Synchronization in networks

Taken from Simple Networks for Spike-Timing-Based Computation, with Application to Olfactory Processing, Brody, Hopfield (2003)


This network produces spike synchronization behavior in integrate-and-fire neurons in response to subthreshold oscillatory input and stochastic noise, exhibiting stochastic resonance. Synchronization is achieved through phase locking with an underlying subthreshold sinusoidal input in the absence of synaptic interactions between neurons in the network. This exhibits behavior similar to the "Mitral cells" described in the paper.

Network Inputs

  1. Subthreshold sinusoidal voltage
  • Stochastic noise
  • Bias currents within a range


  • Ensure that PYTHONPATH includes the nest installation directory
  • Import python numeric and plotting libraries
  • Reset the nest kernel to begin with a clean slate

In [1]:
import sys

import numpy as np
import pylab

import nest
import nest.raster_plot

Set up parallelization, for e.g. for an 8-core processor,

In [2]:
nest.SetKernelStatus({'local_num_threads': 8})

Population size we are going to simulate

In [3]:
total_population = 1000

In [4]:
simulation_time = 600.0

Neuron Model

We are going to use the iaf_psc_alpha neuron model for our simulations.

The neuron model parameters being:

In [5]:
tau_m     = 20.0
V_th      = 20.0
E_L       = 10.0
t_ref     = 2.0
V_reset   = 0.0
C_m       = 200.0
V_m       = 0.0

Set default values for the neuron type

In [6]:
nest.SetDefaults('iaf_psc_alpha', {
                                   'tau_m': tau_m, 
                                   'V_th': V_th, 
                                   'E_L': E_L, 
                                   't_ref': t_ref, 
                                   'V_reset': V_reset, 
                                   'C_m': C_m, 
                                   'V_m': V_m

Create nodes

  1. Driving current (sine wave)
  2. Stochastic noise
  3. Spike detectors

Bias current range

In [7]:
bias_low = 140.0
bias_high = 160.0

In [8]:
sine = nest.Create('ac_generator', 1, {'amplitude': 50.0, 'frequency': 35.0})
noise = nest.Create('noise_generator', 1, {'mean': 0.0, 'std': 200.0})
spike = nest.Create('spike_detector', 1, {'label': 'spikes'})

Create Neurons

Create neurons of the population, each neuron with a different bias current.

In [9]:
neurons = ()
for i in xrange(total_population):
    neurons = neurons + nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', 1, {'I_e': bias_low + (i/total_population)*(bias_high-bias_low)})

Make the connections:

  1. Divergent connections from sine drivers to the neuronal population
  2. Divergent connections from poisson noise generators to the neuronal population
  3. Convergent connections from the neuronal population to the spike detectors

In [10]:
nest.Connect(sine, neurons)
nest.Connect(noise, neurons)
nest.Connect(neurons, spike)

Simulate the network

In [11]:

Plot the activities

In [12]:
nest.raster_plot.from_device(spike, hist=True)

In [12]: