker='o', label='final')
    plt.title("Scatter Plot between initial and final population of GA")
    plt.ylabel("Total Surface Area(T)")
    plt.xlabel("Curved Surface Area(S)")
    plt.legend(loc=9, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.175), ncol=2)

In [70]:
initial, final = ga()
plot_pareto(initial, final)


Here is a sample output

In [ ]: