Getting started

Replicated into ipython notebook form from

Import numpy into our session

In [1]:
import numpy as np

You may need this extra step if you installed nest into an alternate path, e.g. /opt

In [2]:
import sys

Our first simulation investigates the response of one integrate-and-fire neuron to an alternating current and Poisson spike trains from an excitatory and an inhibitory source.
We record the membrane potential of the neuron to observe how the stimuli influence the neuron.

In this model, we inject a sine current with a frequency of 2 Hz and an amplitude of 100 pA into a neuron.
At the same time, the neuron receives random spiking input from two sources known as Poisson generators representing

  1. a large population of excitatory neurons
  2. a population of inhibitory neurons

The rates of each population is set as the product of its assumed number of neurons and their average firing rate. This network is simulated for 1000 milliseconds, and its membrane potential is plotted vs time.

In [3]:
import nest
import pylab
import nest.voltage_trace

In [4]:
neuron = nest.Create("iaf_neuron")

Create the sine current generator

In [5]:
sine = nest.Create('ac_generator', 1, {'amplitude': 100.0, 'frequency': 2.0})

Create a simulator of two large populations of neurons as poisson noise.

Rates here correspond to the total spikes/s of the population.

In [6]:
noise = nest.Create('poisson_generator', 2, [{'rate': 70000.0}, {'rate': 20000.0}])

Create a voltmeter to monitor membrane potentials

In [7]:
voltmeter = nest.Create('voltmeter', 1, {'withgid': True})

Make the connections

  1. Sine wave generator to neuron
  2. Voltmeter to neuron
  3. One noise ensemble as excitatory ensemble to neuron
  4. One noise ensemble as inhibitory ensemble to neuron

In [8]:
nest.Connect(sine, neuron)
nest.Connect(voltmeter, neuron)
nest.Connect(noise[:1], neuron, syn_spec={'weight': 1.0, 'delay': 1.0})
nest.Connect(noise[1:], neuron, syn_spec={'weight': -1.0, 'delay': 1.0})

Simulate the whole neuronal network for 1000 milliseconds

In [9]:

Plot the trace of the membrane potential

In [10]:

Print the network structure

In [11]: