In [1]:
using CHull2D
using FixedSizeArrays
using PyPlot

INFO: Recompiling stale cache file /home/chase/.julia/lib/v0.4/PyPlot.ji for module PyPlot.
INFO: Recompiling stale cache file /home/chase/.julia/lib/v0.4/PyCall.ji for module PyCall.
INFO: Recompiling stale cache file /home/chase/.julia/lib/v0.4/LaTeXStrings.ji for module LaTeXStrings.

Graham Scan Algorithm

This notebook is a piece of a sequence of notebooks that discuss numerical convex hull algorithms. The goal of these algorithms is to take a set of points $P$ and output a set of extreme points $EP$ such that every point in $P$ is contained in $\text{co}(EP)$.

In this notebook we present the Graham Scan algorithm.


This algorithm was initially introduced by Ronald Graham in 1972 in "An Efficient Algorithm for Determining the Convex Hull of a Finite Planar Set." The algorithm will have $O(n \log(n))$ complexity mostly due to the required sorting done within the algorithm. As you will observe, the way in which the algorithm traverses the points will lead for it to be a better fit for sets of points which have many extreme points.

The Algorithm

The algorithm has two main parts:

  • First, all points must be sorted relative to some initial point which is known to be an extreme point.
  • Second, move along the points and make sure that the "turns" between points are all the same direction.

Part 1: The Sort

In our implementation, we will use the point with the minimum $y$ value as the initial point. Additionally, our rotation direction will be counter-clockwise.

Call our initial point $a$. What we really need to know is whether for any two points $b, c \in P$ whether the angle formed by $\vec{ab}$ and $\vec{bc}$ is greater than or less than 180 degrees. This can be determined by using the cross-product. If the cross-product is negative then we have moved clockwise; if the cross-product is positive then we have moved counter-clockwise (as desired). This leaves us to simply sort by comparing the appropriate cross-product between vectors -- It turns out we can directly write this as:

$$\vec{ab} \times \vec{bc} = (b_1 - a_1) (c_2 - a_2) - (b_2 - a_2) (c_1 - a_1)$$

We wrote a function to do this in the ConvexHulls notebook.

Part 2: Finding Points

As previously mentioned, we will begin with the point which has the smallest $y$ value. We will then work through our ordered points three at a time.

Imagine we have three points $p_{i-1}, p_{i}, p_{i+1}$.

  • If these points constitute a counter-clockwise turn as desired then we proceed to compare points $p_{i}, p_{i+1}, p_{i+2}$.
  • If these points constitute a clockwise turn then we know that $p_{i}$ is not an element of the extreme points and can discard it. We would then "take a step backwards" and compare $p_{i-2}, p_{i-1}, p_{i+1}$

We follow until we reach the final point (which is also our starting point).

This is the wrappoints function from the ConvexHulls notebook.

Summary of Algorithm

To summarize the algorithm we could write:

  1. Begin with a point that we know is a member of the extreme points -- for example, the point with the minimum y value. Call this point $p_0$.
  2. Sort all points by their polar angle with respect to $p_0$
  3. Given $p_{i-1}, p_{i}, p_{i+1}$:
    • If points move clockwise, then $p_{i}$ is not an element of the extreme points and we remove it from the set of points. We then consider $p_{i-1}, p_{i+1}, p_{i+2}$.
    • If points move counter-clockwise, then move forward to next step by consider $p_{i}, p_{i+1}, p_{i+2}$.
  4. Continue until reach the point $p_0$ again.


Below we implement the algorithm.

In [2]:
function _grahamscan{T<:Real}(p::Vector{Point{2, T}})

    # Get yminind
    xminind = indmin(p)
    xmin = p[xminind]

    # Create function to sort by angles
    lt(a, b) = xmin == a ? true : xmin == b ? false : ccw(xmin, a, b)
    psort = sort!(p, lt=lt)

    # Add the starting point at end so we go full circle
    push!(psort, xmin)

    # Call function that works around points
    ep = wrappoints(psort)

    return ep[1:end-1]

_grahamscan (generic function with 1 method)

Example Use

We can now use the Graham scan algorithm to get the Convex Hull and plot it.

In [3]:
p = [Point(randn(), randn()) for i=1:250]
ep = _grahamscan(p)

# Add the first point to end to make plot pretty
push!(ep, ep[1]);

In [7]:
fig, ax = subplots()

ax[:scatter]([el[1] for el in p], [el[2] for el in p], color="r")
ax[:plot]([el[1] for el in ep], [el[2] for el in ep], color="k")

1-element Array{Any,1}:
 PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x7f55a1af3e10>


Academic Papers

  • Graham, R.L. (1972). An Efficient Algorithm for Determining the Convex Hull of a Finite Planar Set. Information Processing Letters 1, 132-133
  • Williams, J. W. J. (1964), "Algorithm 232 - Heapsort", Communications of the ACM 7 (6): 347–348

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