The setup

A lot of times when you're using pandas you're also going to use matplotlib, and when you're using matplotlib you're also going to be making inline graphics. So why not do it all at once?

In [1]:
import pandas as pd

The import

Always name your initial dataframe df. Always always always. Why? Because everyone else does, and because

  • when you slice it and dice it into different pieces (only really rich people, only cats, only flights to Finland, etc)
  • you can give each of those names, while knowing df is your original dataframe.

In [6]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

The examining

Your best friends for a quick peek are are

  • df.head() to see the first ten
  • df.columns to see the column names
  • to see more detailed info about each column
  • df.describe() to see summary statistics about each numeric column

Once you do these few steps, you should be able to draw up a list of ten or so questions to ask your data.

In [8]:

In [10]:

Index(['year', 'name', 'rank', 'citizenship', 'countrycode',
       'networthusbillion', 'selfmade', 'typeofwealth', 'gender', 'age',
       'industry', 'IndustryAggregates', 'region', 'north',
       'politicalconnection', 'founder', 'generationofinheritance', 'sector',
       'company', 'companytype', 'relationshiptocompany', 'foundingdate',
       'gdpcurrentus', 'sourceofwealth', 'notes', 'notes2', 'source',
       'source_2', 'source_3', 'source_4'],

Slicing your data

I made a terrible mistake on Monday about how I taught sub-selects (the things that are basically SQL WHERE statements), and it's all because of how I named my variables.

We're going to take a sample of the data to work with so it looks a little cleaner - only take a few columns of the first 8. It's a complicated line, don't sweat it. Just think about the result for now.

In [11]:
recent = df[df['year'] == 2014]
recent = recent[['name','age','gender','selfmade','networthusbillion','countrycode','rank']]
recent = recent.sort_values(by='rank').head(8)

name age gender selfmade networthusbillion countrycode rank
284 Bill Gates 58.0 male self-made 76.0 USA 1
348 Carlos Slim Helu 74.0 male self-made 72.0 MEX 2
124 Amancio Ortega 77.0 male self-made 64.0 ESP 3
2491 Warren Buffett 83.0 male self-made 58.2 USA 4
1377 Larry Ellison 69.0 male self-made 48.0 USA 5
509 David Koch 73.0 male inherited 40.0 USA 6
381 Charles Koch 78.0 male inherited 40.0 USA 6
2185 Sheldon Adelson 80.0 male self-made 38.0 USA 8

Who is from the USA? There two different things we can do. This was a big point of confusion in class

  1. We can list whether someone is from the USA or not.
  2. Or, we can use that list to select only the people from the USA.

Let's look at them both, then see how they're used.

In [13]:

284      True
348     False
124     False
2491     True
1377     True
509      True
381      True
2185     True
Name: countrycode, dtype: bool

Value counts vs. groupby

groupby whenever you

This just gave us a list of True and False values.

  • First person? Definitely from the USA.
  • Next row? Not from the USA.
  • Third person? Not from the USA.
  • Fourth? Yes, they're from the USA.

On the other hand, we can also use similar syntax to get a list of every person from the USA.

In [ ]:

That one was a two-step process,

  1. we got a list of True/False values (are they from the USA?), then
  2. fed that True/False list back into the dataframe.

For every row that's True, it let us keep the row. If it was False, it doesn't let us keep the row.

When to use what

Let's say we wanted to select every single row that is from USA, has inherited wealth, and is in the top 10 wealthiest people in the world. If we wanted to do it all on one line, we could!

In [ ]:

That looks super confusing. In it we have three separate things we're testing for (a.k.a. getting True/False back)

  • sample['countrycode'] == 'USA'
  • sample['selfmade'] == 'inherited'
  • sample['rank'] < 10

And we're jamming them all into sample[blah blah] to get back a dataframe for which all of those are true. It works, but it's ugly.

Again, let's remind ourselves what a piece like that looks like, it's just a list of True and False values

In [ ]:

If we felt like the code we had before was a little too complicated, we could break it down into manageable, well-named pieces like this:

In [ ]:

Let's look at each individual piece.

is_american, which is the same thing as sample['countrycode'] == 'USA', is not a list of people. It is not a dataframe. It is a list of true and false values.

In [ ]:

It's the same thing with is_inherited and is_top_ten. It's just a shortcut for me, so I don't have to type out sample['selfmade'] == 'inherited'. We can combine them all using & to get a list of True/False values in which every one of those conditions is true

In [ ]:

Which we can then feed into the dataframe

In [ ]:

So what I'm saying is, these two things are the same:

Method One: Breaking into separate readable things

In [ ]:

Method Two: Doing it all at once

In [ ]:

Make sure you know the difference between these two

  • df['countrycode'] == 'USA'
  • df[df['countrycode'] == 'USA']

Joining data

Now, let's say we wanted to join a bunch of data together. We have a lot of countries here, right? And we'd like to know how much of their wealth is concentrated in these rich people.

In [14]:
recent = df[df['year'] == 2014]
recent = recent[['name','countrycode','networthusbillion']]

name countrycode networthusbillion
1 A. Jerrold Perenchio USA 2.6
5 Abdulla Al Futtaim ARE 2.5
6 Abdulla bin Ahmad Al Ghurair ARE 4.8
8 Abdullah Al Rajhi SAU 2.4
9 Abdulsamad Rabiu NGA 1.2

What do we combine it with?

I'm going to get my GDP data from this web site, because... I googled GDP 2014 and it came up.

We could manually say okay, so A. Jerrold Perenchio has 2.6 billion dollars, and USA's GDP was 17.418 trillion (17418 billion), so he's at about 0.015% of the GDP. But we are lazy, so we want the computer to do it. In order to do that, though, we need to merge that information into our existing dataset.

I'm also too lazy to look up the GDP for every country, so I'm just going to pick the top ten.

In [15]:
# Make a list of dictionaries
country_gdp = [
   { 'country': 'USA', 'gdp': 17.418 },
   { 'country': 'DEU', 'gdp': 3.859 },
   { 'country': 'CHN', 'gdp': 10.380 },
   { 'country': 'RUS', 'gdp': 1.857 },
   { 'country': 'JPN', 'gdp': 4.616 },
   { 'country': 'BRA', 'gdp': 2.353 },
   { 'country': 'HKG', 'gdp': 0.289 },
   { 'country': 'FRA', 'gdp': 2.846 },
   { 'country': 'GBR', 'gdp': 2.945 },
   { 'country': 'IND', 'gdp': 2.049 }

[{'country': 'USA', 'gdp': 17.418},
 {'country': 'DEU', 'gdp': 3.859},
 {'country': 'CHN', 'gdp': 10.38},
 {'country': 'RUS', 'gdp': 1.857},
 {'country': 'JPN', 'gdp': 4.616},
 {'country': 'BRA', 'gdp': 2.353},
 {'country': 'HKG', 'gdp': 0.289},
 {'country': 'FRA', 'gdp': 2.846},
 {'country': 'GBR', 'gdp': 2.945},
 {'country': 'IND', 'gdp': 2.049}]

I'm also too lazy to find a csv that has the data I need, so I'm going to make a dataframe out of a dictionary. It's pretty easy.

In [17]:
# make a data frame

country gdp
0 USA 17.418
1 DEU 3.859
2 CHN 10.380
3 RUS 1.857
4 JPN 4.616
5 BRA 2.353
6 HKG 0.289
7 FRA 2.846
8 GBR 2.945
9 IND 2.049

In [18]:
gdp_df['billions'] = gdp_df['gdp']*1000

country gdp billions
0 USA 17.418 17418.0
1 DEU 3.859 3859.0
2 CHN 10.380 10380.0
3 RUS 1.857 1857.0
4 JPN 4.616 4616.0
5 BRA 2.353 2353.0
6 HKG 0.289 289.0
7 FRA 2.846 2846.0
8 GBR 2.945 2945.0
9 IND 2.049 2049.0

STEP ONE: Finding a join key

My favorite resource for joining data with pandas is this page. It compares everything to SQL JOINs, which I understand. You could also check out this page which I find kind of confusing.

So what we need to do is match up a column between our two dataframes.

In [20]:

name countrycode networthusbillion
1 A. Jerrold Perenchio USA 2.6
5 Abdulla Al Futtaim ARE 2.5
6 Abdulla bin Ahmad Al Ghurair ARE 4.8

In [21]:

country gdp billions
0 USA 17.418 17418.0
1 DEU 3.859 3859.0
2 CHN 10.380 10380.0

It looks like we're going to be matching up countrycode from df with country from gdp_df.

STEP TWO: Doing the merge

You merge using .merge, and then give two parameters:

  • left_on, the first dataframe's column name to merge on
  • right_on, the second dataframe's column name to merge on

In [ ]:
# we are matching up:
#countrycode from recent to country from gdp_df

In [24]:
merged=recent.merge(gdp_df, left_on="countrycode", right_on="country")

name countrycode networthusbillion country gdp billions
0 A. Jerrold Perenchio USA 2.6 USA 17.418 17418.0
1 Abigail Johnson USA 17.3 USA 17.418 17418.0
2 Aerin Lauder Zinterhofer USA 1.1 USA 17.418 17418.0
3 Alan Gerry USA 1.4 USA 17.418 17418.0
4 Alec Gores USA 2.0 USA 17.418 17418.0

In [25]:
len(gdp_df) #len counts the number of columns in a table frame gdp_df


In [48]:

country gdp billions
0 USA 17.418 17418.0
1 DEU 3.859 3859.0
2 CHN 10.380 10380.0
3 RUS 1.857 1857.0
4 JPN 4.616 4616.0
5 BRA 2.353 2353.0
6 HKG 0.289 289.0
7 FRA 2.846 2846.0
8 GBR 2.945 2945.0
9 IND 2.049 2049.0

In [26]:

name countrycode networthusbillion country gdp billions

In [27]:

name countrycode networthusbillion
8 Abdullah Al Rajhi SAU 2.4
1711 Mohammad Al Amoudi SAU 15.3
1713 Mohammed Al Issa SAU 3.1
1902 Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud SAU 20.4
1903 Prince Sultan bin Mohammed bin Saud Al Kabeer SAU 3.5
2125 Saleh Kamel SAU 2.4
2292 Sulaiman Al Rajhi SAU 1.9

when we merged, we didn't have a gdp for Saudi Arabi, as a result, we got rid of all of the billionaires who were from Saudi Arabi because we didn't have a match for them

In [28]:


In [29]:


In [30]:
# A left join will allow you to have empty non-matching values so we'll have our Saudis back
left_merged = recent.merge(gdp_df, how="left", left_on="countrycode", right_on="country")
# on = 'country'

name countrycode networthusbillion country gdp billions
0 A. Jerrold Perenchio USA 2.6 USA 17.418 17418.0
1 Abdulla Al Futtaim ARE 2.5 NaN NaN NaN
2 Abdulla bin Ahmad Al Ghurair ARE 4.8 NaN NaN NaN
3 Abdullah Al Rajhi SAU 2.4 NaN NaN NaN
4 Abdulsamad Rabiu NGA 1.2 NaN NaN NaN

In [ ]:
#!= not equal

In [31]:
# .isnull will tell you if something is NaN or not
# or use.notnull() to pull out the ones where the value is not missing
only_people_with_gdps = left_merged[left_merged['billions'].notnull()]

name countrycode networthusbillion country gdp billions
0 A. Jerrold Perenchio USA 2.6 USA 17.418 17418.0
5 Abigail Johnson USA 17.3 USA 17.418 17418.0
6 Abilio dos Santos Diniz BRA 2.8 BRA 2.353 2353.0
8 Adi Godrej IND 3.5 IND 2.049 2049.0
9 Aerin Lauder Zinterhofer USA 1.1 USA 17.418 17418.0

Hmmm see how rank skips through 1, 4, 5, 6, 6? This is because we only kept rows we have matches for. The second wealthiest person is from Mexico, but since we didn't have GDP from Mexico it left. You can see if we just do a simple .count()

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

We lost like 500 people! Maybe even if we don't have the GDP of their country we want to keep them?

Types of joins

Let's just look at our data real quick before I explain the two major types of joins.

In [ ]:

Inner joins

The default kind of join is an inner join. It requires you to have a match on the left hand side AND the right hand side.

If you're in the original dataframe and you don't have a match in the joining dataframe, you disappear. Watch how Carlos "Slim" Helu and Amancio Ortega both disappear.

In [ ]:

Left join

The other major kind of join is a left join. The "left" dataframe (the one you type first), gets to keep its rows, even if there aren't any matches in the joining dataframe.

In [33]:
import pandas as pd

In [40]:
nba = pd.read_csv("NBA-Census-10.14.2013.csv", encoding='mac_roman')

Name Age Team POS # 2013 $ Ht (In.) WT EXP 1st Year DOB School City State (Province, Territory, Etc..) Country Race HS Only
0 Gee, Alonzo 26 Cavaliers F 33 $3,250,000 78 219 4 2009 5/29/1987 Alabama Riviera Beach, FL Florida US Black No
1 Wallace, Gerald 31 Celtics F 45 $10,105,855 79 220 12 2001 7/23/1982 Alabama Sylacauga, AL Alabama US Black No
2 Williams, Mo 30 Trail Blazers G 25 $2,652,000 73 195 10 2003 12/19/1982 Alabama Jackson, MS Mississippi US Black No
3 Gladness, Mickell 27 Magic C 40 $762,195 83 220 2 2011 7/26/1986 Alabama A&M Birmingham, AL Alabama US Black No
4 Jefferson, Richard 33 Jazz F 44 $11,046,000 79 230 12 2001 6/21/1980 Arizona Los Angeles, CA California US Black No

In [ ]:
#\n: start a new line

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [47]:
nba.sort_values(by ='2013$')

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
/Users/sz2472/.virtualenvs/pandas/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/indexes/ in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
   1944             try:
-> 1945                 return self._engine.get_loc(key)
   1946             except KeyError:

pandas/index.pyx in pandas.index.IndexEngine.get_loc (pandas/index.c:4154)()

pandas/index.pyx in pandas.index.IndexEngine.get_loc (pandas/index.c:4018)()

pandas/hashtable.pyx in pandas.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item (pandas/hashtable.c:12368)()

pandas/hashtable.pyx in pandas.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item (pandas/hashtable.c:12322)()

KeyError: '2013$'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-47-4ac2b2f65e1d> in <module>()
----> 1 nba.sort_values(by ='2013$')

/Users/sz2472/.virtualenvs/pandas/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/core/ in sort_values(self, by, axis, ascending, inplace, kind, na_position)
   3150             by = by[0]
-> 3151             k = self[by].values
   3152             if k.ndim == 2:

/Users/sz2472/.virtualenvs/pandas/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/core/ in __getitem__(self, key)
   1995             return self._getitem_multilevel(key)
   1996         else:
-> 1997             return self._getitem_column(key)
   1999     def _getitem_column(self, key):

/Users/sz2472/.virtualenvs/pandas/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/core/ in _getitem_column(self, key)
   2002         # get column
   2003         if self.columns.is_unique:
-> 2004             return self._get_item_cache(key)
   2006         # duplicate columns & possible reduce dimensionality

/Users/sz2472/.virtualenvs/pandas/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/core/ in _get_item_cache(self, item)
   1348         res = cache.get(item)
   1349         if res is None:
-> 1350             values = self._data.get(item)
   1351             res = self._box_item_values(item, values)
   1352             cache[item] = res

/Users/sz2472/.virtualenvs/pandas/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/core/ in get(self, item, fastpath)
   3289             if not isnull(item):
-> 3290                 loc = self.items.get_loc(item)
   3291             else:
   3292                 indexer = np.arange(len(self.items))[isnull(self.items)]

/Users/sz2472/.virtualenvs/pandas/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/indexes/ in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
   1945                 return self._engine.get_loc(key)
   1946             except KeyError:
-> 1947                 return self._engine.get_loc(self._maybe_cast_indexer(key))
   1949         indexer = self.get_indexer([key], method=method, tolerance=tolerance)

pandas/index.pyx in pandas.index.IndexEngine.get_loc (pandas/index.c:4154)()

pandas/index.pyx in pandas.index.IndexEngine.get_loc (pandas/index.c:4018)()

pandas/hashtable.pyx in pandas.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item (pandas/hashtable.c:12368)()

pandas/hashtable.pyx in pandas.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item (pandas/hashtable.c:12322)()

KeyError: '2013$'

In [ ]:
nba.plot(kind='barh', x='Name', y='')

In [44]:
million_dollar_string.replace ("0","9")

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-44-21a20333e867> in <module>()
----> 1 million_dollar_string.replace ("0","9")

NameError: name 'million_dollar_string' is not defined

In [45]:
million_dollar_string.replace("$", " ") #" ": empty

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-45-92160d7d57da> in <module>()
----> 1 million_dollar_string.replace("$", " ")

NameError: name 'million_dollar_string' is not defined

In [46]:
million_dollar_string.replce(",", " ")

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-46-421cdd3eb2ae> in <module>()
----> 1 million_dollar_string.replce(",", " ")

NameError: name 'million_dollar_string' is not defined

In [ ]:
million_dollar_string.replace(",", " ").replace("$", " ")

Other stuff

Did you see this image already? Well, now you have.