This notebook includes the hashing approach only for solving the frequency and phase matching problem.

In [1]:
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants
from sympy.utilities.autowrap import ufuncify
import time
from scipy import interpolate

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

from sympy import init_printing

import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import random

# import multiprocessing
# pool = multiprocessing.Pool()

In [2]:
## from

def timeit(method):
    def timed(*args, **kw):
        ts = time.time()
        result = method(*args, **kw)
        te = time.time()
        print '%r %2.2f sec' % \
              (method.__name__, te-ts)
        return result
    return timed

In [3]:
lambd,omega,omega1,omega2,omega3,omega4 = sp.symbols('lambda omega omega_1 omega_2 omega_3 omega_4')
l2 = lambd **2

def n_symb(pol='o'):
    s = 1.
    if pol == 'o':
        s += 2.6734 * l2 / (l2 - 0.01764)
        s += 1.2290 * l2 / (l2 - 0.05914)
        s += 12.614 * l2 / (l2 - 474.6)
        s += 2.9804 * l2 / (l2 - 0.02047)
        s += 0.5981 * l2 / (l2 - 0.0666)
        s += 8.9543 * l2 / (l2 - 416.08)
    return sp.sqrt(s)

def k_symb(symbol=omega,pol='o'):
    '''k is accurate for omega inputs between 6-60.'''
    return ((n_symb(pol=pol) * symbol )
                .subs(lambd,scipy.constants.c / (symbol*1e7))) ## / scipy.constants.c

In [4]:
phi1, phi2 = sp.symbols('phi_1 phi_2')

In [5]:
## We need to find where ex1(phi1,phi2) + ex2(phi1,omega3) = 0.
ex1 = (k_symb(omega1,pol='e')+k_symb(omega2,pol='e')).expand().subs({omega1:(phi1 + phi2)/2, omega2: (phi1-phi2)/2})
ex2 = -(k_symb(omega3,pol='e')+k_symb(omega4,pol='e')).expand().subs(omega4,-phi1-omega3)

In [10]:
diff_func_4wv_1 = ufuncify([phi1,phi2], ex1)
diff_func_4wv_2 = ufuncify([phi1,omega3], ex2)

In [11]:
phi1_min = 30.
phi1_max = 34.
phi1_range = np.arange(phi1_min,phi1_max,0.01)

phi2_min = -13
phi2_max = -9
phi2_range = np.arange(phi2_min,phi2_max,0.01)

omega3_min = -26.
omega3_max = -16.
omega3_range = np.arange(omega3_min,omega3_max,0.01)  ## 5e-5

print len(phi1_range),len(phi2_range),len(omega3_range)

400 400 1000

In [13]:
eps = 1e-4

In [14]:
def eps_multiply_digitize(y,eps):
    return  map(lambda el: int(el/eps), y)

def make_dict_values_to_lists_of_inputs(values,inputs):
    D = {}
    for k, v in zip(values,inputs):
        D.setdefault(k, []).append(v)
    return D

In [15]:
f_phi12_omega3 = lambda phi1,phi2,omega3 : (diff_func_4wv_1(phi1_range[phi1],phi2_range[phi2]) 
                                            - diff_func_4wv_2(phi1_range[phi1],omega3_range[omega3]) )

In [16]:
def make_matching_dict_hash(phi1_range,phi2_range,omega3_range,eps=eps):
    phi2_indices = range(len(phi2_range))
    omega3_indices = range(len(omega3_range))
    matching_dict = {}
    for phi1_index,phi1 in enumerate(phi1_range):
        y1 = diff_func_4wv_1(phi1,phi2_range)
        y2 = diff_func_4wv_2(phi1,omega3_range)

        y1_rounded = eps_multiply_digitize(y1,eps)
        y1_rounded_up =  [ind + 1 for ind in y1_rounded]
        y2_rounded = eps_multiply_digitize(y2,eps)
        y2_rounded_up =  [ind + 1 for ind in y2_rounded]
        D1 = make_dict_values_to_lists_of_inputs(y1_rounded+y1_rounded_up,2*phi2_indices)
        D2 = make_dict_values_to_lists_of_inputs(y2_rounded+y2_rounded_up,2*omega3_indices)
        inter = set(D1.keys()) & set(D2.keys())
        for el in inter:
            for ind1 in D1[el]:
                for ind2 in D2[el]:
                    err = y1[ind1]-y2[ind2]
                    if abs(err) < eps:
                        matching_dict[phi1_index,ind1,ind2] = err 
    return matching_dict

In [17]:
#### e.g.

In [18]:
matching_dict_hash = make_matching_dict_hash(phi1_range,phi2_range,omega3_range,eps=eps)

'make_matching_dict_hash' 7.63 sec

In [21]:
