Introduction to data analytics with pandas

Quentin Caudron

PyData Seattle, July 2017

Systems check

Do you have a working Python installation, with the pandas package ?

In [1]:
import pandas as pd

Note : This cell should run without raising a traceback. Assuming it runs, you can also try printing the value of pd.__version__ to see what version of pandas you have installed.

A little about me

  • Lapsed computational physicist
  • PhD computational neuroscience, postdoc statistical epidemiology
  • Data Scientist at CBRE -
  • ATOM at Seattle

A little about the hero of this story

We'll be analysing a real-world dataset together. It's about my favourite thing in the world : coffee. This dataset was collected at the Mathematics Institute at the University of Warwick. It's a time-series dataset, describing the total number of coffees made by our espresso machine by a certain date.

A little about this workshop

We'll be running through an analysis of this dataset as a way to expose you to the pandas API. The aim is to develop a little familiarity with how to work with pandas.

Slides are available at One notebook contains solutions; beware of spoilers.

The notebooks contain notes about what we're doing that I'll skip during this workshop, but try to explain on the way.

The pandas API is enormous. The documentation is excellent, don't hesitate to look things up.

Key questions

The dataset : total number of coffees made vs time.

  1. Who are the main contributors to this dataset, and when are contributions generally made ?
  2. What are the department's weekday coffee habits ?
  3. How much coffee are people drinking ?

Let's begin

In [2]:
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline

Note : The second line here tells matplotlib to plot directly under the cell where any plotting code is called. pandas uses matplotlib to generate graphs, and without this, the graphs would appear outside the Jupyter notebook when you called - but we just want them to appear without having to do this.

Importing the data

Let's import the coffee data from CSV.

In [3]:
# Read data from data/coffees.csv
data = pd.read_csv("data/coffees.csv")

Note : pandas can read from many data formats : CSV, JSON, Excel, HDF5, SQL, and more.

What does this data look like ?

In [4]:

timestamp coffees contributor
0 2011-10-03 08:22:00 397.0 Quentin
1 2011-10-04 11:48:00 410.0 Quentin
2 2011-10-05 07:02:00 testing Anthony
3 2011-10-05 08:25:00 NaN Quentin
4 2011-10-05 10:47:00 464.0 Quentin
5 2011-10-05 13:15:00 481.0 Quentin
6 2011-10-06 07:21:00 503.0 Anthony
7 2011-10-06 10:04:00 513.0 Quentin
8 2011-10-06 12:14:00 539.0 Mike
9 2011-10-06 12:49:00 540.0 Quentin
10 2011-10-06 14:52:00 563.0 Ben
11 2011-10-07 07:34:00 581.0 Anthony
12 2011-10-07 08:37:00 587.0 Quentin
13 2011-10-07 11:09:00 605.0 Quentin
14 2011-10-07 13:14:00 616.0 Mike
15 2011-10-07 14:10:00 NaN Ben
16 2011-10-07 15:20:00 626.0 Mike M
17 2011-10-07 16:50:00 635.0 Mike M
18 2011-10-09 16:53:00 650.0 Colm
19 2011-10-10 07:29:00 656.0 Anthony
20 2011-10-10 10:13:00 673.0 Quentin
21 2011-10-10 13:41:00 694.0 Mike M
22 2011-10-10 14:02:00 699.0 Quentin
23 2011-10-10 15:23:00 713.0 Quentin
24 2011-10-11 14:09:00 770.0 Mike M
25 2011-10-12 08:11:00 790.0 Quentin
26 2011-10-12 09:57:00 799.0 Mike M
27 2011-10-12 10:06:00 805.0 Sergio
28 2011-10-12 12:01:00 818.0 Mike M
29 2011-10-12 12:30:00 819.0 Quentin
... ... ... ...
641 2013-01-28 10:43:00 NaN Sergio
642 2013-01-28 13:13:00 NaN Quentin
643 2013-01-28 14:01:00 16195.0 Quentin
644 2013-01-29 13:43:00 16237.0 Quentin
645 2013-01-29 15:06:00 16257.0 Quentin
646 2013-02-04 13:25:00 16513.0 Sergio
647 2013-02-06 17:33:00 16659.0 Quentin
648 2013-02-07 13:30:00 16714.0 Sergio
649 2013-02-12 08:36:00 16891.0 Sergio
650 2013-02-12 11:39:00 16909.0 Quentin
651 2013-02-13 13:58:00 16977.0 Quentin
652 2013-02-16 11:55:00 17104.0 Quentin
653 2013-02-18 12:04:00 NaN Quentin
654 2013-02-18 13:46:00 17165.0 Quentin
655 2013-02-21 13:44:00 17345.0 Quentin
656 2013-02-21 15:02:00 17354.0 Quentin
657 2013-02-25 13:33:00 17468.0 Quentin
658 2013-02-25 17:25:00 17489.0 Quentin
659 2013-02-27 09:33:00 17564.0 Quentin
660 2013-03-04 10:46:00 17789.0 Sergio
661 2013-03-04 11:12:00 17793.0 Quentin
662 2013-03-04 16:43:00 17824.0 Quentin
663 2013-03-05 10:42:00 17852.0 Quentin
664 2013-03-05 13:29:00 17868.0 Quentin
665 2013-03-08 10:28:00 18062.0 Quentin
666 2013-03-12 08:28:00 18235.0 Sergio
667 2013-04-05 11:20:00 18942.0 Sergio
668 2013-04-27 11:04:00 19698.0 Sergio
669 2013-09-12 15:38:00 24450.0 Quentin
670 2013-09-13 10:28:00 24463.0 Quentin

671 rows × 3 columns

Let's just look at the first few rows.

In [5]:
# .head()

timestamp coffees contributor
0 2011-10-03 08:22:00 397.0 Quentin
1 2011-10-04 11:48:00 410.0 Quentin
2 2011-10-05 07:02:00 testing Anthony
3 2011-10-05 08:25:00 NaN Quentin
4 2011-10-05 10:47:00 464.0 Quentin

We have an index, and three columns : timestamp, coffees, and contributor.

Uh-oh. Why is there a string of text, testing, in our coffee numbers ? What's going on in the coffees column in the row after that ?

Note : df.head(n=10) would show the first ten rows. The default is n=5.

Let's look at that string in the third row.

In [6]:
# .loc or .iloc

timestamp      2011-10-05 07:02:00
coffees                    testing
contributor                Anthony
Name: 2, dtype: object

Definitely a string. We'll note this as something to fix after we finish looking around.

Note : .loc uses a label-based lookup, which means that the value you pass into the square brackets must be in the index. Another method, .iloc, is integer-location-based, so .iloc[2] would return the third row. In this case, they're the same, but had we changed our index, as we'll see later, things would work differently.

Indexing a dataframe with [] directly returns a pd.Series or pd.DataFrame by searching over columns, not rows. Indexing a pd.Series with [] is like indexing a dataframe with .iloc.

We should also take a look at that NaN. In fact, let's look at the first five values in coffees.

In [7]:
# [] indexing on a series

0      397.0
1      410.0
2    testing
3        NaN
4      464.0
Name: coffees, dtype: object

Note : here, we're indexing a series ( a pd.Series object ). From a pd.DataFrame ( here, data ), when you access a single column ( data.coffees or data["coffees"] ), the object returned is a pd.Series. From that, indexing directly with [] works in an integer-location-based manner, and like with numpy arrays, you can take slices ( [:5] ).

How long is the dataset ?

In [8]:
print("Dataset length :")

# len()

Dataset length :

What else can we find out ?

In [9]:
# .describe()

timestamp coffees contributor
count 671 658 671
unique 671 654 9
top 2012-09-26 16:02:00 12358.0 Quentin
freq 1 2 367

Looks like we also have some missing data - we have 671 rows, but the coffees column only has 658 entries.

Note : .describe() returns different things based on what's in the dataframe, as we'll see later. For numerical columns, it will return things like the mean, standard deviation, and percentiles. For object columns ( strings or datetimes ), it will return the most frequent entry and the first and last items. For all columns, .describe() will return the count of objects in that column ( not counting NaNs ) and the unique number of entries. You can determine what's returned using .describe()'s keyword arguments.

Let's look at the dataframe where coffees is null.

In [10]:
# .isnull() and boolean indexing with []

timestamp coffees contributor
3 2011-10-05 08:25:00 NaN Quentin
15 2011-10-07 14:10:00 NaN Ben
72 2011-10-28 10:53:00 NaN Mike M
95 2011-11-11 11:13:00 NaN Quentin
323 2012-06-10 16:10:00 NaN Sergio
370 2012-07-13 13:59:00 NaN Mike
394 2012-08-03 14:35:00 NaN Sergio
479 2012-09-21 10:15:00 NaN Sergio
562 2012-11-01 09:45:00 NaN Quentin
606 2012-11-30 13:11:00 NaN Quentin
641 2013-01-28 10:43:00 NaN Sergio
642 2013-01-28 13:13:00 NaN Quentin
653 2013-02-18 12:04:00 NaN Quentin

Note : .isnull() returns a boolean array ( an array of Trues and Falses ), that you can then use to index the dataframe directly. Here, our boolean array tells us which entries in the coffees column are null, and we use that to index against the full dataframe - so we get back every column in the dataframe, but only those rows where coffees is null.

What type of Python objects are the columns ?

In [11]:
# .dtypes

timestamp      object
coffees        object
contributor    object
dtype: object

The contributor column makes sense as object, because we expect strings there; but surely the timestamp should be a timestamp-type, and coffees should be numerical ?

Let's inspect what's in the timestamp column.

In [12]:
# print the first element of the series with [] indexing

# print its type()

2011-10-03 08:22:00
<class 'str'>

It looks like the timestamp field was read from CSV as a string. That makes sense - CSV files are very basic. We'll have pandas interpret these strings as datetimes for us automatically.

Note : here's an example of using direct [] indexing on a pd.Series. We're accessing the first entry, just to see what type of object we have there.

On our first pass, what problems did we find ?

  • The timestamp column contains strings; these need to be datetimes
  • The coffees column contains some null values and at least one string

Cleaning the data

The coffees column should only contain numerical data.

In [13]:
# cast the coffees column using pd.to_numeric, and coerce errors
data.coffees = pd.to_numeric(data.coffees, errors="coerce")


timestamp coffees contributor
0 2011-10-03 08:22:00 397.0 Quentin
1 2011-10-04 11:48:00 410.0 Quentin
2 2011-10-05 07:02:00 NaN Anthony
3 2011-10-05 08:25:00 NaN Quentin
4 2011-10-05 10:47:00 464.0 Quentin

The coffees column contains NaNs.

In [14]:
# Use .dropna() using a subset, and pass inplace
data.dropna(subset=["coffees"], inplace=True)


timestamp coffees contributor
0 2011-10-03 08:22:00 397.0 Quentin
1 2011-10-04 11:48:00 410.0 Quentin
4 2011-10-05 10:47:00 464.0 Quentin
5 2011-10-05 13:15:00 481.0 Quentin
6 2011-10-06 07:21:00 503.0 Anthony

The coffees column is of type float.

In [15]:
# Cast to int using .astype()
data.coffees = data.coffees.astype(int)


timestamp coffees contributor
0 2011-10-03 08:22:00 397 Quentin
1 2011-10-04 11:48:00 410 Quentin
4 2011-10-05 10:47:00 464 Quentin
5 2011-10-05 13:15:00 481 Quentin
6 2011-10-06 07:21:00 503 Anthony

Let's have pandas parse the timestamp strings to datetime objects.

In [16]:
# pd.to_datetime()
data.timestamp = pd.to_datetime(data.timestamp)

# Confirm dtypes

timestamp      datetime64[ns]
coffees                 int64
contributor            object
dtype: object

So where do we stand ?

In [17]:
# .describe(), passing the include kwarg to see all information

timestamp coffees contributor
count 657 657.000000 657
unique 657 NaN 9
top 2011-10-24 14:32:00 NaN Quentin
freq 1 NaN 361
first 2011-10-03 08:22:00 NaN NaN
last 2013-09-13 10:28:00 NaN NaN
mean NaN 8568.471842 NaN
std NaN 4600.215049 NaN
min NaN 397.000000 NaN
25% NaN 4986.000000 NaN
50% NaN 9172.000000 NaN
75% NaN 11562.000000 NaN
max NaN 24463.000000 NaN

In [18]:
# What do the first few rows look like ?

timestamp coffees contributor
0 2011-10-03 08:22:00 397 Quentin
1 2011-10-04 11:48:00 410 Quentin
4 2011-10-05 10:47:00 464 Quentin
5 2011-10-05 13:15:00 481 Quentin
6 2011-10-06 07:21:00 503 Anthony

Note : .describe(include="all") is describing all attributes of all columns, but some don't make sense based on the column's dtype. For example, the contributor column has no first and last attributes, because those describe the first and last entries in an ordered series. That makes sense for the timestamp - those have an intuitive definition of sorting - but not so much for strings ( alphabetical order doesn't really matter when they're arbitrary strings ). Similary, the timestamp column has no mean or other numerical traits. What does it mean to calculate the mean timestamp ?

The time-series at a glance

Let's begin by visualising the coffee counts.

In [19]:
# .plot() on the coffees series

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10c2336a0>

pandas is plotting the coffees against the index, which is just a series of integers.

Note : .plot() on a pd.Series will plot the data against the index. On a pd.DataFrame, the .plot() method allows plotting of one column against another.

By default, .plot() renders a line graph, but you can specify which type of plot you'd like - bar, line, histogram, area, scatter, etc..

Let's use the dataframe's plot() method rather than that of the series.

In [20]:
# .plot() on the dataframe, setting x to the timestamp, with dot-dash style
data.plot(x=data.timestamp, style=".-")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10c258d30>

We have some very uneven spacing in places. We might start by cutting off the last few points of this time-series, which is missing a lot of data.

We'll inspect the last few points of this time-series.

In [21]:
# .tail() with ten rows

timestamp coffees contributor
661 2013-03-04 11:12:00 17793 Quentin
662 2013-03-04 16:43:00 17824 Quentin
663 2013-03-05 10:42:00 17852 Quentin
664 2013-03-05 13:29:00 17868 Quentin
665 2013-03-08 10:28:00 18062 Quentin
666 2013-03-12 08:28:00 18235 Sergio
667 2013-04-05 11:20:00 18942 Sergio
668 2013-04-27 11:04:00 19698 Sergio
669 2013-09-12 15:38:00 24450 Quentin
670 2013-09-13 10:28:00 24463 Quentin

After mid-March, things start getting spaced rather erratically.

Let's cut off the tail of the time-series, anything after 2013-03-01.

In [22]:
# Use conditional indexing against the timestamp
data = data[data.timestamp < "2013-03-01"]


timestamp coffees contributor
655 2013-02-21 13:44:00 17345 Quentin
656 2013-02-21 15:02:00 17354 Quentin
657 2013-02-25 13:33:00 17468 Quentin
658 2013-02-25 17:25:00 17489 Quentin
659 2013-02-27 09:33:00 17564 Quentin

Note : this is another example of boolean indexing. data.timestamp < "2013-03-01" is a boolean array, and can be passed into the dataframe immediately in [], much like with a np.ndarray.

One final look.

In [23]:
# Once again, plot the data against the timestamp
data.plot(x=data.timestamp, style=".-")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10c2ede48>

1. Contributions to the time-series

Who are our main contributors ?

In [24]:
# .value_counts()

Quentin    354
Mike       152
Sergio      89
Mike M      29
Colm        12
Anthony      4
Ben          3
Stefano      2
Arturo       1
Name: contributor, dtype: int64

Note : .value_counts() counts the unique values in a series. It's similar to doing a .groupby() followed by a .count(), as we'll see soon.

Let's plot this.

In [25]:
# .plot() a bar chart from the value counts

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10c443278>

On which weekdays were contributions made ?

In [26]:
# Create a series of the weekdays for each entry using .dt.weekday
weekdays = data.timestamp.dt.weekday

# assign() it to our dataframe
data = data.assign(weekdays=weekdays)


timestamp coffees contributor weekdays
0 2011-10-03 08:22:00 397 Quentin 0
1 2011-10-04 11:48:00 410 Quentin 1
4 2011-10-05 10:47:00 464 Quentin 2
5 2011-10-05 13:15:00 481 Quentin 2
6 2011-10-06 07:21:00 503 Anthony 3

Can we replace these integers with actual weekdays ?

In [27]:
weekday_names = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
weekday_dict = {key: weekday_names[key] for key in range(7)}

# Use .apply() to apply a custom function to the weekdays column
data.weekdays = data.weekdays.apply(lambda x: weekday_dict[x])


timestamp coffees contributor weekdays
0 2011-10-03 08:22:00 397 Quentin Monday
1 2011-10-04 11:48:00 410 Quentin Tuesday
4 2011-10-05 10:47:00 464 Quentin Wednesday
5 2011-10-05 13:15:00 481 Quentin Wednesday
6 2011-10-06 07:21:00 503 Anthony Thursday

Let's group by these weekdays.

In [28]:
# .groupby() the weekdays and then .count() rows in each group
weekday_counts = data.groupby("weekdays").count()

# We can reorder this dataframe by our weekday_names list
weekday_counts = weekday_counts.loc[weekday_names]


timestamp coffees contributor
Monday 145 145 145
Tuesday 97 97 97
Wednesday 131 131 131
Thursday 117 117 117
Friday 114 114 114
Saturday 29 29 29
Sunday 13 13 13

Note : this first line could be replaced by weekday_counts = data.weekdays.value_counts(), with the only difference being that that would return a series to us, and here, we got back a dataframe.

We can now visualise these weekday counts.

In [29]:
# .plot() a bar chart of data in weekday_counts
weekday_counts.timestamp.plot(kind="bar", title="Datapoints added on each weekday")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10c509f98>

First, we'll set our timestamps to the dataframe's index

In [30]:
# Set the dataframe's .index property
data.index = data.timestamp

# Let's drop the timestamp column, as we no longer need it
data.drop(["timestamp"], axis=1, inplace=True)


coffees contributor weekdays
2011-10-03 08:22:00 397 Quentin Monday
2011-10-04 11:48:00 410 Quentin Tuesday
2011-10-05 10:47:00 464 Quentin Wednesday
2011-10-05 13:15:00 481 Quentin Wednesday
2011-10-06 07:21:00 503 Anthony Thursday

Let's add some rows at midnight on every day.

In [31]:
# pd.date_range, with daily frequency, and normalisation
midnights = pd.date_range(data.index[0], data.index[-1], freq="D", normalize=True)


DatetimeIndex(['2011-10-03', '2011-10-04', '2011-10-05', '2011-10-06',
               '2011-10-07', '2011-10-08', '2011-10-09', '2011-10-10',
               '2011-10-11', '2011-10-12',
               '2013-02-18', '2013-02-19', '2013-02-20', '2013-02-21',
               '2013-02-22', '2013-02-23', '2013-02-24', '2013-02-25',
               '2013-02-26', '2013-02-27'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', length=514, freq='D')

Note : pd.date_range creates a fixed-frequency DatetimeIndex. normalize=True ensures these datetimes are at midnight, and not at whatever time the starting point is.

Let's take the union of this index and our dataset's index.

In [32]:
# Take the union of the existing and new indices
new_index = midnights.union(data.index)


DatetimeIndex(['2011-10-03 00:00:00', '2011-10-03 08:22:00',
               '2011-10-04 00:00:00', '2011-10-04 11:48:00',
               '2011-10-05 00:00:00', '2011-10-05 10:47:00',
               '2011-10-05 13:15:00', '2011-10-06 00:00:00',
               '2011-10-06 07:21:00', '2011-10-06 10:04:00',
               '2013-02-21 15:02:00', '2013-02-22 00:00:00',
               '2013-02-23 00:00:00', '2013-02-24 00:00:00',
               '2013-02-25 00:00:00', '2013-02-25 13:33:00',
               '2013-02-25 17:25:00', '2013-02-26 00:00:00',
               '2013-02-27 00:00:00', '2013-02-27 09:33:00'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', length=1160, freq=None)

Note : the union of these indices is just a new index where entries from both indices are present. It's sorted by time.

Now we can reindex our dataframe with this new index.

In [33]:
# .reindex() the dataframe
upsampled_data = data.reindex(new_index)


coffees contributor weekdays
2011-10-03 00:00:00 NaN NaN NaN
2011-10-03 08:22:00 397.0 Quentin Monday
2011-10-04 00:00:00 NaN NaN NaN
2011-10-04 11:48:00 410.0 Quentin Tuesday
2011-10-05 00:00:00 NaN NaN NaN
2011-10-05 10:47:00 464.0 Quentin Wednesday
2011-10-05 13:15:00 481.0 Quentin Wednesday
2011-10-06 00:00:00 NaN NaN NaN
2011-10-06 07:21:00 503.0 Anthony Thursday
2011-10-06 10:04:00 513.0 Quentin Thursday

Note : .reindex() keeps any values that conform to the new index, and inserts NaNs where we have no values.

We can fill in these NaNs using interpolation.

In [34]:
# .interpolate the upsampled_data using the time method
upsampled_data = upsampled_data.interpolate(method="time")


coffees contributor weekdays
2011-10-03 00:00:00 NaN NaN NaN
2011-10-03 08:22:00 397.000000 Quentin Monday
2011-10-04 00:00:00 404.408262 NaN NaN
2011-10-04 11:48:00 410.000000 Quentin Tuesday
2011-10-05 00:00:00 438.664249 NaN NaN
2011-10-05 10:47:00 464.000000 Quentin Wednesday
2011-10-05 13:15:00 481.000000 Quentin Wednesday
2011-10-06 00:00:00 494.066298 NaN NaN
2011-10-06 07:21:00 503.000000 Anthony Thursday
2011-10-06 10:04:00 513.000000 Quentin Thursday

We're now ready to resample the time-series at a daily frequency.

In [35]:
# .resample() followed by .asfreq()
daily_data = upsampled_data.resample("D").asfreq()

# Drop the contributor column, we no longer need it
daily_data = daily_data.drop(["contributor"], axis=1)

# Generate a column of weekday names
daily_data["weekdays"] = daily_data.index.weekday_name  # We did it the slow way before...

coffees weekdays
2011-10-03 NaN Monday
2011-10-04 404.408262 Tuesday
2011-10-05 438.664249 Wednesday
2011-10-06 494.066298 Thursday
2011-10-07 572.844311 Friday

In [36]:
# Let's plot the data once more, to see how we're doing
daily_data.plot(figsize=(15, 4), style=".")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10c6687f0>

Let's begin by figuring out how many coffees are made on any given day.

In [37]:
# Use .diff() on the coffees column; follow up with .shift()
coffees_made = daily_data.coffees.diff().shift(-1)

# Add this as a column to the dataframe
daily_data["coffees_made_today"] = coffees_made


coffees weekdays coffees_made_today
2011-10-03 NaN Monday NaN
2011-10-04 404.408262 Tuesday 34.255987
2011-10-05 438.664249 Wednesday 55.402049
2011-10-06 494.066298 Thursday 78.778013
2011-10-07 572.844311 Friday 64.392941

Note : we use .shift() here because if we look at the .diff() between a Monday and a Tuesday, those coffees are attributed to the Tuesday. However, what we want to say is "this many coffees were made at some point on the Monday", so we shift the entire series up one.

Now we can group this by weekday.

In [38]:
# .groupby weekdays, take the mean, and grab the coffees_made_today column
coffees_by_day = daily_data.groupby("weekdays").mean().coffees_made_today


Friday       34.138034
Monday       37.802404
Saturday     16.299858
Sunday       15.768215
Thursday     43.500824
Tuesday      39.132964
Wednesday    47.640057
Name: coffees_made_today, dtype: float64

Let's order this series and then plot it.

In [39]:
# Sort coffees_by_day by our list of weekday names
coffees_by_day = coffees_by_day[weekday_names]

# Plot a bar chart

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10c70a0f0>

Wednesdays was seminar day...

3. Coffee per person

We can now pull in data on how many people were in the department.

In [40]:
# Bring in data/department_members.csv;
# have the first column be the index, and parse the dates
people = pd.read_csv("data/department_members.csv", index_col=[0], parse_dates=True)


2011-08-31 12
2011-09-30 14
2011-10-31 14
2011-11-30 14
2011-12-31 15

Let's join the datasets.

In [41]:
# Use an outer join, then interpolate over missing values using nearest values
daily_data = daily_data.join(people, how="outer").interpolate(method="nearest")


coffees weekdays coffees_made_today members
2011-08-31 NaN NaN NaN 12.0
2011-09-30 NaN NaN NaN 14.0
2011-10-03 NaN Monday NaN 14.0
2011-10-04 404.408262 Tuesday 34.255987 14.0
2011-10-05 438.664249 Wednesday 55.402049 14.0

Note : by default, inner joins are performed. That is, if a row from one of the datasets has an index that isn't in the other dataset, that row is dropped. You can specify whether you want outer, left, or right joins, as well plenty of other useful options. The pandas API for joining or merging datasets is very developed.

Let's create a column for the number of coffees consumed per person.

In [42]:
# New column is the ratio of coffees made on a given day to number of members in the department
daily_data["coffees_per_person"] = daily_data.coffees_made_today / daily_data.members

# Let's drop those remaining NaNs while we're at it


coffees weekdays coffees_made_today members coffees_per_person
2011-10-04 404.408262 Tuesday 34.255987 14.0 2.446856
2011-10-05 438.664249 Wednesday 55.402049 14.0 3.957289
2011-10-06 494.066298 Thursday 78.778013 14.0 5.627001
2011-10-07 572.844311 Friday 64.392941 14.0 4.599496
2011-10-08 637.237253 Saturday 7.492196 14.0 0.535157

We can now plot this column.

In [43]:
# Plot the coffees_per_person column

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10e1edd68>

Those are strange plateaus. We'll pull in another dataset, telling us when the machine was broken.

In [44]:
# pd.read_csv(); try using data/coffee_status.csv
# parse_dates as kwarg; also pass index_col
machine_status = pd.read_csv("data/coffee_status.csv", parse_dates=["date"], index_col="date")


2011-09-16 OK
2011-09-17 OK
2011-09-18 OK
2011-09-19 OK
2011-09-20 OK

Note : the parse_dates keyword argument takes several values. By passing in a list of strings, we're telling pandas to attempt to parse the dates in columns with those names.

What values are in the status column ?

In [45]:
# .value_counts()

OK        514
BROKEN     88
Name: status, dtype: int64

A quick trick to plot this as a time-series...

In [46]:
# Make a pd.Series from the status series where things are OK
numerical_status = machine_status.status == "OK"


<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10e321eb8>

Note : the first line here creates a boolean pd.Series, holding the value True when machine_status.status is "OK", and False otherwise. Because it's a pd.Series, its index stays the same as that of machine_status, which was a DatetimeIndex. Then, we can plot the boolean series ( True appearing as 1, and False appearing as 0 ), and just quickly scan to see that there are long areas where the coffee machine was operations, with short bouts ( thankfully ! ) of the machine being broken.

Let's join the datasets on the date field !

In [47]:
# .join()
daily_data = daily_data.join(machine_status)


coffees weekdays coffees_made_today members coffees_per_person status
2011-10-04 404.408262 Tuesday 34.255987 14.0 2.446856 OK
2011-10-05 438.664249 Wednesday 55.402049 14.0 3.957289 OK
2011-10-06 494.066298 Thursday 78.778013 14.0 5.627001 OK
2011-10-07 572.844311 Friday 64.392941 14.0 4.599496 OK
2011-10-08 637.237253 Saturday 7.492196 14.0 0.535157 OK

We'll bring in this numerical representation of status column into our dataframe too.

In [48]:
# Column depicting when the status was "OK"
# Cast the series to ints before as you create a new column in the dataframe
daily_data["numerical_status"] = (daily_data.status == "OK").astype(int)


coffees weekdays coffees_made_today members coffees_per_person status numerical_status
2011-10-04 404.408262 Tuesday 34.255987 14.0 2.446856 OK 1
2011-10-05 438.664249 Wednesday 55.402049 14.0 3.957289 OK 1
2011-10-06 494.066298 Thursday 78.778013 14.0 5.627001 OK 1
2011-10-07 572.844311 Friday 64.392941 14.0 4.599496 OK 1
2011-10-08 637.237253 Saturday 7.492196 14.0 0.535157 OK 1

Let's plot both the coffees per person and the numerical status.

In [49]:
# Plot both columns on the same graph, using default args
daily_data[["coffees_per_person", "numerical_status"]].plot()

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10e482dd8>

We see a strong weekday-weekend effect. Resampling weekly will fix that.

In [50]:
# Resample weekly, taking the mean of each week to get a weekly value
weekly_data = daily_data.resample("W").mean()

weekly_data[["coffees_per_person", "numerical_status"]].plot()

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10e608e80>

What have we achieved ?


  • Cast columns to the correct dtypes
  • Dropped rows with no data
  • Truncated the time-series when things got sparse

Exploring the contributions

  • Discovered who contributed to the dataset and how much
  • Established how contributions varied by day of the week

Exploring the time-series

  • Resampled the uneven time-series to regular daily intervals
  • Interpolated over missing data using our time index
  • Discovered on what days of the week coffee was especially popular
  • Joined the dataset with others to enrich the information available
  • Derived new columns from existing ones
  • Smoothed the time-series by weekly downsampling


  • A small number of people contributed most of the data
  • Contributions were lacking at the weekends, and Mondays had the most contributions
  • Seminar Wednesdays is a strong driver of coffee consumption
  • Periods of low coffee drinking correlated strongly with periods where the machine was broken
  • A significant dip in consumption occurred in the summer months