Class 05

Big Data Enrichment: Joining and Grouping data

One of the skills in working with data is to pull multiple data sets together. There are often features we would like to use in training our machine learning model that aren't necessarily in the dataset we have in front of us. For example, we may be looking at attendance figures at baseball games, trying to predict what they will be for future games. However, we only have team statistics. The attendance certainly depends on the weather at the stadium (or in the city) on the day of a game. So we would like to be able to gather the weather data and add it to our model. We'll go through how to do something like that.

First Dataset

We start with data from the Iowa open database of class "E" liquor licencee purchases. I have filtered the data to include data from 10/1/2016 to 12/31/2016. I have also added up the sales for each day to each store. Note that I've added an argument na.strings="". This will turn any blank entries into NA values so we know we have a missing entry.

In [1]:
iowadf <- read.csv("Class05_iowa_data.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, na.strings="")
10/21/2016 5110 Lenox 50851 TAYLOR $1174.81
10/26/2016 4201 Sioux City 51109 WOODBURY $1218.25
12/21/2016 4191 Pella 50219 MARION $296.56
12/29/2016 3877 Des Moines 50322 Polk $7095.90
10/13/2016 9928 Cedar Rapids52404 LINN $19.50
10/25/2016 4641 Des Moines 50315 POLK $513.65

In [2]:
# The sales data looks like it isn't a float like we want it to be (the presence of a $ in front is my clue that there may be something wrong.) Let's look at the data types to be sure.

'data.frame':	13779 obs. of  6 variables:
 $ Date                          : chr  "10/21/2016" "10/26/2016" "12/21/2016" "12/29/2016" ...
 $ Store.Number                  : int  5110 4201 4191 3877 9928 4641 4345 4599 2652 4236 ...
 $ City                          : chr  "Lenox" "Sioux City" "Pella" "Des Moines" ...
 $ Zip.Code                      : chr  "50851" "51109" "50219" "50322" ...
 $ County                        : chr  "TAYLOR" "WOODBURY" "MARION" "Polk" ...
 $ chr  "$1174.81" "$1218.25" "$296.56" "$7095.90" ...

In [3]:
# Sure enough. We need to get the real values from that column. We'll create a new column for that data and use the regex parser to get the number.

# We also need to convert the output to a float.
iowadf$SalesToStore <- as.numeric(iowadf$SalesToStore)

'data.frame':	13779 obs. of  7 variables:
 $ Date                          : chr  "10/21/2016" "10/26/2016" "12/21/2016" "12/29/2016" ...
 $ Store.Number                  : int  5110 4201 4191 3877 9928 4641 4345 4599 2652 4236 ...
 $ City                          : chr  "Lenox" "Sioux City" "Pella" "Des Moines" ...
 $ Zip.Code                      : chr  "50851" "51109" "50219" "50322" ...
 $ County                        : chr  "TAYLOR" "WOODBURY" "MARION" "Polk" ...
 $ chr  "$1174.81" "$1218.25" "$296.56" "$7095.90" ...
 $ SalesToStore                  : num  1174.8 1218.2 296.6 7095.9 19.5 ...
10/21/2016 5110 Lenox 50851 TAYLOR $1174.81 1174.81
10/26/2016 4201 Sioux City 51109 WOODBURY $1218.25 1218.25
12/21/2016 4191 Pella 50219 MARION $296.56 296.56
12/29/2016 3877 Des Moines 50322 Polk $7095.90 7095.90
10/13/2016 9928 Cedar Rapids52404 LINN $19.50 19.50
10/25/2016 4641 Des Moines 50315 POLK $513.65 513.65

In [4]:
# We also need to convert the date. We'll try this and see if it parses the date correctly.
iowadf$SalesDate <- as.POSIXct(iowadf$Date, format="%m/%d/%Y")

'data.frame':	13779 obs. of  8 variables:
 $ Date                          : chr  "10/21/2016" "10/26/2016" "12/21/2016" "12/29/2016" ...
 $ Store.Number                  : int  5110 4201 4191 3877 9928 4641 4345 4599 2652 4236 ...
 $ City                          : chr  "Lenox" "Sioux City" "Pella" "Des Moines" ...
 $ Zip.Code                      : chr  "50851" "51109" "50219" "50322" ...
 $ County                        : chr  "TAYLOR" "WOODBURY" "MARION" "Polk" ...
 $ chr  "$1174.81" "$1218.25" "$296.56" "$7095.90" ...
 $ SalesToStore                  : num  1174.8 1218.2 296.6 7095.9 19.5 ...
 $ SalesDate                     : POSIXct, format: "2016-10-21" "2016-10-26" ...
10/21/2016 5110 Lenox 50851 TAYLOR $1174.81 1174.81 2016-10-21
10/26/2016 4201 Sioux City 51109 WOODBURY $1218.25 1218.25 2016-10-26
12/21/2016 4191 Pella 50219 MARION $296.56 296.56 2016-12-21
12/29/2016 3877 Des Moines 50322 Polk $7095.90 7095.90 2016-12-29
10/13/2016 9928 Cedar Rapids52404 LINN $19.50 19.50 2016-10-13
10/25/2016 4641 Des Moines 50315 POLK $513.65 513.65 2016-10-25

In [5]:
# Let's do a bit more data exploration here to see if there are any other issues. For example, let's see if there are any NA values in the dataframe. That may indicate a problem. We'll first check the entire dataframe.
# This looks for any null value then combines them together. It will only be true if there are any null values.


In [6]:
#Let's see how many data points have null values. We'll look at the total rows and 
print(paste("Initial rows:",nrow(iowadf)))
iowadfcl <- iowadf[complete.cases(iowadf),]
print(paste("Initial rows:",nrow(iowadfcl)))

[1] "Initial rows: 13779"
[1] "Initial rows: 13754"

We only lose 25 rows out of 13,000. I'm going to go with that- it simplifies further computations.

Grouping and subsetting data

We now want to narrow down the data in order to make it easier to work with joining datasets. Let's get the top-purchasing store and use just that store for our further work. We first need to do an analysis step: we want to add up all the sales for each store. In other words, we want to group by store, then sum up the StoreSales.

This is a good tutorial on how to use the dplyr package in R, which will will be using here.

The first step is to use the group_by() function to group the data into sections that all have something in common. For our case, we will group by the "Store Number". Dplyr will go through that column, find all the unique values, then group them together. We then want to summarize() the results from the grouping. The function n() will count the number of entries in each group. We assign the output to a new column called count. The pipe operator %>% tells dplr to take the item on the left and send it to the item on the right.

In [8]:
iowadf %>% group_by(Store.Number) %>% summarize(count=n())

2238 8
2290 1
2498 4
5350 1
5351 5
5352 2
5353 2
5354 1
5355 1
5356 1
5358 2
5359 1
5360 2
9002 9
9010 2
9013 9
9018 1
9022 1
9023 2
9901 9
9902 7
9910 1
9912 1
9913 3
9919 3
9922 1
9927 1
9928 1
9929 1
9930 1

Instead of the count, what if we want the sum of total sales to the stores, sorted by the maximum first? We create a new pipeline that groups, summs, then sorts. Finally, we assign the output of this to a new dataframe.

In [9]:
storesum <- iowadf %>% group_by(Store.Number) %>% summarize(TotalSales=sum(SalesToStore)) %>% arrange(desc(TotalSales))

2633 805018.2
4829 788918.6
2670 441203.2
3773 391374.5
2512 381749.6
3952 329222.1
5102 322702.9
2663 301419.4
2619 284403.0
3385 283767.4

Subsetting Data

It looks like the store number 2633 purchased more liquor than any other store, so we want only that subset of the data. We subset the data by looking only for rows where the store number matches 2633. This returns a column of True/False values where the Store Number matches our store.

In [10]:
subsetrows <- iowadfcl$Store.Number==2633

  1. FALSE
  2. FALSE
  3. FALSE
  4. FALSE
  5. FALSE
  6. FALSE

We then index the dataframe based on those rows. We get a dataframe that only has data from the store we want. Again, notice the , after subsetrows. R indexes dataframes using a [rows,columns] format. By leaving the columns entry blank, we get all of the columns in the dataframe.

In [11]:
topstoredf <- iowadfcl[subsetrows,]
32211/03/20162633 Des Moines50320 POLK $31294.03 31294.03 2016-11-03
110610/06/20162633 Des Moines50320 POLK $34386.10 34386.10 2016-10-06
148410/13/20162633 Des Moines50320 POLK $37319.85 37319.85 2016-10-13
154212/16/20162633 Des Moines50320 POLK $79.56 79.56 2016-12-16
240411/17/20162633 Des Moines50320 POLK $41055.27 41055.27 2016-11-17
264110/03/20162633 Des Moines50320 POLK $27592.98 27592.98 2016-10-03

There is a lot of duplicated information here. We only really care about the SalesDate and the SalesToStore column. So we'll drop the other columns in this dataframe and assign it the same name (effectively dropping the columns).

In [12]:
topstoredf <-  subset(topstoredf, select=-c(Date, Store.Number, City, Zip.Code, County,

We now want to sort the data by date so that it is listed in chronological order. We will use the sort_values() function (in place). We tell dplyr which column to sort by.

In [13]:
topstoredf <- topstoredf %>% arrange(SalesDate)

27592.98 2016-10-03
1621.20 2016-10-04
34386.10 2016-10-06
30216.88 2016-10-10
37319.85 2016-10-13
21817.61 2016-10-17

Before we move on, let's look at this data. It is always a good idea to have some idea of what the data look like!

In [14]:
options(repr.plot.width=5, repr.plot.height=5)
ggplot(topstoredf) + geom_point(aes(SalesDate,SalesToStore))

A Second dataset

Now we need another dataset to work with. Let's try pulling the Dow Jones Industrial average index for each day. We'll download the data from here. We will then turn the date column into the appropriate datetime format.

In [16]:
djiadf <- read.csv('Class05_DJIA_data.csv',stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
djiadf$DATE <- as.POSIXct(djiadf$DATE)
djiadf$VALUE <- as.numeric(djiadf$VALUE)

Warning message in eval(expr, envir, enclos):
"NAs introduced by coercion"
'data.frame':	65 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ DATE : POSIXct, format: "2016-10-03" "2016-10-04" ...
 $ VALUE: num  18254 18168 18281 18269 18240 ...

In [17]:
# We'll rename the second column to something a little more descriptive
djiadf <- rename(djiadf, DowJonesAvg=VALUE)
#Let's check for problems:


In [18]:
# Looks like there are two problem rows. Let's identify which rows by indexing the dataframe any row that isn't complete


In [19]:
# These were both holidays and shouldn't be included in the data set anyway! We can drop them in place, modifying our dataframe.
djiadf<- djiadf[complete.cases(djiadf),]


And, of course, let's plot it to see what it looks like.

In [20]:
ggplot(djiadf) + geom_point(aes(DATE,DowJonesAvg))

Joining Data

We now want to join the data from the store and the Dow Jones Industrial average. This will let us plot the two together to see if there is any correlation between the DJIA and the purchases that the store is making.

In order to join two dataframes we need to know how to align the rows or how to match up the data. The easiest way to do this is to try it out with an example to see how it works. See this tutorial for more details on merging data in R. We start by creating two small test dataframes.

In [21]:
df_a <- data.frame(
        patient_id=c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'),
        first_name= c('Alex', 'Amy', 'Allen', 'Alice', 'Ayoung'), 
        last_name= c('Anderson', 'Ackerman', 'Ali', 'Aoni', 'Atiches'),
        visit_number= c(1,2,3,4,5),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)


A Alex Anderson1
B Amy Ackerman2
C Allen Ali 3
D Alice Aoni 4
E Ayoung Atiches 5

In [22]:
df_b <- data.frame(
        doctor_id= c('G', 'H', 'I', 'A', 'B'),
        first_name= c('Billy', 'Brian', 'Bran', 'Bryce', 'Betty'), 
        last_name= c('Bonder', 'Black', 'Balwner', 'Brice', 'Btisan'),
        visit_number= c(4,5,6,7,8),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

G Billy Bonder 4
H Brian Black 5
I Bran Balwner6
A Bryce Brice 7
B Betty Btisan 8

In [23]:

'data.frame':	5 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ patient_id  : chr  "A" "B" "C" "D" ...
 $ first_name  : chr  "Alex" "Amy" "Allen" "Alice" ...
 $ last_name   : chr  "Anderson" "Ackerman" "Ali" "Aoni" ...
 $ visit_number: num  1 2 3 4 5

How do we tack df_b on the end of df_a? This is useful if you have pieces of a dataset that you want to combine together. Notice that there are now NA values in the table! The first dataframe didn't have the doctor_id column, so R filled in those values with NA. Same for the second dataframe and the patient_id values. We could drop those columns if we wanted to.

In [24]:
bind_rows(df_a, df_b)

A Alex Anderson1 NA
B Amy Ackerman2 NA
C Allen Ali 3 NA
D Alice Aoni 4 NA
E Ayoung Atiches 5 NA
NA Billy Bonder 4 G
NA Brian Black 5 H
NA Bran Balwner 6 I
NA Bryce Brice 7 A
NA Betty Btisan 8 B

What if we want to join together the rows that have the same visit_number? Looking at the table, we see that Billy Bonder and Alice Aoni have the same visit_number. Let's merge the two dataframes together to see how that works.

In [25]:

4 D Alice Aoni G Billy Bonder
5 E Ayoung AtichesH Brian Black

So we now have a much smaller dataframe that only has the rows where visit_number was the same in both. Note that R also has changed the column names. This is because there were duplicate names and it can't have that to maintain unique addressing. Look at the documentation for R to see how to change the suffixes that R appends.

What if, instead, we wanted to merge rows where the patient_id from one matches the doctor_id from the other? We can do that, too. The two dataframes are given the designations x and y for the first and second dataframes, respectively. So we need to identify the columns in each to match.

In [26]:

A Alex Anderson1 Bryce Brice 7
B Amy Ackerman2 Betty Btisan 8

What if we want to keep all of the entries in the left dataframe and only add in values on the right where they match? We can do that, too!

In [27]:

1 A Alex AndersonNA NA NA
2 B Amy AckermanNA NA NA
3 C Allen Ali NA NA NA
4 D Alice Aoni G Billy Bonder
5 E Ayoung Atiches H Brian Black

Not surprisingly, we can do the right-side, too.

In [28]:

4 D Alice Aoni G Billy Bonder
5 E Ayoung AtichesH Brian Black
6 NA NA NA I Bran Balwner
7 NA NA NA A Bryce Brice
8 NA NA NA B Betty Btisan

Finally, we can do both and include all the data from both dataframes, matching where possible. That is called an "outer" join.

In [29]:

1 A Alex AndersonNA NA NA
2 B Amy AckermanNA NA NA
3 C Allen Ali NA NA NA
4 D Alice Aoni G Billy Bonder
5 E Ayoung Atiches H Brian Black
6 NA NA NA I Bran Balwner
7 NA NA NA A Bryce Brice
8 NA NA NA B Betty Btisan

Choosing the Merge Index

How do you choose the merge index? We used both the visit_number and the patient/doctor_id values. The key is to be able to merge on some common feature. This may be date (like we show below), but it could also be on zip code, a city name, the month number, financial quarter, or any other piece of information that you have common between your two datasets. You need to make sure that the merge indices have the same data type and are in the same format. For example, the computer doesn't know that 'DALLAS' and 'Dallas' are the same city. We can use the tools we've previously covered to clean up the data prior to attempting the merge.

Merging the Store and DJIA data

Since we want to keep all of the store data and merge in the DJIA data where we can, we are going to try a left join. We are also going to try joining on the date - they should match up reasonably well.

In [30]:
storeDJ <- merge(topstoredf, djiadf, by.x='SalesDate',by.y='DATE')

2016-10-0327592.98 18253.85
2016-10-04 1621.20 18168.45
2016-10-0634386.10 18268.50
2016-10-1030216.88 18329.04
2016-10-1337319.85 18098.94
2016-10-1721817.61 18086.40

Now we can do what we wanted to do: plot the data to see if there is a correlation here!

In [31]:
ggplot(storeDJ) + geom_point(aes(DowJonesAvg,SalesToStore))

Well, after all that work, it doesn't look like there is anything there... Perhaps that isn't too surprising as the purchases by a single store may not depend on a macro-scale indicator like the Dow Jones Industrial average. But we didn't know that until we checked.

In-class Activity

Instead of looking at the sales to one store, what if we look at the total sales to all of the stores in the state of Iowa? Go through the process of grouping that data and joining it with the DJIA data. Plot the results and show me before you leave.


Your assignment this week is to do data enriching on your dataset. You can either add/join data or do some kind of grouping to subset the data. I want documentation of what you did and how it turned out. Like our example today, you may find that the data enriching doesn't do much.

In [ ]: